Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1901, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
ht l.onUlnnn Purehnac Centennial Fnut
Cbaffe.'i Replj to Von Waldme. li Not to
the. Latter! Liking.
'TU This A-ntuncomtnt the K&iier's
Treopen Tike is u'
Eaji H it Prepared to Justify All Acta of
Pekli Miaiionanei.
Declares that CSooila Taken uy so-
Cnllcil Loot CummltlrG Ilc
lonueil lo Hcfuiccca In
the Legation.
Argue that United States is Not Leating
Requisite Troops.
llnckhlll ami Chaffee Arc Constantly
Itnporliiuril for Continued Protcc
tlon, the Plcmlrra llelng of
All llnnbi.
Taking Form Tliiirnlon Prcaldea
.nl t'ommlsaloticrV Session,
f) 7', " April 23. Late thlB nttcrnoon
article rt. i,. -noratlon for tbo world a
fMr, to ul ,' St. Louis In 1901, to
celebrate the .' Jvircbasa centcnulal,
wcro Med at the"'".'.'''..' '"e recorder of
deeds, nnd tomorrow ;?t ,'apcrs will bo
filed with tho secretary o. .tatc at Joffer
son City.
The capital stock Is 16,000,000, of which
$3,000 Is suscrlbcd and $500,000 paid up.
It. Stclnblss, representing the labor
Interests, wan today selected as the nine
tlcth director. As soon as tho official char- VICTOIUA, II. C, April 23. tn an Inter
tcr Is received from Jefferson City tlia view with tho Kobe Herald, Minister Con-
directors will elect officers and proceed aer, who Is on his way to Sail Francisco,
to co-oporato with the national commlslou said
In selecting a alto nnd pushing the work to "Thero wro really no ucts on the part
completion, of the missionaries there that were not en
With the exception of ex-Congressman tlrely Justified when tho circumstances are
M. II. (llynn all tho nine monibers of the known. Missionaries did not loot, .mis
national commission worn nretcut today at aloiiarles found 2.000 destitute men and
the meeting called to order by ex-Senator women on their hands. There was no gov
John M. Thursion. who was elected as eminent, no organized authority. There
president pro tciu. and Frederick A. lletts were houses of men who had bien firing on
of Connecticut, temporary secretary. tho foreign quarter directing tho attacking
At tho Plantcra hotel this evening a leaders of tho Boxers; their property had
banquet was given by the Business Men's been abandoned as a result of the state
league. In honor of tho national commlttoe of war ,and It was taken In order to succor
and to eclcbratu the passage by congress hundreds of suffering and destitute Chinese,
hill after collieries KEEP NEBRASKA REPUBLICAN condition ofthe weather jqqj) js SANGUINE
Great Xorllicrn Magnate tlennrtcd to
Dc Seeking Immense llrltlah Co
lumbln foal Interests.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 23. A special o
tho Times from Vancouver, B. C, says:
President J. J. Hill of the Great North
ern railroad, J. Plerpont Morgan and other
New York financial men arc understood
on good authority to be back of a deal to
secure the entire properties of the Duns-
niulr collieries In British Columbia. J.
It. Lynch of New York, confidential rep
resentative of Mr. Morgan,- Is hero nnd to
day showed .several railroad men letters
f credit aggregating 1100,000 with which
he Is tu mnko the first payment In a deal
that Involves nearly $3,000,000.
'resident Hill was In
Mr. Lynch went there an
Ambition of Fmideit Freely Eiprened to
the New Relators,
Forecast For Nelirasku Vulr Wednesday;
Thursday Cooler and Piirtlv Cloudy
Probably Showers In Western Portion;
Variable Winds.
Temperature nt Omntin yeaterdnyt
FBKIN, April 23. Many applications havo of tho world's fair bill. More than 300
been made, to Mr. Hockhlll and General prominent persons attended.
PVi n rfnn hv r'hlrtftafl nf nil ilnrrrnpK fnr 111... 1
retention In China of tho American troops NEW TELEPHONE PRESIDENT
until the general withdrawal of all troops
of the powers. John 1,. Mnliln In Sncccrd John M.
Many of those who are making this ro
juest think tbo withdrawal of tho Ameri
cans will mnko tbo others rotnuln longer.
Thero are also pcoplo who do not desire
lo hco uny ot tho soldiers go
1,. Mnliln In Sncccrd John
Clnrk vtrllh lotvn nnd Illi
nois Mum.
whoso lives the original owners had been
laboring to destroy. Winter was coming
on and measures of some kind were lm
paratlvo and the appropriation of property
for the cuds In view was unquestionably
Justified. Thai, briefly, was the sltualluu.
"I am prepared to Justify tho conduct of
the American missionaries before the siege,
during the slcgo and after the siege. If
you wish to get at tho facts there Is ti
missionary on board who would probably
Whfll I nnitnnil.iinlinl ltw Cam nine Manna XI P . t-ll .
Seattle last wookwar(1 t,0swatcr and State Senator N. V. " r "" """I'"" ""rnu,, Oonntrr Mat B Turntd Ow to ThtU
d had a conference Harlan, called unon tho president this ut "d vernl Hc.ldence. UO-Biry BMJ BO inrnw UTiT W -MU1
..... . i - ... at .a i wiiLi. m a t rr
with him. Tho Esquimau fc wanaimo ran- morning beforo a meeting of the cabinet. """"" " niinil iwenj-xoui nours.
road, which Is about uo miles in lengin, The president, notwithstanding tho press
nnd tho Union extension to the Como and t ,,rnmin,.nt mr.n in him. iravo fully PLAINVIEW. Neb.. Anrll 24.-2:30 a. m.
Wellington coal mines aro. Included In the thirty minutes to tho new senators from Fire, which started at 12:30 this rooming AFFAIRS AND ACCOUNTS WELL KEPT
ileal. Besides 300,000 acres oi government Nebraska. .iratmvn.t i, unction of tho
land, grand, of coal lands nro Included. Tnc prpgijent, 0ftcr congratulating tho . , uii . .,. .,,,npn-. T,
iMioui z.uuu men aro in ii vuiiiufra senators on tnclr election ana tno siuio on .
mines and the railway system. Piemler 1P, fiiv rnri.nniH in hn nnnor branch lo"" 10" ,K J.wuu m i,uuu. ,
Bunsmulr himself owns R largo majority congress, went Into a general discussion Tho cuuso ot tho tire Is unknown, but it
of the stock of the coal ;ns well as tho nf lhn nnllpp which should obtain In order broko out In thn back tiart of K. Tlll'a gen-
rallwa) companies, and other members "f to keep tho state In tho republican column, cri merchandlso and clothing storo nud
mo uunsmuir lamuy o... rmu,.lUu... nna ,nvllcd ,no gc)lat0r8 to free suggestions . nnn ...,, , ,,,.,,.- hlldlnis and to
. 1- 1 ... t'..l I it.. . . In mm. I 1 ' '
CHICAOO, April 23. It Is announced hero
fearing thut John M. Clark, president of tho Chi
anarchy and an uprising ngalnBt foreigners, cago Telephone company, will retire from give you all tho particulars you want."
Tho soldiers who return do so with all his position within tho next week or ten Tho missionary was Dr. Ament, who told
tho honors ot war. days and will bo succeeded by John I. the reporter thut goods taken by tho so
Field Marshal von Walderseo has made Sabln of San Francisco. called loot committee were goods left In
in application that the gato of tho For- Sir. habln also will become president of stores by people who had sought rcfugo
bidden City bo guarded ,by German troops tho Central Union Telophono company, In the legation during tho slpgo and
after tho departure of tho Americans. Qen- wnicn controls mo jieii system covering wero taken to prevent their destruction.
cral Chaffco has replied that American sol- Illinois, Iowa, Indlnna nnd Ohio, succeed- The clothes and bedding wore given to men
Jlors will continue to guard tho gate. At mg w. A. Jackson, who, it Is said, will working upon the barricades and thu com
this tho flormans arc Indignant, Buying this retire. mltto handed Sir Claudo McDonald the key
Impugns their honesty nnd that If tho United Mr. Clark will become chairman of the of the room In which all tho valuables wcro
Btatcs desires to do Its share of policing the board of directors of tho Chicago com- stored. These goods were sold and tho
city It should leave behind enough troops pany. Iloports of a big tolephono trust em- proceeds distributed among- the British
for that purpose; that meroly a few men bracing tho whole country wero discredited soldiers. His mission received but $7o.
bolonglng to the legation guards should hy Mr. Clark today. Mr. Sabln, It Is said, liestorntlon or Hecoinnenne,
control uie gaio wmcn will do wunin me J "1"'8 ' huu ui .ai uuu ,. , Bil,B nrmnnti. nnd
r.A.M.H n . i . .. .. .. . . 1 ... ..11..... 1 . I I tiaf 1 1 . Intf n 11 ntnl.ln.lhn.alA, 1 .1 thn nllh. I ,v ...... . .. - n -
Oeneral Chnffeo persists In this course dip- Ho service, expects to widen tho scope of
lomatlc representations will be mado In the tno two systems.
The ministers of tho forolea powers PRISON FOR TWENTY YEARS
iro meeting dally. They do not at prcs
lilt show a disposition to reduco the claims, Sentence of Dr. Cmltlnrd, Who Shot
which many think to bo extremely unrca-
JnckNOii Affirmed !
Supreme Court.
lloxera Snlil to He NtroiiK In Southern
l'e Chl 1,1 nnd llnvc Syiu
pnthy of I'opalnce.
KANSAS CITY. April 23. A special to
the Star from Jefferson City, Mo., says: The
supreme court today affirmed the twenty
year senlonco ot tho lower court against
Dr. Jefferson D. Goddard of Kansas City
for tho murder In 1897 of F. J. Jackson, a
BKR.LIN, April S3. The Cologno Volks well-to-do laundryman. Jnckson, who was
Celtung prints correspondence from a partially blind, accused Goddard of being
Uermnn missionary in China, which says Intimate with Mrs. Jackson. Tnc men quar
that tn southern Pe Chl LI the Boxers arc roled at the Woodland hotol, where the
preparing for another groat rising, espu- Jackson's lived, and Goddard shot and killed
daily In the districts of Kuang Ping Fu Jackson. Jackson's daughter took the stund
curios was held nnd $400 netted was given
to the American raltslon board. Most of
the goods were taken from buildings that
tho military authorities had ordered burnol.
Somo of tho goods wcro restored to the
owners and other owners recompensed for
their losses,
Dr. Ament explained tho salo of goods In
the Mongol prince's house where ho took
up his quarters, by saying they wero with
out food nnd sold the goods on tho advice
of Mr. Conger. Had they not taken pos
session the placo would havo been de
stroyed by the Russians
About $4,000 was realized by this salo,
which was devoted to tho needs of tho na
tlvo Christians.
In conclusion Dr. Ament says: "Tho
Chlncso dammed up the canal and wcro
going to drown us out. They supposed thu
foralsncrs had subterranean burrows In
...kl.t. . n 1, -Af,tna nnA u'nrn nnrtnlti fhnt
. .1 i ... I . . ... . - . i L. .. I TOUlu fc fcunu iv.uac ..w.w - --
.:.v. " lr?,SLuJ.r ,ao Pl,u"M' uu""u""" ",.ur" underground passages had been made from
lyuiyoiuiiua mm m uoxbtb; oecause oi amiiy pnysicmn. uuuuuru n iricu wren . v ,,
lhn fnmtnn k.r - I .1 . .1... -, -ll .,,llii. In a h,.n. ICgMlOIl 10 IHO fU, BO int)T
resolved to
iiiu luiuuiu iiiuiu. xuu puiuiuiion per- limes, ino Jirnt inui iiouiviun in u iiuug i . ,,.,.. ill,, rain In rn "
latently ,dUrfWds.thed.Wet)sJss;uedb I Jnryron the-aeeond. h waa,-lvflp clxteen m uae rais in a trap.
ino aumoriues. years, nut a new iriai was graniea on a anDOCD' UiUC inUlMTlCC
nVDULIlU linik nvinmnaii
Referring to Yu Hslon (tho former gov technicality. Jackson was formerly In bus-
trnor of Shan 81) tho emperor says Em- Iness In Chicago
beror Kwang 8u wns fully Informed on the
lubject ot Yu Hslcn's murders of forolgncrs
inn oruerca ut juuge nt listen u to ae-
capltato Yu Halen, who has slnco fled and
Mob nl Hprlniclleld, Tennessee, Hie-
cntra Wynlt Mnllnry on Court
House Vernndn,
the lenr llnd
l-'reneh Loan
. Coreit.
ArkuniaH Train Artlata Hard for Dor
to Track nn llottoma Arc
MEMPHIS. Tenn., April 23. Detectives
havo been forking all day at tho scene o
tho daring trnlu robbery on the Choctaw Tnn Anrll ! Tnnl irh n UKlnDoma & uilli raiiroau near irun muuu
i't.i..Lc. u..i 11. I... i 1 ti vwi, n mni. ni im tnin fnrrihiv pntprpii tnln Crossing, ArK., at an cany nour 10
to ' ' tho court house nt Springfield, Tenn., took day. but so far no arresis navo occn raaae,
U'vnll Mllnrv. n nnurn. from tho odlcora It 18 Siaieu oy an omciui oi iuu iyuiio-
guarding hlra and hanged him from tho I'argo Express company mat me DanuiiS
YOKOHAMA. Anrll "3. Hnrpn. II lu nn. oonrl hnimo vprnniln. An the rone crew taut secured less man JUU.
lerstood, will pay Japan tho 1,000,000 yen with the negro's weight each member of " Is supposed mat me men wno perpc-,
it ow ng from tho now French loan of thn mob fired a shot nto tho sw nu nc body, traica mo rouuerj wum m ioniiUI i
l.nnOnnf) vnn Innlli'mil tnr rollrnnH Th.n lhn Ina.lnr nf lhn mnh wnrn nil lhn nlcllt. A SUOrt time DOtOrO tUO WeStUOUHU
Ing. . sheriff not to Interfere with tho corpse until train over tno Kansas wiy. t on bcoii
The Japancso newspapers suspect Itussli 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and lato to- Memphis left tno uainoun Bireoi siauon,
bas had a band In the French loau, re- night It still swings from tho place of
Eardlcss ot tho convention ot 189C, by execution.
which lUinala and Japan should Jointly lend Yesterday at Adams Mallory fatally
money to Corea, If necessary. Tho Coreau wounded J. H. Farmer, a white man. To-
foreign minister appears to have been igno- day tbe sheriff heard, that a mob was form
Delegation Visits Secretary fin Re and
I'ostmaster Ocnernl and lnrtlnn
of tindoralna; Application '
la Deterred.
Hour. Ucir. Ilinir. lira,
n a. m...... -lo I p. m ...... nil
II a. in II a i. in TO
7 n. nil -V- !l li. in 71
K n, in ir 4 p. in 7:1
l n. m ...... HI r. p. m ...... 7a
10 n. m ...... fS5 II p. in 71
It a. m nil 7 p. m TO
iu m na h p. m on
d p. iii .... . r,7
GeTernef Qeneral ef Cuba Feeli OtrUii of
Pinal Adjnstmeit Goon.
An Not Angered, bit Haply Beekinf Some
EiUhUnent. Dollar Kapanded In Improlnu
the laland la Accounted for and
nlth a Receipt from the
Mr. Dunsmulr declines to discuss tho sub
ject of the reported deal.
view wus highly satisfactory, for Senator
property on tho other sldo of tho street.
. . . . . . ....
Miiinr.i mtnr, ,i n ih rnnfnrrni-n Tiicre Dcuig ho nro acparuncni 1110 Clll
UaRAtU MAN HAS IT RINCHED rnnm. nlH in n Don ronrnanntatlve! "Our hens all turned oul and formed a bucket Mrs. Wood nnd his private secretary, nr
inwnwii if.r.i. ....w - ... .. .... ... . i.... ...i.i., ,l. n,.,i il... un,M
interview was so picasaut mat i assurcu brigade. The absence ot winu aououwa ",,u "' u ........
NEW YOIIK. April 23. General Leonard
A. Wood, governor general of Cuba, with
Vice l'reslilent llnmney Will Re tilven tho president I would do myself, the honor
I'renlileney ot Wheellnn A
Lake Krle.
of calling very soon ngaln, and stay with
him longer, which tbo president said waa
what ho wanted."
(ineatlon of I'oatofllccH.
Afeter lhn tnlnrvtenr lhn Nnhrnska dele-
cation called on Secretary Gbko and later In bed. When the sleeping boy wns rc-
DMtMn.a. tJMlU Vila nu- I .tnmKAAtl li. tiona.k u'na nflnmn. llllt
, . . . , , I VII I UOWUilSiCI UVUV1UI ClUllil UUU Uio '- I 111 vlll uvl VU iuv "'
,rfL" V Vh- w. ,2 -i'tanto. When they went Into tho offlco Charles. Bertles, night watchman, rau Into
. ' .T. " .h, r. of General Brlslow, fourth assistant post- ,.wonlnc. Bnatched un tho child u
Krt" ThJ'"wV,r aJ Jtooert c JTSZhX S - 11 f T "
P1TTSBUIIG, April 23. Upon reliable In
formation It can bo stated in advance of
tho annual meeting of the Wheeling & Lake
Erie board of directors that ut that meet
.... .. i . . t .. . .. . i .i .... . i....
HllCKcnBacncr. me prcHtr i.iu, . ..,,, nrtnp.n thn nnii-nMnn.i for tho
1... mm.. 1. .. ..txlnn,! n. nnnorn l mnnoimF I .
under tho new mana
has admitted that tho
prevented tho destruction of the entire -n"ip.
1 General Wood did not hesllato to talk
tOwn. ulmlll nfTnlra In Pnhil.
No Injury to live stock or persons oc- .,Tho ol)jCet of my hurried visit here,"
eurred, but u child ot Sherlock, tho saloon he said, "Is to Introduce tho five members
keeper, narrowly escaped burning lo deam of tbo special commission ou foreign rela
tions appointed iy tno uunan consiini
tlonal convention, to President McKlnley.
The members of tho commission represent
controlled by tho Gould Interests. This
same syndicate has also underwritten the
sixty miles ot new road that will connect
Pittsburg with Jewett, O., on tho Wheel
ing & Lako Erie. These two roads will In
time be divisions ot tho Gould system. Mr,
Tho losses, as near as they can bo estt-
E. Till, general
000: Ernest
caus, and Mrmi,rir. rrRtaurnnt and Icehouse. $3,000;
Senators lOia .. .. . a nnnrnl tiinrphanillse and
Qcncral Brlstow that they had mado no ' ... ., ,
as general rao""K"H postofflco changes. Millard wanted Diet- mated nt this hoUr, arc: E.
fir.u.".. . rr3! rich to take tho four congressional ills- merchandise nnd clothing, $3
Has aainiliea mat 1110 J IHBU.IIK I.HU irinl. lmrr.rn,ilo,l l, romlhllpmill. mill .. . I...1.
syndicate whUh recently bought absoluto , veauntH ttt ,'t bo,u se,
control of tho Wheeling & Lako Erie Is ., IlP,inW .hni ihnv h.i
all thn different groups of Cubans compos
ing tho constitutional convention. They
havo come to the United States for bo
purposo of conferring with President Mc
Klnley on matters which the convention
does not thoroughly understand nnd when
thoy return and make their report I am
convinced there will bo a thorough understanding.
The constitutional convention has nover
ware. $2,500; ltepubllcan newspaper office, voted on or rejected tho Piatt amendment.
I mi. I . i I .l...lll..l 1
$700; Sherlock's saloon. $.00; building nt ' whlrh havo
nrrangoments about the distribution
patronage, but would talk It over.
HantlnitM I'ontofHce Henioval.
Senator Dietrich had a personal Inter- C. H. Johnson, i,buo; iinam ionrimacuc. ,)een gcnt t0 ,Uo UntC(l statcs from
view with Postmaster Qcncral Smith In general merchandise, $i,000; Jonn ueaty, Havana. Things havo been cabled hero
Ilamsev Is cxnected In Pittsburg this week regard to thojrcmoval of the Hastings post- Bi,00 shop. $500; H. L. Ludlum. real estate which had not tho slightest foundation In
to give tbe word for work to begin on the offlco and the postmaster general told nna jmplenieut house, $2,000; Dr. W. T. fct, which described strained relations
uciwcun mo ruiireauniiiiiven ui iuu uuiieu
Statcs and tho Cuban nconlc. Everything
possible. removal. "'hB11 ic...v..v, - ll19 ,,ccn narmnnious since i went to uuu-a
Later in tno day tno two senators canea nu lno convention now in session is a.
anru ICI INI, I tltPt A ftlllT on Commissioner Hermann of the land I ai ARAM A TAKES A VU 1 1 thoroughly representative one. Beforo tho
Piatt amendment was passed by congress
Lltlu-ntlon Involvlnu Thonsanria M'aa rirst oojcction to n preseui ouiceuumci. 'D Conatltutlonol Convention movement ino vuoann Knew tno uosiiib ui mu b"-
Kounried n Contract Twenty- "ed for the removal of J. Jonnson A , , ve Carried by Thirty
I - m.A TiftwMMiH 1 n m l a elt a a t hlln nn nlrl I . ....
One Year Old. iron i uuswu iii Thouaaiul Siajority.
eminent, which tho amendment contains.
Intervention and the establishment of naval
stations are tbo two things which thoy
don't proporly comprehend, and I think
that when they aro fully explained In
ninnAnn Anrll 2a. in its flirht for the. he entered his protest to Johnson's contlmi- MONTGOMERY. Ala.. April 23. Tho pco
......a t,n,iroH hn,i.nrt'.iniiarH ance and stated to the commissioner that nl. nf iahaina voted today on tho proposl
of tolls paid for tho uso of a bridge over he would follow his protest with a rccom- t,on to ea, n convention to assemble In Washington tho only Indication ot n differ
tho Missouri river, the Chicago, Rock Isl- menoauon. rroui im ntwuu .w . lDl() clty May zl ,0 urau a new t-""- eut i umuiuu win umu u.u .uiuu.m.
and & Pacific railroad company was the tnat uieiricn win cany ucg.u stltutlon. An exccemngiy ugm voio wo Two Real Problem.
lnr In thn ITnllnil Siaieu rlrnlllt enilrt OUt prOCCSS OI IHOSB inimimi tu iu ucn nnlled throUKh tllO State, OUl tno reiulllB "Tlinrn orn ro.llw hill u, orl n.i.llnnl
today. Judge Seaman handed down an regime. Indicate that perhaps llvo-slxths of tho yet to bo settled. One Is the reduction ot
opinion. In which, after reviewing the his- r- -. countlc3 havo votcu in xavor oi u uiuu- tbo duty 0B gUgar aa(j tho other U the pan
tory of the Important litigation against Tho postomce department has, received ,, sage of the constitution.
the Hannibal A St. Joseph railroad com- tho report or inspector waters, wuo was Tho principal changes whicn mo convon- ..0no ,B CCODOmic ,n(J the other polltloal,
pany, ho rules that the bill ot complaint sent to Grand Island, to report upon tbo tton ha Jn vlew Is In tho suffrage, the yet ln a ro8re xbiy Bre After the
bo dismissed for want of.wiuly. The mi;.lqueetlon vwneinermo .poaiosuca -"" courtshe terms ot puuiicmceni.ana tu I fconatttUtton ,Jia,beeiunropetly. frame, and,
gatlon Is founded on a contnrot of. December I place should be removed to the- Omaaa ah0luhment of ''much'" lofial legislation. 1 Brjopted the economic jouestlon Will .dlsap-
. . ... . ..... . I r . rr.,..i .nmnanv hlllldlnff. It Is Irw. . . T : i t... In nuAt hiinlv fllir. 1 .. . .
t, iT, in wmcn tne kock isiana roaa se- uu n - .'mere nan ueou iuij pear, as tnero must tie a great reaucuon
cured from the Hannibal road' the use of understood Inspector Waters reports in ng tho can,pagn. The democratic stato m tno lluly on BUgar, Tber, Cuba will bo
a bridge at Kansas City and also fifty-two favor of the removal and that the post- commtteo mado a brief campaign and prOBperoU8 aU(j hs relations with tho
miles of track ln that vicinity. For the master general win taice a similar view, SpCai,crB wero 8ent out, but- nownero wero ,Untctj states Bottled on u solid basis,
uso of this bridge nnd section of the road not desiring to run counter to tho reports I tho pcople grctly interested. There was Tnat w, cn(, tho wholo aimciilty- nnd In
thu Rock Island company agreed to pay ot nis inspectors. r no organization against too issuo ana tnero twenty-four hours tho country can bo
to tbe other party a certain percentage of Senator Gamble ana Hoproscniauvo m no wag a aisincllnatlon to go to tho polls. At turnc,i ovor to tho reprcaentntlvcB chosen
Its passenger und freight receipts for bust- of South Dakota, called upon tho president todayB election nfty-nvo delegates from by tho Cuhan people Today all tho do
ncss in that section. ' todny, to urge upon him tho appointment tho fltato ol ,arg0 woro elected and 100 partmcnts of tho Islands are practically In
of Robert S. Pearsons, deputy auditor of tho (rora ,no countleai eacu county being al- the of tho Cubnns, who havo been In-
MI5S0URI PACIFIC'S IDEA ilmer,or aimem.. io . w p ... ,owoa a8 n)any delegates as it lias memoers 8tructed a8 l0 how thng8 can bo rngnnged.
I IFinLU U, 1. .1.11.1.. .wua.Bv.wu.. ' " " I
and when
tlmo arrives all wo will
to take a receipt of tho
I'rnncc nnd lln.nla Halt! to Have Such Counsel Advlaea lllui, Nbort and Meyer
Project t'nder Advise. Sot to Tentlfy He to re Grand
ment otv. Jury.
nt 8:30 o'clock last night, two men ap
proached the ticket window and asked for
tickets to Bridge Juuctlon. Ticket Agent
Coltart and Night Agont Washington were
on duty at tho time. They declined to sell
rant of thu loan necotlatlons until th. i.i im. ami anrtretlv moved thn neurn from the them tickets to that place, as no trains
moment. Mall to the court house for safety. stop there. The men Insisted on buying
I .. . . A I 1 . .... 1.. nnwln..
tlCKeiS,, Com Ulieur..lK ubiiuuoij miAi-uo
to board outgoing Kansas city train,
They stated that tickets wero wanted for
several peruons
Tho supposition Is that tho robbery was
planned to take placo at Bridge Junction
and that tho robbers wcro tho men who
LONDON. April 21. "I learn." says the NEW YORK, April 23. Albert T. Patrick, wanted tickets to that point last night,
Bt. Petersburg eorresDondent of thn nallv nnvlil I.. Short nnd Morris Mever wero I their purpose being to go to Bridge June
l-lull, "that M. Delcasso came to St. Poters- taken before the grand Jury again today, 1 tton on tho Kqnsas City 8:30 train and wait
burg, at the request of Emoeror Nicholas, that body considering the chanco acalnst for tho coming ot tne unoctaw express,
to discuss tho project of Russia and Prance Patrick of causing tho death of William which reaches Bridge Junction about 12:03
lolllt y guaranteeing China's Inilotnnllv In M. nice. The three men said that, nctlnir In. m.
tho powers, thereby nroourlnir u aneedv on advice of counsel, they preferred not Genoral Agont Longacro of tho Wolls
lettlement and tho evacuation of Pokln. to testify. After tho Jury had adjournod Fargo Express company, who went to Hul-
"Thls proposal was suunested to the ciar for the day. It was said an order had been bcrt, near tbo sceno of tno. roDDery, on
by tho emperor of Ch nn. and Russia hones given for tho presentation of an Indictment the first outgoing tram mis morning, re
by tho guaranty to secure her alms in aculnst Patrick on tho chame that he turned this afternoon. Ho said that every
Manchuria." caused Rice's death and for Indictments effort was being mado to apprehend tho
nvnlnat Shnrl il ml Mnvnr nn nhnrrna nf bandits and that PrlVatO defectives and
IN DUKE OF YORK'S THEATER forgery in hnving. as nllcgcd by the prose- special agents of tho railroad and tho ox
cutlou, signed mcir names as witnesses presn tmiipuu) cusscu un iuu tunc.
to a will bearing tho Blgnnturo of Wil
I Ham M, Rice, which signature It Is claimed,
was forged
Ednn JMny nnd -'tilrl from t'i There"
Let lOiieiiiiriiKliiHr llecriitlon
In liiindon.
Owing to tbe bottoms being overflowed ho
docs not think the bloodhounds will bo able
to trail the robbers.
The Wells-Fargo Express company has
a standing reward .which will apply tn this
rase. Mr. Longacro thinks tho robbery was
tho work of seven men.
Tennessee I.eKl.lature'a InveatlHnt Inn
Committee HecnmmeiidH ll.i.t Klit
rll(e Anatver CharRra,
Tlll".' ,901' ,,rcss I'uwwiinK co. MUNCIE HAS THE BAPTISTS
April (Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) "Tho Oirl Three Hundred IleleKntea from .e
irom Up Thero company had an oncour- braska, lovtn nnd Kac where lla
lging reception at mo Dune of York's the- ...... mi imrv .Pi..
icr louigm. ine music cauglit on at onco
mil tho atKllcnre gave the warmest posslblo MUNCIK. Ind.. April 23. Delegates from
weicomo to hdna May. who was recalled Indiana. Illinois, Iown, Michigan, Mlnno
tour times nt tho fall of the curtain. Lota. Missouri. Nebraska. Ohio and Wis-
i.i... . . . . .. . ... . i -. .
niura ii iiniuKiii nown mo nouse with bis consin camo to Munclo today for the con
original fantastic business. The girls vontlon ot tho Baptist Women's Mission
wero greatly ndmlred, too, and whlto somo ary goclety of the West, which began Us NASHVILLE, Tenn., April 23. Tho com
of tho choruses woro rather nolsv. ths sessions lonluht. Thrnn hmvimii mllteo annolntod yesterday to review tho
iiurit nnu uasn wim wmcn ine wuolo com- nro in attendance, together with numerous evidence taken iy mo two investigating
pany acted together made success certain, visitors and workers, and missionaries committees relative to tho conduct of Sen-
i ncre was some "booing" from the gallery from China, nurmah, Japan nnd Africa, ator Eldrldgo reported today. Tho report
U tho eloHU, but 11 was utterly drowned President John E. Srott of Evanston. Ill I says thero Is probable cause to bellevo thrtt
In enthusiastic cheering by tho bulk ot tho Mrs. M. A. Bacon, secretary, Chicago; Mrs, Eldrldge accepted a brlbo for his voto on
umence. Maiuaa ruein, treasurer, tin caco. and nthnr thn race lor assistant cierK oi tno senate
ie commnaiun is deemed in clally atronz oracers, aro present. Ono of the lmnortani and the committee recommends that EI
In comedians and Virginia Earle mado a questions to bo discussed will be the push- drldgo bd tried In open session ot that
ing ot tiaptisi missions in new fields. body. Tbe session or me legislature win
contlnuo for several days, notwithstanding
the fact that It expired yesterday by con
atltutlonal limitation.
favorable Impression.
Police Ksnmlne Mtenmer from Unenna Cnrrle
Ayrea, lint Do .Not Find
Amirc hist.
.Notion nnd Three
Wnnirn Prefer to (io
to Jail.
BltEMlCRHAVEN, April 23. The pc-Uco WICHITA. Kan., April 23. At a meeting
here ".waited tho arrival today of tho nt Mrs. Wtlhlto's last evening Mrs. Carrie
itcamer Halle, from llucnos Ayrcs, March Nation, Mrs. Lucy Wllhlte, Mrs. Julia Evhis
17, lu expectation ot tho steamer having on and Mrs. I.ydla MunU, the four women who
Soard the anarchist, Romagnoll, who Is said smashed the two saloons here somo months
(o havo been deputed by the anarchists of ago, decided to reject all ball and go to Jail.
I'atcrson, is. J., to nssassinato Emperor Their cases come before tbe court tomur
William, but, though an unusually rigorous row for the purpose ot renewing their
txamlnatlon was made ot the ship, passeu- bonds
tors nnd baggage, nothing posltlvo resulted,
The pollen, however, aro suspicious rcguid-
Jig an Italian who landed hero and arc hav
ing h'm carefully watched.
They claim they could easily get bond, but
they deem It their duty to resent the ln.
putatlon that they have committed any
crime, hence their decision to so to Ja.lL
.Vetv York Stnte l,eKlwlature tSlvea
reuna) It niiln lload Coiiceasion
In AilJoiiriilnir Hour.
ALBANY, N. Y., April 23. Tho slate leg
lelaturo concluded Its annual sessloq today
and adjourned sine die. One of tbe last
bills passed gives tho Pennsylvania Hall
way company authority to construct n belt
line railway around Greater New York and
empowers It to tunnel beneath or bridge
over West street. The bill also confers
vast concessions on the water front.
In tho house of representatives, tnero
will in no ovont be to exceed four or live y,.va ,
iuaiui ""iiiuiv .w...n... w - - - - rnniiniinnnn nr uauuiiaia iu ,un wmu w...w... rnnn.v nn tinnrf At itin i...,,.. nr inn
, . . A, , , I . . ... . ... w i.v, u t. ..i. iii. ..v .uu awuvu w. i ,111
reason to peneve mat me aouin -anum At mi,inicht t appears that -mo consu- rn h.. fn- ... n.r
delegation would be successful In Us effort tutlonai convention movement cnrrlcd by cxpendotl the Improvoraent of Cuba elnco
to land Persons In tbo audltorsblp. 30000 majority. In soveral counties where tho mitlt.iry tonics havo been In chargo
reiugrcw Ami.n.i tho negro voto prea0minaien mo uogroe and wo boa tho receipts. We nover had
Senator Kyle of South Dakota, who is in aligned themselves with tne populists ana 8Uch an accurate accounting demanded bo
Would Finance IVew Acquisition with -displaced.
Capital Stock Inatciul of Creating
More Indehtedneaa.
NEW YORK, April 23. Tho Mall and Ex
press says: It was admitted today by per-
snns olnfif. In thn Mlnfinlirl Pnplfln thai thn
amount of new. slock used In the purchase Washington for a few days, brought with defeated tho democratic nominees for dele- (or0i an(l t wa8 compiled with.
of Denver & Rio Grande will not exceed hlra tho interesting iniormatmn mat ox- gates. Tbe city ot moduo went uguiuni
$6,000,000. Tho remainder of tho $30,000,000 Senator Pcttlgrew was already organizing tho convention, but It Is expected the dcin
to bo authorized will be Issued from tlmo his forces to contest nyio s scat ior tno ocratic candluatcs navo peen eiccicu
tn linn lhn flnnc l .nunn- lltlltnil StltrH Senate. "BUtYOU Will 1
" " wu.,.....j ..w-w .v I 'I. .. .... . n nr.. a nnuniur
tagcous to secure new properties. feat hlm7" wbb asueu. - wen, was me p.UVVMAKt;l15 rUnlr. liUrllDIPJC
The company is making a conspicuous repiy, "i nope uu uui.o. t nm, uk
point of Its financial methods to bo cm- 'Will havo a much harder fight than I had wm unmlnnte l.ung Credlta Hereto
ployed In tbo general scheme of creating a when I was last eiectea. leuigrew is u fore CVen to Country
new Missouri Pacific system. Tho chlot stubborn ana persistent ngnier.ui.u una Uenlera.
featuro of this policy Is tho adoption of a large following- ln tbo state. I expect to
plan to finance Its acquisition of properties win, but as the election will take placo In CHICAGO. April 23. After a confcrcnco
"Thero was some trouble, and tho Rath-
bone-Necly caso bas been thoroughly
worked up and the men will bo brought
to trial In May. Tho bonds ot theso men
havo been forfeited and will have to bo
paid. There is an agent ot the surety
company In Havana latoly and ln looking
over tho ground ho will report back that
tbe bouds must bo nettled.
'Whilo I have said overytblng bas been
harmonious slncn I havn henn In charea nf
and Interests In other companies with cap- an off year It means much harder worn iaatng BOveral days the fllow manufactiir- Cuban affairs I must, however, explain
Ital, Instead of by tho creation of now In- than If we had to maito tno ngnt uuring a ora vt tno United StatoB practically navo that It was Impossible for mo to pleaso
debtedness and fixed Interest-bearing bonds, presidential year. Thero will be a Hyely completed tho formation of a $50,000,000 overyono down thoro, nnd especially tho
struggle, but I believe wo havo got Petti- combination. The combination bas for ono ambitious and disappointed speculators.
CHANGES ON ROCK ISLAND grow donCl ot Its purposes the elimination ot long Also I found It necessary to close tho malls
siMtmn iiiHtou .t.t..w,. i credits wmcn navei uvvu (." rauuu; io i.a uiscussion on i account ot a caricu-
Sunerlnienilent Htilitvell of Weat-of- Senator Kyle saw the president toaay anu merchants. It Is said to navo oeen tne ture which was likely to create troublo.
Mlsaourl l.lnea U Placed protested against tho proposca noanuon- custom to give tticse creauors as mucn ns uniy ono copy or the paper camo to thl-
Kuatwnrd. ment of the Slssoton agency in Bourn ua- u year's time, and inasmucn as mo manu- country and tho editor of tbo paper wai
kota. Kylo claims that tne aooution ot facturcrn havo not enjoyea sucn croons in arrestca. The paper was not seized, as
CHICAGO. Anrll 23. The followlnz this ncency would bring narasnip to mo buying their materials tnoy say mcy navo stated In tbo dispatches."
nhnnsres lu tho nneratlnir donartment- wera inrllanR and to tho people or tne community hoen placed at a disadvantage, 'twenty
announced today by tbo Chicago, Rock. In which the agency Is situated. manufacturers are reprtiacnted at the enn- FATHER ADMITS KIDNAPING
Island & Paclflo railway: Prank Hanlon of omana is in mo city, as forencc. Charles ti. ueero ot Mouno, ono
A. J. Hltt, general superintendent, to bo is E. O. Brandt. of tho moving spirits in tno project, pre- supposedly Wealthy New York Broker
genoral manager, with headquarters at W. R. Kelly, general counsel or mo utued. Telia What He Old In Kan.
Chicago. Union Pnclnc, nnd wire aro at tno kdmii.
W. M. Hobbs, superintendent of lines Mr. Kelly is hero on matters connecter
east ot tho Missouri river, to be general with the land office.
aiinnrlntenrlnnt nf thn system at Chlcatro. Plvll srrvlco examination Is to be held
"Tho capital stock," said ono of the man
ufacturers, "Is ono ot the things yet to bo
determined, but It is likely to be about
$50,000,000. That about represonts tho cap-
ana City.
PITTSBURG, Pa April 23. W. H. Sbott.
Bald to bo a wealthy stockbroker of Net
W. II. Sttllwell, superintendent of lines May 21 ut Omaha, Sioux City and Bur- ltallzatlon of tho twenty and more manu- Yorki passed through Pittsburg today over
west of the Missouri river, to bo superln- llngton, la., for the position of draftsman facturers who havo participated In the con- tho Pennsylvania railroad on his way homo
tendent ot lines cast of tho river ut Davcn- in tho Agricultural department. ferencc. The headquarters of tho organl- from Kansas City, whence ho went about
port. Contract tor Fremont. ration probably will be In Chicago, although tt Woek ago on n rather peculiar mission.
C. H. Hubbell, superintendent Chicago Contracts wcro today awarded to the this and somo otlier details are yet to no ue declares that his object tn visiting tho
terminals, to bo superintendent,, ot lines Fremont Ico company for Ice, and Marshall decided."
west of Missouri river at lopeKa. Bros, for miscellaneous , supplies for the
nv.n.nnt fMph.l nubllo building for tho next Rfir.KS
-.-.. . r r r r-m n ft, i . . v ...w.. , . w w . .
tNUINtLH UKArtn nCdIUNa Hsral year.
B. T. Mlthous was appointed postmaster Futile Kffnrt
to Wreck FnaNenifer
Train on JVorthcru Pnelflc In
west was to secure possession of his two
children, whom ho bad Intrusted to the-
charge of somo relatives and who later
refused to deliver them at tho request of
, tho father. Mr. Shott said he was obliged
to kidnap one of tho boys, and according
to his story, succeeded In doing ho nfter
engaging In a thrilling encounter with prl-
l.envea Alton llond lo Tnke Clin rue at Vancleve. Marshall county, In.
of .vtlNNourl Pncllle Con- j.ucy A. Blair of Plerro, S. D., was ap-
.trneiioii. nnlnted cook at tbo Slsscton (S. D.) Indian
ncCncy. BUTTE, Mont., April .3. a special iron! vate detectives tnat nad Decn employed lo
SPRINGFIELD. 111.. April 23. II. C. Dra- Th Klrst National bank of Elmwood. Mvlncston to the Inter-Mountain sayH nn guard the children. He had the boy with
per has resigned as assistant chief cn- Neb., was authorized to begin business with nttcmpt was rondo last night to wreck him today. Mr. Shott says ho will retur
glr.ecr of tho Chicago & Alton railroad and $25,000 capital and with Edwin Jeary, presl- Northern Pacific train No, 1 nt a point to Kansas City" soon and' make Hlrenuoim
lias accepted a position wim tne Missouri dent, nnd Floyd U woicou, cannier. Just west ot .Mission biuiu. t largo piuua uemuiuia ior mo recovery ot
Paclflo railway to have chargo of tho con- Rural free delivery has been ordered es- was placed across tho track and two largo cnua
.i.n.hni nt Hnrtnenold. Karny county. Juna Uinnnn well placed on cacn end oi it. En- I
1. Tbe route embraces forty-two Bquara glnoor Mnuscr wus unable to stop his train JQRRY MESSENGER WINS RACE
his, second
structlon of forty miles ot now railroad.
Union PaclHo Conference.
NEW YORK. .April 23. E. H. Harrlman
nt the Union Pacific railway had a confer
ence at his offlco hero today with a num
ber of representatives ot financial Inter
cits, Including, It Is said, Lord Revelstoke
of London, J, J. Mitchell ot Chicago, Jacob
II. Scblff ot Kubn, Loeb & Co. and James
Stlllman, president ot tho National' City
bank. The conference Is said to havo been
In relation to certain plans conaected with
tho Union Pacific system.
I'.rle Itoail KleetH Official.
miles, containing a population of 625.
A. Bailey was appointed carrier.
Postage Will He Increased In Hate If
i You Taw the Wrung
WASHINGTON, April 23. Tho postofllco
department bas ruled that tbo marks of
description and other similar permissible
additions to fourth-class mall matter must
In time, but tho pilot KnocKcd tno in
structions from tho track, with, slight In-
Jury to tho engine. Tho company has
offered n reward ot $i,ouu ior tno urrcst oi
tho would-be wreckers.
HI Paao Wanla Me.slcnn lluler to Meet
Prealdent McKlnley
.May M.
Ilecntur Sntvyer hiieeda Across At
lantic to lie First tn Tell Wife
of Hon'a Death.
NEW YORK, April 23. Word reached UiU
city tonight that Decatur M. Sawyer bas
won his nice across the Atlantic. Mr.
Sawyer left Now York on tbo Doutschland
last Thursday, a day after his wife sailed
on tho Majestic. Mr. Sawyer wus tho
bearer of the news of tho death of their
EL PASO. Tex.. April 23. Mayor Ham- hon, Otln Sawyer, who, with Georxa E.
NEW YORK, April 23. At a mcellng of be confined to tho wrapper or cover or lag mett today called a ipedlal session of the Innes, wbh drowned near Lakevlllo, Conu.,
tbe board ot directors of the Erie Rait- or label accompanying such matter. city council to ngaln officially Invite Presl- tho very day Mrs. Sawyer sailed for En-
road company today E. B. Thomas was The act ot June 20, 1888, authorizing such dent Diaz of Mexico to bo present In El rope, Mr. Sawyer desired tn reach Hie
elected chalraan ot the board; V. D. Un- additions, does not authorize the placing of Paso to meet President McKlnley on May 5. other side ln advunco of his wlfo, so that
derwood, president: J. A. Mlddleton, second such marks on the matter Itself. Post- President Diaz bas not yet replied to the ho might bo able to break the naws to her.
vice president, to take effect May 1. J. I masters throughout the country havo been
W. Plattnn was olected treasurer and L. notified of this ruling and Instructed that
I). Smith assistant secretary, to take effect I fourth-class matter prepared for mailing
at once. Mr, Underwood was also elected In conflict with this ruling must pay tlrct
a director to fill a vacancy. class postage.
Invitation sent him by the Chamber of According to n cablegram received todny
Commerce nnd It Is believed hero that he Mr, Sawyer reached Plymouth late ibis
may come. In case he does not como the afternoon and Immediately boarded a train
minister of foreign affairs Is expected to for Liverpool, where he Is due to arrlvo
personally represent tho president. soveral hours before tbo Majestic docks.