THE OMAHA J)A1JLY HK1. TU.KSUA V, APKll, S), 1UU1. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL .Ml.V.'il 8IKNTIOX. i DhvIii nells drug. Htockert cll Iuco curtains. Halter nl6 today. 31 Main street. Ohs fixtures and globes at lilxby's. I'lno A 0 C beer, Neumayer's hotel. MIa liowmnn is vlsltlnK In Chicago. Wollmnii, scientific optician, 409 U'way. V. J. llostcttcr. dentist, Ualdwln block. Leffert, Jeweler, optician. 220 Uroadwny. New fancy frumos. C. K. Alexander & Co., 333 Broadway. V. 1. Oroffi undertaker and dlslnfcctor, 101 South Main street. 'Phono C06. Oct your work done at the popular Kngle laundry, 721 Broadway. 'Phono 117. Morgan & Klein, upnolHtcrlns, furniture repairing, mattress making. 122 8. Main st. Concordia lodge No. 62. Knights of Pythian, will meet this evening In Hughes' hall for work In tho third rank. A want ud In The IJee will bring results, The same attention given to a want ad In Council Ulurfs ns at tho Omnha ofllce. Hlehard and James Dcvaney, sons of Mrs, Mary Devaney, were arrested yesterday afternoon, charged with breaking Into a fruit car In the Hock Island yards. Lincoln It. Smith ami Mary Pickerel, both of Htnnberry, Mo., were married yesterday afternoon by Hev. J V. Altchlson In the office of the clerk of the district court. These ImlldliiL' permits wcro Issued yes terday: Or, K. T. Heybert, one-storv brick office at 531 First avenue, Jl.MO; V. W. Mil ler, one-story frame addition to residence In Mornlniislile, HOo. A meeting of the executive committee of the Pottawattamie County Sunday School iiMoi'latloii vas held last night to arrange for a county convention to be held In this city on June 7 and ft. JamcH Murphy, a stranger, was arrested yesterday evening, having In his possession a black dress skirt and two bottles of pickled olives. 11c was In an Intoxicated condition and tho police suspect the articles were stolen. Hev. J. II. Ilauerfclnd. who has been pastor of the Salem Kvangellcnl church tho last three years, has been transferred to Waverly, la, Hev. II. Sassmann, who has had charge of the church In Silver Creek, will assummo tho pastorate hero nnd will enter on his work next Sunday. Hubcn Husscll, living at 100") North Tenth street, was committed to St. Uernnrd's hos pital yesterday by the commissioners on insanity. He Is a sufferer from eplleptlo Its and unable to work. Tho Information was llled by his wife. Hussell Is 44 years of ago and has been a resident of this city thirty-two yarn, Prank Norman, nrrestcd with two asso ciates Sunday on a charge of vagrancy while tryying to dispose or n new huh or clothes, was discharged In police court yesterday morning. He celebrated his re lease by getting drunk and was soon back behind the bars. Ho claimed to have served In tho Seventh Infantry during the wnr In Cuba. John Scliroeder and O. N. Ilowen found the mud so deep on Twelfth avenue be tween Sixth ami Main streets that they were forced to ilrlvo over the sidewalk. They were arrested and Judgo Aylcswnrth gave them suspended fines of to und costs. Chief of Pollco Albro stated yesterday thut he had Instructed tho patrolmen to nrrest an persons driving over siiiewaiKS. John Selvy, charged with disturbing the peace by refusing to vacate the front porch of Henry Adams' residence, was discharged In police court yesterday morning for want fit prosecution. He told the court that ho only stopped on i no porcii wiiiio tying a shoe lace and that he had no lilt a of living disrespectful to Mrs. Ailains when she or dered him away. N. V. Plumbing Co., teiepnone 250. Remember tho guessing contest now be. log cotidueted by Tho Deo will close today promptly at 5 p. m, itr.i'oitTM or city orriei.w.. I lre'l'lilef Teiiiplet.m nml Clerk Chil li i l-'lle KtntlNtlCK. Several city officers completed their an nual reports yesterday nnd submitted them nt the meeting of the city council lust night. I'irc Chief Tcmplcton In his report ccom mended that a hydrant he placed at Hunter and Washington avenues; that tho hoso reels be changed to hoso wagons; that 1,000 feet of now hose and 1,000 fect of new hoso for tho chemtcal engine bo pur chased, also three relief valves. His report gave tho following statistics for tho year ending March .11, 1901: Total number of alarms for year, 92; to tal loss for year, JU.Slfi; total amount or Insurance Involved, 1327,715; totul feet or hose laid. 23,Xi; total number of hours worked, 172!3; total number of miles trav eled, 3161-3: totnl feet of ladders used, 5Cn; total number gallons of chemicals ued, 1,8i!; amount appropriated for uso of de partment, $lB,tm; amount of appropriation not used, II cents. City Clerk' Iti-port. Tho report of City Clerk Phillips Is of more t ha n passing Interest, as It shows tho rovenuo derived by the municipality from saloons, licenses, police court fines and other rourecs. It shows these receipts: Cash on hand April 1, 1000 J G74.20 Cash received from liquor licenses. 14,l2.1.n" Cash received from scale tickets.. St'.'.oo Cash received from licenses 1,1UU.31 Cash received from permits StUrf) Cash received from dog tnxes M.1.75 Cash received from civil cases L'Ori.OO Cash received from witnesses, 21.70 Cash received from city crime 2,539.70 Cash received from state crime,..." Cash received for county treasurer. 113.S0 (.'ash received from Judgments S.tUXMl Cash received from naturalizations. 31.25 Total J23.30l.ll Tho report of Street Commissioner Tay lor shown that a total of $10,429.59 was ex pended on the streets nnd alloys during tho years as follows- Iabor, JS.418.CS; lumber, JS09.49; sundries, J1.201.4S. In addition to this poll lax waft worked by 96S persons, amounting In value to $1,030. Remember the guessing contest now be ing conducted by Tho Deo will closo today promptly at fi p. m. Gravel rc-ollng. A. II. Read, C41 Broad'y. Davis sells paint. MnrrliiKr Mcriinea. I.lcenres to wed wero Issued yesterday to the following persons: Namo and Hesldence. Age. Lincoln I,. Smith. Stnnberry, Mo 25 Mary Pickerel, Stanberry, Mo 28 Oeore Miller, Omaha 51 Mrs. Ida P. Knight, Denver, Colo 4 GUESS now MANY Shoes there nre In our show window note the beautiful and varied styles then notice tho prices, We will leave It to your Judgmont If these are not the best bargnlns In footwear ever shown In the city. We are al ways to the front In hnv Ing the best and latest thing out In Shoes, SARGENT'S Look for Die Hear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. James N. Casady, r 126 Main St.. Council Bluffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Estep) iH I' ti l It I. bill BUT. 'Pbuua 07. BLUFFS. HANGS DEAD FROM RAFTER Eamul Roberts, Well-to-Do Farmer, Com mits Saioldt. SUFFERS FROM NERVOUS PROSTRATION Ilium In llelleveil to llnte llrimulit on it Mtute of IcniiiihI-iii-', Delirium nnd AVenrlness of Life. Tho body of Samuel Roberts, a well-to-do farmer who had been missing from his home, three nnd a half miles north of Cres cent City, slnco Saturday, was found yes terday afternoon suspended from a rafter in a small vacant house on his mother's farm adjoining his. Kvcrythlng indicated that Hoberts had taken his life. He had been suffering from nervous prostration for 3ome time and is thought to have been temporarily mentally deranged when he committed tho rash act. lloticrta left his home after the noon meal Saturday. When night came and ho did not return his family was alarmed, but no search was made for hint until Sunday, as It was thought probable ho might have gone to Council llluffs on business. A search was Instituted Sunday, but no traco of the missing man was found. Roberts had advertised a sale of stock to be held on his farm yesterday nnd pros pective buyers were on hand. They were Informed by members of the family that Roberts had left his home Saturday noon and had not been seen since. Tho proposed sale wns accordingly declared olf and tho people attending returned to their homes. William Roberts, a brother of tho miss ing man. found tho body hanging in tho small vacant house on his mother's farm. Roberts was 17 years old and leaves a wife and three children. Coroner Treyno was notified of the finding of the body and luitructed Justice Pratt of Crescent to hold nn Inquest, If ho deemed It necessary. Will Close Promptly. Those desiring to register their estimates in Tno lice's great dot counting contest must do so before 5 p, m. today, (let your guesses In early. It will close promptly to tho minute. Remember the guessing contest now be ing conducted by Tho Rce will close today promptly at 5 p. m. W..T I..VIIKI, OX PI III.IC WOIIK. T)'iourruililcnl Colon CieientN Itenulti tloii to Trii(-t-N ol l.lltriti-y. At tho meeting of the trustees of tho public library yesterday afternoon, this resolution was submitted by the local Typographical union, It being similar In form to those Introduced In the city coun cil, Hoard of Education and Hoard of County Supervisors: Resolved. That It Is the senm- of the trustees of the free nubile llbrnrv of Conn- ell HlulTs that there is no objection to hav ing tno uibei or tile Typographical union placed on the reports and printed matter of the hoard of trustees Intended for uen- eral distribution; that the label bo required in an luiurc incni contracts roi- minting, printing and printed matter purchased by ' wio uoarii oi trustees. Tho resolution was referred to a special committee consisting of Trustees Burke, Haird and Casady,' with instructions to -c- port at tho next session of tho board. Front tho slight discussion that ensued on tho In troductlon of tho rcsolutlou, It was evident that several of tho members of tho board wero opposed to binding themselves by Its adoption. Tho committee to which had been re ferred resolutions on tho retirement of J. I), ndmundson from tho board submitted the following, which was ordered spread on tho record nnd a copy sent to Mr, Edmund son nt i)cs Moines: James U. IMmundsnn, having after an almost continuous service upon this bonrd of eighteen years, voluntarily retired In October, UK, because of his departure from this city, we desire, on bchnlf of ourselves and all thoso Interested In tho library's welfnre, to thank him for his long years of labor for tho upbuilding of tills Insti tution, and attest the value of his work In Its behalf. He wns nlways deeply Inter ested In tho library and gave freely of Ills time to Its work. No one has ever been more attentive to the meetings of the board and Its committees, and no call upon his time or talent has over failed of ready and cheerful response. His term of service far exceeded that of nny member now upon the board, and It Is not too much to say that no one of alt thoso who havu served with him lit all these yenrs has ever accomplished more for the present and future standing and use fulness of tho library. As officials, wo regret Ills resignation as a distinct loss to this Institution, and ns citizens wo feel that by his removal from this city wo have lost from our midst a most courteous, honorable, honest, lilgh mlnded nnd enterprising neighbor and friend, Tho librarian's report for March gavo theso statistics: Number of visitors, 6,900; on Sundays, 152; registered booktakers, !), 426; books taken out, 5,399; received on rented books, $25.90; money pnld for rented books to April 1, $112.55; received on rented books to samo date, $'5.48; bonks in cir culating library ou April, 17, 97ii. Tho report of the flnanco committee showed $814.90 In tho library fund April 1. Subscribers In tho guessing contest can register their coupons at tho Council Bluffs office .tho samo as at Ilia Omaha ofllce. liuirtcrl AVnler II 1 1 1 h. Pay on or before the 10th and savo 0 per cent. Offico open Saturdny and Wednesday evening until 9 o'clock. Davis sells glass. WOMAX ASICS I'OH IMYOIICi:. Ml on KIIiiihmvkUI Snjn Slic (iiivc llux haoil Second Trial. Mrs, Minna Kllanowskl filed a petition In tho district court yesterday asking to bo granted a divorce from John Kllanowskl, whom she married In Germany twenty-nine years ago. Nine years ago, so Mrs. Klla nowskl states In her petition, her husband deserted b,cr In Germany and came to this country. Seven years sho heard nothing from him until in 1C99 ho wrote to her that if she would comn to America and livo with him again ho would try to bo a model hus band, Sho suys she gave him another trial and borrowed enough money to puy her passage to this country. All went well for six months, when her husband, she alleges, began to ill-treat hor again, and his con tinuance to do eo prompts her to apply for a divorce. Her husband, she says, has $600 In the bank nnd several head of stock and other farming equipment, and she asks that ho be restrained from disposing of any until sho secures hor portion and alimony. Subscribers In tho guessing contest can register their coupons ut the Council Bluffs otllco the same ns at tho Omnha offico. Arrral llrxiillo from Dlipn led Account. S, S. Green, who owns a paint nnd paper shop on Main street, was arrested last even ing on an assault nnd battery charge pre ferred by Harry Robertson, an attorney of Ncolu, la. Robertson had a bill against Green to collect and the latter claimed th Ncola attornoy was unduly pressing him for paymeut. They met latd evening at 'hi corner of Flftu avenue and Main street, when some wnrds enatioit rirrnn la charged with backing tin his areumcnt by dealing Robertson n solar plexus blow which knocked the Ncola attorney for tho time being hors de combat. COIM.ll, 111,1 ri4 CITY COt.MII. I'lnnl Aetltwi In Poitlimieil oil Curli liiit nml l'n I n u l'mlilcni. The city council last night postponed final action nnd determination on the curbing and paving resolution for one week. A number of protests hnd been filed against the contemplated Improvement and a largo lobby of Interested property owners was present to protest In person. Con sideration of tho protests will bo taken up nt a meeting of the commit tea of the whole, to bo held before next Monday. An attempt on tho part of Aldermnn McDon ald to lay the paving resolution on tho tabic failed. The specifications for tho paving of the streets embraced In tho reso lution wero referred back to Knglncer Ktnyrc for correction. The resolution calling for the grading of Sixteenth avenue between Main and Klghth streets was adopted. Tho amended ordinance providing for the icpalr ng of sidewalks nnd assessing I In cost of samo to the abutting property was passed. A communication was read from J. J. Stcadman and P. C. Glass, who appealed to the district court from the assessment made against four lots on Ilrondwny for the paving laid last fall, in which they offered to withdraw tho suits If tho city would reduce the assessment on tho four lots from $550 to $300. After considerable dis cussion the matter was referred to the committee of the whole. John Walker notified tho council that ho had a claim against the city for J.VCOO damages by reason of Injuries rcecheJ by driving Into an alleged defective culvert ut Twelfth street and Avenue G on March 31. He said he was thrown from his wagon and received a compound fracture of hi i right leg nnd other Injuries. A petition for the opening of Hall street from Hnirlson street to Denton street was referred to the committee on streets nnd alleys to report back next meeting. On motion of Alderman Huber an arc light was ordered placed under the now contract at the Intersection of Washing ton avenue and Benton street. The request of Deputy City Marshal White thot he bo allowed pay for tho rIx tecu days ho was under quarantine wns granted. The Nebraska Telephone conirany filed Its bond In tho sum of $1,000 to operate under the new city ordinance regulating electrical construction. The request of City Klectrlclan llradley that equipment to the amount of $535 be purchased for his department, raised the question of which committee the city electrician should be under the control of. Aldermen McDonald nnd I.ougee thought ho ought to be under the supervision of tho committee on lire nnd light nnd the former suggested that this committee be given authority to make the necessary pur chases. After more or less desultory dis cussion the matter was settled for the tlmo being by .Mayor Jennings, Insisting that tho matter should bo referred to the committee of tho whole. It wns decided t'o utilize the lire depart ment in washing Broadway from First to Sixth street, and North Main street from Ilrondwny to Washington avenue, the work to he done under the supervision of tho street commissioner. Alderman Brown In troduced u resolution calling for tho wash ing of a number of recently paved streets by this system, but some of the aldermen were of the opinion that tho force of the water from the fire hose would wash oik tho sand between the bricks and other wise Injure tho paving. The council adjourned to Monday night. Subscribers In tho guessing contest can register their coupons at the Council Uluffs office tho samo ns nt tho Omaha ofllce. To iti: i:ivi lllMSII'.ll 'ON(ii;it. l ll.i or .It'll n I iikm iiiiuillicr Choice of I'olillllltlceiiii-n. Mayor Jennings yesterday named the fol lowing to serve on the reception committee on tho day of Minister Conger's nrrlvul In this city: John N. Baldwin, Jacob Sims, Spencer Smith. II. W. Rothert, P J Day. C. O. Saunders, J. R. Reed, George P. Wright, W. W. I,oomls. I,uclus Wells, C. W. Mc Donald, W. I. Smith, K. P. Test. John Bereshelm, C. R. Hnnman, John Schoentgcn, William Moore, John T. Stewart. Jr., N. M. Pusey, K. K. Aylesworth, John G. Wnodard, Plnley Burke, M. P. Rohcr, Dr. 1) Macrae, sr, O, B. DcBwIck, C. S. WIUctB, C. I), Altch Ison, I. M. Treynor, J. J. Steadman, Oeorge Carson, Robert Dalley,1 D. C. Smith, J. II. Clenver, 11. A. Searle, Leonard Kverett, Rev. Georgo Edward Walk, Rev. Patrick Smytho, Rev. J. W. Wilson, II. H. Van Brunt, W. J. Davenport, J. C. Mitchell, William Arnd, P. L. Reed, II. M. Sargent, W. A. Maurer, A. T. Plleklnger, II. B, Jennings, A. P. Han ehott, N. P Dodgo. J. M. Barstow, R. R. Unrt, Georgo A. Kecllne. Theodore Gulttar, II. W. Tllton. J. P. Wilcox, P. V. DeVol, P. P. nradley, D. .1. Clark, J. P Davis, N C Phillips, P. T. True. James MeCabe. L. p. Besioy, Lewis Hnmmer, Thomas Mctcnlf, R. H. Lougeo nnd A. S. Hazclton. On Wonieii'N Co in ml Iter, Theso women havo been selected by Mrs, John N. Baldwin to net on tho rommltteo which will entertain Mrs. Conger and the women of tho party. Mrs. John N. Baldwin, chulrmun; Mrs. Victor Jennings, Mrs. R, K, Montgomery, Mrs. G. K. Smith, Mrs. Wal ter I Smith, Mrs. Horace Rvcrett, Mrs, N P. Dodge, Mrs. R. C. Smith, .Mrs. Jacob Sims, Mrs. J. R. Reed, Mrs. 13. C. Smith, Mrs. A. P. Hnnchott. Mrs. II. W. Tllton, Mrs, Smith Mcl'licrson, Mrs. Joel I Stow art, Mrs. U, R. Hart, Mrs. Charles T. Stew art, Mrs. Donald Macrae, Jr., Mrs. I. M. Troynor, Dr. Mary I.. Tinley, Sirs. II. H. Van nrunt, Mrs. Georgo R. Wnlk, Mrs. M P. Rohrer, Mrs. R. R. Aylesworth, Mrs. James McCabo, Mrs. I), n. Dalley. Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. W. A. Maurer, Mrs, P W Dean, Mrs W S. Dlmmock, Mrs. K. p. Test, Mrs. II. W. Rothert, Mrs. I). W. Bushnell, Miss Carolina I.. Dodge, Miss Mary Key. Miss Nelllo Moore, Miss Parns worth, Miss Schoentgcn nnd Miss Sims. Buy your trees, shrubs und roses of Menera,, f2i Rast Broadway, Council Bluffs. Telephones, office, 404; residence, 1465. Rubber stamps at DoLong's, 307 B'way. htrll.ern' Conference I'mII. An effort to effect a settlement between the striking plumbers and tho bosses was tnado last night at a conference between a rommltteo from the Omaha union nnd the local Trades' and Labor assembly and tho master plumbers. Thu striking plumbers Insisted on the bosses discharging nil helpers and appren tices and to this tho bosses refused to ac cede, Tho conference failed of its purpose nnd tho plumbers will remain nut. Tho bosses gay they will fill the places of the strikers with nonunion men. Subscribers in tho guessing contest can register their coupons at the Courn.ll Blulfs offico the samo as at the Omaha office, I ii il 1 1-1 -il on Wlfi-'x Coiniilnlnt. That nn Indictment against C. J. Graham on charges prepared by his wife has hern returned by the grand Jury was mado public ycslerday The bond had been fixed at $1,000 by the court. ARREST MAIL MESSENGER Dn Moines FoiUl Authoritiii InTdtlgaU (June of Mining Bundlii. ALL CITY SCHOOLS ARE REOPENED Conl llnllroml I'.itemlon IWpeeleil IIiKtern limn Tlicnte- to Combine Ml. Vernon Will Ai-eepl l.'itr ickIo'ii Mlirnr.v llonnlloii, DBS MOINBS, April 8. (Speclal.)-Wll Ham IJ. Martin, assistant mall messenger In tho Des Molncs postoffice, was placed under arrest this morning nnd held to tho United States grand Jury on n charge of theft from tho mails. Martin Is n young man with n wlfo and had borno an ex cellent reputation. Inspector Ketcham of Mnrshalltown went to work on the enso and secured evidence warranting the arrest of Murtln. The ninount missing is not known, but a large number of packages of fourth-class mall havo been mlesed In the last few months. Iinnhrn In Mini nee Money. Although an effort has been mado to show- that the death of Ben Grayson Inst Sntur day was duo to murder nnd not to suicide, the evidence Is almost conclusive that he took the poison himself, after a night of drinking. Thero Is mystery surrounding the rase from tho fact thnl Mrs. Brayson refused to give to the public details of the case. There Is a sum of Insurance In volved. Neliooln Itenprn. The Des Moines schools reopened today after n vacation duo to tho presence of smallpox In tho city nnd all excitement re garding the probabla spread of tho disease is at tin end. The Stnte Bonrd of Health has received fewer reports lately than dur ing tho winter from the counties of the state and tho belief is gaining that the epidemic has worn itself out the past winter. The state has probably had from 1,000 to 2,000 cases during the winter, but few of them ended fatally. Conl llonil KxIoiinIoiin, The chnngo of ownership of the coal rail road running from Vnlerla, on the Great Western, to Colfax and Into a coal mining region along Squaw creek In Jasper county probably means considerable extension of the line. Thomas Hooper, assistant gen eral freight agent of tho Great Western resigned to accept management of the road for tho new company which has taken pos session. Not only will Great Western trains be run Into Colfax, or at least train connections made, but an extension of the rond Into now fields west of Valeria Is promised nnd some development of tho rond in the south. It is a comparatively short road, but runs Into valuable coal districts. Tho new company is the Colfax Northern Railroad company, with n capital of $120,000. nnd the Incorporation was ef fected today. Tlirnlern In n Combine. John B Henderson of Cedar Rapids and P. W. Chamberlain of Burlington are effect ing u combine of tho opera houses In the eastern cities of Iowa and several In Illi nois. They have secured leases of fifteen opera houses, which Includes houses In Cedar Ri.ptds, Burlington, Davenport, Du buque, Keokuk, Clinton, Pott Madison and Ottumwa. WIm-i-ci 'lliey l.lve I.oiik. Tho city of Gedar Palls, with about 0.500 Inhabitants according to tho Inst census, seems to bo n plncc where people live to old age. Thero are nlncty-nlne persons living It; the city who are over 70 years old nnd a number who aro past 90 years. Nearly all aro old residents of the city. The fad Is being made use of to show the health fulness of the city. Work nt lloxpltnl for Innniic. H. P. Licbbe, architect, and J. P. Lender, superintendent of construction for the new Iowa hotpltn; for the Infane, left for Chord kec this afternoon, where they will look I n.'Ktinl soup ns it medicine. It either boiii'lltn or lnJurcH. The porux of tlio liptly tnko Into tho system more or less of tho. son'p, thu Mood curries the sumo to uver.v orjriin of tho hotly. Thoroforn It Ih Important Unit poo plo should usu only soiiii t hut Is freo fr om nil poisonous futs nnd alkalies. Witch huzol Is used In ovory hospital throughout tho civilized world and is en dorsed by physicians as Nature's sroatost skin remedy. HiivIiik combined witch lia.ol witli other known licallnn and curativo medicaments, I most posi lively asset-! that 1 am offurim: to tho public tin Host Tollot Soap Kvor Mado. I moan by tills that It Is tho best for tho complexion, best for tho scalp, best for tlio baby, best for curliij; all skin eruptions. It will soften Urn roughest skin, It will euro chapped hands and lips In a nlKht, It will positively cure. dandruff mid all scalp dihoasus and allay all forms of Itching. It Is moro Hootlilnu t lit) ii cold cream, morn licalini; than any lotion, liniment or salve, moro lieauttfyliif; than any (.osmotic, Kvery Ingredient In tills soap is puro enough to eat. I want tlio public to havo the same (.-ontltlenco In this soap thai mt-. have In my remedies Ml'X YON. In order that tlio price may not prevent any one from usIiik this soap, dnurulsts havo been Instructed to sell tlio ItHfil'I.AK '-C.-f'KNT .SIZI-: Ktm 15 (.'HNTS. Trial size, ." cents. Sent by mall on receipt of price to any ad-dre-is. FREE DEMONSTRATIONS. of tho best of all toilet eonps arc being mado nt the following drug stores: Beaton &. McGinn, 15th and Parnnm; Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. ICth and DoJgo; Charles II. Schaefer. lfith and Chicago; Kuhn & Co,, 15th and Douglas; Jas, Porsyth, l)th and Capitol Ave.; Mycrsfc Dillon, lOih and Pnrnam; Bell Drug Co., 1216 Parnam, Puller Drug Co., lith nnd Douglas. MUNYON'S IIOMGOPATIIIC H0MG RBCDY CO. over tho work being done for completion of tho hospital. The contractors have al ready commenced work, partly on the new buildings nnd partly on the buildings which werti not finished before. The St. Ansgar Telephone Bxchange com pany has been Incorporated, with $10,000 capital stock, to build telephone Unci. In Mttchi'll county, Tho Incorporators are R. C. Subsrlus, Martin Moe and S. J. Plshck. .Ml. Vernon Will Aoerpl. The gift of Andrew Carnegie to the (own of Mount Vernon of $40,000 with which to build a library building will be accepted. Thero was some doubt nbout the ability to conform to the conditions, Inasmuch ns the library building Is to bo in part for the benefit of Cornell college, located there, and will be sustained In part by tho college and partly by tho town. But tho clt!:ns have determined upon accepting tho gift and will comply with the conditions. It Is understood that Governor Shaw, who is n graduate of tho college, was largely In strumental In securing the gift from Mr. Carnegie for the library building. Ilolllnn tll nt I.nre. Henry Hnlllns, the negro who broke up a crap game at Carbondalc Saturday night, Is still at. large nnd no serious effort seems to hnvo been mado to capture him. He had practically nil of Saturday night In which to get away and It Is supposed ho Is nut of tho state by this time. Wllllo Miller, who was shot In the back, died from the wounds. Ho was a bright young man nnd the excitement In Cnrbondnle Is great. Brown, who was said to bo the cause of tho trouble, will recover from his wounds. STORES TO CLOSE ON SUNDAY I. nut of l)n rnporl lrclintit Mriis .Krceinen t at to Open, DAVRNPORT. Ia., April S. (Special Tel egram.) Clerks' union No. 405 nnd Sllber stein Bros., clothiers, tonight signed an agreement by which they will keep their place of business closed on Sundays. This Is the settlement of the question whether nil stores In Davenport shall be kept open on Sunday or not, for this firm was the last to ngrco to the proposition nnd tho stored would have nil been open next Sun day had the agreement not been signed. The firm hod restrained the clerks with a federal injunction, obtnlned before Judgo Smith McPbcrson, and the National Clerks' union, with $13,000 nt Its command, fought tho matter and obtained the dissolution. It is believed here that the one agreement means the settlement of the open stores on Sunday In tho whole state of Iowa. WEALTHY FARMER IS ARRESTED ChHred with I dIiir MnlU to Purtlier Sale of Senle-ClientliiK' llrvli-r. DES MOINBS, April S. (Special Tele gram.) John Mulr, a wealthy farmer and stock buyer living near Thornton, la., has been placed under bonds to appear at the next term of federal court on a charge of using the malls to defraud. He was Ar rested by the potsofllce Inspector ns the man who has been sending circular lotters to stock buyers In southern states, offering to sell a device for cheating on tho scales. Tho price at which they were offered was $50. Tho postoffice Inspector tracked the letters back to Clarion, In,, where Mulr was arrested. Ho waived examination and gave bonds. Drop In Oil. TOLKDO, O., April 8. Oil producers In Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana wcro still further discouraged today by a drop of .1 cents In the eastern and 2 cents In tho western market. Tho quotations now aro: Tlona, $1.35; Pennsylvania, $1.20; North Lima, 8s cents; South Lima, 83 cents; In diana, 83 cents. HoeUefrller'n ,riv llnrlior. WKST SUPRHIOH, Wis.. April S. Tho report th.U John IJ. Hockefeller has pur chased a large tract of land with a harbor Is true so far as tho harbor Is concerned, but tho figures and tho amount of land cannot bo confirmed at the present time. The land Is situated at the mouth of the Montreal river. The dividing line is be tween Michigan nnd Wisconsin nt the northerly end of those states. The harbor Is a good one, but would not accommodate boats drawing more than eighteen feet or water. The hnrhor Is but twenty miles from the Oopeble range and a railroad survey connecting the harbor and tho rnngo has been made. MSW. TO THE PUBLIC In presenting my Witch Hazel Soap for your consideration, I am positive that I am offering tho PURRST and BRBT TOILBT SOAP RVRR MADR. I know it will Improve nny complex ion and soften tho roughest hands; that It. will cure pimples, blackheads, sores and facial blemishes; will cure chapped hands and lips In a night; will cure dandruff and nil scalp ills cases, will euro baby rash, hives and most skin Irrltntlons. M UN VON. IMiiluJclplilit. LIEUT. GOVERNOR CURED. General Thomas, Oldest Living General of the Civil War and Formerly Lieut. Governor of Vermont, relieved of Rheumatism by Dr, Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy, LIEUT.-OOVKKNOR THOMAS CURBD BY Pit, OrlEENE'S NERVURA, Ninety-two years of age is the illustrious soldier-statesman, Generml Thomas of Vermont. He has held ofllce as Representative, Senator, Judge of Probate Court, and Lieutenant-Governor. Strong of purpose and of cleanest record, everyone may depend absolutely on his-word. Listen to him now, vou who suffer with rheumatic pains anil twinges. Read his letter telling " for other's good " how Dr. Greene's Nervura relieved him of pain. General Thomas Rays: " I am pleased at this opportunity to add my testimonial to the worth of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. The many years of life's journey left its touch upon me in the form of rheu matic pains. I have found benefit and relief from the use of Dr. Greene's Nervura, and give my permission to publish this letter for others' good." Rheumatism creeps i: to the joints und muscles through deficient blood circulation and disordered nerves. Kvery thick uttnonphere aggravates it. Every trifling cold strengthens its grip. Ordinary practice novor cures rheumatism, but volujucs of evidence exist to show that IJr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy, devoid absolutely of mineral elements, is the true nnd certain spccitlc. Why let. your pains and your stiff joints and yo shoulder aches continue v ' 'tout malting tho test of the medicine Gcncrul Tnomas commends for the gou of (ill sufferers? NO APPETITE? CONSTIPATED? Try Mull's Grape Tonic Tlio crushed fruit laxative. Tlio Now Wonder for bad liculth. Druggists oOu. The I.lirlitnliiB Medicine Co., Hook Island, Ills. Mull's l.lRhtnlnK Pain Killer ctire3 Haw Throat. i5e "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO John Ben &Co COUNCIL BLUFFS. OUR CARPET FACILITIES In llnnnin oiip Carpet Depart uiciil we paid particular attention to equipping same with I lie latest improved machines fm making and sewing CarpclH and lius. A large electric sewing machine, operating on a forty-toot cog-track and supplied witli power from our own electric plant, tloes in a few minutes what formerly required hours of hard sewing, insuring a promptness in filling orders that in itself is a strong recommendation nwp niost carpet stores. We employ only experienced help, allowing no experimenting with your Carpets. Our stock of Carpets. Wugs, Draperies. Curtains and Linoleums is one of the largest and best in the West, and the lowest in price. Mnil Orders Promptly Filled. "Mini wants but little hero below" Suid a morbid poet Ioiir yo.irs iik. I'm protic to doubt that uncle nt sane When I look at The Hec's great "Want Ad" pago. CURE YOURSELF ! Phi Rig J fur iiuntiiri dle-hran,luEn:iitiallon, Irritation or ulcrrallour of miioulin memUMuei. rilnlrm. .in, I nut altllO' ' la I U I ;. (HBrtotl bi u tirlcttr. Frmaii I'ouuiJ.b. lTHlEv.;sCHtuiWtCg. ft or pultonem. tir exprr" II. Oft. or 3 I Oft, or 3 bottlr, 12.73. CliTiiUr nt r"". PIMPLES eruptlonj, WftCkheacH, enlarged Irc,red note, red, rough naad, und all affections of tho Skin and calpnro (.wtd'Iy and per mnncntly cured nt your home. Full Information with book frc. Dl'KflATOI.OOIST WOODHUP", 63 State St. .cor.flcr.r-f.Crilci MEN NO CURE, NO PAY. If Toil hui arnall weak oruaiii, nt iMjwcr or wtakrnlnir ilralni, our vacuum. Oriran Unvelninr will re.lorn you wlihout ilruc" or rlmiMly 7S ftoo in hmi i.ol on rallur? not one rrturnotl no C I). 1) fiawl wrlle for frrr r'J rllrnl ar rent uralnl In plain t nvrloic, lOCtt APPLIANCE CO. ISO Thorp Blk,, Indlimpolll, Ind. " IUPAN'8 TA11UI.KS la an efTccllve cur. for the I1U which orlttlnnte tn u bad atom tch. 10 for ic. At all druscUU. Entertaining To Most Women Ih moro or Ifos of 1111 iiudcrtukliifr. It will Kri'fttly IlKhti'ii tho iitti'iidant worry If you rend "Wlmt To Mai" ench mouth "What To Mat" Iiiih inmlu u fen turn of novel in trtiilnmi'iilH nml tho art of entertaining for no many ycnrH that an endleoB fund o( IdeiiM and Inlormatlon on tho HiihJect Iiuh been ari'iinulated, "Whut To Mat" Is ar tistic, cli'vor, IntereolliiB and Invaluable tr women who wIhIi lo Keep ponted on tha very latent fndH mid funclcH hh well SJ practical thlngM. Our 25o Offor. For 25o wo will Head you a three monllm trial Hiibscrlptlon to "What To Unt" nnd will mull lo your nddrcHS, poHtiiK" prepaid, our lltt'o book, "Hlx ninnern." tnlllnK how lo cook and ftnrvn nix illmierH nnd hliich ioiih, and in Addition will extend lo you the nrlvlleseB or our lIoiiHehold Club, en nbllllB vou to enjoy the iidvaiitaKeH of cull iib .iiti our hotmehold department for uny Information mi may denlro upon aubjccti pertalnliitf to onturtulnln. What To Eat, Herald Building, Chicago. Every Woman kiiuittreiieaaniinonldknow . MARVEL Whirling Spray twniuii awuotti umi nar rat-Mot Court merit. lit Mtrdnillil for II, llj.'annoliiippIytti M tllVUI.. irrmtnn Mtirr. uiu tnnri tump for IUik. trllf'lt"ok-lr. ItBlTCtfUll rillcularn(l rtlrrplfnni Intalu ahlatnladl. MAItVIH. .. UcuuiU-'llTluiDa llUg., aim Vork. CURSE'DRINK WHITE DOVE CURB np.t.r fulla iu ilmtror crar lim for itronit drink. I he apprille for which cannot rilit after lolnit tlila rrincilr lllvrn In auy lliiM wlihorwlihuutlnowlivla'eof patleuti laitelem II at bucrmau & MtXuniH'll auJ Kuliu i. Co drug-gliia 1