THE OMAHA DAILY 3iEE: MONDAY, MAY , 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these column will be taken antil 13 in. for the renins edition and nntll R.30 p. m. lor mnralnc and Bandar edition. Rates, 1 l-2o a word first Inaertlon, In a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leaa than XRo for the flrat Inser tion. These advertisements mnat he ran cnaaecntlvelr. AdTertlaera, by reqnestln a nntn liered check, can hare answers ail dressed to a nambered letter In eara f The Bee. Answers so addressed will he delivered oa presentation of the heck only. W A n t t: I l-S I T t AT I O N. BY YOUNO mnn In small town; six years' experience In ofTlco and sales work; good retcrences. Address P 39, Dee, A MOM 6' WANTED-MALE HUM'. WANTKD-We have steady work for a few good hustlers of good habits and appear nncc, C. F. Adams Co., lo Howard HI. BARBER trade taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue ana particulars ire;:. Western Barbers' Institute. Omaha, Nob. B 30j COAT.MAKElt wanted Fritz, Fremont, Neb. at once. C. A. B-501 WANTED, a hnrnessmnkcr for n custom shop. James r roiiK, urete, .-en. 11 MolS 6 WASTKD. hod carriers: steady employ mnni ennti wntre-i fur cnmtiGtent men season l'JOl. Apply . Builders & .Traders Exchange, Ht. Josepn, 310. nan-; o- WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; special offer to ap plicants from distance; board, tools nnd u..ininrMliiii: Iiiinv seiisnn: S12 to JIj weekly paid graduates. Cull or write, Moler Bur ner Collec. 1623 Farnam st. 31KH i.v W'ANTKD, a shoe salesman to travel In Xihr:iskn: must have u largo establish d undo and glvu Rood references. Tennom Shoo Co., 3lfrs. and Jobbers, St. Louis, 3tO, li .Mill COAT MAKKIl wanted. AVrltp J. F. GcosoM Scwurd, Neb. H-31M3 C WANTED, two curpctitcrs. Clans StrntiRC cuntractor, Yutnn, Neb. H 31505 7 U'ANTKI). harness makers and raddlers, also machine operators; Rood workmen will llnd steady employment lit good wuKes; no discrimination made between iinn-unlon nnd union men. as the under signed propose, to keep open shops. Apply 10 any oi inn undersigned. TUB GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. JOHN CLARK & SON. BREY31AN LEATHER CO. W. II. 3F310N1ES fc CO. TUB P. J. CHONIN CO. COLLINS, PRESTON, WILSON CO JOHN P. SHARKEY CO. l'ortlund. Orec.iu H-635 C ACTIVE man, by largo manufacturing House, to worn at nome; ;hui in cas nnld for twelve days' trial: promotion an permanent position If satisfactory. Ad dress, 8. 1". Co., "20 Ratistcad street, Phil adelphlii, PR. 11 .MM! WANTED, a harnessmaker for n, custom snop. jamcs ironic, uretc, .sen. B-3I577 DETECTIVES, wo waut n sharp, resnon slbln man In every city and town to do secret service work; H per day and ex peiiscH for actual service; references re quired; postage for reply. International Detecttvo Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. D-M6SG 11 WANTED, experienced bushclmnn for clothing department. J. L. Brnndcls & Sons, proprietors of Boston Store, Omnha. B-431 4 WANTED KBMAI.B HELP, "WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-307 DRESSMAKING "taught thoroughly; sys tem reeclved highest nward at Paris, I9u0. McDowell Dressmaking School, 219 S. 15th st., rooms 615-616 Kurbach blk. C 30S "WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator; must have had good experience. Apply room 220, Beo building. C 652 WANTED, housekeeper In small family; no washing. Address P 10, Bee. C 271 "WANTED, girl for general housework, SS2D California st. Mrs. W. K. Potter. a 4K LADIES wanted to learn halrdresslng, manicuring, mnssngo or chiropody, from four to eight weeks required. Complete outfit of tools presented mch student. Positions secured In best establlshmentc In city. Comparatively no expense. Cull or write Moler College, 1623 Fanrnin St. C-M524 15 11ELIABLE help. Canadian office, 1522 Doiig, C 775 WANTED, immediately; twenty wnlst nnd skirt hands and live good sleeve makers. Address HeeblcK a urcssmnKlng JJcpart mcnt, Deadwood, 8. Dakota. C-M562 14 WANTED, good cook; wages Jo a weok; references rcquireu. -iut i.nss. u iw ' HELP WANTED. MEN and worrien bf neat appearance for local work In Douglas and Snrpy. Room all l'axion dik., umunu, .eo. ai i,u a- I'Oll KENT HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place lliem wun uenuwti uu, u-ow TO move right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., omce, mini f arnam, or tc. imj-sw. . D 310 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city, Brennan-Love co., rcu aoutn lain street. D-311 Houses, stores. Bemts, Paxton Block. D-312 SEE HENBY B. PAYNE, fiOl N. Y. LIFE, 1 ti.J HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-311 HOUSES and Hats, ntngwnlt, Darker block. ij aia 'HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. FOR RENT, residence. loC6 Georgia nve. "nr. Pacific: 10 rooms, attic, basement east front, modern and extra conveni ences: lot 66x140, with, trees. Inquire 311 First National uanK uuig. d-315 10-ROOM detached house, all modern, newly papereu -au Ltiiiiuriun. i aiDii LARGE 12-room residence on tho North. boiiievam. win paiui, paper nun make what improvements aro necessary. Rent Slow. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 16th nllil Douglas. D-M675 FOR RENT, strictly modern lint, Davtdso building, opposito city nan. J-room modern house, 3006 Mason St nca nnrlc. nlra lawn and shade. S35. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 FARNAM ST W lffl FOUR rooms, modem, Jll.oo. pes N. 27 St. D-M3S4 Sl-29 CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam st, FOR RENT, new brick dwelling, strictly modern, nue. 135. modern, corner 2Slh and Popnleton avo U iMl i vein nENT. Mtio large residence. 11 rooms J3l So. 25th St. Apply to II. J. Windsor, IMs Douge at, iJMMt FOR RENT, modern furnished house for tummei niontns. it. ji nee oiag. D-M455 8 FOR RENT, H-room modern houso near High school. The O. F. Davis Co., 552 Bee bldg, D Mlil 8 FOH RENT, modern up-to-date tint of rooms, llrst floor. Call at No. 1 Normnn die, corner Park ave. and Paclilc sts D-M450 'va a itth HT.. seven-room house, city water tn kitchen: will paper and paint to suit good tenant; block from So. Omaha car: rent, lis. Omaha Loan & Trust Co, MY HOUSE at corner of 20th and Leaven worth for term of years. Mary H. Dun dee. Inquire 5l 8. 2otn. 'l'none 2G. D-533 7 i iifinM house, modern. 1C1S N. 25th it. V-OS 6 roil iti:vr hoi ses. EVEN rooms and bath, 2S4I Webster, $15; eight, room. moiern, -t"J unpiioi avt-., $i; eight rooms, modern, 2021 Burt. $30; others. Hlngwalt Bros., Barker h'ock BOOM house, nil conveniences. 609 8. anil. ... ' flMCSC 7KI ni. ' -.... - UOO.M cottage, furnished or unfurnished. 810 8. 30th St. D-.M703 . (III ItBXT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Fnrnnm. I. THE THURSTON, loth and Jackson; steam is fil THUEE nice rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 8, llth. t.l NEWIA furnished, housekeeping. IK Jones ti Il .1111 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $; up. 2fi23 St. Mary's. K 3ISS3 3122' 3 FURNISHED rooms for man ami wife; rem taxen in uoaru. jij inn si. E-516 TWO furnished rooms, single or ensnlte, suitable for two or tnree; board. 6.) s. SCt h avc. E 191 6 NICER Y furnished rooms. 1513 Georgia av, IjARQE, cool, south room, cheap. 3112 iinrncy. r.-iii o- NICEIA' furnished rooms. 110 S. "25th ave. E MD ITH.MMIED IIOOMM AMI IIOAHI) UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. S22 aL,ENCAIllN,translents,1.2Sday. 1W Doug. THE Mcrrlam, summer resort, 25 & Dodge ! MiTJ ROOMS, with board. 213 Howard st. LARGE south front parlor, nNo smnller rooms, wltn board. The llose,..iJ Harney K MO FOIl lin.NT-f.M'Lll.MNIIBIJ ROOMS. DK8IC room space, $5 per mouth, ground lloor room in Tim Dec buildinz. racing Farnam street; no cxpenso for light, heut or janitor service, it. u. 1'cters cc uo., Rental Agents, ueo building. u Utt rou itB.vr MToiiiis a.m okkicbs. VOR RENT, store In tlrst-class location rent rensonanie. Apply u. tj, I'cicrs x. Co., ground lloor, Beo flldg. 1 2w FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pled by The Beo at 918 Farnam st. It has four stories and a basement which was former y used as Tho Beo press room This will ho routed very reasonably. If interested apply at once to c. --. nose wntcr, secretary, room 100, Beo building 1 Ml FOP. RENT. 935 N. 24th st 1.3U6 N. 24th st 2,225 Cuming st ,017 8. 13th st .... f.4lli Jackson st llllli-iAi-lU IU uUJ B. Join OI. J-M439 S AGE. NTS WAVrEI). aiDeptTG J-M931 WANTED Can vastlng ngonts In every county to solicit uuDscripiious tor Tliu TWENTIETH CKNTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYULOl'ttlUA Up L.IVU STOCK AND COMl'LETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, 800 object-teaching engravings, uud Is the only book on Uvo stock ever published adapted to th tvery-uuy, practical, money-saving use of evry farmer and stock owner, steady employment with assured good Income. Agents in ino coun.ry wun norso ana buKcy csntclalli' desired. Canvassers make easily W) to 100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, lite uuuuing, umana. a n(. STORAGE.' CIF1C StoraKe nnd Warehouse Co.. 912- 914 Jones, general storage and forwurdltig ;ki OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UH Farn. Tels. 1559-S63. .JJo WANTED TO 1IUY. WANTED, secondhand tassel portieres. Address ! 40, Bee. .N-J1KS 7' IF YOU hnvo a 7-S-room hOusu that you want to sell nnd want to have moved away, send offer to P 32, Bee. N-457 4 FOR SALE K lilt. MTUItE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodso. Tel. 2020. rscw c zunanu lurnnure nougat, sold, exenangen. uo.u UPHOLSTER ING.lCth & 11 Worth. Tel. 1161 u IV. rnNTENTS of 6-room house.' folillnir hed. sewing machine, DooKcase, Axminsier rugs, steel range, gasounc stove, etc., ?uo Aifdress P 51, Bee. 0-439 4 FOR SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC, FOR SALE, top buggy, good condition; your oner is my price, it ii is rigni. u, M. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P-MSiU FOR SALE, 2-scated family carriage, Simp son maKe, ivsa. IBM I'-arnam Hi. LISTEN to tho, band. Have your vehicles rep d Dy it. r rost, lttn ana ii-worin. 1' 191 ' FOR SALE, Simpson phaeton nenrly new, iM ensn. Aiiuress i- oi, uee. i- .iiijW o FOR SALE MISCBLLANKOt'S. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry & hr.g icncc. su uougias. i jij 2DIIAND tnfe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam q arj SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 111 8. 13, y :wu WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare. hg Held or lawn, wire worKs, eu . intn i 4 .msis jy 1.000,000 BUILDING brick for Inimedlato de liver)'. Wlthnell Bros. -Smith Co., vards 22d nnd HlcKory, sist nna uaKC Tel. , tj-5011 Mil TIMOTHY hay nnd nil kinds of feed nnd coal. -Monroe .: i-o., wj .-s. mn. iei. ,i Q 7'J art llcbt surrv harnesses, ladles' saddle Hnviier tiiineinn. new surry. noie anil shafts. martlnRales and three strings bells, will be sold cheap. Inquire at 1607 intnrop ai. v .'iou CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. S-S0O MME. GYLMER, palmist. 313 8o. 15th st ELECTIIIU TREATMENT, CAMILLE DUVAL, 619 S. 16th, second noor, T All' ELITE parlors, 615 South 16th, second floor, T Mia .MS VERA DELMORE, 1615 Howard. 2d 11. It. 1 MME. SMITH, baths. Room 7. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor, T 403 6' lEltSONAI. DR. ROY. chropodlst: corns & sunerlluou rnlr removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenzer block. U-333 PRIVATE homo beforo and during conflne ment; babies adopted. Mrs, Burget, 2620 Burdette. U-334 VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 313 Bee Bldg. U-337 JUST think of it Electric light gallery, 27 enameled stamp photos in lour positions and a photo stick pin for 25c. R. 6, Crc.ghtou, blk., 15th and Douglas. Open 9 to 9. We make pictures at night. U-590 3116 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, ItSO Doug las. Tel. 2331, U-339 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd during contlnemcnt. babies adopted, 2304 Grant St. U-3W PBIISO.VAl.. RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pain, no ilnnerri si nd fnp elri.tilnrs. Emmre JilV lure Cure, JX! N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. f nnt.nMAX en . nnlv nerfeet ac- coruion pleating plant in inc wesi; man oniers sonciicu. ouite aw, jvougias uiui-n. U 'J3i . BOX cf Rc-No-May Powder Is not a luxury whei It affords you a cure and secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. o ai.i- MEN anil women above M years of age will learn nf snmethlnn to tlicir advan tage by sending address and 2-ccnt stamp to P. O. box No. S3, Omaha. U MS25 C WANTED, church soprano. C. B. Shaw, snceiy iiiug U 1 WANTED, church soprano. C. B. Shaw, snceiy uiu. u-w WAt.t. PAPER rlenner. C. Mlddlcmlst. Tel. UoS. nest or city reicrcnces. i.eave order at 1519 Farnam. U Mils 7 M'DOWELI, Dressmaktnc School: hlahest award at l'aris, i;)i; try our pauerns. .vj S. 15th st,, room 6Tb, Knrbach blk. U-MI5S C.vRPETS nnd rues cleansed like new without taking up. rtatlsfnction or no pay. City referencu. Diop postal. 601 . lu. FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING: mall orders solicited, omalia l'lcating Co., i.-i Douglas. U-M512 .MONEY TO I.OA HEAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 5 per cent; borrowers can pay $H) or any multiple; any Interest date: no delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 3ui S. 13th st.. Omaha, Neb. x MONEY to 'lonn on Improved Omaha real estate, urcnnan-i.ove 1.0., wj cuuui uui, w 31. WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. Gcorgo & company, iwi i-arnam sireei. W 313 WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds nnd warrants. 11. u. I'eters e& uo,, wj Farnam st uce HUlg. u-am MONEY to loan at l& and 5H lcr cent on Omaha property. W. B. Mclkie, 401 8. 15th. tt-iiii PRIVATE money.. F. D. Wend, 1521 Douglas. jia FIVE and 54 per cent city and farm lonns. Garvin uros,, ibis rarnam at. jij PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. CASH on hand. G, E. Turklngton, 0V Bee. W M352 UUMvl T LOA.N CliATTIiI.3. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It Is easy to advertise lowest rates, as others do, nut wo ieei positive mat u you will make comnarlsons you will be con vinced tliat ou can do better with us than elsewhere. We loan on furniture, plnnos, live stock, etc., or we will make you SALARY LOAN without Indorser or mortgage. Wo charge nothing for making the loan nnd you receive the full amount In cash. Y'ou may pay It back in ona month or take six months or mora in which to iuv It. and you need not pay tor it one day longer than you Keep u. uur icrms are ino easiest, our business is .confidential and our motto is "try to.piense.. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1VJ2.) 206 S. 16th St. X-351 11.000.00 TO place quick. M. J. Kennnrd & Son, ouue JiD urown nm, a. SALuVRY LOANS. WE LOAN 10 TO 1100 TO ANYONE HOLD. INO A UUUU I'UaillUIM. WliX HQtt HOW ON PERSONAL PHOPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST HATES IN TOWN. AND WITHOUT PUBLICITY! RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Paxton Block, Room 303. ' X-M50J LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried PEOPLE, merchants, team- Bters, boaruing nouses, etc., wiinoui se curity; easiest terms; 10 ottlces In prlncl ,mi cities. Tolnian. 110 Board Trade Bldn X-S27 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgage, no inuoreer, no punui'iiy ; lower rates, mucn easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Block. X 355 1lANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stocK, etc. wuick service aim lowest rnios uonranteed. J. W. TAY'LOE. C33 (ton floor) Paxton Block, northeast corner 16lh nnd rarnnm; cnirance on win oi MONEY loaned salaried people holding per manent posiiicn wun ruBpuiiaiuiu concern upon their names without security; eay Baymeuts. Tolman. 440 Board Trada Bldg. X-827 MONEY loaned salaried people holding per upon their names whut accurlty; easy payments. Tolman.UO Board ot liad bldg. s-' manent position wun reapon?iuio concern ,nvrpv innn,1 nn nlnnn. furniture. Iinrsex cowb, jewelry, uun ureen, it. o, uarntr uik lOINr.l llllllicil uu iJluuua, lUtllllUll, J , elry, norscs, cows, etc. u. r . nteu, jij bio, V OJ3 SHORT tlmo Barker blk. loans, Jno Pleasants, 51 X-360 SIONEY to loan. I. Zlegler, 1C0 Ware Block. IIUSISKSS CHANCES. vnn kai.i? imtirv nod confectionery, do ing good business ,lu small Nabrnska tOWli; gOOll locniion; BOUU reuaun uu non- lug. Address u i.', uce, i-.iii FIRST-CLASS family hotel for rent fur nished: sixty rooms; full of guests. Ad dress l 20. Bee. Y MI2S 7 FURNITURE, stoves and carpet store for sale on accojni ot sicKiiess; goou loca tion; stock JS.0W. Address i- , ieo. FOR SALE, store building, with living rooms above, nnd stock of general mer chandise: good location. Address Leven- ouy & Lispman, nay springs, rseo. Y-3II73 9 FOR SALE, the Osborne House, Alnsworth, Kh bnlnl Ii.ih been rclltted and Im proved; has nil the commercial trade and Is doing s. good misincBs. write to a. t: Howe, .Ainswortn, .-ei. -jiii jei nKATTMONT OIL FIELDS-Stocks of nil companies bought and sold. Reliable nnd authentic Information free. Latest maps oil fields, Jl. Smith & Co., brokers. Beau mont, Texas. V-3H7I 9' A CHANCE for the right man In tho wood working buslnet-s; wanted, n manager with about H,wl to Invest. Address P 55, Bee, y 500 c' FORTUNES quickly mado In nil, Write for new booklet (Just out), nlso special iiiillotln nnd advices on nil Investments. mailed free. Beckley & Co., Bankers. 5o iiroauw.iy, -m: iwm, 1 .uw n- FOR SALE, small stock of shoes and men's underwear for cash. John unnanan, co- umbus. Neb, .mhi io- GOOD milk route: nine head choice milk cows, milk wauou nnd set double harness. R. C. Young. 27th and U st.. South omahn. y Jdoti u FOR SALE, fiirulturo nnd lease of the only vz ner day bote ln city of 2.500 In- habitants in northwestern Iowa; hotel clearing iiw to 1150 monthly: easy pay ments; good renson given for selling upon application. Address i s. nee. v 702 IICYCLES. SECOND-HAND bicycles at H price; must have the room for new ones; good wheels for t3 "Und up; It will pay you to invest now, wheels sold on payments, lmls tttscher, is capitol Ave. -3I3K) ti -. a Vh nnii-ar,l 4,i Imin nn Imitmvfil rtv i tirtTTaiS. Inttt. furms. lnnds Innna ,ilun llr. I ''prcperti farms:" w;FKrAnm Snmn "insurnnbe. Bem.s. Paxton Blk, ' RE 357 " o.moVy VA ' SZZ. 'Seb.:' o,V F,S jLpLh.L C-HAsTe. WILLIAMSON, 1, A&ZKSAX FIVE percent rnoi.. Bemls, Paxton block. HE SfiS guci, oilier business as may comn beforo tho !J- FOR SALE. 2 honseTln South OmahnTc "llS. J- U1;HlerrelarV. Hi .ivn SU. nr rent loans. W. It. Thomos. 115.0) "Virii National Bank building. Tel. PHS! l,TY'ca The YiMd Drue Co Flln" il cei't landsmen and a wrv Ices an cxam - W.W W-3JI American omce retail wLleikle Mverk. ""owing them to bo uualltled lor 5.10 S Drac ic Si r v ' i i I! "elr ratings; landsmen and tipprentlces the 15.W) TO LOAN. $400 to J5u0 on real estate secur- ".T",.'..?1;. 'V .P. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ONLY. The 1U.W Itv nl 1 nnr rent. Address soon. V 47. Bee. W";V'W 1'"t.y": term of nllHttnnnt Is four vrarxr A lttlVI'S 1 I I'OIl EXCIIAXtiK. AcnEg cood town nnu ntln 0,utT K00d '3c tntm lands to trade for stock general merchandise: 19.0i to Jli'.ft't merchandHo stock for safe or trade for clear Iowa or Scuth Dakota land. Box 35-!, Missouri volley, Ja. . MS21 u- 2D-HAND men's wheels for ladles' wheels. Omaha Bicycle Co., ititn and Chicago sis. .-OJ7 FOR AI.E-IIEAI, ESTATE CHEAP LOTS, large, desirably located lots mm nrc sure to increase in Value front the start: motor line will soon bo ex tended to them nnd arc not far from present lines: only 75 to JlJo ench and only to down nnd only ts per month. George P. Bemls, Paxton block. RE-M9I2 S-noOM brick hoite, nil Nicholas st., J775. o-iuuni 11 unit' nouse, uain, ciiicacn IIOIHe, uu rt:wnru si., o.A"', chcii 101 ftxioo reel, south fronts. Make me nn offer. They must bo sold soon. Geo, W. Holbronk, 307 Brown Blk. RE-ME61 6 RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho 1 nion I'ncinc itaiiroaii company, n. a. McAllnsler. lanil commissioner, l."nlon Pacific Ileadnuarters, Omaha, Neb. UK 362 .... HOUSES and lots In itll parts of city; nlso ncre property nnd farm lands. Tho O. F, uavis io., iiooni as., iicc isuiiiung. lit; a' .. I FOR SALE nn monthly payments, S-room iiiuuuiii uuhxu uu .. -uu oi, enr line; nlso vacant lots, which will be Improved xnr Diircnaser uu moucrHie nuvmpni nnivn. 1 Mutual Loan nnd Building Association, days after the receipt of notice of tho nc G. M. Nattlnger, secretary, Bee Bldg. ceptunco of hla bid. it.' tm . . SEE HENRY 11. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. BE-3SI) $3,.V) BUYS 3 6-room. cottages, 2119-21-23 Blnney, excellent condition, 15 per cent gros revenue on investment; a snap. J. H. Johnson, Ml N. Y. Life. RE-M297 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room nouse, cioso to goou car line. Eastern owner anxious to sen. .m. j, Kcnnnrd & Son, 3OI-10 Hrown uiock. RE S38 tr.illv located: cnu be hnucht 111 11 li:.r. gain, Address C. C. Polinrd. Fremont, Neb. RE-MlnjO 10 MBUIQAl., LADIES. J.V10 reward for n case of suppres sion old Dr. Jucksori's Montlhy Regulator falls to 'ellevo In 21 hours: positively guarantied; no ergot or pills; mnny saved from pulclde; Ideal safe homo treatment. Mall 3 to Dr. Jackson, II. C, S14, 167 Dear born St., Chicago, III. 230 11 DR. LE DUE'S French Female Reuulntor. positively warranted to relieve the most stubborn cases of monthly stoppages. Ir regularities, obstructions and suppres sions broucht on from whatever or pathological cause; $2 11 package, or 3 SHORTHAND A N II TVPEWIUTING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. -370 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, uee mug. ail NHIS.. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd'H incaier, 37. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & Doug a?.; ADVEUTISOG l'AS. ADVS. FANS. Burkley Pig. Co., Omaha. '31477 J2 - CLTLEIl Y GHJNUING, 1 o v., T,... t" . ,. . ,ci'.r,ii u I'uci., cunery prinners; inwn mowers a specialty, reiepnone 214. 12th nnd Douglas. f 31 IP HYGIENIC II ATMS. FOR Indies only, hygienic baths, with mas- sage anu electric treatment, under direc tion of Mrs, T. Schoinmcr, graduate mas seuse, formerly of "The Bathery." 1623 uouglns Ht. Tel. 2155. Open evenings by engagement, mmii 3111 GARBAGE HAULING. ANT1MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans lcb!h,uis unu vaults, removes garougc and deed animals at reduced prlccB. 621 iN, ism. iei. iicj. 3IZDI 3137 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. jwh; ,nce jonnson, u. u., ladles uopl. ; um ui'iniauu, vyaicuiHiiiit)i, ,lgr. -374 M. E. DONOHUB, D. O., of Still school. j-iliitsi int.-, ,tiu., U"t x MAluu J)IK. iei. 375 SCnEEN DOORS. Windows, etc. G. C. Co., 1519 Lcnv. Tel. 2529. 495 J2 NTAMMEIIING AND STUTTER,! NG. ' T .r. r CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ratngo Bldg. -3J7 SHOE REPAIRING. SOLE8. 40c; rubber heels and soles, 75c. Neb. ncp!lr Co., 217 N. 16th. Joe Pulbne, Prop ni m'ii TAILORING. iniesi nesigus. Btepncn J. uroderlcK, IU17 r arnam st. 3ISS5 3123 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating, cheupest, best. quickest. Mrs. A. C. 3lrk, 8, E, Cor, 17th nnu rarnam. 376 PARQUETRY FLOORS. FRANK SEVICK mnkes n specialty of all tonuR nsrowiH7ii iiijiiiiiiK nnu parquetry. .My prices are rigm. ifit uik hi, 6S0 M19 C A n P E N TE IIS AND .IOIIIIi:it S. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly intended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 DItEhSM IKING, IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26th St, i'S'J 3U'( K I! II , IT Ml hi II EPA HUNG. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming 8t. 3IS EXPEItT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS ln bookkeeping, etc.. day or even. nig, it. 10, 1.0m, .mil imnh. u. it. itainnun. . jvj BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers. tanks stacks, etc. Tel. 1359. 12th & Izard Sts. -49 PATSJVrS. PATENTS, no fee unless successful. Sues & Co., uea Bldg., umana, -jseb. Advlca frinv I5S Ju!5 LAINDH V. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1760 Leavenworth. Tel. 5)7. 3JVJ TICKET BROKER. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. Jl. Phil- !ln 1.V1K F,"nrnnrr. Tf . TS1. 1UI PAWMIROKERS. EAOLB Iian Office, reliable, accommodat- ing; all business confidential. 1301 uouglns, 3i3 'l PIIOkSTEHING, GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcav'th, Tel, 2529. net VJ W-671 ZX","' FOUR MONTHS' PAY and nn ADDI- AVAI.I, PAPER. a roll and up. painting, paper hanging. uecorniing. ncisey, m no. mi., ELOCI TIO.. ELLA DAY. 1920 Dodge St. -S77 M22 LOST. LOST, ft white horse, weighing about 1,100: return to soutn umana city jan ami receive reward. Lost .2b 1 I'Ot M). JERSEY cow taken up. 2812 Farnam. Wll. nam seanoid. 11)1111(10 1 I.Eli.M. MU M IIS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Healed 1 roposals will be rcclvct nt the oflke of the commissioner of public lands and buildings at Lincoln, Neb., until 12 in. Mnv 21. llJl. for the erection of the new lircproof building for the asylum tor the chronic insane 111 imsungs, ,cu, nans and spcclllcatlons may be seen in the olllco of the commissioner or public minis nun buildings, or at no oiuco in inc nupi-rin tniiiinn ni tb. nHvlnm nt Hastings. Nub.. and at the olllcc of Messrs. Bcrlinghot .t Ornnl, architects, Beatrice, Neb., alicr the 6tn nay of .May, 1W1. Eacn must ne nccomiianieu nj . ,i,nl HHftlr.riil lirmil Itl thil Rlltll III j,ooo made payabio to the stale of Ne- brasKn in enso 1110 nuuicr rcvcivum ' award shall fall to execute a contract nnd rm - n , 1 tho iwitwi nu rpitnirrn wiiniu leu 1'ruposniH may ue inauu lor inc "' work tinder one general contract, or for any one of tho branches of the work as classing in tnc scnenuie. . The Board of Public Lands and Buildings reserves tlic right to reject any and all bids and waive derects. UKOHllH n. I'nl.I.MER Commissioner of Public Lands nnd Build- Lincoln, Neb., April .TO, 1901 A 11 11 tin I .Vloftlnu rim nnimnl mni.ttnir of stockholders of the Fremont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley liOVEHNMEVr .NOTIC'I MEN WANTED FOR THE U. S. NAVY l.nndsnieii for training ns seamen, age IS to 25, MO per mouth; landsmen for yeomen, ago is to l.50 por inoniu upon iiiiinnoiiucin n yeomen third class); seamen, age 21 to :i. Kl; oniinary seamen, ago in in a". o', i prcntlees, third class, ago 15 to !?; ma- cniuisis, nrsi ciuss, ngc -1 m j, . hltlufu mtnn,l elna. iiife 'Jl to 3.1. SIO! hOS pltni appreiiiices, ago is to .u; nospmu apprenuces, llrst class, age 21 to 2X, IM; shipwrights, ago 21 to 33, 35; electricians, second class, age 21 to 35. lu; electricians, third class, ago 21 to 35, .t3o; coppersmiths, ago 21 to Xt, iM. Candidates must pass n puysicni examination snowing uiem to i.c TION OF 11.3(1 TO THE MONTHLY PAY for each re-enllstment within four months on honorable discharge. RATIONS, ME1M- CGNKH AMU .M 1'jlJlL'A I, ATTK.NDANCE GRATIS. Privilege Of RETIREMENT ON THREE-QUARTERS PAY after 30 years' seivicc. ADie-nouied A.MKRICANS ESPE CIALLY WANTED, who will enjoy EX CEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR AD- lascftMnni iu I'KTTY OFFICERS by the early comnletlon ol' a ntimher of Inn-o ships. A recruiting olllco will be open;d at itooins 613 and an aicCngue bldg., 15th and Dodge sts.. Omaha, Neb., from Stay 6-11, In clusive, 1901. -M5-11-M POSTOl'FICE NOTIC13. (Should be read DAILY liv nit IniArociA,! aa.ohnngea may occur nt nny time). I orelgn mails for the week ending May 11. 1W11. will lr,. lUmmiiTt V ' , at the general pontolllco ns roltows: PAR- CELH POST MAI1.M nlntn nna ti..i - -Ti. - i .,r.: "unci '"'" uiuniug nmo Hiiown dciov. Parcels I'osi mans lor Germany close at 5 p. ni. Wednesday, Regulnr and SUIiDlcmtntnrv malls ,lno at foreign brnncli half hour later than lIUQUIci UIIUWI1 OCiOW. Trnna-Allniitlu .lliilla. n.t.t.-f.c .1. . n . . ....,ii-,L , a. m. rnr i i'Ai.v nni. r a werra, via Naples (mall must be directed "per s. h. Werra"). WEDNESDAY At 6:30 n. m. foi- ElMl.mM ipli n. n. oi. i-uui, via nouinnmpton; nts:30 ii. in. isuppiemeniary in n. in.) for j-.uuui-i',, per s. s. uermanic via gucens- luwn: Ml iu ll. m. lor HI-ilAill'M ,1 reel. per H. s, Frleslnnd (mall must be directed "per s. s. Frleslnnd"!. THt'RSDAY At :30 n. in. for EUROPE, per s. s. Fuerst Bismarck, via Plymouth, v iieriiuurg unu iinmnurg (mall for i-rnuce, uwitzeriniid, Italy, Spain, Portu gal. Turkey, Egypt, Greece, British India and Lorenzo .Maniuez must be directed "per s. n. Fuerst Bismarck"); at 7 a. in. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, PORTUGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA und LO RENZO .MARQUE., per s. s. Ln Cham pagne, via Havre (malt for other parts of Europe must bo directed "ner s. s. Ln Champagne"); nt 9:30 n, in. far AZORES ibl.AM-iM, per s, s. Vlnceiir.o Florin (mall lor nniy must no uirecteu "per s. s. vin cenzo Flnrlo"). SATURDAY-At 7:30 n. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. MutiHdnm (m.ill must bo directed "per s. s. Mansdnm"!; lit 7:uo n. m. (supplementary a a, m.) for hi itoi'K, per x, s. fiiruria, via gueens town: nt s a, ni. for ITALY, per s. h Trave, via Naples (moll must be directed "per s. s. Travo"); at 10 a. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per- s. s, Furnessln (mail must no uirecteu -per s. s. i urnessin") PRINTED MATTER." takes Printed .Matter, anil Salnules for Gi ETC. This ste.mcr er. Commercial Pnncra und Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts oi Europe win "ql no sent ny mis unip unless sncclally directed bv her. After tho closing of tho Supplcmontory 'iians-Atinniic .inua uamcu auovc. uu- dltlonnl supplomeirtnry malls are opened on tho piers of tho American, English, French and German steamers, nnd to main open until within Ten Minutes of tho hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for South iinil Ccuti-nl A merlon, West Indies, Etc. TUESDAY At 9:30 a. m. (supplemeiitnr) 10:30 n. m I.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (ex- cent Costa Rica) nhd SOUTH PAClFlf PORTS, per s. s. City of Washington, vln Colon (mall for Guatemala must be directed "per s. . City of Washington"); at 10 a. m. for GRENADA nnd TRINI DAD, per s, s. Riinttld; nt 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. Admiral Dewey, from Boston; nt 11 p. m, for JA3IAICA, per a. s. l rnnia. irom i-uiiani'ipiiin. WEDNESDAY At 10 n. m. nnd HAITI, per s. s. Stoun 10:30 a. m. for YUCATAN, pc for INAOI'A. t Vernon: at ner s. s. Guild- hall (mall must be directed "tier s. a. Guildhall"!; nt 12 in. for CiyiA. VUC V T A N. CAMPECHE, TABASCO nnd CHIA PAS, per fl. s. Espernnzn, via Hnvnmi and Progreso (mall tor other parts of .Mexl.i must 1)0 directed "per n. s, Espcrnnu"), at 12 m. for NORTHERN BRAZIL, per m. a. Illldebrand. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for BER.MUDA, per s. s. I'retorin, nt is m. (supplemen tary 12:30 p. m.) for NASSAU, GUANTA NAMO nnd SANTIAGO, per h. s. San tiago, nt 0:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s, Admiral Sampson, from Boston. FRIDAY At 12 in. for 3IEXICO, per s. s, Seneca, via Tninplco (mall must he directed "per s, s, Seneca"). SATURDAY At fi a. m. for ARGENTINE ni'ii't'Hi.ii . i iii'ui Ai nnu Para guay, per s. s. Flaxman: nt 9 n. m,' for PORTO RICO, per s. s, Ponce, via 8an .timii. nt 9 a. tn. (siinnlemnntarv 9:30 n. m.i for VENEZUELA and CURACAO, per s, s. .MiiracMiuu uiiiiii lor n.ivnnnut nnu I'nrthaceiia must be directed "iwr h. k. .Marai'iilbo'-); at 10 n. m, for CUBA, per s, s. .Morro -tinui via iiuvana; ni ion. m. (supplementary 10:30 n. m.) for FOR. TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. RAVA N1LLA. CARTHAGENA mnd GREY- TOWN, per s. s. Alleghany (mail for Costa Rica must no nireotcd "per s, , Alleghany' ); nt 10:30 a. m. for YUCATAN, nor s, s. Rftvensdnle. via Prngreso: nt 4 ji. m. forr ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, rnrui Ai nnu riMi.uu .ii, per s, h llnddonhall. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North HVdney. ana tuenco ny steamer, emse nt this ofllce dally at 6:30 p, m connecting close here every Monday. Wednesdav nnd Saturduy. Malls for Mkuiclon, by rail to Boston, and thenco by steamer. clAso at tins olllco dally at il:30 r. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Port Tompa, Flu,, and thence by uteamer, close at this officii dully, except Monday, nt "6 a. in. (tho corim-cllng closes aro nn Sunday, Wednes day and Friday) 3Ialls ror Cuba, by -all to Miami, vlu., and thence by steamer rlosn nt this oftlco every 31ondav nnd Friday nt 11 p, in. 3Inlls for .Mexico CHy, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this of fice daily at 1,30 p, ni. and U p, m. Mails I posTorrici: xnirr. for Costn Pica, Belize, Puerto Cortei and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenco by stetmcr, close at this olllco dally nt "1:30 p. m. (connecting closes heic Mondays for Bellxe. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala nnd Tuesds for Costa Rica). "HegKtcred mull closes nt p. in. previous day. Trniis-I'ni'llli Mulls. Malts for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine iMaiius. via nan tranciseo, cioso here dall nt 6:30 p. m. up to May "th. Inclusive, for dtsmitcli tier s. s. Peru. Mulls for Chlnn and Japan, via TaCMii.l, cioe litre uhiiv h' p.- in. up to .mh S. Inclulr. for dispatch per s. s. Glc noele. Malls for ttnwall, via Sun Franelseo, clo. hero dally at 0:30 p. in. up to May 13 foe dlsnnteli nor s. s. Mnrlnosn. Malls for Hawaii, China and Japan, via San ! ranciico, close nere uauy nt n;:i p. m. up tn May "le. Iiulusive, for dlspatcli per s. h f'nntlr. Malls fot Tahiti nnd Marquesas Isl.inds. via Han Francisco, close Here daily nt ti..w p. m. up to May IS, Inclusive, for ills- 111IICI1 iwr M. H. ai irunu. Mails fot China, Japan nnd Philippine (sunns, via senmc. cioe nere uauy ai 6:30 p in. up to May 21. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Idztimt Mini (icf,;gtcrrd mail must be directed via Seattle. Malls for China and Japan, via Van couver, close Here daily at b.aj p. tn, i p to Mnv 21, Ini-llslvo, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of India (regltrred mail must bn illiected "via Vancouver"). Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which is iorariiei via turopei. .-cv 'Ami la ml, Fiji. Samoa rind llawnll, via San Francisco, close here dally nt 6:X0 p. m. after May anil up to May 23. Inclusive, or on arrival of s. h. I, lunula, duo at New York May "2$, for dlspmeh ir s. M Mlorrn Mills tor A.lslrall.i (except West1 Australia, wnicn goes via nuiopc, ami ,m-w xeuinnii, which goes via San Finnclsco). nnd FIJI Islands, via Vnncouver, close hero dally nt 6::w p. m. up to May M2S, Inclusive, lor dispatch per s. s, W.irrlmoo (supplemen tary malls, via Seattle, close at "Mil l). in. Mny 291. (Mall must be directed via Vancouver) .,rVii of ciosllThc -Hardin companies have been consoll um Is arranged on ihu presumption of their iiuniicrrupicu ovenauu iruusii, Registered mull closes at 0 p. in. pro. VKiliH day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster, Postolllce, New York, N. V , May 3, l!'l. RAILWAY GUIDE. UNION STATION KITH AND MAHCY. Union Pncltlo. Lenvo. Arrive. Overlaid Limited ft i:20 am n 7:30 pm Fast Mull a uo 11111 it 3:25 pm 3IntI and Express all:35 pm n 1:25 pm Colorado Special a 11:35 pm n 6:50 am Ltncoin-Stromsberg Ex.b 4:o5 pm bi2::w pm Pacilla fi Atlantic ux .a t:vu pm n u:ou nm Grand Island Local.... b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am CIiIciiko Nortlnrteru. Chicago Special a 7:0o am nil Mi) pm Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm 11 8:40 am Eastern i;xoies... uiu.oj am u i:iu pm Eastern Special a 4:55 pin u 1:05 pin l.'tMiMnll a 2:43 11111 Omaha-Chicago L't'd...n 7:45 pm u biiw am Fust .Mall 1 is:3u am Cedar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Sioux City & Pnclllc. Twin City Express u 6:53 am nl0:33 pm Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm 11 3:15 am Sioux Clu Local a 8:00 am 11 3:50 pm Clili'iiuo, Mllwnukrc A: SI. Paul. Chicago Limited a t:oo pm n 8:05 nm Chicugo & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 um b 3:10 pm Illinois Centrnl. Chicago Express n 7:Oi nm a 5:10 pm unitago, .Minneapolis v St. l'uui L.imueu 11 i:u pm a s:uj nm Minneapolis & St, Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:10 pin Fort Dodgo Local, from council limits j :m pm n s:ij um Fort Dodge Local, from Council mulls u t;uv um Clilenuu, Hock IiIhiiC & l'uellic. Dca Moines & Daven- oori Lucu... ni7:-i am im:3o nm Chicago Exprrss bl):i5 am a S:lo um Vta -nc. u pin a t:ij pm l"itp:;i:.. l'-XllfL'SH. .a 5:v0 um 11 1:l'j um Des Moini'H, lto.'K lbland & Clilcujjv. a ,:iu pm a v:sj pm Lincoln, Colo. Spring-., Denver. Pueblo ana West a 1:30 nm a 4:15 nm Colorado. Oklahoma and Texus l' lyer a o:.u pm a n.M am MlNmiuri 1'nulllc. St. Louis Express alO:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. & HL L. Express. ,a!U:6o pin a 0:15 um Omnlin JL St. Lou in. St. Louis "Cannuii Ball" a 6:16 pm a 3:20 am Kansas City 6c wuincy Local a r.vj um a siw pm V nliusli. St. Lnul? "Cannon Ball" Expiesa a i:ii pm a s::u am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON STATION 10TII HASO.N Clilcnuo, llnrllnglou & Qulncr Chlrnaii KiiL-cial u 7:00 um a!0:20 run Ullicugo vestiuuicu i.w pin a i.u um Chicago Local a 9:30 um a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited. ...... ..a 7:50 pm .1 7:15 am Fast Mall a 2:4j pm llurlliititon t Mlsiioiirl River. Leave. Arrive, Nebrniika & Colorado Expres), a 8:40 am a 7:33 pm WvmnK Beatrice & Lincoln a ":40 am bll:55 nm Denver Limited a t:25 pin a 3:W pin llli:a i. iru&zi Hniini'. Denver Con nection ...1 n 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall u i:i pin u 9.17 am Fort Croon & I'latts- mouth b 3:20 pm bll:05 am Bellevuo & Paclilc Jet. .11 7:40 pm a S:iu am Bellevue Ac Paclilc Jct..al2:10 am IviuiNiis City, St. Joseph Jl Council Bin Its. Kansas City Day Ex. ..a 9:20 am a 6:23 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:ji pm a 6:15 ;.m St. Louis F'yet..., u 5:'.o pin ull:l5 ura a Dally, o Dally except Sunday. WEI1STEK DEPOT IJVTH A; WEBSTER. Chlcngo, St, 1'Biil, Mliiuenpolla A Oniulin. Twin City Passenger.. .a 6:(0 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger. ..a 2:45 pm alliio am Emerson Local ., o a .si pm ti s:30 am .ItUsonrl Pacific. Nebraska Local, Via weeping water u t:io pm aio:& am Fremont. Elkborii A: 3lluurl Valluy, Leave. Arrive Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 rm Vyomlng, Cusper & Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hustings, xorn, unvia f'Hv. 'tlnerinr. ftenot-n. City. Superior, Geneva. t..v.. .. 1 !. - r. . . ... 1. r , rvi rrr. l.A , U .JUT,. ... ...V M.W ,. 1. V . w ,' ' . Norfolk, Lincoln & Fre mont b 7:30 nm b!0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day oniy n uauy except Saturday, t Daily except 3Ionday. Hotel ViotoHs 8ro4wt;, 9lh kit. nt 27th Sttett, Nw Vtrk. J Absolutely Hroproot 1 ,,k . In IhA rn. ter o'f.ths shopping nd theatre district. First clits hull iuap pointmtnts. Entirely new through out European Plan Ronml lip. tCMlw. i-iixir,rn-t.: ee or en. suite, with or without bth, hot sncfcold wMrr nd telephone In every room.' CulslnuocxCflld. A Frnrfiil Stnilo. Hnrncr's Bazar "There goes a mnn who Is having n fearful strugglo with his appetite." , , , ... "What, that clean-cut, htalthy-looking chap over there ; "rhnt'n the one "Why, he doesn't look like a slave to nny n nnj.HI n " 'lie Is, thnuglii nnd he's having nn awful time of It. He grits hii teeth nnd succeeds In subduing It for a whole dny, maybe, but the very next It cfmquers him and ne s just as nun 011 hs ever. "What Is ltwhlsky?" ,"Oh, no' He never drinks, " "Morphine?' .Vo. Indeed." "Well, what h It that hns such a hold on him "His nppetlte, I told you." "For food?" "Certainly." "Well, wbnt's the matter with It'.' Why has ne any struggle over iw "Why, ho says that if ho could only go without eating for about 11 month ho could get the girl he's engaged to an Editor present as elaborate a she expects. MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS Ntloa.l is About to Build Smeltir of Fit Hundred Tons. BIG DEAL PENDING AT GARDEN CITY l nil ersll t'linipnii iucorssfiiH.v De v luplim I'rot ert Weil of Orrvllle Stiroutntliiii Ilirr Holy Ter ror's liint liiunnce. LEAD. S. D.. Ma)' " -iSptctAl.) Thf Na tional Mining nnd Smelling company of New York will begin In a few days tho erection of a r00-lon smelter on Bear Rutin creek, near Unlcna. nbout nine miles cast of this lty. The company was organlifl by Dr. II It .MugRftlry of Chicago, who has Interested n dozen or more capitalists nt Boston and New York. The nto that !tt be treated will conic from the nulllon mine, which Is a well-deelopd property near ttu proposed site of the smelter. There wilt h a lot oi ore on th' market In that district ns noon ns n plan' Is started In which to treat It. The smelter will he built after tho fashion of the smelter In Deadwnod that was built by Dr. Franklin Carpenter, now of Denxei. This enterprise will he of direct benefit tn the business of this city. A rail road will, without doubt, he built front Drndwood to the Galena district. The fact that the Hardin brothers this spring refused tn lease their farms on lleri water, twelve miles north of this city, Is taken to mean that the Urdwnter Mlnlnr; company Intends to do sonu'ihlng out thero iMa dMi.n in ih. u n v nt luilMlna n smelter. dated and It Is the Intention soiiip day to erect large smelting works on Hedwater river, one nf the largest streams In tho Black llllls. The ore will come from tlm mines It tho Two Bit district, which are be ing developed There nrc Immense bodies of low grade pyrltlc ore In the Orlglnnl Hardin mine nt the present time and work has been resumed In the shaft of the Chl tago and Two Bit company. The Hnrdlns, Intend tn lay n town on Hedwater, where they hnvo ;t,000 acres of choice farm ing land. There will probably be some rail road building In that direction this season, lllu llrnl nt Giirdeu City. A big mining deal Is pending ln tho Gnr- den City district at the Realization group of claims, owned by E. May and associates nf Lead. A shaft crosscuts have opened a big shoot of slllclous ore Hint runs high enough l.i values to pay well for cynnlding. The workings have all been pumprd out and eastern parties are expected to make a thorough examination. Thrro will probably soon bp a consolidation of the Hums & Lit tle Mlnlnr company and a number ot other properties In the district, all of which Bhow ore exposed In large shoots. This would mean a cynntde plnnt for the district. Tho University company of Vermillion, this state. Is meeting with great success In the development of n property west of Orc vlllc In Pennington county. Tho company recently ncnulrcd VI10 Jim Yerxa mine. which was opened up a number of ycara ago. A shoot of frcc-mllllng ore was fol lowed down nbout forty feet, tho ore being; milled In a flve-stamp nffalr at the mine. Tho University company has now com menced to sink the shaft deeper and tho vein Is rapidly widening out. Assays run from $0 to J64.40 per ton gold. The forma tion around the shaft Is such that It Is ex pected to make a big shoot of ore beforo water level is reached. A steam hoisting: plant Is .being negotiated for and the ground will bo very thoroughly developed. This company was organized by Stnto university; students last June. It now has title to 250 acres of ground, with mlllsltes and water rights and a flve-stamp mill. RunliPM flu- (iolden Slipper. J. B. Safford of Chicago Is rushing wnrW at the Golden Slipper mine east of Hill City, He hns purchased a holler and steam hoist nnd as soon ns tho water is pumped out ot tho lower workings sinking will commence and the shaft will he put down to the 600 foot level. The mine lias pHld for Its de velopment from the grass roots to the 300 foot level, the ore averaging nbout $15 per ton gold. A number of Chicago capitalists are Interested In the mjno nt present, Thero Is considerable speculation at Key stone whether or not tho Holy Terror Mill ing company will continue work o;- not no that the McCarty mining suit has gone against the company. It wnB asserted a short time ago that the president and other officers of tho company had decided to shut down the mine Indefinitely In case the suit went against them. They clnltn that tho mlno Is not paying as well as It has In tho past anil that when McCarty gets his oner eighth Interest In the property that II will not pay to work A winze Is being sunk on the ore ledge at the present tlmo and It Is asserted that the ore Is richer than ever. There is not much credence placed In tho rumors of the shutting down. ('triiiiiipH 11 l.nruc ns Ever. The Holy Terror mine hns paid good dlv blends up to within a few months, when tha work was done on half time only, waiting the result of the pending trial. Twenty stamps nf the thirty nrc dropping on ore and those who nro familiar with the prop erty nsscrt that tho cleanups are as largo as ever. McCarty of Rapid City gets an ntcro6t In tho property that Is valued nt $40,000 ur $50,000. Howell Clevenger of Rapid City, a stu dent of the Stato School of Mines, will soon start up the little cyanide plnnt nt the old chlorlnatlon works, near the School ot Mines building. Last summer he expert monted with the old tailings from th chlorlnatlon plant and fouhd that ho could cyanide them at a good profit, making from $3 to $6 per ton. He put in a nnmber ot cyanide tnnks and cleaned up over $1,009 In his first few runs. It Is stated that ha will Increase the capacity and will run dur ing the summer. Guillen ItiMvurd Activity. It Is expected that tho Golden Ilcwnril company will begin work on the erection of Its 200-ton cyanide plant In Deadwood In n fow days. The cdmpnny Iibb an lmmen3 amount of cyanldlng oro In its Bald moun tain m'nes, Tho Imperial company oC Pennsylvania will also commence this month tho erection of a 100-ton ryaulrlo plant, probably within the rlty limits of Deadwood. The mining property In Black tall gulch Is developing Into n big proposU Hon. Two largo ore shoots have been cross cut that give as. good average valup. Thero aro several thousand feet of the ore, as de termined by former development work. A. railroad will he built up niacktail gulch this season, In all probability Another new cyanide plant will soon be In course of con struction at Ragged Top by tho Colorado South Dakota Mining fompany. Rev. C. E, Glddlngn has organised this company, hav ing Interested a brother In Colorado anil Omalia parties, The annual election of offi cers of tho company will be held the fore part of this month, ai which lime final ar rangements will hr made for tho erection of tho new plant. A large amount of ore has alrendy been blocked out that Is rich enough to cyanide well. In tills same district a new, Colorado Springs and Denver company has, bonded a big hlork of ground and there ts, little doubt but that the deal will be con summated this month and n cyanide plant! erected. Thomas Maple, Dlrkbcck, III., writes; "I hsd a very bsd case of kidney trouble and my back pained me so I could not straighten up. The doctor's treatment did me no good. Saw Foley's Kidney Cure advertUed and took gno bottle which cured me and I havu not neon affected since. I gladly recommend this remedy,"