Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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    1 2
Haw York Owner of Omaht Propirtj Ad
dresm Real EiiaU Ezcbtngt.
Tliriniuli tlrnruc P. Ilruil" the 12
i'Iiiiiiko I" I'rt-nciitril with the
OrlKlnnl Kntnhrnok .Mnp
il Otimliiii
llcnjainln I'olsom of liuffalo, N. V., a
laige real cstuto owner of Omaha, was tbo
BUcHt of honor at tbo mooting of tho Real
Kstato exchango yesterday and at tho close
of luncheon mado a few remarks from tho
Ktanduolnt of tbu outaldo investor In Omaha
realty. Do referred with pleasure to tho
progress mado by tho city and commended
the enterprise of tho citizens. Then ho
deplored tho condition of Omaha hotels.
What Omaha needs, in his opinion, is a
Kood hotel, ono that will compare with tho
best in any of tho towns of tho United
Slates, and he wan certain that tho enter
jirlto would be a Rood jivestipont.
At tho conclusion of the address tho
meeting adjourned to the exehanxo room,
whero two resldencn lots were offered at
auction. W. 11. (Ircen acted as auctioneer
and offered lot 20, block 1, Orchnrd 11111.
It whs started nt J50 and sold to Harry A.
Foster for $5,i. Tho next lot offered wns
lot I, block S, Kllby place. It was started
nt $50 and bid up to $90, at which price It
was sold to V. t. Sclby, Dcforc Mr. Selby
left the room ho was offered $,Vi for his
bargain, which offer ho refused.
It was announced that nt tho next meet
In JtidRn H.ixtcr anil C. J. Orecno would
dellNcr adilresHcs on tho subject of "How
to Make Omaha a Hotter Place to I,lvo In."
Old .Miii if Otiiulin.
The following letter from Gcorgo 1
Ilenils was submitted. It Is self-explanatory
OMAHA, April Il.-Omalia Heal Kstiito
K.icbaiiBe flentlemcii: 1 have In my pos
sesion some llfty inn Ps of tho original
towiiHlle of Onmlm, Nebraska Territory,
which went sent to inn by Mrs. flem-ml
Kxiuhronk In isr5 or some time lifter
the Krncrnl's death, with n request that I
ilWpnsn of same us I might seo lit.
Tbo general had the plat lithographed and
mounted in St. JjoiiIh. Tho map hIiows
thai ICnns Lowe, James A. Jackson and
Samuel H. llayllss & !o. wero the pro
prietors of tho townslte; also shows a
steam ferry to Council Hluffs, and Daven
port street Is described as the Kmlgrnnt
mad, Mini Twentieth street, north of Web
ster street, as Winter Quarters road, and
block IIS (on which the I'axton block,
Jtiown block and other substantial build
ings nro now standing). Is designated as
AVnshlngton Square-, and the soven blocks,
Including streets and alleys, between
Klglith and Ninth streets and Davenport
anil Jackson streets, aro designated as a
park. Tim map also shows tho course of
the old creek beds, ono south of Jncksnu
street anil the other north of Cass street,
and in one corner of tho map Is lltho
grapheil tho following: "Lota will be given
to persons who will improvo them, prlvnto
sales will be made on the. premises. A
newspaper, tho Omaha Arrow, Is published
weekly at tho place, a brick building sult
ablo for tlie territorial legislature Is In
process of construction, and a steam mill
and brick hotel will bo completed In a
few weeks." This nil appears under date
of September 1. 1S5I.
When our friend and former townsmnn,
Mr. Henry D. Kstabrook. was In tho city
a few weeks ago, ho authorized me to do
nate these maps, as far as they would go.
to members of our Itenl Kstato exchango
with his and his mother's compliments.
1 will send ono of the maps to tho exchango
with this letter, and will bo pleased to
furnish members of the exchange with ono
or tbo maps If they will call at my office
for same, ours truly,
Mr. lCntnhrook'fl Notes,
Tho following memoranda relatlvo to tho
maps, was written by tho lato Mr. Ksta
brook: "This map Is a fac-slmllo of th only
ono purporting (o bo based upon an actual
"Tho survey of Mr. A. 1). Jones ex
tended from Ninth to Sixteenth streets,
and from Webster to Jackson. All "'else
on tho map Is a fiction.
"It was never recorded, and no record
reveals inythlng of the ground alleged to
havo been surveyed by Mr. A. D. Jones.
"Tho survey was mado prior to nny laws
enacted by tho legislature of Nebraska.
Himv Ho Is ItpKnrilpil In tlie Kant.
On tho first day of next month Mr. Neely
will eclobrato tho tenth anniversary of his
direct connection with tho society as mana
ger for Nebraska. Although that will com
plete his tenth year as manager, yet he
was for many years, previous to 1891, a suc
cessful representative of tbo society In tho
stato of which ho nftcrwnrd becamo mana
ger. A great, perhaps tho greatest, factor In
Mr. Ncely's success has been his loyalty to
the society. From tho ttmo ho first cast his
lot with tho Kqultablo he has literally
shouted Its merits from tho housetops. His
enthusiasm for the business and for bis
own company is always at whlto heat, and
you can tell where II. D. Nccly stands first,
last nnd all Ihn tliim
Ho Is also ono of tho cleverest advertlsora
among our managers. Many of his ideas
havo been reproduced in this
speak for themselves as to Mr. Neely's In
genuity ami originality In that line.
Equltnblo News of Now York for April,
Kvorv Tuesday
In April tho Union Paclflo will sell tickets
at tho following greatly reduced rates:
From Omaha to San Francisco, Los
Angeles and San Diego $25.60
Ogdon, Salt Lako, Ilutte, Helena 23,00
1'ortland, Spokane. Tacoma, Seattle..,. 26.00
New city tlekot office, 1324 Farnam St.
Tel. 316, Union Station, 10th and Marcy.
Tel. 629. '
Chun se of Time.
C, ST. P., M. & O. RY.
Commesclng Sunday, April 28, the train
for Sioux City and all northeastern Ne
brask points will leave Webster street
uopot at 2:45 p. m. A later train for
i-.merson nnu intermediate points will loare
dolly, except Sunday, at 6:30 p. m. Ilo-
iuiuiuk, uiiivi'ii ai aiM a. ra.
In other trains.
No chango
Tho Rathcry, roopenod under new man
sgenieni; massago and electrlo baths, 220-
221 Deo building. Ladles only.
Seo C. F, Harrison's attractive reat estate
imveriiacmeni in today's issue.
Stonecypher. printer; 1201 Howard St.
The Myers-DIUon Drug Co., 16th and Far
nam streets, havo sprung a new sensation
which promises to be the talk of the town,
.nBonrai) j'.o. i-inaun, or perfume fame, is
holding dally receptions at this popular
Here, nnd the ladles of Omaha nro guos
Ins what sho will do next. Sho Is giving
away samples of the famous Violet "Sen
sotlon Porfumo" and her novel methods
and entirely unexpected actions have at
reany started no end of gossip In the
itiiiuauB emu, .Meantime the ladles' are
not trusting to hearsay evidence, but ar
coming In to seo for themselves. One thing
Is certain Violet "Sensation Perfume" Is
being given away nnd sold at cut price
nnd what will be dono with Madame Plnaud
uas jet to ne decided.
'flint's Wh n l'mmlurnt I'lilliwIHnlitn
Hosiery .llnntifiiottirrr Mom his
This stock with tho balance of the hosiery
from tho I.ahr-Ilacon Co. purchnso will be
placed on sate Saturday, April 27. In this
lot you will And all kinds, styles nnd sizes
of hosiery for men, women and children.
The exceedingly low prices at which they
will bo sold, will make It tho greatest
hosiery sale ever held in tho west. Our cn-
tlro main aisle will be devoted to this sale.
J. h. Ilrandcls &. Sons, Proprietors.
Sole agents for Rogers Pcet &. Co.'s fine
Former l'osltnnntrr lt'nirn Criminal
I'rosei'iitlon TIu'oiikIi tiinlilllty
to Attriiil the Trlnl.
Yesterday, in the United States district
court suit was'r bogua against Alonzo W.
Urlnkerhoff, John II. Putnam and William
T. Phillips by tho United States to recover
$458.71. Six years ago Alouzo W. Urlnker
hoff was appointed postmaster ; at Cuba,
Rock county, Neb., and while holding that
position wns found to he. short In his ac
counts to tho amount of the turn nt issue
In this ccse.
Ho was indicted by the federal grand
Jury and his caso sc. for trial about two
years ago. When tho United States mar
shal went to arrest tliccx-rjostmnster ho
found an old, . bud-ridden man. Removal
would havo catued.. death, Tho nflicer re
turned with a physician's certldeato Instead
of a prisoner, nnd (ho'enso was continued.
At tho next term of tho .court the samo
thing was repeated and this was continued
for threo or four terms.
At tho Inst term of court tho district
nttorney nrrlved at the conclusion that it
would bo a waste of tlmo, and mono to fur
ther pursue tho crlmlrfal prosecution, nnd
decided to sua for tho pnymcnt of the
shortage. Tho crlmlnnl enso has not yet
been dismissed nnd no action will be tnken
until tho civil action Is determined.
I'rcllinliiHry Arrniiucnimla Arc Mmlr
for lli-nnrtt IIiiIIiIIiik
I. (inn.
Tho negotiations for tho loan of J100.000
to tho Rennett Uiilldlng-company for the
erection of'tho now department storo build
ing at tho corner of Sixteenth and Har
ney streets havo been completed and It Is
expected that tho mortgage will go on
record today.
Tho mortgngco Is tho Provident Life nnd
Trust company of Phlladclnhla. Tim
mortgngo Is mado for five years at 5 per
cont. with Interest payable quarterly.
J no deed to tho lnnd will go on record
at tho samo tlmo as tho mortgage.
He Kept IIIn l,rK,
Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan of Hart
ford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty
wire. Inflammation und blood poisoning set
in. tor two years ho suffered Intensely.
Then tho best doctors urged amputation,
"but, ho writes, "I used ono bottle of
Electric Bitters and VA boxe3 of Iiucklen's
Arnlcn Sulvo and my leg was sound and
well as ever." For eruptions, eczema, tet
ter, salt rheum, sores nnd all blood disor
ders Electric Hitters has no rival on earth.
Try them. Kuhn nnd Co. will guarantee
satisfaction or refund money. Only 60
Wltneen Are Cnllfnrnlnnii.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 21. Harry Rald-
rln nnd Fred McCondray, who wero de
tained as wltnesea in the Manila commis
sary fraud cases, are well known In San
Francisco. Baldwin was United States mar
shal hero during President Cleveland's first
torm nnd was a prominent business man.
McCondray Is a member of tho big im
porting firm of McCondray & Co., and
went to Manila to establish a branch
Finest Turkish bath narlnrn in Hi .t
at the Bathery, 220-224 Bee building. For
ladles only.
Announcement of the Tlientern.
Mr. Rforge Clarke, who assumes the lead
ing rolo In "When Wo Wero Twenty-one"
at Boyd's uoxt Frldny and Saturday, nas
passed his tiOth year and has dovotul
his llfo to tho stage. Ho may bo relied upon
to provide a finished performance. On Sun
day tho Inst Hoyt farco of tho year, "A
Brass Monkey," will bo given.
Job printing, 437 Pnxton block. Tel. 1410.
Soma good seats left for "Knvonnch and
'Roney's Boys' " concort, last number
Omaha Publlo School Teachers' Lecturo
Course, nt Boyd's, Thursday evening, April
25, at 8 p. m. Reserved seats, 60 cents.
Hair dresatnc and mnnlrurn nnrlnra in
connection with tbo Bathery, for ladles
oniy. second uoor uee building.
Stonecyphor prints anything. Tel. 1310.
NORR1S Thomas, nged 42 years.
ruucrui rriuay morning, April 28, nt S:.Tfl
n. m., from family residence, 1K!0 South
Fourteenth street, to St. PntrlpU'u ,,-.
ANDERSON Nels, April 23. 1!)1, aged 60
t minium.
t- Mi 1wsm CKa mLIa...! Wl.. .. mi
iiumi mv- rjinnTiitrj ui III. HUH, 1 nuTUllH
A nrlorunii T7ti at nnmki, i
cst Uwn cemotory. Friends invito.
A Foul Fiend
of rilsenso Is what sewer gas resolves
Itself Into, when your plumbing is im
perfect. If your family becomes en
feebled, or sickness is prevnlent, look
to your plumbing. If it Is defective,
thero lies tho secret. Wo will respond
prompt y to your order nnd Inspect
your plumbing and rectify all defee
tlons. As sanitary plumbers, steam
nnd gas liters, our work Is unsur
passed. Free 6c Black,
1806 Farniim. Phone 1040.
Wendtrfnl larfaini Teday in Womii's
Rudj-te-Wm Garmtiti.
Onr Sprrlnl Offering for ThnrsdHy In
the Clonk mill .Mllllnerr Ic
ItnrtmentH Offer (Jrent nml Un
usiinl MiivIiik Clinncr.
These Jackets are from our great pur
chase, all samples, made of fine covert,
newest styles, $5 and id values, sale price
$3 GOLF SKIRTS, .08.
Ladles' plaid back golf skirts, purchased
at a great prico concession, worth $1 nnd
$5, go on salo today nt 51. PS.
LADIES' $7.60 SUITS FOR $3.S3.
Ladles' cton and blouse suits with L'alg-
Ion collars, new llnro skirt, well lined,
worth fully $7.B0, for $3.85.
Ladles' cton nnd blouso suits, mado of
all wool homespuns, novelty cloths, vene
tlans, etc., all nobby styles, actual $1:
values for Jii.50.
Women's Dno dress skirts, new black
fnbrlc. well lined, splendid finish, worth
$2, sale prlco 98c.
Odds and ends of ladles' capes, mado of
fine cloths, trimmed with braid, full sweep,
$1.50 values nt 49c.
$10 TRIMMRD HATS, $4.98.
Ladles' beautifully trimmed hats, leg
horns and fancy braids, trimmed with
American beauty roses, chiffon, mallnc, rib
bons and ornaments. Hats that formerly
sold at $8 nnd $10, nit recent creations, on
sale nt $1.98.
Ladles' and misses' hats, the season's
most popular shapes, worth $1.75, go at
Ladies' nnd misses' leghorn hats, worth
HSc, go at 49c.
A choice lot of foliage, extra largo sprays,
49c values for 23c.
Silk and velvet roses, thrco in a bunch,
with rubber stems, 25c quality, only 15c,
200 dozen hunches of violets, six dozen In
a bunch, with foliage, worth 25c, at 12Vic
Ladles' rcady-to-wcar hats, fifteen differ
cnt styles, worth up to $2. go nt 75c.
J. L. Brnndels & Sons, Proprietors.
Sole agents for Rogers Pcet & Co.'s fln
Trustees of PreHhyterlnu Theological
Seminary to Meet In
The annual meeting of tho trustees of Iho
Presbyterian Theological seminary will bo
held In Omahn May 2, In connection with
tho graduating exercises of tho seminary.
Tho board Is mado up of forty members,
living in various parts of the United States,
and it Is thought that about twenty-five
of these will attend the meeting this year.
Dr. A. B. Marshall of Dcs Molucs is presi
dent of the board and will preside nt the
meetings, which will be held In tho First
Presbyterian church throughout tho day,
Tho graduating exercises will bu In the
evening. Dr. Marshall will deliver an ad
dress to the five young men who will flnlBh
their theological course
'Tin Knny to Feel Komi.
Countless thnimnnriM hnvn fnnnrl a Mean
ing to tho body In Dr. Klng'3 Now Llfo
lllll,. .....!.... I,, ... .. ..
i ina. wiiii-ii iiumuvuiy guru constipation,
sic khcadache, dizziness, jaundice, malaria,
fever and ague and all liver and stomach
troubles. Purely veentnhln: never crlnn nr
weaken. Only 23o at Kuhn & Co.'s drug
To develop arms, neck and bust, try mas
sage treatment nt the Bathery, Bee building.
Export operators, for ladles only.
52,000 for a Brick
Not ii bail prico for a llttlo brick but Its
wot th every cent Mr, Deltz paid for It
Wo'd hnvo sold It for less had wo owned
It, but then wo nro In tho cut price busi
nessthat's why we sell druga at these
ununcr s iviuncy (jure ,ic
l'eruna 63c
Carters Liver Pills 15c
Undo Sam s To'iacco Curu COc
1 dozen 2-grntn quinine capsules 7o
1 dozen 3-n ruin cjulnlnu Capsules 10a
1 dozen 5-graln (Julnlno Capsules 15o
Duffy's Malt Whiskey 85c
Wlno of Cardul Ho
I'aino s celery compound 75a
Kay s Renovator 20c
Sbradcr's Fig Powder 25c
cutlcurn Hoap 20a
Pierces Prescription 75o
Hcott'H Emulsion 75n
Mnltcd Milk 40c, 75c and $3.15
juvenuo nonp , iuc
Stuart's Catarrh Tablets 4un
Stuart's Dyspepsia Curo 40c
llu-Cnn Hair Restorer 76c
linknam's compound ti9a
. W. Cor. Ifltk aad Cbloan.
Thi Chicago Record
h-l of theie Typ In daily use
If you want typewriter, why not
earns flrat where you can M
WRITER In Its best fermT
et all kinds for all machine.
New Century
The finest catalog ue
cTer Issued Is
yours for the asking.
United Typewriter and Supply Co,,
ai4 Fiuraaaa Bt Oaaaha.
$1.00 PER BOX
Sold by the General Agents
Open all night. Hth and Douflai Sta.
Slnyer of AVI tl In m l.nudrr In to
of 'Wlllliim l.mnlrr
Appenr Before Justice
Louis Codoln, who Is bclnR held In the
county Jail without ball to answer to tho,
charRe of murder In tho first degree, will
havo his preliminary hearing before Justice
Shoemaker this mornlnc. Oodola Is ac
cused of tho murder of William Lauder, .
which occurred In a South Thirteenth street
saloon on tho night of April 11. Both men
had been drlnklne.
Tho prisoner has not yet been arraigned.
Tho only exclusive Ladles' Shoe Store In
The storo with all tho home conveniences.
Tho rest room Is beautifully furnished
with elegant nnd comfortable furniture.
Conveniences nt hand for writing, rending,
telephoning or resting. Separated from this
room by an archway Is tho salesroom, fur
nished on tho samo unlquo nnd elegant
Sorosls Shoes nro properly fitted or not
Tho toilet rooms and shining parlor ro
in tho rear. Tho mnld shines all ladles'
shoes free, whether buyers or callers.
Sorosis Shoe Store,
203 South 15th Street,
rrmik Wllco, Mummer.
Send for Cut n I oh in.
The lllg Store Is proud of lis cloak department. Wo wish wo could put beforn
you tho opinions of well-known society women In regard to It. "We have been buying
goods for years of such nnd such 11 ilrni wo havo looked around nnd havo been to
so und so and you certainly hnvo tho best lino of suits In tho city, and, my, your
prices nro so much lower than tho others."
Uuylng In larK'o (inutilities from Iho largest inan.ifucturcrs for spot cash, tho
largest business on tho mnullefll profits nccounts for this.
Wo save you 40 per cent on tho following goods. Iluvo some gnrmcnts sent to
your houso frpm our store havo othor houses do tho huiiio and comparo them.
We lire only too glnd nt nny tlmo to submit them to you.
Women s Man-Tailored Suits mado of fancy mixtures, homespuns Jacket silk lined
sllrt pcrcallno lined and interlined nnd velvet bound In thu new
blouso and bolero styles with tho new L'Aiglon collar at 40
por cent less than other houses
Women's Man-Tailored Suits nil wool cheviot como In hlucs, browns,
castors nnd wines taffeta lined Juckct new llaru or llouncc
skirt 40 per cent less than other houses
Women's Suits In fino Imported Venetians
with braid In the cton nnd bolero styles
with tho new flnro flounce a suit made to
40 per cent loss than other houses
i0 Sample Suits direct copies of Imported
suits flno cloths finely tailored
Women's Skirts
More than nil tho other houses combined
than other houses.
Women's Silk Dross Skirts made of excellent quality taffeta
bang and llnlsh 10 per cent less than other houses only
Women's Taffota Skirts with 4, 5 and C rows of niching percnllne
lined nnd velvet bound 40 per cent less than other houses for
Women's Taffeta1 Skirts very claborato garment wish you could
seo them the hcjt valuo In Omaha 40 per cent less than other houses
Extra Specials
Women's Rklnylay nnd Golf Skirts worth $1.00
for .,
$1.50 Wrappers for
An excellent Wrapper mado of elegant
Every dcslrablo stylo of Millinery from tho most inexpenslvo ready-to
rcndy-to-trlm huts to tho latest conceits of tho leading Kronch and London
displayed In this department.
From our ready-to-wear hats you can certainly select ono that will
glvo perfect satisfaction the prices rnngo from $5.00 to
TRIMMED HATS Wo invito nn Inspection of our splendid stock of
Hats. Equal valuo cannot bo duplicated elsewhere nt our prices Sc, $1,
$3.98 and up.
10c for Snllor Hots. J5c for Wlro Frames.
10c for Dress Shapes. 5c for American Hcauty Roses.
25c for Children's Hats.
nAi utn
Clearing Out all Heavy Weight
Spring Dress Goods
Golf Sale
40-Inch strictly ail wool golf cloth.... fic
$1.25 golf cloth,, 50-inchcswidc Mc
58-Inch strictly nil wool extra heavy
tailor suiting, worth $2.08 yard,
will go on salo at 51,50
Light Weight Spring
Dress Goods
French Voiles, tho very latest $1.00, $1.25,
$1.50, up to, yard i:M
Eollnncs, $1.50 to $.1.50
Challls, 20c to $1.23
Printed lienrlcttns, In royal Persians
and Dresden?, mado to sell for $1.... 75c
Three Special Hosiery
OFFER 1 Women's flno cotton stockings
In black, tan nnd fancy colors; misses',
and boys' flne nnd heavy ribbed stockings,
in Hermsdorf black, doublo heel, too and
kneo, at 10c.
OFFER 2-Women's flno cotton stockings
in Hermsdorf black and tan nnd fancies,
California evaporated peaches, 8 l-3c.
California lemon cling peaches, 10c
Fancy Alden Crnwford peaches, l2Uc.
Oregon sugar cured prunes Be.
Fancy Santa Clara prunes, Be.
Largo fancy rnlscn cured prunes, l2Hc.
Choice California pears,, lb 6c.
Fancy Alden pears, lb., "',4c
3 lnrgo bottles pure tomato catsup for 25c.
3 cans Eaglo lyo for 10c.
3 2 lb cans string beans, 2Jc.
3 2-lb. cans Lima beans, 19c.
10 bars best laundry soap, 25c.
3 bars Wool soap, 10c.
3 bars Tar soap, worth 23c for 10c.
3 3-lb cans Bartlett pc"", 25c
23o can Electrlo cleaner, the very best
Tno nrrnlsnmcnl will bo made by Deputy
County Attorney Ulmcr Thomas, who has
already drawn n complaint of murder In the
first degree BRalnst Oodola.
Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska
Seed company, 1513-15 Howard St.
Mothers, Read This
The 1'iknys Alhumcnlzed food Is now put
up In GLASS UOTTLKS Instead of enns.
Don't take the cans, If they aro offered
you. ns they nre OLD STOCK.
1 Logan s Cascnra Tablets 5c and I5c
$1,00 Logan's Sarsaparllln T.'c
J5c HIRK'S ROOT HKKR, genuine lie
2"c Vermont Rcot Beer.ftho original).. He
25e Wild Cherry Phosphate lie
50c Horsford'ft Acid Phosphnto 10c
2 sheets sticky II y pnper far 5c
$1.00 l'i'nilly Syringe 50c
$100 Fountain Syringe Ic
$1.00 Ikef, Iron nnd Wlno 50j
$1.00 Llsterinc !0c
$.1.75 Malted Milk $3.15
$1 Yale's Preparations (nil kinds) 75c
$1.00 WINK CARDl l-wo sell C"c
Write for cntnlogue.
Sherman &. McConnell Drug Go
Cor. Kith mid Undue
Vitalized Air for
Painless Extracting
Pleasant to tnko nnd leaves
no after cftcct. Can bo taken
by old, youug or middle
nged. Kxtractlng 23c
Vitalized Air 50c
Sliver Killings 75c
1517 DoiiuliisSt.
Suits, Skirts
and Jackets
silk lined throughout elaborately trimmed
!y trimmed
L'Aiglon or coat collar
sell for $2.1.00
models very line, elnborato tftsTi
Skirts of all kinds nt 40 per cent less
for Thursday
. 45c
percale worth $1.00
wear nnd
'JS, $2.'JS,
Dress Goods
a. wiIl
In Bargain Room
15o plaids , Ec
12V4o half wool novelties Ec
25o dress goods 10c
2So dress goods So
$1.00 tlroHH goods 9o
$1.50 dress goods 2Z0
l.f) black Herber r.9u
75o crepons , 29o
Silk striped cl)iillls 29c
Alt wool challls jy0
New striped crepo do chine, for
shirt waists 300
TERNS. Offers for Thursday
Misses' nnd boys' fast black, seamless
stockings, double knees, spliced heels und
toes, worth 23c, at 12!ic.
OFFER U-Wnineii's flne llslo-thrend and
cotton stockings, in Hermsdorf black and
fancies, regular and opera lengths; misses'
flno lisle stockings, In black, worth up to
50c, nt 2oc.
made, for Iuc. ' "
S.cclal blend Mochit nnd Java, I3c,
Rest Old Gov, Java and Moclin, 23 l-3c.
Wo bell a good drinking coffeo for 15c.
New cholco tea sittings, only 20c.
Fancy drink b-iskot llred Jupan only IlSc.
Sun dried Japan tea only 35c.
Ceylon, Young Hyson and Oolong tens,
only 45c.
No. 1 sugnr cured plcnlo hums, ";c.
5-lb. palls puro leaf lurd, 13c,
Fancy sweet nrunges, each, lc
3 dozen funcy lemons, tor 25c.
Pall cream cheese, 7Vjc,
Choice Russett apples, 20c,
Among the
Women's Suits
1 KP
..7 All
eton op tilil lining elTeels, LWijrlon collars some of
these suits are plain, others nicely trimmed with stilchou
satin or talVeta bands -not a suit in the lot, CO 7C
cost less than $10 to manufacture our price. . I J
$22.50 Women's
Tailored Suits at $16.75
Made of line Venetians, cheviols and series, in the new
blouse eton or vest front efl'eets, new Muring or bishop
sleeves- suits are the cream of the suit baritaius as
.vet offered by any house this sason you should not fail
to see them before you buy your Clfi 7
spring suit - our price plUl J
Wrapper Special for Thursday
Among the Shoes
If you're a shoe expert you'll readily acknowledge that the
following list contains phenoininal values but: even if
you're not an expert, once you seo the shoes you'll be
strongly impressed with the vast difference there is be
tween the quality and price.
WOMEN'S SHOES all styles and sizes, neat, solid, serv
iceable, good looking, good shoes never sold for less than
S2."0 and !?:U)0, in most shoe stores, I QA
our price with a guarantee B.JU
ity solid, newest creation in shoes, shoe O Cft
store's prico $:..r0 price
WOMEN'S VK'I KID SHOES neat styles, with or Avith
out patut leather tips, all styles of heels, dressy, yet dur
able, regular price around town O JTH
!fv.50 our price Ui JU
WOMEN'S OXFOIiDS new spring productions, coin toe,
turned sole, with or without cloth tops I 7C
full line sizes for Ill J
WOMEN'S SOl'THEKN JUJTTON a pretty, neat and
stylish summer shoe I Qf
turned soles all sizes, at IiU
WOMEN'S OX KOJH)S heavy soles, patent calf, the very
shoe for street wear, regular value I Qf
$2.500111' price im79
hV Jpo euro odor out and acm U'
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultntion Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mall
add 5 centH for postage.
D. V. S.
Offlot, th nd IxTnwurth Streets.
Hobertson Stable
Correspondence solicited.
Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900.
P. It. RICE M, O. CO,, Manufacturers, St, Loula, UNION MADE
If there's a ripple of new
ness in the cloak and suit
making world, you can
count on seeing it here
first of all.
$15 Women's
Tailored Suits, $8.75
wool liDliU'spiins, ncbbU'cIit'V-
itntl Venetians, in .(lit' now
Thursday we will offer you choice of
HO dozen women's wrappers, well made,
full over hips, wide skirt, made of good
percales, in dark nnd light colors, trim
med with braid do not come here and
expect to find the narrow kind that aro
advertised about town, but large, roomy
comfortable ones our AlP
price for Thursday iJL
lllil Jli:jul3'tt.M.B'.'HI..l3imtl
Manufactured by
A. Mayer Company,
316 Boo Bids.
Mnlc, nnrtf, (uirflunui hnlr
mm luiui.iiKuniiK mwimncsuru
kccdlly nnd iHirmtincnlly ro
liiovml ; iaiiKirftct und defnrm
cdliiiturta I'Ull'lc.Hslycnrrcctal,
Full Information with Uxik Iu-.
!)l!HriATOl.oaiST WOOimURY,
o.tmaiu M.,cnr.nonroe,cnlcuio
WORK to Make a Good lOo CIGAR