10 THE OMAHA PALLY BEE: SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 10U1. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL May Whiat Open Hlghir Uidtr Ruia of Bujinf Ordin, CORN STEADV ON RECEIPTS AND CABLES (nnil K-t-iorl llrmnnil nod Delnjnl .-ecdliiK Cnune-i Ontn Activity I'ro- talon Hull anil l"imler on Homy Hk Itecelpts. I'HK'AOO, April SO. Today' Brain mar U'ls xvpip moderately active and llrm. wheat closltiK e, corn ',t,c to Mi'se urnl oatn higher. Provision cloned eiudcr, May wheat opened ?fif hlKln.r ut iMi ,e under a rucli of uuylni? orders, oc rn' lonnl by a nhurp adviincu at Liverpool and tho pood cash IiukIiiohs done, yester day Trade for an liour was well distrib uted and price changed but llltle. Later the liberality of receipt and tdncknes of the caMi demand created weakness, which wa Intensified 1)V the unloading of a Ions line or Mii.nuu blihels. May In thin wine nn forced ba.k to 7:'"ic IJjyeis. lu ll lencni Komewlmt by rumor of nal taken by Herman intercut, regained conll clente later and the niuiket reacted, tlo.i Inst llrm, with .May e IiIkIit at "So. Hx porter reported It load taken. Seaboard cleaiunees In wheal ami Hour were eiiuul to lHj.eO' biidhel, while primary receipts wer ll'iS.fO Inntliel. compared with IMil.iiW liu-hel lnt year. Allnneapoll and iJilllltli reported vnf, iikiiIiinI -." In h t week and 21. a year nun, Local tccclplH were :w, none of contract untile. ArKi-ntlne ahlp ments, according to Hoard of Trudc intor matlon, were ,XM1 buchel. Com started without any abatement of nrcvloiiH excitement, with buyer and fel ler for May delivery Hlniultnnrtmsly trad Inc flom 48c to Pd.4e. These Hsure coy ered proetlcally the tlny'n range of thl op tion although a moment after the openltiK H ftitlo wa inude at IS'.c. Following till p.irt the market for .May wa left very nimh to ltelf. Light receipts nnd higher tabic, hnweter, held prices steady. The bull leader wa not active In May, but tie voted considerable attention to .Inly, whlfh seems to be working toward tho center of Hie Mage, Thl option sold between 4,Vo and 16c, It highest price so far, and closed V''.je over yestcrtlny ut 4'VVff I5ic. He eelpts were Si cars, 1 of contract grade. 'I he demand for oat. was active, owing In a good demand for shipment mid to widespread rcortH of tlelayed needing. Mav solil between 2G"o and :Vj "tt'io, closing Vc higher at iiJ'se. The demand for Jtilv w.ia even better than that for May, at a til, count of -V. Heeelpt were 214 car. Provision were dull and a sliaJo easier on liberal hog receipts. Fluctuations were narrow. July pork closed 2VjO lower nt JI4.fi.., July lard it shade down nt 1S.iY,i&i ;3r, aml July r" with a like decline at J. Si'i. Kstlmatcd receipt (omorrow: Wheat, so cars; corn, 1S.' cars; oats, 235 cars; hngi, :o,. ( head. The lending futurca ranged us follows; Articles,! Open. High. Low. Close.' YesFy". Wheat May July Corn April May July Oats May July Pork .Mny July Ijitd May July Sept, Itlbs -May July Srpt, No. 2. i n,h M-mttiimtai vve-e ns follows: ri.Ot'Il-. Steady: winter patents. M.SOft 3.M; Mrnlgnts. JJ 2(Vfi3.7ii: clears, J2.C0ti3.4t): -prlng spechls. $1.U0J7 1.10: .patents. J3.4r.1l 4,iS: str.itchts. J.I.OojIS.'.'O; bakers, S:.151?:.4n. VIIIAT-No, 3 Kprlng, Tl'nrjiie; No. red, t'oUN-.Vo. 2, No. yellow, We. OATS No, 2. 2o: No. 2 white. 2Vit2J'ic; No. :: white, :$Kr,ii.ii: 1 KVKNo. 2. Kf(5)o. HAIII.HV (loo.l I.cllng, 45c: fair to tlioloi mallliu,-. tvf..1f. fli:iCIH-No. 1 (lax, Jl.2; No. 1 northwest, tru, JI.M; prlmu timothy, J3.J.0; clover, con fact ;raip, Jli.7r. I'ftOVISIONS-Mens pork, per bbl., JH.in (i I l... Iard, per lui lbs.. $S.l5fiS.i;i,i. short r b. xliles (loose), .I0?S..T). nrv suited fliouIderM (boxi'tl). Jfi.STUtiT.lSH. Short clear Hide (boxed). JS.37!f(S.oo! C C r U IIISK'Y-Rasls of hlKlt wines. $1.27. hi OAU-Cut loaf, IU43: Kranulated, B.B7c; confectioners A, 5.11c; off A, n.29c. K-d'owliig are the receipts and shipment! I r today: KerHpM. Shlpni"nt .... 22.0An 19,000 .... 84.(IO 124.0)0 ....100.000 PSI,(V)0 ....202,000 7t,0f0 .... S.OOi) 1 (Wl n.ooi) siooo 73 JJ 73V 7;;i 7,1 -- 73!4f4 73 73Vi73?j',4 73 jrSni "" ""Vr" isi't 4s1 t..'!' Irt 4.'.', 1SS9i 451.; 2W',f, 2 26?srti Vi 2tiif W 231?4 23iT?Ti 2o?i 253 25Vi , 14 42'2 14 I.'. 14 10 H) M n 14 55 14 m 14 5:i 14 63 II f.7',4 ! S r,i S K'.jl S I7h S l-i.. s 20 s o;i,4 s 10 1 s a. s 07U1 s 0714 s 07U s W4t s or. s 0. 1 s o; S 20 S 22' jl S 20 S 221 J f, 2.1 I 7 UVi S 02IJI 7 !I7'2 I !I7'' X ui I 7 BJ's 7 95 I 7 02'3 7 Po'Ji 7 97 KImir. bills.... AVIieat, bu t'orn, bu O ils, bu Hyp. bu Hurley, bu.... till thp f'rnitltftf ATrlinnox Im1n. tl.u v.itl ter market wa easy: creameries, 1B17190! lUlrlcd, IKiilSc. Cheese, steatly, BiMtllc. l.'KKS, eni.y: fresh, 12c. MJW YOHIC nU.XERAI, maiiickt. (luoltitloii of the liny on Vnrliia Commoilltles. , NKW YOIUC. April 2S.-KI.OUR-Hecelpts, io.SO., bbls.: exports. 3,k73 bbls. i market llrm. w It li buyer unwllllnj;. to meet any iidvanco: w'r'liff ,l"lU'."Hl -Mf.(K: winter stralgh'.s, .i.Wg3J6; Minnesota patents. JI.0Ofl4.3O; win ter cxtris, J2.45fj2.Ki; Minnesota bakers, .12.00 y;U0; winter low Krndes, J2.30.1f2.45. Hyo fano''ij"'? l B0(l' S-,S(n,3,": c"'ce to .V0IiH':A''rTs,clu,': Vllow western, D2c; city. 91c: llrandywlne, J2.I5G2.60. ,i;'K7!r,,imi.No,.B w''pm. 61c. afloat. ;;.'U'.ltY MAIr-Dull; western. 63&72e. WHKAT-Itccelpts, 43,700 lm.; snles, H.VA fX) bu. futures und 10t),00O bu. spot. Spot. lm; " 7 . f. o. b.. afloat, and Sl'.c, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, SDKc, f. o. b.. 11; oat; No. 1 hard Duluth, Dl;c, r. o. o allou t. Options opened llrm and were well sustalnetl all the early part of the day on Mtrong continental and Kniillsh entiles, more or less lly" damaRe talk from J.lVn0"1,Llwe!; loon.1, IU"1 '8ld uuylntr antl small Arsentlno shipments. Closed llrm at IK'io net advance; Muv, SOfiSO 13-lCc. CORN necelpts, 82,000 bu.; exports. 33 311 hu. Snot, steatly ; No. 2 53?tc. plvutor. and &.:?c, f. p. b., nlloat. Options wcro Irrcu idar ull day, ruling comparatively weak "n 5Ia In the absence or covurlriB nnd llrm n.iJa f'' 0Wll,K, to h,Kler 0,"I" and t ho car y llrmncss In wheat. Closed IrreL-uUr at loss on May nntl Ma advance other rWmV!,l'' F!M534e. closetl nt 65io; July. 4'oCsVS'nCk September.' A No. 3 white, SSitovie; No. W: lto, hjUc iJT?.,r,ll:.ti western. 315fC2tc; ttJck whfc SSftMUc. Options nulet but steatly. nUC' cholcX9.ic. MmXng' 75OS0u! K011 t ,jyOI,s .IS'JJ" ,;tto. common to choice -r.Pn 17?Pc: im cro,)- JBo: old o Ss .Ofl-.Dc; Pacific coaBt, iod croo. I$irl9c iswj ro.. llino; ola olds, 2fflc. P' U ' 1599 HllJISS-Steady; OiUvoMttJn. lS'(io; Cali fornia, 19o; Texas dcx, HSiHUc. MCATin?lt-8tca.W: hcmloct 'sole. Buenos QivZ'. VX' 2WJiiC; '"eml0"k. "i 10.00 city, cxtro men, IU.6f6.0O. Ciit n cft s tt1,et. P'ckled bellies, 810Ha: i.ara. steady; western Bteamco:. J8.TO: retlneo steady; continent. js.M; South America compound. JB.W. rork. steidi fnmllv 15 ftlsioo: Sh0rt cIcar' 6.l4.U&; rnVss.' rAr.l.6V-Qulct; city s per pkB.), 4'i?,:.4;.2.,iricyjPk?8- tree.). 5iSBc. HUTTKR-necolpts. f,t32 pkes.: steady Important demand. Pis Iron w:ant, J9.&oai0.&0, northern foundry, Ji;.tt4i6-i southern foundry, Jll.UJV15.So, soft south ern. JI3.tOK15.50. Olasgow warrants cloeJ at 6(s Sd nnd MlddlcaboroUKh ut 45s lOVid. OMAHA IVIIOI.lIMAI.i: SiAllKllTS. Condition of Trade nntl laoln1lnnii of Mlnplt- and I'nncy Prodnce. KOaS Receipts liberal; good stock, firm at llill2c. 1,1 V1J POUf.TnY-llcns, S4c; younsr and old roosters, Utio; turkeys, bnSC, ducks and Kt'CHo, 7fi7,,4c. UUTTHH - Common to fair, lldUUc; cholcn, 12til3c; separator, 20c. TRKSII OYSTKHS-Klrst Rrade, solid packed, New York counts, per can, 38c; ex tra selects, 32c. FRESH lMSII-Black bass, ISc: white bass, pic; bluetlsh, lie; bullheads, tic; blue illls, 7c. buffalos, Oj; cattish, 12c; cod, Oc; croppies, luo; clscoes, 7c; halibut, lie; her ring, tic; haddock, !)c; mackerel, 15c; perch, 6c: pickerel, He; pike, lie; red snapper, 10; salmon, 14c, Hiimllsh, 5c; smelts, be; trout, lot', Whitehall, 12c. l'lOKUNS-l.lvc, per tloz., Jl. ViiAI.H-Cholce, 9U10C. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesalo Hay Dealers' association: Choice liplnnil, Jll.uo; No. 1 uplantl, Jll; medium, Jin.50; coarse, lu Rye straw, J5.50. These prices ate tor liny of kooiI color 11 ml quality. Ue mantl ftilr. Receipts, 2 cars. OATS No. 2 white, 25C. CORN No. S, 4Jc. HRAN-JU vkoktahlks. SPtNAOH-Per bu. box, 74c. ASPARAOU'S-Ciillfornln, per lb.. 15c. RIIIJHARH-Citllforulii, ler lb 7c. NKW HHHTH-ler do., toe. SiiW 'A RRUTS Per tloz,, 50c. NIJW TL'HNIPS-Pcr tloz,, 75c. CUCU.MHKlia-ilothouse, per doz., l.',:, UH to Hi .C. PARSNIPS-Per bu., 40e. TUHNIPS-Per bu. basket, 50c. HUHTS-l'e- bit., 10c. CARROTS Per bU 40c. l.HTTCCK-Per bu., 35i10c. RAUISllliS Per duz., Wj30c. PARSLEY Per tloz., 35c. POTATOES-Per bu., 55tjtWc; Colorado, ' SEED POTATO ES Early Ohio. u.V5-?0c; Red River Vnuey. We,- Triumph. 11.10. SWEET POTATOES-Per bill., Jl.no. CAHHAOE HollHiid seed, ptr lb., 2'ic: new California, 2',4c. TOMATOES -Florida, per G-busket orate, J3.25; Mexican, per 4.basket crate, J1.75. ONlONS-Ohlo. per lb.. 4c; per bbl., JI.&O. CAl'l.ll'LOWER-Callloriila, per crate, HhANS-Wnx, per bu., J5; strliis, per bu.. EOd PLANT -Per bu. box. S3. PEPPERS Per Im. box, J2.25. !':,A$Vr,V.cr l"iv JW' l'er otie-thlrl bu.. Jl. CELERi Cullfornlu, ppr bunch, 50g75c. KRl'I'l S. STRAW HERRI ICS Florida, per t., 40c; Texas, 2..3)ei Louisiana, 2.qt. cases. J2.50 viiv.m 1.0 ..iiuj.i, per kch, li.sraW"), APPLES Per bbl,, 4.50: Washington, bu. box. J2: Ho Mowers. St. 90. HONUY-Calltornlu, per 21-scctlun case, TROPICA I. FRUITS. ORANGES-CallltirnU seedlings, J2.25ii 2.5o; navels, J2.7.i(3.2o. LEMUNS-Cullioriilu, extra fancy, J3; choice, J.',75. .,M.'VN!'VNS-I'cr acocrtllng to size, Jl.(.y(!2.2o. FIUS Callfori.ia. new eartuns, 75c; layers, twe; Imported, por lb., 10'x12c. OATHS Perblan. In hO.ih. iinvn u, 1.- r.. per lb.; Halloween, 5vc per lb. ' PINEAPPLES-Per los.. J;.2.VU2.75. MISCELLANEOUS. jg'JP -N U Y C11 1 1 1 o rn I u , per 31-sectlon case, CVl.Jl'LI7.I,C';.l'l1)l "'cr 1,aIf bill.. J2.73. MJ1.S-EiiRllsh walnuts, per lb., 15c: nil oerts, ilt iu IM; ainiolltl.-t, tier lb.. IMi ,. r.ini uni.i.i.lu ...... II. ..ii.' ' " ..... ....... ,,v, ,,,,, ouj-,3i;, TO i'.'jc: llruzlls, 13c; pecans, lu..v., IlllllJ.-i per , - - - - -..ta..p, ,uv unua,; iinseiiiea: fney .'f!i.?ptow&, loStffcFrcs: times- lare colored, 11?. wnite, JOJsViwe; tancx snjall 1:0: tancy smanj wntte, HV KnclSIIorrlni V ern. reitulUr nacketl HHts: southeni. 12Wi3e le. 3he; Bf6ratc, 11 5fMTl TIIV Ali., .... . . . 1.. , . "its' ' ipwis, hq; chickens, ic; turkeys, SSJc: Uressed. Irrei:' ular: turkeys, lOSltfHiC; tows. svsioe. MKTAf.S A sharp break in tin occurred In the local market foc'motnls today. Of ferlni; of spot ut tho opening were nulte liberal under continued heavy arrivals niid ... ui uiti nu:i mm. mu siaiisiicai position falls to 11ry from Its bearish condition, During tho day prices dropped 50 points' on spot, helped somewhat by a reaction In Uintlon, 11 loss of 7s fid being reported In that market, with the elose weak at ill? 10s nnd futures nt 114 17 cd. The close here whs weak at J23.506 25.75 on spot. Copper at London further declined 2 UI under liquidation, closing weak In tone nt A'69 lis 3d and 70 13s. spot and futures steady. The market here was tolerably steady, without changing tiunta tlout. Pig lead was rather quiet, but about steady at unchanged prices, in Umdon a ln of 1 3d was noted to 12 3s 9d. Spelter ruled nulte featureless, birt had a steady undertone on tho basis of Ji.OOfi4.n5 for spot. Foundry Iron ruled unlet and easy, with prlcea In favor of buyers, but without any roasted, ti'Ato cucouuuis, Nit. 1 ,,ri,...t ,.... 4V4c; No! I saltcd7 tio; No.' 2 sailed, S'ic; No. 1 veal call, ! to 12 lbs., fcui v0 :. , calf. 12 10 15 lbs., tiu; dry tildes. St,13c;'sl on pelts, 25'a75o; horse hides, Jl.5002.24. P M. I.o olx 4irilii 11111I lrn Uloiis. i, rc,1-.,'"i '., elevator, 74c; track; 75'fi 7HVi7li " J"'y' y-W - hard. ('CiRN-- t'lisetlleil; No. 2 cash. 4IHc- Irnck 4.V454..; May, ll'i,.; July, 4l"ic. ' ' ' RYE- 'strong at 54c. FLOFR-FIrm; patent. J3.i;oi3.75; etrn t'ey and straight, J3.153 30; clear, J2.70 SEEDS-Timothy, nominal; average rc CrV fivMPi prime orth mdre. t ORNMIiAL Steudy, J2.25, M,1!'t-N'.;,,Jlll,'i wieKed. east track, 71c. llAn'uot'i'rt'i'ct:' MtBi'"y' prairie WHISKV-Stently. J1.27. I RON t'OTTONTI ES-J1. HA(iaiNC.-C',if(7c. HEMP TWINE- lie. PROVISIONS -Pork, steady; jobbing. J15.,o. Lar.l. higher. JS.37',. Orv salt meats quiet; boxed lots, extra short! Ki! ! clear ribs. JS CO; clear sides. $sfi.nV line m q ilet; boxed lots, extra ' shor s. J!?12t4: cl.r, ll'.-..:.25; clear sides, J9.37U. Ml'. I A Lb-Lead, llrm at $4.22'. Sneltcr strong at J3.S0. opener, yr-sc; turltov, lneludedT1'Wer "?iC' rc"ackctl cases RECEiPTS-Flour. 4.(10 bbls.; wheat, 15. .,,'?.,wn,PMKNT8-'In,'r. lilils. : wheat 24,000 bu.; corn, 4t.XN bu,; oats, 23.000 bu ' I.tvernool 4! nil nml nn..i.i iiJxiy1'107' A"r" :--WHEAT-Spot. tlrm: No, 2 red western winter, 5s lHid i , .. . .h. ua 72Ui o. 1 t;nii i?iRNASpo.1' ,lrmi American mixed, new. 4s 5tl; American mixed, old, 4s BUtl. Kill turns, nolo!? Mnw a. ov.i.' V..i..,,V. i.'i Septemhef: 4 -,u' "" " f'LOi ts-firm; .May, 4s2!4d; July, iaW; Heiitembcr 4s 4e. ' 7 ' PEAR Cnnndlan, quiet. Es Cid. VLOim-st. i.iii nnA ,i-.' -...j.. Ss 3d w ".uivi, sieany, mess, 01s 3d. Pork, otttady; prlmo mess western. 63s 6d. Xird, American rellned. In palls, llrm. 43s 3d; prlmo western, In CV;5-, nr'"' - .?' "neon, Cumberland fA'W0 l"H..,,rm, -lsSd; short ribs. 16 middles heavy. 35 to 40 lbs., easy, 40s 9d; S '".ri r;L,iftl,a,0.k8.' to..'-',) ibs ! rm, 40s; ...i ... ...en, in Ju ma quint. 45 9d. Hams, short cut, It to 16 lbs., strong, 4Cs fid BJioh ders. square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, JuH oil. nUTTER-Flnest United States, dull, SSs; good United States, quiet, Cs. w. ...... ........... .i.icni, Willie, anil. 475.:.A,.".1r.,.9a,. 'ncsl colored, dull. 463 6d. TAIiLpW-Prlmn city, steady. 25s; Aus tralian III Iiudou. quiet, 2s 6d. Receipts of wheat during tho last three days, 228,000 centals, Including 190,000 Amer. TtnnnlnlH nf AmMvl.ni. i . t. - . i . . ... iuiiviii.il ii (ill rill if inn last thrco days. 84,600 centals. h Kmisna City (iriiln nnd Prorlslon. KANSAS CITY, April 26. WHEAT May COc; July, 67'Jn; cash, No. 2 hard. 71W 72Ue; No. 3, GUHSr7Hio No. 2 red, h7id! t'ORN May, 41',(,e.; July. 41o; cash. No 2 mixed, 421iSf43o; No. 2 white. 4Vic. RYK No. 2. 615f.2c. ' H1AiY.9L-iTmo,h'' 0-WQ11.00; cholco prairie. Jk.60ii0.75. i5RUTTF.R-Crcamery, l&SlSe; dulry, fancy, EOnS-Steady! fresh Missouri and Kan sas stock, lOHo per tloz., loss off, cases re turned; new whltewood cases Included Uo more. RECKIPTS-Wheat. 6S.40O bu.; corn, 59 200 bu.; oats. 23.000 bu. ' '" SIIIHMHNTH Wheat, 44,000 bu.; corn. 13. 000 Iju.; oatB, 23,000 bu. ' ' ' Mlunetipolls Market. MINNEAPOLIS. April 26,-WHBAT-May. 3c; July. 7ic; on truck, No. 1 hard, 75ic N2.T1'??,r.tn?r.n' 73Vi No- 2 northern. 7172c FLOuR Higher: first patents, J3.93iH.05: second patents, mo-gaia: llrst clears, J3.05W 3,Vii,8.ct'.ontl clears. J2.104J2.20. BRAN In bulk, J2.503.0O. Mllnnnkre Market. ?iLI.'iyjWKB,B AS?M 26. WHEAT "TtheVn.72V4c.1 nor,nern' 75!75Hc; No. 3 RYE Steady; No, 1. 54c. 55c AHLKY steady; No. 2, 57c; sample, 40 I'eorla Market. k-?0?.11: ,U" Apr" 2-CORN-Sttady bleV'thrte. N' 2 W1,UC' -C' track' JVIUSKY-On tho basis of J1.27 for fin lenea coods. Ury liooili Market. NEW YORK. April 26 Buying of heavy brown cottons for export in tho dry goods market continues In a moderate way, Ex port grades lire now scarce, and tone llrm; no cliaiiKQ in general home demand, busi ness being quiet throughout. Prints and ginghams nro quiet and prints Irregular. Jestenlay's reduction hi print cloths has fallen tint; no demund In sight. Linens are very slow, but generally firm. Burlaps are quiet, but slightly dearer. Foreign mar ket for burlaps strong. 1 MANCHESTER. April 26.- Holders ot cloths are unwilling to cell at lower urlce. Yuma dull und acthc. BRISK DESPITE DRAWBACKS Bniinflii Rtfnioi to Submit to Floodi ind Broktn Oommuiicatiou. MACHINERY IS FREELY EXP0RTE0 Cereal Mnrkot Exhibit l!nnnnl HtrenBtli Wool Steady, lint .ot Much Indlentlon or Higher Price. NEW YORK, April 26.-H. 0. Hun Co.'a Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: Business continues brisk for the season In the face or some drawbacks, which at time might cause marked hesltat on. J. HI T of these Is the Hoods In many directions, which have Interfcted with lallrond opera tion and Interrupted the tllslrllutlon of merchandise, ami tho weather all over the east tin been adverse to an Increase of re tall trade. Hank clearings, however, show that while speculation has been heavy thern must have been a well sustained volume of legitimate business, for tho gnin are ll.l per cent over IM) nntl 1S.9 over INK) uutsldo New York, nntl lud per cent tnTr lWio and 81 over 1599 ut this city. Railroad earnings m.ike similarly encouraging gain Reports !-om the Interior show special strength In cotidtllenr through Missouri, Kansas and Ohio, ..lid the future Is uill of promise. Much uniavorable comment has appeared ii'Hurilltu the uuvante In steel rail to J21, Yet the chnuRf Is only Ir keejilng with if rent lncrcaoi In pnceo of pig Iron antl bil let. Domestic bnlncss in the principal line or iii.inutuct.irctl steel I so active i-s to discourage foreign buying, but ma chinery and specialty mills are exporting Ireely. After a prolonged period of waiting for dellultc crop news the cereal markets sud denly awoke to unusual activity. Much of tilt! Increased trading ami sharp atlvatict! In prices resulted ;rom clever manipulation by a single western speculator, who compelled tin" short contingent to cover Mny corn contracts at the. highest prices of the sea son. Wheat has risen sharply, partly In sympathy with corn. Wool Is faltly steady ami this Is the best Mutt can be said. Eastern markets nru quiet, with light tlecnand from the mllM. Reports rrom many correspondents In the chlcr sheep raising stales Indicate that a linger clip than last year may bo expected ant. the condition Is satisfactory. Cotton resj.ntirts slowly to Indication of damage on plnntnllnus, for the old t rop it.ins Into 'iRht freely, and losses In liril Ish exports of goods nntl yarns do not promlbe a vigorous foreign demand for raw material. Another iicreae Is reported In shipments ol boits niu' shoes from -New England shops, although there Is still a heavier movement than In the same week last enr. Factories are less behind with orders .mil bt .vers are Inclined to defer new contractu in the hopj ol securing conceslons. Spring ttvile has been lost thriugh Inclement Wi ether 1 here Is an effort of retailers to reduce su plies ot rubber footwear carried over from last fall. Leather I barely stci.iv at last week's demand antl stocks of light grmle art) iicciimulatiiig, Eailures for the week numbered 213 in the lulled Stnti s. against 204, last jcar, and 20 In Camilla, igaliist 22 last cnr. wki:ki,v CLEAR l.; HOUSE TAHI.K. AKKrrKHte of limine TrniiNnctctl by the Aaauelnteil IIhiiKs. NEW YORK, April 20.-Thc following tnble, compiled by liradstroet, shows tho bank clearings at the principal cities fol the week ended April 2S, with the perceu tage of lucrcIKO and decrease us enninired with the corresponding week last year: C1TIE!!. Clearings. Inc. Dec, New York Hoston Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburg St. Louis Haltimnre San Francisco Cliirlunatl Kansas City Cleveland Detroit Louisville Minneapolis Houston Galveston Providence Indianapolis HurTalo Milwaukee St. Paul OMAHA , Col imbus, O Savannah Denver Hartford Richmond Memphis Washington Peoria i Rochester New Haven Vorcester Atlanta Salt Lake City Springfield. Mass.... Fort Worth Portland, Me Portland. Ore St. Joseph Los Angeles Norrolk Syrncuse Dos Moines Nashville Seranton Grand Rnnlds Augusta, Ga Dayton. O Seattle Tacoma. Sioux City Toledo Wilmington, Del Fall River Lowell Spokane New Hetirord Knoxville, Tenn Topeka Hlrmlngham Wichita Hlnghamton Lexington, Ky Jacksonville, Flu.... Kalamazoo Akron Chattanooga Rockrord, III Canton. O Sprlngliold, O Fargo, N. D Sioux Falls, S. D..., Fremont, Neb Davenport Kvansvlllo Macon Llltle Rock Holena Sprlngliold. Ill , Youngstown, O Hloomlngtnn , Jacksonville, III Colorado Spring .., Wheeling. W. Vn... Chester, Pa Totals. U. S Totals outside N. Y, $2,201.51C.7il7 I t4S.9ii7,Si:! I37.19J.C07 I 1I5.474.CIS I M.3IS.S36 I 40,0..2.9'l I 27.937,6 1 1 I 20.9J7.3S7 I 18.077,5i! li.&'ll.Ulo 11.ttil.462 10.S3S.2I2 S.S57.007 8.CS2.331 8.119,560 6.961.0UO ti.fi7S,800 H.337.555 6,032,333 fi.369,153 4.42S.KK B.9.M.039 f..SM,900 .l,45.uOJ 4.M7.S12 2.672.O0S 3,9ll,S60 2.5I6.R7 2,595.4611 2.126.742 2.303.815 1.363.2KS 1.621.9S4 1,945,971 2.161.122 1,353,870 2.39I.56S 1.263.499 1.9(11.401 1.339, 7 19 3,253.318 1,224,278 1.122.2 II 1.421.096 1.25S;76.5' 1.291.749, 1.2S7.2801 1.237.59 1.1IS.7I0 2.313,950 1.14S.452 1,532,33s, 1,602.030 S79.421 66l,60il i.H.fyj SI 7 3, 44 119.179 5SI..031 91I.SI2 876,418 565,523 339.100 4SS.273 235,861 410.157 761,90) 395.395 2S2.729 261.000 238,831 261.761 216,390 107,149 838,426 741,86 678.(Vl0 573.521 522.227 397,145 414,231 257.b02 160.M7I 817,t'kS 501.408 324,953! J2,93I,897,46S iiU,3S0,i61 103.01. 7.9!. 5.2 21.3 25.8 26.3 7.9 34. hi 25.0 10.5 18.51 20.7, io.s; 20.31 30.5 ' a.i 12.2 19.6 is.'ii! 21 .2L 6.2 4.9 1.5 54.7 34.0, 7.5 52.5 26.4 13.9 1 4?:?, 23.9, 9 10.3 SS.5 21.9 11.8 24 ..'.. 3.0 14.4 11.8 6S.3 11.01 11.8 'ih'.s 20.8 3. 41. 3.1 5.6 36.7, 16.4 21.0 24.5 13,7 9,3 41.2 18,5! 16.8 6.2 19.3 13.5 15.1 4.8 1.0 ":'l!4 7.2 "Si5 "v'.i "a'A 69.5 13.2 DOMINION OF CANADA. Montreal ,. Toronto Winnipeg .. Halifax .... Vancouver Hamilton . St. John, N, Victoria, B. Total ., R C In MR ioa 11.102,730 1,681,869 l,459,79o 863,950 718,336 793,(187 650,062 J n2,SS6,02S 13.4 18.5 1.2 22.9 41.9 13,3 11.4 6.2 New York Mining- Stock. NEW YORK, April 26.-Tho following are quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con tl Alice r.S Hreece 1S llruntwirk Con .... M Comttock Tunntl... I Con. Cl. & Va 2M Reaiwood Terr .. 10 Horn Sllvr 110 Iron Silver (9 Leadvlll Con i t.iiha m.i-f ' flntarlA Opftlr ....,'..'.'.'.', Phoenix , Potnal ... Savnti- , Sierra Nevada Small Hopes , Standard , 10 873 Si) .... a 8 5 13 S5 3M Hank ClrarliiKa. ..9JJ,IA' Apr" -,fi-'nl cloarinKs today, J1.20J.4J2; corresponding day last year, J9S2,! 6fa; Increase, J220.737. CHICAGO. April 26.-Cearlngs, J25.054.291; balances. .J-',l! 7,627; posted rates, J4.S56'&' 4,S.!k&!K JSi? '"channe, 5o premium. CINCINNATI. April 20.-CIcirlnB8, J2.S43, 6n! ork "xchango, i5o discount; money, 6556 per cent. .,JV,,,.'kAU?r,nlA' .,'V,r" M-Clearlngs, J18.Kt2.503: balances, 12,512,083, HALTIMORE. April 2tf.-Clearlng, JI.101, 49a; balances, 1088,0,6. HOSTON. April 26.-ClearlngH, J23,S63,I99; balances. Jl.975,572. NEW YORK. April 28.-Clenrll.gs, J3S5.807. 840: balances, J12,366,660. ST LOUIS. April 26Clearlngs, J6.7I2.74I; balances, Jl.lb2.937: money. 6j6 per cenl; Now York exchange, 10c premium bid, 25c premium asked. Coinlllloii or llir Trriiaury, WASHINGTON. April 26.-Totln.VH state. ninnt Ilf IllO triUlirv linlumiau ..... jtral tunc, exclusho o the J150,owi,tU) sold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, J155.H2.227; gold, 9j,272.526. .MOVIlMETS Ol- STOCKS AM) HOM1S. t)ni Slnrkct Mnre (ttilet Thnn for n AVrrl.. NEW YORK, April 26.-Today's stock market was decidedly more quiet nntl or derly than on any day during the week. There were no points of acute weakness nor any period of a general disposition to frell except for the opening dip In Amalga mated Copper and American Smelting, due to the legal ineiisui-es taken to frulrato tho absorption or other properties contem plated by those companies. Owing to to morrow" holiday on account or tho re moval of the board room apparatus from the present building to the temporary quar ters in tb0 Produce exchange there was a disposition to curtail speculative ventures nnd to close up accounts. I lie principal strength In the market per slstetl In about the same quarters as lor some time past, namely, In the grangers and Pacific. Northern Pncllic was most largely dealt In anil rose an extreme S'i, but Hurllngtou advanced 2U, to a record price: Rock Island rose 2 and Northwest ern IU, Pennsylvania, selling ex-rlghts, and Haltlmore A Ohio continued strong. I'nlon Paclilc was not jis active ns on previous days of the week nnd there was largo realizing going on In It all day, but tho stock wa held a last night timing the greater part of tho day, though It closetl n Ehado off. Among the specialties Sugar rose 3Ji, Tobacco 2,, Colorado Fuel 314, General Electric 3', New York Air llrnlte 10 points anil a number of either specialties rrom 1 to 2 point. The Colorado and Southern stocks were notubly strung nt advances of 2U to points, Noxt week the banks will have the bene llt of the May 1 payment of government Interest, which amounts to ubout J2,5u0.OO0. Railroad bonds continued strong, with the I'tilon Pacltlc convertible bond still prominent. Total sales, par value, J6,7IO,tw. I'nited State refunding 2s advanced !4 Per cent 011 the last sales. Hales on the New York Stock exchange for tho live day during which tho exchango was open for bllslnesH neitrei?.i In 9.960.9IID share com. pred with last week's sales qr 10,016,400 snares, wnicn broke nil previous records for a full week's business. Tho demand ror railroad bonds has been most marked In securities of the same com names whoso stocks have been prominent in the deullngs, notably Union Pacific, l.'nlted States 5s declined i per cent below last week's closing call. Tho following are the closing prices on the New Yoik Stock exchange: Atchison do pfd Haltlmurc & O. .. Citnadlnn I'nclrlc Canada Southern Ches. A. Ohio.. .. Chlcaa-u O. ... C, H. Sc Q Chicago I. & !,... do pfd Chicago k K. I.. C'hlcano c N. V c, rt. 1. & p.... t'. c. c. & St. L. Colorado Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. lludKon,, Del, L. & W Demcr & It. ... do pro lirle . do let pfd Urcat Nor. pfd... Hocking Cent .... lloeklna Valley .. Illinois Central .. Iowa Central do pfd 1.. K. & West.... do pfd Iike Shore Inils. & Nash.... Manhattan 1. .... Met. St. Ity Me. Central Minn. A. St. I do pfd Mlsfourl I'liclOu . Mohllo & Ohio.... M.. K. & T do pfd N. .1. Central N. Y. Central Nor. & West do pfd Northern 1'iu lllc . do pfd Ontm In ,t West.. Ore. Ity. & Nu v. do pfd l'ennslvanla ... Heading do in pfd 110 .'! inn Itlu . Orande West do pfd Si. I.. & ii. 1' do 1st pfd do Id prd St. L. S. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd St. P.IU1 & O Southern Pacific . . ". Southern Ity . DSM do nfd .l'Vl'k Texas & I'acMc. 9 ' 47i . 2l, .imi . . TO .nil: Onion 1'aclfia do pfd Wabash tin nfd W. it I.. E do d nfd. Wis. t.'enlml A 1 i.nii '"llll. CI nf.l ..IH'i'Amal. Coppr .... si-1. 'Adams i:xpress . I.-.S; Amer. Ktire . .. i'!t I". S. Express .. :e,i, Amer. Cot. oil.... ..HTM do pfd ..2ts Amer. Mulling .. . tkU do pfd . r,', Amer. S. fc It.... . SS',' do pfd . n",,,Anier. Spirits .... .IS3',j! do prd . lsVAmer. 'It.bacco ... . SJ'a1 do pfd .141i.nRConda Mln. Co U urn. nap, ir loiorouo r. & I.. Con. Tobacco .... 1I0 nfil lleneral lllectrlc . ijiiicoic Sugar ... I dn pfd , 'Infn'l Paper i nr. 1 c.'.i .12-. .SVI .VHi .t:s, .ir'i. M .112 .I'Jl'.S lieledo 0.1. Nil tlr.llH 1 lllscult . j do pfd , .Natlnnnl lnd .... 1. r.t . . cH N. V. Air llrft'kc.i! I.u lVn.ll. .lillilPaelllc Cuait . u3'i do 1st pfd . fc7 do :.l pf, .lsVI'acil1 Mall . :".i 1'enplc's Oils . SW), I'rceteil Steel Car.. . IV I do pfd . W Pullman Pal. Car. .nrvStandiird II. & T.. . S! Sugar . ji'.t do pfd., . o'i'i Tenn. Coal & lion. s iu. d, iainer mo dn nf,! IC'i l., S, Hubbcr.. .'.'.'.'.! L 1 IU riT.W'stern trnlon ... . 37Sr Hepublli! I, & s... . 6ft do pfd .170't Cnlteil States Steel .191 I do pfd P. C. C. & St. I... . .'31 i1 . 3u . t3i . 4i .D74 . 91 . :u. . 41H . .12". . i.i .t:i; .K.0 .11a 21!j . 8". . 5 . 21 . ht'i . 9. . !i . 17 I2Si .141 . 4iS . .'4 .1')! . M. lUli .I.'j'.j . SP, . ; . :i 7-' . SI . 4) . !'! . i; . 5.! .IM'i bV,, . . !"S . M'i . .7.1 . IH.'i . ''it . s:u .201 4'i .Il.i'j .120 . H7 . Ii , 77i . K"4 . Kl'i . 9.1 ' 1 77 . 151, . ?6 . 67 Nominal. Ex-dlvldend. York Money Market, NEW YORK, April 20.-.MONEY-On call, steatly, at 3iji4 per cent; last loan, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 3'4 per cent; prime mer cantile paper, 4fo4',4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' hill at HASH'S' 4.f3',i for demand and at Jl.S.Vft l.85i tor sixty days; posted rates, Jt.85HftM.86 and J1.S9; commercial bills, JI.8tii1S3d.Ms4. SILVER-Certlticntes, UOc; bar. 60lic; Mexican dollars. ISWc. HONDS Governments, llrm; railroad, strong; state, strong. The closing prices on bonds toda;. are as follows: V. S. ref. Ss, rej., do coupon do 3s. re; do coupon do new 4s, ree.,., do coupon do old 4s, ree do o 1 on do 5s, reg do coupon..... D, of C. 3 60s , Atch. gen, 4s do adj. 4a Canada So. '.'s Ches, & O. 4',is do fs , C. & N. W. 0. 7s... do 8. V. deb. 5s. Chicago Tcr. 4s. .... Colorado So. 4s Den. & It. O, (s,., Ilrle general Is,.,., K. W. & 1. C. Is., Clen. Electric Ss..., Iowa entral Is I & N. unl. 4s..., M K. & T. 2s...., do Is , "N. Y. Cential Is. m't N. J. Central g. 5s, tW!i No. Paclilc 3s HOiji do 4s UP; N. V. C. A. H. U 4b 138 N. it W. con. 4s. . , "Ore. Nav, is -.t3J,( Mo 4s 113). "Ore. S. U 6 110 I "do con. la 111'.; Heading gen. 4s..,, 123 Vn 102'i 96 lOSli i:iv-i 142 124 93 851 nun Klo O. West. is... St L & I M c. 5s.. St I. & S F g. 6s.. St. Paul consols,., "St, P. C. & P. Is. "do 5s So, Pacific 4s So, Hallway 5s.,.., S. It. & T. 6j.... Tex. & P. Is do !", Union Pacltlo 4s... IIS iWaUsh Is ISSVil "do 2s 117?; "West Shore 4s... TO I Wis, Central 4s,.., 82s. "Va. Centurion ... SIP J "Wabash deb '.07?i 13V.4 72'. 1057, 107 10H4 109 "03 120 U7!i 9374 V)l 115 131 193 IWn '.20 Mil IHii 57 119 95 101'i lSOi.ii no'; in. fO'j rs 3'.i Offered. "Hid. Cotton Market. NEW YORK", April 26,-COTTON-TodayH market followed an Irregular course nntl tho bulk or the business dono represented withdrawals of a weakened nature, Lnrgo lines of May obligations were settled during the forenoon. The new crop positions wcro not extensively dealt In. Townrd the close tho demund for near months by the shorts gave tho market a llrmer undertone nntl rallied prices decidedly. The weekly re port of Secretary Hester was hulllshly con. Btrued. Tho market was dually steady, with prices 3 points higher to 1 point lower, LIVERPOOL, April 2.!.-COTTON-Spot, moderate business nnd l-32d higher; Amcrl. can middling fair, 5 5-32d; good middling, 4 27-32d; middling, 4 21-32d; low middling, 4 15-32d; gootl ordinary, !7-32d; ordinary. 3 3-32d. The sales of tho day were S.OOO bales, of which 500 were Tor speculation nnd export and Included 7.SO0 American. Receipts, 7,000 bales, all American. Futures opened quiet and closed steady: American middling, 1. m. c, April. April-May find May-June. 4 33-64d, sellers; June.July and July-August, '4 3314 34-64d, sellers; Au gust. September antl September, 4 26-6ld sellers; October, good ordlnnry clause, 4 9-64d, buyers; October-November, 1 6-6lfi 4 6-C4d, sellers; November-December, 4 5.64 4 6.64d. sellers. ' w NEW ORLEANS, April 20.-COTTON-Spot, steady; sales 3,500 bales; ordinary, 5 13-I6c; good ordlnnry, 0Vc; low mid dling, 7 5-16c: middling. SHc; good mid tiling, S9-le: middling fair. S 13-16c. Receipts, 22,397 bales; stock, 216,391 bales. Futures, dull: April, nominal: May, T.VUtP 7,99c; June, .W31.92c; July, 7.8707.sfc; Au gust, 7.67Jf7.63c; September, 7.24if7.26o; Oc tober, 7.07j7.00o; November, 7.0207.01c; Dc cember. 7.01(W7.03c. GALVESTON. April 2.-COTTON-Mar-ket easy at Sijc. Weekly Cotton Statistics, LIVERPOOL. April 26.-The following aro tho weekly cotton statistics: Total sales of all kinds. 49,000 bales; total sales Amcrl. can, 47,000; English spinners' takings, 64,Wl; total exports, 6,ot)0; Imports of all kinds, BS.000: Imports of American, 56.0CO; stocks of all kinds, 7fc6,00o; stock of American, 674,000: quantity afloat, all kinds, 13l,(iO; quantity afloat. American, 100,000; total sales on speculation, 1,00); total sales to exporters, 700. VUlltlr Supply of Collon NEW ORLEANS, April 2.-8erctnry Hetter's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows n total of 3,707.617 bales, against 2.976,314 last year, or this 2.t4.627 bales, against 2,314, Sll last year, was American. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Bcceipti Ocntinued Hetrj Today, but Etetri Htld About Stoadj. HOGS AVERAGED A SHADE LOWER Very Fc.it .Sheep nnd Lamb on ."tilo nntl Itunllty Only Fnlr, lint .Not Much Change Notleenblc In tho Prices Paid. SOUTH OMAHA. April 2. necelpts were: Cattle. Hogs, sheep. Ofllclal Ufhclal Ultlctal uincul omclal .Moiittay 'luesday Wednesday 'ihursony ,. Filday , .1,116 .,911 '..i'Ji 2,Uof U.IOJ 9,9w) Hvo days this wcek....ll1lVJ id, 149 Satnu tias last Wech....lj,ui2 3i,SiS alno WtcK belore ii,l') baino three Weeks agu..U,(o6 :i,i oatuo lour weeks agu....li,li '.'J.lvi Buinu nays last year n,wJ oo.iu iWerHbU piiLu pain ior nogs at Omaha tho past aeveral da with parlsons: 6,367 j;mj 2,il l,Uo lb,917 ;b,Ai9 2o,lli 2-,u9 22,.M '.0,04 South com-' I 1901. 19'W.1S9J.1SM.1SJ;.1SM,U. Wool Mnrkrl, ST. LOFIfl. April 2n.-WOOI.-l'nclianged; medium grades, isffige; heavy line. 10i12c; Hcht Hue, l-"ijl5c, tub washed, Kii'-'Tc. April April April April April April April April April April iinl April April April April April April April April April April A pi 11 April April Apill April I. .. if... s... 4... t... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10.. II. . 12. .1 14.. li.. IB.. 17.. IS.. I 19.. 20., g:: O SI1,, I 6 00 i t Jil 6 f9?,l 6 iify & 1)6 1, j I 6 Olh t 941 5 8.;, p 91 i, 5 9Jil 0 Wv I 6 01,l t. 9 6 S47, 6 ,l 6 fcoil 5 Ohl 0 Si) 5 76 o 7i 6 77Vi & 01 a loj b il b 30 b 30i & 33 o U j 3'ii & 33 a 4U a f & 46 5 45 b 42 5 36l 5 32 u 3b! 6 39 3 64 I 3 6o ; t.tf 3 bo 3 t2 3 01 3 M 3 6s J 671 3 63 3 till 3 bi 3 i 3 to 3 71 3 75 3 77 3 72 i 3 071 3 bo 3 65 3 t5 371 3 73 3 i9i 3 itf 3 l.' 3 7 1 1 301 3 71 3 7l 4 bl 3 iU 3 67 3 bl 3 60 3 61 3 6J 3 72 3 4 3 74 3 71 3 SI 3 92 3 92 3 t.l ' I 3 W, 3 ta 3 tJ 3 4U 3 tD 3 97 3 9 3 a 3 k0 3 Jsi'l 3 u4 3 SO 3 b4 4 M 3 ba 4 2 51 4 iK i 4 2 3 57 4 tl J t9 3 Ul 4 89 3 bJ 4 81 3 bb 4 71 3 oil 4 .J 4 76 3 f)0 4 u J 49 3 iS 4 75 3 .91 4 is 3 3o 4 74 3 91 3 bli 3 SJI 3 Ml 3 Hl 3 81 3 43 3 35 3 S0 3 30 3 2j 3 31 I 4 63 4 bl 4 69 3 4 6i 4 a6 4 61 4 63 Indicates Sunday. The ntllclal number of cars of stock brought in today ny each road was; Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. H'ses C. M. & St. P. Ity... O. A; St. I.. Ry 2 Missouri Pucllio Ry.. .. L'nlon Paclilc system. S C. A: N. W. Ry 1 F., E. .t M. V. R. R.. 13 S. C. .ft P. Ry 1 C St. P.. M. i 0 36 14. Ac M. R. R. R 27 C, it. .V g, Ry 4 K. C. Ac St. J 1 C, R. 1. A: P.. cast... I Illinois Central l.'l 1 :i 21 11 29 U 1 11 142 Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. 32 J,oi) 47 48 '.'.'0 431 1,63.1 Ji 351 2,099 12 ti.ll 4,175 61a VJ I 2S 1 2) M Total receipts 9 The dlspohllloti of tho day's receipts as ns follows, each buyer purcnaslng tho num ber ot head indicated: Huyers. Omaha Packing Co G. II. Hammond Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co R. Ilccker Ai Degnn Livingstone & Schaller.... Dennis A: Co 11. F. llobblck A. S. Mawhlnncy L. F. litis Other buyers Totals 2.03S 9,902 1,725 CATTLE The liberal iccelpts of cuttle at this pulnt continued today antl pnekers started out with the Idea that they ought to buy their cattlu at a lower ligure. sen ers, however, wyro holding tor steady prices and lor tnat reason in murgci was a nine slow In getting started. Thero were about 60 curs of beef steers on salo and buyers on the start uld a little lower, mu tncy nnany pain in mosi cases lust about steady uncus with yesterday. The trado ,djd not havo tpilto tho lite and tone to It touny mai nan jaeii nuiiccu befro ibis week, but still practically every thing wus out of llrst hands In tood teaj son. Thern were only twelve or 'ifteen r.art or cows and hellers on sale anil tho Inarket was a llltlo lower.' aomo or mu mure no uiinhln imiiehes sold not lar trcm steady with yesterday, while otheis were Oc, antl In extreme cnaes 10c. lower man esto'doy. Utiyers did not seem nearl,.- as nnxluus for supplies today as they have been hereto tore, and tor that reason tho market wa. a llttio siow. ltuilu w.-rn iKiiiii loo active today, and in somo cases were a little lower, out tho better grades sold in about yejiertiay H notches. Veal calves and itags hold uLout steatly. , ... There wero only a few stockers and iced ers hero today, and tho market couio be quoted fully steady. Tho bamu us has b.en tho enso all the week, tho nood Muff fold o (ntinv urine, no matter whether it was steers, shti stuff, bulls or calves. Anything at all tlesiraoio mei wiiii rrauy cuiu ai prices that iookcii iiikii. me acmano. irom iht- fiiimtrv is not lai'3c. but It la hfnvy as compared with the supply of good cattlo on hand, ncprcseiiuiiivu Miica BEEF STEERS. No. Av. I'r. No. 13 677 3 S3 1 u 37 4. 6. IS. 11. .... kSS 4 CO 1 13W 4 M l 761 4 ft) 1 710 4 15 5 fOO 4 35 H W 4 35 6 10S0 4 10 2.i. . 13 965 4 10 18.. ;l Hi 4 40 SS.. 3 903 4 10 10.. J 1116 4 50 18.. 11 1091 4 u) 2.. 2 1275 4 55 57.. 10 10OT 4 55 19.. 1 1230 4 IV) 19.. 2 9J0 4 CO 40.. 14 910 4 CD . 4. 1 1100 4 m 0 957 4 CO 1C 6 721 4 0 19 , 16 971 4 10 41 4 1073 4 65 17 4 1075 I C5 7 14 1043 4 70 17 23 965 4 70 20 2 121) 4 79 7 21 1133 1 70 76 11 11C1 4 "0 IC 13 1125 1 70 19 7 1035 4 70 14 1 1010 4 75 9 6 1086 4 75 SS 15 1070 4 75 '.'0 35 1190 4 75 41 18., Av. rr. ...UU) 4 75 . . . 1123 4 50 ...11S0 4 SO ...1273 4 30 ...1156 4 K0 ...1166 4 a ...1154 I MS ...li:6 4 5 ...Ulii 4 S3 ...lWi 4 83 ...1122 4 S5 ... !'9i 4 90 ...1515 4 M ...1109 4 90 ...1ISI 4 90 ...1160 4 90 ...1155 4 DO ...1277 4 90 18 1331 3 00 ,.12M 5 00 ... .1227 5 .10 .,..1204 5 05 ..,.1220 5 03 ....1260 5 05 ..,.1317 5 0". ....1359 5 0) ....lSI'i 5 03 ....1323 5 10 ....1276 5 10 ....1313 5 10 ....1355 5 15 ....133 5 20 ....1432 3 23 ....1390 5 25 ....132 3 Z) 41.... SS.... STEERS AND HEIFERS. .... iJl 4 i)3 18 1I2S 4 fO .... 916 I 73 8 US9 4 95 .... 990 4 "3 13 12S0 3 C3 STEERS AND COWS. ....llfci 4 ('! STEERS TEXAS. ...,1276 4 W STEERS AND STAGS. ....1341 4 85 COWS, 1.. 2.'.'.'.'.'. 1 900 1 W 750 2 10 1CCJ0 2 CO 820 ! 25 830 2 25 10) 2 25 1120 2 .V) 8'.) 2 f t) 930 2 75 940 2 75 920 2 75 920 N: 75 1100 2 90 870 3 90 S20 3 W 933 3 bO 1244 3 00 960 .1 il 1000 3 05 KM 3 10 1032 3 23 1CK15 3 25 640 3 i3 890 3 25 860 3 25 970 3 25 1020 3 23 1070 3 li fcO 3 25 1100 3 a 780, 3 35 98l 3 ro 830 3 50 1020 3 '0 1090 1 14 95 3 .'4 1093 3 ro 1160 3 3 ...1IS0 3 73 3 1233 3 73 1 1040 3 73 3 906 3 73 4 937 3 73 1 970 3 80 2 1105 3 10 1 900 3 85 1 11! ) 3 85 1 1130 3 90 7 1154 3 0 11 1153 3 90 II 1122 3 M 4 995 3 M 3 1266 4 00 1 880 4 00 2 1270 4 1 0 5 12I0 4 OS , 1090 4 10 , 1070 4 10 1095 t 10 1013 4 '0 780'! 10 1105 4 10 1110 4 10 1116 4 15 i 1140 4 15 1072 4 15 3 12C3 4 !5 7 993 4 20 2 1073 4 20 3 1436 4 1150 4 Vi 3. 16., 3., 3. 8. 1.. 10. 8. 3. 4.. 12.. 1.. 21.. 1.. .140 4 23 .1255 I 30 .1011 4 TO .1110 4 r-o .1109 4 S3 .1320 4 33 1091 3 70 980 3 73 COWS. STEERS AND STAGS 1317 4 23 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS i soo : lo 1 770 3 CO 3 1 C10 3 10 8 4 417 3 b0 HEIFERS. 1 770 3 25 2 1 720 .1 75 2 15 27 i V) 1 10 8.13 3 "5 2 1 S70 4 HO -1. 7 1910 I 19 ,. 35 3 95 ... 5'M 4 M ... 623 4 25 .1024 4 13 710 4 15 570 4 25 1010 4 34 1619 4 ii 1070 4 33 1 1754 3 S4 1 1720 1 1 1 1320 3 M 3 ,.1134 IfO 1 t5 4 CO 1 1220 4 (0 1 ,160.) I Ot) 1... 1K4 4 01 1 ,..,2030 4 03 1. 1. ...II14 1 M 370 3 CO 1 1394 3 40 2 Hit 3 '0 1 ..1324 3 10 1 914 3 74 .1 1363 3 M 1 974 3 r-O 1 924 3 63 1 1744 3 i 1 18 3 3 1 1419 3 75 1 1449 3 75 CALVES. 1 lf1 4 09 L 204 C M t ICO 5 CO 1 lO ZS 1 234 5 50 1 180 6 23 1 100 5 54 STAGS. 1 1344 4 00 3 ..1204 4 23 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 7 D27 4 ft) 3 "'6 I CO 1 SCO 4 fO 4 415 4 fO 1 954 I 50 21 623 4 33 HEIFERS AND UULLS. tS 735 4 ?0 HOGS Thero wa another liberal run of hogs here today, mnklng tho supply so rnr this week the henvlet ror the llrst five days or any week this year. Chicago was reported n nickel lower, nnd ns a result packers started out and bid 2'(4'ii6c lower than yesterday, but most or tho enrly sales were made on a basis of 2',4c decline. Sell ers held their droves at gootl llrm prices, and as packers seemed to want tho hog the market Improved a the morning ad vanced nnd closed up strong, The bulk of the snles went from $5,724 to $5.74, with the long string at $3,75 and a tup at $5.90, or tho samo as yesterday. It was a gootl actlvo market and everything was out or llrst hands in good sensou, As will be seen rrom the tabic ot nveingo iec?lpts today' inarket Is Just a shade lower than yester day, or not so much different from W'ednts- days market, iteprescntalivu sales: HULLS. 1. 1250 3 13 1 1114 3 ,J 1 904 3 23 .,.,, Ml 3 73 1 1010 3 J". 910 3 73 1 by) 3 i3 1 860 3 75 No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Hh. Pr. 101 167 ... 3 r3 8 216 80 5 75 $3 H7 '.'44 3 63 73 231 Ml 5 73 M 181 ... 3 63 im in 80 5 73 (. 2J4 ... 5 70 M 257 W 5 76 C 196 10 5 ") 67 261 ... 5 ": 71 213 80 5 70 72 2.13 80 5 .5 HI 177 40 5 70 67 235 ... 5 75 t7 M ) 5 70 6 KJ SO 3 '.5 84 200 80 5 "211 70 201 M) ,5 7S 63 216 ... 3 ,":'i SI 214 200 5 73 84 2H 40 t'.i 73 201 ... 5 75 14 212 40 5 7i, 73 229 120 3 73 76 195 ... 5 73Vi 78 312 84 5 75 62 212 160 3 724 82 223 84 6 174 84 131 120 5 "24 70 243 40 3 774 10 25) ... 3 72'i 6 334 ... 5 774 77 201 ... 6 724 6 247 ... 5 774 5", I7S 284 5 72 4 78 224 8 ) 5 774 67 !1 44 5 75 57 217 ... 3 77 4 63 311 40 5 73 49 274 80 B 774 63 302 44 3 75 (4 324 214 5 774 69 231 84 3 ',5 M 313 4 4 5 77 4 61 224 84 5 75 16 239 SO 5 774 75 -a,' 4) S 75 73 210 40 5 77', 7 V45 ... 5 75 71 251 84 5 77 4 67 230 120 5 75 73 234 ,4 5 77', 71 234 164 5 75 61 211 S0 3 774 61 215 ... 5 75 IC 231 40 5 774 64 246 ... 5 73 i',8 236 54 5 774 70 234 ... 5 75 64 263 84 3 774 52 253 80 5 73 M 310 IM 8 77', 89 273 ... 5 73 62 277 M 3 774 62 tS M 3 75 31 217 SO 5 774 67 20 164 5 75 82 213 ... S 77', 54 225 44 5 73 l 272 84 3 77'i 70 243 ... 5 "3 7 4 224 SO 5 774 72 265 244 5 75 IS 270 ... 5 77 4 69 2"9 ... 5 75 63 240 ... 6 77i 74 SIS 84 5 73 37 272 84 5 "7', 78 23 )4 1 75 67 277 160 5 77', 6S 335 ... 5 75 64 219 80 5 7?4 31 :.' 281 5 75 66 242 ... 5 774 74 235 ... 5 75 6.1 266 80 5 77 4 64 217 ... 5 75 t3 276 84 5 77', 65 2.11 ... 3 73 f? 267 240 5 77 4 166 222 80 5 75 82 2W 49 5 77', "7 219 84 5 75 24 274 80 3 774 61 247 lb4 3 75 64 236 ... 57714 58 263 ... 5 75 62 213 84 5 77U 72 227 80 5 "5 70 2n SO 5 77U 81 223 ... 6 73 77 263 ... 5 77 4 76 274 44 5 73 61 M6 44 3 74 12 231 ... 5 5 63 283 SO 5 774 12 244 ... 5 75 69 337 ... 5 ;;i4 10 21) ... 3 75 71 234 80 5 77 4 86 212 204 3 75 49 317 84 ! 8-1 72 322 164 3 7 5 66 317 80 3 10 81 216 84 5 73 37 279 ,, tn 71 233 164 3 73 71 241 249 5 10 64 271 89 5 75 62 274 84 5 80 227 10 3 73 l 293 80 5 V) 81 234 160 3 73 67 26S 84 5 S3 68 216 44 6 75 6 ,.K5 ... 6 80 53 216 80 5 73 59 277 ... 5 f2i 74 517 S4 6 75 31 334 80 5 f.'. 64 252 169 5 73 67 244 ... 5 69 228 16") 5 73 64 2M 164 6 84 68 217 84 5 75 64 274 44 5 84 77 216 SO 5 73 39 274 80 5 15 80 229 ... 5 75 36 377 ... 5 874 66 23 4 4 4 5 7 3 3 7 293 ... 5 87', 61 235 ... 3 75 11 301 ... 6 90 73.. ...214 SHI. LP There Was a light run of sheep hero today, only nbout six fresh cars being on sale. The quality was only lair nnd the market could bo tiuolcd steady. Clipped sheep sold at $1.35, which Is steady with yesterduy and Wednesday. Clipped lambs brought $1.40, which also looked like a steady price. The better gratle of what wero offered wero sold In good season, but some of tho commoner bunches wero neg lected. Quotations: Cholco wothcrs, $4.60R4.75: fair to good wetherB. $4.2304.50; clipped wethers, $4.3504.50; fair to good clipped wothcrs, $4.23(6-4.35; choice lightweight year lings, $4.G0fH.75; fair to good yearlings, $4.35 04.50; clipped yearlings, $4.254.50; cholco lightweight ewes, $4 16S-4.30; fair to good ewes, w..ctcj3.iD; cupped ewes, Jl.2aiB4.oo; choice lcmbs, $4.9005.00; fair to good .lambs, $4.6584.l0; clipped lambs, $4.35IH.C5; spring lamos, t.wtt'.w; reeaer womers, 3..6!B4.:&; feeder lambs, $4.00ft'4.60. Representative sales: No. 1 clipped ewe 22 clipped ewes 23 clipped ewes 2 bucks 149 clipped lambs 4 clipped lambs 32 clipped wethers 4 lambs 10 clipped western ewes IS Nebraska ewes 193 clipped western wethers. 232 clipped western wethers . 220 clipped western wethers . 210 clipped western wethers 411 western lnmbs 171 western wether Av. 90 81 93 190 70 90 S3 S2 107 .. 105 .. IW .. 98 .. 102 .. 63 .. 78 Pr. $2 CO 2 00 3 00 3 5) 4 40 I 40 4 50 5 () 3 75 3 85 4 25 4 33 4 35 4 35 4 40 4 40 CHICAGO LIVE ST(lf:K MARKET. Cattle nml Hhrti (it-ncrnlly Sternly Hog: Clprii WrnU. CHICAGO, April 26,-CATTLE-Recclpts, 2,000 head; generally steatly, except ran ners, weak; good to prime steers, tS.Ufjfi.C0: poor to medium, $3.H0fj4.95; stockers and feeders, llrm. nt $2.S0fI1.90; cows, $2.70fl4.60; heifers. $2.75ff4.85: canners. 12.00di2.60: bulls. strong, at $2.!W4.05: calves Arm. nt $4.00( 5.23; Texas fed steers. $4.25ft5.40: Texas grass steers, $3.5Og4.0O; Texas bulls, $2.76 $14.00. HUGH Receipts, 25,000 head: estimated tomorrow. 18.000: left ovpr. 1.500: otiened weak, closetl strong nnd active; top, $6.05; mlxetl and butchers, $5.75fl6.O0; good to cholco heavy, $5.W0.05: rough heavy, $3.65 0J5.75; light, $5.70f5.95; bulk of sales, $3.90 4l 5.1.5. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Rccolnts, 8,000 head: steatly; lambs stronger; Cnlorados, month, $5.30: good to choice wethers. ll.6.Vfi, 4.90; fair to choice mlxetl, $4.30?4.65; west ern sheep, $4.6557-1.90; Texns vearllngs, $1.65 iff4.90; native lambs, $4 505.30; western minus, fi.ivxiu.ov. SI. Joseph Live Stock Markrl, SOUTH ST. JOSEPH, April 26.-(Speclal.) Tho Journal quotes: PATTl.P I.flnlt. ftivi I ,1 . 1. . v ..... ,,vi.viiin, llt-utl, IIIHI Unl HU- llt. a . 1 ... I al.,,,1... , r. . I . . . . . I t; 1 r.l r nr. n- .. .. .. ,.- ,,v. div.u, , 111.1iTf.-n, fi,oiuu,wj irxun and westerns. $3. 65(85. 25; cows and heifers, $2.35fj5.O0; bulls nnd stags, $2.30ffl.75j year ling and on I vt. $.1,7511 !5, Blockers and fcetler. $3.t.0tM So; veals, $1.25516. ii. HOGS- Rtceliiis, f.,io head, market fc lower; all grades, $5. lOWS.'Jj, bulk of sales. $5.77V'S 'iji I'Ikx Kteady, SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls, 1,500 head; market active and steatly; lambs, $4.9.VIo.lo; yearlings. $4.71M.9J; wethers $1,4011,75. ewes. $J.sotH M. Nrvr York l.ltc ftlook Market, NEW YORK, April 26.-- REEVES Re. feint, 2.S75 head! steer quiet but .steady: bulls, slow; cows llrm to shade higher steers, $5.(OJ(S.7o; bull. $.l.(i'ii 1.15: choice) and export hulls, $1 45j4 SO; cables steady; shipments, !") cattle, l,7i) sheep and 4.IM quarter of beef. CALVES-Recclpts, I6.S head; active and 2o'm.'c higher; eals, $3,505(6.25; little calves, '"SHEEP AND LAM IIS -Receipts, 9.5H head; hccp steatlv and scarce; lambs 2c off; common vvooicd sheep. $4; clipped sheep. $I.2.VII.S0: woolctl la.nl.. H.75Ti6.12s 0110 car, Jb.2..; t lipped lambs. $i.Si'5.5o, clipped cull. M.30si2.-,j spilng lamb. $l.7i lo. 2.1 per head. nooS-Receljit . .1.227 head; steady; statu hogs, $6.3..y6.4i; pig. $0 23 Kit 11 nun clfy 1,1 Mod. Murlirl. KANSAS CITY. April 26.-CATTI.E-Re-celpls, 2,000 natives and l"0 Tex.uis, heavy href slccrs strong to In., higher, other cat tlo steady to 10c lower; native beef ctecr. $j.25fj.w; common to good. $l.i'l)r.,20; stock tw and fcetler. fl.oodi.'i.oi); western fed steers, $4.Wt5.25, Texan and Indian, ) hf) ruo.lii; cows, $1.2.Vu4 50; heifers, JJ.Sjlfi.W; bulls. H.OOf 1.50; calves, 51.751(6.00 HOGS-Recclpls. I5,(m) u.u,l, niatkel 5h' fro lowers top. $.-.924; Imlk of sales. $5.75 tfii..90; heavy. $5.s5tift,92t; tnUcd packers. $5.75115. 3; light, $3.401if..Mi! miners, SHEEP AND LA.MRS-Rccclpls 2 51) head; market 5c higher: western Iambi. II.fc0fjB.4Oj western wethers. $1.5051 ivo west ern yearling, $l.60'n ,!), ewes. $!2.Mi4io: culls, $2.50jfl.0o; spring 11111111. J6.0M7.50. Nf. I.imiIk Mir .stock Mnrkel. ST. LOFIS. April 2f5.-CATTI.E-I5eccliit3 00. ) head. Including IM) head Texnns. 11 n- '. ket stonily for all but heavy native, which are easier: Texan's, steady; shipping ninl export steers, $.00iTi5.V.; dressed beef m butcher ideer. $l.5tv,i5.25; steers under l.r.i) lbs., $J.SOWi.oo: stockers and feeders. fXWt 1. '5lr"ws 1,1,(1 lielfers, $2.wvr7S.(M; canners $1 2:533.00; bulls, $3.25fl 4.10; Texa nnd in: $2.5ft'i-4'!!o.0r8' -''W'8S: K "n Hclfcr"; 'ilOo's-Reeelpt. 7.200 head; market eav to a shade lower: pigs and lights. J.Vwf ."Mock lii Slit I, t. Follow;lng nro the receipt at the four prlnclpnl markets for April 26: It ... v .'i'.lV' '"g. onepp. 2,057 9,990 1 PS 2.000 2S.0O4 sp"o 2.41) 5,ft.) jjjrt,, fiuo V. .".mil South Omaha Chicago Kansa CUv St. Loul .... Total 7.057 57.1M 16.625 Slnm CHy 1,1, e Muck Mnrket. BIOV:V. yj'S'i, A',r" Pedal Tel.. g rn in . ) C A IT L E - Receipts, 200; market steadv; beeves, $t.25fr-.no; cows and bull ' fl. $.'i&Mi3.76; stoidters and feeder, 3 50 5I.'ll,0, lings. $3.60ffl.S5. I Otife-Recclpts, 45.nrO: market Ko lower, selling at $5.6505.75; bulk, $5.64fj5.70. differ .llnrUcl. NEW YORK. April 20.-COFFEE-The market for cotTee futures opened stendy. with prices points lower under light room and some foreign selling. There was noth ing 'n the way of Investment support nml for the most part news from abroad rather inVflf.l n rnnntln.. f ,1.A ..u.. , z '-"i. 111.111 in.: niiurp auvaucn. of yesterday. Hy midday the decline was a .1.,.. .1. . l" ,)'"""" wiin sentiment nt that time bcnrl.-h under disappointing fnr rlirii nntva ull,, l.il.. t.. t ... " . . . r...,.. mihvi llillllHII ie- celpts than expected nnd poor spot demand. ...... .... w..-.- ),ii,iii.iHKing seui prices up ward nnd nt 3 p. m. the feeling was stendy, with prices net unchanged to 5 points lower. Tntnl af.lrw ua... rrji 1... . 1....1.. ii.. .. .. 7 r in' ..." including ,iay nt 5.10c; June. 5.15c; September, fi.401fC,.45c: October. i..45Ji(j.KOc: December, .'.fi.itS6.70e: Jnnunrv, .'.JOc; March. 5.S5r,.00c. Spot Rio. dull; No. ,, Invoice, 64c. Mild, dull; Cor dova, s'ifl24e. Einpornlcil nml Dried Fruits, Am;VY.uY?.mV .A"r" EVAPORATED ... . .....3 .iiiunri continues ipuet nun prices were without change. Export de mand was dormant. State, common, 3f4e; prime, 444'8c; choice, G'ji&'ic; fancy, 6f CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Marktt about steatly. Prunes. 4t',j7c per lb., as to slzo and quality. Apricots, Royal, 7'Ml2o: Moor Park, M4ff13o. Peaches, peeled," 12V.? 2i)c; impeded, 54f10c. Nogar MtirUct. NEW" YORK, April 2.-Snc,ARRaw. firm; fnlr retinlng, 3ll-16c; centrlfugnL 96 lest. 4 3-t6fi44c Molasses sugar, 3 7-1;?r34c. Rellned, llrm. " NEW ORLEANS. April 26-Sl'OAR-Qlllet; open kettle, 3!ift3 13.16o; open kettle, centrifugal, 344!ic; centrifugal, yellow, 44W4"ic; second, 24fi Ic. .Molasses, steatly; centrifugal, Sfilc $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years Omaht. VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without catting. pMn or Ion ot time. CVI3UII lecuredforllfeanatbepol-on rniua thoroughly cleanied from thcijretein. Soon every rlgn and symptom disappears completely and foreTer. No "RUK AKINO OUT" of the dliease on tho skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerous drug! or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN Irom Excesses or Victims to Nmivoi.'s Dkiiilitv or Exhaustion, WaSTINO WSARNKES With KAI1LY DECAY In Youno and Midiii, Anr.D, lack of Tim, vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak, STRICTURE cured with a new Horn Treatment. No pain, no detention from bull Deis. Kidney and DlAdder Troubles. r .. CHAROES LOW ,. . CoiultitlM Free. T rut mint by Mill. Call on on or address 1 1 g So. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb. Trieplione lO.'IO. aoyd Commission Co. Successors to James E. Boyd & Co., OMAHA. NED. COMMISSION GRAIN. I'lttlVISIO.XS AND STOCKS. Hoard o( Trade IIiiIIiIIiik. Direct wires to Chicago and New York, Correspondence, John A, Wnrren & Co, Tax Exempt. s $1,000,000 4 per cent Government Guaranteed Bonds AT 100 AND INT13KKST. Issued for railway extensions, ,'iinninteed bv lie Kussian govemnient and free from every tax, present or future, by Imperial Decree. Payable in U. S. Gold Coin in New York, SECUHED HY FJKST AlOfT(.iA(E on lare and old railway system earning; about double its fixed charges. SINKING EUND which will pay off the entire issue at maturity. GITAKANTEE of the GO YISKN.M EXT as to both prin cipal and interest. FARSON, LEACH & CO., 110 Dearborn St., Chicago. .IS Nassau St., Nctv York.