r THE OMATTA BATLT TVETE: SUNDAT, APT.TT. 21, 1901. SPECIAL NOTICES Adrrrtlftrinrrita for these pntnmni Will be InUrn until i'2 in, far the evening edition niul until 8:.'t0 p. m far noralnc nnil Snndur edition. Rates, 1 J-tto a rrord flmt Insertion Jp n word fhp.rrnfler. Nothing tnken fnr less tliiiu arm for (he llrst Inser tion, Thrift ad ertlsrraent mini br rnn ronseenllvely. Advertisers,-br requesting- n unm lirrril rhecl., run hnvo nmnrm nd- rirraurd In a numbered Irltrr In rare nt The lire. AliTcr no nilriressed Trill lie delivered on presentation of the rherk only. SITUATIONS tfAM'MI). WANTED. pOHltion In city ns housekeeper tiy middle-aged Indy. Cull or address 3)1 H 20tll HU A-M6I2 21 POSITION ns bookkee per evenings by young man; best references., u , nee. A-SH30 WANTED, kitchen work In small prlvntc hoarding house or small fiunlly; Hplonillil cook. 'Address Mary Hansen, toffl H. 7th st. . . A-762 21 WANTEIl-MALE HELP. MEN to Use Wltch-tlazcl Shaving, Cream Instead ot soup; 25c; at all druggists. . , , . B 337 A19 WANTED Wo have, steady work tor a few good hustlers of Rood habit and nppeor slice. C. P., Adams Co.. 1605 Howard St. BARBER trudo taught thoroughly In short time; catalogue and particulars Jrec. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha, nob. WANTED, good mechanical draftsman; must Do experienced and capable. Apply, luting ago, experience and nalnry nx- pectcti, aauress j !, mc D-oStf WANTED, 3 salesmen, thoso who have been in comnurclul lines preferred; no snap, bill, u remunerative business to tjioe who nro wl'llng 1" apply them selves and nro cupnblo of presenting a high-class proposition to the best people. Address O 20, lieu. B-tWI 23 W'ANTKD, first and second cook and three men to' work under tents; summer s en gagement; ull must bn nblo to play somo brusH Instrument Address at onco 1). 12. Hchncller, Millard, Neb. I1-C01 21 WANTED, blacksmith, wood worker and moulder nt Cultivator Works, South uve nile, Council Bluffs. In. B-C23 21 W'ANTKD, men to learn .barber trade. We tench tho work In two months, dumito tools, Include board and pay 12 weekly when competent. Also give opportunity t if flnturdny and Humlay wages whllo .learning. Our special offer good until May 15. Call or wrlto today, Moler llarber Col lege, 1023 Farnam St., Omaha. B-M63S 23. IV ANTED, man, upright character, to man age business of old established house; salary $18 per week and expenses, payable each week direct from headquarters; ex penso money advnnceil; position perma nent; reference. Stnndard IIoise, .Til Cux ton llulldlng, Chicago. B-MG23 21 WANTED, traveling salesman to the wholcsalo and retail trudo only; salary $1,200 and expenses. Tho National, 302 Cnxton llulldlng, Chicago. B MC20 21" MECHANICS, engineers, electricians, nre men, etc.: a free scholarship In engineer ing will be awarded to a few well recom mended applicants. American School of Correspondence. Boston, Mass. B JWANTED, salesmen by manufacturers of food products; offer good opportunity; Klvo fully experience. Box 517, Chicago, 111. U WANTED Good business man In each 'principal city to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local banks, nig returns. Honorable and legitimate. Must furntsh rood references and $600 cash. Address, II. II., I. O. Box 71S, Cincinnati, O. B GOVERNMENT positions, where thoy are, hqw obtained, salaries paid; particulars free; wrlto for circular. 161, National Cor respondence Institute, Washington, D. C. B WANTED. Industrlolia men and women In every town to work for ua at their homes; no canvassing. We will send work any distance. We have several lines of work "toictvn out, some of which requires no experience. If you can't Unvote tho whole day to our 'work, you can1 earn $5 or'M'a week -try -"working an hour or. two 'even ing. Address. Standard Miff. Co., 112 West 23d St New York. B MECHANICS,' engineers, eleclrlclnns, firemen,- etc. now 40-pugc pamphlet contuln Jtij; question naked by Examining Hoard of Engineers. Sent free. Geo. A. Zellcr, Publisher, St. Louis, Mo. B WANI-p, omco boy. O 34, Bee B-C93 21 WANTED, young men to study pharmncy. Address Omaha Collcgo of l'harmncy, Omaha, Neb., cr Crclgnton Medical Col lcgo. B 692 21 WANTKD, salesmen everywhere to sell n "specialty to the retail liquor trade; ea8y seller, sells on sight; liberal commissions paid. Address O III, Beo ofllce. B-691 21 WANTKD, rellnblo man for this section by largo manufacturing house; 136 paid for two weeks' trial; good chance for per manent position at an Increase. O. M, Co,, ,I O, Box 1412, Philadelphia, Pn f f 'B-C90 21 Hi i i K YOUNG man with natural talent for drawing to train for newspaper artist; wrlto toduy for free lessons by mall. School of Caricature, World nldg.. Now York. ' B-735 21 Wlfvi'ANT 'first class salesmen to handle our lino' of whips; must haVo best of reference: Commission or salary. United Stales Whip Co., Westtlcld, Muss. B-733 21 WANTKD, city solicitor, prefer experienced II. &. b. man. 601 Beo llldg. 11-072 21 OUT IN I.IN.ti for tho next big amateur carnival at he Onihoum Saturday, May 11. Tho lust ot tho season and tho longest program. B-tl72 21 WANTKD, fow young men and women to learn to write advertisements. Ad writ ers rum big pay. Taught thoroughly by iiihII. Scores. of graduates placed. I'ago Davln Co., Chicago. B-734 21' ACTIVK man, no trlfler, us manufacturer's agent for llt Hoda fountain, sells to all small stores. Immonso sales and profits 1006 I'cnn avc, nttsburg, Pa. U-750 21 $10 DA 1 1 A to live mon; we wunt ngents everywhere, leather suspenders; cannot break, wear out or p.ill off buttons; rolls at vgit; snmnlcs furnished free. Cincin nati Leather Suspender & Belt Co., It 279. Cincinnati, O. B-sdj 21 A R WANT a good, hustling, experienced brunch manager In Omaha, also Lincoln; travel areldent Insurance, covering eleva tors, public conveyances of all kinds and cyclists; $1 per jeor per Jt.ooo. Kor par Oculars, terms, etc.. address Southwest ern Iteglstry Co., Kansas City, Mo. B-SoO 21 WANTKD. good pulntcr and puperhuuger , i."t'!,J..,n,.l8t l,llly clarionet or cornot. rlto O 41, Beo B 793 21 MANAGKIt salesman, doctor preferred, for i .i,vr.rbn!n.ch. Now Y"rk manufactory, nio luvjualnted with hospital supplies, etc.;, in. capital required; energetic bust ing man wanted. Call after 3 p. n .. Mil lard hotel, Henry Tonjoa. B-82S 21 WANTED overywliore. hustlers to tack signs, distribute clreular- .,.i.,u t;V.Vi",i;?1I?,:. I'11. S-in Advcrtls- t .v iiivoku, X (ill 21 IVAN'I'nn. ImriiMi .....l ....i.ii ' . i'uiupliell.machlun operators; steady em- ...... !.'" imsCT. no iirnymun T-e.ither Co., Portland, Ore. B-MSio 23 W'ANTKD, experienced curpot layer; state nwn ttiurik itini 11 111 JUHUIUI 10 COntO .it ,iivi'. ,iiuii:i.a niiii'iiuvr. tiros,. Hill Ho lRth st., St. Joseph, Mo, B-MX2S 23' WANTED, men' or women permanently In every county or I', n. : big money for , luwtlert-rltwfir purtlciilHra. -UV Lou r Tandy. Ch cago Heights, III, t B7S0 21 'I(All kalcsmcn. good nuv: exnerlenrn im. nri;ii'iiry -. f.iimiuiei & Co., IW- Kust loti "tHTlifllwn, i'l. -il - i .V. liAHGlf aTOIIH W.tXTKI), IHST lis In location sultabla for elilthinsr h not smaller thai! 33x133 feot. two floors or r more; wininp 10 ouy lease ir necessary, Auarrsa . vrnsiein, jam mpnoi ave. SALESMEN WANTED, 8ALKS.MKN, automatic copying book, Just out, needed by every business msn; a noli:! ii7.il jor fi Reins; exclusive termor-. Pershing Mfg, Co., South Bend, Ind. BALKSMAN. to sell old established line to grocery trnde. Only salesmen willing to demonstrate ability need apply. Address O 23, Ben. -CO 21 W'ANTKD Hy nil established high rated llrm, schemo or specialty men to sell nil iinkij iiiiriicuvc nun snieHDio line, Mnnlal Inrni, .il.tt I ...I lllgli-prlred men Investigate. C. It. Cook, . .iiniiigr uciroii, Alien. 75I-21 KXI'KltlKN't'Kt) .nl,.,,,..,! tnr ll, nr,.sa nnd lliiest llni of Imported ndvertlKlng iiieiHinrr, nciiKiing banners, cut-outs, ;r.nn".l.",r''MC,r'''. ',r - I" coniirctlou wllh i. line ni advertising novelties, signs . ". i. ,l'li1,,,'r goods; an excellent opp.ir ;.!'!;! experienced salesman wltii cs- ifiijiiniieH irmln it, tl.un 11..,, A.l.lr..d with references, stating cxperlcnce.August (last Ilailknntn nn.l I I t.r rn u, I 70S 21 OPCOUTl'NITV for two" travelhig sales- "- v.i iienceti wnn tiry goous or urug truile to mako permanent und prodtnblc connection with llnnnclally strong estab lished ritimufaoturlng Institution; apply by letter; references will bo required after a confcienco mutually satisfactory. O 22, Bee. -7.T2 21 WANTKD, salesmen for cigars; experience it-ueHHary; new pian; exiraoniinnry in ducements to customers, making snles easy; big money. Consumers' Cigar Co., 6.11 S. 7th St., St. Louis. Mo. A LABOK wholcsalo llrm wants salesmen " sen groceries to rarmcrs; completest line, lowest prices. II. A. Hallton. Chi CKQ. . -77V 21 WA.TBU 1'KMALK HELP. ItKLIADLK help. Canadian office. 1K22 J oubI- Tel, 8S. C-77 WANT13D-200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S7J. C-774 OIIITj for general housework; small family. . - ... JMlli SALESLADIES and demonstrators of abll- !if lrl. ,iiiifiii saiarieu positions. Thyrold-Lymiih Co., 500-2-4 Beo Building umahu: W-f.-4 Burr Block, Lincoln. k' C-724 DJtESSMAKINO taught thoroughly; ays- r r. ., "'"'"r. vuru ni 1'aris, J900. jtlcDowell Dressmaking School. 2C9 S 15th tt., rooms 515-516 Karbach blk. C-M114 WA,iiTiKD,compo,cnt cook! references re- 'i"""" "I'j'iy ui n-o BO. win St. C-M552 22 WANTKD. Indies to learn halrdrcsslng, iiuiiuK IJr niciui massage, wo teach tho work In two months, present tools and K2L$.l2iWrA'k.lyiwhc,n competent. Dlplomns granted. Cataloguo or particulars free. Moler Collcgo. 1623 I'arnam street. C M6I1 25 WANTED, n competent girl for general housework. Mum ho . o.r.i tt "i.lt 4 J1, Wnnan, S05 Second avc Coun cil Bluffs. C 644 22 TEV. '"',!?:., i8". bnt." operator. room 220, Beo building. C-KJ)2 T LtVni,e.w??tct.'i d? embroidery and Bat- Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, fil. C- Ijn5i-K8i. wnn,.Qd ,0 manngo a business at .. V i io p a week: Binall Investment, no risk; samples ami BcnVlCUInd! The "?Ker Co-' So""h Lrti?i'n ,wnnled, l? "e my famous rcme- vuuMiiuAiuii ueaiHiucr; 100 to 200 per cent prollt guaranteed. Agent's Bam Pie outfit sent for Inspection. Mrs. Dr. J. L. Smith, South Bend, Ind. c yF'K,11 torJx9n house work. fiuguii, iwi z'acinc. ' C M673 23 IA,ac,tgiL a ?! at No. 628 biv i ciureiices, C-698 21 WAA,Ni?elD' ?;"n, ln L"t Pharmacy. Omaha. NebV.cV CreigtitonMiScrc H-hl r COR ua WANTKD. men and women to codv letters, $5 to 6 weeklv. worlitlJ.. 1SJZ?Z -sinmn "iv!.'6',1 nPPl'catloS; enclose stamp. Toledo Noveltv Hunnlv rv. n- Ohio. ,c. AN.T,":wh.,:r? . canvass for most prwalHTdown'W rPe0'"?.01.1"8 or huttonholes. o utfl .SlJZZl ".!.5PlIect In Nebraska addressed envelope for rcpl?. Address Manager. 702 Star Bldg.. Clilcago. C-737 21 LA,I,?S' Bl,r!" enrn s P 2 weekly at nT;..mA&.6c!!L Old Kngl.sh Art Ca,' Cliveiund. OhToOPe' Lwo)rIkKS,ini;r!h5"ew. Plain, needle- materials f uVrdsher exVer encoS uneces Hnir.y: canvnsslng; steady cmnlovment. C 736 21 GI u."fa,!cl i'e0' be nhout.tho noxt amateur night. May u 60 . viiiuiiinnii J, steady Work7 ionrt "U.he r homes; Paris mi Nccdlowork r'n "'"mp. Chicago. i,t(,,owork Co., S5 Denrborn, r ? - - C-774 21 r,Anii.'a , j. : iy"'MiF AN experienced girl" for nn,i work; good wnc? m a "S."."?' house- " " fcOlII UVP, C-M.821 21 WBAy?nToTH'a aud Howard hi. ' ' Co- 'actory. l!th mK.rf on shirls Dry aoods Co. tory. 'jnQ "17 21 "jntcLnllS n,'hlb medal Trench I or iv.i.m 05' "T'1 taught by Mile. JS e rcl er n Wit rfr,r?.rlH: son Blk.. 17th nnfl ffinram."''11 Lmil"' Fon nis.NT-nuuiiicii, I P. yoa want your house well reni,i i'" them with Benawa & Co. Ui;6c TO move right, got Omaha Van storuu, Co. otllco, iTiiV l''arnum, or tel. iM.g6xH' D-777 HOUSES for rent In all parts of tho cltv Brcnuan-Love Co.. a-jn HInii. ini. i. " .V1'1 . . HIICUI, D-778 HOUSES, store. Bemls, Puxton Block. SEE HENllY n. PAYNE. il N. Y. lAZ 'E, . D-7H0 HOUSES etc. P. D. Wead, 1624 DouglaT U-7l HOUSES und flats. Illngwalt. Barker block D-7S2 SM07Mim?mt'r.n..!'0.,1,Vp' 2ti03 Io"las. J 'llOM, 21 "IK. U K22 HOUSES wanted. Wallaoe, Brown block. U-7S3 VQTl IlENT Now 10-room" house, north nart city, water and aas. near innim. school. Inqulio W. I. Klerstead. Jtoo n 305. City Hali; rent. K5 month. FOB BENT, residence. 105C Oenrnin .. cor. Pacific; 10 rooms, attic, basement' east front, modern and extra conveni. enccs; lot 66x140, with trees. ' Inquire 314 30S NORTH 22d S'-, ten-room modern hou tine location: key at 304 North s?d hi. 10-IlOOM detached house, nil modern, newly papered. 2523 California. D-1-M6H l-'Oll IlENT, 6-room cottage. 1818 N. 27thi 1-i lien? .mm FOR RIOT llOVSti:.. ElOHT-room modern, 1S17 Capitol nvc., la; 8-room modem nnd barn, sr.il Harney, $10; eight rooms and bath, 2811 Webster, $20. Others. Blngwalt Bros., rlnrker block. D-M636 roil IlENT, steam heated flats In Clowry buildings. Apply 1610 Chicago St. D 2321 N. 24TLI ST., 3-room flat, bath, closet nnd city water, $7. OMAHA I XI AN AND TRUST CO.. 16th and Douslas. D-67S 21 smv; H. 17TII. 7-ronni. larco vnrd. wster In kitchen; half block from So. omnlm car line. Ilent, $15. OMAHA LOAN AND TIlt'ST CO., 16th nnd DoilElus. . D 5i7 -I 811 8. 23D ST.. 4-room flat, city wnler, $10. OMAHA LOAN AND TlllfST CO., 16th and Douglas. D-676 21 LARGE 12-room residence on the North boulevurd. will paint, paper and make whnt Improvements arc necessary. Bent, $10.00. OMAHA 1X3 AN AND TRUST CO., 16th nnd Douglas. . D M67S FOR RENT for summer months, hand some furnished, house, line location, mod ern Improvements. O 35, Bee. D-4S7I 21 HOUSES KOR IlENT. 4203 Fnrunm st., dainty 6-r., nil modern, cot tage, for select couple, ya. 4332 Grant St., lino -r. house, all modern except furnace; good barn. tzi.W. HENRY B. PAYNE, lM-2 N. Y. LIFE. D-7S5 21 . 281t CHICAGO ST., 6 rooms. CITY WATER, 8EWER nnd CLOSET INSIDE, $12. 3107 Decatur St., 6 rooms, good repair, well water, 1710 S. 26th st., 7 rooms, city water, lino repair, $15. 3020 Sherman ave., C-room flat, city water. $S. 3221 Harney at., 8 rooms, ALL MODERN, 140. Wo havo some furnished houses. PAYNK-Kr.UA. COMPANY, First Fl. N. Y. Life Bldg. D-660 21 TO LET 9-room modern brick dwelling on North 19th st. TO LET 10-room, thoroughly modern homo on 1'iirnum. lurmsned or iinrarnisiieu, W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Furnnm Street. D-M6S6 21 FOR RENT, good furnished house. C room3. i.'j uinney st. d M756 2;i FOR RENT, two 6-room cottages, newly pnpereu nnd painted; city water, large yard. 3220-22 California st., $10 per mouth each. J. A. Lovgren, 421 Pnxton Blk. D-M826 22 -V- 30S N. 22d st.. 10 rooms, modern. $40. z.rfi.1 Ht. ftiary s ave., ti rooms, modern, $30. 1910 Mason St.. 4 rooms. $9. 3502 Hamilton st.. 4 rooms, $6. UAHV1N JJIIUS., 1613 FARNAM. D-834 21 FOR RENT, 216 S. 31st tiv 9 rooms, mod ern; excellent location, near Farnam car; will bo painted and put In llrst-clnss con dition. $45. 428 N. list, 7 rooms, modern; house practlc- uny now anu in goou snapc; nice grounds. $20. For rent nbout Anrl 23. 2628 Capitol a v., 7 rooms, modern; con- vi:iiieiu 10 uusincss section, fu. 2912 Farnam, 6-room Hat, partly modem. $15. 1811 Charles st 4 rooms, city water; will nalnt nnd iianer Inside. 110. 4413 N. 31st av.. 8 rooms, city water. $10. 11. v.". I-IVlHiltS c UO 1703 FARNAM OT. U 765 21 FOR RENT FURNISHED H003IS, DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-765 THE THURSTON, 15th and Jackson: steam E .SO .' NICE rooms, light housekeeping, 1112 S. ln. t; 114. NEWLY furnished, housekeeping. 14C Jones E 464 M9 , FURNISHED rooms, 60c up. 1409 Jones. Ji WSS K FOR RENT, a furnished south room; also large iront room, witn board. 201s Doug las. E-M6I3 22 FOR RENT. 4 nicely furnished rooms for nousoKceping, nice lawn. 2530 Patrick avenue. E 698 21 NICELY furnished front room with large closet;, modern nouse; private romiiy. 1807 CasH st. E 701 21 FOR RENT, a large, nicely furnished front room witn alcove, two closets, bath, gas, etc.; board convenient. Apply evenings. Mrs. F. D. Wilson, 613 N. 23d st. K-700 21 SOUTHEAST front rooms, ensultc; nicely iurnisneii ror nouseKecping. 2104 Hurt. E-M767 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 319V4 S. 10th. E-M670 23 BEAUTIFUL room, bay window, two tiunciA, wiiii ur wiiiioui uouru. uh i. rjin. E-M75S 22 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UTOPIA, 1721 Davenport St. F-7S7 GLENCAIRN,translents,$l.25 day. 1609 Doug l 7a8 NEWLY furnished front room with board; very rcasonaDie. uurt St. V 087 LARGE front room; board. 2381 Harnoy. 1 M631 22' WANTED, somo young men of good habits 10 room una miuru at rensonabla rates; homo life, In prlvato fumlly. Call at 1915 Chicago st. F M637 23 FRONT rooms. 316 So. 26th street. If 645 26" The Merrlam, summer resort, 25 & Dodge. F-M079 NICELY furnished rooms, with board, for gentlemen, uv. a. ;r:u, diookh rrom Hanscom park; uso of 'phono. F-827 21 FURNISHED room, strictly modern lions'!; iniu luuiiiiijn uii cur mm; wuiiditK ins tance, Addrcbs O 38, Bee. F 761 21 FOR RENTUNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOUR unfurnished rooms, 2018 Mandcrson', 10 iiiurriru coupie wiiuoui cniiuren. lin qulre premises. Itcferences. a M61S 21 DESK room space, $3 per month, ground floor room In The Beo building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agent, Bee building. J 116. 2 OR .1 unfurnished rooms, modem. 2211 JJOIIgias St. U .M6I3 22. TWO unfurnished front rooms, very pleas- nut, together or separately; ulso rurnisiied back room. 310 8. 26th st. O 702 2P 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms, with wntor and nam, iu per mourn, ztK'J nowaro st. G - MCS0 FOR lli:VI-Vt'l)MKN AMtiOKFlCUS. FOR nENT store, In nrst-class location: rent reasanublo. Apply It. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bca Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT tho building formerly occu pied by Tho Bee at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and a basement which wus fortnorly used us Tho Beo press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply ut onco to C. C. Roue wuter, secretary, room 100, Beo building. 1201 OFFICE In Commorclaf NATIONAL bank bldg, Apply room 17. I-M613 30 TO LKT-Onn miiIIo of rooms in'tlio Pax Ion block new elevator service after May 1st. Apply room tsn Puxton block, nr W'.. Fa run 111 Smith ci Co,, 1320 Farnam street. I ii7 21 FOR IIUNT-OM e7lbllsliiMrgrorerlk:"1iind meat market ntaiiil, corner 28th and Dodge wlri'nl. A II vo man 11111 make money here, Inquire on premises up Hlitlrs, nf TlmiiuiM Barriiwmau. I-M6S1 28 FOR RENT, desk room In prlvuto ofllce, stenographer unit telephone; very choice; cheap, iliu N Y Life. I M761 27 AIJEVI'N WANTED, $176 PER inonlli selling our brand new pat' euted Murvrl Hlion Polisher; 11 perfect sub Htltute fnr ruus or iiiivtldnir else In 11 lh lug tun or putenl leather Hhoes. doex the work In one minute, keens the bands clean; no greusn or dirt; does not clog nor got dirty to handle; exclusive terri tory; sample free. Marvel Manufacturing v.0.) uui Mt, uuiisiieiu, u. jwi -i" AflKNTS WANTED. AGLNTS tnuko $6 dally selling the cheapest and most perfect wnter tutor ever In vented; retails at $1.50; big prollt; ex clusive territory. Seneca Filter Co., Sen eca, Mo J-M403 A21 in, uu Knows onu Knows noi 11111 no known, g umIcj,,, wako him. But ho who knows and knows that he knows, is a wlso man. Fallow him." AJ. w,so man. fiiiow mm. Then know mo. inquiry costs you not Ing. uu, puy you ti3 to joo weekly. T dlgnltv, beauty and high character of t th ho he V ANTED-Canvusslns agents in every coniily, to solicit subscriptions for THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER nnd L1A?.N.13W CYCLOPEDIA OF LtVE STOCK ND COMPLETE 8TOCIC DOC f OR. This splendid book contulns 1.100 imperial octavo pages, M)0 object-teuch-lug engravings, nnd Is tho only book on llvo stock ever published uduptcd to the eyery-day, practical, money-saving uso of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employment with assured good Income. Agents in tho country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers mako easily jgo to $100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo Building, Omaha. J 187. AGENTS wanted In every town to sell Wat. son's Stomach Kidney Cure. L. M. Wat son, 27th Bt Kearney, Neb. J-M632 2P MAN or woman wanted to employ nnd superintend agents, $18 per week salary nnd expenses; permanent position. Zleg lcr Co., 520 Motion Bldg., Chicago, III, J-617 51 WANTED, ngents to sell soda fountains, $25.00. worth $200. Address Myers Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, O. J 12 DAILY made by agents selling our claim fllo to merchant" and physicians, buyers & Co., D. 42, 108 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. J LA.DY, "Bents, your opportunity; HygelA Straight Front nnd Military Corsets are money makers Every woman want one. I'or terms apply Department D, Western Corset Co., St. 'Louis, Mo. J- A ANTKD, general nnd local agents; name pates, signs, numbers, readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Englewood, III. J 73 si A ANTED, ngents; anybody. Take orders for magazine. Ten cents for three months. Keep eight cents out every ten cents. Stamped envelope for reply. The Prize, Room 3. 22 North William Street. New York. J 742 21 WANTED, agents to sell money maker; big lock box to, Cleveland, O. J-772 21 PORTRAIT ngents everywhere, quit "cray ons, rry wnshnblc ennmcllnes; no glnss; don t rub; cheap. Family Portrait Co.. Chicago. J-Ill 21 ,1bLM?Tm'Y' ncw pn,tcl,t metallic bread O- J-S03 SI V.J? ,mone.y!, conduct mall-order busl ,we 8"rt you; furnish everything; particulars for stamps. Central Supply Co.. Kansas City. Mo. J7 , waist ThnMr.,nl?ft combination skirt nnd tl?nb.r ?r: "c"8 ?n s'Kht; write for par Ind a,oelcr Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, J-740 21 Mln?lcaLeL.' '?... six ; . ,;'; ummimys Marvel or d?eCf hi0P po",h' elf-shlnlng russet 2mn 1 t r hK, 'J,01, '"7 demonstrated Homples free. Holluday & Co., Room 221. factn'rer-00 Htreot' Chicago, sole manu mcturers. J "07 21 mPEtSiVi'S "'.""n makogood iif ivtiiiiumj- i.:rcam sepa rator; separates all the cream In 40 mln for.nr.,tomn"cul1" cos"' a trifle; Inst ervwL,evcr farmer D"': auccessful tJJ cryhere. Economy Supply Co.. 552 Main Bt Kansas City, Mo J7oh si A?X8' '?DP Kaso- r,j 1 . per 11 una reo sam ple mantel and cata ogUo mnllej. I0c Vnnhouten, 74 Park Place, New York J-706 21 lresVlni? w f7ie" &l"J l'artculnrs byPnd buerg,"ISo?V U 1'ledman Ca'J5aJ",-.l,n."- $6 A DAY easily made by men and women tnk nr order tn .. .,n,t! brchdboard; the best seller out? a bonanza I f. "f.6"'8! w.rte .quick for sample: sne- iiA ni p,xciusivo territory. Motnl lie Bread Board Co.. Box 100. Cambridge. u"'' J-703 SI AorSr" U,X1L W2L a.'.and or - ".., niiq nun iiuiius, wno na vertlso for agents, and have grown older fraud nS'1- ,,0Hrc,r' "nitoS by the ;tnVd.2ffcrs miu1o: lf yu ''"vo concluded that thero are none In tho ngency busi ness but frauds, have lost ambition and 'wrf.'10? advertisers, then I want "o to wrlto to mo for my terms. No exnerl onco or capital required. On ly honest ef fort selling a lino of goods needed by the people, that create their own demand, bo cause, tho people need them worso than 1 do their money. I will convince yo at iny own expenso that I can do better by you than any agency mnn on enrth; that Ln.m " fnk,.r ?r frn"'li that my 'goSds . m t by any conce'r'n: TlM TouTre" Z'LLL?"1. 5,VA chance less. I have all the capital needed ml will extend credit to any worthy person ti,,".nyJ'xte,it consistent with his abll ty. Prove hy references that you are worthy "f my emifldenco. The oldest agency mnn living. Theo. Noel, Chicago. J-tfi si iiLMiW" !!'?.bJ Hr!lln.f nr,cle on tho 11 oiui'iiiim mnn line; sells Itself Call or address Room IS, Patterson Block J-S19 21 " $7.00 SAMPLE outfit free, -conditionally; 21 styles latest novelties In lnnfi,. rrM.nml bol,s: fast eellers; 100 per cent prollt; one agent earned $.60 Jn ten iiours; excluslvo territory. Berry Alfi." Co., B127. Cincinnati. O. J-goso,.''- Qf.V,'fi "cH'nR, ldp "line from catalogue: .,' ... """"""iiuns. aiUKCrs ti Hellers Co.. 17 W. Lake st., Chicago, III. Be,lor8 . J-813 21 T?onVrnL'i "I'l'y0,"."' YJ?.?? make money : ' either 'sex. b,V or' Vavell, capital nominal only; no experience rZ'. nu red: to Investigate will be voiir beje! lit; send stamn. D. Moscr & Son HsoKe Denrborn St., Chicago, III. J8H 1 BIG RETURNS! SMALL INVESTMENT' LIGHT! LIGHT! LIGHT! Aio you Interested? Do you want to save .... i nuiiiciniug new; wrlto for cata nmV'i"".'? wn"tcl. Acorn Brass Co., Dept. 124, Chicago, J S07 21 SALESMEN for nil lines of business (splen il d side line) to sell our calendar: ISO different styles, newest, latest patterns Just the things customers want; we pay tho largest commissions; many of our men give their entlro time to our lino und mnkn from $75 to $123 every week; guar nuteed best side lino ever offered: write promptly with references; commissions paid on acceptance of orders. American Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. J S05 21 AGENTS. $580 cash prlzn to the best 18 canvassers selling Screen Door Catches excluslvo territory. Autonmtlo Catch Co, T, Chlcngo, J 775 21 AGENTS coin money with Itopp's Calcu lator: standard reference book; a million practical nroblein-i solved; 15,000 copies sold monthly; sample. 15e: particulars free. Ropp & Sons, 1-aketdde Bldir.. Chl ciiro. j-773 ;t AGENTS, you need my goods; freo sam ples: particulars; wrlto today, Saymaii, St, I,nuls, Mo. j WANTED TO IlENT. W ANTED, to rent, from 1 to 3 years. 1 to 6 acres with house nnd burn. Address 2015 Burt st. K-709 2l NICE room with board for ynung"nuirried couple, nr,vute' family preferred: state prlco und location, O 27, Bee. , K-708 21 BOOM and board; man and wlfo; refer ences exchanged. O 39, Beo. K-M767 2I STORAGE. PACIFIC Storago and Ware house Co.. 912 914 Joneb, general storago und forwarding. -791 OM, Vun Stor. Co., 1611 Farn. Tels. 1559-861 -792 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO FURNITURE CO.. 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & 2dhund furniture bought, sold, exchanged. O 793 " in ruitij- In the VOIllL. biicccbsiui book agents wanted. Teachers, High school and College graduate!! will havo preference. Lock Box 353, Omaha, Neb. J M519 A.'3 WANTED TO RUY. WANTED, 60 second-hand ladles' whcols, Nebraska Cycle, 15th and Harney. N-M741 29 FARM wanted: farm 160 acres In central Nebraska; "will give stock and cash; glvo location and particulars. Fall, box 65, lies amines, in. im Ma zi FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. LIGHT omnibus, good condition, 11. Frost, carriage wks., 14th and Leavenworth. ' P-7M A FINE young bay carriage horse. "2202 Churles st. P-622 21 HOUSE and saddle. 5-year-old slnglo footer. 1100 lbs., big, stylish, coal blnck, heavy mane and tall, particularly safe, war ranted sound, und lresh Jersey cow, for $273. Address O 2d, nee. i'-mni si GOOD ilrlvlnc horse, can be seen at 630; Pacific Sunday or 2623 Leavenworth Monday. P-49 si FOR SALE A pneumatic tiro bike run about, almost new. Owner going to Buffalo; also fine brass collar and hamc slnglo harness. Geo. F. Abbott, 115 B. 1st 11 P-6S1 21 FOR SALE A Snyder phaeton In good condition, cheap. B. Rosenthal, Peoples' store. 1' 683 il FOR SALE, one Snider nlinelnn. rnlilier ,1..1 ..,1,1. .!.... .....I L. , , . ' , 11. 1 ililM,, rrivil. Olllllin (Llltl )UIC, ill HpieillllU condition, cost $430 new; my price $150 cubii; one ruiiDcr-tirca ruuauout, i; one horso phaeton nnd harness,. $150. F. A. Buelow, 1311 Jones St. P 841 21 FIRST-CLASS, oak finished rond wagon. 1208 N. 2th. P-763 21- FpR SALE, cheap, good single buggy and harness. 0 37, Bee. P 760 21 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST Cheapest posts, poultry & hoc fence. 901 Douglas. Q 7K 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlglit. 1116 Farnam. Q-796 SAFES, buy, sell, exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 13. Q-797 TIMOTHY hay of all kinds, feed and coal. Monroe & Co. Q-79S WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian haro, ho Held or lawn. Wire Works, 617 B. 16th St. Q-M67S Jy7 WIRE fenco for poultry, Belgian hare, hog Held or lawn. Wire Works, 617 8. I6th st- Q-M67S Jy7 1.000,000 BUILDING brick for Immodlato do livery. Wlthnell Bros. -Smith Co,, yards 22d und Hickory, 31st and Lake. Tel. 423. Q-S04 Mil FOR SALE. 12 Plymouth nock hens and rullets, 1 cock, 4 Buff Leghorn pullets, cockerel; hens and pullets nil laying; cheap If taken at onco. 2734 Caldwell st. , Q-M592 22 FOR SALE, 2-scated family carriage Simp, son make, $123. 1514 Farnam et. Q 02 THOSE desiring trees, shrubs, vine nnd roses win una it to tneir interest to call at 2201 Douglas st. soon. Q M639 21" YOUNG wntchdog, big, handsome, clean, affectionate; takes care of burglars, tramps, peddlers and kidnapers. With hen nnd chicks, $15. Address O 24. B:e Q-M635 21 THE OMAHA MERCURY prints lawyers' briefs and legal blanks and does general Job work. Q-M633 M3 FOR SALE, full blood Llewellyn setter pup pies; perfect markings. 2803 Wool worth ave. Q-M624 SI FOR SALE, store, 14th and Cnsteltar Sts. Foundation nnd retaining walls, steel beams 24 and 16 feet long, 2 round col umns. Telephone 2462. Q 646 26 FREE To Introduce our goods we send 156 popular songs, words and music complete, for 10c. Berk & Elliott, Denver, Colo. Q-743 21 FOR SALE, life scholarship In one of the best business colleges In Omaha; all priv ileges guaranteed: a bargain lf taken soon. Address O 31, Bee. Q-744 21 FOR SALE, one Marsh I pump (for Irri gating purposes), capacity, 6,000 gallon per houn; nnd one ten-horse power up right boiler. Inquire of Samuel Avery, corner of Franklin and Bennett ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Q-711 21 FRESH young cow, weight 1,600. Inquire 2106 Lnku st. Q-710 21- FOR SALE Two violins, a silver Courrols slldo trombone nnd a Bb Courtots cornet. Geo. F. Abbott. 115 S. 16th." Q-S3 21 FOR SALE Cheap, 2nd hnnd Iron mantle and tile heater In good order, Welshans Mantel & Tlla Co. Q-682 21 FOR 8 ALE, 100 tons of Ice. Address Box 33, Onawa. Ia. Q-751 21 CLAIRVOYANTS. THE future can bo told. PROF. ALBER TUS of transcontinental fame, the eminent trance CLAIRVOYANT AND SCIEN TIFIC PALMIST, permanently locnted at rooms 10-11, 1324 Farnam st., second floor, Omaha. Nob. SPECIAL NOTICE: Any lady presenting this ad and 60c, or nny gentleman presenting this ad and $1 at Prof. Albertus'v office will receive com plete reading. Without card, ladles, $1; gentlemen, $2. Prof. Albertus' sucess has Htartled tho entire world. His readings nrc ucknowlcdged by press nnd public to be of the highest ordor. Ho convinces his cullers 'by telling their every trouble, hope, four, wish nnd ambition In complete de tail, giving names, dates, locutions and , actual facts concerning your life and cir cumstances which you know to bo abso lutely true. Through the source of hi sclentlllc work ho will tell you whoro and when you will marry, If your friends are false or true, where to go nnd what to do to gain wenlth and hupplness.- Omaha people should not miss the opportunity to consult this wonderful master of occult forces. S 787 21 OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. 1. mir,. uiijju&h. Holds' consultation dnlly on all nffalrs of life. She tells tho PAST. PRESENT nnd j-wxuivi-., iiiu uiny ociuiiiiiiu meinou. She claims nothing for herself, only what sho is iibunduntly able to prove. Sho has established herself us being thoroughly capable, honest and courteous, If you ncedi iidvlco cull on this woman. She Is superior to any life reuder who has over visited Omaha. Others come und go. but M ME. GYLMER remains. Four years lit theclty certainly ought to convince nny 0110 that she practices none but honest nnd genuine method. Her Inrge patron age Is another Important point to consider- If you nro contomplutlng huvlng your life read don't fuJI to call on Mme. Oylmcr. Satisfaction guaranteed. Par lors of Palmistry In GRANITE BLOCK, on 16th. between Farnam und Harney, 3d tloor. Tuko elevator. 8 7S6 21 MRS. FRITZ, medium. 819 North 16th. 8-800 MMJ5- OYLMER. Omaha's favorite PALM IST, removed from 1605 Dodge st. to the GRANITE BLOCK on 15th, betw5 Furnum and Harney sts., 3d floor: take elevator. S-M42 PROF. ZENO, the renowned clairvoyant und occult scientist, holds consultation dally on all nffalrs of life. Past, present and future positively told. 1915 Farnam. 8 S23 21 WONDERFUL! Your llfn revealed; satis faction guaranteed: send birth date und 10c. Prof. John Myers, Lincoln Park Station, Chicago. 8776 21 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MABEL GRAY, 317H N. 13th St. Flut E. T-119 A SO- MISS MAE LESLIE, 619 S. 16th. third floor. T-MH7-M2 CAMILLE DUVAL. 619 S. 16th, second floor. T-M393 M6 ELITE parlors. 615 South 16th, second floor. T-M423 M8 MME. SMITH, jbaths, 1403 Jackson, top floor, left; room 2. T 561 22 MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, massage, magnetic, electrlo treatment. 302 N. 16th, room 4. T-M418 MS VERA DELMORE. massage, bath. 1615 Howard, room 1. 2d floor. T M578 23 PERSONAL. OF COMMERCIAL value to the Judy ot tho house, agents und mail-order buyers; three different formulas which you can not afford to be without: a great saving;-pi-Ice, $1.00. A special offer: Will send all three upon receipt of 5ftc, Including pre mium prepuld, uloiio worth money. Big money selling copies of formula to your friends. D. Moscr & Son, 148-166 Dear bora at., Chlcugo, 111. U-812 21 PERSONAL. BKCCINMI.HAND HFAVINTrl MACHINES, Never such prices for such Roods offered beforo and If any time within one year you want to buy a new machine we will take the old one back nt exactly what It cost you. The following Is a partial list of what wo offer for Monday; Former Price. Monday, Singer t "0 $ 2.00 Domestic i. 10.00 5.0) Household 10.00 5.01 White ; 11.00 7.oo Singer, good as now 30.00 15.00 Singer 25.W 12.60 Wheeler & Wilson .. 25.M) 12.60 Singer, high arm 10.00 6.w Domestic 11.00 7.W White, tailoring 40.00 20.00 Three modern, dropheud machines, slightly used, at one-half rcgulnr price. Wo rent machines nt 75 cents per week or K.uo per month. These are modern, up-to-date machines With enmnlnti, nlt,irliniellt. Wo sell needles and parts for nnd repair every sewing machine manuiuciuriMi. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY. Thono 1C65. Cor. 15th and Harney, U hm n DR. ROY, chiropodist; corn & superfluous hair rempved by electricity. 11. 12, Frenzer DIOCK. U ov- PR1VATE home before and durlnc confine mcnl; babies adopted. Mr. Burgee 2620 liuructic. u ouj FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim uuitous; man oruers. umanu t'icaiiiiK v,u, 1524 Douglas. U-4 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for rent. White Sowing Machine, 1C20 Douglas. A BOX of Re-No-May Powder Is not a luxury when It afford you a cure and secures the comfort and happiness of your roommate. u taut M. OOI.DMAN A CO Only oerfect ac co'deon pleating- plant In the wcaL Mall oraera soiicitca. oune zw, uougia umc U"CUt WE RENT stwing machines at 75o per wrea. vo repair anu sen pane tor uu ma'.e ot machine. Nebraska Cycle Co., corner win ar.d Harney. Teiennono leu. u fluu rt-a RUPTURE cured; no knife, no pain, no danger sena tor circulars. Kmpiro nur ture Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Building, Omaha. U 509 VIAVI-Woman's way to health; rational, wnoiesome nomo treatment, aia uco uiua, U 808 nnnriTi" u , . . t . 1 v. -rn .. n . llunJiiH lur IUUICEI uciui u n..v during contlnement; babies adopted. 1308 n . I. . , , frit UlltllL Ol, U OWI ECZEMA CURE Owing to the number of inquiries wnicn nro ueing constantly to celved from those afflicted with eczema re carding the salvo which cured V. A. Pax ton wo have decided to carry u small supply of this salve on hand. B. J. Scan- neu, wj ware diock, Omaha. U 70s AZi WANTED, ,60 sccond'-hand ladles' wheels Nebraska Cycle, 15th and Harney. U-M741 29 JUST think of It! Electric light gallery. cnamoicu stamp pnotos in lour posi tlons and a nhoto stick nln for 25c. II 6, Creighton blk., 15th nnd Douglas. Open to v. we maxo picture nt nignt. U-590 M16 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mlddlcmlst Tel. 1268. Leave order with Henderson, tno norist. iai Farnam. u M575 23 SUPERFLOUB hair, warts and moles per mnncntly removed by electricity: consul tntlon free and confidential: nil work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglns. u MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, eocatns habit: myself cured, will Inform you of narmies. permanent noma cure. Mrs, Baldwin, box UU, Chicago. U THE laat amateur performance of tho season will be given on Saturday, May 11; good talent wanted; none but those In earnest need apply to the man ager or ine urpneum. u io 21 ATTRACTIVE, unencumbered lady. Inde pendentty wealthy, sweet disposition, lover 01 nome, seeKs nusDami as adviser anu protector. "Agne," 1337 Sheffield ave., Chicago, j 11. u 753 zi" 'ANYONE can rely on whnt you say being iruc, v,. x-eny, j-euy, icxns. rino.isnnu of others testify that my readings are ac curate, practical and wholly satisfactory. Try It. Trial reading, 10c. Give dnto of birth. Clrculurs free. L. Thomson. Kan sas City, Mo. U 793 21 WANTED, church soprano. C. B, Shnw, Sheely Bid, U 840 FIRST-CLASS Indy vocalist will give les sons partly In exchnnge for board and room. Address O 43, Bee. U 839 21 GENTLEMEN! Before marrying hear what "Hlndoorana." tho mysterious Hin doo sorcerer physician, hns to sav; free; wonderful. Address Hlndoorana, Dept. K, 218 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. U S08 21 IF MY daughter, Annie Gertrude Smith, formerly of Wnverly, Ia., Is In Omaha, It would bo to her advantago to come homo to 414 Chestnut st., Waterloo, lu us her parents are nnxlous for her to come home. U 832 si PERSON Air Fat folks, nm a trained nurse; 12 years ago reduced 45 pounds by hnrmless remedy; no regain; nothing to sell; send stamp and I will tell how It was done. Miss Topping, 138 Frnnclsco ave., Chlcugo. U 778 21 IF YOU know n widow of a soldier of tho rebellion whose husband never entered a 160 acres of land, have her write to C. R. Glover, 401 N. Y. Life. U 849 28 FIRST-CLASS family hotel for rent, fur nished. Address O 33, Bee. U M717 23 ELEGANT alcove suites nnd other rooms .. -t.A i . 1, . i iiiu 411V11111111, uueimuie summer nome, U-M716 23 HANDY apron and supporter, on nnd off in a second; najusiamo nign or low; worn by bookkeepers, cutters, druggists and In door business men; excluslvo territory only to novelty companies. Circulars free. Rose & Baldwin, Minneapolis, U-715 21 MARRIAGE paper, exclusive, 18 pages, 10c. fCn ftft f a n mnn, .i-nn III,,, f.nv.mnml.i I a..., ...., ..V......J. UllllllklklUI and bank reference given. R. L. Love, Denver, Colo. U 714 21 LADY, 20 to 35, wanting good home address uox mi, unawu, 10. U 713 21 GET married; we can personally Introduce you to suitanio, reuanio people; many wealthy; April list, 10c, Drake's, 155 Washington St., Chicago. U 712 21 PROSPEROUS business man, worth $20,000, wnose duties-Keep nim out or society, wishes correspondence with home loving woman; object marriage. Address J. W., 426 Mcrmod & Jnccard bldg., St. Louis, Mo. U-74 9 21 MARRIAGE paper; rich patrons; copy free. Tho Creole Whisper, Dept. K, New Or leans. U 748 21 HONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. LOANS on eastern Nebraska and wrstarn Iowa (arms at 6 per cent; borrowers can nny tloO or any -nultlole: unv Internal date; no delay. Brcunau-Love Co., 309 S. 13th St., Omaha, Neb. V-13 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 South 13th. W-410 WANTED City loans, bonds nnd warrant. Qcorgo & Company, 1601 Farnam street. w an FIVE per cent money. Bemls, Paxton block. W-817 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city ijiujjti ij aim iui ma. v i' anum Bmitn tk Co., 1320 Farnam. W 813 V ANTED Cltj and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. c. Peters & Co., 1702 Farnam St , Beo Bldg. W 814 40NEY to loan at 4V, and GU per cent on Omaha prope-ty. W, B. Mclkle, 401 S. 16th. W-MS PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas. W SIS FIVE und 6V4 ncr cent city nnd farm loans, Garviii Bros., 1613 h arnam St. W 819 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-820 FIVE and 5tf per cent loans. W. II. Thomas. First Nntlonul Bank building. Tel. mm. W-821 CASH on hand. O. E. Turklngton. 603 Bee. W-M19I 4Vi AND 5V4 per cent loans. W. II. Thomus. First Nutlonul Bank building. Tel. 1618. W-821 FURNITURE 111.1' I HUNG, TEL. U31. M. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. ..... . - MONEt TO LOAN CHATTELS. LET US TALK "MONEY" TO YOU. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. MONEY LOANED ON PIANOS. MONEY LOANED ON HORSES. Or any other pcrsonul property, at cheaper rate and better plans than ever. IF YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. We glvo you options on loans that no other llrm can afford to give. You always get tho full amount, iuu pay us iuck hi small weekly or monthly payments. No t-xpetiso or charges taken out of lonu. You choose your own time for payments, any time from onu mouth to ono year. Each p.ivmcnt returns principal and In terest. Everything remains In jour pos session. All business strictly confidential. Private Interviewing room. AMERICAN LOAN COMPANY, Room 312 Brown Block Room 312. S. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas streots. Entrance on 16th Strcot. X-.MI13 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE U8. It Is ct.sy to advertise lowest rales, us others do, but we tool positive that If you will mnko comparisons you will bo con vinced that you can do better with us than elsewhere. We loan bn furniture pianos, llvo stock, etc., or wo will niuke you u SALARY LOAN without Indorsor or mortgage. We charge nothing lor muklng tho loan and you recelvo tho fuP amount In cash. You may pay It back In one tnoi'th or taki- six months or moro In which to repay it, aud you need not pay lor It one tin longer than yo'j keep it. Our terms ure the easiest, our business I; confidential and our motto Is -try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 119 Board of Trudo Rid. Tel 29i (Established 1892). 3u6 So. 16th st. .-A2J SAIaARY LOANS. WE LOAN $10 TO $100 TO ANYONE HOI. ). ING A GOOD POSITION. WHY MOR ROW ON PERSONAL PROPERTY WHEN YOU CAN SECURE MONEY ON YOUR PLAIN NOTE AT LOWEST RATES IN TOWN, AND WITHOUT PUBLICITY? IUU1 RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Third Floor. Paxton Block, Room 303, X-.M602 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITUlTlT llvo stock, etc. Quick sorvlco and lowcai rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 6J3 (too flooi) Puxton Block, northcust corner 16th nnd Fariiuin; entrunco on 16th St. X-Si'i! MONEY lonncd salaried people holding por maneiit position with responsible concern upon their nutnos without security: oaiy payments. Tolmun, 410 Board Trudo lildg X 827 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jow. elry, horses, cows. etc. C. F. Reed, 319 &. 13. X-13.J MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry. Duff aieen, R. 8. Barker bib X-82S SHORT time loans. Joo Pleasants, 64 Barket blk. X-127 MONEY to loan. I. Zlcglcr, 409 Ware Block. X-&31 BUSINESS CHANCES. NEW Snow-Church Co. Is a combination of attorneys und banks the world over for collecting debts und settlement of estates. 401-103 N. Y. Life. V 721 21 DO you want a good position for life? If so, rend this (id, The. United Express nnd Frtlght Co., incorporated for 2oi, 000, wants to secure good, responsible men to represent them at once In every large city In the United States, Canada nnd Mexico. Experience not necessary, as our general superintendent of ugenclus will equip well iurnlshed otllccs und In person Instruct you tally In the busi ness. Wo will have sufllclent single and doublo teams and warehouses to handle our business In each city. We will con truct, with parties acceptable to us, from one to ten yenrs, ut a salary of $1,600 to 12.600 tier nnmim! 12.000 In 15.IKXI in- quired. Do not answer unless you can mny qunuiy. itciercnce. write at once to W. B. McBrlde, president, 18 Hartford building, Chicago, lfi. Y AN established $250,000 Illinois corporation composed of men rated o,ooo,ooo uesircs negotiation nnd Interviews with men competent to r ill 11 1 1 a managerial posi tion, handling ofllce nnd II nances: cash In vestment $1,000 to $2,500 absolutely neces sary; salary $150 per month nnd 20 per cent commission. Address Auditor's Dept.. 621- 25 Manhattan bldg., Chicago. Y FANCYconfectlonery storo and Ico cream parlors, doing nig nusiness, rvcryiiiiin new, season Just opening, Invoice $1,101)1 will sell at $1,100 If taken at once; owner wants to retire on account of other busi ness. William Madgctt, Hastings, Neb, FOR RENT Pinning mill nnd machinery In good condition. Address ii au, ttca oincc. Y-M 752 23' 3 8TOCKS of groceries. Bull & Broudwcll, LAI XT V 1. 1)1,1..- T..1 .... lw... .. r.ftl UV4 a. a. uiuf.1 ivuiitiuiiu wv... Y-66S 21 WANTED, fow moro families to complete new colony movcing to Florida in Novem ber; plenty employment; good wages; freo farm nnd ticket; only $200 required to Join; particulars for stump. M. 8. llenn, manager, .Dayton, O. Y 773 21 WANTED Responsible wholcsalo llrm wants omco munnger at omuiiu; $l,suo sulnry and large percentage; $1,000 cash required, well secured; position perman ent. Address Manufacturer, i;n2 Cherry, Philadelphia, Pu. Y 799 21 FOR SALE, bakery and confectionery, uoing goou nusiness, in small iNcurasxa town; good location; good reason for sell ing. Address O 42, Bee. Y M797 M20 ENORMOUS fortunes nro being derived irom tno cultivation or corree, rubber nnd other tropical products; let us send you freo little book showing how you may participate in these profits, Tho Jumiapa Co., 620 Fuller.tou bldg., St. Louis. ' Y-794 ?I NEW Snow-Church Co. Is a combination ot attorneys nnu nanKs tno world over for tho collection of debts and settlement ot ostates. 401-405 N. Y. Life. Y-M718 2S A MAN of nblllty, with $1,000 cash capital, uttii bguiu ii pui iiiiijiiriii. Hiumuun us man ager of brunch olllco for established cor poration: snlary and commissions uettln jj.uoo per yeur. Address Secretary, Manhattan Bldg., Chlcugo, Y 719 21 FIRST-CLASS family hotel for rent, fur nished. Address o 32, wee. v MTZi S3' BUSINESS partner wunted In established incrcnuut tuiioniig, uesi luciiiiini in cuy, OIlce, Y-722 23 TO SELL OR EXCHANGE, my Imrhor Nliop, nam room anu cigars, at one or tile best locations In Omuha; tho shop Is now In running order nnd doing a paying husl ncss. nnd had to tuko this stock on .a mortgage, and not being a burlier 1 will exchange sumo for lands, clear city prop, erty or llvo stock. O 28, Bee. Y 721 21 FEED mill near city limits for sale eheap; win aiso iruiie ror small larin near umii'ia or Council Bluffs or good house and lot In either city: mill hns a good established trade with dairymen around Omuha. Ad dress West Lawn Mill, Station II, Routs I, Omuha, Nob. Y-720 21 WANTED, partner with $2,500. established ousiness; win pay in per com; investi gute. Address O 41, Beo. Y-838 21 WANTED, partner with $2,000, In ciittlo miHiucHS, i nave a i.euo-ucro runoti eiocKcu and Improved, Address C. O. Cnrrlg, Kearney, Neb. Y 7S9 21 NEW YORIC-Henry W. Mitchell, broker, 3i jiroaitwuy, transacts any Kind or New York business; commission moderate; ex perience, honesty, promptness. Y 809 21 FOR SALE, racket storo and restaurant: gnoo paying uusincss in good town; got Oklahoma (over. Address O 40, cure Bee, Y 830 21 WOULD you llkn to mnko uu Investment in a thoroughly goou on siock: ir ho, wrlto inn Immediately; I huvo ho vera 1 lino stocks which I Invite you to Investigate, Address II Emory Stockwell, Hotel Buck ley, Los Angeles, California, Y M829 21 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, $6,000 ulioo siock, ninny uu now; no extremes in stylo or width; located In city of fl.OW pop ulation: will tuko purt In good In ml. Ad dress O 47. Beo. Y-.M8I8 SI WANTED, man with capital of $1,000 to tiiKO controlling interest anil inuungomciii of manufacturing business; excellent op portunity for right party, Address ()2l, lice. Y M759 23 INVESTMENTS placed with us urn ut ull times suiiject to oruer or investor; per manent und comfortable Income nssured from $ti; we accept $10 Just for trial; profits remitted weekly hy money order; hlgest commercial references ami thy permission only) from customers; hook let free. W. W O'llura, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, O. Y