8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUSDAY, APETL 28, 1901. COUNCIL 511.'Vft JIKNTlOJf. Dnvls sells drugs. Stocked sells lace curtains Flr.e A B C beer. Neunmycr's hotel. Ictor Hcntcrs, Ill.xby & Son, ngents. Wollmnn. scientific optician. 4W H'uuy Pasturage. Juilson, S2D Sixth avo. Tel. 3tS. For f-;ile or rent, hoilHe on Fourth avenue, No. 'J Thlr -light gas plant for sale. Address II Hnv nlllrc The Duck Hollow Juniors defeated the Trail, fir base ball tcutn, 12 to 6. W, K Graff, undertaker and dlslnftctor, IC1 Sojth Miln struct, 'l'honc Wj. Oct our -vork done at the popular Eagle laundry, "H IJroaUwuy. 'l'honc u7. Correct ar.d exclusive htylcs of elegant photos at Schmidt's, Ml Broadway. Spdlal attention given to wedding pres ets i K Alexander Co.. SKI U'wny. A pt-Mtlon ror the probate of the will of Kit win 1'. Whipple watt Med yesterday. Morgan Klein, upholstering, furmtur repairing, tnnttress milking. S Main st If the weather permits cars will bo run to Manawa thlH altcrnoon. beginning nt l::w o c loc I; 'flu; tare of John Kihln ngnlnct S. H. Green In tho district court was continued to May I. I no Hull's Mnglc Compound, llont ilnn driiff cure iitul hair preserver known. Ask your barber. For bale, household furnlturu and homo and buggy, cheap. IinjuIio li. A. Hamilton, (Jrand hotel. Maypole dance Tuesday. April 50, Wood men of the World hall. Tickets, j cents. Refreshments. T W Williams, formerly pastor of the letter Day Saints' church, will occupy trio pulpit In thnt church today. A want ad in Tho He will bring result), Ihe same attention given to a want nd In Cntircll Uliiffs us nt the U""iha olllce. The Royal Neighbors will give a hnunn warming In Hughes' hall Wednesday even Ing for all Woodmen and their families. Tnko home u brick of Vanilla cream, 25 cents, or Neapolitan, S3 cents. Will keep ono hour without Ice. A. Metiger &. Co. Grace l-5plscop.il church, I'lerre nnd Fnlon streets .Sunday school ut a : 15, morning lirnyer nt 11 ami evening prayer ut S o'clock. I-osl. u lady's gold Kigln watch, between 112 Fourth street iiinl 302 Willow n venue, Thursday. Iteturn to I'. C. OeVol's store nnd receive reward. The Infant of Mr. and Mrs. E, M. Kellogg, who died Friday afternoon nt tho resilience In Isliind 1'ark, was burled yesterday nrtcr noon In tho Hloomer cemetery. St Albnn'H lodge No. 17, Knights of Pythlns, will Monday evening have a school of Instruct Inn In .St. A Hum's hall, after which will bu served a banquet. Second Presbyter! in church, I'lcren and Grace sttcets, s'rvlocs at lu:::o a. m. nnd 7:13 p, m. Preaching by Rev. Harvey Hos teller. Voung people's meeting at 7 p. m. Harmony chapter No. 25, Order of the Eastern SInr, will hold a special meeting Friday evening to exemplify tho work. A number of grand olllcers will bo present. The funeral of Lilian Hansen will be at 2 :3 1 this afternoon from the residence. Ml Ci.mnierclal street, Hev. Richard Venting tllkliitliig. Hurlal will bo In Falrvlew ceme tery First Church of Christ, Scientist, l' Hipp block, services 10:45 a. in., "Everlasting Punishment," Sunday school after service. Wednesday evening experience meeting ut k o'clock. Members of the Puck Hollow ball team nro to bo at the ball grounds at Sixteenth avenue and Sixth hired for a practice game with the Merchants' Drowns Sunday after noon at 2:30. St. Paul's Episcopal church, Hev. George Kdward Walk, M. A., rector Holy com munion at S a. m., morning prayer nnrt ermon at 10:30, evening prayer and sermon ut 8 o'clock. Tho residence of Mrs. K, C. Hctinett. 31 North Sixth street, was entered by burglars Friday night, who carried off $25 worth of Jewelry, consisting of rings, a set of studs, a lung gold chain and n pair of bracelets, Our lino of carpets, rugs, portieres, lace curtains, mattings, oilcloths, wiudnwshudes, linoleum, furniture and limine furnishing goods of all kinds Is now completo for the spring trade. Keller & Hand, 4a7 Hroadway. First Congregational church, John W. Wilson, pastor Morning worship at 10:30, with sermon by the. pastor, "Lntent Energy," Sunday rchool at 12 m.; Christian Endeuvor meeting at 0:30; evening worship at 7'.50, with short sermon on "Spiritual llouso Cleaning.'' A supplementary order was Issued to the receivers for the Ollleer & Pusey bank au thorizing then to settle with J. P. Weaver on two notes amounting to J2.U00. The order covered ground which was omitted 'rom tho original order, though the setlle nent has been effected. Tlie Southern Slock company will pre lent "The Wages of Bin" ut tho Dohany heater tonight. During tho last week tills 'umpiiny has drawn crowded houses with jut tew exceptions and has given some iierltorious entertainments, That a large ilzetl audience will greet them this evening s a loregouu conclusion. S. V. Plumbing Co., luiepunno 250. Arrcxtril on l'nota M'nrrnnt, T J Peterson will bo called upon Monday ,o buow In Justice Hryunt's court why he ihould not bo put under bonds to keep tho pp.ice as to Louts Cherncss, whom, It Is alleged, he has threatened to kill. Chor nrss had secured un attachment against Peterson's furniture to satisfy a claim In .tho sum of J5, and went with Constable lbctto when tho paper whs nerved. It Is nlleged that Peterson became wroth and se curing a revolver, loaded It and made threats on Chcrncss' life, Peterson was brought licforo Justice llryant yesterday afternoon nnd released on $500 bonds until tho hearing tomorrow. Mitsh' nt llromliTny Church. In thu Hroadway Methodist Episcopal church at 7:30 tonight the choir, assisted by Melrose Wilson of Westminster Presby terian Miurch, New York, will glvo this program: Organ prslude, "Romnnzn" Parker Mrs. SylvcBtcr. Gloria Patrl Hymn. "Saviour, Like u Shepherd Lead lis." Anthem. "Oh, Come, Let Us Slng".Hrackett Solo, "Jesus. Lover of Mv Soul'' Harth Mr. Melrose Wilson. Hymn, "My Faith limits Up to Thee." Offertory solo, "Lcgundc" Paderewskl Mrs. Sylvester. Mnlo quartet, "I'm Hut u Stranger Here" Wilson Messrs. Hrown Mitchell, Arthur nnd Sylvester. Solo, "In Heavenly Love Abiding". .Lasson Mr. Mclrofo Wilson. Hymn, "Nearer My Ood to Thee" Posttuilc, Andauto In A Silas At tho morning 10:30 scrvlco Mr, Melroso will sing Topllft's "Consider the Lilies" and Handel's "Lord, Kcmcmbcr David." Mnrrlnite Decline. Thcie Hocuses to wed wore issued yester day Name and Residence. Age. It. W. Wllloy, Council Hluffs '.1 Illla M. Kreshol. Council Hluffs 41 Charles F Keene, Council Hluffs 28 Ida Wcger. Peoria, III . 21 SUNSHINE BRINGS GLADNESS ii Wo bring gladness to the hearts of all who buy their shoes at our store, because WF. GIVH A PKRFF.CT FIT FULL VALUK FOR YOUR MONKY A GUARANTKB WITH 12 V BUY PAIR 'OK SHOBS. SARGENT'S Look for tlio Hear. FARM LOANS Ncxotlnteil In Eastern Nebraska nd lowa. Janej N. Canary, Jr., i;a Main St., Council Bluffs. LEWIS CUTLER Fural Dire c to r BLUFFS. IOWA FEDERATION OF WOMEN Biennial Meeting Open Tneiday Afternoon in Cornell Bluffs. THREE HUNDRED DELEGATES EXPECTED For Week Hip C'IiiIi Women of the City llnr Planned for the .Session mill .Now n Complete Pro Krnm Is Annntineeil. The hlennlnl meeting of the Iown FedeM tlon of Women's clubs, which opens In this eliv Tii.isdnv. will be the cenlor of aun tlon for tho week. Tho reports which havrt l.nnn rnerlvml from the clllbs In the Cltll'S Indicate an attendance of 300 of tho leading In the fltlttl. For weeks tho club women of Council Illufis have been planning and working In ..ntiintinn of this meeting, and me .11 rnngements that have been made Indlcilo that everything which a generous nospuai- r, u0t will be done for the vis itors. Practically nl! of the delegates In nttendnnce upon tho meeting win ou .- tertalncd In the homes of club women. Prounim tor Ihr Mrrtlim". The detailed program for tho meetings, as corrected by the state, omccrs. is. TI'irHDAY. APHIL 3i. Credential committee, 4:30 to fill. m. nnd i , w n m lit Orand hotel. Council meeting In league rooms nt S o c jock m. "Ideal Hesuits of W omens Clubs, air N imini Training In Public Schoolj." ' ' Are Worn en's ("tubs Henenclnl i;aV,or." In the Home Life?" Mrs. Julia Clnrk Hnl- '"'Jl.o'c'ciub yon,en Work with Teachers?" Mrs. S. K. J. Sawyer of Cres- '".'.'a.!.- tfi.. r rmi.innr Htiulv." Mrs Althea Noble of Hnrlnn nnd Mrs. Mary C. " b ecU natile Advertising." Miss Metil Loomls of Atlantic nnd Mrs. Jennetto Peemer or lien unit, Vi:nNFSDAY. MAY 1 - METHODIST CHUHCH. Credential committee, S:30 to 9 a. m. 9 TO 12 A. M. ?nvocnt"oii"'Mrs. P. J. Montgomery of 0oTanIsoio.',Mr. William Thlckstun. Addresses of welcome: For Council Ill irfs Women s clubs, Miss Caroline L. Doilge. For the city. Hon. John N. Baldwin. Response by president of lowa tederalion of Women's Clubs. ,, , Report of committee on credentials, Mrs. John P. Davis of Council HlutTs. Appointment of commltleo on resolutions. Appointment of committee on rules mid regulations. Appointment of nominating committee. Report of recording secretary, Miss Oracn Harsh. P.erort of corresponding secretary, Mrs. Alice A. C. Bally. Report of treasurer, Miss Caroline L. DcOge. Report of auditor, Mrs. Clara Garst. Report nnn nuorcss oi presiocni, .irs. Mabel V. D. Ilutchlns. Report from members of extension com mittee, Mrs. Murthn C. K. Illlck, chairman. WKDNF.SDAY-2 TO 5 P. M. Music. Cluh reports. Report of committee on rules and regu lations. Report of badge committee, Miss Julia C. Hallam. Report of historian. Mrs. Frank O. Green. Report of Journalist, Mrs. Slddlo F. Rich ards, Report of exhibit committee, Miss Jessie H. Wnlte. A word from General Federation of Women's Clubs secretary, Mrs. Alice G. Fletcher. Reciprocity bureau, Mrs. Nclllo F. Cook, chairman. Discussion. MjsIc. Report of special library committee, Mrs. Harriet C. Towner. Library work. Mrs. Flora K. Rarklov, chairman, Llbrnry extension. Miss Allco Tyler of state library commission. WKDNF.SDAY-9 P. M. Reception given by Council Hluffs Women's clubs in honor of the Iowa 1-ederatlon of Women's Clubs nt the Grand hotel. Guests: Mrs. Mary Moodv Push of Omaha, Miss Alice Tyler of state llbrarv commission. Miss Bertha TJamnrls lv nnlin of Chlcngo, Mrs. Nellie Sawyer Kedrlc nf jirnaiey insiuuie or 1'corla. I'rof. W. M. Heardshear of Ames, Lorado Toft of Chi cago. THURSDAY 9 TO 12 A. M. Music. Club reports. Reports of delecrntes to MIKvimlnn Itlnn- nlai of tho Gcncrnl Federation of Women's Clubs. ...'lY11'"?0. Improvement," Mrs. Maria C. Hltihs, chnlrmnn. Discussions. "Kdupntlnnnl U'nrW ' Afru I...,,,.. ir..i chalrmnn. ' ' fjeed of n compulsory law In Iown. Practicability bv working of laws of New ork and Pennsylvania. Obstncles In the way of such n law. w , THURSDAY 2 TO 1 P. M. Music. An hour wllh our press women, Mrs. Martha P. Johnson or Ottumwu, presiding. cfflrsiXk-M,M Mnry o,Don,ie" f Daw,1nV,r'DnersAnesN,,,1US" MrS' A""' SlmiCUy M'', Evrlyn H' ""lnn of hW&?nlty" M,SS Je,lnle a- Damarls Knobe of Chicago, n.inur with our birds: lln"tnrn, ,UU,y" Mrs' w' T" CooPr of Hur- St7rm,iTke,:lon of nlr,,s'" Mrs' Olnwtcod of Discussion. Ride. THURSDAY 8 P. M. siding. IInrrlct c' Towner of Corning, pre- (b) P?iS!itrnvAi;;-i I". II'ctlHky I lst) (arranged by Franz nrL I-oornia of Coiincli' Biii'ffs'. , Walter ii. Young of' Omaha I and Sculntors nt Tr.,ir... Lorado Tuft of Chicago! x..... i'irAy9 TO 12 A. M. tliMfCfn r.rm7,Mt0 on "vision of eon tltutlnn and bylaws, Mrs, Frunk Von chrnder, chalrmnn. "K ' 011 i una, v!V;,i n,"0,,Hlnnt,nff committee. Liectlon of olllcers, Fettn orwSSSSV'AulJi. fiST1 Music. ""DAV-1 TO I P. M. Club reports. of"on?j!" Uvlns'" Mrs' Mnry Moody Pugh "Teaching Domestic Economy." Mrs, So said n mnn whose eyes were ex nmlned and found defective, when wo advised him to lay aside his cheap stcro glnsses and let us tit him with proper ones. Months later, after trying many so called opticians, he come to us with tho rmark: "Guess I'll take those Classes now." A re-examtnatlnn showed vision In one iyo entirely gone, nil through neg lect, and no glais will ever restore it. "Taking chances" with your eyes Is dov nrlght recklessness. e correct nil optical defects, take no chances with your eyes, nor nllow ou to, Herman M. Leffert Orndnnte Optician. 2M llromlwnr. 'ounell HlufTa. Nellie S. Kedilo of Bradley Institute ot I'eoria. Discission, Mrs, .Minnie Cnmphell of Mal vern, chnlrmnn. "Trnlnlmr of Our Yniifh Tnn'anl l'M..fnl Occupations," Prof. W. M. Heardshear of Ames. FRIDAY 8 P. M. Muslcalc. Miss Bella C. Hoblnson of Council Bluffs, pianist, M. O. Garrison of Omaha, vocalist. Mr. Steckelbcrg of Council Bluffs, violinist. Report of committee on resolutions. Introduction of new officers. Adjournment. SATURDAY. MAY 4 GRAND HOTHL. 9 n. ni. Meeting of the old executive com mittee. 10 ii. m.-Mcetlng of the new executive committee. I'sbers for Reception. A meeting of tho ushers for tho biennial was field In tho clubrooms Saturday morn ing. All the ushers are to bo on hand early Wednesday evening nt tho Grand hotel, whtro the reception Is to be given. It Is expected thnt part of the number will help In receiving the guests and tho re mainder will nsslst in the refreshment room. The list is as follows: Mrs. Sledentopf, Mrs. Janncy, Mrs. Hlgdon, Mrs. Shcpard, Mrs. Lougce, Mlsn Moore, Miss Bennett, Miss Sehocntgcn, Miss Kllcn Dodge, Miss Margaret O'Donncli, Miss Dalloy, Miss lies ley, Miss Brandt, Miss Wallace, Miss Kdna Kcollne, Miss Albright, Miss Wells, Miss Van Order. Miss Hnlllns, Miss Otis, Miss Hoycr, Miss Dickey, Miss Aylesworth, Miss Thomas, Mls Honham, Miss Foley, Miss Judsnn, Miss Uohrcr, Miss Jennings, Miss Dorland, Miss Benton, Miss Deno, Miss Pilo and Miss Woodford. There will bo another mooting of tho ushers Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock. This Is the last preliminary meeting. So far forty banners have been received to designate tho places to ho occupied by the vurlous delegations. Tho badges for the various committees have nil been re eclved nnd those wishing them may apply to Miss Otis or Miss Dodge. All who aro willing to furnish carriages for n drive nbout the city to bo given to the visiting delegates Thursday nftcrnoon, aro to notify Mrs. B, C. Smith, 717 First avenue, as soon us possible. Any club woman or hostess not receiving an Invitation to the reception or n enrd nt admission to the meetings of tho federation Is to notify Caroline L. Dodge, 328 Broad way. Tho cards which havo been Issued admit tho bearer to all of tho sessions. In eluding tho lecture Thursday evening by Lorado Tart of Chicago. No cards aro required for ndmlsslon lo tho session of Wednesday morning, ns that Is puhllc. That and subsequent sessions will ho held In tho Broadway Methodist church. Rubber statops at DoLong's, 307 B'w&y. Davis sells glass. TO MEET MINISTER CONGER Council llliin'n CoiiiiiittleeniPii Go to Ouden to ls,'or lllm lloiiifwiiril. John N. Baldwin, Brncst K. Hart, Dr Donald Macrae, Jr., nnd John P. Stewnr1., second, left Inst night for Ogden to mset Hon. Kdwln H. Conger, minister to Chlnn, returning on a sixty-day furlough, and escort him to Council Bluffs. Mnyor Jennings yesterday morning rs celved a telegram from Minister Conger stating that ho would arrlvo In Council Blurts Wednesday morning nnd that his leaving for Des Moines would be at the pleasure of the Des Molucs delegation. Tho lonst program was filled up yesterday. H Includes the names of Governor Shtw, Hev. James Sims, Mnyor Jennings, Mia lstcr Conger, John N. Baldwin, C. G. Saun dors, A. H. Cummins, Senator Dolllver and C. M. Hail. All of these yesterday signified a willing ncss to All tho places assigned them on the program. Senator Dolllver's telegrin said that ho Is 111, but expects to be able to be here. The plans for tho public re ception In the Grand hotel aro coming on apace. It Is to bo held at U o'clock. Tho banquet 1h to ho held In the Grand hotel dining room nnd tho limited number of places at tho tables Is rapidly being filled up. The banquet Is to bo served at 1 o'clock. The completed program, which will bo given nfter tho dinner, Is as fol lows: Toastmaster Governor Lesllo M. Shaw. Invocation Rev. James Sims, Council Bluffs, father of Mrs. W. E. nalnbrldee, whose husband Is secretary of tho United States legation at Peklu. Address of Welcome Mayor Victor Jen nlngs. Toast "Our Guest," Hon. Kdwln 11. Con ger, minister of tho United States to China. Toast "Hon. Edwin H. Conger," John N. Baldwin. Toast "Tho Open Door; tho Enlightened Policy of Civilization In tho Orient," C. G. Saunders. Toast "Westward tho Star of Erap'ro Takes Its Way," A. B. Cummins, Dca Moines. Toast "Iown In the Councils nnd Service of tho Nation," United States Senator J, P. Dolllver, Fort Dodge. Toaut "Our American Women, Ever Brave, Loyal, Tender and True," C. t. Hart. Davis sells paint. Gravel roofing a. II. Rc&d. C41 Broad'?. MARiiiBs ins wii'i: AGAIN'. It, W, Wllloy Taken Precnut Ion to .Mnke Axxiiriuiee Doubly tin re. II. W. Wllley and Ella M. Kreshel, or as sho has been known In tho eyes of tho pub lie nnd the law, Mrs. It. W. Wllley, woro married last night by Justice Bryant. It was one of those cases of once mnrrlcd, marrying again to ninko doubly sure. Four years ago last August these two were married In this city by Justlco Vlen. At tho tlmo Wllley had a wlfo living In England who had refused to come to this country to live with him. Possibly fearing some trouble might como to disturb the declining ybnrs of his life, Wllley recently secured a divorce from Elizabeth Wllloy, tho English wlfo, on the grounds of de sertlon. lie was then free to remarry the woman who has been known ns his wlfo for more than four years, nnd the ceremony was pronounced last evening, It Is said that tho English wlfo long since refused to havo anything to do with illey and that alio married several years ago to nnother Englishman, and when last heard of was living In South Amorlca. Wllloy left her nearly half a century ago to seek his fortunes In tho new world. When ho was ready ho sent for her to como to hlra, but sho rofused. It is said that later ho sent an order for her transportation, but still she was obdurate. She eventually re turned the order. Then a long period elapsed, during which Wllley could gain no rcsponso to tho lot ters he scut ncross tho Atlantic. Ono day he was summoned to the postofflce, where ho found a package with 60 cents duo for postage. It 1b Bald thnt this contained the letters which ho had been writing to his legal wife. Ilotween two of tho lotters was a slip of paper, giving him a farewell which was decidedly moro forcible than It was ele gant or loving, Institute- In Flrnt lliiptlut Church. The Woman's Christian Tcmperanco union met Thursday nfternoon with Mrs O. C. Balrd. After the devotlonals had been conducted by Mrs. Ellen K. Denny the reports from the officers nnd committees were heard. The committee to Becuro a placo for tho meeting of tho Institute, May 10. reported havhg secured tho First Bap tist church. This Institute Is to bo con ducted by Mrs, Ida H, Wise, persldcnt of the Sixth district, assisted by Mrs. BatelU Penman, president of the Eighteenth dis trict. The program for tho May mass meeting wan niso discussed, uno oi mo Hems will lie nn nrl,lraa 1,v Mm. Dennv. national organizer nnd lecturer from In diana. Thu meeting of M y 9 will be with Mrs. ureenstiieids, 136 ornnam avenue. flif?lnnlnp tvltli Met. oi iUn tnnllncrn will bo In the Sunday school rooms of the First Baptist church. SUIT OX TAX KI2HHKT CONTItACT. iIuiIkc Wheeler TnUes Cunningham Cne Under Advisement. Three sessions of the district court were required yesterday for the hearing of Mie Injunction suit against Cunningham and others on the tax ferret contract. It was late last night when the case was finally taken under advisement by Judge Wheeler Tho taking of evidence had dragged along until late In the nfternoon, when the at torneys began their nrgumcnts, and these occupied the attention of the court for the remnlnder of tho nftcrnoon nnd tho evening, The arguments In the hcnrlng on the pe tition for the Issuance of the permanent In Junction to restrain the county officers from cnrrylng out the contract made by tho Board of Supervisors with Tax Ferret Cun ningham, whereby ho was to receive 50 per cent of tho money collected as his com pcnsatlon, followed practically the same line as those used In tho hearing on the petition for the temporary Injunction. Tho defense yesterday brought out the theory of estoppel agAlnst Frank Shlnu nnd J. J. Hess, tho petitioners, clalml'ig that they had sat quietly by for eight months and allowed the ferret to go nhend under the contract to his damage. To this tho petitioners replied that they had had no notice of the contract, claiming that the publication of the proceedings of the Board of Supervisors In certain papers is not a notlco in tho eyes of the law. The petition under which Shlnn nnd Hess are nsklng for tho restraining order ws filed last January nnd sets up four rrasors. It argues that the contract went beyond the powers of the Board of Supervisors; that It was against tho public policy In that It bartered away tho public funds; that It guarantees the payment of tho costs In suit and thus tends to stir up litigation, and that it could not be enforced, as 'he only statute then In force was unconstitu tlounl, In that It authorized tho treasurer to demand delinquent taxes and Institute suits for the collection of the same wltho it requiring a notice. Tho ense ut bar has resolved Itself Into n legal battle and tho main part of tho cvi dence was In support of certain contcn Hons rcgnrdlng legal Interpretations. The nrgumcnts of the lawyers wore mainly clta tlons from the code and decisions In this nnd other states. One of the Incidents of the morning scs slon was when Mr. Shlnn showed that Cunningham Is working without a bond. He then drew out that the man who tnkes caru of the building, tho man whom Auditor Iiiuoks, who was then on the stand, stvlod the Janitor, Is compelled to furnish n bond In the sum of $1,000 for the faithful per formance of his duties. The facts of tho contract that It has been annulled by the Roard of Supervisors; that Cunningham has about completed tho work under the contract, and that that work required a man of considerable Icarn Ing nnd experience nro admitted by both parties to tho suit. During tho nfternoon, however, considerable evidence was Intro duced on the value of tho work. Attornty Sluss, on the stand ns an expert witness, stated that such work is worth $400 a month. When Treasurer William Arnd was questioned on the same point he snld le could do the work If he hud time. He said he could litre a deputy In this city who could do tho work of hunting through tho records for the tax-shlrkcrs. Ho then called attention to tho outside work, the Information which comes from those asso ciated with Cunningham In other counties Mr. Arnd refused to name a value for tho work. He also spoke of the popular feel ing against the ferret. Tax Ferret Cunningham sworo thnt he had worked in ten counties In Iowa before coming to Pottawattnralo and that ho has an exchange system with men In Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Iowa, advantages which would not be open to the treasurer. He sold his list of mortgages In Polk county for $130. His mall Friday brought him a list of 100 mortgages. The petition asks for an order restrain ing tho county olllcers from carrying out tho terms of the contract nnd paying to Cunningham SO per cent of money collectod from tho discoveries of delinquent taxes resulting from Cunnlnghnm's work. If the court refused to nnnul the entire contract tho petition asks thnt tho omccrs bo re strained from paying Cunningham more than 15 per cent, the proportion fixed ty the last legislature for such work. Judgo Wheeler has taken tho matter un der advisement and will not give his de clslon for several days. OFFICIALS AUK A FT UK SAI-OO.N Petition for liijuiietlon Annlnnt Its Further Operation. Tho officials are after the saloon which Is run by Frank Walklnton, on -Broadway, Just west of Sixth street. Basing his action on tho cvldcnco produced before tho grand Jury recently, County Attorney Klllpnck yesterday filed n petition for a temporary Injunction ogainst the further operation of tho saloon, which, it Is asserted, since tho first of January to tho time of tho filing of tho petition, hns done business In violation of tho Inws of the state. Tho last grand Jury returned an Indict ment against Walklngton and a woman named Leo Fraser, for maintaining the saloon nnd wlno rooms connected. The two were released on bonds. Tho officers claim that tho saloon continues to operate In the samo manner as before nnd they nro do tcrmlned to stop It. Tho petition makes Frank Walklngton, B. Jctter, W. Tews, South Omaha Brewing company and Mrs. Mary Bnuqucst defend nnts, the latter being tho owner of the building. Dentil of Mm. Snrnli V. Devnre. Mrs. Sarah A. Dovare died at her home In Kane township Friday night, of pneu monia. Sho was born In Lafayette, Ind., December 23, 1S31. In 184S sho married Joel Dallarhlde. by whom she had ten chll dren, all with ono exception being at her death bed. that one being n daughter, who Is In Oklahoma. The children, grandchil dren nnd great grandchildren number about 100, and all with one oxceptlou Ilvo In Pottawattamlo county. Mr. Dallarhlde died twenty-two years ago and his wlfo married again. Her second husband, eight daugh ters and two sons survive her. The funeral will bo from tho residence nt 2 o'clock this afternoon, with burial In falrvlew ceme tcry. Churned with Wife Desertion. Lelloy BlBhop was arraigned boforo Jus- tlce Forrlcr yesterday on a cnarge or de sertlon, the complaining witness being his wife, who prior to her recent marriage was Blnncho nogcrs. Tho pair woro married whllo nishon wns on Inmato of tho county Jail, and It Is charged that ho deserted her Immediately upon his release, alter the ceremony. The hearing was set for May 6. Three Se'lteneeil to .lull. Three prisoners woro given Jail sentences In the district court by Judge vtneoier yes terday nfternoon. Lewis and Henry Smith, who stole a watch from Robinson Bros Jewelry store, wero sentenced to four months In tho county Jail. Jonn Aiistrom, who stole a set of harness from Mlnnlck's barn, was given six months In Jail. Foreclosure l'roercillnit. Tho Real Estate Trust company of Phil- arielnhla has Instituted foreclosure procccu Inga in the district court against Samuel Negligee Shirts MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS. We make a specialty of this branch of our business and will show more exclusive designs and patterns than will be found anywhere Patterns Confined Strictly to Us, not shown by any other house, Our lines range at 5Qc, 75c, &1.QO, $1.25, $1.5Q, $7.75 and $2.QO No trouble to show goods? that's what we're here for, and what's morej "if you have them from us, they're right" Smith & Bradley Alexander nnd F. M. Wilson on a first mortgago held on certain city lots. A. W Underwood gave the mortgage tu tho sum of $2,f00 to the Now England Loan and Trust company, who sold the mortgage to the plaintiff in this case. Underwood sold tho property to Alexander, ho nssuralng tho Indebtedness and in turn selling to Wilson. The Indebtedness now amount!) to $.1,300. Father GetK tin lloj'. Tho habeas torpus ense of Charles E. Stlvcn by Charlc3 H. Stlvcn against Kd mond nnd Jessie Latham, was settled In the district court yesterday, when Judgu Wheeler entered an order awarding the possession of tho boy, Charles E. Stlvcn, to tho father, Charles H. Stlvcn. Council lllnfTn Society. The Monday U.ichro club mot with Mrs. Dillon Ross. Mrs, V. L. Trey nor entertained at curds yesterday afternoon. Mrt.. W, J. Lauterwassor entertained at cards Tucsdny evening. Mrs. J. King or Sixth street entertained Informally Thursday evening. Miss Ellen Dodge, who has been visiting In St. Louis, Is expected home Tuesd'iy. The Monday Kucliro club will meet to morrow ut the home of Mrs. Lyman Slni gnrt. The Daughters of the American Revolu tion met Thursday nfternoon with Mrs. A. Mnurer. Mrs. K. U. Hart entertained ut an eight course dinner Thursday evening. The deco rations were tulips. The Osborne-Wallace wedding takes plnec Wednesday evening, Mny 1, at the home of tho bride on Bluff street. Tho Tuesday Whist club met with Mrs. A. T. Elwell. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. II. 11. Vuu Brum. The ladles of St. P.iuI'h Episcopal church were entertained Wednesday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. 11. A. Quluii. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Bradley have bought the John Y. Slono fruit farm at Glcnwood, In., and will make their homo there. Mrs. R. K. Montgomery expects to leave for New York enrly In the week for mi ex tended visit. MIsh Eleanor Is already there Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, who are on their way home from Honolulu, vlxltil Council Bluffs friends In Pollock, la., last week. Tho Wednesday Whist club met with Mrs. A. T. Klwcll. On account of the bien nial there will bo no meeting or the club this week. The Cnlendar Card club wa.-i entertained I'Hday night by Mr. nnd Mrs. A. Louie First prizes were won by Mrs. L. M. Shu bert and E. A. Cook. Refreshments wero served. Chnrlcs W. Plnckiiril of Roanoke, Va., and Miss li lira. Crocker were mnrrl-nl Tuesday evening at the home of Mr:. J. L. Crocker. 1319 Avenue 11, by Rev. S. i M.ir tln of the Flint Christian church of Ouiulin. Mrs. Stella McChemiey. Miss Bowman an 1 Miss Grace Hebee, who have been spencll.ig the winter with friends und relatives In the sojth, are expected home next Sunday. Be fore returning they will visit In Hot Springs, Ark., nnd St. Louis. Tho noclnl event of the week for the younger set was tho hop given by tho High Fchool cadets lu Roval Arcanum hall Fri day nlpht. Tho hall wns decorated Willi patriotic colors, palms and ferns. A com petitive drill wns given by the cadets, fol lowed by u program of dances. This Is tho lost hop of tho season. Itenl Kstntc TrnusferK. Tho following transfers were lllcd yest day In tho obstruct, tltlo and loan olllco J. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: Rhode Island Hospital Trust company, trustee, to J. D. Taylor, rcli nel 11 and wS nw'i 12-7I-3S. h. w. d i 2, L. P. Judson and wife to Mary Adeline Hanson, part of ne'4 seli 24-77-42, w. i! Hnnna Handke et nl to Hugo Hleber, sl4 swli 12 and part nwU mv i;.7(i 42, w. rt 3 Clara McDowell to James M Conns, undlv4 In si no'i 10-71-40, w. d 2, Clara McDowell, guardian, to Jnmet M. Coons, umllvfft of Hi neli 19-71-40, g. u 4, Carl II. a. Vogeler and wife to Cora M. Felt, efio feet of lots D and , block L, Curtis & Ramsey's add., w. (1 , W. II. Wood and wlfo to J. D. and Ella Austin, lot 3, block 5, Mullln's subdlv, k. w. d County treasurer to W. II. Kimball, lot 2 In hw', 3-75-44, t. d Same to same, 9 ncres In southeast cornet sell nw'i 21-75-43, t. d L. F. Potter, guardian, to Nettle Law son, sli n 14 swli noli 25-7il-41, i. d.... t. F. Potter, gunrdlaii, to Ingrld L!nd blom, nli n Vj kw',4 neli nnd part neli nwli 23.7C.41, k. 1 Sheriff to E. M. Wlllard, midlvt.7 of nli sdi 21: u'.S nwii; elj swi; nwli nei-i 27; swU swli 2-i.7l.3x, h. d 1, Meredith Vlllnge Savings bank to Wil liam White, lot 3, block 1C, Baylies 1st add., w. il 2, Ohio Knox and wlfo to Frank J. Plog hoft, lot 4 and e2 feet lot 5, block 9, Macedonia, w. d Robert Hleaklay nnd wlfo to Fred Grebe, lot ti, block 21, Ferry add., s. w. d County treasurer to W. H. Kimball, lots 30 nnd 31, block 7, Highland Place, t. d Samo to same, lot 2, block 19, Beers' subdlv.; lot 0, block 19. Central subdlv.; undtvli lot 8, block 2, High land Plnce, and lot 18, block 97, Railroad add., t. d cr- of ,5i0 14U ,r:o ,401 ,sto iOj 75 7 3 450 430 29 ,750 250 to 6 11 Seventeen transfers, total Jlfl.SiS OPPONENT OF MATRIMONY Must IlnrliiK Wnnmn Xorrllut In Frnncr Surrenders tu Mnr rliifir Kt l.nnt. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, April 27. (New York World Ca bleKram Special TclcRram.) All Paris Is laughing nt Mile. Mario Anno Deliovet, apoBtlo of free love and opponent of matri mony. She has Just surrendered to Cupid and hor husband Is a boy of 19. Tho brldo Is 34 years old. "Well," sho says to her protesting friends, with a shrup of her shoulders, "It was love at Urn sl?ht, that Is nil, and my husband Is manly enough to be tho husband of any woman, no matter how strong, minded." Tho bride Is perhaps thn most dnrlm; woman novcIUt In France. Into all her books she baa woven a pro test ngalnst marriage and n plea for free love. Nevertheless ' she al ways hai been a great favorite In tho American colony, because she speaks Eng. Ilsh and adores Americans. Her family is one of the most aristocratic in France, They entertain lavishly and Americans are always present. When but -C years old this daring young 415 UKOAIVA.Y. W The "Comstock Process'' HHI m lj DOHANY tj SUNDAY, 1 The Southern Supporting I lit? TT ctVA JK -Hi j; A carload of scenery and electrical effects. Mozellc In her special Elec trical Flro Dance. PRICES-10c-20c-30c BADLY DONE UP Hnon Is something that never leaves tho Bluff City Laundry. Tho color, finish nnd general condition of tho shirts, collars, cults, shirt waists, etc., Is perfection Itself In tho art of laundry work. Now Is tho time to have your lace cur talns dono up. We do tho work to per fection. BLUFF CI i Y LAUNDRY 22 and 24 N. Main SI. Wallace A ('.rout, lropn. Co. lllutTs. FABER PENCILS 30c A DOZEN. nivnu nrurli c in wiaupi i'L'piuls jut And all the goorl Pencils 30c a dozen in our Stationery Department. 307 Broadway French woman attained the dlstlnctlom sel dom offered to woman of un election to tho Soclete do Gens do Lettrcs. She began her literary career with translations from the English. Her tasto wbb far from frivolous. Shu translated "Lo Journnl do Goidon Pasha Al'.hartoiim," "La Politique Kuropene" und "La Cocr do George II ot Oulllauino IV." Then the branched out Into orlnlnal efforts with great success, Sho contributed to Figaro, Gaulols, 1'IIIustratlon nnd Ln Revcun Bleu, under thn nom de plumo of "Mab." Sho showed ready wit und n keon desire to upset con vontlons. All this Is at variauco with her personality. She Is petite, vivacious, blonde and charming. She Ilvos la the fashionable Faubourg St. (lermuln nnd sho does her work In n somber sanctum which coiitrnBls strongly with her light and airy ways. Another mnrriagu which Riirprlscd the American rolony was that of Mrs Van Cortlandt Hamilton, who was Oertrude Welles of New York, thn rich widow who so mysteriously disappeared a fow months ago. Sho now sends the announcement that sho has been married to a certain Baron von Graffenrlcg, a poreonago entirely un known here. I OI;lalioinn' Heerelnrj'. WASHINGTON, April 27 -Tho president has appointed William Grimes of King fisher, GUI., secretary of the territory. Is the most successful method for reducing nnd rcllevtnj pain In all kinds of dental operations that has yet been presented to tho public. It has been used by tending dcu lists of the cast for nearly two years, nnd has been pro nounccd by them to bo entirely satisfactory. Our patlentt aro delighted with tho results It produces. If you ar nervous and your teeth aro conslttvo we will bo pleased to explain It to you. . ..Telephone 145. H. A. Woodbury, D. D. Council Bluffs. 30 Pearl St. Grand Hole! A Builder Looking for a Plumber to contract for tho latest modern sanitary system of open plumbing for his houses to meet the strictest specifications will find we are Just the concern ho wants. Possebs Ing excellent facilities for supplying lino material and skillful workmanship, we add our own guarantee that wo will afford sat isfaction. J. C. Bixby & Son, 202 Main St 203 Pearl St. Tel. 111.'!. Council muffs, In. THEATRE APRIL 28TH Stock Company Miss Ella Wilson. ----I - . i rwinlkt a i'Ui:n. ? Council Bluffs CHEAP HOMES. House of 6 rooms, two closets, pantry, cellar, well, small burn, KuQ; small pay ment (loun. balance monthly. C-room house, cloxot, pantry, cellar, stable, clhtern; price JJOO. C-room house, closets, pantry, cellar, city water In house, stable, shodo tries, lariju lot, good Idea tlon; price Jl,:iW. C-room house .cloheta, imjiiry, cellar, cis tern, bath, btuble; price JWK). Good C-room house, pantry, closet, chlnn closet, city wuter, cellar, buth, 1,3W; within 4 blocks of P. O. A snap. Good t-room houso, bath and closet, pan try, ohlna closet, cellar, el'y wter. ov tern, barn, coal house, piped ror KUat prlco $2,75". 9-room house, bath und closet, city wator. largo burn, shailo trees, lot CdxlSO, only $3 OoO, Fine large homo of 12 rooms, besides bare ment and nttlc, steam hcnt, bath, closet, guH and barn, two lots; cost ubout 15,J to Improvu, only $C,00o. FARMS FOR SALE. IBO.acre farm 11 miles from Council Bluffs und Ornuha, 125 ncres In cultivation, 4 room house, double corncrlb, well, also 3-i oom house, Btuble. comcrll), well; Una com land Price only J23.50 per aero. A 24o"ucres IS miles from Council Bluffs nnd Omaha, all good, smooth level land, houso, barn, cribs, well, etc., close to railroad; for sale for a few duys ut JI0 per ucre. Very cheap. I.argu list of farms nnd houses and loti. Also houses for rent. Cull and get par. tlculars. JOHNSTON & KERR, Tel. 417. 041 Broadway.