TMJS Q31AHA DA1IA' BEE; SUNDAY, APKIL 21, 1 001 I OH KXVHAXUV.. ID-HAND men'" wheels for ladles' whocK Omaha Bicycle Co., ICth and Chicago sts. Z-607 FOIt KXCHANUE, Improve farm near Nelson, Nuckolls county, Neb.. 320 ucres; 'J In cultivation, HJ fenced In pasture; lle-room house, burn, windmill, fine tim ber; stream of llfiiiB water through farm; mortgaged for W.&" per cent, with flvo TunrpaWAranr X 'HI rr r li r rn Also Improved farm of eighty acres, five mile west and one mile south of Bup-rlor, Nuckolls county, Neb., all fenced nnd In cultivation; no buildings; possession given at any tltnu or be rented as It In to rood tenant. Price. $25 per acre. AVIII exchange aoovc proiKTtles for Clear, Improved property In Umaha or South Omaha. Hen owner, Bee- Building, Umaha, Neb. Telephone, 1112. KEHUASKA land to exchance for Jewelry slock In Ncbruska Kansas, town or South JJUKOtH. Address U 26, UCC. Yr 7i II' UEl.O IAN hares for chickens, rncc boulevard. r,T07 Flor- Z--72I SI li.ofn KIIOE Htock to exchanGe for farm mmi. .niircpx o c. nee. v. i,n :i" MEUICAL, LADIES, 1 REWARD! LADIES, tiOU REWARD! LADJKS, JW REWARD! LADIES, VH) REWAUDI LADIES, iW REWARD 1 LADIES, fed JIEWARD! LADIES, xo-B HEWAHD1 For a casts, ot suppression old Dr. Jackson's Monthly Regulator falls to relievo In SI hours; this tippll to -all obstinate, long MMidliiK. nbliormal cases from any cause; this compound concentraU'd vegetable lima cxtruct is a penecc nomc ireacmcni; iii .ti.., li nirvi. ijiinniiiu, lull; UMiimailli cut this out. Dr, Jackvon, Dept. 15. 161 I I... I.. ....-I... t icaruorn 01., ciucngo, 111. itSJ Zl lA.uina, 1 positively guarantee Oolderi Hefti; never falling female regulator, will relieve most eliminate cunts of delayed periods in live hours; sent secure from observation. Jl.tO. Dr Anule Fowler, 2741 .Ollve St.. St. Louis, Mo. -U1S A3v LADIl'.S, uro you -nwaro tliat in France jnoro women use a monthly regulator than the women of all other nations com bined? Dt Ih Hue's French Regulator is used everywhere; thoroughly ru.luble. ab- olutcly safu, price, J-' toy returning this nil, oniy nice rnurmacai vjo. (u;, Aincncun Agents, Lincoln. .cd. -SU15 21 GONOVA U a French treatment for malo and foinale. for tho positive euro of Gon- orrhoea, Olecvt, Unnntural Dlsoharges, in- Humiliations, irritations and Ulcerations of tho tnucouj membranes. Ao Internal remedy with Injection combined, war- IADIK8! OilchcMter'H Kngltnh Pennyroyal 11 II it rt thtt hrtui unft. rllnhIof tnk tin other, send '4o ijtamn for particulars; 'Jte- ink your druggist. Chichester Chomlcal Co., yhllndelphla. Pa. DO you suffer with hay fever, nsthma or I dyspepsia? Do you want to be cured? l aui itiiiiicna uu&'DW, AlurUCl lu, ,pu( CANCER cjred at home by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain. Book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer In stitute. 121 W 42d St.. N. Y. LADIES! Guaranteed regulator ' remedy never falls; harmless; quick reljcf: one full box free. Write to Paris Chemical Co., tllllHiiIllrA. 111 Mllwaukoe, Wis. LADIES. Dr. Strleklund's Regulator re HcWB In live hours; box free: stump for particulars, crown Chemical Co.. B53, Milwaukee, Wis. SIC 51 LADIES. Guuranteed Regulator Remedy never falls: harmless; quick relief; one c'o'.'. V'VM FREE TRUBS-V havo 11 truss that's cured hundrnds of ruptures; It's, safe, sure and easy us un okl stocking; no elastic, or steel bands around the body or between the legs; hold any rupturo; to 1 Intro duce ,lt( every -mifferer who answers this ad at once can hv one free: It won't cost a cent. Alex. Spelrs, Box &14, West, brook. Me SHORTHAND AND Ti I'liWHITlNG. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 542 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. Bte Bldg. . -S43 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd7! Theuter. Mi GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 ft Doug -4i U.-CYCI.E9. SECOND-HAND blcvclen at V. nrlce: must iiuyc uiv room lor new ones; goou wnreis for $3 and up; It will pay you to invest now; wheels sold on payments. Louis v icioncr, w.. wapuoi v, -M4S1 WANTED, rider agents to ride nnd exhibit sample IfKil model bicycle and distribute LOW catalogues In ptyment for If, write .for catalogue and particulars. T. W. aieuti cycle co cjhlcago. 747 51 IF YOU want one of the highest grade. wcu Known, new jswi nusn joint Dicycina made for only $11.75. und want It on free ten days' trial before paying one ccnt. cut this notice out and mall to Sears. Roe buck. Co., Chicago, III., for free bicycle catalogue and full particulars. 731 m OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. Sit N. Y. L. Bldg. TsL 1664;. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.; Utd E. Johnson. Osteopathia. Mgr. -S40 M. E. DONOHUE. D. O.. of Still school, ttlrksvlllc, Mo., m Paxton Bile Tel. 1367. sit LOST. LOST Three keys on chain, heiwerri Ex ,, change bldg. and 24th und N sts. Suit- able reward for return to Union Stock yards oftice, Huuth Omahu. ' Ust-M712 22 llYUlENIO BATHS. I FOR ladles only, hygienic buths. with mas ace und electric treatment. Ilnrir niter. , tlon. of Mrs. T, Schommer, graduate was. kcusq, formerly of "The Rathery." lffl , Douglan et. "JeJ. 2155. Open evenings by Uj,fcPllii:ilv MWl INHTHVCTION. SCHOLARS to leurti cutting moi's und I women's carmrnts: tuusht tv mall or hi school; best aystem to graduate quickly; terms reusonuble; cutlers always. In de mand at good salaries. School for Cutters -jailors, i v, bin st.. cincmnitu, u. PAIIQVETHV FJ.OOHS, FRANK SKVICK makes a meclnlty of all Kinaa sumwoihi nooring ami parquetry, My urlcci. kto rlaht. 1911 Oak St. -,650 MIS' I.AUNUHY, OMA1LV Steam laundry; shirts, "cj collars, 2c I cults. ic 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. MT. ill 1 ' i 1 1 PATENTS. PATENTS, no toe unless auecsasful. Buee & Co,, Uee Bldg,, Omaha, Neb. Advice tree. its Jul5 CAHPBNTUHS AND .IOBHKHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly uttended to, J. t. Ochiltree, soth and Lake Sta. -370 liNPUHT AL'COiAt ... LlSWKJJSB .in uooutip n ..clc.. y or even . . ..- . . . wg. v-yi... . u . .v. wi P.1WNBMOKEKS. tlesT'dcsS PVh..c one Of our FINEST 'without a single failure .In W years! jrastc homes. The hduae contains jS.. elegant Jio murn time and mon-y! older today: . room. Loc'Rted on a fuirifonable ii'reel every day counts, over Iw.oOu women used rooms- ixtcaica on a lusnioname street 5t; otllre or mall. 3: nrlrnte home for con- near car line. A fine 3-stbry barn and ranifMi iu rum worst cases in ona wrtiiK : i M . . . . -. . . . . i ... v... ,,t ini i tier nnrk7i- or two for li Hpnt nv- I -'" A owpoi -.vacant 101, easi ironi, rourin UiM wuui. v.i "ii 5 IEIl CENT MURK) H' iaja. w lot WXIZi It., fitn). JPFrotl?rr?trlttSi Dg on 3-d Bt;. about 200 feet north of, aW&'inK Slcell LarnaargVln-Tf 'fn Co... Elcln. llf. America 11 Oflice, retal.. ...T 'ViTJJ'x..' J1." '.V.0(?'a. PiLJCJ, JPi.h wno csa e, .Myers-u ion urug uo umaiia; " 1 "- -("'-' .,.. . OT. r.,Tv u.v,w,,.i . 'i' . icVc ' . . 1"1 J i K. 1 L M. A. Dlflon! South Omaha: Davis Drug paid m full. HERE IS A BARGAIN. NORTH PART OF CITY. (Established In 15CS.) 19th st. boulevard, near Lake st Co. Council Bluffs. Full line of rubber v iu ...iTTu,.-, mvppt Telephone, 585. Paxton Block. cottage, price $1,3M. EAOLE Loan OBlce. relUlU,-acciocnodt. log; all buslucss conQdcntlul. IZVl Douglua. . ell KOH MAI.K HEAL K9TATK. A 'OOLbEN OPPORTUNITY' it. ron good homes on easy tTums. "" " rUy agree that OMAHA the iir.Ai, ESTATE Is nt tne tnresnoia 01 a steady advance. If )ou want a home, No. NOW 18 YOUR TIME. Carefully ex amine the following beforo making your purchase. "A word to the WISE 13 No SUFFICIENT.' WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. e,SW will purchase a good T-room house, city waler, gas, M-foot lot, clc. TUB LOCATION JS FINE. $2,250 will purchase a 6-room, all modem houno, corner lot, houso in fair repair. EASY TERMS, 12,000. Two doors' frfhnthc.'nbj'gve. 6 rooms,- nit mo'irrnc linosC(nflII(in.- :;a .uU BARGAIN. ' " v. S . :ut ,. t all that 'goes to make a beautiful and valuahI6 corner. Lot; 136x113' feet. Must bo seen to .bo appreciated. Tho. owner is leaving the city and offers ON EASY TERMS. HANSCOM "PARK- DISTRICT. JS.OQO for a good .6-room house, all modern except furnace, 60-foot lot, east front, on 2Sth St., near Woolworth Ave. tM for a 4p.f0ot cast tront, vacant , ... , . SMh St.. Just north of Pacific St. lot on THIS I IS A SNAP. NOHTlhVEST DISTRICT. o-n for i,r!lnd n-. c.ro0m eoitaw with w' 0 urana new .n-r.oom cottage witn every modern convenience; Jiiat completed Can havo immediate possession. One- of these houses was sold Inst week.- NOW r - i $3,500 for the corner, am-a4v,aboye0Ul fronts, paved street,, fine ne ghborhood. K ' . : - I nodded 'yards, gas and ' electric .lights. CAN'T BE BEAT! 1 1 f f ' r . " 'J : : I , '. : .?-- .1 W,to IRM0 w,.l takc;;choice.Vacant,lots 111 ,lll9 m IIVV fWV V deslra'ble. NORTHEAST DISTRICT.' 1 $5,ri0. One of the finest' hnd best built homes Iu Kountze- Place. Located on Wirt St., south front. EASY TERMS. $1,500 for a nice 5-room 'cottage, gas, city water, good cellar, etc. A GOOD CHANCE. , . , $1,600. This Is a 5-room cottage Just north of Ames Ave., nicely located, has ga .,u,i, ,nt ij .ater- S0.foot lut. UHt"' ,,ot ana C0,H. er' w-1001 iuc. CHEAP. For many other properties, Improved and unimproved, In all parts of the city, sec PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAT-.' FLOOR. NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. a w .1 Philip Potter, Pres. Aubrey- Potter, Seo. PHILIP POTTER & SON COMPANY, SUKcw York Mfe' Building. 1 special'bargains.'' t $1,200 Buy a ;tot 0xl6$'at 20th' and Pierce streets, wiin 1 n kj u.ui i.imo, mir six 'rooms Knit ono fine rooms,-both always rented: eastefn ownr wants -tn iln nut. Now Is your time.'- $1.200 Takes a five-room cottage, in Walnut ..... . . I...... ..... ... . r. r. .1 mahu.. r llli;, TOOinfl iurs Uliu ill uiiu ichi,i , r small- cash payment, - Ixilance in ' monthly payments. , IW-wiil buy lot 40srif.tinHalf cags-ahd 30th utroeti iiever before. offered at 1 this lo figure, eastern owner wunts to close outr south front and will be 1 only a 'snort'" distance1 Trofn car line , when same 16 extended out California fctreet. f 1 IsW-An Vast frfent'Jbt on OOth street, closo to California, 60xllU; room for two cottages. You cannot beat this price. $'.KW-Corner lot 00x110, 30th street, adjoin ing the abovo lot and equally well sdtuatcd. PHILIP POTTER & SON COMPANY. ' . L-605 21 REAL E8TATE SALE. "iS,.1 "" 1 7 f J2B,.,i,fiS i ""''r"','?; "hiVi, l'.,,. J.'rir, .7. .(.1 Ci.kV. Pro0'1 whlch will bo jold in the highest iitddcr for cash, without reserve, at the Omaha Real Estate Exchange, 2d 'floor Board of Trade building, 16th and Far- lium sts Wednesday. April 24, lSvl. at ten mliUtes after 1 o ciovk i. in. ioi -ju, uiocic 1, nri'hard Hill nddltlon. belnc a nnnli front on Charles St.. 240 feet east of SSth M. Also lot 4, block S, Kllby Placo addi tion, betna- an east front on 43d av.. 150 ft. outh of Davenport st. Both lots to bo Iree und clear of encumbrances und taxes to uato or saie. For further Information call upon or ad dress 11. C. .PETERS CO.. rC Farnam St., Omaha, Nb. 1 Tel. No. S9S. T RE-M763 21 HEAL II A Rd A INS. 1K23 Locust st.. (-room modern house, built .only one year ago; porcelain enamel oath i unu mtro e I mi v.imbijiiiii : ai.bdu. - ls3 " rorr lotV fcroom modern anu marDie top waaiiscuno; u.bwi. collngc (extSiPt furnace), for $1.W0, with small cubh payment and balance monthly hi u ner ceni. lll South 12th at.. 5-room cottaao with bani, city and -eistern water, lot Kxl25 irri. I'ricej 1I.W.-J. W. 1L RUSSELL, 426 Ramg Block. E-6W a FOIl sale iihai, ESTATE. o peters & co, km farnam- BTIlKnT. BEE BUILDING. DWELLING HOUSES. WE EXPECT TO 8ELI. at If ait three of oPow,n how. . thl; COME - - - , 1521 -2441 Trmptcton ft., 6 roo'ms, bath, closet, washstand, lot 50x132, small barn. FINE location, price ii.s.ti. fs7lr9 8o. ;lst ,, jo room. AM- mfirn. dsnhnlt tmvefi street, mrmatifiu I sidewalk, only 4 block north of Pari:, In GOOD repair, M.wo. NO. 10f:-f3 So. 330 St.. .JVmS.. lZnr2. fna ,,iWan nPrt-U. Look a' It ami make get -v' n- - - I us en oner. Kil act itrrr Is vour onoortunltr. NEW 6-room house. Datn, closet, gas, noi aim cold water, good cellar, good neighbor hood. 2 blocks from car, house newly pa pered nnd In fine shape, lot &0X150, price only w,.w. a b.-vai'. No. 7A5-T rooms, ALL MODERN Improve- fthnl2nHn? ,i .."nllv ta- .firt"n..i "i, 7.a ...iT Ten is. 2 larcr msrle tie trees in iront yarn, largo pnrcn 111 irum and extending around to side door; the owner wants to sell rljht away; price 2,500, No.. 12AJ-I!ere Is ANOTHER SNAP, and don't vou roricei 11. Ciwner netea cnis sV,rSar.nowr.fTa; rMdCHm north part or city, rooms, uacn, ecc. 1 No. 1M3-1314 South Mill ave.. 10 rooms, ail . ' - - 1 ttM:"''JnU!'WJ .; price jut reduced to ,5?m v M-.iiti, tLXf .. K rooms, onl'.- m,; block from car a BARGAIN at 750'. Want an offer uulck-lt Is going to b I VlUi VACANT PROPERTY. WEST FARNAM district, 3 BEAUTIFUL building kites. . vnw.m.unpvpn -mt lrst-NORTin EST CORNER pI STl; ave. and Jackson St.. lot 77xn, aspnaii paving, permanent sldcwulK, stnnuy. wiae streets, CONVENIENT to cur sec us for price. Second - NORTHWEST CORNER 37TH and Farnam at., lot ikxij; teei, Third On SSth ave. north Of Dodge, east front, liox lsw, 1'AVt.u street, price FRONT, will sell together or divide into two 40-1001 lots, TWENTY ACRES. 1VJ miles SOUTH OF ARMOUR'S PACK ING HOUSE, will sell in &-acre iraccs ai 1200 ter acre, or the 20 acres at $150 per I U1.I C( A a 1 wa .. sjs 10 ACRES 14 miles south of Cudahy's pack- tier acre, A .PEBIRABLTS INVESTMENT. No 1231-GOOD INVESTMENT Wc have a very, nesirawu iisoiut- pnipei , TiRinK huiidins;. udoii largo corner. 122 We fire authorUed to sell for $50,000, one- third cash, balancing time frWF'tfnL feet square, J'ays it per cenc nei on kv.vm. No, 546 QUARTER SECTION of school land In treaar o .nu i aam iu uc iju ... - ; ". -- . ' . 1 . v. 1 1 - nAr tnin rnntrart? aerpK In SHK . cnu. wu i, .""-iL;""'"'" ' . loam, rncc oniy per No- -,JFA?AJ&A1Nj.iMVt5.Tf" ,n. .?.ii-iVYt; m.7,Tn,,' BLACK .LOAM, .mostly under cutlvBtloi Xi?ZN:.JJZ0& iro ronnTmodrr &e breedtng pens, modern hoc house i 120 ft. long. 25 ceres fenced hog ?hHtv?n",e", f.,fln.?j3 S'liJ5 JSrt ' iaJture p ped to different feed lots and naature, large water tank 300 bbls. capacity and ffiS!? ITSSr-0- w.. 2 r'attlr' SOUTH UMAHA niui-ww i, rn.. .,.... bvvtaY. VALUE 130 ner TLr"nh08"riAnVM oViiv Sao" nninniNO HOUSE on 32d near Q street. nnvH a nnmi rnni. jv very encau uii'ui, it ... .. 1 . 1 1 - - - if sold soon. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Building. RE 71 REAL ESTATE FOIt SALE BY J. A. LOVGREN, 424 PAN TON BLOCK. a -r ina i.stnrv. T.rooin ho'jse. modern except furnace; In good neighborhood; snude trees, lot 60x160; close 10 tne dusi jiesa part of tho city; good schools and street cars.' $2,100.00.- 1 tiM no . front. 2-storv. 7-room house. V est Davenport ei.;cioso 10 scnooi anu biicci car. itw.oo. v-r.. t.:.. -11... fii ...... 1.1 ni.p.nn --li "in . A fine' 6-room house on 2ith ave., ncar Harnev. for 12.100. 5 acres in city limits, fine, to exchange for clear nouse ana ioi Rev-eral houses for sale small mraimi saio, small pament the vicinity of Hans- ihat will surprise v2u ' down, naiance montni We have some lots In t com para ui jinccs uini Many o her bargains. Call and Investigate an Qlf7Jfa1,-Il;iY,J, call ano o icrm, Telephone om. 501 N. Y. Life Bids. rns OCT .1 A. F. CONNBTT, 309 N. Y. LIFE. NEAR Hiail SCHOOL. 7-r. cottage, Lot 40xV. paved st., brick walk, .-23d. near Cap. ave., cheapest property In thftt locality. Lot worth the price, $2,250. Must be sold. -r.. east front, S mantles, Inlaid floors, 2Sth and -Jones. House cost $6,000. A snap at $4,750 only $1,250 cash, balance at 5 icr ccnt. A. F. CONNBTT, 303 N. Y LIFE. RE-636 2l FOR SALE on monthly payments, t-roora modern bouse on N. 24th St. car line: also vacant lots, which will be Improved for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual Loan and Building Association. , U. M. Nat linger, secretary. Bee Bldg. tt RE-M7U S," BBZd foundation and o"t aVm.thou"Hf1n 3jl&n 5" onrnde.' nicely' soddedTlOoom house: "-iur eastern NrasKl nnd" Jo" fffSoA". wHt. a column on music, as he will be WW1? rar:ffi rrffl w.$tfta. tN on thr0UKh ''Auditorium GREaTopPORTU deneeanofc tv3 n'M' h, balance to suit purchaser. City loan,, personal and cattle loans. 6 rcr m"" Dtl tt"i eltcd to the w nnv. th. FXCLU31VE BEencv for this n. ?f" ce part or cit. ; cent, for sale. 7,1 management, and the patrons and the oSl- )n?J? aml hall be leased to show It to $13.3M.0O-For an elegent brick house on $1,000 for vocant lot on the S. W. corner of cera .nd -vervone else available InranS who li InfereiST Mm, WWl , - L.Sf.,i Ef n,s.'n "'' t, . . 2th and Parker ts.. 67x60 feet: sewer and Hardware. Implements, big business good cera- ,Pd ev"7Q" 'o "ble. anjono who is interesiea. true, .ww ,,800.00-For -room house on Dodge St.. In water on the lot; pavement all paid Up; town for sale or trade. Send atamri for JL"1 PrLc';jL,,,J0U',,i 18 ne?f,y Tn?mJj3r tne. hulldlng of two houses; business chances . RE-813 21 At All Saints' church this afternoon the ,gt.:, city water: nice neiBiiDornoou; win $6.noa fnr 1 ; 1 rt,' ..',. " ' W&?'Ma& K g? ofntH,6hioschoo., for two more'; A 6-room house and hall. ,loet. pan- Mrfer. JSS.'.'ltf?" ncar 1S,h "a c,ark' . ... Ipv rltv water und metrt can: eood c X -j.' . . 4 roni , uu.yvuunt -,wv, viwou w oSjfliybr7ck; clSso to 20th' and A?bo? sts. ,,ftol320fec?-'eCa0flyCeEntalh $Mn4d Hlckr'' ",f h 'ChU Very nice 4-room house, good barrt, on Ml, , t0 "0?nm7and.FYP' ' lCror'o!.c4JnU fr r,W per mont,, '1f $ cr" "0rlh I will offer thWeek six beautiful well- 5 " ji0 this side Miller located acres In Burnham Place. Closo to iC" nL" ,fc .. ,.. , , rft motor line and school. There Is now In rs?m. rv An u' ii nm 1 front lot' Wx Ikl. ii.l.llllnn uun -ri- uln. r..l.1. -,'J?lt "NAP at JliOOO. this addition seven very nice rrnlilnnr 1 i i,vw. grenc utji, tui umy tijw. "'."j.'ri""0. "5. .--.Tr. ..V .e. " On 24th north of rum nr. iwir iiat- twn nfT those nice lliv nc lots USk for the low n'rVce of 'K . feet; double front: SNAP at. $1,700. Fat. ave. and 26tl. left and wlllsell c Fir.v-foot lots close bv aro now i mnr Mavenworth street. near2Sth a or 44 one for $100. for $125 00 aiilece icei iront ior J7H1 or i,40U. 50x127, sewer, waier, diock irom car J. A. LOVGREN, 414 PAXTON BLOCK. fo" sTxW feeV eas7ront6"$" W cottae; ne. only $225. RK-71 21 RI:'SI ;i S. W. corner of 25th und ' Chicago, 132x66 W. FARNAM SMITH A- CO. CORNER. 75x137 feet. 6-room house. 3 J" ?,A":AP 1 W'500: . . . JS?. iM .S.TP.E.T- blocks east of Hanscom nark 11100 j-nnnni sircci. -rooni nousc anu run iftifco.wivni-wr ui win um nor CHAS. U. WILLIAMSON, 120$ Furnam Bt llE-SJi KOH SALE HEAL EHTATE. HOUSES. LOTS, FAn.M8, LANDS. OEORGE P. BBMIS, 'Phono 55. Pnxton Block. tmt'Htta ASM) t-OTS This week we have n lender that Is not oilen equaled, r or & unys wo can outi for I1.35U CASH and assume a $M rnyrt. Bice, a coou 6-room nousc, an .TnjiJr.ii.- except turnace. LARUE LOT. iWxVf). nice lawn, fruit trees, splendid neighbor hood, only three blocks from car Uno. Investigate this. For those who want to live In the north part of the tlty and not too tar out, nern a Is a rpienaia propos'iion u fix-ioium house, all modern, ck". b.ith nnd fur nace, large lot, ,4 block from 21th street cur line, lots of fruit, good lawn and In excellent repair. good state of repair, only W.WQ. This fillnhl bihI tinr.ll TV M rl 1 1 n C Til I1VP III I the Hanscom park district. llliC't.Mia Al"niTTO?C I un your own nome. nuj- a mi o;" largr lots as low as J7B and I1W. Only 5 15 down and per month. conn INVESTMENTS. Best" Inside corner In the cltr for flats or apartment houmv-n'ur ism nnu cjuus las at a low llgure. Look Into this. xl2J-foot lot, with trackage, near V. P. OeW Will give you a oan;nin. Z DOWNTOWN BRICK BLOCKS, only lio.WJ. BEST BUBINEPS AND TRACKAGE LOTS 111 close proximity to Kingmans onu le-Olass-Andresen new warehouses. Coma In and co us. Choice lot near 20thr.d Farnam. cheap, arttrniiAN HOME. Who wants a suburban home good enough mr u 1111 imnu rn. hi nil, iiiiiiii' nine vr r- - - 'rclncmun can buv in Tho owner comes to the city every dl: carn'r'acC VTA Woom of m is- P! I house, barn, chicken houf,e, good pa ture aojoin ng uA El" owner must sen, sj.uw. We liavo ttwrii vfCtn of nice proper listed with us from one acre to fifteen acres, some Improved and some unlni- proved, Just tho thing for nice homes not too far out. Tills is a little out of season for farms. "t fomc men get rich buying things out J of trujon M account oC the slushing Of prices. Hero Is u chance for some man to get a farm of about m acre. 40 min utes' drive from tho city, that la worth the money. 8-room houue. good barn, lota of fruit. Only $5,000. Come and sec Us for full particulars. RANCHES. , x We still have some line ranches that are all right for price and location. w y,n... nrV. fnrtrnde one of the finest houses In the city. Owner win 1 nncjii nouses in me cnj . uwrnri 1 take good ranch or farm property. Price, $30,000. RE-SJ3 21 W. FARNAM SMITH A CO. 1220 FARNAM STREET. WEST FARNAM DI8TRICT. B 61 Fine colonial residence, 11 rooms, tarro mmp Int. smith front: crlce. J12. I beautiful Interior in utiierent nara wooas, 1 B 35 Very fine 10-room modern reelctence, 1 ... . . recently num. inienor in ook ana mupu:, large grounds, half block from Farnam treet. large barn; price. $10,000, B 63-Excellent new -room home, beautl- ful interior, auarter-sawed oak finish. hall mantel and fireplace, tiled bath and verv beat tjlumblmr. fail tless construe- tlon, largo barn: price, with one lot, 7i- too; with two lots, w,oo. B 37 Fronting Curtis Turner park, 8-room modern residence, beautiful' lawn and B 255New and well built 9-room residence, fZN kom ' ." trees: price. K,W. OTHER DESIRABLE LOCATIONS. B 79 Very desirable, well built, 10-room residence, N. E. cor. 26th and Chicago, lower floor finished In oak, all paving paid; owner leaving the city and desires- ... ...II . W t . n. ,h- vu licil II I Ullic. auviiv i.i.o ly.Hui i u. . . . . , rv fucT.EiiiriPweoorin oaT SS us rpr pnee, n 366-Nlce modern home near Hanscom park, ti good rooms and large attic, ntcoly hlm.K ...1 M. vl ... t I -IM B 369 43ood 7-room hocisc,' beautiful loca- tlon on Jackson street, near S6tn, gas ana , c b bought chfap. If 'you want It, you .will have Bl217VQS house and large SfSf '0tl rnt8 'r "5 mMtli VtiC' cottages from $350 up. - b"' or sell call on W- FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE 089 21 . ki-mw .1 GKOBGE & COMPANY. rood barn. 3,000.00-For 3(C0 Cass at.. S-room house, mo.der"LP'-'anith. U Plump: lnc nearly new. This hnusn ' in first-class residence lornlltv Unn.. 1x01 oe Dum Ior nw price 1 . mcu. i w r'i f o-.y. . . 1 w .,v..w - ui ni. .uj 1 m av o-room cottage, within walking distance cuy; a very aesiranie and cheap hnmr, fnr Inmii nnu -r. 1 -.Jl ' i,joo.ooFor 2520 Decatur at., 5-room cot- i"8?.'.'0011 'ard wltn hade and West Farnam district, and others at $400 irjlt lrkpu I & ... $ l.COO.OO-For 6-room house, one block north IntOn St.. 011 18th.: Inl VWIOI. (AAA mn V 1. . u0.oo-For gopd building lot on Chicago V" b1.,weon 301,1 an(l nt. 1 ," Pavc,mt In front. All innftJ!ec . 1 t.a?es..,?i1'd '.n rul1- mOO-Tfor best hulldlng lot on Burt st.. near d Ht.. on grade; lot 55x159 ft., one block car line. RE 7S1 2l ' '"i ruw-oi uriiK ounuings. ground KVXII4. rental ilJt: ner vnnr JOHN N. FRENZER. OPI. old P. f. RI3-7S2 21 1 0,1 SALE, full lot southeast corner Hth nwJ 1Jurtt 0,,pM,c .Northwestern freljht drP0.1, 0r. "wife. . . 1 V." ,ot improvements. 17H and 171$ lllirt. Mtrrrt. Tt.'f'1 on Douglas Ixitween 11th and 12ti. 1 ICleht-ronm houso and full lot In northern tiart of cltv. i (. mn b rouinwrsi, cuj iiiuiis, : . i... ii i.- qulty In 4 -aero lot on truc kage and enr lino In western part of city. Inquire 070 N. 25th ave. RE 726 21 A FINE building lot at a bargain. N. cor. sun ana wooiworcn. iixiiv; sunmil vi. cr in owner, kcv pu, hh i. UB-729 i EVERYBODY WANTS A HOME. WHO WANTS 2211 LOCl'HT HTJIKKT, ,-uooM HOUSE. MODERN. FI RST-CLASS LO CATION. MAKE OFFER. W. A. WEB STER, BARKER BI5CK. RK-721 2l 160X121: 9-room house, modern; stable ,21x30; sireei anu alley pavea; suaoa ireesi ,o- cHiea on uoflge at ; c apitni boo. i-rice. i i-ornrr lot. mm cneHn at u.mki. i $H.0W), $5,000 rush, balance on time. 5 per STREET PAVED. WATER AND SEWER cent; will subdivide. Inqulro 203 Ramgel. ON THE LOT. uik. tie, wi :i , . FOR SALE, a bargain; house pf five rooms, lot 50xl4. two Works from Walnut Hill cur i lnr una .on. iii-n. ii iMtchttt. 31.9 Woodmen of tho World Bldg, l-Olt XAI.U-HUAl. ESTATE. SWEET A 1IEADLBY. Phone. 1472. 61$ N. T. LUr. Rent, are HIGH and going HIGHER. Why don't you settle the "rent question"" by buying one of the following NEAT HOMES, which we can deliver at figure AWAY BELOW market value? You will MAKE A GREAT MISTAKE If you do not INVESTIGATE our BAR GAINS this neck. PIIKTTY cokkkr, 7 rooms, modern ex hent. not far out, convenient to Park 3C car,' only 11,375. 5-r. cottage, water, gas, S blocks due north of Hnnscotn pane, a hinai', i,3w. 0N FLORENCE H'V'D, 7-room house, good -wnnl haaarrtant avninr K n TV S" T" flaw rAa merit sidewalk. lot S017r. WALKING nlVTAVCV nnA null' II blocks N. of 1IAN8COM PARK, a 1- rnmn linuan In sntendld condition, mm). ex. heat, lot WxtlS. easily worth J3.00. but owm-r must eel! at once ntid wishes us to submit any offer. DON'T OVER LOOK THIS. NEW HOUSE. S rooms, mod, ex. heat, best or niiterial anil workmansnip, oiwsw, on car line, A BARGAIN AT IMC0. 5-r. cottage, cast front on l"th, N. of Nich olas, paving an paia, a ubuint. bhai , $1,150. A COST COTTAGE of S rooms, water, gas. lot Mxl22, everything In best repair, first, class neighborhood and convenient to, 2 car lines, only I1.3S0. a WIIOf.ll ACnK with a house on. block from FARNAM CAIl. Tell ' neighbor about It If jou can't USE IT, for It is only 11,200. ' FINE LOTS CHEAP, EAST TERMS. 50x15". HANSCOM PIACU, enst front, MiA Wxl32, Templeton, gas, water, sewer, $350, S3xl40, 20th st, near Grace, only $750. 60x128. in MARYS V1LLE. $460. &oxi:w, at asm ana frnnKiin, n. jf you INTEND BUYING SEE U8 BE- FORE CLOSING A DEAL. AND GET PltlCFH. SWEET &. HEADLET. thone. 1472. 61$ N. Y. L. Bldg. IIE-7S2 2l zscn anu j.hkc bis., p-ruum iiuurt, wv. , 21th. near Vinton, house and W-ft. lot. $750. jth and Lake sts., t-room house, $600 3015 Charles, 4-rootn house, city water, nam, full lot. ralr re- ., B-room eottacc. cltv wo'trr In house, raj. BO-ft. lot. $1,400. 25th and Binney, 6-room house, city water, $1,500. . $-room house, near 40th and Cuming-, city wmer. iinth. closet, (as. corner lot. price $2,ZW. Neur Slst ave. and Chicago sta., S-room cottage, mooern except lurnacr, jjcu ntront. nrlrp 12.A00. n. . n t v. .. . ,nn Dvn,ri i.rnnm M nncp mini- r 1 1 I l l I 1. I. .iv. I ern t-xtept furnace, cemented cellar, barn, 101, prico w.-tj. . . , ISth and Chicago sts., 11-roqm modern brick house, good barn, rent $400 per annum. price $4,750. Choice 7-room modern house, close to Far- nam st., 60-f t. lot., payed street, house nearly new, price n.iou. One of tho 'llnest homes near Hanscom park, it-room rnoaern nouae. 1 01 heat, hardwood finish, electric lights. Kood barn. 60-ft. lot, east and south The best bargain 1 In '"me paying busl- & 0B nn-AM t frontage, price iv,wu. GARVIN BROS.. 1613 FARNAM ST. RE Ki Si WYMAN-SHUIVER CO., New York Lire mag. ms on first . but enough nt lot 60x136 enport, large J! floor, second floor not finished rnntn for four rooms, east front on 34th st., not far from Davenport, large ccnar; can sen on iiw casn payment, uai ance monthly. Improvements cannot be reproduced for the price. A first rate op portunity for one who wants a house of good size at a bargain. ZT i?tf leabe & A WVlVgVrWu 'tttiS thiia 174V14U rmr. witn streets on inree sides; win enhance rapidly in vaiue wnen ' ' . . . - . yiv inuiui 13 cAiciiuvuiu I'uimvt. 1 , . , tTflO fnr nhntlt S arrow In tho town nf Flor- cnoe, wiin a i-room coiiage in tair con - dltlon. Part ensh, balance monthly. SIMMER & CHASE. $2,500-Elegent 8-room modern house, barn linn flnnri .nrsr zjfn ani itriBTni st m $1.60O-5-room cottage, barn and shade, neat :e as a pin, near S6th and Bristol st. tp $2,600-Elegant 6-room modern cottage and bam. near 22d and Locust. i . - . . - - -. 1 unrtl. Ileal ..u anu uulubi, $3.600-7-room modern cotuge and barn In HOMES ON ANY OLD PAYMENTS. 1 VI &.rrtnm rnlin nn Knrlh 9fli i W-V'IUUIII LUllOIC, 41U ll clill Dlt $t,10O-5-room cotuge. 28th and Corby. VACANT. $l,R0O-Flne corner, west Farnam district. $1,000-Lot near 41st and Farnam. $1 400-Lot near Hanscom park. $1.750-IvOt near Slst ave. nnd Dodge, $70-liot near 30th and Burt. 400-For two lots. 30th and Ohio. FIRE INSURANCE. HOUSES FOR RENT. km uee wiag. iei. mi:. tj f. - i $ .rooms, fully modern, cellar under whole houee, bam, full lot, 4321 Furnam. $2,fP. VACANT. 60x127, near 26th and Caldwell. $650. 48x132. on Farnam, opposite Turner park, great bargain, (or oniy iiu. Ither L-Minn iii ne louna. i-our ciesiranie reel denecs at KO and 532 South 26th ave,. and 531 and 533 houtn :iiu sirert,. an nioo ern OI'U in gooa rejiair. icentais, IVJO per month. Will sell one li them. It will pay you this and make an offer. W agents. iii ii - i i I i house or nil of lo lni'-Ltleiiln e are in rnn RE-6SS 21 $ lf Ufe ACRE. Patterson park. 1 acre. Urooklyne c n.rrv smith of Ruser'a ir. iirrPH. near Ruser's "000 Lot, Webster nnd 82d. grade Lot, South IRth, near Vinton, grade.,.. i.t Webster, near SOth. fine Ivot. Georgia, near Dewey. E. RrlcU. cottnge, Castellar, near 13th, rrade 1.200 Lot. on arade. Castellar. near 13th 650 10-room residence, near Farnam 7.500 DAVID L", rAxrBHSON, 13 r Altr Aai. m--tx .i CHEAPEST. DESIRABLE BUILDING) TYT JN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT; EAST FRONT. ON 35TH ST, I .1 I mu. ti.. .1 1 1 . 1 ...III k.... . . I . ti HIA fnr r.t.fnnt nn Hnr nrnr ""rt Oil' nit. ., . ..... , . . m milBlwai trine will uv ni rniuc. i,uu. OARVIN BROS.. 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-83 SI ,- , ,- To ACRES of imcirovcd Merrick county I laud for trade. Nelson & Hoelck. FOIt KAI.i: HEAL ITA1H. D. V. S110LES COMPANY, Tel. 2S. SVr N. Y. Life Bids 504-3316 Dodge trcet. Beautiful luea'ou. south trout. lot U.xIK feet, with nearly, new J-room house, built by the owner' for permanent home, belnc ubove the average construction; tine tirlek. cemented cellar, good furnace, sewer, wter, electric lights, porcelain bath. nlckle n umhlnr. Ban rm.. ink ntiiaii ilowiistnlm ii.ior., ti,. ..oi.r ' stotm it walk nnd paving paid In full. The most desirable residence for Its slso In n esc umuna district. I'rlce. JI.SW. - 4Aao Nicholas street. Corner lot IdslV) Itet, with full two-story 9-room hojse. sawer, wutpr, gas, bath. etc.. all In good 1 i'J. ."lc,oeri uurguin in mui pun vi mo i ncr, sa. 312 VCS Seward street. Two blocks north of the car line, south front, Mxli0 feet. . l,,,t "'win num. pvAijv irci. 1 lying high and sightly, large l4-stuiy . house, 10 rooms, good furnace, sewer, 1 water, gas. bath, good barn, all In llrst- . class condition. A desirable home. Price, 2,kw. I find l.nctlst Rlrftrta f.i rtl m I 3t - 3 - Ulh Kountzf 1'lacc. We offer two brand 1 thrc nre liner than silk. Standard Rsb new, very desirable, well built, with bttry, 1120 So. H2d st. -ttO 2P the. best material, 6-room hours, tine . nlckle plumbing, porcelain bath, sewer, f : water, electrlo lights, etc. TIicm- houses WATi:i-T IMIBIltlW. are very dcslrublc. close to the car line - - - - . ., - n,,"V-.De '"n on. the inside to to appreciated. One of them linn hot nlr iliriiHc. Price, I2,7n0i The one with out furnace. Is 12.W0. on terms to suit purchaser, or ft ccnt discount for all cash. These hojses rent for 125 and ir'LM. l,cr ,n9'h each. A'ou ennnot miss It by Investigating theso properties. 510-1214 8. Slst street, one-half block from r u jmrii; r-rooni house, porcelain bath, !t!,''.'iJp,wcr' wltr, beautiful east front, I Ws.142 feet. The house Is In good re- f.? .iPerm,"ncnt wa,k' ,1"5 raving paid :.."' .Wc nre K0,n lo "'Is prop- Price 14 230 Wa"1 , 0U l lnvo,,a, TRACKAGE. 1 "Vf'1 hortheoal corner Mh and Doug- I,MIr, wl.,n J3: M- ant w. track on each side, 20-foot alley on the !.'.?.':t.1.a".d. Douglas ftreet on the south, ?i!i'f J," 1,10 'etest trackage, bargain iV . uucr ciman. These L0. 'PtS -Ive yesrs ago for fcttivn 1 V,i i "?.,Sfm?,Tn "" hus authnrlxed R. hr tl.,1,muout nt.HO.CA being n 7hnt lA-SHJ 0,hpr. "Imllar single lot in mat locality can bo purchased for. Fr unJi'v.01'"11" M tno World-Herald 1 UJldNews. , HE 76$ 21 1 'vnu HAt T FOR SALE B HICKB REAL ; ESTATE I Itnnit.nmn , . I " ii witn moo. i ncn.c0,,5.a'e' 2,st "nl Chicago, $4,750. I -5rR 10'ro?" house, with barn, near 31st 1 ..and Poppleton ave. for $6,503. I . i.. - . "X'"' 8, roms. new and miKl- ...... in iics, uiuuiih, can give immediate possession, only tj.woo. ri" ?-room cottage, splendid neighbor hood, near Hanscum park. 44.500. "?nV ," c UB.?,nnd lot near Park ave. J , --, '-''itAni lp-room residence, near Slst nnd i.T,";J,i5: "eautiiuuy llnlshed In hardwood: ..... yiic ui me nanusnmest homes Jnn9-m-aIlnr,ttAc money, only $3,600. THREE SPECIAL BARGAINS IN VA- FJne lot on BCth, near Farnam, for $1,450. S f,nest eant "?nt ,ot on 32d st., north Of Hanscom Dark. J2.4.V). ' ' The fine corner lot at 34th and Dodee; rnn r,nu1,,,e ,VT low price this week. Choice Investment, finely Improved prop- J rty paying 12 per cent on price asked, 6.-i0. Trackage ground, 600 feet on U, P. Ry., $7o'en Omoha nnd South Omnha, lor CHEAP SUBURBAN ACRE8. J. 1 ...U. aijL ultfr nn mnrnimm .mi .ipa. r n shnn, trees, good place for poultry; for ' " J ?." . . ... Ten-acre tract, west of city limits, very choice land, nothing finer around Omaha, 0"' ....v'AK.1118; W acres, with buildings, only two miles U.r."l.u uc";; 'r Nice farm of 120 acre's. '12 miles from "-"7 "",'" r. -"cre farm, 1 ! mllea from city, for sale this week at $2,800. ' Fine section first-class farm land, Buffalo ,UB.f '$l pieha& plendld in'estment for $30 an acre. ?n.r.".A,' 44 feet on Sixteenth atrial, k. I .i,i t,. tween Jones and Leavenworth, rlgh't on fin?.. S'S JILn'JlLK $150,000 corner. The. cheapest buslneHs property offered for yearsj Must be sold this week: would be cheap at $10,000. 'We can orfcr this lot tomorrow for only J6.O00. Will sen one-half, 22 feet, for $3,250. Room 325 Board Trade. RK-12 21' CAMPBELL-CHRISTIAN, YORK, NEB. ka-lowa corn lands, ranches For sale or exchange. ll.SCO-acre 1 Fnr min .vf,h.n .1 . - " - ' ..kimiifcci ii,iiw-i;ir IUI1UI1. fenced buildings: cuts 1.000 tons tuiv: tw i wwi, river; iour miles irrigated; adjoins 1 iii tciurai icuraKH. I 1 iork county farm, mortcaccd: adtoln town; owner old; must sell at sacrifice. W?.iIIAX13 a proposition to make those re- ting In Omafia who own Teal estif; away from home. It is a new plan and will nrnv! nf rrui i..nn,u.. ... ....'. 7i r.,e.Sf.ffeat "vantage to you 'if you want to sell such property, exchange It for property near home or have it well rented and c.-irrrl fnr well rented and cared for. We have special facilities for hand ng this class of business. Call at our office or write and we will tell you all about it 8HIMER & CHASE 604 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1442. RE-MI 21 FOR SALE, bargains in Bouth Omaha- 4ef nVmtMu Inl na rt ..J mi. ft. ... sol? SffiuffiZWBi- Ma" UE-M4C3 24 RE-45S 21 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room nouso, cio&c to goou car line. Eastern,l?nfi?,..?f'L-,. Ke"l,,arS. i ,' "SZZ "- SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01 N. Y. L1F& i . .... .1 i.i.. till nil. m.irr. I 11 1 1 1 r , iiiinii. vrn oat v ........ nM lmnrovements. lortv neno s-vcar-rua neiiera coming in. nogs, cnit-Kcns. etc., all .ready to move on. Address I. A. rort, worth I'latte, Neb. RE 790 .1 I HAVE first-class tenant who would lease foi a term of years a two-story brick with basement, on the north Si feet of tho lot at the northeast corner of 16th and Leavenworth sts. Party who will on 1 luiv lhl i-nmtwl nnil nilf nn 11 lillllilinv can have a rlrst-class Investment. A. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE M611 21 ,-. , . UI. I. .,, ... 1. iu .uw ill ail vari Ol city: also acre properly ano larra landa. The O. F. Davis Company, Room K flee Building. RE 1$7- . . . . . . . ... - i iianc i aku i aiiji lanas ior saio uv Union Pacific Railroad company. U. - McAiiuster. iana commissioner, union I raciuc ieauqune, umuna, rco. RE BJ i iriiic nouscn. iui. laroip uuu rauciiPH quire at elson & Hoelclc, 310 Rnmge Bldg. RE 657 21 - 1 - - 2M SIX 1X)T8 ON WEST DODGE STREET. ttin SIM EACH. WHO WANTS THEM? A. WEBSTER. BARKER BLOCK. !50 RE 727 21 TM . . MO FOIt SALE, lot 5. block 1. Thompson M0 Ooosc addition. $350; will take horse, harness and buggy as first payment. A. P. Tukey, Board of Trade. RE MS10 21 l.'Vf.lfncfmn . n , . . . ... A , .JUV, "i county. KHnsas, Kellr. Miss Porterflcl and Wheutland Co ony, Wyoming, every n I T '. f , n"'",cl first and third Tuesday in ih. 'mnBi V and Manchester. The 1 Nelson & Hoclck, am Ranige Bldg. ' lctt's "0 Day of Love Do You Want to Breed Exhibition Stock ? I have two pens of C. tL LATHAM'S BAJIRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS from LANCABTER. MASS. DIRECT from his breeding pens, the best that money could buy. Eggs, $2.50 for 15; also have two pens of S. C. Brown Leghorns, nn pen from Wf. BRACE. VICTOR N. Y.; one pen from JUDD JOHNSON,. ELMIRA, N.t. Bssjs, $1.60 per 1$. I also have one pen of Oolden Sebright Bantams and Pskln Duck's Eggs, $1.00 per 15. All stock and eggs guaranteed. When stock Is matured and results are not satisfactory I will refund money paid for all eggs, except lncu batnr ggt. Incubator Kggs, M 00 per hundred from good stock. Send earn with ordtrs, J. S. I MAN, 1901 So. 29th Ave, Omaha, Neb. tKlEDlOitB L8T44. S19 von palehe ti. ujtatk. ltw ACRES Lancaster Co.v will take dclr able Omnha residence as part Box tCT, Omaha. RH--MT26 S3' I, i , ... . HOUSES, lots. farms, lands, leans i also fir Insurance. Bemls. Faxtou Bl. RL-M ,v , : , , . FOR bAlb or exchange, lut 12. block , Pear corner Sherman nv. and Locust t Address Thomas Flugerald, Indfpend- encc, Mo HL 7,- - - - "'; T.'.. 1 li ACRL8 rood land, free of debt, near O'Neill, will trade tor Omaha nroperiy J"" vm c. l'alleron. ik Fnrnuni. RE-J5 21 HKMllA.X IIAni.-. SEND 5So for Poultry and Belgian Haro Flunuaru. one jrar; lanious miosummer edition 11! and two others. li Standard Bel gian Hare hook, i;o imges. Htananrn. u. Hall llldg., Kantas Cty. -Kl SI - - - THE right place to buy Belgian hares; 11 and up: all pedigreed Call or write Iowa Slate Belgian llurc Co., 1015 7th ave., Council Blurts, la. -S35 21 IF Oc want Komo fine Fashoda does old nnnnti In l.r.,A.I wt linVA iilmiil Inn Irft? WANTED, to. borrow JI50; monthly pay ments, reasonable rales, ample suoiirll)'. Address O i. Uee. 7S0 STAWMEItlNr. AND STX1TTEHINU. I CURED. Julia Vaughn, 4W Ramga Bldg. . ,N HEKS1AKIU. AMI LIES, Miss Sturdy. 311 S. :lh SL -70-A2 ACCORDION PliKATIJtCl. ,.,, ,,..., .., A?.c,onvDr1.0i ''Xi'ViA I1' MT' A' & Mark, 8. U. Cor. 17th and t"'w. .. 1 -, . WALL I'ArKn. lie a roll and uj: pal decorating. KcHcy, ulnttng. paper hanging. it; 3. inn. jei. iv. -4&1 " TICKET nitOKBIl. CUT rat tickets everywhere V. 11. Phil W 4 irarnam. ici. v HO I LEU MAKK1I0. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollers.tanks, stacks, cte. Tel. 1355. 12th St Izard sts. 4S3. tlPHOLSTUHINa,' GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Leav'th. Tel. 252. M71tf MUSIC. (Continued from Fifteenth Page.) Lumbtrd had, the assistance of some ex cellent people whpse names ore identified with tho nrtlttlc. So Mr. Lumbard Is en titled to the congratulations of his friend that there are yet a number of people llring who do cot forget favors vhlch have been extended and who proved their friendship by coming handsomely to the front and giving him, a gigantic uale of seats. May his shadow never grow less! ti 'The management of the Auditorium en terprise has .had itlaced before Its honorable I body a proposition to' have the building opened w th a grand and gay performance '. ., -..i, ,1,. ' ..... ,v. of real grand opera, with the real stars, tr.e world renowed people and a magnificent or- cJiestra. This would he an opening' worthy of tuch it m.gniflcenl building W wt.l ..n be erected in this city, and while it Id yet tarly to formulate p'lans for the grand open- lnc of a building for which the foundation bas not yet bean laid, it Is deemed prUient k e that no one else got In with a plan bifore we' do who art Interested In seeing the Auditorium a placo lor art, as j. f LJ1l. Zh '.ZiLl 1.. J welL"8- com0aer. Tho-scheraeTfas prf- snted-to The Bet! by McJTtronprg'(gri8 it ..,,. ,nni. .,. ii),.rfv nf 'nrtln his request. 1 took the liberty orsuggestlng the idea .to one fit the committee, and can say for the Auditorium management that the communication wan treated with, cour tesy and referred to a committee who will ere long report, Let the musical people. talk unit olyn fnr n crnnd nnera dedication 1 - " I . . I I . . ... . . . .... . .... I lnr P"uo ol lne cne umsun auui- torjum. I M noun as iuc arcuuccis piaus piu been submitted and one ha been accepted program which will be presented at the ves P" erTlce wl" be ono of tne mMt "Urct' 've that has yet been given by the organist -j . 1 1 . and fhalrtnaster. Mr. i..bIi u-ltli his snln nUs" ' 8 0, Master Darwin Brat nr. oimuiH. ne u uccu soloists on this occasion. Master Darwin Bradley tinging the very popu ar "Holy City." Mr, Manchester the I-i !. i.i7i.i.. u.nail,i.i.i Bol from the E,tJah MeneIsonB), "Lord .Ood of Abraham," and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly "The Lord Is My Light." by John Marsh. Mr. Bteckelberg will play the Ro- a roance in G. op. 40 of Beethoven and the re w . J t t if. Cl j.W hf the organ part of each. The quar- tet Cast Thy Burden Upon the Lord," from the "Elijah," will be sung ty Mrs. d, Messrs. Wheeler inthem will he Bart- Eternal." with solo by Mr. Dan Wheeler, Jr., and obll6to by I Mrg' Kelly. The last song. "Adeline," by James Fairfield, is tho beat one that .he has written so far. Judging from the copy sent to this i i Mrs. j. i.. kciit. conirauo. win sine ine offertory solo ot the First Methodist church 4. . .,, . . ' , .V Iiaoyion floucn;. in 1UQ irjurilliif, ini. McCreary will sing, with the choir, "Selc ,i,.i.n v,w i v HnK,-ri . Ye the Lord, hy J. . Roberta. Ttrtn ln.rtrr nf thn nmheiis 1 ' . !.. . . P. Singing society, win leave next week ior Germany. ., ,.,, fnnrrBllnnl rhnrh l. -.. -- night Walter E. Young will play the Grand c-ffertolre In G by Wely at the close of i U . I n.i't on A thm fhnlr will ln a u thtk ine i D .- ... ... A. evening anthem "It Is High Time to Awake." by Barnby. I , THOMAS J, KELliY. in - i ,,i..i-i . i ii n. ....... ... CINCINNATI, April 20.-T1ie npiralsers I today reported thn assotH of the Inter- I state Investment company, now In. the I hands of a receiver, to 1 $173.3M, nml the W. ilehtn 1400.000. Nearly of loans to certificate holders arc rated us worthless. It developed today thut tho stoi khnlders of tho Oermanla investment company, who & have been suctl. will ascertain that the, I stockholders have won in the deal nnd bring suit to recover the money they have received through the lottery plan ne-si namBC mag. . c-w) ;i