THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 0. 1901, 8 COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Btarti Off with t Ruih tsd Pries Oomti Down. WHEAT WEAK UNDER BEAR INFLUENCE Oat a .Mnrket Hull nnA tlir limine of Prices ,n rrnss Pork llrrllnca Under l.litillntlntt Uy Ont sldc Holders. CHICAGO, April 8Tlio Brain markets resumed tliclr normal niiicaritico today, ruling fairly active ami llrm. May wheat cloned '.jc and May corn 'iltUc higher, Tiny oats a shudo lower and provisions from 2'jc lower for ribs to 23c lower for jmrk, i'or a moment nt tlio opening th" corn market resembled to a degree tho wllducss which characterized the market taut week. Bcasonablo weather and liberal receipts caused a rush to sell at the start nnd May .1 in to io under Saturday 11 closing price. A slump enmo and proiu taking by country holders, although on a moderate scale, cuusod a reaction durlns the forenoon to 4371 Bfte. Light i.rlmary receipts of 1X7,000 bu., ngiialnst l,Wj ' a year hk". a visible decrease of -Ji.' .... ,. uir.. infill mused a riu y from this to 11, and the Hose was llrm, I..W,. I I It .... ..I ill'.'.tlll.e. I 111) V'OI iIU ll',4l III..., "v . , ,1,,,,, time of business was very much less tin n has been the average recently. I '"'I'; .1... In, ..lor .11.1 lilll little. lM'lll rC- .... .mm .rU 71 nf iMiiInict grade Wheat was still feeling the bearish, s of Snow's crop report at the opening todul. Sentiment was further weakened i sea ronablo weather, liberal receipts and ,nn increase on passage. Hears won: active at the start. .May selling from iOe to .0'4c. V to under the previous close. A re port that (Icrrnan wheat bail sulTered froni u I ... 1 1,, r. rnniiir frillll California AIWL .III'. . nt. -- tarted shorts covering. It developed thai tho market had been sold to a stanusui . Vnn' Mule wiipiit was to be had and .M" mnnimi uiiurnlv tn 70'.e. A visible decrease of S53.000 bu.. lighter primary receipts, ..i., ...... ...... .....1 t. eiiiwl oxrinrl lie. mand later Imparted additional strength I St.... r-,,111,1 In TIUiv CnllltU SSlllll houses sold on the advance, but the close was llrm, May ',se higher at il'ie It was reported later that the California frosti had done little damage to grains. I.xport Vrs reported llfty loatls taken, Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour were equal n i r.-.t (Vt lui while nrlmiirv recellits were mi t'ji I.., r...l with Tkft Mln hit. IllSt year Local receipts were ninety-three cars, none of rontraet Brittle. Mlnnonpo Is nnd Oulilth reported III cars, against N) limt week and n year ago. The s Khlpments, H.lftt.nou bu.. were somen hat 'tinder expectations, Whont and Hour on 'ocean passaKe showed an Increase for the ..r 1 t'lriimi im Tim (intone judd Farmer reported that tho cnmlltlon of winter wheat Is practically perfect In tho centers of heavy production, tho Rcnornl average beltiB fS.B, iiBalnst a Konernl nvor iibo of S5.7 at tho snmo tlatc for the past teven years. , Tho market for oats was dull and tho Villi tut t r nrleru narrow. .Mhv sold between SriSffSftic and U5V anil closod n shade clown at ISMiffiHo. Uecolpts were 221 cars. Tho tone of tho market was easier In wympathy with the cash market. Provisions wore dull and weak. May pork lending tho ilecllno untler lifiuiiiiiiioii tiy linlileru in secure what nriillts re mained, May pork sold between JII.SO anil tni; oinun.l miller Ruturtlnv at SI 1.60 : May lartl between $S.rt7',4 nnd JS.22t,i S.S5. closing I0o down at fS.2.1. and Mny Tlba between $8.'J0 and $S.0G, with the close 9li.. flenrnuneil lit S.IO. ktliinitod recolnts tomorrow: Wheat, PO cars: corn, 310 cars; oats, 200 cars; Iiors, 20,(100 bead. Tbu IcadlhR futures ranged as follows: Artlclcs.l Open. I lllRh. I Iiw. I Close.; Sat'y fancy, lnrse. colored. 11V4C; fancy,, large, white, HWU'4e; fancy, small, colorod, 12'y 12V; fancy, rmnll, white. 12'dl2V-. Hr'l'TKH-Ilecelpts, 6.W5 pKgs.; nrm; frenh creamery, ltd22c; factory, liyit'ie. KtitlH JlecellltS. Pj.-TU pKgs.; Hicduy; western, fresh, 14c. storaRe, western, liy H'4c. Houtbcrn, lit mark, HlM3c. rtJl'l.l ill -.mivc, mcatiy; mwin, oo iu jv, Mtkniiv. lie: inrkevft. !)c: tlrt'Ssed. nulet: turkovs, loiilOV; fowls. lOJIOVic mi.'.t. t. TiiMm wnn vftv lit t In of Inter est In tho way of ttitnrcs In metal circles toimy, Tlio aliscnco oi inrorinaiion irorn abroad, owing to the continued observance, of tho Kaster holidays at those points, ex erted ii disposition Hero to tratio cautiously. The only change shown hero was In tin, that metal iidvaucltiK on good local In quiry at J2.2iJi2i).a5, at which llgnro tho market closed very strong lor spot goods. I'ho rest or the general list wero witnoui u oiao e cnaiiKo. iron whs tiuoten m .. i "."....- .: for j.lg Iron warrants; northern ' ' " PV'' ' l" 'T. V.?""" V "".Vi nr. lountiry, io.-'.)'((ii-.u; Houinoru lounory, Whtnt .May .Inly Corn April May .Inly Oats May July York May .Inly ?ji nl May .Inly Hcpt. Itlbs May July Sept. 71'.. 70U 71U TO- 71 U "'.J 71 714 71 a 4.V. 43i mW'U UfiV4 W H'.ili-1.! IU 43Vsr'l"5il 'I .. Kl'v 43Ti I I 25',i'a'7i 23l4ji -oU 2!ij -J'j 11 M It SO II .r 14 50 I 14 S5 11 85 11 8754 H H J0 1 H f7!i S 3714 K 37' S 22U S 2.1 R X S 27H K 271 S 12',i S K',4 S 27'.4 H 271i S 30 8 15 8 171i 8 23 S 13 S 20 R 03 R 10 R 12',i X my. S 05 7 ftO I 7 92Vi 8 S 02,i 8 05 7 2!4,7 U21SI 8 00 afloat on .Saturday. April 6, as complied by the Now York Produce exchange, Is as follows; Wheat. 5.1.SM.I.U0 bu., a decrease of SS.Vri bu. ; corn, Sl.t'jO.ftO bu , a decreae of 237,000 bu.; oats, 11,399,000 bu., an In crease nf 2I3.0O0 bu.; rye, l,H2,ono bu., an Increase of bu,; barley, $60,000 bu., a decrease of 212,ooo bu, Ditltitlt (Irnlii .lurkot. Ut'M'TH. April S.-WHKAT-No. 1 hard, cash, 73ic; No. I northern, 7334c: No. 3 northern, 6ti14!fi70'4o: May, 724c; July, 73'sc. COHN-40140; May, lie. OATS-27IS27V. MtVi:.Mi:TS IX STOCK AM) HOM. .Sin:i nf l.liittldiitloti Tlirnns Stnck .llnrket In l)eiiiiirnll.cil (iiiiilltlon. NKW YOHK. Anrll S. -Mor.ov on call stock market, ns It luis Mnne on many oc caslonu before. Tho constriction of the money supply and the advanco In the rate for call money precipitated such a spasm of liquidation ns threw the slock market Into a condition bordering on demoraliza tion, wnat happened today in tlio siock market Is what, according to the common agreement of all classes of observers, was hound to happen In due course of time. evorinoiojs, as Is t fit woni 01 biook mar ket liapimnlngs. tho day's events camo as a surprise. Kven the most enthusiastic bulls agreed to tho proposition that such ram pant, speculation as lias ueen on lor wooks past was bound to overdo Itself nnd bo followed by a relapse of corresponding vio lence. Only tho enthusiastic bull has clung to tho supposition that the relapse wns still remote and has contlnuelly moved forwnrd tho supposed date of Its occurrence In the hope that there was time for still another speculative turn. Kvcn tho wild and ox- ciieti marxei 01 last wock. which was nn ominous symptom, left the Initli unpre pared for today's developments. Tops for n rl"o In many stocks wore still widely prevalent before the opening this morning and the explanation was offered that Thursday's Hurry In call loan rates was tUMtHi 16.30. noil soft southern. tl3.00ft 15.50. t opper was tiuu 111 n ior i.iiko niiMTiur antl!, for casting and vlectrolytlc. Load, unchanged ut ll.Si'i; sncltcr. nuiet ui ii.vruj.'jj. OMAHA V.II():,iJ!AI,n MAHKBTS. .'iinilllliin nf Trntlo nntl llnntntloim 1111 Slnplr nntl I'nncy Produce. liOOH ItecclDts liberal; good stock, llrm at ll',4i12c. lAVi: POUIniY-Iuns, Sc; young and old roojturs, 3Q7u; turkeys, otfac; uucks and geese, ituiltc. UAAlt, .uullatd ducks, pur do., J2.uUJ.C0; luui, i..j'uj.u0, tulxoa, J1.2jyl.W. iiL, 1 1 iv coniiiiuii tu luir, ii'iiuc: cnoico. 143u Jau ; ti.aruiOi, jc. x oiaiiiiia f irst, gruue, souu pacnuu, .uii loih cutiiuti, per can, uSo; ex- tin oeiLda, u.'u, Ltanuuiui), muuiuiu. tsuconti pilule, buic.i iiiiei,, iNuw luiKcuuiua, per vult, uvi , cXii.i -oc; biuitaarus, bu, ouiii oiunuulilu, pel' gul., l.Jo. I'lthrtlt i' irtil D.uuh uiiBn, ice: white buss, iuu, biuuiiBii, nu, uiiiint-uUs, sc; blue nils. iu. Ouilaiut, U. , cuiiijit, Hk:. cod. bS croiipie, So, ciacous, ic, nuuuui, lie; iienlng, ,inp to manipulation by tho hours. Hut the "I iuuiiut.ui iimmumi, i l.utbll, ov, 1 JtlStHIlt tllO HllirKel OpOlleU It 1)00111110 OV1 Miiinuii, IK, uiiuli, oc ; hinciis, u; itoul, tfU. .IIULllMi, 6t. i'lUi-u.Na ijivd per uoz., l. V l.vlo choice. 1'iiiOC. llii I'litth iiuuilu uy Omaha Wholesale li.ty Ueutein i.jaueiutlon. cnuieu unluna. io; No. 1 uplaliu, jj.oo; medium, J; tu.ucc, 3.a0. ilje ntruu, Ij.ji, 'lnenu prlcva uro fur nuy oi i,ouu luiui unit quaniv, JJuiuutta it if. Kcceipis, 10 curs. UATa--to. i white, .ac. lillAi 110. VliOUTAULUa. bl'lNACH i'cr uu. uox, ic. ai'Anrt-iUia Cuiilui iurt, per lb., IGo l.nuiwii.u vjuliiorniu, ier 10,, ivv. UL.Ll't I'lT uo., two. :iiiV ivAttuo'i'ii-l'tii' uu., ooe. i.iV 'i LiinMl'a I'er uun.. tfvc. COC UMliu.iia iiuiUOUbe, p.i' liOi., H.jd 2.0V, us lu sue. x'Aiisnira-i-er ou iuc. i'LiiiNii'a Pur bu. uuNKet, 50c, xi'ji'J a i'er uu., 40c.'ia Per uu., 40c. ll i'LClJ Per UU., 3oU0c. jiAUIhiiiid rur uo., Wyiic. i..i uM,h v Per doz.. 3oc. I'uTA'J'uiiS-rcr uu., ij65c; Colorudo, 75c .... . oi;i;u POTA'iuiis liariy untos. iwyiA:; lteu mver uiiey, iiw;; iriumpii, i.iu. svviiirr PuTAiuuia Pur uui.. i.vo. CAHuAQu-it'Hlunu ueuu, pur lu., 20 ; new Cuiiiuiiu.i, i'.tc. iojiaTuci-Florida, per 6-basket crate, Hi AiUMLUiia, per -i-uuskui craiu, j.'.ou. l.s it i.t ulnu. ier uu.. l.i'iu2.uo. 1' culifiii'tna, txd lu uue, fOQioc; Kuiuuiuiou, AiJliWC. uAUblt'liUS Kit California, per crute. ni!.Afss Wux, per bu., 53.50; string, per L.ULS PLANT Pel bu. box, U l'KPPiiHS Per bu. box, j.2j. Kiturra. STltAWUintHlKS-l'lorlda, per qt 40c; Texas, 2o'uc i.ii.iPk.s .Malaga, per keg. K.DOQS.O'J. AiTL.ta-l'tf uui.. l.25; Wasmntou, per i,n mix. i.75: liolltluwers. $IM. CHAMJi-.Hltlli'.a-ijell nuu UuRle, 3 per bbl.; jursuys. pur uui s.ou; per cruic, j. TUOl'ICAL. K11U1TS. OHANOUS California seedlings, 2.00 n.ivt-ls. i2.7j(uJ.W. l.iJ.MUNa Caiuurnia, extra funcy, J3.253) 3.Ui, clioice, J. UANANAB Per bunch, according to size, SI. u'U-.2u. l'"luti-Callfotnlu, new coitons, (uc; layers, ..- iniiiuricu. lb.. 12(13c. UA'l'liS Persian, lu W-ib. boxes, Hairs, 5o per lb.; ilallowen. uo per iu. MISCELLANEOUS HONEY Cullfornla, per 34-scctton case, Il.oo. CIDEIt-Per bbl.. J1.50; per half bbl.. $2.75. NUTa EliullMi wainuib, per id., ioc; ill steady: New York exchange, 20c discount bid. Pie discount naked. UALTIMOHE. April S.-Clcurlngs, 54.221, 415; balances. JAns,'iS2. PHILADELPHIA, April 8.-Clearlngs, 15,W3.49a; balance-". J2.102.979. CINCINNATI, April S.-Clearlngs. $3.9S. 4.V; money, 346 per cent; New ork ox chaiiRo, 25r discount. ,,,,,,. 1IOSTON. April s.-Clearlngs, Jli,161,2, bal inecs, $1,4.643. . NEW YOHK, April S.-Clearlngs, 1110,. 055,317; balances, J3.t99,15S. Vnrk Mniiry Mnrkcl. Ni:V YORK, April S.-MONEY-On call, llrm .it 3Vtt per cent: !ast loan at 3V4 Per cent: prime mercantile paper, 3's0f4'4 per cent. . . ,., STERLING EXCIIANaE-Weahcr. with business In bankers' bills at Jl.S'n for de mand and nt Jl.smtH.Wi tor sixty days, iiosted rates. Ji.gjU nnd $1.S9; commercial E.llla l L ll CM .SIIA'EH-Ortinentes. 5Sfi59c: bar, 5S4c! Mexican dotlars, 4Sc. noNDS Oovernnieiit. strong: state. In active; railroad, Irregular. jne closing prices on uonus iouy rib i follows: tlont that tho developments since Thursday had caused a widespread determination to sell stocks. Another palpable fact was that some or too most powerrui operators in tho market had already sold their holdings antl taken protlls during the wild excite ment of last week and were compactly or ganized on the bear side of tho market this inorninK. Perceiving the highly vulnerable condi tion of tho market, owing to tho over extension of long accounts, thinly mar gined nnd bucked by weak resources, tlio bears fell unon tho market with creat llercenoss imil cut a wide breach lu prices at the llrst ouslauuht. The with- extent of the llrst declines, which were made by sue ccssive ilrnos from 1 to 214 nolnts between sales, Invited quick prollt-taklug by tho beats, nntl the violent rullles which ensued encouraged the hulls to make some stand ngalnst tho tcductlou, hoping that the nurrj was temporary anil tlio market pre pared to renew tho ndvanco. This was the only perlotl of the day when there was nny show of nosltlve strength, antl Sugar. Peo ple's Oas Texas & Pnclllc and a number of less Important stocks wore marked up sharply over last Thursday's level. Tho strength wns snort-llvoti. However, aim after the demand from the bears had been satisfied many of the banks began calling loans. Tins brought a fresh suimlv or uu nidation In the market anil Invited fresh attack by tho bears. The selling became precipitate ns tbu full hi prices wiped out margins and uncovered stop-loss orders, nnd the unlucky bulls Jetlsoneil cront bales of stock, with tho hope of relieving their loatl nnd saving other holdings from the snipwrccK. Tho only Importnnt demand at any time came from tho shorts, mid the occasional snnsmoil c rallies were not hoiti in nnv case, This was true of tho last as of former ral lies, and. althoiiRh uncos had not fallen back to the lowest all around they were it gnl u on the down gratlo In most cases nntl tho clnslnc was Irregular anil only slightly above tho lowest. Tho fall reached an extreme 84 tu Rock Island, ti',4 In Dela ware v liuuson, uV4 In Ainnigamateil uop nor. 714 In Colorado Fuel preferred and from 2 to 5 points In practically all of the active stocks on the 1st. The grangers Paclllcs. sonthwosleriis. southerns, coalers. trunk lines and high-priced specialties were most acutely uffected. Sterling excliaiiKo oascit off slightly in re sponse to the higher money rate, but tho conviction was not filtered that a largo ad ditional sum of gold will bo exported to meet tho requirements, of tho Ignition money market, in connection with tin? coming gov ernment loan. The movement of money to tlio interior, as dlscioseii ny Matumay bank statement, wns unpreeedeutcdly heavy antl would be sulllclcnt If continued to wilio out tho surplus of tlio New York Hanks, nut any consnioranie stringency in isow York would undoubtedly nrrcst this move incut to some extent, although tho purely commercial neiMs for money uro likely to berts, per lb., Uc; ulmonds, per !b., lso2w; 1)0 InPt without regard to distress of purely rurt pu-uituts, lu., xi'tfoWi roasted, uhW sncculutlvo borrowers Tho subtrensiiry 7hc Uruuils, l-o; pecans, wyKc; cocounuis, ,)r which Is destined to continue. Is I. f.. No. 2. r'nuh niiotiitlniis were ns follows: KLOIIIl Qulot anil sleatiy: winter pni ?nts. J3.8.Vff;i.W; straights. J3.20ifr3.70; clears, J2.WVM.40; spring specials. JI.30; patents, J3.&ori3.!o; Htriilghts, J3.vj;l.30; bakers, J2.20 4) 2. N. WHEAT No. 3 spring, V370c; No. 2 red, 701i'Ti ";". CORN No, 2, lie; No. 2 yellow. 44c. OATS-No. 2. 27c; No. 2 while, iS'Jic; No. 3 while, 27H'o'-!,Uc. RYE No, 2, 53c. PARLEY Good feeding, 47c; fnlr to choice mull lug, WiGSc. HEEDS No. I llax. $1.62; No, 1 iiorth westrrn, Jl.rhP.4. Prime timothy, $4.10. Clover, contract grade, $11. PROVISIONS Mess, pork, per bbl., $14.13 (fi 14.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., $S.35ii8.37'j. Short ribs sides (loose). $S.0vhh.20. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $fi.75ii.h7!s. Short clear Bides (boxed). JR.37'4flS.riO. WHISKY Rasls of high wines, $1.27. SPGARS Cut loaf. Jfi.ol; granulated, $3.47; 'confectioners' A, $5.34; off A, $3.19. Following uro tho receipts and shipments rfor today; Receipts. Shipments. Vlnur. bills M.OOO 22.000 Wheat, bu Mi.omi 132,000 ,IVim. nil 1 11.000 320.001) loats. hi 173.000 252,000 Rye. bu 4.000 'Hurley, bu 6,00.1 1.000 On tlio rroduoo exchaiigo today tho but ler nitirket wns Hteuilv! creameries. 15W 2('i4e: dairies. lUiilSc. lOggs, llrm; fresh, 324c Cheese, llrm, 115! I2?c. . . 1 SI1W YORK liKXKIIAI. MAHKFX (liintnllnnn f 41ic liny nn Vnrlons ConiliioilKlrv. NEW YORK. April S.-FLOl'R-Rocelpts, .80,000 bbls,; exports, 47,227 bbls.; moderately notion mill ceiierallv llrm: Minnesota .patents. $3.MM4.20: Mlllticsotn hnkers. $2.W S.2S; winter natents. $3.iA(ff4.oo: winter 'iMratghts, $3. 40(1 1.50; whiter extras, J2.40W 12.80; winter low grades. $3.20.35. Ryo flour, steady, fair to good, $2.&flfy3.15; choice ho fancy, $3.2043.I5. nuckwhent flour, quiet tnt J2.lo-n2.15. , RUCKWHEAT-Dull nt 6O0Jf.2c, c. New York. . CORNM EA I Firm : yellow western. Die; city. 90c: llraiittywliie, J2.I.VJ2.H1. HYE Dull; Nn. 2 western, tH4e. f. o. b. ill I oat: Htate. KiVff67c. c. I. f.. cnrlots. r DAHLEY-Dull: feeding. IBffllS'.ic, c. 1. f New York; nialtlng. G2Q.0C. RARLKY MALT Dull: western. t72c, WHEAT Receipts. 01.600 bu.; exports. 329,000 bu,; spot, llrm; No, 2 red, 79Uc , afloat; No. 3 rod, 7irC, elevator; No. i Uiorthem. Duluth. ni!c. f. o. b., alloat; No, 1 hartl. Duluth. 89it,c. f. o. b.. alloat. On- .tlons opened llrm on covering and after a iKliurn reaction untler liquidation impeiieti Iby lino crop iirosnccls recovered on a tle- imand from shorts, Imlped by heavy clear. .nncrs, export buying anil a largo visible 'supply decrease; closed llrm nt V net ad vance: May, 7ti 6-ltM77lie. closed 77Uc: July. "WWII f'-lOe. closed 77!iCi September, "S'iffi 7b?4o. cioseq ibc. ('ORN Receipts. 10G.Oi bu.: exports. 15 473 bu.: spot, steady: No. 2. 49sic. elevator, nnd 60Viu.f. o, P., iillout Options openeu ensy on lino weather west, but turned 'ptronger later iu tho day on substantial minnort nt Chicago, symnathv with wheat .ivnfl locnl covering; closed firm at a partial One net advanco: Mny. 49lfl9i$c, closetl 13'c; July. 4S'4!h'4S 13-lfic. closed 4Sc; September, HI .l-llMfifl?4e, i-itmi'ti tu n)4e. OATH Receipts, 340,600 nu.; exports. HO. av) hu.: snot, dull: No. 2. 31c: Nn a Miio No. 2 white. 33o J No. 3 white. 32ie: track mixed, western. 30Uff32c: track, white, a: SiSic. Options were qulot. but nbout strady, HAY Dull; shipping, i&Jluisc; gootl to choice. :K)r.ut&c. Hini".K Firm: Gnlvestoil. 20 to 23 IIih IfrflbHc: California. 21 to 25 Ins., ISijfllOo Texan dry. 21 to 40 lbs., lltfHUc. LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Rue nos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 24025c nold. 'i3H(li25e. PIIOVISIONS-Ileef. llrm: family. J10.E0 tffll.W; mess. JSMvjig.oO: beef hams. $18,30fl) 19.00; packet. J9.504H0.00; city, extra India mess. jH.wijm.iio. i'iii meais, steady; pick. let! bollles, $s.7Ml 10.50: pickled hhoulders jj.ooi picKlen iiams, :i.boiii 10.00. Lanl, ensler western stenmeil, $,7S: rellncd, easier continent. JS.W): South Amerlcn. J9.B0: com pound. $S.S7',4. Pork. Arm: family. 17.r) nliort clear, $15.OKffl7.0(j; mess, $15.50ij HQP8 Steady; state, common to choice, 1900 crop. 17(fl20o: 1899 crop. llffll5o: old olds 1216o: Paclflo coast, 19iW crop, ItliiU'o; ls99 crop, lc. TALLOW-Steadyj city, 6Jf5e; countix CUiiiiSli-lUcelpts, nUb'3.i llriu 1.1,1. h. !'.( HIDLS-No. 1 green. 5V4u; No. 2 green, 4V-o; No. 1 suited, C4c; .No. 2 suited, 6Vjc; v:T, 1 inir. x tn 12 lbs., bu: No. 2 vual calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Oc; dry bides, S'tfl3c; sheep ,,.,.L ".',-. linrHii hldcH. Sl.5042.25. . u , " . - " - Si. I.011U (J nil 11 and Provision, ST. l,Oi: IB. April 8. WHEAT Higher; Nn. red. citsh. elevator, ww: track. i2W 3V; May. 701,s'ii tOc; July, wc; rs.o. 2 nam, HftlllC. CORN-HlRhcr; No. 2 casn, kmc; track, l.tfi j.tUt! Mhv. 423;iri4'Uo: July. 2TC. 1 i. 1 Minn it. aij. etiMi. - nu, unlit. Ri2sV; May. 2(i7ic; July, 25Sc; No. 2 while, 23V- 11 VI.. lllener nt FLOl'H Dull; patents, $3.503.65; extra liuicy and straight, $3.1W3.2j; clear, $2.itw .ji). MFF.ns Tlmothv. steady: nverago ro celpts, $3.2l.00; p'lmo worth more. Flax, $1.52. 1 'iwi 'M i-:a 1 Micner ul URAN-Dull and easy; faulted, east track, more feared than any other source of en croachment, and the conditional offer of tho secretary of the treasury to redeem L'overnment bonds for tho slnkiiic fund Is tell to oner iiitiu nope 01 reuor tor 1110 stock market. Huslncss in bonds was relatively less ac' tlvo than that in stocks and the movement In prices wns irregular. Total sales, pnr value. S3.51O.0OO. Ptiltcil States refundlnc 2s advanced , and now Is U per cent on tho last call. The following aro the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: HAY Firm: timothy, JlO.OOii 13.00; prairie, $7.0M?1 11.00. WHISKY ttieauy ai IRON COTTONf IES-$1. HAUOING-K',ai7i HUMP TWINE 90. PHOVISIONS-Pork. higher: Jobbing, sir. ro ijird. steady at JS.25. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra suoris. ji-ji; lent- ribs. . hi: c ear sines. ss.uj!. xiticott stoutly; boxed lots, extra shorts, JO.Siis; clear ribs. $9.25; clear sides, J9.3714. M ETA IS Lead, steady at J1.32!j. HPCIier, nulet: S3.75 hid. $3.7716 nsked. ruiU.l III nioutiy; cuickuhsj i;su; itir Itevs. RfiSe: ducks. Ho: ceese. 41i5c. Ill l J Micauy; crcamcrj-, joh-c. ltilry. 1111, t EGGS steady, n?4c, ropacKca nnn cases ineliiaeti. HECU1PTB Flour, 7,000 bbls.; wneat. w,. Otm bu.: corn. .".0.000 bu.: oats. 27.000 bu. Hll IPMENTS F our. IG.000 bbls.: wheat. 80,000 bu.; corn, 57,000 du.; oats, lti.ono uu. KnnM City (Srnln anil Prnvlalnns. KANSAS CITY. Anrll 8. WHEAT May. tSHu; July. o.i4c; casn, ino. . narii, wi'tiuic; v fl rffifAn! Nn. 2 red. t;fl70o: No. 11 lr'lotr. HSo: No. 3 spring. COilfitc. cnitN Mav. 40ic: July. 40T(?(41c: cash. Nn. 2 mixed, 41UllMc; No, 2 white, 4Ht'Ui 2o. ..... . OATS NO. wnuc, .jn;ut-c. HVI.'Vn. 2. 50c. 1 1 a Y choice timothy. $10.505ill.O0: cholco prairie, w.wvy.w. llUTTER-Cioamery, 17020c; dairy, fancy. uo. EGGS Lower: fresh Missouri and Kan. PUS SlUCIV, 111; uuai'ii, iwnn innL-n iu turned; new wiuiowoou cases inciuaeti, 4o more . HKl'I'Jll'i a neni, ii,.v nu,, corn, s.sw hll. : imis, s.ii on. SHIPMENTS wneni, du,: corn, 6,200 bu.; oats, a.ouo im. Toledo (irnln Mnrkrt, TOLEDO. O,, April 8. WHEAT Ac tlvo .. '.'Hi .. r.2'. .. 40'. ,...1'4 .... 37 . ... i.'i ....111 ,...H7',j ....111 L. R0V41 . ...UVOi .... 45'. lll'S ;iiV . On .203 . fir. and higher; cash, lt,e. (ORN Quiet anil llrm; cash, 41c; May, 4I9I4.' . ,, DATS nun; casn, -so; Ainy, .djsc. RYi:-r.iuo. CLOVERSEED Active and firm; 1S99 prime, Ji..75; cash, $6.70; October, J5.C0, Mluupnimlla (irnln Mnrkrt. MINNEAPOLIS. April 8. WHEAT Cash. 71Hc; May, 70c; July, 72Ho; on track. No. 1 hard, iao: ,-o, i iiortuern, mc; no. 3 normern. ii'o. FLOUR-Actlvo: llrst natents. $3.83f?3.9r: second patents, $3.fi3tfi3.75; llrst clenrs, $2.95 3,05: second Clears, 2.iy( jiha. in uuik, ij.wuij.;j. i , Phlliiilelnliln Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. April 8. HUTTER- Finn; fancy western creamery, 22V4c; fancy western prims, Vji . laney ncariiy, wc, EGGS Fresh nciirby. 13V-: fresh west. em, Wise: iresn soumwesiern, J3jri3io; iresn soimiern, r.ijo. CllEESE-Qulet hut stoutly. Peoria Mnrket. PEORIA, April S -CORN-lllghcr; No. 3, 43'40. OATS Firm; No. 3 white, 27Uii27!4c, billed through. WIllSKY-On tho basis of $1.27 for fin- Ishetl goods. UIUiiiiUee liraln Slnrket. MILWAl'KEE. April 8.- WHEAT - Stendy; No. 1 northern, 7IVui3c; No. northern, osHfnlo. I1ARLEY Sternly; No. 2, 57!4fi6Sc; sam ple, 4'WC. Ylnllile Supply nf (irnln. NEW YORK. ADrll 8,- The statement nf th a ,vllblu supply ot yruln In store und tchlson do pfd H.'tltlmoro A O. Canadian Pac. Canada So ('lies. A Ohio.. ("Iilengo li. . C.. R. & Q Chi. Intl. & l... tin Ilffl Chi. a 13. HI. C. & N. W.... ('., R. I. oi P. C. C. C. : St. Colorntlo So.. tlo 1st llll.. iin 2.1 tifil... Del. & Hudson .LO'A Del. L. W 215 Denver R. G. do Pfd Llrlo tlo isi pin Ot. Nor. nfd.... Htirklnir (Null . Hocking Valley.. !' Illinois Central., lilt In. Central ill'!, Lako Erlo & W.. IM',4 tin nrd i;s Lako Shnro 2PVi L. & N 1'CJ Manhattan ij i'vh Met. SI. Ry l'"?i Mex. Central . Minn. & St. L tlo pftl Mn. Pnclllc ... Mobile & Ohio... 1 1 M.. K. t T 21", .i ...i r.7 tn in' "i NT .1. l-entrnl....l.Hi N. . Central....! I'J',4 Norfolk iSs v... tlo pfd No. P.ieltlo ..... do bid Ontario & W... Ore. Ry. & Nav do pfd Pennsylvania .. Reading tlo 1st pro do 2d pfd Rio G. W do pfd St. L. & 8. F... do 1st prtt do 2d Pfd St. L. Southw.. tlo Pill St. Paul do pfd niN Wheel. & L. E. 18'4 ;ii' do 2d nfd Wis. Central .... 19 Third Avenue ...121 H. t O. pfil 9) National Tube... i;i 'do nfd 1t Amal. Copper ...103 Adams Ex inn American Ex 1''7'. I . S, Ex 82 Wells-Fargo Ex.ll'i Amor. Cot. Oil... 20 do nfd .s Amor. .Malting,.. do pfd 2 Amor. S. & R.... t; tlo pfd 'Amor. Spirits... 2 ilo pfd 17 "Amor, S, II.... 40 Mo prd !l.i Amor. S. & . 17 N. J. C. g. 6s. .131 No. Pnclllc J3 i-lj No. Pacillo 4S....1J.11 V Y C- & S L 4s. .107 N. & W. con. 4s.l')U4 Ore. Nav. Is 109 tlo 4s 105 Ore. S. L. C... ..12VS do consul &s....iii RetullllR gell. 4s. 03 Rio O. W. is .. .1011.4 St L & I M c. 5s.ll? . 9."4 'S L & S F R. Gs.lHIH l.icl Ut Pnnl efitm. . .J". T . . . VO V, w. ..... Chen. & O. 4',4S..IU7 'St .P, (' & P ls. HSVfc . S. ref. 2s, rcg.lOitfi do coupon lCli't do 3s, reg lluj4 tlo coupon .... Ill's do now 4s, reg.Us4 tin coupon 12S')4 do old 4s, rcg..U34 do coupon 113't do 5., reg llP- do coupon UlW D. of C. 3 ts....I2l ,tch. gon. 4s 10214 III Hill. 4S Canada So. 2s. tlo 5s. C. & N. c. 7s... do S. t. d. us.. Chicago Tor. 4s. DO. HO. 4S D. & R. O. Is... 102 Erie Gen. Is 89 F. W. .t D. ('. In. 105 (leu. Electric Ss.lSO in. Central is...i 7 L. & N. unl. Is..l(rj M.. K. .t T. 2s.... MJ tlo 48 9!i N. Y. C. Is 1074 I21U do 5s. ,112 Pnclllc 4s . .121 " V 'S . W S. R. tc T. 6s.. HI" .12014 -.VrVit Hi t .120 .3 Pnloii Pacllle'Vi Wabash Is 1204 do 2s ll West Shore 4s.. 115 Wis. Central 1s.. 901: Va. Centuries .. 95's Wabash deb S63V4 Hid. Offered. Vow York Mliilnu Stocks. NEW YORK. Anrll S. Tho following are quotations on mining stocks: OMAHA LIVE STOCi MARKET Verj Light Recipti ef Otttlt Today and Market Ruled Actire nnd String. HOGS TWO AND A HALF TO FIVE HIGHER l.lbrrnl Run of Sheep and Trade Wan .None Too ActUe, but Still Until Sheep mid l.anitia llrouuht Just About Sternly Price. SOUTH OMAHA, April S. Receipts were; Cuttiu. uv&. oneep. Omclul Monday Mime day lust wccK . o.ime week ueloiu ... ouniu three weens ago sumo luur wccks iibu Mime uuy lusl ie.ti' . Averunu price puld tor hugs fur the past suvtrul uujb, wlin cuuipunsuiis; 1,IA'J llti .,.)IM O.lUl 1.IVM ..l.J .,OOli .,.10 .,lllU t, U,10 I, IV. 10.101 2,0io V,.i'J b,9.2 l,lli I 1W1. UKW,lWJ,lJ.lli9;.l.l!'. March 15. b 68ii 4 7 3 U 3 S 3 8J j 4 31 Alarcil lti.i a &ut i 61 iu : "tVi A M 3 "I . ,. p.. ..I ft : . ...! .. . . ., ... i ui . i vt. . rcll 1J. U U1V4, 4 M' J l I., J 'V ' roll W. o 71 4 Kol 3 t J W 3 till 3 irch 21. a 4 M 3 50 3 75 3 il t ii tell .'.'. l w 4 S3 i W 3 76. 3 SS 4 4 tell 2J. 0 Wvi 4 W 3 C3 3 it, 3 1 3 i- " itch 24. 4 lUj 3 ,' 3 il a J J W . ircil 2j. i u '6 I i 3 bi 3 Oi & tv J l il'CIl ili. li Si" I J5 I 3 tu 3 1 3 l0( 4 o .iiiticii ... o ij?41 4 ii, a wi - t avi y ; ;,: Murcll 2S. 5 90', 5 0G 3 lifil 3 57j I i i0 " March 29. 5 tji.i 5 16 3 00 3 bj 3 S3 I 4 W .UU1XI1 Su.l o fcU' u 12 3 U3I 3 02 3 iii u w .'s March 31.1 6 10 J 3 l!2 3 Ul 3 tW April 1... 5W1, 3b43U)3U-'34IO Anril it 1. 1 r. n :i hi. Uii 3lMi 4 34 II W 6 1IVI 1 10 10 I JO Pti 4 :o 4 U . run of 2 fas I fio 1. W0 l fl r. SS3 I 05 24 985 4 15 10 1157 tinnaThpn wns n verv Debt iniliiv for even n Monthly, and tho market opened close to 6c higher. The llrst sales were mostly at $1.0". The better grades sold from !.02Vir..oJ's, It was not u particularly active market, ns puck ers did not like to pay the advance, and did so onlv untler protest. The heavy hogs were sold llrst, as Is generally the case, nntl the light hogs being loft until the end. tho close was slow and weak. Packets wanted to buv the last end from JS.!& to and that was about the way they sold. Repre sentative sales; No, 59.. April 3... 5 yji.ii 5 151 3 63 I 3 Ul 3 M 4 6. 'Mil!. .-! 5 ?.? " ii ?! 2 B nJ. "I'm u...i u vj',21 o u iiwi a ii i n : : April 0... 0 thi-gi 0 3il 3 t2 3 7j 3 83 3 571 1 April 7..., 6 271 3 Oil 3 721 3 83 3 .;?! April S... C Olsai 3 t!0 3 71, 3 MJ 3 01, l . Adam Con 20 Alice 34 Hroeeu 130 HrunswloK con., an Coinstock Tun... Con, Cal. K- VU..183 Dead wood Ter... W) Horn Sliver 110 Iron Silver CO Leadvlllo Con.... 5 Little Chief Ontario .... Ophlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada. Small Hopes .. Standard 141 ....900 .... 65 ' . 05 .400 Condition nf the Trrnmrr. WASHINGTON. Anrll S. Today's state- ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $l50,00o,(itio gold reserve In the division or redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $Pil,0i5,779; gold, $97,232,623, 7 u 1J ,S 2 11 ; 8 i 1 .. 2 12 i 1 4 l'l 10 1 3 1 I 4 8 3 o 3$ 31 I CnlToe .Mnrket. NEW YORK. Anrll S.-COFFEE-Bnot. Rio. easy: No. 7. Invoice. 65c. Mild, dull: Cordova. S'tiifl'-'sc. The market for futures opened dull, with prices unchanged to live poiuis lower, nntl ruieii inuciive nu nay with narrow Huctuatlous. A holldny In Europcnn markets, Indifferent news from Rrnzll nnd u dearth of Investment orders served to glvo tho market a barely stoutly undertone. Tho mnrket closed steady, with prices not unchanged to live points lower. 'ei. n,..l r.t... ......... n n In t.tfll., r. I uu n,iu.. ntic ,IUV i'.K"l 1111.1 ..... I IH lune nt B.50c: Sontcmber. 5.75c: December. 5.95g6c; January. Gff6.05c: March, 6.10c. 1)11 Mnrket. NEW YORK. Anrll S.-OILS-Cottonseed. llrtn: prime crude, 33V4c; prime yellow, 35Ho. reiroieum. wobk; rotned rsew vorK, i.i.; Phlludolnhlii and Raltlmore. $7.40: Phllatlel- phla nnd Hnltlmorc. In bulk. $5.05. Rosin. dull. Turpentine, weak. 35i..iir;'. SIAl'.tVV.UI Anrl B OI 1 39nlrlli nf turpentine, sternly, 32c. itoslit, llrm and tin chanced. OIL CITY. Pn April S.-OILS-Clear-nncos. $1.20; certlHratcs. no bid; shipments. 1I3.IHB Hbls.; nvornge. 80.375 bbls.; runs, ill, 12S bbls.; average, S.M9I bbls. Evnfiorntril nntl Dried Fruits. NEW YOHK. Anrll 8. EVAPORATED APPLES A nulet nntl uninteresting mar ket was current for evaporated nnnles to day. Exporters hold aloof and prices wero without chnngc. State, common, 304c: prime. 4!4flTiic: choice, 5Ti'5ic: fnncy, 61f Olio. CALIFORNIA DRIED I' RI ITS Market inactive but steady, prunes, 3Uf(7c per lb., ns to size nntl quality: apricots, Royal, li fi2o; .Moor I'arK. wiiisc; peaencs, peeiou, 12!i1i20c; unpoclcd, ul-filOc. etv Ynrk llry (itioiln Mnrket. NEW YORK. Anrll S.-DRY OOOD8- Thero Is llltlo change In the market for brown wenched or ooamo colored cottons. a quiet demand being freely met. Regular ami oilier narrow prim cioius also uu changed, nut tho market for wldo gray goods In decidedly firmer: prices nro nulet. No change in ginghams; white goods firm for tl no grades, low tiiialitles Irregular. 811k la ones nrni, wiiu lair iiemanu. J3 Indicates Sutitlny. . . , The omclul nunibor ot cars of stock brought in today by each roatl was: Cattle. Hogs. Sli p, ll r b. C. M. & St. P. Ry.. Union I'ac. System.. Ar N. W. ity F., E. tfe M. V. it. H. C. A: P. .V St. P.. M Ai O.. R. A: M. it. R. R.... it, At i. tiy 11. 1. & P.. east... Illinois Central Totnl. receipts .... The dl.Miostllou of the da.v'H receipts wus as lollows, each buyer purchasing tlio num ber ot hcau intiicatcu: lljyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omnhn Packing Co 61 n"J l.l?; (S. II. Hammond Co 161 W)i s". Swltt ami Company 129 !'. , 4'fJ Cutlnhy Packing Co 3ti .I l,5in Armour & Co 211 IM -'!- Swift, country 9! it. liecKor v uegan i ,nt:sunt At ui - Lobmun A: Co 45 Kenton & Underwood... 'J Huston Ac Co 6 Livingstone A Schaller. 112 Hamilton A: ltotiiscniiu. i:. L. F. Husz 1 II. F. llobUlck 41 Wolf & M 79 Other buyers 226 55 Totals 1,742 2.S53 6,799 CATTLE There wan a very light rilll of att o Hero today and ns nuyers an socmen to hove fnirlv liberal orders they started out early In the morning antl bought up everything lu sight at good strong prlcen. Choice beef steers were In exceptionally good demand today and as there were only . few on sale It did not inKo incm long to hnnci! linnris. Tho market could not be riuoted much If any higher, but at tho same tlmo It wns a good, strong, ncuvn miirnei. Fven I Im Iphb desirable bunches sold readily nt u'lmt looked tn lie Htronuct' prices ns compared with those paid at tne close oi last week. (nws ii ml helfem wero nlso In good re. quest today and packers bought thorn up 111 il llllll til nui'iih ..v.c. ... J nil that were here antl more too, so they did not stop for quality, nut tooK uu Kinas ui verv Hntinriioiorv prices. Hulls, oitlves nntl nines mot with ready sale today, but prices looked nbout the satno as they wrro ni me cioso oi mm wcvk. The stocKer ami icener initio whh ii ui- tle bettor than It was at mo close oi nisi weelt. Tlio nlensunt weather rather livened up the trade and gave enough conlltlenco to speculators so that they went out nntl bought up whnt was offered at gootl strong prices. Anything nt all gootl was picked up early, but tho rommooer kinds worn neg lected mo same as iney. nuve o,cen uu uiuuk. Representative sales: BEEF BTEEHS. . Sl'4 112 . 102 50 . 8.1 . ova. . 9 ' . 33H . 12 . 70 . :u!ll . 7l',i . r.i'1. . 79 . 10! I. 82', . 37h' . .1.1 . 01 .I.M'i I'.fJ lo pftl 1111.'. Amor. Tin P... 75 do pftl U9i', Amor. Tobacco. ,125:i do pftl Ill Anao. Mln. Co... 47S Hrnok vn R. T... 8 Colo. Fuel Ac 1 Con. Tobacco do pftl Federal Steel do pftl noli. Elect rlo . 43',4 lo-i . R3U .ml .215 . 49 . no . 23V4 . 78Vi il'j 39',4 95 lfi',3 81 .1!74 3ic; May, 7H4c; July, St. P. Omaha. 135 So. Pacillo So. Hallway ,. do pfd Tox. Ai Pacillo. Union Pnclllo . do pfd Wabash , do pftl 4l!i 7Si 36 ?4 81", 19 Glucose Sugar no ptti Inter. Paper .... do pftl Laclede Gas National Biscuit tlo pfd National Lent! , ilo pftl National Sloel "ilo pft ., N. Y. Air Hrnke.153 No. 'American. . . 8i Pac. Coast .... 32 tlo 1st pftl tlo 2tl pfd Purine Mall . I'eopio s wax PrpMSeil .1 Cnr VU!. do pfd 8I,4 Pullman V. Cnr.L'09 S. H. & T 5 sugar nij do nrii 1?1 leilll. coal Ai I.. 62V. i'. .-. jjoumer. ... tlo pfd U. S. Rubber ., tlo pftl Western Union. Republic 1. & 8. tlo pftl U. 8. Steel tlo pftl P. C. C. & St. L . !U . HI . 'Mi ,1')9 it"4 Snicnr Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, April S.-SUOAR-Hhw, steady to nrm; reiiniug, :i:i-32c; centrirugai, 90 test. 1 4-lfic; molasses sugar, 35-16e; re. lined, strady. NEW ORLEANS. Anrll S.-SIJOAR-Mnr. kel iilet; open kettle, 3V4fl3Vc: open kettle centrirugai. ;;TfN1o: centririiRai yeiiow, H41 1 9-lCo; seconds, 31i3 15-I6c; molasses strong; open kettle, SfiUc. St. I.niils Wool Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. Anrll S.-WOOL-Unchanged medium grades. l25?1St4e; llglit line. 1215c: heavy line, uwjrjt.; tun washed, israiic. Tlioiiubl tn Ilo liioenillnrlsin. ST. LOUIS, April S. It Is believed that the lire t lint yesterday caused the tlestrue tlon of n Ri'nln eleyiilor owned by the St. Ixnils Elevator and StoniRe company, causing a loss of tjo.oon. was of Incendlnry origin. Several boys whom tho watchman Just previous tn his discovery of tho Are had ordered away rrom tho premises urn thought to bo tho guilty persons. Tho tiro stnrted lu the nil room. A mooting of di rectors will be Hold this afternoon to dis cuss plans for rebuilding the elevator, which was the oldest In St. Louis. Hull Will Inspect Phlllpplnea. DES MOINES. Anrll 8. Congressman J A. T. Hull, chairman of the committee on military affairs, accompanied by his family started last night for tho Philippine Islands by way of San Francisco, Ho goes for tlio nurnosn of maklntr nn Importnnt oxamlna tlon of Hie transport service of tho govern ment nnd securing Information with regard to tho conditions of tho army In tho Islands. Ho will bo gone until September and will visit nu important points. Mysterious Slint llrlngs Death. WICHITA, Kan., April s.-Ed Bine, nn employo of tho Pago Hardware company, was shot ast night wnne preparing to rt1 tire. Tho shot was tired from a window of a building opposite. T. J. Robinson has been nrrestetl under suspicion, ns he was sa d to bo Jealous of nine, tn wnom Robin son's divorced wlfo rented a room. He cannot live. 1911 wn,4 19 75W it;?: 9I" IVS Nominal. Trust receipts, Ex-dlvidend. llnatnii Stock (luntntlnna, ROSTON. Anrll 8. Call loans. 3ft4 ner cent; tlmo loans, 314l per cent. Official rioting; A.. T. & S. F fil'i do nfd.M '.'.v Atnr. Sugar ...!ll Amor. Tel....... 109 llnston Alb V..2C0 Roston Elevated. .UI Boston At mo.... id i C, H. & Q li Dominion Coal... 37V4 .lu nrtl Ill i.'itehlmrir nfd. ...1111,! Gon. Electric ...sia Hu nfd Ed. Eleo. HL Mex. Central . N. E. G. Ai C. Old Colony .... Old Dominion itubber Union Pacini? . ...213 Union Land .... 3(4 Wcstlngh. Elec. 9S Atchison 4s 102 Adventure 15 Ring. Mln, Co... 2 Hi Amal, Copper ...103U Roston & Jlont.. 3704 Hlltto & Boston. ..101 Cal. & Ilecla 815 i omentum ''nipkilii Humboldt . . 21 . 11U .20SH! Ksceola Parrot Qulncy Santa Fe Cop. Tamarack .... Utah Mining . Winona Wolverines ... . . ft .. If4 . 23 .. 81 ..ran ..176 .. 8 .,335 .. 3.3 .. iWl llnnk Clearings, OMAHA, April S. Rank clearings today, $975,327; corresponding day last year, $1, 041.8S9; decrease, $66,562. CHICAGO, April S.-Clearlngs, $25,307,229: balanceH, $2,570,917: posted exchange, $I.UM (ht.Wi; New 5'ork exchang'', 5oo discount ST lMMH, April S. Clearings $7 to.5,721: balances, y.),2l7, money, 5U7 per. cent uud THE HBAI.TY M.VH KKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Monday, vpru !, luui; Wnrrnnty HrriH. M. D. Shellon lo W. H. Crowe. lot 13, Morso H's Plnco $ 500 M. V. Hills nnd husbniid to Mlrhael Floersch. lot 6, block 14. Omaha Andrew Miles to Genevlevn Tylee, lots 14 and 15, block 1; lot 15, block 3, Cotnor & A'b add F. W. Carmlchael and wlfo to Nels Martinson, block 29, Halcyon H'g'ts. William Stein ami wife to Mary Hncke. lots 16 nnd 17, block 1, Hur llngton Center F. A. Hcnolken ami wlfo lo D. A. Thomns, n 2-3 lot 2. block 7, E. V. Smith's add M. F. Uro and husband to W. li. De Franco, lot 26, Archer Placn J. J. Sltterley and wlfo to J. A. Abra hamson, lots 4, 5 nntl 6, block 2, Helvedero ndd A. J Wllklns to .1. D. Hohdlhcrger, lot 8, block Y, Shlnn's 3d ndd W. II. McCreary and wlfo to M. D. Huston, n,4 lot D, block 23, South Omaha n. F. Troxell and wlfo to L. M, Kiihns et ul, lot I, block 5, Kllby Placo Lyman Rlchadson and wife to R. P. nntl E. O. Hamilton, lots 1, 2, 3, block 13, West End add... South Omaha Land Co, to H. M. and S. H. Christie, lot 6, block 336, South Omiihu : J. T. Hudelson nnd wife to C. W. Et trr, lot 10, block 137, South Omaha.. Quit (In I in needs. O. T. Hannartl. receiver, tn F. W. Hippie, s 41 feet lot 2, block 101; wJ4 lot 2 nnd e'4 lot 3, block 7, Omaha ; Union Pacillo Railway Co. to W. II, Marble, lots 1 antl 7, in 1-14-0 K. H. CurllH and husband to Barker Co,, lots 7 antl 8, block 9; IntH 1. 2, 7 nnd 8, block 16, Isaac Ai S's add.., Hreil. Sheriff to Winona Savings Rnnk. e 45 feet nf s 'ot 49, Gisc'H ndd ,. . 2,250 Total utuouut vt transfers ,, '$29,954 4,000 150 1,500 250 2,250 1,500 400 1,800 4,500 1,100 No. O V.'. 1.., 1.. 3.. !'.'. 1.. 4.. 9.. it.. 3.. . . 6.. 14.. 14.. 3.. 35.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 1.. 3.. 10.... 4.... Av. ...963 ...880 ... M0 ...1390 ...1030 ... 797 ... 800 ...10S0 ...1060 ... W ... 897 980 '...1062 ...1033 ...1077 ... P77 ...1263 965 Pr. 2 40 3 73 3 75 4 l") I 10 4 23 4 23 4 25 4 25 4 25 1 35 4 40 4 10 4 15 4 53 4 no 1 03 1 05 No. ' 4S.... IS.... 15.... 10.... 20.... 3.... 33.... 16.... 21.... 19.... 16.. .. 35.... IS.... 34.... 31.... 17.... 20.... Av ...1169 ...1116 ...UM ...1140 ...1202 ...1070 ...1227 ...1187 ...1331 ...1220 ...1265 ...1214 ...11SS ...1366 ...1450 ...122.S ...1113 'r. I "5 I 75 4 75 4 76 I 75 4 75 4 SO 4 5 I 85 4 sr. 4 85 4 no 4 90 4 95 4 95 5 IM 5 SO STEERS AND HEIFERS. ..1139 .. 670 .. 790 .. 830 ,. 9"! .. 833 .. 795 ,. 833 .. 830 .. 995 .. 9HH ..1020 .. 916 .. 810 .. 815 ..1000 .. 720 .. 930 .. 930 ..1380 760 1 53 16... CUWB, 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 73 1 '5 2 00 J On 2 0.1 2 35 2 10 2 40 2 40 2 40 2 50 2 75 2 5 2 90 .1090 3 00 . 950 3 00 ... 870 ... 8'") ...HBO ...1100 ... 910 ... 830 ...1103 ... 930 ...1240 ... 9O0 ... 797 ..1011 no 3 10 325 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 23 3 33 3 40 1. M l'.'." 1..., 1..., 1.... 1..., 1..., I!!!! 1..., 1..., 3..., 1..., 1..., 1..., 1..., 6..., 3..., 1..., 3. . . , 3..., 24... 2... 1..., r.'.'.', 3... n s'.'.'. c... 1..., 6... 1... ..1131 V) 1420 3 50 1140 3 50 1250 ."! 50 1290 3 50 1120 3 50 1120 3 .VI 1400 3 Hi 1130 3 75 1110 3 75 1200 1080 1PD 903 1(HM 920 810 1190 911 1273 . ..1120 ..T... 9.ii 1295 1032 1365 1120 1300 1060 1250 1115 1176 1134 1340 1030 910 COWS AND HEIFERS. 3 ' 3 75 3 73 4 00 4 I'O 4 (0 4 00 4 01 4 00 I 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 1 03 1 10 4 1.0. 4 10 4 10 4 15 4 15 I '( 4 20 4 20 4 25 4 25 14 38 3 1 7 3 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ft V.'.'.'.'. 1 1 1 60 1 1 1... 1... 3... 1... 1... 11... 16... 61... 1... (I i" 1 1 1 1 1 5 ....lO.'u .... .... 370 .... 580 .... 626 ....1166 ....1390 .... M ....1250 .... 800 ....1004 ....1190 ....IOMJ ....1060 :i 4.. 8. i (a 16 HEIFERS. 1 3 25 3 35 3 73 4 00 1 10 4 10 31... 1. 1 25 2 55 2 60 2 75 3 00 BULLS. 997 . 916 . 863 . 870 . 995 .1052 . 680 . 751 . 930 4 03 4 10 4 15 4 25 4 25 1 25 I 25 4 25 4 (5 870 3 00 7 3 10 1.. ,.1080 3 tO 1.1590 3 50 ..1410 3 50 ...1270 3 10 ...1010 3 25 ...13"0 3 25 1 ...1020 3 25 J.... ...1880 3 40 1.... ...1340 3 50 1.... ...10SO 3 TO 2.... CALVES. ... 328 3 00 1.... ... 350 3 00 1.... ... 220 4 00 2.... 180 5 50 1 .1280 ...1150 ...1430 ...13MI .1026 1 16S0 ...14S0 ,..1520 ,..1740 ..1670 ...1193 ... 140 ... 120 ... 230 150 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. :i oi 3 60 3 65 3 70 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 95 5 50 6 50 6 75 7 00 .1130 . 770 . 49) . 840 . 461 . 613 . 299 . 420 ,. 720 . 4S0 ,. 610 2 ro 2 75 2 9) 2 '") 2 ') 3 10 3 10 3 i: 3 25 3 23 3 25 7ll 2 1025 8 721 68 540 1 1120 1 530 1 10S0 6 n 3 1.. STOCK CALVES. 13. 1 3 24 1 r. s 8 . 3 380 270 'Ml ton 480 WIS 663 415 06 690 843 450 550 716 620 459 822 , 782 , CW ! CO (Yl 5.. 4U1 . 400 .1093 .1039 360 684 95 3 23 3 25 3 30 3 33 3 (0 3 40 3 CO 3 50 3 50 3 70 3 70 4 23 4 30 6 00 No. 14... 12.., 16. . '.9.. 78... II... 15... to... 6-1... 73... 10... 76... SI... 60... 70... 46... 47 .. 67... U5... 59. . . 65. . . 78 Av. .. !) ..113 ..I'M . I ..217 ...198 ..197 , . .361 ...210 ,..261 ...221 ...293 , . .223 ...210 . .235 ...220 , . .226 ..202 ."iSiii ,..223 :i.i Sh. Pr. ... 1 on ... 3 15 ... 591 80 3 9.5 120 3 97t,4 ... 5 97j ... 5 973 80 6 W 40 6 On ... 6 ! ... 6 00 ... 6 00 ... 6 i) ... HOI ... 6 00 40 6 IK) ... 0 00 80 6 00 200 0 ... li 00 ... 6 l) ... II (l 40 li 00 Av. Sh .22; 90. .220 Pr. 6 00 .111 li 00 79.. 63. . Nt. . 56.. .210 .211 .217 .201 .232 .211 16 2!"i 71 236 10... 24... 13... IU... 70... 40 .251 .250 ,3"2 .256 .256 67... 67... 71... 51... 61... 5. . . 61. ..261 :i: 20 (i 00 Nl li 00 10 6 00 U "I li (l li Oil'. .. 6('.'ii 40 ti 02Vj . . 6 02' a .. 6 02)4 80 li 021,3 80 6 OJ'a 80 6 W!(a li '2 3 li 0' 40 80 (i 05 293 160 6 05 2M l'l 0 '5 310 6 1 I 289 12" li o.'.fc nnd paymaster of Ihe Ituinnioiul-Slgner Tie compHtiy, who escaped from Jail lait Monthly, wus Captured seventeen mil' s from Menu last night, llcmbrco was sen tenced to hang In ivw, but win grunted u now trial by tho supremo court (Ins I ' in i it it - Hits l'ree llnnil, CHICAGO. April S.- Judge Wlndos of the appellate coin today dissolved tho Injunc tion recently grunted by Judge Dunne of the circuit court, restraining the Peoples (ins Light nntl Coke compulif from '.'Imrg Ing more than 72 rents n thousand ciib.e foot for heating or fuel gus. Judge U Indo. In his decision, held that the .circuit runt Is without power or Jurisdiction to deter mine the rate which the gas company should charge Its customers for gus.l Tho Injunction, which wns granted nbout tlvo months ngo, cntlscd 11 great deal 01 comment, as It wus held thai It estab lished a jiirrcilont untler which the rates charged by nil street railways, gas nntl rlerlrlc (ompanles, ami big corporulli'tis could bo II.Mtl by the municipal govern ments. St. I, mils IlioUer TiiKes Poison. ST. LOUIS. April 8. -Frederick G"Vo Coclirnn. uged 5.3 oil ix. n broker on tho Merchants exchaiigo. lommltleil suicide lo day ut his resilience lu Clayton, In St. Imls county. Cyanide of potassium wa. used. Hushics troubles nro supposed to have Induced him to end his life. SHEEP Then? wero more sheen 011 sale today than have arrived In sevt nil days. Tlio market was not very nrllve, as the liberal receipts gave buyers a (bunco to tnko their own time, which they did. Roth sheep nntl lambs, however, begun to move towiinl the scnles lu fnlrly gootl s, 11-011 ut Just nbout stoutly prices us compared with lie nose or itisi ueeu. 1 lie rttiiini.c n Cattle company's clipped wethers nntl year- iiugs urouglll Jl.ift, or too sumo us mr.. week. Uimbs sold as high us $3.20, which looked fully steady with tho prices paid last week, taking quality Into consltlera- 11011, . . Feeder could nlao be uuotctl steady wlin last week. Quotations: Choice wethers. $4..0n 4.80; fair to good wethers. $1.50114,70; clipped wethers, $!.5rtf4.75; choice lightweight year, lings. $1,735(1.110; fair to good yearlings. $I W ffi4.75; clipped yearlings. $1.65111.80: choice lightweight owes, $4,251(4.10: fair to good ewes, $3.11011 4.23, choice lambs. $5.0o1f5.2..; fair to goon lanibL, jl.7Mjo.on; clipped minus, lo.uo; spring minus, ju.&u(.tu; icouer ui 3 2.55f3.5tl: feeder wethers. $3.75f4.O0; feeder lambs, $l.30'if-!.6O. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr. 77 $1 l"i 77 4 60 1'S I 73 81 5 10 Hi $2 30 7S 2 50 137 I 00 Wi I 20 91 4 20 92 4 25 109 4 45 93 4 53 67 I 7'1 71 4 70 IIS I 75 ni r. 00 91 5 00 81 5 20 161 3 75 100 I l5 91 1 83 S3 6 0.) 91 5 ')) '.'$ 3 05 bt 5 Jj 75 dinned Colorado lambs 26 clipped Colorado lambs 6V5 clipped west. welh. nnd ycnrl 29 Colorado lambs 66 western cull ewes 6 western cull ewes 191 western clipped owes 223 western ewes 12 western ewes 13 western ewes 110 clipped western wethers 906 clipped western wethers 316 mixed 80 mixed 6 western wethers 328 South Dakota Inmbs 75 South Dakota lambs 518 Mexican-Colorado lambs n bucks 194 western yearlings ...I western vennings,,,. 23 western lambs 70 western lambs 137 western lambs 259 western lutnbs Is Hit en I, ll'c Sentfiire. MARION. Knn.. April 8. -Robert II. Hur ton w ns today com feted or murder In tlio llrst degree of killing I'relerlrk HolTni 111. .1 neighboring fiirmer. last November, and wns given a life sentence. They quarreled over a girl, nnd Burton shot HofTniuii tu the face- with 11 shotgun. $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years In Om tin VARICOCELE d HYDROCELE curod. Method new, without ciittltnr. palu or lost of time. CVDUI I I e cured for life atiu ttiopolfon O T rnikia thoroughly cleansed from thf system. Soon every sign and symptom dlsiippenrs completely and forrrer. No "HltKAKlSn OlT'ul the diffuse on tho skin or face. Trestmont contains no tUntrrous drugi or Injurious meaielue. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victim!! TO N Bit VdlTtl UKMMTY Of Exit At'tlTION, 3V1RTINO 5VAKNK63 With EAItl.V lllCiV in YoUNtl and Minni.B Aur.n, Uck of rim, vigor and strsngth, with organs Impaired and w enk. STRICTURE cured with a new llotn Treatment. No pain, no detention from busb ws. Kidney and Illatldfr Troubles. , , CHARGES LOWt Consultation I rrr. Treatment by Mall. Call on on or address Q So. 14th Sti Dr. Searles & Searles, Omaha, Neb. ClllC.MiU I.IVK STUCK MAIIKKT. I'nttlc mid IIokk Strong nnd Higher Mieep Active. CHICAGO. Anrll S.CATTLK-Receipts, 20,0011 head. Including 2u0 Texans; strong to loo higher; mnrket nctlve; gootl lo prime steers, JS.OOftO.ln; poor lo medium, 3.9) 4.95; stockers nnd feeders, llrm, $2.75ft'l 7; cows, $2.9iJ 1.60; heifers, 2.90ii 1.90; caiiners, $2. 101(2.80; bulls, 2. 751(4. 50; calves, steady, Jl. 75110.00; Texas-fed steers, Jl.25'ii5.30; Texas grass steers, $3.50fl l.oo; Texus bulls, $2.754.01). llOUH lieceipis lotioy, iv"J uctui; to morrow. I5.UI0. estimated: left over. 2.0"0; active and 5c higher; top. $0.20; mixed nntl butchers. $3.85ti?i.l5; gootl to choice heavy, 6.(Vfj6.20; rough heavy, $5. 81 ll 5. 95; light. --....! ATI.. It.. lb- nf o,il,,D t". Qt'illt SlIIUOP' AND LAMRS-Rccelpts. 22,000 head; sheep and lambs, strong antl nctlve; good to choice wethers, $l.831i.i.10. exports, J5.25; fair to choice mixed, $l.ioli 1.90. west ern sheep. $4,851(5.10; exports. $5.23. year lings, $1,851(5.25; native lambs. $l.751n5.4"; western lambs, Including clipped, $5,001(5.10. Kuiisns City l.hc JHnek Mnrkrt. K-AVBAS t MTV April S. CATTLIC Re ceipts, 1,000 natives, 1,500 Texans. 200 calves; best stockers and feeders, sleatiy , others slower: native beef Strom, $l.70ffo.50; stockers antl feeders. $3.751f5.00; western fed steers, $l.10f(; Texans aim inuianw, $1,151(5.00; cows. $3.25'sf 1.50; heifers, $3.7511 1.85, dinners, $2,501(3,10; bulls. $3.25i(l.5o; I I u,v V For years this remedy has been the stnndnrd nerve rcstorntlve. Thousands of hnppy men owe their newly found strength to Its use, Kcxitie Pills replace weakness nnd exhaustion with strength nnd vigor; the brain becomes clear; the nerves steady and calm; gloomy forebodings are banished and perfact vitality Is ful ly restored. If you nre suffering ns above, try a box'.you'tl be encouraged by Its effect to take the full course of six boxes then If you nre not entirely cured, we will refund j'our money. This satis factory oiler Is one of the factors of oiir success. fl.00 per liox ; 0 boxes (with guaran tee toctire or money hick), $5 00, mailed In plain pneknges. rtoofc free. Peat. Mlinl-WTn fl.f).,. Oll'o. calves. $1.00116.60. IIUliH lieceipis, 7.50il head; market opened 5o higher anil closetl steady; lop, $6.15; bulk of sales, $6.001i6.1O; heavy, $6.tWn 6.15; mixed packers, $5,951(6.10; light, $j.Vl'(i 6.05; pigs. $t.5fVfi5,73. SlIIIKP AND J. A MRS Receipts, 5,500 heiul; mnrket steady to strong; western lambs, $5.10175.20; western wethers, $4.501p 4.85; western yenrllngs, $4.751f5.O0; ewes, $l.251i4.55; culls, $3.5Of(1.00; spring lambs, 6.50li:7.00. s, e tv Vnrk l.lvr Stnek Mnrkrt. NKW YOHK, April 6. HEKVKS-Rn-nelpts, 4.153 bond; common stecru lower, otherrt steatly to strong; steers. $4.25Qfi.55; extra, $5,751(5.85; bulls. $3.00tf4.15; cows. $2.1(K(il.25; cables quote live cattle at ltVrf 13Uc tlrrsseti weight, sheep 131114c, lamba irk" dressed weight. Calves, receipts. 5,777 head; demand fair; prices. M1i75o off; all sold except fow Into arrivals; veals. $3 50ff 6.75: fow choice, $7; little calves. $3,0033.5.1. HliKKP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1,274 head; sheep, steady; lambs, steady tn llrm; hhoep, $l.00f(5.00; culls. $3; lambs. $5,.V1T..30; cholco Inmbs, $0.85li0.3714; culls. $1,50; dipped lambs, $5.00''f(5.75; spring lambs, $3.5o each. 1IOOS Receipts, 8,928 head; steady to llrm, $6.201jO.I5; cholco sluto hogs, $6.50. St. I. (nils l.lsr Slunk Mnrkrt. ST. LOUIS. April S, -CATTLV2 Receipts, 2,100 head, Including 1.40 Toxnns; mnrket steady to strong to a shatlo higher, nallvo ahlppilig Htitl export steers. $1,751(7.75; dressed beef nntl butchers, $1,001(5.3.5; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.riii 1,60; stockers and feeders, $2,6011.75; cows nnd heifers, $2.0i'1 5.00; canners, $1,2512.75; bulls. $2,751( 1.00. Texas and Indian steers, $3,251(6.20; cows nnd heifers. $2.5(r3.60. I IOOS Receipts, 7,7fiO heiul; market strong uud Bf higher; pigs nnd lights. $5,8516.00; packers. $3,905(0.05; butchers, $6,051(6.20. HHHHP Rccelpls, 10O head; market nom inal: native muttons, $3.501f4.5n: natlvn lambs, $4.25174.50; spring Iambs, $7.0f)tj9.00, culls und bucks, $3,0014.50. St. Joseph Live Stuck Mnrkrt. SOUTH ST. .TOSKPH, April 8.-(Speclal.) Tho Journal quotes; CATTLK Reeeliits. 700 head: market Hieiiuy to us iiikih 1 . iiiiiivcs, t.jouii..i" Texas and westerns, $3.75ffi.30; cows ami heifers, $2,2311.70; bulls ami stags, $2.25f( 4.85; yearlings antl caives, i.i.wn 1. vn; stocK ors nntl feeders, $3.UkT(4.50; veuls, $4. 751(7.00. HOCH -Hecelpts. 2.0H) hentl; mnrliet 2-AKOo hluhor: all grades. $.5,931(6.15; bulk of sales, Xi',.(i01iR.05: nlL'S steadv. HIII'.I'.P AIM) lirtJlim-lieceipis, .-,ow hentl; market anltvo nntl steady: inmos, $1,901(5.15; yearlings. $l.75f5.oi); wethers, $4.1051 1.75; ewes, .i.o'rr-i.iio. Stnek In Sluht. 1.ll..t..l.-i.. ihn reeeliits lit thn four principal western markets for April 8: PiVieuK, . w Kansasuiiy . '-2 " I.OtllH -.1'' I..'-' 1 00 1 516 1 20 2 50 1 fl 4 ?0 !M 1 820 4 CO 2 50 12 384 4 23 2 M 12 460 4 23 2 50 9 771 4 25 3 ft) 3 526 4 25 3 60 3 526 4 25 3 75 3 726 4 25 3 75 3 423 4 25 3"5 29 6s.t 4 35 3 75 10 742 4 30 3 S 13 676 4 35 3 90 15 ..... .. 625 4 40 3 f 43 937 4 40 i to li 9i9 4 40 St Totals 29,203 36,056 33,30: Sinus. City Lire Stuck Mnrkrt. SIOUX CITY, April 8.-(8peclal Telegram.) t'ATTl.lS Receipts. 3.600: market steady on best stockers, others slow and weak, beeves, $1,2314.65; cows and bulls, mixed, $2,251(3.75; Blockers and feeders, $3.25QI,75; calves ami yearlings, $3,001(4.60. HOriS Receipts. 1,200; market Be higher, selling nt $3.930.O5; bulk, $5.97','j6.O0. Knur Dentils Out nf Hundreds. KANSAS CITY. April S.-Teti now cases of smallpox were reported today 1 hero aro nearly 100 patients In tho penthouse. Of tho 915 sufferers since tho outbreak or thn epidemic only four have died, tlio fniirili death, that of Mrs. ivy Uoodmuil of Hope, Kan., having occurred Inat night. ci... 1 win Si niHenfr. . NI2W YORK. April S.-U wui ;nncw hero touny in 11 ; formed to c n r . ... - ...... $ nek win' no bo'Vut o'n tlio- market, but SIOCK lll. " .. ,,,,u, ,, I mim,, ,. v? " bo ' ,, z 7 ; : The rnniniu' " ' "i"" - restvitH $1.785.0"". l.'llls Her llilslinilll. ivni NOLA. Miss , April R. Jam"!! IKiUej' w ' sh'ot antl killed by Ills wife irwlMV UHlley had Interfered In a quarr-l bet worn his son by a former marriage III. I v ' 1 . ",,,,.1,.... ,rn ... ,,,! Ihn tvnm-,11 nniiMf''. ,. ""uJ., .run,,,. 1 , " " stnntly. Mrs, Hiilloy Is In Jail, I'.srnpetl Murderer ('ntiglil. uMl Ark . Anrll 8, I .it he Hemhreo. the murderer of M. W. Willis, tie Inspector 6O PILLS 50 CTS. old br Kaba Co.. lbti, and Oousuuv tuid U. A. Dillon, faoutb omalta. NEHVTVA i lLLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor ami Manhood Cure Impotcney. Night Emissions, Loss of Mom- ory, an wiinitiir (ii?eiisoH, nil oIlcclKiif n:lf.almso or excess mid indiscretion. A norvo ton to anc; blocd bulldor. Drfugt tho piuk glow to pale cheeks nnd restores the fire of youth. Uy tnnll 50a tier box. 0 boxes for $2. SO, with our bankable guurantoo to euro or refund tho money paid. Send for circular and cry of our bankable guarnuteo bond. EXTRA STRENGTH Imm.fllitfj. Dlllta (TELLOW LA3EL) ?osItlTolr gnnrtnteed cum for Loss of Power, nrleocele. Undovelopetl or rlirunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Pros! in tlon, Hysteria. Fits, Insanity. Painlysls and thn Results of Kxeesilvo Use of Tobnrco, Opium or Liquor. By mall in plain pscknge. $1.00 n box, 0 for $5.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to euro In HO days or rotund money paid. Address NERVITA ItfEDlCAL CO. Oilnton& Jackonr? s , CHICAGO, ILI For Bale by Kunn 4k, Co., I5th and Uojguul BU, UII1UIIU. . " " Bluff?, Iowa. Nervita Tablets It MIl.KN MKIIt'l'llST Til ST. I.O PIS. TheSt. Louis Cannon Ball Leaves Union Station dally C:1S p. m, Arrives in St. Louis 7.00 a. 111. US MII.HS SIIOIITKST 'l't IIII.CV. TheQuincy Express Leaves Union Station daily nt 7:00 a. m. Trains leave dally for St. Louis, Kansas City, Qulncy and nil polntB Kast or South. Tickets to all points In Kuropo via all lines, Call at O. ft Ct. L. city olllco, 1415 Karnam Strcot, Paxton Hotel Hlk., or wrlto Harry E. Moores, C P. T. A.. Omaha. Neb. TUB BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS Itun via th GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Leave Omaha la Scenic Koute through Colorado and Uuh WCONnSDAYS. FRIDAV5 AND SATURDAYS. Por Information and "Tourlit lllctloniry" dJre.1. City Ticket Office, 1323 Parnam St. Omahn, Net). Telephone KIIUI, Boyd Commission Co. Successors to James K. Royd & Co., OMAHA, NKfl. COMMISSION t.ltAI.V, PIUIVISIHNS AMI STHCKS. lltijird nf 'I'rndr lliilldlnu. Direct wlrca lo Chicago and New York. Correspondence, John A, Warren & Co. 1