THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: St'DAY, MAY 12, 1901. on sale heal estate. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, IHIUOATED LAND8 and WESTERN HA NCI IKS. GEORGE P. BEMlTfTlEAL ESTATE CO. (Established n 1868.) ' Telephone 5. Paxton Block. , HOUSES AND LOTS. We feel (lint from our long list of houses and lets t lint we can cult th! mot fas tidious; ns u price they range from $3o,' to rb low an IGOO. FART TRADE-In otic of the loca tions In the city, a line 3-story, nil mod ern house, 12 elegantly fitted rooms above and 8 rooms In the basement below, 2 jots, lino lawn, cast mid south front, JOO.'M), Good KAHM und IlANCIt lnnds will bo accepted us PAHT payment. Another fine house In WEST FARNAM district of 0 rooms, nil modern, every thing up lo date, large barn. 2 lots, fine lawn, shade mid fruit trees, HO.'m. Or will TRADE for pood ORANGE OHOVK or LEMON RANCH In CALIFORNIA. In West Farnam, the district of fine homes, a rood S-room house, nil modern, gas, bath, furnace, electricity, paved street, fine location, only $3,ow. In the north part of the city, one block from enr line, six-room house, modern ex cept furnace, newly painted and papered, nice lawn and fruit, only W.iOO, Five-room house two blocks from 24th st, car lino, pan In kitchen, everything In ' splendid shape, full lot, east and south .fronts, $l,CO. 7-room house, good barn, well and pump, cheap, $630. LOTS. Beautiful residence lots within 5 minutes' walk of cir linn In one of the future resi dence portions of tho city $75 to JIM: $5 down nnd $5 per month. Beautiful lot In Orchard Hill, $250. For those who wish morn expensive lots we have them In every desirable location In the city nt bed-rock prices. INVESTMENTS. 2x132 fret near 91b and .lotion. $3,500. 44x132 near 10th nnd Howard, $12,500 nd other well located building sites for both business nnd rcntnl purposes. Business lot, 10th and Howard, only Jl.f-'O. Wo stilt have a few very desirable Income producing properties at remarkably low prices. INVESTIGATE. FARMS AND RANCHES. It Is a notable fart that more people In the EASTERN STATUS nro interesting them selves In WESTERN LANDS this ycur than ever before. Now Is the time to learn something about tho farm you Intend buying mod year. We have a few oholco alfalfa farms from IB to SO acres each that wo nre selling very reasonably. Cattle and hogH can be raised and fattened cheaper on alfalfa than on grass nnd corn, Home people are bout to engage In the lucrative business or cattle raising on too clieap lands oi WESTERN NEBRASKA, c6t.ORAl)0 WYOMING and In fnct all of the WEST ERN STATES, Millions of dollars have been made In the cattle business in tho past, and yet no time hits been more fa vorable than the present, which means thero In big money In It In the future. All of our 'arms and ranches are In the best Agricultural and grating districts. Call and seo us. 6 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGED REAL ESTATE 8 EC (Jit IT Y. ALSO WHITE FIRE INSURANCE. GEOnOE P. HEM IS HEAL ESTATE CO. (Established In 1808.) Telephone 685. Paxton Block. RE-962 12 SWEET & HEADLKY. Thonc 1472. 013 N. Y. L. Hldg. NOHTHEHN PACIFIC ISN'T A MARKER when compared to a SPLENDID MUCK IlLUCK In the II EST BUSINESS POHTION of Omnhn, earning $5,400 per year, which wo have just ..ecu authorized to offer tor Kv.Ovu. Investigate It AT ONCE. , EASTERN NEBRASKA FARM of 1.0S9 acres, 1,000 acres In crops, can all be cul tivated, 3 sett) of good nulldings, clone to county scat ,only 20 per acre. BETWEEN FARNAM AND DO DOE. on 35th st., new 8-room residence, oak Mulsh, strictly modern and up-to-date, nlcu lot, cheap at $l,aw. (-ROOM PRESSED BRICK, built last year, oak tlnlsli. strictly modern, with latest nnd best Improvements, lot oOxhW, coniant wnlkK, lino lawn and shade, a model home in n model location, for $l,50o. See uu at once. FINE 10-ROOM RESIDENCE, modern ex cept heat, 2 lots, nice lawn nnd trees, north pa it, $3,0uu. 7 ROOMS ON FLORENCE IIOULEVARD. 1.4 block from Kountze Park. Think of It! Modern except furnace, lot 60x150 facing . streets, t-nce, t..iw, tut nrst reason able offer will be nccpted. Be quick! He quick! Mtifct he sold at once. 7-room house Just went of Hanscom park, BE SURE to sec us for a home, large or sman. BE SURE to see our residence lots and got prices before buying. RESIDENCE LOTS. EOxisn on 28th st., just cast of Hanscom parK .east ironi, woo. 60x128. Bpalding, between 21th nnd 25th, $523. ON TEMPLETON AVE. Wo have several benutlful lotn 42x132. water, gns nnd sewer In street, only $3U0. INVESTI GATE THE LOCATION. 10x130 in Orcbnrd Hill. $175. A WHOLE ACRE, with house on. 1 blocli from Famam car, $1,2W. Tell your neigh' bor It you can't uso It. BIG SNAP, corner lot 47x115 ft., near Far. nam and 30th, aultublo for 3 nice cottages, oniy i,v. j isAitUAlK. BE SURE to see us for a home, largo or sman. t BE SURE to see our residence lots and net prices uriurc miying. SWEFT & HEADLEY, Thono 1472. 613 N. Y. L. Bids. RE-825 12 ACREAGE. Half ncro Pattenon park $ 100 1 ncre, Brooklvno :t.V) 4 acres, Ilrooklvne j o.ii) ncres near nnriver I'ince str 8 ncres nenr Center street 750 K acres near Mascntta 17 acres nenr Center street paving.... 2,15o 8 acres, Brighton , foo 60 acres near Patterson Park 6,000 ilamllton. near 27th $ 600 Burt, near 2Sth 6(0 WebRter, neai 30th f',0 Webster, near 32d .150 Cass, near KtU 275 Cnss. near 37th roo Chicago, licit 37th roil Cars, near 32d, grade roo Cuming, near 42d, grade 750 Georgia, near Jackson mh) Castellar. near 13th. grade 6"n South 18th, near Vinton 4'0 Lowo avenue, paved j.coo Ann mniiv oilier npiier mis. MODERATE-PRICED HOMES. $SJ6 Leavenworth $ (Yi loon center 5215 PacldO 1,000 2009 Plcroo j.150 917 North 25th ave i.tfo 1851 Doiigln I,5f0 2767 Cuming, two houses j.rihj 1817 North 18th, two houses i.koo W27 Franklin, with ham j.boj 2M4 Ilnmllton. 7 rooms vnio 1620 North 22d 2.400 .iws oaK ),t;vj castellar. near uui, uricK to do nil- lslied Into 4-room cottnge l.fBO Cnpitol ave.. nearJlth 1,9 0 Burt, near 32d 1.V60 Burt, near 30th, 7 rooms 2,20 604 S, 28th, modern f.O'O TrackHire property ror saie or lease. DAVID C. PATTERSON, Puttersou Block UK U07 12 HOUSES and lots In nil parts of city; also acre propertv ana norm lanas. i ne u. l. Davis Co., noon: w;, uee uuiiuing, RB ! BEE HENRY B PAYNE, C01 N, V t.lFE lit- 119 FOR SALE-HP, A I, ESTATE. "tTuToM AHA RE A LT Y COM PA N vT " 1301 DOt'OLAS STREET, t'PSTAIRS. WE OFFER FOR HALE ALL THE REAL ESTATE RECENTLY PURCHASED FROM THE OMAHA SAVINGS BANK AT ABOUT ONE-HALF WHAT IT COST THE HANK UNDER FORECLOSURE, OR ABOUT ONE-SIXTH OF THE VALUE AT THE TIME THAT THE LOANS WERE MADE BY THE BANK. IN PLACING PRICES ON THESE PROP ERTIES OUR ONE DESIRE WAS TO SELL, AT ONCE AND AT PRICES THAT WOULD ENABLE US TO CLOSE OUT ALL OUR HOLDINGS WITHIN A YEAR. IU YOU ARE SEEKING A HOME OR AN INVESTMENT CALL UPON US, SEE OUR CATALOGUE AND AT LEAST MAKE US AN OFFER. $2,600 for cottnge on North 21th street, with nenriy rour ucrcs oi lunu, plenty oi Bros- .inn shade. Splendid placo for dairy or chicken farm. $6,0W for largo orchard place of 12 ncres arm cottage, on cur line, i nines ironi postotlloe, tlno urchurd and vineyard, six acres of cultivated held, largo modern chicken houses, Inctibutor house, ideal nlace for eotintrv hnmn nr Thicken farm. I3,w for eighty acres of land two miles norm oi i-.iorence, over rorty acres unuer cultivation, balance timber land, suitable for n.isture. $5,000 for 10o ncres of unimproved timber land, z miles north or Florence, ctgniy ncres suitable for cultivation und balance suitable for orchard and vineyard. FINE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. $4,250 for eighty feet, north frontage on rnrnam street, near aist m. i3,!m for two fine lots, south frontage on Farnam, near Fortieth street. 88x132. $7,500 for 110 feet, north frontngo on Far nam street, on corner, near rud street. $1,250 for 62 feet, east frontage on 25th St., near Farnnm street. $6,0u0 for 40 feet frontage, north side, corner lot, 29th nnd Farnam. . $9,500 for 107 feet frontirgo on 40th street and 107 feet on llarney, in most uesiruuie residence titnok In Omnhn. $1,700 Eight-room modem house on 31st live., near Hnnrcom Park. $5,3uO Eight-room modern house, with two ioih or, corner, on roppieion ave., near Park nvo.. room for another house. $2,2oo Seven-room modern house, tine lawn and shade trees, on Burt, nenr 30th St. $2,200 Eight-room modern house, with lot 4&xl i. near tiunscom imru und car line. INVESTMENT OR RESIDENCE PROPERTY. $525 for 22 feet frontage on north side of Cuming street, near Kith fit. $S00 for one-story cottage on north sldo of i nven worm St., 47 reel rrontage near 39th street. $2,200 for two-story, eight-room house nnd one-story nve-room House, racing center street, near 20th St,; rents $25; line home and Investment. $1,050 for west front on 15th street, nenr Ohio; small house, lot 45x100. $1,700 for corner lot, 100x108, on llth street, near unio; trncKage, $l.fifi0 for two-story frame house and one- story cottage; rents jir. tot, 38x121 feet, on Dodge street, near 2Sth street. $1,600 for six-room house, corner lot, on Douglas, near 24th nvo. $025 for 4-room house, lot 40x79, on 2Sth nve., near uougiug t. $275 for corner lot, 50x128 feet, 35th nnd Cnss Sts. $3,100 for corner lot on Dotiglns, near 27th street. $C0o for north front on ("nmeron street, be tween 2(th and 25th street, lot 0x127 feet. $350 for south front on Hamilton street, near 4lst street. $100 for south front on Hamilton street, near 41st street. $223 for 02 feet frontage on 15th street, near CumltiB street. $2,000 for two-story frame store hullillnz, oi'Si reel on vinton ny i. reel on litn street: rents $18. $425 each, 4 lots, two blocks south of 'Vinton street, near 15th Ht. $223 each. 13 lots, near the above ). $1.0mv-2H feet, west front on 24th street by 22." feet deep, east of Fort Omaha. $1,200 S2V2 feet on Boulevard by 225 feet ueep, east or cort umann. 1.425 Lot 41x108 on 15th street, between Motile and Hlnnev slrpotn. $2.050 Fifty feet frontage on Park nve.. 8uiiiiiic ror tiats; two nouses In rear or lot; rents $1S. UM0 Two lots, 60xlC0 each, cast front on 2Stll St. $200 East front on 35th street, near D.ivcn. port street, lot 50xl3rt feet. $625 West front on 34th street, near Daven port, lot 60x13(1 feet. $2.500'orner lot, with M feet frontage on iom sirrei, near Mnrtna. $1,200 Seven-room cottage on Jackson street, near 34th, lot 06x132. $4.7UO-Four lots 51x139, with 133 feet on Lowe avenue. $.e00 Two four-room houses on South 16th street, with lot 60x140: rents $20 per month. S00 Three houses and two lotB on 35th street, neor Decatur. $1,250 Five room brick house on Burt St., nenr 32nd, lot 48Hxl6fi. $1,700 Fine seven-room house on paved St., In Poppleton Park. $l.S0i) I-Ine seven-room house oil corner lot In Poppleton Park. $t,2riO Five-room cottnge on corner lot In Poppleton Park. $2,500 for six-room cottnge, nil modem, on wiiw'iijiun aireei, near iiJin street, lot 60x79. $2,6O0-Seventy-nlno feet frontage on 23tli sircoi ny s.- rect deep, corner lot, suita ble for Hat. RE-S22 12 SEE ME BEFORE INVESTING MONEY IX REAL ESTATE. The following contains only, a few of the long list of bargains which I may bo ablo to Interest you In. CHRIS BOVER, 22D AND CUMING ST. A nice 280.ncre farm In town. 7 mllex fmm Council Bluffs postoitlce, cheap at $65 per S-ncro tract of land In Florence, adjoining nuiKf. 11 buiu immcuiaieiy can no ii.iu lor ii,w. A pice residence lot on 31st nve., near Turner pnrk. a splendid building rlt?, Property In this locality Is Increasing In vuiiiu miuuiy. 12 acres In north part of city: six ncres piunieu wuu iruu or oinerent Kinds. A good 4-room hoUse on Seward, between 30th and 31st sts.: lot 30x127. If sold nt once win iiiko wj. A trnct of land between Burt nnd Cuming nnd 24th nnd 25th fits., faces 206 ft. on Cuming und 199 ft .on Burt. Will sell all or part. This would be a ilrst-class loca tion lor laciory. A 2-storv frame dwelling. 10 roomR. Int rnv 101), on 2fith and Snrnguo sts., rents for :u per monin. v 111 sou part ensn, bul nnco on time, An f-room frame house, lot 40x112 .on f9t ni. I'luvn ,11 n t ill iitiiii, ,v uurKall lit $1,600. A nice cottage on 35th nnd Blondo, full lot; rcci'imv inn in gooa condition ; can now ne nan tor i,zao. A nice business lot. 20x132. with n one story brick store building, can be had ior :,ano tor two wcexs only. FOR EXCHANGE. , An so. ncre farm In eastern part of Kansai. In orcnarii. pi neros in hav land. Will or trade for Omaha property. F11 I nlsn have some nte, 1. Av'JI'U' vriTk' rn"KnR l l'rlee from $7tX) IU 4.,VWi Lot on Burt between 22d nnd 2.1d st.. one fi-room bouse nnd S-room house, $5,500-for Nono of lir sbovj. iralns will hold good CHRIS BOYER. Tel. 20IP. Kd nnd Cuming, RE-MI 12 FOR PALE on monthly navments . ' rni!ern hnue on N. 24th St. en ll iln vaeint lots, which will be irpw-w ior purennser on mooernto payment "ww, tutnal J.0S11 nnd Building Aoc'ntinn, 11, .i .-saiiiiiKfr, secremry, li" lllilv, RE 364 FOn RALE, a nap, a livery feed nd sl table' everything first class. Will taV ti.WA to swing the deal. Address Dr, t H. Ensor, 8011th Omaha, Neb. RE 717 H FOIl SALE REAL KSTATU. . D. V. SHOLES COMPANY. 310 N Y. Life, Tol, 829. 8PKCIAl7 BARGAINS. 69-2018 Grant at., we offer nnd nre going to sen n-room cottage, wen mint and in good rntlfllr. Will rannlrlnr ifcliO. nil rush. 300 lw)7 Iocust St., we offer the new houe jusi aDout completed, tine porcelain bath, sewer, water, gns, best of con struction, tlno location close to car line. Terms to suit the purchuter. Why buy an old house when you can get a new ono ready to move In nnd which you enn pay for ns you Ilke7 Cnn show t 111 a itnv Hnv. wiint vnu tn see It. 6431314 8. .1lst., Hanscom Place, 9 rooms. porceinin nam, sewer, wmcr, gas, gwm repair, elegant location, largo tOxljO foot lot, paving nil pnld. We want you to go through this house nnd see it. It Is worth tho price we ask, but wnnt nn offei 501 3310 Dodge St., nearly new S-room, rnouern noutc, wen ouin, nnest piuniu Ing, good furnace, electric light, benu tltul lot, no butter location In Omaha, permanent walk nnd paving nil paid for. This Is a bargain nt the prlco offered. $1,800. Shown nnv lime. See It. 21.1-2212 8. 29th (Georgia nve.). on motor line, enttt tront, rooms, an modern, fine repair, n benutlful home, close to good school, $2,300. Tho owner I1 going to sell nnd will show It any time. 8ee It. 401-1117 8. 33d st 60x171 feet, overlooking new iioiiievarn, wnn one or tne nnest 8-room, strictly modern houses, nearly nil on one tloor. In Omaha, nnd nt n price that means It goes In less than ten days. This Is a "pick-up" nt the price. No doubt of It. Seo us for par ticulars. Price Is onlv $3,600. 412-1120 S. 2Sth St., 60xlo-i, good first-class -room, 1111 modern nouse, wen mint, line location nnd nt a price that will sell It. This property will be on sale for Just 30 days and It has to be sold within that time. It Is worth your While to see this. $3.5o0. 676 41S 8. 3Mh, one block outh of Farnam, we oner uricK residence, rooms, largo nttlc, plastered, tine cellar, laun dry, furnace room, first tloor oak finish, 3 pnlr sliding doors, mantels, etc, good plumbing, tine east front lot 4uxl65 feet, stone walk, asphalt paving paid In full, Best residence In Omnhn. 1 House alone cot ovur $8,000. Price, $6,600, to be sold In M days. VACANT. 60x150 2Sth and Burt. Snap, $500. 50x120 32d and Cos. Snap, $0. 51x135 on 2d ave. Absolutely the finest oargHin in west umar.a ror i.m. 70x135 on 32d ave., soutn of Douge, opposite jtiicnen s eiegnni uome, wuu paving nil paid, for only $2,500. You will hunt ninny moons before vnu beat these nrlres. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, SOLE AG'TS, ic 1. t.j. jio v. i,t rc. RE-961 12 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 FARNAM STREET. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. (B-IOi Large residence, one of the most de- siraoie mentions, grounds 110 rect fo'ith frontage, largo barn. The Improvements alone would cost more than price asked and the ground would be cheap at J; J per front foot. See us for nrlce. (B-3S0) Benutlful home, nearly new, 10 rooms, lower lloor llnlsbed in hnrdwiod, beautiful ocitttou, east front, largo onrn, Price. $11,000. (B-03) Excellent new 9-room residence, neautirul Interior, tiled bath nnd very best plumbing. There Is not a better or nicer home In Omaha for the nrlce onlv X7.5O0. (B-J55) Nice modern home, 9 rooms, now nnu wen mini, oesirame location near Farnam. full lot. Price. I'i.imk). (B-369) Good 7-room house, fine locntton on .iiicKson street, near sutn, gas ana city water, lot xl24, trees. Price, $2.iD0. OTHER DESIRABLE LOCATIONS. (B-123) Good 7-room house and fine corner 101 on Ho'iin aotn ave., very desirable. Price. $5,000. (H-r81) Modern 8-rom residence ,ln 'valk- ing uisttincc, recently uuiit .luviug all paid. Price. $.WX. (11-342) Two modern, well built houses, f.30 Mint 11 L'titu nc. mid Ml South 27th Ht., renting at $60 pr month nnd never va cant. Price for a few days. S6.100. (B 28) Eight-room house and lot running tn rmi en rrom sretn ave. to 2itn st., near the above property; pnvlns and nil taxes nald In full. A bargain at $3,000. tH 376) Nice six-room cottage. large lot, de sirable location, Price, $.',400. (It 5) Seven-room cottago nnd two lots. price, $i,2W. VACANT LOTS. 55x110 fret South 38th St.. $3,300. 64x136 feet North 32d nve., $1,000. 45x13' feet South 31th St., $1,600. If you wish to buy or sell, call on W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 13J0 Farnam Street. RE-S20 12 R. C. PETERS & Co., 1702 Farnam St. DWELLING IIOUSE3. No. 1313-1314 S. 3oth nve., lu-rooni house, porcelain bath tub. nlcklcplatcd plumb ing, gas. electric light, etc.; line reception hall, with gns grate and mantel; good 'laundry In basement, paved street, all paid lor; former price, $8,000; present price, $5,500. No 651 On 31st nve., north of Farnnm. 8 rooms, an modern, witn porcelain oatn tub, marble waBhstnnd, china closet, cel lar, laundry, good furnace, all special taxes paid; .price, $1,500. No. 10S2 50.1 S. 33d St.. 2 houses, lot 5i feet ironi, wnnt nn orrer. No. 705V4 2602 Decatur at., 7 rooms, por celain enamel tub. with open plumbing, furnace, gas nnd fixtures, 2 blocks from car line, $2,600. No. 12557 rooms, corner lot, nice shade trees, on 22d and Muplo sts., only $1,9J0. VACANT PROPERTY, $350 for a nice building lot near 17th nnd Manderson sts. $750 for b.i Hdlng lot, 27th and Webster st. $5,600 for 90 feet, east front on 38th avo., north of Dodao st.. with hsdIuiIi tmirtii street, nice terrace, well Improved prop erty on cither side; this Is A BARGAIN for someone who wants a West Fnrnam site. $1,250 for 60-foot lot, Georgia ave. and Shir lev st, $2,500 Geornlu nvo., EAST FRONT lot nenr I'oiipiuion nve. $1,250 for full lot. 35th and Doduo sis. Look at the northwest corner of 37th and Fnrnam. 132x132. 132x132 WITH TRACIvAHE. will len.r. ,,,r 99 yenrs and loan lessee onc-hnlf tho cost 01 uuu--.g. II. C. PETERS & CO.. Telephone, SSS. 1702 Fnrnam 3t. RE-975 1 2 FOR SALE. Good east front lot on 37th near California, $500. Small lot on 20th St., nenr A, South Omaha, $150. Good lot one block from Ames Ave. and Bouth front in Central Pnrk, $100. Sixty-six feet on Cnaslus streot, close to 30th, $350. Sixty-five feet on 19th. nenr Center St.. $300. Section of hind In Govo Co., Knn., with water. $1,920. House und lot on M street, near 27th, S. O., f vwi Four lots In Wakcley add,, $200. Lot 20. block 2. Baker Place. 1100 Lots 16 and 17, In Second addition to West Side. $100. Forty ncres one mile from capltoI Cheyenne SAMUEL S CURTIS, Receiver. 1S0S Hnrney St. RE-SI 9 12 PATTERSON' R- YF.TTKin $1,250-2 houses. 6 and 4 rooms, 25th and Rees o-r. iiiuu,, -Jin unu t ooiworm nve, 5,500 8-r. mod., Park and Poppleton ave. 3,500 8-r. mod., 28th and Pacific sts. 5,000 10-r. mod., I9th nnd Woolworth. 2,50o 8-r. mod., 27th and Poppleton. 2,250 7-r. mod., 26th nnd Poppleton. 1,600-6-r., 25th and Rees st. 8-r. cnttnse, 27th and Dodge. 800 5-r Isaac's addition. VACANT LOTS. $650 30th end Webster sts, 350 32d and Webster ats, 275 36th and Cass sts, 200 48th and Chiengo sts. 100 4Sth ann Mason sts. 100 51st and Pncltlc sts, 100 West Side, 48th and Center sts, 100 Patterson's 1st ndd, tn South Omaha, ACREAGE, $ 150-Lot 7, block 4, Patterson park. .150 Iit 2. block 2. Brooklyno 1,100 Lots 5. 6. 7 and . block 2. Brooklyne PATTERSON & YETTEH. 4.'3 Paxton Block. RE-852 12 RANCH AND FARM lnnds for snle by tho Union Pacific Rnllroad company, li. a. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union i-dciuc iicaaquartcrs, umana, reii. RE-,162 LOTS. 28th and 29th Fairmont Place. en !?.voi.ablc,.,.erm'!- AJIrsJB F. II. Kitppcn, "i oitici oi., iuuwauKCC, is. RI' FOH !ALi:-UEAI. ESTATE. PaTnEKNOX COJktPANY CHALLENGES COMPETITION IN REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AND TERMS OF PURCHASE. For proof of this statement examine the following: U55-On 19th st.,2 blocks this side of Lake, 4 rooms, oam, sewer connection, gas, good cellar, nice locality, owner wants $2,:oo. Make us an offer. 1516 On So. lltn St., one block from car nne, convenient to soutn umann, 6 rooms, furnace, gns, t-ewer connection, bath, mnr blo wnshstand, etc., beautiful house, corner lot In flrst-clnss repair, $2,6Vfl; $5() cash, balance r, per cent. 1517 On Georgia nve., corner lot, splendid neighborhood. NEW house of 9 rooms, tine ceipir, inunury room, turnnce, best or plumbing and bath room appliances; nn exceedingly nice home nnd CHEAP at $6,5w; $l,wu cash, balance 6 per cent. 24 In west part of city, convenient to street car, o beautiful rooms, all .modern, corner lot, small bam; nn all round nice little homo, $.',250; $500 cash, balance MONTHLY payments .This Is a good op portunity to get n CHEAP HOME. VACANT PROPERTY. 3 lots on Stiller st,, highest block between .1111 .inn .TJtn sts. 'inese lots are oncreu at a bargain. A good opportunity for In vestor?. M.ike us an offer. Also lot 6, In block IS, Poppleton park, $100. Lot 9, block, 2, Dcnlse's add,, $600. Lot 28, block 4, Hawthorne, 5:50. Lot 18, block 4, Sheridan Place, $100. 2 beautiful lots on 28th and Pacific. CHEAP. .MaKC us an otter. KOUNTZE PLACE. This beautiful addition Is attracting un- usual attention, und in tne near future EVERY LOT WILL BE HOLD. Come in and ex run I no pint nnd make your se lection before !t Is too late. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Bldg. RE-9:9 12 SMAPS. $11,000 for n row of brick buildings, ground 1110X144; letital, $1,332 per yem-. $6.o0o for two-story brick store b Hiding on FARNAM street: rental. $720 vearlv. $4,600 for two frame Mats close In; room for iwo more; yenriy rentni, joio. $3,500 tor 102 and 904 8 . 20th street: ei'st tronts; early rental. $360. $3.3i) for two houses 011 N. li. corner Cum ing and 26th sts.; yearly rental, $16'). $2,w for 1143 nnd 1115 N. 17lh st.; 60x110 tect; paving paid; yearly rental, 312. $1.8'Xl for threo houses nt 1936 und 1938 S. 14lli St.; lot (XIX157 feet. $1,600 for two cottngeu near ISth nnd Clark; lot 33x140; yearly rental, $198. $So0 for finino cottage 011 Leavenworth, near ssui street; rental, 5i yearly. $07) for house; lot 25x142 feet. 122S S. '3th street; close In. UNIMPROVED AND IMPROVED. 1 tn 15 acres of bottom land. I,j miles north of Omaha P. O. ; $6 per hcic. , 5 acres north 24th street, this side Mlllor park; SNAP at $2.2.V. $110 each for six tfi) lots, 50x11') feet each, near 8th and Bancroft sts. $l,w for live (5) lots In Bedford Place; three on 30th st.; paving paid. $1,200 for six-room house. 43C9 Franklin; high and sightly; near car line. $1,700 for 44x132 feet on 24th si., also iast front on 23d; north of Cuming. $3,50i) for 132x66 foot; S V.. corner of tMh and Chicago sts,; three houes. $4,600 for three houses nenr '5th and Paul; Inrge corner lot; paving paid $1,400 for 8S feet front; TRACKAGE; near 8th nnd Douglas streets; BARGAIN, $22.oC0 for three-story brick bullrtltn near 14th and Farnnm; 22x132 feet. JOHN N. FREN.EH, Opp. old P. O. ltE-912 12 WALTER L. SELBY. 50 lots 111 W. L. Selby's First addition to South Omahu on monthly payments of $5; money furnished to build as soon ns lot is paid for. Lincoln Place lots $100. no Ktlby Place lot 230.00 Dworak's Add. lots 51). 00 4Sth and Cumlngs 2:0.00 49th nnd Burt 75.00 Carthage add 75.00 Nelson's add 750.00 47th and Leavenworth 4(4). 00 Dundee Place IOO.00 Clifton Hill 75.0) Baker Place 75. U0 Cloverdale and many others equally ns chenp, nil on monthly pnyinents. 4-room dwelling, 19th street, 3 blocks south of Vinton, on monthly payments of $15.0"i. 3-room house. 48th and Cumlngs St., $700.fd, on monthly payments of $10.01). 160 acres cleur western land, $1,00 per aero; will trode for chenp lot. Another 160 acres nnd some cash for equity In small house nnd lot I want to buy a cheap house nnd Int In suburbs of Omnha. Stock fnrm, 255 acres, adjoining Ft. Crook, for sale on easy payments. I have a number of customers for homes ranging from $760.00 to $1,500.00. WALTER L. SELBY, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. RE-827 12 J. W. ROBBINS A- CO. We cannot tell you In one book of all the splendid bargains that hnvo been listed with us recently ,but what better could you ask than nn S-room modem house on 26th. north of St, Mnry's, for only $3,750'.' or of an S-room modern new house on 30th and Pncltlc, tit $3.8007 or of u 14 room brick nt 29th and Fnrnam for only $2,300? or a 6-room modern, with barn. 35th and Martha, for $2,0007 or u nice 5-room cottngo on Bristol street for $1,500? or or a 7-room residence, 28th nve., near car line, for $900? or of senres of other splen did bargains In homes oil the way from $500 to $5,000? VACANT LOTS. If you think of building, what Is the mnt ter with a tine corner lot In Hunscom 1'lnce nt $l,60u? Or nn east front, same addition, ono block to cnr. for $800? Or a nice enst nnd south front corner at SOtli nnd Marcy, at $1,2U07 Or n splendid lot on pnved st. west Fnrnam district, for $1,350? Or a lot In Potter's add,, covered with fruit trees, and only $700? And lots of other lots nil over tho city to as low us $150. If you will come and see us we will show you, whether you arc from Missouri or not. J. W. ROBBINS, & Co., 1802 FARNAM ST RE-861 12 ' A REAL BARGAIN. At 4332 Grant St., Just half a block from 11 , ,11 ....... . n...t fl'nlnot III,, A m ,u . -a- I turn iiaiitui iiti i-ill, )H a cnoici 9-room Bouth front dwelling on full 50 tfxnt I. ..,1,1, nnrnnl.ln l..t. - ' . . 1 "mil. CIOSUI, lavatory, hot water boiler, gas through put for light and fuel, and a tlno large burn, all of which can be sold If taken at once for $2,250 IIouso Is beautifully pnpered all ready to move right into, This Is a snup for n quick buyer. See me about It tomorrow sure. At 1342 80, 27th St., I have a choice east front 8-room house containing porceinin bath, closet, Invatory, hot water boiler, sewer, gas throughout, and line lnrge furnace, all abovo modern conveniences being now. House Is In llrst-class condi tion nnd can bo sold for onlv $2,500. Big gest bargain today In the Pnrk district. Possession cnn bo given Juno 1. Rental Is $27.60 per month or nhnost 14 per cent 011 the selling price. This will be sold as owner must have money at once. I have many other choice bargains for Investors nnd home-scckers, See me for snfe Fire Insurance. HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N. v. LIFE BE-818 12 BARGAIN. 7 large rooms, with gas, porce lain bath, sewer, city water, all in Al repair; large barn, city water In barn, shado trees, In flrst-clnss location north, only $2,750, easy terms. Cheap r.t $3,500; once sold for $(,500; owner leaving city. Address S 7. Bee otTlce. RE-550 12 HOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; also fire tnBiiia'.ice. Bemls, Paxton Blk, RE 367 CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St, RE-36S FOIl SAI.E-HEAIi ESTATE. FOlPsALE--HOUSES AND LOTiT Beautiful home on West Farnam street, 10-room brick house, modern throughout, hot water heat, oak finish, bam, south front, price $13,0.4, 31st nnd Marcy, 9-room two-story house, newly papered and painted, bath, closet, gas, water, sower, etc., $2,500. 2529 Davenport St., ti-rootn lnodem cottage, $2,300. 516 So. 26th nve.. lot runs through to 27th st., both streets paved and pat lug paid, 7-room modern cottnge, will rent for $23 a month, and room for another house, $3,J0. Call on us for permit to see house. 1530 No. 17th st., 7-room, n car line, east front, a llrst-class locution, $2,k.X). 1702 No. 36th St., two-story house, 5 rooms downstairs, upstnlrs utillnlshcd, 3 blocks from llurney st. lino when extended, $SV0, less than half what the mortgage was, Ohio St., near 10th, new 7-room, nil modern but furnncc, full south front lot, $2.5.0. 127 No, 37th St., 6 rooms, city water, sewer, newly pnpered and painted, llrst-class ro pair, 41,300. 406 Center st 6 rooms, full lot, $U. GOOD INVESTMENTS. 2216, 2218 and 2220 Leavenworth, three S rooni lints, rented for $810 annually, never vacant, $6,000. Two double brick houses on No. 1Mb st., built 7 years ago, city wutcr and sewer, rented for $180 a yenr, 3,5W. 2419-21-2.1 Binncy St., 3 six-room detached houses, newly papered and pnlnted, city water nnd sewer, llnlshed In onk and pine, $3,500. Will pny lo per cent on Invest ment. LOTS. West Fnrnam St.. 2 cast front lots on 36th st., paving paid in full, $1,250 for your choice. We have all those south front lots on Har ney between SJd ami 36th sts. Call In for prices. 40 feet, facing Hanscom pnrk. high nnd sightly, I feet above grade of street, 't block trom cnr lino, only $1,200. 51 feet 'ront on Farnam st.. between .15th nnd 36th streets, $2,600. Paving pnld; per mancnt walk CaplXl nve, between 27th nnd 28th sts., a few Ics! left at $500 each to parties that will hiniti. For other bargains see World-Herald nnd News. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 SO. 11TH ST. RE-979 12 GEORGE & COMPANY. PROPERTY FOR INVESTMENT. BUBlnet-s block In South Omnhn, well lo cated, leased for $255 per month, ovr $3,000 per year; pays moro than li per cent net nbove all taxes, expenses, etc. Ptlcc, $1S,UW. RESIDENCES. House of 9 looms In best location west part city. ncarl new and up-to-date; two large lots and largo bam. Price, 9.S00. Neur 3.1d nnd Dodgo sts., 7-room houoe, strictly modern and large hall, oak Mulsh downstairs, lino yard, house In llrst-clasa condition. Price. $1,60). J020 Cass St., 9-room modern house, f.ill 50-foot lot. S. front, 11 very desirable lo cution. Price, $3,000. Near 17th and Cnstollar sts.. 7-room cot tage, good us new. has city water, gas, etc.. line ard, shade trees and barn. Price, $1,800. Cottages 10 blocks west of court house, 5 rooms. In tlrst-elnss condition nnd In good neighborhood; good paved street and all special Improvements paid in full. Price, $2,000. Nenr 17th and Vinton Hts.. 5-room house, full lot. Price. Sl.tjeO. DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS. Near 40th and Howard, full enst front lot, on grade nnd all special taxes paid In full. $2.0X) South I ront lot on Harney st., enst of ;15th st.. $I.SoO. Fine lot 35th nnd Dodge, on grade. $l,iro. Chicago St., between 30th and 31st st.i., full, Fspnnit pi-veil street, an special tuxes pain In lull. 9o. 33d st., near Davenport St., full lot. n very desiranic location ror a cotingo, two. Burt st., near 33d St.. 55x159 ft.. $800. N. E. corner 41st nnd Dodgo sts., full lot, south front and on cur line, $375. . GEORGE &. COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE-930 12 WYMAN-SH RIVER CO., New York Life Bldg. $1.20i) for large dwelling. 5 rooms on first Hoo-. second tloor not llnlshed, hut enough room for lour rooms, east front lot 60x136 on 31th Kt., not far from Daven port, largo cellar; can sell on $100 cash payment, balance monthly. Improvements cannot be reproduced for the price. A tlrst-rate opportunity for one who wants a house of good sl.e at a bargain. $500 for three full lots on Cuming st.. Just beyond city limits; lies a ilttle above grade, 124x140 feet, with streets on three sides; will enhance rapidly hi value wh'i tliu motor Is extended to Dundee. $700 for about 5 ncres In the town of Flor ence, with n 4-room cottage In fair con dition. Part cash, balance monthly. $1,500 for r-foot lot on Burt st.. near 32d, on grade, nicely houiicu; jo-rootn nouso, modern except furnace; nuthouses', zoom on lot for another house; one-third or hulf cush, balance to milt purchnscr. $1,000 for vacant lot on the S. W. corner cf 26th and Parker sts., i,7x60 feet, sewer nnd WUier Ull lilt' ii'i, lJ.i i-iiir-iiv. 111, mill u; room for the building of two houses; splendid rent locality. RE-820 1" MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE! Here Is your opportunity to get a fine home cheap; 6 rooms, NEW, CONVENIENT, up-to-date in every detail. Tho BEST of PLUMBING, cemented cellar, FINE BATHROOM. GAS and ELECTRIC LIGHTS, paved street, beautiful lot, south front, good neighborhood. In fact, everything that could be desired In SUCH a home. Let us show you tho property. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor New York Lifo Bldg. RE-M8M 12 A BEAUTIFUL 40-ncre fnrm. 11 miles from postofllcc, n bargain If sold quick. Ono KM. nnd 200 and one 400-acre farm, all bargains. In vicinity of Omaha. A business property, good location, $9,000, never vacant, rent $100 a month. Nelson & Hoclck, 319 Rnmgo Bldg, HB-849 12 LARGE lot ono block from car line, 8 rooms, only $1,600. Small cash payment, balance monthly. 7 rooms, 41 feet front, on 19th nenr Grnce, $1,700. 7 rooms, all modem, paved streets, large barn, $2,200. 9 rooms, modem, full lot, 42d and Dewey nve., $1,300. Small ilrst payment, balanco monthly. Vacant lots Bemls park, water, sewer and tflis, $200 Up. Vacant lots, Cass nnd 30th. $600. Vacant lots. California ad 27th. $800. GEO. E. GIBSON, 1009 FARNAM. Telephone 211?. RE-920 12 BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS WALL PAPER, If you wont satisfaction, good work, reasonable prices, don't fall to telephone 2092. A. II. Clark, 2703 Lea v., for est. RE-903 12 7- ROOM cottage, modem except furnace, nice large rooms, on 19th st. boulevard. Price. $2,000. 6-room cottage, newly pnlnted and papered, $80". 4-room cottnge, $700. 8- room house, city wnter, closet, sewer. Price, $1,300. I. N. HAMMOND. 15th nnd Fnrnam Sts. JlE-902 12 HERE Is what you want nnd where vnu have been wanting it, on 26th uve.. Just north of St. Mary's nve. A seven-room cottage, modern except furnace; east front, lot runs back to 27th street, paved on both streets. Price, $3,000. W. II. GATES, 618 N. Y. Life. RE-93I 12 A GOOD stock farm of 320 ncres for cnle, or will trnda for merchnndlse, or Omaha residence property, 170 acres under culti vation, tho balance In pasture. For fur ther particulars address P. O. Box l'0s, Cozad, Neb, RE 90t 12 WANT offer on fine lot nnd seven-room house, close to food car line Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J, Kennard & ( Bon, 399-10 IJrowrx Block. RE-MI FOR SAM.-ltr. l, IM'lli;, HOUSES ON EASY PAYMENTS. JVA:, rooms. 22IS N. 21st street, jftio 4 rooms, 3M5 Ames ave., 2 lot. s?iv i rooms, barn, suit! Plnkney. $8505 rooms, city water, 3015 Charles. i.000-o rooms, 2122 N. 25th st. l.ui-5 rooms, 4201 8, 13th. tV0 4 rooms, city water, 2212 N. 27th. MORE BARGAINS IN RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. Lovely comer lot. 70x112 feet, new, cozy 6 room house, modern conveniences except furnace; now vacant. Price, $.,4t.); cash, $3w; No. 3719 Leavenworth ft. A large, modern house of 10 rooms, with lot MxISo ft., so.ith front, near 21th and Charles streets, for J2.80O; Investigate. 1807 Locust st., new dwelling of 6 rooms, furnncc, porcelain bath and sink, uhs, hot and cold water, cemented cellar, price, J2,?rt; easy terms. 2812 Hamilton, 6-room cottngo, city water, barn, nice shnde, tot 45x135 feet; price, $l,ow; $100 cash, balance, easy terms. An elegant modern dwelling In West Knr nnm district for $12,500; uuother for U.Uv nnd uuother for i:M). Can't be beat for locations or prices. BARGAINS FOR INVESTMENT. Four eight-room modern hotisca t block from Farnam st. cnr line; annual rent, $1,200. Wo can sell these right; call. A modern brick of 11 rooms, In desirable residence neighborhood near High school; rent, $0(.); price, $1,750. If you want prop erty for n home or Investment convenient to the business district, Investigate this. VACANT LOT BARGAINS. 22d and St. Mary's ave., 50 ft.. $1.3(0. Park ate. and Harney, 40 ft,, $l,Ki. 33th St., nnd Douglas, 50 ft., $1,630. 29th nnd Hickory. 60 ft., $750. 31st and Pncltlc, 60 ft., $l,7(i. 25th live, nnd St. Mary's. 60 ft., $2,5i.O, 20th nnd Ohio, 60 ft.. $630. 30th, near Bristol, 5o ft., $230. 28th and Charles, 63 ft., $150. FOR ANYTHING IN REAL ESTATE, LOANS, RENTALS OR FIRE INSUR ANCE, SEE GARVIN BROS., 1013 FARNAM ST. SHIMER & CHASE. $4,000 10-room modern, Hanscom park. $2.500 7-room modern, 22d and Locust, $2,00o6-rooni mod. cottage, near Hanscom pnrk, $2,600 6-room mod. cottage, 221 nnd Locust. $2,500 Elegunt 8-room mod. house and barn near 20th and Bristol, $1,600 5-room cottnge, ham and shade nenr 27th and Bristol, neat as n pin. $2,500 Elegant 6-room mod. cottago and barn, near 22d and Locust. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. $l.i,0w Elegant homo on 32d st., Just north of Farnnm. $10.000 Strictly modern house on S'.st nve., facing east on Turner park. $14,000 Another on 39th M. $11,000 Fltm large 10-room house and barn on 40th st. Wo huvc others as low ns $3,500. MONTH I YM ENTS $1,100 5-room cottage 011 N. 2Sth st. $nOO 5-roorn cottage on N. 2Sth ave. $700 5-room cottage. 27th nnd Burdcltc. VACANT. $2,6nof.,ne corner. West Farnam district. $1.750 South front, near 31st uve. una Dodge. $1,100-I.ot near 33th and Dodge. $1,000 South front on Farnam, near list. $0 North front on Fnrnam. near 42d. $100 Two lots 30th nnd Ohio. $250 South front, neur 21th and Ames rivs.j maple shnde trees; 11 snap. SHIMER & CHASE, 601 Bei bldg., Telephone, 14(2. RE-919 12 W. II. GATES, f'lS N. Y. Life. 'Phone. 1291, 10 rooms, modern, on honest, well-built house, corner lot. 3 blocks from High school, only $5,000. S-room. modern, In good order, Inrge barn and hit 50x175, lays nice, 3507 Burt, $1,2W. 9' rooms, fully modern, hot wnter heat, full lot. south tront. Hero Is a cheap home. J.'.2). and will not stay on tho market long. 7-room house and f.ill lot. water and sewer, near 36th and Dodge, only $1,700. VACANT. 60x121, 36th nnd Howard. $lVxi. 30x100. With and llarnev, $i,3on. 50x128, south front. Farnnm, nenr L'd. Ji,00. 40x12,. south front on Put. nve., bet. 26th and 2, Ih, sewer, water, sidewalk, I loo. RE-9.V) 12 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. "Small prollt and quick sale" Is our motto. One of three houses on 31th st. nenr I'ur- nnm st. wo told you about last week has been sold. Wo hnvr only two left In this locution. If you wnnt to see good. well, built houses come out today and examine thee. Thej nre worth more than we are nsklng. We also have houses In other locations that we can sell at prices which will net the purchaser 10 per cent. HAMILTON BROS., BUILDERS, 1702 Farnam. RE-951 12 SOME BARGAINS. houso 12(1 and Camden avo $ .100 lirtisc 3012 Hamilton st &50 houso 303.) Emmet cv house 1810 Ontario 8.V) house, modern, 622 80. 26th l.Rnn house, modern. 4220 Howard 1.250 house, brick, 2905 Elm st 1,2'") house 30M Fowler nve 1,000 11. PARROTTE, IbTII AND DODGE. RE-983 12 4-r, 4- r. 5- r. 5-r. 7- r. 8- r. 8- r. 9- r. J. $3.Boo BUYS 3 fi-room cottages, 2419-21-23 Binncy, excellent condition, 15 per cent gross revenue, on Investment; n snap. .1. II. Johnson,' SII N. Y. Life, RE M99I IIF.I.GIA.N' IIAHES. THE Rocky Mountnln Belgian Hure Co. Is pleased to announce thnt It has secured the services of E. H. Kendnll, St. Paul, NeL ns agent for the salo of Its stock, to whom all orders should be addressed. Same old prices, same high-grade stock. i-V",1.1 ''u ''cut for red feet. Don't buy Molly Cottontails uny longer. Get the real Muff. Kendnll's Belglnn Book tolls how to shelter, breed, raise, feed, 100k nn.l euro them. Prlco 23 cents. Write E, H. Kendall, St. Paul, Neb, E hnvo sold more hares In the puHt week thiin In any provlous week. Now lH,.l.1,n.-,l,no 10 Ht'u t ' "10 business. We will offer young stock thU week at low prices; $2.60 nnd $5.00 per pair; nil pedi greed; extra flno matured does, bred or with litter nt reasonable prices; two way up bucks, C nnd 7 months' old, at one-half f,llrCo,r.Vftlut'' r,le ,5o'"' Uelglu" Hnro Co., 2958 Duwey avenue. 153 j' LADIES, our guaranteed "Regulator Rem edy' never falls; harmless; charming; full box and Interesting . particulars free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, wih. -910 12 LOST. GOLD BIRD pin, with Knight Templar hudgo attached. Return 2131 S. 34th it. Lost-901 12 LOHT, small chamois purse containing niuuii uiiimuii. in uiiih anil Homo change. Under please return to 718 80. 18th nnd receive rewaru. Lost 998 13" MEXICAN terrier dog. female, white breast nnd feet. Suitable reward for re turn to 630 8. 21st avo. Lost-960 12 SHORTHAND A.D TVI'EWRITIMJ. A C. VAN 8 ANT'S Bchool. 717 N. Y. Life. -370 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, Beo Bldg. 371 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. -37J GREGG Shorthand. Oin. C. Col., 16 & Doug 373 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tol 1664; Allco Johnson, D. 0 ladles' dept.: Uld E. Johnson, Ostcopathlst, Mgr. -374 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton blk. Tcl.1367 Ml IICYCLKS. SECOND-HAND bicycles at VS price; must have the room for new ones; good wheels for $3 und up; It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. Iyiula FUicher, 1622 Capitol Ave. -M3C9 MEllll A I,. GONOVA Is a treatment for m.v and female, for tile positive ct.rc u( Gon orrhoea, Glct. I uiintitrul Discharges. In humiliations, irritations and Llcunutotis of the mucous inciutjLiiucs, Au Internal remedy with injection combined, war ranted to cure worst eases In ono week! $.1 per pacKngo.or two for $5. Setil Any where on receipt of price. Tho Kldd Dtug Co.. Elgin, 11.. American Olllcc, retail, wholesale. Myorn-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha: M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co., Council BltilTs, Full lino of legiti mate rubber goods. RHEUMATISM - WlllsTcY Why" surfe? from rheumatism when there Is a specltlu euro for you? Why be a slave to vltlsk, opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaluo when wo guarantee to euro ou? Answer this by v tiling tho Ensor Remedy Co., South Omaha, Nb. (Incorporated In 189J.) M-700 JrS LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are tho best; safe, reliable; toko no other, send 4c stamp lor particulars; "Ro ller for Unites" In letter by return mall: ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., 'hlladclphla. Pa. CANCER cured 11 1 homo by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain; book and testimonials mailed free. Concur Institute, 121 W. 12.1 St , N. Y. I'll EE TRUSS-1 have a truss that's cured hundreds of ruptures; It's safe, sure ami easy us an old stocking; no elastic or steel bands around the body or between tho legs, holds any rupture; to Intro duce it, every sufferer who answers this ad at once can huvo one free; It won't cost a cent. Alex. Spclrs, Box 914, West brook, Me MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit: myself cured, will Inform you of harmless, permanent homo cure. Mrs, Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U - DEAR SISTERS-Stop your fear nnd worry about delayed or stipptesscd periods. My old family prescription us a regulator Is safer und siller than all the doctors nnd patent medicines In the world, no mistake about It. It can't fall. Any druggist can put It up. Prescription with mil directions sent freo for stump. Mrs, Frances LnRiie. P. O Box X, !.3 Des Moines, Iowa. !07 12 LADIES, $500 reward for a case of suppros. slon old Dr. Jackson's Monthly Regulator fulls to relieve In 24 hours; positively guaranteed: no ergot or pills; many saved rrom Hiilcble; Ideal safe homo treatment. Mall $3 to Dr. Jackson, R. C, 811, 167 Dear born st.. Chicago, III. -M935 25 LAt.VDUV. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collnrs, 2c; cuffs, lc. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 017. 12 CUTI.EHY (lltlMMMi. METZER & PLEIN, cutlery grinders; lawn mowers u specialty. Telephone 244. :2th and L'ouglns. 134 II' WAvrnn to unit itn w. A CLIENT wants to borrow $2,000 on high-class Inside, Improved property worth $12,wo at 5 tier cent, for 3 to 6 years. v A. F. CONNETT. 0 N. Y. Life Phoner 12.S.1. -911 12 imns.s.MAici.vti. frFAM"i LIES. Ml Sluidy, 31S 8. "6th SI. -2!t0 M27 CARPENTERS AM) .lOIIIIERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly 11 1 tendril to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20lh und Lnko Sts. -370 riillMTlfllH lir.PAIItlMi. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wulklln. 2111 Cuming St. -318 i : .. 1 SHOE IIHPAlltl.Vt;. SOLES. 40c; rubber heels and soles, 75c. Neb. Repair Co.. 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulono. Ptop. -440 M21 T XII.OItl.Mi. 23 PER CENT saved: hlgh-clnss tailoring, latest designs. Stephen J. Broderlck, 1017 Farnnm -t, -MSS3 M23 KI.OCIiTIO.V ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodge St. -S77 M22 ACCOM IMO 1'1,1'lATIMi. ACCORDION pleating. cheapest." best, quickest. Mrs. A. C Mark. H. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 376 ,. , 1 1 j EX PERT A CCOI'.NTA.Vr. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing, U. 15, com. .ut. uatw. u. it. tiamnuu. 379 SCREEN lirltM. WlndowT, etc. G. C. Co., 1519 Lcav. Tel. 2529. 498 J2 STAMMER I.MS AMI STliTTKIUMl. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmgo Bldg. 3Ti 111)11, Ell .MAKIIUS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam hollers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1339, 12th & Izurd Sts. r49 1MT3NTS. PATENTS, no feo iiulesH successful. Silos Co,, Bco Bldg.. Omnha, Neb. Advlco froc. -138 Jul5' LAWN MOWERS IIKPAIIU'.II. IS YOUR lawn mower In good repair? It not send It to Novelty Iron und Brass Works. 417 S. 10th. Phone. 1380. DPIIOI.S Ti:ill.Mi. GLOBE COUClTca7l519 Lcav'th. Tel. 252D, oil TICKET IIHOKKIl. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H. Ph)l bln, 1503 Fiirnarr.. Tel. 784. -3$0 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Olllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Dougkis. ADVI2UTISIXO fans. ADVS, FANS. Burkley Ptg. Co,, Omaha. MI77 J2 PAS TlIHAtilO. WANTED, stock to pasture, good bluo grass pasture one mile north of Fort Crook depot .1 E. Plfer. Fort .Crook, Nob. Mb0i 12 TALKING MACHINES. Omaha and Lincoln, Neb., nro the Talking IfffVttft Machine headquarters fnp lin r,titlt.i wnjt. currying tho most com nleto lino of latest rec- ords. Whon you full olsewhero, call, or send your ma 11 orders to us. automomim:. Pioneers nnd Piltnft roiiinters or tho 1 lor 1,3- lees Vehicle. Industry for the entire west. Don't fnll to visit our ' sine cnijiui mum ni Omnhn or Lincoln. Seo our most wonder ful machines In operation. Ladles particu larly Invited to learn how simple the art of CHAUFFEUR really Is, Omaha phono 1953 Lincoln phono 182. Some People Think moro of their dress und Jewels than their teeth, and they are mnklng n inlstnke, Wo make tho teeth look beautiful. It's our business, Bailey the Dentist Third Floor l'aiton Block. PHONE 1085. H