3 KELLEY, WB INVITE INSPECTION. STIGER &, CO. WB URGB COMPARISON TTTE OMAHA DAILY BEK: SUNDAY, MAY 12, 1901. Novelties in Laces and Embroideries 45-Inch fill silk Forsa and Figured Cos- tume NMa. 15-inch nil silk Liberty Gauie, In all shades. 4u-lneh French Chiffons and Moussellne do Sole. In alt (hade. Ilnnil-iiiutlc Arnlilmi l.nrr llnlcro .lockets at prices that crusc one to wonder how they can bo made at the price. orltlcn In AII-tMer l.iicc comprising I'olnt Wulse, Arabian Clunny, Duchesse, Mecklln, Alcnco, Batiste, ppllque.- etc., at $1.00. $1.35, $1.01. J2.00, 2.2o up to $8.00 a ard. Nnvrltlrk In l.nrr Onion nnd Inner Ilium In white crenru and ecru 10c, 12V4c, lSe, 20c, 25c, 31c to $1.50 yard. I'liie Torchon nml .Meillcl l.ncrn- 1'erfect copies of the hand-made goods and very serviceable, at 4c, Ec, 6c, 7 tic, c, 10c, 12hc and 16c a yard. :imv 1,1 nun tlntlste KmhrnlilerlcB In edges, Insertions, galons nnd all-overs to match also 48-lnch plain Hnon ba tiste to match. .cv SitIhk nml .nluonk Kmbroldered matched sets edges. Inser tion and galons to match. nv inlu nml Jfnlimook Inxr rllnn. Special values at 10c, I'JUc, 16c and 20c a yard. imv miIm nml .Vnlnsuok IlcndlnK. Special values at 7c, 8c, 10c, 12HiC and 15c a yard, Nrtr Knihrnlilcrril .srl Turn Over I 'l In rn Special 12ic each, north from 20c to 26c. cn lie.ru l.nrr Turn Over Collnra Special 20c each, well worth SOc. I.llicrtr (isnie lMenteil HuchlnK In wblto cream and black, very fashion able, 2, 3 and 5 Inches wide. im llliii'U Velvet Ullilinim thu famous G. K. qualities In all widths. rn Cut Mori llcnileil Chntnlnlncn at very reasonable prices. ctv HI lie Leather Chntnlnlncs In seal, sea lion, walrus, allgator, etc., at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $2.25 and up! imv Cnln Pitmen Novel designs and fine leather at SOc, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25 each. Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets. STATE FAIR IS AT STAKE Poiibility that 5oae Maj B Qmn thii Yar. OFFICIALS DEMUR IN THE CHOICE OF SITE itttrnttmi of Old l.ocntlnn or HurltnR (on llrnrh llrltn (Jninmu Women I'lnek to Lin coln. LINCOLN. May 11. (Special.) With two mrmbrrs of tho Hoard of Tubllc Lands nnd Htilldlngs favoring the old state fair situ nml the other two ciistlnK covetous cyea louanl the IlurllnRton lleach location, peo ple Interested In holding a state fatr In tin city next fall nro alarmed concerning tho outlook. Lafct week tho nonrd of Agri culture mot nnd adjourned without- trans sititiK any hualnesa, aluiply because the h-nte olllcials had come to no decision In regard to this matter. During the present week no progress has been made, and to day a member of the Hoard of Public Lands and Hulldlngs declared that no definite con clusion could be arrived at before Tuesday. Tho old Matu fair slto Is popularly sup posul to contnln 110 acres of land. For sovcral dnys It has been rumored that the rue nrrcago of the proposed site lay be tween seventy and ninety-three acres, In cluding the ten-acre tract owned by tho 'ounty Hoard of Agriculture. One of the members of the board demanded a survey and jefterday Adna Dobson compiled with his request nnd ascertained that there were srventy-nlno acres Inside the fenced slto orfered lo tho Hoard of 1'ubllc Lands .uid Hulldlngs for J:'I.30O. Thnso Interested in the old location elaltn thcio Is additional ground outside the enclosuro which will be deeded to the slato with tho remainder of the property. It Is almost IrapoBslble to find out the tiend of public n-ntlment In rcgnrd to the matter, a the common people aro making no futs and tho fellows with Interests at stake are doing all the roaring. From morning until nlf.ht the state officials hear reasons pro ami con. Tbesa argu ments are either cited In personal talks or by telephone. Among Llucoln business .men there Is a pronounced tentimcni In favor of the old site. Stair OllleliiU In No lliirr. Notwithstanding the pressure brought Dr. Humphreys' Specific .Miinital. n pockut opitorao of tho Domestic Piartlco of Medicine, mallfd for tho asking. A postcurd will do. Ivliotimiitisni-Tho uso nf Specific No, 15 stimulates the action of the kidneys, nnd the polsonou.i uric acid passes out of the blood , Uruiu Fan T'o UM (lf Specific No. It restmis the (logins energies of the oer-tlred workers. l)ys',wp.ii-Tho uso (if SpeclficNo. 10 r.fter nirnls permits Indulgence in the pleas iirf of the table, without fear of Indiges tion. ir p ami Colds Tho uso of "77" breaks up Colds that hang on and do not yield to tri'utmciit. lltimplir-'ys' Spccilics aro put up In small vials of pleasnnt pellets; Just lit. the vest pocket. At all druggists, 25c, or mailed on receipt of price. Humphreys' Homeopathic .Medlrine Co., Cor William and John Sts., New York. Wash Goods These goods appeal to your Intelligent self-interest. Our assortment Is very large, our styles the very best and our prices the lowest. Your ryes can tell you more than our words, and tho chance to cconomlie should inspire comparison. 10c tnril l.ace Stripe Lawns and dark blue Tcr calca. fine quality, 10c yard. I'.' 1-V.r Vnril Ncw Madras Stripe Ginghams for waists, Dimities In light grounds with dots, all gocd styles 12tfcc yard. I Be Vnril Scotch Dimities In all shades, crinkled Mull. Quern Batiste In beautiful de signs, Oalatea Cloth and Duck In solid colors for skirts, 15c yard. ISc Ynril 36-Inch Sheer Chambray la solid pink and blue. 31-Inch Chambray In stripes, absolutely fast colors, ISc yard. l!."r Inril New Egyptian Tissues. St. Gaul Tissues and Pineapple Tissues, many exclusive btyles. Large assortment of best Irish Dimities at 25c yard, .trie Ynrd Lace stripe Tissue and Shirt Waist Linen, Mercerlicd. Persian Lnwn. with large Persian design for sacques, etc. Extra line Madras at 35c yard. 1.1c nml Mil! Vnril Plain Mercerized Moussellne de Sole, 45s yard. Lace stripe Moussellne de Sole, 4S-lnch plain color wash chiffon, white and black, black and white dotted Swiss, at 60c yard. OBe nml 70e Vnril 31- Inch Mercerized Grenadine, a hcautlful plain color dress fabric. 53e yard. Light blue dotted Swiss with white dot, at 70c yard. I'tclimlve l)rr I'ntteriift In St. Gaul Swiss, at $6.50. $7.50. $8.60, $10.50. $12.50 and $14.00 each. White Goods Tomorrow we again place on sale an other lot of India Llnon and Persian Lawn, Judicious buyers will not pass these offer ings lightly. 3fi-lnch Sheer India Llnon, regular 2Sc quality, bale price 15c yard. 36-Inch Sheer IndlR Llnon. regular 30c quality, sale price ISc ynrd. 36-Inch Sheer India Llnon, regular 35o quality, salo price 22c yard. 36-Inch Sheer India Llnon, regular 40c quality, sale price 25c yard. 26-inch Sheer India Llnon. regular 15c quality, gale price 28c yard. 32- Inch Sheer Persian Lawn, regular 40o quality, sule prlre 25c yard. 32-lnch Sheer Persian Lawn, regular 45c quality, sale price 2t'c yard. Wc carry the best and lowest priced Wash Chiffon. 18-Inch wide, at 35c, 45e, 65c. 05c. 70c. SOc yard. Optra Batiste. 47-Inch wide, very sheer, at 50c. C3e, 70c. 75c and SOc yard. 70-Inch French Organdie at 65c, 75c, 85c and $1.00 yard. New Novelties for white Shirt Waists at 20c, 25c, 30c. 35c, 15c and 50o yard. to bear upon them the state officials show no bigns of immediate action, but claim they will do their best to decide In the Interests of the people. Among advocates of the old location it Is generally believed that tho board Is fatorably impressed with the proposition, but that the two recal citrants want the price shaved. As the bids have already been filed and accepted, the owners of the site must either make Boras concessions or the officials ndertlse for new bids. The lessees of Burlington Reach have painted In roseate colors the probable re sult of accepting their proposition. They want flO.COO for their lease rights, the slate to provldo all buildings. They Insist that with the other $25,000 appropriated by the slate, new brick buildings could be erected and a miniature paradise created. On the other hand, the low, swampy loca tion and tho doubtful street car facilities are urged as objection?. Should the Hurllngton neach property be selected the chances of a state fair this year are popularly regarded as poor. Thero would not be time enough to erect build ings on the now site and the owners of tho old location declare that no fair can bo held on their land If the state falls to buy It. Friends of both propositions are offer ing considerable advice, and Information on the subject Is rapidly piling up In the offices of the mombers of the Hoard of Public Lauds and Hulldlngs. Delia I In in inn Sororltj. Fair young women, social leaders In the Intellectual realm, are expected to ar rle Iu Lincoln In great numbers next week to attend the twelfth biennial convention of tho Doltn Gamma sorority. On Monday mid Tuesday they will begin to arrive, com ing from almost every state In the union. Local fraternities und sororities nre all agog over the event and every effort will be mndo In university circles lo show tho visitors a good time. Tho Delia Oamma organization comprises fifteen chapters. Fourteen are active or undergraduate organlratlnns and one is composed exclusively of graduate members. The latter, tho alumnae organization is locnted in Lincoln. Most of tho members of the local active chapter live together at their sorority house at it3 South Eleventh street. A pleasant home hns been established here, the poltn Gammas being the first to stnrt tho chapter house movement among Ne braska surortlcs. Somo of the delegates and the chapter they represent nre: Deli-mile mill t'hu liter. Thurza Schilling. '02. Alpha Duchtcl col lege. Alliance, O. Gladys Stone, "0:!, Zota, Albion college, Albion Mich. Edith Ilarphatn, '01, Eta, Mount Union college, Akron, O. . Pearl May Greene, "01. Theta, Iudlana I btate university, ninnmlnpt Edith .'aekson. "01. Kappa. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Neb. Juniata Williams. '02. Lnmba. University of .Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minn. Grnco Swltzler. '03. XI, University of Mlchlgau, Ann Arbor. Virginia Shrppnrd, 'OS. Sigma. Northwest iti uulvcrslty. Kvanstou, III. Faith Willis. '02. Tau. University of Iowa. Iowa City. In. Ethel Joiner. '02. Upsllon, Leland Stanford University. Palo Alto. Cal. Elizabeth Urown, '02. Phi. Unlerslty of j Colorado. Boulder Colo. i Helen Brown, '01. Ph Cornell I'nlvers- slt, Ithaca, X. V. I Jtanette Ostrander, "02. Psl, Woman's college, Baltimore. Md, Agnes Merrill. '02. Omega, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis, i:iiiihnlxri Loner (irinlrv State Superintendent Fowler has Just j prepared a circular which lie will soon send j to tho superintendents throughout the state j urgliiG great- r thoroughness In tho lower Musin Undergarments This department contains the best the American and foreign market affords, ciii'iiitm iiiiimik, f i, (to Finest French Nainsook, hemstitched round tvoke. a de light fill summer gown, at 1.17). $1.00. $1.7.1. Sl'.L'o and $Lii0. The same style of comforta ble gown, more elaborate and elegantly trimmed. I) rimer, IIOc Nainsook, umbrella tucked, flounce embroidered, ruffled edge. Ilrnncm, fl.S.'V Point de Paris, lace trimmed, two rows of insertion and lace flounce. Same style more profusely and elegantly trimmed $1.50, $2.00. $2.75, $3.50. Mnxlln I'ettleiiiitN, XI.U., Deep hemstitched tlounce. slightly modeled. Ciuntirlc I'rttlrnntK, 82.00 Embroidered ruftle edging on deep tucked tlounce, elegant and dainty $;,50, $4.00. $1.."0. $5.00. $5.50. Special value on extra fine white petticoats. Cornet Coicr, I,"i'- I'Empire, Val. lace inser tion iu lines back and fronr. lace edge, 75c. $1.00. $1.25. $1.50 $1.75 and $2.00. Extra special value at these prices. All new styles. "N'ew Kimona." dainty, niiii ature tucking lace ruffled at neck. Cornell for Wnriii Weather Netting batiste, thin linen. The best models of the season. Erect form. etc.. 50c. $1, $1.50 and $2.00. grade work and more emphasis on the common branches. In part he says. "Promotion from tho eighth grade to the high school should bo a clearly defined step. Pupils are often permitted to slide along from year to year through tho eight grades, but In the eighth grade, where in a w'ell-graded school nil common school subjects are completed, there should be called a 'halt.' I believe that no other one thing that Is possible and practicable would do as much for the public schools of Ne braska as to have It well understood that the eighth grade Is not necessarily the eighth year, a division of tho course to be completed In a term of nine months, nor that It Is a year of preparation for tho high school. (Lot us drop this idea of preparation for something else.) Hut let us have It thoroughly understood that the eighth grade Is a place for tho satisfactory. Intelligent completion of nil common school subjects, and that it Is no disgrace for a pupil to remain there two years. I believe no other one thing would raise the stand ard of our high school work so rapidly and so thoroughly as to keep Hbout 60 per ctnt of our pupils in the eighth grade two years. "Etabllsh r. minimum grade age for ad mission to the high school, say thlrteeu years. Many of the rural district, nou resident pupils compare favorably with thoso of the city or village because they have gone over their higher arithmetic, geography, grammar, history and physiology two or three winters In succession, nnd are more mature than their city cousins. In common school subjects 1 wish to Include reading, writing, spelling, written and men tal arithmetic, geography, United States history. English grammar nnd composition, and physiology. Omit prosody in grammar, but emphasize the ability to read, write and speal; the English language correctly, and to spell. Superintendents and princi pals slould bo firm In requiring pupils to go oer a year's work a second time when It has been but Indifferently completed." FREMONT S0L0IER5 HOME Corporal nml Tun I'rlvnlm Itelurn After IIimIiik !een Philippine Siti Irr. FHEMONT. Xeb.. May 11. (Special. )--Corporal Andrew Watt nnd Privates Lionel Holmes and Lyman Oganlage of Company H, Nineteenth United States volunteers, who were discharged at San Francisco last week, arrived at their homes In this city yes terday. Sergeant Georgo Mooney of the same company Is serving on the Manila pollco force. None of the other Fremont men except First Lieutenant J. W. C. Ab bott of the Thirtieth volunteers stayed In the Philippines. Lieutenant Abbott Is acting treasurer of one of t-io provinces. His brother, L. J. Abbott, served wth the First Nebraska, In the islands and another brother. N. C. Abbott, has received nn ap polntraent from the Philippines commission as a teacher. Two boys from Fremont enlisted in the navy. Lair Nellsson anl Arthur .McDonald. Delesnte to Tutir rctiloaln l.'ontirriiii, LINCOLN, May ll-(Speclal.)-Gov-ornor Savage this morning appointed seven physician, all specialists In lung diseases, to represent Nebraska at the American Congress of Tuberculosis, to be held in New York May 1.". Of this num ber Omaha secures four, as fellows: Drs. A. H, Somers. J. M Keys. W, O. Bridges and W. F. Mllroy. The otheri are A. V. Hoblnson of Beatrice. J. X. Tyndall of Lin coln and II. F. Holden of Norfolk. I''nter .enr Fortieth On)'. BEATRICE, Neb.. May 11. (Special Tele gram.) Henry Cordes, who claims to have been commanded by the Almighty to fast forty days, completed his thlry-seventh day today. He still maintains that he will com plete bis fast, although he lb rapidly grow log weaksr. Tailor-Made Suits, $15. $18 and $25 The best the market has pro duced. Cloths high grade, tail oring of the best; three very special values. All suits are at cut prices, at this time. WHITE WAISTS. WASH AHLE WAISTS, STAR SI1IKT WAISTS. White l.ii it n WnliM. 91.2.1, 91. .10 Cluster tucks, niinature tucks hemstitched tucks. A Dnlnty White l.im n Wnlnt. XU.tHl Minature, irregular tucking, back, front and sleeves. Aloo iflt.Bll, 9:1.00, ifil.ftO nml 9l.no Hamburg insertions, fine em broidery, etc. t.rnnn Linen Mercerized Zephyr (.like Ponge silk). 1'nii.n not .Muii Unbleached or Ecru colors in cool and very stylish waists $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $8.50. Mar Walntn This popular shirt waist can always be found in our ready-to-wear department white Madras, colored and fancy Madras, with the very new feat ure of this season. A I lint roan, Crepe lie Chine, I.onlnene, I'enn d'Cjunr, White or llliii'U Jnpnn ene SOU The above are made up in the latest modes, and the newest tones of cloths in great variety of popular prices. A replenished stock of very Inte Introduction-, In Silk Mklrtn, Tnlloreil Drcnnen, Silk or Cloth i:tonn. Wulklnir Skirl nml Shirt Wnlntn Notwithstanding our splen did variety of stock, we have added many new and attractive features. A Silk Skirt, It'.'O.OO of the highest grade pure dye Taffeta; the latest mode, gradu ated and tucked tlounce. accord ian silk pleating on drop skirt. ENGINE CRUSHES TWO MEN Inflamed by Liqnor They Fight en Bailroad Track. DR. ZIEGLER LOSES BOTH HIS FEET George llrovinrr lln lll lllltht linnil Mnxheil llenull of u I'nlrhury Hllllnnl llnll (lu nrrel. FAIIIDURY. Neb.. May 11 iSpecial Tel egram.) A horse doctor named Zlegler and George Browner were having a right back of Colby's billiard hall at 10:15 tonight when the Itock Island switch engine, push lng a string of cars out of the way, ran over the two men, cutting off both of Ziegler's feet and injuring Hrowner's right hand. Both men vcrc under the Influence of liquor. Zlegler will probably die. TWO SENTENCED FOR LARCENY Oncnr .Ineknon biiiI lleiinln llnff nt Wllher (ilten Term In I'rlnon. W1LBEU, Neb.. May 11. -(Special ) Oscar Jackson nnd Dennis Hurt wero con victed of larceny from the person of Joseph F. Dowdy, a traveling agent. In Wllber re cently. Jackton was sentenced to four years nnd Huff to eighteen months In the penitentiary. Henry Burroughs Is held on the charge of assault and Is wanted at Beatrice on a serious complaint. They all three hall from that place. Three women, Myrtle Jackson. Isabel Hall and Minnie Brown, were dis charged for want of evidence. VOTE FOR NEW COURT HOUSE People of Tlinjer County Decide to IhMie I'lfl5-l'lc Thouiiniiil in Hood, HEBUON. Neb., May 11. (Special Tele gram.) A special election was held In this county today to decide whether the county should Issue bonds for $53,000, to be used In building a court house. The ptoposl tlon carried by about 6S0 majority. It was also voted to dispose of the county's lots In Hebron, the proceeds to be used on the building. linn Over Inillnim. NIOBRARA) Neb.. May 11. (Special.) E. E. Sheers, a stock raiser, on tho Ponca reserve west of here, started from town on horseback Wednesday night and when he reached the other side of tho river, his horso threw him, rendering blm uncon scious. A wagon load of intoxicated In dians ran over blm before he was picked up by a passing white man nnd carried home. The physician In attendance, re ports that he Is not dangerously injured. IIiiIIh Altnr in Ills Field. XIOnitARA, Xeb.. May 11 (Special.) H. H. York, n farmer south of here, was brought to town by Justice Jones today and taken before the Insanity board. His neighbors complained that his mind had become affected on religious matters and 'he had built an altar out In his field preparatory to making burnt offerings. The board of Insanity, upon his promising to give up his religious practice, sent him home. I'lnttKiuniif h Ciirim nt Tenchera, PLATT5MOUTH, Neb,. May U. (Spe cial.) At the meeting o! the Board of Education the following teachers were elected- Olive Cass, Harriet Packard, Katherlne Woods. M-uy F Jackson, Mary Dvis, Laura Klnkcad, Anna Helsel, Emma A Replenished Stock We have a splendid skirt of silk taffeta, at $10.00. or a man tailored skirt for $10.00. A Wnrm Went her klrt These are unlined. made of the best Scotch and American tweeds, cheviots and worsteds. Creme outing or yacht intr serge, $7.50, ?'J.00, $10.00 and $12.50. i:tnmliie Skirt, HIS.OO Pins tlaretl tlounce lace insert ed silk, small rutlles. Crepe luine silk lined skirt. $25.00. Very elegant with drop silk skirt, llared in the latest model inserted Chantilly scol loped lace. TntTrtii Silk i:ton. KS.OO Tucked and very effective, silk lined. We have a tine ami well assorted line of Peru de Soie and Taffeta at $10.00. $12.50. $15.00, $18.00 to $2S.50. Wnlklnc Skirt Our line being extensive iu higher cost skirts, we have cut prices in this line, making low and medium prices, $1.50. $0.00. $9.00. $10.00, $13.00 to $10.00. Correct styles, plain cheviot, double faced Golf cloth, tweeds, etc. Fine Black Dress Goods Scotch Worntcil, 91.00 For skirts 50 inches wide. Cheviot. no-Inch. 91.2.1 London dyed, shrunk cloth, for tailoring or skirts. Cheviot Serge. 91. .10 50-inch wide, medium weight linn and splendid in every re spect. Trundle Cloth, 91.7.1 Light weight tailor cloth, 40 inch wide, fashionable and ser viceable. Iloenklnn, Veiietlnun, llrnnitelothn We offer a tine range in these cloths. $1.50. $2.25. $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00. Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets. Tresham, Fern Miller. Maude Mason, Myrtlo Lcvlngs, Margaret Farley, Rose Winter ste?n, Mary Trillty, Mrs. Bartlett, .Miss Svoboda, Sallle Thomas, Mabel Hayes, Geno Marshall, Nettle Hawksworth, Lettle Smith. Mattle Williams and Bertha Kennedy. Louise Sttgucr of North Bend, and Misses Loretta Clark and May Balrd were elected to fill vacancies. Oork .IoIiiinoii Get I 'our YenrR. BEATRICE, Neb.. May 11. (Special Tel egram.) Dock Jackson, who has been con fined In Jail at Wllber pending trial for highway robbers, was today sentenced by Judge Stubbs to four years In the peniten tiary at hard labor. Jackson is one of tho crew that has been a terror to this city In days gono past. Iluinholilt . O. I. W. DeleKnte. HUMBOLDT. Neb.. May 11 iSpcclal.t The local Ancient Order of United Work men lodge is sending a large delegation to How Old Are You? About sixty? And yet probably you are not a day over forty 1 At this time of life gray hair adds twenty years to the looks. What is to be done ? Just use Aycr's Hair Vigor, that's all. 'Twill bring back the old. dark color to your gray hair every time, all the dark, rich color your hair used to have. It isn't a dye. something that sud denly changes your hair ; but it's a hair food, something that gradually but surely brings back the old color. Ayer's Hair Vigor also stops falling of the hair, and keeps the scalp healthy. 'I have ued Ayer's Hair Vigor for over thirty years and can testify to ita wonderful merit. It has kept the scalp free from dandruff and the hair sof and glosjy and has prevented it from turning gray." Mrs, F. A. Soulb, Billings, Mont. One dollar A m. a bottle. , us ,on? rt0"lr ni1 we w' "xpress a bottle to vou. Be st l Alt J ' and c,ve ,he nime of 'our ""'Mt express office. All dritggtsts. Addre.i J. C. AVER do., LoweU. Ma,., srvn vm ntr u a vrifnu ..... . w fine Black Dress Goods rollllln, 9I.OO A union of worsted and merino highly serviceable ami popular also, $1.25, $1.50 ,$1.75 and $2.00. Ilntlnte, not A summer delight for waist or entire dress, thin and cool, pure wool, also 75c. 85c, !K)e. if 1.00. $1.25 and $1.50. Illumine. I.reunillne. HitrcKc In patterns, the fancy effects and stripes are confined designs $1.50. $2.00, $2.25. $3.25. $5.00 (Out en for Summer Wenr. BOo nml 7.1c. Suede Lisle, white, black and seasonable colors, made and cut like kit! glove. We have a remarkable value at $1.00. French kid glove, all colors. Colored Dress Goods BOc In the cut price on nil Silk Strlpeit Alhntronn nml Crepe Wnlnt liiKn rull line of pretty nhnilen 50c All colors, Albatross and Hatiste the imported quality. 50c for our best Thai lis (Kochelin Freres), Persians, Floenl, Stripes and all the best styles out. olle tirniilte, H.V- A cloth worth $1.25 practi cal pretty and very modish, all new tones, 44-inch wide. Chei lotn We are selling Scotch and American undyed yarn, and London dyed cloths. $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50. jsew tints in cheviots this season's first production. Veuetlnu Cloth. 11.7.' This $1.75 quality is our leader, a line silky cloth. 52 in. wide. Any shade of the mo ment in stock, also $1.50, $2.25. $3.00, $4.00 and $4.50. White Wornteiln Cheviots, Storm Serge, Yacht ing Serge, for street wear, out ing Yachting. 50-inch wide. at. $1.00. $1.25 and $1.50. Nebraska City to the grand lodge meeting In the Interests of Judgo E. A. Tucker of this city for grand master workman. Judgo Tucker hns practiced law In this county for twenty-two years. lutemtnte Orntorlenl Content, WARRENSHURO, Mo., May 11. (Special.) The sixth annual oratorical contest of the state normal schools of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois nnd Wisconsin took place hero last night. First place was won by Wis-" cousin and second by Kansas. I Hvtreuth Cnf of Munllini. I BEATRICE. Neb., May 11. (Special Tele 1 gram.) Another case of smallpox Is re ported on the south side of the river to ' night. The other flficen cases arc doing 1 well I Mntllvnn 'lynchers Kleeted. , MADISON Neb . May 11. (Special.) The I Hoard of Educrtlon last night elected these ,.. . ii.uBBim iirsi, ji ne cannot supply tou, send us one dollar and we will express a bottle to you. Be sera and rive the nime nf vnnr ..... c. ...... A . c a tf t bwwiv un inl HAIR, Silks that are popular Prices likewise. Wnnli TiifTctn. Ul-lneli ulclr, i.oo Kose, reseda, cadet, white, creme, red. I.nillneiie, 'J'.'-Ill I'll n Mr, $1.00 Tan. navy. rose, cardinal, niingoiiette, cutlet, white black. Illnrk Wnterproiif llnliutiil, -tl-lnch, 11.00 Illnrk t repe ile t hine, '.M-lnch, 11.1)0 A rich lustrous crepe and usual pric(. $1.25. I'oiiKee Silk, '.'II. Inch, itl.OO A highly stylish waist mate rial. Our 35-inch is a grade in popular demand for underwear, shirts, petticoats, etc., price $1.25. t.renmlliii'n, M-lncli, 11,00 Pure silk, best styles of the season in nice variety. Senlim Silk tireiinilliie, -1 1-Inch, 1.SS. This is a plain, serviceable and ever in vogue, and regular price $1.50. Illnrk TiifTctn Silk Special prices 40c, 05c and 75c. Swiss Silk, highly recom mended, 22-inch, 75c and &5c. 27-inch American silk $1.00. A full line of warranted and pure dye Silk Taffetas, 85c to $3.00. 54-inch war ranted Taffeta. Colore.! TiifTctn, 7."c Every fashionable shade in stock, reliable wearing quali ties assured. 27-inch Taffeta, all colors, $1.00. I'nnlnrit Sllkn, 7.r, M",r, 11. OO Our highest, grade which is Cheney Pros.' best. The best and to us confined styles, are $1 yard, and in patterns only. teachers: R. O. Mossman, superintendent; Mrs, Bohannou, MIfpos Edna Richardson, I Grace Rummans, Kntherln Bloomer. Mario , Snure. Mac Alderson. Katherlne n.iv. Kus- tockherm, Cnrrnhcr, Amelia Bauck nnd 11. 1). Grant ntlnnnl llnnk for Crrlulilon. CREK1HTON. Neb.. May 11. (Special.) Crelghton Is to have a national bank. W. II. Huttcrfleld & Son are Its founders. A brick building will be erected at once. CrelKhto.. I'.lcuiKir Ik .Solil. CREIGHTON. Neb.. May 11. (Special.) The elevator of W. H. Huttcrfleld & Son of this place, was sold to tho Updike Grain company last week for $7,500. I'roat nt Out III Cllj. DAVID CITV. Neb.. Miy 11. (Special ) A light frost was noticeable hero thla morning, but not heavy enough to lnjura vegetables or fruit.