THE OMAIIA DAILY JJEE: SUNDAY, M, 1001. 21 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE But Few finjeri Arrirad On the Mirket Lut Weik and Trade Wtvi Quiet. TENDENCY OF PRICES CONTINUED UPWARD 'I'rmli- In tli Country Ii II ri- I nun 1 1 Mltlit Oiilni; In llio l.ui'U of Wiirin Wriitlifr i.nil Iti-tn lli-r t'i DoliiK " CoiniluliiliiK Trado 'vltli local Jobbers has not boon particularly heavy tho lust week. Compara tively fow buycrH huvc been In tho city ami not mun ot those thut tilt nrrlve were what mliht bu culled heavy purchaser. It begins to look as though merchants hud about all thu stock they need for the pres ent. The lack of wurm and settled weather Is mnklnj; trado in tho country very slow and It Is feared that when ood weather does come farmers will bo o busy with their sprint? work that trade will not show much Improvement. That, of course, means that merchants will tiot fell their goods as early na usual and will delay trade all around, Thero Is no uneasiness noticeable, however, ns everyono seems to be confi dent that the business will rome sooner or later. Jobbers urn now golm; through a between nenson period and so for that rea son their sales do not show up very favor able. Wlth previous weeks. They arc Kct tlnit their fall lines Into rltapo nt a rapid rate, however, and In a short tlmu their salesmen will be out on the road looklnK for advance orders for full delivery. Ilettor weather will also brltiB In duplicate and slzliiK-up orders In summer lines, which will kIvo to tho market Its usual activity. There Imvn not been many startling changes this week Iti the market quota tions. thoiiKh theru have been a few Hun tuntlnns worthy of mention. The toim of the market as a wholo Is Rood and firm and by far the (-renter proportion of changes aro In the direction of high prices, SiiKnr .Nt ron t fuiTcc Weill., V00'.'1 .Jool'Ts wero by no means sur prised this week when an advance In re lined Minor was announced. The rlfo amounts to 15 cents per 100 pounds Haws urn also higher than they were a week ago and those who aro In n. position to know freely predict still higher prices In the near future. Package coffee hns taken n drop amount ing to V cent per pound. Iloth Arbuekles nnd Lyons brands nro ulTected. The ijreen market Is about the same as It was a week ago, but th) market Is rlither (inlet. 1'urlnuceous goods are quoted the samo as they were a week ugo nnd so also aro canned goods. The situation In California dried fruits Is attracting considerable attention. Prunes nro lower than they wero a Week ago, tho decline being brought nbout by the light consumption which has been experienced up to this time. The actual amount that haB gone Into the hands of consumers Is much smaller than estimated earlier In thn season. Tho market on apricots and peaches Is In a good, strong position and particularly Is this true of tho former. It is claimed that soverc frosts In the fruit producing sections of California have serl ously damaged tho crop and It Is thought that the damago Is so great that the crop of nprlcots will not bo moru than one-half as largo as It was a year ago. Wirt mill .iiI1m .tl viinct-. TllA itnln'inil ft I ... ...I ......1 , ' " .... in uiirinK iar week was only fair. Tho backward season Is being felt by Jobbers In the demand for HIIPllI- II.. .... inirn, v. i in i him mm noi very inueu has been done with that class ot goods, but It Is undoubtedly truo thut when warm i. Up to this tltno not very much ..j.. .... . m i ,u i, if tieuiiinii nui come w'l' a rush which will bo tlllllcult for wholesalers to hnndle. Thero Is still quite a shortago In a number of lines and as inunufacturcrs aro still far behind with their orders a still greater shortago Is feared later on In tho season. Tho market Is In a good, strong position and wlro nnd mill have advanced ,r, per cent since last report. That Is about the only change of Importance thut has taken place, but still all lines aro being held very firmly and tho tendency of nrlces Ih un doubtedly upward. To those who aro posted .......... ... I,, unKiu wiiu urn posicu on the general situation hardware at prcs- .. , inunn utit kix'ii properly. Dry (.noils it Little lul-l. Tho tlry goods trado has not boon very actlvo tills week. Them have been a few buyers In tho city, but most of the orders placed wero small. Traveling men huo also had rather a hard time, as roads aro In bad condition and trade In tho country quiet. Hetallcrs In most sections have not sold any great amount of spring gooda as yet und for that reason they aro not buying juoro goods, nor will thoy talk ubout buy ing for fall. What they want Is settled weather and until that arrlveu they will not tlo much buying, .lubbers, however, aro not doing any complaining, us they havn no fear hut what spring business with retullerM will como out all right In tho end. rho present lull Is looked upon us only temporary ami In a short time no ono wlil bo the worsn off for It. Thero Is nothing new to be said of tho eoudlllon or thn market, oh practically all lines uro In tho samo position they wero a week ago. Trado In eastern markets Is only of fair proportions, but manufacturers nnd Jobbers urn In tho best of splrlta and a very successful year la anticipated, (noil lie in n ml for It nniiein, About the only Jobbers who uro entirely satlslled with tho weather aro those en- gaged In tho rubber business Trade with LAViW.r " i i.i 1 ." ;xe,!lu""uillv good this spring, both In footwear and In rubber clothing. .Mom mackintoshes havo l.e.m I...V .1 1, 1 . . . '"' fcllliu liuni, but tho biggest trado has been In ruWr boots. Local houses havo donu an enor mous business In boots und huvu brokon nil previous records. Tho low prices now pre vailing doubtless havo something to tlo with tho suIch, but tho rains und mud hnvo been moro importunt factors. The situation In fall goods Is practically unchanged. Uetullers aro evidently satls W with tlvn contracts thoy have mado on fa nnd winter goods, ns thoy uro not can think SneyVlU wl,oleslll,;rs lo not Athletic goods und particularly tennis shoes aro moving out In- goo.l shape, but on thut cIush of goods. Lenther goods jobbers are not very busy at tho present time. Thoy, have sold about ail tho goods retailers w 111 want for tho Immediate future nnd they hnvo not sturted out many of thoir niun wit i S'f" . trado ultl, them is qi et. Hoforo long, however, traveling men will bo out after fall oulers nn I tliiy wl also bo after sortlng-up onlers n summer Ines. who lesa ers uro counllng on doing ii nice re-onler business this siuntn.'rand us h .'i Wr.H "r" "ot Particularly heavy It will not take mnny weeks of good trado good'shupe.1' ,h m"""y 11,0 uri- "u rriiltM mid 1'ioiluff. lnit'Ju V"'01,' ft. n-r.y.Kaoil tlemau.l tho itixi khi,LI, r frulU ,uml vegetables, but still Jobbers havo not been exactly rushed Moro fresh vegetables uro arriving cite week and prices are gradually gol g "down column'wui 'stAv10 rt'"""!" "n-hir i of'ursrulcea'se's00 UecHnM in the trutt lino there Is nothing new on tho samo as thov wero u week uro 1 NKW YHI (llJXUltAI, MAHKI1T. dnotntioiis ot tin liny Vnrli.ii. ('uiuinailUlFK. NEW YOHIC. April 13.-Fr,OUn-llo-celpts. Jl.SJt hbls.j exports, 29.90S bills. Market very quiet und about Bteadv nt unchunged prices. Winter patents, $3.0Cvl() m?i:,.,Vj'1l7n,5M'a.,-5ht'l. W.W3.1W .Minnesota patents, J3.kWt.:'j; winter extrus, IS.tOHL'.W; l' Pfi 1 " o'ij.'l,'1-. ; winter low jtriiilerf, J.2(Mi2.:i5. Hyo flour, steady; fair to good,; cholco to fancy, $3.i? Tilt). niV'iPU.'M1'lA,'-,DH"1 yllow western. Mc; Ij'MIJ.J'.J.-lJUll: feeding, 1iCSi,c, c. I. f. Ui !'.'?, ?,tAIiT- western. tiiT2c. n1, Spot. "'",.): No- 2 red. 79c f. ii. b , ?.ii..Nor,s.r".d' T7c . olevator; No. i ?,l,!MIiu,l,ll,l,'.!i5!e' r- alloat; noilnni1 'i i". t. o. b.. uiloat f'-Ji1'1! n.w'1 "Peiilng under fr.o l IV5. f ri iboth '.ocounts. In..uenctd by 1.,ubUH. 'l,lu weather conditions Un,i,'.t..1.rMP,,SU for,u K""1' lncreao ui r ti, J n aml Wt'llU outside mar- ntjiii im.M Nririiiir riifiti run .. ,.in.; i' ! ,.'' "'oeti a nine ai ini -J t VVf-M clos,l-'t1, nt H net decline; May. iSi .1W(b"lc' l'lo,i".If Tiviic; July, e1o,:l0aS,lnMl I'"mber. TijiTo. CgUN-HecelptB. Jl.Ofw i,,,.s exports, wo w uu. niun, urn, .mi, j, wysn, elevutor nnd tSltc t n. b.. alloat. uptlou market utnuili' mill ui. l.u. . i .. ,. ..r... .. t , ... M.roi-,iiriiiiy 'lllllUUVt'U on steudy oublcH. continued rain west, light .. ,w iniiij hmii I'tsteru support. Closed llrm at u partial Se net ndvaneo, May, 49t(t94e, closed ut i'ic; July, W.'il WiC closed ut -tSHc. v . OATH Hecelpts, HI.OH) tin.; exports, 40,523 oil. pot. steady; No. 2. SOHc. No. 3, lHcj - niiac, nu. j wuue, i.c, irat'j; mlxcC western, SOtiflSlVjc: track, white, !3 3d'. Options, quiet but steady. HAV-Slendy; shipping, MfH'i good to i noire, Oofotu'jc. HOI'S-Qiilet; Into, rommou to. choice, 1VO crop, lilpjc; 1K0, ll16e; old olds. JQW; Pacific const, 10-)0 crop, lOflSc; 1S9U, ll15c; old olds. Sflflc HlUr.S-Slendy; Galveston. i0 to 25 lbs., ISHc; CallfomlH. 21 to 23 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, U to So lbs., nifU'tc. MwVTJIHI.-l'Irm; hemlock sole, Hue nos Avres light to heavyweights, 2iy2Sc; ucld, 23VWf2tHc. rilOVISIONH-Iseef. firm; family, JtO.uO fMl.GO; mess, J'J.OWlOM); beef hnms,, JI1.501J U.r; piteket,; elty, extra India mess, U.itjwM rut meats, steady; pickled bellies, J1.TSS10.50. pickled shoulders, JMSff 7.Co, pickled nams, :.Titilu.25. l.nrd, steady; western steametl. IS.Su; rellncd, firm; con tinent, S; Houth America, 19.0'; com pound, JC.C-J'4. Pork, steady; family, JN1.50 I'.id; short clear, jieS.uHiS.W; mess, i6.wir 16.50. HUTTIJH-I-Jasy; fresh creamery, lftTfi.'e: factory. 114Wl.'iHc; Imitation creamery, ll'f isic; state dairy. 1517210. ('linii.Si: Hteady; foncy, large colored, lPiJjllHe; fancy, largo white, lUTll-ii:. fancy, small colon!, '.iUli'ic; fancy, small white. 125l2Ue. KGOH Stronp. Mtato and Pennsylvania, at mark, HfH'.ic: western storage. UH ll'ic; western fresh, 13Vfe?iHc; southern, nt mark, nfrltc. POCIrJtY Allvo, steady; fowls. ViMid chickens, lie; turkeys, !cj dressed, llrm; tut keys, loyiOVic; chickens, luc. TAI,UOV-Hteady; city (42 ppr iikg,), Vti 5Hl';,.F-ounlry 'l'kB. true), fiWSkc. IllCl-. tjulot; domestic, fair to extra, V.l 0',ic; Japan, 494il?tc. MKTALS Tho week winds up the mar kel for metals with a dull and llstles market In vogue. Prices wore without cnungo and In the nbsencti of advices from London they wero more or less nominal Foundry Iron ruled slow, while other crudes were In better demand und firm. Pig Iron warrants closed at tJ.MlM-b; northern foundry, li.2i'ttlfi.u'J: southern foundry, JU.OOftlJ-M; soft southern, ?13.CV gfM.bO. Tin was nominally unchanged nt an. lead unchanged at 5l.;i7!$, while spel ter ruled quiet at $1 'JOiixWi. Copper con tinued featureless and nominal at JIT for Lake Huperlor and JHi.5S for casting and electrolytic. OMAHA WII(K,i-At.i: MAUKLITS. Coiiilltloti of Triule mid ttiiolntlons on NIiiiiIi und l'linej' I'mitiiei-. nCQH Ilcccluts liberal; good stock, llrm at Il4ril2c. , I.lVi: POULTHY-Ilens, 8c; young and old roosters, liQTc: turkeys, C'tJsc; ducks and geese, lU7VitC. GA.Mh-Mnllard ducks, per rtoz., J2.T54f'3.lO; teal, tl.26Ul.5U, mixed, $1.2ottl.u0. liLTrEll-Comtnim to fair, 12Q13o: choice. It'll 15c; separator, 22c. KltlJsil U YHTKHS I'lra gra-Jc. solid packed, New York counts, jwr can, oSc; ex tru nclccts, 32c, Ktaudards, 2oc; medium, Joo. Bccona grade, slack tilled, Nlw York counts, per can, 30c; extra selects, 2Uc; slunUurds, 20c; bulk standards, per gat., $1.25. t'HKSlI KISII-IJIuck liass. "ice; whlto bass, 10c; bluelluh. lie; bullhcnds, be; blue tills. To: bul'f.ilos. Cc: cutllsh. 12e: cod. Set crojiple, he; clscoss, Tc; halibut, 11c; herring, e; nuuuucK, ye, muei'src;. ise: perch, 3c; pickerel, Cc; pllcc, Sc, red unnpper, luc; minion, lie: suiillsli. 5c: smelts, ic: trout. c; whltellsh, Sc. i'iui.u.s-i.i vc, per uoz., 51. VUALS-Cholcc, DillOc. 1IAY Prices uuuted by Omnh.i Wholesalo Hay Dealers' association: (Jliolce unlund. tlo; No. 1 upland, IU.50; tneillum, W, coarse, $3.50. Hyo straw, $5.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Hecelpts, 7 cars. OATS No. 2 White, 2Sc. CO UN No. 3, 42c. liltAN ?15. VKOHTAHLKS. SPINACII-Per bu. box. 75c. A.HPAHAOUS-Cnllfornhu nor lb.. 15c. HIIUHAHH-Callfornlu, per lb., Sc. NKW HHBTS-Per iloz.. 50c. NKW t'AHHOTS Per doz.. COc. NKW TUHNll'H Per doz., 60c. CUCUMUKHS-Hothouse. per doz.. tl.25fi 1.7D, us to size. PAUHNIPh Per t)U.. 40c. TUHNIPS-Per bu. busket, COc. HKKTS-Per bu., 40c. CAHHOTH Per till., 40c. I.KTTUCK-Per bu., SJIflOc. HAIJISIli:-Pcr doz.. 20iM0c. PAltai.KY Per doz., D5c. POTATOKS Per bu 45Q55c: Colorado. 75c. BEKD POTATOES Karly Oil OS. 55aC0c: Hed ltlver Valley. UOc: Triumph, J1.10. BWHisT 1'uta luia i-er 110:., CALlllAGK Holland seed, ncr lb.. 2c: new California, SVjc. TOM ATOKS Florida, per C-busket crate. $3.50; Mexicans, per 4-baskot crate, 2. u:iUiNO uniu per uu., i.iuai-.w. CKI.1:HY California, us to size. C0375ci Kalamazoo, 25&3UC. CAUI.iklowkii California, per crato. t2.50ft3.00. iikains wax, per uu., o; string, per uu.. $4.50. " ' " " - j-.uu riiAft i-rcr 011. oox, t-i. PKPPUPiS-Per bu. box, $2.25. FHU1TS. KTIlAWllI'MllllKS Florida, ner nt.. 40e! Texas. 2ofa30c; Louisiana, 2l-qt. cases, $3.23. UHAP12S Maluga. per keg. J7.j0ifj.y0. APPLKS rer nui., ji.jj; wnsnington, per bu. box, $1.75; llotlflowers, $1.80. (JHANHKHHIES-Holl nnd Bugle. t9 ner uul.; Jerseys, per nut,, .du; per cruic, THOP1CAL FHU1TS. OllANCKS Cullfornlu seedlings. 2.00a 2.25, navels, U 75S3.00. LKJIONH (Juiiiormu, extra fancy. I3.23Q a.uu; cuoice, jj jjana.nah i'cr uuncn, accoruing to size. tl.75'02.2.'.. FIOS Cullfotnln, new cortons. 75c: layers. G5c: Imported, per lb,. Wiil'ic. OA i f.n 1 ersian, in uu-iu. uoxes, eairs, &o per lu.; uauowvuu. avtc per iu. .Mltj(ji;iji.A.NKUua. HONKY Culltornla. per 31-soctlon case. $3.75. i-er on 1.. i.i,u: tier nair du .. ij.j. NUTS KnglPth wnlnntb, per lb., 16c; til l.iiiu .win ll t'trf rt I n'ntula nnn Hi 1C1iO(rt raw neatiuts. per lb.. CM'-ic: roasted. tiUii 7 Vie. iiriizns, uc; pecans, iuui-c; cocoanum, each, 4VaC lliuiss no. l green, bw, jvo. a green, 4'c; No 1 salted, GVic; No. 2 salted, 5V4c; No. 1 venl calf, li to 12 lbs.. Sc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Cc; dry hides, S&13c; sheep pens, ib'uton; norso limes, u.imi--a- Liverpool Cirnln mill Provisions LIVKHPOOL. April 13, WHKAT-Qulct: No. 1 California, Gs2Vfcd; No. 2 red western winter, bsuu; mi, 1 nortnern spring, s jti, Futures, unlet: May. BsDd: July. 5s in.itl. COHN Spot, firm: Amorlcnn mixed, now. is vtu; Ainencaii inixen, old, is I'.'ja. ! u t tires, sieutiy; iay, 4s; JUiy, oSH',ii; Hep tembor. 3s lld. 1M2AH Camidlnn. (inlet. 6s CVd. FLOUH St. Louis fancy winter, steady. Cs Cd. HOPS At London (Pacific coaBt), steady, jmsi'j: 1 17s. I'ltOVlSlONS-Hecf, easy: extra India tr.oss, uissii. I'orK, steauy; prime mess western, CJs 3d. Lard, American rellncd, In nails, llrm. Us: prlmo western. In tierces. quiet, 43s. Hacon, Cumberland cut, 2ij to 30 His., llrm, 4,H'.Ki: snort rins, iu to 21 Ins.. llrm. lis fid; long clear middles, light. 2S to 31 lbs., firm, 43s 3d; long clear middles, beuvv. 35 to 40 lbs., strong. 42s 3d; Bhort clenr backs, IB to 20 lbs., steady, 41s; clear nellies, 11 to 11; ins., urm, 47s uu. iinms, bhort cut, II to Hi lbs,, llrm, 43s 3d. Shoul ders, suuare. 11 to 13 IDs., firm. 3Us 3d 11UTTKH Finest United States, dull, 00s; goon i nn amies, quiet, uis tu. CHKKHK-Americun finest white, dull, ISs: American tlncst colored, nulct. 17s Gd. TALLOW Prlmo city, steady, 25s; Aus tralian in i.onuon, quiet, -ts ui Wool .MurUet. ST. LOUIS. April 13.WOOL Manufac turers havo eased up their purchasing of thu finer grades oven on the low basis at which these sorts hfUl been selling. Medium and coarso grades aro relatively dearer than tho line, but contlnuo quiet and 'un changed, except on fooso medium. Texas ami southern, which are lower. Medium grades, 12filSUc; light line. 12Ul5c; lienvy tine. 10(f12c; tun washed. 17(27c. LONDON, April 13.-WOOIv-Tho arrivals of wool for the fourth series of auction sules amount to 115, ITS bales, including 13,000 rorwarued direct, 'j no sonca is timitcii to 3."i0,0o0 bales. Tho Imports of wool during 1.10 wpuk rouow: kow south wnies, 23,ui bules: Victoria. 18.215: South Australia. S.G25: Queenslautl, 2.2S3; New Xealand. 0,OBj Cape 01 noon nope nm: .Natal, i.ihk: litissoran 1,014; Havre, 5.643; olsewhore. 0.SS. Thu date for the opening for the llfth Bor es Is an nouncetl as September !. with offerings limited to UOO.eou bales, new arrivals, The sixth scries will open November 20, urrlvala Closing on .toveiuoer 10. KniiniH City Cirnln mill I'ro vInIoiix, "'::,, Mt 1 '11 !,V, ' i iiivm .imy ll-.(l tff.Vl j "iTii'iiTfcti L'ueil, iMO, im ird, ,'HIIV Mil.' J167llU.fl llllv jnTitfVll... -....I. No, 2. mixed, 42c? No. 2 white, 42V4c; No. 3, 42a42!.c. OATS No. 2 white, SOJfSOUc. Jim iMh i urj . HAV PlioU'O timothy, M0.60itfn.00; chot Ill mltil Til Ico III 11 1 1 II. il.W-tJ k-.V", lll'TTKH-Crcamery. ITW.Mc. liatlS-Stcndy; fresh Missouri mid K sas stock, lie doz.; loss off, eases turned; now wliltcwood cures Included, an re- mm 1-. HKCF.IITS-Whent, 3D.200 bu.; corn, 15 lit I U U ItftA l.t soo HHIPililNTS-Whcat, 62.400 bu.r corn ts Wl uu,, iiilin, lltlllf. Mluiixiitiollii (iriiln MtirUot. jMINNKAPOLlB. April lS.-WHKA T fash, iPJic; May, 70',ic; July. 71se; on true No. 1 hard, 73e; No. l northern, 71oj io. . iiiii-uierii, ui'iTjuuiiic FLOl'H First natents. ja.far.CC: seeoml patei ts, t3.G.Vt3 75: first clears. $1,05Q"3.C5; seeonti eifiirs. jutc.iu. 1IHAN Lower; In bulk, $12.50. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Speculation Black and Trade Haiti Zuier on tho Declint, MAY WHEAT CLOSES HALF CENT LOWER Corn ltu-iliieix Sninll mill .Monti Pro- f I'Hnlolllll lln ti Hull, .Some C'Iiiiiik Iiik of .Mny for .Inly Pro IjIrIoii Pi lees Decline. CHICAGO, April 13,-Hoard ot Trade spec- ulatlvo market ruled easier today, May wheat closing He, corn He, oats c und provisions a shudo to 6c lower. Trade In all the pits was rather quiet. A decline nt Liverpool wos Influential nt the opening of the wheat mnrkot, May sell ing fyc to o lower nt TOHc to Toc. The majority of traders who bought on recent fly complaints sold out at the start. A de mand for July raised that option to He pre mium over May and helped the nearer fu ture. At the decline the bull contingent put up n stiff fight nnd durlns the first half hour succeeded In forcing u recovery to r.r.! . , . 1 vr . '"ay. 1 no remainder of the cur- tatlcd SnttlnlllV annul, n xhlnlti. cunlcd In chatigng May to July, business ucinr nn 11 nifift..rnf n,.ii.. rri.a dim, . of n bearish set of statistics Monday, how- k 10 risu 10 nn easier tone nnd May gradually worked off to 70H70;c and cosed easy. He lower nt 70Hc. Traders wcf?A,'ll?Ur,n'? 0,1 world's shipments closo to i0.00O,W") bushels nnd on n visible decrense or z,600,Xkj. There was practically no cash business, exporters reporting only 1 load ........ mimuuuiii i;ii;tiraiiee in wucai mill Hour were eounl to n? fi.i iniui,..iu .. i.iio primary rocelnts aggregated 3W,ipo bushels, compared witli 7flo,i-jo bushels for two davs n year ago. Local receipts were 00 cars. 1 i .iL" -u'nici graiic. .Minneapolis aim Duliith reported 215 cars, against 43S last week and ,00 a year ago. lit ports of Oer miin,'' conditions conlllcteil, but donus tle tidings wero ns rosy as ever. I ho trade in com was small and mostly profcsslonul. Thn tnnrlfr lu.1.1 tlr,,. tin light receipts und small country offer ings, but toward the end of the session dropped In sympathy with wheat. May stuu oeiween -lie und 43Hc und closed c lower at 43Hc Hecelpts were 113 cars, 20 of Contract grade Thnr, wnn nn ilnmiihil frt- shlpment at current prices. V"'"..wl-ru. ,no " renture of trado being tho changing of Mny for July at Uc premium for May over tho luter delivery, Hecolptii were 11'8 cars May sold between -ie and 25o and closed Uc lower nt 23c, having eased oft lu sympathy with wheat und corn. Provisions were dull. Thu market opened firm lu sympathy with higher prices for hogs, out cased on selling by packers. May pork sold between $11.50 and $1I.42H and closed 6c lower nt $1I.42H; .Mny lard be tween $S.30 nnd SS.2714.. eloMlmr K .loivn nl f.S.27H. nnd May ribs between $S.27H and $S,30. with tho closo a shudo depressed at $!.27HjS.30. Kstlmnted receipts Monday: Wheat, 20 cars; corn, 120 curs; oats, 1D3 cars; hogs, 27, 000 head. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclos. Opcn.l Jllgh. Low. Close. Yes'y, Wheat May July T0V.5TH TOHfJ! TOHfTU TOH 70'4 O'Ml'SiiTOTMtTl T0i Toh.T0T4flil 4,7 43'i 434TlH 41 43H 43i, 43U I3!4t54 43T4 43i 23'j, 254 25 25 25H-(iU 25H 25H 25 25 23 II 50 U M 14 42H 14 42H 11 4TH UZ II 70 14 62J 14 62H II CO S 20 8 30 8 27H 27H S 32H 8 23 8 23 8 1TH 8 1TH 8 22i,4 S 22H 8 22H 8 15 8 15 S 20 8 30 8 30 8 27 H 8 30 8 30 8 10 8 10 8 02 H 8 02H 8 07'A 8 02H 8 02 H 8 00 8 00 8 03 Corn- April May July Oats- May July Pork- May July La rd May July Sept . Ribs May July Sopt. No. 2. Cash quotations were as fallows: FLOUIt Quiet; winter patents, $3.S5a3.!o; straights, $3.203.70: clears. $2.tVTi:i.40; spring ........ . , , n .......... . I, r . I T r- . j.v rii-j.i rjj) ' i"10"1"' j.uo'OJ.ou; oiiKers, WHKAT-No. 3 spring, m0X: No. 2 red, iOHft73c. C'OHN-No. 2, 43V1: No. 2 yollow. 43U, OATS-No. 2, 2Co27c; No. 3 white, 2SHB HY1C No. 2, C4c. ILVRLKY-Oood feeding, 4Cc; fulr to choice multlnc. 67fl5Sc. SEKDS-No. 1 Hux, $1.58; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.5S: prlmo timothy. $3.90. I'HOVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl., $14.33f?) ii. iu. "uu, pii iiu iu i.ji',t'on.iu. tsnori libs sides (loose), $s.2OB8.40; dry suited shoulders (boxed). 7i7,lu; short clear sides looxeri), i.jiVi'UN.M1. WHISKKY-Hnsls of high wines, $1.23 CLOVKH-Contruct grade. $10.75. Following aro tho receipts and shipments . . Receipts. Shlpmonts Flour, bbls 31,000 75.000 Wheat, bu 153,000 Ml.OOO Com, bu 80,000 180,00) Outs, bu 221,000 313.0CO Rye, bu 3,000 3,000 Hurley, bu 25,000 6,000 On the Produce exchnngo today the but ter market was steady: creameries, Wl iujtic. (mines, iiisc. uncese, steady, nit i'.KKs, menu) , iresn, j;c. Nt. l.ouln firnlii iintl 1'ravlslaiia. ST. LOUIS. Atirll 13. WHEAT Lower No. 2 red, ensh, elevator, COYtc; truck, 73Hc; May. 70V'.4l'70-,c; July, &S',4c; No. 2 hurd, 71 He. CORN Weak; No. 2 cash. 42ic; track, 43c; May, 41Hi41Hc: July, 42Hc OATS-DulI; No. 2 cash, 27Hc: track. 2Sc; May. 25c; July, 241ic; No. 2 whlto, 29Hc RYK-lllgher ut 6IHc FLOUll Dim: patents, $3.45tf3.C0; extra iitncy uuu siraigtu, J.u'aa.Ki; Clear, $2.701f 2.00. 8KEDS Timothy, steady: nvernn rn. celpts, $3.25j4.O0; prlmo worth more, Flax. t r.' ' CORNMKAISteady nt $2.20. MIAN Unchanged; sacked, east track 72c. HAY" Timothy. steady, $11.00(311.60; prairie, uuny uuu nun; utu iiuoieu WHISICY'-Stenay. $1.27. IRON COTTONTII2S-$l. HAaOING-fi7c. HUMP TWINK-Oc. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady, Jobbing. $15.75. Lurd, quiet nt $S.25. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts, s.37H: clear rips, $8.10; clear sides, $S.62H. iiacon, sicnuy; uoxcti lots, extra snorts, $'J.12H: clear ribs. $9.25: clear sides. I9.3TH M KTALS Lead, quiet at $I.22H; spelter, stronger at $3.77H bid. POULTRY' Firm; chickens, Sc; turkeys, 58c: ducks, 8e: geese, 3fauc. UUTTKR Steady; creamery, lM22c; diilry, 14(ffl7c. KCiGS Steady nt 12Hc. repacked and cases Included. RECKIPTS-Flour, 5.O00 bbls.: wheat, 8,000 on.; corn, ;i,iuii nu.; oais, iiv.uw nu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 8.000 bbls.; wheat, eu,uuu uu,; Lorn, ti,w.v uu, ; oais, y.uw nu, MOVKMUXTS IX STOCKS AXII UO.MIS Iluy'M Slock .Mnrkot U lllubly .Miiiilpn- liileil liy I'l'ofeaKloiinU. NKW YORK, April 13.-Todny's stock market was highly professional and under actlvo manipulation nil through tho ses sion. Brokers who have been actlvo for the bull leaders of tho speculation through oat tho rocent movement wero tho largest buyers of stocks and thoir operations wero especially conspicuous In Hock island, sugar and tho Atchlaons. Largo buying orders wero In tho market nt tho opening and caused general advances. In which Hock Island, the Chicago Terminal Transfer siocks, i'oopie s uas nnd Con solldnted Gas wero the leaders. Great contldenco was professed over tho future of the money mnrkot nnd tho buying was said to be lu anticipation of a favorable bunk Btntement. Tho strength was very generul In tho railroad list, Hurllngton nnd Northern Pacific both moving upward. Tho United States Steel Btocks recovered from yesterday's depression. Amalga mated Copper was active and strong nnd Sugar was moved up 2H points und Colo rado Fuel an extreme 8 points. Thero was u good deal of selling on tho ndvnnce nnd confiiiernmo renction had occurred when the bank statement appeared, Hock iBland forged upward after the publica tion, touching 158, and fulling back over a point and then lecoverlng under manipu lation to 150 again, before falling back ugaln, Tho stock closed at 155, a net gain of .1. Tho high point was tho record prlco for tho stock under tho present capitalization nnd tho fact that llio stork crossed St. Paul was also mado the sub ject of Interested comment. The bank statement was Interpreted ns fnvorable. owing to the rise in the sur plus, but the decline in thu reserves proved considerably larger thun anticipated und thu drastic loan contraction of $13,IS4,0fJ0 was all that saved the surplus from fur ther depletion. Tho bulls eked out the effect of the Increnso in the surplus by rumors of measures to be tukeu liy syn dicate borrowers for tho further relief of tho money market nnd of further largo offerings to be inudo to the secretury of the treasury of government bonds nt figures which he would accept Thero was nevertheless nn nctlvc selling move ment to take profits on the advance, and the closing was Irre-tular and below the best all around. Less attention lias been nn d to bonds than to stocks and their movement has betn irregular. I'nltcd States 4s, regis tered, ami Is. council, closed '. over ino closing cull of last week. The following uro mu cio.nng prices on the New York Stock oxchantei Atchison a do pfd W. & L. K '..J I do 2d pld,.... lit Wis. Central ... 'HVThlrd Avenuo .. 4lr'll. Af O. pfd...., 22ii National Tube. IWUi do prd , 3TI Amal. Contier .. do ptd..,, ltnltlmorn & O. Can. Paclllo ... Can. Southern Clies. ti Ohio. Chlcugo O, W. C. II. .fc y Chlcuso 1. & I, n x, lli'i 122 9IH tili: HS illts Wi 1W l7 H'J 20 61 6 25 , 1 VI 17 40H ll.l 4.t, 110-4 TC 117 129 111 51 H i 7Vtl . 4,-U .IgjV. 1U2 22tf i'J -OH . 'i'U , M , 3'J , ttl , 1 , tJ . 67 117 ,151 . 87 , f.l , SU , til . 3C .UiH ' '?' W'.a .211 4! .140' ,123 ni . 13U , ii? , 2i iH . CO',!! : . 70 . 4iH tlil, i;i .do pfd Chicago & K. I.. Chicago N. W 71 lAtlams kxnroMS. UT Am, Express ... .MOH'U. S. Express..., ,!!') Wells-Fargo Ex. , sots' Am. Cot, Oil . do pfd , , 4TVAm, MallltiK ... , 21 do piu., .tstj Amer. S. .i H... 223 I do pttl , 4."H'Atncr. Spirits .. , i;4' l0 I'fu , ssH'Amer. S. II , , Total Mu Pfd aulfj Amer. S. & W. Kilt ,!o nr.l . . . u., it l, it l',... C. l' f. a.- Hi. I Colo. Southern , do 1st ptd, .... tin tifil Del. & Hudson., Del. L. At W..., Den. & R. a...., !" Ptd Erie till lMt lltM . Ot. Nor. pfd.... lloCKItlt I'nul Hocking Vnlley.. Illinois Central... K' 'Am, lln Plate! .111 'do pfd lowu Central ... SJ Am. Tobacco ... do pfd . E. .V W...... do iif,t , ;:", do pfd ttl Ana. .Mln. Co... 125 llrk. Hup, Tr.... 230 Colo, F. ,i I 10IH Con. Tobacco ... S, do pfd ,lfe(s Federal Slecl . UJS. tif.l . Itko Shore .... Louis. & Nash.. Mnnlmtiim I. . Met. St. Hy Mex. Central ... Minn. & St. L... .i Gen, Electric . ! do prti Mo. I'nrllli! 112 Glucoso Sugar . l3'i do . pfd Mobile .V Ohio.. M., K. & T in nl, I. Wrti'Int nl Paper ... -Vi' I'm , w Laclede Ons .... ,IW iNat. Dlscult .... K.1 do prd 6JU National Lead . , h::H do pfd IAS Nutlonal Steel.. , It-1' Mo ifd N. J. fVntml N. Y. Central... Nor. & West... tin tifil. No. Paclllu do ntil Ontario & W.... si', w. l. a, Hritke. No. American .. O. H. At N do nftl Tit Paclllc Coast ... l.VrV do pftl , MV lo zd pfd 7 Paclllc Mull 54 People's Gas ... 79 I'ressed 8, C.... UOH do pftl 4i'H Pullman P. c... 82HStund. H. & T. . Pennsylvania ... Heading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rio G. V tlo lifil. St. L. & if. F... do 1st pfd tlo -'il nf.l U-4 DUHUl 8t. L. S. W do nfil pfd C. Ai 1 Lenther..., pld Uiil.l.., iVji,4 Tenu St. Paul l.V. uo pru St. Pun! n... 1U.IH 140 4o? tlo u. s So. Paclllc do pfd Western lTnlnii so. Kail way .... ill! tifil " Republic 1. & S Tex. it 1'acllic. i. vi no pin ?.1tdU. S. Steel 4.'l union I'aclllc .. do nfil ;s5 tin prd :op. c. c. & st. l. Wubash Trust receipts. Nominal. Xw York .Monej- Mnrki't. NEW Y'OHIC. Anrll 13 MMVI.'V n,, nii Bteadv nt 4 ner nun ml paper, 3$i4H per cent. nu.iii.i.Mi KAuiiA.NUit; Nomlnul, with actunl business lu bankers' bills at ilT'i for domund und at $1.8I8 for sixty tlava; ppfcttd rates. $1.85H und 4.K9; conimerclal bills, $4..S3f-I.M',i. SILVER-Certllicatcs, COc; bar, COc; Mov lcan dollars, 4Sc. HONDS-State, weak; railroad. Irregular; governments, Bteatly; refunding 2s, rog. und coupon, 10CH: 3s, reg 1 loji ; coupon, iiiys; new is, reg. nuu coupon, laaj old 4s, rcc. 113H! nilinnn. 113:! "... r.,o .,.i coupon, 1UH. 'ins closing prices on bonds today r a follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg., do coupon do iis, reg.. do coupon do now 4s, reg., do coupon do old 4s, reg.., do coupon do 6.4, reg do coupon ...i, D. of C. 2s, 03s.., Atch. gen. 4s do uuj. 4s , Can. So. 2s C. & O. 4Hs do 5s C. & N. W. a Ts do 8. F. d. us.. Chicago Tcr. 4s., Colo. So. 4s D. & It. G. 4s... Erlo gen. 4s ,1'4'N. J. c. if. 6s..., lOCH'No. Pacific 3s..., UU)4I do 4s I11HN Y C & S L 4s.. ,139 IN. & W. con. 4s, ,139 Ore. Nuv. Is .tUla' do 4s 1130. S. L Cs. lllbl do con. 6s .132 72 104H 100 .10114 109 101 12. 117 lllH'Hendlng gen. 4s.. ,121 ill. O. W. Is 1 102 Ht L & I M c. 5s' 101 115H . 9(3.. St L Ac S F g. Us .lSlVa .191 .11SH .1L0H . 9! .11C . 69 .119 .UO .105 .120 ,1UJ!S St. Paul cons.... 10GH St P. C Ac l Is. ,121 do 5s .112 So. Puclllo 4s..., 121 So. Hnllwuy 6s., 97U S. R. Ac T. (Is.... , S7H Tex. & P. Is 101H do 2a , 8Mi Union Pacific 4s F. W. & D. C. Is Gen, Electric 6s. Iu. Centrnl Is..., L. & N. unl. 4s... M. K. & T. 2s... . do 4h N. Y. C. Is .101 'Wnbush Is .... ,1S3H do 2s .117 West Shore 4s... .110H .1I4H 102HWIs. Central 4s. an y C3H . ri ,vn. centuries 0-Mi 'Wabash deb 107HI Bid. Offered. Iloaton Stock Uuotntlona. UOSTON, April 13.-Call loans. 3ffl iior cent; tlmo loans, 3CIH per cent, official riuiniK. A., T. & 8. V... do pfd Amer. Sugar .... tlo pfd , Am. Telephone., Hoston & Al lloston Elevuted C, B. & Q Dominion Coal.. do ptd Fltchburg pfd.. Gen. Electric .. Ed. Elec. Ill Mcx. Central N. E. G. A: C... Old Colony Old Dominion .., Union Pttclllo .., West End West. Electric ., . C3 ; ,140 ,123 171 ,175 ,t; lAtchlson 4s Advcnturo Alloucz Mln, Co. Amal. Copper .. Atlantic Boston & Mont. Ilutto Ac Boston. Cal. Ac Ilecla.... Centennial .102 . rrn" . .U74 .110 :th .407 .110 .S30 lit . 2i .1 i'IU. Franklin .IIS Humboldt 22CH Osceoki S3H ..iu t'nrroi . 2i;'Oulnov .181 . !) ?.' ll santu Fe Con.. ,20.) 33 93 . 9t U5 inmurucK Utah Mining .. W'ltinmi Wolverines".'.'.' Xnr York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. April 13,-Tliu following uro quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con 2.1 Alice 33 Breeco 123 Brunswick Con.. 20 Comstock Tun... C Con. Cal. & Va..215 Dead wood Tor.. . u) Horn silver 110 Iron Slhur CO Leadvillo Con,... C Llttlo Chief ... Ontario .. 11 ..5X) . 72 .. 7 .. 7 .. 8 .. 25 .. ..415 Ophlr I'hoenlx , Polosl Snvngo , sierra Nevada Small Hopes , Standard London Stock Unotntlona, LONDON, April 13.-2 p. m.-Closlng: Cons., money.. do acct Atchison Cun. Paclllc ... St. Paul Illinois Centrni. Louisville U. P. nfil 93 9-10 do 1st pfd . !; Pennsylvania. ... . (IdH Reading w 1' if 42- 4S 97H 7!No. Paclllc pfd. ..16SH Grand Trunk Anaconda .... Rand Mines . U. S. Steel... do pfd , ..107 . S7H ..163 .. 39, N. Y. Central.. Erie I'AH SILVER Steady, 27',d per ounce. MONEY 3H per cent; tho rate of dls S.mi!i,t..,n..tmi I,cn market for short bills is Sw'.H:!? 'H'r cen' '"' lre0 months' bills, 3 11-1603 per cent. Weekly Hunk Sliitemriit, NEW YORK, April 13.-Tho weekly state ment of averages of tho associated banks shews: Loans, $S90,9.T,c,0O0; decrense, $13,4il,COO. Deposits, $SC9,2S9,200; decrease, $10,192,100. Circulation, f31,470,On0; decrenso, $302.T0o. Legal tenders, $C9,iilS,4O0; Increase. $215,l'Jo. Specie, $180,012,100; tlecrease, $2,218,100. Totnl reserve, $250,2W,600: decrease. $2.0O2,lsf). Re. servo retmlred, $242,322,300: decrease, $1,123, Surplus reserve, $7,93b',2(jO; Increase, Hank Clenrlimx, ,9,M,Al,A. AI)r" 13. Bank clearings today, $91,752; corresponding duy last yeur, $1,011, ,o0; decrense, $fll,uo7. CHICAGO, April 13.-Clearlngs, $22,792,802; balances. $2.583,13S. Posted exchange, $I.S5H il.t9. Now York exchange, par. ST. LOUIS. April 13.-Clenrlng8, $0,910,139; balances, $1,040,811. Money lu good demand nt 6Jifi per cent. New York exchange, 25o discount bid. par asked. CINCINNATI. April 13,-ClearlnKS, $2.S07, 950. Money. 3H6 per cent. New Y'ork ex change, par to 6o premium. NEW YORK, April 13.-Clurlngs, $429, 930,3Mii balances, $13,615.S12. ' t BOSTON. April 13.-Clearlngs, $30,181,233; balances. $l,7!i9,OII. BALTIMORE. April 13,-Clenrlngs, $3,911, 130; balances, $095,1,81. PHILADELPHIA, April 13.-CleurliiBs, $20,171,744; balances, $2,093,230. I'eorui .Inrket. PEORIA, April 13.-CORN-Flrm; No. 2, 43c, OATS Firm; No. 2 white, 27c. billed through, WHISKY-On tho bails of $1.27 for fin ished t'oods. .Stock In Nluhl. Following uro th receipts at tho four principal markets for April 13: Cuttlo, Hogs, Sheep, South Omaha 52S 4.921 1,218 Chicago 200 12.OI0 500 Kansas City too 6,ooo , .. St. Louis 200 3.S00 ry Totals .1,128 25,721 3.21S OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bef Sum and Cowi Mr; B Quoted Tn to riftean Centi Higher for Week. HOGS REACH HIGHEST POINT OF THE YEAR XotlilttK tin iilt. Toilnj to .Mnke Test of Miet'li -Mnrket, but foi- Week Prices An Ten to Fifteen On In l.tmer on Wclliei'N mid l.niiitis. SOUTH OMAHA, April 12. Hecelnts were: Cattle. I lots. Otllclal .Monday 1,0.V 2,0 7,703 uiuciui lucsuuy Oflictal Wetlliesday 2,!M Olllclal Thursday 1.711 10,433 l',022 7,oyj 6.V2J C.219 I. HOi 2.013 77S Otllclal Friday l.Qsi wincim saiuruay 4.9JI 1,21S March 25 .Marcn 20. March 27. March 28. March 29. March 30. March 31. April 1,.. April Apt II Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of enrs of stock brought lu today by each road was: Cattle.Hugs.Sh'p.H'scs. C, M. ft St. P. Hy.. .. 2 O. A: St. L. Ry 1 U. P. system 9 2 .. C. Ac N. W. llv I V., E. Ac M. V. H. H. .. 17 S. C. ,t P. Hy 2 C, St. P., M. Ac O. Hy .. 9 tS. AC M. 1C. l. 11.. 1,1 il 1 C, B. it (J. Ry 12 C, It. 1. Ac P., east.. .. a Total receipts .... 13 73 5 1 The disposition of tho ilny's receipts was as follows, each buyor purchasing the uuni- uer ot ncnu iniucaieu: B'jycrs. Cattle. Oiiiali.i Packing Co G, II. Hiimmoutl Co Swift und Compuny I Cudahy PacKlug Co Armour Ac Co Swift, from country It. Becker Ac Degan..., 430 Vulisntit Ac Co 2 Other buyers 4 Hogs. Sheep. 112 79.1 1.102 1.233 1,3110 ... . 411 Totals 40) 4.S10 411 CATTLE The supply of cuttlo this week has not been very heavy at this nolnt. ns u glance nt tho table of receipts ut the head ot tho column will show. Not only Is there a ilecreuse as compared with last week, but also with the corresponding week of last year. Tho demand, on tho contrary, was liberal nnd as a result the tendency of prices hns been upward all the week, nnd each duy's receipts havo met with ready sale. Beef steers have made up tho bulk of tho receipts this week nnd tho ttiullty litis shown consltiernblo 'mprovement ns com pared with previous weeks. The high nolnt of tho week wus $5.45, und the proportion of cuttlo selling over $o.oo wns the largest in a good many weeks. Tho demand on tho part of puckers wns liberal und the deslr ublo grades dimmed hands at it mold rate. For tho week it Is safe to oall tho market 10 (tfl.'ic higher than nt tho closo of last week, with good cattle In active demnnd. Tho commoner grades und hulf-fut stuff has also improved, though that class of cattle Is. of course, not us reudy sellers. The cow market hns hIbo been In actlvo demand all he week and the finality good u good many belters being Included In the receipts. The advance on cow stuff has been rather uneven, as packers freaucntlv paid fancy prices for good stuff In order to get it. Taking tho market as a whole, how ever. It Is safa to cull tho prices l(ijl3c higher than they were a week ago, with tho exception of common dinners, which uro lower. It Is probably truo that tho greatest ndvuucc has been on tho kinds of cows that a week ago wero selling at from $3.70 to VJ.80. Bulls, calves and stngs have also shown some Improvement this week where tho qualify was satisfactory. Tho supply of teeners has not been heavy this week, ni.d neither bus tho demand. Very fow buyers havo been In from the country and trndo has been dull, particu larly on tno common stutt. uooa feeders can easily bo quoted steady for tho week, as the supply has been light nnd tho de mand huge enough to tnko all that was of- rercd. ri uc commoner grades, however, havo been very slow snlo and tho tendency of prices has been downward. Cattle of good quality weighing from coo to 800 pounds seem to bo tho best sellers. Repre sentative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I... Av. l'r. No. Av. Pr. 1137 $1 73 CALVES. 120 fi 60 2 95 C 00 STOCK COWS. ....700 2 01 2 11 IB 3 23 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. 2 tila 4 OU HOGS Thero was n light run of hoes hero today und thn mnrket opened nctlvo und nbout n nickel higher. Tho bulk of tho hogs sold at $fl.02H nnd $0.06, with the better grades selling at $.07HlC10. The lighter weights sold mostly nt $0.00, but thero was nothing below that mark. Tho proportion of cholco heuvy hogs was larger than usual touay unit incro wero noi nn many of the light, common hogs, which neipeu oui ino nverago touay io somo ex tent. It was u good, nctlvo market and everything wns out of tlrst hands In good senson. Today's ndvnnco cstubllshcs a now high point for tho year, the highest average provlous to this tlmo being on April S. when tho hogs cost $0.01. As will bo seen from the tablo of average prices, tho week closes with prices over ?c higher than at tho closo of lust week, The low point of this week wns Wednesday, when tho uverngo cost was only $5.87. Tho last three days, then, the market hns advanced about 17c. Representative sales: AO. CI.. 90.. Av. Mil. IT. o. av. nu. l'r. 227 ... $0 m 222 120 C 00 09 238 ... t. 05 CO 2(11 60 200 67 253 C 05 fi 0 fi 05 ..221 . .220 ..209 ..214 . .210 120 120 SO K0 ICO 40 C 00 C 00 C 00 (i ')0 0 00 C 00 C 00 c to 0 0214 (! 02 X c 'i.'tS (i 021-5 fi 02U, 0 H2(5 C 12H II 02H r.s.... 75.,,. 7S.... 09.... 4(1.... SO.... 57.... 71.... (M.... 70.... hi.... 05.... (10. . . . CI.... 07.... 70.... 75. . . . 71.... 67. . . . Mi. . . . 82.... 7. . . . 71.... 02. . . . 02... . til.... 62. . . . 69.... 64.... 68.,.. 70... . CO. . .231 . .255 ..271 . .220 ..238 ,.2CS 40 fi 05 Ii 03 C3 C 03 fi 05 G d" (1 "5 li Ti fi C5 (li, 63, M) 80 40 SO 20 'fit 40 80 70. , . , 70... ..21S ..215 '''10 '.".Sis , ,249 . .221 ..210 ..214 ..211 ..229 ..221 ..220 ..191 ..219 . .220 ..2,17 ,.29 ..223 ..214 ..210 ..235 . .229 ..201 ..210 . .279 ..30S ..269 100 40 iio 160 100 62, 67. 251 42 250 (13 230 61 212 69 261 71 23 00 271 78 240 (I 05 (! or. 1 fi 03 C 03 (I 05 fi 05 C 05 li 05 40 40 bO . 02U . 0 02H I) li 02H I) 0 tCtJ I) C0J(. ') li 02U 69 21: CS 2S2 SO 51... TO... 04... 60. . . Ki... 65. . . CS,,, TC... 60. . . 64... 60... .320 .230 ,262 ,2T2 80 80 0 07H fi 07(5 ll P?!4 ....251 ,...2(W . . . .201 ....298 ....263 . . . .301 . . . .285 SO 200 (j (,2 li H2H 0 'J2H 'i 1? ( 03 0 05 C 05 0 05 ... ii (J(',il 120 K f7',i SO 0 07(4 W U 07 H u ID fi 10 40 65 SO 65 :75 6 10 C 10 0 10 70 259 li 03 0 PS 03 203 70 .221 SHEEP There has been a fairly llhernl supply of sheen hero this week, receipts being a trlllo heuvier than last week or tho corresponding week of Inst year. The bulk of the ktuff arrived the llrst threo days ot tho week, and since then there has been but llttlo on the market. Tho demand has not been very heuvy this wick und the tendency of prices for that reason has been downward. For tho week It Is safe to call both lambs and wethers 1 t( 15c lower. Ewes havo not shown ho much change, as thero have not been many on sale, und prices havo held close to steady. Tho great bulk of tho arrivals now aro clipped and the clipped stuff ts selling high In comparison with the wooled, Tho supply of feeders Iibh been light this week nnd the demand siilllclent to take what was offered at good steady prices. uuniauons; uuoice wethers. $4, TOSH 1 chtwelcht ewes. tl.25MI.40: fnlr in ennri ewes, JS.O'Xf 1.25; cholco lumbs, $5.00fl5.l5; fulr to good Iruim:,. $.76j5.0n; clipped lambs, $1.60 5.oo: spring lumbs, $0.50if8.60: feeder owes, $3 25182.60: feetlir wethers, $3,751.00; feeder lumbs, $4,3014.60. .New York I, lie' Stuck Mnrl.ot. NEW YORK. April 13,-BEEVES-Re-iclpts, 4SV hcud; no trading; nominally Totnl this week 11.370 40.37C X,M Week Hiding April 6... .12.979 SO.ail 22,U'j Week ending Malcll 80. .11,217 3t;,liil 2.',C.iO Week ending March 2.1. .11.009 :J.0.a W'vck ending March Hi.. 12,230 30,9il 31,3-m Same week last,43S 4b,i8 2l,i91 Average prlco puid tor hogs for the past several days with comparisons: 1901. 1900.9'J.1S9S.1S07.1S96.,1SW. 5 TC I 3 5T 3 6T 3 93 3 59 4 TI 6 SI 4 f9 3 US 3 91 1 3 CO 4 hi 5 Ni 4 91 3 CO 3 Mi 3 il 4 71 5 -" 5 05 3 CO 3 67 ' 3 i0 4 2 5 !mH 6 IB, 3 60 3 C5 3 S3 4 8) 6 Mh. 6 121 3 03 3 0: 3 i 3 CG 4 iS 6 10 3 59 3 C2 3 91 3 W "i 37H 3 01 3 05 3 92 3 64 3 S) C 00 6 OSi 3 07 3 921 3 C4 4 84 3. ., b 9'i'i 6 15 3 C3 3 911 3 C5 4 2 4... 5 5 23 3 bO 3 73 3 62 4 iu 6.. 5 I3H 5 :w 3 I2il 3 79 3 W M . . 5 90, 5 30 3 C2 3 79 3 S5l 3 67 4 M 7... 5 27 3 01 3 72 3 S3 3 69 8... C 01", 3 U0 .1 71 3 Hli 3 01 4 Ml 9... b i2i 6 33 3 75 3 S5 3 02 4 M 10. . 6 .S7, 5 3-Si 3 Mi 3 SWi 3 60 4 77 II.. 5 01 'M 5 30 3 07) .1 71, 3 57 4 i2 12 . 5 9S?if 6 331 3 C3 3 71 3 97 4 7C J.I. U 04',., (. I0 3 01, 3 C7 3 9? 3 60 I u; inir io goou wetners, J4.doii,i0; clipped wethers, $4.504.T5; choice lightweight year lings, $I.T5y4.9o; fair Io good yearlings, $ CO (fi4.75! dinned vearllnus. ll.iMl V;. ..hnlea steady; cables unchanged; exports. l.l.D cattle S25 sheep nnd P.W quarters of beef lit (... IVll'llHB, ilt'ltll, liv 1,11 cult;, iiuiic limited;, feeling weak, 120 unsold; Ve.iK SHEEP AND LAMPS-Recelptfl, 4.319 head; sheep steady: lambs quite demoni llied; very llttlo Inquiry und prices 1MiS5o In ....... . .. I. .. ..ll.. .....I t.A.... l OK . ..... shorn lambs, $8 tVdC lo, clipped liimln, $306 iJfS 40; cull lambs, $ 50ff.VC0. iiinit-ueceipis, i.Dii neau; sirnuy ui $0 001G.30. I c'liic.Mio i.i vi: srot'K .market.' Cnttlc nnit Sheep Sternly Hog l'lic Cents IIIkIiit. CHICAGO, April 13,-CATTLE-Recelpts, :C0 head; nominally steady; good to prlmo i ateers., $3.d.)iC.00; poor tn medium, JS.SiyH 4.W; stockcrs nnd feeders, $2.7JI.75; cows, $2.73U4.50; heifers, $2 75Tf4.70: ennners, $2 "0 f2.70; bulls, J2.73itfl.60, cnlves. $I.OO(f5 ; Teras fed steers, $4 207G 25. Texas grass steers. j.ij7m.iv, Texas uuus, J. iiKjia.iKi. HOGS Receipts today. 12.0-0 bend: .Mon day, 23.000. estimated; left over. 1.5; full. 6c higher, active; top, $0.25, mixed ami butchers. $3. 9111 0.20; good to choice heal v, ffi.UVjlOS! rough heavy, $3 9o$iC 00; light, $5.sriJc.i5; bulk of su'es. $(i.irtc.i;H, Mill. 1.1' l.llir llt'CflptS, l.WIU head; sheep and clipped lambs, up to $i,15; good to choice wethers, $l,T5if,",t.i, fair to choice mixed, Sl.tiOtfl.V, western sheep, $1 T.'.ffo.OO; yearlings, $4.SOTi3.1j, nutlvu lambs, $.73tfr5.3.V. western lambs. $;, Ociil 'V,. Hecelpts for two weeks compared; This week Cattle. 57.000: hogs. 115,100; sheen. 300. Lust weck-Cattlc, 50,000; hogs, liy.ox): sheep. 75,400. lCuiiaui City l.lvr Stork .Mnrkot. KANSAS CtTY. April 13. CATTLE Re ceipts, 100 hend; market compared with n week ago, beef cnttlo nnd cows and heif ers steady: stockcrs and feeders, lOifJoc lower; nominal quotations; native beet steers. II TMr.VAn! ninrUiT nnd feeder. Vf", 6M.N; western fed steers, Jt.&oj5.10; Texans "iui liiuiaus, n.-'MfM.!"!, cows, ?.i..'.in do, heifers, $3.75ft4.S3; bulls. $3.2ui4.60; calves $j.WTiC.76; receipts for tho week, 23,900; last week. 29,300. HOGS -Receipts. 6,000 head; market 6V He higher; top. $; bulk or sales, trt.niui "tK.-lieitvy, t(1.10li.20j mixed packers, CJC.15; light. $5.SO4i0,0.i: pigs. $5,O05f3.7O: tt. celpts for the week. iVl.WO; last week. 67.40. , SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts: mur ket, compared with n week ngo, lambs 10 Slloo lower; best sheep steady; common to fulr. lOjfluc lower: nominal quotations, western lambs, JA.uofiC.15; western wethers $4.o0gi.0j western vcnrllugii. Sl.ltVfj ", t t-wes, $4, lOJi 1.60: culls, $2.7..Jf 1.00; spring littnbs, $0.oiKii7.(; receipts for tho week, 27,000; lust week, 27,400. ......u. . ... , ..... ...,i, iimitiii $3.805i6.16; cows und heifers. J.rnotf4.2; HOGS Receipts. 3,800 bond: market 3c higher: pigs and lights, $5.93ti.00; packers, $3.9(KitC.05: butchers. $(1.05Ifi.22(4. jOI Per Month l Will QOI I 10 Guarantied j pay Q IO THE WHITE SAND OIL COMPANY Ciplul 14.000,000. to prodac all la the irrt all fleldi Jf reDnlTlnl, Wmt Vlrftatt. 4nii Ohio, ' H MUNIIIIKD WKLI.S NOW rilODnCISO thn jridfl oil In th wnrlrl. Nu rxperlmrnt. Utoxed nri enrtoriod hr Clotfllail bnilutu mm tad Imakeri. A llmltrd natnhfr of him, par Tlomi Oil ch. now nOrrr d at SJ crpti tr ahare. Ttia CleTtlaad Flnanr.a Cnmpir arr nical acrun for Th Wbtia Sand Oil Uompanr. For particulars Addreaa CLiTiLun Fisanoic Co.. 2S Qarflald ButldlDf , ClmelaLd, O. B, L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1221 l'AiiXAM STiit;i:r. I.oiiu tllataiivc I'lioiie, l'tltl. 003 St. I. mill l.lvn SI, 111; M...., 8T, LOUIS, April 13.-fTTLE--Hecolpts. 300 head; market dull; shipping nnd export steers, $4.604.t3.75; steers under 1,0m) lbs., m i3.15; stockcrs nnd feeders, $3.40ft4.!)O: cows nnd heifers. $2.00fi6.10; ennners, $1.2302.83; i.mii. t" 7Mi i in n' .....1 ..V.r'zz.' rii.'Ul B, Sltui'.l' Au i.a.m lln ltecelpts, 600 head; mnrket steady; native muttons, Jl.10ii5.15; lambs, $; spring lambs, $G.wijs.tW; culls Ittld bucks, $3.60.Ti 1.60; HtOtkci'S, $2.00i 3.23; Texas cheep, $I.C3(fl,75. $15,000, tho Rooord of tho United States GovernmonU 60 ANNUAL DIVIDENDS IS ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED DY PAST RECORD OF THE PRODUCT OF FIVE OLD MINES Lying side by side, located in the Thm mine ara now thoroughly dovmlopcd, and producing. ProTMed wllli itamo mtlti. conrntrittlna ulaiili . (team piiinpa ami lioiiti, track. ii, liuiimnitt and nil tool mid iiiat'lilurry I retiuri to opt rum inlno, are lluhtril lir clo uli liy and tlironali wlikli a tunnel ll Iwlntf ronttruiied. 1 Monthly Dividends New Being Paid from tha product of Jiint one of theio tire old intiiet, and this dividend will eoon lie Im rranetl from the product of another lulnn In which we now liavo iilocMd out and ready to mill $400,000 Worth of Opo with tho completion ot a tunnel one and one- Dividends Paid During Three of the flie prorortlei will continue to bo operated thtouuli old worklnsi and at lenit 2 MONTHLY DIVIDENDS on preier.t eelltnir price of ttoek will at once tw earned sod paid on llio iMiied ami outetainllni lock. A i aoon ai tunnel rult tho lint ledge theie tllTideima wUl i incrt.'.Kd. One Hundred Thousand Shares will be Sold at 25 cts. Each. Price will then to Increaiod to o renta per ihare, and at this price It (a the rlirnprit, tit and moit proiuUlngmlnlnK ttook now twltig ottered. PAYA1ENT FOR STOCK RECEIVED IN MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS Ai fundi are required only aa the work on tunnel progreniei, wo will, It derlrnl, accept payment for tubrcrlptloui tn monthly Imtalliuentt. and the 1 MONTHLY DIVIDHN05 WILL UE CRKDITUD TO THE PAYMENT OF STOCK. UNDER TMI5 PLAN YOU HAVE PRACTICAL CONTROL 01' YOUR MONEY, and will enable yon to hold large blocka of thl) itock which the dividend! will help ny for. ."end at once for lienntlfully Ulnitrated pamphlett , containing Untied Htatea (lovernment llrport anil large map ot mlnea and tunnel. Addrmi HATHAWAY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, B13 MILK STKKKT, HUSTON, MASS. lll-SI 1'AItK 1M1W, NKW YOItK. on tbo entire Investment In Its atocU ouUtanillnR h now being earned by ttio producing propcrtlei of THE UNION CONSOLIDATED OIL COMPANY, acquired, up to a product of ' wo" OVER FOUR THOUSAND BARRELS MONTHLY. In addition to the abovo properties already nroduclng, a Mated, tho Company Imvo overl7.nnj acre by leaio und purclitt.n. located In tho iov.;ra .iicceMfiil oil dl.trlct., raimliu f rmii four to inllea iroin wuier traniportatloii, whuro mo oil product can bo readily piped w llio coaat, lUtli INSURING NEARLY DOUBLE THE PRICES that are. obtained for oil la the uteri Jr dtitrlcM whero llio produeera am dependent upon the rail. !i;."'l!!!,rn'.ri"i,.K!,r?1 "",''" '""'.'f l "i ' opprc-Mion of lhMaiidr.lullt;u.ii.Kii; ' hrio proper, lu in now IicIiik dm doped, aid located an I hey ara between other lanta nrmliielntf nroni'rtle! lUltioluJill uUhli Colupy' y lUit ' Wl" b BtrUC" " of-tl)el " ' prXCinflc. aro WILL DOUBLE IN VALUE IN THREE MONTHS, H H M M M n H M n M M M M B .in. ii,k nm ,i..j,f i. uuuiwr tn inn n.'iiinnie on companion or t n.icratuiim builuuii prluclplu to m-curo thn lare proftn noiillilc Miller II, of tho promo em. ii Ii unfortunately inu caio In u laree number nf tiKtanri-a tbe coinpauy'i trcaiury atock for tho dovelopment of Ita propertloa recently 200,000 SHARES AT 17 t i.i paid an I non-aciabli)i and JIaJ, Iloraea M. namell. of I,o Ane ea. tlio rctl lent manairer of tb tharKo uf in alfalr; In (.aliform, mate- Hut tha iinwi it Production ot llij Uoi iDiuir la amply auiholeu. li warrant tlio dlrcctjra lu tUo annouiiceuicut that vumpany la DIVIDENDS WILL BEGIN IN MAY. or noi icm min i per ceni, ,.hc,1t'.l,.,!ntl, 1n ,1!e Preent Prlen of the toe'e. to lie Increaied nair.ora wella arn u."' ' l,l.l'ir"l'ellou , earryln i Cm Ii il men of tho euruLgi li S iurplS". a! uiuo of W,'XU auarc ta ukon, tlio prlcu urfiu.. a opened, increaiiu inn im aoou as Uu preiunl l.uuo t ADVANCED TO 25 CENTS PER SHARE. rrmpeetiit, of the ComnfinT.rleicrlptlrn nnipliletcntltlod ' Tho Oil Indmtry of tho Iicinn CoaiL" aubicrlpilon tiUiua, et,, nu.icd ua uppllcallou. ' K'n on'h DOUGLAS, LACEY & CO. 6G Broadway and 17 CLEVELAND, "Tho Cuyahona" Rul lldlng liOSION, ' The International Truot Co," Uldi. wutjiun, ino ifiicriiaiuuiiati IrUQIUO. HHILADCLPHIA. " the Ueti" nnlMlnn. CHICAGO, " Tho Fisher" Uullillni, NEW HAVEN, CONN., "Ill Nat. dank" Dlila nBHBBHB.'nainnBaHrHSBBnEn22naHnHtJHMKH DO YOU SPECULATE? W. Farnam Smith & Co., Investment Securities. I!ti!l rH IM .vi'HUtST. I.iiiiu Dlitiniee 'leleplioiie Hull. HI! (ll'I'CIf, Mil, Jet ,t snlo Kill Miuri'i tiilnii Moot. Vitrdi lit P-. ifll.Ml Mortmme, n cent, OltllllllS H.MK'I Tl'.lt I'ttlt S l'IK ICS AMI 1KIM1S. Your IIiikIiii'ns Millelteil. I w Monthly Dividends from invLMtnictitlii West Virginia OIL We now hnvo twelve producing wells, and actually pay 1 per cent monthly dividends on Investments In our stock, besides pay ing extrn dividends every three or four months from surpliw fund. ,Vo offer u safe, conservative Investment, nn element ot chance. Have over C.on) acres of line oil ter ritory In .the great oil ileitis of Lewis County, . Vn., near the wonderful 7.(VU barrel gushers. rite for particulars nnd prospectus. Stock now selling ut 20 cents, very best of references given. THE SAND I'ORK PETROLEl'M CO.. 633 Pcabody Building. Wheeling, W. Vu. tii'i' tin, itr.iMiit i s. The California Stnte Investment coin panj, with eastern olllces ut 88 Tremjtit street, lloston, Muss., offers Investors un opportunity to obtain reliable Informatlim ill-eet from tho olllclal state government reports regarding the oil Industry of Cali fornia, and u'l letters of Inquiry-, Inclosing slump for reply, about nny oil company will be rheerfully utiswered free of charge. Tcteiitioiie lllllll, Boyd Cominissiou Co. Successors to James E. lloyd & Co., OMAHA, NEIl. COMMISSION t:ilAI.. PROVISIONS AMI STOCKS. Mount of '1'riidi lliillillng. Direct wires to Chicago nnd New York. Correspoudincc, John A. Wurrin & Co. LISTED AND UNLISTED A SPECIALTY. fml fnr Ilooklft, "AIIOI'T Ol'nFKI.VKS." ilciotililnit eur Hiccfiifiil l'Un of rronoblf iulo liiE lQvrtmiiti Ami full UtMnllrd Interniktlun. DO'-'Gtis, ucu ft co., rjonins no incuts, tsutuns x. V.ctiXHin.. stuck i'.xrii.xaB Oil ItrondniiT 1 ' New St., NKW YllltK, lluy IT.VCK I111.L OF LKADVILLB at Sc a ulinro; Company controls IT claims la tho htfnrt qf tho District: property beliiR operuted with n steam hoist; hns n record ot production of $1CO,000.00. lluy l'HIDB M1N1NO COMPANY 8TOC1C nt 20c a share; the company owns tn claims ami n large mill; Is n steady snippet and employ.) 2fi men; will undoubtedly pity divi dends this year. Write for linihrmntlon concerning divi dend paying stock showing n'ti Investment of better than 33'4 per cent, to Herbert S. Bbnw, olllces 14 nnd 15, Drown I'aluco Ho tel, Denver, Colurado. Approved slockt gold on iDBtftlrccnt plan. Direct prlvnt wire to all Colorado exchanges. m DIVIDENDS WARREN. IDAHO, GOLD MINING DISTRICT. fourth inllei In Iriinlli will li&vo an atiiolutn niuiiopuljr of all Hie old uilnca. 1 he t'nllM htntf tlorrmnirnt llriwrt nati on of llua inlnn rIoim ftriiM n nn piollt ot f our 'lliourali.l litillara per lunntli, "liUli l riiunl to mi tunitinl tllviilcml (il lUcr irnt. en llirrr Hun. ilrcil lllouninl 1 mllnra. V, hru liiniirl In rom. ploidl Una mine will double Hi prodiK t. ntul llio t'onibliipil lriillut of tie l'.e mlnea under ons inannvenient, t rrateil llmiu'li ore turn el ami th ore treated lit one mill, totaled at innuili of tunnel and oiieralrd hy water power, will open up an tncalt iilahle lody ot ore and pay large nlr I ilciuli for many yrare. Construction of Tunnel. NO EXPERIMENT. The productlTe rapacity and Talus of theie properties hare been proven u er and over again. WELLS FAR(K) & CO.'S HOOKS how that over (is.ttxi.oio lia lcn taken from thin diitrlct, and the oie taken from thtie mlnea Ii hut a ferotrli upon the mrfate eompared with thai ttill teiimlnliiK lu them. m il to enrich the pocket! The prelum offering of 1-2 CENTS PER SHARE. DAMKCnS AND BROKERS, g New Street, Hew York. RANCH CCt sI;,kPi"5f. Th Secur ty" Dutldlnj. 4,H?SLciTl- VTh Hcls'" "'llding. MAHTrORD. CONN . Hill's Olnck. ST. JOHN, II. H.. "Tin Mctnunhlln" nulldlnna. LONDON, ENG., "lha Tralilair" Dulldlncs. If rn. nniTnlntii Riirnorafnllv. Sent ordern to a rollnblo liounc. whero thoy will oc plncfil on tlio open mnrlfot. Wei can mnku for vou In nnn month mnrn lnin.i on your monev tbnn nny bnnk will pay you In a yrnr, Honrt for our lioolt on eneculatlnn ' It U fre. J. K. Comstock & Co. It on in '.'li 'I'rutler'a llliltf, ClilcUKia,