Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1901, Page 17, Image 24

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Most all the Paifis and Aches of Kidney Ills Start with
A lame back Is a bad back,
A weak back Is a bad back,
An aching back Is a bad back.
A bad back comes from sick kidneys,
Sick kidneys cause backache,
Backache is the first step;
The first ache of Kidney Ills,
Urinary troubles next,
Disturb your night's rest,
Annoy you all day.
Dangerous Diabetes comes,
Then Bright's disease,
The end is near then,
Every case of Backache. Diabetes
or any kidney ills can be cured by
No other kidney remedy has ever re
ceived such emphatic endorsement.
Read the testimony of
Don't pay to experiment,
Kidney trouble is too serious,
Delays are dangerous.
Experiment means delay.
Take a remedy that's endorsed;
But get good endorsement,
A stranger's word isn't sufficient,
Hard to prove testimony from a distance.
Take the word of people you know,
Take the testimony of friends and neighbers.
Easy to prove such evidence.
Ask them about It,
Local testimony is the best proof.
Cass St.
Mr. J. Kllck of KiOS GaM street. Hays
"Dona's Kidney Pills nro tlie. liest rem
edy I ever used for kidney complaint A
friend of mine recommended them to
mo nnd I procured them nt Kuhn & Co.'s
driiK store. I was troubled for several
years and tho sharp pnlns when stoop
ItiK nt night caused me much misery.
Dunn's Kidney Pills Rnvn nie completo
satisfaction. They are so mild you hard
ly know you arc taking them yet they
cure. I have ndvlsed friends to use
them nnd In all cases good results were
No. 12th St.
Mrs. Michael Tosonery, No. Ti03 North
Twelfth street, says: "My back often
nchcrt ho severely that I could hardly stand
It. I hnvo been at tlmo3 so that I could
scarcely move, nnd to stoop wns nn utter
Impossibility. To add to my misery, trouble
with tho kidney secretions existed and I
was constantly trying something to euro
tne, but a euro never came. My husband
Kot Donn's Kidney Tills for mo at Kuhn &
Co.'s drug store, corner Fifteenth nnd
Douglas strcots, nnd after taking them for
n week much to my surprise, nnd consider
ably morn to my Rrntlllcntlon, tho long
standing troublo dlscnppearcd. Send anyone
In Omaha to mo If they want n personal
recommendation of Doan's Kidney Pills."
Twenty-first Street.
Mr. Chnrles Hcnnlng of 1G21 N. 21st street
pays. "I wns hurt In tho V. I. locomotive
shops nnd ever after I was annoyed with
attacks of pain In the smalt of my back.
Heading advertisements nbout Doan's Kid
ney Pills led mo to procuro thut icmedy nt
Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, corner 15th and
Douglas streets, It was tho best Investment
I over made. Tho treatment cured me."
Mrs. (Instil llohlman, No. 1013 Oak St.,
says: "Doan's Kidney Pills nro n good
remedy. I took them for kidney troublo,
which started about seven years ago, caused
by n cold settling In my back. 1 procured
them from Kuhn & Co.'s drug storo and
they cured mo,"
Jones St.
Mr. Krtnk McFnrland, n stonecutter,
No. 3303 Jones street, says: "Too fre
quent action of the kidney sccrotlons, par
ticularly nt night, nt first merely notlco
nblo, but nlwnys on tho Increase, been ma at
last very nnnoylng. I had no bnckncho
llko so many people who suffer from kid
ney complaint have, but without that ex
tra annoyance I spent a mint of money try
ing to check my trouble, but I wns unsuc
cessful until I procured Doan's Kldnfcy Pills
at Kuhn & Co.'s drug storo, corner 15th
and Douglas Sts. After tho treatment I
could go to bed every night nnd sleep llko
a child until morning. To say I endorse
Doan's Kidney Pills Is a mild way of ex
pressing my opinion."
Pacific St.
Mrs. Knto O'Murn, Xo. LMliO Paclilc
street says: "Kor seven or eight years I
was troubled more or less with rhett
mntlsm and sharp pains across the small
of my back. Working pretty hard look
ing after my family Is what I think
brought on the trouble. I was much
worse in tho mornings on rising and
became some better after being up and
around for sometime. I saw Uoan's
Kidney Pills advertised nnd got them at
Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Ueforo taking
nil of tho box I knew they were bene
fitting me. They cured my back and
helped my rheumatism."
Charles St.
Mr. .John O. Iloeller, stock keeper of
the third Iloor In the MeCord-Htady
company's wholesale grocery, living at
!2K27 Charles street ,says: "1 had a weak
back for nearly three years, tjomu
times It ached continually, particularly
so If I stooped or lifted. I used medi
cines said to be 'good for the kidneys,
but tho trouble still continued. An an
nouncement about Doan's Kidney 'Pills
In our dally papers led mo to procure a
.box at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store, comer
15th nnd Douglas streets. The treats
ment cured me.
Strange UnhMded Influences that Frt
thtdow Approaching Calamity.
Clara .Motrin' llecollpp tlonx of the
lliirnliiK f tint 11 ft li Avenue
Tlieiitrr A Triumph of.
Siiotv and I-'luiuc.
(Copyright, 1001, by S. 8. McClure Co.)
How shall I call that strango Influence
that dumbly tries to warn to prepare 7
Mnuy of us have had experlenco of this
nameless tsomethtug, whoso efforts aro but
ruroly heeded. Tho something that ono
morning suddenly tills tho minds with
thoughts of somo friend of tho far pnst,
who U almost entirely forgotten per
sistent thoughts not to bo shaken off.
You speak of tho matter, und your family
exclaim: "What on earth over brought
him to your mlnd7" nnd that night you
either hear of tho old frlend'B death or he
Hcnds you a letter from tho othor eldo of
tho world.
I had nn acquaintance who ono dny found
herself compelled, ns It were, to talk of
thefts of remurknblo robberies. Sho
beemed unable to turn her mind to nny
othor subject. If sho looked at a lock sho
thought how easy It would bo to force It
at u window, how readily n man might
enter It. Ilor peoplo laughed nnd told her
she was hoodooed, but next day sho was
robbed of every Jewel sho had in tho world
What was It thnt was trying dumbly to
warn her? It was on a 1st of January thnt
my mind becamo subject to ono of those
outsldo seizures. Tho snow was banked
high In tho stroetB, had been so for days
Tho unexpected sale of the house In
Twenty-tlrst street had forced mo to now
quarters; I was at that moment In Twenty
fourth street. As I raised my head fronj
hissing my mother a Unppy Now Yenr t
remarked: "Tho streets aro in a terrible
condition for a great fire, aro they not?"
"Let tis hopo there won't be n great
fire," replied mother, nnd began to pour
tho coffee.
A llttlo later tho Prench woman enmo In
to pass tho compliments of tho day. I
was immediately moved to nsk her "If
our fire service hero wns not suporlor to
that of Paris," and was greatly pleased
nt her Joyous ncnuleRCcnco, until 1 discov
ered that her remarks had rcferenco to
our larger fireplaces thero nro always cer
tain drawbacks accompanying a foreign
A Clirlatmna Scene.
Then I went to tho matinee for lo! the
poor actress always docs double work on
days of festivity for tho rest of tho world,
nnd all occasions of legalized feasting finds
her eating "a cold bite," Wo were doing
:i play called "Pnlso Shame." known in
Kneland as "Tho Whlto l'eathor," a very
light three-net piny. The drosses anil
scenery wcro beautiful. Mr. Daly provided
mi with one gown, a combination of
sapphlro-bluo velvet and pompndour bro
cade, thnt enmo within an aco of making
mo look hnndsomo like tho rest.
Ho romarked upon Its effect, nnd I told
him "1 felt compelled to look well, since
1 had nothing olso to do," but the day
had gone by whou such remarks could anger
him. IIo laughed good-humnredly and
r.ald "All tho same, miss, that scene at
tho organ Is mighty pretty nnd taking, too."
Kor, look you, In the theater "u llttlo
knonledgo lo not n dangerous thing," Com
plete knowledge Is, of course, preferable,
hut ah, how far a very llttlo will go! nnd hero
was my poor tuut-tummtug, "Ono and two
nnd three and" filling Mr. Daly's very
soul with Jo, because, forsooth, In
a lovely old Knglluh Interior all draped
In Christmas greens, filled with carved
wood furniture, big logs burning In an
enormous fireplace, wux candles In brass
sconces, und nt tho organ two girls in
dinner dress, who, nervously nnxtous uboul
n New Year carol they were going to sur
prise their guests with nt midnight, seize
tho moment beforo dinner to try said carol
Miss Davenport, rcgnl In satin, stood
music In hand, tho firelight on her hnnd
some face. I, seated nt tho orgau In my
precious blue nnd broendo, played tho ac
companiment nnd sang nlto, and though
terror over this slmplo bit of work brought
mo to tho verge of prostration, (ho scene
wns from tho front llko a stolen peep Into
somo beautiful prlvato homo, and It brought
nn astonishing amount of npplnuse. Hut If
I had not "one two threcd" In Cincinnati
on that grinning old piano, where would the
organ scene hnvo been? Ah, n llttlo knowl
edge, If spread over so thin, by a master
hand llko Mr. Daly's will provo useful.
So don't refuse to learn n little because
you fear you cannot nfford to study thor
oughlyIf you nro an nctress.
A Premonition.
While I wns sitting through n long wait
that day I fell Into n brown study. Tho
theater dresser, who was very fond of mo
and gave mo every spare moment of her
time, enmo Into my room nnd tv Ico nd
dressed mo beforo I came out of my revery.
"Whnt In tho world nro yon thinking of,
MUu Clnin?" sho nsked, and I nnswered
with nnother question: "Mary, wore you
ever In a grout flro?"
"No," sho said; "wero you?"
"Yes," 1 nnswered; "I hnvo been twice
burned out from shelter nt dead of night,"
nnd I told her of that hotel tire nt 3 n. m.,
whero thero was but ono stairway to tho
street; of tho mad brutality of tho men;
of tho torrlblo nnd the ludicrous scenes;
of my own oscnpe, quite nlone, In bare foot
nnil ono whlto garment; of my standing
ncross a leaking hole, while n strango man
pulled my right arm, frantically crying,
"You como with mc my mother's got a
blanket to wrap you up In!" nnd Mr,
ICllsler, who had Just nrrlvcd, seized my
left nrm, dragging mo his way and shout
ing, ''Como ovor to tho house nnd get to
bed quick, before you dlo of exposuro!
while I felt tho water spraying my forlornly
shivering shins, and was moro nenrly torn
nsundcr than wns ever tho Solomon bnby.
"Oh, my," said Mnry, "how dreadful!"
"Yes, I said, musingly, "nnd what n flro
this plac6 would make all these partitions
of painted pine!"
"Oh, don't!" protested Mary.
"Dut." said I, "you know Hint's what
theaters nre bullt for to burn la their
natural end," nnd then I was called, and
went upstairs to saunter through another
net of tho mild llttlo play.
Mttril Hit Jewelry.
1 owned but llttlo Joweiry ttion, but whnt
I had wns noticeably good. My rings, In
cluding tho hnndsomo pearl one Mr. Daly
had given mo a n souvenir of "17," I had
to remove from my fingers for tho last act,
nnd when tho curtain had fallen aud I had
rushed mysolf Into n street garment nnd
wns leaving tho dressing room In hasto to
Join my wnltlng mother nt dinner, Mary
cnlled to mc. "Miss Clam, you nro leaving
your diamond rings, but never mind" she
picked them up nnd dropped them ono by
ono Into a llttlo box "I'll lock tho door
myself; you run nlong tho rings will bo
snfo enough run!" anil the nnswerlng
words I henrd swiftly leaving my lips were
nbsolutely Involuntary und dictated by no
thought of mine. Thoy were;
"Yes, as far ns theft Is concerned, they
nto 6afe enough, but In case of flro better
glvo thorn to mc, Mary oh!" for the girl
, had dropped ono on tho floor. It was n bit
I of Orlcntnl enamel set about with tiny
sparita or ummouus, i put too others ou,
but would not wait for her to pick up tho
rolling truant, nnd nway I went.
At tho corner of Sixth uvenuo nnd
Twenty-fourth street I enmo to n standstill
beforo tho two great snowbanks nnd
thought again whnt they might mean In
caso of n lire.
I reached home at a brisk pace, ran tip-
get there In time I might do something
Cod knows whnt! As 1 neared tho theater
tho crowil grow moro dense, yet to my
gasping "please oh, please'" an answer
enmo In u quick moving nsldo to let pass
the woman with tho white, tear-wet face.
I broke through the cordon nnd was mnk
Ing for the stago door, when n rough hand
she's ono of tho company; enn't you sco?"
"Oh," grunted tho pollcoraan; "well, 1
didn't know and 1 couldn't let her kill
"No," snld tho stranger, "but you had
no cnll to pitch her about ns you did,"
nnil Just then u long, thin hand enught
mine, nud Mr. Daly's voice said, "Como
stairs, throw off my cloak, and had drawn
my dress-walat half off. when without u
preliminary knock tho door was flung open
nnd my landlord, Mr. lladln, whlto with
tho excitement that had wiped oiit his
knowledge of English, stood gesticulating
wildly and hurling French at me In seeth
ing masses. 1 caught, "I.o feu! lo feu!"
many times repented, then "lo theater!"
dud with a cry I scUed his urm and thook
"What Is It?" 1 cried. "Do you mean
Ho nodded, nnd again enmo tho words,
"I,o theater!"
"Rood heavens nnd earth! you don't mean
my theater, do you?" and thon two great
horecs hurling n flre-cnglno around the
corner Into our street, mado swift nnd ter
rifying answer. AVlth piercing cry I caught
up my clonk, and throwing off somebody's
restraining hands I dashed down stairs nnd
Into tho street, racing llko mad, giving
sobbing cries and utterly unconscious for
over two blocks' space that my waist was
unclosed nnd my naked throat nnd chest
wcro baro to tho wintry wind.
AVnriiliiK" HrnlUed,
At the corner of the street nt Sixth
nvenuo 1 wrung my hands In nngulsh. cry
ing, "Oh, dear Ood! I knew It! I know It!"
for there, stalled In tho snow, wns the
engine, to denuorately needed a llttlo far
ther on. And ns I resumed my run, I said
to myself, "Wha: is It that has tried so
hard to tell moto warn mo? Tried nil
tho day, and I would not understand and
now It's too lato?"
Why I ran I do no: know -It. was not
curiosity. I felt somehow that If I could
enught me by tho shoulder. There wns nn
onth, nnd 1 was fairly hurled back toward
tho safety line.
"Oh, let me nlone!" I cried j "I want
to go to my room It won't take me but a
Again tho rough hand reached out for
me, when a strango man throw his nrm
In front of mo protcctlngly, "Toko cars
what you'ro about," ho saldt "ho a llttlo
gontlo sho has a right close to tho line
hero, child," nnd ho led mo ncross tho
stroet und up somo steps, und there, op
posite tho burning building, 1 could realize
the madness of my net in trying to enter,
The front of tho building stood firm, but
beyond It within nil was teething flame.
It was llko some magnificent, spectacular
production, somo sntnnlo pantomime und
ballet, nnd every now and then a whirling
flame, crowned with mvrlnd sparks, sprang
madly up Into tho very sky, llko soma
devilish premier danseuse, whllo tho lesser
fiends Joined hands nnd circled frcuzledly
Mr. Daly never spoko a word. Ho had
not released my fingers, and so wo stood,
hand In hand, watching silently ovor tho
torment of his beloved theater, tho de
struction of his gnthorcd treasures. I
looked up at him. His faco gleamed whlto
In tho firelight; his eyes wero wldo nnd
strained; his fingers, Icy cold, never les
sened their clenching grnsp on mlno. Then
enmo tho warning cry ilrcmcu nro apt to
give when they know tho roof la going. I
had heard It often, nnd understood that and
their retreating movement. Mr. Daly did
not, nnd when, with n crackling crush the
wholo toof feh Into tho roaring dopths, his
hand, his body, relaxed suddenly, n sort of
sobbing groan escaped his palo lips. nut
when tho column" of glowing sparks flow
high Into tho nlr ho turned nway with a
shiver und cavo not ono look at tho de
stroyed building.
Not ono word was spoken on the sub
ject. Glancing down, ho noticed I had no
rubbers on nnd that streams of water were
running In tho street.
"Oo home, child," ho said, speaking
quickly ond most kindly. A crowd of re
porters enmo up to him. "Yes," ho said,
"In one moment, gentlemen;" thon to me,
"Hurry home, got something to cat you
could havo had no dinner."
Ho gave ono heavy sigh nnd added: "I'm
glad you were with mo It would havo
been worso ulone." Ho pushed mo gently
from him. As I started down tho street
he cnlled: "I'll send ou word some tlmo
tonight whnt wo'ro to do."
I left him to tho reporters. 1 had not
spoken ono word from thu moment I hnd
begged to entor my dressing room. I felt
strangely sad nud forlorn us 1 dropped,
draggled nnd tired, Into u chair. 1 said to
mother: "It's gone tho only theater In
New York whoso door wns not barred
against me nnd I I think that nt this
moment I know Just how n dog feels who
has lost a loved master," nnd dropping my
faco upon my hands I wept long over the
destruction of my first dramatic homo In
New York, the llttlo Fifth Avenue theater.
KliinlilcrH nt 1 1 1m Piml,
"I recall now with horror," says Mall
Carrier Burnett Mann of Lovnnnn, 0 "my
threo years of suffering from kidney trou
ble, 1 was hardly evor freo from dull
aches or acuto pains In my back. To stoop
or lift mall sackB mado mo groan. I felt
tired, worn out, about ready to glvo up,
when I began to uso Elcctria Hitters, but
six bottles completely cured mo and mado
mo feel llko a new man." They're un
rlvnled to rcgulnto stomach, liver, kidneys
and bowels. Perfect satisfaction guaran
teed by Kuhn & Co. Only to cents,
Gives Appetite,
Produces Retreshing Sleep,
A Safeguard Against MentaJ
dose. A small wlna-glui fall threa
times a day.
Sold by all DruirfUti. Refute Substitutes.
Without Chug
u'-tftlL'1. be,t Scenery of tha ROCKY
Daylight in both direction.? W,'VAUA
For fall Information, reiervatloni and IUna.
ry "Chicago to California" addreta CttZ
Ticket Office, ijjj p.rnam " nUffi
Hra. tVlnaloTVa Baotlilna; array,
IlBji tienn useil tcr over KIJ.'TY YlSAUH b
fairf HUCcksH. IT BOOTH I?H UeWlV&
l'osrrivKi.v cimr.N
-fo'A'O t.J
Register eo,v
imtrlhutnri. OMAHA. Ni;il.
dy (or UlAttltHOliA. Bold by UruKtifta i
'".i""'."" ' worm, mo sure unq
for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Boothlns Pyrup,
jaKj no oiner kind. Twenty-nvx can
nta 4
Every Woman
about the wondufn
MARVFL Whlrllnn Knr.u
Ttitnetr i;rla. JnjtL
n-Mpii uonrenUnL
Q "UtMMIlaMUtlj,
ilk jn.r 4niilit fcr II, ,,
l'h. i-annolniphlytlio
llt.lrita., tr It rl..a
lull I'ftrtlriiUriainl rtlrrrtlrintln. 6
vhIiii,b loU.llr.. .11 H XV.f.l o.
Itoom 'iiS Times UltlB,, N. Y.
Kenevcs Kidney
k k uiaciaor
L troubles at once
Cures in
48 Hours a"