THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SV2s"DAY, AY 5, Hum. 24 SENATOR MILLARD AT HOME Bctorns from Hit Viiit to Katioaal Capital and Hew York. ENTERS INTO DISCUSSION OF AFFAIRS Nrtr Nlulrininn Snjn There AVIII He No liuiiirilliilc CIiiimkc" AmrniK liranUu Krilcrnl Oltlec holilers. Senator Millard Is back at his desk In tho Ouuba National bank after a visit to Wash ington and New York. Speaking of his trip tho senator taid: "Wo wero warmly received by tho presi dent and members of tho cablnut, but had little tlmo to consider matters, as It was a very busy season In Washington. Tho pres ident und his olllnlal family wero making preparations for their tour and thero wore many other things t occupy their atten lion. Thu Cuban delegates were at the capital nt that tlmo and received consid erable attention The president gavo them u banquet, to which Senator Dietrich and 1 were Invited. Tho delegates scorned to bo ablo and pleasant men, who had tho In terests of their peoplo at heart. They ap peared to bu energetic nnd thorough In their methods, but whether they aro cgni potent to govern the people of Cuba Is a question yet to bo solved. Confronted liy I'rulilcinn. "There are many gravo and Intricate problems to confront tho administration during tho coming year, but thero Is a uni versal feeling that tho president and his advlsois uro ahlo to meet all questions and settle them In tho manner most advantage ous to tho United States. There probably never was an administration In which thero was such universal confldenco In all sec tions of tho counliy and no president ever had tho support as nearly unanimous, ro gardless of political bias. "Wo loft tho matter of federal patron ngo In Nebraska largely to bo discussed at another time. Thero was little opportunity to. enter Into this matter with tho heads of departments, and thero Is really little occasion to bring It up at this time, na nono of tho terms of tho present office holders have expired. I can say that as a rulo thero will bo no changes In tho Im portant offices In tho stato until tho pres ent officers have served their full term, and thero romalns plenty of tlmo to consider tho applications of thoso who dcslro to suc ceed thorn. Mr ii lit ii r Tallin l'liinncc. "I havo been In New York many times, but never was I thero when thero was such excitement In tho stock market. On every hand you hear of fortunes mado In a few hours by men who havo purchased stocks, and tho fever of speculation has entered tho veins of nearly every class. Thero Is a feeling that there will be no reaction, and as far as I can sco this feeling Is based upon sound logic. "Thero Is a revolution In money matters In this country, nud it Is probable that Investors will speedily como to bo satisfied with smaller returns for their money. Three nnd 4 per cent per annum Is now looked upon In New York as an ndequato return for monoy. With this fact In con sideration tho great rlso In prlco of Union Pacific and Ilurllngton stock assumes a new phase, and tho nppearanco of abnor mal 'boom' disappears. Ilurllngton stock has been for some time paying a dividend of 8 and 9 per cent, whilo Union Pacific stock Is paying almost as much. Thero Is no reason to bollovo that thero will bo any reduction In tho earning power of theso roads, which aro now beginning to bo looked upon as parts of great transconti nental systems which will control a largo part, of tho shipping of tho country. With theso stocks nt 200 per cent they will pay from 4 to per cent on tho Investment, which, as I havo said. Is considered a fair return In Now York today." Danco programs and wedding stationery. A. I. Koot, printer, 411-41C S. 12th str.cet. Sealskin coats repaired and cleaned at re duced prices. Q. E. Shukort, 315 South 15th. Huberman. Jeweler, est. I860, absolutely reliable. Lowest prices guar. 13 & Douglas, Spring suits a splendid lino on hand at LlndquUt's tailor, 310 S. 16th, 2d floor. Seeds that grow como from the Nebraska Seed company, 1513-15 Howard St. Meet mo at Bchlltji hotel bar and wo'll talk It over. Tho only place In Omalia. Work tho flguro puzzlo In Tho Evening llco May 8i $1,500 In prizes. FOR A HUNDRED MILLION Murtsnwe with .10,000 of IleveiiHc Ntiiiuiia floe on ltceord lu Thin County. Ono hundred million dollars Is tho amount of u mortgage filed In tho ofllco of the Douglas county register of dcods. It is tho first lieu mortgage and deed of trust from the Uulon Pacific Kallroad company to the Mercantile Trust company of New i one, given to secure the payment of un Issue of 1100,000,000 of 4 per cent gold bonds, dated April 15, 1001, nnd duo May 1, 1911. Tho original mortgago was not loft with thu reglstor of deeds, but It was brought thero by a Union Pacific employe, so that tho register might certify on Its face that a truo copy of It hod boeu fflcd. Copies will havo to bo filed In every county In Ne braska, Kansas and Colorado which tho Union Pacific railroad touches. Tho foo for filing In each county In this stato is $20. The original mortgago Is nn Interesting document on account of tho $50,000 worth of rovenuo Btumps It bears. Thero nro fifty stamps of tho $1,000 denomination, twelvo on each of tho first four pages of tho mort gago and two on the fifth. lloinenecUern' MxcMirnlonii. On Tuesdays. May 7 and 21, tho MIS SOUIU PACIFIC RAILWAY will Boll round trip tickets nt very low rates to points In Kansas, southwest Missouri, Arkansas, OKianomn, inmau Territory, Toxas, etc, Also to certain points In tho south and souiuwesi. rur uuormation write to or tall on the company's agents, southeast corner 14th and DouglaB Sts Omaha, Nob j. o. i'liu.i.iri, t. l' . GODFREY, A. O. F. and P. A. p. and T. A. Miiy I'nrt-, Tno second annual nan and May party oi umanu council ino, nt, Knights and Ladles of security, will do given at Thurs ton llltles' armory, 17th and Douglas streets, weanesuay evening, aiay s. Tick eta, 50c per couplo. Dr. Gcrtrudo Cuseaden, 113 S. 18th St. Publish your legal notices In Tho Weekly Dee. Telephone 238. $1,500 lu prlzts. Add the figures In Tho Evening line May 8. Standard Glass and Paint Co., 1419 Dod Job printing, 437 Paxton block. Tel. 1440, Stonecypbcr prints anything. Tel. 1310k, Etonecypber, primer; 1201 Howard St. Ite-No-May powder for tired feet. More dots In Tho Peo May 8, Have Root print !t Lawn vasos at Sam'l Hums, ALL ABOARD FOR NORTH POLE ! Ak.Snr.llrii'n IIohIn Will ThN Year Seek Oul tlio I'nucn l'ttnci- of the Arctic Enne. As fresh and bright as a May morning Is tho first general communication from Sam son, the factotum of the kingdom of Qulvcra and herald of his majesty, Ak-Sar-Hen VII. Tho select knights of tho kingdom have been at work for nearly a month preparing for tho naturalization of citizens Into tho traditional kingdom which erstwhile at tracted the spears of Spain to the plains of Nebraska. Samson says to thoso who assisted him last year: You were a Knight of 1900. Wo Invito yoj to become a Knight of 1901, because your personality and your co operation aro needed. The rltunl this year tnke3 our members via the Yukon & Chllcoot railroad unit steamship Labrador to the cool Arctic climes of the North Pole, md it Is ex tremely neccssnry that on membership uo large, so as to mako thu trip successful. You will bo n long tlmo dead, but, while you live, bo n man among men doing something that will mako others happier so sign tho enclosed blnnk nnd become part of the most nuccei-sful business organiza tion that ever came down tho "pue. Shout for Omaha nnd see that your neighbor aids in prolonging the echo. Yours for Ak-Snr-Hen VI I, SAMSON. P. 8. Tho llrst departuro will occur on Monday evening, May 13. "Oct aboard early." iftoo to sax ami itrrimx Via (lie Miirllnutoil Itoutp. Tor tho launching of tho battleship Ohio at San Fianclsco, May IS, tho Ilurllngton will sell round trip tickets from Omaha i for 60. Tickets on sale May 7 and 8. Good returning for 30 days. Stopovers permitted on tho return trip within tho return limit. Through Standard sleeping cars dally. Tickets, 1502 Furnnm sticct. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tho Bee. Wo will glvo them proper legal Insertion. Tclcphono 23S. THIS IS POETRY wammmmammmmmmax n stands for bugs, Who work nt night. And a bald-headed sinner Kills them on sight. Ito carries a bottle Of Sehacfer'H Huro Death And pours It atl over 'em, Which shuts oft their breath, Cramer's Kidney euro Too Wo 750 75c undo Sam s Tobacco Curo lucan Hair Ton c Icrco'H Prescription Kny'H Henovator Kays' Lung llalm ,. , Dr. Knrl Cramer's I'ennvrnvnl TMItn $1.00 Duffy's Mult Kic cruna Kin llcr's MaltWhlskcy CDo ncuii h iwuuiPiuil ..,, 700 Hire's Itoot Uecr ijo Inkhnm's Compound 63o dozen 2-craln Quinine, Cansulea In 1 dozen 3-grnln Qutnlno Capsules 10c dozen r-grnln Uu n no Catisulcs is Uromo Qulnlno in0 SCHAEFER CUT PRICE Chicago. . W. Cor. 10th md Omaha's finest Shoe Store At this storo FIT. STYLE, durability aro combined all tho latest productions and Improvements In scientific shoo fitting used here. MONDAY, a special ar ranged exhibit of Madame J E N N E S S MILLER, woman's, misses and chil dren's shoes, designed for comfort and stylo elegance. Tho very nemo of perfection. All tho fashionable PATENT LEATHERS, vlcl kid, vclour und box calf a allowing of 85 different and distinct styles. Each and every pair guaranteed or money back. Ladles' Shoes Jonncss Miller turns and welts Mexican, Cuban and military heels- all widths and sizes. Price $3.50. Misses' nnd Children's Shoes Jeuness Miller patont leathers, vlcl kid, box calf .50, $2.00, $1.50 and $1.00. We soli Ladles' Shoes at $6.00 and down to $1.50. Mlsse3' and children's shoes from $2.50 and down to 60c. Mothers, bring tho babies Monday. Wo havo a surprise for you. 1515 Douglas St. 1515. Huccensnra to TUB HOWE, TAFT'S Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. Our patients aro olways grateful to us nftcr using our Vitalized Air for painless extracting, Gold Crowns $509 Good Set Teeth $3.1) Everything strictly flrst-claBs. SPICTO' We fit the Hard to Fit. THE UNION PACIFIC. This lino lias mado SPECIAL RATES for tho summer as follows: OMAHA TO S Denver, Colo. Springs Pueblo, $15 To Olcnwood Springs, Tickets will bo on snlo July 1 to 0, AlaSO One Fare for the Round Trip. rius 2.oo. ' From Juno 18 to 30, July 10 to August ill, Jncluslve. New City Ticket Ofiice, 1824 Farnam. Tel. 816. Union Station 10th nnd Sfnrcy Sts. Tel. 020. i s REVIVES FREMONT RAILROAD Project Will lie II ro tin lit lleforc Count' Commissioners Aiinlu .Veil Weilnesilit-. Tho Omaha & Fremont electric railroad project Is evidently to bo revived. At yester day's meeting of tho county commissioners a letter was received from J. S. Knox, sec retary of tho railroad company, requesting a further hearing of the promoters. Mr. Knox asked when It would be convenient for tho county board to again tako up tho matter and tho clerk was Instructed to ad vise him that a hearing would bo granted next Wednesday morning. Notice of Special MeelliiR of Mtiiek- liolitern A. . I". W. Temple Ann'n. A special meeting of the stockholders r.f tho Auclont Order United Workmen Temple association of Omaha Is hereby called to meet at tho lodgo rooms, In the A. O. U. W. temple, at 110 and 112 North Fourteenth street, on Saturday, May 11, 1901, nt 8 o'clock p. m. sharp. Tho business of said meeting will be tho consideration of a proposition to authorize the board of direc tors to submit to tho grand lodge, A. O. U. W a proposition to sell tho property of said association to said grand lodge, to bo used as n permanent headquarters for the offices of grand loi1ge. You aro requested to bo present promptly on time. Ily order of tho board. Attest: II. P. KNOWLTON, Secretary. W. A. WYATT, President. Hamilton Warren, M. IX, rcltctlc and magnetic physician, ofllco at tho Central hotel. Cor. 15th and Dodge streets, till a suitable location can bo found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases nnd to diseases of women and chil dren. We Cut Drug Prices READ OUR ADS and you will know tho extent of our cuts. Our prices, uro the samo to nil who pay CASH. $1.00 Iturnhnm Sarsaparlllu 43c ji.uo unity .Mint, wiusxy mc l'i Grippe Cough Curo 25c Hplondld Hard Rubber Atomizer 50o 2Sc 'fellow's SwMiimlown Powder 15c foc 1m Hlonche Face Powder 35c DOc Pozzonl I' ace l'owtler 2a J1.I1 Miulnmo Ynlo'H Goods "So 1.50 Viti Mnrlanl $1.05 25c Humphreys' Spcclllcs 20c Small sized Sozodont 20c 25c Kublfoum 20c 25c I,axatlvo Bromo-Qulnlno 15c II. & II. Soap, for cleaning !c 50c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 40o Sherman &McConnell DrugCo New Locntlon Cor. lGth nnd Dodgo Sts. Something New in Town. Wo refer to our new SODA FOUNTAIN, A "Twentieth Century." Different from anything In town. All thoso who have seen It call It a BEAUTY. Mado from an tique oak, mahogany, onyx, Tcnncsseo marblO and lurgc French mirrors. To be seen Is to ndmlro It. Notwithstanding Its slmplo beauty, Its greatest virtue Is clean llncss. Will tell more nbout It next time. FULLER DKUG AND PAINT GO. Open all night. 14th and Douglas Sts. Jewel Gasolene Stoves Tho abovo Is styles nnd sizes Stftves nro made. only ono of tho llfty-two In which Jewel Gasolene Prices uro from $3.00 to $27.00 Wo hnvo tho other sizes nnd wo nlso havo other makes us low us $2.50 for tho two burner size. Wo have sold Jewel Gasolene Stoves for llfteen years und nro prepared to guarantco thnt they uro less fuel, wear longer und aro moro easily regulated than any stoves mudc. They ure perfectly sufe. John Hussie Hardware Co., 2I07-SI00 CiimliiK Street. "If you buy It of Hussie It's right." TO THE Mountain Resorts THE BEST WAY AND THE DIRECT WAY ...18 VIA... . $251 Ogden, Salt Lake City, $30 To nntl September 1 to 10, Inclusive. H Ki:ni'i.(i n rim siAMt vitn. "The Heat of liver) tlilnu." The Sioux City route, "Northwestern Line," Is keeping up the standard and havo fliut on new stylo combination parlor ob servation and cafo cars on the fast day ex press trains between Omaha and St, Paul- Minneapolis. Leave Omaha union passenger station, 6:55 a. m. dally. Arrive at St. Paul, 7:33 p. m. dally. Airlvo nt Minneapolis, S:0."i p. m. dally. These trains aro completo throughout. being provided with "tho best of every thing." Ticket office, U01-1103 Farnam St. Union passenger station, Omaho. For Sale A practically new Kimball I piano nt a bg bargain. Inquire G. II. Tzschuck, Bee business office. For policies maturity apply Equitable Life, that uro sight drafts at to U. l Neely. manager 20C -t)S Heo building. Chiropodist parlors In connection with tho Uathcry, for ladles only. Second Iloor lleo building. llc-No-May powder for cxcosslvo per Epilation. At druggists and gtovo dealers. IF YOU ARE TORTURED 5y Diseased Kidneys, Don't Delay 11 Moment, but Take CRAMKU'S KIDNEY AND LIVUIt CUItK. In cases of kidney trouble, tho blood leaves tho kidneys In n worso condition than It enters them, and Instead of Mowing on to other parts of tho body puro and life giving, It finds Its sluggish way to the other vital organs surcharged with deadly poisons that mako "havoc wherever they may be carried. This strong endorsement from Mr. Cordon ought to convince the most skeptical that Cramer's Kidney and Liver Curo Is tho medicine you want. "For many years I had a terrible time with my kidneys nnd liver. No digestion; could not work nnd was miserable; going to chango climate everything I tried seemed to do mo no good. A friend advised mo to try Cramer's Kidney remedy. With out much fnlth I bought a bottle; saw a llttlo Improvement; continued to tako It until I recovered completely. In Justlco to you and In gratitude for what It has done for mo I give you this endorsement. Respectfully Yours, ALHEIIT GORDON, Proprietor Expressman's Delivery Co. You can havo n free sample mailed yoji merely for tho nsklng. For sale by all druggists. CRAMER CHEMICAL CO., Albany,' N. Y. A ll.7.7,I.H-nA'7.7.I.K HATH IIOOM. You will feel llko dancing when you see tno new open plumbing, line porce lain lined tub, bowl and wnshstand that we have fitted up when we havo teen ordered to do so. Our work In fitting up private houses with open plumbing In bath room, kitchen and laundry Is of the highest order of ex cellence In scientific detail und expert workmanship, Free & Black, 1806 Farnutn. Phone 1019 IX THU 1 HAYDENs HAYDENs Men's $25 to $40 Suits at $7.50. $10 and $15-00 These are I he famous Stein-Ulot.'h Co. suits recently pur chased by us at oOe on the dollar. At the opening of the season Ave seemed the sole agency for this make, the best in the world, and to give us an opportunity to(properly introduce these they sold us TJ1E1K ENTIHE SURPLUS SPUING AX1) SUMMEU STOCKS AT HO CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. The big sale is now on. All the new patterns; an tno new luurics; all tlio new styles, tailored in the most artistic manner, and worth and sold generally at 125 to $-10. Your choice in this sale at 7.50, 10 and $15.Q0. Suit and Skirt Sales Grand clearing sale of ladles' Tallor-Mado Suits and 8kl-ts. We must clear out all goods now on hand to mako room for stocks our buyer Is now purchasing. Everything must go. Digger nnd better bargnlns than ever. Women's man-tailored Suits, now sleeve, Eton and fiolcro styles, skirts lined with percallno and trimmed in tho famous Skin ner's satin; worth $12.50, for $6.08. One lot of ladles' tallor-mado Suits, In Ilolero, Eton and blouso styles, mado of Im ported coverts, cheviots, Venetians and a dozen othor stylish cloths; Suits that wero mado, to sell for $20.00 and $22.50, on tale Monday for $10.50. Ladles' Suits, silk lined throughout, worth $25.00, our price $12.50. Our entire lino of ladles' flno man-tailored Suits now on sale at halt prlco. Silk SklrtB, made from tho famous Wins low taffeta, worth $20.00, for $12.75. Ladles' flno Imported Silk Dross Skirts at J 18.50, $20.00," $25,00, $35.00, $45.00 and $50.00. i. ish Waists at 35c, 45c, T5t and up to $10.00. ItEAD HAYDEN BROS Clinuue ! Time. C., ST. P., M. & O. RY. Commencing Sunday, April 23, tho train for Sioux City and all northeastern Ne braska poltiU will leave Webster street depot at 2:45 p. m. A later train for Emerson nnd Intermediate points will leave dally, except Sunday, at 6:20 p. m. Re turning, arrive at 8:30 a. m. No change In other trains. Moro dots In Tho Ueo May S. Shoes for Everybody ItcgnrdltiK pIioos. "If you enn't Ket tliotn nt the Fry Shoe Co.'h., you can't not them at nil," has he come a byword In this city. We lirlde ourselves upon the fact that all sorts and descriptions of foot wear, and the latest styles of every kind, ate hero In our storo for your Inspection Experienced salesmen are here to help you buy IntelllKently. We supplement the nood shoeinaklnp; of our manufacturers by correct lit tin:. All sorts of shoes are made for all sorts of feet; and, besides, there Is the matter of taste and style. If you have never dealt with us, come! We will treat you well and try (o make you a "como analn" customer. FRY SHOE CO roiiMimi.Y Eamvrigbt N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas Now is the Time for a Camera; Just as the Leaves Are Coming Out. Soo tho new No, 3 Pony Prcmn, $11. Has double lens, with Improved Victor shutter, swing back, roverslblo back, double lover nnd brilliant fender, with solid leather carrying case. Notlco tho price $11.00. Wo havo all tho other new niukcs. Call or send for new catalogue. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnam Struct. Excluslvo Dealers In Photo Mate rial. Great Sale of Summer Shoes and Oxfords C00 pairs of children's flno $1.20 kid turn solo shoes, sizes 5 to 8, nt 85c. 500 pairs misses' flno $1.75 kid laco shoes, sizes 12 to 2, on sale at $1.15. LADIES' FINE OX FORDS ON SALE. S50 pairs of Ladles' flno Kid $2.00 and $2.50 Oxford Tics on sale at $1.49. 050 pairs of Ladles' flno Kid nnd Talent Leather Strap $1.50 and $2.00 Slippers, on salo at 98c. LADIES' FINE SHOES ON SALE. 1,200 pairs of Ladles' flno Kid and Patent Leather $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes on salo at J1.3S, 3,000 pairs of Ladles' flno Ilrooks Tiros.' mako of vlcl kid $1.00 Shoes on salo $3.00. 1,000 pairs of Men's lino $3.00 Vlcl Kid, Welt Solo Laco ShoeB on salo at $1.08. 500 pairs of Hoys' lino Vlcl Kid and Calf Laco $2.00 Shoes on salo at $1.25. 1,500 pairs of Men's lino "Crossett" $5.00 quality patent Icathor, velour and vlcl kid Shoes at $3.50. "nitOOKS' IIHOS." SHOES for LADIES. "STETSON" SHOES FOIt MEN. PAOE 13. Men's $12.50 Blue ON SALE TOMORROW AT Boston Store, Omaha - HW.. HT1H Special Sales UlVnCU' China DepttlAY UCNS Just In, tho 1'on-Amcrlcan assortment. $1 fruit dishes, very finely decorated, tinted colors, Kold striped 23c $1 chop trays, same 2;0 $1 water pitchers, snmo 23c $1 Jelly cups, same 250 $1 cake plates, samo 25c Decorated cups, saucers and all sizes plates rc Crystal saute dishes, C for Go Crystal cream sets, 0 pieces i"c Gallon slzo milk crocks 3c Slop Jars, 49c Wash Howl and Pitcher, ca 2H4C 4, 5, G-lneh vegetable dishes 2c Incandescent rib mantles, from 5c up. All or our china, crockery, glassware. etc., comes direct from the manufacturer. We retail at what other dealers buy for. Optical Department If your eyes hurt you or your sight Is Impaired, consult our optician., No charge for examination. Carefully fitted and adjusted glasses sup plied for less than half tho ordinary prlco. A full lino of optical goods In main aisle. Grocery Sale Strictly fresh eggs, 10c doz. 2-pound can sugar corn, 6c can. 3-pound can to matoes, 7HiC can. 2-pound can string beans, Gic can. 2-pound can Lima beans, C',Ac can. 3-pound can Hartlctt pears. 8 l-3c can. 3 bars wool soap, 10c. 10 bars best laundry soap, 25c. 3 bars Tar soap, worth "3c, for 10c. 10c packago Flako beans. Gc. D pounds breakfast oat meal, 10c. 10 pounds sack cnrnmenl, 10c. 10-pound sack ryo Hour. l.r,e. ifi.,,.i sack Graham flour, 13c. Evaporated pears, 5c pound. California fancy pears. 7Ur! Fancy Oregon peaches, 8 l-3c. Diamond lemon cling peaches. 10c TKIIItlll. Tfllhv prunes, Co pound. Largo San Joso prunes, iic pouna. HEAD HAYDEN Grand Opening of the Soda Season Saturday, May II. Flowers for tho ladles, music for every body. Kfiulpped .with 0110 of tlio finest fountains lu tho west; expert help, pl-nty of cosy tables and chairs, a cool and pious nut room and a llHt of all tho now and dainty drinks, wo are better prepared than over to servo pur customers, Walt for our grand opening and don't forget tho dato Saturday, May 11. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam. Lawn Mowers and Garden Dose urn very necessary articles Just now. WH CAN HULL YOU THU UK ST LAWN MOWUlt FOU TUB MONEY. IN OMAHA. 12-inch, $2.50 14-inch, $2.75 16-inch, $3.00 Then wo havo 12-inch. $3.00 14-inch, $3.25 16-inch, $3.50 STEAUNB' HALL IIKARINO AND MOWEItS. CONTINENTAL Jas. Morton & Son Go. ir.ll DimIkc Street. HOSE PEOPLE. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE f ft.J.TS.a Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F, R. RICE M. C CO., Manufacturer), St. Louis. UNION MAD! Serge Suits, $6.75 Men's Indigo Blue Heavy Serge Suits finely finished, everyone guaranteed fast color, lined with tho best farmer satin lin ing, every seam stayed nnd welted, broad military shoul ders: single and double breas- ed, these aro all faultlessly made gar ments and lit perfect, 12.50 values. Children's 2 and J-Picce Suits -all stylos, knee pants, single and double breasted coats, single breasted vests, middy's sailor, Russian blouso and Noriolk suits, made of fine materials, including serges, choviots, Scotches and imported pilot uijjunuu pilot $Z75 ciotn- $5 and r?G values, for Boys' Long Pant Suits ages 13 to 20, all shades and colors, military style, slnglo and doublo breasted, flno excluslvo inurics worth $475 up to $10.00 on sale at . llAl-H.l.M.l J.I.I .IJ1 111 Cracker Sale Ginger snaps, 5c. Soda or oyster crack ers, Gc. Animal crackers, Sl4c. Brownies 12Wc. Shredded wheat biscuit. 1014c Gra ham and oatmeal crackers, SJ4c. Unccda biscuit. 34c. Harrel of ginger snaps, 22c. 1 rctzels, 10c. Lemon and vanlla wafers, Hremner'slGc. Athena and Hamona Wafers packege, 21c. Dremner's butter wafors, 10c. Dremner's sugar wafers, all flavors, -lc. Dent's water crackers, 18c. Zwcl back, 121,4c. Granoso biscuit, 12J4c Wo havo everything In fancy wafers, marsh mallows, etc. All goods are guaranteed fresh In packages or bulk. Lard and Meats 3-lb. palls puro leaf lard, (limited), 26c. C-lb. palls puro leaf lard (limited), 47c. No. 1 sugar cured hams, lOftc. No. 1 Oer mnn summer sausage, I2;4c. No. 1 sugar cured bacon, 12140. Fancy pig pork, extra lean, 12Hc. Honeless corned beef, 7Wc. FANCY FKUITS- Fancy Juicy lemons, long ns they last, ISiic per dozen. Oranges, Juicy Hedlands. Mc dozen. 1-lb carton fancy pigs, 8 l-3c. FISH- Cromarlty bloaters, Gc each. K. K. K. IC. Norway herring, 0c pound. Cholco mack erel, Gc each. DRUG SALE Chase's hair restorer r,9o Smith's Toulc Hitters '.. c-Jo Fig Syrup o5(J Dyspepsia Tnblets j 32o Pepsin Stomach Hitters coo Hood's San.aparllla sga Pierce's Favorite- Proscription COa Cramer's Kidney Cure ;Bo Wine of Cardul 6p0 Victor Headache Tablets ' j;a Witch Hazel Salvo iE(J Florida Wntcr. 75e slzo ' n5o Toilet Soap, 3 cakes In box, 10c, 3 boxes for. 25a 3 enkes Tar Soap joa Itoach Pcwdcr, pound ' 350 Moth Halls, 3 for in PAGE 13. BROS. CURSE OF DRINK CURED HY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can bo given In Glass of Water, Tea or' Coffee Without Patient's Knowledge. White Itlbbou KumuUy win euro or de stroy tho diseased appetite for alcohall tlmulants, whothor tno patient Is a coa nnnea luebrlule, "u tippler," social drink or ilrunkurd, tasteless, odorless. hnpo.tslulu lor any una 10 nuvo an p oetltu for alcoholic liquors after uln Whlto Itlbbou Itemody. Uy mall 11. Trial packago freo hv writing Mrs. T C. Moor. W. C. T. U., Ventura, California. Bold in Omaha, Muu.. uy onus. II. Schaofw, teth and Chicago street. We Fill Prescriptions Tho prlco Is not corisldered by us In buy ing drugs, nnd wo get tho best. , Careful graduates fill tho prescriptions. Wo liav tho largest patronngo berauso wo pay atten tion to thu doctor's orders. Wo would bo pleased to have your prescriptions. Cramer's Kidney Curo 75a Hu-Cnii Hair Tonlo 73a Pierce's Prescription 75a Kay's Renovator 20a Kay's Lung llalm 20a Ur. Karl Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills. ..,$, 00 Poruna 63o Scott's Emulsion 75a Hire's Itoot Beer Ha Plnkham's Compound 69s R0ST0N STORE WORK to Maka a Good lOo CIGAR JfL JIBI - -4- 4 10 f r