THE OMATTA. "DAILY BEE: ST "N DAT, ATmL I I, 1001. t7 f CURED BY A MIGHTY The Secret of the Soul, Combined With Magnetic Medicines, the Mightiest Power Known, Cures So. Called Incurable Diseases. DIAGNOSIS, FULL INSTRUC TIONS AND A GRAND BOOK FREE Tho phenomenal cures mndn by Dr. J. M. Pueblos, tho eminent scientist of Hattlo Cnek, Mich., has nstonlwhcd tihjMlciins and scientists throughout the world, for In a inarvclotiH manner ll.' IMNI'lil.N Al.l. HIMI1ANHS IIIH glvo permanent IhmiIIIi. vlmir and Kirrnutli to all who desire It ills work Is Indeed Mim1 and Miiiiiler. fill. Ills power comes from the; fail that h hus discovered tho eerrt ot I In- hiiiiI, whlrh ho terms I'.hw l I this he combines with iiiiikih'I iiifdli-liifN prepared In his own labo ratory, making tho strongest hwiiing combination known to tho world, in s wonderful man has so perfected his method that It now reaches nil classes of people. for It A.VIII1I,A 'II.M NI'ACH and cures patients, nt a, dls tanco In tho iirl.ney of ilirlr own Iniinea without tho knowledge of any one. If you nro In any way sick and wlU writ., to Dr. J. M. Peebles, tolling him your lcuillng symptoms, ho will through his psychic power .llimnoae w ....... ntiil send VOil full .......ll,..,. free 11 f iinv eliariUM no matter what your (llseuso or how; do- 5 a "iv .'"j,"' ; Minndetll you may ie.ei, wiuru in nuuu for you. ll nureos oi wuinuii wnu nin- ...,. i, nr,il through Dr. fer the many Irregularities common to their sex, have boc c"' u,rrJ?" nYno I I-crblPB' mrthwl after they had been told their cases were Inet blc. "ft can be said of men who wcro debilitated from ear W I "u ,M , u Reuses I stomach troubles, catarrh, weaknesses of all Hem -mber It I aue.-iinili In this wonderful iinin'a """-"' "I,':, manv Imvo pro. B "" "'V:.1. n,i itiMiniet ons. o alrto nenus m nerv c to you.. You tuso receive ii m ik V Yipnilne the sick and des doubt that his method Is revolu Ionizing tho art o 'nK Mich 1 IBM K M pondent. Address Dr. J. M. Peoples. Dept. lb!, Huttlo OreiK, .Mien. IIHU, It costs oii no t hi n K. DESPAIR NOT, THERE IS Dr. J, M PEEBLES WILL TEACH 1115, llnttle Creek, alien. A STRONG STATEMENT From a U. S. Army Officer Who Has Been Greatly Benefited, Writes The Cramer Chemical Co. to Ship Him an Order at Once That He May Take , It With Him TO THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. AFFORD TO BE TOUT SHERIDAN, 111., March S, 1000. CRAMER CHEMICAL. CO., Albany, N. Y. (leutlemun: Iu 18'JS 1 happened to bo visiting somo friends In Al bany, nud at tho time wuh suffering with sovcro pains In my back I had our army surgeon cxnmlno mo and he told mo It was a cbbc of kidney troublo I bad. Ho gavo mo sotno medicine, but It did not seem to do mo uny good. My friends advised me to give your remedy a trial, which I did and after taking ono bottlo I grew bo much better that I bought another, and took Uvo bottles In all, which I am freo to confess entirely cured me, and from that day I havo novor had another utluck, and I have dono some very hard service being exposed to nil kinds of weather. On April 1st I leave with my company for tho l'hlllpplno Islands, and for fear cither myself or sonic of my company may havo an attack of kidney troubles, I want you to send at onco by express, two dozen bottles C. O. I), to my address hero, that I may havo It to take with rao when I leave April 1st. 1 value It so highly that 1 would not llko to go to a foreign country without a good Biipply. It Is a more wonderful remedy than what you claim for It and It ought to bo In every homo. OEOnOB N. ROMFORD, 1st Lieut. Gtu U. S. Infantry. CRAMER KIDNEY will renovate your entire system ami if your kidneys are weak or inactive tlie entire body and all the organs are bound to feel the effect. When you feel badly the cliances are your kidneys are not performing their duties properly and this great (scientific remedy will restore them almost immediately. If in doubt, write the Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, Y. nnd thev will send you a sample For sale by all druggists. send $1.00 to the Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, Y., and they will send you prepaid one bottle neglect, but send at once. CRAMER CHEMICAL COMPANY, Albany, N. Y. Get Ready, More Dots, Monday morning, Apr. 15 POWER ! Hp. .1. .11. Peebles. I ; ni win STILL HOPE FOR YOU! THE PSYCHIC SCIENCE HE SAYS HE COULD NOT WITHOUT IT. AN9 LIVER CURE bottle free of charge. If your druggist does not have it of the famous remedy. Do no m nt ItlV'fllllllltln REWARD TO DOT COUNTERS Tw Thousand Smn Hnndrtd .id Eighty ii th Correct Hnmbtr. MANY PEOPLE MAKE ACCURATE COUNT Cnsh, lllcycles, Setting .Machines, Ilel Slnn llnrm, Cltina and Hundred of Other Prises fio iu I.ueky Winners. (Continued from Thirteenth Page.) Mrs. J. M. Wlcldcnsall, Ml 4 Hamilton St.. Omahn. .... . . O. 12. Sterns, Old Tort Omaha, Omaha. Mrs. Addlo Jeffries. 1SU Kmtnett, Omaha. C. V. Jeffries, 10)2 Hamilton St., Omaha. It. A. .Smith, Tekarnnh, Neb. Jos. Ileckmnn, 1C07 riirnnm St., Omaha, It. C. SpruKiie, Gil 8. "th St., Omaha. Frank A. Ualdwln, 121 12th Ave., Council Chns. ?'obovltz, Wfl Main St.. C. IJluffs, In. Mrs. O. A. Shcthorn, 1512 6th Ave., Council muffs, In. . C lloss, SIS Harmony St., C Uluffa, In. .las. H. Urnwn, 2111 Tth Ave., ( II!u(T, In. C), M Jennings. rl Hazel St., C. HlufTs, lit. J. M. Klnzrl, 710 U. ricri'o St., f. UltlfTrt. In. Mrs. II. J. Joseph, 31st und Curtis Ave, Oumha. 11. Stmycr, Stratton, N'cb. T. I'. He-itt, 2111 3rd Ave., Kearney, Neb. W. II. Wuddle, 4723 N. 30th St., Omulllt. i:imcr O. Coehrun, lies S. 20th 8t.. Om.tha. Mrs. M. KtiKlcr, 1110 N. 18th St.. Omaha. J. Snyder, 21(0 Capitol Ave., Omahu. r C. 1'helps, 2W3 Charles St., Omaha. Dr. A. Kreneh, 2.119 Charles St., Omaha. Mrs. V. SchonbcrKcr, 2233 Locust, Omalia. W. II. M. Kay, 1012 8. 4th St., Omaha. Wulter Anderson, 2fi22 8. 3Sth St., Omaha. Mrs. Clms. lloss, 41G0 Chicago St., Omaha. W. li. Arllngdale, Ml N. 27th Ave., Omaha. Mrs. E. A. Miner, 1Vj2 Corby St., Omuha. ('. 13. Weaver, Jr.. 12S Klllott St., Co. muffs. Mr. Daldwln, H!ir N. 21th St., Omaha. H. Ilennctt, 2511 Itees St., Omuha. A. Slauley, 2301 Seward St., Omaha, Mr. Hamilton, 2215 Webster St., Omaha. ( J. Keith. 2S03 llrlstol St.. Omaha. V. W. A. Worth, 2731 Ames Ave., Omaha. Miss Minnie Hurd, 2117 Ersklne St., Omnhn. .Mrs. M. 13. Hammond, ltfH 8. ISth, Omaha. 1 1. Martls, 2427 llrlstol Ht.. Omnhn. J. 13. I'-aber. 15M N. 10th St., Omaha. John A. Dnvls. RI2 N. 42d St.. Omabn. Miss Ikrtha Nuwman, 310 S. 13th St., Omaha lJiumn Johnson Kid and Frances, omann, 13. S. Mowers, 813 So. 19th St., Omaha. James O'Nell, 2010 N. ISth St., Omaha. 13d Morey, 1513 N. ISth St.. Omahu. Annette 13. Hush. Patrick Ave, Omaha. T. It. Drnkc, 113 North Ave., Co. muffs. Itudulf Nodgaard, 2922 niondo St.. Omnhn. Hoso H. Stono, 171S Nicholas St., Omaha. M. A. Hannn, 1S10 Hurt St., Omaha. W. It. nalbey, 219 9th Ave., Co. Uluffs, In. Sophia M. Schneider, 910 8. 20th St., Omnhn Mrs. M. A. Hansen, Sll N. 40th St., Omaha. W. S. Paulson, Rl.t 5th Ave.. Co. muffs, In. AV. II. Knapp, 1312 S. 27th St., Omaha. It. T. Mclntlrc, 123 Falrvlcw Ave., Council Uluffs. In. Mnrle Grace, 220 N. 19th St., Omaha. Neb. Miss Ruccleu. 1211 Plcrco St.. Omaha. Mrs. II. IS. Miller, 2G20 L, St., South Omaha. Knvnn. 1410 Williams St.. Omaha. James II. Hunter, Scale House, Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, Neb. W. It. McFarland, 100 Standford Circle, Omaha. Mrs. C. 8. Scarborough, 1913 Douglns St., Omaha. Harry West, 20th and Missouri Ave,, South umnna, iseu. S. J. Ackerby, 2CS C St., South Omaha, Nob. Mlko Hoffmnn, 24th and U Sts.. So. Omaha, A r. 11. .at. Uli.nA.. CI J-l.nnl.n Miss Loin M. Tlllotson, Mt. Vernon Hall, i-eru, iseu. . . W. Glssna. 3C1 So. 24th St.. So. Orhaha Theresa Llcberman, 201S Farnam St, Omaha i.zra awanson, 2&1& iteeso nt., umanu. Mrs. 13. Cory, 2313 I St., South Omaha, Neb. II. II. Esbert. Atlantic. In. '.. T. Bailey, Harrison St., So. Omaha. Neb. Andrew Mnyewskl. 6900 N. 30th St., Omaha. Airs. John Hcnrlckson, 3032 California St., umann. Theo. C. Koch, Fullcrton, Neb. W. II. Ahmanson, 2537 N. 19th St., Omaha. 1. u. uounsman, 221a is. ism Mt.. umuna. F. F. MIchelsen, 922 N. 29th St., Omaha. II. Itldse. 2764 Davennort St.. Omaha. Peter S. Stout. 2705 Ohio St.. Omaha. Mrs. 8. J. nood, 1911 Plnkney St.. Omah. Mrs. 8. P. Majors, 2213 Howard St.. Omaha, 1 1 M J f .. .. T-.nmn- 1JA On 17,1. U. Am.!.. ...uiiivii inu uu Alii, a.., iiiiuiia. Mrs. II. C. Cook. 1902 Military Ave., Omaha jium aiarnoir. ztu bewnrci at., omihu. Ilcn Kstellc, 4163 Cans St.. Omaha. James Sevlck. 1914 Oak St.. Omaha. Mrs. D. M. Stevens, 1704 Capitol Av., Omaha ntrs. w. at. trvinff, zaifi unK hc, umuna. 13. M. Singer. 2I1G Indiana Ave.. Omaha. Gcorgo Gould, 50th and Ames Ave., Omaha. juts. r. w. uurns. uJib vaiiey at., umaiio. Mlchaelscn. 3003 So. ICtli St.. Omaha. Garllcld lloair. Sth and Jones. Alton Ilros. Harry Woods, caro of Thurston Rifles Club, lllll tlllU UUUh'llUj, uiiiuiiu. U. Hwnvno. 2 20 N. 27th St.. Omaha. James P. Dundall. 2900 Izard. Omnhn. Thomas Illtt, Carleton, Neb. Klneald & Sheldon, Harlan, la. J. J. Hump. Oakdalc, Nob. 1311a Uond. 3051 So. 2Sth Ave.. Omaha. Jos. S. Davis, 3524 Jones St.. Omaha. Mrs. Charles Callanan, 3402 N. 27th, Omaha, Knrl Pott, 5011 California St., Omuha. Dr. M. A. Humphrey, Ixican, la. Hlroy Goodell, Florence, Neb. Mrs. M. C. Coo. 122 8. 31th St.. Omaha. C. Iiyorth. 221G Mason St.. Omnhn. U W. Titus. 3S19 N. 21st St.. Omaha. PO. F. Pier o. 1S12 Webster St.. Omnhn Mrs. 11. C. Hartmann, 270S SpauldlnK St.. J. F. Miles. 2250 N. 19th St., toha, Sophie Mil er. S04 S. 27th StTiTmlTlm j. ocoiui, iiuo 4iji avc, Kearney, Neb. i' . j.iiiiiuuri. iiin avp.. vpnrnpv voh I'. C. Dunn. 002 Am. VM liv Chas. Uloss, 1G25 Farnam St., Omaha. Sam nrewster. 1127 N. 17th St., Omaha. Mrs. F. W. Mills. 250S N. 19th St., Omnha, W. II. Sanders. 532-1 N. 25th Ave., ntnnh.i. A. 8. ltockwell, 821 S. 20th St., Omaha. weurKo 4. uison, Mi.t f ratiKiin St.. umnna, C. O. Hooth, 2432 I'urker St.. Omaha. Mrs. Kato Loader. 1310 Davenport, Omaha, j. iieuiey, iizv a. 13111 at., umnna. W. Moshe. 2403 N. 2Sth Ave.. Omnhn. Mrs Wm. C. Wugner, 2231 Miami, Omaha. OeorKo Heauman, 3003 Chicago St., Omaha. mis ueriiug, a. .isi hi,, umnna. Mathilda -Nestor. 2010 8. 32nd Ave.. Omnhn. ivorman lawnorn, Army Jteadqts., Omaha. It. II. lteed & llros., 1817 Leavenworth St.. Omnha. Mrs. A. M. Thorn, 4116 N. 33rd St., Omaha. Chas. 13verly, 32314 S. 10th St.. Omaha. miss uonv PiUMippi, ii2B S. 3fith St.. Omaha. ur. uiiiuer, Jin rurnnm ai umunn. Mrs. W. N. Nnson. 1621 Cass St., Omaha. A. F. Schorcboo. 2729 8. 10th 8t., Omaha. Mlnnio Kesler. 4000 8. 13tth St.. Omnha. John 8. Woodwortli, 2562 St. Mary's Ave.. uiiimiii. Mrs. I.. Iiarben. 2913 S. 21th St.. Omnhn. Geo. W. llolbrook. 1K24 ninney St., Omaha. H. G. Williams. 830 8. 29th St.. Omnhn. rreu u. j'crnniu, l-iui i nniioi avo.. omana. rmv I,. Hughes. 2317 Dnlii;liii St.. Om.ili.i Mrs. F. II. Fonda, COS S. 35th Avo.. Omaha. Mrs. J. I.. Crocker. 1.119 Avo. H.. (?. llltitra Mis. Geo, McDougal, 820 N. 27th St., douth 1 'IIUIIIII, Jfrs. Geo. F. Dnvis. 5.ini Avn. A. C -nhiffn Jtobt Mitchell. 1616 7th Ave.. C. Hlnffs. In. iicniiimin 1". orlllln. 911 5th Ave., C. Illuirs. G. W. Scott. Kuril Itouto No. 2. C. illuirs. Henry ltlx. Lee-Glass. Andreeann Otnnlvi ?m"b;s Qj-nco Sawyer. 1556 N. 17th St., Omaha. T. J. FlcKcnhnum. 1246 O St.. Lincoln, Nob. Coin C. Crok, 307 N. Maple St., Creston. In. 8t. A. D. llaleombe, 2002 California. Omalm. Mrs. J. W. Smith. 71S N. 22nd St., South Mrs. David Whltton, 718 N. 22nd St., South Hurry W. Hnnson. COO 8. 2Sth St., Omnha. D. C. Kldredge. 2913 Hickory St.,'omalia. M C Coleman, 100 Clark St., Omaha. ....... y ,7,., OI.UIII WIIIUIIU. josso ,m. Alack. Hammond Co., 8. Omnha, t'. v. acimizeii, 2nd Floor P. O.. 24th anil .11. nin.. nouin iimnnn. )' J, xLncK- """"Wi11 pkP- Co- 8- Omaha Frank S. Perdue, Tekaniah, Nob. ... . v eai, i-uunview, rset). M. Flnnereii. Thurston Hotel, Omaha G. u.. .Miisson, 2Mb nnd II St.. 80. Omaha. .'.turn .luii,, tan uiuauurK. leu Harvey Flllx. Main St.. Neb. Mr. W. F. II.. 13merson. Neh. J. W. Coolcdge, Columbus, Nob. vnn viatiKon i uo,. ucnova. Neb. Mrs. P. D. McCormlck. Pnnllllnn V.h Archlo Turner. 31th nnd Hickory, Omaha. Hert C. Paul, 2536 Decatur St.. Omaha. M, Selzer. Nebraska City. Neb. Joseph M. Miller. Hillsdale, la. J. A. Knlns. Litchfield. Neb. W. J. Wllbus, Lllchlleld, Neb, C. S. Moore. Litchfield. Neh. J. WlthtiH, Percoval. Ia. n. it. linwiey, Perclval. Ia. 13. L. Hlackmau, Hotel Dellone, Omnha. Mrs. I 8, Ilonney, 1723 Leavenworth St, Mrs. James 13dmund8. U II. Tato, 1623 Iothrop St.. Omaha. L. L. Oarton. 224 Norfolk Ave., Norfolk G. T. Sprecber. Norfolk. Neb. V1-",00.3, 9nt'". Ino Hotel, Fremont, Nob. J;r r. Hnnde 271S So. 16th St.. Omaha. 1 niiries ."icloiu, stantnn, Neb. ROV. C. W SaVldce. 725 B. Mlh St Omnhn A. Mnrtonsoii, 2213 Charles St., Omaha. Charles Vlall. scth and q Sts, South Omaha. Mrs. W. D. Patton. 1810 Shormtan Avo. .11. JiuiueiK, nin so, 1111 si., umann. Mrs. 13. A. Johnson, 2924 N. 4lBt, Omaha, r. . reierseii, mi no. ntn St., omnha, C. K. Mitchell. 825 So. 24th St.. Omaha. J. A. Grimth, 631 Park Ave., Omaha. O, P. Hrookangs, Tekamah, Neb. Jol Zndlnn, 2579 So. 3lst St., Omaha. T, Johneon, 2003 Lake St., Omaha, ?.!r?i.K.-, 8,lllli?'::0a Center St.. Omaha. V' CK,;" 3J'J,: barker St., Omaha. .1. C. Klotz. 22u7 So. nth st n,.,n ,,, J. D. Jenkins. Fnlrmont. Neb. Mrs. II. L. Helfrlih. 517 S. 24th Av, Omaha Mrs. Carlson, 1712 cnnion, umann. nihi Krltv 1T'l Mn.1111 St.. Omaha. Jt tl, lirillllll. .bl l Ullllllf. VlilAIM, 11. W. WliKhin si I'riiiiklln St.. Omaha. r ... ........... ... v ......L.rt u , rimnii. -Mrs. I Duriuette, U'22 etn Ave., co. hiuits. IcWIs Hllckmodcrper, 4ltW Fnrnam, Omaha, I'. W. Graham, ir5 80. 26th 81.. Omaha. 0. W. Waterman, 25th Ave., bet, Harney nnd St. .Mary s Ave., umnna. S. S. Swltzer, 1535 N. 3Uh St., Omnha. n. .McAdatn, uaKiiaie, .eu. F. C. Kvnns, Wlsner. Neb. '. c. Kvnns, Wlsner, ?cii. I. M. Murphy, Schuyler, Neb, rhomns Scott, It. F. D. No. 2, Co. Hluffs. 3. S. Wymore, It. F. D. No. 1, Co. Hluffs. .1. T S. W. II. Hogers, 276 12th Ave., Co. Uluffs, la. .Mrs. u. Arclier, li.t) M avc, ld. unmc, in. S. H. .Mver. Tk)7 Ave. 13. Co. Uluffs, la. Miss A. 13. Wlndolph, 21 4S. Pino St Grand lsianu, rsei). . Allxrt n. Coulter, sua Lake St.. Omaha. J' lorenco Waterbury, 2312 uoiigiiis, umina. 1. A. Mwnnson, isil liuciiko ni., umnna, Amanda Jnhnnii. 2103 California, Omaha. J. i:mm,.rt. 11. 1 l.t Nat. Hank Hide. Miss Anna M. Hudcnrclcli, 1100 N. 17th St., unianiL. Thomas Wlinlen. "CM 13mmet St.. Omaha. .miss ij. m. iiartmau, ciiiciiko. umnna. A. C. Redmond, 70.1 Illckory St. Omnha, Miss Hattlo Stevens, 917 N. 2lsi St.. Omaha. W. A. Cutnp A: Son, Doniphan, Neb, G. T. Alcott, Missouri Valley, la, Annie Mnhood, Columbus, Neb. C. H. Hurrows. 2u0 s. tth St., Norfolk, Neb. i.ouis u. reenter, central uoiei, jutit ana Doduo Sis.. Otiiiihn. ('has. F.lllngton, 220 S. 10th St., Omaha. i. ii. Aston, bin s. .1111 mi., union isinnu. W. J. Houston. C. It. I. & P. Hy. Depot, Albrleht. South Onialia. Mrs. II A. Wlgcenhorn. Ashland, Neb. F. c. llomnnn, Yutan. Neb. . . Jacob Orkander. Hnncroft. Neb. David Gulllauino, Hox 851. Vermillion. H. D. Win. Augustine, lsth K- W Sts., 8. Omaha, L. 1). Krlon, 27th nnd H Sts., 8. Omaha. Frank Krloon, Cudiiby Pkg. Co., 8. Omaha, It. 13, Drown. 2314 M St., South Omaha. H. HarBklnger, Norfolk, Neb, F. H. Krlegelstcln. Hoyd Hotel. Lincoln. A. 13. Pnlne, 1110 Q St.. Lincoln, Neb. 13. Leroy Thomas, 527 8. llth St., Lincoln. Frank D. Adams, llth nnd D Sts., Fremont. Mrs. M. II. Nllsson, 1112 N. Uroad St., Fro- niont, Nob. II. F. Lee, Central City, Neb. John Kull, Central City, Neb. i). n. pile, kb Lincoln Ave, c uiurrs, ia, II. L. Hlack. 141S Bth Ave.. Kcarncv. Nob. Theo. Carlson, Kearney, Neb. ii. . j ones. in. frame at., i.o. uiuiis. in. Hllth Stewart. 7,12 Mvnster St.. C. IltnfTs. ta. jimii iinmer, ami cnnries ai umann. y.i". J'nimer. 4uu? Davenport hi., umnna. .1. II. I n n. 13th nnd North Sts.. fl. nmnhn. Chris. Woelz, 101 W. 3rd St., Grand Island, a. ii. voortman, 519 court Ht., Hentrico, Wm. Cornemnnn, 613 N. 25th St., 8. Omaha. It. 11. Corder. 'M W. Chestnut, Creston, la. Win Ward. 23 O St.. South Omabn. Mrs. Hn-ndt. 2S Harrison St., South Omaha. C. II. Waugh. 131k City. Neb. C. M. Schroedcr, Tokamah, Neb. Mrs. Lako Lavender, 3S72 Sewnrd, Omaha. Arthur IlnniPf,, AVoodblne. In. Albert llonkd, 21th and II Sts., S. Omaha. II. S. Prosser. 1520 N. 23rd St.. 8. Omnha. Mrs. Mlko Hoffman, 21th and U Sts., South UIUUI1U. Mary Peckosh, 21th nnd U Sts., S. Omaha. C. Miller. 361 8. 21th St., South Omnha. Charles Fesscll, 820 N. 21st St., 8. Omaha. O. Westlund, 820 N. 21st St.. South Omnha. Mrs. II. T. Fnles. 191S Kmmet St., Omaha. Mrs. Nicks, 2916 Oak St., Omaha. Maude Fredrlckson. 3711 N. 18th St.. Omaha. John II. noberts. 2519 Franklin St., Omnha. m. unacKioy, isus H Herman Ave., omana. Kllen Nelson. 2012 8. 2nd St.. Omahn. Mrs. S. A. Kmcrson, 2305 Douglas, Omaha. Mrs. Jcnnlo Sage, 4211 Hnnlottu St., Omaha, u. tu. i.iizci, xku l-reuericK at., umann. Mrs. W. F. Klllott, 261C K St., 8. Omaha. Mrs. J. Tienmnn. 2625 8. 15th St.. Omaha. Mrs. II. 13. Said, 41th anil C Sts., 8. Omaha. airs, earn jwuci, wtn nnu comer,, M, Wulhlr. 2011 Sherman Ave., Omaha. H. Calmnteer. 3S12 N. 17th St.. Omaha. N. Itousseau. 4100 Cuminir St.. Omaha. Albert Itlaile, Lcmers Feed Ynrd, 8. Omnha, ii. ii. . ,tllt-l, ilhHi Al. bUlll DW, O. VilllllllU, Charles W. Knight, 25th and Madison Sts., nouiii umaua. Hnlthas Sauttcn, 1029 S. 19th St., Omaha. Mrs. II. J. Hruenlng. 3312 Cuming, Omaha, Miss Sadlo McKay, 622 N. 19th St., Omaha. C. C. Sclineffer. 821 8. 21st 8t.. Omaha. Herbert W. Potter, 2S29 California, Omaha, unarics uranden, 1WJ2 is. lutn St., omuha. iiessio ixmnn, Diiuiap, in. J. M. Patterson. 701 W. 4th. Grand Island. T. K. King, Snowllnko Laundry, Blair. Neb. Julius Chrlstlnnson, Blair, Neb. M. II. Tobln, Sidney, Neb. C. Howo & Son. Auburn. Neb. Miss Gussle niuse, Hammond Packing Co., nouui umuuu W. K. Jlnyer. Sheldon. Ia, W. F. Mack, Hammond Packing Co.. 8. r . T. D. Corell. Plalnvlow, Neb. Geo. R. Rudersdorf, 925 N. 21st, S. Omaha, J. H. Gramllch, 454 8. 18th St.. 8. Omaha. F. H. Dorrance. Ollmore. Nob. Will U Hit. K. 8. Jones, 607 N. 22nd. St., South Omaha. A. 13. Miller. 13th and M Sts.. H. Omnhn.. Mrs. J. D. Courtsery, 1108 N. 25th. 8. Omaha. mrs. iimx j'ooie, .-in i sc., aoutn umana. J. II. Couporthwalte, Shenandoah. Ia. W. J. Ray, 420 N. 25th St., South Omaha, llugeno D. Habcock. 922 Grant St.. Rpatrlcn. II. C. Schmidt, 24th and Polk Sts., Albrlcht, ,1CU. Mr. Rakrcbbs. Room 119 Exchange, 8. O. G. II. Moore, 4916 Cass St., Omaha. Mrs. J. C. Selden, 407 S. 10th St.. Omaha. P. A. Doughty, 1142 8. 32nd St., Omaha. f. n Tlnl'hrnnli 10V Pmm.l Uf rimnhn F. J. Morlarty. 209 8. 35th Ave., Omaha. J. Marks, 410 8. 16th St., Omaha. Miss Annlo Vedergren, Hcnson, Neb. James Hones, 2022 Wirt St., Omaha. W. II. F.Idrldge, 1823 Wirt St., Omaha. Geo. 8. Nason. 2509 Farnam St.- Omaha. Mrs. F. U. Carter, Winona Flats. No. 7. a. ii. jmciu. Ainuiiee. An. G. A. KJcIson, Gothenburg, Neb. C. A. Jlorell, Gothenburg, Neb. Mlnnto DcGroft, Harvard, Neb. O. J. Johnson. Morso Hluff. Neb. H. SchaelTer. 1029 S. 19th St., Omaha. Henry V. l'lummed, City Treas. Office. lieo. earner, S4tn nnd illckory sts., omana, J. A. Painter, 720 S. 23rd St., Omaha. Mrs. F. W. Caruentor. 2577 Cuming. Omaha Mrs. J. N. Snlrely, 1929 S. 28th St., Omaha. Airs, jnmes annii, rveoia, iu. L. L. Deuel, Woodbine, la, Mrs. J. T. 13vans. South Hend. Neb. Miss Abblo L. Hlldreth, Superior, Neb, ihihh Aiioiu li. uuiireui, nujierior, inod, Lewis Castes. Machlno shoo. McCook. Neb. it. iveys, iiuj uorning St., ilea uaK. ia. R. Orcutt, 3307 Ave. A, Kearney, Neb, W. N. Orris, Stanton, Neb. Mrs, Julia Vaudusen, Logan, Ia. Hoy Hartman, Falrbury, Neb. Mrs, J. C. Jones, Mead, Neb. Geo, M. Kutrlken, 419 N. 39th St., Omaha Wm. Urbach, 2S06 Sherman Ave., Omaha. F. Harrowcough, 2316 Taylor St., Omaha. C. F. Palm. 2907 Parker St., Omaha. W. 11. Wllklns, 1130 So. 31st St., Omaha. M. V.. Forscutt. 2541 N. 19th St., Omaha. Frank D Fluid, 126 So. 31st Ave., Omaha Frank Wlllott, Albion, Nob. H. F, Dill, Tekainnh, Neb. S. J. W. Urown. North I.nun. Neb. Guy D.inn, North Loup, Neb, jii'wis uunn, tiretna, Neb. Forrest Hagadorn, Curtis, Neb. Fren Lurnson. Carroll. In. J. A. Hothwcll. Hruning, Neb, I, C Rogers. Upland, Neb. Fred W. Gorhncr, Sewnrd, Nob, A. R. Hixon. Alden, la. Mrs, Alfred Johnson. Logan, In, Geo. F, Paul, Hot Springs, Ark, K. QueHiior. Arlington, Nob, J. R. Ilanua, Greeley, Nob. W. W. AhlrldL'f. Aldn. Nnli. Wm. Crossley, Hock Port, Mo. viowi loung, .Murray, Neb. Nell T. Ryan, niii Farnam St., Omnha, T. It. Whittnker, 1119 So. 31st St., Omaha. J. G. Taylor, 563 So, 26th Ave., OmahTi. Mrs. M. Hansen, 717 Paclllc St., Omaha, J H Knight, 4120 Nicholas St., Omaha. W. 8. Ructor, 102 N, 32d Ave., Omaha. jonn ii. iinmer, 1&02 n. 2Stn St., Omnlia. Sarah Keefe. 408 Walnut St., Omaha. TIKIo Stein, 2523 So, 12th St., Omaha. .Mrs. llout. Temploton, 1337 So. 31st, Omaha. Henry F Ilelde, Heusnn, Neb. A. J. Przanowskl, 2102 80. 21th St., Omnha, 1-. u. Jerome, Asliland, Neb. Wm. Schmidt, Kearney, Neb. A. P. Salgrcen, 206 N. 26th St., Omahn. H. G. Armstrong. 5115 N. 21th St., Omuha. O. A. Tellesen. 1S0S Miami St., Omnha. Saucr Hros., 924 Douf fin 8t Omahu. Anna Faugh. 1202 N. Kuth, Omaha. Muud Huston, 830 So. 22d St., Omaha. j. i'. ivinuoy, inalr, Neb. Wm. Armstrong, Hlalr. Neb. W. A. Carpenter, York. Neb. 13. A. Patten, Seward. Nob, W. W. McFnyden. Columbus. Nob, 9e. Vf!!er' H. l"th, OinnUa. John Miller. 1507 Leavenworth St., Omaha. i."Knii, to. Miss S. Hultman, 314 S. 20th St., Omnha. Hlancho Gratte. noi) Uithrp. Omah. C. A. Holsten. 1610 Dorcas. Omaha. Hllmn Isralson, 2S18 Douglam Omaha. 13. D. Wlland, 818 N. 17th, Omaha. John T. Yule, Ueatrlce, Neb, G. R. Powell, 3124 Miami. Omaha. Miss U I), DoWolf. 1059 8. 29th Ave. J. A. lirowder, 216 Harrison St.. C. muffs. C. W. Atwood, 128 lliinglln St., C. Hluffs, Hurry v. Kcrney, 723 6th Ave., C. Uluffs. C. C. Green. Ill S. 1st St.. f!. HIiiIYh. O, Hochmnn, 513 S. Mnln St., C. Hluffs. John F. Schultz, 204 1 0th Ave., C. HlufTs. C, 13. Krauz, Stanton, Neb. A. L. Towle, Vnlentlne, Neb. Jas. 13. Iiiiurle, Suttdn. Neb. Magglo Fltzm'a'urlco, 191 Grant St., Omaha. Francis Molt. St. James Hotol, Omahu. c. c wuuams, kik city, iseo. f. uanKsnn. Ncnrasxa city, jveu. Nell Leonard, N, 6th, Plattstnouth, Neb. Hnrvey Lllllo. Duvld City. Neb. Louis 13. Doty, David City. Neb. Mabel C. Rushcll, David City, Neb. W. F. Shenherd. One. Neb. Mary cunmners, u 1;. srn, ranKiin, rveu. xn. i . rteison, jiOgun, 111. Jennlo Wolpa, 201614 Izard, Omaha, M. O. Sutton, 2515 Patrick Ave., Omaha. Mrs. Morris, 2015 Izard, Omaha. William HaBlam, 1312 Douglas, Omaha. Helon Cudy. 815 8. ISth. Omuha. Mrs. H. W. Summers, 2116 California St., umann. Lester Wavru, 1337 Park Ave,, Omaha, Mrs. H. Miller, 1737 8. 29th. Omnha. Mrs. Selma Dixon. 720 N. 23rd. Omaha. W. II. Scott, GUI Pierce, Omnha. W. S. Wesley. 1903 Fnrnnm, Omaha, Mrs. A. P. Wldman. 1103 S. 16th, Omaha, Joe Darker. G32 S. 37th. Omahn. J, A. Carroll, Alvo, Neb. v. t, Heatou, Almena, Kan. W. 8. Dobson, Lltehiield, Neb. 13. 11. Worthmnn, Louisville, Nf. M. S. Pierce, Superior, Neb. John Johnson. Genoa, Neb, II. F. Clark, U. P. Pass. Dept., Kearney. F. Jenn iirs. Holdreizc. Neb. It. J. Kdmonds. Hawthorn. In. A. C. Mcuck, 1115 W. 3rd, Grand Island. D. 13. Quilllll, Grand Island. Neb. J. W. Pollnp, Nebraska City, Neb. Ous Klllll. Norfolk, Neb. T. C. Wallace. 2712 N. 31st, Omaha. II. F. Kstes, 1509 Park Ave., Omaha, Dora llvans. 510 8. 15th, Omaha. O. D. 8ace. 2530 Maple, Omnha. J, Sandfcllner, 1715 Van Camp Av., Omaha, II. A. Hallenger. 721 wmow av Co. Hluffs. O. J. Lalnson, 619 Iowa Ave., Co. Uluffs, la. li. 11. J.ongcc, bio uaKianu avc, uo, niuns. G. F. Snootier. 1(1 Glell Ave.. Co, Uluffs. J. C. Kehols, Columbus. Neb. 1). A. Mecse, Auburn, Neo. Stacy M. Hell, Fremont, Neb. 11 f. t,t XTnl, W. H. Cnnipbell, 1S31 N. 21st St.. Omaha. 13. 13. Chambers, 29th und G, So. Omaha, M. 13. Cook. Creston. In. Mury Tiffany, Columbus, Neb, victor I'Tiinson, 2612 Hurt at., umunn, R. W. Wiggins, 1210 Paclllo St., Omaha, A. C. Anderson. 3303 So. 21th St.. Omaha. C. A. Chrlstensen. 2123 Seward St., Omaha. G, Mostler, 1619 Oak St.. Omuha. nyivia Ullbcrt, Crete, Neb. c. J. Lnwsoti, Central City, Neb. Richard Lardlaw, 131S 4th utid Corso, Ne braska City. Neb. D. H Luke, Hox 211, Kmerson, Ia, Stephen Huzzcll, 807 Pearl St., riatts- mouth. Neb. Llzzlo HUEcnbere. 153 So. 25th. So. Omnha. Jennlo Levy, 2421 N St., So. Omnha. W. H. Vansant. 24th and F. South Omaha. J. Abrahams, 1312 So. 6th St., Omaha. m. iMuivinui, iso. r engine j louse, omana. A. Klmnulst. 1713 So. ISth St.. Omaha. J. C. Muorc, 2053 N. 19th St., Omaha. Jonn Steel, 1318 So. 30th Ave., Omaha, Alyce Gretchen Hones, 1919 Cass, Omaha, John R. Hlngwalt. 3110 Chicago, Omaha. Joo SIpshlty, 801 N. 16th St., Omaha. Clydo Metsger, 309 N. 23d St., Omaha. O. C. Thomas, 610 N. 17th St., Omaha. F. M. Smith, 3808 N, 18th St., Omahn. Harry C. Jacobs, 3016 Oak St., Omaha. O. A. Hoehme, 1013 8o. 20th St., Omaha. 8. G. Qulnii, Hcnson, Neb. Fashions for the Season! Woman's Shirt Waist, No. 374S. Five gored skirt. No, 3577. Tho shirt waist made on simple severe lines and tho skirt trimmed with frills make two marked features ot the season and are la great demand for slmplo cos tumes. The stylish model shown com bines the two aad is essentially smart, as well as entirely correct. Tho original Is raado from mercerized madras, in whlto with stripes of violet, and la worn with a tie and belt of i black satin and a slmplo sailor hat ot rough straw, but all tho many cheviots, madras, ginghams, dimities, linen and cotton, ducks and similar materials are equally suitable. The waist Is cut after the latest method and brings about Just that arrangement of Btrtpes which means tho most becom ing lines. Tho bock Is smooth across tho shoulders, with tho fullness drawn down In gathers at tho waist line. Tho fronts are gathered at tho neck aud again at the waist. The sleeves, In regulation shirt waist style, havo the modified bishop ----, -. BhaDlng. and the now narrow stiff cuffs slightly rounded at tho corners and closed with link buttons. The neck Is completed with a comfortable neck band, to which Is attached the standing collar, shaped at tho corners to match tho cuffs, Tho skirt Is cut in five gores and fits snugly nt tho upper portion, while it flares freely at the feet. Tho sldo gores are fitted by means ot short hip darts and tho fullness at the back Is arranged in a sue cession of narrow tucks which nre gener ally becoming, but, when preferred, tho back gores can be gathered and allowed to hang from the belt. Tho trimming con ststu of frills of tho material trimmed and headed by bands of embroidered Insertion nnd edged with narrow embroidered, frills. To cut this gown for a woman of medium size 11 yards ot material 27 Inches wide or 9". yards 32 Inches wide, will bo re- nt.ired. with 13 yards of edging nnd 16 yards of insertion to trim as Illustrated. To cut the waist aiono 3 yarns or ma tcrlal 21 Inches wide, Z yards 27 Inchos wide, 2 yards 32 Inches, or V yards 48 Inches wide will bo required; to cut trie skirt alone SU yards 21 or 27 Inches wldo with frills, CU yards without; 7ft yards 32 inches wldo with frills, 6 yards witnout or 4 yards. 44 inches with frills, 3 yards without. The waist pattern no. aim is cut in Bl7Pn for a 32. 34, 30, 38, 40 and 42-Inch bust measure. The skirt pattern No. 3o77 Is cut In sizes for a 22, 24, 2$, 28 nnd 30-lncb waist measure. tt-nr the accommodation of The Dee's roadors these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 50 cents, will bo furnlshod 1 a nominal price, 10 conts, which covers all expense. In order to get any pattern enclose 10 cents, give nurabor and name of tiattern wanted nnd bust measure. Al low about, ten days from date of your letter before beginning to ioo ror mo pattern. Address Pattern Department, Omaha Oat, Omaha, Neb ANOTHER STREET RAILWAY Klftv-Yrnr ! rnolilc will lie Aslteil uf CbloaKo Council hy Company. CHICAGO, April 13. Tho American Rail way company, nccordtug to a story pub lished in tho Dally News today, will ask the city council for a fifty-year franchise tor a now south side elevated railroad Alderman Uadenoch has tho ordlnanco and says be will present it at the next meeting of tho council. Ho refused to glvo out tb I names ot tho mon backing tho project, but said ho had been assured they wcro me of high commercial standing, perfectly abl to carry out their plans The road Is to extend from Van uuren street to Sixty-third street In a uoutuerly, -m Uinta or llry l,arab. ,8999 8Wrt fstattf mrr 8m SILK SKIRT SENSATION W00 we advertised a jew days ago at $9.75, but herds a total eclipse in Women's silk dress skirts Picked tip by our clonk nnd suit buyer who returned from the mnrket yesterdny nnd with him comes 428 of the grentest silk skirt bnrgnins Omnha hns ns yet seen the lateness of his arrival and the delay in giving our ad to the Bej prevents us from giving in detail the description and price of ench skirt. We have divided them up into 3 lots tOT 1. lOT 2. I,OT 3. $6.75 $9.75 $12.75 They are worth, and nre being sold outside of this store for flO, $15 nnd $20 and would be sold here at that price in a regular way but ns we buy, we sell as close ns we can. They consist of twenty distinct styles they are made of Best quality taffeta silk exceedingly well made with silk plait flounce new flar ing, richly trimmed with applique, silk ruching and ribbons, bias tucks around body of skirts, plaited taffeta band and dozens of other styles. is the greatest skirt sensation of the season. See window display. Get Ready, More Dots, Monday morning, Apr, 15 southcuatcrly or southwesterly direction. South ot Sixty-third street the lino can ex tend anywhere within tho city limits. Tho ordinance makes sweeping provisions for extensions nnd branches, the latter, how ever, "not to encroach on tho territory tributary to tho existing South Sldo elo- atcd." Three and one-half years nro given for tho construction ot tho main line, whllo all branches must bo completed within ten years. A 5-ccnt faro for a continuous ride ovor the road nnd Its branches, electricity, or somo equally clean motlvo power, and compensation to tho city based on the gross receipts are provided. CONTROLS CIGAR BUSINESS Coniollftntlon of Tvro Compnnic I'lftoes Iiiiliintry m Ilnnds of One Firm, NEW YORK, April 13. The World says: The American Cigar company, which was recently purchased by the American Tobacco company, has made final arrange ments for tho absorption of tho Havana American company. Tho last named company was organized with a capital ot $10,000,000 In November, 1899, under the laws of New Jorsoy, for tho manufacture of cigars. II y tho absorption at tho Havana-American company the American Cigar company, which already controls tho manufacture of cigarettes, snuff and plug tobacco, wilt make a big stride toward controlling tho cigar trado as well. Ono of tho lmmcdlato rosultB provided for tho smoker Is .i slight reduction In tho re tail price of cigars. Tho American Cigar company was Incorporated In January, 1890, and was capitalized nt J70.000.000. PRESIDENT HONORS Y. M. C. A. Will Cornerstone of IlulldlnK to Do Erected nt Colorado HlirliiK. rnT.nrtAnO SPRINGS. Arirll 13. Mavor John H. Hob'nson, membor of tho general commltteo of cntcrtulnraent of Presldont McKlnloy during the miters two days' visit In Colorado Springs, Juno 6 and 7, an nounced today that tho president has con sented to lay tho cornerstone for tho now $100,000 Young Men's Christian association building now In progress of construction. Tho ceremony will occur June C and will occupy two hours. Tho local Young Men's Christian association Is tho only association In tho state that has Its own building. During Trrsldent McKlnley's two days' stay here tho tlmo will bo spent In slgbt seeing outside ot tho ceremonies in con nection with the cornorstono laying. Mr, liny In Ilrtlt-r. CANTON, O., April 13. Tho condition of Mrs. Judgo Day materially Improved today. Kim haH regained consciousness to an ex tent und Is ablo (o lecognlzo members of tho fumlly. Judgo Day was reached last nlfUt and u expected uere tnu uitcrnoon A TOTAL ECLIPSE. "The moon is not seen when the sun shines.'9 We thought wed never have any- thinebetter than the skirts CAUSED JY COLDS. Doctors y Kveryone Bhoald B Cnrefnl. AVhat a New York Specialist 8ay When Interviewed by Oar Cor respondent. NEW YORK, April 13. One of th most prominent specialists of this city was In terviewed by mo today regarding the ap pendicitis epidemic and he gave out tbo following statement, but docs not wish to havo his namo published, claiming It would bo unprofessional. He says: "Colds cause appendicitis If the bowels nro not kept actlvo. Appendicitis la the most gravo and serious of all acute In testinal disorders. Keen your bownls an. tlvo by taking Cascarlno, which I believe to do the best laxative. If your tongue is coaieu witn red t ns. and tho hai costive, you nro sick and should be care ful. Tako a tcaspoonful of Cancarlne before, ou go 10 ned nnd In the morning you will bo rollovod and well. Cascarlne Is th best grlppo nrovontlvo und also n . ventlvo of appendicitis. It is known to bo tho vory bost laxatlvo, is recommended by nil physicians nnd will positively cure any disorder ot tbo stomach, bowols and kid neys. Mothers should be eareful nnl nr.r glvo the children any laxative but Cas carlno. It will not Krlno any ono and u most pleasant to take. Buy a bottlo today ana you win bo recommending It to your frlonds next woek. At all druggists, fifty conts per bottle. If your drueirlst hnjin't it ask him to got It for you of his Jobber. The APPENDICITIS manufacturers of Cascarlne will send to any address, absolutely froe, a booklot on diseases of tho stomach, bowels. VMnnvn and liver, and ono week's sample treat ment for 10 cents in stamDs to cover mut. ago. Address Ilea Dros, & Co., Minneapolis, Louisville and New York. CURE YOURSELF t Vtt Dlf J tor unattarsl dlicbtrgei.lnltmmstloiii, IriiUtloDi or lMrtloo of muooui mtmbrsDM. I'llnltii. and not atvia iTHlEvwjCHtyfcuflo. nt or polionout. Lci"CimTi,o.BB mo,m . 7 ?"wi or nt in plain wrtpr, bt axprtti, prtvaM. & lf.0O, or S bottles, X OlrcoUr MDt on riMfU P Cl iuu wia Munia Kim, m1m) -Ilk VI.. rtk... fk . Ikr. BWVjm DMStraat WkalllaUB aa Tail I. r ;r Uraiiut. i 4. u '.ur?.'n!. t'H"l?".Tll.IiU 4 "RalUr frKaTM,"M l.iiw, tr ra. turn MmII. lO.alld r.Hni..i.l.. a.ll k- VaiU lkl - inirn,i.u CliUh...- ''..-altalO. -fgfXw lo U dayi. 1 -fffw Oitrttuaa WL M. M M U tUltWM S " FftffDU CBI a. i v - - RIPAN'B TABUI.EB is an effective cur for the 111 which originate In a bad stom ach. 10 tor to. At all druggtata.