I U2 WANTED-MALE HELP. BPRINO AND SUMMER SCHOOL AT BOYLES' COMMERCIAL AND SHORT HAND COLLEGE. fc'chool will cotitlnuo In session without vn ration throughout the spring nnd summer months. Students may therefore enter at nny tlmo and continue their studies with out Interruption until the same lire com- plctcd. A largo number of students entered during the month of April and there will ho the largest attendance throughout the spring nnd summer months tho school hnB over had. Hvhlle the school Is larger than ever before there Is still room for a few more In our elegant quarters In The Ilee building. o shall gladly welcome all who come and will Join our Interests with theirs In help ing them to make a complete success of the courso taken. ... . Advertising literature furnished upon appli cation. BOYLES COMMERCIAL AND 8IIORT- hand college, huk n,-,y1M:s SALESMEN WASTIil). SALESMAN wanted by May !. trnjeler for Nebraska; natural ability inn "Pt" will count for moro than expo r cue o: hlKh conimlMlontontrnct; staple mie refer- i.nces; bond mid entire tlmo required. First-class mm only need nil''j , ' Hlcc, 33 Congress St.. Detroit, MJrh. rilAVKiilNOsniesman wanted for estnb IMircl house: no technical knowledge necessary, but simply nil around hustler of good appearance nnd address. l'll" class line.' special contract Entire time required. Itcfcrences. Hox Ml. Detroit, mien. lij .1 THREEcxiJencod salesmen In North and Hnutli Dftkma nnd Nebraska to represent old established manufacturing house among retail merchants. Fifty dollars per w?ok above expenses- give references, Address Hoora 1015, 315 Dearborn feU Lhi cago. . . - --- - SvANTHnTsnleBinnn; a commission of $20 ner ton paid for selling white lead: goods delivered; also other ,n 'v. to dealers. Delmar White Iad Company, St. lxuils, Me. - "RAVELING salesmen to sell combined 1,1.1 Holder and Price Card for clwr boxes: side line: sample free, Peerless Mfg. Co.. 170 Madison St.. Chicago nlrf.stahllshod lino to grocery trade: only salesmen willing to demonstrate nblllty need apply. Address O 66, Bee. IRALESMAN. opportunity for two travel ing salesmen experienced with dry Roods or drug trade muno iicm.... -... rentable connection with limine ally strong, established manufacturing instf t tit Inn. Apply by letter. References will he required after a conference miittinllj satisfactory. O 63, enro Bco. 1S1 .8 ca traytw ti'nninl. local and traveling: hlgh'e'lasH specialties; branch inanngcr for state: permanently, L. 1". I n-,JVft iinnrnnrn hi-, iiiuiikwi "WANTED, salesmen for clgnrs; experience unnecessary: now plan: extraordinary n ducoments to customers, making sales easv: big money. Consumers' Cigar Co., 634 S. 7th St., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN, nutomntta copying book. Just out. needed by every business man: a bonanza for ngents: exclusive territory. Tcrshlng Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind. EXPERIENCED salesman for tho largest and finest line of Imported advertising calendars, Including banners, cut-outs, transparencies, etc., In connection with full lino of advertising novelties, signs and leather goods. An excellent opportunity for experienced salesman with established trade In these lines. Address, with refer ences, stating experience. August Oast Hank Note ond Lttho. Co., St. Louis, Mo. 133 28 THCSPONSIBLE. energetic, experienced man who has nblllty to place a high grade Investment proposition of unusunl merit on a brokerago basis. Proposition Is sold cm popular Installment plan nnd from $2,uoo to $3,000 can bo elenred by right party In next OH days. Address Clins, F. llnanol, 615-621 Fullertnn Hldg., St. Louis. Mo. 132 2S VANTED Rider agents to rldo nnd ex hibit samplo 1M1 model bicycle nnd dis tribute 1.000 catalogues In payment for it. Wrlto for eatnlopuo nnd particulars. T. W. Mead Cycle Co,, Chicago. 131 28 SALESMAN. hlgh-Yrlced. possessing rare executive ability: life insuronco or exten sive book experience deslrnble; will pro tect nnd give right man line of customers and valuable assistance from olllcc; no time to Interview collectors or cheap men. Address, stating experience, etc., P 25, llc( -101 28 TWO high-class salesmen, ono for city, ntlur to travel. No snap there are no snaps. Only men of Judgment, energy nn.l unquestioned nblllty need opply. With sueli liberal orrangements will be made. Address P B. Hen. S3 2S WANTBU KEMAI.IS HELP. RELIABLE help. Pouglas. Tel. 84. Canadian office. 1S22 C-77i WANTED 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. T6. C-774 DRESSMAICINO taught thoroughly; sys im recetvrd hlchest award at I'nrls. HloiV McDowell Drossmuklng School. 209 S. 15th tt., rooms filo-Dls Karbach blk. C-M114 WANTED, lady Turkish bath onerator. Must havo had good cxpcrlcntw. Apply room uco uiiuuing. n an WANTED, nn experienced nurse to tnko ent ro ciiargo or a child 8 months old best of references required. Applv at ouco to Mrs. Luther Kountzzo, 423 South 39tll Ht. C S27 1 , GIRL for general housework, at once. 2J39 Cnlirornia. c SI937 28 WANTED, good cook; references required. .tub. . ju. iiurgcss, i.J a. ..(I HI. C-M955 29 i GOOD girl for general housework In family of four; references required. Inquire Mrs, j. n. I'ooio, i5;j I' arnam si. u si'Juu 2' WANTED. Indies to learn halrdresslnir mnnleurlng, mnssngo or chiropody: only two weeks moro of our special offr of scholarship and tccls; ninny positions waning gmiiiin;2H; oiniomas nv.'mi;d special rale of board if desired: freo rata loRUe mulled. . Cal today, Moler Co:k,, St. C-M557 2 1B23 Farnam i GOOD girl for genernl housework, Mrs, R w jirrcKiuridge, jaiu h. auin ave. C-J19j1 29 WANTED, girl or mlddle-nged woman for .rnugton, .-Nei).; no olijectlon to child APPiy .vu rs. mil. i mvsv 2V WANTED, two competent girls, cook nn house, maid, Mrs, F. I). Kcnnnrd, 1S2 Iiodge si. C 9S9 2S GIRL for general housework, 19l Chicago sireei. C 9SI si IjADIES wanted to mnnago n business a their homes: pays J10 to 130 a wnnk small Investment, no risk; samples and particulars free. Tho linger Co., South tlCIHl, illU. L, LADIES wanted to sell mv fnmnm rmn illes and complexion bcautltler; W to 100 per cent proui gunranieed. Agent's sain, pie outllt sent fpr Inspection. Mrs. Dr. J I,. Smith, Bouin uond, ind. c WANTED, a competent second girl. Mrs M. lingers, mi . ami si. vzm ao WANTED, housekeeper In small family lio wasiilllg. Auurcss iv, jjee, i; -.ii 'AVTl?n. cood nlrl for general house work In family of three; linnlsh or Ger many preferred. Apply J329 S. -!0'k WOMEN to do knlttlnp; and plain needle work guaranteed: send stumped addressed cnvelopo for particulars, ituttnn & r Co., Phlla.leliihla. Pa. -'-20S SS wnrlc ai uumo. la' . "u "wihii I'HE REST amateur, bill that wuh oyei given In Omaha will bo given at tin nmheuni on Saturday ovriMug, May 11 There will bo lin i children on tRe bill, cu It will bo full of copied)'. r-in, IS ... no-, trt iu wimt vnu can earn wrltln hds. Wo tench It thorough y by mall Einnloved graduates testify to our trior I'.'"U,q-..ii?tn. PresDCCtus fre. 1'nge WANTED, ono hustling salesman: must 'hove road experience; give i,es ban let ; references; permanent poflttlon nnd llrst lass "ommls.lons. Columbia Jcw-o ,y Co., Iowa City. In. MJii-s WANTED FEMALE HELP. SADIES to do piecework for us ut homo: wo furnish all materials and pny $7 to (12 weekly; send stamped envelope to Itoyul Co., .11 Monroe St., Chlcngo. C-237 28 WANTED, women and girls to mnkc sam ples for us at home; plain needlework: good pay; steady work; experience un necessary: no cnnvnsslng. Address, with stamp, Ideal Homo Work Co., Chicago. C-110 2S LADIES, girls cam $8 to $12 weekly at home making samples: materials fur nished; nothing to buy; no canvassing. Address, with stumped envelope, Old Eng lish Art Co., Cleveland, O. C-109 28 LADY to travel In Nebraska; $63 monthly nnd all expenses to start; permanent po sition If satisfactory; self-addressed en velope for reply. Address Manager, 702 Star llldg., Chicago, C-10S 28 GIRL for general housework: good wages. 2122 Wirt St. C-M204 30 LADIES wanted to do crochet, battenberg and embroidery work for us ut their homes; stendy work; good pay. Ladles' Toilet Supply Co,, 1210, 331 Dearborn St., Chicago. C 111 2S LADIES nnd girls can make good money; work will Interfere with regular occupa tlon; sample free. The Novelty Introduc tion Co., P. O. Hox 82, Newark, N. J. C-1DG 28 WANTED, men nnd women to copy letters, J." to JO weekly, working evenings; work mailed on application: enclose stamp. Toledo Novelty Supply Co., Toledo, Ohio. C-15S28 "WANTED, threo dining room girls; good positions to the right parties. Address 11. II. MeKlnncy, 121 Jncloon street. Sioux ritv, In. C Ml 54 SO HELP WANTED. I'EHSON with knowledge of bookkeeping and typewriting for llfo Insurance, olhce; give experience. Address O 62, Hoe. m-osi ;s HOME work for men nnd women; flvo to six dollnrs weekly, working evenings; some to copy letters; Inclose stamp; work mailed on application. Eaglo Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. 1SI 28 MANAOUIt wanted In every large county to appoint ngents for the famous "Game o' Skill' nickel slot machine for drinks or cigars; inwful everywhere; takes plnco of nil forbidden slot machines; rented or sold on easy payments: secure territory quick. Orunt llllllard Table AVorks, Chi cago, III. 183 28 GOOD Ironer nnd stnrcher. cither man or womnn. A. D. Mnrtln, Merchants hotel, 1 to 2 p. m., Monday. 141 8 WANTED, gentlemen nnd ladles to repre sent us In every locality. 301 nlchards block, Lincoln, Neb. -232 2S roit rent houses. IF you want your houses well rented place them with Bonnwa & Co. D 778 TO movo right, get Omaha Van Storage Co. office, 1511V4 Farnam, or tel. 1559-SS3. D-777 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho city. Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 320 South 13th street. D-778 HOUSES, stores. Bcmls, Faxton Block. D-779 SEE HENIIY B. PAYNE. 001 N. Y. LIKE. JJ 7SU HOUSES, etc P. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D-781 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block. HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. D 7S3 OR RENT New lo-room house, north part City, waicr aim una, nrur inoior ana school. Inquire W. I. Kicrstead, Room 205 City iiun; rent, -o raonm. 1 M18S FOR RENT, residence, 1036 Georgia ov., cor. J'acmc; iu rooms, unic, oasoment, east front, modern and extra conveni ences; lot 66x140. with trees. Inquire 311 l'lrst iMuuonai uann. uiub. jj misj tOS NORTH 22d S. ten-room modern house, lino location; Key ui xxurin ..a oi. U 439 ROOM detached house, all modern, newly papered. 2525 California. D M614 EIOHT-room modern, 1817 Capitol avo., $45; 8-room modern nnu nam, mi iiarney, 40; eight rooms and buth, 2S41 Webster, J20. utliers. iiingwuu tsros.. uarner oiock. U M636 LARGE 12-room residence on the North boulevard, win paint, paper ana mnKe what Improvements are necessary. Rent, 110.00. OMAHA JAJAIS AHU TUUHT CU 16th and Douglas. D-M675 FOR RENT. 116 Spencer St. 10 rooms, modern, house nnd barn !30 CO 2027 N. 20th 8 rooms, modern house.... 20 00 2010 N. 27th 7-room house, city water.. 15 00 2412 Caldwell St. 5-room house, city water 10 oo 1621 N. 21st St. 3-room house, city water 7 00 HRENNAN-LOVE CO., 303 S. 13th Street. JJ UNEQUALED central seven-room house; live-room nai: rour-room nai; nn mna em. Tlzard, 221 N. 24th St. D MS72 23 SIX-ROOM modern cottages In Stanford Circle. 13th nnd Vinton, is. Tne uyron Reed Co., 212 S. 14th. D-M917 1 FOR RENT, strictly modern flat, Davidge minding, opposite cny nnu. -room house. 2431 Emmet. $15. s-room modern nouse, ;; Mason si., near park, nlco lawn and snacic, JJ.i. OHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST, U MJS 10-ROOM brick, modern. 26D1 Capitol ave., jj mvm FOR RENT, new 10-room. strictly modern eoitage, uodgo and ."Jin ave.; gaa ana electric lltrlitliic. mantel, sanltnrv and nlcklc plumbing, concrete cellar lloor, i p-to-date furnnct, Inrgo lawn nnd trees, or unmental wire fence: only to be seen to bo appreciated. Call or see Morand, urcignton nun. u muki :'s COTTAGE, flvo rooms. 1314 California street, l . J. Fltzmorrls, 714 s. I7tn st. D-990 FOR RENT. 6-room modorn (lut, 9.;9 N. 24th st $13,00 room house, city water. 2010 N. 27th st 15.00 8-room modern house. 2027 N. 20th St.... 20.00 9-room modern house, 1916 Burdetto st. 15.00 7-room house, city wnter. 1503 S. 28th st 15.00 IIUli.N.NAN, i.uvn & uu. 309 South 13th St. D-9S6 3 FOR RENT, steam heated flats In Clowry buildings. Apply iuio unicago st. u 8-ROOM modern house. 1417 Vinton. In- quire nil. D-279 30' MinOM. two together, newly overhauled papered and pumica oiusiae una insiuo, 2Stn and Maple, each $11; B-ronni modern 203 S, '.llth St.. $13: 2-room, 2029 Dorcas. $16 4-rooni. rear 52S N. 27th 8t South Omaha $8. Inquire 1203 Farnam st. D-273 28 vnu rtKNT. a handsomely furnished house for summer nimuiiai ,i-m luaictj. .m- drcss 2211 Howard st. D-2CT 28 DESIRABLE flat, 5 rooms, to small family. 2301 Plerco St. w.iy -o PLEASANT front room, modern, sultublo for ono or two gentlemen; ocmru n no blrcd; references, ksi a, -mi "no0 s. FOR RENT, new brick dwelling, strictly modern, corner 2lli anu i'on1' OUR RENT BARGAINS. 1512 N, 19th st 4-r., city water, bnrn. Only $12. 4203Farnnm Bt,. best all modern 6-r. liouso for rent in umuna, mr 2201 Ohio t., 10-r. strictly all modern house tenant at Sco me for safe fire Insurance. HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-2 N. Y. LIFE. D-223 28 FOP. tlKNT. 216 S. 31st aw. beautiful lnca tlou iieai car line. 8 rooms modern: house to bo painted Und put In good repair: ono oi me oesi iwauniiM in h ci ritriiiiiu. 2o Cnlirornia, in rooms modern, exceiiun irnnlr. ncwlv n.inered. nice vurd. $33. l?M S 8tli st,. in rooms moileru. sightly lo cuiinii; will pill 111 good ifp.ui. 1511 Charles st.. 4 rooms, city water, kltche to ln painted nnd front room papered, 110, Be- us tor outers. R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 FARNAM. D-227 8-R. MOD., at 2612 N. 19th st. $20. Nice lawn. Nlco homo place, s.r. mod., at 2.i7:i Dodce. 127.50. A. F. CONNETT, 310 N. Y. Lift. 'Phone i5, THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: RCNDAV, APRIL US, 1501. KOIl ItK.NT-IIOl.inH. STRICTLY modern 10-room house, N. A. corner 19th and Mason; newly papered and painted, Inquire nt 1707 LeavenworAi St. D 245 2S TO LET Ten room thoroughly modern home, on Farnam street, either furnished or unfurnished. To lyet Ten room modern house, with bam, on Capital Hill. W. f AHtNAM SMITH & (JU., 132U Furnum street. D 993 28 2325 8. 18th st., B-room cottage, city water and sewer, 19. 26W Dodge st 8 rooms, strictly up-to-date, J37.W). 2'ilOPIcrco st., 8 rooms, bath, closet, etc., We have some furnished houses for rent, also. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, 1st Floor, N. Y. Life Hldg. D-P97 -ii FOR RENT, good furnlThed house of 6 rooms. 2423 Blnney st. D-M198 30 COTTAGE. 845 So. 17th St. T. J. Cnrmody. Inquire 818. D-15D 2S MODERN 7-room flat, gas, electric tight nnd furnace, at 411 N. 23th St.. Inquire nt 26.13 Hamilton St. D-15S 28 5-R. COTTAGE. " water, ga?,24tli Tond Tcm- picion, sweet fc Hcndlcy, 61.1 rs. Y. Tel. 1172. D-137 2S B-room house, 1810 Ontario, $50. 4-room house, 3012 Hamilton, s50. 4-room house, 42d nnd Cnmdcn ave., $300. "room house, modern, 1522 S. 2rtth, Jl.tOO. fi-room house, 3081 Fowler nve., $1,000. 8-room house, modern, 4220 Howard, $1,100. 8-room house, brick, 2903 Elm. $1,250. J. II. Pnrrottc, 16th nnd Dodge. D-230 2S 10-ROOM modern house, on W. Fnrnum. walking distance. 2121 N. 16th, 10-room modern, $33. The UyronRccd Co,, 212 8. llth. - D-2H3 2vS 7-ROOM modern, furnished, house, across from park, pleasant location for summer; no children. 2968 Woolworth ave. D-261 2S 2905 S. 17TH 8T., seven-room .house, city wnter In kitchen: will papei. and paint to suit good tenant; block from 'So. Omaha car; rent, $16. Omaha Loan & 'Trust f'o. t)-M263 l'OR RENT, nlco B-room cottage, nenr car line; furniture for sale; $14(1- cnsli, Address V 7, lice. D-260 2S SOUTH OMAHA, 1V1 S. 24th St., 6 rooms; 5 rooms, J nnd 27th, fine repair; 8 rooms, 21th near L, good business location. S. Hanover, 1522 Davenport Ht. D 236 2S APARTMENT In the Norinnndle. $30 per month. Apply nt Normandlc. D 252 2S' von itnxT Ktnxisiiicii noosts. DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnnm. E-7S5 THE THURSTON. 15th and Jackson: steam E-786 ! NICE rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 S. llth. 12114. NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. UC4 Jones E 461 MO HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $6 up. 2623 St. Mary's. E-MS69 M22 THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 1554 N. 16th. E-M897 2S LARGE front room for two gentlemen; gns bath nnd telephone. 2129 Farnam st 3d floor west. E-M933 2S 3 FURNISHED rooms for man and wife, rent tnken In board. 319 N. 17th St. E-946 FOR RENT Two newly furnished rooms, ono with private bath. Residence 1811 Chi cago street. E 985 29 FURNISHED rooms, modem. 1722 Dodge si. mMmiJ Jir FOR RENT, well-furnlshed front room with closet, gas and bnth: private family. 1807 Cass st. E 206 2S ROOMS, 1906 Capitol avenue. E-M200 1 FURNISHED ROOMS. 622 No. 19th St., inree rooms ror nouseKeeping, modern, in private family; references required. IS M193 so THREE nicely furnished rooms for light nouscaceping; sinciiy modern, .'bio-Harney st. E 247 28 NICELY furnished room: modern con veniences; on enr line. 2520 S. 10th st. E-136 28 NICELY furnished room: modern con veniences; on car line. 2526 So. 10th st. E-137 28 FURNISHED rooms. 1 block from car! Keiiuenicn oniy; rererences. iu.'b so. zza. E-162 28 MAY 1, two desirable front rooms, modern. -mis unpitoi Ave. E 161 28 FOR RENT, furnished rooms, modern, with it wiuuiiii ooara, pnvnie rnmuv. usi Georgia Ave. E 160 28 I'UHMSUER nOOMS AND nOAItD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-787 GLENCAlRN.transients,$1.23 day. 1609 Doug r 755 The Mtrrlam, summer resort, 23 & Dodge. F-M679 LARGE front room; first-class board. 25S4 Harney. F Max! 27 FIRST-CLASS board and room. 1102 S. 32d. 2 blocks from Hanscom park. Uso or phone, also bam. F M9I0 30 MAY 1ST, one large front room with deep closets ana alcove, Willi noard; reasona ble rates to two. 207 So. 24th St. F-948 2 NICELY furnished rooms. 1513 Georgia uv F-M:4 HANDSOME front room, with board. 1909 unpuoi ave. r 111 S. 17TH for best rooms and board. Board by the day or week. I1 29J 28 FOR nEXT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room snace. $5 ner month, ground noor room in Jiie jsce Dunning. lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor nervico. it. u. peters s uo., Rental Agent, Bsc building. J lis. THREE unfurnished rooms, modern. 2211 uougins si. U-M3U THREE modern rooms, lower floor: call Sunday arternoon between z nnd f. .j-i St. Mary's nve. G 203 2S THREE separate rooms, unfurnished, or win lurnisu; goou uonra; private lainny, at reasonable rates; gas, bnth. 1311 Georgia ave. G 261 2S' EI-EOANT front parlor, unfurnished, 2110 uoufiins. wan sunuay or Monaay. G-253 25 Hilt HUNT STIIHUS ANU OFFICES. FOR RENT store. In first-class location rent reasonauie. Appiy it. i.. icn.it u cjo,. crounq noor, iieo mug. j FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied oy me Bee at nits i''uriium st. it naa four Btorles and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee cress room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once, to C. C Rose- water, uecrcixry, room juu, uee Dunning. i ;ei OFFICE In Commerclul NATIONAL bank mug. Appiv room 17. I muis w FOR RENT Old established grocery nnd meat murltct stand, corner 28th und Dodgo streets. A live man can mako monuy here, imiulru on premises up biuiib, oi jnomuu uarrowman. I-M6S1 ZS ONE SMAt.T. nicirr.- Will be vacant shortly, $S; also one office ur ucirn iuuih spaco on ground noor, u',.?-.nAt!cJn:a"" rank bldg, cha8. e. williamson, agt., 1203 farnam st Real Estate. Insurance (Fire und Accl dciiw, Jieiunis, Aostracls. 1-276 28 I AUU.VI'S WANTED. AGENTS wanted to sell our new annle. tl fastest selling variety ever offered to the puiiuc; wrne tor run particulars at once, Address Western Nursery Co., Lawrence Kan., uepi. u. j-ai3.ii WANTED, agents to sell soda fountains 25,00. worth $200. Address Myers Mfg. WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER and tho NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK AND COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo pages, 800 object-teaching engravings, nnd Is the only book pn llvo stock utr published adnptcd to the cvery-duy, pructlcal, money-saving use of evry farmer and stock owner, steady employment with assured good Income. Agents In tho country with horso and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily C0 to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Hureau, Bco Building, Omaha. J 4S7. MAN OR WOMAN wanted to employ and superintend agents: $18 per week salary and expenses; permanent position. Zleglcr Co., 520 Monon bldg., Chicago, 111. J M977 2 WANTED, men with rig to advertise nnd Introduce Monarch poultry mixture; straight salary, $15 weekly and expenses. Address, with stamp. Monnrch Mtg. Co., box 831. Springfield, 111. J-M96I 2i ,12 DAILY made by nrfetits selling our claim hio to mercbantx nnd physicians. Sayers & Co,, D. 42, 108 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS, you need my goods; freo sam ples; particulars; wrlto today. S.iyman, St. Louis, Mo. J LADY ngents, your opportunity: Hygeln Straight Front and Military Corsets nro money mukers. Every womnn wants one. For terms upnly Department D, Western Corset Co., St. Louis, Mo, J AGENTS, snlary or commission: every owner of a lawn or telcptiono buys our wonderful lawn spi Inkier or telephone tablet on slcht: hie nrollts: ease to handloi ono agent's sales amounted to tM in six nays; Miners miiKO a weea. ic toryjdfg. Co., Cleveland, O. J-212 28 WANTED, rcllnblcTngents of nblllty to sell our combination llfo and accident tiollcv: easy to wrlto double tho ordinary amount oi ousiness; old lino company; ensn cap ital $200,UHj. Address J. N. Russell, Jr., assistant superintendent of ugcuclcH, Ma sonic Temple, Denver, Colo. J 211 a MAKE money; conduct mall order busi ness; wo tnrt you; furnish everything. Particulars for stamps. Central Supply Co., Kunsus City, Mo. J 131 2 $10 DAIL i to llvo men; we wunt. ngents everywhere; lenther suspenders: cannot break, wear out or pull off buttons; sells nt sight; samples furnished free. Cincin nati, Leather Suspender nnd Hell Co., H on, uincinnaii, u. j .qu 25 AGENTS, with Ilnven" Afelullln rnlihnr tires for rocking chairs you can make $100 per moiiin. j, (j. unyes, 418 IS. Locust nireci, ues iMOincs, ja, J M2U9 2'J SALESMEN, $50 month nnd commissions, sell staplo line at wholesale to retnllers, Address, with reference, Walter O. Sim mons & Co., 33V4 W. 2d at., Cincinnati, O, J 112 2S WANTED, good canvasser; must furnish references. Box 356, Council Bluffs. J-237 28 WANTED, nonernl nnd lnrnl acrtntn nnttrn plates, signs, numbers readable darkest nignis; samples freo. night supply Co. Englowood, III. J 113 28 AGENTS wanted for the best nnd only pos. Itlvo skirt pupporter ever Invented. Geo, N. Scects, 45 Commerco Bldg., Chicago. J HI 28 WANTED, ngents, Henkel's Automatic Rain Water Shifter: conducts filth frnm roof Into waste-spout, automatically shifts iiean wmer inio cistern; dooicici rreo, Tho Henkcl JIfg. Co., Dept. N, Spring field, Ohio. J-115 28 MAN cleared $1,182. lady $920 last six months Introducing Hollnday's Murvel waterproof shoo polish, sclf-shlntnc. russet or black why not you7 Demonstrated samples ireu. jiouaoay a lo., room 433, ins Mon roe St., unlcago, solo manufacturers. J-110 2S AQENTS, peerless grinder: sharpens scis sors, Knives, etc., perrcctiy; ensny at tached to any sewing mnchlnc; guide to nuiu BciBsors ni proper angio; solid enr borundum wheel: price GO cents; great op portunltles for agents. Peerless Mfg. Co. 170 Madison St., Chicago. J 117 28 PORTRAIT agents everywhere quit "cray ons;" try washable ennmellnes; no glass; nun i rou; encap. r amny j'ortrait uo., v-nicugo. J -36 2S AGENTS coin money with Ropp's Calcula mr; Hianoaru reiercnco dook: a million practical problems solved; 15,000 copies sold monthly: snmple 13c: particulars free. nopp oc sons, jaKCSiuc Uldg., Chicago. J 235 & MOST liberal sick nnd nccldcnt Insurance ever orrcred. it. Hae, Special Agent, luin, icu, J IbJ o AGENTS, start practical mall order mr-r cunnuiso ousiness nt homo on strlctlv nusiness principles, jinpia Mrg. Co.. Ch. cago, 111. J 229 2S WANTED TO ItKNT. A GENTLEMAN who Is a graduato of ono oi tne leaning conservatories in tho cast and who has also taught there for Beveral years will give lessons In piano and theory In exchango for room and board. O CB, Je. JV .M'JbJ 'J5 WANTED, to rent furnished cottage by iwo reuaoio parlies, j' 2, mpo. iv lbo L'S WANTED, modern furnished bnnnn hv TVtnv io, mr me summer; oesi oi reierences given. 1- 1. nee. l 164 2S STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Waro house Co.. 912- it uuiien. senerai siuranu ana lorwaralng. 1VI OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511U Farn. Tels. 1559-861 79; WANTED TO BUY. WANTED. B0 second-hand ladles' wheels, iNenrasKa uycie. loin anu Harney. N-&I741 29 WANTED, to buy out parties running a large lurnisneu diock or nai in umana; must bo good location. Address Box 475, unicorn, xveD. in mwia a WANTED. i horso-nower wnter motnr stnlo price nnu mane. Address u, Heo oiucc, vjuuucii minis. - .111131 m RESIDENCE lot for cash: comer tire rerreilt nniRt lin low linceu nnd wnll n cnted; answer must state size, prlco nnd exact location. Address u d., jjoc. N-M963 28 HOTEL furniture and fixtures In county seat, with paying uusiness; must uo snap tor casn; give particulars juny. au dress P 9, Bee. N 190 2)s WANTED, to lease, a hotel, furnished pro ici-rea, in good nusiness iuwn. wun popu latlon from 3.000 to 10.000: will buy furill turo if prlco Is right. Address V 13. Bee, N 290 2i RARE COINS wanted, highest cash nrlces paid for rare Ameilcnn coins: send two stamps for clrculnrs. John Fllegnuf, 318 Ave. IS, Denver, Colo, .N ids 2 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1410 Dodge, Tel. 2U20. New Jt 2dhand furntturo bought. sold, exchanged. u i FOR SALE. Ill a few days, entire fur nlRlilnira or n F..vnom cottnge. itoods eon slst of bedroom suits, parlor and dining room furniture, stoves, crocuory nnd kitchen warn! flo davs time to rcsnonslbl pnrty. For further particulars address O 01, Bee. u-uid us I' OR SALE, the furniture and goodwill o u 65-room modern hotel: splendid pa Iron me; elegant opportunity lor tho sigh pu-'y owner will take pirt In good ren estate 0ell'a Real Estate. Agency South Omaha. o M9j1 3 FOR SALE-HOUSES. VEHICLES, ETC LIGHT omnibus, good condition. II. Frost carriage wks., mil uvenivorin. P 791 vnn hai.r. (nn hnccv. cood condition your offoi Is my price. If It is right. O M. nan, iMi Jones bi. i .iimj FOR SALE, 2-seuted family cnrrlugi. Simp son make, 12. Jail j uiiinm i. m i,ti bai.p. hnv niirMnrr mare, irood driver weight 1,100 IIib.; ludy can handle. Also surrey and Harness, uu m b""" i:unniuiiu Addreis L. A. C Bee otllco, South Omaha FOR SALE, bay pony. 3201 Cass. FOR SALL. cheap for cash, light 1-horso surrey, i.oiumnjs huhki- i-u. ihuku. hi iiulre at 1851 Corby St. P-248 28" l.'OR SALE Finn nneumatlc tiro blk buggy, almost new. Geo. F. Abbott, 115 OR SALE IIOH SjESj AV,t:OX5( ETC. OR SALE, a good family driving horse. Call at 6303 Pacltlc st. 1' 216 28 OR SALE Rubber tire runabout and good driving liorse; good looaer and shio lor ludles use. II. C. Dunn's Livery, Sher man ave. and Corby st. P 169 28' OR SALE Cheap, horso weighing 1.400 pounds, can no driven singio or uomne, lias been used as family carriage homo for few years: also harness almost new; wagon suitable for bakery or laundry: nlso pacing horse without a record and without blemish, can go under 2:25. Phono 2318, or cull nt 1503 Yates street, before 8:30 In the morning. P 163 2S RELIABLE family horse nnd phaeton. In quire 1318 Farnam. i' -is a BNYDHR top buggy for snlo. 2152 St. Mary s Ave, i mi .j RELIAHLE driving horso, 6 years. 71 S. 13th. P-M25 30 FOR SALE 31 1 SCULL AX 1JO liS, SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry &hps lencc, wi uuusiiiH. w DHAND safe chcup. Dcrlght, 1119 Fnrnnuf; Q-796 SAFES, buy, tell, oxc'kc. Schwartz. 114 S. 13. V I Jt TIMOTHY hay of all kinds, feed nnd coal. Monroe & i.o. WIRE fenco for pfiultry. Belgian hare, hog field or lawn, wiro worKS, uii a. iutn st. g-M67S JyT 1.000.0CO BUILDING brick for Immediate do livery, witnneii uros.-nmiin to., varus '.-.'d and Hickory, Slst and Lake. Tel. 42 (.J-C0I Mil the OMAHA MERCURY nrlnts lawyers' briefs and legal blanks and docs general Job work. rem. HALE, stnnp. llth and Castollnr Sts, Foundation and retaining wnus, sioei beams 21 and 16 feet long, : round coi umns. Tclephono 2152. Q-6I6 2S OR SALE 15 head fresh milch cows. Cull nftcinoon. Jester's Ynrd, 25th and Hurt Sts. vi-wi o OR SALE. Held glass. $10: originally cost I;u; very poworiui, not n cneap uiuin, but best French make; will send with tirlvrlegis of examination by addressing 3113 Coleniln avo., Cincinnati, Ohli. NEW plnno, enmcra, ladles' bicycle. 6: N. 19t)l street. Q-170 2S 623 TRADE your old bicycle In on a new ono at umuna mcycio uo cor. Join nnu iuc.iko His. ,n 'OR 8AT,E. No. 2 Remington and Nn. smith premier, cheap. J' 12, nee. Q 2S2 30 FOR SALE, .10-llght gas plant. Address N, noe oiiicc, i.ouncii jjiurre. tj ios BAKERY and candy store for sale, chenp; goon irnoe; owner going to uniiiornia. Address I 11, Bee. Q-2S1 2S 50 PAIRS inside blinds, 1 lnrgo wnrcriouso scale, lot siieivnig nnd tables, inquire 1318 Farnam. Q-277 2S CLAIRVOYANTS. PALMISTRY GAINING GROUND, AND WHY? Simply because people are awakening to mo met mat it is tne only true method whereby tbo PAST. PRESENT and FU TURE can bo told. "You can fool nil the pei plo Homo of tho time, nnd some of the people nil tho time, but you can't fool a.l tho people all tho time." This famous quotations can bo appropriately npplled to the conditions pertaining to llfo rending, and applies ns well to tho reader us to the method used. If a "fnko" life render vlsltH Omaha under tho guise of psychic, occult scientist, clair voyant, spiritual medium or some mis leading tit lo they may succeed In gulling sorao of tho peoplo for awhile, but they aro soonct or Inter apprehended. Tho only ones that Htand tho test urn tho palmists who confine themselves to PALMISTRY. MME. GYLMER, OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. has maiitered the nrt of palmistry nnd has csiaousncd nerseir as mo leader or tno profession. She Is recognized throughout tho UnRp(l States as one of the moit ro llablo nnd thoroughly capable of any In tbo business. Ono palmist who In tided in Omaha, but failed to nut up his sign, was heard to say: "I had forgotten that MME. GYLMER was 111 Omaha, or 1 would not have stopped. Sho has tho business cinched." MME. GYLMER re ceives letters from nil over the country soliciting het advice, nnd sho never falls to give satisfaction. Sho has nlso an ex ceedingly Inrgo local patronage. This fact, together with her long residence here, ought to oe conclusive ovldcnce to anyono of her ABILITY and HONESTY. Pnrlors In GRANITE BLOCK on 15th, bet. j'arnam nnu iiurucy, su noor. iiiKn ele vator. S 211 28 THE FUTURE UNVEILEDMADAME Merle reveals tho "open seasame, ' by which all men may gain admittance to tho temple of knowledge, Most men fnll nnd die through feebleness of will, Render, did It every occur to you how Bonio peo ple prosper whllo others seem to make, nothing but failures, try as they may? Did you over slop to think how many ruined nnd misspent lives could have been nnd could yet bo mndc prosperous nnd hippy If every man knew how to exercise tho powers he possesses and make tho best uso of his capabilities? Do you know that the power of tho will Is omnipotent; that all power to create or destroy Is In tho human mind? And If you seek this Sower and use It you will bo rewarded y discovering tho source of power thut will bring you to everything your heart can wish? Mine. Merlo believes to n great extent that "men's lives are tho thoughts of others." Tho world Is fast awakening to tho fact that there are limitless powers lying dormant within tho human mind. Mmc. Morle it visited by the best people of all professions. She Is tho medium of the 20th century. Sho does not claim to be the 7th daughter, veiled prophetess, or witch, but sho docs claim that hundreds of lives have been made happy by her advice. She positively must not be classed with tho humbugs and lmposters who Infest every city. Call und bo convinced. Hours, 10 to 10. Price, $1 and up, Freo test between 10 and 11 u. m, for this nd (cut this out, It will not appear dally). Parlors 1722 Capitol nve. Horseshoe In the window, no sign; walk right In. S-26S 2S MRS. E. C. HENRY. CLAIRVOYANT. TEST MEDIUM. Tells tho name nnd object of call without asking n slnnlo question, ri Here are no mistakes In the predictions mado by MRS. HENRY. Do you wish to know If It Is advisable to mako a chango In BUSI NESS, LOVE. MARRIAGE. DIVORCE, HEALTH. CHANGES. TRAVELS, SPEC ULATION8. INVESTMENTS, PROP ERTY. PATENTS. WILLS. DEEDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES. MINING. MISS ING PROPERTY, LOST FRIENDS, BREAKS EVIL INFLUENCES. DE VELOPS SPIRITUALISTS AND ME DIUMS. REUNITES SEPARATED COUPLES, tells you what day or month Is successful for you. gives you power to control others, Nothing is omitted. Diag noses and cures diseases of all descrip tions whllo In a clairvoyant state. PRICES REDUCED ALL THIS WEEK. Hours: 9 to 8 daily and Sunday. LETTERS ANSWERED, $1'. OFFICE, 1707 CASS. 8-210 28 THE FUTURE CAN BE TOLD. PROF. ALBERTI'S, THE CELEBRATED CLAIRVOYANT AND SCIENTIFIC " 'I..MIBT. p" 'linolltly lod'od 'It rnnilH 10-11, 1321 Farnam Ht., second floor, Oroaiii. I'rof Albertus success has slurtled tho entire world. His readings nro acknowl edged by press nnd public to be of tho highest order. Ho convinces his callers by telling their every trouble, hopo, fear, giving names, dates, locations nnd netual facts concerning your llfo and circum stances which you know to be absolutely true. Through tho sourco of his scientific work ho will tell you where and when you will marry. If your friends are false or true, where to go and what to do to gain wealth and happiness. He unites the sopnrated, locates lost articles, gives ndvlco in lawsuits, divorce cases, etc. Omaha people should not mts tho oppor tunlty to consult this wonderful master of occult forces, S-291 25 WONDERFUL! Your life revealed ; satis faction guaranteed; send birth date nnd Id cents. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln Park Station, Chicago. HS.1I 28 MRS. FRITZ, medium. 19 North 16th. s soo M.MB. GYLMER. palmist, aranlto blk., bet Fainam & Harney, 3d floor, tnko elevator S-S78 :i.i:i;tii i c t it katm ent. MABEL GRAY. 317& N. 15th St. Flat , E. 1 -IU A"v MISS MAE LESLIE. 619 S. 16th. third floor. i h17M CAM1LLE DUVAL, 619 3. 16th. sejpml flour. T Mvm lit KIiECTniC TREATMENT. ELITE parlors, 615 South 16th, second floor, MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 2d floor: T.-879 29 Room i. VliRA DELMORE, 1615 Howard, 2d fl. It. 1. J IHAI o PDHSO.NAI., DR. ROY. chiropodist! corns & superfluous hair removed by electricity. It. 12. rouztt block. V-XM PRIVATE homo before, and during contliio nient; babies adopted. Mrs. Burget, -bJO Burdtttc. U S0J RUPTURE cured: no knife, no pain, no danger send for circulars. Empire Rup ture Cure, 9J2 N. Y. Llfo Building, Omaha. U 809 FRENCH accordion pleating! .Ivory rim buttons: mull orders. Omaha Pleating Co., 1524 Douglas. U SU4 VIAVI-Woman's way to health: rational, wholesome homo treatment, 348 Bee Bldg. U $03 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only perfect ac co dcon pleating plant In the west. Mull orders solicited. Sulto 200, Douglas Block. U--S08 llTST think nt HI Fieri rip. Ilcht ballon'. 2 enameled stamp photos In four posi tions and a photo stick pin ror xoc. it. 6, Crclghton blk., 15th and Douglas. Open j lo 9. We mako pictures at night. U 690 M18 A BOX of Rc-No-Mny Powder is not a It. I. n ftnr, u Villi fl film 11 ml sccutes tho comfort und happiness or. your roommate. . SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent, wniio sewing ajuuiiuic, io.u M,iih. Tel. 2324. U-0 IF YOU know a widow of a soldier of tho rebellion whose husbnnd never onterod a iw acres oi lanu, nave net ."i1 Glover. 40'. N. Y. Life. U-8I92S nniVATi! iioMoitnl fnr Indies beforo and during confinement; babies adopted. 1306 Grant 5t. vovi WANTED, BO second-hand ladles' wheels. curasitH. (jyclc, lbin and iiarney. U M741 23 WANTED, church soprano. C. B. Shaw, sncciy jjici, u oiu WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlcmlst Tel. 12B8. Leave order with Henderson tho florist, 1519 Farnam. U MS94 30 FOR adoption, at Child Saving (Tistltutc, 3 children from ono family; girl, 8 years, nnd her 2 brothers, ages 6 nnd 3 years. It Is desired to find homo for at least 2 of them In same family and a homo for tho cither ncarbv. Babies and other older children are nlso on hand for adoption. 506 8. IStll St. U M9I1 2V SUPERFLOU8 hair, warts nnd moles per manently removed oy electricity; consui tatlon freo and contldcntlnl; nil work guaranteed. Miss Allcndor, 1613 Douglas, A LADY alone In a paying business wishes pattner with Hmall capital, ono wishing to learn hypnotism and travel preferred Address P 8, Bee. U 267 2 REFINED, sweet tempered, girl, 22, hai $23,000 In her own right, would marry honorable gentleman, MIsh Evnns, care Ehrllch, 975 Park ave., N. Y. U-176 2S MARRIAGE paper, exclusive. 18 pages, 10c. No $5 fee. Many worth $100 to $100,000. Only club giving bnnk and commercial reference. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U 17u 28 GET rich quick. Buy oil development 10 cent Fhares. Comnnny owns rich lands In best districts of California nnd Washing ton. Pays $40) for $5. Information nnd mnps rrce. Urent Northern OH company, Box 774, Seattle, Wash. U-172 28 I AM a farmer's dnughtr, will come Into possession of $12,ono. Deslrp correspond ence. Object, early mnrrlage. Address Drawer 8.1, St. Louis. Mo. U 173 28 ASTROLOGY. 1901. Send 10c In self-ad. dressed stnmncd envelone. date of birth will send horciscopc for threo months: nnswor threo questions. Mine. Vcro do jon, imcK Bay, Boston, Mass. U 171 28 SECOND.IIAND SEWING MACHINES Never such prices for such goods offered before, nnd If any time within ono year you want to buy a now mnchlnc, we will tako tho old ono back at exactly whut It cost yon. The following Is a partlnl list of what wo offer for Monday: Former Price. Singer $ 6.00 Dumesttc 10.00 Household 10.00 White 14.00 Singer, good ns new 30.00 Monday. $ 2.00 6.00 5.00 7.00 15.00 12.00 13.00 6.00 7.00 20.00 Singer "4.00 Wheeler & Wilson 20.00 Singer, high arm 10.00 Domestic. 14.00 White, tailoring 40.00 Singer, shoemaker 60.0) 3.00 i nreo modern, drop-neao sewing machines, slightly used, nt one-half regular price. Wo rent Hewing machines nt 75 cents per week or $2.00 per month. These nro mod ern, up-lo-dnte machines, with completo nttnehmcnts. We sell needles nnd parts for and repair every sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Phono 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Geo. E, Mlckel. Mgr. U-993 28 PERSONAL Fat folks, am a trained nurse: 12 years ago reduced 45 pounds by harmless remedy; no regain; nothing to sell; send stnmp and I will tell how It woh done. Miss Topping, 138 Francisco Ave., Chlcngo. U 233 28 MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit; myself cured, will Inform you of harmless, permanent homo cure, Mrs. Baldwin. Box 1212. Chicago. U MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western Iova farms at o per cent; borrowers can ny $100 or any multiple; any interest date: no delay. Bruiiuun-Love Co., Juy S. 13th St.. Omaha. Neb. W-aiii MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W-el9 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. George & Company, ltM Farnam street- r W-Sll $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property unu carina, ruinuin oiimn Co., 1320 Farnam. W-S13 FIVE per cent money, Bcmls, Paxton block. W-S17 W ANTED Cltj and farm loans; also bonds and warrant. R. C. Peters & Co,, 170J Farnam Bt , Bee Bldg. W-8H JONEY to loan at 4W and 5V4 per cent on Omabn prope-ty. W. B. Moikle. 401. S. 15th. W-16 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Doughjs. FIVE and BVi per cent city and farm loans. Garvl.. Bros., 1613 1-arnum St. W 419 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W 820 CASH on hand. G. IS. Turklngton. 603 Bee. W-MMI 4W AND 5i,4 percent loans. W. First National Bank Uulldlni II. Thomas, ;. Tel. 161S. W-821 SlONHk I" l-UAn-CHATTELS. LET US TALK NEyl. TQ MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. MONEY LOANED ON PIANOS. MONEY LOANED ON HORSES. Or any other personal property, at cheaper rates and better piuus than over, IF YOU NEED MONEY BEE US. We give you options, uu lutins that no other firm can afford to glvo. You always get the full uuiuunt. iou pay us back In small weekly or monthly paymonts. No exuniiso cr charges taken out of loan. You chooso your own tlmo for payments, any time from ono month to one year. Euch pavment returns, principal and In terest. Everything remains In your pos. besslon. All business ttrlctly coutldenilul. 1'rlvale Interviewing ruom. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY, nooin 312 Brown lllock-itoom 312. B E Cor. Kith and Douglas streets. Entruiico 011 16th Sirtet. X Mill FOUND GUILTY of giving lower rates and easier payments than elsewhere on SALARY LOANS to honest employes who hold n permanent position oil their plain note. Our oltlces the. most private In town. For 30 days these Inducements: "Wo guarantcn our rates are lowest," Wo will mako 11 pains taking effort to pleaso you if you are worthy. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Room 303, Paxton Block, X- MONEY to loan. I. glcglcr, 409 Ware Block. 3 8 JX . MONEY TO I.OAN-CI!AJvrEl1S. WHEN YOU NEED, MONEY SEE US. It Is ctsy to advertise lowest rates, ns others do, but we feel positive that If you will mako comparisons you will be con vinced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. o loan on furniture, pianos, llvo stock, etc., or wo will mako you a SALARY LOAN without lndorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing tor making th loan and you recclvo tho ful amount In cash. You may pay It back In one tnoi'lh or tnk six months or more In which to repay it, and you need not pay lor it one day longer than yo'i keep it. Our terms nro the easiest, our business Is confHlcntl.il and our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Boara of Trado Bldg. Tel. 2293. (Established 189-'). 300 So. 16th St- X-2J. KAT.IDV T 1. WE LOAN $10 TO $100 TO ANYONE HOLD. 4 v.www iuiiiUi, WHY flnll ROW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR l'IIN NOTE AT LOWEST RATES IN TOWN. AND WITHOUT PUBLICITY? "Ui RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, Paxton Block, Room 303. X-M50J LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS " TO SALARIED, PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms; 40 ofllces in prlni-l-rnl cities, lolmuu, 410 Board of Trado building. X 827 SALARY LOANS upon plain notes! No mortgage, 110 lndorsor, no publicity: lower rates, much eastur pnynients. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Fluor, Room 303. Paxton Block X -9:9 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE llvo stock, etc Quick service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, CJJ (too flooi) Puxton Block, northcust corner loth nnd Farnam: cntranco on 16th SL , X-S24 MONEY loaned salaried people holding no" mnncnt position with responsible, concern upon mcir namos wiiuout security; easy puyments. Auuuuu, uuuru jirauo Jlldg, X-S2 MONEY loaned salaried peoplo holding per manent position with responsible concern upon their names without security; easy payments. Tolmun,44o Bourd ot Trado bcirf X -827 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jowl clry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed, 319 s. 13. X-S30 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jewelry. Duff Green, R. 8, Barker blk X S2S SHORT time Barker blk. loans. Joo Pleasants, 54 X-127 BUSINESS CHANCES, FOR RENT, pinning mill nnd machinery In good condition. Address O 36, Heo olllce. Y MS!6 20 FIRST-CLASS opportunity for man with a littlo money, pluck nnd nblllty to managu manufacturing business; the best patents and highest prospects. Address 0 61. Bee. Y-M93.S 28 FOR SALE, fine uptown rcstnilrnnt, central location, low rent, big trade, now flxturon. Denver always good In summer; see this unil make offer; owner going nway and business must bo sold. Address Box 4!2, Denver, Colo, Y Ml)74 1 FOR SALE, bakery nnd confectionery, doing good business, in smnll Nebraska town; good location; good reason for sell ing. Address O 12. Bco. Y M737 M20 NEW Snow-Church Co. Is a combination of attorneys and banks the world over for tho collection of debts nnd settlement of estates. 401-405 N. Y. Life. Y-M71S 21 FOR SALE, drug store, doing good busi ness, In growing town; cheap If taken at once. Address P. S. Hcndorlltc, Council, Idaho. Y M973 2S FOR SALE Drug store doing llrst class business; proprietor leaves on account of ill ncniin. Address box F. Hce. oflice. South Omaha. Y 992 3 PHYSICIAN'S practice nnd smnll, clean drug stock; n, snap If tnken nt once. Ad dress O 67, cr Omaha Bee, Y 123 28 AN established $250,000 Illinois corporation composed of men rntcd JS.Ooo.ouo desires negotiations and Interviews with men competent to fulfill a managerial posi tion, handling otllco and finances; cash In vestment $l,noo to $2,500 absolutely neces sary; salary $150 per month nnd 20 per cent commission. Address Auditor's Dept., R2t- 25 Mnnhnttan bldg., Chicago. Y FANCY confectionery store nnd Ice cream parlors, doing hlg business, everything new, season just opening, Invoice $1,100; will sell nt $1,100 If taken at once; owner wnnts to retire on account of other busi ness. William Madgctt, Hastings, Neb. Y- INVESTMENTS plnced with us ore at all times subject to order of Investor; per manent and comfortnblo Income assured from $100; wo accept $10 Just for trial; profits remitted weekly by money order; lilgest commerclul references nnd (by permission only) from customers; book let free. W. V. O'Harn, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, O. Y BUSINESS CHANCES. $2.B00 stock groceries, county seat, 60 miles from Omaha, nnnunl cash business $25,000; best business In town. Grocery stocks $600 to $2,500. different locations, Sale or trade, $2,500 clean drug stock, city population 23,000 ; 2 years' net prollt $5,or0; III health necessitates discontinuance. Furniture nnd fixtures Co-room hotel city 26.000 pop ulation: business nets $100 monthly: con sider good land In exchango. Hotels nnd restaurants In Omaha, In Neb. nnd Iowa from $300 to $2,000. Rooming houses and flats, 7 to 60 rooms, from $200 to $3,500 for sale or exchange, Messenger express busi ness netting $100 monthly, $.100. Cigar and news stand. One-chnlr barber shop, well located. Millinery business country town, Dressmoklng business Omaha. $200 new up-to-date printing outllt for $100. Mako vour wnnts known, I am still In business, I'll supply them. If you havo anything to sell or exchango communicate with J. II. Johnson. N. V. Life. Y-191 2S FOR SALE, cheap, barber shop; flue loca tion, splendid business; cheap rent a snap. 2719 Q St., South Omnhn. Y 214 28 BLACKSMITH nnd wagon shop for sale; good location; a bargnln: nlso dwelling property. Good reasons for selling. In vestigate. Address Lock Box 27. Dan bury, Neb. Y-M178 30 A NEWSPAPER and plnnt for sale nt a bargnln. Call or address, M. P. Trotter, Outhrle, O. T. Y-M127 2 THERE'S money In your brain, so patent that Idea, nnd get It out: we'll help you by giving you free ndvlco; send sketch nnd description of your Invention at once: woil get your pntent on easy terms nnd help you sell It; send for our valunhlo freo book and list of 600 needed Inven tions, International Patent Company, Do. trolt, Mich, The oldest and most rcllablo patent llrm In tho world. -Y FOR SALE, complete utenm brick plant cm B. & M, track, cheap If sold soon. F. It. Woollcy, Sowurd, Neb, Y-M1S7 28 THE bankrupt stock of genernl merchnn dlso 'belonging to tho Slawson-AVllcox Co. estate will be sold nt public auction to the highest bidder for cnsli nt Lodgo Pole. Nebraska, on May 11. 1901. For full par ticulars Inquire of Leroy Martin, Trustee, Sidney, Nebraska. Y-M23S 29 A MAN of nblllty, with $1,000 rnfch capital, can secure a permanent situation as inan ngcr of branch otllco for established cor poration; salary and commissions netting $3,000 per year Address, Secretary, 315 Manhattan Bldg., Chlcngo. Y-120 28' WANTED, steady, energetic man for branch of well known house; co-operntlvn principle; $150 per month and expenses and 11 share In the business; must Invest $2,000 cash toward carrying necessary stock of merchandise: clean, safe business: very desirable position. For particulars addrescs J. Spluno, Como Bldg,, Chicago. Y-121 28 BUY corn: advnnro Just started; $100 mnr gins, 5,000 bushels; send us order: wrltn for book, "Successful Speculation," freo. J. K. Comstock t Co., Traders' Bldg., Chicago, Y-123 28 FOR EXCHANGE. 2D-IIAND men's wheels for Indies' whools. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th nnd Chlcngo sts. Z-607 WANTED. 11 farm In eastern .Nebraska or western Iowa; our client wishes to put In a CLEAR residence property ncur High miiool In Omuha as part payment. For further Information call upon or address R. PLi liltS cV CU.i 1702 Fnrnnm St, '.-HO 2.8 ll.MO.ACRE ranch, fenced, 4 miles Irrigation ditch river, cuts 1,000 tons liny; sell or exohango, $11,17.0, Campbell & christian. York, Neb. Z-2S9 25 ?X L f". Chlcako. C-W7 tt JJ Jj ii wo., winciaoiiu, u, i B. 16th. r-i3sa