Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1901, Page 21, Image 29

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Liok of Eeuonable Weather Injuriai; Trade
on Eummir Qoodt.
Eastern lnnuf nctorrra Clnliu to lie
O VFrliiiidr J with Orders nnil I.ocnl
Jolitirr I'cnr n Slmrlnur In
Uooda Later In the Senson.
The volume of liusliifjs transacted by
wholesale houses In this city last wee was
not vhut might bo called heavv. Int.
wenthcr so Itir this spring has been de
cldedly unfavorable for the rapid move
ment of lightweight goods, and for that
reason neither tho Jobbers nor the re
tailers out through the country uro dolus
its much business as tlwy usually do at
this season of the year. By tho middle of
April sorting up orders should begin to
como In qulto freely, but that Is not the
caso this year, It takes warm weather to
break up retailers' Mocks, and until they
arc broken to some extent merchants will
not buy more goods. Hut while retail trade
so far hus been light, not very mny com
plaints are heard Hnd no one Is at all dls
couroged. Tho trade Is sure to como sooner
or later, and the lack of warm weather
so far is simply delaying business. It will
only take a few warm nays to give retail
ers a lively trade, und then wholesalers
will begin to receive orders.
A great many traveling men for local
houses have been on the road with fall
lines, and taking everything Into consldcra.
tlon they have met with good success. Tho
fast that In scmo sections considerable
winter stock was carried over from last
year owing to tho mild winter .nnturally
has a tendency to cut down advance orders,
but in spite of that fact a good many' fall
orders liuv already lieen landed.
There have been about the usual number
or market fluctuations since last report,
but still nothing of a very startling nature
has taken place. I'rlces as a rulo are being
held good and firm, and the tendency Is
undoubtedly upward. The prospects for u
heavy consumption throughout the country
leads to tho belief that manufacturers In
many llnee will be unable to meet thn
demand, and In n number of Instances u
marked shortage Is feared. That being the
case there Is no nrostiect for a lower level
of prices for some tlmo to come. At. tho
present time rmilcmcnt dealers, furniture
men and hardware men arc all complaining
of ii shortage of goods, and say that Ihu
Manufacturers uro burled with orders.
Local houses have orders on hand that they
cannot III! simply because they cannot get
tho goods, and there does not seem to be
much chance of the supply Increasing very
Sharp Alliance In .Siiirnr.
Tho grocery market as n whole held about
steady lust week, but still there were a
few Imnortant lluctuatlnns. Tho most
marked was tho udvuncc In sugar, amount
ing to 10 cents per lw. The marKct is
quoted strong nt the advance, and In view
of the fact that the nerlorl of heavv con
sumption Is now close at hand, still higher
prices are Deing treeiy predicted by tnose
who arc In a position to know.
There has been no chango in the situation
In coffee since last report. The vlslblo sup
ply Is very heavy at tho present time, und
the market Is a little quiet. Quotations,
though, on both green stock and package
coffee, remain where they were n, week ago.
Thero has been some Improvement noted
In quotations on evaporated fruits. The
lower prices that have prevailed for some
limo time past nave Drougnt about nn in
crease in consumption, and the market now
lias a mora hcnlthy tone, and prices on
some lines are a trifle higher than they
were a week auo.
8oapxaro also advancing and prices are
now 1 Oft 15c per box higher than they were
a week ago. Tho Increased cost of the raw
matcrlul Tb given ns thu reason for tho ud
vance and It Is claimed that for soma tlmo
soup manufacturers have been selling their
gooos ui u loss, it wouiu not bo at uii sur
prising if a still further advanco should
tuko tilucc.
Other staple lines have not changed mate
rially during the week. The volume of
business done by local Iioubcs lust week
showed some Improvement over the preced
ing week and a lively trudo Is anticipated
irora mis time on.
Hardware About Sternly.
There has been no Important change In
tho hardware market during tho week.
Price all along tho line. - however, aro be
ing held very tirm and the tendency Is up
ward rather than downward. The back
ward spring is or course delaying business
to quite an extent, but as soon as more
settled wiather comes it Is thought thero
will bo u great rush, which will make up
lor mo present iuii. ine only real com
plaint which wnoiesaiers mane is tnui uiey
cannot get tho goods they want. Their
sales :n many lines aro limited only by
their ublllty to get tho coods und as manu
facturers aro uwuy behind It is dlltlcult to
tell when thn stock will arrive. Thero is no
doubt but what the demand for hardware in
this section of the country will be very
heavy this yew and what is worrying
wholesalers the most is how they are going
to get tho goods fast enough to till their
The market on linseed oil took u little up
wurd start this week, the Hdvunco umouiit
lug to i, bout ic. Tho ruling jirlco on raw
in barrel lots is now 69o und boiled oil
Is held at 61c. The market is in a good
strong position und higher prices aro apt
to go Into effect ut no very distant duto.
Tho cause of the advanco is said to bo the
scarcity und high price of seed. Turpentlnu
is uiso muncr man 11 was a wcok ago and
still higher prices are looked for. Tho ad
vanco amounted to lc, which makes tho
lirlco 39ttc. 'inecr is no chance in irluss
prices remaining tho same us they wero it
ween ago. me oeinaua lor puints and oils
as well ii h (or gluss Is exceptionally heavy
wm in view 01 me largo amount 01 uunu
uig mat is to do uone tnis year nn nctlv
market la anticipated.
Dry (iuudi a Little Unlet.
Dry goods jobbers did not do a very rush
Ing business last week. Very few buyers
were In tho city and most of thoso that
did arrive did not leave very heavy orders.
According to nil reuorts received rrnm th
country retailers have sold very little of
ineir summer gooas anu tor mat reason
though, feels cunlldeul thut tho weather
will soon bu more seasonable, when trado
win ibko on us usual umount or activity,
Traveling men who have been nut with
fall lines have met with very good buccess
and they look forwurd to un excellent trnil
In full and winter goods in splto of the fact
mat caiisiueraoir siock nas been carried
over from last year.
There is nothing new to be said of the
market situation, us ptactlcally all lines are
in too uanie position uiey wero a week ago,
Habbem la tiood Demand.
Hubber Roods men have no comnlalnta
whatever to make regarding the kind of
weatuer mat nas peeu experienced no rur
this spring. Hubber clothing has been In
greater demand than for some time past
aim niucmiiiuBnes in particular nave been
good sellers Hubber boots and sandals are
still moving out at a rapid rate, but tho
uciuuuu is iimuiy as neavy as It was two
or three weeks uko. Sules ho fur nr.. mvuv
ahead of last year and Jobbers are greatly
pleased with the success they have hud.
Not very much Is doing at the present
time lu leather goods. Orders for summer
goods are few and far between owing to
bud weather, which has nrevented niaii,.r.
from selling out their goods, und It is too
euro iur uusiiiess. joooers, now over
exnect u nice reorder business Inter in n.
year und aru also preparing for u good Ue-
munii ior mil goous.
Fruits and Produce.
Thero Is very little to bo said of the
trado In fruits and produce. Prices have
changed very little, during the week, as
fresh vegetables are not coming in very
rapidly owing to the lack of warm weather.
Practically no new lines have been ndded to
the list, ileforo long, however, fresh stock
ought to be more plentiful, when prices will
of course tak a drop. Strawberries aru ulso
quoted ubout the same as they were a week
ago, but the stock now arriving Is In very
fair condition for this time of year.
Eirss and poultry are selling In thn sume
notches they were at last report, though
eggs are very firm at the quotations. Hut
tor has eased off In eastern markets, which
has also caused a drop In price at this
St. Louis tiraln and lrovllon.
8T. LOUIS, April W.-WHEvVT-Hlgher;
No. : red. cash, elevator, 71Ho; track. i4Hc;
Muy, 71Sc; July, taitc; No. 2 hard. TIStt
CORN-Hlgher; No. 2 cash, 43ic; track,
c; May 4sue; July, esc
OATS-Hlgher: No. 2 cush, 27Hc: track,
2S2SUc; May, 2tic; July, 25c; No. 2 white,
KVE-Easler. 6lo bid.
KLOUK-Qulet: patents, tJ.t5fl3.IW; extra
fancy and straight, .ltK3.3; clear, 12.70
8EED8 Tlmottiy, lower; average re
ceipts, SJ.75lj3.60; prime worth more.
COKNMEAL Steady, S12U.
BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 71c; this
side, 75c.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady, Jobbing.
I15.7S. Lard, steady, ts.07. Dry salt meats,
easy; boxvd lots, extra snorts. 113, clear
ribs, ts.57tti clear sldea, i.50. Bacon, taty;
boxed lots, extra shorts, t'j; clear ribs,
Jlu.litt; clear sides, Jj.sfi.
IJAY-Tlmothy. steady nt J1B.00OH.00;
prairie, scarce and firm at Jll.Co.
wiUHKY Steady, 11.17.
llAQUlNG-Steady, 6ViUiC.
M ETA Lrl Lead, nrm at 1.2U. Spelter,
trong at M.W.
POCI.TUVt.Mrm; chickens. 8a8'.4c: tur
keys, 54i9c; ducks, 9c, geese, JSoc
nui ir.K siuiay, iremiiorj, iou-it;
airy, 17c , .
Ends i.nwnr at lie. retmcked and cases
KIX'EIPTS-Flour, 7,000 bbls.; wheat, IS,.
OOJ bu., corn. lS.twJ bu.; oats, to.Ouo bu.
SHlPMKNTS-rlour. 4,1UU bbls., wheat,
t.OUQ bu., corn, :r7,uJ bu., oats, :s,000 bu.
omaiia wiiur:sAi.r: juhkcts.
Condition at Trade nnd quotations
"on Staple nail Fancy Produce,
EQGS Kecelots liberal: good stock, tlrm
at llfttflTc
L.iti rouiii iti iiens, sc; young and
old roosters, 3Q7c: turkeys, (ruse: ducks .na
geese, (ifitoc.
OAAlb-Mallard ducks, per dot., l"5SiW;
teal, Jl.Sj&l.W, mixed, ILSotfLM.
MJTTEit Common to fair, UGllc;
Choice, liitllSc, separator, 20c. uioriiiis first cracs, solid
packed, New 1'ork counts, pr can. iSc; ex
tra fdects. u2c. standards. l!ie: medium. jc
beconu grade, slack tilled, New York counts,
per can, 3uo; extra selects, Z6c; standards,
:uc; Hum standards, per al., xi.i.
KltESU FIHIt Mlurlc i.n 10c: whltn
bass, luc; bluensh, 11c; bullheads. SC. blut
nils, to; butlaloa, 6c; cattish, JZc; cod, c;
cropple, Sc; clscocs, 7c; halibut, lie; herring,
4c; haddock, Vc, zrzu lie; perch, 3c;
pickerel, be; plisc, Sc, red snapper, loc;
salmon, 11c; suntlsh, 6c; stnelts, sc; trout,
c; whltellsh, kc
i-iuLUftB-Live, per aox., )
yiiALS-Chotcc, iOlOc,
11AV-Irlrrfi nunlvfl bv Omnllli VholkRAl
Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland,
111.50; No. 1 upland, Jll; medium, 110.60;
coarse. 110. rive straw. Hi. 10. These orlcea
ure tor hay ot good coior and quality, De-
jnunu lair, Jieceipis, t cars.
uAia-no. 2 wnite, zac
COKN No. 3. 43c
6PINACH-Pcr bu. box. 7ic
ASPAUAOU5 California- cor lb., Uc,
iUlUUAJtU Oalltornla. per lb., c
NKW llliliTa Per doz., 60c.
NtlW CAllHOTS Per dox., COc
NEW TUKNIPS-Pcr doz.. 76c.
CL'CUMUEltS Hothouse, oer doz.. ll.t
..'ii, us to size.
PAItSNll'a Per bu.. 40c
TUKNIPS-Pcr bu. basket, 00c
HEISTS Per bu.. 40c
CAKHOTS Per ou., 40c
EETTLCE Per bu., 3iU-Wc
11AX1SHES Per doz.. mtfOc
PAltoLKV I'er doz., ajc
1'OTATOES-Pcr bu.. 4juu3ci Colorado.
Ued Ittver Valley. Wc; Triumph, tl.10.
awiiiii i'ur.viujiia Jt'er uo;..
CAU1JAGE Holland seed, per lb., zc: cew
Calltornln, iVic.
TOMATOES Florida, per C-basket crate.
3.60; Mnxlcans, per 4-basket crate, &
u.niuixs unio, per iu., ic; per uoi., u.w.
CAUEIFLU WKH Culilornta. ner crate.
BEANS Wax. per bu.. K: string, per bu..
till, 'wwn 1 rer ou. dox,
l'EPPEKS-Per bu. box.
BTrtAWBEKKlKS Klorlda. oer at.. 40a:
Texas, UuOc; Louisiana, .t-qt. cases, 13.00,
OllAPES .Malaca. uer keg. S7.6ullt).'J0.
APPL.1SS Per bbi., h.zj; v.'asmngton, per
bu. box, 1.75; Bclltlowers, J1.D0.
HONEx Calliornia, per it-section case.
OKANOES California seedlings, 12.003
S.2i, navels, ja7;a.oo.
LEMONS Calltornla, extra fancy, IXZ&g
s.bu; cnoice, w
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
Flus-Callfornla. new enrtons. 75c: layers.
CZc: lmoorted. oer .lb.. lUitlic.
DATES Persian. In 60-1 b. boxes, Salra, So
per iu.; iianowen. dc por 10.
HONEY California, per 34-sectloo case.
ciuiiit per oui.. per nan ddi., jz.yj.
U A i-. 1 1 . n n 1 nuinuin. iu , i
11 1 "J almnmla ..a h 1 4. -.t
K.I W , . 1 , 4UV III,.,,. ,1,,", k 1 ' . u
raw peanuts, per lb., 66Vic; roasted, CVi4
iW, iiraziis, loc; pecans, iuouc; cocoanuis,
each. 4Uc
HIDES No. 1 creen. CWc: No. 2 creen.
4Hc; No. 1 salted, 6ftc; No. 2 salted, 6Hc;
No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. c: No. 2 veal
calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c: dry bides, 31Jc; sheep
nlla. !VrrTrv.f hunt. V.M. 2S.
Quotations of the Day on Various
NEW TORK. Anrll M.-FLOUR'-RecelDts.
15.500 bbls.; exports, 7J.008 bbli.; quiet, tlrm;
winter patents, J3.G3I.00; winter straights,
3.4(Wf3.6o: Minnesota natents.S3.904.25: win
ter extras, j.i:u;.tsu; Minnesota oakers, xz.uu
t).i.ju; winter low grades, K'.:wf-'.s. itye
Hour, quiet; fair to good, $:.S0?3.15; choice
In fhnev. 13 "'Jfft.lR.
COKNMEAL steady; yellow western, 2c;
cny. me, urancywine, ;.iob:.!u.
RYE Quiet: No. 2 western. Wto. afloat.
HAHLEY (juiet: rceuing. 4U'o6S',ic c. i. I.
AVHEAT Recelnts. 1W.70O. bu.: exDOrts
113.162 bu. Spot, tlrm: No. 2 red. 79Tc. f. o
b. utioat; ro. - red. it!c, elevator; ro. l
northern. Duluth. f0Wc. f. o. b. afloat: No. l
hard, Duluth, RCic, f. o. b. afloat. Op
tions opened stendy nnd later advunced n
llttlo on local covering, steadiness west und
continued cold wentlier in winter wheat
sections. Closed llrm at c net advance;
May, 77K77 7-16c, closed ut 77-'Sic; July, 7H
Sj"B'c. closed ut 76Tc; September, 7513-16
76c. closed ut 76c.
CORN Receipts, 1.200 bu.; exports, 76,200
ttu. spot, Bieuoy; rso. i', hoc, eievutor und
ri.c nflout. Outlons llrm and fulrlv active
on small receipts, higher cables und bull
support west. Closed tlrm: May, 4itH! v.c,
cioscu nt 4'4c; juiy cioseo ut i7c; oep,
tomber closed lit 4SIc.
OATS Receipt B, S7.000 bu.: exports. 110.363
nu. rjpot. steaoy; jmo. i, inic; rso. a, ovjc
No. 2 white. R2le4l33c: No. 3 white. Sc
track mixed westerns. 30V4ij31Vic; track
white. 31H83ilc Options, quiet und steady.
HAY Steady; shipping, 97Hc; good t,o
cnoice, duc
HOI'S Quiet; state, common to choice,
1900 crop, iitf xc; itw, iitfi5c: oia oias, 2ircc
Pacific coast, 15M0 crop, l&ai9c; 1899, lltfiSc
nld nil!. SiJCc.
HIDES 8teady: Qalvrston. 20 to 25 lbs.
ISHc: California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
to JU inn., iiiii-tc.
T .17 A T-tl r?r .UlrniU'! llimlrtnlr nnl. TIi.a.
nos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 24&25c
PROVISIONS-Rcef, firm; family. SH.00
O12.00; mess, SH.50fi 10.00: beef hams, 111.50
12.UI; packet. JlU.Wi 10.60; city, extra India
tiii-ih. lU.fHlfi'in.CO. Cut meats, steady: n rklert
bolllCB, lS.7501O.5u; pickled shoulders, tf.25
7.60; pickled nams, .tuiu.. uirii. uuu
western steamed. S8.57H: refined, steady
continent. SS.70: South America. 13.50: com
pound, S6.76. Pork, steady; family, JK.Uj
16.50: short clear, $15.60816.00.
RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3
fuc; Japan. 4iiwe.
TALLOW Quiet; city, 4(S4!lc; country,
BUTTER Steady; fresh creamery, 16
20c; ractory, lisiavic; imitation creamery,
13H'917HcL8la,e dairy, 1619e.
CHEESE Steady: fancy large colored, ll
iffllUc; fancy largo white, 105Tlle; fancy
smau coioreu, i.yic; inncy smau wnite,
Koas Steady; state and Pennsylvania,
UiiUhic: southern, lSiflSVc: western stor.
age, HVJc; western regular, packed, 14
POULTRY Alive, quiet; chickens, Deitur
keys, sc. uresseu. quiet; turkeys, 1O310H:
ctnmlvf nrlreH imrhiinircid.
METALS Owing to the heavy arrivals of
tin during tne last week nearisn convic
tions nredomlnate nnd today the market
was depressed, with buyers holding off In
anticipation of further concessions In price.
As a consequence trading was light. The
nominal close was nuout vm. Lead, nom
Inal and unchanged: sneltcr. stcadv. 4.;
copper, quiet, unchanged. Iron markets
ruiea uuu at yesterdays ngures.
Kansns City tirnln nnd ProTUIans,
. .KA.NSAS CITY. April 20.-AVHEAT-Mav
6jc: July. WtiiVc; cash. No. 2 hard, 69
jfnoc; No. 3. 6iiHc; No. 2 red, 70c; No. S. 63
. RKJT.M.Hi Ju.,'- 0c: cash, No.
OATtS-No. 2 white, 29W30c.
RYE No. 2. 61Jf52c.
"AX"".??1"101" WWeU.OO; choice
prairie. S3.25i9.60.
BUTTER Creamery, 16H4J19Vic; dairy
fancy. 16c. '
EGGS rirm; fresh Missouri and Kansas
stock, 11c doz., Iocs off, cases returned; new
RECEIPTS-Wheat, 27,200 b'u.; corn, 27.200
SHIPMENTS Wheat, 41.000 "ou,; corn
none; oats, t.wi uu.
Suiiar Market.
tlSt lull ici,lliwi, TSV, L,,ti(-u, Jjrm
crushed, S5.16; powdered, S5.65; granulated
Quiet: open kettle, SUOMic: orx-n kettle,
centrlfusul. 3TN'ic; centrlfutral. vellnw
4VtU4c Molasses, strong; open kettle, 8
Peoria Slarket.
PEORIA, April 20-CORN-Easy; No,
OATS-Inactlve; No. 3 white, 274e. billed
WHISKY-On the basis of 11.27 for fin
isnca sooas.
Bcstricttd Teltgnph Ztxi.ct Mates Grain
Market Dullest of Wk.
nuylne br Kull Lenilrrn Supports Corn
Oats Dull, but Steady with Other
tlruln Provisions Close
CHICAGO. April 20.-Owlng to n demora
lized telegtaph service the speculative mar
kets today were the dullest ot tno week.
The tone, however, was steady, wheat and
corn each closing HGlic higher, oats Vic up
and provisions practically unchanged.
In the absence of tidings concerning tno
status of the Liverpool market and of con
ditions In tho cast, wheat traders were
left to tho contemplation of the bearish
crop situation. Trade was restricted by
the failure of the wire service and al
though word was received from Liverpool
later In the session business did not swell
to any proportions. Of tho small aggre
gate most of tho business was done on
account of shorts, who wished to even t.P
ocr Sunday May opened tiHc to a shade
lower at UUWc und sold eurly to 70Mf
70ftc. So narrow was the market that very
moderate onerlngs irom u commissun
hojse caused u break to 7(ViO70U,c. A re
port thut sutnples of Kansas wheut showed
Hessian lly and tho expectation ot statis
tics .aionuay wnicn snouia nave tne nega
tive virtue ot not Being bcarisn caused a
rally to 71c and at this urlco tho market
closed, HiiVic higher. July closed o iver
May. Primary receipts were WO.UW bushels,
compared with 302,ux bushels last year.
Local receipts wero 41 cars, none or con
tract grade, while Minneapolis and Duluth
reported 26G cars, against Xli last week and
22V u year ago.
uorn was null nut llrm. Buying by the
bull leader, who had the recelnts. only 11:!
cars, In his favor, tormed the market's licit
support, for tne snipping demand was poor.
The crowd felt rather bearish on Improved
climatic conditions, but exerclxed discre
tion out of deference to tho manipulation
of the bull leader. May sold between 41c
and 44Vc nnd closed WaXc higher ut Uitc.
July closed nt 4Sc.
uuis were uuu uut steady, in sympathy
with other cralns. nlthnuuh ihum wr.i in.
dlcatlons ot freer country acceptances.
May sold between 25V4Si2iKc and closed ijc
higher at 2oH&25c Receipts were 2.17 cars.
ruvisions opened eaEV on liberal hog to
celpts und lower prices In the market nt
the stock yards, but sti'mllc! intr i,irb.
era maoo a lunge at prices early, but their
goods were well taken nn1 ihi. mnn ,i.
slsted. This pressure being over ptlces held
i"" "'u oetween m.w nnd
ilMiiU nnd closed a shade lower at JH.fwW
14.7T7H; July lard between Js.a:V4 and .
.U.....B urai,,ru ai ji.v-ij, anu July ribs
between 17.y'U nnd i?.r. n'rn, .1.0 f. .7
shade down at 17.95. " "
Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat, CS
(M)head. " uul" ": n0B"' "
rne leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open.l High. Low. Close.l Yes'y,
25 V
14 40
,1441441 U
3 S! 24HJJ25
14 40 14 40
14 5J 14 CO
8 07 8 071J
8 02 lj 02i
8 02H 8 02lfc
8 174 8 174
7 95 7 S7iA
7 !0 7IW"
14 37
14 65
14 32&
14 67!
8 07U
8 o:h
It bu
S 074
b UO
8 00
k 00
rt j, 'j
8 17V4
o 11I7
7 92UI
7 V0
7 0
No. 2.
Cash ouotatlons wern nn
FLOUR-Steady; winter patents. S3.R
UUKN-NO. 2. 41c: No. 2 vellnw llr.
OATS No. 2. MliflLfp: Vn
No. 3 white, 27H629C. ' 71 1
RYE No. 2, 63c.
BARLEY Good feeding, 46c; fair to
Choice malt ng. 6267c ' 10
SEE.PerNo.- ax. I1.BS: No. 1 north west-
vi u, i.u. j-iime nmoiny, -xa.js. Clover,
contract grade. 111.00. '
I'ROVISIONS AleH nnrk. r l.hl . m
14.45. Lard, per 100 lbs.. JS.154j8.17V4. Short
ribs sides (loose), J8.05es.25. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). JS.S7Hm7.12Vi. Short clear
sides (boxc). Ih.25fo8.37yj. r
riioivi uusis or nign wines. J1.27.
SUOAR-Cut loaf. 6.14c: granulated. 6.57c
confectioners A, 6.44c; off A, 6.2c
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today
Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
Corn, iiu. .
Oats, bu. ..
Rye. bu. ..
.... 21,000 19,030
.... 84.000 325.000
....129.000 261,000
.....ii.uuo 1C5.U.0
.... 6.0M) 3M)
Barley, bu.
.... Ib.COO 7.0V)
uu tne I'rouuce exenaniro inrlav 11, him.
ter market was firm; creumcrles, 15giSc;
u,m, jiuacv, -,jet:iu, teuo.
Ken York Sinner Market
NEW YORK. Anrll ai.MnKRVn -,.11
steady. 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper!
4il4V4 per cent. ' ' 1 EXCHANGE Klrm, with nc
tual business In bankers' hlllx nt 11 mi
... i ,,.oi-( ivii Miiy uuys; posted
rates, J4.KDj4'a4.83; commercial bills, jt.Sia
SUA LR Certificates, nominally U0c imr
60c: Mexican dollars. 4SUn. """"" wc u"r
urDS-state, inactive; railroad, strong
avernment. stromc: rnfnt,.iir. o.
tereu anu coupon, jimvi; 3s, registered. RTha
3s. coupon, HIV: m-w 4s. registered. 13S&
new 4s, coupon, 139V4; old 4s, registered nri
. 1 , . r. r, , Ll,n.
coupon. 111V4. "ti, 1
follows- I,rlc" on bond today ar a
U. B. rf. !s. rrg..,lW N. J. Central g. 5i..lJ!
. . J UCU1C J,
uu la.. ., ., ,,,,, .....I'JjSi
An mitnnn 11?l'. x. x. .... '
do new 41, rct....nW
do coupon
" ........... .x j, u u 1.1 a..ltl7I
.NonoiK ii vt
do old 41, reg ',13
do coupon 111S
do I, rcc .....110(4
do counon Ill1-
vicun r,av, la tfy
00 consol u Hi
lt-ajlnir cen. it.', itr.
P. ot C. 3, Sit if,
Atch. gen. it.. v.:
1110 a. w. is iOtU
l u & I M c. .IU14
do dj. o;.
Canada Bo. U W
Chet. A O. 4Vi.....106!
. ac a v k. ...iii
St. Taul cons 1931.
st. I'., c. & p. u.-.iiH
uo 1:1
C. ft N, W. c. 7.,.Hlii
do B. P. deb. m,,i:o
So. I'acine 4s m
Hu. ltalltvuy t; H7li
Clilesito Ter. 4s
Colorado So. 4 Texas & l' li'.'.'.'.'.'lli
U. O. 4 101', do :.... ... .
o. it. tc j, m 53
trie uenerni iu.... 8SH fnlon I'acillo 4i ;M
K. W. & I). C. 1S..197H Wab?.h is ?.. ! :iw
Qen. Electric i 18SV,' do U . . u
Iowa Central U 117 .West Shore' 4i'.'..'.;'.U4V
h &vS: HS1-.4"" !M "'" Central 1.
K. T. 2 HVi'Va. Centuries .. n
N. V. Central 1 .lul',4
lloston Ntoek Quotntloua.
IipSTON, April 20.-Call loans. 3J74 per
cent; time loons. 3iilH per cent, ortlclal
A.. T. A 3. I"
' s- " Westlneh. Electric. 65
Pfd iS Atrhlton 4c 1
a" -" N. L 11. 4 C. 6.... C3
do pfd 121
Adventuie 1414
lllng Mlnlne Co,.. 18
Amai. Copper ,"6);
American Tel lit
notion & Albany. ,.:si
Denton Ulevated ..17S
lloiton & Me W
C, 11. & Q
Dominion Coal Ii
lloiton & Mont....4M
Hutte & Ilostnn n:u
do nfd lit
iuuiti e iiecia..,&w
Kltchbura pfd 147 1'ranklln
. n
. ti
. 4Vs
Oen. Klectrlc , Zti Humboldt
Ei. Elee. Ill t ,Ocel0
K. E. O. ii C Ill ,1'arrot
Old Colony 210 Qulncy
Old Dominion K Banta Ke Copper.
Rubber 20 ITamarack
Union I'aclfio 19074'utah Mining
Union Land I jWlnomt ,
Weft End Oi Wolverine
Ken- York Mining Stock.
NKW VORK. April 20,-The following are
quotations on mining stocks;
Adams Con,,.. 21
Alice tt
Hrrece , 140
Ilrunswlck Con M
Comitock Tunnel,,, (
Con. Cal. fc Va .... K
Deadwood Terra ... i
Horn Silver UO
ln.n Silver 60
Ieadvllle Con,.....,
Utile Chief
...... (0
, ki
4 O0
Bavaxe ,,,
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes ,
Bank Clearlnits.
OMAHA. April 20. Hank clearings today
ll.074.W2; corresponding day last year. 1029 .
873; Increase, $Hj.tr9. ' r
CHICAQO. April 20.-ClearlniS, J40.442 -
OSl; talaucta, i',7S7; posted exchange,
spring specials. S4.fiuii 4.10; patents! S3.4&5
-W3-20; bakers. 12 15W2.40.
WHEAT No. 3 nr nc isis: nri. . v '...,
-.-- C" I V, i . W.
M.SJHyi tSH; New York exchange, 10c prs-
rmrlN'KATl. Anrll 20. Clearlncs. U.Z3'.'
550; New York exchange, par and 0o dis
count, mo.ley, sus.per cent. .
NEW YORK, AP.1l 20. Clearings, JJW.
17,652; batanc-s. J1J,S53.557.
BOSTON. Acr'l ). Cteurlngs. SJ3.191.U61;
balances, J2.9W.582.
PHILADELPHIA, April 20.-Clearlngs.
J17,7u4.Si balances, S2,4i2,l'60.
BALTIMORE'. April lU-Clearlncs, J4,0,-
851, tnlances, Jj07,1S7.
Stock Eielmnue Closes nlth Strunit
limaril Spurt ot Prices.
NEW. YORK, April 20,-Tho week of the
lnrgcst transactions In stocks In the his
tory of the Stock exchange closed with tne
Inevitable upwurd spurt of prices and the
natural pressure of liquidating sales at
the hlch level. Tne rapid upward course
of prices ot the close yesterday brought In
tne expected norue 01 uuixiue uuj-ern inn
morning, and the professionals added their
efforts to the excited demand of the out
siders to make opening prices us high as
possible. The result was somo v. lae spreads
in price UUU congesicu nuking oruran 111
., ....... -1 . ,,t. tintnlilt. w: . llnlll .111,1
llie lliUrilU DlUWAf nu.outj
Union Paclllc. Specilic denials were put out
of the projected combination of Northwest
ern nnd Lnlon Paclllc to oftset the Bur
lington dcul, so the speculators substituted
St. Paul for the former and louud it Just
ns effective. .....
Manipulation In stocks was violent, uut
the price was pushed determinedly up to
170, utter having already crossed Its pre
vious record price yesterday. The final
high price was made in a vigorous effort
to rally the market from the decline Into
which it had fallen as u result of the un
wieldly mass of realizing sales which were
thrown upon trie maraet on tne upeuuih
luilir,.. Tin, oflnrt was SUCcesslUl ill only
a lew stocks, und the undertone at tho
close wus distinctly eaHy und showed soinu
rather violent breaks In recent speculative
favorites. A s.irvey or net results shows
that the persisting strength wan connned to
St. Paul, union nnu oouinern i uiuicn, hb
sourl Pactnc, Texas ii Paclllc and some of
the minor stocks.
The bank statement was more favorable
than expected by the heavy loan contrac
tion, winch gave the surplus the bcnellt
of all tho casli lnciease, uut tho showing
had evluently neen discounted and the sell
ing to take prollts on public receipts, nmdo
In anticipation of the statement l)ad not
been completed when the mitlKet closed.
The sales tor tno -two nuurs ui u"'s
n..r.. i 4i.i l) shures. cotiinarcd wltli tile
record for Saturday ot l.lnz.bwi shares on
January j. ihe weeks sales nggregated
10,LO,4W shares, whicn surpasses ull icc-
rUn!ted States bonds new 4s declined Vj,
old 4s, coupon, ?i and old 4s, registered, tne
refunding rs anu u per cent uviu ms
closing call ot last week. ....
The Commercial Advertiser s London
llnanclal cablegram suyh. London snares
were only lulny active on the stock niar
kft here uuiiiv. They were generally strong.
Tho American uepurimeut wus iigiiui me
feuture. T'radlnit lu American shares was
excited to a remarkable degree and a tre
mendous business wus aoiie. ine iruuiiig
was live-sixths prulesstoual, but bulltsn
sentiments pruvaueu gcneruily and tuuny
predictions of further auvances ure uiuue,
especially 111 Louisville A: Nashville, und
the Erics, which are the greut tuvoritcs.
Todays specialties, However, were unicago,
Milwaukee St. Puul und the Union and
Southern 1'uclllcs. UAl the buying wus
much of it Indiscriminate ami including tnu
whoio list ot American stocks dealt in Here.
British consols were weaker ugain, iiu on
thu rumor that the new government man
announcement would bv mude on Alonuay
Deullnus In this loan "when Issued" ure le
ported ut la-lti premium, copper stocks
were strong. Tlutos were esiieciully jiruin
lnent. gatting uu to 0k. and reuort nas it
that a most lniortani deal is being nr
runged by American und French Interests
at Paris, where Senator Clark is. Money Is
easier; joans, lioi.'ft. rne itank ut Eng
land received i'twi In gold bars und is
getting x?u,i".u nom Austialla.
Th following ate iii cluing prices on
the fsew torn, otock exchange:
... 70tt do ptd , 41
9Ift.Vttieel. i U U 19
nltlmore 4; Ohio.. WU
do Zd pfd... .... ?m
CsnaeUan Pac
Win. Central ... 20
Canada do
Ches. & Ohio..
Chicago O.
C, U. &
Third Avenue .....UtS'.i
LI. & O, pfd 1C4
'.s'atlonul Tube ....
Jo pfd
Cbl. ina.
.. nf,l
Amui, i.t;iiir ..
., 71'Adams hx
.. w
American Ex..
u. a. i:x
WellB-Kargo Ex.
c n. i. & ' 155V
a c. c. & su l... &V
Colorado Bo ii
'Amer. Cot. OH...
do pfd
.. tii
Aran, Malting .
Aa 1st PIu
4ui do pfd
do U pll
, t i.r,,,:m!,jAr . b. it
i-a;I iio pfd i;
do pfd
.. K'..Amer. 8. Hoop.... C!4
.In lit Ufd
7i., -ao pro lu
.'Amer. S. & V 48
Ct. Nor. pfd...,
.. M d0 PfJ Wi
Hocking coai ..
Hocking Valley,
Illinois Central
13 r.mer. Tin I'lste.. ,(i
iiim Mo pfd 117
o.tAmer. Tobacco ....12KU
Ioua central
o y.v"" r;.?. d0 fj . ui '
iL vrle '&''.'.'. ii Ani!- Mining Co... W7
Lake r.rie a. v lirtrnklvn n t w. il
do ufd.
..i:b ;:,
Colo. Kuel A Iron.. h
Uik.e Khore ...
U & N
Manhattan L.
Met. Bt. Ity...
Mex. Central
Con. Tobacco.
.... 23
do nfd
..KM 5
Federal Steel
do pfd
Minn. & Bt. L.
(3en. Ulectrlc .
Ulucou Bui;ar
do nfd li:'i
... U
.. r.
Mo, Paclllc lOT'i
Mobile & Ohio.... Kh
M.. K. & T JJ
do pfd f
N, J. Central 15S
N. Y. Central ISJ'i
ao pfdv
Inter. I'aier ..
do pfd
Laclede Uun ..
Natlonul Hscult... 3l4
do pfd
National Lcud 1JV,
do nfd 2ii
Norfolk & W R5?:
do pfa Kt
No. l'uulna iW,
do pfd ti
Ontarlu fc W 3.".
Ore. It)', & Nav.... 42
do pM ' 76
l'ennnlanla IWM
I'.N'atlonhl Hleel .... f7j,
-uo piu hi
K 1. Air
!No. American
racillc CosKt ,.
do 1st pfd
. 94
'''f . ?.,.ipcinc iuii'::;
2 i",1 fH 1'oople's aa. ..
uo :j prj.
. TO
. 36
do 2d nfd
... UK limarb- a. Ca'r."
ltlo G. W
do pfd
St. L. &. H. V...
do In pfd
do Sd pfd
St. L. South"-..
do pfd
St. Paul
".2 I do pfd u
'"-'Pullman I". Car.. ..211
... J'auear
... do nfd
"l,Tnn. Coal a i...
... 16
u. a. ueuther ....
do pfd
U. S. Kubber ....
do pfd
H'lllWn llnlnn
, 1SH
do ptd.
Bt. I. & Omaha. ,,,!
, !0H
Bor Pacific ,.
so liuilwly
. do pfd
Tex. & Pacific
Union Paclllc .
do pfd v
scjuiitepubuo i. a B:::: a.?
.. 'H U. 8. Bt'eei'V.'.'.'.'.'.V. 4fM
Trust receipts.
London Slock quotations.
LOXUON, April 20.-2 p. m.-CIosing:
Consols, money.. 4 11.11
do account 91 IMS
Atchlnon 7!tt
Canadian I'ac. 9T1-,
do 1st pfd
Ienmlvanla ,.,
. 7J54
iiruuing j,,
..u, taenia nrn... ifimt
Bt. raui 167'i
Tlllnnl. tl. I ... 1 . .
...... 9
Lmilnvllle iwjj Hind Mlnea ... J i?
Union Pac. pfd fH.U. 8. Steel........ "
N. Y Central U7Vi do pfd..." J'2
Erie 4M,' , "
BAR SILVBR-strong at 27Hd per o
Sfanota Wife and
CHICAGO. Anrll ?0 J. J. nnt
torney with nfflpp. in thn u'. T. ",V
today killed his wife and probably fatally
Shot himself In n l.nllwnv ,i 1T7 vi.t it'.'.K
street. The couple wero married but a few
' "s". Jieccjiiii- .iirs, ui len. who
was 22 years old. left her husband. When
they met today allien asked his wife to
l . V " one letuneu, wnereupon h
shot her Shn fn nr,.i,.t. nr,A v.
bullet into his head. Gillcn was 25 years
Inrre-aac Itcwurtl tor Ilnv.
YORK. April 20.-Rev. James A
-luuiii, jmsior ot tne itomnn Catholic
Church of the Sacred Heart, in Highbridge
where thn Morvirmirir Cimiiv niijj
offered nn additional reward of 110.006 for
he return of tho missing Willie McCor-
;v'.:fc e uireni ui iub kidnapers
rather Mi.lli.,'0 .. i.rinn. tu Wi-l
ward un tn xicnnn nt whirh ttim 1. iJ 1.2
by an uncle of Wllllo McCormlck and 11.000
tivei' 1 u,lner' ,v" ' compara
INSTRUMENTS filed for record Saturday
.,' .v.
Warranty Deeds,
A. H. Norton and wife to William Mc-
Whorler, eV4 ne 22-15-10 jj.too
j. v. .Manoevuie ano wun to iw. J. u.
Ryan, lot 11, block 7. ,Logan I'lace... 10
t;. w. ureviston ana who to same, lot
19. block 8, same.,....,. ,
H. V. Hurkley and wife to Y. J. Murk
ley, undU lot 15, block 2; lots 13 and
14, block 3, Hawthorne add 1,000
L. D. Street and husband to 8. r.
Watts, lot 2. block 9. West End add.. s.Mvi
S. V. Watts to A. W. Burkley. same.. 8.000
v. 1.-. iemeri ana wiie 10 u. u, wise,
lot C, block 2, Hoggs & H.'s 2d add ... 3,800
L. Y. Swift and wife to J. M. FInley,
lots 3 and 4, block 11, Hanocom Place 4,0(0
it. v. Jirent ana wue to rew.ion .Mouy,
w Hi feet of nM lot 7 and e 2 feet of n
140 feet lot 8. block i. I'ark I'lace.... 1.0CO
Total utuount of transfers !J,K1
Beef Etteri and Eutchsr Stock Maj Bt
Quoted Fully BUady for tha Waak.
Both .sheep nnd l.nmlis Are Ten to Klf-
tetn ten tii l,oiH-r Tlinn Tliey t
Were r.t the Clone ot
Last Week.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 20.
Receipts were
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
.. i,jvij i,ii5 b,iti
Olllcial .Holiday
utncial luvsuay
oiuciul veuuefcday i..vl
Ofllclal Thursday 2,n6
lv.j-J lo.isi
D.530 14, 23
1,.b2 l,Vli3
umciai iT.imy i.siu
oinclal butuioay
Total this wetvk 15.
Week ending April 13...,U,Ji0
Week cuuiiih Aiiril t....,i,Si
Weea ending .Murch,.li
St-ek eiiuing .duren,ou
aine week lust veur....w.aju
Average pneu paid tor nogs lor tno
several das with comparisons:
I UM. lj.ilajJ.Uas.il7.lsi.tle-jj.
3. .1
10.. 1
la.. 1
la.. 1
10.. 1
ll. I
1 .1
20. -I
I crj
a la
a 21
0 v
a iUi
b lit
5 33j
6 i
l J0
6 23
u if
a 4k
6 4&
3 41',
6 4li
u 4i
3 4
3 63
.4 ljfi
i K
3 tZ
3 IM
3 t
' I
3 6S
4 tii
3 tkll
3 1t
i bi
3 72(
3 0a
3 71,
3 ia
3 03
3 oi
3 73
3 li
i j
3 7-'
a 'ui
3 ivi
3 71
3 71
J bi
J 0
3 bl,
J bl
3 60
3 til
3 u
3 Vt
3 Vt
i Hit
3 W,
3 Mil
3 U
3 60,
3 J
3 97
J si
3 N
3 SU
J Sl
3 1
3 91
3 Hi
3 W 3 tj
3 W, 4 54
i At 4 11
I 4 62
3 b'i 4 M
3 d
3 bl 4 k
A bi 4 Si
3 am 4 'il
6 W I
s f5il
6 .il
' I
b K;i
b tif,t
0 sl v,
b !Ui
C 01?t
o te:t
6 &4:l
5 ii'.l
6 631
a an 4 1-
j 4 78
3 a0 4 ,
3 l
i 4 73
3 -Vj 4 ifi
3 3a 4 "11
3 vli 4 CJ
4 bl
3 33 I UI
Indicates Sunday.
ilio olllcial tiumtier of cars of s
brought in today uy each road was: p.n
C, M. & St. P. Ry 4
1 nion factnc system.... u . ..
C. A; N. . Ry id
K. M. V. Ry 21
S. C. A; P. Ry 1
St. 1.. M. & O. Ry. .. 4
II. A: Al. it. Kv 22
c..u. & y, Ry..... 12
(.'., it, 1. iv P, ity., east, .. ii
Illinois central -
Total receipts t! 124 .. 1
Tho disposition of the day's receipts was
ns louows, e.icn uuyer purcnasing tne num-
uer ut neud liiuicaluu:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Oinuiia Packing Co.
Uwltt and Company.
Cudahy Packing Co.
Armour a: io
Hill & Hunizlnccr...
A. S. Mawhlnney
Other buyers
Total 1C 8,743
CAllLE There wero not cnougn cattle
on sale today to make a market. Tor the
week tne supply lias ueeu 01 very lair piu
tiortlons. a aood italn hiivlnc been made
over last week, anu about the snme number
were on sale us Mrrived tne corresponuing
week lust year. The demand on the part 01
packers has been In good shupc and the
market ruiea active, wmi un cany cicur
Hnrn i-vprv ilnv of the week.
Tno big end o: tne receipts wus wcea nua
l it i l . uttl nictip riiu 1, ...... v. ...
offerftiirs as a whole was tho best of the
season. Packers seemed to wunt the cattle
and tho murket was active uu tne week,
but still It cannot be Bald that prices have
nilvnnend mnterlnlt v. Tho situation can
perhaps bo best described by calling it a
good, active, strong rnarisci lor wie ween.
1,'l.u livia rlpalrntiln irriilinu lirtvn hIho lield
lust about steady with tho close of last
week. . .
Cnvii nnd heifers nave noeii in llKlil sun
nlv nil thu week and tirlcoB on tne cood
kinds, have Btrenntheiiea up a little, pack
ers all wanted butcher stock und In some
cases owing to tne ugnt receipts
thev Dnld tancy prices in order to get
what thev wanted. The common kinds of
both cows and heifers, however, have not
shown ar.y Improvement and in fact they
look a little lower lu spots, but still the
market for the week Is not far Irom steady.
Hulls have alsa snown uut uttic clinnge
for the week and the same is true of calves
and stags.
stnekera ana iceacrs it anvininir are a 111
tie higher than they were a week ago. The
demand is picaing up on inc ugni siock
ers and stock calves that can bo put on
grass for tne summer anu values nre nd
vanclng on the better grades. Thero Is nlfco
a cood lnoulrv for the choice heavy feed
ers. but the common kinds are neglected
and only auoui sieuuy ior me week, jicp
rcsentative sales:
No. Av. It. No. Av. rr.
1 low : ?Q 1 liW 3 ti
1 10M 3 W
1 7M 3 75 2 Wt 3 P0
1 800 3 K 1 990 4 W
1 E20 S 33
5 li6 3 "0
1..,. uu z m 1 C40 4 :o
30G 4 li
HOGS There was a fairly good run of
hoas hero toduy for a Saturday, and as
other markets wero all quoted lower, prices
nt tnis point also took u arop. Tne choice
hogs on the start wero only weak to 2y.c
lower, but the general run of mixed hogj
were 2frc lower. Tho bulk sold at Ij.'iM
fi.V14. with the choicer loads irom that up
to t. tne top ueing paio ior u prime load
welchlnc 323 nounds. Tho close of the
ket was weak, or u good nickel lower. Tho
last sales wero largely at S3.82H. but as
usual it was the llgnter weights that wero
lelt. Thero were quite a few lightweights
on sale and they went ull the way irom
J5.&2V& to Ja.60. As will be seen from sales
ueiow, inero is now a wider range than
thero has been In the past. Packers claim
they have been paying too much for the
llidit. trashy stulf and that in thu f lltllrn
they aro going to get it tor less money or
not take It at all.
The tendency of prices this week hn
been downward, as the table of uverugu
prices will bhow. As compared with tho
Close 01 lum ween, mcro ib a urop of 20c.
lteceltits nave been unite llhernl n i
gain iiuving uee.11 muue over last week,
iv.ipresuiiiuuve euieti;
46,C7d M.'SfJ
No. Av. Sh. IT. No. Av. Sh. IT.
10 ei ... 4 Id 77 til , I ti
Si V) ... 1 MM 79 tut ... 5 43
t ill ... 6 10 en r.i u lis
70 2V3 W I fO 82 US ... I ii
t.2 1" ... 3 o 'h 2t ... S ti
i) Ill ... & SO 6 !41 0 I iS
4 181 M St) H 244 ... 5 FS
91 14 120 D SO 74 til 40 t 13
73 14 ItSO 3 10 W 232 ... t, 13
64 204 40 I H 7K 244 U 3U
tl 2u ... I Hi 77 220 ... i li
73 202 ... 3 M 12 232 40 1 S3
70 US ... t 74 241 120 I M
76 217 m 3 W, (8 10J 80 5 S3
70 233 Hi 3 i:4 US 233 1W 3 S3
31 242 ... & ti', r. 233 40 3 33
It 21 120 3 67 233 240 3 ti
63 222 HO 3 !2t (3 203 to It!
74 2V4 40 3 IJlk 74 ;t6 iO i $i
H 2U ... 3 : 62 234 60 3 3
C4 247 ... i Hit (4 2t ... 3 S3
CI 2(3 100 3 I!), 74 233 ... S S3
CD Z9 120 3 KS, CJ 246 ... 0 C5
71 212 ... iSn 62 264 ... 3 fi
73 223 120 3 .2! 77 241 120 3 M
67 241 ... 3 ft', 16 2:5 fcO & K3
(7 237 ... 3 C3 243 ... 3 (3
i2 202 ... 6 Li 239 ... 3 7H
It 201 ... 3 H, U 242 160 3 S7V
73 212 kO 3 I2W CS 24)1 100 I r-TVa
73 ;:3 ... 3 tr,, 7: 348 no 3 iv
71 223 1110 3 1 239 M 3 07U
kl )i ... 3 kill, 73 219 1C0 3 7h
33 226 ... SKI, 33 302 to 3 171,
73 Sti 120 b ICti 63 273 ... I 67U
73 244 80 3 S2V 68 237 120 3 (7H
4 1H 40 3 Hn (4 274 ... 3 !7
72 232 160 I S3i, 72 224 40 3 f7U
CS..." 211 120 3 ylt 66 idt ... 3 fib
2 StfJ 10 3 77 2J7 ... 3 37W
66 224 10 3 83 M 240 ... 3 17k
81 233 ... 3 S3 71 243 80 3 S7t
76 221 120 3 H 37 247 ... 3 My,
73 238 40 3 83 7 223 ... 3 874
71 230 ... I K 71 233 80 3 SJVt
C3 2 1C0 IK 71 2C1 ... 3 37V
76 ,..241 ICO I i 73 213 0 3 F7h
63 X 120 3 K 37 317 80 3 U0
64 230 124 3 f3 3D 272 ... 3 30
70 2U2 240 3 83 CI M 80 3
74 233 120 3 li 70 271 ... 3 W
33 221 ... 3 n 37 231 ... 3 0
76 230 ... 3 K 36 273 ... 3 K
70 231 20 3 K 21 307 ... 3 I'O
31 210 ... 3 13 CI 264 80 3 M
34 234 40 3 S3 73 282 80 3 90
S3 234 120 3 33 30 287 ... 3 90
38 237 ... 3 U 34 SIS ... t 30
71 223 80 3 13 33 116 ... 8 ni
88 21 ... 3 83 72 268 80 3 KVi
74 241 40 5 83 30 298 160 3 ?7Vi
62 230 160. 8 t-'i 27 233 ... 3 7V
77 !l 80 3 13 20 288 ... 3 J!
37 223 ... V)
SHEEP There was nothing on sole today
to make a test or tue market, mere nai
been a bic run at this point during the lua
week, a substantial gain having been made
over lust wcck ana niso over tno corre.
spending week ot last year, ine duik o
tho recelnts. however, were mado un o
Colorado lambs. In view of tho liberal sup
nlv. the tendency of prices has been down,
ward. Lambs can be quoted a dime lower
nd tn most canes tho snme amount would
over the decline 011 sheep, nlthougn in
some rases they nre proliauly lnc lower
than they weru a week ago.
There have been on y a few feeders on
sale this week and prices have not ahow n
any particular change.
uuolatlona- CI.olcw wethers. I4.,Mi4.V:
fair to gcod wethers. 4.H'4.70, clipped
ethers, l.5(i(j4 73; choice lightweight year.
...... . f- n 1 . - I . ... -,.... , I .1
ambs. t5.0mfiu.10; fair to good lambs, H.7oif
00: clipped lambs f4.GOfio.i): snrlnc lambs,
J6AK)4I7.jO. feeder wethers. J3.7iftH.4u; feeder
lambs, J 1.25514.73.
Cattle and
Sheep Xtiitilnnlly
lltiu Unsler.
April 20. CATTLE-
200 hend: nominally steady: cood to prime ,
leers, j.OCti.00! poor to mrdtum.
S3; Blockers and feeders, K.TMfO; cows,
2,iT4.00; heifers, J2.K3e-l.S5. canncrs. X 100
bulls, J2.75T4.3fi; calves. I.W5;
Texas-fed steers, J4.2oflC.33, Texas grass
teers, JXW4.00; Texas nuns, j: 7.M3.s.
HOGS Rccrlpts, 13,000 head, Jlondny, 2v
0M head, estimated: left ocr, 3,W head
port sheep.
to 35: good to choice wrth-
ers, t.74i6.00; fair to choice mixed. I4.4C"
4.70; western sheep. 34.bjfffi.00; yearling; native lambs, JI.65yo.33; wester
latnhs. J4 !i:, M.
itlit'lilPTS For two weeks: This week
Cattle. Sl.300 head; hogs. 123,500 head; sheen,
Bl,lA) head, Last week Cattle. 67,200 head;
nogs, 116,400 head; sheep, 73,400 head.
Kansas Cly Live Stock Market.
ceipts, loo head; market compared with a
week ago generally 10c higher: nominal
ouotatlons; native beef steers, JI.60ifS.6j;
Blockers nnd feeders, 3.404fo.23; western
fed steer. t4.f(rtf.Y40! Tiintm and Indian.
J4.OOHj5.00; COWS, W.SMi; heifers. K.&MI
35.00; cannirs. $2. 1003.25; bulls, 33.SMf4.fti;
cnlves, R5Oi)tl.50; receipts for the week, 20,
300 hend, Inst week. 2S.WI head.
HOCiS ltcr.,nl TlHl I, An, I- mnrll 1VLf!t
f lower, top, J6. bulk of sales. JS.SO'
heavy. t5.9KilC.0iJ. mlv.wt tinekrn. ISKTMSU.",.
light, J5.6Sffij.9il, nigs, JI.SMiS.S0; receipts for
the week, il.WO head; Inst week, 6I.60O hend.
aiiL.i!.i- aru LAM IIS Receipts. 4,0,10
hend; market comimred with n week ago,
lambs 10c lower, sheen steady to 5c lowor;
Western lambs, ft.kjrn', ! nntrrn vntlipr
J4.a0iJji.Sj: western yearlings, JI.OSMI.yo;
ewes, J4.nuw4.u0; culls, 3.tXifl.00; spring
lumbs, J5.Wi7.23. recelnts fnr the velr. :n .
M) head; last week, 27.WO head.
St. I.nnl .1.1 ve Ktoek Market.
ST. LOUIS. April 20,-CATTLE-Recelpts,
HI hemV fiirL-M .lull I,.., ....!. . n,l..A
. . . ' ..... V.U., UU. RIV4U , I,,(V
inlnnlnir nnn nvnfiri bi,,... tr. nnir. ir.-
dressed beef nnd butcher steer's, J'.r.!43 35;
steers under 1,000 lbs., J4.O0i?5.O0; stockcrs
n...l t I n n CAMP. . . . - .
uu ivimin, ..ouji i. u: cnwH nnn neiierv.
00O4.K5; ennners J1.2582.S5; bulls, 3.401f
!0: Tp!cn flllil Tnrllim ,l.n, UVK ir..
cows and heifers, J2.G5j4.00. '
iivua ucceipis. i.itm Head. Jlnrket cc
lower: pigs nnd lights, J5.!sOfj5.&0; packers,
J5.Wfi5.05: butchers. J5.95if..lO.
SHEEP AND LAM11S Receipts, rD head.
Market stendy; native muttons, Jl.40ftl.7S;
spring lambs, J5.2560.V6; culls and bucks.
J3 toy 4.60.
KtMr York Live Slok Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK. Anrll 20-HEEVnS-Ito-
celpts, 631 head, all consigned direct ex
cept two cars; no trudlng of Importance;
leenng steaay; cauics steady; shipments,
1,191 cattle, CIO sheep and 1D.WS quarters of
CALVES Recelnts. none: M Rtnt rnlves
on sale; feeling weak; fair veals sold nt
, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.15J
head; sheep, ;ulet but steady: lambs, slow;
common wooled sheep, J4.2S; clipped sheep,
J3.60W4.25: wooled lambs. J5.C3i5.75; clipped
lambs, J5.2SJ clipped cuIIb, J3.&0; common
spring lambs, J3 60 per head.
HOGS--ReccIpts, 1.141 head; nono for sale
alive. Market nominally steady.
Nt. Joseph Lite Stock Mnrkrt.
SOUTH ST JOSEPH. Anrll 20. ISiippI.iIA
The Journal quotes:
l;a i i j.t, itcceipts, loo head; mnrkct
steady: demand strong.
iiuuH iteceipts, 6,700 head; market 5c
lower; all grades, J5.75&fi.0O; bulk of sales,
J5.82r5.P0; pigB. Ml 10c lower.
Bticiil' anu IJV1IUB- Receipts. 2,300
iicuu; maract sienuy; iambs, JI.S5jiS.05:
yearlings. J4.70sr6.00: wcthrrs. ti.Miti.-r.'
i, tj "
Sioux City Live Stock Market.
Diniiv . i , . ,. . .
gram.) CATTLE Receipts,. 200; market
mvc.-w v.ii iuii .v. isiieciui j rip
ii-uj i ui.'i ii.T, 9t.wuo.w; cuws anu nulls., v-.-v44w.iu. ciuliwip uuu leeuera,
4.30: calves and yearlings, J3.OS4.C0.
linnC IlnAnlnl. CM, , . .
Yj .vv.t,iivo, -,ovu, iimi net steaoy,
J5.77J4OD.90; bulk. J5.80ffi5.62i4.
Slock In Slali.
Following arc the recelnts nt the four
principal markets ior April 20:
. . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 239 8,,97
Chicago 209 13,000 3.(V)
Kansas Ultv 100 7.000 t oon
St. Ixuls 400 3.50) 6C0
Cotton Market.
NEW YORK. Anrll 20. COTTON-Tho
cotton market opened quiet mid llrm. with
prices wat points niglier on general buying,
led by shorts and European rxoorts. Trad
ing for tho most part this morning wan C(f(
points anovo last nignt, wun sentiment
strongly Influenced by bullish Liverpool
cables, smaller receipts south, less favor
able crop and weather reports and reports
tuai oenmnu mr cotton gooas was lmprov
Ing. The English market was expected t
come V.i points Higher, but few trader
looked for a net rise of IS to 3 points in
iuiuren uuu ll Klllll 01 l-za in snnl rnltnn
ubrnad, Private cables attributed the firm
ness to bad weather reports, the smaller
receipts and the belief that summer months
manipulation, wouiu be attempted In our
iuui nci. ..un micL-i uuu ceverHi export
hodses were supporters of the July option.
Room trnders sold cautiously for a reac
tion. Unseasonably low temneraturo was
the chief cnuso for comnlalnt. Hv ln tn
u uum inu uiuiAri nutt mi nuverai points
from the top under profit-taking nnd In
creased rumors of a sharp decline. Whereas
Jtoooi trf of thm
Lying Me by ide, located In the
lings, H.KiJl.sii fair to good yearlings. J4.W 1 sales, none.
lilffi ll,i..wl .....rll.w. tl Ull' rhnl.f S.llCI MllV.
ilghtwelght ewes, t4.2iii4.40; fair to good 'August.
ewes, J3.73a4.10, Clipped ewes. $3.9J4.25: lair i-.c; .ovn
tn rmift nllt,n-4 u-a. t i?1 .l ; rnnlre January. 2
ensirr; top, 0.10i inixeu uuu nuiuiri', vriii DIM l.l l u
H16.074; good to choice heavy. BAVTiUOi K?,7j" V,' 'On,?' val1, W -COTTON-
SHEEP AND LAMnS-Recelpts, S.000 :.",?' VSiiiS- c7. ,imi, lie; No-
: steadv: shorn lambs. UP to 35.20: ex- -"vi.w, iccemucr 7,02!h7.0lc
7mm ml mm mr now thofughly dmrmlmpetf, mntl iwetluelaf.
Provided wltti Lfcrnn tnilli. forrntratlnp nl&nli
toftin pump and holm, tracU, , ftuldlnKi
2o Montblr DiTlleods Nci BeiagPaM
from tlia nrodurt if jnt on of tt.fw flra old
iiiliM, and tlilt dlTldnd will poon 1 liierid
from tlieprodurt of anntlirr rninr In wUrh ns
now liar blorkrd out and rrndj to mOl
S4B0.OOO Worth of Or
with the rorrniltlon of a tannel one and voe-
Dividends Paid During
Three of t!i fit rroprtl will rontlnne to 1
operated throujU old orUuin aad at leaat
on rrrunt tolling prlue of (took will at onre Im
rarnrd ami J'1J on tlie luiwd and ontilannlnir
tort. Aa anon m Innnel run tlie nnt ledre thtte
rlltldenai wUl be lncrMwd.
One Hundred Thousand Shares will be Sold at 25 cts, Each.
&T.!, ,h"'na " ,h" pri " u - tl"p ! f t
t$Wxfff&iS&8 proBre.a,we will. If dlred. atl ,-tment
and wlU enable jt0 to bold larse bloria of tbli itofk which the dlrldende will hIp par for.
HATHAWAY & CO., Bankers and Brokers,
10-?1 PAItK ItOW, Ni:W YORK.
1 ...
eany trading was slack uusines strndiiy
Inrreaietl a prices worked their way down
ward. The south, tho west and some of
the more reliant bears sold on the reac
tlun. The near months were bid up lu the
last tuliiates oy shorts. The new crop
mouihs were neglected and sagged a .point
or two 1 he tnurkt-t closed with prkcx 7
points higher to 3 point lower. 8pot. mid
dling uplands, me; mlddllnjf milf SS,, :
Futures closed stenilv. Anrll.
yi3e. Jiin .vl!n. Jlllv VI9e!
'.TJc, September, 7.4lo: Ootobcr,
moer. 7Ac, December, 7.21c;
e l'.itiirf.n oiiennit n'.itet nnil
llrm; April SlOc: May site; Julv, S.lijiS.Hc;
August. 7.S'ic; Septtmher. 7.5iv; October,
i.SJe; Jovtmlicr, 7.34i . Ueccmbcr, 7.32c, Jan
uary, 7.32c.
1?iy1.:ii!',P.I'V A,r" 0 COTTON- Spot,
quiet, l-3id higher. American middling fair.
1. Vv.," . iiiiuiiiing i !,.ai; middling,
4-32d;low middling. 4 IJ-Bd; good ordi
nary, 1 i-o-u: onuiiuij, ,!3l 3Jd, nales. 5,(HO
I1"1. " ""ivii ,'j trf mr stiecuiniion aim
,'IHrt and Included 4.Sw American, le-
'.'" 11 Amoncnn,
closed steady;
Auiericnn Tniddiini; 1. m
April, 4 3j-ld,
1 rr April and May. 4X-(.y, sellers, May
'n"JI7,rlnp- buyers. .lime and J-.ilv.
4.36-6ld, buyers; July and August. 4.3.VW.I,
iVu'V. V i A"Rsl n'"' September. 4.2S-fiHl
Ji2iIJ,.lniycn'i StPtonitier 4.2S-Cld,liu.vcr;
October, g. o. c , 4,10-Wui 11-r.ld, buyers:
V'viuvcr ana .-sovemtier. 4 lu.r.i.i K,,, -.
W. Farnam Smith
& Co.,
In vestment Securities.
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1004.
ori'ici.tL tin. it 1: !( 1 its.
The Cnllfurniu Rtni I
pan, with enstern nlllreu nt Tn,mTM
street, lloston, Mass.. offers investors an
ouimrtunliy to obtain reliable Information
Ul-ect from the oftlclnl kIiiIm rnvnrnm.,111
reports regnrdlng the oil Industry ot Cnll
I?r!l J"ul u',tors ot Inquiry, Inclosing
,u, hmhv, uunui any 011 company
wll. bo cheerfully answered free of charge
Cc a sharo; Company controls 17 claims In
the heart of tho District; property being
operated with a steam bolst; has a record
pf production ot J150, 000.00.
at SOc a share; the company owns 45 claims
and a largo mill; Is a steady snippet and
employs 25 men; will undoubtedly pay dltl.
denda this year.
Write for (information concerning dlrl
dend paying stock showing an Investment
of better than 33'1 per cent, to Herbert 3.
Shaw, offices 14 and IS, Drown Palace Ho
tel. Denver, Colorado. Approved stock
sold on lDstalrr,cnt plan. Direct prlvatt
wlro to all Colorado ejebanges.
B, L. Baldwin & Co.
Long Distance riionc, 1700.
Teieplionc ltKID.
Boyd Commiiiiou Co.
Successors to James E. Boyd & Co.,
Hoard of Trade UuIIUIuk.
Direct wires' to Chicago and New, York.
Correspondence, John A. Wurrcn & Co.
1,12 (aAL NOTICES.
Htate of Nubraska, OMco of Auditor of
Public Accounts, Lincoln, Feb. 1, 1W1. It la
hereby cert Mod that the EMPIRE CITY
State of New York, has compiled with tho
Insurance law of this state, applicable to
such companlet) and Is therefore authorized
to continue tho buslnesn of fire nnd light
ning Insurance; in this atute for tho current
year eliding January 21st. WC.
Witness my hand und tho neal of tha
auditor of public accounts, tho duy und
yeur llrut nbovc written.
Auditor of Publlu Accounts.
ily 11. A. HABCOCK, Deputy. A21
STRUCTION. Proposals will bo recclvod until Muy 10th
for clearing and grubbing, grading, bridg
ing and masonry (all or either) for that
portion of the St. Louis, KunsaR City &
Colorado railroad extending from thn west
line of Gnsconndo county to tho east line at
Miller county, approximately fifty miles. A
deposit of 11 vo hundred dollars should ac
company each bid ns nn assurance for en
tering Into contract If awarded, tho com
pany reserving the right to reject any and
nil bids. For detailed Information address
H. L. Marvin, chief engineer. Union. Mis
souri, whero profiles of tho lino can bo ex
amined. A21dlt
i -
Umltmtl Stmtmm OovmriummmU
rouriii niitet tn Irnirtli w win bars an atxolute
Bionoiul j uf all tlirte old mine.
Tle t.'iilKd ritstri (iofrrnment Ittpart u;t one
ef tlirt nuin ulanc rarued a iit prent ul Kour
lliuuuiid liolUmixr moittli, wtilili It ruual to
sn annual dlrldrnd of li ir ivnt. un llirrt Jluu
drM llioaaand Hollars. When tunnrl It rcm
lilttcd lliU mlnr wUl rttiohlf u product, and tu
eoinlilnfd rolui't of il fit inlnra nndr ona
muiumniMit, ujirratrd Ihrondi 01 tunnrl and
th oria trralrd at nry mill, loralrii at niontli of
tunnel and oiratfd lij water imwrr, will own
dp an udj of ore and pa larst alt.
Construction of Tunnol.
Tlie prodni-tu raparltj and value of tliena
rroirtlMhao lion piojrn ci rr end crterenln.
ilijiw tliat otr f hat lti takso from1'
tin. ..1.111. anu u,f 01 iain irom lMa Jrdn
!i i1'"" rfaimuarl wltli
that UIl rwnaui n In t hem. Tr?'t,,
If so, speculate successfully. Send your
orders to a rellablo bouse, wkjj vney will
bo jilacrrt on tha open mnrkct. Wo ca
mako for you in one month more Interest
ou your moner than any bank will pay you
In a year. Send for our book on speculation
It Is free.
J. K. Comstock & Co.
Iloom 33 Trader's nitlfr, Chlcngu,