Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1901, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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Coming Eeaion Will B a Lirtlj Ont with 1
thi Hon-PrfiiiBli,
L2ritliulnm Jlnrka llic IiiuinclitiiK of
lllreotor Ilnrnrn' l'roKrnm of Out
door Spurt tiliililionxe for Aimi
tenr Athletic AftRoclntlnn.
Activity of an unprecedented degree will
charactorlto tho athletic affairs of the Young
Men's Christian association this season,
This prediction was made by Athletic
Ulrcctor Darnes several days ago and any
douht as to Its accuracy was Bwopt away
Thursday night when an enthusiastic meet
Inn of tho members of tho association In
terested In outdoor sports was held.
John Francis presided and when he called
tho meeting to order thcro wuro about 133
men nrcBcnt, Tho malorltv of them were
young, but In tho crowd were a number of 1
middle-aged men, In whorn advancing years
havo not removed tho athletic spirit. There
was un Informal program. Addresses were
raado on outdoor sports. J. Francis and
Frank Crawford spoke nbout base ball, N.
II. Nelson had basket ball for bis topic, K.
II. Packard and Mr. Ollmoro dilated upon
tho advantages and pleasures of tennis and
Earl 1'nlntcr spoke briefly of Held and track
athletics, Mu3ca1 selections Interspersed
the program of speeches and at the con
elusion there was a Jolly good social tlmo
and plenty of things to cat.
"I am more than pleased," said Mr.
names, "In tho Interest manifested by tho
member! of tho association In nthletlc af
fairs. Kvery Indication points to tho best
year of our history along tho line of out
door sports. Thursday night's meeting
proved boyond question that our plans for
tho season are going to materialize.
"Wo are going to havo crack teams In
hoeo ball, basket ball, tennis nnd track and
Hold athletics nnd arrangements aro being
perfected with a vlow to arousing a spirit
of rivalry among tho various association
organizations so that tho Interest will con
tlntio throughout the cntlro year. Wo will
havo regular schedules for tho base ball
nnd basket ball teams and the season's
champions will havo their full sharo of
honor and glory.
"It In my Intention to give every man
who wants to play ball, tennis or any
thing clso n chance, regardless of whether
ho Is an expert or not. Every member of
tho association will be welcome to all of tho
privileged of the athletic park nnd wo will
bo mighty glnd to sco tho older men get
out nnd renew their youth."
double bowling alley. On ih vecond floor
arc two living rooms for the use of thi
kcepor of tho ground.-!.
There will by 150 lockera for the men and
fifty for tho women, with toilet roouu and
shower baths adjoining. The htilldlni; will
face south, nnd will stand close by the
large orchard of apple and cherry trees on
tho north side of the grounds.
It If estimated that grading and prep
aration of tho grounds will cost In tho
neighborhood of 11,000, and about $0 500
will bo expended this y-?ar on the club
building, which Is ao arranged that a doublo
wing can bo added In M;o future of tho
same general design as tho main building.
Tho wing will bo used for gymmstles.
These figures aro exclusive ot the bowling
alleys, which will cost about JS00, and the
lockers, costing nbout $400.
Suson Will Opan Friday Under Kcit FTor
abli Cinditioai.
Denlorntilr I'.mlliiK of Mill HrMrci'ii
AiiXTlcnn nnd UtiRllnh I'ukI
IIMm In l.omlou.
Tho death of Hilly Smith, the New York
featherweight, as tho result of a knockout
blow administered by Jack Uobcrts of Eng
land during their fight before tho National
Sporting club, London, Monday, Is a do-
piorablo circumstance. The fight was or
tho lightweight championship of England
and Smith hail been promised In case ha
won tho match a chanco to meet Terry Mc-Qovern.
In the first three rounds the American
fighter had things his own way and he was
counted tho victor by all tho spectators.
In tho beginning of the fourth, howover,
he began to weaken, nnd Iloberts took tho
upper hand. Ho administered his adversary
a fierce grueling. In tho eighth round
Smith was apparently helpless. IIo mnde
no effort to defend himself nnd was twice
knocked down. He was Injured Internally.
Illlly Smith was one of tho most promising
of the young fighters In New York. He
came rapidly to tho front In the last year
or two, and was In fine form when ho wont
to England. His friends on this side of '.he
water confidently predicted that he would
bo victorious, although admitting that he
had n hard fight on his hands.
Preliminary arrangements for tho rea
son were made Thursday night by dividing
tho men Into dlfforent sections. Frank
Crawford presided over tho base ball sec
tion. Four teams aro already nsslired and
two others nro In prospect. Tho tennis will
bo divided among the different nthletlc
rlnsKCS and n keen spirit of rlvnlry will
mark tho names.
Tn'cnty-nlno men onrolled themselves as
desirous of participating In tho outdoor
basket ball tournament. Emll Outtlng pre
sided over tho section. The teams will be
virtually the snmc oh the onos that havo
engaged In the winter tournament, nnd a
schedulo of games which will run the entire
season will bo arranged.
Karl Pointer was tho chairman of the
field and track athletic men. Eighteen
members of thu association signified tholr
desire to participate In all contests of this
nature thut may he nrrangefl for tho season.
It Is tho Intention of tho track nnd field
men to arrange n series of weekly pro
grams, each comprising two or thrco events
There were twenty-two men In tho tennis
section. .Mr. C.IInioro presided. Tho tennis
playors will be early In tho field. In two
weeks' tlmo n tournament for members only
will be held and following that nn open
tournament at singles nnd doubles will tnkc
Tho Young Men's Christian nssoclutlou
park will ba opened Wednesday, May 1,
Thoro will bo no formal program, but tho
mombcrs will sot together apd go through
a Uttlu prollmlnary practice. In nbout a
week from now nctlve work will bogln In
bann ball and basket ball nnd the schedulo
for tho season's games will be. arranged.
Tho Oma':a Amateur Athletic liub has
beon taking long otrldea during the last
week toward the completion ot its grounds
at au early date. Tho base ball diamond
and iho cricket pitch havo already been
graded and tho Inylng out of the coif
course Is undor way.
Plans for the building which tho associa
tion will build this s;mtnor havo been
completed and all of tho mainl-ira who
havo viewed them cxprosB tho highest
satisfaction. 'Tho club houso will bo oc
tngon in shape and will contain one gen
oral room, 21x10 feet, surrounded on threu
sides by a wide veranda, overlooking tho
cricket nnd bnse ball grounds. Eleven
glass doors open from tho gtncral room to
the veranda, Behind tho general room, au
seon from the grounds, .to tho entrance
hall and office, locker rooms for men and
for women, kitchens, buffot, etc., and a
Two fights aro scheduled for next week In
which thero Is considerable Interest. Olio
will be the McOovcrn-Oardncr go In San
l-ranclsco and tho other tho Sharkoy-Kus-
sell mill In Denver. Thero has linen all
sorts of talk afloat about tho former fight.
Followers of tho pugilistic game, distrust
ful and suspicious because of numerous re
cent shady affairs, havo piped off the mill
In advauco as being tinged with fakery,
"Here's tho proposition Terry Is up ugnlnst
In tho Gardner match," says Malachy Hogan
In speaking of the forthcoming fight. "If
ho licks Gardner In n round or two 'he
peoplo and tho papers will talk about easy
money, unequal match, picking dead ones
and all that kind of stuff, which McGovetn
Is not used to. On the other hand, It Gard
ner Is still In the ring at tho end of ten
rounds the cry of fake will go up, boxing
will be stopped In San Francisco and there
will be no more money In sight for anybody.
About tho only chance there Is to make 'ho
Gardnor-McGovcrn fight a good ono is for
Oscar to knock Terry out, cause a sensation
and convince everybody on earth that box
ing is on the square. Hut of course nothing
exactly like that will happen."
It Is a certainty that the match between
Sharkey and Husscll will be worth going
miles to sec. llcth fighters aro of the ag
gressive sort, and they will make things
hum from gong to gung. Husscll Is said to
be a powerful giant nnd has a way of fight
ing peculiar to himself. He starts for lis
opponent hnmmcr nnd tongs fashion In the
Hi st round and keeps It up until something
happens to one of them. Sharkey lb a
fighter of this sort himself when occasion
requires it. and tho mlx-up between the two
will probably be run on an express train
A move Is on foot now to havo the cham
pionship fight between Jeffries und Kuhlln
pulled off In San Francisco. Prcsldont Ed
Unman of the San Francisco Athletic club
has made nn offer to IL.0 mnnagers ot the
big pugs offering 05 pur cent of iho gnlo
receipts In caso the fight will bo .set for the
Golden Gate City. Horunn baek.j up 'his
offer by declaring his willingness to rnst
u big forfeit with any newspaper in
Francisco, guaranteeing that tho fight will
come oft without Interference.
Penny Yanger, the "Tipton Slasher," and
Jack Hlchle of St. Louis fought twanty
rounds to a draw In Memphis Monday
night. From reports ot tho light It would
seem that Yanger was entitled to tho de
cision. He wound up tho mill In splendid
condition, while his opponent was dazed
and weakoned aftor tho tenth round, taking
Ml sorts of punishment, but managlag to
keep on his feet until tho Inst gong rang.
This fight was probably tho last that will
bo hold In Tenucssco and Memphis, which
has been a Mecca for the pugilists since
the ban was put on the sport In nearly rll
of tho big titles of the country. An nntl
prlzo fight law has been paBscd by the stnto
assembly and signed by tho governor.
O in nil ii KtnrtK Hi-nstm In the WVm nml
Will Iti-liiru for tlir Openlnu
(Iniiie on (In; llninr tlroiiuil
l'rlitn, Mil) I".
The new Western league, built upon the
sturdy foundation ot the llttlo six-club or
ganization which mado such a great suc
cess last season, will make Its bow- to the
bnso ball populace In four cities ot the
leaguo next Friday. Tho promoters of the
expanded league have such great confidence
In the outlook that they havo not the
slightest fear of n "hoodoo" following the
opening of tho season on Friday the day
which many people look upon with super
stitious dread.
Nothing can keep the league from be
ing n success. This Is the opinion of every
ono ot the Interested magnates from Presi
dent Hlcltcy down through the entire list.
It lu Justified, they believe, because of the
undsputed baso ball enthusiasm that ex
isted last season and was Indicated by a
patronago that was generous and spon
taneous. Further Justification for optimism
Is found In tho fact that each of the teams
has been carefully organized nnd It Is a
certainty that the brand of ball which will
bo furnished In tho leaguo this season will
be satisfactory to tho most fastidious fan.
Each ot last year's teams has been
strengthened. The best men have been re
tained nnd the poorer players hove been
weeded out. President Hlckey nsserts that
tho ortlcle of ball this season will be far
superior to that furnished a year ngo.
Tho first leaguo gamo In Omaha will be
played Mny 17 The llourke family opens the
season at Colorado Springs nnd then plays
three games each with Denver, St. Joseph
nml Tvntifctin rMtv nfiti . u
" Ultlllll IIUllIU IUI IIIU
opening series with St. Joseph. Local fans
ll'llf .... .1, ...HI. I .L .
nun iiiiiuueiicu me coming oi
Friday, Mny 17. It will be a great day In
tho hnso ball history of this city. There
will bo baud" of music and a parade
through the principal streets of tho city In
which tho officials of tho Western leaguo
nnd the Omaha nnd St. Joseph tenms will
bo on exhibition. At the Vinton Street
park there will bo a little preliminary pro
gram, tho main fcaturo of which will be a
short address by .Mayor Moorcs. His honor
will also toss tho first ball over the plate
and then the Hourke family will light In
and wallop the Saints.
Omaha will start under the wire with an
even hrenk for tho pennant. Tho team
which President Hourko has succeeded in
getting together is A No. 1 In every par
ticular. The signing of Dick Buckley, the
old big league catcher, strengthened tho
only weak place In tho team and In every
department tho Hourko family will shine
with a brilliancy that will not fall to at
tract attention. The last week hns been
devoted to hard practice and Captain Stew
art thinks his tenm Is In shlp-shnpo con
dition now. There will be thrco chances to
sec the localu play beforo they start on
their western trip, tho series of exhibition
games with Minneapolis continuing this
uftornoon, tomorrow nnd Tuesday,
"White Wings" Tebeau declares une
quivocally that his Kansas City team will
land tho Western leaguo pennant. At nny
rate, ho is ho quoted in a Denver paper.
Flushed with tho Joy of winning last year's
pennant In Denver, Tebeau has como to
the conclusion that any team with which
ho Is identified Is Invincible. "White
Wings" will probably havo several crimps
put Into his optimism concerning his own
team beforo tho season Is far advanod.
Kansas City has a strong aggregation, but
so has every other team lu the league. It
would bo Impossible to get together eight
teams more evenly matched than are the
Western league clubs. The one that lands
the pennant will have no walk-away, and
It looks ns though the championship will
be a matter of doubt until the season draws
near to n close.
ever, and the struggle will probably be .n
Interesting one throughout the entire sea
Captain Ryan of tho St. Paul club has n
rollcd a real Indian for his team In Charles
A. Roberts, formerly of Carlisle. Roberts
Is n utility man and can play any position
except In tho box. Ho Is n strong hitter and
Ih expected to bo ono of tho star men in
the St. Paul team.
11, Preeson, Prcssnnvllle. Kan., writes:
"Nothing like Foley's Honey and Tar" Is
tho untvorsal verdict of nil who havo used
it. Especially has ibis boun true of coughs
accompanying la grippe. Not a single bottlo
failed to glvo relief.
With tho oponing of the American league
Reason last Wednesday the two big leagues
are now going it at full blast nnd the
rlvnlry between them promises to keep base
ball Interest In tho cast at a high pitch
tho senson through. It Is too early yet ;o
got a lino on the abilities of tho different
teams. In tho American tho eight clubs ore
well bnlanced and evenly matched, and
tho raco for the championship will likely
be nn exciting one. Tho sarao may be said
of the National, although Brooklyn anJ
Pittsburg have fho ndvantago of having had
their preliminary work in the south and
aro In better condition than the other
teams. A week or eo of active work will
removo this handicap In their favor, hotv-
DK, A. 1). bEAULKS,
The Moat llcllable Npeotallat lu l)l
eaxra of Men.
STRICTURE Cured with a new Home
treatment. No pain, no
detention from business,
URINARY'lney and Bladder Troubles,
Weak Back, Burning Urine,
Frequency of Urinating, Urine High Col
ored .or with milky sediment on standing,
oy n U 1 1 IO cured for lite and
S"nilICI poison thoroughly
cleansed from the system. Soon every
tlin and symptom disappears completely
and forever. No "BREAKING OUT" of the
disease on, the eklu or face, Treatment
coutalnt no dangerous drugs or Injurious
WEAK MEN '"" Etcesies or vic
tims at Nervous De
bility or Exhaustion, Wasting Weakness,
with' early decay In young and middle
aged, lack ot vim, vigor and strength,
with organa impaired and weak. Cure
The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is
Told in Two Words:
Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv
ous Debility and all Reflex Complications
and Associate Diseases and "Weaknesses
of Men.
Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Norvous Debility and are you
nervous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-time energy and ambition?
Are you suffering from Vital Weakness, etc.? There 1b a derangement ot the sensi
tive organs ot your Pelvlo System, and even though It gives you no trouble at pres
ent, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous Bystem, un
fit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before It Ii
too late? WE CAN CURB YOU TO STAY OURKD. We have yet to see the case of
Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, Klectrla Belts, etc., will never cure. You
need expert treatment. We treat thousands ot casts where the ordinary physician
treats one. Method sew, without cutting-, pain or loss ot time,
CanaultntlaB Free. Treatment by mail,
Call or addrea lilt 9. 14th St.
,Hirnln ("lie 1'lnjrr MnUr Am
plcloiio Mnil with limit After
l.onlnu tii MIM-lil.
The Nebraskans feel a little better, since
receiving n sound drubbing from the Mis
slsslpplans, to make such a good start
against Iowa. The following game, which
places the score 1 to 0 In favor of Ne
braska, Is a fair sample of Mr. Ktnnlburgh's
style and answers our purpose well ns a
specimen of the Oluoco I'lano, an opening
we havo neglected too much:
Whits U. II. Klnnl-Illack -r- Led I.'jwudj.
liuruh, Adams, NU. Uunlap, In.
1- I'-K 4. l-t'-K II
2- II 3. I-Kl-Q I.
311.II 4. 3-H-ll t.
4-1MI 3. l-Kt-tt 3.
t-P-Q 4 (s). x I'.
l'-K 5 (t). 6-P-Q I.
7 K ll-Kt t 7-Kt-K 3.
g-1' x V. 8-H.Kt J ih.
9-ll-q 2. 0 Kt X I).
10-Q Kt X Kt. I0-O-O.
U-ll x Kt. ll-l' x H.
12- O-0. 12-P-Q II I.
13- 1M K 3. 13-11 x Kt,
14- Q X II. ll-l' X V.
tt-g x 1'. 13-ll.K 3? (r).
16-(J U-ll. 1S-O Q 2.
IT-y.H S! 1T-K 11-11.
15- 11-11 3. U-l'-q K 3.
1-K 1MI. 19-Q It-Kt.
?J-I'.Q Kt 41 JO-lt-Kl 2.
It-Kl-Q 4. 21-P-U 3.
22- P.ll 4. 22-P-ll 47 (J)
23- P x P! p. 23-P X P.
24- lt-V OO. 31-lt-K.
25- rj it-K 3. MIl-Kt 3.
24-P-ll S. Ifll-II 2.
27-11 x H ell. 27-11 x It.
2V-P..K 7. 25-Q-tJ.
29-Kt-K t. 21-Ilcsltns (O-
"Tho OIjiico liuno," snys Kreeborougli,
"Is a nulet and regular opening, lending nat
urully to n perfectly sound nnd strong
game. The pawns nnd pieces are gradually
opposed to eiicli other nnd changed off, the
result of the gamo being determined by
tho player's treatment or slight Irregulari
ties and disarrangements Incidental to the
procesx of exchanging.
(a) Thin retains the orlginnl nuino, Oluoco
Piano. 5 !( 3 has been styled Uluoco
(b) I haven't been able to llnd this In nny
book. Is It nuw? The iiHiial play Is P x P,
U-Kt 5 ch; 7 1!-(J 2, etc., leading to equal
ity. (c) Mr. IMwnrda says: "This wns ap
parently good enough, but It caused all my
trouble. 15 ....p.Q 11 3 was my move."
(d) A blunder. 22 U-1C was better
(e) Changing tho point of nttack, which,
owing to his development, he can do with
(f) And Dhick hnd enough! Kdwnrds.
If 20- Q-Q 3; 30-It-Kt 2 Ob, K-H. .".l -
Q-K 3 Piul the mute cannot be stopped. 29
It x Kt was probably best. Mr, lid
wards remarks that "the chief beauty of
White's vlay, while Its accuracy cannot be
too highly commended, was the self-ro-strnlnt
shown In not winning the pawn on
Q side, which was at Ills mercy after bis
seventeenth move."
Mississippi, 13',i; Nebraska. V.-j. threo
gamos to finish. Thus stands the score.
The latcct Is a draw between Messrs, S. R.
Redden of Laurel. Miss., and A. Powell ot
St. Kdwnrd, Neb., a "Oluoco Pianissimo"
of fifty moves; and M. D. Mcdrath of
Drookhavcn, 71188., scorod a neat win from
K. It. Tyson of Nebraska City In a Ruy
Lopez of forty-one moves.
Dr. J. L. Ormsbco of Springfield, Mo., has
In press a circular entitled "Chess In Mis
souri." Plenty of printer's Ink keeps up
the Interest In chess. IIo says: "I notice
your remarks on note (a), Edwards
McKuen gamo and will say said note was
from Laskcr's 'Common Sense In Chess,'
pnges 22 and 23, where ho says' 'Post
Mack's K IJ on n lino where he can do
sotno effectual work and advance the Q P.' "
True, but why not 10 P-Q 4 7. Pills
bury showed a number of Llncolnltes that
It Is not safe to play 10 ll-Ilt In this
variation of tho Lopez; in fact. I have
seen but ono game of the kind where Ulack
escaped with a wholo "kin.
Last week "Mlron," the veteran chess
editor of tho Now York Clipper, who for
nearly half a century has been digging up
nnd publishing Interesting chess Items, pub
lished In hia column tho game played by
Father C. A. Oliver, Captain Prank John
ston and Thomas Helm of Jackson, Miss.,
In consultation against Messrs. N. O.
Orlflln, C. II. and W. S. Swim of Nebraska,
copied from the New Orleans Sunday
States, with tho comment that "tho 'Oluoto
Pianissimo,' unloss carefully nnd properly
met, is not so Innocent as It looks."
Dy A. II. Robbins. St. Louis. White mutes
in three movcH.
mm m m
16. 4 Q 3. 1 II 6. 4 K 2 S. 2 5. 2 p p p
2 b. 6 k 1 8.
11111 "Ilichoi lion Is l-'lvr RomarWnlili
(Saturn r Tenplii "ml KntnlilUe.
USkli Avrrntfc for Clt.
W W. Inches, one of the crack bowlers
of tho city, accomplished a remarkablo feat
Tuesday aftcrncon at Clark's alleys. IIo
bowled flvo succosslvo games at tenpins
nnd mado tho exceptionally high average
of 223 4-,". Inches' porformanco entitles
him to recognition ns tho star bowler of tho
In January Inches established a high
average in five games at tenpins. At that
tlmo his scores were 201, 230, 234, 244, ISO,
a total of 1,089 and an avcrago of 217 4-5.
His now average Is higher by six points
than was the old.
Tho third game Tuesday afternoon was
tho ono In which Inches accomplished his
best work. Uo started off with a strlko
and mowed down all the pins with his first
ball In each succeeding frame except tho
sixth. In the sixth Inches mado a spare,
scoring eight pins with his first ball. His
scoro In this game wns 278, ono less than
the high city score of 27i, which Is held by
C. D, Drldenbeeker. A strike in tho sixth
frame would have given Inches a perfect
score 300. Inches' scores In the flvo games
bowled Tuesday were as follows; 202, 189,
278, 223, 227, a total of 1,119.
Two bowling parties enjoyeda Jolly evon
ing nt Clark's alleys Tuesday night. The
mombors of one wero Mr. and Mrs. W.
Whlttaker. Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E. Patterson
and Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hbrador, and tho
other was composed of C. R. Orlfflthi, n.
E. Orlffltha, R. M. Llndsey, Mrs. Stacey,
MUi Leeder and Miss Wells.
Wednesday morning a merry party of
women bowlers played tenpins at Clark's.
Tho party was mado up of Meadatnes Henry
nix, Fred Krug, Herman Uesclln, Wlllum
Wlgman and Phil Windhelm.
Prize winners for the last week at
Clark's were: Mrs. Fred Krug for tho
women's prizes nt tenpins, with a score of
16S; O, Conrad at duck pins, with 110;
Davison, Charlco French and Herman Dete
llu tied at ninepins with a score of 10 oach.
The warm weather of tho last week has
not lessened the enthusiasm of Omaha
bowlers. The number of high scores at ten-
In all it? various lorins. Dr.
McGrow's system for treating
this disease, gives renewed
energy, more vitality and
greater ambition?.
A treatment that cures in less
than 5 clays without pain or
Positively Cured in Less Than IO Days
without tho loss of a single hour's time. Dr. M'jGrc'w's treittnent for Varicocele
gives absolutely no pain, and is the quickest form of curing this disci-ie tint has evi'r
been discovered. The doctor has devoted 26 years to the treat in -nt of Varicocele,
and it is but justice to him to say, without fear of contradiction tint his treatment of
Varicocele litis no equal anywhere. An absolute cure is guaranteed.
Charges low.
For Blood Poison and All Diseases of the Blood.
Dr. AlcGrew can give you Hot Springs treatment for .Blood Diseases (except
the water), and he guarantees better results and better satisfaction, besides you
can take his treatment right iU home, and no one will ever tiud out that you have this
terrible disease. It is quite different when von o to the Springs, for that trip alone is
quite sullieient . to advertise just what .vouv ailment is. I la ve yon ever t liought of this?
All external signs of this disease disappear -it onee under Dr. .Met Jrew's treatment, and
not a spot or pimple will ever appear to expose the nature of your disease. This fact
alone is a priceless comfort and consolation to one al'tlicteil with this ailment. Dr..
.Metirew C! L'A KAXTHISS vou a IMSK.MAXHXT (TIJH for life.
Office Hours S a. in to p m Sundays S a.m. to p.m. P. O. Box 7015.
Office Over 215 South 14th Sires., Bsl. Douglas and Farnam Sts Omaha, Neb
piiiH at all the nllcj'B woh an large as ueual.
At Clark's the followIiiK made 200 and bet
ter: Frnnk Fork. 210: W. C. IlrunUe. J3i5,
210, 202. 201: II. I.. Fowler. 209; Hen Lan
caster. 210. 221. 229; W. P. Clarkson, 23S,
20S, 209, 220. Pranklo Mahoncy, 209, 200;
W. It. Huntington, 215. 23.-; P. Y. Kenfilc,
226, 212; Ocorfio U virtue. 233; II. C. Yost,
200, 203. 201; C. P. I.ovcll. 223, 222, 2BS. 22:.,
2.VJ, 211, 201. 202, 211. 207, 233, 2'-'5, 23C;
A. Cole, 235, 230, 201, 217. 20.'.,
201. 219, 20; Janien Snicart, 202, 220. 214;
P. W. Schneider, 217, 224; S. Klcrman, 221;
StosUton llcth. 232; Illlllo WlKtnan. 21H,
213; W. II. Kmury, 201, 212: V. C. Cady,
231; riuy Puray, 211, 231; "I'lumber Head,"
22G, 202: W. W. lnchcH. 202. 278, 223. 227;
P. J. ncnRcle, 225; Oavo Hubln, 212; W. W.
Hartley. 212; It. A. .M.iRney, 212; Illlllo
Ambrustcr, 217, 203; C. Seaman, 207. J.
C. Kaufmunn, 210; W. S. Sheldon, 20S; Cap
tain Outmann, 203, 219.
v G trQ t-$ $ fr 4,
Tho National Cycllns association bus la
suod a bunch of rules and regulations for
tho guidance of tho racing boys. No rider
"III bo admitted to tho racing game
clothed In 3iich manner as to causo un
favorable comment or to rcllect nn tho
sport. To secure reasonable uniformity
riders must appear on tho track In black
kneo breeches. though stripes of nny
color may bo used, Tho color ot tho shirt
is optional. Attendants must also bo
'properly attired. Sleeveless uudorthtrls nro
barred. Gambling games of ull descrip
tions are prohibited on tracks enjoying
membership in or obtaining permit privi
leges from tho association. Hidcrs enter
ing for a meet cannot withdraw except
with t';o consent of tho promoter. Protests
to tho board of control '.n reference to de
cisions of referees must bo mado within
twenty-four hours nfter tho race. A ropy
of the protest must bo served on tho rofcrro
during tho meeting nnd beforo tho prizes
are delivered. Piling a kick of this class
costs $2. If riders desire to carry their
kick from tho board of control to the
board of appeal they have tho privilege of
doing so for f5. A decision in favor of tho
appellant brings a refund of tho prlco.
Now, boys, got busy.
A New York court, passing on the
statute authorizing the construction and
maintenance of sldo paths for tho use of
bicycles along public roads and stroets and
for tho use of such paths by porfons riding
bicycles, held, that providing auch paths
and confining tho use of tho bicycles thereto
for purposes of safety and convenience decs
not Impose nn additional burden on tho
highway and Is not a uso of tho highway
for which tho abutting ownor Is entitled
to compensation; hence such ucts are not
unconstitutional, ns providing for taking
private property without Just compensation.
It Is estimated that the cycle racers will
contest for $300,000 this season. Twenty
threo tracks, nt least, will promote cycle
racing weekly. These meoiu will ap
pioxlmatu nearly 500. Last reason the
National Cycling association sanctioned
more than 200 minor meets. That numbsr
will bo doubled this year, Last senson
$110,000 was offered to tho profeswlonal
riders alone. The amateur prizes wero
valued at $10,000, a total of $150,000 for
tho year. DaBed on last year's figures, th
twenty-three tracks promoting weekly
moots will this soason glvo an average
of 1100 to each meot, a total of 13,200 weekly
and $161,000 for tho season of twenty weeks.
An avorage of $800 for soventy-flvo big
holiday meets adds $00,000 to tho amount.
Thirty-two grand circuit rtatei will ylold
over $16,000, and tho hundreds of smaller
meets with amateur prizes below clasi
professional purses will add $10,000. This
fortune will be divided about as follows,
Judging by other seasons; One hundred ami
ninety thousand dollars to tho paced raccri,
$58,000 to tho sprint rldcro and $50,000 to
the amateur contestants. In tho winnings
of tho pace followers the 100 motormon will
share, receiving a total ot about f 00,000 In
nil. Plfty puce followers nml 100 sprinters
will share In the professional winnings.
That tho womiin who during the last
three or four years has prof ei red a iluun u 1
frame and divided skirt to the drop frame
and long skirts has not had Ideas to vcr
far ndvancid over those of "tho lady
on horseback" Is shown by the rapid In
crease lu popularity of "astride" riding by
leading society women. With such prcgrcs3
being mado among horsewomen, It Is likely
that the day Is not far distant when the
woman on a diamond frame wheel will
cease to be a curiosity to man or n source
of nervous prostrutlon to her less venture
some slsteis. Without (iniHtlon there Ii
more rigidity to and inoru, fcatlstacllon and
comfort lu riding n diamond frnmn than a
drop frame wheel, and the woman who
prefers such mount, It properly costumed,
Is perfectly safe In adopting It.
A business man who wns explaining his
'cycling enthusiasm to a friend enld: "I
took up wheeling ns a fad, but I "keep to It
now as au all around tnnlctho best in
the world. Punny about whocllng excrclte,
anyhow, d'ye know? it's good any way
you take It and It's good to take always.
It icmlnds mo of whisky and the wny drink
ing men uto It. They luko it in hot weather
because they're warm; they tako It In win
ter because they're cold; they take It when
they're tired or feel blue, and they tako
It when they aro in high spirits and want
to celebrate, nnd claim that It ulways docs
thorn good. That, of course, Is a delusion,
but It Is no fallacy that tho blcycio can bo
ubcd In the same seemingly contradictory
way, nnd always do you good. I go out
In tho morning beforo breakfast. Tho rldo
wakts mu up, gets tho blood to moving
lively, gives mo nn appetite, und I go to
tho ofllco with more snap nnd
vigor nbout me than If 1 simply
rodo to It In a car. Now, at
night when I feel all frayed out and too
tired for anything, a ride on tho wheel
Is refreshing. It seems paradoxical, bill II
Isn't. My tiredness, llko tint of all bul
iicsh men, Is largely a norvoii3 wcarlncs.H.
If I go to brd I tots for a long time before
getting to bleep. If 1 go out on tho v.ho-l.
though, I get my nerves (piloted and got a
new nnd different kind of tiredness, a phys
ical, muscular tlrcdnesu that Is wholesome
and actually feels gcnl. Thon 1 can go to
bed nnd got n refreshing sleep, Just llko a
baby or a day laborer. I think winter rid
ing ilocs mo the most good, but a good
sweating on tho wheel on a hot day alto
does mo good. I get tho polBnn out of my
system and I find that I stand the heat bet
tor than If I Just lolled around. Now, that's
practically the wholo story of my devotion
to tho wheel. It U good nny time, nnd If
you will try It as I have Indicated you will
find It true nnd live longer."
Tnc Citizens of Omaha May
plying at Boston Store
Drug Department.
The litl.ciiH r onuiliu und vicinity will
huvo an opportunlt w
In order Hint tho proprietor muy prove
It roiit Milue.
Almost every mail, woman, and child hast,
beard of Coke Dandruff Cure, those who
have lined It HWcar by II. PHYSICIANS
I'ltKHClllllI It, bnrbi'iH recommend mid
imo It, all llrst-clusH drug Htorcs und tut I r
dressers use and sell It.
A number of wimplrx have been left lit
the Huston Sliire Drug Department anil will
be given nut to all troubled with Dandruff
or oilier hnlr or scalp trouble, roraint'nclug
tomorrow morning at s and ending Tuesday
fvenln nt 0.
The Best of
Chicago and East.
Hot SpriiiKs-Dendwood.
1401-1403 Farr a n Street.
n nil
Need Underwear oithor medium weight or light we want you to sco
our line. All tho new designs and faiuy clfciis for this season. You can
not bellevo how waod u null cun be told for $1.00 until you see ours.
TTfc H Tf 67 In great vurlety und of bojt quality ut our enlos
vtJC grounds, 2Ut mid Parnam StreoU Como nnd plok
cunilRG out what you want. Ornumental Trcoj, Taiitlnn
bHKUKa Tree, Shrubs andt'lunti of nil kinds. La?gBt and
FLOWERS best stock in the city. Sloolc g-uarntitocd,
Sales Grounds 2tnt iind F.trn.un. CRUSCCNT NU USURIES,
TIicho Raw Spring Winds
and changeable weather starts everybody
to cougblnu, Anti-Cough uoothea the raw
coro membrane and stops the cough, ft
acti directly on tho mucous membrane,
topi hoareencst, tickling In the throat and
cures a cold, Only 25c at tha drug store,