The Omaha Sunday Bee. M EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 13 TO 24. JiSTAHLlS-HlvD JVlsB IV, 1S7J. CKMAJIA, SVKDAY MOltJXG, MAY 5, 1901. sixglh colt five cets. 2 UAVFlEriT We've Wash Fabrics HH I EJ LRS to Keep You Cool. Anything jou desire In cottons for summer can be had In wash fabrics In our mammoth department In fact there Is no place where wash goods arc to be had In such variety In any store west of New York City. Everything new, up-to-date, and no fancy prices on anything here. Look up these special sale goods Mon day Pineapple Tissues all the other stores ask a quarter for them on sale at, yard, 19c K-lnch Chambrnys, plain colors, stripes and dots-lie Is the price you pay every where, on sale at 12'ic 41-lhch Plain. Swiss Organdy black, hello, primrose, pink, light blue and nllt green worth 45c on sale at 19e 32-Inch Mercerized Henrietta Cloth, light weight, In black only for shirt waists, worth 35c on sale at, yard 3tc Irish Dimity the tending strictly washable cloth for the season 0 styles yard, 2c Foulard Sublime silky, stylish and colors and designs same as you find In silks, yard " French Swisses embroidered and printed effects deserves Its popularity yard.. XV: Satin Hnyc Dimity novel and- exclusive designs and colors n very choice fab ricyard Vm: Aurora Batiste most desirable and always serviceable fabric l'.i styles at, yd.... 1& rrlnted Dimities over l.(O) styles In this popular cloth everything In late stylei and colors yard lfc Tlaln Tinted Organdies all the plain shades 32-Inch wide, yard litic Plain Belfast Dimity, nil shades and colors, yard le Mcrcerlicd Chambrays, In the plain" colors, yard 25c 75 lines of goods made expressly for Shirt Waists English Lace Novelties our own exclusive French and Scotch Tissues, S3 Inches wide, French Cretonne (Percale) (genuine soft French fabric) 1(0 We have all th- best makes of full yard tyle. goods worth 12'ac up to 15c, on sale HAYDEX'S SELL EVERYTHIXO IN Special for Monday in Our White Goods Dept. 32-lnch Lawn, worth Kc yard, at, yard, 12Hc India Linens, worth, yard, 10c T'je Chck Nalnook, yard Striped Dimity, our IMc quality, at.. .12H The new Madras Cloth something new for white dresses regular price 60c, G5c, on sale Monday a, yard 3Sc Fine open work Oxford Cloth, in white and cream, very swell for shirt waists, at, yard 450 Extra lino quality Dimity, worth 3oc yard, at Terslan Uwn, extra fine quality, yard, 30c and Swiss Mull, yard, 30c. 40c Mercerized Mull, yard, 60c and Opera Bntisto India Batiste Sic Sec 75c 6.V 29c Ilemnant of Check nnd Stripe White Goods, worth 25c yard, on sale Mon day l-"c 40-Inch Lawn at, yard 12Hc Linens and Towels Just received a large stock of pattern rlnthn In 2. 2H and 3-vard lcnKths. wltn nankins to match. Here nre a fey prices ceiow: S-4 Double Satin Damask 72 Inches wide, reirular nrlces of these cloths nre 14 and tVon sale Monday at. ...$2.73 ltt -yaru leiiKwi! ui 12-4 3-vard tenctlm nt St.: i Napkins to match at $3.50 Silver Bleach Napkins, fine quality.. H.Tj bpeclal on odd lot Napkins, 11,00, J1.25, 11.50 11 Towels, worth 15c and 19c. Monday. ...12c T2-lnch All I.lnen Bleach Damnsk 9.c CS-lnch All Linen Bleach Damask 73c T2-lnch All Linen Bleach Damask 75c 44. Inch' All Linen Bleach Damask 50c r. inch Heavy Cream JHmaluVrJcLlMs 4-lnch Heavy Cream Damask 50c Remnants of Sheeting, Table Linens and Toweiings. HAYDEN S PRIZES FOR E S, Mitterling of Fremont, Neb Gets Early- and is the Winner of Valuable Piano Many Other Gifts Are Distributed Among Persons Who Can CounWList of the Winners ' Another Contest, with Still More by The The second of The Bee's dot counting contests, which ended May 1, was more exciting than the first one, and still greater Interest Ii likely to be aroused by the next one, full particulars of which will bo given from day to day. The second contest opened with a rush and continued so throughout. Responses came from everywhere and a large force of rlerki was kept busy recording the various figures. A feature of the next contest which will prove of great Interest Is the fact that the valuable prliei will run all the way from 1 to 1,500. For Instance, the man who comes late may bo recorded Just in time to strlko a prlre away down the line, for under the new arrangement the good things are distributed promiscuously throughout , the long list of numbers. I Residents of South Omaha and Council niuffs ho are among the winners will receive their rrltes by calling at The Bee office In their reipectlve cities. In Omaha prlies will be given out from the buslaes office of The Bee on the first floor of The Bee building. The first fifty prlie winners In the con test which has Just closed are ns follows: 1-::. s. MltterlliiK, ion i:. lZlh St., Fremont, ,rli Ilmerson piano, nlur S Ml IterthH HrniTn, 1140 IVortli Ilrnnrivtny. Frrmont, ,eti lleniuore typewriter, -.nine IOlM0. It (!. i:. UriiliKin, -(H7 .Vortli UOth St., Oninhn, ., lot In I'ouncll HlnlT, value U (Ml.OO. I AV. J. nh, SKI S. H'iiuX St., Oinnha, Wheeler A Wilson lenliiR muehliie, TUlilr fOO.OO. ,5 Mrs. Jniiien O'Tonlr, loot S, 17th St., OmiitiH, IiuIiic collriie ncliolnr- lil, value fOO.OO. O John A. Mitchell, no.1 MrCimuc hlnrk, Omnlia, tailor made ult, nlue H 1 5.00. 7 Mr. I.. C. lllnr, :tlU N. '-'7th St., Ontahn, lnil'a tailor made suit, value 9 s-j. r. wniett, tcj.tij s. i:uii .st Omaha, three laillei' rnaloiu made tfirt waist, value ft O.OO. fabric, yard yard 25c choice styles, yard., I5c wide Percales, in both light and d'irk at 10c yard. GOOD WASH GOODS. Special Sale of Bed Spreads 15 cases Bed Spreads to close out less than cost on sale Monday. 5 cases extra heavy Bed Spreads, Kc each, worth 11.00. 3 enses extra large and fancy patterns, Mc each, worth J1.25. 3 cases fancy blue nnd pink fringed, pat ent finish Bed Spreads, nt 51.23 each, worth J1.9S. 10 cases standard fringed Crochet Bed Spreads, each. J1.10, 11.23 and J1.S0. j eases extra large sue ana extra neivy. 11.(0 each regular $1.60. 3 cases nssorted patterns, extra good spread, $1.23 each worth $2.(n. cases fancy Marseilles Bed Spreads, each, J1.30, $2.C0. J2.23 and .D0-worth up to $3.0. These are Money Savers a mmimn VW 12 Tine, 13c. ' ' - Dover, Co. JStjl FuU slie 10c. W V Jl9ffi ClMUMWiW 70c Knife, .tOc. 1IJJL H Wjl ft So, 8 Copper Bottom 2 rt. 91.00. 3Be Brn.h "pl5jll SoI1- sleel BOo. 3Bc aUbord linumelcU acT J I - ' - - T I, 1 1 r II if m ft VM Wraoht S,eel' I 1 I 4 Tine Manure A qrt. fr l!ic. Rice Root, The Insurance Gasoline Stove SUCCESSFUL DOT COUNTERS In Liberal Terms, is Announced Bee. I C. O. Cnrnn-ell, Ul-I HnBUles St., Umnhn, Stnndard dictionary, Tnluc a rxoo. 10 11. I.ynn, 111.", Farnnm St., ttinahn, Stnndnri! Ulctlonary, value sifJ.OO. 11 Krone .M. BntrlUrn, -ltt .V. Itnth St., Oninlin, one tun coal, vnlur K.'.OO. l'J .Max Flnley, 1-1 15 Fnrnam .St., Omaha, box KlrU'a White Itusslan onp, value fa.OO. i:;W. C. Nelson, Loitnn la., ONE TIG, value () 14 C. U. Mahamah. D. A M. head quarters. Oninha, one sack Golden Sheaf flour, vnlur l.a.. 15 John I,. tJIdron, SSI I Hrtstol St., Oninha, one bottle Cratner'a Kidney Curf, value $1.00. HI J. A. Snvngc, Stl'J4 llniulltnn St., Oninhn, one bottle Cramer' Kidney Cure, vnlur fl.OO. 17 W. A. Chandler, SBIM) X. 10th St.. Omnhn, one bottle Cramer' Kidney Cure, inlue f.O(. IS J. W. I.aniiiiunn, 407 Ilurdette St., Omnlin, one buttle Crniurr' Kid ney Curr, value 1.(tO. 10 (i cur i;r K. Herd, llooiu O, CrelKh- tnu block, Omaha, one bottle Cramer' Kidney Curr, value l.tMI, SO J. II. I'roctor, OlO S. 10th St.. Oninha, one bottle Cramer' Kidney Cure, value $1.0(1. Xnrinnn W, l.nvtliurii. Army hend(uarter, Omaha, one liottle Crniuer'a Kidney Cure, value Hl.OO. --Mr. K. 31. Wehh. Hl'J S. lMli St., Oiuuhu, one buttle Cramer' Kidney Cure, value '1.O0. 2,1 Walter T. Ketehum, rraUtry dlvlalun, pnatnltlcr, Oninha, one buttle Cramer' Kidney Cure, value t.OO. 24 C. W. Kultelr, 1541 .V. 10th St., O in ii tin, one buttle Crniuer'a Kidney Cure, vnlur 1.(MI. 251. (iurike, .S12 .V. .tlnl St., Oninha, one pair of aenta at Orpheum theater, value rtl.oo. 201.. linker, 1240 S. 14th St., Omahn, one pair of arnta at Orpheum theater. value l.oo. 27 Mr. W, C. Hon, 218 Harmony St., A Big Deal itt Fine Black and Colored Silks Several silk mills now devoting all en ergies to future business dispose of their entire stock on hand to us at a great sacri fice. These are smo of the lust people In the tUKlnns4 nnd we can vojoh for the reliability of every piece of these silks nl.l , t i,a In thla lnf An nnrmrtiinlt v that ocirs nut once n ' year It's a cleaning up of what's left of the production by these mills for spring. China Silks In white, black, and a number of colors worth 23c, on 1Mr sale at IUW White Satin. Black Satin. Brocades, Wash Silks, worth un to S"c all iS. on sale at Velvets and velveteen pretty, bright col orsworth up to SI. Co all f Or eo at ivt Mlg lot of Silks to go at 2c-Flno Taf fetas In black, and a full line of colors fine grade, heavy corded wash silks, pure white wash silk, heavy bungallne silk worth up to 75c all on sale OZn at a.jw Black Satin Duchesse, all pure silk, worth regular c on sale 3Q-C Satin Duchesse, In colors, very heavy and firm full line of shades 'lOr- at no pieces llnost Drapery Silks made to sell for Jl.CW lull 32 niches AClt- wlde-at Extra wide Colored Taffeta." every sha.le you can think of actually fCkr worth 11.25-at MJ New Blark Hemstitch Waist Silks-worth $1.50 on sale nt 6C wnite llemstlten end 1'urc .Novelty irinv mlng Silk worth all of $2.50 1.00 nn salt nt Latest style Fancy Silk from this big pur chaseworth $4.00 on sale at Finest styles of Black Grenadine II inch s wide worth up to .2.50-nll go 1 Hfi In this sale I.UU Black I'eau de Sole finest made to sell for J3.( on sale at S.t only l.OU Black Peau de Sole finest made to sell for J3.0o-on sale at QQ only l,yo Black Taffetas in this purchase nre sim ply lmmeni-. The finest wo have seen. Black Taffeta full yard wide O.Z worth 2 on sale Monday for only...1"'-' Black Taffeta full yard wide worth $1.50 on sale Monday for only Black Taffeta 27-ln wide worth U.W on sale Monday for only Black Taffeta 27-ln wide worth H.&0 on sale Monday for only Black Taffetu 27-ln. wide worth J1.23 on sale Monday for only Black Taffeta 27-ln wide worth 11.(0 on sale Monday for only 75c 1.00 85c 75c 58c We send by mall any of the above ad vertised silks, You take no risk. Send In for any kind of silk you may want and wo promlfo to fill your order to your en tire satisfaction. unui c;9 oiuyc (irnnlne Torry Hainr, rrarrnntrd, rrorth l.r,0 for 2-qnnrt Grunlte, -'.c. 3c. Leads Them All. As Safe as mimmmm - Genuine Torrr l .. Gas. Coniii'll lllulTs, In., our pnlr nf urntn nt Oriihrnm thontrr. vnlur Kt.OO. 28 Mr. Frnuk lleiilinur, .".It.". S. 25th nr Omnhn, one pnlr of nrnt nt Orphruui thentrr, vnlur 81.00, 20 F. I,. Krloii, Cuilnhy PneklnR Co., South Omnhn, one pnlr of sent nt Orphruni thentrr, vnlur lt.((. :io 1 n. iion, i.-::o .v. 27th St.. South OiiinhH. one pnlr of Kent nt Orpheum thentrr, value 81.00. 111 It. K. Broun, 2:114 M St., South Omnhn, one pnlr of ent nt Orpheum thentrr, value 8I.OO. 112 C. A. Smltii, II. A; M. feluh! depot, South Omnhu, one pnlr of arntn nt Orpheiiui thentrr, value 11.00, IK! Amelia Anderson, IOIO Dodee St., Oiuulin, Xrh., one pair of aeat nt Orpheum thentrr, value 81.00. :t4 II. T. Fairs, 11HS Cninielt St., Omnhn, onr pnlr of arnta nt Orphruui theater, nlue 11.0(1. il5 C. .1. Ochiltree, 1015 Speneer St., Omnhn, one volume recent lletlon, value 81.25.. .1(111. i. Alrxandrr. 200 1 Ilrrntur St., Omnha. one lolume reernt lletlon, value fl.25. ;i7 Arthur C. Smith, 2200 S. 20th St Omnhn, one volume recent Action, vnlur 81.25. tin Joseph II. Slnanti, 4 X St., Fre tiiont, Xrl one volume recent lletlon, vnlur 81.25. HO M. II. Hornier, 2100 S. 3:trd St., Oninhn, Xeb one volume recent fic tion, value 81.25. 1011. C. Patterson, 25111 Fnrunm St., Oin lib ii, one volume recent fiction, value 81.25. 41 Baldwin, 1015 X. 24th St., Omnhn, one volume recent lletlon, Millie 81.25. 42 (ieornr W. Gondrr, 200 S. 20th St., Omnlin, one volume recent lletlon, vulue 81.25. -lit tl. i:. Tooier, 2510 lllnney St., Omnhn, onr toluiuc reeent lletlon, vulue 81.25. 4 I Kil T. lleydru, Omnhn, onr toluiue I2:t X. 10th St., recent Action, vnlur $1.25, 45 Fred O. .Maillrld, 1550 X, Omnhn, one volume reeent value 81.25. 40 Chrl Worls, 101 W. (Ith St., fiction, :trd St., (iriuid UI11111I, Xeb., one oluuie recent tletlon. vnlur 81.25. .- .. ....,. . ....1 . Grnud Island, .Veil., our volume re cent tletlon, value pi The South successful contestants Omaha, Omaha and Council Bluffs can get -i Liinrle .inner. 11.1 s. 11111 ?t., uia B. Vaughn. 23d & W ats . So. Omaha. "' ." c.V' 'vr 'VJ earney, .co. Llueoln, Xrh one volume recent Oe- J. K. Slnkule. 2v9 N 22d St .South Omaha. r ff S V' v Kearney Neb ., , , ., Burton Ba ley, 20th Avo. and Washington if. '$' r?Ji 7?nI: ,?arn, "rb- tlou, vnlue 81.2... st Soutn 0maha. Q,unan. 21 Opera H. Blk.. Kearney. 40-W. II. llelu.ler, Griind I.lnnd, Xeb., i Mrs. J, D. Courtney, 110S N. 25th St, South sammonTKearntyc'b one olunie recent flctlun. vnlue 81.2.1., , 5iafen r. s ;j.n St So 0maha ' I. A. Arnold. Kearney, Neb, 50-E. C. Jaek.on. Illnlr. Xeh., one j M. U z""rll. 'fil N. JSth St.fs'oSth oSaha. ft Vn Wj n,h r'iUStl- volun.r rr..rt .I...I..,.. vnlur 81.25. I Mrs. L. Van Arman, ST, N. 26th St.. South )) P- iv'nft-ll,?nd..rf' ,9.r A"JamI.'.h' In their prizes by calling at The Bee office In .1... i.i . their respective cities. C W. Atwood. 12S Baughn St., Co. Bluffs MUs Chambers, 613 Franklin Av., Co, BmtTi K In the Bargain Room For Monday or,H no samples from this departmer.i NO MAIL OBDEItS FILLliD FHOM 'ffHS DEPA HTM KNT. WOOL DRKSS GOODS. Half Wool Plslds 5c Hair Wool Novelties DC Half W".1 Not eltles lpo Jrt-inch NnNeltles 15c :-inrh Henriettas IPe 4'Mnch Henriettas 9Jo yards 'f Black Crepotl 1.S0 yards of Blact Satin Berber M 0 yards of Black Grenadine Sac COTTON" WASH GOODS. StJ-lnch Phrenic, worth l(o 3VjC i-lnth I'ircttle. worth 3c. oo 2S-lmh Madras Cloth, worth l&c 6He r-lnch Madras Gingham SWc jSc Dimities 1-ftC IV Dimities t He Hemnants of 2c Dimities 5c India I.inon, worth 15c &c India Linon. worth 23c yard 7'ic 3.- Towels, each 2c l'o Towels, enih 5c Shirting Prints, worth 3c 2'fcc Lawns, worth lOo 2c F.mbrolderles, yard 1c Embroideries, yard 6c Hlbbons. all colors, worth 15c yard.... tc Challls. worth 49c yard 2c Tooth Brushes, worth 25c !0C Hair Brushes, worth 2Sc IPe Special on nil kinds of Brushes at less than half price. The Lcading Dress Gouds House of the West. No other chouse In the west carries half such a stock us wo do. We have every thing made In fine wool goods. The new Eollnncs. silk warp, finest goods made, 46 Inches wide Wf French Eollenncs, (1-Inch 51.0S German Eollnnes de Sole H.23 The new French Voiles wo carry them In large mesh Jl.M Wo cam- them In fine wools, &oc, 73c, use and J.'.EO The new Panne de Lalne, the newest goods maue for spring J2.'jS Albatross, In figured. In plain. In em broidered In waist cloth, In wrapper cloth, and other goods, SOv. 50c. 75c. rfc and J1.S0 ui( iv ijkkss uuuus iTiesuoy I'-iius iiitrui uu vrt'iw itc I'uuit's n.w, anil (yarin ..I3.W Black Plervlas. new or se lenarate sltlrts. kuous wi rin ;.'jo on saie at Black Blister Crepon the new kind of bulb made for this spring CHALLIS all wool and Hllk stripe the newiHt goods on the market. Silk Stripe All Wool st Gros Romans Shenrur. Louth & Co Royal Persians For shirt wuists Wool Crepe de Chine, 33c, 41'c and .Printed Henriettas the latest fnbrlc on the market SEND FOR SAMPLES. Mc ?Sc i9c 29c 43c 59c 75c aiiu iiuucjci ui miiiiiy 8 Grnnlte Ten kettle, Rite. 7l)c. ROc 3Irnt 50 Kinds of Refrigerators C F. Backnyer, 3S N. 21st St., Co. Bluffs. 1 Thos. Green, On Ho. 1st St., Co. Bluffs. I It. X. Merrlam, 2ol Logan St.. Co. Bluffs, j Mrs. K. A. Ferguson, 7 Ave . Co. Bluffs. ' 13. It. Gray. S:.i Cth Ave.. Co. Bluffs. Mr. Jennie Xlroll, 431 K. Wash Ave., C. B. X V, Gregg, 5U 4th St.. Co. Bluffs. -Miss Uthel Crisp, 3i51 X. 1st St.. Co. Bluffs. l.uclle B. Jarvi. 25 Main St.. Co. Bluffs. GilbertBros., 1000 1st Ave.. Co. Bluffs. It. C. Battey, fill 4th St.. Co. Bluffs. , W. S. Paulson, 543 5th Ave., Co. Bluffs. II II. Baker, 1715 3d Ave., Co. Bluffs. ! John Moran. 1026 5th Ave.. Co. Bluffs. ' Mrs. H. T. Hall. Ktf X. 1st Ave., Co, Bluffs. , Mrs. B. F. Griffin, 914 5th Ave.. Co. Bluffs. K. U Davis, 352 X. 1st St.. Co. Bluffs. Mrs. Clarence Hough. 2! K. Wash Ave., C B I Mrs. Mabel Siegfried, 122 Graham Ave., Council Bluffs. I.. Wnssenberg. 620 Broadway. Co. Bluffs. 1 Mrs. W. S. Rlgdon. 13 Park Ave.. C. Bluffs. . R. Dalby. 219 9th Ave., Co. Bluffs. , Mrs. J. A. Bender. 216 Harrison St., C. B. r. C. Bump. 10 W. Broadway, Co. Bluffs. Mrs. J. T. Flndley. 12S Broadway. C. Bluffs. Mrs. Fred Johnson. 545 Dth Av Co. Bluffs. Wolf Lebovltz, 509 Main St.. Co. Bluffs. W. F. Bretherton, M2 13th Av Co, Bluffs. Mrs. W. H. Smith. 1127 5th Aw, Co. Bluff. Oscar A. Xorene, 2622 Ave. A, Co. Bluffs. I Mrs. E. Easdale, 2S14 Ave. L, Co. Bluffs. J. F. Hunt. 1204 X. 3th St., Co. Bluffs. 1 V. L. Jameson, 729 1st Ave., Co. Bluffs. Charles Swulne. 119 X &th St., Co. Bluffs. I H. S. Ogden. 927 2d Ave.. Co, Bluffs. Mrs. A. G. Decker. 2U0 stn Ave . co. muns, Mrs. Wm. Herron. f2S Ave. Q. Co. Bluffs. D. S. Pile. 352 Uncoln Avo Co. Bluffs. Peter Peterson. 403 X. 7th St.. Co. Bluffs. Mrs. M. J. Alworth. 732 1st Ave., Co. Bluffs. Mrs. Geo. Sanford, 12 S 1st St.. Co. Bluffs. Mrs. H. H. Inman, 715 Wahh Av., Co. Bluffs W. U Kerney, 723 Cth Ave., Co. Bluffs. Harry V. Kerney, 725 6th Ave., Co. Bluffs. Theda Bereshelm, Falrvlew Ave and Story, Council Bluffs. R .T Klv. V. n. N'n. 2. Co. Ttluffs I Conrad Ludwlg, 2011 L St.. South Omaha. Mrs. E. A. Tucker. IBtli &. M sts,.s. Omalia Mrs. Thos. Curran, 312 X. 23d SU, g. Omaha 1 .ills. r. Vj. X iViteii, oiv .1. m.. o. uilldiia, AV. B. Smith. 2501 X St.. South Omaha MlVt. UnfTmnn "1V nnit IT Sis.. ntnihn t ti t.Vn,, i r c.v 6 '"""y."'-', y"..u cV" o X".v.l C. F. Oliver 2416 M. St.. South Omaha. Mildred E. Dare. 2I1S X St., South Omaha. Albert Henkel, 24th and I' Sts., So. Omaha. Geo. Chace. 23d and K Sts., South Omaha. John Xystrom, S22 X 21st St.. So. Omahu. Mrs. Dr. Buel. 2US X St.. South Omaha. G. W. Howe. 736 X. lth St.. South Omaha. Mrs. H. Uttley. 3032 Q St . South Omaha. !Mrs. J. T. Sullivan. 251 F St.. So. Omuhn. Mrs. W. A. Scovllle, 2sth St., bt, H and I, South Omaha. Mrs. J. C. Thomas, lath fc Wash., B. Omaha, , Mrs. U D. Austin. 170S Mo. Ave., S. Omaha, t C E. Campbell. 2Sth and G Sts., 8. Omaha. ' Mrs. B. II. Elliott. 2304 J St., South Omaha. ! Mrs. J. F. Schmidt, 616 X. 27th St., South Omaha. 1 Mrs.W. J. Rlckard, S13 X. 23d St.. 8. Omaha. Peter Mitchell. 916 X. 27th St., So, Omaha. , Mrs. C. Ashburn. 21th & V Sts.. So, Omaha. J. G. Jacobson. 1006 X 21t St., So. Omahu. i Mrs. Fisher, 22-5 X. 23d St.. South Omaha. Louts Borger. 27th and L. Sts., So. Omaha, Mrs. E. J. S-ykora. S26 X. 22d su. S. Omaha, T T. Hesby, 3401 W St , South Omaha, Jennie Levy. 2210 N. St.. South Omaha. .ureoa scovllle. 911 r ;un nu. no. umana. , J B. Wllllaraj. 2216 M St., South Omaha 1 Mrs. C L. Mullan. ilS I bt.. So, Omi Omaha. Mm. K. Snutler. 403 X. 21th St.. So. Omaha. Kate A. Ryan. 91S X 23d St., South Omaha. Jas. H. Hunter, scale house, t'nion stock ynrds, South Omana. .11 ( Omnhn. Klof Nllsson, Telephone llldg,, So. Omaha. , ! f)' ,V,VSir'. Vtnri,nrn i,n tu X. F. Barker, 1S01- Mo. Ave., bouth Omaha, p K Schaaf. David ci v vih H. S. Prosser. 152(5 X. 23d St., South Omaha. l-t Chamber Falrbufv Neb Chas. Tlssell. 520 X. 21st St.. South Omaha. d,' Nrwylfle-17 A Tjackson Albrieht Xeh Oscar Westlund. S20 X. ,21st St.. S. Omaha: , Sobert Walker, B. F. Bernard. 614 X. 2ith fat.. S. Omaha, n Schlteker. 222 W. 1th Gr Island Xeh W. B. Myers. 151S X. 23d St.. South Omaha. . m V Annlp 0,00 4! h s.hnV1 tPi.". v-k ' Karley. Sturgts. S. D. i A. E. Morgan, Parker, S. D. w. J. Millar. Hot Springs. 8. D. 1 Bessie McKenney, Vorkihlre. Ia. J. P Elbert. Dunlap. In I E. Ellis, 1113 Myrtle St . Sioux Cltv, . W. D. Gingrich, 701 4th St., b'loux City. ' i Ia lu. Astonishing Special Sale on Underwear A tremendous spot cash purchase f a New York Jobber's entire surplus stock of men's and women's underwear, goes cn sale Monday. These are all made for this summer's wear, handsomely finished and made from the best fabrics, the prices nre the lowest ever made In Omaha. Keep your eye on our underwear sale. Ladles 'whlto lisle Vests and Pants, all silk finished, made short or long sleeves, pnnts made with lace bottoms, all Mze3, good 30c values, at 25c. Ladles' Vests, made with wing sleeea or wlthojt sleeves, regular 13c and 20c values, on sale at 10c. One lot of ladles' fine Vests, In nicrcerlzej or lisle. In blue, pink, black, white and fancy, made, to sell at 33c and COc, on sale et 13c. One lot of children's fine Jersey Ribbed Vests and Pants, regular 23c, at J3c. Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, In Jersey ribbed, all sizes; Shirts 31 to 40, drawers 30 to 44; regular 33c values, on sale at 19c. Men's Spring Underwear, In fine balbrlg ian. fancy gtrlpes and plain colors, Shirts made v. Ith French neck, nicely finished, pearl buttons; Drawers made with hcary drill bands, lock straps nnd pearl buttons; Aorlh cp to $1.00, on sale at 33c and 50c. 50 Ladies' Neckwear 5c Monday we will clean up our entire stock of ladles' Neckwear at 10c on the dollar. 30C FINE NECKWEAR 5C. $1.00 LADIES' NECKWEAR IOC. Special sale on the new Turnover Collars, worth 23c, on sale Monday only 5c. 51.00 LADIES' BELTS 50C. 50C LADIES' BELTS 23C. 15C TACK PULLERS 3C. GRAND BOOK SALE MONDAY. I3c Box Stationery, three tints 9c. Goods That You Need Savr lf)c. O In. Hatcher 7a. to Select From $5.95 Up. Toby Malm. 101 Market St.. Sioux City, la. B. G. Russell, 1501 W. 7th St.. Slo tx City, la. X. T. Hanson, care Fagley &. Co., Sioux City, la. Miss Sfrlga Mulm, 401-5 Brown Blk, Sioux City. la. -t- tr Clark St.. Sioux City, la. J. Q. Adams, 720 Nebraska St., Sioux Cltj. W. I.. Fisher. Sioux City. la. W. A. Maxwell, Avoca, la. Mrs. M. 1.. Thornburg. Missouri Valley, la. W. B. DeMar. 035 Court St., Harlan, la. Mrs. Geo. Mcnkl, Neola, In, Mrs. C. M. Sharpe. Glenwood, la. I.. Flnlgan. Denlson. la. Frank ltotton. Essex. Ia. J. G. McKenna. Logan house, Ft, Dodge, Ia. W. A. Cole. Clarlnda. Ia. Mrs. Emma Olson, Vail, Ia. l.ydla Hansen. &0 2d Birch St., Atlantic, In, S. J. Jones, Atlantic, In. Mrs. U. F. Spangler, Atlantic, la. R. B. Corder, ZM W. Chestnut, Crcston, la. Chas. McLeod, Stanton, Neb, Gus Rletr, 11th nnd Main. Fremont, Xeb, Joseph Smith. Shelton, Xeb. M. A. Hostetter, Shelton, Xeb. C. A. Long. Xorth Bend. Xeb. John Jensen. St. Paul. Xeb. Otto Johnson, St. Paul, Xeb. Fred W. Hoagland, St. Paul, Neb. Ira A. Smith. York, Neb. H. U Bulkley, Hastings. Neb. I-era Tlbbets, 311 Saunders, Hastings. Neb. Wm. Jacobs, 712 2d St.. Hastings, Neb. H. A. Johnson, Friend, Neb. W. John Patterson. Lexington, Xeb. A. C. Hiser. Lexington, Xeb. John M. Xlft. Lexington, Xeb. G. A. Marohm, 24S W. South, Fremont, Neb. Mrs. M. L. Hlnrlchsen, 922 N. D. St., Fre mont. Xeb. Mrs. P. H. Bethge, 524 N. Main St., Fre- mont. Xeb. Mrs. Geo. A. Berlinghof, 219 X. 5th St., Beatrice, Xeb. Harry Jones. 107 E. 2d. Gr. Island, Xeb. C. F. Macy, 1516 Washington. Beatrice. Xeh 1 Miss Bes.!o Marsh. 107 E. 3d, Gr. Island. I Chas. Rollins. Grand Island. Xeb, Jas. W. Ferguson. Ft. Xlobrara. Neb. i r no, .ure F. H. E. Kind, Crete. Xeb. Mrs. Geo. w. snultz uavio: city, xeb. eh Rev. Fenrer. 2 W. fith St.. Or. Island, Xeb Frank J. Johnnon, Norfolk. Xeb. Mrs. E. H. Wilbur. Beatrice, Xeb. 1 A. H. Hostetter. Douglas. Xeb, Aba Dlextra, David City. Xeb. 1 E. R, Vundt, Xebr. City, Xeb. Frank S. Gold, Stromsburg, Xeb. Emll Buenz. 212 W. 2.1 St., Gr. Island, Xeb. E. C. Witzke, 615 E. ith St.. Gr. Island, Xeb H. . Root-a, Wayne, Xeb. D. S. McVlcker. Wayne, Xeb. ' Bert Brown, Wayne, Xeb. Eva Davles, Wayne, Xeb. W. M. Cunningham, X, Platte. Xeb. Frank Scott, North Platte, Xeb. Mrs. Wm. Jeffus, Xorth Platte, Xeb. It, H. Langford. Xorth Platte. Xeb., Harry Taylor. Eno Hotel, Fremont. Xeb. ' t'has. Vossmer. Eno Hotel, Fremont, Xeb. Mrs. E. C. I-alnson, 416 W, 10th, Fremont. Rufceell Landls, 1301 E. 5th, Fremont, Xeb. H. F. Gumpert. 140 E. 6th, Fremont, Xeb. C. F. Biker. Crete, Xeb. Eltlng Mead. York, Xeb. Mrs. S. S. Weldner. Falrbury. Neb. J H. McMulIen, Wymore, Neb. 'Thos. S. Harris, Ord, Neb. ! r. A. Collins, Wahoo, Neb. L. H Castle, Seward. Neb. I F. W. Hart, Dannebrog, Neb. i Ada Ware, David City. Neb. Wm. .Wagner, 212 E.Jth. Gr. Island, Neb. a titrt V f mi, iOlali'i, Mrs. F. J..Coates, Front fc locust, Orand minnii, ,u, II. E. M' Kenzle, Opera H. G , Gr, Island Bruce E. Smith. Eno Hotel. Fremont, Neb. Arthur Cole. Seward, Neb. F. W Ooehncr. Seward. Neb. H. S, Gansen. Wymore, Neb. J. G. Sml'.h. 530 W. 10th St.. Fremont, Neb. X J Anderson, Wahoo, Neb. E M Chan, Nebraska City. Neb. Alta J, Kirk, Tckumah, Neb. 1 . i 1.' I rpir. Unvlrl l-l(. Vol. I Cnrpet Sales There nre many reasons why It Is to your Interest to buy carpets from us. The three prlm-lpal ones are the best variety to select fro .1, the best (jualltles obtain able und decidedly the lowest prices. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. t'nlon Ingrains, yard f5c All Wool ingrains, yard f9c Best Ingrains, all new patterns Cc Tapestry Brussels. 5r quality ic Wilton Velvets, carpet worth $1.23... tC Our line of matting Is now complete. Big line In all prices. Chinas, 10e ard up. Special Sale of Draperies Yl tl ,t( a.1 t ,lln Pti.tatit. ...(.. 49c Extra quality Ruffled Muslin Curtains', M " ' TMMl.l.t ,'t.4..l.ta .... I V .... $1.75 Rope Portieres. In endless variety of -. . i . , i .... - ' "ijivn turn wn'i iur-. u, iiuiu Pillow Cords, yard Drapery Fringe, yard French Tapestry Pillow Squares Sllkoline. yard curtain Scrim, yard Furniture Gulmp. yard Extension Sash Rods Steel Extension Tubes, for lace Cur tains 3c 15c !C ?1cC re 10c Wall Paper and Paints A wonderful arlety of the handsomest designs on sale nt a saving of one-third the price. Good 5c While Blanks at, roll Sc Good So Gilt Papers at. roll 5c A largo stock of Room Molding at IVje per foot. Noxnll Rendy-Mlxed Paints, the best on the market, at gallon. Also stnlns. varnishes, enamels nnd brushes at reduced prices. Don't miss this sale. Grand Embroidery Salei 230,000 yards of Embroideries bought at !3c on the dollar will be sold at the same rate Just one-qjarter of tho regular urlca. GOc Embroideries at . 50c Embroideries at 10c Kmbrolderles at . 30c Kmbrolderles nt 3c Kmbrolderles nt .. .. 13c ..K'.ic .. lCc .. 5c .. lc W0 boxes of fine Val Laces sold by the dozen ynrds only: 20c Val Laces, per dozen yards 10c 25c Val Laces per dozen ynrds 13c 33c Val Laces per dozen yards l?c 50c Val Laces per dozen yards 23c Sc Oriental Laces, per yard 9c 23c Torchon Laces, per yard 5c 23c and 33c Net Top Laces 5c' Special Sale on Extra Fine Laces The latest Batlsto Novelties. Kdcei, Band!1, Galoons nnd Allovcrs at cut price: $2.0) Batiste Bands for $1.00 $1.M Batiste Bands for 75c $1.00 Bntlstq Bands for 50c 30c Batiste BahdB for ..... .r..25c The finest Point Laces. Tho finest Ara bian Laces. The finest Plain Laces. On Special Sale Allover Embroideries, worth 33c to 50c, only, yard, 19e. Special sale on Allover Laces, Allover Embroideries, Allover Tucklngs. D. Fischer. Teknmah. Neb. J. E. Shears, 1114 Ella St., Beatrice. Xeb. A. H. Voortman, 519 Court St., Beatrice. Miss Llda Conner. 411 Bell, Beatrice. Xeb. Lucretla G. Leigh. 414 BeU, Beatrice. Xeb. W. H. Strykcr, 1W N Cth St., Beatrice, Xeb OMA1LV. A. C. Adams, 2115 Lake. Geo. M. Baler. 1947 S. 2Sth. T. Bryant, 2711 Dodge. R. II. Mcrton, S.W S. 21st. H. W. Lewis. Thurston hotel. John M. Guild, 1530 S. 27th. A. D. Simpson. 1S Park nve. George R. Guild, 1339 Park Ave. Al. Dcrmody. 2103 Douglas. H. C. Beckman, 1511 Van Camp. Minnie Goettsche, 1334 S. 25th. S. A. Kramer. 162S Kyner Ave. J. K. Wright, 50S S. 31st. i Rose McGovern, 2615 Chicago. 8. D. Relgelman. 2U20 S. 7th. R. H. Gocney. 26i""S Patrick Ave. George Hyde, S15 S. 25th. Mile Mercer. 17th and Farnam. O. S. Ambler, 5101 Center. Annie Dahn. 1322 Dodge. Thos. J. O'Brien. Henshaw hotel. Caroline Sterner. 2716 N. 2Sth Ave. O. E. Stearns. Old Fort Omaha. K. Thurber, 1923 N. 11th. E. A. Wlthnell. 2WS St. Marj-'s Avo . Joe G ruber, 1257 S. 13th . K. Schulz, 20 Center, Emma Duncan. 915 S. 23th. Mary McMahon, 2511 Seward. C, E. Goddard. 522 N. 19th. F. R. Williams. 2CC-4 S. 32d. F. L. Ruf, 2521 S. 32d. E. J. Streltz, 1C22 William. Albert Baxter, Clt S. 13th. Dr. J. C. Bishop. 2M6 Shermnn Ave. William Hayex. 17th and Pratt. One Minute Restaurant. 1511 Farnam. L. G. Turner. S14 S. SSth Ave. Georgo Alcorn, SOS H. 21st. H. M. Whltmer, 1605 Farnam. , George W. Roberts. Jr.. 4223 Miami. Ethel C. Wilcox. 1111 Park Ave. Peter S. Stout. 27rj Ohio. Ernest Elliott, 1913 Douglas. Mrs. F. Garrlty. 2536 N. 19th. F, A. Hennlnger, 223 Davenport. Charles Granden, 1502 N. 19th. Molllo Prlesman, 2020 Cuming. U L. Thomas. 1309 S. 26th. Robert McMillan. 4320 Grant. D, II. Brotchle. 3936 N. 20th. J. Brown. 1320 N. 24th. J. Wallace, 1S21 Leavenworth, rc, l. Jones, 22 Webster. George O. Scrlbner. V. P. Hendrjuarters. F. D. Anderson. 13th nnd P Sts., E. Omaha. B. N. Benson, Hotel Karbach. X'clllo Swauson, 70S Pierce. J. B. Hue, 2133 Manderson. J. S. Innes. 2764 Itke. M. L. Stone. 2130 8. 31th. C. F. F. Mlchalsen, S22 N. 29th. Hnttlu Stewart, 1020 S. 19th. M. D. Prlesman. 2117 S. 13th. Hannah Carey. 1120 Sherman Ave. Clara Plelss, 1713 St. Mary's Ave. 1. C. Benedict. 170S Davenport. W. C. Itvnn. lTfl? Wnhatcr I Alice Prltchard, 309 N. 25th. sirs. j-. .Moores, 1515 Dodge. B. F. Hertzler, 4002 Center. Lena Karasek, 2423 Center. W. A Shropshire. 2122 8. 33d. Jeanette Jessnp, 315 S. 26th. James Burners, 2013 Douglas. Jay E. Smith, 2VS Ames. W. L. Ross, 2121 Lake. Dora Evans, Western X'ewspaper Union. O. E. Macomber. 3S19 Franklin. A. E, Gates, 43S S. 24th. Emma Russell. 520 S. 13th. E. L. Hoag, 320 X. 36th Ave. Albert Elmnuist. fl3 S. ISth. W. D. Patton. ISM Sherman Ave. Kenlston. SS0S Decatur. Charles R. Sunblad. 209 Francis. J. V. Hcnsman, H X. 24th. John Peterson, IM Burdette. John S. Kerns, 616 8. 2Mb. Sylvia Dennis, 2024 St. Mary's. Carroll Burkard, 2522 Maple. Sydney Atkinson, 311 X. Sid. Howard Hamilton. 2275 Webster. John AnderHon. 2131 Pacific, Harry Miller, 1WC Farnam. F. H. Doleck. 2124 Itke. Mrs. Wessman. 2106 N. 28th. C. A. Dalley 2625 Emmett. James Van Avery, luj Capitol Ave. C A. Kenner. 404 N 16th John Anderison. 2C33 Chicago. T, O Clarendon, ata(on B. R, F. V, Frank V Bryant, ,9 N 24th. R E Pierce ,.m N 24th ! E. C Brawnlto 4223 I HAYDEN s Unprecedented Furniture Selling Agents for the D.inncr Scrtlonal Book Case. This case has u groat many point., that recommend It above all others. Sam ple lino of Paper Muche decoratldns for tho den spear heads, masks of Nubians, Arabs, cYc, groups o nrms nnd shields mnl scpnrnto shields. See us In regard to oilllce furniture. Just received, one car lond of parlor pieces divans, corner pieces, window seats, Ro man seats, chairs and rockers. All of the finest grade In richly carved, rnro and beautiful woods, Inlnld mahogany frames, green und blue wedgewood. llemlsh nnd golden onk, forest green and "Art Nouveau." Select white oik Chair, cane sent, braco arm. carved back, turned posts nnd spin dles. Jl.W. Rocker t" nutrh. $1.75. Golden oak Music Rack. 3(5 In. high, threo shelves, 12x17, 93c strong and neat. Golden oak Jnrdlt.ere Stand, 95c. Bamboo Easels, 65c. 3-pnnel Oak Sereen Frame. Jl. Full size white enamel Metal Bed, extra high nnd strong, for $1.93. C-foot Extension Table, $1.50, Onk Sideboard, swell top drauer, $11. Roll Top Desk, oak, golden finish, sIk oak front file cases. $12.75. Revolving Ofllcp Chair. $3.S3. 4-foot cane seat, $1 J; :!-foot, $1.J5. .Rattan Rockers, full roll, largo size, $!.n.'. Elastic Kelt Mattress, the $13 kind. $.Vi. Bath Cabinets, lamp nnd rules, complete, $3.73. Winslow Taffeta It's the tame old stor you have heard it over and over again. What story? Wh), the story of the traveling man by the namu of Winslow that hells Whitlow Taffeta. The' fact that llaydcn Bros, sell Winslow Taffeta Is 'more Interesting to you, and the fact that thousands use Winslow Taf feta Is very much more Interesting to (m. Tho people wnnt a taffeta that wears good, Winslow Taffeta does wear better than any other and that Is the reason why It retains Its great popularity, while so many other makes handled by others nre long dropped uy me wuysiau. Grand Opening Hammock Sale. llaydcns' secured 5 sample lines from tho best manufacturers of hammocks In Amer ica. You can get every style and quality In tho smallest child's hammock to tho largest hammock mado and all at cut prices. No two hammocks alike. Sample Pieces of Allover Embroideries for shirt waists. Theso goods sell regu larly at $1.00 to $1.23 per yard your cholco of any In the lot Monday at, per yard, 50c. Join Hayden's History Club . nnd get Rldpath's History of the -World at half prlco und on easy monthly payments. Call or write for free sample pages, terms and particulars. HAYDEN s R. F Bacon. 1313 S. 32d. Barbary Wentworth, 1224 8. Cist. D. A. N. Chase. 241S Joni-s. J. Vollncr, U2 Ontario. Johanna Knight, 1521 Ohio. C. A. Sharp, 2610 Bristol. R. C. Feenan, iV'S S. 13th. W. P. Wach. 1012 N. 36th. G. O, Whltmore, 263:! Sewurd. i .immnn. wcnsicr. A. H. Rnwe, 522 N. 15th. Arthur Goos, 1310 Cats. X. J. Peterson. 2726 Burdette. Annie Hllllard. 2531 Snenccr. John Mortenson, 170S Cass. sirs. it. wiseniiurg. ,ii line. Mrs. J. H. Jones, 1517 Burt. R. W. Hebson, 1003 Park Ave. Mrs. M. Hanson, 717 Pacific. Mrs. Charles Dundey. 2911 Woolworth Albert Lewis, 2107 Locust. Mildred Conry. 2036 Pierce. II. P. Kerr, 2245 X. 19th. Mrs. O. X. Lamb, 2211 S. 10th. Mrs. Ed Richelieu, 1751 S. 9th. O. Xelson. 2119 X, ISth. W, H. Knapp, 13-12 S. 27th. W. H. Curtice, S20 S, 25th Ave. Mrs. W. Mlchaelson. 2420 Cass. James McLaughlin. 1423 X. 22d. Rex R. Pollock. 216 X. 19th. Mrs. M. A. XagI, 604 S. 13th. Mrs. B. W. Summers, 2116 California. AV. B. Benson. 1318 S. 5th. I. ouls Flcscher, ISIS Corby, James Bowie, 2022 Wirt. George Schneider, 910 S. 20th. 0. J, Cassldy, 140 X. 40th. W. K. Mnrshall. 2403 X. 2sth Ave. F. A. Holt, 0n5 8. 20th. J. M. Rowe. 2620 Howard. Will U Taggar. 521 S. '.Sth Ave. Geo, II. Fltchetl, 17?7 S. 29th. Ceo. W. Holbrook. U2I Blnney. W. M. Irving, 2:16 Oak. Wm. B. Hicks. 2916 Oak. Mary Alcorn. 20s 8. 21st. J. W. Wearne, 2705 So. 15th. Wm. Urbach, 2;06 Sherman Ave. Mrs. 8. Persels. 2147 Spalding. P. J. Barr, 4606 Dodge. II. K. Plnkerton. 2620 X. 21th. Geo. W. Reye, 34f2 Parker. W, F. Bourkc. U07 Cass. Howard Bruner. 1539 X. ISth. Alma Black. 1S13 X. 23d. E. II. Cochran, 1(07 8. 36th. H. J. Root, 311 Sheely Block. R, W. Koch, 1023 Hawthorne, Lee Hoerner, 21J So. 23d. 1. L. Belcel, 2522 Charles, John Ruddeen, 1034 So. 20th. A. C. Chrlstensen. 3313 Spalding. K. J. Woodbum, im X. 20th. L. Klrschbaum, 1209 Howard. Lizzie Stratman, 3011 Cuming. Chas. K. Johnnon, 2921 N. 45th. Sarah Krefe. 408 Walnut. I. J. Prither. 2045 X. ISth. Rlchurd Walden. 2730 Burt. 8. S. Swltzer. 1555 X, 20thJ M. X. Woodward, 3fi26 X. 22d. Emll Thompson. 2717 Bristol. E. Castberg. 2515 Bristol. It. Olsen. 1133 X. 17th. J. B. Sheldon, 601 X. 17th. Phillip Brown, 2561 Douglas. II. C. Tlmme. 1724 X. STith. Mrs. R. C. Hunter. 107 So. 17th. Miss O. Weldon. 2413 Erskino. Avo ' Chester Hlnzle. 306 So. J6th. i E. C. Kohanskv. 516 X. 19th. W F. Sellner, 2919 Burdette. M. K Walker, C517 Blnney. I-. E. Woods. 151S Dodge. Katie McConvlll. S16 So. 22d. Henry Farmer, l!)l California. H. W. Allwlne, 16th and Douglas. Mrs. M. Johnson. 53d and Francis, I. lzzlo Buchanan, 2221 Poppleton "Ave. Martha Wernlmont, 120 So. Sth. Alfred Boylan, 4C!2 Farnam. Thos. Truelsen, 'Ml Howard, Chas. A. Shelly, Ml So. 22d. Emma Johnson. 53d and Francis. Alma XUson, 1715 So. 10th. W. E. Lang. 1513 Leavenworth. Frances Stem, 1922 Dodge. Ixonard Kyohol, 20u9 Capitol Ave, Mrs. L. C. Illne. 3411 X. 27th. John A. Mitchell. 1715 Chicago. ' O. I Carmlehael. 1922 Dodge. Samuel Bailey. 2S"Jl So. 10th. Irene Iluuhen. 2'i X. 16th Pauline Winter. 4M Xlehola. H. H. Smith, 1025 So. 10th. Wm. Barge, un Bo. loth. Wm. llobron. Fill So. 11th. R. S. Wyle. 413 So. 19th Sam Frleden, 11"7 Farnam. E. D Wead, 119 So 23th. P.iullue Prince. ;vjfl Chllfornla Mrs Geo Dehn, VXC X 2tth. i; A DWMtuk. l E. Kmlth & Co (f'ontlbuod on T cuticth Page ) I