Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1901, Page 21, Image 30

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Volume of Eusinsr-s for laj Comparei
Favorably with Latt Year.
Jobbers All (.'iiiiiplHliiInK Unit Thp)'
Cannot irt litiutiKli Stock to I'll I
'llirlr Orders mill o l'mnprct
of liniitccllule Relict.
V.'hilo some conditions during the month
of April were utitnvornblc to business In
terests, Mill, taking the month as r whole,
local Jobbers, tlnd very little to complain
of. Tho colli and wot wenther of the first
jmrt of the month retarded tho demand
for spring Roods, but there has been
enough business transacted durlnK the last
part to make up for the deficiency. As
compared with the same month last year
It Is found that n far greater volume, of
business has been done this year nnd In
fact more than during the same month or
any previous year. In many cases the
amount of poods sold depended entirely
upon tho supply on hand. The most gen
eral complaint that Is heard Is that manu
facturers am not turning out the goods rap-
Idly enough to meet the demand. This Is
particularly true of hardware, farm Imple
ments and furniture. Goods are, of course,
coming In all the while, but ns soon as n
carload arrives It kwk out und nothing Is
left on hand. It Is difficult to tell Just how
long this state of affairs Is going to last,
but the situation si-emu to bo growing
worse rather than better. The warm
weather In Increasing the- demand all the
time, which Is only putting Jobbers and
manufacturers farther behind. It has been
some time since there has been as marked
nnd ns general a shortage In' supplies as
there Is at the present time.
Tho markets nre In just about the same
condition thev were a week ago. The feel
Ing Is firm all along the line, us Is bound
to be the case when the demand exceeds the
nupply. The tendency of prices Is In nearly
all cases upward and what Important
changes havo taken place slnco Ihsi report
aro In that direction. Pntll there is -a
marked decrease In the consuming demand
there Is no danger of a chungo In market
."iinnr lnj Co IIIkIit.
Interest In grocery circles now centers
around sugar. There Iibh been no chango
in the prices on retlncd since last report,
but the market Is In a very strong posi
tion. Haws huve gone up 1-lCc and many
refineries aro alreudy oversold on some
grades. Present Indications aro that the
fruit crop will be very heavy all over tho
country nnd the warm weather of late Is
ripening the fruit rapidly and will probably
bring It on tho market earlier than for
merly expected. All of this, of course,
means an exceptionally largo demand for
sugar a little later In the Beason. A largo
fruit crop also makes fruit Jars In big de
mand and for that reason many merchants
are stocking up quite heavily on both sugar
and Jars.
In rnrlnnonlll clinit Hip OnlV changes 01
any Importanco aro slightly higher prices
on tiotn rolled outs aim on uciuis.
cheere Is now on tho market and for thin
early In the season the quality is very good.
Trifa nro n llMfn lower than on the Oc
tober stock, but so far (ho demand has been
t-o heavy that prices have not gono down as
rapidly as mey oinerwiso wuuiu.
Tho situation In dried fruits Is unchanged
with the exception of prunes, which are
1c higher than they were a week ago.
This Is owing to tho advance announced
jiv t)in Cnllforiilii Cured Fruit associa
tion. Tho market at this point has not
gono up quite ns much ns It did on the
roast, ann quotations aro now uihj iium
UU'ic higher than they were n week ago.
Summer timid In Demand.
ihr Ik creatine a lively
demand for Bummer dry goods. According
to all reports received from tho country
retailers are having all they enn do to
wait on their customers. I'ntll recently
trade In the country has been quiet, which,
of rourte, makes the demund now all the
greater. Traveling men complain they
cannot get un audience with merchants, as
they are too busy selling goods to spend
tttno to buy them. In a short time, how
ever, stocks will bo broken, and then they
win ue reany to piace unpiiciiie uiunp.
The. spring demand hua .hardly been In full
Kwlnu lone enouch as vet to bring 111 many
sortlng-up orders, but still they aro be
ginning to come. Quito a few merchants
were In tnc city last wcck. and mey an huslness as belnc in elegant con
dition, nnd Htiokit in imrtfcular of the ex
ceptionally large demand for fancy lines.
Helts. embroideries, all-over laces, fancy
ribbons and all that class of goods are
selling more rapidly than ever before, and
It looks now as though this Is to be the
best season for fancy goods that has been
experienced In a long time.
There Is nothing new to be said of the
market as far us the retailer Is concerned,
there having been no Important changes
Binco last report.
Ullt Mliortnui' In llnrilvvnre.
As anticipated there Is now a marked
shortage in many scasonaDie nnesj in nmi
-u'nro. nrilcru nrt floutltii; la from nil dlrec
tlons for barb wire, screen doors, poultry
netting and wire cloth, but there are no
goods on hand to ship out, and It Is very
doubtful If the merchant who bus not
placed his order before this time will get
iiiv In thn npnr future. Local houses aro
oversold und on some lines are refusing
to take orders ror shipment in ions man
sixty or ninety days. To Illustrate the
uttuiittmi In unrh wire, a local Jobber said
that ho hud on hand nt the present time
orders for over forty carloads nnd not a
foot of It has ho In tho house. As toon
us a carload arrives it Is divided up and
tent out Into the country without ever
being taken Into tho house Thn situation
In xcrppn doors Is fullv as bad. so that
it Is difficult to sfo from where retailers
are going to get their goods this season.
Other markets are la tho same fix ns this
one, so that they cannot go to Chicago,
Ht. Louis or any other point. This Is
simply an Instance of where the demand
from nil over the country is so far beyond
iio piinnrltv of tho mills that manufactur
ers aro swamped and cannot turn out the
goods fast enough. Hut In splto of this
shortage local houses shipped out more
goods, both In tonnage and In value, than
they did tho corresponding month of last
year, and If they could hnve had the good
to till the orders they rocelved the gain
over last year would have been enormous.
About all that enn bo said of the market
u Hint It Is In a cood. strong position.
There have been no Important advances
except on enamel wire, which went up
12-4 tier cent. It Is, however, no longer a
question of price, but ona of getting goods
ut any uguro.
litiixR Tnkrx n Jump.
It Is announced that about May 10
window glus Is to be marked up another
MtlO per cent. The reuson given la that
th demand Is exceptionally large, while
stocks are light. Foreign manufacturers
lo nut seem to ho shipping in large quan
titles, which leaves the American manu
fucliirerrt m-iietlcftllv' In control of the situ
utlon. They claim that In view of tho tight
supply on hand higher prices arc Justified,
and local Jobbers my they would not be
ut all surprised to see u still farther ad
vance at no very distant date. Hctallers
nut through the country have been watch
ing the market closely, and arc now buying
quite I reel) in siiiii'iiwuun uj uitiicr pine?,
wtmlrxiilprs expect a hlc trade between
now und Muy lo, us the expected advance
will be more generally known.
It Is also announced that Plato glass will
go no lower. Tho belief all along has been
that there would bo u drop In prices this
spring, but the large demund now makes
that impossible and those who aro posted
on tho situation say that If there Is any
change at all It win no in me direction o
blirhpr nrlops.
Unseed oil was marked up another 2c
it vplt nhlrli makes raw 62u und boiled
Wc. Turpentine, however, went In the other
direction and Is now selling lo lower, or at
33c. Tho demand for palms, oils and class
is exceptionally heavy owing to the lurgo
amount 01 nuiiding tnni is gums
this kcctlon or the country.
Selllnu I'll 1 1 CoimIs
At once business In ruther quiet Just ut
present with local boot and shoe Jobbers
'flu-re are. of course, a few fcortlng-ur
orders coming In, but stocks arc not broken
up to any extent us yet mm it win tnui
npi'prHl duvs morp of uood retail trade be
fore jobbers will be doing very much Im
mediate business, Their truvellng men
however, are. out ufter full orders and are
meeting with gooa success. 1 ney now nav
mnr nrriprit on hand than thev hud a veil
ago ut this time, so that they have nolli
tnir In rnmnlaln of on that t-core.
There Is, of course, practically no demund
nt uli hi the present tlmo for rubber goods,
There Ic nothing to make u call for summer
goods nnd nliout w per cent ot me 11111
goods are foul, ill" oniy uiiiik iru in run
ber clothing for fall delivery and travellm
inn urn nnw nut after orders for that das:
of goods. They aro meeting with us good
success as could be expected, uut sun mey
aro not selling any vary large quantities.
Fruit nnil Produce
The trade In strawberries Is fast becoming
the most Important feature In the fruit
business. The markot lias been fairly well
tunnllpd ull the week with berries from
Louisiana and Texa. and the quality of the
stock arriving is gradually improving, uy
the first of the. week berries In carload lots
ar expected un the market and then not
only sho ild the quality be better, but prices
should also be lower.
There Is not much else doing In the fruit
line except In lemnns. on which the de
mand has Increased wonderfully since the
warmer w-eather set In. The prices nre ad
vancing, us a glar-re at the quotations In
another column will show.
Fresh vegetables have also arrived on
tho market In larger quantities the last
week and quotations are some lower on
a number of lines The demand, however,
Is so great that the market does not de
cline ns rapidly as might bp expected.
Eggs are a trifle lower than they were a
week ago nnd so also Is butter, but poultry
In fully steady with last week's quotations.
Condition of Trade- nnil tluofatlon
of Staple nnd Fancy Produce.
EGOS Receipts liberal; good stock, tlrm
at 104)110.
LIVE 'POrLTRY-Hcns, Sc: young and
old roosters, 307c; turkeys, Gflic; ducks and
geese. "ti7'.ic
nUTT'EH-CV.mmon to fair, logilc; choice,
12U1.1c; separator, 20c.
FRESH FIHIt-lllncW hn. ISp. -M,.
bass, loc, bljellsh, lie; bullheads, sc: blue
fills. 7c. buffalos. Cc; catfish, l!c; cod. Sc: i
croppies, 10c: clscocs, 7c: halibut, lie: her- 1
rlnc. Cc: haddock. Dc: mirlrtl. IKp ni-rh
6c; pickerel, fc. pike. He; red snapper. 10c:
salmon, lie; suntllsh. Cc; smelts, ic; trout.
10c. whlteflsh. 12c
PIUEONS-Llve, per doz.. tl.
VEALS Choice, 910c.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland.
J12.00: No. 1 upland. Ill.tO: medium. 111.0)'
coarse, llye straw, JS.M. There prices
are lor nay 01 goou color anu quality, xe
mand fair. Receipts, 8 cars.
OATS-No. i' white, lie.
UUKA-.NO, 3, 13C.
SPINACH-Per bu. box. COc.
vaPAHAaus Native, per doz. WH75C.
IlllCUAHH-Californlo, per lb., Jc.
NEW U1CETS Per dir.. 60c
NEW CAHHOTS-Per doz., e.
NEW TL'HNtPS-Per doz.. VJc.
CUCUMUEllS-llothousc. per floz.. 11.000
1,75, as to site.
PAKSNIPS-Pcr bu., 40c.
TLItNlPS-Per bu. basket, 60c.
HEETH I'o- bu.. tOc.
OA It HOTS Per bu., I0e.
HAU1SHES Per uoz.. wyaoc.
PAUSLEY Per doz., 35c.
POTATOES Per UU.. KQfiOc: Colorado.
bKha iu 1 Aiuts isany umos, ssasoc:
lied Illver Valley, !c,
SWUUT 1'UTATOKS-l'cr bbl.. Jl.W.
OAOUAaiJ New California, Jfcc.
TOMATObS- Florldu, per tt-busket ernt.
J2.751J3.W; Mexicans, per 4-basket crate.
1.75. . ...
ONiONB-unio. per in., 4c: per bbl.,
CAl'LIFLOWEll-Mlssourl. per crate.
IJKANS Wax. per bu.. J4.50: string, per
bu , M.00.
EOU 1 1AS J I Cr DU. OOX, 3.
l'Kri'liKS-l'cr 11U. t)OX, J2.25.
rEAS-Pcr bu.. J3.W; per pne-thlrd bu.. JL
CELEHY California, per bunch. SOOTEc
STHAWHERrtlES Texas, per 2t.nt. pap
JI.50. Louisiana. 2t-qt. cases. J2.25if2.50.
Ai'J'Lts-i'er uui., n.w, wasiungton, per
bu. tox. J2.00.
OILVNGES California seedilnci. I2.2j
60; navels. $2.7503.25.
LEMONS California, extra fancy. 13:5?
holee. J3.W.
HANANAS Per bunch, acocrdlng to size,
FIOS California, new cartons, 75c: layers,
C5c Imported, per lb., 10(fl2c.
DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, Salrs. 5c
per lb.; Halloween. Wc per lb.
PINEAPPLES-Fer doz.. J2.COS2.50.
HONEY California, per 21-sectlon case.
L'iuKi;-rer dpi.,; per nair bbl., J2.75.
NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 15e: Al
berts, per lb.. 13c: almonds, ner lb.. UMOo:
raw pcunuis, per 10., toavjc; roastea, fejjif
,'Hc: liraills, 13c; pecans, luv.; cocoanuts,
acn, .
HIDES No. 1 CTecn. 5V4c: No. 2 rrn.
tVjc; No. 1 salted, 6Hc; No. 2 salted. 6Hc;
No. 1 veal calf, b to 12 lbs.. Sc: No. 2 v-pni
calf, 12to15 lbs., 6aj dry hides. 813c; sheep
(iciib, viKj iiure aiuvfc, n.ivu..
St. Louis Grnln nnd ProTlslona
ST. I-OIMS. Slav 4 WHKAT'-t nirar-
raca. iac: .May. ,j?c: juiv. nymovc:
September. 70'ic: No. 2 hard. 73c.
CORN-Iower: No. 2 cash. 45e: track.
May. Uic July, Uc.
OATS Stronc: No. 2 cash. M'4c: track.
juc; .May. ai'AC, JUiy, -Vfic; mo. z wnite, 3ic,
it 1 u-iiwei ai ooc.
FLOUH Quiet and steady: patents. J3.55fr
75: extra fancy and straight. S3.15ti3.30:
clear, J2.S0fi3.C0.
SEEDS Timothy, averace rcceints. S2.75i
j.o; prime worm more.
I'OHNMKAL-Rtcndy at 12.23.
HHAN Steady; sacked, east track. 6M171C
HAY Steady: timothy. J10.50frl3.50:
limine, tw.w.
whisk v nigner, ii.wi.
PHOVISIONS-Pork. steady. Jobbing.
J15.67'A. Lard, aulet. J7.50. Dry salt meats.
easy, boxed lots, extra shorts, J8.374: cleir
rios, mio; clear sides, w.u;Ji. uacon, easy;
boxca lots, extra snorts, vj.i.ft; clear ribs
J9.25; clenr sides. J9.37;.
SIETAM-Spelter. J3.37"i.
Pni'I.THY Sloniliv phlrVpns 7fTi.7tip. nr.
Keys, itdiic; geese, ajc.
HI'TTEH-Dull; creamery, 15S1SC! dairy,
EGGS lvower at lo-;ic. renackcu ana cases
RECEIPTS I-lour. 6.W) bbis.; wheat. 13.-
t on.; corn. ii.-,".j nu.; oats, .iwu ou,
SHII'MENTS Flour, R.OUl bbls.; wheat
1,000 bu.; corn, 45,(XW bu.; oats, 25,C.0 bu.
Knnsna City Grnln nnd Provisions.
ta'ic; July. 67Wc; cash. No. 2 hard, 70H
72M-C; wo, 3, uvsffittHtc; .-so. i reo, ,ic; rvo. a.
u- w
I'liH.N-.Mav. K'iHiMc: juiy. 4i'u- c
cash, No. 2 mixed. 42Uc; No. 2 white, 43ii
O c.
ua is-rvo. . wnitc, ij;yjuc.
HYE No. 2. 53c. .
HAY-Cholce timothy. J10.0Offl0.6O; choice
prairie, S'.i.50i 10.00.
HUTTEH Creamery, 15Q17c; dairy, fancy,
eggs steany; rresn .Missouri ana Kan
sas stock. 10c per doz.. loss off. cases re
turned; new whltewood capes Included, Uc
receipts wheat. 101,000 bu.: corn. 21.000
bu.: oats. 16.() bu.
sillP.MiTS wneat, 07,2W oj.; com, k,
:00 bu., oats, 11,101 bu.
Dry tinoiln Mnrkrt
week closes without any material change
in the demand tor cotton goous ann busi
ni's rules generally uulet. Pile's are un
changed In sttple lines of domestics and In
nrlnts und ginghams. Print cloths without
f-lmnee. Cotton yarns show a bettor blisl-
mss tins wecK anu a sotnewnat steamer
tone. Woolen and worsted yarns quiet and
Toledo Grnln Mild feed.
TOLEDO. O.. May l.-WHEAT-Dull and
wpnk: cash and Muy. 75c; July. 74iC.
CORN Active una lower; casn ana May,
IC4c; July, tec,
OATS Active nnd steady, cash, 2S'c
Mav. 2.-c; July, 27c.
ttYF f,2l4c.
CLOVERSEED Quiet: cash. prime,
Ji,.57ifc; UCtoper, W.du.
IZvnnorntfil nnil Dried I'rulta
M'lM.ES-Tho market for evaporated ap
ples ruled rather quiet but about steady at
unchanged prices.
dull end featureless. Prunes. 3'ia"c per lb.,
as to size and quality. Apricots, itoyai,
Qil;c; .Moor i-nrn. ovii lac. i nitucp, pcvivu
12HQ20C. unpecleu, j.'yu'e.
Mlnneniiollii Grnln Alnrket
73e; May, 73U073c; July. 74'4cj on track,
No. 1 hard, 74c: No. 1 northern, 73ic; No.
2 northern. 70i7K'.
FLOl'R-1'lrst patentk, J19r4.05; second
econn cicars, sj.iiijr.'.-i.
HHAN In bulk, J 12.50 13.00.
till nnd Itoaln
NEW YORK, May 4. OILS Cottonseed
quiet; prime yeuow, ;uc. petroleum, weak
refined New York. J7.25: Philadelphia am
llaltlmore. J7.20: Philadelphia and Haiti
more, In bulk, fl.65. Rosin, dull: strained
common to goou, ajOiic. Turpentine, dull
Peorlii Mnrkrt.
PEORIA, May 4. CORN-Steady; No, 2,
OATS-Firm; No. 3 white, 2SVic, billed
' WIMSKY-On the basis of Jl.IS for fin
Ished goods.
lllnnkee Grnln Market,
No. 1 northern, 75tf.5ic; No. 2 northern
RY.E Firm: No. 1. 5im?fic.
UARLEY Quiet; No. 2, E7QSi!ic
Wool Market.
ST. I-Ol'IS. May 4 WOOI-Gencrally In
actlvo and easy; medium grades. HOLVjC
light tine, luui'.tc; neavy line, vyuc; tu
wasneu, iiiu-c.
QaietQtM Pretaili in Ixchangt Fits and
All Price Are Lowered.
Jnly Corn Hammered Inmerelf ully
nnil Mny M-uleoled Onto AMI,
but Falls Into Strotut Hnnds
Provision Dull.
CHICAGO, May 4-Qulet prevailed In the
pit on "change today, prices ranging at a
lower level mostly In goneral conditions.
July wheat closed Sc. July corn ?ic, May
corn 2ic nnd July oats c lower. Povlslon.4
at the close were a shade to lSc down.
Wheat prices assumed a weaker posi
tion at tho start am! the remainder of the
session clung to It, as the degrees of sentl-
'"ent ere. not sufficiently pronounced to
lead to active trading. July opened a4c
to I4BN1C lower at 72fiT3Sc iold tetween
72,'&72He and 72Tjc and closed ic lower at
At the start local bears and lonRs
old llbirally, but the short Interest was
timid one, bearing In mind tho readiness
Ith which the market has recently re-
ponded to encouragement. With the bears
n this mood and longs having no tempting
roflts In sight, the trade evened up their
deals In order to rest over Sunday with
nuisturbed minds, nnd then lett the mar
et to take cate of Itself.
Thp rlrnti In nrlrp u-iim dup to weak ca
bles, glowing crop reports, lack of outsldo
Interest In the market and to sympathy
with tho corn decline. A prediction of
showers for tomorrow was ti contributory
factor. Tho Missouri condition was re
ported to be tti, or 1 per cent better than
snown uy ine April repun, wune uimi"
from the northwest were of excellent prom
ise. Confirmation ot reports that the Ger
man crop had been pructlcally wiped out
vus received by mini, seuunani cieiinuici-s
n wheat and Hour were equal to 4GS.OO0 bu.,
while primary receipts were 371,oki bu ,
compared with 333,oio bu, lust year. Minne
apolis and liuiutn reported zvi tars, ukuium
J53 last week und 315 u year ago. lcal
receipts were 32 curs, none ot contract
.lulv rnrn rppplvp.l a severe potfdltlg,
while tho May deal was neglected gen
erally. In the wnv of lecltlmatc news weak
cables were Influential, but the main factor
in the decline ot July was neavy seiung y
the man who has cornered May corn, lie
said the murkct would break und disposed
ot 2,6"0,mi bu. of July. In view of this
nnd other selling, the decline was very
moderate. The opening was ut I6?4,ij451c.
The price was hammered down to 4'c.
where the presnire was greatly reduced
and the close was steady, o lower, ut
30He. Following the opening spurt, Ihe
trade was dull. May corn opened at 62Vif
53Hc on selling of only bO.CA bu. by a scalp.
Ing long, Phillips bid the market up to
514c and then left It to itself, having gotten
nothing for his pains. The close was 24c
down ut 63c. Receipts, 272 cars, 20 of con
tract grade.
Oats were fairly nctlvo and firm. June
wns sold liberally, but fell into strong
lands. Prices ranged oeiwecn in-jc anu
IGHc and closed He lower at 26'!ic. Re-,.tn '?0 PIir.
Provisions were affected by the liberal
run of hogs and the drop In prices at the
BtnnL- vitr.1 TrrMp tvnH null nnd unimport
ant. July pork sold between J15.00 nnd $11.90
anu Closed llc lower ui n.;-i !"'. '"'"
closed a shade lower at $7,92h0'-W and
uly ribs 2c depressed at ji.w.
i.Qiimntnif rpcpltit Monday: heat. 4i
cars; corn, 380 cars; oats, 210 cars; hogs,
3,oij neau.
ine leuuing luiurea rsnsi-u us luiiuna.
Artlcles.l Open. I High. Low. Close.l Yes'y.
72i,JiH 72', 72i, 72trS 72-)73
52H534 6IU E2i 53 ffH
1041f 4Ct 46 4fiH -17,
46 4t5 45H 45 47
28i 2SJ4 2St: 2SH 29
26H StJiifi t 26Va 20- -'STs
2S, 25U 25 25TiS' aj
14 R5 14 83 14 SO II SO 14 3;i
14 95 15 () 14 14 90 15 0:,
S W 8 00 S (0 F 00 R 00
. 7 B2Vi 7 93 7 90 7 921 7 93
" 90 7 93 7 90 7 95 "93
8 10 S 10 K 03 S 03 R J2U
7 W 7 9:4 7 90 7 90 7 92(.
7 S5 7 874 " S3 7 874 7 90
No. 2.
Cash Quotations were as follows:
FLOl'R Dull; winter patents. J3.S0S3.90;
straights, t3.20fi3.70: clear. J2.tW,i3.40: snrlnir
specials. .i.u; patents, ja.iayj.; straights,
U.wuj.-v; uuKeri. l.vjil.u.
H HEAT-sa 3 spring, ,o-B73c; No. 2 red
CORN No. 2. 55tie: No. 2 ypllnw. r.'Up
OATS No. 2. 284c: No. 2 w:hlte. 20p: 'Cn n
HARLEY Good fppdlnir. KlfflStp- fair in
i-hnii-fl mnlttni- f.fif?.".5
SKKDS-No, 1 iiux. Jl.GIH: Xo. 1 north
western. Sl.&m. trlme tlmothv. M.fti.
w'iuiwti)-urra ))uin, vv Unit 14.MWT
14.S5. Ijiril, iwr 100 lbs.. J7.67U. Short ribs
sides (loose). J7.9ofiS.15. Drv snlt,.H hnni.
?5ffiiMr7-,2h' s'horl c,carelde',
w nisKi-uasis or high wines. J1.30.
SUGAR Cut loaf. 6.14e: cranulnted r. R?c.
confectioners' A, 6.11c; oft A, B.29c. ' '
I-ollowlng are the receipts and shipments
P.eeelpt. Shlpmnt
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.,
Corn. bu....
... 412,000
. . .1.415.CSO
. . . 50.(0)
Oats, bu....,
Rve. hu
Uarley, bj . .
On the Produce exchange today ihn imi.
tt u ainri niui uiiii: L-rejimir ir ljfiiian
dairies, 11(0 16c. Checie, 94ft He. Ekes'
Uuolntl'ins nf the Day on Various
to in modltlc,
NEW YORK, May 4.-FLOUR-Rccelpts
19,1,4 bbls.; exports, C.9S2 bbls.; murkot
easier and lower; winter patents, $3.0051
4.00; winter straights, J3.50Q3.55; winter
extras, $2. 1382.85; Minnesota patents, $1.00
CH.23: Minnesota bakers. $2.90f?3.25: wlnte
low graues, ..&ru..w. iiye Hour, quiet
fair to good, $2.85ij3.20.; choice to fancy
CORNMKAL Stendy; yellow western, $1
Ity. 9So; Hrandywlne, $2.4502.55.
RYE Quiet: No. 2 western. C2c. afloat
state. 555i56c. c. i. f.. New York carlots.
IJARLKY Quiet: feeding. 4C8IS'c. c. I
f. New York; malting, U2(8"0c, c. I. f. New
i orK.
HARLKY MALT Dull: western. 575i62c.
WHKAT Receipts, 163,000 bu.: exoorts
170,275 bu. Spot, weaker; No. 2 red, SHic
f. o. b. afloat and Slc. elevator: No.
northern. Duluth. S9Uc. f. o. b, utloat: No.
l num. uuiuin, vic, i. o. . ntioat. up
iionx iiiiu u weaa opening amui activi
dumnlng of long wheat by parties dls
enuruged over weak cables, more favorable
domestic crop news, talk of heavy world'B
shipments and light export demand. Closed
easy at ',4'fl"c net loss; .May, (wsswic.
closed at MJluc: July. TS 9-168 TS-ViC. closed at
ibe; septemner, 76tf-Jtai6 3-ite, closed 764C.
uuk,-iteccmis. i.ku du. exuorts. 79.35:
bu. Snot, weaker; No. 2. 54c. elevutor. and
544ic. f. o. b. afloat. Options dtsnlaved con.
sineraDie weaKncss una occuneu on tno
wheat break, bearish cable-i and more or
less unloading. Closed weak at MQIKc net
J..II... ...... l .. . . X. ......
iit-ciiiit.', .iiuj, u74iu''v. iiuocu iti wic; juiy,
51(J51Hc, closed nt Die; September, bitl
50c, closed at 43TvC
OATS Receipts, tS.ino bu.; exports, S0.600
bu. Spot, quiet; No. 2. 32Hc; No. 3. 32c;
No. 2 white, 343IHc: No. 3 white, 23Uc;
truck, mixed western, 32i0S3V4c: track, white,
32Vtfi37c Options dull and easier with other
HAY Steady; shipping, T5V)c; good to
choice, 93897HC
HOPS Quiet; stnte, common to choice,
1900 crop, i7ia-2oc; 1M'9 crop, lltf!5p; old olds.
286c; Pacltlc coast, 19-10 crop, 1619e; IbW
crop, llfilac, old olds. 2'n6r.
HIDKS-Steady; Galveston, 20 to 23 lbs..
lS'4c; California, 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Texus
dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. HMli,ic
LKATHKR Steady: hemlock sole, light
to heavyweights, 24825c; acid, 23H824K'C
TALLOW-Steudy; city ($2 per pkg.), 4T
5c; country Ipkgs, free), 5G6I4C,
PROVISIONS-Reef. steudy; fumlly, $10.50
11.50; mess, $9 0089.50; beef Hams, $19.508
21.50; packet. $0.(1 10.50; city, extra India
mess, $14.00816 0). Cut meats, stendy: pick
led bellies, S'.OlOHc: pickled shoulders, 7;c:
pickled hams, $10.00810.50. Lard, dull, west
ern steamed, $5.3588.40; refined, quiet; con
tinent. $x.t; South America, $9.25; com
pound, $6.75. Pork, steady; family, $l6.f8
16.50; hort clears. $15.50 17.W; mess, $15.50
16 50.
RICE Steady: domestic, fair to extru,
34t6c; Japan, 4tf4TC.
MOLASSKS Quiet; New Orleans, open
kettle, good to choice, 32549c.
Hl'TTKR Firm: creamery. 15819c: fac
tory, 11813c; Imitation creamery, 13fllc:
state dairy, 15815c.
CHKKSK Quiet: fancy, largo colored,
lOH-f : fancy, large white, 10';ni04e; fancy,
small colored, 7lc; rancy, small white, ip,,c.
Kuus-tirmer; state una Pennsylvania,
14i, southern. llfllS'jc. wetrrr storage ,
iv , western, regular pacmng isn3n
irui ui it l Alive steady, springers, per
pair. turkeys, i9c. dressed, firm,
lurkcxs, 1014c ; rowls. (iffiouc
METALS The local metal situation today
was rather a featureless affair In the ab
sence, of Incentive by way of cable Infor
mation abroad. Trading was quiet and of
an evenlng-up order without change In
quotations materially, they ruling ns fol
lows; Tin, ja.WOJC.03; lead, JI.I74; spel
ter. K$i4.ori: copper, Lake Superior. 117.10
and J16.w'li for casting and electrolytic; pig
Iron warrants. W.JOftXUiO, northern foun
dry, m.2oji6.V); southern foundry. JH.OPtf
0.00, and soft southern, JlJ.COQls.W.
tlUtreMlii' Mrrnmh Miiitiu by .St.
I'nnl nnd Missouri I'ncllle.
NEW YORK. Mav I -The tock market
effectually demonstrated Its astonishing re
cuperative power again during the two
nours 01 trading toaay 1 ne selling orners
wntch wore thrown tiuon the market on ne
count of nnnrchenston. were confidently ab
sornea. ana oniy a momentary preaK was
caused by trie uanK statement, aunougn 11
was more untavoraoie man nan been ex
pected, ard the buying afterward wns sutll
dent to carrv prices vigorously un through
out the list, obliterating the earlier declines
and establishing some striking net gains.
The closing was notably strong und at
bout mo top.
Atchison opened wide ut un extreme de
cline of 2i and t'nlon Pacific was off 4
points. Neither stock touched the low level
gain, although there were feerlsh places
rose an extreme s over last nlaht. closing
within a shade of the top. Missouri Pa
cific opened u point higher und closed 8',
These movements served to give some
reassurance to the speculative contingent
mat tnc proces oi nusortmon oi ranroaus
fur consolidation was still coins on. u be
lief which war somewhat shaken by the
intruder of the selling in i nion racinc
esterduv. It was argtud also that the In
terests dolnz this buvlnc mlcht have had a
hand In yesterday's cnllap.p, In order to fa
rllltate the operation, us buying rutlrouds
for control In a rampant bull speculation
is necessurlly an expensive operation.
vi-iMit for tne enorinnu de.illiigs In
t'nlon Pacific convertible is, In sympathy
with tht. stacks, the bond market has not
been extraordinarily active, and prices have
moved Irregularly. I nltcd States 3s de
clined 1 per cent, the 5s and the new 4s
and refundlnir 2s L !er cent. The old 4s
advunced , per cent oer the closing cull
of last week.
The following aro the closlnc nrlccs on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atehlnon KTt St. I. fcouttiw.
.... :c.
.... tit.
.... u
do nM iIj I'M
Ilsltlmnre & onio...TO ht. TdUl
do I'M
P2,;i du rfd
Canadian Pacific
Cnnsds So
Chet. & Ohio .....
.1-)! patine
. 72 fu. Kallnuy ...
. 4Mil 40 pfd
. 7?S Tx & Pacltlc
. J: It'nion Pafllle .
. r,l lo pf.l
.. 'i WstiaHi
. 41H) do pfd
. .. .
... S',
... 49",
... !;
... :i.
Chicago n. IV
do lrt pfd
do III Pfd
Chicago Ter. & T
do ii M
Chlcavo ft Alton..
,. 4SU,Vheel. A t, K 'i
do pfd
79'k! do 21 pfd.
C, H. A; Q
Chi. Ind. & L....
.107?, .Win Central
... 21
... 41
... M
. .14S
do tfd
do nfj
Adams l'.x
American Us....
Chicago & E. III.... 150
& N. V W
I . S. Ux
WelU-Kargo Ux,
Amal. Copper ..
Ainer. Cur A. P.
C, It. I. A P 1M
C. C. t St. I.... tJ
Colorado So U
do Ui pfd Wh
do 2d pfd I4'V
do Pfd
oil i:.i
Anier. Lin
Or . & Hudon ....lis
do pfd
Atner. S. Jt It .
Del. I fc W ZlSVi Atner. S. U M
Denver & H. O SHi' do pfd !.
do pfd 9i Amor. Tobacco
Krle 40V4 Anae. Mln. Co 4!"
do 1st p'd " .nrooklyn II. T
do 2d Pfd 57
L oio. I-UCI : iron..ivii
OL Nor pfd PS Con. Tobacco
llnrklnc Val ley .... u,H do pfd...
do pfd 7k' Gen. Ulcctrlc .,
Mexican National... 11 Cllucofo Sugar
, 2.1
Toledo St. 1.. &
do pfd 2M
P. C. C. k St. L. ... 6I,'.4
Inter. Paper
do pfd
Liclele Oas
Illinois Central ....HtViIConfolldatrd GXL.r'ii
Iowa central ...
.. to dlocklns Coal 1!,
do ofd
... 9 Inter Poner St
Iike Kile & W.
.... C2 Itepubllc Steel
...170 do pfd
107i Natlnnal ItlKUlt .
...126'i National Lead ...
...169'i National Suit ....
... 27V do pfd
...fbVsNo American ....
...11!',, Pacific Coaft
... SWPaclflo Mall
... Mh'I'eople'a Gas
....156 1'rcMed S. Cur
do pfd
L. & N
Manhattan L. ...
Met. St. Hy
Mexican Central
Minn. & St. L..
Mo. Pacific
5t.. K. & T
. 4!1,
. 17i,
. 41' a
. 71-4
. Hi,
. 59
. SM
. 44
. k?'.s
do pfd
N. J. Central .,
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk & V....
.. a
.. Wt
do pfd.
Pullman P. Car.
do pfd
No. Pacific
iTenn. Coal & Iron.. i"1
do nfd
Union lias A. I
Ontario & V....
lo nfd
Pennsylvania ..
...91VJU. S. leather
uo jua
U S. Rubber .
do pfd
U. S. Steel ....
do 1ft pfd
do 2d pfd
. 5SI4
, ii
St. L. & S. K...
do tat pfd
do 2d pfd
do pfd...
, 6VVi AVeatern Union
tt York Money Mnrket.
vbu' vonif. Mav 4. MONEY-On call.
firm at 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper,
44Hpor cent.
HTKItUMi KAUMAftOft-.omuiui, wun
actual business In bankers' bills at M.SS for
demand and at I.S4S4.8i for sixty days;
posted rates, Jl.bSHQt.Mi and 11.59; commer
cial bills. I.S4Vi. . v.
SILVER Certificates, nominally 60c; bar,
59'c; Mexican dollars. 45Vic
HONUH Btate, wean; rauronu, irrcgu"" ;
government, firmer; refunding 2s, regis-t.-rpd
And eounon. 106: 3s. reclstercd and
coupon, 109V4; new 4s, registered and cojpon,
1RSU; old 4s, registered und coupon, 113Vj;
as, registered anu coupon, iws.
The closing pi ices on uonus lima;, aro as
V. 8. ref. reg...lOS IN. J. C. gen. 5n....l53,
do coupon iv-j .-no. t'aruic as
do !, rg t09'i do 4 105.
do coupon lCJ'.i'N V, C A St L 4I..1071,
do new 4, res.. . .13Si Nor. & West. c. 4..lot
do coupon 13S'i0re. Nav. 1 !'i3
do old 4i, rts 1V4 do 4s ICH,
do coupon U'to u. s. 1 ts
do 5s. reg 1C3
uo cunsoi Of 110
Heading sen. 4i M
Itlo O. IV. la 101V4
St L .t I M c. (s...11DVi
Bt L & H V g. C....1S3
do coupon 110
I), of C. J CSs i:i'
Atchison gen. 4s 103
do adj. 4s
Canada So. 2 luSi, St Paul consol....192
Ches, & Ohio 4Hs..t'Jii St P. C & P la ilS,
do Bi do Ca 120
C. & N. 1. c. 7...!t0!. So, Paclflo 4s M4
do S. P. deb. lt..W' do 5a 117
Chicago Ter. 4s.... DiU'S. H. & T. a M
D. ii H. O. 4s IOH,Tex. & Pacific li...U9'i
Erie sen. 4t ao :s wo
v v. & d. c. Is.. 109
Union Pacific 4s. ...105?,
Gen. Ulectrlo ts....lMH
ion a Central la.... 1174.
U & N. unl. 4 1)31
Wabash Is US
do Is UO
West Shore 4t lllli
M., K H T. 2.,
do 4s
N. Y. Central Is
k: Wis. Central 4s Mt
3i Va. Centurle 9i',
lloaton block luotntlona.
HOSTON, May 4. Call loans, 4fl4H per
cent; tlmo loans, 4g4Vi per csnt. Offlclal
A.. T. & S. P...,
do pfd
Amer. Sugar
do pfd
American Tel....
Boston & Alb'y .
lloston Elevated
lloston & Me
C. It. & Q
Dominion Coal .
do pfd
V. S. Steel
do pfd
M I'nlon l.and 3'i
104 West Und SS
147 Westing. Electric . C4
IS! Atchison 4s 10311
n. e. g. & c. it... an
Adventure 1
ninrham Mln. Co... u
Amal. Copper 121
. . .197; Atlantic
. St
. S'i
. S7
. MH
... 3t! lloston & Mont
...114 illulte d Ilorton..
... MWCal. & HecU ....
... 'MiiCentennlal
Kltchburg pfd...,
.117 PranVlln
Gen. Etectrlc ....
. i5
Ed. Electric III..
Mexican Central
Michigan Tel
N. E. a. & c.
. ll'i Santa l'e Copner..
Old Colony $1I Tamarack ....SSS
Old Dominion Ptah Mining j:
Kuhbr :.'i winona 4
Vnlon Pacltlc ! Wolverines It
Xpvt York Jllnlnit fitnrk.
NKW YORK, May 4.-Tho following nre
quotations on mining biocks:
Adams Con...,.,,
Itrunsnck Co.i..
Comstock Tun ..
Con. Cal. & Vs..
. 21 lUttle Chief ...
. 41 JOntarlo (M
,.14S pphlr 9)
,. II Phoenix s
0 'Potoil
75 .Savage
. 1!
. I-l
. 51
Dead wood Terra
10 Sierra Nevada
Horn Silver ,tmau Hopes
iron Sliver W Standard
leadvllle Con $ '
II a ilk C'lnirlnita.
OMAHA, May 4. Hank clearings today
$1,017,562; corresponding day lust year,
$1.050.02): decrease, s.ion.
CHICAGO. Stay I. Cleurings. $2I.R2S.fll:
balances, $2,f01.412; posted exchange, $I,"5V4
84. S9; New York exchange, 5o premium.
CINCINNATI. May 4.-Cieurlngs $J,S7I,
310: money, 3'86 per cent; New York ex-piinni-n.
iwl5o nremium.
HALTIMORE. May 4,-Clearlngs, $I,3S9
!tfil! hnlannpH. J4I7.277.
1IOSTON. May 4. Clearings, $30.9'JS,223,
balances. $2.699.9i3.
ST LOl'IS. May 4 -Clenrlngs, $7.921.r;7.
balances, $l,lb0,SlS; money, 56 p.r cent;
',V i"'- U"","V ' i . 1 'I' lower, middl tig uplands, sa-ux-; miu-
Paclllc was up . The aggressive strength ,ning gulf. 8 9-lt; sales. bales,
shown from the outset by St. Paul and LIVF.KPOOL. May 4.-COTTON-Spot,
Missouri Pacltlc had an Irfiportntit Intlu- ,iun, PHcr; middling fair. 4'.d; gn d
ence on the crowing strength of the whole ,,,1,1,111,,,, , u ,. i ' .i.,.,n,, i.,t- in- ti.i.
5, 1001.
l l
N-v Y- rn ixnangc. k ii bid. ar
PII1LADKI.PHIA. Ma 4.-clearfngs. J1S
3U.1M, llnnces. a.Aft.VJ.
NEW YORK, May 4 Clearing, $47o.W7,
MS; tmlRticps, J15.yKS.SII.
Loudon Mock (iiotntloii.
LONDON. May l.-S p. m.-Closlng:
CnnMl. money
ln prcoun: .
.. X4i 1p Irt rfd. .
.. M Innp Ivsnla
Atchlwn ah Iteading !S
(-nsainn i'nrinr...ll ,No. I'siHDc pni. .. .lnr.
ft rul (trann Trank ..
Illinois central ....Itl'i V. S. Sll ....
loulmlilp i I do ntd
t'nlcn I'seltli- pfd. . K Annconds
N. Y Cfntral ...J ltand Mln ....
I!rle t
. r.l
1IAR SILVER Firm, J7 J-16 per ounce.
MONEY Sim per tent; tho rate of dis
count In the open murket for short bills Is
3M78T-14 pr cent; for three months' bills,
3 7-16 per cent.
( otlou Jlni l.i-I,
NEW YORK. May 4 COTTON The cot
ton market opened easy and 4lflu ixilnls
lower, the decline twlng In sympathy with
further losses abroad. Llveriool broke dur
ing the morning, quite In keeping with Its
recent iittloti, und sent formidable selling
orders to our pit. Farmers are said to be
holding back cotton in expectation of a July
corner In New York '1 he predictions all
pointed to a continuance of u heavy mow-
1 metit. Receipts were nigh overwhelming.
I Tl,.. Mio.t.t nir..,.,) I.M.rtU' ttlftl
prices 4fi9 points 'lower Spot closeil' quiet.
.iii.... ,o . , . ,i ii i
unlit,, i.i-iiMi; euuii uiuiuni, o wiwi.
Easy: sulcs, 2.i bales; ordinary, 5jc, gud
ordinary. G3-lCc, low middling, 7c; middling.
713-lOc: go.Hl middling, sv,c; middling fair
Mtc; receipts. 1..W! bales; stock. 205.95J bales
ST. LOl'lri. May 4 -COTTON-Dull. -nld-
dllng. Sc; sales, mine reiwrted; receipts, MS
bales; shipment'". 532 bales; stock. 7.1..T0
halt's. .
t'ol'.pp Mnrl.rl,
NKW YORK. May 4.-COFFr.K-Spot,
Rio. dull: No. 7. stea.l) i'.' MI2'c.
The mirket lor futures has bun unlet
and unchanged to 5 points lower and ruled
stupidly dull throughout the balance of the
version. Light week-end selling wns re
sponsible for the Initial dpcllne. Later a
r.illv of 5 points reulted from light room
covering for profits. The murk't was f'
dull und net unchanged l. 5 pdnt higher.
There were no cuhicsi from Hrnaiilun mar
kets, a church holiday being In tor, p In
that country. The European advices were
ipiltp as expected. Demand for spot coffee
was dull. Sales of tutiins were but 1.7M
bugs, Including July at JL50; November.
o.(tj; December. J5.W.
Suunr llnrl.'et.
NKW YORK. May 4,-Si'OAR -Raw. tlrin;
fair rellnlng, 3,c. centrlfugul. Mi tet, t'itl
4 6-lflc; molasses, 3-i. Retlned. tlrm;
No. 6, 5e; No. 7, 1.9 ic; No. !. 40c; No. 9,
4.75c; No. 10, 4 7"c; No. 11. 4.05c; No. 12.
4. lis-; No. 13. 4 t; No. II 4.M; standard A.
5.35c; confectioners' A, B.'JBc; mould A. 5!jc;
cut loaf, 0.05c : crush--d. OOT'c; powdered.
5.tTc; grnnuluted. 5.55o; cubes, S.fOc.
NKW ORLKANS. May 4. -SI UA K Willi:' ;
open kettle. 3 3-10113 13-lf.c; open kettle cen
trlfugnl. 3'jtlV; centrifugal, yellow,
4,c; second". 2'stflc. Molnsses, strong;
centrifugal, SflKc.
Kiiiikiik Clt Live Murk Market.
ceipts. l,0f) head; market compared with
week ago, beef steers 10c lower, stockers
nnd fctdcrs 10fil5c lower, cows and heifers
15'ti25c lower; choice beef steers, 3.251i5.j'j;
fulr to good, J4.i'JH76.20; stockers and feed
ers. 3.75in.25: western fed steers, 4.50fi6 23;
Texnns and Indians. liX'iSM. cows. $3.(i
in 1.60: heifers. .m.Vfi4.!'J; cunners, $2.(Ofi3.0i;
bulls. $3.2581.50; calves, I.Cti5.75. Recclp s
for tho week, 2.2oo Head; lust week, 27.1UJ
head. . ,
HOGS Receipt. 7,40 head; market ,'il
10c lower: top, $5S2Vi, bulk of salts, $".514
i5.W; heavy. $5.7516.S2',. mixed packers,
$5.62WtJ5.75. light. $5.255.70; pigs, J 1.001,6 20.
Receipts for tho week, S'.iOij head; last
week, 74.300 head.
SIIKKP AND LAMBS Receipts. non-;
market compared with a week ago. lambs
5o lower, muttons 15S25c lower, grass sheep
Anft&lv ln-,-r: wptprn latnbs. SI.50il5.Ol:
western wethers, il.25ft4.50; ewes, t4.Mft5.oo;
culls, 3.40ft4Ai; grass sheep. 13.201(1 Sa;
spring lambs. Jj-oo-!! 6.50. Receipts for the
week, 3I.UU0 head; last week, Si.fioO head.
!t. I.oiilx I, I vc Mni'U Mnrki'l.
ST. LOl'IS. May 4.-CATTLK-Recelpts,
1.0L) head; market steady; native shipping
100 head: market steady: native shipping
n nd pviinrt steers. U.fi5fr5.70: dressed bef
and butcher steers, $I,2iIi5.:0; steers under
1,000 lb., $3.75415.(111; stockers and feeders,
S2.T3fi4.70; cows and heifers, $2.00 ?i 5.00; can
ncrs, $l.50ij2.N5; bulls, $2.70fll.l0; Texas nnd
Indian steers, $3.3585.15; cows and heifers,
$2. 75ft 4.25.
HOGS Receipts, il.000 hfud; market 5c
lower; pigs and light". J5.iV,j(5.75; packers.
$5.Wi5.75; butchers. $3.75fi5.95.
SHKKP AND LAMHS-Reeelpts, 1.00)
head; mnrket steady to strong; nntlve
muttons. $3.7584.50; lambs. $l.C0fi5.i): spring
lamb, $3.0"iftS.u0; culls and bucks, $3.COfi.(0;
stockers, J2.WS33
St. Joni-pli Live Mm-li Mnrket.
SOl'TH ST. JOSKPII. May 4. (Speclnl.)
Tho Journal uuptes:
CATTLK Receipts. 1W head: market nc
tlve, stead ; demand strong.
HOGS Receipts, fi.SOO head; market 5U10o
lower: all grades. $3.iV)ti5.Sj; bulk of sale.
$5.aV5.75; pigs, steady.
SIIKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.100
head; murket steady; lambs.;
vearllngs. il.O&fi 1.60, wethers, $3.S5?i I.3J;
owes, U25Q4.O0.
Sloiii CHy Live Stiii'U .llnrkct.
sinrv CITY. Mav 4. (Sneclul Telegram.)
Receipts. 2t head, murket steady; beeves,
$l.25f5.o); cows and bulls, mixed, $3.25(84.15;
stockers and teeners, j.ui..j; cuivcn uim
yeurllngs, $3.2584.50. . . . . , .,.,
HOGS Itect-ipts. -J.tssj neno; maraei u-ijivc
lower, selling ut $3.5.Vao.fio; bulk, $j.6,'-8o.w.
Stock In Slulit.
trnttnwlnir nre the recclnts at the four
principal vvehtern markets for May 4:
1 ,I,.,.U llnnu Clmnn
South Omaha
Knnsus City..
St. LouIb
8,441 51.319
1,5 0
Never Mi tiinerou llefnre nil the III"
Grande Iletvveen lilenvvood
prlntH and Miimlioue.
Never In the history of mountain railroading
have the trains been bo completely tied up
by rock slides as at the present time be
tween (llenwood and Shoshone.
Illo Grande passenger train No. 3, dun
hero ycJterday. was penned up for about
ten hours by a rock slide elcht miles up
the canyon. Tho train duo here lust even
ing is tied up In the canyon, but tho pas
sengers were transferred this morning. Last
night a huge boulder came down from the
mountain and crashed through the end of a
Pullman car. One of tho passengers suf
fered a broken rib, and several others were
cut by broken glass. There aro about a
dozen rock slides to be cleared away before
trains can bo run.
Cerilllill j 'k Hill for Peiiliiiin.
BERLIN, .May 4. Tho Ilolchstng today
passed the third reading of the bill provid
ing (or the support of citizens Incapacitated
by war. and tho survivors of thoso killed,
and providing compensation In the case of
those acting lu a military capacity being In
jured. Advn nee III Price nf Window filnas,
PITTSHl'RO. May 4.-Presldent W T.
Gray of the National Window Glass Job.
hers' association has sent out notices to
members nf the organization that nn ad
vance in tho price of window glass will be
made May 11. Tho new discounts are t.5
and 20 per cent on less than carload lots, or
a fraction over 7 per cent of nn advance on
present prices. It Is Intimated In glaBg cir
cles that future advances In prices nre
probable beforo the factories aro ready to
prouueu Kltii"' uuit nit; nuiiituci biiuiuuwu
I'r.'iu-li strike Is Hmlt'il.
MONCL'AP LES MINES, France. May 4.
The miners' strike Is apparently over.
Work will be resumed Monday Those
miners who hnve been dismissed have con
sented lo seek work elsewhere. The col
lapse of the strike Is due to the outcomo
of the referendum, when only 30.WJ miners
favorod a general stoppage of work,
Snow Morm nt l.eiidvllle.
LEADVILLE, May 4. Nearly n foot of
snow has fallen here during the past forty
eight hours. At fJlenwood Springs the
norm has been the most severe ever
known there It, May. The snow melting on
the mountain sides has caused some rock
roth tttl hteiri md Uoits Mtt Mela
adoui Ptfaaj lor tbi wtex,
Mieep Declined Flflern to n ttnnrter
llurlna AVeek nnd Sn Did Coiumoii
I.niiilm, tint Choice Colorndo
lit limited Sternly.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hobs. Sheep.
Ofllcial Monday :,jij g.,o; C.520
unicidi iiicsauy j.v.ij n.rix
yttlclnl Wednesday 3.n 11, 6
Ofllclul Thursday 2.JJJ d,7:a
Official Friday 2,iij w.sjj
Ofllcial Saturday 141 S.tua
Total this week .11,958 ht.lTt
eek ending April 27.... 14, 243 02.1M3
"U I
17 s;i
eeK ending April 2U....15il 4fr,675
Week ending April U.'ti
eek ending April 6 12.5179 X.iiU
Average, price paid lor hogs at South
S5rl.on,h0 ,USl 'CVcml day" Uh Cm!
I 1901. ,l!AO.,liW.,M ;1T.,1W. 1S3S.
April 15..
April IC.
April 17.
6 0lJ, 3
i 9J, 5 45l '
3 t7 J b0 2 3S
3 HI
5 DJl,; b to! 3 721
Apn is..
' S4tk
5 N
t 49
5 4C
6 45
3 60
' li.n in
? -I
5j;J '
, ' !
i " "
J 0 "
ii ,
j OgJ. r,S"
lAnrii "
3 71
3 76
3 77
3 72i
3 61
3 ii
t i3
3 M
3 SI
3 S4i 3 35
6 4
3 W 3 SO
3 Ml 3 ii
6 iOH
o Ml
6 ',(
S 77 .
3 TO
4 ;
4 56
4 61
4 66
4 u
4 60
5 36
I 3 74,
3 S2
3 23
i 32
3 67
3 W,
3 36,
a :is I ui 3 71
3 31
5 77; 5 39 3 C5 3 S4 3 Sl
5 72Sl 341 3 67, 3 79 3 77
6 37i 3 691 3 771 3 731
3 26
i 2b,
6 S3 I 3 C9 3 '9 3 TI
April 30
5 fiHii 5 .12 , 3 Mi 3 SO; 3 15l 4 M
May l...
May 2 ..
Muy 3 .
May I.
5 Gil,! 5 Ml 3 611 3 791 3 121 4 46
4 n 5 IS 3 3 Hi
3 IS' 4 J3
5 72i4 6 17i 3 65l 3 57, 3 ( 4 k
J lila4, 5 26 3.iS 3,93, 3,TI 3-tJ ii
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Horses.
C. M & St. P. Ry 1 4
O. A- St. L. Ry 2
Missouri Pacific Ry 2
I'nlon Parltlc System.... 1 2"
C. & N. W. Ry 2
P., K. A M. V. K. It 38
S. C, A- P. Ry 1
('., SI. P., M. & O. Ry.... 1 S
H. & M R. R. R 26 1
C. II. Sc Q. Ry II
K V. p St. J 1
C. R. I. P., east 12
C R. I. P.. west 2
Illinois Central 2
Total receipts...
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Omnha Packing Co..
Swift and Company.
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour & Co
Hill & Huntzlnger...
Other buyers
Cattle. Hoes.
1 335
3,1 3
3. 05
94 10,327
CATTLK There were not enough cattle
one sale today to make n test of the mar
ket, though the few that did chnnge hands
did so nt nominally iteady pries. The
supply of cattle this week has been Jest
about the same as for the previous iveck,
nnd as the demand has been In good shape
prices havo not changed materially on any
thing at all desirable.
The bulk of the receipts all the wtek
have been beef steers and the quality of
the offerings us a whole hns showed up In
good rhupe. On some duys there was a
little weakness noticed nnd on others the
market was stronger, so that taking tre
week ns a whole the market has been Just
about steady. Packers seem to want all
the cattle that nre coming, and as a result
each day's receipts were cleaned up In good
The supply of cow stuff hns not been nt
all heavy this week, while the demand has
been of very liberal proportions The mnr
ket has been In Just about the same condi
tion as the trade on steers, and the situa
tion can best be described by calling It a
good, steady, active market nil the week.
Hulls have also been ready sellers all the
week, but no material change has bocn
noticed In the prices paid. Calves nnd
stags huve also sold In Just about the tame
notches nil the week.
Tho stocker and feeder trade has been
rather uneven the past week. The supplv
has been light and prices on choice stuff
reached the high point of the season. There
were several nuncnes on tne market mis
week that were better than anything that
has btcn here for some time, and they sold
from $5.00 up to $5.40. Choice cattle, nre
selling from $4,75 to $5.40, and good to
choice cnttlc from $4.25 to $1 75. The Inst
end of the week buyers were not as anxious
for supplies nnd the market eased off. par
ticularly on the commoner kinds of stock
ers. Representative sales:
Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
Ml 14 43
1050 3 1 950 3 I!
1750 3 25 1 1470 4 00
....... 1WO 3 75
; S35 3 ii i loss 3 -
1 HO IN 1 420 3 75
. .1045 4 K 31 5CI 4 J
sold. The bulk went nt $5.C2Vtf$3.t'.5. with a
lew oi hip ciiwiuci lutiuii ui .iire nun u mji
at $5.75. There was not much change no
ticeable In the mnrket from start to finish,
though several loads of common stuff were
loft until the end and trade on that class
of hogs wns of course slow.
Receipts of hogs the last week have been
liberal, but still not as many arrived ns
during the previous week, The demand on
the nart of all the nackers was In cood
shape and as a result the market wns fulrlv
nctlvo most or the time, Tho week opened
wun n uccnue in itiiuiii iw. uui uv r rioav
the loss was Just about regained. Today's
decline makes the week close with prices
a shade lower than at the opening and
a snane lower man at tne opening and
nb0"., a7f,L0rc.ei'ni,nh.?vp .?p.l?,Bh tlme last
month. Representative snlcs:
. ,. , , . . , ni. p. .. t .. .... .
liuiirs TtiPre was a gono supply oi nogs, 4 "iui m.i oi" unwrat-iii cum-
here todav for the last of the week and as Pa3 w,!lh eastern onices at SS Tremont
unfavorable reports were received from street, lloston. Mass.. offera Investors nn
other points the market here opened 510c opportunity to obtain reliable Information
lower Trade was not very nctlve on the "'"ect from the ofllcial state government
Mar"' bT when It was finally undew?? "K?"" rSiur?1,n1Klt,he '"J nJuryof fall-
tho hoes changed hands quite rnt.ldly and n"d " '.t'.r" "f 'n'lulry, inclosing
all the good loads were soon f'KPVV ?.'. ui any on company
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
74 1M ... 15 m a 214 M i 65
4J W IS) i W 75 25 40 5 K
79 23S 120 i f4 70 241 ... Iti
4.-, 257 243 5 i, 57 14S 40 1
M 207 110 6 f!i, C9 JSt . . in
M 197 40 5 62', 7 201 240 5
05 220 ... S C2', 7 S.14 61 5
M 101 ... I 6!i M 241 ... 5 ti
C4 3 ... 5 tVi 1M 5 ti
70 20 ... 5 0!1! 71 211 120 5 US
7J 220 120 5 t2Vi W 211 M C 5
74 221 ... 5 (ZM K 214 SO t U
!-, 213 40 5 klVi C4 VO fO f tj
75 21 120 5 'i 63 249 HI 5 ti
75 223 200 5 t2ij 71 233 4.0 E f.3
02 24C SO I C2'4 6 241 SO 5
79 219 16) 5t2'i SI 217 ... 5 K
(0 202 S) 5 6S 2l ... 3 SS
7 227 ICO 5 C2S 77 23 120 5 '3
71 219 fO 6 2 4 72 244 1M I ti
72 215 ... 5 H4 C2 223 ... Hi
220 200 5 6214 S6.......212 ltd iti
V4 212 120 6UV 7S 240 (0 HI
92 201 M 5 4 19 234 SO 5
C 232 ) 5 62IJ 67 231 240 5 C3
7 1 ....... . 30S SO 5C2V, CI 2tS 40 i CS
C7 22 160 5 CJVi 7S J SO I 6i
77 224 240 S 'i 60 239 120 I ti
75 205 ... 5 CJH t 270 SO J (5
61 201 SO S 624 f 234 SO 5 M
70 221 SO 5CJt, 70 236 ... 3 63
S 220 160 I t Ji.i 71 241 m 5 65
C9 24) SO 5 2H tS 4 ft) 3 fj
C4 715 110 5 2, 60 :!SS 60 S C5
73 116 120 I f2H 73 231 ... ( 63
72 229 2S0 5 f24 76 210 ... 5 63
50 274 120 5 63' 73 236 SO 5 65
SO 2f6 160 I 624 W M 41 i 6S
70 192 . . t 634 72 220 ISO 3 S
7: 25) SO 5 624 17 1M '5
66 2M SO 3 624 1 "i S) & S
co ::s 120 6 624 " 55 ... 3 65
66 23S 60 5 624 76 227 ... 6 65
M 1M SO 5 124 C5 2S 160 5 63
64 225 40 t 624 K5 80 6 es
TS 210 SO 5 624 ti..., ...231 ... 3 6J
6$ 205 ... 5 62 4 64 239 60 5 C5
50 239 SO 5 63 69 275 ... 6 65
71 240 160 I 63 76 . . 219 160 2 65
TO 225 M 5 63 69 240 120 5 65
5S 261 240 5 63 7 Jll .., 5 63
61 24 SO 5 66 63 255 SO 6 65
61 2SH SO i 63 74 !23 120 J 63
S6 JI0 ... 5 65 60 264 SO 5 63
t6 296 60 5 63 51 205 ... 5 65
::.t .-e
4 K.
t c-.
J ;
5 M
: .
h ri
. !it
. Jl
. S'
J 47
. c
6 ,
U . ( "'
.174 ..
..? . .
.If .
i "
J-' l K
... C sr.
n t M
1 i K
70 . J47 l iti m tM Ifn
71 .. . .rw n iti. nt irt k
517 If ),', to 14 .. i".
41 . . Ill 1M 5 r
SHHFP The supply of sheep flu last
week has In-en Jut utiout th wiim as for
the preceding week The demand u the
pari of puckers, However, has been very
light and the tendency of prices has been
downward at all (toliUs. Chicago reports a
decline for the week amounting to .'5c er
SMI 40c from the best time last week The
situation heto Is not far from the same
The greatest decline has been oivthc illppcd
sheep and they arc a big aSc lower than
llip ,'lnp nf t (1 M f VI L VI .tiAni. n ,, t
least 154j2iu lower than the close of last
Oood Colorado Is nib . hae been very
scarce here this wek and prices have held
Just about steady. ?alc wete made on
Friday nt, wlilch Is Just about the
same rts the close of nt week. Commrn
lambs, however, are i;fi2fc lower If they
have the wool on and a good quarter lower
If clipped.
w k ' bm M lrerK vc , w nR U
' drop in klllrrV IWVL "0l""r1 IBB
yuotHtlonil. choice wethers, Jl LH4 .A.
rerdprs havo lieen in light receipt tliu
;xeiheV. K.i.V fair to loil clliq'-ed
lambs. 5.50a6.M; feeder wethers, $:i.60a4.CO;
Il-'JUVI 111111118. l.lfl'Vi.4IF,
Cnttlc, Mirri olid l.iinilin MPllil) llottt
I ltd lord Wi-nl. .
. CHU'AOO, May 4 CATTLK Receipts,
heHd, nominally steudy; prime neer-,
$3.(Ofl5.r); jioor to medium, $3!1tM.95; stork,
ers and feeders, firm, nt $3.25p5-(i covv,
.t54.6n; heifers. t2 7ini4.75: bulls, steady,
at $,1.0O1j4.40, calves, $3 SOU 5.00; Texas fpil,
$4.2585.40; Texus grass steers, $3.Mtf .W .
Texas bulls, $2 7583 SS.
liOLlS-Recelpts, Irt.Oii.) head; esUntated
Monday. 3o,(Ko. loft over, 3.fi50, weik, top.
$5.STHi mixed and butchers, $5.5585. S5, good
to choice heavy. $5..")85.s7'-a. rough heavj,
$5.5085 ft); light, $5.5085X1. bulk of rales,
$S.786. SO
SHKKP AND LAM US-Receipts, f.cS) head;
steady, good to choice wethers. $4 siksm.Bo,
fair to choice mixed, $I.KHf4 25, western
sheep, $4.yi74.50; yearlings. $1.2584.60: n.itlvo
lambs, $4.2ivriB.25. western lambs. $I..Vr,j5.25.
Receipts for two weeks compared This
week Cattle, Cl.tX) head; hogs, 155,3M head,
sheep. 67,301) head. List week-Cattle, 55,!0)
head; hogs, 1I1,M) head; sheep, TIM 00 heud.
vv York Live stock Market.
In head, all for export und slaughter,
nothing doing, feeling steady: export", l.ilfi
cattle, 31.354 Hlieop and B.Mf. uunrters of betf
CALVKS-Recelpts. 9S heud. all sold; feel.
Ing steady.
SIIKKP AND LAM IIS Receipts, 3,145
hpild: shi-nll Hlpiidv Inmti, tl-.. n.,.l II...
i higher; clipped sheep. $4.258 4.50; clipped
, lumbs, r.2585.35: Wnoled lambs. r,.701if.0i
spring lambs, nominal.
IIOGS-Recelpts. 1,115 head, nil for
slaughterers; nominally steady.
W. Farnam Smith
& Co.,
Investment Securities.
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 10G4.
Also Sneclal Hullt-tln nnd urtvl,-,.
mvcsimcnis mniitu iree.
I.. II. Heck ley A- Co.. Ilnnkpm,
BO Ilioadway, New York.
Trtt-iiliour )0:t!.
Boyd Commission Co
Ejccessori to James E. Doyd & Co.,
r.rtAi, pnovisii).f4 ami stocks.
llnnrd nf Trade llullillnic.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
orienondence, John A. Warren & Co.
Before Investing in Any
Beaumont Oil Securities
Obtain Our Confidential
Acting ns we do for the Inrgest financial
Interest Investing lu Texas Oil Prnnrrtip.
places us In a position to give you ndvlc
" wl" mnke none- for ' nulckly, not
I considering the nrotectlon von .PPiir'iti!..
wise In getting reliable, accurate Informa
tion from legitimate brokers on the ground,
ii. r. itiriiAitiso a co.. iiitoicnit,
Members Iteaumont Oil Exchange,
iii:.r.Mtvr. th.yas.
References: First National Hunk; Iteau
mont National Hank.
5c a share; Company controls 17 claims In
the heart of tho District; property belnc
operated with a steam bolst; has a record
of production ot $150,000.00.
at 20c a share; the compnny owns 45 claims
and a large mill; Is a steady shlppci and
employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay divi
dends this year.
Write for Information concerning divi
dend paying stock showing an Investment
of better than 22 per cent, to Herbert S.
6baw, oincei 14 and 15, Brown Palace Ho
le!, Denver, Colorado. Arproved stock
sold on Instalment plan. Direct prlvnto
wire to nil Colorado exchanges.
B, L. Baldwin & Co.
llii!! PAII.NA3I yriucisT.
Long Distance Phone, 17IMI.
If so, speculate successfully. Send your
orders to o reliable house, whers I'uey will
he placed on the open market. Wo can
make for you In nno month more Interest
on your monev than any bank will pay you
In a year. Send for our book on speculation
It Is frtc.
J. K. Comstock & Co.
ltouui t:i Trader's Illcttf. Cblcngu,
. rini-r!, e,i.,tM.vv; cuoic.e iigntweigni yeur-
I 'l1L' 11 1,1. I .'.'.. (nil, I.. ,...1 ....-ll.,. tl ot
J III 4 1 II 1 c,j in. ..ii... t . ii.. .r4...r, ..., .
t (ill 1 Kl 1 t4 , J.. . . . " . i.lll,vil .1 Vill llilK". fl.liriM.''''. VUUIL-n
. i 7? a ii lightweight owes, $4.lii4.15; fair to go.xl
4 i 3",f( I.U'. clipped ewes, $.t.25iJ,7ii.
4-a i J(.6ia4.9-.l- cllniipd Vimli.i. II Sua 4. 10. mirloir
(iri iciAi, on, in:poiiTi.
win uo .-ncrriuiiy answered iree or cnarge.