Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1901, Page 22, Image 29

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AdrerlUetnenlii for thene columns
will lift UIipu until 12 ft), for Ihn
evening edition anil until 4;.10 p. m.
for moraine and Monday edition.
Rate. 1 l-3o a wor flrat luertlon,
lo a word tlierenrter. Nothing taken
for leaa than Slfto for the Aral lner
tlna. Tint ad vertlaemRnta must b
ran cnateeatlrel jr.
Advertisers, by requesting a num
bered cheek, can hnre anatrera ad
dreaaed to a unmhered letter In care
of The lice. Aninera ao addreaaed will
he delivered am prearnlntloa of tha
ekeak oaly.
WANTED, position ns dry goods clerk; 7
yeais' experience; good reference. Ad.
dress 213 H. 21th St. A -854 12
wa.v.i:i-mam: iiui.i.
1 ANTED We havu steady worK for ii few
good hustlers oC good habits nml appear
mice, C. F. Adams Co., 1WJ Howard at.
LARHKR tmdo taught thoroughly In short
time; catalogue und particulars free.
Western Harbors' Institute. Omaha. Neb,
U 30o
A ANTHD, men to learn barber trade; only
eight weeks required; special offer to hp
pllcntitn from distance, board, tools nml
tdmlarshlp, busy season; $12 to Jl., weekly
paid graduates. Call or write, Moli r Uur
bcr College, 1623 Fnrnain st. H Mu.'l W
WANTKD. assistant engineer, capable of
operating steam and refrigeration plu'it;
Hluta age, experience and sulary expected,
also If married or single Address P 00,
Uce. U 7ol
WANTED, a reliable man to call on tho
barber trade; muse furnish references ami
have a small capital. Cincinnati Perfume
Co., Cincinnati. O. H-M786 16
WANTED, experienced soda, water dis
penser to ro lo Atlantic, lu. Apply D. J.
o'Hrlrn Co., 1201 llowurd iitrcot.
H-M7S2 12
PERSONS wanted everywhere who can
write meritorious sketches, article; or
Htorles; nood pay. Literary Hureutt, 'Mi
Cuxton hide., Chicago. H-MWO 12
WANTED, 2 salesmen for Nebraska and 2
for Iowa. Call or address 03S I'nxtnn blk.
ll-M8l'l 12
WANTKD. thoroughly competent male
stenoKrapher. Address 8 3, Hee.
H-M7W .2
WANTED, salesmen for 1900 census map;
wrlto for terms, George F. Cram, 21
tjtiliicy St., Chicago. It
CIGAIl salesmen, pood pay: experience un
necessary Emanuel & Co., 2QS Hunt 106
street, New York. H
WANTED Good business man lu each
principal city to conduct cash business.
Guaranteed by local banks. 111k returns
Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish
food references nml I6U0 cash Address,
.. It. II.. P. O. Uox 715, Cincinnati, O.
OOVERNMENT positions, where they nrc,
how obtained, salaries paid; particulars
free; wrlto for circular. 151, National Cor
respondence Institute, Washington, O. C.
MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, fire
men, etc., new 40-pnge pamphlet contain
ing questions asked by Examining Hoard
of Engineers. Sent free. Geo. A. Heller,
I'ubllslier, St. Louis. Mo. U-
THOROUGH! A experienced furniture
packer; only those who have had long
experience and can come recommended
need apply. Orchard it Wllhelm Carpet
Co. U-SI2 12
WANTED, experienced snlesmen, visiting
the drug and general store trade, to ban
die a Halablo line on liberal commls"loii.
AdclreK-4 with reference, Hollander, Kosll
liin.l ,fc Co., Haltlmore, Md. H-MSI.1 II
AVANTED, fully competent bookkeeper, to
tako charge of a set of commercial books.
A 1 n-rorences rentUrcd. Stata salary
expected. Address 8 10, lice olllce.
11-M9C6 II
WANTED, 11") men for Mansfield produc
tion. Apply at stage entrance, Monday
morning, H a. in. IJ 964 12
WANTED, snlesmen everywhere; salary or
commission: permanent. Hrown Ilros. Co.,
Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. 11
WANTED, dog catcher; liberal terms to
the right mini. Apply Monday morning
between 10 und 12 o'clock to the Pound
muster, room 406 City Hall. H-933 12
AVANTED, representatives lu Nebraska,
men ot experience, on salaries. Call or
address H. F. Mlsselwltz, mnnagcr of tho
1-idellty Mutual Life Insurance Co., 214
Ileo hldg., Omaha, Neb. R-M1B2 13
WANTED, help, both sexes, do copying nt
homo; good pay for few hours' work each
day; no experience necessary; steady
work for some months; enclose stamp.
I lopla Advertising Co., Detroit. Mich.
R-M9I3 12
WANTKD. reliable parties (nil localities)
for detectives; sclf-nddressed envelope for
particulars. North American Detective
Hunan, Chicago. R 9!9 12
HALESMKN wanted to carry ns n side lino
dry goods specialties and blankets, di
rect from the looms. Must sell the coun
try nnd cross-road trade. Address the
l.akewood company, P. O. Hox 411, Phila
delphia, Pa. H-S31 12
WANTED, energetic man at $12 weekly,
pit Id direct from this otllce. Increase In
six weeks; other advancements; old es
tablished tirm; references required. Mali
nger, 40 Spurllng, Elgin, III. H-830 12
WANTED, n salesman calling on the coun
try trndo to sell our fnll line of dry goods
specialties on commission. A good sldo
line. Address Frank D. La Lunne & Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa, R 829 12'
HELP wanted, man with $.800 to manago
distributing depot for our paint products;
salary. $l,2n0. Address Consolidated Paint
and Oil Co., lndlunupolls, liul.
IJ-82S 12
A lOUNO man with natural talent to train
as newspaper nrtlst; write for free circu
lar lesson by mall. School of Curlcnttire,
World building, New York. R-S55 12
MEN to distribute clrculnrB. samples, etc.,
good pay, no canvassing. Rroailwuy Spe
cialty Co., 741 Hroadway, Now York.
U-862 12
SALESMAN wanted to carry lino of garden
hose nnd rubber: several enrn large sums
during spring months; soma with us for
oyer 20 years. Mineralized Rubber Co.,
New Aork. U-S61 12
CIVIL service government positions; ubout
H,5t) appointments were made last year;
Piobably 10,000 this year; those standing
highest ut tho examinations soon to bo
held will secure these positions; catalogilo
of Information free. Columbian Torre-
spondence College, Washington, D. c
R MX) 12
WANTED, a salesmnn for stnplo line; w
l'llUslV;, salurj or commission. Address
P ti6, Ilee. R S59 12
TyU:I'xPe!ilnnco'., salesmen In Northland
Sotilh Dakota and Nebraska to represent
old established manufacturing house
among retail merchants; ilfty dollars per
week above expenses; rvb references.
Address Room 1615, 315 Dearborn st.. Chi
cugo. US5J ,;.
V ANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of
food products: offer good opportunity;
glvo fully your past experience. Hox 517
Chicago, 111. U-S57 12
WANTKD, trustworthy man to travel nnd
collect: salary $65 monthly and expenses,
permanent position. Address Smith Mirr
354 Dearborn St.. Chicago. ii-ssq )S ! '
K LEVATOR conductor for noon only must
be familiar with electric and have good
written recommendations. Charles t"
Williamson. 120.1 Farnam st., U. 8. ;
tlonnl bank hldg. H-M953i3
WANTED, experienced salesmen for coun
try iraue; koou reieroucea required. Ap
ply to Hnyden nros. H 935 12
WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing: good pay. Sun Advertts.
lng nureuu, Chicago. H--917 12
WANTED, on and after May 16 150 men to
work lu our licet neids. Hiauduru cattle
Company, Ames, Neb, H M927 is
WANTED, experienced soap salesman;
must bo thoroughly competent; stnto age,
experience and salary. Address SS. Hee.
U M926
WANTED, an experienced traveling sales,
man to sell liquors to the faintly trade In
central Nebraska; stute terms and pre
vious experience by addressing Grand
Island Uqiior nnd Cigar Co.. Grand
Island, Nci). u i.
WANTKD. a blcyclo renalrcr. N'eb. Cycle
salesmen WA.NTnn.
SALESMEN, automatic copying book,
greatest seller of the century, needed by
every buslne's man. n bonanza for ngents.
Pershing .Mfg Co., South ltend, l'"d.
SPECIALTY salesmen of good appearance
Htid address, must have a clean record
and give bond; permanent position It
sales are satisfactory. Address Hox oil,
WANTED, traveling salemen to solicit the
general merchandise trade; must be up
to date; specialty men preferred. Hox
W, Ht. Louis, Mo. -912 12
WANTKO, llrst-clnss salesmen for staple
line, must command good salary. Address
A. T. 8., P. O. Drawer O. Iowa City, Iowa.
yij 12
WANTKD, for new, practical otllce spe
cialties, responsible, experienced nles
men; excluslvo territory given. I'nlversal
Specialty Co., 52 Dearborn St., Chicago.
-913 12
TO SPECIALTY snlesmen, capable of rtic
cessfully handling large ptoposltlotis. wo
will pay salary of $5" per month; best
selling line, on the market; no experiment:
quick sales; large orders; extraordinary
Inducements to nil kinds of trade; we r re
established and thoroughly responsible;
reference. Address 8 2, Hee. t"pJ-
SALESMAN, wanted by Juno 1; traveler
for Nebraska nnd Iowa; natural ability
ami atitness will count for more than ex
perience; high commission contract,
staph1 line, references; bond and entire
time required; tlrst-elass men only nejd
apply. E. L. Hlco, 3.1 Congress St.. De
troll. Mich. -SuS 12
8ALKSMKN, responsible manufacturer and
wholesaler will employ two grocery 'ales
men for this state: permanent territory;
good salary to right men Address 8 1,
lice. 'Ml 12
.WE nay $25 a week nnd expenses to men
with rig to Introduce poultry remedies;
enclose stamp. Eureka Mfg. Co., dept. 2,
Marshall. Mo, -900 12
WANTKD, salesmen, $30 month nnd com
missions, sell staple lino at wholesale to
retailers. Address with reference, Walter
G. Simmons & Co.. 33'i W. 2d st., Cin
cinnati. O. -905 12
TRAVELING salesman wanted for cstah
llshcd house, no technical knowledge nec
essary, but simply nil around hustler of
good appearance and address; tlrst-elass
line, special contract; entire time re
quired ; references. Hox 251. Detroit. Mich.
-915 12
MANUKACTt'HKK wants salesman to
travel. J150 per month. Enterprise Co.,
Kf. 5th ave.. Chicago, III. -S39 12
W A . 'I I J I -!' H.M A 1.11 1 1 U I, I".
WANTED, .W gills. 1524 Dodge.
Tel. S76.
DRESSMAKING tnught thoroughly: Fys
tern received highest award at Paris, 1W0.
McDowell Dri'ssmaklng School, 2tf) 8. 15th
St., rooms 515-51t Karbach blk. C 308
WANTED, lady Turkish both operator;
must have had good experience. Apply
room 22u, Ueo building. C C52
WANTED, housekeeper In small family;
no washing. Address P 10, Uce. C 271
WANTED, girl for general housework, S29
California st. Mrs. W. K. Potter.
c ity
LADIES wanted to learn halrdrcsslng,
iiianlcjrlug. massage or chiropody, from
lour to eight weeks reiiulrcil. Complete
outllt of tools presented each student.
Positions secured In best establishment.)
lu city. Comparatively no expense. Call
or write Molcr College, 16J3 Farnam St.
C M521 15
RELIABLE help. Canadian olllce, 1522 Doug.
C 775
WANTED, Immediately, twenty waist and
skirt hands and live good sleeve, makers,
Address Secblck's Dres.stnakltif, Depart
ment Deadwood, 8. Dakota.
C M5C2 1 1
WANTED. Ilfty girls to make overalls,
shirts, mints, duck clothing, etc.: steady
employment at good wanes. Apply at
onco to -Hy rue & Hammer D. G. Co., 12th
ami iiowiini his. y n,oi i
IMMEDIATELY, competent girl about 16
to help do houacwoiK. 1305 So. 32d St.
C-772 II
GOOD girl for general housework, German
or Uohemltin preferred; small family;
steady position 1531 So. 20th.
WANTED, competent girl for Rencrnl
housewoik; references required. Mrs.
Ruchaiiun, 1023 Georgia Ave. C 777
WANTED, two experienced laundry girls.
Permanent place. Homo Laundry. L. O.
Paxton. Sac City. Ia. C-M7S3 13
WANTED, ii competent girt In n fnmtly of
two. Apply ut 1013 Georgia ave. Mrs. W.
J C-M798 12
LADIES wanted to manage a business nt
their homes; pays $10 to $30 a week;
small Investment, no risk; samples and
particulars tree. Tho linger Co., South
Rend. Ind C
LADIES wanted to do embroidery and Rut
tenberg at their homos: steady work.
Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. C
LADIES wanted to sell my famous reme
dies and complexion beuutlllnr; 100 to 200
per cent prollt guaranteed. Agent's sam
ple outllt sent for Inspection. Mrs. Dr. J.
L. Smith. South Hend. Ind. C
WANTED, fully competent Indy book
keeper, to tako charge of a set of com
mercial hooks; A 1 references required;
salary $15 per month. Address fi I 1L Rec.
1 fcixi 1 1
WANTED, men nnd women to copy letters,
$5 to $6 weekly, working evenings; work
mailed on application; enclose stamp.
Toledo Novelty Supply Co., Toledo, Ohio.
C 8C9 1-
LADIEsTglrl'. earn $5 to $12 weekly; no
canvassing; mntcrlals furnished. Address
with stamp, Old English Art Co., Cleve
land, Ohio C-S6-S 12
HOME WORK. $6 tp $15 weekly: no enn
vasslng; wo navo several lines to give
out; sotno to copy letters; an hour or two
evenings will add $5 to $6 to your weekly
Income; enclose stamp; work sent nny
distance. Address Eagle Mfg. Co., 4uS
Spltzer hldg., Toledo, O. C-S67 12
"LADY to travel and collect In Nebraska
for reliable llrm; salary $63 monthly nnd
nil expenses; send references and self
addressed envelope for reply. Address
Manager, 702 Star Rldg., Chicago.
C 866 12
r. a MIES wnnted to work on sofn pillows;
materials rurnisnen; sienuy wont guaran
teed, experience unnecessary; t-end stamp
ed envelopo to Miss S. McGee, Needle
Work Dep't, Ideal Co., Chicago.
C-863 12
WANTF.n. women nnd clrls to do needle
work nt nome; material iiirnisneii; roiiu
pav, no canvassing, experience unncces.
sary Address with stamp. Modern Sup
ply Co., Central Hank Rldg., Chicago.
C-S6I 12
LADIES sell newly patented skirt sup
porter, nest invention or century; ntso
catalogue of lato Invented novelties, light,
nine sellers, free samples, Davles Mfg
Co.. Chicago. C-663 12
AT ONCE, competent girl for general
house work; references required. Mrs,
Geo. R. Ooss, 3027 Chicago. C M916
LADIES wanted everywhere nddress en
velopes home evenings; successrtll up
Fllcunts make good pay; any quantity
urnlshed; end addressed envelope; par
ticulars, Manager, Dept. 74, Hox 1600,
Philadelphia. C-S32 12
AVANTED. experienced saleswomen for
inee. trimminc ami uosiery departments.
Rnston Store, Omaha, J. L. Urandels &
Sons. vi
WANTED, girl for genernl housework
must be a good cook. 621 S. 20th st.
C 93 12
WANTKD, Industrious men and womon In
every town to worK lor us ai ineir nomep;
llr. onill'fioulhl.' 1111 U'lll Ht.nil Wfirlf lltlV
distance; Wo have several lines of work
to ulvn nut. some of which rcoulres no
experience; If ou can t devoto tho whole
day to our work, you enn earn $3 or $6 a
wpvk ii j woraing nu notir or two even
lugs, Address Standard Mfs. Co., 112 W
23d st New York,
WALL PAPER ami fresco cleaned reason
able: satisfaction guaranteed. Ch. Witnd
eriiu, io.; i ii st. I'pone 2M!,
D-M931 It
IF you want your houses well rented place
them with uenuwa & Co, D 309
TO move right, get Omaha Vnn Storage
(0., ouicc, loiirt arimm, or let. la-Mvl.
ron iicm'-nouns.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city.
Hrcnnnn-Lovc Co., 320 South 13th street.
Houses, stores.
tie mis, Paxton Dlock,
HOU8KS, etc.
F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
HOUSES and flats.
Rlngwalt, Unrker block.
HOUSES wanted.
Wallace, ISrown block.
DESIRAHLE Hut, 5 rooms, to small family.
2.V1 Pierce st D MJM 12
FOUR rooms, modern, $11.00. PCS N. 27 St.
D-M3SI Mr-29
LARGE 12-room residence on the North
boulevard, will paint, paper and make
what Improvements arc necessary. Rent,
16th and Douglas.
FOR RENT, strictly modem Hat. Davldgo
building, opposite city hall,
j-room modern houn?, 3006 MaBon St., near
park, nice lawn and shade, $.!5.
2903 S. 17TH ST., seven-room house, city
water in kitchen; will paper and paint to
suit good tenant; block trom So. Omaha
car: rent, $15. Omaha Loan & Trust Co.
CI IAS E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnnm st.
209 8. 27TH, 7-room cottage, city water, $12.
A. P. Tuke, Hoard of Trnde. D-SI72) 9
UNEQUAILED, nil modem seven-room
houso; live-room Hat; four-room Mat.
Tlzard, 221 N. 21th St. D-M712 II
FOR RENT, 2121 Sherman ave.. 10-r.. mod
ern, $35. Ryron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th.
TO LET, a most desirable home, 13 rooms,
Inrge lawn and barn; $75 per month.
TO LET. 8-room dwelling; every conveni
ence. Completed about May 20; $40 per
month. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320
Farnam st. D 790 12
FOR RENT, unfurnished suites for light
housekeeping; also 3-room lint. Inqulro
nt Room 11. 70S 8. 16th. D-M795 12
H12 N. 17th St.. good 3-r. Hat. only $7.
1520 Canton St.. good l-r. cottage, city
watet Inside, $7.
1S37 N. 21th St.. choice 6-r. llat. $13.
4203 Farnam St., llnest C-r. till modern
cottngo lu Omaha, Just prettily papered,
now ready for choice tenant at $25.
Ml S, 17th St.. S-r., all modern, close In,
only $27 50. Will rent to two lamllles.
4332 Grant St., 9-r. modern house, half
block from Walnut Hill car, nicely
papered, only $20.
2201 Ohio St.. splendid 10-r. nil modem
house, Just beautifully papered, one block
from two car lines, all for $2.S, or $30 with
good barn. Snap.
Henry h, payne, coi-2 n. y. life.
D-S24 12
FOR the summer, furnished 9-room house
In West Farnam dlstltct. S 6, Hee.
D-SI3 12
2325 8. 18th st.. 5 rooms, city water, $9.
2Mh and Dewey ave., 4-room llat, hath nnd
closet, $s.
21st and Hurdette sts., 3 and 4-room Hats,
bath and closet, $8.
2325 California st., 10 rooms, modern, $.U.
We have several furnished houses for rent.
PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, 1st lloor, N. Y.
Life Hldg. D-Sll 12
FOR RENT, until fall. 7-room furnished
cottage near High school, modern, $23.00
per month. References required. Ad
dress P 58, nee. D S72 12"
For house painting Hint will stand, nrtlstlc
colors, moderate prices, 'phone 2092, A. H.
Clark, 2703 Leav., fot cost. D-M871 17
FOR RENT, from Juno 1 to September 1.
modern furnished house. Inquire at 27(9
Farnam st. D-MS70 1.1
3221 HARNEY. S rooms, modern! nice "yard.
$35. 2024 Hurt, 9 rooms, modem, $30. 2409
i-npnoi ave., k roms, modern, is'l. Nil
North 21st, 1 rooms, $10. 1538 North 20th.
4 rooms, $8. Others. Rlngwalt Hros.. Dar
ker R'ock. D M921
11-ROOM modern resilience, 518 South 22d
street, rent payable lu hoard for man and
wife; references exchanged. D M922
216 S. 31ST. ave., S rooms, modern, fine lo
cation, wmi Do put in good repair, new
ldtimblng. etc.. $15.
19th f.nd Webster, 8 rooms, modern except
furnace, close In, will bo vncnnt soon.
1910 Hlnney, 10 rooms, modern, nlcelv lo
cated, in ivoumzc I'nce, wn, ue put in
good renalr. $31.
628 Cnpltol nve.. 7 rooms, modern. I2n.
1512 Webster, store, near Elkhoru depot. $15.
R. C. PETERS & CO., !7i2 FARNAM.
D-921 12
9-ROOM house near Hnnscom park. In lino
condition, rein wi.iHj.
ituii anu uougiun ais.
D M963
.'22 IZARD St 5-room modern llat, $12.
The Ryron Reed Co., 212 So. llth St.
FURNISHED house for summer months;
nne mention nnu central. Address K 15,
Hee. D-976 12
836 S. 19th st., 9-room modern house.
porcelain bath, gas, furnace, cemented
Inundry, with stone tubs, newly painted
and papered In llrst-class condition.
D 98"! 12
9-ROOM house, 1512 Davenport: furniture)
ror sale. II .11932 13
DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farmim.
E 320
THE THURSTON, 15th and Jnckson; steam
THREE nlco
rooms, light housekeeping,
1112 S. llth.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $G up. 2623 St.
juary s. . is msbs m
THREE furnished rooms.
Tlzard, 221 No.
JC 750 11
3 NEWLY papered rooms, furnished or tin
rurnisnen; housekeeping, -vu Dodge st.
E-792 13
ROOMS. 1906 Cnpltol ave.
E-7S9 13
FOR RENT, modern up-to-date, two fur-
nisueii rooms, second noor. in.o soutn
22d St. E-S13 13
FOR RENT, well furnished front room,
with large closet, gas and bath; private
family, 1807 Cass st. E-96'J 12
LARGE east room, light and cool, sttltablo
tor two, modern house, close in, on car
line, 8 12, Hee. E963 12
1709 CALIFORNIA, sulto of front rooms for
light Housekeeping. E 871 12'
4 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping;
modern, with hath; South Omaha car line.
1557 North litll. E SJ3 12
A SNAP, three strictly clean furnished
rooms for light housekeeping ut reason
able price to couple without children.
Addrets S 14, Hee. E-956 12
THREE furnished
housekeeping rooms.
1561 Sherman nve.
K-996 13
FURNISHED front bedroom, to a lady;
can do light housekeeping. 1011 S. 23d.
E--9)l 12
FURNISHED" south" back parlor, with
linnr,!. 'Ml, linn,. I ia ut I.1 to7 1J
SOUTH room, with board,
iron Capitol
H M'JM 15"
11 R.Milli:i) lltlUji.i ..All HOARD.
UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-322
GLENCAIRN, transients, $1,25 day. 1609 Doug.
i1 .i.j
THE Merrlam, summer resort. 23 & Dodge.
LARGE south front parlor, ulso smaller
rooms, wmi io,iru. tho uoso, .'km Harney
ON MAY 15. ono larito front room with al
cove and large closets; also one pleasant
southeast room for ono or two nnrHous.
good bourd; terms reasonable. 2u7 South
-nil m. F-M7S0 16
A NICE south room.
25th Ave.
Tho Pratt, 212 So.
ROOMS and board. 411 N.
25th st.
ROOMS with hoard. 2213 Hownrd.
F-MS73 14
FURNISHED room and bourd. 1S10 Chicago.
F-M923 H
I" CI II llll.Vr-t.M'l llMMinl) ROOM.
DESK room space, $5 per month, ground
floor room In The Hoc bulldln. facing
Farnam street; no expenso for light, heat
or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, lice building. U 416
UNFURNISHED for housekeeping to mar
ried muplc. liiiiulrc at 2021 8t. Mary's
Ave. G-M762 12
5 UNFI'RNISHED chambers for man and
wife. 319 North 17th St G-S14
FOR RENT. 2 pleasant rooms for light
housekeeping nr unfurnished, modern
house. 2622 Caldwell st. Cull morning or
evening. U-M? 12
3 UNFURNISHED rooms, modern. 2211
Douglns st G-997 12
PLEASANT, ncwlv papered unfurnished
rooms, with board; prlvnte family tiear
Hansconi park; hoJse modern; use of
barn. S 19. Hee. O tl '2
FIVE large rooms, modern, easy walking
distance from business center, Hj blocks
from car, $13 per month. S 13, Hee.
G-939 12'
ll AltDIMi.
WILL exchange furniture of five-room cot
tage for two rooms with good board for
man nnd wife. Address S 9, Hee.
H-972 12
for itn.vr-yniiiiw ami offices.
FOR RENT, store In llrst-clnss location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A:
Co., ground lloor, Ueo Hldg. 1 2w3
FORRENT, lho building formerly occu
pied by Tho Ueo at 916 Farnam st. It has
lour stories and a basement which wus
formerly used us Th Ueo press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at oulo to C. C. Rosu
water, secretary, room 100, Ueo building,
FOR RENT, store rooms, cor. 2Sth and
Dodge, old established grocery and meat
stand. Appl to Thomas llurrowman, up
stairs, on premises, or to Win. J Wei
shails, 309 8. 17th st. I SIS 12
FOR RENT, to tailor, pnrt of storo room
ut 1301 Douglas st. 1-923 12
AliE.M'S WA.M'Kll.
WANTED Cuuvnsrlng ngcntB in every
county to solicit ttuuscnpllons for THE
TOR. This splendid oook contains 1.400
Imperial octuvo pugos, 6U0 object-teaching
uugruvlngu, una Is tho only book on
llvu block ever published adapted to tha
every-day, prucilcul, money-suving use
ot evr funncr und stock owner, steady
employment, with uaaured good Income.
AULiitd in thu coun'.iy Willi horau una
buggy especiuU;' dtslrcd. Cuiivussvi'4
tnuku cushy $M to $lc0 per mouth. Ad
dicts Century Furiner auilcltow Uurcuu,
Ueu Handing, umaha. J 187.
MAX or woman wanted to employ and su
perintend agents; per weeK salary and
uxpuiiKcs; pei'iuaitelit position, i-.teglor Co.,
52u Motion ultlg., Chicugo. J Aiw2 12
,12 DAILY made by art'cuts selling our
claim hlo to merchant and physicians.
Sayers t Co., D. M, 10s Olive St., St.
Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS, you need my goods; free sam
ples; purilculais; urlle today. Sayman,
St. i.ihiIs, Mo. J
LADY ugents, your opportunity; Hygcla
Straight Frcnl und Military Corsets are
money makers Every woman wunts one.
For terms apply Department D, Western
Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo. J
WANTED, agents lo cll new 1901 model
Crown Prince Hold-fuel shirt waist and
skirt supporters; no pins used; sells on
sight; llvu ugents make. $5 a day. Ad
dicss Mrs. 11. M.' Ordwuy, Ueuver Dam,
Wis. J-93! 12
MANUFACTURING firm of sound tlnnnclal
standing Just .starting In business wants
two general agents lor this und every
state; you clear $30 weekly; tho article
wo control Is staple und patented, sold In
tilt stores; oti get exclusive territory;
we answer and send trial samples only to
applicants whose letters convince us that
they mean business and h.ivo the neces
sary capital. $10 to $75, to Invest In goods.
J lowland Co., I lowland block, Chicago.
J-936 12
GOOD AGENTS everywhere for latest of-
nce specialty; sens useii, wun large
profit; agents coining money; write nt
once for special terms. Am. Iick-Crank
Co.. Mllwuukee, Wis J 8S3 12
AGENTS wanted for the best and only
positive skirt stippoiter ever Invented.
George N. Sceels, 43 Commerce, bldg..
Chicago. J !)Si2 12
now, to read, rest, write, study, smoae
or snooze In ;pleuscs everybody. Write
to C. S. Heebe, Racine, Wis. J SSI 12
MAN cleared $1,182, lady $H20 last six montlm
Introducing llolladayH .Marvel Water
proof shoo polish, helf-shlnlug, russet or
black; why not you? demonstrated sam
ples f re, . Holladny & Co., Room 433,
188 Monroo st., Chicago, III., soli! manu
facturers. J-S8I 12
SALESMEN, city or country; quick sales;
nig proui"; ouiiits iree; no capital or
experience required; write for particulars.
Alpine Flteproof Safe Co., Llnciiinuti, O.
J-S8S 12
WANTED, lady cleared $s.30 each day In
Aiaicn introducing our cieeine garter;
ypu can do It, or wc pay $75 per month
and expense!,; pamphlet free; agents
wanted everywhere Elcetrlo Medical
Gnrtor Works. It 11, Cincinnati, O.
J-8S7 12
$6.flh A DAY easily made hy men or women
taxing orders ior our new siyio metallic
bread board; bonanza for ugents; best
seller out; write for .special terms and
sample. Metallic Hreail Hoard Co., Hox
20-), Cambridge, O. J 880 12
TALCUTINE. wanted ugents to .sell this
greui louei preparation; destroys odor of
perspiration, liberal commission; ladles
preferred. Talcullne Powder Co., F.Mitlnl
building, Washington, D. C. J 885 12
WANTED, general and local agents, name
plates, signs, numbers, readable darkest
nights; samples free. Right Supply Co.,
Engluwood, HI. J 880 I2
AGENTS for la'est combination skirt nnd
wulst holder, sells on sight; write for pnr
tlculars. Moeller Mfg. Co., Indianapolis,
ind. J 879 12"
OUR "International Atlas." new census edt-
tlnn. Is a big book for $2.50 retail; sells on
sight. Write for free sample and our In
ducements to agents, lllff .t Co.. Chicago.
J-87S 12
$10 OUTFIT frco to start energetic man
who can Inter put up $130 and carry that
amount of stuck; must be capable of tak
ing charge of slate and employ sub-agents;
business worth $500 monthly no scheme.
Imperial Mfs. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
J 877 12
AGENTS, drop trash; sell steel pens and
build up a business of your own; every
Inducement given to hustleis; exclusive
territory. Nlctelold Pen Compnny. New
Haven, Conn J 876 12
AGENTS make 6 dally selling the cheapest
und most perfect waiter litter oer In
vented; retails ut $1.50; big profit ; ex
elusive tcirllory. Senecu Filter Co.. Sen
ecu. Mo. J-M918 Jell
$1(0 MONTHLY: new p.itent metallic bread
boards; sample Iree. Foi'sheo Co., Clu
clnnutl, O. J-914 12
GOOD territory for ngents; the munuf.ic
Hirers of Wllbert'M Non-Alcoholic Flavor
ing Powders and tlve other popular rpo
claltles, want ludy or gentlemen agents
everywhere to represent them. Rest goods
on tile market; $5 u duy und more cuslly
mud"; ImndsomcHt packuges and quick
sellers; used by all housekeepers; write
at once tur catalogue, tree. The Iron
City Pharmacul Co., Dept. K, Allegli.-.iy,
WANTED, agents for Household Ne-es-slip's;
big wiirch earned by good ngents;
terms sent tor 2-ccnl stump. d9 Acme Co.,
Manteno, III. J- 8-tf 11"
MAKE MONEY Conduct mnl'-order busi
ness; we start you. furnish everything,
particulars: for slump. Central Hupiil
Co . KuntiuH I'ltv. Mo. .1- 8 LI 12
.vi nitAtii:.
PACIFIC Slornge und Warehouse Co., 912
914 Jones, general storugo und fonurdtng
OM. Van Slor. Co.. I5lltji Farn. Tels. 15i')A6j,
WA VI EII-TO ni;i.
I WANT to buy snaps In small houses and
lots or vacant Inls well located, statu
price and locution nr will not be consid
ered. . U. ahafir, Uox 131, P. u
N M9i8 li
u wrr.n-ro nt v.
HOTEL of good cnp.tclty, doing pood busi
ness, In county feat town; will buy furnl
tttro nnd Ilxtures, must be bargain: give
full particulars. Address S Sf, Hee.
N-.MW3 13
FOR .V1,1.-I l ll.M'l LRU.
Tel, 2020. New ,t 2dhand furniture bougnt,
gold, exchanged. O-d.'U
UPHOLSTERING, 16th Si 11 Worth. Tel. 1161
O 492
HOUsliHOLD furniture. SIS S. 19th st.
O-MWJ 13
FOlt SU.E, top buggy, good condition;
your offer Is my price, If it is right. O.
M. Hart. 1307 Jones St. I'-MSj-.i
FoirSALE, 2-seated family carriage, 3l"ip
son make, $123. 1511 Farnam St. l'-6u2
LISTEN to the band. I Invo your vehicles
tep'd by 11. Frost, llth und ll-worth.j
GOOD bargains In extension top currlages:
1 at $23. ("1.
1 ill J35.W.
1 at JI3.00.
All leather tops, splendid bargains.
1 good canopy-top surrey tor single horse,
JV0.W. . , ,,
1 six-passenger cxtcn:lon top cntrlagc, nil
newly painted and repaired; big bargain
for Utile money.
P-M730 15
SPEEDING wagon, twentieth century gear,
rubber tire; haeti driven little, but good
03 new. O. M. Hart. 1307 Jones St.
P 773
YOUNG family horse, phneton ntu har
ness for sale at 27ol Woolworth ave. Como
Monday or after l'-S9 12
FOR SALE, a second-hand top buggy
(Snyder makn), $23; one road wagon In
good condition, $25; ono rubber-ttre Moyer
spring buggv, $lo; one phaeton. $50; one
rubber tiro runiiDOtlt, $7.. F. A. Htielow,
1311 Jones St. P-M932 13
i.'nii s.M.E. Ctttunder surrey. Slmnson's
make, would take a good tresh cow In
part payment. Address F, Hee niilee,
Council Uluffs. I'-PSO 12
F ( uTb A l,E Ml CII I.A.N EOl'S.
i3vw"DUSTr cheapest posts, poultry t hf g
tence. IWl Douglus. Q 32S
2DHAND sufo cheap.
Dcrlght, 1119 Farnam
SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 111 8. 13.
Q .3U
TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed und
coal. Monroe & Co., bOU N. Pith. Tel.,9.1.
tj i to
WIRE fence for poultry, Relglan hare, hog
Held or lawn
wiro vorKs,
617 8. 16th 8l.
Q M8I8 Jy7
FRESH cow nnd culf, right good futility,
big. rich milker; picket broke und nil
right. Turner, 3Uth und Center.
SUIT clothes not called for will cll for
cost labor anil muterlal. Stephen J.
llroderlck, tailor, 1617 Farnnm.
CJ 070 12
FOR SALE or trade, 20th century soda
fountain In rotunda ot Hee bldg. Apply
A. A. Kelkcnuey, 21C 8. 17th st . cRy.
FOR SALE, n fresh cow, at 3328 Rilgglcs
St. Q-8M 12
FRESH cows to sell or exchange for dry
cows, will buy any kind of cows. '1, G.
Ingi-nham, stock yards, South Omnha.
Tel. 1336. Q-M92S 13
FOR SALE, at a bargain, strictly up-to-date
street sprinkler, In good condition;
capacity, 730 gallons; sumo us used In
Omaha. F. H. Shtlltz, Stuntoli, Neb.
Q-M990 t3
A SNAP, 7.6S0 ncres In Sherman county,
Texas, n. new line of Rock Island Hy.
Investigate this. Address Fred W Cald
well, T. P. A , C. R. 1 & P., 1323 Farnam
St.. Omaha. Q-9J9 12
Tells the name und object of call with nit
asking a single question. There nre no
mistakes In the predictions made by MRS.
HENRY. Do yon wish to know If It Is
advisable to lnuke u change In RUB!
COUPLES, tells you what day or month
Is successful for you, gives yon power to
control others Nothing Is omitted. Diag
noses and cures diseases of all descrip
tions, while In u clairvoyant Htale.
Hours: 9 to 8, dally and Sunday.
S-93S 12
'the greatest exponent In tho art of palm
istry todiy is OMAHA'S FAVORITE.
MME. GYLMER. She has had few equals
und no superiors, nnd today stands recog
nized ns the leader of her profession. It
you nro In trouble consult this celebrated
lady. Her advice Is sure to benefit you.
As a prognostlcator she W a phenomenon.
Her predictions arc always absolutely ac
curate. She tells Just what the lines In
the palm Indicate and they don't lie. She
Is u genuine pjlmlsi and claims nothing
more. Through palmistry she rends the
past, present und future us though It
were a printed code Parlor In Granite
Hlock, 315 S. 15tll St., 3d lloor, take ele
vator. S-937 12
THE future can be told. Prof. Albertus,
the famous clairvoyant and palmist, has
startled the entire world. Ills readings
are conceded to be the best. He con
vinces nil who cull of Ills remarkable
power by telling them anything they de
sire lo know concerning their life. Olllce
16 S. Slh St., Council Rluffs. S-991 12
MRS. FRITZ, medium. S19
North 16th.
MME. GYLMER. palmist, 315 So. 13th st.
ASTONISHING revelation! your past, pres.
ciii unci mi lire trtiiuiuiiy mm; semi iu
cents nnd birthday. John Myers. Lin
coin Park station, Chicago. S-938 12
MME. SMITH, baths.
Room 7.
118 N. 15th, 2d lloor,
T-72'J 13
MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 10th St.. 3d lloor.
T-Slti 17
DR. ROY, chropodlst; corns A superfluous
rtur removed ny electricity, it. u, rreuur
block. U-333
PRIVATE homo before and during confine
incut; Pubic." adopted. .Mrs. ilnrget, 2620
Hutdotte. u 3Ji
VIAVA, woman's wu.V to heulth; rutlouul,
wholesome home treatment, 31s lice lltdg,
U 337
JUST think of If Electric light gallery. 27
enameled Mump phoius lu uiui positions
und u photo stick plu for 23c. R. 6,
Cieghtou, nil;., lulli und Douglas, open
j to i. Wo make pictures ut night.
L j'JO M16
RUPTURE cured; no knlfo. no piiln, no
diingi r; send lor clrctuuis. Empire Hup
turu l .'nil.. '.i.U N. Y. I.Ku Hultdilig, Omuha.
SUPPLIES for nil muchlues: machines for
rent. White Sewing Machine, lu-'u Doug
Iiib, Tel. 2131. U--33'.)
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during coiilliieuiciit; babies adopted. '..Wo
Grant St. U-310
M. GOLDMAN .t CO., only perfect uc
coidlou pleating plant In the west; mall
urdi In minuted, hullo 2io. DuiisIuh Rloek.
U wji
A HON .1 Iti-No-Muy Powder Is not a
luxury whep It .illurilK u u itire und
hceurca the coinfotl und haiiplncss of your
rooiiiiuatc. u M.l.
CARPETS md idgs cleansed like new
without Hiking up nutUfuction or no
pay. City teti rciun. Diop iiii.ii. ,ifl8 N. 1.
U IJl Jet
oidciM mlliltcd. Omiilia Pleutiiig Co., Iu24
DoiicIun U-M5T2
WE RENT sewing machines at 75e per
week We lepair and sell parts for all
iiiiiknH of maclilnes, Nebrusku Cycle Co.,
cor lt 1 1 ami Huiucy, 'phone 1663.
U-776 JcS
at'rnviittAVti at.nvtvn MArittN'ES
Never such prices for such goods offered
before, and If any lime within one year
you want to buy a new machine, wn will
take the old one back at exactly what It
cost you. . ...
The following I. n partlul list of what we
offer for Monday:
f ormer price, .hoihid
.1 singers ft.w
1 Wheeler & Wilson, No. S.. 4. to
$ .M
1 Whlto
10. CO
20. on
1 Union
t Household
1 While
1 Household
1 White
I Household
1 Standard
I White, latest
3 Sinners, bleb arm...
3. CO
1 Wheeler .V Wilson, No. 9.. 25.00
1 New Home 20.00
1 Wilcox ?: Glbbs 25.(0
Household, seven drawers
light wind 30.00
White, tnllorlng 40.00
1 Shlirer. tallnrlni? 40. 00
mrer- modern, tirop-neaii sewing maciiiucr,
slightly used, nt oiiehalf regular price.
We rent sewing machines nt 75 cents per
week or $2.00 per month. These are mod
ern, up-to-date machines, with complete
We sell needle nnd parts for and repair
every sewing machine manufactured.
IT.1 , ,.(!. ..u.i ft....!.... u...
Phono 1663.
t-ui. juiii iiiiu Jim iivy oit
U-2I 12
MRS. WILLOUGHRY-Hnlr dressing and
shampooing, 5c. Room 601, Paxton blk.
Tel. 2J95. U 709 12
NEW rollers for cloth wringers. Novelty
Iron und Urass Works, 417 8. loth. Phono
13M). U M722 Jtine26
WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlemlst.
Tel. 1238. Rest of city references. Leave
order ut 1519 Farnnm. U-M7I9 II
I NEED momiy; will sacrifice, my Ivors &
Pond uptight grand piano; mnko me an
offer. Address P 61, lice. U 752 13
MIDdTe-AGED ludy." noclilldrcn, wants
kind, loving husband. Address P C3, Ueo.
U-M770 13
WANTED, Information giving whereabouts
of C. 11. Smith, recently of Omuha und
Uennlngton, Neb., having with him bay
tenm ; horso 7 years old, white stripe on
forehead, weight 1400; mnro t! years old,
weight 1400; also good wagon. Suitable
reward. Address J. Q. Uurgner, attorney,
City hall, Omuha. U-M810 12
SOCIALIST meeting tonight nt tho h'g
tent, 14th and Ilurney. Everybody wel
come. U-M79I 12
MARRY or correspond for amusement;
send stamp for sealed particulars. Hox
268, Council Rluffs, lu. U 07t 12
FREE, u convincing test will be sent upon
receipt of birth date and 2c stamp by
Dr. Hurch, Denver's famous astrologer;
thousands testify to his ability. 1C0 Tre
mont. Denver, Colo. U 941 12
ASTROLOGY. ImF-02, send 10cln sclf-iiiT
dressed, stamped envelope, dnte of birth,
will send horoscope for 3 months, answer
" questions; 6 months, 25 cents, Mmo.
Vero De Lon, Rack Ray, Boston.
U-892 12
ELDERLY gentleman. $l(o,ooo. beautiful
home, but lonely, will mnko home hap
piest place on earth to kind wife "Hona
llde," 1210 Shelllcld ave., Chicago. Ill,
U-893 12
WIDOW wants gcntlemnn partner at ohm
with $Sio, to go In business. Address
with stunip, P. 61. Hee olllce. U 891 12
U-891 12
MARRIAGE paper, exclusive, 20 pages,
10c; No $5 fee. many wealthy; comnvrclnl
nnd bank reference given. R. L. Love,
Denver, Colo. U 893 12
THOROUGH business gentleman, bachelor,
38 years old, with some means, kind dis
position, good nppearance, stranger In
the west, wisncs to correspond with lady
of suitable iiko with some means and
gentle disposition; object, matrimony and
imslness enterprise, m. k. uatmnn. rouu
cll Hluffs. Iowa. U 919 12
FREE; success In life enn only be oh
tulned through Influeiicc. Will send abso
lutely tree u 300-page book which ex
plains nil the secrets of hypnotism, per
sonal magnetism and magnetic healing.
Tells how to cure diseases und bad habits,
enables you lo win nnd hold the love and
respect of others, Anybody can learn In
a few days Wc guarantee success. Write
today. Address New York Institute of
Science, Dept. 229, S. Rochester. N. Y.
U-836 12
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles per
manently removed ny electricity; consul
tation free und confidential: nil work
guaranteed, Miss Allcnder, 1613 Douglas,
YOUNO peiple. earn n scholarship; any
college In I . S. : own time; pleamnt vaca
tion work. Address S 17, Hee.
U-9S2 12
LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd western
lowu farms ut 5 per cent; borrowers can
pay $lto or uny multiple; uny Interest
date; no delay. Ureuuuu-Love Co., 3W ti.
13th St., Omuha, Neb W 311
MONEY io loun on Improved Omuha real
cstute. Ureuiiuu-Lovu Co., 309 bouth 13th.
WANTED, city loans, bonds und warrants.
Guorgu iv. Company, lwl l'urium street.
FIVE per cent money. Uemls, Puxton block.
WANTKD, city und farm loans; also bends
and wurrants. R. C. Peters it Co., 17u2
Fuinuin St., Ueo Uidg. W 316
MONEY to loan ut 4Va and 514 per cent on
umaha property. . 11. MclKie, wl a. lath.
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1324 Douglus,
FIVE and 514 per cent city -.nd farm loans,
Garvin Hros., 1613 Farnam 81. W 319
PRIVATE money.
Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L.
CASH on liana. G. E. Turklngton, 605 Ueo.
W Miot
TO LOAN, $100 to $300 on real cstute becur
liy al 7 per cent. Address scon, P 47, Uce.
MONEYTO i.OAN-On lnnTr7)vedrealcs
tute; i per ceiu interest; no commission;
prtvilego of paying luo or more betoro
inaturuy. Nor lnet,tcin Mutual Life Ins.
Co. John W. Glsh, special loan agent,
211 1st Nul l Hunk bldg., Omaha, Neu.
$1,000 AND upward to loan on Improved city
property and I arms.
iiuled, Omaha and Douglas county gen
eral fund warrants. W. Farnam Smith
& Co., 1320 Farmim street. W VJl
5 AND fis per cent loans. W. H. Thomas,
First Nullonul Dank building. Tel. 1618.
MOM;i ' .u.i,.-ti.ii'n;u.
It Is easy to advertise lowest rates, us
others do, but wu levl positive that It you
will n.uku euniparljoiis )ou win uc con
vinced that you can do uetter with us
than elbewlicre. o loan on furnliute,
pianos, live stock, elc, or wo will make
without indoiser or mortgage.
We charge nothing ior inaliiiig tho
loan a i, i yuu receive
thu lull upiuunt In ciibh.
Ion inuy pa It buck In ono
nu. nth or utkn six mouths or
laoie' In which to pay It,
and Noil ncid not pay tor It ouo ciuy longer
than you Keep Ii. Our terms are thu
easiest, our business Is coiiimcntlal una
uur motto Is "try lo please."
i IV Hoaid of 'Irado Uldg, Tel. 2295.
iKaluhdshed U92.) M H. pith St.
X 331
$10 Your credit Is good with us. Quick
13 loans on hoiuehold goods, pianos,
.'o etc., without removal trom your resl
deuce. Easy payments. They are the
;tu lowest.
45 without mortgngo or Indorser, puyu
i.ii ble In eusy weekly or luonthly lu-
siuitmenis, our suuo oi privuie inter
viewing rooms bus a iillterent en
tratiic and exit und we cun gunranteo
what all people of pildo uud refine
mint desire absolute privacy and
I'ontldentlal treatinullt
lu -
8j-AMERICAN LOAN CO,, Room 312
to Hrown block, 8. E. cor. inn und
lm Douglus stieets, entrance on icihit.
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concern
upon their names without security; euiy
u.iwneuu. 'I'J Isuunl ut l r.'uin Ihuk
MONEY lodiied on pianos, furniture, horses
cows, Jewelry, Duff Gicen, R. i, Uurker blk
of giving lower rates
und easier payments
than elsewhere on SALARY LOANS to
honest employes who hold it permanent
position on tlielr plain note. Our others
the most private in town. For 9) days
these Inducements, "Wn guarantee our
rule, are lowest ' We will make u pains
inking effort to please you If you nra
......l... IM.-t .1 A It 1. 1. mitSlllT IVI Tlllf.l
Floor, Room 303, Paxton lllock.
Third Floor, Puxton Ulock, Room 3(VJ
stcrs, boarding houses, etc.. without se
curity: easiest terms. lO oillccs In princi
pal cities. Tolmun, 110 Hoard Trudu Hid
SALARY LOANS upon plain notes No
mortgage, n nni"..i " .,,u.,..t
lower rates, much easier payments,
lower rju,,;,Au: CREDIT CO.
Third Floot, Room 303, Puxton Htpck..
X 35 j
live stock, etc. Quick service nnd lowest
r ues gimrnnteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 633 (top
lloor) Y'axton Hlock, northeast corner Utlt
und Farnam; entrance on 16th St.
- .57
MONEY loaned salaried people holding per
manent position with responsible concern
upon their names without security; easy
payments. Tolnian, 440 Uourd Trade Hldg.
X 827
SHORT tlmo loans.
Darker blk.
Pleasants, 51
$1,000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennard ,fc
Son, Sulto 310 Hrown 111k. X 535
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 S 13.
$2,5 drug stock In city 25,tio,i population,
business netting $2,0i) auiiually. Ill health
necessitates discontinuance, will sell ut a
bargain; j.'.fiOO grocery slock, annual cash
suit's, $23,0). best business lu u county
seat town, mi tulles from Omaha; one of
the best restaurants In tin1 city, doing
fine business, nt half Its value, falling
heulth of owner cuuse tor selling, might
consider some trnde; No. I bakery end
eonfectlonei y business In good lowu town,
making money, a bargain, $1,000. livery
business for good. Improved land: 'ur
nlshed hotels In city und elsewhere, foe
sale or exchange, restti mints in clly and
country' towns, $3t) to $l,5tt; smull mil
linery stock 111 good country town: mes
senger express business in city, netting
$100 monthly; furnished rooming housen
und Huts doing good business for fulo
cheap; barber shop lu city cheap; print
ers' outllt (new), at half price, cost $200;
now Columbia phonograph, 56-Inch brass
horn, hi records nnd case, cost $123, will
sell less than half price. If this list does
not contain what yon want, make your
desires known to ims and I'll meet them.
Yes, of course I am still In business at
811 N. Y. Life. J. 11. Johnson.
Y-971 12
FOR SALE or trade Contents of lt-room
boarding house; full of tlrst-elass room
ers, first-class location; a snap If sold nt
once. Address p 56. Hee ofllce. Y 708 12
FORTUNES quickly mado lu oil. Wrlto
for new booklet (Just out), ulso special
Bulletin nnd ndvlces on oil Investments,
mulled free. Reckley & Co., Hankers. 5t)
Uroadway, Now York. Y M6I3 11
GOOD milk route; nine head choice ml'k
cows, milk wagon nnd set double harness.
R. C. Young, 27th nnd U sts.. South
Omaha. Y'-M6II 1
FOR SALIC, tmk'ry and confectionery, do
lng good business ,ln small Nebraska
town; good location: good tenson for sell
ing, Address O 12, Ueo. Y-M797 M20
FOR SALE, the Osborne House, Alnsworth,
Neb,; hotel has been refitted nnd Im
proved; has all the commercial trade nnd
Is doing a good Imslness. Write to A. E.
Howe, Alnsworth, Neb. Y-MI15Jel
FOR SALE Drug stock; Invoice $1,000;
must sell by May 17; 20 per cent discount;
partnership dissolved; a bargain. Ad
dress nox 396. Geneva, Neb. Y M73I 16
FOR SALE chea). newspaper, doing a good
business; only paper. Address Advertiser,
Herman, Neb. Y-M78.) 12'
FOR SALE nr trade, new stock of general
merchandise; good location, eastern Ne
braska. Address P 05, Hee. Y M7SI 13
FOR SALE, a blacksmith shop, tools, resi
dence and two lots, lu good Nebraska
town; must sell at once. Jacob Walker,
Edgar, Neb. Y-MsOS 13
FOR SALE or for rent by day or month,
pinning mill und machinery In good con
dition. Address S 5, Hee. Y-MS07 17
THERE'S money lu your brain, so patent
thut Iden. nnd get It out. we'll help you
by gllng you free advice; hend sket h
und description of your Invention nt once:
we'll get your patent on eusy terms und
help you sell It; send for our valuablo
free book und list of POO needed Inven
tions. International Patent Company. De
trolt. Mich. The oldest uud most rellnblo
patent llrm in the world. Y
A COMPETENT, rellnblo man. with J1.W0
cash capital, can secure permaii'Mit sl'iii
tlon us malinger of brunch olllce for s
tnbllshcd corporation; saliuy and commls
slon netting J5.Kt ,ier iniiiim. Address)
Sccretnry, 315 Mi.nhuttt 11 bldg., Chicago.
PARTNER WANTED, hnve $100 and horse,
buggy and wugnii lo put In some HglM
mate business that pays; references ex
changed. Inquire Edwards. 2152 St. Mary'tj
ave. V-97.1 12
COM FORTAHLE Income assured from In
vestment $100; wo accept $10 Just for
trial; profits paid weekly by money or
der; highest commercial references und
(by permission only) from ciistoni'TS.
Hooklet free. W. W O'llara. Union
Trust building. Cincinnati, o; Y-896 r
IF WE make voti $50 will you send us $10
after getting the money? Send for book
"Success In Speculation." Chart Co.. 221
LaSulle St.. Chicago. Y-9HJ2
l,f-) PER CENT prollt. get rich. mfg. pat
ent medicines; 25 secret formtilis that
have made thousands for their owners;
sent for $1. Grant Drug Co.. Geneva,
Ohio. Y-917 12
$100 lo $,)i Investments; send for particu
lars, how you can Invest $100 lo $5(0 und
receive steady Income of $30 to MW
monthly. In our new und safe plan of In
vestment; this Is the mont prnlltnble and
successful Investment ever offered. Ray
mond & Co., 9.1-95 Nassau St., New York.
Y -89!i 12
WANTED, to lease modern hotel lu county
scut town. Address Lock Hox 21, Sabet'i.,
Kun. Y-89S 12"
"FORTUNES quickly made in oil." Write
for new booklet (JiibI nun, ali,o special
bulletin and advices on oil Investments,
mailed free. Reckley & Co., bankers, 50
Hroadway, New York. Y-M897 I8
$100 EARNED $28 lastmonth: weekly divi
dends, safe, legitimate Investment; no
stocks, grain, mines nor oil, wrlto for
particulars. Security Investment Co., ln
dlunupolls, Ind. Y-8.1S IS
"II'" you want lo make money" lu stocks,
grain or cotton on small Investments
write to us Immediately; wo are not
brokers and do not solicit nccoints.
Flower & Co., Chicago Stock Exchange
Hldg., Chicago. Y-S37 12
WANTED, partner, with JI.MW; estubllshed
business, guarantee 15 per cent profit.
Address S 18. Hee. V-.M9S3i:i
FIRST-CLASS chance to go Into manu
facturing business, $150 only required. 8
If,, Hie. Y-96 12
2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels,
Omaha Rlcycle Co., 16th and Chicago sts,
EXCHANGE, cleur (dock staple merchan
dise, fjrnlshlng goods, shoes, clothing,
iliy goods. Invoicing little over $2,000; will
accept cleur, cheap farm land ns part
pay. C. R. Walters, Ruin, Neb.
Z- MMO 12
(i.MIIIACE II.M l,l.(;.
ANTI MONOPOLY GARHAOE CO, clean und vaults, removes garbage
and ilixd animals ut reduced prices. 621
N. 16th, Tel 1779, -M25I M27
FRANK 8EVIOK makes a specialty of all
kinds hardwood flooring and parquetry.
My prlcci, are right. 19U Oak St.
-650 MJ-
Co., Uth and Harney. u-nw