The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JO'E in. 1871. 03IAHA. FHIDAV MOKI"(r. APIUL 2C. 1901-TEX PA SINGLE COPV FIVE CENTS. root spars cubasI Eocrrsurj if War Vu Spte'ii DtUpucs 11 lin. Diplizuac Scst. DEL"ER3 FAfcLY BUT GIYIS NO .SOUND Pr.ES DEM LNTEETAINS HEM COr.Ot'.LLY , j Call V. rk Ecr is Hide H-ui:' fe Pzr-Jj Fcrrii AHE GUESTS OF KOSOn AT A OiS.SL3. Mm Many Krentl-. Lllall" ! Jsdlplal nprlmriil Mm In Ktcn im xrlal IIalr lt Contrrmr Kr I TV 5H:NCT0S. April 7a- Cajfcas 4 in 3 frnai tx roweatMaa, tra; oatac ' iom for tb k ttoaa4 r-aUc J a c 11 x r -4M MrKiaftrr uVf 4ar. ooct la - e.riy port of tie fey. waa f ,i-r4ortloo m a Mraaai eacaaace cf 'lT'-'Hn of fria4hlp Vte the ' v. -c . ahka o-.w ( a Tiwa ta atetaCKT o; t ft r : x the rti& tt bar at a atate its-r . a. e hi:e Hoe. j v: real oaM iich broorkt tie ; d era-ica Sere traK:ete4 Kb srre taT Root of the War artae:t. tke ;tj deat la tie lor taw jc laterTlet at tie ' Hoom. ftajAa to tie acatM ti j he -,td cooifor itk tie serretarr. ao ' j'i art aa ilt repreieortattre ta coafer e es orer tie Cabaa titaalioa. Tie &) pi'joa asi Secretary R 'T co'te J - a-a aoojrs la tie lofeaooa ia a t- , tu: -s of tie reteU45 of tie l.'Uad ta 1 tie I slt4 tate. rejr - okierr 1 as n cwjrTf. i t ia; aftor ralU rrteietf ise ta of j - ' . " ' " " i U-a bia5 alsioat iolly foraai Seacr "aot la ia adore ta ti pr-si- ds; ipoke ot tie eUe of tie Caiaca ' to hare tie ctoteet poeotile reiatioca nti tie la.4 Slate. He tald. liat Calted Si m aoldlers axd Cabasi iad foarit tide by aad drtTe Spala froee tie island ia2 tie ties isweea tie tro eoaatrirs -mere tcsai la Mood. Tie relations, ie said. were osi araicaile ard siore tiaa tiat S. i csually exists kefreea aatioaa. He also taoke of tie cratltade Coia iad ti 'ie Cahed Sutes for tie asatsiaace reaiered la ier Uientioa. President liefer Thrrn to Hoot. Ia rr posse tie rresideat ea-preosed il . ; easvre at aset:ar tie delecatsoa icj tironrh tieai to extead its ktadesi ! .ies ti p-ople of tie jUad. He said ' tiat its latere la tasa al.ars tad Wa rreat aad ie taade referea-e to atossaaes i- tal Mt to oarre coaecraia: ?ie j ts.aai, lis welfare always :k! ie tfc- , aa.eei of his asest earaest eoailderaUca. I He caairratTUated tie ateatiers of tie del- pi tiaa apoa ieias aaetaben of tie Ctibaa Cjistitaliaaa! i-oaTeataca aad satd It as ' a i-ri iaaor aad felt U tie lot of bat . fw :a to iaT tie opportunity to fr , a roreraareat tor a repasxtr. loacorata: lie object of tie deleratsoa't rlsit ti rresideat aald ae 00 kd cosfer with tie secre-arr of war aad tie seereary. iarier a lat.raate kacwiedre of tie sitaalsca. .aa.d rcafer rtta tie delcatloa Tie atost iraportaat ateeUa- of tie day ; , 1 cafereaee la aeeretary Root oflee. j last!ag tat 11 o clock ta tie afteraooa. : e'iers haftar beea s-ocsat aad forasal Tioe preseet ere lie See Cat a dele -1 ra. tieir Jaierpreter. Secretary Root. Geaeral Wood. Asslstaat Secretary Saaser aad Seaor Gosxales. Geaeral Wood'a .-xeta-T acted as laterprefer a rreat ponsaa of lie tlaie. Ti araty eScers vio are actlaf as escort for tie Cabaa aZso ere pteseat. Viea tie ateettas adfecraed ao efacla! itateateat is raade as to tie proceediars. tst it caa be said tiat tie resell was coe sidered satiafictorx. bolfc by tie Caiaai aad Secretary Root Tie baslaess ?s ao: . canpleled aad tie ceaftreaee will as- seatble toatcrrow foreaoca. Tie .aet tilt lie eatirt coaTcnatloa iad ta te thrcari laterprettrs raade it accessary to proceed slowly Ire Plainly Told Condition. It as taade plala to tie Caaaas i-r Secre- tary Root tiat 30 ateduttsa cocld be aiads , hy tie lecislatlTe deparxateat aad tie' Cbaxs tieauelT-s aaderstaad tiat there li !!' possibility of voa (Tret i weal actloa la that direetloa. so the coafereace was de- ; toted larrely to the coastractloa wiii ahooid bo placed oa tie araeadateat. Tie ; lava state tiat tae at-aoeeiiioas coctatced la the aateadraeats shxlt be bstaaUally aereei to by tie Cebaas" aad the dUcas- f-03 revolted ciieSy areaed what iil be aai replies was Tery laterettisr to those preseat The taterrectioa propenitloa raised the ast dtscassioa aad a this had receded rauci caasUeratloa ta tie coarea 133 la HaTaaa tie Cabaas ere faatlUar wti alt phases of ti coastractloa tia: taixht bo placed apoo It. Alt raeasbers ot tie deleratioa took mor. ,-.w. dx-isiGc aad Tsews of eaci ert rite - , . - - cariful atteattea iy Sccreury Root. I is aaderstood that the Cabaas are Ira presfed with the desire ea ti port cf tils r-Teraateat to deal fairly iy Cuba aad th b; ef it expressed that the deierattoa will take iota farorabie reporta ot car latea- j t:ous. Tie delecates raade 30 ceraplaiat cf the preseit railttary roreraraeet cf Geaeral "W ood After ti coafereace adoarad ti Cibaas called oc Geaeral Wood at ti R -hrcood. Secretary Root wtll eatertaia tie deiexatea at laacieoa toatorrow, Gea eri Wecl expects to leaie her icnorrow Blch'. lofer to New York, theace to Caba. Meet ehrala senator. It la aot krsowa whee th Cabaas m til re-t'-ira. bat the belief was expresed ti fc-alaesi which broazbt theta iere would be ccacluded at ti raeet-ar ;corraw Tiey were eatertalaed at a diaaer ta tieir ioacr at tia Wilt House toalriu Th r-esta la Tiled to meet then were thor carhly rtpresoatatire of tie exectttiTe. lecisiatiTe aad Judicial braacies of ti coTeraraeat aad ladaded rseatbers of tie cabaet. seaators aad rtpreseatatiTct who ICiiUiiri Ci Thirl ?ne.) caas.dered a sobsUathsl aareeseat to . ..T,, . v,tc at L1t ooi 1 eo-operatioa s to : S9i;it aad the sei 004 u is .irit ir :ecirit- At i o"cloci t.K- tT v.. the PUtt a,eadat reejuireaseats. There ! Zi A's liH - LZTl U1 Uo be T.slten It a tie tateatloa of tie stare , W I feet, aad .-; lass tiaa Prt " ?or. He id a coa- waa ,0, aae .l . ? ?" V ,r'a' ... -ro-.ta.-i to afilte with erery larre oae-ialf a iach r ao -r Tie ri-r a. i " Goreraor Dletrveh today oa of -he coastitatlocal coareauoa aad ciair- j Ce 'hor brcaklar tie aews of hj soa , ! SVt LZV I r--.l Ui iparJat 5 Caba 1 ee BLACK JACK SAYS HE DID WZ J!! yroposed draft, ef tie dtrurea: rti- .'J JvfZl II- -'7 ire bfre tldi-it aid CatTersity of Nebraska. .ill. tt U aa- tda, that were -oasdered Bo-h ie.-1 uVjr? Thr" M" , 5" ' Sfty railes below Ciactaaail by dt11 " P.-r cf law tary aad Seaer Capote expressed VelrViTws I awa.4 sad 17 h i f" ,d M ' qu.'. freely aad rie exehaage of scrzestioa. , , V!? . Z-. tu,,.. v, Kobbery. eeed r : tee- here tes.rx: aad that Is coe- Indian. Ket-rn Home. , - Machlarr? Ha llled Tridr' maadi tnder Ul"mfiil. "Hi- A'V iM i." rear allied raf. f;r'n'i8r tfc rrtteraM of tri: railroads are soldier a?ax ta Ci sears . with a t of Mttu tar " un;i;i whack will IkM htrker 1 way-. tSor hoars, reeorniuoa of staa- rt desaitiee. saat ibifl will !' . - cieariy . a rum w irpniKn. i The ;rso- rear-seated at th estate; a j wiiek m beiar bead la ta ataae ef lie i i tetorsatioaaJ AmtlattoB of Kif hmuts r i atoehiateu. Mtfraitm s4acaUaa aad ' paia... - . AJthoara the t4 t tti miBat will i iwiM. -.. 11 lA reads tarolTed 'r are tb foihrwtas ! M ia4 tatat ( nitas Crtl ; aWrt IlltaM. Ro.'!tanao. Nort- tr i 14 LoojUrtll a: Xi'krtll or a coatatitt- r-reon;r :i- aia chlatsM W tmtkf T1lai roinl tTl Warn. calM apos W )tafai nr-itn-H- i at ci airk-wrr aal i: .rr--- i aat coataiatec tvretr-tu artui. aarf j K oW aatt frr If itnkiaj -ca liter for a atxaor dar ai a Kale J wa!' e cp. ltl tie austaaaai of '.it. per iowr I a pUssd fcr ti TV i?r-t a cti aad ilr-! eltla of Dm M1- o ; Mat s. r"t Mr Rfoofcav rfr4 tseai aa ta!-i vat ' a tmM read r t: irefaJlr l1 rtre iu fUt :owrr9v RAILROAD MEN ELECT HIM I A. tr. UlTan t the Illinois Central I Mad lrMnt tf Vm'rlrin fl.tlla; rlatlun. , NZH YORK. April li Tie .Vserlcaa i P.UIiy iorutloe. iri aTT ioktlr? ; l't aaaaal -tlac la til city. t elected , Prei4t. x W saillTia of tie IlitaoU , Cestnl railroad. Srit rfce prestd et. George I Sterea. preidect of tie Cieapeake & Oalo: titoad rice reideat. W J. Mar- ! -T of tie Claeiaavatt. .Vt Orteas : Texas j PaciSc. Stentrt coaaaittee W. H. BoJds. jr . preoldeat of tie Loer Ittaad rai a4 first Ttee preiMeat W F MerrtU of tie Ne v - v V--- ti,. i. u.... i v. .tJ. .w "' 'r2-.,S osa of aiiod of n::.-od operation; .... ... . . WAN I A rUntLLUSUnE 3ALE J Omaha X t. Lal Hoad' Bondbolderi I rrk m lltr ib- Praperty uipoed of. ' ST IXV1S ism s iruir. t-,., ' tie Catted Sutes circuit coart iarti arr- i aeats tc-4ay ia tie ease of tie Goxraaty Trast cocsaaar of N"ei York Jaii . naita. traatee. a sd tiers, asalast tie Railroad roatpaay Tie ! Osaia L it. Loads plaiatiSt repreeat tie ioadiot dioliers aad ! rty of tie de- 1 are kis.c to iare lie sroc-e ... : , - A--f arrxtaeau Jade Tiayer ci5f fr i"s-ateai aad -.ttk a 1 Jr"rl "M iscrt !0 tJs 5,f L ?U" Inr,ut cw,r: al c prew4l' u'7 ,s:3t-- STRIKE TALK AS A CUDGEL nrltl.h Chane-llnr of Cirhr.,irr to iDlimldaird Into Modify Ins Datr LONDON. April t Tie Hoase of Co soas iad a dnil sicti r lj rnfr-7 voted to tie iiacasatoe aad foraI paasase . (if rtolotas. Tie Irtei aseta- Eai. ,-,et1lil illem io tel d,r relaej !r, to , topttcll was r-Jeoted ty a TMc . (n , 1 a slrailar fate was reoerred for tie it- ' teatpt of U'uluta Redaosd to cet Irelaa: extaiptod froat the tobacco dcty a It is aovr asserted tiat aa atieatat t t-r raade exeioqaer tirrots oi o iaetoce tie chancellor of :hr ' to asodify tie coal daty iy " a rreat strike of atlaers. , Tie sccoad roadta; of the aaaace h.U ias bectt postpoeod for a fcrralrht aad e libera! party will atiliae lie delay to .i ' CHICAGO. April -3 Chieazo aiaaaiie ctatost ta worktar ap aa azltatlea araiast ' tarers of tictiiar. represeats aa acrr tie bedret. Tie optoittoc leaders latsad j rate capital cf frera i: ' ta J.ev.. to raise a fstl-dreos debate oa tie seeaad . X5. atet today aad decide-i to ferai aa asss- ,s-r- tv 1 -m Hfr t- rh--- . eej-""of tic excicaaer. aecor-iia: to .sr 1 Dally Ttloaraai. win aaaoaace a eohstsi- ( ,1,1 ..i-'mii- of v. ortrtil sna-Muiii . M t tie sarar dy. la defereace 10 'ie . tiv..t ?- -hit t .int ! till cafalrly tax eaaaM fratts. coadease-i , atllk aad tie like. RRFAKS NEWS OF SON'S DFATH .Dccatnr a,er Greet. 111. U lie on Arrival and Falrll Inplra- ant Taik .p-h-h -'.a 1,7 tw. puv.h.-.- Co . tnvn.Av 1 n -- v.. v-.v n- l Cablerrara Special TH'trim s4wyr who raced across tie a od treat tolic 1! ad c lor iu wife. list her to ti Loaioc trala aad rtserred a roaapanaeat for Loadoa. iz ihe.prlTary ot warce ae aecsae to areas tae aewi. W"iea they arrtred at Eastaa both Mr. aad Mrs. Saayer looked creatly d. T" ... "L" . "T- "V "' 1 us 1 arm as xr iti aer to a cao. aae iad borae tie shock better tiaa ic ial feared, bet cast for aaxitty iaa aot yet 1 passed, as si u mffertar acate aaruish srtr her terrible loss. 1 FINANCIAL PANIC IN JAPAN Orer Twenty Bank. npes of Japan Kenders Axliliace. u Bank YOKOHAMA. April IS Orer tweaty iaaks hare supeaded psyraeat at Osak aad la tie ictjlier aad ceatral praTiac-. Ti Baak of Japaa ias assisted them, bet farther trocbie Is appreicaded. A fiaaa cial panic pre rails. Bank Miaairr pak. NEW YORK. April 4. A. M. Towa sai. local raaaarer of the Hoar Koac aai Shaarhai 3aaklar corapaay. was asked tor iafamailoa today with refereace to tie fatter of iaau la Osaka. He repliei "We iaTe aa adric rerardisc ties fatlares. They do aot directly affect foreica trade ft ? a ts ttm I all ail!.. V.hVi "fht a J aasseUI posittea la Japaa is itrilatd aid A ".ci U--aa aro ted.- aNtLa-lfltP tQ . . . . . . 1 T i ' 1 2.Jaa LillOZ. LdiFi Oov- . -C-x, B'Ol'lll ari?B a a n n r 0T T aTla -w reaches o;j u;, Ii:ri-.!: aid Hks ?irt j Irt Siiiij Chei ' If A ASO WA FOUTKS ... - , n ?T '3cnnnttrtIOD or (;nirniir lt . n.i lO IBS 1. "I A'Ular lor Ultbrr lluonr, SAX TRAXCISCO. April ii--B4-t tt. CoatfC Vsrtted :Ul st'atster to CUB. mj mvt ur . nevt. arnvoa rroea cataa iau ui'w rttax to iia !atr at Mr Cazr aai4 ho juM r-oaaia ix city Btl! Hlirtif sors lac ikn he o)bt '.ave for an koaw ta EH Xoiao. Ia. Al, ta eapiratioc of aU f'Jt" 4J H , i6ees a ist?aX i rto-x to .aua. altiooci ie 41A ret ; ;x" ?th a vM ' rereptioa at Le Jioist. nj oo- t j )os;e .a tae peot ot u ' . ( fat. ta mare pop(e of Ioa bad a;wf ' tf i klSnt to i.. cit jc iia fTt-1? ! ait ie aked. far refoats? itam a.-tata: la re'.-ara ie sad been coatrelted oilrl t!vafai cf Ltfataiiaa Otaer Htmiucvii .f... nnt mt ln unrt. Otlii to ovarcatiae rnttaaas aaal ti i ; see:t7 for riTtas preaal Mrpemiaa . ta tie laadtor of Su iaxrare. Mr. Coaxor - ltd aot react iii inert uatil o'clock ta ta , eatnt Mr. ("oarer amal iiited - tth aaiMerabi iateret. aot oaly oa ae- Citaa. aa: fro 3 a polltial ttaadpciat. Tiore a a rreat etre to kao-w -That ; potatioa Mr Coa;er old aaattave -wita ( u ii roaiicr nberaatortal aoonaa- , taoc ta 2o i To a repreaeetatiee af tie tuoctaied Pre Mr Coar-r. -iea aiked , v. v T Tivruis the raTeronfcip satter. d I If ominatlon Come. "1 io not ''Jk to aaVe asy public dee laratioa at life tlae. I bare aat yet iad taae to read tie crrepoadesee -e ia aaet ate iere- So far as I aas it prefect tdrtted I e ao reuos to eia:se aiy ' pottttoa a cipreed aott fo aaoatia aro Kfore I left Ciiaa. I reeelTod fo t-lernaw froct tie V sited State. Oae atked ate if I -re a candidate for for- eraor I aaaorod I aa aot Tie otier teietraai aked shelter I -m)lA accept lie aolaitloa if tea4ered ae. I replied tiat I jmK accept if lie aoaslaauoa eaa to t iot tiat I as la ao sease a caatft date- I do aot are to. aor ill I ur aay lilac ftrier ta tie Des Motae. I do sot kaor aiteatios la Ioa aaytiist deialte l. -- . c:r. !a ut aatil I a folly adTised. Mrat 11 aad dtr Is to rctara j Ciuaa a-i is -1 aty wo. s- Toociiac ceats a cataa. Jtr. uoaper taraed , - . MimhT . aaxtocs to kao what hid ieea daae by ! tie powers ia tie atatter of ladoaaaitr- He taa asked for its opiaioa as to tie j ataccat of iadcasaity Chiaa coaM par- j -Three iaadred aiinsca dollars." he re- f plied, aceoaipaayiar its aaswer ty tie j -1 Xi r 1? woetd sMrT far ' so V" C I ! ttoe of payaseat. too, siocld extead oer ! a loa? teras of years. I Coaceratnc ereau ta Cilaa. Mr. Coajer , tasd that there was aotiiac aew t be said ia that directioc. a everythJas that hap- i peaed had teea told felly. to;etter 1ii auay thtaxs tiat aever occarred. Tales of bratality iai. ie tioasit ieea eaar rerated. Of cocrse tier were cue of I octrare sy taiiTtdaal soldiers aot saactiaaei iy oC-ers Ti wers ' lacldeau of war wiki fooad sorie palli atica ia -ie fa t tia: tie Chiaese had killed sj aatiTe Christ aas aad 1 Scrsaeaas. CLOTHIERS FOLLOW SUIT Chlcaso Mannfaetarer Adopt the lvatrrn Plan ot Comblalntr Into an Aolation. sti'yr- which will cite with slaular iodios tiroajioat tie Called States. Tie step was takta as tie resal: of a rtsit of detratei- who for Tears iaTe bee: ltrrlas to effect a abtaat;oa of tie lar;e , v,.,,. .v., r-n.i tats. While the leaden la tie associatloa icay tiat aay effort! ta resraUte prices are coc- 1 tetaptated. the eoraansvssoa wjl be power- fI aad represeat asore capital tiaa alaaos: a - r of the recoiraiied tra:. Already th ,cw York assocuuoa ias a total capital of H4.M. aad with tie factories of six" wher eastera eitie ia tie aaioe aa- lather n.t? w added. The Citcaro aterciaatj are the irst wesraers to Jota will irtaj tie1 iaeir cccisjbs. Clactaaatt aaa otaer ita tsia vie u' nr..VVR . -r . ,.,.,1 v Clar. N M says Tsa: Keuis, llUj -Black Jack," -.hese e- causa for trala robbery ss set for toraer- ) raw today asked iu literacy Joia R Sea Albortsoa. Walt Haffraaa aad BUI Watertsaa who are time la th Saaia Fe peaiteatiary far the mill robbery J iteea's Pas4 la 1SK. are taacceat. aad fottad. to proTe his assert-.oaa. 1 DELAYED BLAST EXPLODES i Piece of Rock I. ni.wn Throntth 1 Man. Hrea.t aad Other Are lalarrd. """"WU 2- V Aim as apccrai j taat tae rcosry wu jci.e.. -j nui . starrt Labor aa-oe aai tie coatractora. I ceedlarly vital aai which ie wn Mama Harhat aad other ofacers of e sraoke carrer uare ahw cm D.-wa.iao . -.iiev wji adtast rb. iimcaJtr that ea t. hi af.eattoa. Tie Oeaaii.. , Cica?o St PaaL Miaaeapolts ic Ocaaha ' Yfxi may stat what lie coaditioa ef BllL " Sa Ketebata aad haself He toid 3? tetweea tb-at- Tie foilawiar poi3ts Usoc other thia-a. asked that weere ar.Kies a. te ,xt. vt , were arroe-i T-e rat far sziV-i:Um1 I fw-i- - aiues fc said a: loazer r.rWi : Telerrara.1 Charles Wood was killed (ehyiMM. for Brma. . Chrhotirr. L Ajj aad Jack MeOoad aad Heary Ballr daartr- tor Ha.rt. A.-nvwi-Porto Rico, oosly ,ared by ti explosloa of aa old j ,rA? is-va-dara, for blast la oae of tie Htrdia ralae ia Two Bowie civ- -.d New Tor. Bit- A larre piece of rock wis Mo a a i .At Lorraaae, from irocri Wool's breast- Oae cf lie other raea lest aa eye aad ti ether had a rock blflra throerh i Xr 7-5cV re-t-rtiv- 1 wcrkinr u the taasel with ti otier raex j max slirhtly lajared. All faar men hare i. a. . a . a 1 . . i j shift tailed to 50 aai ti day shift acei- ttzilj su-ci li whta t-iaiss atw hsi. to Labor lth aror (or tnei m- w ,jhingt--n. April St Th pua cf opera iiea of tk iorlel tare- (- it asrsrt fecal yoar iMMMd today Na Bursa perms trv to k KM to all n t.oa of tb Min.7 m oaroca la rease-drai tape rrahcal iad other of Hint. ; sort Aa Mparts at featar lst V aa lcresu- . rattoa ia co operataoa with M- cum aa4 mootir tarT o( conaM aOkre4 puru of ta oriat( botarr Wifa ia- t'at'.nt I aa J A- -"W . fete wt W. t i4 toatftorarUr aurld ar ara Mil Sa I ruiK locttJ'.tiis. It hi o4ac to auk a ) rvcanaiaoaaw. - of ta ua rroai ;a mamtt of tb IhMlrr aMttUti trt- Oeot?.lrt 3Ur W'JUa. vttt a party. "Hi amak a rcaaattaair of a atrtp tec to t siii T.o Uo-t tit aoota M of ta amaotarr ! lVaako aaol XoaUa to i 4eraU: tu ilo$ival tcart aa li lt. i cwx)(tw of ta4 tu Jaaacr acau Otavr ceoittt UI aate torr7 troc tao Ciora4o lis vootvard to PtcUfct ;ca.t. Pni win b atlitl ti c-operat ia teposrapkicatl farreps -wtli "ie nat of i York. raa4TlrsaJa. Ma. Main-. wt ! virriau aad .or.k Carsltsa. XMrertor Wal- ' ran -ltl ni. Mrlal asTatlcataMa ! t , Rorkle ta Moataru. lBti?auoaa are ptaaaat! of 'a-e clays h tlay-?Wiat tadnuirles of tie ccuatrr aa4 abw tie reatest Iroautry Aaatstaa: Ceaiocrat Aaaau 0I atTesttate tie ras i . ... i. . m-. aootieastera M'-oarl &oM depooit ta Oeorria aad tae aeeoa ai a .artoa.fero'U itrata tc :fr YerV. -iti refereac ; coo! CiJ ri, rkn. etc ull I Pill TIU1TC CliriD dcctI Ml Million Dollar Company Bnya Lirsr Tract nf Colorado Land on ArWanoa Rirer. CHICAGO. A?nl S -Tie iHtiiie toaor ro" ill ay NexotutiBs aaxe teea eotatltd it Cil eaxo for tie foraaaUos of tie !rret beet tapir '-oec-erx ta tie: vorM. A eossaay iaa seea orraaed tti a capital stout cf i to ie kaova aj tie Arkaasaj VaOer Sazar Seel aad Irrittoa Land coat pasy. Tie plaat of tie aer eopaay f to ie located ta Probers caaatr. Cotora-fo. Is lie faaunt Rocky Ford rrnit district. ' A aaaie-r of Ne York capitalists. .2- ' etadia; tie Oxa&rda. tie Csttaai. tie Kan-' tltoza. lie Li aad Racaarda of tie -vr-i -- i..c.T. . Tie e- coacera ias pcreiased lie boU- tar o: tae ur-at nasas water coaipaay. - iwnr-r c.ra - lie Arkaasas river ia soatietstera "olo- rado. CoUauatioa of tie land riti famers , H aader-akea by lie omray Cks.- l w-et la4U M cior P'- ea-Jrely araiast tie saeces-l-- I M.ay v.n eireaded tils Tear ea Ira- 1 ;7T,.- . . ... - " I fal caadlAite far he U 1 liTm ad btih. ' ' proTea:eaii. f HRS rjOQh, ND MRS. ATCHISON . . 1 . f . t ' A a . I - President by HaplUt Mlatlon ar conference. Ml' NCin. lad.. .VprtlS. Tie srtstas nMV cuatls. "R'ocaea's roWa Mteeoaary Society of tie west elesed toaizat- Tie xecatte cocaailtlee til decide , St. Loess, l- Paai. Dtyioa aad CleeUad as a locatloa for ti aext rteet- Mrs. M. Bacon of Cilcazo. wio has beoa correspoadlas screurr siace tie or raBixattoc af tie sorjetr thirty rears acts. rettrod aad aaadc ioaorary adrtsory j coraaiittee will be accepted as iaaL Wia secretarr. Tie oacers were at is a st:leeat of Swedes, tie prtseat elected Pressdeat. Mrs Joist S. Scott. Posta-iKer ietar Robert Lyaa. T-o ETaastoa. III. rue sresideat. Mrs. J. H. editors of weekly cewspapers are rrral tat. t-.c arilta. Ka-as v-,. ... . u v-. v t . o o - w . . VI. . .irVIUM. Jtt. 2- (.Wil, ; U . . LAU, J- 3- J i. AIM t- ksta. Mrs C. F. Hacke.t . 'A'yoa: r. Mrs. Z. E. F.i.-i " DPnTCCr TUC UCU nil?inw 1 iivibwi 1 ilk. iik.ii uiiigiun . Brotherhood end Dc.e-.ate. to ,. noi Central Official to Object to Frport E&tnion. CHICAGO. April tZ Desesitjoas froat tie Order of Kajwiy Ossdacton. Brotier hood of RaUway Tralaatea Brotiersood of Lc-rosonre Flreasea aai Brotherieod of LocoasotiTe Earlaeers froto tie Freepc: iad EMiboqu dirlsioaa of tie Uliaoli Cea- -ral cUled oe Saperlateadeat of Micilne.-T j Reasiaw- today aad protested azaaast tie copaay s a.iia; tie mxto- itae to tie Frpor: diT.iioz- Tie asea. who hae ieea ' opportaaitr aad deUyed his retara to Ne-ruaa-.a; tet .eea Wa-.erioo aad Dcbcqa-. Srijil tiatU toatorrew 5eator Miliar J assert that the ciaar Ui ie deinanatal u-u, luT. totjjorraw -irh: for Ne-.- York to taaay easployes. Mr Reashaw ;oki tifra w-ith Mas Millar! earoete west. Saa:or that the caaaae woali .e.-taly t aaad-s D,trlc- v, decided to tale rooms ta the aad lia: tiey raast ao -he beot tiey coald Cairo lata, to b oceapied by hiaaseU aad aaoer tae aw coac:t;ccs. rae atea wiu aaeet w:ti tin: ara.a ictrrow END OF FLOOD IN SIGHT Slase is ul Expected to Krarh Illzh Mark of u Years Cincinnati. April i.-The cad ot the fereat years arer-ouslT LAQUn UlrtlftNUtS StllLtU Morel laion lleache Agreement with Contractor. Affectinsr In- Willed Workmen. STl'RGIS. S. D-. April 5. 'Special. 1 ' As aareeea: User shall be per day ot les ioarx. ' froat Ut :a JoIt 1: after Jolr 1. ti rate i)LLii Pr daf of tea hocri, oely aa.oB sib saaii b cmpioyed aad the asaal '-" "' -"" l" T'3 t!s J ff -aaioa raea. Tie arreeraeat was - " IMotemeat of Oeean Veel, Iprll 2S. At vw V .-.-(W.-l.i,r Rarhar " . V" V -. , " .. jU.i.-.i. for Piailx- delpWa PeniTtaa. for Bostoo. At 5-enstown t?iiod OerrnasiJc. for New Yora. Nwdkai. tor Pattaderfpttta. both frira UTerieMsl At Uri -artad cosataonweailh to; - ' o-. -w a tr . . a a a a a j. ! Ir?? N. J' . j TcrsrVr:rg"Pr'W " j .tut. i- i . wits a;j. laasaa Areais ".aanes t . latsewsoa 01 1 t hjjjt h-i reached br the I wVih tv eom-aissioaer thocrht ex. I Si mor WITNESSES IDENTIFY CALLAHAN Tbf 'il-.t w taj ,,WatiSed -itl r Jim CsJLa n Ta. A. CwUh7. Jr . EDWARD .V. Ct'DAHT. JR D Urt- tlstit tlP who abdtKte4 &21 Mol ruant orr aim at prlfoa be a Jaas CaJaxbaA. DANIEL BUKRlS-ldeatiie! Crow a ad CaUakaa is :k woo parch '"i from him tt bar poajr ad by tkv kMai. CHAItLES W. rnELPS-W. pret at Ale of prajr a tad kfentito Crwwt? a ad Caltabaa a tb- poaTcharr. CHAR LBS LSS-Pnt ao- oa th paj- asai' taVxUaV? Craw a' :h mi who broach: ta as haul to lata 10 p jImpI. JOHN C. KABBK 5ay aow. Crow- aaal a- him mtT aooD Mr-. Krfly. ierf Calataas wm Sriar. at tea tTaeitr tin . ahtrtac wevk a: More the tMaaptaz. W. S. OLY.N'N Dril ail trbo ro4c ap t M. bara :o tahta Cadaby rvsMesce st-MK ao thr-a tato jard. aai accrtptaMi iu Crowe. MRS. LENA WKIUTH-Saw CaUahaa a ad amaa Vaawa a -Jatea-foc" :ore'Jr frcqoesUr at KeOy rtMnK afemt Oa of kataaptor. lestld3 Joha4e' a Crm-. MlsS CARRIE LAG E Says he taVatiaVd Caltaham at U 500a after b: arrr: a ma a wha made iaqtrlrr alat reaUsz Sleepy Hot !mw crttar. but -aamK identify aiat sot. ! ! DIVISION OF PATRONAGE ' Hi: Q"tl":il. , SUCCESSOaS TO POrULiST POSTVASTLIS I Third and Muh Conzreoianal Dl triet fio ta Millard. Fourth aad Fifth to Dietrich Both Dine with .McKlnlrj. WASHINGTON, April ti- ij-rUl Tele rras. Seaalor Dtelrtci aad Mlliard. after sevarai days' coafortace. iaTe i.'--1 tided tie ?sesOo. of tic dmtoc of pat I rooa?. Seer liace tiey iare ieea la WaaitarioB tiey iare aaore or leoa ietd to tie id tiat ioti of tiea: siooid iare a say ia tie dlatrtbtstloa of oCeeif. hat as tiey veat lato tie i;aettoa of tiepanaieetal , ateie ii ;i treatateat of tie patroaac ltT :wK)d ,t vxs -1;t a?9Mibl. xa V1- r-r reeoca-aeadaaoa. Tiey ie lirfore dedded tiat alii itliltfrJ la" ie Ti:rd a-d SUti eoe-1 -4-,-s,, .-.T- -V" .7 -1..-' ' 1 Fourth aad Tifli eea?reisto&al distrlcu ' t- ,.t to Saator Dlttrlci for reeat-!taT c-adatsoa. Ia tie cas of prssdeatii cf- -. ail pents cei 1 lie ices, howexer, tiey haTe atcally asrerd ... ..... . . tier ;ii . 1 7 situ ; ru :z - 1 3 1 for ti-ie jlaees. but tia; all j-rsoas acw "i----ls!- as? ie soca tisiiasatsaet -e shod tie poay ca Dececaber 1J aai l- aotdla; oSces who are rtxtas satlafaeUca '. " Bowriaa Ycanr of Cctaaatl. aa was cerula liat tie ataa wio hrs-.jit wilt ie jeratitted to iotd for lie terraa 1 t1'wr c; la33r yJri expcrieace. aad Rr. tie aairaal to its shop was a -rtartr appoiafd. savatoty. fear reir. j 5- J- Herteai. astaaxaat editor of tie New tie face siova ia Crowe pioucrz;a. ro.t0fflcc Haht. (J c6i of u.e xttbecut Advocate-JoaraaL tcardlas; stable keeper, descrlied" a ata la ti ease ef the Wiaus posiorEae, j It was artd that Taorapsoa had fainy who had rtddea tie thoronrhfy rfeiuio-1 witch ias iseea rtTlac lie seaaian eoa- ' earae-1 tie place, tiat he was aa ackaowl- poay op to his bara oa tie raorataz f sderable irottsle. both arreed today to i edd power aa aa editor of raaay years ' Deceral-er aad tie doocr'ptioe "flttrd scad all papers ta tie case to Chainaaa eipeneace aad that hariar be-a the assist-( iat Crowe tieroachly. Lutdsay of the sute eoraraittee. wtii a re- ( aa. ed.tor of the Nortiwestera Chr.sttaa 1 Mr.. Leaa U'riath of iZU Poppletoa ae (jcest for taseU5aUoe. al tie recoca-, Adrocat. it wooid be tisaply follower eirtl sur rare aa tateretrttaa story wbea she aieadattoa of Chatrraaa Ltadsay aad the sentr refcrto tabbed to adraace itn toid of hatiar frecaeatlr se3i Cilla-as , caaJKates lor tils occe. tie tern wise ! t itAuE ;o mir hr -utar cf facr esrs , . -9 1 - ?restare poostbie to bear apoa ti seniors. 'Tie deterauaataoc of tic seaators to sead I tie whole taiar back to the tatral cota- atntee for aettoa will ie a soarce of coc- ; s id era it e scrpnse to ail who hiTe ttoa foUowia? tie case ciosely nator Dlae lth President. 1 Tociai: Seaators Miiiarf aad Dtetrtc.'t asal wa batila? ia tie riser aear iere. tie ttaess dowa to a cles-er Ideatlacattoa ! iad their Irst taste of odal life, iavlar 2i? Ciarley louad ila tmak about Keeper of Callaiaa. 1 beea caests of tie prestdeat a: a diaaer , Hafmaa aad ho r led itat far tato ti 'Did yoa tie defeadaat. Jaates Cal ' rrrea by tie ciiet execuUTe to tie Cchaa . streaat. Tie aaaa retnraed to the shore lakaa. after his arrest T asked tie gtaeral fotaattsftoa. Seaator Dietrich had de- aatayared. Ti? aext iaetaat HoSaaaa waj .of yocar Cadahy. temtaed to re ioaae this afteracca. bet ia I trrabed by tie bir elepaaaa. tirows ta tie "Y." aaswf red the boy. ' new of ti tantatioa froc: the presideat ' botloai of tie rirer aad held there by tie I "Whes and waerer ' aad tie l&ct that ie atira: aot hiTe a forefeet ct Bis Charley. Thea, with a roar. "Oa the Scaday afteraooa feMoatas lie char.; u stretch his lers aader the prosi- irzt s -theory table catll late la tie . w he decided M axul hisaself of the j-,-r -. -.t- ta- ' aaczittr 1 eref. aad ais rooms will be directly aair- aeati those aow occupied by aeaater .iars- toa aad his family. Colonel Slier in Conference. ' Coiocel Ed Slaer of Llaeoia. wio has Icr 'iota ttrae past beea coaaected 1th ut i ; castoaas serrlce ta Haraas. Is la Wasiiar- ' t"3 - ' - Nebraska. .ire !(V.iVi nil Wisuteharo litmrr iS'tkl aa.? : J. E. Bleakiroa cf Stoux City lae tomor- ra, for tie -aeco-apaai,l by two dl - ratioas ef ladiaas io haT beea la Wai- isrtoc 03 aaatttrs coaaected with iLe assacy. Tic Wtaaebaros iaTe had tao coafereaeea witi Actta C-ammliiiocr Teaaer, btt preseate-i aociias ot sertoes i raoateat. Tie Oraahaa preseated ;aatKu liaa Is tie practice cf tic departraea: aei ; tetat. asked liat a ctrtaia tern oc depestt ia .he la rerard to ra-aors of tie eoasolMattoa trsaanry be addod to tieir aaaclttes ia j of tie Omaha witi th Chlcaro t Norti ordr that a sera luiclea: to raeet their j westera Prestdeat Haaaitt tald Toj raay aecis avay be recelTcd. Tiey desire i y astionuuTeiy. taiuar ay wori for it. ra lato Mock raista? aad faratias a broader Uaos tiaa tiey are pcrscta? aad la order to do tits they asked tiat a pr capita aaaaity be raised iy reasoa of ta- leaded payments. Guet of Senator Hanna. Seaaiora Dletnci aad MOUrd aad M s iliUari were racou of Seaator Riaaa t laaeh this afuraooc The appUc-atioa of T. K. Elliott. R- .V Saadersoo. Alfred Hallberr. D. F. Hast- tass. Otier Baxsari aad T. H. Roed 10 ' finite lie Coosaereia! Natioaat bask ef Eosox. la. with li4.W capital, was ip- prTd. Fraak Setti was ajpo'ated postaaai'.er at UiTta, r;sr -7t S. . '2 J J ! : . ! 1 ' i . I i J : j ! I J , , condition of the weather f-re- f-r N '. Pi' Kn. a-l Ceoir in -la Prt N r - . . ;ad, ?t.r- - we5tra. Pr taf t K-fca-'rr. PortVm. Temperature at Omaha eterdayi H-" H a! Dec. . . -1 . . .VI . . -VI . . if) . . tii . . u- . . Tl . . T3 Hoar. 1 p. m . -p.m. .tp.m. a p. mt. . r. m . p. m . 7 p. m . p. m . ! p. m . tu . to . m . it a. m ! a. m 11 a. m IZ ni . . oT METHODISTS VIOLATE RULE Eleet Uinsn Thonpinu laatead a Keerend to Bdlt orthwet em Idtorilp, oI Aprfl 35 DiTld o. Thomi- CINCINNATI. ' sox as today eiected editor of lie Nor-.fc- , - . vaxrco y . bock coaaaatttee cf the Metiodiot J "arcs to -.-ceet er. ar. .Vtiar wrw. Tte acaee at deetdedty prtrresle aad a aot aceoatpllsied ittboc: a stracrle. ' iT aad joeton ot dliai:y ,'r'i of tie Metiodist papers, as well rs . . ... . . to til alasost all tie other uces ot trust 'l - . - .'. .r W 3rf-tt V I 1 . . t ' Oa tie sixti ballot tie Urataa receired a asajortty of ti -oles aad was decUr d eUcte-i. ; Fl FPHANT DROWNS TRAINER Uig Charley" Hold Ul. Mnl-r Coder 111 Kert. Then Mampede aad I Killed. Iad. April S5 Heary Huffaiaa. 1 aa a.uai tra-aer with a cirrus, aiet a ir- ibie death today, beta; k.Ked by 3c 1 I Ciariey. a atosster oiepiaat. wi.Ie tic aai- tie elephaat starapeded. He broke dowa fences aad reataed iboat la a tlr aeUi. ktep- a; ererytody away froai him. Some apples loaded jtryehalae were throws aear h-m aad he ale cae. Aa hoar later ie laid iow-j aad was ia terrible arncy A r.l siot ! eaded i:i exiittace. B15 Ciarley weighed otct tiree toas, was Talied at m. iad ta his :iftje hai , killed fear raea Keeper Haffaiaa had teea aairaal la Fairatoca park Fhiladel ;hia. aai Ccairal park. New Ycrk. MINISTERS TO LASH POLICE Mr. .Nation Inrite Clerirj mra li sup port the Hatchet lth the Cowhide. KANSAS CITT. AprU J. Mrs. Natioa. detaiaod la jail at Wichita, was uaabie to falstll ier leottsre date at tie Caloa rausiea iere tonight, aad lastead seat a letter ersicz tasa who atteaded li seetias; ta fetci their hauieu aad cords Srsash CTerytiJar satasiabl.' said lie. 'aai with your wMps thraii aay potiieraaa who taterferts " A aaasber of mlctitirs aad others dis cassed the statirsat of Mrs. Natioa. scor ia; tie police aad Pnlic Judge McAatry, j '"-! stl -ef j ! DcVcLOP OMAHA SYSTEM 1 . ' Pretldent Habltt a There' : Troth In story of Coaoltdat ion t iTlth orth etr m. PAIL Mian.. April 5. Presideat . road were ia caefcrtsce here today, rela- v:re to ti deTolopsaeat of the Ocaaha sys- , taat tavere is aotiia: ;a tie stsry. ' subjoct u aot ucder coatecplatsaa.' I Tie I ON VERGE OF A COLLAPSE HaTTallan GoTcrnor Dole of the Islands 1. Far (ram a Well a lie Might Be. CHICAGO. Aprtt f3 A special to Record-Herald from Hoaofota. April says GoTeraor Dole is a Tery sck raaa. 1 aos ba coaiaed to ait iocs for several days aad ocly tie mast iatlmate frierda ia beea al'.o-sed to see htta. It is sa.i b- be j tireattaed with serroaj p. - es. - vrii.:a. T ia Eu er Ortai'i E0(HE CUOAHVS POSITIVE P.ECMMTIOS Ftca aid Tofet Ctta ta Buit Praiur CSOS'-EXAy.LSATlO.I FAHS TO SHAKE HIM O.iin Crrstrrt Ei u Btuilt of tis Cue. RECITAL IN COUHT G30WS HOSE DS-WATTC tronc Weh of K Idenee tVe tfcont Acred and Handred f Spec tator Arc Amaaed at tie to. eiprctrd Url'topmrntl. Tie s:cry of tie kidaoptas of Ed ard A iCudiiy ;r a reexed if mttaosoes at .ie Itr - i. ; Jaotoa CaiUiaa yevteraUr. Wie .a'orestlac aad at tttoes tie re ciU u draavaue. There -aas oea abca Jaat'i : ihaa a veb of direct aad c-.rra rua-.a. -i.-!a:r sack itroater tiaa tty oae ao: -aat.ted i:k the praootattoa ial eipex : ; : j iear. Tie iaadredo of toxcia -tors a so -rowled the voart roant -ere fairly aauxed a -aitaoM after attsoM rca ete4 n-i'T Crcwa or CaUaiaa. or aati cf tietn. v.-.h iranoaa leatarea of tie crtn. Sddle Cdaiy taraaaaod tie irt drvau-i lactdes-. of tic la 7 iee. apoa t-euc aike-i vio it as -.hat picked Mat ap oa tie K.-( aad iteod iM oer ilas at tie pr.soa ioaee. declared -ttaort etatvoetiaa tilt It vas Jaaes Ca .Una a. Next caase tie lateroottsc story of 'Kit-ae-ss Jois C. Rahbe. vie docltrtd tiat ie saw Pa? Croe o tao tie hooae of Mrs Kelly -iere CaUaiaa liriaf. at leas. treaty tises darter tie week iatmedlate y j"1 ta ksdaapr. iutt mm iad kao-ra Croe for lee yoars aai coalda't ie sistakea aboei Ma tdeattty. j Pony Flcurr. la Hldence. Da a let Bams, -.he aaas ko sold tic pcy j M:i it it reaoaaMy cortala lie kMaaper I 3(04 ltt jifir work. i aaotior vita ess 1 Ttti surtllac ttlaay. He doclared lia ttaiiaaaa as oae ot tie t-o aa le par j ciiei tie posy and. vn tSmv x jctc erapa of Croe. Hii it 11$ a Ukeaess CaJIaiaa's cosapaaioa. Ciarles W. Pieipe. at iote hose ti sale af the poey oecarred. said ie altaessel tie tnasaetioc aad took parttrutar ioti: of tie tro scniasen oeo of viera was dark aad tie ether hiat. He ded Callaiaa -faTored" tic dark aoaa Crowe s plctare as a Ukeaess of -stared lia. aad that tie lijit oae. Charles Lee. aa .Ubririt Uackaatith. sa i tad 1 man kaow- li Johasoe at the Kelly reida.e about tie tlat-e of tie ktdaaaiac Whea siows a pioto?raph of Crowe she , said it was "Johasoa's" ptctarr. Mi arrie u?. tic j v IL Patrick s boas, sasd si iad sJeatli-j CaUaiaa at the jail sooa after is arr-s: as beia; the ataa io inquired about rta: lac a cottage at Slepy Hollow, act fce was aaablc to Ideality alas at tils uat... ' llddle Cndahy Identltle. . Wbe coan epeaed Eddie Casiaky was still oa tie wttaes naad aad Geaera. Cowls, by a seriea of saesttoas, lroar!: arreat, at Chief Doaaiuc's ofacc" ' Did yon hear a coarersaiioa ieitcc ; Callaiaa aad Chief Dc: j "Yes. sir." Kow fcaj iA you iear thi talk -Aboot halt aa hacr." "Did ycc hear aaother ecaTersaioa be tweea Callaiaa aad the chief tiat day r -Yes- How loa; dH tils sccoad ecaTeraitica list " "Aioet lea mtact-." "Did yea s. CaUaiaa imoke x ciaardlc ti I dsd. "Did ie raake It iiraselfr . "He dM." I The boy had already testified that tie a who raarded htm at tie Melrose hHi hoas durias tic aijbt of tie akdactiea sacked a aeaiber of ctzaretles ahsch ie sade him self. 1 Inquiry fitw Interesting. I "Now. Edward." txcaa Geaeral Cow, "yoa raay state ht the.- ihe dark ma 3 woo accosted yoti ea Thlrty-scTeath street aad raade yea a pr-icaer. tie dark raaa wbo rcarded you durlar mast of tie time yon were eoataed ia that boat oc. Gmt street aad tie dark ma a who escorted you the elzit yon era released was oae asd the saate aaaT" I "He a. "Wio as that raxa!" 1 -Jaraes Caltahaa." "Tie defeadaa: here -Yti. iu- " "At tic tiaze yo saw Caltahaa at the chiefs oftc did yoa aatlce ils aa;ers as ta ; etrarett raarks" 5 : Ys. taey ere yellaw fr-jra tfrar rarett Call s hat. 'i atastache ii a: the uate he took yoa pnscctr as compared to hat .t u now.' "It was shorter." To Meet Ih Alibi. Before the ideaiiscauoa ot Callaiaa was roacied tie boy's loan y at tie raftraia; ' sssoe ef coan was ttt latportaat ia aa other parUealar .a tw of tie fact tiat ; Callaiaa's detao ta to be aa alibt. vhieh i expeoted to rveconat for its abrabaets 1 u L5C cjf louria i her 19. ktdaapias. Iectm- "How lacr wis ti dark mJi eet of the I boas wier. yoa ere a prisoner dtnor j tie day Ullowtar; tie airat of yocr ab- the.docor asked Geae.-al Cowts. IS. j "He n out aearly ail day, taawered He yoaar Cadaky i la this way tie eas of ti stat t aaad ready to sraad araiaat aa alioi tiat avar be presided for Cailahaa evrtar tie day . r' r'ts'-er 0.itri -j" U' rl--ri j: tT.itm.e o