THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SI 2s DAT. A PR IX. 2S, 1901. 2iJ i FOR SALF2 REAL E!TATE. KOVNTZE PLACE"! KOUNTZE PLACEM Tb only residence property on the North Side. WHY? BECAUSE every tot Is & BARGAIN. BECAUSE there are no -aloans, !hu tle or other undestraMe properties hi tMs addition. BECAUSE of the feaaU.'a! In the addi tion ttself. FINE HOMES and STREETS and well-lying lots. BECAUSE of CHURCHES, etc. GOOD SCHOOLS. BECAUSE of the good QUALITY of the people already living there and OTHERS that are now purchasing. . And LAST, but not the LEAST confed eration BECAUSE of the remarkable CHEAP NESS of the property are now affertng. BE QUICK and make your selection be fore the SUMMER IS PAST and the HARVEST IN ENDED. Lots on Blnney street, with paving taxes ill paid In full, can be purchased any when from SSOO to Sl.W). JUST THINK OF IT " And on Wirt street. itb old paving taxes paid and THREE Installment on the NEW paid to date, fjr from S7W to J1.5"5. CAN'T BE BEAT. On SPENCER STREET, paving tax's PAID IN FULL, from W to S1.1S. ITS GETTING BETTER ALL THE TIME. We are selling on Lothrop street, from S77 to S"0. FINE VWFOOT LOTS. On EMMET, beautiful for situation, from S7 to H.4W. HIGH AND DRT. And on PINKNET. fronting the PARK, from SVO to SI.STA THESE PRICES CAN NOT BE BEAT IN THE CITT. r i A REAL SNAP" IN AN ELEGANT HOME. On 53th st.. just north of Famam-ONE t-u r- nvrsT dvellinzs In the city. 10 jr , . i t-r . -".- . - . . . i . . u T ...nilrv beauufui rooms, oeue , vegetable room. etc. The house is finished , downstairs in r.uarter-sawed oak and hard , nln. iinstiiirs and tne wans ueiiKuii."" decorated, do credit also back' making mer lt la located in one of the most fash ionable neighborhoods in the city. The lot Is 57x155. The owner Is anxious to ell and has instructed us to take Ul.000. ON REA SONABLE TERMS. FOR SALE AT A SNAP. S59-cre farm In eastern Nebraska: price only X per acre, or J3.SM. This Is one of the best improved and equipped farms In the state, on Wood river, four miles from Gibbon, on the main line of the Union Pacific railway ail fenced and cros-fenced. Vi acres under cultivation, balance In tim ber along river. Improvements alone cost H.OOO. land unimproved worth J30 per Rcre. One of the best feeding places for cattle or sheep in th state. Reasons for selling, owner wants lsrger place. Write ua for particulars. PATNE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agent. Omaha, Neb. BEAUTIFUL NEW MODERN HOUSES. With every possible convenience, right up to date, everything first-class, streets are paved, yards sodded, gas and electric lights placed. Complete In every particular, con venient to street car, schools, churches and business. Several have already been sold, only three left. BE PROMPT lf you want one. Prices from 8.250 to O.900. EASY TERMS. HERE IS A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. This Is a 12-room. all modern house on BURT ST, near J4th. Built for a home, DOUBLE HARD FLOORS throughout. Has GAS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS, fine FUR NACE, excellent CELLAR. LAUNDRY, WECE nOOM. fine big BARN, south front. An all around nice home. Price, fi.OOO; S3.00O cash, balance 6 per cent. HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS? In the Haascom Park district. The house la new arid contains 9 rooms, all modern. In a good neighborhood. Price, CJ.500; SLO0Q cash. PERHAPS THIS MIGHT SUIT. This property Is located on Burt St. near 25th. Has 7 rooms, bath, city water and sewer connection. Propvrty is In good con dition and cheap at C500. PATNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor. N. Y. Life Building. RE-lfll 25 W, H. GATES, a? N. Y. Life. VACANT. 40x128, water, sewer, gas, south front on Fatncit ave.. bet tn and zitb sts.. 4. SOxloO. Harney and 33th. lays nice, cheapest lot In this location. JtXO. 50x127, on Farnam, south front, near 48,1, JiJTO. $0x127. 26th st Just south of Caldwell, east front. S6. 100x127, water, sewer, northern part of elty, comer, lays nice. SAM. RE M21S 30 WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE DISTRICT. Twelve-room modem residence, large square hall, hardwood finish, mantels and fireplaces, house alone cost to build over i.uj tne lots, 14&XI70, are worth today vacant the house la well arranged and spacious, and both house and grounds are in kpiendld condition. The owner built thts for a home, but has now re moved to the east and Instruct us to SELL IT AT ONCE. He offers it for S14.- 000, terms to suit purchaser It could not b- replaced for SM.ourt. and Is the best Bargain on xne maritet today OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. Itth and Douglas Sts. RE 215 2S W. H. GATES. 81! N. Y. Life. S-room, wsll-buiit home, modern, no fur nace, lot so-it rront running through from ?th ave. to 27th street north nf 5t Mary'a ave. Can sell this at a low figure. S-room m orv, south front nice laying lot uxiu, iu, J" casn, nai, montniy j 5-room cottage and lot Wxl27 Vu S-room house and good-siied lot, one block , It has a foundation that w- I 'u? " & headLEY: . to a building TWICE as large. Is Phone 14.2. N X. l Bicg -plastered, sheeted, papered, etc.. gJle"rEAL ESTATE SECCRITY. -J .nn1 In turn. 1 . - n'UlTr rrPV TVHfRAN-CT. I from :th st car nne. RE 21 21 KOK LK HU IL ET VTE. llOUSET LOTS FARMS." IRRIGATED LANDS. and A ESTEUN RANCHES. GEORGE P BEMiS REAL ESTATE CO. Phone MS. Paxt"o Block. HOU3BSAND LOTS. For those who want a large iae4d me at moderate cost la the north tlty, e have jst llstad a Site -root ese. mora lara and pleasant. aR modern, bo, bath and furnace, alee lawn, good fence. everything In the sink of eomtl tton. m Mock from car line. Only S2,'J. Here la another Rood one. in the south west part of the city 2 Mocks from ear Mn. on a large lot. 94x114, a nice house, with 5 good-i:ed room and closet to e-acn. Isrse ifrvinr room and cistern, fine well with force pump, that will throw water all over the house and lawn, fruit and shafle trees II Vi. We have two fine homes in the WEST FARNAM district, one tor K.iH the other for tn.:". that Is just about as nee as It Is poselble to set for the money. Call and e us for full particular. HOUSE TO MOVE. We have a good flve-room house to el cheap. If taken and moved Immediately. Notice the price. Jfcw. HOMES FOR THE PEOPLE. , , , BUT A M0 LOT. BUILD .. SMALL HOUSE FOR A STARTER AND HAjfc A HOME THAT YOL' CAN CALL YOCR OWN. We have some nice urge lota frarmsg an. overlxiklng and adjacent to Miller Park and with excellent prospect of motor line that wt will o(Ir for awhile at ST. TO SIM EACH with only $S down and only per mon.n, and now i your opportunity to get a home that you can call your own. Call at our office and get a plat and full parttcours. CHOICE LOTS. We have choice residence lots la every part of the city, ranging in price from a few hundred up to several thousand dollars each. Come In and look over our list before buying. GOOD INVESTMENTS. One of the aneit Woks in the business part of the city for S12..O09. Building cost nttwo. Another A No 1 corner in very heart of city for only J40.. TRACKAGE SITES best la city-call and investigate them. Choice inside corners suitable for fiats or apartment houses. Inside brick Mock for Ile.CmO. worth ili.M. FIRMS AND RANCHES. TV ijvb a niiiTitmr of farms that ar first-class and all right, In site they run from W acres to ! acres, and situated along the Mne of the t" P R. R.. a direct line to OMAHA, which is the best market In the west for produce and stock. e also have ome very fine ranches along the same line of road that will pay any body that Is Interested In that kind of thing to look over For full particular? call and see us. IRRIGATED LANDS -T, BUY POME IRRIGATED LAND. E HAVE IT FOR SALE That Is the ay to farm, then you never take any chances. If it rains you are saven tne troaoie aou j:.-;,r- lf lt does aoJ rajn and the drought is general, the man who c,! xrhile the other fellow nas to ouy. innx GEORGE P. BEMIS REAL ESTATE CO. Telephone SC. RE-Brs REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY J A. LOVGREN. 424 PAXTON BLOCK. -room house, all modern, south and east front: everything in good shape, in yood neighborhood: close to street car. J2i. X new S-room house on Jlapie St.. r.ear jam. wiin tne latest or inprovrn-nu . ;iu- rents for E5 per month. Will sell this week for the low price of tZ.M. A good 9-roora house, one-half lot. on 2lth and Capitol ave.. city water and sewer connections, for t2.5y). A 7 or -room house, with -ity water. baTTi. mantels, sewer connection, in Kountse Place Right for grade. Will sell tills week for $2,200. Lot Mxiw. 2-story 7-room house, modern, except furnace; good n'iehborhood. shade trees, close to business part of the city, good schools and street car. H.V.V. 2-storv 7-room house on Davenport zt. : close to chools and street car. Will go tnis weeK tor J.. Lot 50x125. corner, with a nice 5-room cot tage. with hall and city water. Il.loO. 5-room cottage, close In. city water, sewer connection, newiy painted and papered. li.ti ki caan. oaianco to suit p-.r cnaser. I will offer this week a nice little hojse arJ lot wltn nam. located a few blocks south of the Union depot, for the low j rice of A 1-room house, rood well, stable, chfeken house, including ) by 130 feet, in Benson. I have some very fine acre lots located in nurnnam riace. close to tne Military road, street car and schools, at very lew prices. I will offer for this week only a well lo cal en tarm in jowa, norm of Council Bluffs, containing acres, .v good houe. bam. corncrlb, good well with pump. H) acres all under cultivation, fenced, good cellar, chicken house, hog pasture. 50 apple trees, cherry trees, ave peach trt and pear trees, X1 grapevines, black berries, shade trees, etc. This farm will be sold this week. only, for $40 an acre, and Is well worth t) For further particulars write or call on J. A. Lovgren. 424 Paxton Block. RE-221 2S GEORGE AND COMPANY. DESIRABLE LOCATION WHOLESALE DISTRICT. Southwest comer 12th and Harney so.. surrounded by some of the largest jobbing houses m city. fnce. siiiw. PROPERTY FOP. INVESTMENT. Brick block In business part of South Omaha, paying 12 per cent above all taxes, repairs, etc Building is nearly new and Is leased. Will consider a few thousand dollars worth of good, clear property as part payment frlce, Il5.tfjd. Building In north part elty: rood location; renting for n per montn. rnce, 2019 and 2021 N. Sst st. near Grace stl. lot rxl4t ft . 1 ,-room oouse ana i -room house. Both rent S2S per month. Price, J2.&i. RESIDENCE?. We have a Ust of very fine residence prop erties, ranting in rnce from to iii.- that we will gladly show or give in- lormauon aoouu SI.503 Near 33d and Dodge sts. This Is an s-room nouse. recently built: has large hall and Is a very attractive ptace. sou in iront large yard. S3.000 30SS Cas st . 5-room bouse, all mod ern, jurnace neai. porcelaln-llned uumuu ana new pumoing. jiirn-r or si. jiarj- ave. s rooms city water, sewer, etc., south front iu jam. ur?iuiass nclgh n.S't For -room house on ISth st . JW blocks north Vinton st. : large lot. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 FARN.U1 ST. or 4K . stn st. south Omaha. RE 222 2s THREE modern 8 and 10-room modem nouses on 34tn st. north of Farnam, asphalt Paved street, sermanent wnlVx in. side and out shade trees, best of heating and plumbing and workmanship and ma terial throughout Two ready for occu pancy Msy 1. other by May 10. Don't buy until you see these. They will ult you. being butlt bv- good workmen. They are not THROWN TOGETHER. We ask for vou to examine them closely. See us Mon dav We :!! sell two this week. Come ear" HAM! i.T' N BRl'S Tel 1173. Ground Flwr Bee Building RE-221 Ji TOR SALE REAL ESTATE. , SWEET & HEADLET Phone J4 e;j N T L. BEAUTIFUL HOMES GENUINE BARGAINS. SPLENDID LOTS. VERT CHEAP HAVE YOU SEEN THEM ? IF NOT YOU ARE LOSING OL WE HAVE A HANDSOME -room home, modern In every way. lacludioc fine man tel, lot SoxlSS. convenient Vo good cnol ami Park ear. good nelchtsarhod. A BIO SNAP-SI .$7S. HOW WOULD TOU LIKE a 7-rootn home a 1 t.. WlV- south of Lake St.. on Florence Blvd. for Jla' We have It. FACING EAST ON 1TTH. Just n. of Nich olas, we have I cottages on lot Jrxlei. paving all paid. we can iteitver tnts property for Just , the value of the lot, vii. : ti.Ifi. ORCHARD HILL, bet. ifih and 4ttn. on mwom, rooms, modem ex. heat, mantel, lawn, shvtde. tot MhcUO: price reduced from 30 to 11.550. You can t beat tlrts any where. S-r cottage. Hth and TemHetos Ave-, 2ne ralr. water, gas. lawm, tot S?xl5I. A COZY HOME. ILW. On N lth. near Clark. 2 eottoces on lot xl4, nly INVESTIGATE THIS. i Mks N. of Har.seom Park. S-room cottage, city water, only XlO. Eatern owner wants offer (room cottage, full lot. city watr. nr 24th and Ames Ave. A real snap at Another 4-room cottage, lot Mxl25. place In good repair. 1 block from So. Omaha car and only tTM. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS. ON TEMPLETON AVE. we hav 7 beau tiful lots with sewer, gas and water In street, speclaj and regular taxes all paid, for ONLY SVO EACH. These lots are convenient to school, park and So. Omaha cars and In fln neigh borhood. Where can you do o well? 9ixX). faces N. on Cuming and S. on Burt, bet. 2Sth and 27th. lies fine, a big bargain, r2.3. CORNER AT ARBOR and 5th. 150x142. for C3t. or single lot. auxn:. for iw. ?o m. take. 1U4) only, clear title, taxes all paid. 3x143 on I4th St , bet Pierce and William. HOUSES ON EASY PAYMENTS. I ' 5 rooms, 221S N. 21st. 4 rocms. 5S13 Ame ave. S 70rt I rooms, barn. J1S Plnkney. ! 75 5 rooms, corner. 23"i Oak. t fV 3 rooms, rmis Charles. rooms, 2122 N. 3th. H.C a rooms. 42M S. 13th. MORE BARGAINS IN RESIDENCE PROPERTIES. Can give immediate possession, very desir- anie cottage of , rooms, laundrv. furnace, bath, gas, sewer, large cemented cellar, good bam. fine lot on brick nnved street. Rents ) per year. Price. tlM. See lt before It is rented. No. 2t21 Parker st. IF YOU SEE THIS PROPERTY TOMOR ROW YOU WILL BUY IT MONDAY MORNING A nearly new up-'o-date I uweuing oi rooms, porcelain Dntn. ele gant gas fixtures, first-class plumbing, cemented cellar corner lot 70x112 feet paving taxes all paid. "an give posses sion May 1 Price, :2.4m. Terms. S5vi cash, balance to suit purchaser. Look at this bargain. 3713 Leavenworth St. Choice 7-room modem dwelling. elos to Farnam st , ,vi.ft. lot paved street house nearly new a big bargain. Will rent for per month. Price. J4.7jt. VACANT LOT BARGAINS. J ' East front 2Sth and Charles. t Tr- Georgia ave and Hlckorv t 3-VV-Twolots 1n Orchard Hill. I i "V-rottage Park addition. I JMS, S 31 tarsa'n near T . Famam. r.Vm r v, n... &nH c it. - m IF YOU WANT ANYTHING IN REAL KSTATS. UM.NS. RENTALS OR FIRE INSURANCE SEE GARVIN BROS., 1615 FARNAM STREET. RE-220 2S "SNAPS" THAT ARE "SNAPS. ' A first-class J-room house, nicely papered xnrougnouu iin purceuiin oam. cioei. stationary basin, hot water, gas for light and fuel, fine bam. with full io-foot south front lot one block from street car In fine neighborhood, at the ridiculous price of 12.230. Immediate possession can be given. This must be sold by May 1st. cr tenant win move in. see me about lt quick. An east front S-room hojse. city water In side, nice repair, wun two sne run lots nicely tenced in, one oiocg rrom Loug st. car Only Sl,5'. An east front S-room house in splendid re. nair. wun Doroe am Datn. cas. rurnsce. etc . In Hanseom park district AH for S3.S"U. The two best east front building lots in west farnam district no reel rrontaire. Just north of Farnam on 35th st. reduced to K. eacn. tan i oe Deat Two elegant south and east front lots. Wx lao feet one diock trom car. at 40th and tnaries st aaia (or oniy ti.pu. Other rare bargains. HENRY B. PAYNE. 691-2 N. Y LIFE. RE 24 NEW s-room house, all modem. Davenport ana -si.i. oan nnisn. i,a i. jasy terms. 6-room cottage, water closet, water and sewer, on eu Mary u ave. ji.hj. East front comer lot 23d. above (anrfr. son. i"J. inis is cneap l.arge corner, easi ana norm iront n jianufson. juane up an orrer Lots Just north of Krug's brewery, cheap, Lot at Burt and 2Sth st JiVl. Look at our houses in Bemis park. J2.1M "P. GEORGE S. GIBSON. Telephone 2417. 16 Farnam, RE-226 2s 160-ACRE farm, 12 miles from Omaha P. O. S25; 2S0 Imp.. Clay county. C5. jVi imp., Adams county. S20.(: 640 acres Dawson county, alfalfa land. !17.5o: Nelson & Hoelck. 313 Ramge Bldg. RE 144 2S 13.700 EUTS 3 -r cottage, 24,19-21-23 Bln ney. excellent condition. 15 per cent gross revanue on Investment exceptional oppor tunity J. IL Johnson, N. Y Life. RE-1S5 2S FOR SALE or exchange, lot 12. block . near comer Sherman av and Locust st Address Thomas Fitzgerald, Independ ence, Mo RE FOR SALE, 10-room house, modern In every way. fine condition and location 1& Blnney at RE 179 2S RANCH AND FARM lands for sale bv tha RE-102 2S Union Pacific Railroad company. B. X. UeAllaster. land commissioner. Union Pactaa Headquarttrs. Omaha, Nb. RE (33 FOR S1LE HEAL ESTATE. H'jfSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. ja S 27th st ust jth Af pippleMn av r.ew 7-r house. wl! hull, f -rnace. sewer, water, cis, porcelain tub nv-dera In every partlcuHr. large lotU-J' :7t Chicago. J-tory hojse s-r downstairs, nnl'bed In oak. upstairs jaflnlshed. bars. I1.JC0. 2717 Chicago t.. 4 large rooms and hall, porch in front and aroon the sMe. nearly new. less than one mile from P. O.. targe lot. H.2 easy terms. 17M n. 2th t . 2-story nous. l-r down stairs, upstairs untinlshed. I blocks from proposed extension of Harney t. ear Bne. one Mock from school, must be soM this week. Price. V". one-half the amount of what the mortgage was originally. a;A0Vr , 'if from th" cnr full lot- one block 23 Davenport st. -r . modern, permanent alks hade trees, I2.3 GOOD CHEAP LOTS. Lots 14. 15 and li block S. Poppleton park. 50x127 ft. each. outh fronts on Davenport st . between Cd and 44th. i blocks from car lice. Price. W each. Lot 1 Mock 4. D1ght k Lyman's addltlan. East front on rd sl. V ft- se-uth of the en trance to the Boulevard, on grade, good n-!rhborhcd .on block from end of West Side car line. S2i. 25th and Pierce. 42-font l"ts n grade. hade trees, less than one mile from P. O . SosX your choice of four. Lot W. block 12. Wilcox addition. 2th and Oak. large lot, on grade, near South Omaha ear line. Lot a. block 14. Bedford Place. 2Mh sL. K0 feet south of Pratt. iZ In 7. Eckerman Place, near Center st. road. J13. GOOD INVESTMENTS. tlll-21-2: Blnney st . 3 slx-rm detached houses, newly papered and pttnted. city water and sewer, finished in on' and pine; price. Ciji. Will pa- 15 per cent on Investment. Two double brick houses on North ldth St., built 7 years ago. city water and ewer. never vacant, present remai a mouva. For other bargains see World-HeraW or News. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. 212 S. Hth St. RE-10M 25 R, C. PETERS & CO.. 17i2 Street Telephone We have BARGAINS in LOTS. ACRES. FARMS, HOUSES. RANCHES No. 1121 ELEGANT residence on paved street oot owner rJU.l'M nine years ago, since purchase t.") haa been expended In repairs, xnis is a onii.i i oarain. No. 547122? So. 31st st. 10 rooms. ALL mod em, asphalt paved street permanent sju walk, onlv , block north of HANSCOM P.UIK. only tt.yy). No. 1255-PRICE on this house ONE year ago was CD-"): 7 rooms, bath. gas. etc.; price now only tLVu If sold at once. No. 1314 .South 30th ave.. 10 rooms, all mod em. 4 block north of Hanseom park. This is a very nice house and a bargain at JS,j.J. No. S23 3-room cottage at 3S20 Meredith ave.. onlv IS blocks from car. We have UNTIL MAY 1 to sell. Price only X&. VACANT. ONE WEST FRONT lot on 17th t. r.orth No SS2 Here 1? a good chance for some one who wants to build houes. We have 3 5-Moot tots on comer of Park ave. and Phlrlev st We are authorized to sell the five lots for t7.2C""i. Where can you find anything like lt in the Hanseom Place distnct7 N" 132 Fine building lot 35th and Dodge, only Jl,25o. FARMS. jCo jigiw acres of tchool land In Cedar Co . Improved, only J22 per acre. No. 13 arres in Stanton Co.. well Im proved buildings alone worth J12.0l price Write us for full description of this farm. R. C. PETERS &. CO.. 17(C Farnam St, Bee Bid;. DON'T forcet our AUCTION SALE an WEDNESDAY He Sft-flAl. AU m ANOTHER PLACE. RE-22S 2 PHILIP POTTER, PRESIDENT. AUBREY POTTER. SECRETARY. PHILIP POTTER &. SON COMPANY. 311 N. Y. LIFE BUILDING. WEST FARNAM STREET DISTRICT. Two elegant homes sold last week In the above district botn at aavanceu once. Several line building '.ots, one ofjwhlch we ciosea qui aurseivcr. - ii- v, ev Now is the time to buy We have houses and the sites, call on us. i e give a iew samples below. A S-room house on West Farnam St.. all modem run lot pleasant nouee: one third cash, balance to suit purchaser. An attractive house, nearly new. nine rooms, two bloclts norm ot raraam si.. all modem, beautifully nnished In quarter sawed oak. good bam. shade trees, shrub bery, permanent sidewalk.", S..5O0. part Men Vi W fipp 5 ner fent A new house, on one of the most popular streets in the wet t arnara aisinci. iu rooms, all modem improvements, with hot water heat, mantels, electricity, gas, etc-, hardwood floors downstairs. S3.0, one cash. A new house, two blocks from Farnam St . outh front all taxes fully paid, 12 rooms, all modern improvements, permanent sidewalks, room" large and pleasant: price, J12.0u0i half cash, balance to suit purchaser. . VACANT LOTS. 3M feet on South Thirty-third at. between TTamnm nrt Dndce with all taxes In cluding special for pavement, paid one of tne very cnoicesi mmruie putta u ic city and la a neighborhood that cannot be excelled. Will divide to suit purchaser. Exclusive agency Call and see us. PHILIP POTTER & SON CO. Phone 4ii. KCo -vvo -i WYMAN-SHRIVER CO . New York Life Bldg. S1.200 for large dwelling. 3 rooms on first floor, second floor r n finished, but enough room for four room- ast front lot 50xi3i on 34th st. not far frum Davenport large cellar: can sell on J4"0 cash payment bal jtirp monthiv imorovements cannot be reproduced for the price A ftrst rale op portunity for one who wants a house of good size at a bargain STiOO for three fill lots on Cuming St.. -ut beyond city limits. lies a little above grade. 124x140 feet wun streets on tnrve sides, will enhance rapidly in value when the motor is extended to Dundee. S700 for abojt 5 acres In the town of Flor ence, with a 4-room cottage In fair con dition. Part cash, balance monthly. 11.500 for 55-foot lot on Burt st, near 32d. on grade, nicely sodded: I9-room house, modem except furnace: outhouses; room on lot for another house, one-third or half cash, balance to suit purchaaer. SI irt for vacant lot on the s. W. comer of 2th and Parker its. 7xS) feet; sewer and water on the lot. pavement all paid up; room for the building of two houses, splendid rent locality RE 142-2S RECEIVER of farm loan -ompany orders us to close at quick sale Nebraska corn lands. Campbell & Christian, York Neb. RE-2SS 2S WE CAN offer for sale. 50x feet with. M room house, within 5 blocks of city hall party occupies part and rents balance for C49 a yesr Price only SZJZM. Hlclca" 335 Board or Trade bias. RE 3SJ 2$ FOR SALE Houses and lots la an parts I of city, also aer property and farm lands. The O. F Davis Company Room S U2 e BuUdlaa RX-U7- KOK SALE-RE VL EST TE. t V SHuLES COMPANY r wt'-,A!NS SJ-ifflS Grant st offer and jre g. ing t . ell -rtoni cottaae. we,, tuilt and In I good repaid Win consider all i casn. 2ft If.ff Locust t we offer the new boose tust about iotap4eteil. nne porcelain f. r two h.mee on N. F.. corner u bath, sewer, water, eectrlc lign? oest ine an.l Jth Sts vearn rental . . of construction. One location close to for 1143 s,nd 114 N.-rth 17th St xlt car line. Terms to suit the purchaser : feet paving paid rearir rental. ISl Whv buy an old bouse when you can .) ftr tw.i cottager nonr lath and Clork. get a new one ready to move in and lot 3axl4P yearly rental. IW. which oa can pov for as iou like. See. tfn) frame cottage, near JSUi and Liven thi i worth, rental V yearly ;i:-i:il st St. Hanscum Pla-e rooms. porcetotn Dain. sewer water e. kwi repair elegant location, large Mxb-tt lot paving all paid. We want you to , go through this houe and see It. It as . worth the price we ask. bit want an ' offer . I 01 jtis Dodge st . nearlv new S-room. mod- ern ho.ise well built. Hnet tuming. Sid furnace, electric light, bea-tlfui I i ., h.n.r lnmHnn In Ocsaha. er- ! nm.nt iiik ml mrinc all said for This Is a barcain at the price offered. ; !. Shown anr time. See it. I HO in: S. ath iGeorgta ave-t. on motar line, east front room, an moaen. 1" repair, a beautiful home. -i, t good school. J2..V" The owner Is gtnc , t- sell and will shor it any time w it 4-1117 S. 33d st yxl71 feet, overlooking new Boulevard, with one or tae met S-r. tiictly modern houses, neany an on one floor. In Omaha, and at a price that means it goes in less than ten dy This is a "pick-up" at the prlc N doubt -if It Sea as for particulars. Price Is onlv UJnO 4121130 S. 2th s yxl50. good first-clas- rwm. ail-modern bots. well built, nne fc-H-atloo and at a price that will sell It This property will be on sale far just J dnvs and It has to be sold within that time, it Is north your hll to e this. We ran how these properties any day. Call and ee us and w wtll drive you out and show vou through them. You ean.wt tri; what they are msfde tin yoti do cee them. Remember the cost of a bo'iee u the Interior finish and what It coolatna. VACANT S8xlS2th and B irt. Snap. f). Sxl?J ttd and Cass. Snap. Jitl33on JSd ave Absolutely the finest bar gain In West Omaha for ll.). 7t1.H o.i Cd ve.. outh of Dodge, oppoett Kltchm ear.t home, with pavtnc all paid, for only iison You will tunl many moons before you beat the.vo prices. D V SHOLES COMPANY. 11 S2S. 310 N. r. Life RE-213 25 SHIMER & CHASE. 4 Bee Bldg. t..;V4 Elegant 5-room modern house, barn and shnde. 27th and Bristol. 1 1. .? 5-roon. cottage, barn and shade, neat a pin. near rsth and Bristol. s. !n!lm modern cottace and barn, near 22d and Locust WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. We sold a S10.C home near West Farnam this Week r? v-We have a fine modem brick, with tw full lots. outh and east front corsjr are going to sell quick. t,.& ,-room modem cottage and barn and others at J4aj and SS.7. HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. J ii1 j-room cottage on N. th ave. !. r0o -room cottage on N. 27th st. Sl.K--rocm cottace. 2Sth and Corby VACANT. h ftJLrj.Bt'nri?r; Faraam district !'t,-"Ht nefr Hanseom park. l)t near 31st ave. and Dodce j 7f.1-Lot 30th and Burt E J 4(W-For two lots 3(ih ami Ohio. FIRE INSURANCE. HOUSES FOR RENT. sHIMER & CHASE. RE 212 2S ITS YOURS. U.J"0: S-ROOM HOUSE LARGE BARN. 2 FULL EAST FRONT LOTS. TOMORRW ONLY. LYMAN WATERMAN. 9 BEE BUILDING RE 344 26 R C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam Street We hare TWO BIG SNAPS which MUST DO SOIU. One we shall offer at PUBLIC AUCTION on WEDNESDAY. MAY 1. at the Real instate exrnange at i.l-j c clock p. ra room house at 4145 Izard street porcelain enamel bathtub, washstand. closet, open plumbing, hot and cold water gas t-id fixtures, brick and cemented cellar lot vw 1& nicely codCed. 4-foot terrace. BUILT ONE YEAR AGO. newly papered throush. out. will rent for 113 per month, which rtavs 7 rer -er.t gross on CM Th nron. er.y will be sold to the highest WHder without reserve. We should be nleaved lo r-iiU ii 1 1 " v n 4 Aiiy i ijjjp No -PRICE REDUCED to and holds good until May 1, i:'L This prop erty ii a 5-room house. It- blocks frim Am"" avenue car line, 50-toot lot. south front, sightly location and irood neigh borhood: EXCELLENT RENTAL PROP ERTY and lf deired for a home THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get a BAR GAIN For further information call upon or ad dress R. C PETERS & CO.. Bee Bld. Telephone v RE P50 23 CHEAP FARMS. 50 acres near Bennon for SJ.7W. 12u acres. 12 miles from Omaha, J6.)0. t acres. ! miles from Omaha. S2..W. 840 acres first-class farm land. Buffalo Co., for J12 an acre. Slyi acres extra choice farming land, all hlchly improved In eastern Nebraska, a. fine 'mestmrnt Only ts.Ui an acre HICKS. 335 Board Trade Bldg.. Omaha RE 2S5 FOR SALE on monthly payments. S-room ' modern house on N. 24th St car line: also vacant lots, which will be Improved i for purchaser on moderate payment down. ' Mutual Loan and Building Association. I G. M. Natttnger. secretary. Bee Bldg. RE-M711 : W FARNAM SMITH & CO . 1TJ0 FARNAM STREET S40.OV. A large brick business building lot 66x132. leased to good tenant. Will ace n good farm land as part of consideration X25.P0O A brisk row of 1ve houses, payi.ig 7 per cent net; very derlrable location for renting. Will accept S17,o god .arm land and take mortgage back tor ba.anc. . S14.W" Stock of merchandise !n good Ne braska town to trade for Improved rat 'h Paying business. Will put In store bind ing and residence ar some cush difference, cr both RE 339 2 CHOICE lands, crop payments, no an acre; loo cash required on S160. Nelson it Holek. K3 Ramge Bldg. RE 145 24 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house close to good car line. Eastern owner anxloun to sell. M. J Kennard 4 Son. 306-10 Brown Block. RE 25 SEE HENRI! a PAYNE. CI1 N. Y LIFE. RE S22 OWNER "Id. must se4j mortgage York county farm. Box 2Ss, York. N-b P.E-2S7 23 HOUSES lota, farms, lands, leans: also firs insurance. Bemis Paxton Bl- RE 34 CH.VS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Farnam St RE S35 FOR SALE, a bargain: bouse of five rooms, lot 50x14b, two blocks from Walnut Hill car line. SffiO.00. Geo. H Fltchett 3419 Woodman of tht World Bldg. RE 531 44 FEET west frontage on 16th St.. north of Leavenworth and corner of alley, for oniy .0ti0. Will sell 22 feet if desired. Also a few ot those desirable lots ttlll tor sale In Berols Park, from Cm to S3O0. on easy terms. A. P. Tukey. Board of Trade. P.E 925 23 CHEAP LOTS Large, desirably located -jots that are sure to Increase in value 2! trolu lc ua,,- uiuivi UUQ Hill I'njn -jr extended to them and are nor far from prese-t anes uniy to juj eacn ano onlv S5 down and only S3 per m'.th. George P Bemis, Paxton block RE-M.142 I WANT offers on a five-room brick cot- tage at 4644 Nicholas st . also a ttx-room Irame cottage, barn, chicken bnuse etc 47x2 Seward st . south front lota 50x150 feet to alley: will drive parties to see above at any time, owner's price, si', but says must telL George W Holbrooit, jo Ttirown .9 GREAT BARGAIN IN RANCH LAND J, ranch northern Nebraska, over 3 COO a res vadey land, aburia-.t water hav and free range For qalcic sale at H Hl KS CC" B a'i Traie I g -"tha FOR S t LB KE L KT 1T8. , INVESTMENT M.4ST f.-r a row of brt. K bm.dirg groun lvxl4. rental tl.Jf er im 1 K.W "r tm-.-storv bn.-h tt - b illdlr.g. i grouB'! XixUZ feet, rental 57JS yeany 4.0m jr to fram.- !lat wtthtn 1v i b.orits .if lle s-ho-! grounds, room for two yearly rrntai fin. ' S3 J f r B mrd 4 o-th JMh t MM Tints vimrli rprL: UNIMPROVED AND IMPROVED miu . ji 1013 'in iv. ... Hh and Bancroft ts 175 or n.ei for J2 t 44 feet front oe Leavenworth, near JMh t n.(0 for five i5' lots In Bedford PUee three on KKh sL. paving paid. l.t for -room house, OM Franklin. M4tn aid lghtly. near car line. Jl.j for Hanecom Place choice oast front lot V'tIU ft sAP. il.i") for 44X1J! feet on in. aiso i"'" on 2Jd. north of Camtn:. . S5.r'"9 for lCx feet. s. w corner of Sth stu4 i " h I r m t- 9 Hrmm hnoees .5 West Franam t. comer lot and house, 9 room, south front. 4.grn for three h""e tsear Wh and Paul. large corner lot. paring paid. three-tor- brtrk building near 14th J"HN n frenzer. opp old p o RE-loH a? REAL BARGAINS. V Yxi Ai,tft TSth tiMt H-room hiiiiee. small bam. lot 0xl3i feet, price H.). on eay payments , . N 196 South 17th St . 5-room house 'M 40x13! feet price n.. No. IS24 Maple St.. 4-room modern honee. except furnace comer lot facing south, prtr. V H. Rueoell. 4K Rjtnce Bldg RE Set 2 FOR INVESTMENT, southeast cor. and Leavenworth. 1 storeroom and I ten room dwellings, rent J77 per month. U per '-er.t oil the price. JK.JSfl. Northwe.t -or 13th and Chlcag". 4 cottaes and 2 t. re with ants above, rent, J1W. 1 per cent nn the price. f7.J. J. H. Parrotte, lth and Dodge. RE JK 2S A F. CONNETT. V N Y. LIFE. ::.11 7-r. cottage, lot 108. 2M, near Can. ave.. paved st. brick walk. jtfiii5.r cottage. 40xil5-ft lot. 27th and Douglas. &u i.ah. A. F. CONNETT. M N. Y. LIFE. . RE-W7 2S' ChEAP BUSINESS LOT 44 feet on S. lth t . only three blocks r-om Bennett's nw S15o f location. Good lor alraoat any Mud of baeine. rn offer thts week for Will sell on- half corner on alley for SJ.3f HICKS. tSt Board Trade Bldg . Omahn RE-94 2 FOR SALE. 2 house in South Omaha m t rally located can be housht at a ur taln. Address C. C. Pollard. .t. Neb. RE-M'-V. , A BEATIFl'L 4(-acre farm near Omaha, see js at once. Nelson & Hoekk. RE-1 M M 12-RO3M modem house lot 2xlS2 mut be sold In a few days. Have also several other city and farm properties for ale or trade Chris Boer. " i .rain! st Phone yM? RK-U3 1 SIEU1CAL. LADIES. I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regu.ator. will relieve most obstinate cases of delayed periods In five hours, sent -ecurj from . Olive St . St Loiils, Ua. -91S A31 I VIRTUAMA cures lropotency. resulting from Indiscretions or ueoiluy. glvt vi- i tallty. gor. restoring desires, ambitions. : aspirations of jouth. health, ntung tor success, happiness In business, procos- 1 slonal. ', married life. S2. or i lor K. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt of i price. Th4 Kldd Drug Co.. Elgin. Li, ( Amtrtcan Office, retail, wholesale. Myers- ' Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. M. A. I-Mlou. South Omaha, Davis Drug Co., CSunci) Bluff" Full line rubber gooda. DR RUTH T1NDALLS famous, effectual, reliable female tonic and regulator, guar anteed a harmless home treatment, al ways purchase the best. P. O. Box ?1- St Louis, Mo. 13 3s DO you suffer with hay fever, asthma or dyspepsia Do you nt to be cured 7 If so. address Box 5&. Marquette, Xeb. LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the bst: safe, reliable: take ro other, send 4c stimp for particulars, -He-i lief for Ladles'" in ltter oy return moll, ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. ' FREE TRUSS I have a truss that's cured hundreds of rupture: it's sife. nure and easy as an old stocking, no elastic or teel bands around the body or between the less: hold1 any rupture; to Intro duce it, evtry sufferer who answers thl ad at once ian have one free: it won t tost a cent Alex. Spolrs, Box 91 i, West- brooK, Me LADIES Send our name, address and M. we will send you box of ojr Regulators. Sf and ?ure. Address, Turner Medlclu t'o.. Bos-ton. Mass. l.S LADIES. S5-) reward for a cae of ;uiNm- sion old fail guarantee from Mail S born St. Chicago, 111 ... , .--?-r- .. M i tt , of good appearance and addre to mllcit tv,. r.ini mrchon.u.. tm,- plerrnanent on proof of aWHr : feferenc and bc.nd :-o.uired. Box m. St LoiTl. Mo. CANCER cured at home bv internal treat- .a.-" tK cureo at nome ov internal trt- mtnt n.. knife, plaster or pain . oook and ISf 'if01?13-maileHi free-, career Institute, 1.1 w 4-d gt.. N t PIANO ITKI CT1(I. A ROOM wanted in exiHir.iri" ' ' "i. :n plan ijv!'-g t. a ropean ed i -ufl' n location 'mmHteri ".. Bee. M- :., . INSTHtCTlOV. SCHOLARS to .earn rj-t;rg mens and women s garment ta-.;!''. lv tr..i r a school. b-M system to graJ ate ,itk. terms reasonable . catters aiwiys n de mand at goml "alarle- S' h.jc r r j ci and Taiif rs. 1 5th st . , -J it 9T..M.MI2III(; A.MJ sTtTTi:ilI. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Raa;e ug S43 LOST. LOST, pair o' pearl and piati. .m glasses, on April 4. Boyd s then" r black case, marked "M. V " Kew.ti returned to 2SW Harney st L' S--M3T . LOST at I'r.i'y lub so, a li t o,. m hall. April 25. lady a br ' ia' Sir- rounded by fcmall emeraiu L'-wrd ' r return to Mr, .h ir. 1 L" -s I.nst .12 .t OsTEOI' VTUY. JOHNSON Ir.tltute. 515 N Y L B'dg Tel 1R64. Alice Jchr.son V O. ladies dept: Gid E. Johnson, Oiteopsthut Mgr 543 M. E. DOSOHVE. D O.. of St..: sch "1 KlrksvtlJe. lie., 604 Paxton Blk- TeL 13417 -Mi 1I1G1E.MC IIATIIS. FOR ladles only, hygienic baths, with ro t ise and electric treatment Cnder direc tion of Mrs. T Schommer. grad-o'e mas seuse, formerly of "The Bathery ' :T3 Douglas ft Tel. 2155. Open even.rgs by engagement M501 it'.l TVILOniVfi. 25 PER "ENT saved hlgh-c. .ss t.. r.-.g . I latest desigr.a. Stephen J Lr lr' 7 Fa mam it -M-S3 m3 , 1 , . ' ! tr. jacxeon s .viontiny Kegulatcr ...7r .n.J . ..V ii. . i . jj i..7;. to -elleve in 24 hours: positively rr in v.h n , eed no ,r!rot or pilio. many aved ! .Li! 1. t' i hi sulcMe Idal safe home treatment th pfflc of the 'architect. N o bids 1 1. 1 be to Dr Jackon. R. C. SI4. 17 Tb-uT. receivea ami coatrra mi-i, iw Do You Want to Breed Exhibition Stock V J ha e wo r-ens .f H T.A TilAM S LAIi.: Z H.IM'-'TH Rf''K-S -m LANC ASTER. MAS." I i- T. '. jr-m h.s bre-i"B pe-.n i -.e i-f that njonr r j.l buy tggs I15C ! r 1". a.K- hav two per )!S i Br v: Leg.-irrns. pen from WM PP.A'-n. 'ICT"K. -i X . ne pen fr-m J DP J' HNSON ELM1KA. N Y Eggs SI ' ;er 17. ; hi' " ue pen i 'olden at-hntt.'. inuiin and Teklr. V .clt Eggs 1109 per"..', A'.! stotlt n l eggs g'.aJ'ar.tce.i 'Aten stock Is matured and res iit are ot mmfa lory : wll. refur.J r..jr paid for ai: eggs x;ept inc . bator ejg, Incubator Eggs. JSiu per hundred from giiod sto. it Send 'ash w.ta orders, J. S. LMAN, 1901 So. 29th Ave, Omaha, Neb. TLEPIIOJfE L27-44 I J IIVItK THE R-r M-ii-sta.i Re!in Hare i 1 lease') riKiiv ti..x i; has the aervu e r. H Kendall. Sit i i Net ent : r te sal of lt sto. wh.m a.i ru-rs sbuuld be adur. -Same c id pri.os, tame high-grade t Can t be tw; tnr red feet Don t : Mo.; cotton'jils any looter Get r-nl ttuff. Kndail s Belgian Book bow to stleiter breed, raape. reed. o and cure them. Pn. t Z ,-rnt. Wrr. H. KeadalU St Paji. t HAV1XG dortiled t n,;it the IMclan ha' butne. I wi;; . ffer n,y rabbltry, rn'-ist-ing of some of th,- tt pedWrreo I h- s In I ha state. o!ii nd Mmnt at the low pflce ofB arlec . ooae .juick. t'n!ce Rabbltry. IM .;,,.r! .? 2ii : LrNO en bares sh r- n rm-ii' pedigreed does. re,l one b i k .pedal offer for this this t char e to start in a '.tubie hnlne The Roal Belgian Hire i'o . JS. Dele ave 147 4; it II vtil! II ti AXTIMONOP" 'LT 1 ARBAiJK "clear! cerJls a-,t aulta remoi , partus and led arima s at reduced prliT 'i. N Wth. T. :77. --Cat Mr 111 IM! I'Klt'ON M... ATTENTION-uA . , j r, , ,, b .. M ! Make !' Pr I'i , -h. M. kete ent "e, tvt i'U r rii tiat .l Ramsde S 4 ker A le t V" Ten-pie Bld h.mao "4 I'llUI'.KTRV KI.OOH-. FRANK SEV1CK makes a specialty of a Ki:.d hariivHd r'ooring and paf'iJelry Jiy prices art- right 14 Oak 3t. Wl M.V iiu. cms. SECOND-HAND bicycles at 4 price, m .t Utc thi room f.r re . nes. good wh 'is fsr IS and up. tt will pay you to In . est low. wheels su!d on payments. Lo ; 1 Flcchr. 14gS Capitol av. M.M CAHl'ETi:it AMI JOHHEItS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and rera:r1-g promptly attended to. J T Ovhiltree ?tn and I tits ;t. c?j l't KM I 1 1th. Hi . uKIMi. TEL. iXL M. S. W.lklln. 2U1 Cjmlng St JLM mPBHT M LESSONS in U.Kjkkceplng. etc.. day or even ing. R. Cum. Njl itank. G. It Raihbi.n. TlLlvET llltUKllll. CUT rate tickets ewrywhere. P. II. rh'.l bln. lii5 Far-am. Tel. 7M. KI7 UOILER 31 AKKIt?, OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers la-ks. ticks, etc Tti. USB. i2tb & Izard st tb3. PATEN I s. PATENTS, nc :ee i..s suc.efai. Sue, & Co., Bee B,d . umaha. .set, A :v ca free. 1U JuiS GLOBE COUCH Cu., lil Lcav in. Tel. 2-2S. M LAL .Mill OMAHA Steam Lajndr . snirts. 7c, -.o.lars. i7iu LeaVCJ.worth. Tl. 647, Hi f. .MiKOivLlla. EAGLE Loan Offlce, reliable, accommodat ing, Jll ousmess confidential. I3vl Dougiaa. WALL l'Al'EIL 3c a roll and up; painting. pl-vT decorating. K.-lsey. 117 d. 17th. Tet ilJ. 4l KLOOITIOV ELL.V DAY. 1320 Dodge St -77 MJ VK IM.. IN FAMILIES. Sturdy. Jl? S 'h st -2M- SLT IXI.AL .NOTICE. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bid will be received by the S-h'oi Bord of School District No 1 f Albion, Boone county. Nebraska, until Miy 15. U't five i5i o'. l ik m., tor the erec i tlon and completion except heating' of a four-room brick hiKl building, to ' built at Albion. Neh ao-ordlng to : s , ano, STinraHoprrr or a payable to the order of the treasurer of School District No. L Albion Boone c ur,v ;jjirV" ,. . r.. , ' , i, . , - - .7 considered ah a guarantee that the a a" ' ",UL bldd5l reSrf.'nV;r,4,h"0'f'"' rn.d jA " "d' 1T ,5"nlMor Mit.? '.-' . i lit ni,uinini)i. ,uc .um , oays atier tne acceptance oi saiu oiue, K . . -, ,1. ,al.1 I. a.r- j n ka , 1 'i r.i forfeited and'the mbnev retlned'ah a nart forfeited and the money reun , nquidateil dmages and of penai,y. t)i School Board t rtgnt lo ret any and all not ny way reervlng the bids i ffcred. Sejiarate bids will be received f r the heating of the building and under the same conditions as me: tioced above, the am i.nt ' f cer.i.eU cinK tj accompany tld t.S! W K L I a "J A ti n, Nc" ADD Preslde-.t LA'i Se-retary ti 11. ML v-ri t ReeorSVtrsee Oart. 7 Houn. 22 Minutes. BOSTON ti UVtHPOOL v.a QuEiXSTOWK Commotiea'lh, T:n Scre 12.000 Tons. M3 Mf Enjlsnd t1,600 M 22 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL ra QUEEMST0 AN Vancouver Mifia Dominion Apr 27 Cair.&rsmaa. Vi( 4 Vancouter June 22 Far furtbcr Isfonnttlos. ittm Compisy'i Ollktt. t Deinxra St.. Oicira. Ills. . I 1 I FI'E tZT.:LtS cake fine f.edl FINE CLOTHES Ion t re. t'r". pcr-e L a Ij r.f c-e'j i'ee I I t Bailey the Dentist llllr.l Floor I'aitnn lll.ick. I'alnlr.v Filling. RESLLTS TELL t) 3 THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE KEsULTm. ' 'i & s a & s z s s d s u ? . b rn niiiti't r-vmaani.. mrt ru nat ma v iieo i