THE OMAHA DAILY lOXDAY, APRIL 15, 1901. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Grand Display of Silk Whitelaw & Gardiner BOSTON STORE Superb Styles in Silkl 25 per cent Discount CURTAIN RODS Skirts Swollen to bo seen. waisis AT THE ON AT NOVELTY CLOAK STORE WALL PAPER lc Each COUNCIL BLUFFS t'P TO DATE IN STYLE -DOWN TO DATE IN I'HICEH. SUITS 536 Broadway, council Bluffs Largest assortment and latest sylcs In NECK WEAR und BELTS. Swell Styles in JACKETS, SKIRTS Perfect Fit Correct Hang and Graceful Swing is the Characteristic of All Our Makes, ladles' Tallor-Mado Suits, serge, Oxford covert nnd Venetian cloth, Kton nnd blouso cnect, regular value, $10.00, nt $6.50. "Man Inlloreil Suits," a special assort- tnent, ninilo In tho latest styles, handsomely trimmed, tuffotn lined Jacket, llurlng or llouncti skirls, trom $7.50 to $20.00. A largo assortment of plain and tucked silk Jackets, Bwellcst over shown, at temp tingly low prices. ifox Coals are. In full hlast have a suf llcent (uantlty to supply tho demand from $4.75 to $12. Skirts you can pet lilted In our place wo carry In stock 22 to 10 waists, 37 to 14 length, In all tho latest make, from $1.3? to $ir,.oo. Our waist dopartmont Is complete In nil tho newest effects and latest shades, from DOc to $7.50. Our Wrappers arc mado from i strictly wnshahlo fnbrlcs and not skimpy; new bishop sleeves; sewed to stay sewed and will please the wraicr without a doubt 73c to $1.7.1. Our I'ettlcoat department Is filled to Us capacity, from Die cheapest labrh's to the best taffeta 0$c to $10 Our Millinery department Is Tilled to tho brim with a choice selection of tho latest in (rimmed and pat tern hats. We can pleaso you In siyio and prlrc. Hotter not trust April's smiles of today, for she may rry tomorrow. We have mackintoshes und timbrel las very low price. Our Corset department has been vigor Dlsseil's Cyco bearing Curpetsweopers K. P. Corset wo guarantee It $1.00. Laco and tapestry Curtains in all tho newest designs at moderately low prices. Rogers prices. Bros,' Silverware nt tho lowest Illssclt's Cylo bearing Carpctswecpers Jnpaned, $2.60; nickel trimmed, $3.00. 50c down, 25c week. Our Hosiery nnd Underwear has been se lected with euro and our prices aro lower than elsewhere In the city. I.ndle' tf ll"- for Bp for o- Hny only One pnlr tii envli run turner. Wo arc headquarters for Perfumery and Toilet Goods, Including all the newest odors. Our Easy Payment Plan Enables You to Go Elegantly Dressed Up, COUNCIL BLUFFS. WOMAN WITH REVOLVER Pointi It at a Boardn ad DrifM Him to Police Station. THERE THE OFFICERS DISARM HER Clilrf Ilci'llncd in Unterlnln Her Com lilHlnt, hut File One on lll Own Aecaunt AKnlnnt thr In cenncil I'euiulc. Mrs, Annlo Kaveney, who conducts a boarding houso for railroad men oti South Third street, Is under arrest at tho city Jail, charged with carrying n oonceoled weapon, The concealed weapon, a lurgo 4t-callber Colt revolver, Is locked up In Chief Albro's safo nt pollco headquarters. Mrs. Kaveney accused ono of her hoard ers, named Van Doran, last evening with speaking 111 of her behind her back, and, flourishing tho gun In his face, Hho threat ened to llll lilm full of holes If he did not retract. Van Doran stood pat and declined tho Invitation, but he reckoned without his cost. At tho pulnt of tho revolver Mrs. Kaveney mado him accompany her In a street car to thu pollen station, where bho wanted to lilu a complaint against him for disturbing the peace. Tho police declined to entertain tho com plaint and demanded that Mrs. Kaveney surrender tho revolver which she held under u big cape. This sho flatly refused to do and defied tho officers to tako It from her. Chief Albro and Detcctlvo Ed Smith ac cepted tho (led and after a sharp but short struggle, during which tho chief pinioned tho woman's arms behind her back, Olllcer Smith managed to wrench' tho gun from her grasp, Sho was locked up and booked for carrying concealed weapons. Mrs. Kavency's husband somo fow years ago was committed to thu. Insane department at St. Bernard's hospital. this city nnd to ropay tho amounts of money ho had borrowed from tho mem bers of tho local lodgo of Elks nnd others. His father sent word from St. Louis yes terday ho would bo hero Tuesday and straighten matters up for his son. Jen kins Is still nt the city Jail, but It Is not likely there will be nny prosecution. Davis sells glass. lUlKPAHHS TO I'AVK STHKHTS, to Buy your trees, shrubs and roses of Meneraj, C22 Kast Uroadwny, Council Bluffs. Telephones, ofllco, 404; resldenco, 4465. Steal Youiiir Man' Tool. Tho dwelling of Attorney A. T. Flick lncor, S14 Fourth avenue, was entered by thieves Saturday night by forcing In ono of tho collar windows. The basement Is fitted up with lathes and other mechanical apparatus for Mr. Fllcklngjr's son and tho thieves carried off $100 worth of tools. Coiitluclor limn Sinnlliioi. George B, Puttcraon, a conductor on tho Tlock Island road, yesterday was found suffering from smallpox and his resldenco was placed under quarantine. Two roomers at tho Patterson homo moved lioforo quar autlno wnB established. To .11m Check ftond. Friends of William 11. Jenkins camo to his assistance yesterday and arranged to tako up all tho chocks ho had passed In THREE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS Will buy tho best pair of shoes made, for Unit money ut our stores. Of coursn wo liavo higher priced goods, but In theso Bhoes you can dopuno. upon getting nil especial Imrealn. They aro well niiule, stylish, of good material und will wear u long time. See tho dif ferent styles In our show nlndows. SARGENT'S Look fur the near. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and lowa. jamti w. uaiaoy, jr, liH MUlll ai., v-uuntu uiuua. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (BuccMsor to W. C. Estop) la PttAJlL. kTHluET. 'Phone 07, Cnntrnittor Wlrkliam Gel Bendy Fulfil I.iixt Fall' Plan. Contractor Wlckbam Is preparing to begin work by May 1 on strcots tho paving of which was contracted for lust fall. Tho total paving contracts of last year which wero not completed and which will have to bo finished this summer amount to yj,.,.n quaic yards, as follows: E glith street, from Hroauw ny in iim m lino Mynslrr street, 1,330 siiuuru yarns. Hevontll street, irom nrnmiwuy i" Ington iiveinie, 2,350 siiuuro yards. Sixth street, from liro.iuwuy 10 hiibiiink- ton nvenue. 2,320 snuiir.i yarns. Scott streut. from uroauwuy io w.idiiuik ton iivenui!, 2,K squaro yarns, Stutsman street, irom iinmuy 'ierre street. SUO Hqtmro yards. Seventh uvetiuo. from Main street to Sixth street. 2,910 squnro yarns. Worth Hlret. irom ainin mreei io rumui street. WO square yurils. Ninth uvenue. trom .nam mreei in wrm corner Tlilnl Htreet. ii.wu squnro yiuui. Tenth avenue, from Main street to Fourth Htri'ot, V'tVl Hiiunru yurils. Harrison street, irom soiiiu uno uhkh Ingtou uvenue to south corner Denton u, ..,.( nvti.nHlnn. X.X.V1 siiuuro vnrds. Mynster stlrct, rrom ensi line acoii street to west Ino Klghtll street, o.ujj iittr,, vnrilH. Onilium uvenue. from Madison nvcnuo to Fnlrniount park, 3,:'.i7 (uiiro yards. Piirk nvenue. from Broadway to pouth lino of High School avenue, o.GOG squnro vii rtls. Illgn nenooi nvenue, irom j .iii nvcuun to GUm uvenue, C49 squnro yards. Cllen uvenue. from Uroadwny to wntcr n'mlm uriuiiiclH. X.llli Millaro vards. Plerco street, from First street to lllllff street. 4,M)0 siiiare yards. Illuft street, trom I'lereo street to norm corner Ninth nvenue. W.vli sunro ynriis. Fourth street, from Ilroudway to Worth Mtrtw.f. lil.frfHI Hdiiurtt vurtls. Story street, from Main street to Bluff mreet. 1.9UO souare yards. Fifth nvenue. from Main street to west pnmer 'I'hlrcl street. 3.377 suuaro vurds. Willow uvenue, rrom .iiuin street to wesi corner Third streut. 3,suo square yanls. Uroadwny, innn f irst strcoi io east cor ncr Friink street, 9,175 siunro yards, In addition to this work It Is proposed to pavo ft number of other streets and nvenues. Tho resolution erahraclng tho Btroels proposed to bo paved will como up for final action nnd determination nt tho meeting of the city council tonight, having been postponed from tho session of Mon day. Whlln a fow minor changes may bo made In tho rosolutlon, It Is not expected any Important stroots contained therein will bo cut out. Some opposition Is looked for from cer tain property owners In tho Fourth ward who havo expressed a prefcrenco for nspbalt, but It Is understood that the alder men will decldo in favor of brick. Theso streets aro: Sixth and Sovcnth streets irom Broadway to Fifth avenilo, Eighth Btreet from Broadway to Klghth avenue and First avenue from Pearl street to Hlghth street. Tho petitions for asphalt bo fnr filed with tho city clerk do not represent a majority of tho Interested proporty owners whoso holdings nbut on theso streets. Several of tho proporty owners who nttaehed their signatures to tho petitions expressed their prefcrenco for homemade brick. A city otllctul who has given tho raatltr consider able attention Is authority far tho state ment that tho petitions on Mo demonstrate that the property owners as a rulo aro not anxious foi asphalt, but that the real estate men nnd rental ngents are tho prtmo movers In tho agitation ngnlnst brick on the streets in tho Fourth ward. It Is understood tho council has decided to order these streets paved with either Des Moines or Oalesburg brick for top course, with the cement filler. Experience has shown that brick with tho cement filler makes tho most durable paving possible and that It practically needs no repairing, at least for a long number of years. What can be done with brick and tho cement filler has been demonstrated on North Main street, which was paved Inst year. While this was laid with homcmado brick for both courses, the addition of tho cement filler has, In the opinion of Mayor Jennings and other city ductals, made It ono of tho best paved streets In tho city, The city officials with few oxceptlons are unalterably opposed to asphalt, on the grounds of the expense, the city would bo put to In keeping It In repair. This expense cannot be taxed tn the property owners and would hnve to be borno by tho city. This, Mayor Jennings contends, tho city Is not In a financial condition to do. It has been contended by some of th? nldertnen thnt tho agitation In tho Fourth ward for asphalt Is merely a plan to pre vent any paving in that section of tho city this year. It will not succeed, they say, ns tho streets will bo ordered paved and with brick. A canvass mado by tho aldermen last fall showed that the majority of tho property owners In tho Fourth ward who will havo to pay for tho cost of tho Im provement of tho streets wnnt brick. Thoy expressed themselvc3 In favor of brick not only, they said, because of tho cheaper first cost, but becauso they believed It would last longer without need of repairing. in connection with tho proposed paving. City Engineer Entyro will tonight submit an ordlnanco making the road of Park nvo- nuo from Pomona street to tho entrance of Falrmount park twenty-four feet wide, thus materially reducing the cost of tho paving of this street, half of which will havo to bo paid by tho city out of tho gen eral improvement fund. Rubber stamps at DcLong's, 307 IJ'way. m:t,Kc.ATns TO THIS niKNMAI.. Women' Clulin of the Stute Semi l.tntn of llclcKiiti-n. .Miss Helen Baldwin, secretary of tho local entertainment committee for tho Iowa I'eiierniion or woman s clubB' 'biennial to bo held in this city tho first week In May. has received a list of the delegates and Is unxlous to hear from thosu who will bo willing to entertain them. This Is tho list of accredited delegates: Des Moines Mesdamcs A. B. Shaw, Ella H. Durley, H. B. Hawley, G. D. Ellison, Jennlo Harris, Mary D, Longwell. averley Mrs. I,ou V. Downing. Miss Jennett Tyrrell. Uoon Haplds Mrs. U. II. Asher, Mrs. E. W. Downs. Iloono Mesdnmcs Mnrla Blhbs, S, U. Dyer, Flora S. Barclay, D. W. Reynolds, U. E. Rice, J. II. Rlekonberg. Storm Lake Mcsdames Dllla L. Wnldron, Mlnnlo A. Miller. Webster City Mesdnmes W. C. Burleson. C. Wlllson, S. J. Root, J. II. Shlpp, Miss Gait. Crcstan Mesdamcs W. J. Donlln, C. V Athrnrn, Mnry A. Slaughter, Charles Slaughter, Gemi Tice, B. N. Tonay, S. W. Richardson. bhelby Mcsdames Ada Anderson. Allca Jones, Knthcrlno Pomoroy. Slgourncy Mcsdames Anna Uttcrback, Viola Johnson. Fort Dodge Mrs. Flora Preston. Brooklyn Mrs. Mclroso Carpenter. Oolwoln Mrs. R. T. Robinson. What Cheer Mrs. C. W. Yergor, Josephtno Klnsey. Toledo Miss Ada M. Humbert. Osugo Mcsdames Ella Lapuara, Hastings. Shenandoah Mesdamcs A. S. Lake, Sarah Aushulz. Special Sale Prices Furnishings Our entire line of men's $1.00 colored laun- 0A. dcred Dress Shirts on snlo at QvC Men's nnd boys' Sweaters 50c, 89c and 1.00 Men'c 23c and 50c Walking Sticks, straight f and curled handles, on sale today at WW I.lne of men's Suspenders on salo 25C Hosiery MIssps' and boys' Ribbed Hoso at, each UC Boys and girls' 23c Hnc Ribbed Hoso, cx- IE. tra heavy, all nlzes, on sale today at lUV Ladles' black cotton Hose, fast colors, on Iff. a sale at IUB 30c ladles' no lace stripe lisle Hose, nnd AP. drop stitch, on sale nt aaWW 73c ladles' fancy drop stitch lisle Hose, ,nliC stripes, plaids and figures, on salo at...."fVW Sunbonnets Children's nnd misses' plain Sunbonnets, In IEa gingham, on salo at IMW Children's nnd misses' fancy ruffled Sunbon- Oflft nets, on salo at at UV Ladles' plain gingham Sunbonnets 20C ladles' fancy ruffled chambray and gingham OCfk Suubonnets nt fcUW Brass Rods For Sash nntt Lnce Curtains Trlbo Curtain Wlro for snsh curtains ,with 1 fixtures complete, on salo at, each IV 10c Brass Extension Rods, on salo tit at UV ISc Brass Extension RodB, on salo QC 23c Brass Extension Rods, on sale 5C 39c Brass Extension Rods, with fancy ends, AB. on salo at 40C Capes and 50c 75c and $1.25 Cloth Capes, for ladles, misses, on salo. al Fancy Silk Shoulder Capes, worth $3.00 to I QQ $5.00 each, on salo, each Il Hu!f pneo Jewelry phcc . Notions Black Sowing Silk, p per spool Ill Black Wlro Hairpins, I. per package IU Hooks and Eyes, per card , III Blnck Headed Pins, i. per box IU Silk Elastic Hose Supporters, fr per pair uu 10c purses, on salo today C- nt Ul 25c ladles' pockctbooks, on snle jjQ Writing Paper Ific box Writing paper on salo 7 1 n at 'it. 25c box Writing Paper, on sain (O'n at IZ'JU 35c package Writing Paper, ono pound In If n package, on salo at 1 1 2u 3Dc pound packngo of Fancy Writing Paper Ofn on sale nt ZUu Embroidery Sc Embroideries on salo jjQ 15c Embroideries on sale Qq 19c Embroideries on sale 1 0 ' ft at ll'2t 25c Embroideries on snlo JfjQ Handkerchiefs 19c and 25c men's nnd women's Hnndkcr- C chiefs, on salo nt lull Ladles' Colored Border Handkerchiefs jjQ Sewing Machines $37.00 Cabinet Sowing Machlno, on salo 200 $27.50 Drop Head Sewing Machine, on salo JQQ $22.50 Drop Head Sewing Machlno on salo JJJS Every machlno guaranteed for C years. Skirts and Wrappers $1.39 ladles Dross Sklrtn, mad a of black QQr figured brllllanttne, on sale at SOU Ladles black and colored Underskirts, In QQn plain, ruffled und plaited, on salo nt UUU $1.00 ladles' Wrappers, on salo 59C FOR TODAY MONDAY Wash Goods 25c Ponzlnclte Batiste. In new stripes nnd IQ laco effects, mi salo ut IOC New lint of Dimities and Batistes, 32 Inches IC ulile. In all the late colors, at . lUw New line of dink nnd medium colored Lawns ami Batiste and Dimities, 32 IncheslAI wide, at I 26 Full line of Victorian Butlstu and Lawn und A. Alhambru Corded Zephyrs, at lUC 10c Corded Batiste, In colors and black and 4 1. white, on salu today at. a yard "F'-W 35e Mercerized Foulard. In nil colors, """'ORf ublo for shirt waists, at 96 Corsets 39c Indies' Drnb Jean Summer Weight Cor- A. pets, all sizes, nn sale at I VV Largo assortment of ladles' Summer Cor- AC. sets nt 50e. 39c nnd 96 Light weight Ferris Waists, alt sizes from OR a 1 to 10 years, on sale ut mrnVV Ribbons 25c colored Silk und Satin Ribbon, on sale Qq C5c Black nnd Colored Ribbon, all widths, AP on sale at fJG Domestics 10c Cheviot Shirtings. In Indigo bluo and g white checks nnd stripes, on Biilo at WW Tahlo Oilcloth, todny lfij only IUC 10c Cotton Towels, extra Inrge, CH at UU Cotton Huck Toweling on salo fcM at 96 8c Unbleached Linen Crash on salo j" ut 96 Remnants of Bleached Muslin, from 4 to 10 QIM yards, extra good quality, on salo at Q4G Umbrellas 50c Umbrcllns on salo 39C $1.00 Umbrellas on bale AAa nt .' UPC New lot of Sterling mounted UrabrellnB on QQQ snlo at fcWW Millinery Special price on Trimmed Hats today main IRQ floor each WW Wall Paper 25 per cunt discount on till Wall Paper over 5 cents per roll. Miss Edith ShlevcH, who will pass tho sum mer there. A meeting of, tho stocKlioKic rs oi 1 no Commercial Nntlonul bank will bo hntur- day afternoon In tho o lien 01 ''""K l.ougee, wneii in iiimi"""1'"" "l y: Institution Is oxpected to bo perfected. Mrs. L. Hiirdman. Miss Laura ip emnn nml Miss Frances Wright of tho Kinuer- gar'en faculty returned yrsieruay "" Chlcngn, where they attended tho Inter national meeting of tho kindergarten union. Rev. Henry DeLong, P'nns to reopen 1 in" girls' Industrial school In u fow weeks on 11 larger scule than ever. It Is Mr. De Long's Intention io erect a commodious cummer school building on tho property adjoining his home. On the return of General jinniiKcr u mock from St. Joseph this week, work will ho begun on putting In the now switches und crossings nt I'curl and Broadway und laving the ni'W heavy steel mils on Main street north of Tenth nvenue. Frank Henderson of this city nnd Mls Mnrcuret Hlnklc of Logan, la., wero mar ried yesterday afternoon by Hoy. u. u. Knox, rector of Omen Episcopal church, at tho homo of Mrs. It. N. Merrlam. Mrs X). I. Hock hns gono to Belloviow, O., on ti visit to relutlvcs. N. V. Plumbing Co., teiepnnne 250. Davis sells paint. Miss Eltn MINING IN THE BLACK HILLS (Continued from Second Page.) Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 541 Broad'y. MtXOrt. MENTION. Davis sells drugs. Stockert sells laco curtains. Gas fixtures nnd globes at Blxby's. Fine ABC beer, Noumnyer's hotel. Wollmnn, scientific optician, 409 B'wny. Pasturage. Judson, 929 Sixth nve. Tel. 318, Board and room; modern conveniences. 103 inrii uvenue. Alwnys UHk to seo union card of tho clerk uetore purchasing. New fancy frames. C. E. Alexander & Co., 333 Broadway. Store, your stoves ut J. Chcmlss & Co., oij-DiD .Mam street. Mrs. L. I. McDowell is homo from visit at Carthage, Mo. W. F. Graff, undertaker nnd dUlnfoctor, iui soutn .Mm 11 street. I'hono un. Get your work done at tho popular Eagle iiiuuury, ,;i iironuwuy. l'nono ia7. Correct and exclusive styles of elegant puotos nt scniniiirs, :3t uruuiiwuy. Tho iiionthly meeting of the Board of Education Is slated tor tomorrow evening. Morgan & Klein, upnnlstorlng. furnlturo repairing, mattress miiKing. 1:. s. .Mum si The Anrll term of thn sunerior court will be convened tomorrow morning by Judge Ayle.swortli. For sale, household furnlturo and horse nnd buggy, cheap. Inquire D. A. Hamilton, Grand hotel. Deputy Sheriff Baker, who had several rum iiruKen in n runaway uccuieni iwu weeks ago, Is able to bo out. A want ad In Tho lien will brlnir results Tho sume attention given to n want ud In -ouncll Bluffs aB at tho Omaha olllce. M. Elmore, who has n largo contrJct for me gruuiiig or tne western lowu aivision of tho lluiilngton, Is in thin city for a tew days, Mrs. F. C. Miller nnd llttln daughter re turned Saturdiiv uvenlni; trom i'aul's Cen ter, 1. T., where they havo been passing iim winior wun reinnves. The mariiage of Miss Lotta D, Baldwin, upugiiier 01 air nnu .Mrs. ti. u. iiaiawin, to It. C. Williams will tako place Wedncs- uuy evening ni 1110 noino 01 me nriue Judgo Wheeler of the district court will make the first assignment of law cuses for this term this morning. Ho will ulso mane 11 uurtiai reassignment or tho equity UOCKItU Mrs. Spencer, who has been visit lug friends here, returned to her homo in iscoiu, ax., accompanied uy ner cousin, Lead, on tho Homestnko belt. Tho com pany has acquired a lnrgo tract of ground, which Bhows unusually lino outcropplngs of freo-mlllng ore. Eastern capitalists hnvo purchased sufficient stock to buy tho necoa- sary machinery. Tho ground has a contin uation of the Homestnko oro lode. Antimony Jllnc Proven Illoh. Tho antimony mlno that Is bolng devel oped by A. D. Arundel of Minneapolis Is turning out to bo very rich. Tho main ledgii of oro has ticen traced Boveral thou sand feet by Its outcrop and a number of Pits und shafts havo been sunk, showing tho ledgo to widen out with depth. Tho oro carries lead, silver and somo gold. Experiments aro being mado nt the present tlmo on somo sort of a process that will snvo nil of tho values. It is prnoauio mat a smelter will bo erected at the mine Custer business men aro stilt working at tho May mine, which was ono of tho rich est prospect nt tho surface over found In tho Southern Black Hills. A second shaft is being sunk on the lodge ncross the gulch from the first discovery. Tho oro runs well In values. Shipment of spodumont oro will be made this week from tho Etta mine, east of Hill City, by F. P. Williams of that place. This oro Is valuable for Its llthla, which it contnlii3 to the amount of four to six per cent. It la shipped oust for fertilizing purposes also. In tho Etta mlno, which was worked a number of years ago for Its tin, thero Is a veiy strong ledgo of this spodument, somo of tho crystals being a foot or more in dlamoter and tlvo to ten feet long. .North Ktnr of Omaha, Tho North Star Mining company of Omaha has received a now Prescott pump, which will bo placed In the drift at the North Star mine, Two new ledges of ore have been encountered In this mine, which makes one of thn finest properties In the southern Black Hills, Tho company Is backed by n number of Omaha capitalists, who aro going to sink the shaft to tho 600 foot level, beforo erecting oro reduction works. Development work at tha Newark and MayUowcr mines, west of Custer, contin ues. Both properties showed quartz veins outcropping at tho stirfaco, which aro being followed down. It Is cxpectud that work will bo resumed again nt tho Lizzie mine, east of Custer, next month. This property Is owned by tho Willow Creek Mining company of LoMars, la. IMlKSIIIli.VT HUIIT IX Till FIELD, With EiiKlnrcm Io Drive Over Itnutc of I'ropoHiMl Exteiixinn. CHEYENNE, Wyo., April 14. (Special.) President Burt, Chief Engineer Berry and Engineer Ashton will leavo Salt Lako Thursday for a wagon trip over the pro posed lino of extension of tho Union Pa cific to Los Angeles, The trip will bo taken for the purposo of studying tho country so ns to run tho lino over tho shortest poa- slblo routo and avoid grades and sharp curves. Tho officials will bo In tho field a montn. Month Dakota Inroriinratlnn. PIERRE, S. D., April 14. (Special.) Theso articles of Incorporation wero lllod hero: Bear Gulch Mining and Milling company, at Deadwood, with 11 capital of $1,000,000. Incorporators, L. E. Tomblln, Charles Noxlo and John R. Wilson. Brockton-Adirondack Gold Mining com pany, at Pierre, with a capital of $500,000. Incoporators, E. S. Tracy, Albon Allen and L. L. Stephens. Congregntional church of Houghton, Brown county. Trustees, D. H. Cronyn, W. W. DeLu nnd G. S. Nutter. Phillip Cattlo company at Losltc, with n capital of $75,000. Incoporators, Junius Philip, S. Philip ond George Philip. Silver Creek Gold Mining company, nt Deadwood, with a capital of $250,000. In corporators, Joseph Nattcnbach, George Fuller and William H. Spencer. Mountain Presbyterian church of La Dcllo township, Marshall county. Trus tees, Peter Frencr, Louis Mordow and Mnthlns Domurrls, United States Army and Navy Tablot company, at Pierre, with a capital of $300, 000. Incorporators, Abrahum Meyers, Amelia A. Meyers und Harry S. Anderson. Kochcmak Coal company, at Plerro, with a capital of $1,000,000. Incorporators, J, R. Lauthlcr, J. A. Bradley and Harry S. Anderson. Xfiiiilnntluiift fnr Tymtnll Election. TVNDALL, S. D April 1 1. (Special.) At tho caucuses this week the folowlng per sons wero put In nomination for tho city election, April 16: Thomas V. Ptak, alderman, First ward; Joseph Setzer, aldor man, Second ward; William Miller, alder man, Third ward; T. J. Llbortln, John WelBser, Wllllnm McBurney, T. F. Robin son, members of cchool board; to fill va cancy, R. M. Cotton, treasurer of school dlitrlct; Anton Hnjek, city assessor; Wil liam Youngworth, city usstssor. Mr. Youngworth represents tho Independent party. His certificate of nomination Is signed by seven electors. y fs my5',iix" i uuiiinm r id l' mm MP 5c CIGAR. John G. Woodward & Co., Distributors, Council Bluffs. Moritz Meyer Cigar Co., Distributors, Omaha Mormon Bishops', Rills tn In uie oer 5a jiin Ljf the l.ur. ol itit Mofmoa biiuiv.. - .W.....V, m em aau jruunr uiintf iron tn.ctt v. .v.. . ' ' --..-.v., v. ... ........M , UUI.1 ftaUBl m I .o.t Power, Nlaht-Locscit, Sparmatprrhoai Bii ueiiros, a-minai smuiioni, mm potency, Wirt?.uAVSd,nc."ur,?.lUil evftjr fancilon. lumr cet aciun J, nt, & ci to Marry, i-oiiof il a ti ui uio :ii te wiiinetuate. ofint. Stlmulfttfi the bla ind i?rr ccntri. foe t lot. 6 rr 1 o by null of KntyrffutkieJ, -t.h 6 luxes Cir nUr t't AHHrnA. Unn nApiH Qn Lost. Manhood, lm o Insomnia, aln m 8ftm6n9 rlcocil, Jnij-iAiofn? potency A written ruirtmee. tncum roil 8ALB UY MYi:ilh-UILLO. UUUO CO 16TU AND YAUNAM PARE YOU FEELING BADLY? f RICKLY ASH BITTERN V. B. Conklin, Boworsvlllo, O., says: "I received moro benefit from Foley's Kidney nnd was caused by WILL CURE YOU. Cure than from physicians. months of treatment by getting his font be tween tho drawhead and tho car on a gravel train. llenlH I'll re nnd ('ruxlien I'oiil, KEARNEY, Neb,, April II. (Special Tel egram.) Charles G. HolfmnBler Is In tho hospital In this city, dlsubled with a crushed foot. Hoffmastcr was one of a number of men beating their way to the western part of tho stato to Join si stool In 11 M lleil. HURON. S. D, April II. (Special Tele grnm.) C. A. Fowler, nged 77 years, was found dead In bed this morning nt his homo by I1I4 son, Fred Fowler. Ho wus n native of Ohio, coming hero In 1SS3, He was Identified with live stock Inter- took nn nctlvo part In political matters, Thu Masonic fraternity, of which he was a moinbor for fifty years, will havo charj of thu funeral Tuesday nftornoon, I HIT with Tim 1 1 end. WEST i'OINT, Neb., April 14. (Special.) Julius Luedke, a tarmor twelve mile north of tho city, reports tho birth of a calf on his place, tho animal having- tw sang. The accident happened at Elm creukjesta of this state and until recent years j Untiy (lovclojied hvadi. , , .