nn TTTTC OMAHA DAILY BEE: SI'NDAV, MAY 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisement for these enlnnum Trill he Inkrn until 12 in. for the CTPntnic edition noil until Hsflil p, m. for morning nnit Hiindnr edition. Ttntm, 1 l-2c n word first Insertion, Jc a Mnnl therenller. Nothing Inkrn for !! thnn SBo for the flmt Inser tion. Theie ndrert luemen t mtiil he run connecntlvely. Ad vertlnem, i'jr rennentlnic a nnin tiered rlirck, enn luive nnintrn nil rircaned to n numbered letter In rnre of The lire. Answers mi nddrenned trill lie delivered on prenentntloo of the heck only. WA.Ti:i-MTI,ATIO.. I'OUNO lady will assist with housework or work forenouna for room mid board. Address P29, Bee. A-MI7S iV .WANTED, nltuatlcm as housekeeper or general house work, ly widow of .6. with boy 4 years; best of references. Addresi K Ilto olllco, Council Bluffs. A--691 8 SITUATION wanted nn buyer or high clns salesman In clothing, furnishings, shoes or dry goods dept.; Io yrnrs' Chicago ex perience (I yours with Murshnll Fluid Co, whoksalc), Al references. P 43. Hoc. A-076 5' JlY YOl'NO innn In small town; six years' experience In ottlce and sales work; good rcfcrcnceu. Address I 39, Dee. A-M633 w.k . t i : I -.M A 1. 1 : I IK 1 .1. .WANTED Wu have steady work for n few good hustlers of good hal)lts and appear mice. C, F. Adams Co,, li5 Howard HI. 1!3I BARBER trade, taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue und tiartlculars tree. Western Barbers' Institute, Omalia, Neb, IWANTED, competent bookkeeper for Iowa branch, stale age, experience and salary expected, I' S3, itco. D-MI57 5 WANTED, experienced card and sign writer. Kod wages und steady position for the right parly J. I.. Hrandels Ai Sons, proprietors of Boston .Store, Uinaha. 11-193 5 COATMAKER wanted at once. C. A. Fritz. Kreniont, Neb, 11301 .WANTED, hod carriers; steady employ ment, good wages for competent, men, neason 1901, Apply Uullclers & Traders Exchange. St. Joseph, .Mo, B-MI22 6 tVANTED, men to learn barber trade, only eight weeks required; special offer to ap plicants from distance; board, tools and scholarship, busy season; 112 to $15 woikly I i;i Id graduates. Call or write, Moler Har per College, 162J rarnum si. 11 m,i l.i IVANTED, a shoe salesman to travel In Nebraska; must havu u largo establish d tradeaud give good references. Tciiiicni Shoe Co., .Mfrs, and Jobbers, St. Louis, Mo. B-M10 COA'I MAKER wanted. Write J. F. Cleese i. Howard, Neb. II .M.il'J 0 WANTED, a hamcsMinaker for n custom shop, James Frollk, Crete, Neb. B-M5I8 B JVANTKD, salesmen by mairjfnctuicr of food proilucts; offer good opportunity; give fully your past experience. Box til, Chicago, 111. B-M510 6 HVANTUI), man for this section by old house, solid tlnanclnl standing; $30 cash paid for two weeks' trial; permanent If successful Manager, 331 L'axton luillillug, Chicago, B-.M508 6 PERSONS everywhere who can write meri torious sketches, artlu.es or stories; good piy I. Hilary Kuruiu, Ml Caxtou build ing, Chicago. D-M310 6 WANTED, two carpenters. Clans Strange, contractor, Yutan, Neb. 11 M503 7 WANTED, harness makers and saddlers, also machine operators; good workmen will llud steady employment at good wages; no discrimination made between non-union and union men, as the under signed propose to keep open shops. Apply to any of the undersigned. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO. JOHN Cl.AKK Aj SON. HHEYMAN LEATHER CO. W. 11 M'MONIKS A: CO. THK 1'. J. C HON IN CO. COLLINS, 1'IIKSTON, WILSON CO. JOHN I. SHARKEY CO. l'ortland. Orcg.ni. H 3.Tj'0 ACTIVE man, by large manufacturing nouse, io worn ai nnme; in casli paid for twelve days' trial; promotion and permanent position If satisfactory. Ad dress, S. I. Co., 720 Itanstead street, I'hll. uilelphla. I'a. I1-M51I 7' WANTED, Immediately, 50" good brlcklay ers, union preferred, or men who will Join union; 8 hours a day; wages, 55c per hour. Apply to T. S. Dole, Itoom 111, 71X5 Wall St., Kansas City, Mo, No charges. 1-315 3 CIO A II salesmen, good pay; experience un necessary. Emuuucl & Co., 'JOS Kant HO street, Now York. 11 .WANTKD Good Imslness man In each principal city to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local banks. Illg returns. Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish good references and cash. Addres, L. It. 11.. 1'. O. Uox 713, Cincinnati, O. 15- r- - -- - - - - DOVKIINMKNT positions, where they are, how obtained, salaries paid: examina tions soon In uvery state; particulars free; write for circular 131. Nat'l Cor. Insti tute, Washington, D. C. H JIKCIIANICS, engineers, electricians, fire men, etc., now 40-pago pamphlet contain ing questions asked by Examining Hoard of Engineers. Sent free. Geo. A. Zeller, l'llbllslier. St. Louis. Mo. II- 10 HHIOHT men and women at once to learn garment cutting for men's and women's garments: taught by mall or at school: easily learned; good cutters com mand $30 weekly. Write School for Cut. tors and Tailors, 3C1 Bth St., Cincinnati. O. -II AN Income of 15 per week can bo earned In spare time or evenings by any person nhle to write; proof sent free anywhere to those, sending addressed envelope to Hub ert Grannan Mfg. Co., box L".'7, Hrooklvn, N. Y H-37U i A OCNG man with natural talent Tor drawing to train as newspaper artist; write, for free circular lesson bv mall, H.-hool of Caricature, World bldg,. New "iork, H-57S 5 JWANTED. a hurnessnuikcr for a custom shop. James Krollk. Crete, Neb. H-M377 7" liKAHN to earn more money; we teach .-ou by mall how to earn a i"i weekly position by writing advertisements; prospectus free. I'age-Davls Co., Chicago, 111. w 11-581 3 KAiilN,ini.,.H',,er "''"ry und position; stmiy e ectrlclty. mechanical engineering, me cluinlca drawing at home, by correspond- V-iS .,t,!0,iiri1 1H"Tc,",f,"! Thomas A. Kdlsou Indorses Insliiutu; book. "Can I Heroine an Electrical Englncerf' mailed YoTit. K,PC,rlcM K""1"" (WANTED, salesmen for 1900 census mmv wr to for terms, George F ivni n ! cjulncy Bt.. Chicago. "il THE American Harber College. mv"n7d and conducted by the barbers themselves i II ,ii thorough Institution of its kind 1,1 ' United States, send for lllustr ted en in' logue. Ad.lress tho American Harbor f nl lege, 113 N. 15th St.. Omaha. IJ-ois 3 WANTKD, nn active, well educated younir twin: vhnuld be about 23. disposed to learn our business nnd ambitious to advance I It. Addrefs P 42, Hee. li-rss & SALESMAN wanted; ono who understands tho principles of salesmanship, who Is of good address, strong personality ami imi.i approach high-class people; lucrative pos. Hon open for man of required quallllea. tlons, nge, experience and referencos. Pttf, 11a.. II ?ai e "' . IVI 41 np.TiVTHM.'a ...... .-.i...... slhlo man In every city and town to do secret service work; $1 per day and ex- I" ncvo m-ium MTVicr; rei crriiees re quired: postage for reply. International ueiectivo Agency, Milwaukee. Wis. H-M6$6 11 WANTLD, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, simples, etc.; no cauviissiiiK. guou pay. aun Advertis ing Hureau, Chicago, H ivss fi WANTKD. ladles and centlemen. salary J20 n week and expenses: permanent posi tions, experience, not necessary. Call or address Mgr., sot lticmird's blK.. Lincoln, jeu. ii -tvvj o- SEVEN Free Masons can And' permanent. plensnnt, profitable employment near home, whole or part time, good pay Brother V 21, this onico. 11-571 1 u a.ntkh-mam; hklp. SPHINO AND SL'MMKR SCHOOL AT HOYLE8' C'O.MMKHCIAL AND SHOUT- HAND COLLEGE. School will continue In session without va cation throughout the spring and summer months, Students may therefore enter at any time and continue their studies with out Interruption until the- same are com pleted. A large numbe- of students entered during the month of April, and there will be the largest attendance throughout the spring and summer months the school has ever had. While the school Is larger than ever before there Is still room for a row more In our elegant quarters In The llec building. We shall gladly welcome all who come and will Join our Interests with theirs In help lug them to make it complete success of the course taken. Advertising literature furnished upon appli cation. HOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHOUT HAND COLLEGE, HEK HLDG. U-flV. 5 WANTED, traveling and advertising man for Nebraska; $13 weekly to start and all expenses; steady work, good route. Ad dress Hoad Manager, 332 Dearborn St., Otllcu 300, Chicago, 111. ,,J.t3J,, ' WANTED, by an old established manu facturing house, resident manager for general sales agency. Salary 1,BW tier annum and extra commissions. Office duties exclusively. Must furnish $5X rish and satisfactory references. District Manager, 3"0 Johnston llldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. II -M57 5 WANTED, successful specially salesmen. To right men we can pay $130 and ex pellees per month, Address I 24, Uee. U-673 & WANTED, salesman; $73 monthly and ex penses, permanent. I'erry Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. R 575 6 KAI.KS.MK.N WA.NTKIJ. SALESMEN, n llrm with long established trade with physicians, will receive ap plications for vacancy In their corps of traveling men, also one for country dis trict. Permanency. Address I'. O. Hox MS, Philadelphia. -M515 5 SALESMEN To specialty salesman, capa ble of s.iccessfully handling large propo sitions, wo will pay salary of $5nu per month; best selling line on the market; no experiment ; quick snlcs; largo orders; extraordinary inducements to all kinds of trade; we are established nnd thoroughly responsible; reference. Address P 2fi. He?. -CI0 3- SALES.MKN WANTED, experienced up-to. date salesman; must be of good appear ance and a hustler; permanent position to the right man, Address Hox 514.x Chi cago. 630 5' WANTED, Hi'lcsmcn, local and traveling, high olas.i olllco specialty; permanent branch manager for state. Universal Specialty Co., u2 Dearborn St., Chicago. -C37 5 TRAVELING salesman wanted for estab lished hnii'e; no technical knowledge nec essary, but simply all around hustler of good appearance and address; first-class line, special contract; entire time required; references. Hox 231, Detroit, Mich. -37 & SALESMAN wanted; man above 23 and under 15 icars of age, capable and can show by his record a claim to a lucra tive position; no man who has been a failure or Is averse to travollng need ap ply; give age, experience nnd references. P 02, Hce. 700 5 WANTED, salesman; a commission of $20 per ton paid for selling white lead; goods delivered; also other inducements offered to dealers. Delmar White Lead Com pany, St. Louts, Mo, 553 5 THREE experienced salesmen In North and South Dakota and Nebraska to repre sent old established manufacturing house among retail merchants; $30 per week above expenses; give references. Address Room PilS, 315 Dearborn St., Chicago. 534 5 .WANTED, a good salesman for Omaha to sell a llrst-class line of advertising novel ties (Including calendars, fnns, etc.), drug gists' labels and boxes. Our line is so complete that every merchant and manu facturer In each town can be seen. Com missions from 13 per cent to 23 per cent; a live salesman can easily make from $) to $70 per week. Our house Is thoroughly reliable, long established and well known. Klrst-class man only wanted. Address J ;;ii, caro Lord .4 Thomas, Chicago. -i65G 5 EXPERIENCED salesmen wanted In every city to sell our tine line of toilet soaps to merchants only; only men furnishing the best references wanted; commission. Rex Soap Co., tA Bth Ave., Chicago. -fi23 6 W A T 1 1 1 1 !' H M A 1 . 10 1 1 1 : 1, P. WANTED, SOU girls. 1521 Dodge. Tl. S76. C-3U7 DRESSMAKING taught thoroughly; sys tern received highest award at 1'arls, WOO. McDowell Dressmaking School, 2(X S, 15th St., rooms 515-518 Karbach blk. C 30S WANTED, lady Turkish bath operator; must have had good cxpeilcnce. Apply room 2211. lice building. c to2 WANTED, housekeeper In small family; no washing. Address P 10, Hce. C 271 WANTED, girl for general housework, SS20 California st. Mrs. W. K. Potter. C 16!) LADIES wanted to learn halrdrcsslng, muulc.irlng. massage or chlropodv, from four to eight weeks required. Complete outllt of tools presented each student. Positions secured In beat establishment In city. Comparatively no expense. Cull or write Moler College, 1G23 Farnnm St. C-Md21 13 HOUSEMAID. 2701 Karnam. C-M5W 5 RELIABLE help. Canadian office, 1522 Doug. C-775 LADY TRAVELER for Nebraska and Kan" sas wanted by oldest Irish linen handker chief manufacturers, to call on dry goods and furnishing trade. Apply, with testi monials as to Integrity, address, ability, to Duke. Macmahon & Co., 21 White st., New York City. C 561 5 LADIES wanted to manage a business at their homes; pnys $10 to $50 a week: small Investment, no risk; samples and particulars free, Tho linger Co,, South Rend, Iml. C LADIES wanted to sell my famous reme dies ami complexion ucautltler; 100 to 100 per cent proilt guaranteed. Agent's sam ple outllt sent tor inspection. Mrs, Dr. J. L. Smith, South Ucnd. lnd. C- WOMEN wanted to do binding, $9.00 week: steady worg. e lurnisu nnd send mil' terlal prepaid anywhere. Stamped ad dressed envelope particulars. Universal Co., Dept. H. Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pn, C-5So 5" WANTED, competent girl for general uousewora. .iuiw .Mnrcy mi, u M2 6 LADIES nnd girls work for us at home, $0 io iu wccKiy; easy worn; no canvassing; experience unnecessary; send self-ad-dressed envelope for particulars. Co operative, Homo Work Co., 40 Dearborn, Chicago. C 580 B LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows; materials iiiriusiieu; sieauy worK guuran teed: experience unnecessary: hcnd utamn. ed envelope to Miss S. McGeu, Nevdln Work Dcp t., Ideal Co., Chicago. C 55 5 WANTED, ladles, girls, cam $8 to $12 weekly at homo making samples; ma terials furnished, nothing to buy, no cun. vast-lug. Address with stamped envelope Old EngHhh Art Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. c 631 s WANTED, women anil glrla, to do needle- wniK at nome; material rurnisiieil; good . no canvassing; experience iinneees. ?" . .Minross with stamp, Modern Hu Co., Central Hank bldg., Chicago. C ,'81 & GIRL to help In housework and takn caro of baby. 1615 Howard, 2d Hour. C-6S4 5 "i1"'.. ..'".. Konnrnl housework; two In Iimiiiy. mm wclibtcr. C ti5S 5 XN'- J 3 1-i .J?00'1 0OHki references re quired. 21J Illnney hi. C 677 B Royd. C-674 B WANTED, Immediately, twenty waist ami .islr Immlti mill tU'. p-nn.l al.. Address feeeblck s Dissmnklng Depart' ment. Dcudwood, 8. Dakota. C-M562 1 hem wa:tki. MEN nnd women of neat nppearance for local work In Douglas and Sarpy. Room 314 Paxton blk.. Omaha, Neb. M 470 9 WANTED, Industrious men and women In every town to work for us tit their homes; no canvassing; wo will send work nny distance; wo have several lines of work to give out. some of which requires no experience; If .oii can t devote the, whole day to our work, you can earn $5 or $G n week by working an hour or two even ings. Address Standard Mfg. Co., 112 W. 2.3d St., New York. WANTKD, men nnd women to copy letters, $3 to $6 weekly, working evenings; work mailed on application; enclose stamp. To ledo Novelty Supply Co., Toledo, Ohio. -C39 5 l'OH ItK.Vr IIOt'NKH. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Henawti & Co. D 303 TO move, right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., office. 1511V4 Farnam, or tel. 1559-t61. D-310 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city. Hrennnn-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street. D-311 Houses, stores. Hcmls, Paxton Illock. D-312 SEE HENRY U. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D-313 HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. D-311 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block. D-313 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Urown block. D-318 FOR RENT, residence, 106C Georgia avc, coV. Paeltlc; 10 rooms, attic, basement, east front, modern and extra conveni ences: lot 60x110, with trees. Inquire 311 First National Ilnnk bldg. D 318 10-ROOM detached house, nil modem, newly papered. 2525 California. D M61I IjARGK 12-rooni resldenco on the North boulevard, will paint, paper and make what Improvements are, necessary. Rent, $40.00. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th nnd Douglas. D-M673 FOR RENT, strictly modern Hat, Davldgo building, opposite city hall, d-room modern house, 300G Mason St., near park, nice lawn and shade, $.S5. JOHN W. ROHHINS, U02 FARNAM ST. D-M91S FOUR rooms, modern, JU.OO. DCS N. 27 St. D-M3SI M-23 CHA8. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam st. D-M295 FOR RENT, new brick dwelling, strictly modern, corner 2Sth and Popplcton ave nue, $33. D-M201 7 FOR RENT, lino large residence, 11 rooms, 131 So. 25th St. Apply to 11. J. Windsor, IBIS Dodgu St. D-M3S7 8-ROOM modern house. 1117 Vinton. In quire 1411. D 101 5 FOR RENT, modern furnished houso for summct months. R. 552 lleo bldg, D-MI55 8 FOR RENT. 11-room modern house near High school. The O. F. Davis Co., 552 lleo bldg. D-MI5I 8 FOR RENT, modern up-to-date Hat of 7 rooms, llrst tloor. Call at No. 1 Norman die, corner Park nve. and Fucitlc sts. D-M450 :905 S. 17TII ST.. seven-room house, city water in kitchen; will paper and paint to suit good tenant; block lrom So. Omaha car; rent, $15. Omaha Loan & Trust Co. D-M2U3 0-ROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished. M0 S. 30th st. D-M527 5 SEVEN rooms nnd bath, 2841 Webster, $18; eight rooms, modern, 2103 Capitol avc, $30 j eight rooms, modern, 2024 Hurt. $30; others. Rlngwalt Ilros., Unrker block. D-M503 NEW 9-room cottage. 29th nve. and Dodge, strictly modern and up-to-date, largo lawn and yard, trees. Call 29oti Dodge st. Morand. D-530 B MY HOUSE at corner of 29th and Leaven worth for term of years. Mury H. Dun dee. Inquire 518 S. 25th. 'Phone 217. U-533 7 9-ROOM house, modern. 1618 N. 25th st. D-53G 6 FOR RENT, steam heated flats In Clowry buildings. Apply 1610 Chicago st. D FURNISHED houso for summer, near Hanscom park; half block street car; .11 modern conveniences; terms reasonable. P41, Hce. D-015 5 WILL THESE SUIT YOU? 1412 N. 17th st.. Or., city water, $7. 4203 Farnam st., 6-r., strictly ALL MOD ERN. A little gem for someone. $25. 831 S. 17th st good S-r. ALL MODERN house, close In, for 27.50. 2201 Ohio st 10-r.. strictly ALL MODERN house. In tine shape. Nice porches, nhado and vnrd, $30. Sco it at once. Sco mo for safe lire Insurance. HENRY H. PAYNE, 0)1-2 N. Y. LIFE. D 610 5 9-ROOM house, nil conveniences. 60:) S. 2'Jth st. D-Mf.$0 7 WEST FARNAM 210 S. 31st avc, east front, flue location, near car line, 8 rooms, modern, $15. 2525 California, 10 rooms, modern, excellent repair, nice yard, $33. 262S Capitol nve, 7 rooms, modern, a bar gain. $20. 1254 So. 8th st 10 rooms, nicely located, good residence district, $30. ir.i rhLt,i- .in.n e 3113 No. 30th st 5-room cottage, city water, ii) "mi iMiiwL-, cuiivcuicui io car, io. References required in all cases. it, u, I'lilT.lia it w 1703 ! AHNAM. D-633 5 6-ROOM modern house, 3352 Farnam st waicr pum. iairinger, Kil l'axton block. D-tW5 5 HANDSOMELY furnished house for sum mer monins; lino location. Address P 50, nee. D-6S7 5 NICELY furnished house 7 rooms, modern conveniences, .on aim unnrornia stfl. Ad dress P 11, lieu olllce. D 678 5 7-ROOM modern, furnished house, ncross iiiiiii imin, iuu.iniii:!. lueiiiiou ior summer; references required. 2968 Woolworth uvo. D-672 5 2823 DEWEY avc, 4-room Hat, bath nnd closet, $8. 2212 N. 21st st 4-room flat, hath & closet, $S. 2318 S. 29th st., 5 rooms, city wntcr, $7. 2325 S. 18th st.. 5 rooms, city water Inside, $9. 2811 Chicago st., 5 rooms, city wntcr nnd In- sine ciosci, i PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, 1st 11. N. Y. Life llldg. D-53S 5 TO LET An S-room. new modem dwelling; cenirauy locaieo; iu per month. V. Knr nam Smith & Co. D 616 6 KOI! HK.Vr-KLIlNISllEl) HOO.MM. DEWEY Kuropean ho el, 13th und Farnam, E-320 THE THURSTON, 15th and Jackson; steam 13 321 THREE nlco rooms, light housekeeping, iii h mil i... m - - .,. i in NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. 1106 Jones k nn MV HOUSKKKEPING rooms, $0 up. 2623 St, iiiary s. JS Sl!ifi3 3 FURNISHED rooms for man and wife; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th st, E-910 ELEGANT furnished front room. Gas, bath, telephone. 2129 Farnam, 3d tloor, West. Phono 1.2199. K M3S9 5 ROOMS, 1906 Capitol ave. E-M40S 5 TWO furnished rooms, single or ensulle, htiltablo for two or three; board. 650 8, 20lh ave, K 198 6 LARGE, cool, south room, cheap. 2172 Hurncy. K-M507 0 N1CKLY furnished rooms. 1513 Georgia nv. K-M951 LARGE south room, suitable for two gen tlemen or man nnd wife, 2210 Douglas st. E-5S7 & NICELY furnished rooms, with or without board. 617 N. 20th st. E-6.S3 5 FOR RENT, two first-class rooms, fur nished or unfurnished. 310 So. 26th st. E-693 B Tl'n m n ... a f,,.n(E,.J AH I . . ...lit. t , aj . u., , .iirii.,i i,i ii in in ii inui-.i, nun board, nt reasonable prices; pewly pa- tn-iL-i, until, uiau uaill lui rcii. Mil Icorgla avo. K CS2 5 Foil itn.T Ft itM.miiin iiooms, 2, 3 OR I rooms for light housekeeping; close In. Address P 53, Hce. E G9J 5 PLEASANT front parlor facing south, fur nished or unfurnished. No. 2110 Douglas. E-iVSO f NICELY furnished rooms. 110 S. 25th nve. E-M679 7 3 NICELY furnished rooms for housekeep ing, to couple without children. Term) moderate. Address V 37, Hee. E RSS B FLRMMIKH llO(MH AM) HOAItl). UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-322 GLENCAIRN,translent?,"$1.25duy. lfii)9 Doug. F 323 THE Mcrriam, summer resort, 25 & Dodge. F-M679 LARGE front room; llrst-class board. 25SI Harney. F MI76 6 ROOMS, with board. 2213 Howard st. F M5S9 7 LARGE furnished enst room, with hoard; suitable for two; line modem house, close In, on car line. Address I' IS, Hee. F-603 5 HANDSOME largo south front room with board; large, shady lawn; references. 202 No. ISth st. F 696 5 LAKGK south front parlor, nlso smaller rooms, with board. Tho Rose, :020 Harney. F-b93 KOll I1B.T P.M l HM.miF.I) ItOOMH. DKSI. room space, $5 per month, ground floor room In The Hce building, facing Farnam street; 110 expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It, C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, lleo building. U 110 THREE unfurnished rooms on parlor floor: also furnished ones for housekeeping. 2t'0;l Dodgo st. G Mi',6 B $11.00. ENTIRK 2d floor of 3 unfurnished rooms. Cull Sunday; no children. 701 8. ISth st. (J-M5M) 5 TWO rooms In modern house, no children, unfurnished $5; will furnish for $7; light housekeeping. Call morning or evening. 2622 Caldwell St. G-667 6 FOR HUM'-M i l) It US A.M OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In llrst-class location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground tloor, Hee llldg. 1260 FOR RENT, tho building forincriyoccil plcd by Tho Ilea at 916 Farnam st. It has tour stories and 11 basement which was formerly used as Tho Hco press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secrotnry, room 100, Uco building. 1-201 FOR RENT. 033 N. 21th st 1,306 N. 21th st 2,225 Cuming st 917 S. 13th st 1.419 Jackson st $15.00 10.00 15. W) 15.WJ 10.00 UHENNAIN-LUVE CO., 309 8. 13th St. J-M459 8 FOR RENT, one-hnlf store room, second door cast of Summit House, Creston, la.; very best business location; now occupied by photographic studio and nrt store; Jewelry or music store preferred. Address A. H, Spurr, Creston, lu, 1 M563 C FOR RENT, double store, old established grocery and meat stand, comer 2Sth and Dodge sts. Apply to Wm. J. Wclshans, 309 S. 17th St. I-09S 5 AGK.VrS WA.Vl'EII. AGENTS wanted to sell our new apple, tho lastcsl selling variety ever offered to tho public; write for full particulars at once. Address Western Nursery Co., Lawrence, Knn.. Dept. G. J M931 WANTED Cunvastlng agents In every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH CliNTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1,400 Imperial octavo pages, M)0 object-teaching engravings, and Is tho only book on live stock ever published adapted to the cvery-duy, practical, money-suvlng use of evry farmer und stock owner, steady employment with assured good incomu. Agents In tho country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily $00 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Hureau, lleo llulldlng, Omaha. J 487. MAN OR WOMAN wnntcd to employ and superintend agents, $18 per week salary nnd expenses; permanent position. Zlcglcr Co., 520 Motion bldg., Chicago, III. J-M50!) 5 AGENTS on salary or commission: The greatest ngents' seller ever produced; every user of pen nml Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent proilt; one agent's sale? amounted to $620 In six days; an other $32 In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co,, X16, La Crosse, Wis. J-M512 G $10 DAILY to llvo men. Wo want agents everywhere, leather suspenders, cannot break, wear out or pull off buttons, sells at sight: samples turhlshed free. Cin cinnati Leather Suspender & Ilelt Co., B 319, Cincinnati, Ohio. J 592 5 AGENTS wanted every town, our laundry tablets nro fast sellers, every household, no mlstnkc, big prollth. Particulars, write quick. Eureka Supply Co., Newark, N. J, J 591 6 WE PAY $20 n week und expenses to men with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound, International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J 549 5 GENERAL ngents to represent our house nnd sell Sodean. Wrlto for general agency for your territory. Sodean Chemical Co., St. J.ouls. J 546 5 WANTED, general agents for old estab lished llrm; $12 bona fide weekly salary; lncrcaso In G weeks; good chnnco for ad vancement: references required. Elgin Pub. Co.. 40 Spurllng Hldg., Elgin, III. J 517 5 s12 DAILY mndo by ngents selling our ciaim mo io mcrcnant and pnysicians. Bayers & Co., D. 42, 108 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS, you need my goods; free sam ples; particulars; wrlto today, say man, St. Louis, Mo. J LADY agents, your opportunity; Hygcla Straight Front nnd Military Corsets are money niagers. Every woman wants one. For terms apply Department D, Western Corset Co,, St. Louis, Mo, J SALESMEN, automatic copying book; greaiesi souer or iuc century; needed ny every business man; a bonanza for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Hend, lnd. J-632 5' WANTED, ngents to sell the new process window washer; water tank, snongo ami rubber dryer combined. Klefer Hros., Cleveland, Ohio. J-ftil B ALUMINUM card case, business and cnllln? earns, sumpie casn nnu complete cata logue of novelties free. Economy Co., BSj Lake, Chicago, J 626 5 WANTED, agents for door mats; profits large: sires, prices silt all. Aegis Mfg. Co., Mnrshalltown, la. J 082 5 AGENTS. $100.00 weekly turning night Into day: selling gasoline gas are lamps, best electric arc; only 60c, monthly expense; brass, artistic, guaranteed; Just nut; re tall $12.00: full lino gravity lamps. Ameri can Lighting Co., Chicago. J 550 3 AGENTS to handle restaurant, hotel nnd boarding houso trade for our coffee. Nothing Ilko it, Permanent, profitable business: big niouoy. Nut Coffee Co., Ft. Smith, Ark. J-621 B CANVASSERS wanted for tho 20th Century leather polish, greatest discovery of tho ago; patent leather shine, absolutely waterproof. Sample free. Manufacturers Rox 1157, Port Huron, Mich. J 622 6 HUSTLING agents can make a handsome salary In handling our Hut Iron cleaner, an honest household commodity. Wrlto for terms. Sherwood Mfg. Co.. Ml. Ver min, Ohio, J-MC20 5? PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit cray ons; try washablo cnamellues; no glass, don't rub; cheap, Family Portrait Co,, t nieugo. j ui o- AGENTS wanted; Tempest washer washes everytniug; wooiens, nauneis, uices, coi ored Goods: does away with rubbing: sam pic, $1.50; circulars free. Penn Mfg. Co., Dept. i, wncciing, w. vu. jm dt LATEST agents seller out. Lady or gen tlemen. Onlv nrllclo on earth without com petition. Send 12 cents for sample. 20th Century Co., Prudential Hulldlug. Huf fulo, N. Y. J-3P5 1 HEL1AHLE nctlvc ngents can niako good profits selling tho Economy Cream Sepa rator: senarates nil the cream In 10 min utes automatically; costs a trifle; lasts rorcver: every runner nuys; suecessiui everywhere. Economy Supply Co., CU Mulu St., Kunsua City, Jlu, J-W3 ,ur.Ts VAvn:i. AGENTS for latest combination skirt and wnlt holder; sells on sight. Write for particulars. Mooller Mfg. Co., Indian apolis, lnd. J-6Vi 5 Ot'R "International Atlas," new census edi tion, Is a big book for $2.50 retail ; sells on sight. Wrlto for free sample and oilr Inducements to agents, lllft & Co.. Chi cago. J 001 5 WANTED, general and locnl ngents, name plates, signs, numbers, readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Knglcwood, III. J-fi'Xl 5 AOl-JNTS wanted for tho best und only positive skirt supporter over Invented, Geo. N. Scects, 45 Commcrco llldg.. Chi cago. i,,0r5' AGENTS to sell Michigan liquid wax and other first-class floor preparations. Wol verine. Wnx and Oil Co., Flint, Mich. $100 MONTHLY, new patent metallic bread Imnrds; samplo free. E. R. Forshee. Co.. Cincinnati, o. 'm2 LADIES, $3.nrt per day mnde working for us; our goods positively honest, having stood the test of many years. Dr, Sim mons Dandriirfano Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, J-599 5 LADY cleared $8.30 each day In March In troducing our elrctrlc garter; you can do It! or we pay $75 per month and expenses; pamphlet free; agents wanted everywhere. Electric Medical Garter Works, H 2. Cin cinnati. O. J-597 B $!R.0) A WEEK; liberal commission to gen oral agents to appoint special agents to sell staple line to merchants; no books; no canvassing; permanent business. Ad dress, with references, Walter G, Sim mons & Co., 33 W. 2d st Cincinnati, O. J-59S & RENTED or sold on ensy payments; so euro territory quick. Grant Uilllard Table Works, Chicago, III. J-593 5 MAN cleared $1,182. lady $920 last six months Introducing llolloday s marvel waterproof shoo polish, self-shining, russet or black; why not you? Demonstrated samples free. Iloiladay & Co., Room 133, 188 Monroe St., Chicago, solo maniifncttircrs, J 594 5 AGENTS everywhere, send nddress quick; greatest money making proposition ever offered: no experience necessary. H. Keenbell Co., Philadelphia. J-M36I 5 WA.vrnn to ukxt. SMALL modem cottage, 2 In family; nnswer promptly; llrst-class references. Address P 30, Hce. K-M1S9 B WANTED, to rent furnished modern houso for summer by May Io; references fur nished. Address 1 46. Hee. K 609 5 vroit AtiK. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- Ull Jones, general storage nna lorwarumg -.'121 OM. Van Stor. Co., lBUVi Farn. Tela. 15o9.V63. 0 WAXTKD TO 1HIY. WANTED to buy land In Jefferson, Liberty and linniin counties, Texas; win pay cash for any size tract II worth thu money. Address .1. T. Edllng & Co., N. Y. Life Hldg., Kunsas City, Mo. N-M522 5 HORSE, city broke, single nnd double, wt, about l.ooo to j, loo. uan no is. aist nve. evenings. N 670 5 WANTED, secondhand tassel portieres. Address ! 40, nee. N Mfi3o 7" FOU S.V I, L Kl.it. MIL UK CHICAGO FURNITURE CO,. 1410 Dodse. Tel. sow. rscw .annua lurnuuro nnugut, sold, exchanged, O 320 FOR SALE, kitchen nnd bedroom furni ture, piano. U23 is. lain. u ioo FOR SALE, furniture, cheap. 3320 Parker street. vw o- UPHOLSTERlNG.lOth & U Worth. Tel. 1461 u FOR SALE HOlt.SKS, VKII1CI.KN, 11 'If,', FOR SALE, top buggy, good condition; your orror is my price, 11 it is rigni. u. M. Hart, 1307 Jones St. P-MSS9 FOR SALE, 2-seatcd fnmlly carriage, Simp son muke, $12.1. 1514 Karnam at. i' w. LISTEN to tho band. Have your vehicles rep d by ii. iTost, inn nnu ii-wortn. P-191 FOR SALE, Simpson phaeton nearly new, $,i0 casli, Address l" oi, uee. r uwj i FOR SALE, large horse, harness nnd wagon. 1302 Douglas st. or iduj yams. P-634 5 FOIt SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST, cheapest posts, poultry & hrg fence. 901 Douglas. Q-32S 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnam ij ;j SAFES, buy, sell, exo'ge. Schwartz, 111 S. 13. Q IulU WIRE fenco for poultry, Helglan hnrc hog led or lawn, wiie wur, on "" j M57S Jy7 l,000,"o() BUILDING brick for lmmcdluto de livery. Wlthnell Hros.-Smlth Co.. yards 22d nnd Hickory, 31st nnd LakQ'B21eMU''' FOR SALE, stone, 14th and Cnstellur Sts. Foundation and retaining walls, steel beams 24 and 16 feet long, 2 round col. limns. Telephone 2152. Q-M200 5- TIMOTHY hay and all kinds of feed and coui. aionroo ic wo,, sw iui". ji-i. Cj iji FAMILY cow, fresh I days; big rich milker; piCKCl urouc u iitucio v" Turner, 36th and Center sts, Q o.7 5 FOR SALE, good 100-lb. refrigerator, little used. 711 N. 19th St. Q-M0 6 FOR SALE, 30-llght gas plant. Address N, Hco olllce, Council Hlurfs. Q oil a FOR SALE, life scholarship In ono of the best business colleges 111 Omaha; nil priv ileges guaranteed; n bargain If taken soon. P 43, Hee. Q-tSl o FOR SALE, n chestnut sorrel! trotting bred stallion, by Norva Chief, ree. 2:194, dam Yucca, by Madrid, 2 dams by On ward, and on time l,f necessary. Rox 134, Beatrice, Neb. Q-6,5 o SET light surry harnesses, Indies' saddle, Snyder phaeton, now surry, polo and shafts, martingales nnd three strings bells, will bo sold cheap. Inquire at lw7 Uilhrop St Q-M563 7 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. E. C. HENRY. CLAIRVOYANT, TEST MEDIUM. Tells tho mime, and object of call without asking a single question, ihere nro no mistakes In the predictions mndo by AIRS. HENRY. Do yoi wish to know if It Is advisable to mako chango In BUSI NESS, LOVE, MARRIAGE. DIVORCE, HEALTH, CHANGES. TRAVELS, SPEC ULATIONS, INVESTMENTS. PROP ERTY, PATENTS, WILLS. DEEDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES. MINING. MISS ING PROPERTY, LOST FRIENDS, BREAKS EVIL INFLUENCES, DE VELOPS SPIRITUALISTS AND ME DIUMS, REUNITES SEPARATED COUPLES, tells you what day or month Is successful for you, gives you power to control others. Nothing Is omit led. njng. noscH and cures dlsouhcs of all descrip tions while In it clairvoyant state PRICES REDUCED ALL THIS WEEK. Hours: 9 to 8, dalb and Sunday. LETTERS ANSWERED, $1. OFFICE, 1707 CASS. S -013 3' PALMISTRY. Tim greatest exponent in tho art of palm istry today Is OMAHA'S FAVORITE. MME. GYLMER. Sim has had few equals and no superiors, nnd today stands recog nized as the lender of her profession. If you nro In trouble consult this celebrated lady. Her advice. Is surn to benefit you. Ah a prngnostleator she Is a phenomenon, 1 lor predictions nro always absolutely ac curate. Sho tells Just what the lines i In the palm Indlcato and they don't lb'- She Is a genuine palmist and claims nothing more. Through palmistry hho reads Iho past, present and future as though It were u printed code. Parlor in Or.inttfi Block, 315 8. 15th St.. 3d floor, lukn ele vator. S till 5 " I'HOFrALHKRTUB. THE FAMOUS AUSTRALIAN CLAIR voyiml. will mako a special price for to. day only. Anyone bringing this ltd nnd 50 cents will got u full and complete life reading. PROF. ALHERTUS' remarkuble power may bo teslrd ut u nominal feo and those who desire may find what the future has In storo for them by calling today, 1321 Fnrnani. S 691 B MRS. FRITZ, medium." 819 North inThT S-SW CLAIRVOYANTS. WONDERFUL clnlrvoynnt; what ho tells comes true; send 10 cents nnd hlrthdny. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln Park Station, Chlcnao. S 619 3 MMErYLIKR, palmist, 315 So. 13th st. S-57S ELECT It I C Tit 13 ATM KNT. CAMILLE DUVAL, 619 S. 16th. second floor. T-M393 M6 ELITE parlors, C15 South 16th, second floor. T-M425 MS VERA DELMORE, 1615 Hownrd, 2d II. R. 1, T-903 M23 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15th, 2d floor. Room 7. T 103 6 KHSONAI., DR. RO, chropodlst; corns superfluous ralr removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenzer block. U 333 PRIVATE homo before nnd during confine ment; babies adopted. Mrs. lltirget, 2620 Rurdctto. U 331 V1AVA, woman's wny to health; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 318 Uee Bldg. U-337 JUST think of It' Electric light gallery. 27 enameled stamp photos lu tour positions and a photo stick pin for 25c. R. 6, Crc.ghton, blk.. 15th and Douglas. Open 9 to 9. Wo make pictures ut night. U-590 M16 RUPTURK cured; no knife, no iinln. no danger; send for circulars. Empire Hup turo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U-335 M. GOLDMAN & CO.. only perfect nc cordlon pleating plant In tho west: mall orders solicited. Sulto 200, Douglas Block, v-m A BOX of Rc-No-Mny Powder Is not a luxury when It affords you n euro nnd secures tho comfort nnd happiness of your roommate. U M212 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, 1620 Doug las. Tel. '."134. U 339 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd during confinement; babies adopted. 2300 Grunt St. U 310 WANTED, church sopruno. C. 11. Shnw, Shccly Bldg. U-810 WANTED, church soprano. C. B. Shaw, Shecly Bid. U-810 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlcmlst. Tel. 1238. Best of city references, Lenvo order nt 1519 Fnrnani. U M11S 7 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School; highest award nt Paris, 19)1; try our patterns. 209 S. 15th St., room 575, Karbach blk. U-MI MEN and women nbove 50 yenrs of ago will learn of something to their advan tage by sending address and 2-ccnt stump to P. O. box No. 83, Omaha. U-M823 6 CARPETS nnd rugs cleansed llkn new without taking up. Satisfaction or no pay. City reference. Diop pust.il. 508 N. 16. U 131 Jel FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall orders solicited. Omaha Pleating Co., 1521 Douglas. U M532 ASTROLOGY. lKil-02, send 10c In self-addressed, stamped envelope, date of birth, will send horoscope for 3 months, answer 3 questions, 6 months, 25 cents. Mine. Vcrc Do Lot), Back Bay, Boston, Mass. U-610 B MRS. WILLOUOHBY, halrdrcsslng nnd shnmpoolng, 35c. 601 Paxton Blk. U-609 5 KIND-HEARTED Amcrlcnn gentleman, thoughtful and Indulgent as Americans nre, large wealth, desires affectionate and domesticated wife. Mr. Russell, 1337 Sheflleld Ave., Chicago, 111. U-608 5' MARRIAGE paper, exclusive; 20 pages 10c. No $5 fee. Mnny worth $100 to $100,000. Only club giving bank nnd commercial references. R. K Love, Denver, Colo. U-07 5 SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES. Never such prices for such goods offered before, nnd If any tlmo within one yenr you want to buy n new machine, wn will take the old one back at exactly what It cost you. Tho following Is a partial list of what wo offer for Monday: Former Price. Monday. 3 Singers $ 5.00 $ l.no 1 Wheeler & Wilson. No. 8.. 4.00 2.00 1 White 10.00 5.00 1 Union 10.00 5.0) 1 Household 10.00 6.10 1 White 16,00 8.00 1 Household 16.00 .8.0) 1 White 20.00 10.0) 1 Household 20.00 10.00 1 Standard 20.00 10.00 1 White, latest 25.00 12.50 3 Singers, high nrm 25.00 12.10 1 Wheeler & Wilson, No. 9. 25.00 13. 60 1 New Home 20.MI io.no 1 Wilcox & Glbbs 23.(0 12.50 Household, seven drawers, light wood 30.00 15.00 White, tailoring 40.00 "O.l'O 1 Singer, tailoring 40.0O 20.00 Three modem, drop-head sewing machines, slightly used, ut one-hnlf regular price, slightly used, nt one-half regular price. Wo rent sewing machines at 75 cents per week or $2.00 per mouth. These are mod ern, up-lo-dato machines, with complcto attachments. Wo sell needles and parts for nnd repair every sewlnir machine manufactured, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Phono 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. U-512 5 MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocalno habit; myself cured, will Inform you of hnrmless, pcrmnncnt homo cure. Mrs. Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicago. U- PJCRSONAU fat folks, am a trained nurse, 12 years ago reduced 15 pounds by a harmless remedy; no regnln, nothing to sell; send stamp. I will tell how It was done. Miss Topping, 13S U'ranclsco Ave,, Chicago. U-621 5 MO.VEV TO LOAN RKAI. KSTATK. LOANS on eastern Nebraska nnd westc7n Iowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 S. 13th st Omaha, Neb. W 311 MONEY' to loan on Improved Omaha real estate Brcnuan-Lovo Co,, 309 South 13th, W-312 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, 1601 Farnam street. W 343 $1,000 AND upward to loan on Improved city property and farms, W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. W-344 FIVE per cent moi-. Hernia, Paxton block. W 3 Id AVANTED. city and farm loans; ulso bonds ami wnrrnnts. R. C. Peters & Co., 1,02 Farnam st Beo Hldg, 34o MONEY to loan at ii nnd 614 per cent on Omnha property. W. B, Melkle, 401 8, 15th. J47 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas. iv uto FIVE and 614 per cent city and farm loans, Garvin Bros.. 1613 Fjirnum '-J9 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. 350 CASH on hand. O. E. Turklngton, COB Bee. W M352 4U AND 5iJ per cent loans. W. H. Thomus, First National Bank building. Tel. 1618. W 351 TO LOAN, $400 to $500 on real estate secur ity ut 7 per cent. Address soon, P 47, Bee. ' W-071 MOMvi "i" Lu.lA cli.VlTULS. WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE U8. It Is easy to ndvertlso lowest rates, as others do, but wo feel positive that If you will mako comparloons you will bo con vinced that you cun do butter wilh us limn elsewhere. Wo loan on furniture, pianos, llvo stock, etc., or wo will mako you SALARY LOAN without Indorsnr or mortgage. Wo charge nothing for making tho loan und you receive the full amount In cush. You may pay It back In ono month or takn six months or moro In which to pay It, and you need not pay tor It one duy longer than you keep It. Our terms aro the easiest, our business Is coiitliluiitlul unit our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 1892.) 300 8, 16th St. X-351 $1,.00 TO plain quick. M, J. Kcnnard & Son, Suite 210 Brown Blk. X-633 MONKV TO I.O.VN-OHATTKLS. MONEY. $10 Your credit Is good with us. Quick $15 loans on household goods, pianos, $20 etc., without removal ironi your rest $25 donee, Ensy payments. They are the J.30 loWCSt, $'im LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE $15 without mortgage or indorscr, payn $50 Welti easy weekly or monthly In 155 stallments. Our sulto of private Inter $00 viewing looms has a different en 63 tranco nnd exit nnd wo can guarantee 170 what ull people of prldo nnd rellne $75 incut desire absolute privacy and i confidential treatment. $85 AMERICAN .LOAN CO., Room 312 $90 Brown block, S. E. cor. 16th and $100 Douglas streets, entrance on 16th st. FOUND GUILTY of giving lower rates und easier payments than elsewhere on SALARY LOANS to honest employes who hold a Permanent position on their plain note. Our olllccM th" most private In town. Fur 30 days these Inducements: "Wo guarantee our rates are lowest. ' We will make u pains taking effort to tilense you If you uto worthy. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Room 3QJ, Paxton Block. X SALARY LOANS, WE LOAN $10 TO $100 TO ANYONE HOLD ING A GOOD POSITION. WHY ROR llO W ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR 1M,AIN NOTE AT LOWEST RELIABLK CREDIT CO.. Third Floor, l'axton Block, Room 303. X-M501 LARGEST BUSINESS 1N LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc, without se curity: easiest terms; 40 ofllcos In princi pal cities. Tolmali, 110 Board Trade Hldg X-827 6ALAR LOANS upon plain notes. No mortgage, 110 Indurser, no publicity; lower rates, much easier payments. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Block. X-355 LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE live stock, etc. Quick service ami lowest rates guaranteed. .1. W. TAY'LOE, (S3 (top floor) Paxton Block, northeast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance on 16th St, X-357 MONEY loaned salaried pcopto holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy puymciits. Tolman, 440 Board Trado Bldg. X-S27 MONEY loaned salaried pcoplo holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolman, 410 Hoard ot Trudu bldg. . X-827 MONEY' loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 8, Barker blk X 339 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jow elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 S 13. X-358 SHORT tlmo loans. Joo Pleasants, 51 Barker blk. X SOO MONEY to loa"n.Zlcg!or,lo9 Wuro Block! X-301 IU1.HIN2SS CIIANL'KS. FOR SALE, bak?ry nnd confectionery, do ing good business ,ln small Nebraska town; good location; good reason for sell ing. Address O 42, Bee. Y M797 M20 FOR SALIC, complete steam brick plant 011 B. At M. track, cheap If sold soon. F. R. Wooley. Seward. Neb. Y-M1S7 Ml FIRST.CLASS family hotel for rent lur nlshed; sixty rooms; full of guests. Ad dress P 20, Bee. Y'-MI2S 7 FURNITURE, stoves and carpet store for salo on accojnt of sickness; good loca tion; stock $8,000. Address 1 22, Hce. Y 111 FOR SALE, thn Osborno Houe, Alnswortti, Neb.; hotel has been relltted nnd Im proved: has nil tho commercial trado and Is doing it good buslnem. Write to A. E. Howe, Alnsworth, Neb. Y M1I5 Jel FOR SALETTlml ted qu utility PREFERRED STOCK In gllt-edgo corporation; GUAR ANTEED DIVIDKND, 6 per cent per an num, payable ccml-aununlly. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, N. Y. L1FK BLDG. Y-M 182 5 FOR BALE, storo building, with living rooms above, nnd stuck of general mer chandise; good location. Address Lcvcn oky & Llipman, Hay Springs, Neb. Yr-MI73 9 BEAUMONT OIL FI ELDS Stocks of all companies bought nnd sold. Reliable and authentic Information free. Latest maps oil fields, $1. Smith & Co., brokers. Beau mont, Texas. Y--MI7I 9' THE bankrupt stock of general merchan dise belonging to tho Slawson-Wllco.x Co. estate will be sold at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash at lnlge Pole, Neb., on May 11. 1901. Kor full particulars Inquire) of I.eroy Martin, trustee, Sidney, Neb. Y-.M513 5 FOR RENT, part or nil tho time, good planing mill, 32x70 feet, besides power house und largo lumber shed. Address P 35, Bee. Y-199 5 FORTU.NM':s""qiilokly made lu oil. Wilte for new booklet (Just out), also special bulletin and advices on nil Investmentf. mulled free. Berkley Ai Co., Hankers, 50 Broadway, Now York. Y M013 II' FOR SALE, at a bargain If tnken In next thirty days, a $l,ooo harness stock. Ad dress Lock Box 207, Stella, Neb. Y-612 5 FOR SALE, small stock of shoes and men's underwear for cash. John llonaban, Co lumbus, Neb. Y-M011 lo SIX np-to-dntn mall order schemes, with Instructions for working them success fully, and the addresses of 33 mail order supply houses who furnish goods, cata logues, circulars, electros, etc., with our new book of WO money-making secrets, sent for 23c In stnmps. Address Phoenix Co., Dept B. D., 131 Chestnut St., Chicago. Y-531 5 THE lERF.'S money In your brnln. so tiatent hat Idea, and get It out: we'll help you y gllng you freo advice; send sgetcli that liv elilnir voil and descrintlou of your Invention at once: we'll get your patent on easy terms and help you sell It; send for our valuable freo bonk nnd list of 500 needed Inven tions, International Patent Cnmpnny, De troit, Mich. Tho oldest and most rcliablu patent firm In tho world. Y INVESTMENTS placed with us are nf all times subject to order of Investor; per manent and comfortable Income assured from $100; we necept $10 Just for trial; prollts remitted weekly by money order: digest commercial references und (by permission only) from customers; book let free. W. W. O'Harn, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, O, Y- FANCY confectionery store nnd Ice cream parlors, doing big business, everything new, season Just opening, Invoice $1,(00; will sell nt $1,100 If taken nt nneo; owner wants to retire on nccount of other busi ness. William Madgett, Hastings, Neb Y GOOD milk rnuto; nlnn head rhuleo milk cows, milk wagon nnd set dnubln harness, R. C. Young, 27th nnd U sts.. South Omaha. Y-.MGIt !! A COMPKTKNT, reliable man. with ll.MO cush capital, cun secure permanent sl'.iii tlon as manager of branch oflieo for es tahllshcil corporation; salary and commis sion netting $5,000 .ier annum. Address Secrotnry, 315 Mnnhatlrn bldg., Chlcugo. IF WK mnko you $50 will you sond us $10 after getting the money? Send for book, "Success In Speculation," Chart Co., 'Sit IiSalle st , Chicago. Y-629 6 LIST of business chances 2o. National Business Kxchnnge, Iron blk., Denver, Colo, Y-427 5 WANTED, $2,500 for short tlmo to help advertise In n real eslntu deal showing good returns: ampin security and big proilt; might lead to shorn In advertiser's real estate and rental business. P 13, Bee. ' Y :V 5, $100 EARNED $28 Inst month: weekly dlvL dends; safe, legitimate, investment; no stocks, grain, mines nor oil. Wrlto for particulars. Security Investment Co., In dianapolis, Iml, Y 352 5 FOR SALE, furiilturo and leusn of tho only $2 per day hotel In city of 2,300 In habitants In northwestern Iowa; hotel clearing $1(0 to $150 monthly; easy pay ments; good reason given for soiling upon application. Address P38, Bee. Y-7o2 A CHANCE for tho right man In tho wood working business; wanted, u munigor with about $l,0il to Invest. Address P 53, Hee, Y--500 0 HOW to open, operate and btiy goods for 6 und 10 rent-stores. Wrlto Syndicate Sup ply Co,, 110 Broadway, N, Y. 5 ' -iHiV t .oft" J tk aV us. t