74 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, APttIL 11, lf)01. mm IN TO DOMAIN Of WOMAN. a si'.ason Kim m:v famiucs. Itnnr Olil-Tlnir; 1'nvorKe.i Crnsvileil (lilt of l''nlilon'N I. Int. NEW YOItK. April 12.-Thl H a senson of gcoulno novelties In fabrics The f-u-tarda hnvo had to put tlirrr bist foot fors most In order to meet tho li:irp competi tion of the cxqulsltu soft, lirllllnnt or flow ered loulslnrs; duchess eat In hns been ct side entirely for IteRcncy salln, Liberty aatln and pcau du cyitno nnd thr clinlllcs nnd wollrs that opened the boll confidently n February nnd filled all tho show windows have been utterly crowded out by the can Taa cloth, tamlso ctatnlnc nnd embroidered Tolle. Not only should n shopper bo warned In due season us to theso chnnsca In fabrics, but u caution must be given against t freo Indulgence In tucks. Tucka nre still considered useful nnd pretty, but their rclgu Is over nnd tho gown that two years go would liavo been fashionable purkerod of tho iamo flower appear on the waist, and ono of tho quaint charms of this laco Is that It Is woven In special patterns. One complete set of leave?, bands, panels, etc., shows n design of gre?n leaves nnd hugo lavcrd r chrysanthemums, another dlsphys 'pctuii hiostoms woven Into n mesh of brown lace, and most beautiful are tho mixed reJ and yellow rcso sets, Ttmiuiilftf I'nrnsnlN. With such delightful and novel costumes itn cnt.rely new creation of etimhade Is car ried. I'rom I'arli comes n startling tur riuoise parasol, inndo of thick tnffota, wh ch In color and pattern exactly represents tho bluo matrix stono that Is now to popular. It Is mounted on n brown Ivory handlo studded with big. round anil oblong tur quoises. The afternoon parasol Is exceed ingly vivid and made, In ninny Instances, to match tho rohu with which It Is Uked. Umbroldcrcd bntlste sunshades aro lined with roso or green llk lu accordance with TUltUU NKW AND KI-'FKCTIVB SALT WATBH UltESSKS. from train to collar Is now stiff with cm broidery. A Cum; In I'olut, Somo of tho palo tan anil cream batlsto robes are solidly needle-worked; others, ns In tho enso of rt charming afternoon gown worn by tho damsel posing beforo the I-onla XV table, dlapltty un hnrmonloua comprom lso between tho parting nnd tho arriving fashion. This attractive costume Is of tho fine, deep cream bntlsto that the Parisian dress maker loves and ltH skirt Is tucked, bor dered with heavy nccdluwork In tho sumo color that opon In n design to ndenutoly reveal tho green taffeta lining on which thu batiste Is founded. Tho wldo glrdlo of thu waist Is tucked,, but the top of tho body Is of the closest, richest batlsto embroidery that also revcala tho green silk lining. ,' Roso color or green Is what theso trans parent and encrusted robes aro usually founded upon, and of tho two tones green has rather tho popular advantage of' the rose. Taking a blrd's-eyo view of a well dri'ssed gathering of women, ono Is easily convinced that thuro aro thousands of green gowns In active wearing Just now. From the deep gray green of mlgnoiiotto through opaline and vert romnntlquo to dazzling Bllvery enu do nil tho chromatic nenlo of verdant tones nnd tints runs, and tho clerks bohlnd tho silk counters admit that they tho foundation skirt of Its owner's batiste dress, I'lnln tnffeta parasols aro ofton or namented with little Waterloo scenes tainted on their silk skins, and the tab leaux of piping shepherds or dancing njmphs Is then framed in a circular or ob long wreath of laco. IJxtravngantly pretty aro tho ribbon sunshades. For theso tho ribbons (nro hcrrlugboncd together with gilt or silver thread and the ends of each strip of gay Milk finished In a point, to which n light gilt forrct Is attached. When tho sunshade Is open these fringe the bot tom of tho tsllkcn domo nnd tinkle together llki) pagoda bells. When the sunshade Is closL'il they form a jeweled necklace at the baso of the handle. i Another highly approved parasol Is made of gold or silver tissue drawn over a col ored silk foundation, and yet another and distinctly brilliant example is of white loulslno brilllnnto, mounted on n stick of silver gilt and ' omoTncntcd 6n Its white dome with glittering sun spots, from which pponglcd rays diverge." WtilU-nu lint. What pleases femlnlno fancy greatly nro tho hats of puro Wnttcau sbapo for after noon wenr uud tho compact, simple and comfortablo Little Corporal walking hat. In this latter shnpo there Is a clearly defined ruzo for black and white. A Llttlo Cor- A TEA NOOK. temporary of tho veryjatest phases of thn .fashions. MAUY DEAN. (lAltnN COSV COIt.NKIIS. Xpvt I'iidmIiiii for Horticulture An auntrn Vnrlnun l'orom. NEW YOIIK, April 12. That wo hnvo only touched tho .outer edge of tin; garden craze Is what tlfo florists and plant Im porters" nnd lnndscnpo architects have agreed; nnd tho fnd nnd demand this spring 19 for nn ncro or two that will de velop with tho greatest rapidity nnd is habltahlo ns n garden can be. Tho pop ular requirement Is for tho massing of bright, vivid colors In tho llowerlng plants, for Japanese corners, colonial alleys, eighteenth century grottoes nnd rookeries, sun dials, lend figures nnd over nnd above everything else nn abundance of arbors. Tho taste for arbors was first nourished on the Italian pergolas that nro almost nn Inevitable featuro of every modern country estate. ltut tho pergola, beautiful ns It Is, Is not nt all satisfying nnd tho gnrden of tho very nenr futuro will be ns well sup plied with cosey corners, flirtation re treats, ten nooks, etc., ns n well designed country house. The foundation for most of theso nrbor3 Is no longer the earwig Inviting rustic pngoda, or n chilly mlnln turo marblo temple, but n frame of green painted wire or lend piping to bo covered eventually with tho rnpld growing honey suckle, clematis or rambling roses. ' lloiir of Hoses. Such n garden develops with n rnpldlty that satisfies even tho Impatient American mind, nnd nmong Its manifold chnrms Is to ho considered th? Inducement that It Is not a very expensive luxury; thnt It Is picturesque and enslly laid out; thnt n flower nnd exercise-loving woman nlono can tnkc care of It nnd Hint It adapts itself to every species of environment. On some of tho spacious country estntca of tho millionaires n speclnl little nrbor garden In lnld out In u corner to Itself, In order thnt Its peculiarities may not Jar upon tho horticultural design followed' In tho disposition of tho rest of the flowery area; and when this plan Is followed tho nrbor gnrden Is divided from tho Itnllan or from the water gnrden by n ropo of crimson or whlto rambler that forms a dividing line. but not n barrier. For tho ropo of roses Iron stakes, six to ten feet long, nre fastened In tho ground from ten to fifteen feet npnrt nnd a slack grecn-palntcd wire la strung through holes at tho top of every stnke. Eventually .1 lusty crimson rambler climbs tho wire nnd describes In time a fairy ring of greenery and color about tho gny colony of domed nnd striped arbors. This protty boundary lino. Is somowhat happtly utilized abqut that nrca of n gar- den devoted exclusively to roso culture, and lu n roso tract there Is suro these days to bo n domed tea arbor of green wire, shaped like a temple dedicated to tho muses nnd largo enough to give tho climb ing plants n chance to display their glo ries of blossom to tho grentcst ndvantngc. Where Lover liliiBcr. N A flirtation retreat has now becomo a featuro of every gnrden that Is nobly plnnned nnd Is a circular framo of trellis wire, ten feet high, with throo exits, and tho gardener usually allows honeysuckle, matrimony vino and a whlto running rose called tho brldo to vlo la their efforts to screen tho occupants of tho green and frag rant enclosures from prying eyes. A flirta tion retreat is always provided with a garden sent shaped llko the drawing room tete-n-teto chair and never n seat Is there provided for the tlrcsomo', superfluous third person. In tho way of wire and lattlco furniture for big and llttlo gardens tho most pictur esquely pretty trellis gateways with doublo arches or doublo gables, are made. Somo of these, made In doublo gothlc gables, have tho extrerao tops of tho gables so arranged that they may be utilized, by quick-witted robins, thrushes, black birds, etc., as flno building sites. By dint of excluding cots nnd marauding small boys most of tho properly lnld out nnd well conducted gar dens nro roado to harbor largo colonies of wild songsters and tho owners, who really lovo tho birds nnd seek every means to encourago them, buy tiny nest frames nnd nest shelters nnd thoughtfully hang them nbout anion? tho vines nnd bushos. At tho Garden furnishing shops they sell also the most charming arbor cnges for canaries and bullfinches nnd nn amazing array of Ivory handled scissors and baskets for gathering roses. Hone ItnrrotVH. To tho woman who litis a gnrden nnd loves it, it Ib safe to offer nt tho shrine one of tho rose barrows mndo of white rushes. It Is shaped exactly llko a farm wheelbarrow, with tho difference that It Is, of courso, far Btnaller nnd is ns light ns n baby s per ambulator. Its body is woven of cream colored yreen nnd red willow, or ruBhes; bunches of cream, red and green ribbons aro tle-i on Its long curved handles and It will hold roses enough to decorate for a ball. Mil ten yards of green foulard or loulslno to one roso or yollow or lilac silk. Of course, under this head Is not Included tho very fancy silk, striped or self-decorating, In which countless colors are com bined. A certain number of women wear theso with smart effect, though they seem to ba preforred by thu younger element, Thero nro exquisite, thick soft taffetas, rich In quality us futile and decorated with big bunches of rose and lilac, or yellow uud bluo sweet peas. More during nnd most In teresting nro tho parrot silk In tho most flashing mingled tones of green, red nud yellow, blue, purplo nnd cerlae, etc. SprliiKtlile l.niM', Apropos of colors, who does not warmly Kdr.ilro tho dentelle prlutempf, or, to trans late literally, tho springtide laco, woven of silk or linen In lovely harmonious tints of cream, lllao nnd gr:en, or string giny end blue with touches of yellow? ThU Is n laco to npply tint. Few llounces of It aro seen, and tho moat approvd usj of It Is showed in tho tnrely lovely nff. r noon carriage gown, a pale Rr.cn handker chief lawn this Is, boasting two ll'unces on the skirt. They are encrusted with fugliUo leave and petnls of laco popples, end nt the head of the top fiouuee runs all around tho skirt a wreath cf iho rojnl ted poppy blossoms. More dellcato wreaths nnd leave porul has Its bil.u cocked In n point over tho face In front and fastened up flat to the crown In tho roar. On the rear brlra a broad bright bucklo through which n big velet bow Is pulled is the proper decora tion. A largo ball-shaped tuft of (lowers or another bow nnd bucklo Is approved as ornamentation in front. Ilnby ribbons deserve more than passing notice. They hnvo mndo their spring np ponraneo with n nourish nnd nro used lib erally In dresi decoration. Lot us consider us a ccso In point tho llttlo veined ctnmlue sown of the single picture. It Is trimmed with two typos of ribbon nnd n llttlo Iml tntion Irish lace. In common with many n smart suit of tho season It fastens In tho rear nnd Is banded prettily In a yoked effect with bullion telegraph ribbon. As a passing fantasy of tho spring, telegraph ribbon, lu nny color, with Its blank dotn and dashes. is most Interesting nnd worthy of utiliza tion on n light afternoon or houso frock. On the skirt nud right shouldor of this cos- tumo nppcnr largo pompons of tho new baby r:bbnn that has a satin center nnd edgo of gilt or silver 01: mingled bullion nnd tur quolpe threads. In the hair, on evening drcsees.nnd In light tulle toques nnd such, Goidedgo baby ribbon has n proudly Im portnnt position, It Is not costly nnd ynt very crisp nnd gay and decidedly a con "Strong and! tiGRpiy ia it,. ana no nmsas v mat's gcotir me joy 01 a new arrival m the tamtly is ur.11 nllv overcast bv the rhadow of the mm ami dis comfort the expectant mother must bear. it sue knew ot niui used MOTHER'S FftlEND," this would be nil dispelled. Tell Yourfricnus nbout it. ns beinir a r'mnle liniment. 1 -exclusively for external tr.u, that relaxes thu muscles so that pain nnd suffering are unknown. tUittent by express p4t,'cn receipt of price, tjtl.OO n-r bottle o' can to ttougti? si sll reiporulllo prugftiut. Hook." M un.r noui." insileU tree, (.ooulnlnf seusi. les.l? ii o lucsietst)t mo' -cis. THK JlR.Drli:i.l lUUit I.ATDH .. Allnnta. Co. m flit their nolure by demanding tho' Continu ance of existing hels." Her Idea of too part courts should play In tho granting of divorces Is thus expressed! "Marriage, being wholly a private and civil contract, with which religion has noth ing to do, unless to perform tho ceremony at tho wish of the contracting parlies, should bo capable of being dissolved by the simple mutual agreement of the two them selves, they being best nble to know whether or not ticy nro fitted to live together. In nil cases of mutual agreement tho court should have the right simply to witness tho transaction, to put It on record, to see that nn equitable division of tho property Is made nnd to provldo for the disposition and support of the children. "As to tho state having anything to ny nbout when the divorced persons shall re marry, tho stnto has no more right to dic tate by a day upon such personal liberty than It has to say when a bankrupt shall be gin business again. "More than ten years ago our state of Missouri placed the wife on a level with her husband. Of course she cannot vote yet nor ia she permitted, ns In more enlightened Kansns, to constitute herself censor of prlvnto works of nrt exhibited In certain places of business, nor can she Indulge with impunity in plate-glass breaking, but she traveling and nil tho ndvantnges nccrulng from congenial association nnd local guid ance. Tho clubhouse Is to be In tho center ot the city. Charges nro to cover cost only, Hitherto tho club membership (women ex clusively) was limited to i:0 members, graduates of n few colleges. Twenty-threo colleges or universities are Included In tho brondened charter nnd to theso will bo ndd?d tho foreign Institutions of high class which ndmlt women to degrees. International organization of collcgo women will, It Is predicted, result In estab lishment ot like clubs in the principal cities of tho old world, thus facilitating interna tional Intercourse nnd making travel for women safer, more prolltnhla nnd raoro ngreeablc. Thus doth tho American womnn lend the world of women, but sho should not forget thnt It wns medieval ltnly which first opened university doors to ber sex nnd en rolled women nmong the highest class of prof essoin In the highest rango of erudition, yvayis a ilium: who i.imps. 3lnii ultli 11 Cork l,c(t Srcl; to Wnl n Ctrl SI 111 1 lit ) - UmliMsnt, Here Is n chnnco for a girl with n cork lcg7 Albert Dolby, 11 resident of New York, who had lost 0110 of the limbs with which nnturc orlglnnlly endowed him nud hni sub HUB FAVOUS mVOUCR. Wife of is Clsrn;yiiinii AiUocnten Knur Divorce I.nwx. Quito n sensation has been crented In Kansas City by n lecture recently dolivored thore by Mrs. Edith Wilson Huberts, wlfo ot Itov. Dr. J. E. Roberts, minister of tho Church of This World. Mrs. Itoberts scorns being classed with tho strong-minded of her ocx. yet some think her views on mar rlago nnd divorce entitle her to a place unions that sisterhood. "Mnrrlage," says Mm. Roberts, "as under stood today, may bo described as serving two purposes; first nnd directly, the liappl ness of tho contracting parties; second and Indirectly, the welfare of children resulting from tho union. Tho purposes of divorce nro ldentlcnl with thoso of mnrrlago, the eecond nnd Indirect renson for tho ono becoming tho paramount reason for the other. To perpctunto In tho homo nn ntmosphoro of misery that rapidly turns to Into is a crime against both children and parents. Chil dren had better far grow up with only one parent, surrounded by lovo nnd peace, than with both surrounded by hatred und strife." Arguing along tho lino of her contention that tho number of divorce") Ib not dlspro portlouato to tho number of marriages, hIio eald "Tn make n cholco Is to run tho risk of clionslnc wrongly, nnd when wo consider tho youth nnd Inexperience of tho vnst ma jority of those who marry, when we reflect that no being can know another so per fectly before the mnrrlago stato exists as afterward, the wonder Incrcasos that even a majority of homes know tho pleasure nnd peace of happiness, The perccntago of fall urcs In business Is said to bs abovo ninety Is It rensonnblo, therefore, to expoct mur- rlngo to bo always successful or In Its highest Hcnee oven often successful? And when peoplo hnvo chosen wrongly, when they have made nn honeit and blameless mistake for no man willfully seeks his own undoing whon they hnvo been forced to recognize their marriage us a failure, l It not barbarous to compel the contlnunnco of that union?" Discussing the opposition made by some churches to divorce, sho (.aid: "Tho preachers, forced by public opinion to be wary In administering futuro hell, ful A CREAM BATISTE FROCK THAT IS A NEW FASHIONS. COMPROMISE 11KTWEEN THE OLD AND can sccuro release from an Intolerable mar riage, as also can n man, which Is a bless ing not lightly to be esteemed by lovers of Justlco and morality." IIATIII.XU SflTH IV SK21IT. l'rcpnrnt Ion for thr Summer ScitNois nt the Sensihore. . Time nnd thought nnd money nro all well expended on surf-going and still-water bathing costumes, so various and charming are! tho colors nnd tho cut of tho newest models. For a half a dozen seasons back puro mohair has been tho material pre ferred for tho salt water dresses and flan nel, tho standby of other days, has been curiously absent from tho benches. This year a rxohalr flannel hns been put forward and) ns It possesses the virtues of both 'true flannel nnd true mohair it Is probably des tined, llko Britannia, to rule tho wave for many summers to come. Mohair flannel, in many attractlvo colors, Is niado up in designs so graceful and fanciful that many women, who havo no liking at all for salty dips and look upon buffeting waves with terror, havo cn- thuslastlcnlly purchased bathing dresses, nlong with nil tho paraphernalia that nowa days is considered necessary for the smart bench toilet. A distinctly charming gown, of the newest modo yet scon, Is n whlto mohair llaunol relieved with touches of green. The green Is prettily adapted In linen of zigzag braid, edging feklrt and slrco puffs and pointed collar. With this is worn n whlto silk bead handkerchief diversified with big green polkn dots. To nil tho women now on land It Is ns well to suggest that on tho fashionable. benches It will bo considered necessary for n bathing suit to lit with all tho elegant jircclfleness of a calling costume. At Now- port, Narragansett, etc., the bathers Inst summer began to adopt tho French fashion of carrying down to tho bathhouses every morning n pretty white wicker hand satchel, contnlnlng nil ths smnll etceteras thnt servo In the graceful completion of n swimming gown. Tho handbag Is Itself a special featuro and It holds a becoming silk mackintosh cap, saltproof; silk hose, whlto linen bathing boots nnd h pair of linen bathing corsets. These last are all important articles, for tho mohair llanncl suits nro now so cut nnd fitted that they cannot bei properly or prefcntnbly worn without stout, short and very flexible stays that laco up and have not n bit of mctnl nbout them. 'Though It Is perfectly safe to predict that whlto bnthlng dresses will outnumber nil others, none tho less will many col orcd ones bo worn. Startling bright red nnd Yale blue, black nnd orange, scarlet nnd white are somo of tbo flamingo and parrot-liko studies In color that tho fair nmphlblans will patronize, nnd thero Is n very marked Inclination toward tho Inau guration of vivid Roman stripes and bold Scotch plaids In tho more showy gowns. Roman stripes are prominent In tho ma jority of tho flannel nnd Turkish towelliiR bnth wraps, without which no well-equipped bnther pretends to consider her songolng toilet complete. A VAMvIJi: MITIOV. IhliTiintlnnnl OrKiiiilxniloit of Colliun Women I'rojenteil. It Is unronvrullonal for n woman to travol nlono lu Europe or to ntop at lioteld unaccompanied by a member of her fumily or n discreet friend of her own sex. Any womnn violating this unwritten law would cxposo herself to suspicion If not to Insult or other dnngor. Tho Amertcnn woman Is gontly and grad ually thrusting nsldo Irrational tradition, relates tho Chicago Chronicle. As clvlllzu tlon advances tho treatment of women all uver the world grows more ronsldcratu of the Inequality of her sex In physical com petitions, of Its co-ordlnntlon In all other competitions, a movement under wny in New York City will not only confirm the Just claims of woman's self-reliance In this country, but must In duo time modify old worU etiquette In bohn'.f of educated women, Tho University club of New York City has ndopted amendments to Its charter pro vldln;; frr a clubhouto for women hnvlng collcgo degrees, the building lo provide n reception room, nssembly room, sleeping rooms for non-resident members and 11 restaurant, membership to Include, not only representatives of Amcrlran, but also of foreign colleges, thus securing to this cate gory of A'omen a comfortablo home whon stltutcd one of cork, wants to marry, and, In order that neither may bu ublo to cast reflections upon tho other ho stipulates that tho woman whu Is to become his brldo shall hnvo but ono foot to stand upon. Dolby In nertcd tho following advertisement In n Now York paper tho other dny: "Middle-aged mnu wnnts a wife. He Is nil complete with thu exception of ono foot. Hns eonstnnt work; his character nnd re spectability nro good. A ,lnmo person pre ferred." Dolby says that whllo somo men demand musical culture, conversational ability, a liking for books or business acumen ns nc corapllshmcnts of their wives, hln ideal brldo is n woman with 0110 limb n llttlo shorter than It really ought to be. "There's no accounting f6r tnBtes," snld Dolby In his home, HO East Seventeenth street. "I lost my left foot In n railroad accident, nnd consequently I limp. I want to get married, but 1 can't bear the thought of hobbling up to tho minister with a brldo by ray side whoso step Is tho symmetry of motion. My pride, would tnke a fall. "Tliore mutt bo plenty of girls with AN ELAMIRE TRIMMED WITH I1ADY RlflDON, protty faces nnd good hearts, but minus n foot or limb. Thnt'a the only kind I'm looking for. If 1 could only find ona who limped on the left side tho same ns myself I, should much prefer her. I might look funny wnlklng up street If my head bobbed down as I stepped on my left foot, when my v.ife'a head lobbid up ns Hhe put down her sound limb. But then that could bo or. ranged It wo took caro to keep stop on tho 'gamo' leg. Dolby Ib 4ft yean old, has steady employ mcnt In nn uitllkiul Hmh- store nnd playB tho clarinet. Ho la a Scotchmnu nnd enme to this country n year nnd a hnlf ngo. Ho wns for fifteen years a bandmaster In the Ep ''-'i nrim- "Maids with ono limb a nil largo hearts cm. w.uo ib my homo mid be welcome," snld Dolby, "nhd I'll make cholco of tho ono thnt suits mo best." Itt'Ht Wny to Curi- DncKm-lie. Ilflcknchcs are caused by disorder In the kidneys. Foley's Kidney Cure will make tho kidneys right. Take no substitute. Dentin)-. Detroit Journal: I turn my hair. "Destiny In writ!" I cried. "Well, tho.wny you loo': at me, anybody might think I'd said It was wrote!" whimp ered the woman, my wife, and burst Into tears. I Knocked her head against tho piano and BLACKHEADS xroRWrv I'luiplei, enlurged pores, emp -,oASX tlniu, red iiom', red, rouch, oily AtijJfi.ln.i -irlMj'-j'lteh.niiUaTUBec- V vtua "' ' -" ciii iui4 Hrm i:.- tir Homo. left the room. For after nil sho wns but a child nnd 1 could not find it In my hcnr,t to bo harsh with her. DEPRESSED? TRY IWJUfl TRY am WORLD FAMOUS MARIANI TONIC Most effective, agreeable and reliable Tonic Stimulant for Body, Brain and Nerves. Try it when fatigued or ovor worked from any cause. VIN MARIANI MARIANI TONIC Maintained its Uoputatlon during past 38 yours. All Urttcuist. Kofuse Substitutes. Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer 30 Days' Treatment UJMPaUNO, From far nnd nenr tho gladsome tidings come that Dr. Hurkhurt'a Vegetable Com pound Is tho wurld'H famous remedy. It ctiroH I'alns in Hack, Side, Shoulder nud Head Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Night Sweats, HtilfncMH In I.ltnbs nnd Joints, Poor Appetite, Sick Sour Stomach, etc. 10 days' trlnl lree. All drugglKtH. 1)11. W. X. Ill UK II MIT, (Miicllilintl, (I. Entertaining To Most Women Is more or less of mi undertaking. It will greatly lighten tho uttenilaut worry If you rend "What To Eat" ench month. "What To Eat" has mndo a feature of novel ;n tsrtulnmonlH und tho urt of entertaining Tor no many years thnt an endless fund of Ideas and Information 011 tho miliject lias been accumulated. "What To Ent" In ur tlstle, clover, Interesting nnd Invulunblo to women who wish to keep posted on tho very Intent fads and fancies ns well as practical things. Our 25o Offor. For 25o wo will Hend you a three months trial mibscrlptlon to "W'hnt To liat" nnd will mnll to your address, postage prepaid, our llttlo book, "Six Dinners," telling how to cook and servo six illnners nud lunch eons, and in addition will extend to you ,tho privileges of our Household Club, en abling you to enjoy tho advantages of call ing apon our houBchold department for any Information you may deslro upon subjects pertaining to entertaining. What To Eat, Herald Building, Chicago. KitchenUtensils HAVING THIS TRADE MARK (burned in the enamel) arc Safe. For proof that NO POISON is found in the coating', send for our booklet, showing why only " Agate Nickel-Steel Ware" IS SAFE and why cither ARSENIC, ANTIMONY or LEAD is found in the goods of seventeen other manufacturers of enameled ware. Lalancc & Grosjean Mfg. Co, NKW route, 1I0ST0.V, CIIICAOO. ARE SAFE. SCHLES1NGER CHICAGO. "The mult Water Mark Mail Order House of America." Special Bargain. 38-in. Fine Allwool Albatross 38c. cts Tlio fabric of tlio hour thn fabric of tho Hummer fnr lrfl9ftt wAlt. klmoiiM, ttit (rown, tlrltia Acquit, te. HofnriMian4prcparMlnnpiftcM on In n Kltlon to quntn thlfl flWotnlnftl prico 88 Inchon 3S color -31 cent. 38 Inches, 38 Colors, 38 Cents. Crenm Cnrilltiid Onj Ilronrx Hbcll l'lnk t)rn . lom rrrr 38 Jio (linrirlnft KM J.rtnon l.lclit Dili lVfirl ltrnun Ophelia Nil TliiMot Mulherry Carina hftppuira i tirhitft CaApX rink Onuitta Klrctrlo Ynllow laTIr Illuct Bcrpant 38 Cents, 38 Colors, 38 Inches. Mall orders cnrofnlly nnd promptly filled. Let u register your name fnr our Illustrated cntoloitut-IT'S I'KI.IJ. llrjih tlurnMt 1'uriiinlA llnlio Tn e.miirr i'hnrolate l'ltim HUib lllnck SISTER: READ MY FREE OFFER Win Words to Sufftrws From Woman of Holm Dtmt, Ind. I will mall, lree ot ny charze thla Homo Treat ment with full instruction!! and the history ol my own caw to any lady Buffering Irmn female trouble. You can cure yourself nt home without the aid of any physician. It will cost you nothing to vita the treatment a trial, and II you decide to continue It Will OtllV COUt Vnll nlHMIt twlv m vlr It will not Interfere with your work or occupation. I haya nothing to sell. Tell other aufferern of It that ia all I ask. It cures all, youm; or old. II you feel a bearlnsr-dowh nenaatlon, sense ol Impending e?ll, pain in the back or bowels, creeping feeling up the spine, a desire to cry Iroquently, hot flashes, weariness, frequent denim to urinate, or if you hate Leucorrhea (Whites), Displacement or Falling of tho Womb, l'roluse, Scanty or l'alnlul l'crlods, Tumors orCrowtbs. addrcvn MRS. M. SUMMKKS, NOTHE DAME, IND., tJ. H. A for the Funic J. KKATMKNT anu MTIL INFORMATION. Thousands besides myself hare cured themselves with it. I rend It In plain wrappers. TO MOTHEK5 OP DAUGHTERS I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and effectually cures Ltucorrhta, Grttn Sickness and Painful or Irrtgular Mttt situation in young ladles. It will tavt you anxiety and expense and aare your daughter the humiliation ol explaining ber troubles to others, l'huupness and health always result from itttuse. Wherever you live I can refer you to well-known ladies of your own state or county who know and will gladly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment really cures all diseased conditions of out delicate female oriranism, thoroughly strengthens relaxed muscles and ligaments which cause dis placement, and makes women well. Write to-day, as this offer will nut be made again. Address MRS. M. SUnriERS, Box 31 Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A. THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER BEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER COMPLEXION SPECIALIST The most . Imitated woman in the world For tfilrty years a Stfccessftfl career -JTinontlv rurra nt vn P.' Ki'.i i Information with book freo. yii!KnA'ioi.oaisTvooir!iiRV, Y 16J State St. ,cor,nonrof,Cblcagu Tin? Discoverer op Facb Bleach MME. A. RUPPERrS' FaceT3leach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. Does not cover up but removes the blemish. IlaceTBleach BRIGIITLNS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION Improves Good Skin and Works Wonders toith a Bud One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. cAbsotutely Harmless and ch'ltuays Successful. Drop In ind ask to hive Mme. Ruppert'a Fsce Bleach shown to you, nd have It merits, manner ol using nd wonderful results eiplilnej, in you will be sniffled It Is' wrist you occd for your complexion. We always carry a full lino of Mme. A. Ruppert'a dray Kalr Restorative, lizypttan Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. (lull anil lnsvetli.ir merits itxplnlncd to you. AsU for Mme. Ruppert's book, MOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL." FREE, KUHN '& CO., The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists, 60LE AGENTS.