THE OMAHA DAILY BEJZ: SIT 2s DAY, APIITL 1901. 1 lltMNKSS CIIA.VCI5S. THltKK stock of Krocerlcs for mIc. Ball A. uroadwcn, room wn Y. ici. m MOW 15 FOB 8AM:. photo finllcry nt Bennett. Only tfr). Oood business, l'reullt, 1211 O nt., ; Mncoln, Neb. V-MC3 16 VOK HAM? or "exchange. J5,0'0 "took of Ketifrnl mercliAndl!o doitiK Kood cnsli J"v Inem. What have you? Address N r. cur Bee. V-C2 II' MAIL order advrtlsors peeklns Rood re- It turns from over mall order buyers wend for particulars now 10 miinm m same through Sawyer Trio. Address H. Sawyer I'ubllshlng Co., AVntcrvllle, Maine. I GJ) 11" Kins 5) bushels; send us order: write for nooK. "Muccensrui Hpociiiniioii, J. K. Comstock & Co., Traders' on." free. rs1 bldg., YC20 11 Chicago. KIIEEI PATENT AND V II H E I MHCHA N I C A I . 1'IlUEt ENCYCLOPEDIA FItEE! I'llKKl FHEEt KEYSTONE LAW AND PATENT CO., ATLANTIC IILDO., Washington, D. C. Y-CI3 IP 8TAUT a paying business; send for our 375 page book of over I.ffl receipt anil for- aulas fo? the manufacture'' of articles ultnblo for a mall order business: price $1 lostnald. C. E. Battershall Ar Co.. 122'5 ni MudlHon st., Chicago, III, Y-CI8 II "IF YOtJ want In miikn mouev" In stocks, r-rnln or 'iilnn nn imnll Investments wrlto to us Immediately. Now Is tho tlmo to make big prollts. Flower & Co., Chi cago Stock Exchange bldg., Chicago. Y )I7 11 run HALE, book nnd news atoro nanunng lnlfmlrt ..I .... ru ,.u wtiln linos. I ItieHL I location In Omaha, nnd doing excellent business. ReeelplH for piiHt 12 month over $9,000. ExpenseH less than $l,0W. Jtlfr snap for hustler with $1,0W) cash, flood reasons for selling. AddreHH "News man," O 6, caro umana lice. Y-M707 13 DO you want a good position for Hfo7 If SO. read thin nd. Tho United Express nnd Freight Co., Incorporated for $200. (", wants to seeuro good, rcspohslhlo TWmk K!Lr??&ln.JXtiV K r A inVlnn" V. V uiMn , I , i ; . ns our general HUperlnteiulcnt of agencl"s win equip wen iiirnisned oincci and in lierson Instruct you fully In the busl ners. Wo will tinvn MliIlleteMt RlnulA nml double teams nnd warehouses to handle our business In each city. We will eon- tract, with parties arccptiiiiie. 10 iim. rrnm ono to ten veil fx. lit a sularv of Sl.fIM to $2,600 iter annum: I2.000 to $i.WJ 10- iulred. Do not answer unlcsH you can fully qualify. Reference. Write at once to w. u. Mniiride, liresldcnl, l llariroru building, Chicago, , ill. Y roil r.xciiANCE. Tn KYritAN'C.E. ciioil nnhtirhnii Chlc.nco property located on wd and i.oomis sis. i wnginwoodj, consisting oi .-siory iriirau lint, z Dfitns. Htriciiv mouern. unco -..v. ort. soo. fi ner tent, for hiock or drugs or iiniiroveii eastern .MeorasKa ninu. or rooming house In Omaha; w ill assutn a rensonaiiie ineumnrance or pay cuhii tin- inience. u, u. uassaway, .u. u.. nox .i.', i Now Hharon, In. .-Ml 18 IP - - - r- . i,mi snne siock, mostly new, to excuangt: lor- in nn land, auuicss .n i. uee. .-0.n ll 5 8-STORY brick, modern, steam heat, hotel for sale or exchange for Omaha property. i-ampiieii-riiilstiali, Yorit, Neb. 11 MEDICAL. LADIES. I positively uuuranlce Colden Soul, never falling female rcgulntor, will relievo most obstlnato caneu of delayed nerlods In llvo houra: iiorit secure from observation, $1.00. Dr. Annlo Fowler. 2741 UllVO St.. St. LOUIS, JMO. 918 AB" DO you suffer with hay fever, asthma or dyspepsla7 Do you want to bo cured? if so, address Box IA, Marquette, Neb. LADIES! Chlchester'H Enullsh Pennvr.ivrtl Plllfl 11 ro the best: safe, reliable: tnkn no oilier, send 4e stamp for partlcularH; "Re- lief for Ladles" In letter by return mall; uslc your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., ji'hiindcipiita, rn. CANCER cured nt home by Internal trent- ment: no knife, plaster or pain. Book no testimonials mniicu ire, uanror in stitute, izi w a st,, N. v. LADIES. Dr.- Strickland's ll.n-iiln tnr rn. lleves In llvo hours: box free: stamp for ?!liV,l,c.,.littrH' vr7"w" Chomlcul Co., B'.3 Mllwunkeo, Wis. 63o 11 DIGESTIVE tablet; an Importunt nnd new medical discovery; wo thus Introduce to tho piihllu for tho blood, stomach, nerves, xamiiiu cnnuxii to iiiiiko you teei well lc. nariy nieiueai uo f ilitou, in, rai 11" LADIES. J3nn REWARD! LvDIES, IM REWARD! LADIES. J500 REWARD! LADIES, H REWARD! LADIES, 5.'.(H1 REWARD! LADIES, J500 REWARD! LADIES, .V) REWARD! For a rnso of suppression old Dr. Jackson's Monthly Regulator falls to relievo In 'Jl hours- this tipplles to nil obstinate, long standing, abnormal casea from anv cause; this compound concentrated vegetable fluid oxtract Is a perfect homo treatment; nan uroiignt minpiiicss to an anxious hniin lie linnnlnsM. fli.HnnmlHtif . Mlinnrlnir u-iimmi without a single full uro In 60 years; wnsto no moro llmu and money: order today: every day counts: over 100,000 women used it; omco or mnn, ?.i; iirivntn homo ror ennllnnmen r:ii f nrnlHhnil Inilv imakl. I finf! rut this mil. '111. .Tunlrunn 'll.xi, ir. 1 107 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. 633 IP l.AnllS! nnnrillitecil Ttni-nliitnr llnnimK. I never falls, huimless; quick relief; one full box free. Wrlto to Paris Chemical co Milwaukee, wis, ,ao n ILCYCI.I9S. SECOND-HAND bicycles nt Vi price; must have tho room for new ones; good wheels for $3 and up: It will pay you to Invest now; wheels sold on payments. Louis lescuor, w.i utipnoi a v. M4S1 IF YOU want one of the hlclieat L-rmln. wen-Known, new iwi uusn joint bicycles made for only $11.75, and want It on free ten nays- trial neroro paying l cent, out this uotlro out mid mall to Sears. Ron. buc,k & Co., Chicago. 111., for free bicycle untaioguo Hiiu tun pnriicuiars. 14 SIIOItTIIA.XI) AMI TYPEWUITIMi. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. V. Life. 412 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. lieu uiu. 843 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's ineuicr. SI GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 10 & Doug PAAV.MIHOKEIIS. EAGLE Loan Olllco. rollablo. acenmmndnt. Ins; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. HI7 CAllPU.VTr.HN AM) JOIIIir.llS. ALL kinds of curnenter work nnd renalrlnir promptly ntteildod to. J. T. Ochlltreo, 2Uh and 14IK0 bis. 3,d ACCOHUIOX Pl.ia.TI.i. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best, quick est. Mrs. A. C. Markf S. E. Cor. 17th and 1'iiriuim. -sai TICKET HBOKEH. CUT rate tickets everywhere. P. H, Phil- urn, vmo i urnum. tci. in. sii 1'Otl Ill-.AT-FACTORIF.S. FACTORY laundry or grocery building, corner, David C. Patterson, 1623 Fnrnnm. : M 311 Alb PATENTS. TATENTS. no fee unless successful. Sues & Co., Beo Bid?., Omuha, Neb. Advice tree. 151 juid I.AUNURV. OMAHA Steam Lnundry; shirts. 7c; collars, :c; cutis, cl liou i.t'uvcnuriii. rei. on. HYGIENIC IIATIIS. FOR ladles only, hygienic baths, with mas sasa and clecirlo treatment. Under direc tion of Mrs. T. Schommer, graduate mas seuse formerly of "Tim Bathery." 1U23 Douglas st. Tel. 2155. open I'OH SAI.K HKAI. IIHTATIJ. "WIIISN SPniNO TIMK COMBS" think of n "HOMi: 8WEKT HOMK nnd why you should,., HAVE ONK OF YOUB OW'.S The George 1'. Bemls Real Kstnte compnny Ims just idattVso ncris of nicely lay ln ground fronting north on Miller park .be- twecn 27th and 30th streets nnd have named it BOWEIIB ADDITiur;. Is platted Into H good sUcd lots CO to M feet wide and 123. to IS! feet deep. The so lots lay nicely and a motor lino la bcliiK considered to run north on 21th or ..Otli streets, or both, to Florence, and one plan Is to parallel me muu um uj Miller park, which Is the north line of Mowers' addition. These lots are only five to eight minutes walk from present motor line terminus at either 21th or 30th St. and Ames ave. I'erinanent sidewalk ulready completed to No I tin ttrntmrt 1. The North Omaha sewer runs through the addition nnu also inrougn .Miner pnrn, although not yet ruuy completed. . 23 of the SI lots In this new addition have it oo-foot trnniage on .Miner parK. I' )u ,.' " ' ' IIOII10 in a oeiiiiiiiui locimun now ik iim: i time for you to do so BY FIRST GET TI.NO VClI'll IAJT ANU THKN Pricr. jaro ONLY $75 I'PWARD AND ONLY $:, DOWN AND $5 PER MONTH. Call at our olllco for a plat and further i H", "JO1...1.'. particular HDIIRRa ANT) LOTH. This week we find an Increase In the num- ber of cnllcrn for city and small trnct.i pi miburbnn property, and thereroro w nlnr-r trtnrt. vmt wlifit tx'n rnnHldnr Will meet with the dealrn nf a laroc nronortlon or tho Inquirers. On ono of the best streets In tho city, a nn ilnntiln ".ainrv titul hasemcnt brick, ot a rooms eacn, witn stuoio to mum nuucv. JICMIH IOC fO...UV illlll .J.W. East front, Just west of Hancom park, n lo-room house, nn mouern. niiruwouu un lull, porcelain and nlekle both room llx 181. porcelain ami niume uum ruuui u.v- tures: good cellar and barn, permanent walks, paved t. $C.M0. nJt.M m , .wl ,.,.11 ri r Vl,r, n nn trttu n II il 11 I II rejl oak stairway, mautlo and grate, closetp, pantry, enina riosets, ten nox nuui in house, burn and nice shade trees. $3,500. Here Is n good one: 6-room house, well built, on Burt St.; lots of fruit, nice home, inrgd lot nuxliw. f-Y.w. VACANT LOTH. Near 31st and California Sis, 30x110, $W0.0'). This lot can bo bought for $a.00 down; Ualanco $10.00 per month Near 32d and dimming Sts. 120x110 deep, just tho thing for :i or t houses, ji.ihjo. or win HiiDuivide on very easy terms. u.i i anu seo uh nuout tins. ... . wo nave oilier loin ranging in price rrom jii" up to i-,wi in ovcry: part oi tno city. iomn and loo it over our i st. hi'iii'iihan. W'e hnve 3'4 ncrea In tho northwest part or tho city that can bo nought at a nar- gain. 10 nereK about 14 mile west of Dundee: no improveinenis. ji.uiju. ncrcs west of Florence, $100. Here Is a line nronoslllon: 5 acres, eov- ering . DlncKs, large house tnal cost Ji.ijo to imiiii. men nam .12x32. ciiiexeu house. M fruit tree., nice park and tamo grass. uiuy ;i,.iio. invcuiigato tins. 4',j PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON (JILT EIJCIE UEAIj KSlATI'i HEi I KIT Y, Alco write FIRE INSURANCE. GEORGE P. BE.M1S. (Established In inns.) Telephone Paxton Block. RE-701 14 bVSLI'.r Ac IILADLLl . I Photic, 1172, 613 N. Y. Life. HAVE YOU FOUND A PROPERTY like what you 1 Imil In mind? We havo sold tlirrn rf tho ImmpH Inst Mini day. Vo havo FIVE MORE 1 1 AND- HOME HOMES that uro GRAND BAR GAINS. DON'T FAIL to SEE them HERE IS SOMETHING NICE-A 7-room ,oue, modern ex. heat, nlco lawn and trees, a corner, Willi permnnent side- walks on both streets, good nelghbor- iioou, near pari( car, i,'Ju. 9-room residence, 5 blocks duo north of lianscom pnrK, mouern ex. heat, Al new titumblng. nlaco tn lino renulr. lot WxllO. Tho prlco Ih only $2,500, but less money win nuy it. ON BRISTOL AND 25TH ST. wo have n o-r. cottage, city water, paving paid, lot u.ixnu, lor oniy .i,ikj, on cas' terms NEAR 2IT1I AND AMES AVE. n f.rnmn lew, lot rox cottage, city water, ulmosi new 132, reins ror u. eastern owner in structs us to accept nrst reasonable of' rcr. tico us jionuuy. i' .nnn. n. ... Ii,u u..i nt ?.i. ..n n. Marcy st.. city water only, prlco is $1,50", but look ut It nnd we will submit your offer. . I r,iTriri.- neampvep t nTo ait i a nva I OF THE (ilTY, CIIEAPER THAN ANY- ONE ELSE. I AVo havo been successful in getting VERY inw nrlnnH nn n tun.., niitnH.. nf ..nnnn, I lots. SEE US AT ONCE, while tho CHOICEST ONES uro obtainable. SWEET & HEADI.KY. 'Phono, 1472, 613 N. V. L. Hldg. RE-691 14 OUR CLEARING SALE IMPROVED. $12.000 14-R. tlnest on 20th and St. Mary's. 7,uw lu-it. anu nnc uarn; ciegaut, iim g. 3lst. $2,500 Doublo Brick, Karnnm and 29th. $1,850 6. 11. mid Barn, Dodgo nnd 29th, $2,500-9-11. Mod., West Farnam. ji,w s-jt., .mou., near ah tsaints . $0,0007-11. Cot,, Farnam and 2tfth. $2,0no-r,-R, Cot.. 28th St.. Hanscom Pic. $l,0uO 9-R. Mod., 31st, near Park. J3.830 7-R. A! od.. 2Sth and ronnleton. 15.300 9-R. Mod.. Cor. 29th and Poiinlelon S5.500 9-11. Mod.. Cor. 32d and Ponnleton. $8,0uiv-18-R. Mod.. Finest Cor. Park Ave. J2.900- 0-R. cot.. Pad no and ;ioth. 7.500-12-R. Mod. and Barn. Pac. & 30th. ji.UjO 8-h. uricic, .mou., ism ami i.e.ty. $5,50o 8-R. 2 front, 2 blks court house. 3,&oo nloii., nenr josiyirs, $1,40041-11. corner Millard and C $3,2000-11. Mod.. 28th, near Fnrnam. $1,750 0-R. Paved st.. near Long school, $900 4. n. Cottnge, 26th nnd Chicago. j5tono s-R, Mod,, Park and Pncltlc. $3,500-S-R. Mod.. 11th and Martha. $1,6005-11. Brick. 29th nnd Parker. $.1,500 Cor. 2 houses, 25th nnd Seward, J7D0 7-R. Cot., Central Park school. VACANT. $l,20O-Cor. 30th and Marcy. $1,200 Park Ave., Enst of Park. $soo Cor. 2Sth and Hickory. $2,2r-3lst near Park. $soi Marey and 31st. $l,ri0-2 lots, Reservoir Addn. J1.3503Sth nnd Dodge. Pnvod St. $.s.iifi0-3.s ft. Cor. 13th and Howard, rhenp. 1.nn ....1. 1 1 ,,in ,ini inn uhk uir ir. iiiusuii. J. W. BOBBINS ti. CO.. 1S02 Fnrnam St. RE-073 14 SACRIFICED. EX-BANK PRESIDENT'S HOME! Reasons good: located east permanently unit neeus money in Business. Hnud8omo, well built, cast front, large lot, Slum root, every cun vi'iiiuiny excein elec tric light, 14 rooms (large), Also largo modern barn. Both recently painted and In linn condition, A'lclnlty 21st nnd Leavenworth. improvements nlone cost $16.00,). Price for u short time $!.500ll J. A, Painter, Chns. E. AVilllamson, salesman. iwa f arnam. (U. S. National Bank Bldg.) TO SO. OMAHA STOCKMEN, abovo h very (convenient und will be more so soon as 24th St. lino Is running. Two of us reudy to show It nny time. AVE HAVE OTHERS. RE-710 14 CHAB. E. AVILLIAMSOK, 1203 Farnam 8t. RE 83 KOH K.Yt.K IIKAIi 11STATK. "oTrKTKns & co " KlC IWBNAM ST., bi:n BCIMJIKO. UWKtUNO HOUSES. No. 12.'C Owner listed this about one year rro for W.tW. NOJV OFKH8 IT foil J-'.OOO. House, 2721 N. lid, , rooms. No. BSS-HKntJ IS A BABflAIN for some- ono In n 6-room housp, with bath, wnsh stand, gaj, NEWLY PAI'EBKD, new nouse, f till bo-ioot lot, 4iu izarn at. l'rlce, $1,750. No. SS7-133 S. 31st St., 9 rooms, AM. MOD- i-;u;n, pavcu street, permanent smewaiK, near park. l'rlce, $MjW. 9M-KOH AN INVESTMENT, now house In llanscom Place, with D rooms, ALL MODEllN AND UP-TO-DATE; lensed for lotur term for $10 nor mo.: SPECIAL TAXES nil paid. Price, only JI.OW. 1!U3Venr 5,1th nml Ilniiernft sis., fl - v1 ii i ll rooms, ONLY $1,100. v.. Pt "ill tv. mi - rnnm. T.t. ! NCI 1 uli 1 N D MW.V'yjVoo ?-.w. UUUU 1'L'lt' No. 1551 2441 Tcmpletnn st 5 rooms, bath, closet, washstand, NEW HOUSE. Price, $1,075. VACANT PROPERTY, No. n-On ."Kill avenue, north of Dodge east front, 110x155, to alloy; a beautiful building site. Price, $5,5vo. . , . , . . .... No. 12 On Douglas st., between 10th and ntn, oo feet front, only A lino building lot on Georgia ave, near l'oppicton nve east front, .&oo. ,, . . rtrr vl, nn.i th nve 1 'ot "n iter street nnd uoth aNc., aue, oniy hm. No. U'2-On Dodno and .Villi, only $1,250. On 2Mh ave.. outh of Lake st.. 0-foot TOIlt. JIUKC OtTCr. FARM LANDS, No. MA-QUARTER SECTION of school land in cedar t"o., no to no mi il while under state contract. 130 nrres In i.iltlvntlon. Hi-storv hotife. stable, corn crib, uood well, with wind mill, rich black loam. Price only $1! per acre. irt ncrcs rich black loam land lit EAST ERN south Dakota; owner listen fltlu ltin.1 .nulni,ltt i ntt.l ti.ttflmu l,i nnll nt once; otlicr lands In thu same locality sen ror irom ?irioo to 11 sont soon PRICE ONLY $M. No. 10O5-A GREAT BARGAIN: CIO acres 111 STANTON COUNTY: all Itll.ll, lir.Anif l.n,t. ir.nutlv uiulnr cult I vii t Inn. n FINE SPRINGS, largo house worth $r,nuo, barn uOxu.', douiiio granary ;.uxiu. one scaio nouso ami scnicH, cntcKen Iiouro, woodhouse. two corn cribs, each 150 ft. long, one modern hog house, Sox 150 ft., tVS breeding pens, modern hog houso 120 ft. lone. 25 acres fenced hog tight, rattle shed 200 ft. long: n wells, 'I windmill, water 11 tied to different reed lots and tiasture. lnrgo water tank I'O bbls. capacity and garden can bo Irrl- gated If ileslred; farm fenced with cednr posts ami wire: 2 cnttie. corrals, witn good feed nnd nay racks; all buildings on gooil foundation and most of them new; all others In line repair. Buildings alone worth $12,(t0. Thin Is" a GREAT OPPORTUNITY for someone. Wo have 1110 i;..i'iit'Hi vii agency lor huh rarm nnd shall be pleased to show It to any- ono who Is Interested. Price, $20,000. SMALL ACRE TRACTS. FINE 5-ACRE TRACT, !. miles from South Omaha. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. Price, $150 per aero. n,,, irv.npr Irne.t 1U Mlt.l.'P? ROtTTIt nf thn CI1DA1IY PACKING CO. PLANT. Trice. $l,f00: 1-u cash, balance on time. SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY. A ot n Albright's Choice at your own prlco If taken soon. GOOD LOCATION FOR BOARDING HOUSE, near 6th nnd P sts. A GOOD BARGAIN. QOOD BUSINESS lot near 21th nnd N sts. Owner will sell or lease on long time lo responsible people and put up brick building if ileslred. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION call upon R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. RE-COO 11 SHIMER & CHASE. $2,C0o G-rooin modern cottage, near Hans- nntn n.arK. $1,000 10-rooni modem house, nenr Park, $2.500-7-room modem cottngo. nenr 22d and I.oeust: monthly navments. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. $3,500 7-room modern cottage and bam. 110,000 10-ronm modern house. HOUSES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS. $l.0fn Neat 5-room cottnge, full cast front lot' ,,unr 2Stl1 nl,u Corb" clt' water; J700 Ti-room cottage. 27th and Burdette; pay? in per cent not on jaw, jSD0r,.room cottage, 2Sth nve., noar Cum- lnr VACANT. M50 each, 3 lots Madison square; flno view; ""a';cn.I , . . O0.. , . $250-Sotith front lot, nenr 28th and Ames ave.; mapie irecw. Iir.n Lot nenr lith and Jackson. fr.n Vleo lot near 30th and Burt. Two lots on Fnrnam ntu 41st: want offer; $1,400-Flno lot 3 blocks north of Hanscom IllUHl BfllU nnrk. $1.700 Uot nenr 31st ave. and Dodge, facing Turner nnrk, $400-Two lots 30th nnd Ohio, $2.000 Enst front lot, 40th nnd Howard. Seo us for suburban ncrcs ana rorms. Flro Insurance, nouses ror rent. 1 SHIMER & CHASE. COI BEE BLDG. TEL. 1412. uis-tiii n Thlllp Potter, President. Aiiurev i-oiier. secreiury. PHILIP POTTEH & HON IJU.MI'A.-N. nit Knw York Ltfo Rulldlnc, We havo Just hail placed in our hnnds for salo a most desirable homo In thu West Fnrnnm district, a W-root lot. all nicely sodded, with permanent sidewalk: n house built Inst fall; strictly modern and nrst clnss In every way: hot wntcr bent, gas imil nlnetrln (lulit! hardwood floors down stairs. Prlco. $9,0u0, half cash, balance In one, two and three years at u per cent Tho neighborhood cannot be excelled. It Is just what you wnnt and saver, you mnnnv nml trnnhln nml rtnlc nf hutlillnir. If you prefer buying n lot nnd building wo nnvo enoice lots ranging in price rrom $l,ono tn $3,500 tn this district, and In nil nnrlR nr Hie cltv. Call on us and let us drive you around. PHILIP POTTttK & BON UOMPAiN V. Phone 470. RE-562 14 AV II. GATES. 61S N. A". LIFE. 8 rnnms. hardwood llnlsh. hot water heat. into ntyio piumning, inunury; corner lot; an up'to-tiato nome tor i,wu. 7 rooms, modern except furnace, large barn, enst front on Mn st.. near uecuuir. ii.ow. 7 rooms, modern except furnace, large lot, fronting Kountzo pince. .i,uuu. A'ACANT. boxui, newer, nnwii '., . . , , 40x122, rower, waier, bouiii iront on unio, near -um. v. W'xr--, sewer, wuicr, on .uniiu, iicur -im. jmo. 51x100, on Harney, near Park ave. $950. ll ta- it d St.. A NICE 7-room cottage, modern, 22i A new 8-room, 'all' modorn house, oak fin- Ish, 3 blocks trom High school, $3,500. 7-room cottnge, largo lot and barn, $2,200; north or Lake, wih. nrnr Ponuloton Ave. 6-room new south front cottage, IlCmiS Park mid.; modern. z,u"o. Vnmtii lnl frniri tllO to 11.103. close In. Bemls Park lots, wotcr and sewer in street, nice snaue trees, jiuu. OEO. E. GIBSON. Tel. 2117. 1609 Farnam. KE-&53 H NEW Snov.Chiireh Co. Is a combination of attorneys and banks tho world over for collecting debts and settlement of estates, ttn-wa n. y, wre. icm 21 AVANTED, five young men to collect sta tistics und data from business houses In city nnd state. Address, stating pre vious business und experlrnco nnd salary expected, O 6, Bee. B-720 H ONE section chnlco stock or araln land. $3,000 cash. Nelson & Hoclek, 219 Ramge. it is 11 NEW 8-room house, west Farnam district; sinewy moaern. Aaaress . di. ner. RE-628 H I'Olt 5AI.i:-ltr.AIi USTATrj. SIX UEAL'TIFUL MODERN HOMES. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PUR CHASER. Two of these houses were nold In one day, WHICH IS SUFFICIENT PROOF THESE PLACES ARE REAL 1JA It OA INS. They contain every modern con venience, PORCELAIN HATH TUHS AND ELEOANT lighting fixture!). The prices Include permanent walks and sodding of yards. They nro convenient to SI RLLT CAR, business, churches, schools, ete. Terms reasonable. Prices $3,250 to $3,5K). PURCHASERS can have Immedlnto pos session. SPECIAL BARGAIN, Wo offer for the next few days In the West Fnrnam district n well built ,-room !!eU1T.'.VVnf.,rl.Pnr fTnTwRsonnblS fCi,fnr fn'iiV'VjJ i NOW IS YOUR term. or $2,S-10 LASH. NOW IHULH ' BARGAINS! BARGAINS! is;.tOii South nth st.. near Dorcas, one i.loclt from car line, a large lot and 0- room house, city water, gnu. line cellar, house only t years old, $2.C). HERE IS YniTIl 1:1 1 A Nf 11NVnr Vlntnn and 20th SlS., 0 rooms. city water, fine cellar, sewer connection isioon So. 11th St., one block from enr line, c rooms, furnace, bath, wnshitiinds. gas and sewer connection, CORNER LOT, with sink. gas. ll.iuo. a s.i'. everything In lino condition; a very de sirable home for $2,CoO; $) cash, bnlanco 6 per cent. KOUNTZE PLACE 1 KOUNT.E PLACE! ltft, for 8uual0M. several propertic already sold. The,e lotA are now on tho market at about ONE-TIIIIIU tllCir lOlIlier VHIUC. JUST THlNIv OF IT! Fine 50 ami 74-f t. lots on iiinney nt. ior ruui i,w' 111 i,o."-, with paving taxes nil paid. Whore In Omaha can you bent this? Lots II nnd 15. block IS. with old paving nil paid and TUIIEIS llisinillllfiliis on me new jiald up to date, l'"'co 01 lot n, i,iw, anu lot 15, KM, A SNAP. On Sneneer st. flno lots running from MW to $t.2no, with paving all paid. EVEin ONE of these lots will bo sold this spring. n Lothrop, Emmet and Plnkney streets equally as flno lots and nw CHEAP. If you wish a lot In KOUNTJiE PLACE you cannot afford to longer delay your pur chase. 1 AY N' I4.K NO X COM PA N Y. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. jir; oift 1 T . -Jr JCI' '- n v snnr.FS COMPANY. U1U N. 1. I.ue. iiAnr.AINS. 60-2fil8 Grant. 5 room, lot 23x110. $1,000. 1Mr B n,in mil'V n rms fl 1Ed)",,0 iinrcaln $1 30.) ( V$WZr t 7-rm " itory n-j - m .-mor sn Wo want cash offer on tills. ino tree? ,00. slato roof. s;yi 1n,i, 20-r. r? f0, "tn 300-4030 Nlcholar, ;uxnu. u rms, noitu. Inf. r.or. lot .wxijo. u-riii. Z-storv linuso, modern out iiiriiace. onliml l.nrunlii M.snO.OO. .nt Kill Hurt. nTiViriO 7 rms.. bath, gas, etc. A choice location. $2,500.00. 3121028 Seward. 50x150 !) rms., nil modern, with bnm. ueaulirtii nome. s.mi.w. p.-sii;ii Onrliv. fi rms.. bath. ens. lino brick I barn. Al ren.ilr. Nlco home. $2,000.00. SCO 1S03 Locust. Now 6-rni. house, pore. bain, nicuei iixturcs. r.i. iigui. num Al. Easy cash payment; coi. ,10 sun. $2,700.00. 369 Near Hanscom park. E front 7 rms., pore. bath. Modern, uasy payments, lionoort. 9531 block Hanscom park, on car lino. K front n rms., lurnuec, bain, gas, etc nvi.v .ino.. 504-5316 Dodge. 8 rms., flno cemented brick Dascment: nirnace, pore, nain, ei. ngin Mnn oak llnlsh: nearlv now. Al built by owner; tine repair. Stone walk pav. nil paid. Choice location. boo it. II sno.nn. I 5(31311 So. 31st 50x110. 9 rms., pore, bath, gas; goon repair; uno location aim us going 10 DO sold. IImWU.W. VACANT. 7250x150 Burt nnd 2Sth nve. $500.00. 71 n0x!20 Cass and 32d. J."i00.00. IM-nixlOO llarney and X'nrK ave. ii.hw.w. 123-Crtxl21 Dewov nvo and 31th. $W).C0. ijuxiai uewey avo mm Jim, corner, 3i9r.lx'33 s2d' nve. No. of Dodge. $1,000,00. SI.UOO.IKI. 70x135 32d nve. So. of Dodge. 2,5t1.00. This Is with all paving paid and Is n-renlnsl hiirirnln nrfereil. TRACKAGE, 132x132 N. E. cor. Sth nnd Douglas, with B. k Ai. trnpi nn ensr. it. a . iraeiv nn west 011 Sill Ml., nnd .n-tooi alley on north. Greatest trackuge wnrehouso bnr- cain in umana. v mvo houses, lots, lnnda. trackpgo prop- erty, etc., all over the city. See us If you want to buy or navo property tn sen. urc mi ii PRICES AND TERMS THAT TALK Good C-room cottano on Infayctte ave.. vvn nut Illll trnnil wnll run Inl ntnl nn grade: south front: for $1,200. Smnll pay- ment down, balance monthly. NPat Croom cottage on North 21st st., city water, small barn; house recently patnteil and papered throughout; run cast front lots. 1'rice, iip&w, Terms can no mane easy. , Cottnge of fi rooms on South ISth nenr ieavenworin; good repair; nuui, (jus nnu sewer: half lot. $2,000 buys It. A fair cash pnymcnt goes. " New 7-room cottago nenr llnnsoom park, fully modern except furnace; full lot, high mill stirhtlv. nnil nenr mntnr line. Prlrn. i.3jU. tsnmnn orrer. owner wants tn sn i niu iiiuuri ii iiiiir.u ill 41 i,','inr. 1.1111 Uiiiti. smaller houso ror neip; lot tioxui it.: an conveniences in street, artificial wnlks; nn elegant houso within 0 blocks of city nun, original cost about jsimwu: price to dny, $10,000. Owner has left city. Great opportunity for ono who wants lino homo nt a low tlguro. UNIMPROVED BUT ATTRACTIVE. Choice building slto near Hanscom nark ah special improvements in and paid for, A'ou can buy nil or n nnrt of this with out money, on long tlmo ut n low rate of interest If you will build nt once. Cull ior particulars. . Choice south front lot 00x127 ft. nt 27th and i rnnKiin. ah special improvements in nnd will bo pnld out of price, $1,000. Sub- mlt offer. Non-resident owner anxious to sen. Good corner lot. 23d and A'nlentlne, Plain- ninu' nidi MliA -N I l.tiUftlon- . .1 Mvt. iui wv, $i-i uiiiiMiu ohm mill cheap. Seo AV. A. Spencer, 1034 N. A", wre. RE-OSS IP ' 1 . '"'al -vj-ncre lurm nenr uinuiin, au. 2,080 acres, Butler county: none hotter; to- gctner or sonnrnto: nne lmnrnvements. nr, 1-u acres, wen improved, oonom, 1U miles south Omaha, $30. acres, wen improved, near i"ort urook, im. 320 acres fine land, lmnroved. near Gretna. ,.tWi . . ... ii" ucrcs, improved, nenr i;iKimrn. uiv uuicn, men juinruvuii. iii-ui uunim, .h;. uu, line, improved, nenr uruinn, uo. COO acres. Ir wai acres, improved, near Waterloo, $iu. 200 acres, s near Elk City, improved; linest 1 land: $50. i mini ibvi'i NELSON & HOELEK, 319 RAMOE BLDG, RE-501 11 GOOD A'ork county form, heavily mort- gaged, wnor old. Box 2SS, York, Nob. RE i2o H I 41, uw ULIl'H, lunuiru. 1.111a IUIIH n.ivmr 11 . .. i . i . . i, 1 va nay: jcens i,wi eniuo private irrigation ditch of 4 miles; 2 lakes: Loup river: ecu- tral Neliraskn; will exchange for Omahn tral Nebraska; will exchange for Omahn property or eastern .onrasKii rarms, uampneii-unristlun, Aorit, eu. RE-727 It HOME8EEKEHS! Wheatland Colony. Wyoming, invites investigation; none puis ultrn: our farms, crop payments, Hooka Co., Kansas, are all selected land; excur sions 1st and 3rd Tuesdays every month; get In touch with us. Nelson '& Hoolck," mA r . 319 Ramgo bldg, RE-501 II 640 IOWA farm for sale, cheap. Campbell- Christian. York, wen. juv-m h I OFFER Mxl21. corner 23th nve. and Dodge, for $3,000 ensh. inquire 2523 Dodge. I11SHII1 11- FOR SALE or exchange, lot 12. block fi, nenr corner Sherman 11 v. and Locust st. Address Thomas Fitzgerald, Independ I'OH S.VI.B-IUJAl. 11STATI5. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE UY .1. A. I.OVOREN. 421 1'AXTON nt-OCK. A very flno two-story, seven-room lioiipe, iiiuuirn except iiirnncc; in good nemii borhood, shade trees, lot SOxltiO, close to the business part of tho city; good school nnd street ears: i"1iom 33xH4, south front, 6-room house, on Chi- caso sireei, west ot lllgn scnooi; cny water, paved street, close to street ear line. 11. sm. A very nice 5-room house, city water and sower, newiy painted and papered; jaw.w cash, balance to suit- purchaser. Price. It.0ii0.00. A good six-room house nnd hall, closet, pantry, city water and metro; good cenar, an nriCK. and gas; close to wu ami Two.atory i,ou,,, lot 61 ffct front, In good condition: closo to school and street car, right for grade, pood stable: will sell this week for Wjo.W. JaW.OO cash, balance at J10.W to $12.50 Her month. Lot CO feet front, two-story seven-room house, west uavenpori street, close to chool and street car: 1750.(0. Nice live-room cottage, full corner lot. on Hurt street, City water, nice neignuor hood will sell this week for $1,100.00. Seven-room house, city water, good ever connection, lot o0xl, in minsonni J'laec. This Is a great bargain, lor this week V""v n Troom house, good barn, on " '! Center streets, icnta for $7.00 per month; will sell for $.500.00. Hero Is a bargain! Five-room house, city oniy f i,r,iiaoo. water, south front and store; rents for $10.00 per month. House rents for $10.00. ji.soom Two - story. seven-room house, with good iw-n.u.j. r. , v. ii-1 i.uii, iiv.urv. ...... r- cellar; closo to street car and school; line location. J I An) 00 Two-story, seven-room house, with two full acres 01 ground; nam una otner out buildings: between twenty nnd thirty eherrv trees, cooseberrli.s unit currants: located in the west part of city, east front. very nest nctgiiuors: owner was onercu last year w.wu.w. but on account 01 having to leave tho city, will sell within tho next feu- ,lnvn fur l r,f,(l 00 Good six-room house, good well and cis tern, statue; tnree acres or lanu; lornicn In Benson, onlv four blocks tn street car and school, and one block to paved road; 11 'MUVdrt I will offer this week tlx benutlful. well- located acres In Burnham Pluce. Close to motor lino and school. There Is now In this addition seven very nlco residence bulldlnga; these acres will be sold this wecK ror tho low price of jiiO.oo per acre. FI f I v.fnnt Inttt .Itiian In' n rn iimu unlllni? ffir il4. III fitiln,.,,. 1 tlfl0 h.ivo forty "acres of land about two union norm or Florence, or which ten acres Is now In fruit. About thirty acres of it under cultivation, and bnlanco In timber: 11 gooil four-room house, stable, chicken houso and enoil well: S2.u00.00. very nigniy improved farm, located eight nines run ui i.iiicoin, .m'ii.; imriy uwhiiik mis nirni win unto a nico pit-cu 01 iciji- iiv ii u iiu iru, 111 Willi, 1111. Hrni ilk liiv High school, or In Ilansecm Place, as part imymcui ""Jjf-Brin'VriStoYAp" n" " J' ' ifcrtn. 1 nxton uiocit '"' bw ".. GEORGE & COMPANY-UVH Farnam St.. umana, or 417 North 2ith St., soutu Omaha. MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTIES DE SIRABLE FOR INVESTMENT OR TIUH1NESH IMMtPOSES. $18.000.00 For a brick block In business nnrt 01 aouui umana, icnscd for hwh.w per year; win consider part clear nroneriv 111 exennnce. $15,000.00 For largo corner lot near High Kcnooi, witn four uuiacneii resi dences renting for $l,70O.W per year. $ 3,500.00 For good building, well located, navlinr over 10 ner rout net. $12,500.00-For 44x132 feet at S. W. Cor. of nth ami Howard Sts. Th u lot Ih In tho conter of tho wholesale (lUtrlct. RESIDENCES. jiu.vw.uw ! or li-room modern uricic resi deuce, with 100-ft. lot In one of the nest reHIileiien lor.'illnnu In lit,, ellv anu on l'nrnam street car unc. Orlclnilt enl nver 00 J12.500.00 I'or 12-room house near 37th nnd Jackson Sts. A lino homo and on ono of tho best streeta In tho city. two largo tots, south rront; uiso irood barn. $ D.7W.0O For 9-room house, strictly modem and nearly new. In west part of too city. a. ucnutitui nomo anu recently hunt. Also largo barn. $ V500 00 For an S-room houso on 33d St, north of Dodce. strletlv mnrlern and nearlv new. $ 3,000.00-For 30JO Cass St., S-room house, modern, in cooil noifilltlnn. Kn-rt. lot, south front. liouso cost over $1,000.00. This plaro will be within three blocks of the extension ot tho Harncv street car line. 1$ 2,000.00 For 2502 St. Mary's avenue. r-room cottage, south front, on asphalt iiaveii street, wiucn is an paid for, house Is In (rood condition nml Im. mediate possession could bo given. twv.w ror i-ruuin nouse ni in J is. mm oi near i-aiu. FARM LAND 320 ncrcs near Gretna, well improved, spe- dally arranged for stock farm. Price. n.w per acre, 95 acres three miles southwest of South umana, unimproved, t'rice, $Co.fio per acre, KE 013 15 READ this list carefully, as they aro nil I good bargains: 132! S. 27tli. 7 rooms, all modem, flrst-clnss I .Plumbing and heating, nearly netv, $3,2iK). worn uvu uiui uuukc. , rooms, --storv. innn- vm, ii..u mu-ui, nnuun irees, reined, .iu a mouth. tVM 005 S. 29th st. (Georgia ave.), 10 rooms, all moocrii, naru, f.,wj. 19lh st. boulevard, nenr Luke. 7 rnnms city water anil sewer, new v nnnereil nml iniiuieu, permanent smowaiKs, rented ror 5i.i a moniii. omv ii.iuu. 2529 Dnvennort St.. C rooms, modern. S2.30O. 2717 Chicago. I large rooms, and hnil. porch in num anu aroiuui mo siue, nearly new 2211 Ohio. 7 rooms, bam, slnde, $2,000, 1W N. Lth, 7 rooms, on car line, east -111 N. 30th st., C rooms. $l,20o. iiiui. unnci naivn ,uv., inn witlllH oner, 2001 N. 2iltli st., 5 rooms, good repair, nenr two ear lines, ww. n. , corner mm ami iirowne. Houin Omahn, 3 cottages, can sell at a tlguro mui win net yoj ji ner .cent lnteresi. 29th und Uupont, 2 houso renting for $11.00, u. ... . LOTS S. . corner 30th and Dodge, paved street trees, on grade, i;zm. 32d St., 1 block south of car line, on boule vard. east fronts. $000 for vour ebnlen S. AV. corner 27th and Capitol nve., $iW). South' front lots on H.amey, between 33d nnu iiin sis,, visky cheap. THE BYRON REED CO., 212'S. 14th St. RE-713 11 INVESTMENTS. $1,300 for two houses nenr 20th nnd Pacific, lot OOxliiS: rental $180 ner year. $1,800 for two cottages near 18lh and Clark, lot kixiiu; ycnriy rental siss. $3,200 for two huuses on Cuming nnd 26th streets; yearly rental $3C0. $1,000 for doublo frame Hats within llvo diocks ot iugn scnooi grounus; loom ror two morn: vearlv rental $310. $5,200 for two brick lints nenr 20th nnd St. Mary's ave,; rentni jwkj yearly. IROnO iwn.stnrv brick storo bulldlmr. irrouml 28x132 feet; rental $720 yearly, $11,000 for n row or nricK buildings, ground 100x114: rentni $1,332 per year. U.MMPROA'ED AND IMPROA'ED. i to 15 acres of bottom land 414 miles north nf nmnhn V. O.. SC',.00 tier acre. 5 acres north 24th street, this side of Miller I . l ..a r o-A IIUrKi U'lH'Ul H MV 200 ncres 9 miles north of Omaha P. O.: price per acre. $25.00. I llnnvnftni tUnnn. rhnlert nfiat frnnf tnl 00x150 leet, H.AP Jl.uou, On 21th street, north of Cuming, 44x132 feet, ,in.,i,in fmni av.ui tt too Leavenworth street, near 28th. 22 or 4t feet front for $750 or $1,400. s. W. corner 23th nnd Chlcngo, 132x60 toot, i ,,i,..,, ni ti ri w.i i.'nr'nnm street, bousn nnd lnt n rooms, iinm. comer ioi. JOHN N. FBENZEn, Opp. old P. O. i Jtc., TO SALE, 1611 A'nn Camp nve., beautiful 4-roomed cottnge, hurdwood llnlsh throughout, full lot, barn, lawn, trees. shrubbery, built new two years ago; cost j3,iuo; must sou immediately; i.wu; in vestigate. H. L. Standeven, 3.2 Beo bldg, RE-0S6 14' SEE US! Finest resident ground, S. 10th; I ' , ITU teei anu vu icot on sin; views uusur- .l'.u.",xV. , .,, NELSON & HOELEK, 319 RAMOE BLDG, I RL MS 14 FOR SALE. 2501 Spaulillng street, fl rooms on ground uoor, room tor a or 4 upstairs not tlnluhed: water, newer, gas. barn. paved street, c!o3o to car; cost owner $3,250. Will take $1.2'). Can borrow $800 on this. Stringer, i pnxton block. RH-3tK 11 NICE homes for sale; small paymont down, I hii In HfiA 111 nlnltf Illll A ' 1 ' Y A ri 1 1 i 1 1 (i II A balanco In monthly pavmentw. Ball & Broadwell, room 501 N. . Ltf. Tel. ri, RE-MC9S 15 HAA'E you tho cash for quick snnp? 320 acres, no emp., rhoico land, 9 miles from Central City, $15.00 nn acre. Nelson Hoalek, 319 Ramgo .bldg. RE-Mi 11 FOR SALE, corner lot 33d n.nd Cuming sts., 63 feel front, double house, fi rooms each bMhi chenn at IJ.W0. Bennwn & Co. roit nam: REAL EST A l E. TUKEY'S CORNER, lero you have some good vacant lCth street business tironertv at the right price. Cheaper than anything vacant north of tho viaduct and south of Howard st. 132 feet west frontage, running from Leaven- worth street t.prth to the alley; si - rounded by substantial brick blocks a the most public corner on tho street; nt the Junction of the South Omaha un l cross-town enr lines. We oiTer this entire trnct to one purchaser for an Investment or for Improvement, t,r we will subdivide to sun tniri uasers. A. P, Tl.'KEY, BOARD OF TRADE. RE-0.W 13 FOR SALE on monthly payments, S-room modern nouso on s. situ nt. car line: also vacant lots, which will bo Improved for purchaser on moderate payment down. Mutual iAiuit and llulldlug Association. U. M. Nattlnger, secretary, Bee llldg. ri:-m:u RANCH AND FARM lands for sale by tho union I'aciuc mi compnny. n. .v. McAllnster, land commissioner, Union l'aclllo Headquarters, omahn, Neb. RU-SJ3 M ACRE Belvldere mid.. Just oft 30th st.. near tno Old on, ujioti il. iiastmRs, 212 So. 14th st. KK-M420 E-ROOM cottnge and lot, 2 blocks from .mi si. line and 1 UlocK rrom uouge st. line; owner must leave city; $6i0.w cash. Tho Byron Reed Co., 212 So. llth st. BE-M421 Tlinm-r tinitni.? Fnii i!i.Vi. With a few repairs will rent for $C0 a niuiim; i rooms eacn; mint a years ns,i, this Is a snap for some one. The Hymn Riedj.'o., :ii So. lith st. RE-MI 13 VERY good lot, Wxl25, not far out; north; ciose to nun st. car; win taKo uv casn and $loo 1 ear. Stringer, C3I Paxton blk. RE-M4S3 II FOn SALE, bargains In South Omnha; n icw cnoicu lots at u and st li sis, win bo sold eheup. Call and see Georgo W. Mas (.on, 712 N. 21th St., Soth Omaha. RE-M469 21 WANT offer on lino lot nnd seven-room house, close to good enr line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kcnnard & Son, 309-10 Brown Block. RE-fc3C SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, COI N. Y. LIFE. 1UJ FOR SALE Houses and lots In nil parts oi city; niso acre property and larm lauds. The O. F. Davis Company, Room Ci32 Beo Building. RE-137- IIOUSES, lots, farms, lands, loans; nlso Uro insurance, licmis, i-axion in... FOR SALE A big bargain for cash. A benutlful home; n 7-room cottage; lot 53k 100; tine location; call or address J. A. H 2322 No. 21st. RE-4SS-17 FOR SALE, 5-room cottuge, $1,250: easy terms, -ioj n. lain, itr; tcr ii- STA.n.Mi:itl.41 AMI) MTUTTEHINd. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramgo Bldg. tilV OSTKOl'ATIIY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel, iimh; Alien .louiihoiv u. o., luuics' dept.; Old E. ilohusuil, Osteopathlst, Mgr. S10 M. E. DONOHUE, I). O., of Still school, Kiritsviuo, .mo., uui l'uxtun uik. Tel. -Sll I4.Y Pi: UT A CCO P.N 'i'A A T. LESSONS In bookkeeping, ctC;, dny or even ing, R. 15, Com. Nut. Bank. G. R. Ruthbun. S5i III'IIOI.HTEItl.VG. GLOBE COUCH CO., 1519 Lcav'th. Tel. 2529. M710 iiui.iis run ham:. CALODIUM and tube bulbs, -10o and 0c per doz. 1213 Howurd st. M-155 M9 1IOII.ER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler AVorkH, steam bollcrs.taiiks, stacks, etc. Tel. 13.Vj i:th & Izard sts. 19. fuhmti it:; uepaihim;. TEL. 133L. M. b. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. WALK I'A PER. 3o n roll und up; painting, paper hanging, decorating. Kelsey, 117 S. 17th. Tel. 1C0S. COI IN FAMILIES, Miss Sturdy, 318 S. 26th St. 70C-A26 BELGIAN HARES. THE light place to buy Belgian hares; $1 and up; nil pedigreed. .:un or wrno lowa Stato Belgian Uaro Co., 1015 7th nvo., Council Bluffs, la. -710 11 LOST. LOST, pink and white enmeo pin near 2315 Douglas st. Return to this number for re ward or telephone 20IS. Lost 712 1 1 i WANTED-TO BORROW. AVANTED, $1,230 for ninety days. Must havo Al reference and will have, to dope It valuable diamonds with lender, Won't pay' over $150 Interest for uso of Mini?. Address N 1, Beo oillce. G38 14 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS. OFFICE OF HARRIS AND COMPANY, South Omaha, Neb,, March fi, 1901. In com- piiauca Willi me compiled statutes or tno statu of Nebraska for 1S93. and esneclally in cnmpiiauco witn section im or cnapter iu, entitled "i.orporAtions, we, tno pres Ident und n majority nf tho board of ill rectors, hereby glvo public notice that all tho existing debts of Harris & Company amount to tho sum of llvo hundred and soventy-ono thousund nine hundred und twenty-two dollars. K. I HARRIS, president. E. L. HARRIS, E. K. HARRIS. Directors. FOR RENT Now, up to duto cottatrci Htrlctly modorn, Dodgo mid 29th nvo. Soo Morund, Crelghton Hall or cull at 2900 Dodpo strcot. Record Voiage 6 Dm, 7 Hours, 22 Mlnutei, BOSTON to LIVERPOOL via QUEENST0WN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12.000 Tom, May B New EnqlanU. " " 11.600 " Apr 24 PORTLAND to LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN Vancouver . ..Apr 13 I Dominion Apr 27 Cambroman, . May 4 Vancouver .. . May 10 For farther falormitloi. tiitti Coaipany'i Olflcei. ti Utsrbsrs SI.. Chlcaio, till. J 55 m-ri 11 to tci T1IK HICK WANT A 1)9 lKODUCE RESULTS. Do You Want to Breed Exhibition Stock ? I lmve two peiiH of C. II. LATHAM'S BATtHKD BI.YMOl'TIt BOCKS from IAN('A8Ti:B, MASS. DIBI:cT from Ills lireedliiK pen, the lient tlint money could liny. Kub'B, fop 15, nlHo linvo. two iienn of H. C. Brown'lioniH, 0110 pen from V.r BBACIC, VICTOB, N. Y.; ono pen from JU1JD JOHNSON. IIMUBA. N. Y. Mfe'lju. II, W per U. I nlHo liuvo ono pen of nolde;i Hebrlsllt BantumH nnd Bckln Due1'8 Hkbh, per IS. All ntock nnd oksh tiiiurnnteed. When mock Ih mntl'ea' nnd reMilts are not wntlsfnetory 1 will refund money paid for all cpn, except lncu l).itor BK. Incubator Khkh, I'i.OO per hundred from nood Htoclc. Send cuhIi with order. J. S. IMAN, 1901 So. 29th Ave, Omahn, Neb. Ti:i,i:i'IIOMl 11744. 1 CONSULTING THE SENATORS I tfcnUry Hay Asccrtalnine Their Viewi 1 u i- r, m Jstgaruiug rtnattfi Canal Treatji ,. ........ nr ct.,,.. .,. ,,. ,.,., 1 AIllTUDE OF SENATE MUST BE KNOWN - euotln tlonn for Seu Kt uemeiit ultli i:iiKlnml Will Ant lie tlin-ned I lllll Until) ItIK l'lnii'M Are Suiiiiiled ns to Their Will, WASHINGTON, April 13.-Thcrc Is au thority for tho following Blntctuet.t of Hie status of tho Panama negotiations; After tho adjournment of the senate and the lapse of tho pending Ilny-l'auucctolo treaty Secretary Hay decided to pursue the subject further. But to avoid the possi bility of another failure for tho Dame reasons ns brought about the loss ot the Hny-Pnuncofoto treaty, tho secretary de termined to reverse the usual method of procedure in framing the treaties. Ho therefore concluded to first consult tho ratifying power, tho United States senate, to uncertain If It wcro possible for tho senators to agree upon tho basis ot a treaty, which should be nt tho same tlmo acceptable to tho exccutlvo branch of the government nnd to Great Britain. It w.n realized that unless two-thirds nt ot the senato could bo brought into an agreement In ndvnnco upon the basis of tho treaty It would bo perfectly useless for tho exccutlvo to embark In negotiations with Great Britain for tho formation of nnother convention, SiniinilliiK t'nlted Stales Senators. Secretary Hay is devoting himself now to the ascertainment of tho fooling and desires of the senators, and, runseiiuently, not hav ing completed this work, ho lias not begun negotiations with Ureal Brltnlu for a new treaty. It is not nn easy undertaking to test tho senate In this fashion, not only be cause of tho number of senators who must bo sounded, hut nlbo becnuso ot the Inde cision of soma of tho men who rank as lenders. It is not oven possible to predict now, becnuso tho results obtained nio so inconclusive, that thn Slnlo department will not bo able to acquaint Lord l'auncc foto with tho basis upon which It Is willing to negotiate for a treaty before tho uui bnssador sails for London next June. It Is even poiiilblo that Lord Pnunccfotc may feel it incumbent upon til m to delny his departure for a time, or even to omit his leave altogether, If by ko doing ho cnu better ascertain tho senatorial cimdltlous, for tho ambassador Is naturally anxious to assure himself ot success beforo ho again undertakes to frame a treaty which shall hour his nnme. Negollnttons not having been nturted, It follows that uothltiR has pnssed between tho governments of the United States nnd Great Brltian respecting a quid pro quo to bo demanded by Great Brltian In consideration of tho release of tho United States from tho restrictions Im posed by tho Clayton-Uulwcr treaty. CLAIMS ARE EXAGGERATED I lleMirl of liiileiimlly In lie Demanded of ( III nit Hnve Been llu'i' ilriMrn. WASHINGTON, April 13. Tho latest ad vices to thu Stato department from Mr. Rockhlll contain further details respecting thn amount ot tho Indemnities claimed from ChlifH by tho powers. It appears that theso clultus havo been much exaggerated In some statements, though tho aum total Is still fur in excess of tho amount cf mcr.ey It is helloved hero that China can liilse. It is tho belief of the Slato depiirtmciit that tho total clnlmv thot:lil not be allowed to exceed $150,000,000 or $200,('i00.009. According to the Information received here, the British claim, so far as torniulat.'d. is reasonable In amount us compared with olhcr claims. In fact, the United Sttitcs. Great Britain and Japan represent In these negotiations the moderate element whoso deslro Is to prevent the Imposition of charges thnt shall destroy tho Chlneso gov ernment nnd result in the division of tho empire. None of tho cw.-ms exceed $100, 000,009, nnd even tho largest Is something less than this amount. It is believed to bo tho Russian claim, which Is fixed nt ?D0, 000,000. The German claim 1b flexible, rang ing between $00,000,000 nnd $80,000,000. but is nearer the former marl; nt resent, though It doubtless will grow. As ulready stated, tho claim cf thu United Stntcs is $25,000,000, und if the remaining powers nro to bo allowed n proportionate nharo tho nggrcgato will ho beyond China's ability to puy, which has been tentatively estimated at $300,000,000, Nothing has yet been determined rtepect iug tho method of raising tho ludcmulty fund, even after an agreement is reached. PHAETONS and all other styles of vehicles. 75 OF THEM Cost and Below Choice Now t Drummond Carriage Co., IBth and Harney Sti. HARNESS ALSO CUgDCVUlCllL JU9V1 .Ull ence, mo. RE-505 14