Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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what you
Dyspepsia Cure
A healthy stomach, capabloof (llycstlnir a Rood, squnre meal,
Is a prent blessing. It kcciw tho. bcidy strong by Insuring plenty
of nourishment. In fact, it means perfect health. But some
thing must, be done when the stomach Is so tired that It can't
digest what you eat, for undigested food poisons the blood.
We can recommend a preparation that completely digests all
classes of foods t hat Is Kodoi. UvsrurstA CuitE. It gives thn
totnach perfect rest and allows you to eat and enjoy the variety
or food that Is necessary for maintaining health. It never
Talis to cure indigestion, after everything el9e has failed. It Is
pleasant tb tako and can be used In all conditions.
"For many years I suffered from chronic Indigestion, and It
eemed as though nothing was going to do me any good. On
tho advice of a friend 1 commenced using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It gave mo Immediate relief and I continued its use, until now
I feel that I am cured." Henry F. Cramer, Wendelvllle, N. Y.
It can't help but do you good
Jsprel hy E. 0. Do Witt, A Co.. OliicaKo. Tho II. bott!ocoftalns2 times tho Mc. lf.e.
chestnut UnhorV,lHulcott. iSopoM. Do
llotsclitlil'n chestnut colt, Lnckford, by
Crnfton, was second, ntnl Lord Durham's
uny geltllng, oauocn, got third place,
Am.ricn Tup Team D.oid. Oondltlin. of Twc,v" iw"e
lllniN I lir Mntfh li.v I'll t t it u. I'p One
I'lftll of To I il I Ante Thllikii
llu- Will
1'. Ilnp' llrimn Colt Win Ten.
ffc Hcrtij- from Solinrr'
l.mly Schorr.
The favorite household remedy for coimhs, colds", croup, bronchitis, grippe,
throat and lung troubles is OWE MINUTE Cough Cure. It curci qi:iol:.y.
Ttmg Maranjo Captains Djinonstrativa
Orowd Near Monterey.
(ovcrnmniit ScmU I'Ur lliimlrcil Niil
dlvi'H In AmhIhI In hiirriiiiiiillnt;
' a ii (I MuiirmHliiK llu-
LAUKliO. Tex.. April 8. Kollalilo reports
of a HerlOUH riot occurring yesterday at
Lampasas, Mexico, a atntlon on the Mexi
can Control railroad, Hoventy miles from
Monterey, have heen received.
It appcurs th.U the government of Mexico
haH had misplclon about n reported revolu
tionary occurrence at that placo and yes
terday morning the military stationed (hero
arrested four citizen. When they were
taken to tho depot, enrouto to Monterey,
u irioh, headed hy Francisco Maranjo, a
Bon of thq famous General Maranjo, ap
peared at. the Htatlou. In tho excitement
that followed one of tho prisoners escaped.
When tho train loft tho leaders of the
moh repaired to (ienernl Maranjo's castle,
whero they aro at present surrounded. As
noon as tho government hoard of the dis
turbance fiOO soldlcru from Monterey were
dispatched to the scene hy special train.
'Justice Will to Doi'IiIpk Oime IiiiiiIvIiiu
I.iiiik nml Short lliuil
( Iiiiihc.
WASHINGTON, April 3. In tho United
States supremo court today an opinion was
handed down by Justice Whlto Involving
tho long and short haul clause of tho Inter
Mtato commerco law. Tho principal de
cision was rendered lu tho case of the East
Tennesseo & Gcorglti Ilullroad company and
tho charKo was to tho effect that a lower
ruto was charged on freight carried to
Nashvlllo than was charged on freight to
Chattanooga, tho distance to tho tlrst point
being greater Umn to tho latter.
Tho decisions of tho Interstate Commerco
commission, the circuit court und tho cir
cuit court of uppculs were all antagonistic
to tho railroad company, though on different
.grounds. Tho opinion handed down today
I oversell all theso decisions nnd was In
favor of tho railroad company. Tho de
cisions In tho other similar cases wcro on
tho same lines.
Two of tho other cases decided wero
proceedings against the Clyde SUiinishlp
company, while tho forth was against tho
Western Atlantic Itallrond company. In
the latter caeo tho charge of discrimination
was mado with reference to tho rates fiom
Cincinnati to Atlanta as against other
places on the lino of tho road between the
two points. In'ono of tho Clyde cases rules
(on.'llio Georgia railroad are Involved and
In ,tho otll'cr case the rates on the West
l'olnt &. Western railroad of Alabama. In
.bis, opinion. in' tlni cast Tonucsseo case Jus
tiro Whlto snlU that the decision of tin
circuit court wus not in accord with thu
llndlug of facts hy tho commission.
THe doclslon of tho euproma ccurt was
that "tho decree of thu circuit court of
appeals should ho reversed with costs und
the caso romntidcd to tho circuit court with
intsruuttons to set asldo Its decree adjudg
ing that tho order of the commission bo
enforced and to dismiss tho application
mado for that purposo with costs, tho whole
to bo without prejudlco to the right of tho
commission to proceed upon the evidence
already Introduced before It upon such
.further plcuillng.4 and evidence as it may
allow to bo mado or Introduced, to hear
and dctormlno the matter lu controversy
according to law."
In tho caso of tho Clyde Steamship com
pany the decrees of tho circuit court of
appeals nnd of the circuit court were mod
ified hy providing that "the dismissal of
the hills shall be without prejudlco to tho
rlRht of thn Interstnto Commerco commis
sion It It so electa to make nil original In
vestigation of the questions contained In tho
records pertinent to tho complaints pre
sented to that body." As so modified tho
decrees were afllrmod.
Children titttlirr nn "White Home
(irotimls to IihIiiIkc In tinn
ier Sport.
WASHINGTON, April 8. Tnu plcturequo
egg rolling fotu of the children of Washing
ton occurred In tho Whlto House grounds
today. Tho gathering of tho multitude of
youngsters of all ages, sizes and colors In
the largo terraced grounds back of tho
Whlto Houso each year for their Easter
frolic is tho slrht of Washington. Lost
Easter 23,000 persons witnessed the festival
and thlB morning's gathering Indicated that
fully ns many would bo prosont today. The
Marino band, which usunlly furnishes muflc
for th3 children upon theso ocenstons, la
nway on a lour of the country, nnd In
order not to deprive tho children of this
feature of their day the Fourth artillery
band at Fort Monroe was ordered hero and
played throughout tho day. Mrs. McKlnley,
wlicso love for children Is well known, en
Joys theso frolics Intensely nnd today spent
most of her tlmu nt tho window or on the
Whlto House veranda, watching the little
folks' sport.
1 100.000.000
The Appetite Insurance Company, the
largest in the World.
(In StiicLliulilcm tin- Men, Women ami
Children of Aincrlcn.
CHICAGO, April 8. Tho Appetite Insur
ance Company Is u novelty of tho 20th
century which causes people to wonder
what Is coming next. This compnny has
as stockholders good, healthy people. It
la accident, tiro and life Insurance, all In
one. All you have to do to Join tho Ap
petite lnsurnuco Company Is to go to your
druggist and buy u bottle of Cnscarlue.
This Is (ho best policy, tho policy that
makes sick and weak stomachs strong nnd
creates an appetite.
Every member of tho Appetite Insurance
Co, takeB Chscarim tho gentle laxative
that is best for tho bowels, liver, kidneys
'anil stomach.' Thousands of bottles have
been sold, nnd those that have never had
Kood uppetltes beforo have taken the Cns
raflnp policy itt'tho Appetite Insurance Co.,
' ' ahd'fnro now enjoying perfect health.
Cascnrlne does not grlpo. It Is a luxatlvo
.tonic of great merit, recognized hy physi
cians tho world over and used b-' thousands
of people. Cascurlno does not stick to
four teeth and sicken you like tablets, it
will notlnjuro tho most delicate stomach,
and itslnl It 'often will not caiue habitual
constipation like pills and tablets. Casca
. rlmi cures absolutely tho very worst cusos
ot 'constipation, bllllnusnrss, Indigestion
ind dyspepsia ; catarrh of the. stomach,
.uppondlcljls. , diseases of the liver, kidney
troubjo am) nil diseases of the stomach.
' J)6n't lit anyone try to sell you pills or
tablets. Ask for Cnscarlnc and be suro
you get Cascnrlne.
Price per bottle, fifty cents. If your
Irugglst hasn't It, ask him to get It for yuu
jl bis Jobber.
I'lilln on Trlnl Trip,
WASHINGTON, April 8. Sccrctury Long
was Informed today that the torpedo bout
Terry, built hy the Union 'Iron works of
San Francisco, failed to meet contract speed
requirements on Its recent ofllclal trial.
Under tho contract the vessel was requited
to develop a speed of twenty-nine knots an
hour, but the best it could do on Its trial
run was 2S.2 knots per hour. The nctlon
of tho department has not yet been de
termined, but the vessel probably will bo
accepted subject to a slight deduction from
tho contract price.
Ktltirnt loiuil ('Inane of the Yntinix
Men' ClirUtliin .inmiclntloii
Clime" Hip Seanon.
The closlug of the educational classes
which havo been conducted by tho Young
Men'B Christian association during thn
winter under the direction of Prof. W. W.
Uockwood wns celebrated Monday night
"by nn athletic exhibition and bnnquet.
The program started nt S o'clock, when
tho athletic entertainment was given In tho
gymnasium. Tho .exercises were, enter
taining, a number of exhibitions of muscu
lar nnd athletic skill being given by the
expert gymnasts belonging to tho associ
ation. At 8:30 the banquet was held In tho
association cafe. The menu was not nu
elaborate one, hut was enjoyed neverthe
less as heartily as though the courses had
been many In number nnd varied In culslno,
Following tho dinner an Interesting pro
gram of toasts was rendered. W. P.
Harford presided ns toastmaster and in his
Introductory remarks congrataulutcd tho
njo:lr)tlon ttrlon the success attained by
Its educational department during tho win
ter senson. Tho number of students, he
said, showed n healthy Increase and tho
grade of work accomplished was of tho
highest. Responses to toasts were made
as follows: "The AtEoctatiou Student,"
Prof. A. J. Lowry; "The Association
Teacher," Edward McLeod; "Tho Student
and HuslnoHs Success," Georgo M. Tlbbs;
"Educatlouul Dividends," O. O. Peartc.
Tho other numbers on the program wns nn
exhibition by J. A. Zaubel nnd u violin
eoIo by Carl Lamp.
NEW YORK, April $. At a meeting held
In the Astor bouse today tho terms of the
challcngo Issued hy the American Inani
mate ttap shooters to the trap shooters of
England, Ireland and Scotland were ngrteJ
upon and a draft for $500 was forwarded,
nlong with the conditions of tho match, to
A, II, Gale, honorable secretary nnd treas
urer of the Middlesex Gun club, Eng
land, Tho $300 Is to blt-.d the match, which will
be for $2,600 n side, tho remnlndcr of ilia
money to be put up In Mr. Gale's hands In
lion. Thomas A. Marshall, mayor of
Kelthsburg presided nt the mooting, which
was attended by all of tho team chosen
to represent the United Stntes, of which
Mayor Marshall will bo tho captain. The
other members are R. O. Hoiks, Dayton;
I'. S. Parmelec, Omaha; Fred Gilbert,
Spirit Lake, la.; C. W. Iludd. Dcs Moines;
W. It. Crosby, O'Fnllon, 111.; Chaunccy
Powers, Decatur, III.; Jnck Fanning, Jer
soy City; J, a. It. Elliott, Kansas City, and
K. R. Merrill, Milwaukee.
In addition to theso there will be thrco
substitutes, namely: E. H. Tripp. Indian
apolis; C. Von I.engerke, Chicago, nnd
Clnrenco C. Nnuman of San Francisco, Cal.
Paul North of Cleveland, who whllo In
England recently, was instrumental In
bring ng about such a match, wns nlso pres
ent nt the meeting nnd It was decided that
the team should leave New York for Eng
land July 27, and after having n week's
prnctico In England that the match should
be begun on August 12 nnd continued from
day (o day until decided. The teams nro
to be of ten men n side, nny ten Ameri
cans against nny ten men from England,
Ireland nnd Scotland. Any number of
substitutes mny bo put In on each side,
but no change will bo permitted during
nny one contest.
lli'Nl TliriM- In Kit i'.
The match Is to bo decided In the best
three out of five contests, each of which is
to be nt 100 Inanimate targets per man, or
1,000 targets per team, to be shot on as
many successive days as Is necessary to
decide. The targets are to bo tho Eley
targets, thrown from Eley traps, Inani
mate Shooting association rules to gov
ern, with tho following exceptions: Tar
gets to be thrown no less than forty nor
moro than sixty ynrds, and not lower than
six feet nor higher than twelve feet nt
a point ten ynrds from tho trap.
Ono Judge Is to he selected by each tenm
nnd these two nro to select a referee. In
caso tho Judges disagree tho referee's de
cision Is to be final. Tho shooting Is to
bo conducted In squads of six men, three
from each team, the fourth squad to be
mado up of one man from each team and
four subs, two from each side. The
Americans nro to use ono barrel only nnd
nro to bo allowed l',4 ounces of shot,
struck measure No. 1108 Dlxons or Ameri
can Shooting Association measures. The
Englishmen are to havo tho use of both
barrels and L. H. S. A. rules to govern,
charge of any shot. Any length of shell
and uny charge, of powder Is allowable,
twelve-gaug6 guns only to be used. It Is
tho general opinion of thOfio present nt
the meeting that theso conditions will bo
aeeeptablo to tho Drltlsh g'unnors nnd the
Americans are very confident that they
will return to this country victorious.
SciuIn KiiIiIiihoii Word III- Will Mrcl
I'riuik Colrinnn TIiIm
.11 until.
I'll r til cr Shot mid llnriioil.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. April S.-J-Tho cor
oner's Jury that luvestlsuted the death of
Jumes Ingram, u farmer, who lived near
hero, found that ho had been llrst shot,
evidently for tho purpose of robbery1, and
then burned In his house,
Eddie Robinson Ih In rceolnt of
grum from Farmer Hums, tho fatuous
wrestler, agreeing to meet Frank Coleman,
Hit, Otniltu fni'nrtl.1 In, Ml... ii.a
of this mcntli. It Is probable the match will
iuku inner uuoui April -j.
me nine or t lie L'oieman-sealls mutch
Farmer Hums telpurnnluwl n ohnllrmro i.
the winner. Coleman, iiflnr misllv ilefimllnc
fiealls. ngrced to take on Hums nt 15s
pounds, Articles of ngreement to this effect
were forwarded Hums and he telegraphed
his nrrfptnncf. stating that tho articles
would be signed nnd sent on to Omuha,
The match Is sure to nttruct moro than
ordinary .Interest among the votaries of
local sports. Coleman has been so success-
rui in an or me mutches lie tins engaged In
heretofore nnd has shown himself to bo pos
sessed of such sclentltlc skill on tho mat
that not even the wide-spread fame of his
competitor will frighten Ills backers. There
will bo any number of men touting Colemnu
for n winner who will back their faith lu
him with an abundance of money, cole
mun ami Hums met In u handicap match
once, thn latter agreeing to throw the
Omaha professor In n certain length of
time, IIo fulled to do so and Coleman car
ried nway the money. Slnco then ho has
Imprdved wonderfully and Is himself contl
dent of defeating Burns at tho weights
agreed upon.
miern-K i-nie m n nn,
LONDON. Anrll it. At thn flrMt ilnv nt 1
the Kempton Park Easter meeting today
the Oueen's Prize (handlcup) of 1,500 sov
ereigns for :i-yenr-olds nnd upwntd, run
over tho new Jublleo courso of ono mile
MKMP1IIP, April S.-Uefoie n.nno persons.
T. P. Hayes' brown colt. Ilnvm Vlrtor. won
the Tennessee Derby this nfternoon nt
Montgomery pnrk from John F. Hchon's
bay fill v. Ludy Schorr, with (ieorge Longs
bay colt, Oaherls, third. The time was 1:07,
a very creditable performance.
The Schorr stable nnd mimed three stnrt
crs, but Alnnl Hcbeck nnd Joe Frcy were
scratched nnd Farmer Hennett was added
to keen Lady Schorr comtianv. Klililnnx.
The Commnnder and Dick llurgess were
hiso scruiciien, leaving oniy six contestants,
Tho Schorr imlr wero lutil m Hi.. m-nliM,.
Itlve odds of 1 to .1, while !( to 1 wns chalked
against Royal Victor. After two false
oreaKs tne tieid wns sent awny to nn escel-
lent Stnrt. With Ilovnl Ylelnr n lieml In
front of Farmer Hennett und tho others
close by. Farmer Hennett and Lady Schorr
raced to the front, and with Rovul Victor
n lengtn nway, mnuo tho running to the
stretch. At this nolnt Wlnltiiilii nni ibe
Hnyes colt up to the leaders nnd lu the run
home ho chnllcngeil Lady Schoir. J, Woods
oil me latter wont io the whip, but his
efforts wore of no iivull. Royal Victor, well
riuueii ny wiiikiicmi, winning liimdllv bv
thrco parts of n length. Oaherls made up a
lot of ground In tho stretch nml llnlsbcd
In the llrst race, at six furlongs, the local
trnck record of Itll'i was liontnn liv Knenv.
who bent Tho Rush n head lu 1:1 Ha. The
second event, for 2-ycnr-olds nt four mid u
half furlongs, wns won easllv liv Louis
r.zeii h i.uilv Hlrl. The third race developed
a good 2-enr-old In Hranulgaii. who won nt
four furlongs In tho fast tlnu- of :!'.). onlv
two favorites were successful.
C. Conrni! Discount the Stntc Iter,
mil ut Hint (iiiini. ,) Hp
crnl Points,
O. ( onrad made u remarkable score In
five back at Clark's alleys Monday night.
Conrad and Knnpp comporo tho team which
Is battling with II. Renellu und W. 11.
Kmery for tho state championship ut small
mil games. Lust night the game wns llvo
back. Three mimes were bowled nnd In
the grand total I'onrad and Knnpp won by
forty-eight points, their total score being
3ii as ngnlnst 327 for their opponents,
Conrad's splendid performance camo In
tho third game. lie bowled beautifully and
succeeded In chalking up u mm? of 107. It
discounted the stato record nt live bnek by
severul points. The high senru nt live back
nt Clark's alleys heretofore bus been SS mid
was held by Charles French. The highest
posslhlii score Is 150.
Monday night's gnmo was the third In
tho series. The llrst wus nine plus mid was
won by Uesellll and Emery bv seven points
The second game was four back and Knapp
nnd Conrad were tho victors. The contest
will continue until nil or the small ball
games nro exhnusted, and tho team winning
tho greater number will thereafter defend
tho state cbumptonshlp and enrrv awny u
purse of J.V). Seven up will be the game
next Monday night. Score:
Heselln ,
I'm Gil fit
ti 52 M
tus ns mi
. 2 62 1U7
13 C7 II
105 119 151
Constitution nnd Imlrpenilr-irvi' to
Meet ltOKiirdlcsn of .mv Vnrk
CIiiIi'm Action.
NEW YORK. Anrll X Thn .Innriml mwl
Advertiser tomorrow will suv:
Tho Constitution and Independence will
meet, no matter what nctlon the New York
iilih l-iuii iinij- iiiKe iiooiu me iiosioil
yacht's ellnlbllltv for thn frliil r.mpa 'Mi,.
yachts will not only meet, but will be raced
for nil they tire worth off Newport next
summer for a cup. or cups, offered by tho
Newnort Yacht Ibinlrirr iinHfiplntlmi
v The Newport association, which Is com
posed oi some or tno wealthiest yachtsmen
In the country, It Is said, has Invited
Messrs. Iiwson niidDuucnn to enter their
boats for a run rnee II la ii. imi.i
during July, nnd both yachtsmen havo ac
cepted the Invitation.
u. nutter Duncan. Jr.. tho manager of
tho Constitution, suldr "I knnu- nnttiim-
about Mr, Lawson or his boat's cliglbllltv
for tho trial races. I do know that the
Constitution will be built to race, nnd 1
shall race her wherever and whenever pos
sible. I expect to enter for tho Newport
nsspelntlon's cup races, and If the Inde
pendence is niso a starter, so much the
better. I will not rnco tho Constitution on
the sound or lower bay."
Mr, Duncan thinks tho sound too shal
low for boats drawintr twontv feet nf
water, like the Columbia and Constitution,
and prefers Novport to the lower bay
for summer racing. ,
POOL ROOM 1111,1, HAXtiS KIlllJ.
vap1 y C I
m m
Now 5 Cents
there Is No Such cigar Value
In The World For The Price.
Straitgn & Stored Co.
Kansas City, mo.
practically ileiided upon today ut u meeting
of the grudliato executive conunltti'i' The
mutter will be dcllultely decided bv the ath
letic board of control lu a few days. The
ltiivenswond grounds near Chicago will
probubly be used. An invitation to com
pete will be extended tto nil colleges of
good standing, whether they belong to tho
Western Intcrcnllegtato association or not.
Cii- i-IiiimI Wrestlfr Till, en Two
Three Fill In from ,cmv
ST. LOt'lS. Anrll 8. Tom Jenkins nt
Cleveland, 6.. champion catch-us-catch-can
wrestler of tho world, tonight defeated Kr-
nest Rrcber of New York, champion
Oraceo-Roman wiestlcr of the world, lu n
mixed stylo match under tho auspices ot
the 'West Unci ciub for u nurse of ll.LMo. The
bout was In the mammoth exposition coli
seum building nml H.OoO enthusiastic! spec
tators cheered Jenkins on to victory. Hoth
prlnclpalus wcro lu the pink of condition.
The llrst fall ut catch-us-catch-can wns
won by Jenkins with u crotch and hulf
halch hold In twenty-live nnd n half min
Roeber won the second fall ut the O vm-
plan Btylo with u hummer-lock In thirty
minutes und forty-seconds after u territlc
.icnKins won me. tiurcl nnd deeming ran.
cntch-us-catcli-cmi, In eleven minutes mid
rorty-uve seconds with u hair Nelson unci
leg hold.
I.rulslntnre Mtlll (lives Ai'Uiiiimiin
Sports Their I'l l I l'i;eH.
T.rrTf.l." VX-lCI.- rL- ..-ll O MM
senate today Indefinitely postponed Senator
MnVfl,ii.'u 1.111 .A ..K. .1.11. I. .... .
....,v.,.-, n tu jfiuiiiii iin running oi
turf iwinl rnntiiu In A els,. ...... u ...... ,. . ,
..... .uvMi'i ..., tiiit-i ii nun
been amended so us to Include nice tracks
111 tlllu u 1 .1 a Wl.n n.A nf 1.111 1
... ...... ...... , ,,u ,,,i u nn' UIU IJIIM IH'l'O
mixmusly nwalted at Hot Springs und Little
Tf,,L, It. ,.l. l.n ...Ml. .1
...." 1,1 ninusi'lll llllll-gaill-
llllnir lntvs rccnntli tifiHuml u-lilnli
apply to pool rooms.
sVrk I'liKlllnt for .11 u id cr.
CIV!""! W ATI Anrll t TI II
-,,.. nu ilium! IIJIIIHUI.
uro looking for ex-l'uglllst Mike Conley,
cntcd In tho murder of Charles I. nildea,
the telegraph operator who died Sunday
afternoon from Injuries received In u sa
loon lirntv nnrlv fiimrlii,i r..i....
wna tho doorkeeper of tho place. The po-
.vw n-mBu tu nu) wimi iiuiiriouiiou iney
have to connect Conley with the affair
MIko Conley. "The Ithncu Glunt." as he
wntt tttinu'n " lulu ltn,in .uli.,!.,.. .......
...... ...(., ...... .. njm , , it,., iiiiiiiitT HI
both Jim Corbett nnd Hob Fltzslmmons.
Inlrrcnlli-Klntr AtliletleH.
ClIICAaO. April S.-Tho Intercolleglalo
Athletic ussoclntion will hold Its first an
nual track meet Decoration day. This was
ork Y-v
in Tlub and
Omaha will be represcnte'd by about fif
teen tenchers at the olghth annual conven
tion ot tho International Kindergarten
union, hold In Chicago on Wednesday,
Thuredny nnd Friday ot this week. Tho
union Is tho largest kindergarten organiza
tion In tho world, consisting of federated
cltihH and associations of tho United States
and Cnnnda. Not less thau 1,000 delegates
und visitors ore expected, and nil of tho
educational Institutions of Chicago hare
neon Invited to -o-opernto with the union
In making tho congress a succoss. Mrs.
Chittsndon and Mrs. Meller will be among
tho Oiuolm teachers. Miss Magce, tho city
missionary; Mlts Dodgo and MUs Helen
Alcsworth of Council Muffs will also at
tend In tho interest of the kindergarten In
tho mission work, remaining In Chicago for
three woeks to visit Hull House, Chlcngo
Commons und tho other settlement worlt.
The Industrial mission, work that was
undertaken hy twelve of the young society
women of Council Muffs In February Is now
In successful, operation,, tho classes being
hold In tho Associated Charities building
at Tenth iitrect and Avenue I) In, co-operation
with that association, There aro now
nbout sevouty-olght children and a largo
number of women atlendlng regularly, re
ceiving Instruction in kltchengarten, sewing
and millinery work. There nro also a nutsc
maids' training school, boys' dubs and tho
"l'lngreo gardening system" that aro help;
widely taken advantagn of,
The young women aro ghlng the h6truc
tlou personally and holding classes every
The attendance at yesterday's mectlug ot
tho department of political and social sci
ence was tho largest of the year, and in
cluded representatives of tho MlnUtorlal
unlou ami Cotcrlc, Mu Sigma club and
many Individuals Interested In tho work
of social settlement. The Central Labor
union hail been Invited to send representa
tives, but owing to tho hour was unable
to do so,
Tho program was In chargo of .Mrs. Har
riet MacMurphy, tho tlrst speaker being Dr.
I'ollard. well known In connection with the
work at tho Chapel of tho Carpenter. He
spoke of his experience In the work anions
tho boys In New York City, of the work
of tho boys' clubs and tho gymnasium,
rending rooms, military companies and ster
eoptlcon lectures that were used as a means
of reaching them. Ho also spoko of the
same linn of work now being done In Omaha
on a much smaller scale, nnd said that tboro
was a perceptlblo Improvement nnd differ
ence lu tho soventy-llvo or 100 children
reached at tho Chapel of tho Carpenter
since Miss Mogee's Industrial classes had
been established there, proving tho uecer
stty or tho Inlluenco of tho Industrial as
well as tho Sunday school classes.
Mrs. A. K. fiauU ipoko on the result of
her personal Investigation of the work now
being done, especially nt the Tenth Street
city mission. There Is need there, sho be
lieves, of manual training classes far the
hoys nnd moro Industrial classes for tho
gtrls to fit thorn to do good work In their
own and other homos, nnd such classes
wuuld not only benefit tho children, but aro
the only means of reaching tho parents.
Father Williams spoko of tho needs of
reldcnt work lu tho Third ward nnd on
the bottoms, especially among tho children
to overcomo tho Inlluenco for vice that con
stantly BurruundB them there. In his opin
ion tho schooling the children receive, with
out moral and Christian Innueuce, only
helps to m.iko them the sharper criminals,
and ho deplored the lack of united effort
In their behalf.
Miss Mageo was requested to speak of
her work, which she did, telling of the nc-
csslty that first attracted her to It, of
her beginning, of tho tremendous work
that Is to ho done, and the HtUo support
that It Is receiving nnd of n few of the re
sults of her efforts. Sho explained tho plan
and purpose ot the girls' Industrial classes
and tho hope through them to overcome tho
conditions now existing In their so-called
homes and to cultivate In them tho tnsto
for domestic affairs, of which they know
nothing, Sho spoko of tho necessity of a
bath and fumigating room, that many of
tho children who came to tho classes might
bo put In n condition that would nt least not
repulse tho womeu who camo to assist with
the Instruction, of tho uecessity of an In
closed public play ground thut might ho
kept clean and bo servo tho douhlo purposo
of play ground and objoct lesson In cleanli
ness, Sho also touched upon the women and
girls that sho can seldom reach only whllo
they are confined In tho city Jail, frequently
ns many as thirty of them at a time. Upon
Investigation she was told by tho authori
ties accustomed to dealing with them that
these girls knew nothing of home llfo ami
In consequence cannot llvo In a home.
Mrs, Dorsholm of I.ovo and Pcaco mission
told of the work at Thirteenth and William
streets, giving a brief sketch of the effective
work that Is being Uouo there.
TJio next regular meeting of tho Omaha
Equality club has heen poitpoued from
April 1C to 2J.
Thcro will bo a aeries of meetings In
Otoe coutity this week, which will be held
nt Julian, Douglas and Palmyra,
Tho Woman's Christian Temporanco union
of Otoe county will meet lu nnniidl couven
Hon on Wednesday nnd Thursday of this
week at Julian. Mrs. S. M. Wnlkor, jiresl
dent of tho stato union, will bo present nnd
an Pddrcss by her with stereoptlcon Illus
tration will bo ono of the feature of the
Hon Mollies lliirrn .in- SIkiii'iI,
1)KS MOINKB. Anrll 8.-"Hunkey" lllnes.
miuinircr of the Dph Moines I limn Hall club
ot tho Western league, unnouncecl today 1
that ho had signed the following players:
Catchers, Conwell, Selser, Thlerley; pitch
ers, Steffunl, Olade, W II. Morrison, Olen
don, I'olchow; llrst base. Rebsemen, Ken- )
eulloy. second base, lllnes; short stop, i
u i.eurv; mini nnse, ieaso unci uicuson;
outfielders, MoVlckar, Thiol, Ltppert, War
ner, Nuglc, Clarke.
.' I rut finriliirr. Then Kmc.
NHW YORK. April 0. Terry JlcOovem
and ii pnrty of friends will leave hero to
morrow for Sun Francisco, whero he la in
meet Oscar Gardner In u twenty-round
bout befo.c tho Twentieth Century club
April 'M. The party bus ntrunged to stop
over .it Chicago unci Denver. After his bout
with Gardner the champion tuys ho will
give Frank 15rno u return match providing
the HufTalo boxer will agree upon n reason
able weight.
Teiinessri" Di-rliy Itucc.
MKMHIIIS. Tcnn.. April S.-Tho Ten
nesseo derby ut u mllo und nil eighth, with
$.1,000 lidded money, will be run ut Mont
gomery nark this afternoon on a fust
truck unci under Idoul weather condition.
Tho starters carded this morning uro:
Monos: The Schorr Min, A'.urd Schorr und
J oh Frcy; Koynl Victor; Queen Dixon,
llurnoy, Gubcrls, Tho Commander and Bld-
Corimb Hill Wln Stcriilcc liimc,
LONDON, April S, At tho first day ot
the Manchester Faster meeting today the
Iincushlrc handicap steeplechuso of 2,W0
sovereigns, dlstunco three miles und.ii half,
was won by J. Insdalo's bay gelding,
Corngh Hill, K. J. Percy's gray mare, Ron
nie Dundee, won second plnco, nnd It, F.
Hunt's brown gelding, Attack, wus third.
Fourteen horses run.
Ylllf lleiltN Yirullllll.
RICHMOND. Vu., April N.-At Chniiottcs
vllle today Ynlo bent tho t'nlversltty of Vir
ginia, 9 io C.
The Ostrander divorce case was on trlnl
In Judtfo Kstello's court yjesterday. It will
be continued Wednesduy morning.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Sarah A. Watson
will be held nt 2:30 o'clock this nfternoon
from the resldenco of her son, 1500 Corby
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
Sis Fac-SlmlU Wrapper Bcliw,
I do not treat nil discuses, but euro ull that 1 treat. I treat men only nnd euro
them to stay cured. , , .
On account of Its frlghtrul lildeousness, Contagious llloml l'olsou Is commonly
culled tho king of ull venereal discuses. It may be hereditary nr contracted. Oucii
tne Hvstem is tainted Willi it. mo uisiiaso muv muii'iosi nscii in uiu mmiu
scrofula, eczema, ibeumatlc, pulns, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions or copper-colored
spots on ficc or body, Itttlo ulcers In the inoiitlt oi on tho, tongue. noro,
swollen tonsils, fulling out of the bulr or eyebrows, nnd finally u leprous-llko decay
if the Iksh nnd bones. It you havo uny or ibeso or similar symptoms, you uro
cordially Invited to en' I nt our ofllcscs lmmeillii'cly. If your fears uro unfounded
the burden will quickly be removed fiom your mind: but If your constitution Is in
fected you will be told so frankly und Miown how to get rid of It. My special
treatment for blood poison Is practlcullv ttho result of my life work nnd Is Indorsed
by the best physicians of America unci Ktiropc. It contains no clangorous drugs or
Inlurlous medicines of uny kind. It goes to tho very bottom of tho disease nml
forces out every particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom disappears
completely nnd forever. Thn blood, tho tissue, the llcsh, tho bones nnd tho wholo
system nro cleansed, purified mid restored to perfect heulth, unci tho patient pre
pared anew for the duties and pleusuros of life.
Varicocele, Stricture, Nervo-Sexual Debility.
Rupture. Kidney and Irinary Diseases,
And nil nssoclato diseases nnd weaknesses of men Wo charge nothing for private
counsel and give to each patient u LKGAL CONTRACT to hold for our promises.
Is It not worth your while to investigate a euro that bus mado llfo unew to multi
tudes of men'.'
If you cannot cull nt our olllces, write us your symptoms fully.
Hoforeiiec Rent Hunks mill I.enilliiK HiinIiicnh .Men of thin City.
Otllt'e Honrs From S n. in. tu S i. in. .Niinilii 111 H. in. to 1 p. ni.
1308 Farnam St., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Neb.
bla Vllullior,tlinprewlHlotiofaf.imouil''rcnelinbyKlctan,wlll nntcWI y euro you of i U
nervous or divawMif tua senemtlve oream, such iw I,o M""""?.. "J,,1
1'ulii In llm nurk.NrraluKl KmUsluna, NrrTona Deklllty, Pimples
IlafllnroliiMiirrr, JKxbma.llntT Irln,TrlrooluaeMtlplia.
IUtcina ull IdiStHliy day ornlilit. PfrventsqulckneMof dlelinr, wblcU It npfchwlcfa
lend, to bnermatorrhcn ud all tho horror, ot linnotonry, UkIltKMKcleanM.tbi
liver, tho klilnerauucl tneurlnury onrau ot all ImpurUlca. CUMDKNK.treuiUi.M we ait orcunii.
in. r
Yaxy a mall aa auy
to talus m aagar.
n-i i mmivMtn miiMiiuiiniii,
The Best
Office Building
Moving is not pleasant to think ubout ex
cept when tho prospect ot u liuDilsomo
ofllco Is In prospect. You huvo to got up n
certain amount ot steam to move, oven
when you nro ilrlvon to desperntlon liy poor
Junltor work, wretched oloviitor service anil
olllces thut hnvn heen Ioiik In need ot pnlnt
ns well an soup and wutor.
The Bee Building
always looks fresh nnd attractlvo because
It la novor ullowcd to get out of repair.
This together with olllclont Janitor sorvlco
mnko it u pleasant placo to do liustncss.
Besides this tho rents uro no higher than
lu other buildings,
R. C Peters & Co.
( roil tul Moor, Hcc HUIk.
The Bee Want Ads Produce Results-