Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1901, Page 20, Image 29

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tiUt f Namtt of Thots Who Snccieded in
Counting tbt Bpfckt.
People 'Wlio I'itkIkIciI (inln l'rle
Oirrrnl fur tlx Correct Itenilt
III llir .!' i ml Co ii ti 1 1 ii k
(Continued from Thirteenth I'aRO.)
Mrs. A. K. C'urtlit, 1721 Dodge.
Oco, Uraveson, 1015 Ho. Sid,
Wm J Micas, 1517 N. 17th.
Ii H. DeWoir. 10W So. th Ave.
Curl Mnrguardt, IVH Harney.
C. II I.lpp, 2757 Webster.
W. A Stone, ) N. 1'Jth.
C U. It ) mberry, 1122 N. 10th.
Thomasi Itochrord, 'W So. lith.
JtO!)f .Stone, 17IS Nicholas.
A I j. Illldlnger, IMS N. 27th.
O, I), Siar, 2CHI Moplo.
V. R Id i 'tor. 103 N. 32d Avo.
J. McC'ugiie. 2211 Chicago.
l'erry D. Hulplieu, aso N. 27th.
May McCoy, 'MA Decatur.
Mr, t' C I'axton, MO N. 2Sth.
John Mathlcjon, 1!MI Ho. llth.
C. M It lander, 2ol!l N. If.lh.
J. II, Hotlgwlck, &1 Ho. 25th A vr..
C A Itilow, P. O. carrier No. 30.
Lillian lmmls, 221fl Capitol Avo.
I'. M, Peterson. M2I .Mlllllll.
3'', U We.ul, M)2 Ho. 4(ith.
K. Anthes. 1137 Ho. llth.
J,. W. Titus. SMfi N. 21st.
.Jlrs. Mary Winter, 127.1 S.
11. Hcott, 17.17 Park Avo.
II. C Vest. LWi Dougln.
J. C, Hwayno, 2120 N. 27th.
V. II. Ulckfoid, 2C01 Dodge.
(h Mostlor. 1819 Oak.
Alice Clrotchon Hones, 1919 Cass.
Kmlly Wan ham. 2iWi N. 17th Ave,
A i. Thomas, Hensnn.
1 W llazen. Jr., 3903 N. 21st.
h J. Keith, SStf Urlstol.
H l HtrH, l.Vfl Park Ave.
E, M Hlngcr, 2ilfi Indiana Ave.
J II Hasium, 2I07 X. IMth.
Jcnnlo Fi rren, WIS Douglas.
C II, Newton, 21" N 20th.
i: II Mortis, 21 -Ittoir
AV. C Price, 1H.P, ISth.
V. II. Canon, .1 . X 21th.
J, Wclilmsall, Still Hamilton.
C. M Kntnn, HKl Plnkney.
J. W Adams, IH7 X. 20th.
I. 'Hi Hopkins, 719 Ho. nth.
Maud liutler. 2MG X. IStli.
Kuwhlll, 131:! Doiiplas.
J. F. hininorl. lol First National Hank lildB.
Caroline Cnnklln, 3812 Parker.
II. V. Schneider. 2M7 Miami.
1'. S. Honncy, 1723 Leavenworth.
F, Iloltizmon, 1313 Paelllc.
11. O. Schncffcr. 2I3 Hamilton.
Sara Colburn, 2101 Capitol Avo.
II Htlherinan. 600 S. 2l8t Ave.
It. ('. Hemphill. 1910 Hurt.
It, (. Uozler, 2.M2 X. 19th.
Jark Turplti, Florence.
At. O. Cunningham, 3i2l Howard.
Henry W. I.elunan, 2."ill Hlnncy,
C A. Ilempel, S27 H. 20th.
Mllllam J Dermody. 320 X. 20th.
John Hruhn, 2331 Cnstollar.
John F. Miles 22.-JO X. 19th.
Clydo F. Clarke, 1S38 S. 20th.
J. Murky, llfi X. 10th.
C. J. IiackllH, 2575 Cumllig.
(leorgo Miller, llth and Dorcas.
John Harnett, lS'JI N. 21st,
J. D. Pollard, 3912 N. 27th.
J. F. Knee. 2S1S Ames.
Mrs. I.. Kollog, 151S Dodge.
F. V. Foster, 3C07 X 21th.
Mrs. T. Kelly, l?'l Mason.
Meyer Coren, 1932 S. 10th.
II. II. Allen, 1017 8. 30th.
I'M J. Mock, K8 K. 20th Ave.
Kvan Horn, W23 X. 21th.
K. V. Chupmon, 41 H. 13th.
A. MnBniiHon, 2XIS DoiiKlas.
James McOlnnlH. 2509 Iteoae.
Heath Pros.. 3001 X. 21th.
Oscar Ocander. 1WI H. 2Jth.
lahlo Kurr. 2318 N. 22d.
II. H. Wooley, 2537 Patrick Avo.
V. F. I.orenzcn, 023 8. 17th.
J. C. Seidell, 107 H. 10th.
William Harnum. 2S13 Shirley.
F.Ilen Nelson. 2012 8. 2d.
aVard F. Palmer, 4917 Davenport.
i.. O, Williamson, 1&I2 H. 27th.
Mrs. J. McWhlney,' 211 S. SOtli.
1''. 11. names, BIG X. 23d.
John Miller. 1507 Leavenworth.
1'. A. Kdqulst, 802 X. 12il.
C. A. Larson. 220S X. 27th.
1. M. KlnhurR, 250J Poppicton Ave. .
A. F. Mayne, City Hall.
Vornlo Talhcrt, 103 S. 2Sth.
J. 11. Conrad, 1112 N. 40th.
lClnora Palmateer, 3712 X. 17th.
Nellie DerrhiBton, 2023 Caldwell.
K. II. Kdson, 2012 Kmmet.
Andrew Tracy, 810 Harney.
J. F. llnrinou, 3423 Hurt.
S. F. Antes, 1718 DodEe.
J. It, Itohlnson, 2012 Furnom.
KoRlnnld Clles, ao X. 19th.
J. F. Colt num. 307 W. O. W. Building.
(Clint ltouh, 2207 S. 17th.
F. II. C.lbson, 2120 SproKiic.
Cornelius Murphy, 0123 Florenco Boulevard,
A. J. Kwhitf, 120 8. 25th.
Bert C. I'aul, 2530 Decatur.
15. O. Clay. 2S.S5 Hurt.
J. J. Parrott, 209 H. 20th.
A. II. Claudius. 1711 California.
Miss A. 10. Wlndolph, 311 8. Pino 81.,
Grand Island. Xeh.
K. O. Clark. Western. Xeh.
Dr. C. O. Hold, Crawford, Xcb.
A. C. Woods, Suward, Xeh.
J,. K. Ost, Seward, Xeh.
Emll Hehtnldt. Blair. Xeh.
1'. T. lllrchard, Xorfolk. Xeh.
JL C. Sehmlilt. 21th & Polk. Albright, Xeh.
Joseph H. Mason, 721 X St., Fremont, Xeh.
Karl Becker, Columbus, Xcb.
Frank Uoodwlll, Tcltamah, Neh.
AVllllain J. Thorson, Wahoo, Nub.
I. . A. Williams Blair. Nub.
1). K. QlUllln. 112 i: 2d HI., Or. Island, Neb.
K. Wollach, 101 W. 3d St., fir. Island, Xeb,
Chrln Woelz, 101 W 3d St., Or. Island, Neb.
"W, II. Helnder, (Srand Island, Neb.
V. B. Smith. S15 V. 2d St.. Or. Island, Xcb.
M. L. Jones, Falrllcld, Xeb.
Chits. Mlllor. 113 8. llth St., Lincoln, Neb.
M. D. Bedal. Blair, Xeb.
II. C. Jackson, Blair, Xeb.
J. W. Pooling. Xebraska City, Xeb.
Mnry Chambers, 250 1J, 3d St., Fremont, Xcb.
Toter A. Smith, SprlllKlleld, Xeb.
Henry ('. Thomas, Albion, Xcb.
O. W. niffer. Olenvllle, Xcb.
C. i:. Tefft, Weeping: Water, Xeb.
lies. J. It. Itydback, Stanton, la.
Harry Schlckendantz, St. Paid, Xeb.
Mrs. T. A. Jlltchell, Xeola. la.
K. It. Adams, Missouri Valley, In.
Jtnso M. Owens, MannlnK, la.
H. II. Herzof. Herman. Neb. I
F. 8. Henrer, Hosklns, Xeb.
Norman F.dwnrds. (lothenberfr. Neb,
A. L. KIsliiKer, Olenvllle, Xeb.
Frank Flcsner, Olenvllle, Xeb,
O. '.. Fink, Olenvllle. Neb. i
John J. Jer.nhiRS, Oothenburir. Neh.
15. J. HpauldlnK. tlothenbura;, Xeb.
I, . C. Docker, Florenre, Xeb,
A'. A. Camp & Sous, Doniphan, Xeb.
AV. C. Itohlnson, Clark, Neb,
A. J. HlKbeo. Callnway, Neb.
AVllllain De A'rles,lda drove, la.
J. AV. Modesltt. Alda, Neb.
i:. O. Clark, Wen ton, Neb.
F. 15. HlUHser, Wood River, Neb.
15. L. Morse, Ppland, Neb.
AV. II. Field. Tllden. Neb.
Ida .At. A'erlty. Shelby, Xeb.
M. II. Tobln, Sidney, Xeb.
H. A. Drew, Osceola, Xeb.
H. J. W. Brown, North Loup, Neb,
15. A. KIrkpiitrlek. Xehawka, Nob.
D. It. K:rs, Mound City, Mo.
C. Hnow, Mnrslnnd, Xeb.
F, II. Cloiiph. (Jreely, Xeb.
C. M Beck, Olbbon, Xeb.
James Coi.klluK. Jr.. Frnnklln, Xeb.
Isenburj? f. Betekc, Kmmersnn, Neb,
AVIUM m AVHion, Chester, Xeb.
W. W. AlilrldR.-. Alda, Xeb.
15. J. Hnbrock, Xorth Loup, Neb.
Blssell & Seavey, Wolbach, Xeb.
M. H. Olllln, A'alpnralso. Xeb.
J. O. Ilhodc3, Osceola, Neb.
J. T. Ottmar, Iowa Falls, la,
M. T. I5vnns, Imperial, Xeb.
J. T. Llston, Dunbar, Xeb.
J. M. Byers, Dellance, In.
AV. A, Wnnier, CrelKhton. Xeb.
.1. D. Brnyton, Dassett, Xeb.
L. X. clow, Lake City. la.
H. C. Hose, Herman, Xeb.
Lottie 15. Jenkins. Fairmont, Xcb.
Ilobert Douclas, Clarks, Xeb.
Besslu Hacailnrn, Curtis, Xcb.
W. L. A'an Katon, Jr., lllverton, Io,
W. O. Jones, Marquette. Xeb.
A. O, Xewmnn, Chnppoll, Xeb.
O. K. Pltllnficr, Albion. Xeb.
Sidney Price, Stiinton, Xeb.
L, It. Prlchard, Meadow Grove, Xcb,
J. F. Kyle, Osmond, Xeb.
Jacob Thompson, Atkinson, Xeb.
Chlrano Lumber company, Chapman, Xeb,
William J. Blrkofcr. Oothenbura, Xcb.
D. L. Darr, Bason, Wyo.
A. M. Vandell, J.oomln, Xeb.
I. Dannenbamn, 323 Otorpln St., A'alleJo.Cal.
II. C. McCown, CralK. Xeb.
T. A'. Shlel, HurlhiKton Junction, Mo,
Fred Fleharty, Miilvern, In.
Myrtye Iockwood, Xorfolk, Xeb.
Clarence A. Post, North Platte. Xeb.
Oenla Mnloney, Xorth Platte, Xeb.
Rev. C. Krlckson, Mlsi-ourl Valley, Io.
Ada Howell, Fort DodRp, In.
Theodore ChtIsoii, Kearney, Xeb.
Thomas B. Stucker. Auburn, Neb.
Abblo L. Illldreth. Superior, Xcb.
8. J. Green, Superior, Xeb.
D. W, Ituter, Kearney. Xcb.
A, H. Lnvlnti, Sutton, Xeb.
11. 15. Furlong, Auburn, Xeb,
Church Down & Son. Auburn, Xcb.
C. 15. Abbott, Superior, Xcb.
O. It. Norton, Onawii, la.
Charles B. Cannnr. Kenrney, Nob.
John Darwin. 109 8. llth St., Lincoln, Neb.
15. I, Soper, Washta. la.
I5mma Woodford, Weeping AVater. Neh.
Mri. Ilulda Ituttlc, Fort Crook, Neb.
T. T. Varney, Anslcy, Neb.
Mrs. O. A. Hoffman. Llnwood. Xcb.
Mrs. Mabel Boss, Belvldere, Xcb.
T. Scott. Kearney, Xeb.
Oustavc Buss, Avoca, Xcb.
John T. F.ldred, Kearney, Xcb.
Mrs. II. 15. KrugKcr. Kearney, Neb.
Arthur J. Llndley, tVntral City. Neb.
O, I). Burke, Central City, Xeb.
Oeorpe Puyne. Ccnlrnl City. Xeb.
Miss Dell Pnrker, Central City, Xeb.
Frank Kombrink, Central City, Xeb.
AV. It. Colvln, Itockport, Mo.
W. X. Converse. Hasllnus, Xcb.
J. 15. Mcnzle, Orafton, Xeb.
It. IS. Mnnspcaker. Doniphan, Xcb.
C. 15. OeorKe, Fremont, Xeb.
MIh II. Camp. Geneva. Xeb.
0. D. Camp. Geneva, Xeb.
J. M. Sturtlh, Sprlncllcld, Xcb.
J. D, McCauKhln, Hampton, Xeb.
A. Beckstrom, Axtell. Xcb.
II, Xorlln. Axtell, Xcb.
W. 15. Conrad. Axtell. Xeb.
Russell Shields. Axtell. Xeb.
J. F. Kenynn, McCook, Xeb.
Albert A. llackman, McCook, Xcb.
Henry Itaxaty. Columbus, Xeb,
Miss .Alary Tiffany. Columbus, Xeb.
1. II. Bretell. Columbus, Xeb.
Willis 15. Moreaii. Fort Crook, Xcb.
J. J. Muttlson, Mndlson, Xeb.
c. it. liiyior, linmourK, in.
M. F. Winchester, Dannobrnjj, Neb.
fJhnrles Anderson. Pender, Xeb.
Mlnnlo OrcenoiiRh. Pender, Neb.
Ocorge Illcks, Crcston, In.
1''. J Ochsner, Dcadwood, S. D.
II; C. AVyman, Kearney. Xeb.
Charles F. IIcrrKUth, Platte Center, Xcb.
Dr. J. I5nos Wait, Superior, Xeb.
T. J. Line, Mnrquctt, Neb.
C, Icskes. Deadwoml, S. D.
J. W. Ilnlpln. Rockwell City, la.
Dr. A. Keller, Falls City, Xcb.
li. Olof. Wausa, Xeb.
Lizzie F. Allison. Fort Crook. Xeb.
I. T. McCaskcy, David City, Xcb.
Mrs. Cora Stowell, Columbus, Xeb.
I. C. Holm, Columbus, Xeb.
J. M. Crawford, Fairmont. Neb.
T. W, Molllt. Dcadwood, 8. D.
C. W. Hell. Iowa Falls. la.
Scott Russell. I'lysses, Neb.
A. T. Kiiiweii, watioo. rcu.
W. 11. Dickson, Long Pine, Neb.
M. F. Ralston. AVIlloe, Neb.
C. AV. Jones. Hotron, Kan.
Lester 8. Olesson, Fullerton, Xeb.
James Livingston. Sterling, Xcb.
Charles Logan. Lincoln, Xeb.
Roy S. Burkhart. 212 71th St., Chicago.
Arthur Huyes, Superior, Xeb.
Frank Miickllu, Adair, la.
C. O. Reynolds, Grant, Xeh."
James Laurie, Sutton, Xcb.
AV. W. Atkliifou, Carrol. Ia.
Mrs. Jnno Tyler, Blue Hill, Xcb.
A. Franz, Henderson, Xeb.
O. 15. Hcndce, 208 Park Ave., Kansas City.
F. 15. A'nlentlen, Aurora, Xeb.
Mrs. Lorn A. Stevens. Oakland City, Ind.
S. C. Blackburn, Holdrego, Xeb.
John AV. Ford, Deadwood. S. D.
Mrs. Lovina Henghey, Fullerton, Xeb.
Johiv A. Ling, Harvard, Neb.
15. T. Christy, Genoa, Neh.
A. Jensen, Dannebrog. Neb,
II. F. Rohde. 3001 Calument Ave, Chicago.
J. II. Sullivan, CC44 Wentworth Ave,, Chi
cago. AV. T. Morso, Friend, Neb.
Kxchange Bank, Ogallnla, Neb.
15. 15, Norrls, Randolph, Neb.
Robt. P. Foss, Corlcy. Ia.
Fred Nlsscn, Boresford, S. D.
Nora Bntton, Plattsmouth, X'ob.
C, D. Morse, Osceola, Neb.
C. It. DoLaMutyr, Fremont, Neb.
John NelT, Jr., Hamburg, la.
Lester M. Hears, Ravenna, Neb.
Kxchange Bank, Ognllala, Neb.
J. L. Smith, Sumner, Neb.
K. 15. Mcmialil, Humphrey, Neb.
W. S. Darvlllc, Sioux City, Iu.
15ugene Lumbard, Fremont, Neb.
N, C. Rodgers, Mlnden, Neb. .
J. AV. Most. Toknmoh, Neb.
C. 15. Cotton, Syracuse. Neb.
C. D. Marr. Fremont. Neb.
Minnie Seely, M:idl;on, Neb.
F. J. Slmodynes, Wahoo, Neb.
Mrs. O. P. Heero, Deadwood, S. D.
L. II. Uiwson, Deadwood, 8. D.
Rudolf Schupbach, Columbus, Nob.
Mrs. Jos. Xorton, Creston, Ia.
Mrs. Alfred Johnson. Logan, Ia.
J. W. lirnsdorf, I)gan, In.
Wm. DeGarmo, Logun. In,
Rich Thompson, Lnngdnn, Mo.
Oco. C. Rule, Dunlnp, In.
Stephen Huzzcll, Plattsmouth, Xeb.
J. Xeely, Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Asher Clark. Plattsmouth, Xeb.
Mrs. D. T. Guild, Plattsmouth, Xcb.
Clcone Thomas, Plattsmouth. Neb.
It. W. Donner. Ravenna, Neb.
M. 8. McCullls, Douglas, AVyo.
Frank Carson, Atkinson. Neb.
T. II. Christy, Nelson, Neb.
Otto Schnltz. Lincoln. Neb.
Mnrgaret Herron. Mo. Valley, la.
Will J. Wellaud, Carroll, la.
I5d ward Snyder. Ames, Neb.
V. H. Fulton. Red Cloud, Neb.
D. M. Turnure. Red Cloud, Neb.
S. C. Policy. Dendwood. 8. D.
II. 15. Gregory, S51 N. 23d. Lincoln, Nob.
Ralph Williams. U Box 732, Vllllsca, la,
T. A. Mlteholl, Xeola. lu.
Rev. AV. Wolf. fd7 AV. 1st. Ornnd Tslnnd.
August Xlcss. 307 AVhceler Ave., Or, Island
.ii. ii. Jiearn, Jine aio, vniley, la
W. H. Known, Ord. Xeb.
A. Blessing. Ord, Xeb,
Kdmir Rosslter. DaWltt. Noh.
Chas. AVnsner, A. O. U. W. Gr. Island, Neb
A. J. Betaurnay, C02 So, 8th, Beatrice, Neb.
15. II. Worthman, Louisville, Neb.
A'lctor Ilottles, Oenou. Neb.
S. II. Roushe. Aldn. Xeb.
Dr. A. O. Mudge, 33S Broadway, Co. Bluffs.
Mrs. Chas, 15dwards, 725 Bth Ave.. C. Blurts.
Mrs. C. P. Rlnker. 137 Benton. Co. Blurts.
j no, ncuuiiz, ioi lutn Ave., CO. Bluffs.
RATS, MICE and all other vermin eat
Stearns' Electric
Rat and Roach Paste
and die, lcavingf no odor, ns one ingredient dries up their
bodies. It has beeu in general use in houses, stores,
hotels, factories, offices, public buildings, etc., for 25 yrs.
25 cents a box at Druggists and tirocers or tent direct prepaid.
Orovcr Home, 800 nth Ave , Co. Bluff.
II .D. Carson, 8wlft Ac Co., South Omaha.
Thomos Jorgenson, 405 X, 21, So. Omaha,
M. J. Rowley, 250S X St., South Omaha
Mrs. Mary 15. Payne, 20 and P, So. omaha,
Mary 15. Shnnk 407 N, 21, South Omaha,
Kate Stlllwell, 3132 N. 15th, Omaha.
(1. C. Ollenne. S10 So. 21th.
Belle Luke, 1722 Capitol Ave.
Caroline Campbell. 716 N. 16th.
Mrs. C, C. Rose. 619 N. 16th,
15. A. Crane. 2923 Leavenworth.
Andrew Bevlns. 2121 Seward,
15. A. Powers, 4'.m Bee Hldg.
Mrs. F. Hchnetz, 2024 Howard. .
Will Watson, 1515 Fnrnum. "
AV. D. Kellcy, 1112 So. 8th. .
Mrs. Jus. Green. 105IH So. 20th.
Mrs. Orln Wilson, IM So. IDth.
Mrs. J. O'borne, 813 So. 22d.
Mrs. N. P. Swanson. 17th nnd Cuming.
W. Brown, 221 N. 19th.
Mrs. C. P. Rodman, 2516 Maple.
A. W. Fullnlede. Uelison. Neb.
A. Fnlrbrnfs. Florence, Xeb.
Mrs. J. Rynll, Terravllle, 8. D.
C. F. Macj, Beatrice. Xcb.
X. X. Converse, R. F. D. Xo. 1, Hastings
Myrtle Lockwood, 212 Philip Ave., Xorfolk.
C. 15. George. 1310 X. D, Fremont Xcb,
Geo. Illcks, Maplo St., Crcston, In,
Tho railways In this country support
nbout I.0W.0OO persons and their families.
Tho Brotherhood of Railway Trackmen
are strengthening their position, having ab
sorbed the Independent Cnnndlnn union,
thus bringing Its membership up to lOi.OOO.
After a prolonged and earnest effort to
economically nso negro labor In Alabama
nro mines the managers hnvo had to send
to Xow Orleuns and get Italians, who provo
Baltimore nnd Xew York cnp!tnltts hnvo
Just rloscd a (leal Involving the ownership
of 25,0"0 acres of coal land In Somerset
county. Pennsylvania. Tho purchase price
was $279,000.
A largo plant for tho manufacture of tin
Is to be erected In Waynesburg. Pa., at a
rust of $250,WO. The concern Is expected to
begin operations August 1, and will em
ploy 350 men.
George Cndbury, the English chocolate
manufacturer, has presented to tho city of
Birmingham an estate of 416 acres, valued
at $900,000. upon which to build houses for
working people.
The typefounders embracing the workers
In the vnrlout type foundries of tho coun
try will meet In convention" with repre
sentatives of tho establishment In Xow
York on April 22.
The Xattonnl Manufacturing compnny of
AVnbash, lnd.. makers of cooperage sup
tillcs, hereafter will employ a number of
women. Heretofore women hnvo been
barred from tho Place.
Boston's municipal printing plant Is to
bo discontinued ufter a four years trial.
An expert estimates the net loss at JS.MS,
or 12,129.50 a year. The city will return
to tho old practice of hiring Its printing
Strentor, 111., claims to bo tho best organ
ized town In tho country. The city Is said
to bo so well organized that It Is Impossible
for a. man or woman to work on nny Job
without holding membership In Bomu labor
Tho I'nltcd States Steel corporation, the
greatest combination of Interests In the.
world, began doing business on April 1, and
In the Pittsburg district, tho leading Iron
and steel center of the country, over M.V')
employes In tho mills nnd blast furnaces
navu new employers.
Th Inhnr iiiilnns of ! rnnclsco novo
erected tho biggest woodworking plant in
the state of California una are turning om
rin(r.rln1 nil fnt KM ''000 lllllOll CnmClltCrS
can placo It on tho buildings In tho city. It
gives employment to 100 union nilllmen.
For tho Ilrst tlmo In tho history of At
lanta tho employing printers nnd their
workmen hnvo como to a mutually satisfac
tory understanding ns to tneir reunions 10
each other, hours of labor nnd wages and
ns a result every printing house In the city
Is unionized,
For somo tlmo the cornorntlon of Glasgow'
has taken comparatively small sums of
money on deposit, and the experiment linn
worked well, umnoiuencu uy wiu
the progressive clement of the city council
proposed that hanking should bo added to
nc municipal iinucriauiiik-R.
Tho tlnlKi-nv Airn clvps a list of tirojects
under contract, calling for 5,900 miles of
now construction. There nro still other
proposed and prospective enterprises which
would Increase tho total to something over
S.OOi) miles. Tho major portion of the new
construction will ue in tne touui.
Thn Ppnnsvlvnnla sunremo court sustains
tho right of' nn employer to bind his men
In- rimtrnrt not to 1nln a. labor union and
enjoins unions from Interfering with htm
nn Unit nrcniint. Thn case Is regarded as
or cons ilernblo importance in me. inoor
wnrlil. thmmh the orlnclnlo Involved Is
merely the familiar ono of tho Inviolability
of contracts entered upon in gooti num.
Tm mnvntnnnl for the establishment or a
new cotton mill at Athens, Ga.. Is well
nmlt.r ii-nv. It m to have a catutul of J.,00.-
000, most of which hns'becn subscribed by
Iwimn nnnltuKMts. Tim now mil Will uu
operated by electric power generated at
Tallusce mioais, eigni miles iroui jiinviia,
whero n big electric plant is now being
Tim iitinrterlv bulletin Issued by the
Stato Department of Labor says thut at
the end or uecemoer, mw, inu iaoor ur-
ir.i,,i7.iiiniia In Now A nrk state numbered
1,079. with an aggregate membership of
212, HI. men and women. Tho percentage
or labor unionists lillo ni tne enci oi ue-cember-
was 22, as compared with 19.4 in
1!99. 20.7 tl 1S9S and 22.0 III 1KI7.
a fntiinr lust IhhiipiI bv n southern railway
shows that at tho end of 1500 there wero
493 tcxtllo mills along tne lines oi ns y
im ln.lnu n unln of nlnetv-four mills with
22.1S5 looms and 1,137,690 spindles during tho
year. Of these mills sixty-six nro In Geor
gia, inirty-tnreo in mauaimi, win uiui
Carolina and 102 in South ,Cnrollna, tho
others being In Tennessee, Kentucky, Mis
souri and Virginia,
Tho eeml-annual auditing of the llnnnccs
of the Cigar Makers' International union
has Just beeu completed In Chicago. It
shows that tho treasury is in a prosperous
condition. Tho cigar makers have a sur
plus of almost a third of n million dollars,
,i thn fiirnl In ponstnntlv crowing. Union
labels Issued from tho headquarters for
tho year 1900 numbered 22,632,0o0, an Increase
over 1899 of more than 4,000,000.
Economists who have been studying tho
social nnd Industrial problems of pastern
Asia predict that tho Chinese will soon le
nnmn n hrnnd-piitlni; Instead of a rlce-entr
lng people. Tho president of tho San Fran
cisco Chamber of Commerco said, at tho
rato of tho present enormous increase in
Hour exports to China, there will, within
three years, ue employment ior loriy nrsi
class merchantmen carrying Hour from Pa
clllo coast ports to tho Orient.
The production of cigars In tho I'nlted
States for Jnnunry, 1901. ns compared with
January, nw, snows un increuHu ui .u,
whlln for tho seven months ended Junuary
31, 1901, tho production was 3,272,314.475, an
lncrenso ovr tho samo period of a year ago
of 214,6S7,397. The clgar-maklng industry
has been In n nourishing condition for the
last four yenrs, and tho manufacture of
both domestic nnd Imported leaf has been
of huge proportions unci on tnu increuse
Dr. AVInnlngton Ingram, tho bishop of
London, makes tno mini ungusu uisiiop io
take to the bicycle. The other two aro tho
bishops of Rlpon4 nnd Colchester.
Th Faster offertory at Graco church
Now York, which amounted to "fW.Ooo. will
bo devoted to tno new cnoir rooms, tne ex
tension of tho chancel nnd other improve
Tho American church in Geneva Is nt
tpiuled nt times by a nolyglot congregtv
tlon. AniiTlcnnt. however, nrcdomlnnto,
Tho services nro supported entirely by
voluntary offerings nnd the church Is qulto
ireo trom ueut.
Bishop Crnnston Is reported to have said
to tho class for admission to tho Xow Eng
land Muthorlst conferenco this year: "Do
not bo a pulpit automaton or a pulpit acro
bat. Do not bo scnsntlonnl. The,' sensa
tional preacher runs tho only show In town
tmu is open wunoui a license.
Statistics of the Salvutlon Army In lha
United States show 732 organized corps,
with 2i foot depots, furnishing 110,000
monthly meals; 190 social Institutions for
tho oor, with the totnl dally accommoda
tion or 7,2ou persons; w noteis for working
men mid o for working women, aggregating
6,325 Inmates.
An association has been formm! In Ts.w
York for tho purposo of erecting a monu
ment to the Into Rev. Dr. Edward MrGlynn,
who for many yenrs worked ns priest and
friend among the poor of tho city. Tho
presldent-tieasurer of tho association is
Sylvester U Mulone. nephew of tho Into
Rev. Sy vestcr Malone, Dr. McOlynn's
closest friend.
Itt. Rev. Jervols A. Xownhnm, D. T
bishop of tho missionary dloceso of Moo
soneo, on James bay. In tho rcmoto north
west, arrived In Ottuwa recently after
traveling 900 miles on snow-shoes. He left
Moose Fort, tho most northerly post on
Hudson's bay, to go to Ottawa on foot. Ho
walked southward until ho reached tho
Canadian Pacific rollwuy, over whirh ho
went to his destination. n "
Tho Rev Dr. James M. Gray of Boston,
teacher of tho synthetic method of Hiblo
study, has been Invited to bo temporary
supply of two pulpits In Great Britain. Ono
of theso pulpits Is that of tho Rev. G.
Campbell Morgan of London, who Is com
ing to this country to continue tho evan
gelizing work begun with Mr, Moody, nnd
the other Is tho City Temple of Glasgow.
Dr. Gruy will eull for London next month.
Overworked Women.
Fatigue is the natural result of hard work, but ex
haustion results from weakness.
Hard work for a Aveak woman is traffic in flesh and
It makes littlo difference what tho field of work is,
whether at homo or elsewhere, if thero is Aveakness, work
brings exhaustion.
Ability to stand tho strain of hard A:ork is the privi
lege of the healthy and robust.
How our hearts ache for tho sickly women that work
for daily bread at some ill-paid factory employment !
How distressing also to see a woman struggling with
her daily round of household duties, Avhen her back and
head are aching, and every now movement brings out a
new pain !
If the mero looking on at theso suffering women
touches our hearts, how hopeless must life bo to the wo
men themselves ?
Their devotion to duty is a heroism which a well
person cannot understam .
Can theso ailing, weak women, who are called upon
to do work which would tire a strong man, be mado to see
that they can easily and surely better their condition ?
Will not tho volumes of lettors from women mado
strong by Lydia E. Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound,
convince them of tho virtues of this medicine ?
How shall the FACT that it WILL HELP THEM be
mado plain ?
When a medicine has been successful in more than a
million cases, is it justice to yourself to say, without trying
it, "I do not believe it would help me "?
Surely you cannot wish to remain Aveak and sick and
discouraged, exhausted with each day's Avork. You have
somo derangement of tho fominine organism, and Lydia
E. Plnkham'H Vegetable Compound will help you just
as suroly as it has others.
Read the letters from womon in the opposite column
of this paper, and Avhon you go to your druu store to buy
this sterling medicine, do not let yourself bo persuaded to
accept tho druggist's own valueless preparation because it
is a low cents cheaper than
Vegetable Gomposmit
Evidence of Mrs. PinkhairVs Cures.
Deah Mbs. PinkhAm: Ono year ago I rend n letter in a paper tell
ing how much pood one woman had derived from Lydia E. Plokham's
vckcwdio wompouna. i una been hick nil wiuter
and was nearly discouraged, an the medicine tho
uocior gave mo dm mo no good. I had kidney com
plnint, lcucorrhooa, itching, bearing-down feeling,
and painful menstruation. I wrote to you describ
ing my trouble and soon received an unswer telling
mo wnnt to do. I followed your instructions, una
have taken nine bottles of Veiretnblo Comnound
and used one package of Sanativo W&sh and ono
box of Liver l'ills. I am well now, do not have
those sick spells nt tho monthly period, but enu
work all day, and that I never could do until I
i began taking tho Compound. I cannot praise tho
Compound too highly. I do hope every suffering
woman will learn of -our remei es and bo cumd
as I hnvo been. I wish all success to the Compound ; it has done
wonders for mo and I am bo thankful." MUS. GENIE KELLOQO, Ber
lin Heights, Ohio.
" Deah Mm. Pinkiiam: I wish to let you know that Lydia E,
Pinklmm's Vcgctablo Compound has cured me of painful menstruation
from which I suffered terribly. I really believe that I would be insane
to-day if it had not been for your medicine. I cannot praise your Com
pound enough, and feel that if all who suffer from f emnle troubles would
put, themselves under your care and follow your advice thoy will find
relief. MISS K. E. SCHOLTES, Mt. Oliver, Pittsburg, Pa.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkium : For eigh't years I have suffered with inflam
mation of tho womb and bladder, profuse and painful menstruation, and
at times it teemed as though I should die. I doctored most of the timo,
but seemed to fail every year. A short time ago I began to take Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and, thanks to your wonderful
medicine, I am to-day n well woman. Your medicine is woman's best
friend." MRS. L. L. TOWNE, Littleton, N. H.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I v-rlto this letter for you to publish for
tho benefit of poor, suffering women. Lydia E. Plnfeham'a Vegetable
Compound has done me a great deal of good. I have taken three
bottles and feel like a new woman. When I began tho use of your
medieino I wns hardly able to be up, could not do half a day's work, I
ached from head to foot, was almost crazy, hud those beariug-dowu
pains, and stomach was out of order. Now all of these troubles have
left mo and I can work every day in tho week 'a id not feel tired."
MRS. JENNIE FREEMAN, 403 Pennsylvania Ave., Lima, Ohi
"Bkaii Mrs. Pinkham: I was sick for
aeven years without any relief, although t rett
ed by two of tho very best doctors in this city.
A few years ngo I was nothing but a living
skeleton. The doctor said my henrt was the
cause of all my sickness and that I could only
be relieved, but never get well. Sometimes I
would get so exhausted and short of breath
that I would notknow what to do, My nerved
wore very weak, blood Impure. Was troubled
with hands and feet swelling; also had leucor
rhoea. I have taken six bottles of Lydia E.
Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound ami feel well
once more. I have gained twenty-seven pounds
and am ablo to work all day in tho store and
do not feel tired when I get home at night
Words cannot express my gretitudo to Mrs.
Pinkham for what her medfeiuo h on douii for
me." PETRA M. LOYA, care of L. Wolfsou, San Antonio, Toxas.
Owing to the faot that soma skeptical people have from time to time quertioned
genuineness of tho tettimonud letters wo aro constant! r rmbllshiiur. vo linvn
the eenuinenctis of tho tettlmonud
of Lrnu. M&u.. SS.O0O. which will In, ,t,i
to any pereon who can show that tho ahovo testimonials are not genuine, w vwr pubuahod before obtaining tho
writers gccial ponmiision, liTDiA a. w., uuu,
MonslRnor James MoMahnn, tho vrnorahlo
Imnofactor of the Catholic university, died
at that Institution April 15, aued 87 years.
Tho whole of his fortune, estimated at from
jt.000,000 to J3.tjO,o, lias boon loft to tho
unlvcrnlty. Ho was Hupposcd to ho tho
wealthiest prlfst In America JlonslKiior
MoMahon Inherited a lan?c fortune from
Ids father, who was a Dublin merchant,
and with this ho speculated successfully In
New Vork real estate. In 1VJ0 MoiiHlsnor
McMshon cavo a generous sum to tho
Cathode university on condition that ho
would bo given n homo at tho Institution
In his old age. This act caused a breach
between htrnself and Archbishop CorrlBan,
who thought tho iiRcd priest should havo
given his property to tho diocesan seminary
at DJiiwoodle, Monslgnor McMahon hud
ulready given nearly JTOO.000 to the Catholic
university, of which jMiO.non was used to
build and cuulp tho MoMdhon Hull of
Philosophy. He also left a valuable library
to tho university.
The communo of Courteiill In Franco lias
boon seriously discussing tho supproHalon of
thn toll hut hv itiunlclnal ordinance. Tho
hated headgear is denounced as disagree.,
able, horrible, ridiculous nnd u mark of tho
aristocracy which lives through tho sweat'
or tne poor, ,
A citizen of Owowbo, Mlrh., put up a ter
rible howl to City Assessor U-tvcroeli.
flulmliiK that his property was assessed ot
uu extravagantly iiipii mkum-. iu uuuu i
up by declaring that If Mr. Laverock could
sell the property at tho valuation named
tho city otUclal named could havo a rom-1
mission of 'l per cent, in less than two ,
hours Mr. Laverock had sold a fine rrnl- 1
denco and two business blocks. Then tho
taxpayer backed water, but the itvessru'
declares he will havo his commission,
which amouuti: to tl(0, even It he wo to
sin- for It.
From tho latest ofllclal reports In tho
British war olllco It Is ascertained that tho
total killed, wounded and missing iitnniu;
tho army during actions In South Africa up
to March 31 was l.aui ofjlcors and non
commissioned olllcrs and men, In addi
tion 711 olticcrs and 1G.0S1 non-commissioned
olllcers and men have died or wounds or
disease, making tho total casuultles foot up
to tho enormous total of 47,i17.
Owners ot Atlantic liners trading to Now
York nro moving for repeal of the compul
sory pllotugn bill. They claim that with the
Knst river channel i.omo icet wide and forty
feet deep they should not ho compelled to
cngago pilots. It cos'.rf Jl'AI to bring tho
giant Oceanic In und tako her to sea uguin,
The pilots are not wuiryins Over the mat
ter, Thej say thut n single nci Ideal to nno
of tho big ships wohld bo ro costly as to
stop till such attempts.
Tho Hochambeati statue, which congre.iB
has now provided for Washington, Is
unlouo In many respects, The Held marshal,
In the full uniform of his high innk, stands
with one arm outstretched, ovldenll point
ing to tho distant American colony which
hu wiih about to aid Hut tho most strUIng
i ii ilcant feature of tho memorial In
tho symbolic flgnro lit tin base. This
shows tho flgnro of a woman hurrying lor
ward with a (lag of Krnnco borne aloft lu
her right hand, lienuiilh her tcet Is thn
prow of a ship, Hiiggesllve of tho force
which trance has sent over the sens to tho
aid of America. Helow ore tho urms of
Franc and of tho United Klates linked to.
Butlier. Tho conception Is uue of beauty
and at tho snmo tlmo Is suggestive of the
ties between U;u two nutlmu.