10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APHIIi 0, 1001. CAPTAIN HARSH IS AT REST Fnmral Strricei Are Conductid at the Tamil? Residence, REV. HUBERT C. HERRING OFFICIATES Out if ltPKirct for llio L'iiotcntntlitiH Life l.eil I))' I lie DiM'fllircl, till- Oli- liilfN Ar H I in p I lint None llio I.cmh tin ji--m1 t v. The funeral rorvlces of the Into Captain W. W. Marsh were held nt 2 o'clock yester day nfturnoon at the family residence, Sot Pino street. Itev. Iloburt C. IIcrrlnK, pastor of the First Congregational church, con ducted the services. Interment was nt Fi.rcst Kawn cemetery. Captain Marsh died April 2 at Nassau, llahuma IslaudM, wheru ho had gone In eurch of health. His son Allen was with lilin nt tho tlmo of his lout sickness and ac coinpanled tho remains hack to Omaha, ar riving hero Sunday morning. Simplicity marked tho funeral ceremonies. During life Captain .Marsh was an unosten tatious man and tho last sad rites held over his remains were In keeping with the life ho had led. The plain hlack cuskel was coorcd with flowers Bent by friends and about It were grouped handsome iloral pieces' given by stockholders and employes of tho Omaha Street Hallway company, the Union National bank and other companies with which Cap tain Marsh was connected. .Mil Nit: Ii- Uunrlel. A quartet composed of Miss Ornce North rup, Mrs. Kly, Dolmorn Cheney and Daniel Wheeler, Jr., song "Abide with Me," "Hock nf Ages" and "Heart Ho Still." Itev. Her ring reviewed tho llfu of Captain Marsh briefly and paid tribute to his character. Tho following friends of Captnln Marsh acted as pallbearers; Frank Murphy, W. A. Smith, (leorgo A. lloagland, Hermnu Kountze, W. V. Morse, (leorgo Parker, John V. Cri-lghton and John A. Swobc. At tho cemetery tho services consisted of a, prayer und n few remarks hy Hov. Herring. Captain Marsh Is survived by Mrs. Marsh and four sons. Charles, Frank, William and Allen Atwood, nil of whom attended tho funeral. Mrs. Abby C. Hydo of Llvermoro Falls, Me., Mrs. M. L. Tripp of Yankton, S. D sisters of Mrs. Marsh; Mrs. Stella M. Champlln of Minneapolis, n sister of Captain Marsh, and Merrls l'ollard of Ne hawka, Neb., a cousin of tho deceased, were other relatives who attended tho funeral. Captain Marsh was a natlvo of Vermont, whero ho was horn In 1832. Ho came to Nebraska In 1S30 and settled In Dakota county. Six yours Inter ho moved to Omaha and has been prominently Identified with this city since that time. ActlM' lii lltmlni'ft I.lfr. When ho first camo tn Omaha ho was In terested In the ferry between Council Bluffs Ind Omaha and was superintendent of tho Union Pacific transfer. After tho opening of tho bridgo across tho river In 1871 ho ac quired an Interest In tho Omaha Street Hallway company. At tho tlmo of his death ho was treasurer of this company and pres ident of tho Union National bank. Captain Marsh has sufTcied with tuber culosis of tho lungs for several years. Last fall while traveling In tho Hlack Hills ho becamo much worse and went to Wyo ming In the hope of being benefited by tho higher nltltudc. Ho grow worao and re turned home. In January Captain Marsh went to tho Ilennudas, but the mild cllmato afforded him no rullef. In tho early 'TO's Captain Marsh was a member nf tho city council. Ho served ono term ns president of tho Hoard of Education and has always been prominently Identified with public enterprises. LEWELLYN GOES TO IOWA Inspeftor of Itnriil Kppc Delivery Mnll IIoiiU'h Tnlkn of HIh Work. C. H. Lcv.-ellyn, inspector of rural free delivery routes, hns been assigned to work In tho Ninth nnd Tenth congressional dis tracts of Iowa and will leavo for that ter ritory this week. Sunday ho was In Den- vor, whero ho reported to W. K. Anuln, tho superintendent In chargo of tho westom division, on tho condition of tho routes In Nebraska. Mr. I.ewellyn finds that without exception the work in eastern Nebraska Is bolng done satisfactorily nnd thnt It Is greatly appro elated by tho farmers, who aro now served nt least onco a day by tho curriers, who bring the letters nnd pupers to a point not more thnn half u mile from tho homes of tho patrons. Ho finds that tho dally news papers nro tho greatest bonctlclurlcs of rural delivery, nnd that In tho counties whero tho routes nro established tho In crcaso In dally newspaper circulation among the farmers hus been nearly 100 per cent This has had In a measure u had effect upon tho weekly newspapers, especially those of general circulation, as tho dailies havo generally taken their place. Thero Is one phupo of tho question not touched upon by tho superintendent which is causing tho department cunsldcrublo trouble, nnd that Is tho frequency with which tho boxes of tho riuul routes nro rifled. Very few packages or letters of aliiu aro takon, ns thu carriers nro care ful to leave none of them exposed, but fro quently postofflee inspectors receive word thnt letters and papers addressed to par ties along freo delivery routes aro taken by those not entitled to them, nnd tho ofllcors at Omaha hnvo several persons In vnrloua parts of tho state under observa tion. In somo cases tho complaints aro traced down and found to bo mado through n mis understanding, a neighbor having taken tho mall for delivery to tho proper person, und, possibly, having forgotten to deliver It when ho arrived at homo. This causes friction and somo Interested party generally re porta tho case, much to tho disgust of both parties to the transaction. When such cases aro found tho matter Is dropped, but whero n person wantonly rtlles a rural freo delivery bo prosecution will bo right Tho department realizes that tho boxes aro exposed to a greater degrco than thoso of anv othor donartment of the servlcu and that the greatest care is necessary to pro tect them. For this reason overy com plaint Is closely investigated nnd whero no prosecution follows tho parties nro always cautioned by the officers. A IMMlllTINt; THOMAS. Unit III" I'tillhiir 1 1 it I r StomiiMl nnil nniiilriin' Cured Without I'll I III. II, 11. Fletcher. Hutto, Mont., October 20, V1S99, says: "l.lko many other people, I havo been troubled for years with dandruff and within tho last few months my hair enmo out so badly that I was compelled to havo what I had loft clipped very close. friend recommended Newbro's Hcrplcldo. I confess thnt I doubted his story, hut I gav Herplcldn a trial. Now my hair Is as thick as over nud entirely freo from dandruff. "Destroy thu cause, you remove tho effect. At druggliits, $1.00. Horplcide Is a dellcht ful hulr dressing for regular use. I'nrkrr t'lnlniN tin l'rlf. f niM-'iA. Anrll S Albert Parker com mnnroil all action In tho district court to tiv miuiilnmiix. to cnmnel Colonel W. F. 'Hughes to turn the ofttco of mayor over to earner on iiie cruium inm im lnttor was legally elected. On tho fare nf thn returns Colonel Hughes, tho law nud order candidate, received u majority of seven. Mr. Parker's namo appeared on fvn tickets, thu democratic und the ir. IWTTIJHN- HATS AT ?."!. A I.nrm .Milium t PiiMrrn lint Direct fr. in St'W nrk on ."nlc Today. AT HOSTON STOItK, OMAHA. COO I nts Just received from New York by express, go on sale today at $5. This Is an unsurpassable bargain, livery one uf these Is the newest thing shown In Now York City. Tho predominating style In this assortment of COO hats Is tho large flat mushroom hat, trimmed to protrudo over the fact, combinations of hair braids made on wire frames, trimmed artistically with roses and foliage, also velvet ribbon, equal to any pattern hat shown heretofore at $1., In this sale 800 hat3 handsomely trimmed with flow ers, ribbons, chiffon and ornaments, at $!f0. UNTHIM.MKD AND ItBADY-TO-WKAH HATS. An Immense assortment of everything that Is stylish In untrlmmcd hats, many of them hcnd-sowcd on wire frames, black and colors, nt Cue, 75u and 9Sc. Wo have tho greatest assortment of ready-to-wear hats ever shown In Omaha, on snlo nt COc, "fle, M, $1.50 and J2.50. HIO SALK OF FI.OwKHS. Tables and tables of beautiful flowers, roses, forgqt-mc-nots, cowslips, wreaths, foliage, etc., at 19c, 25c, 10c and Cc. rniLDHEN'S HATS. Tho greatest variety of children's hats ever shown In our storo before. Trices range from 2Se up to $3. HOSTON STOItH, OMAHA, J. I.. Hrnndels & Sons, Proprietors. WINTER WHEAT PROSPECTS resent llriiorlN Inillcnli' Hint Crop Will l!c l.nijtcr thu n Kti'r Hi-fore. Hcports from thu Nohraskn winter wheat belt indlcnto that tho prospects for the coming season nre better than ever before In tho history of tho Industry. Taking tho best crop ns 100 per cent, tho estimates now run from 110 to 115 per cent. In no part of tno stnto lias tho crop been lam- aged by the winter weather and the young grain stands In many fields without a spot ' bnro ground showing. The becretnry of tho Nebraska drain Deal ers nssoclutlon reports that more wheat Is held In tho state than over beforo from a preceding year. Tho supply on hnnd Is nbout 10 per cent of tho crop of 1000, or about 3,700,000 bushels. Of this amount 000,000 bushels Is held hy farmers and tho remainder by mills and dealers. This Is tho first tlmo thnt In April tho farmers havo held more of tho last year's crop than tho dealers, and while they have made nothing by holding their grain It speaks ell of their financial condition that they havo been nbla to hold It at nil. Tho grain dealers of tho west arc pleased Ith the now revenue law, for tho reason that after July 1 tho tax will bo taken from their business. Slneo 1898 tho average Ne braska grain dealer has paid $1 n day In revenue tnxes nnd tho burden was ono thnt could not he shifted. MAY POSTPONE BANQUET Comnirreinl C'ltili'n Function In Honor of Svw Hriuitom Mny Ite Vut On. There Is llttlo probability that tho pro posed banquet to bo tendered Senators Mil lard and Dietrich by the Commercial club will take place next week, as was con ditionally arranged. Tho chairman of tho entertainment commlttco had a confercneb with Mr. Mlllntd on tho subject, and the senator stated that he would much prefer having tho banquet given sometime In the fall, but would held himself at the pleasure of Senator Dietrich and tho club. Governor Dietrich has decided to go to Wyoming this week nnd he will not return for nt least ten dnys. Tho question of postponing the banquet will be submitted to tho executive commlttco of the Commercial lub today and definite action will then bo taken. AniioiinceniPiilH of the 'I'lirnlem. 'Tho Dairy Farm," a quaint rural rainu by Klcnnor Merron, will bo presented Hoyd's theater tonight, Wednesday after noon anil night, and Thursday night, by a thoroughly competent company of actors and staged with all tlio original scenery ud costumes. Tills charming play Is quaint, homely nnd rustic to a degree. It portrays uman emotions nnd teaches the lesson thnt sternness nnd self-assumed Infallibility re illplnced feelings in human breasts. In writing tho play Miss Merron hns lienated that part that Is so prominent in thu rural drama, whero tho vllllau always etruys somo moro less Innocent country girl. In the whole jdny thero Is nothing suggestive nor anything thnt could possibly offend tho liner feelings of tho most critical. Dii:i. STAPF.NIIOltST Theodore, need fi2 years Funeral Wednesday. April lu. nt :ju n. in. from family residence, Mi Houtn Si.viMitreiitli street. to Ht. l'lil omona H church. Ninth nnd Harney streets. Inter ment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. SUN PROOF PAINTS Thero can bo seen on tho billboards all over tho city u vory attractlvo poster ad vertising PATTON'S SUN-PHOOF PAINT, We havo COO gallons of this celobrated pnlnt In stock. Tho nF.GUI.AR prlco of this pnlnt is about 11.50 per gallon. OUH PHICK, 11.20 per gallon. A saving of 23 per cent. Hotter catch on beforo it Is all gone. Fuller Drug and Paint Co., Open all night. litli nnd Douglas Sts est Service, est Equipment, est Trains, est Track, est Route, MANY HOURS QUICKER VIA THE UNION PACIFIC I ROM MISSOURI RIVER POINTS THAN VIA ANV OTHER LINE. B If you want a quick nnd pleasant trip tie euro your ticket rends over tho Union Pacific. Three Train Willy from Council H luffs- and Omaha. DlithiK t'nr Srrvleo, Mrnln n In Curie. Through Palaco and Ordlnnry Sleeper. Huffet Smoking and Library Cars. Chair Can., Tlntsch Light, etc. "Souvenir nnd Views F.nroutc to California," "California for the Tourist, etc., gladly sent on application and detailed Information cheerfully furnished. NEW CITY TICKET OEFICE-im I'arnam Street. Tel. 316. UNION STATION 10th ami Marcy. Tel. 629. RIVER GETS ITS HABITS ON Notable Rite ii Apparent Along the Big Ifuddj'i Oourie. CAUSED BY THAWING OF DAKOTA ICE Knrrcnstrr Welnh (liven Amurnnce Hint .Vn DniiRrr of Overflow Bxlst .Mcnnnrrntrnta Recorded, by AVcnllier Ilnrcnu. Tho Missouri river Is oft on a llttlo toot. In tho forty-eight hours which ended at S o'clock yesterday morning the water works gauge on tha big muddy at this point shows a rise of 3.C feet, 9.9 feet above low water mark. Tho creel of tho high water passed hero lust evening, for when tho rending was mado nt Sioux City yesterday morn ing tho gaugo was falling, showing a de crease In tho forty-eight hours of .3 of n foot. I'lattsmouth showed 7 feet, a rise of 2 feet; St. Joseph, '1.0 feet, a rlso of 1 foot; Kansas City 11.0 feet, a rlso of 1.8 feet. The cause of thn rise Is assigned to the temporary hot wave which passed over the region In tho vicinity of Pierre, S. D Inst week nnd caused the sudden thawing of tho Ice, which has since passed out, tho c fleet now being manliest nt Omaha. ,o CitiiNi or A In rm. However, no danger Is apparent at this point, nor In fact nuywhoro along the river. Tho low water stngo of tho river at this point was fixed years ago at eighteen fcot nhovo thu bed of tho river in tho channel. Tho danger lino was designated as eighteen feet above tho low water mark. No change has been mado In the dnngcr line, while, in fact, thu river front on this sldo hns been built up In recent yenrs. Forecaster Welsh has made a recommendation to tho chief of the signal bureau that tho danger lino bo mado nt least nineteen feet nnd possibly twenty feet nhovo low wuter. Tho registration which was found yester day morning Is tho highest stngo tho river has reached nt this poltl this spring. It still lacks fully ten feet of reaching n point whero tho waters can climb over tho work that has been put In to provide for tho trackago nlong the shore. Tho crest of this rlso may carry tho gaugo over ten feet and an Immediate full to the level of lust week ranging from C.3 to 6.5 feet is expected. CHANGE IN BANKING HOURS ArrniiKi'iiieiil to (il vc limiiloj e llnlf- llollilny on Siiltinliiyn Dur Iiik Nn in in rr. Omaha banks hnvo agreed to change the banking hours for Saturday during tho sum mer. Beginning with next Saturday the hours for that day of the week will bo from 9 n. m. to 12 noon. This chungc Is mado In order to glvo tho employes a full half holiday onco n week during the summer months, A HiikIiik. ItourliiK Flood. Washed down n telegraph line which Charles C. Kills of Lisbon, la., had to re pair. "Standing waist deep In Icy water," ho writes, "gave mo a terrlblo cold and cough. It grew worao dally. Finally the bcBt doctors In Onkland. Neb., Sioux City and Omaha said I had consumption nnd could not live. Then I began using Dr. King's Now Discovery nnd was wholly cured by six bottles." Positively guaran teed for coughs, rolds and all throat and lung troubles. Foro salo by Kubn & Co. Price, COc and 11. Advice, in .Mothers. Tho He-No-Mny being strictly a curatlvo powder, Bhould not bo used as a toilet dusting powder for infants or small chil dren. Talcum, powdered starch or similar products without any intrinsic valuo aro Inexpensive nnd sulllcicnt for tho tender years. Only when tho Inconvenience of exccsslvo perspiration Is di'floplng with tho years should they havo recourso to tho Hc-No-May powder, which Is Incomparable for Its curative, hygienic nnd antiseptic properties. Thoso having been benefited by its uso will please make known to their fellow men tho mnrvelous results obtained nfter a few applications. You will not only convince tho incredulous, but ren der a great scrvlco to suffering humanity. Ro-No-May powder, manufactured by A. Mayor company, Heo bldg. Stonecyphor prln's anything. Tel. 1310, HOUSEHOLD PAINTS I.owo Uros.' high standard liquid Taints In hlack, outside white, losldo white nnd 20 colors. Thcso paints nro put up In quart, pint nnd half pint cans only, nnd aro es pecially adapted to domestic uses. They aro ready for tho brush, and can ho successfully applied by any one. For repainting old furniture, lawn scats, flower pots, pumps, gurdcu tooli, tubs, lawn vases, und tho hundreds of othor articles about every homo that can bo both preserv ed and beautified, thcso paints nro espe cially prepared, Samplo cards on applica tion and the price is right no moro than you havo been paying for cheap paints- less than you havo over paid for high grado standard paint. Brushes nt reduced prices. Don't buy until you uco us. Wo can do you good. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Cor. 16th and I'arnam Sts. Epworth League mw Convention San Francisco, Cal July, 1901. THE UNION PACIFIC 1IOSTO.V STOHFJ CUIIAT LACK S.U.K. Very Spcolnl llnrKnltt In Fine I.neen. lunrrthmn nnil Iltiilirolilcrlpn. 10C LACES AT 1C AND 2C YARD. Today wc will place on solo n fine lot of Seville tcrchon laces and Insertion, also flno valeqclcnncs lace and Insertion, worth up to 10c yard, at lc nnd 2c yard. 25C LACES AT 314C AND CC YARD. Extra quality French and English torchon laces and Insertions, lino nnd heavy pat terns, wldo and narrow lace, net top nnd valenclennes laces, worth up to 25c yard, at 3ic and Cc yard. 1.C0 ALL OVERS COC EACH. An Importers' stock of samplo pieces of all overs, flno silk taffetas and chiffons, handsomely tucked, shirred, embroidered and corded patterns, nil colors, Including black nnd whlto, $t.C0 values, nt COc ench. 25C EMHROIDERIES CC AND IOC YARD. Extra flno Swiss, nnlnsook nnd cambric embroideries and insertions, very handsome patterns, wldo and medium widths, worth 23c yard, on salo nt Co and 10c yard. HOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J, L. Hrnndels & Sons, Proprietors, STILL THINKS HE IS JUDGE ttilinnct I. (.onion C.'onl Inncx to .Insert HIn IllKht to Pollen llencli. Samuel I. Gordon persists In declaring himself tho police Judge' of Omaha. IIu appeared In court yesterday morning nfter Judgo Crawford had convened the morning session nnd mado his usual demand. "I nm tho lawful Judgo of tho police court of Omaha," declared Judgo Cordon, "nnd 1 In sist on occupying tho bench." Ho started to take n scat on the bench, but wns restrained hy Sergeant Rebuilt nnd retired without further ndo. After tho mornlap grist was ended Judgo Crawford adjourned court until nftornoon. Judgo Gordon followed this announcement with ono of his own, declaring that court was ndjourned until this morning nt 0 o'clock. RUBBER TIRES FOR REDELL Fire Chief Hrcrlien Cniiiilliuriit from Milliliter .V Metenlr Imple ment Co in pit tt)'. Chief John Rcdcll of tho flro department will rldo to nil fires hereafter in a flno ruhbcr-tlrcd top buggy. It was presented to him yesterday by tho Llnlngcr & Mot calf company. A nolo accompanying stated that tho present was made as a token of appreciation for tho efficient work done hy the department when tho Llnlngcr & Mct- cnlf establishment caught flro In January. Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Chamnncuo Is the wlno for Americans. Its tiurltv nnd bqquot commends It to them. Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st. Stonecyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St. Spring Drings Dugs It nlwuys has nnd no doubt will do so this year, so get ready nnd don't let them get their work In before you do. Uso NCIIAHKKIV.H SVHV. OKATII. Comes put up in bottles 20c, COo and $1.00 size. I'cruna , , Kip Isowbro s Hcrplcldo Too Crainer'H Kidney Cure Too Wlno of Cardul Tfic Cuttouru Soap 20c Jtoous sarsaparuia oc Hu-Can Hair Tonic 7nc .Stuart's Catarrh Tablets 40o IMiikhatn's Compound Uo S. S. S ...-.. "rm Pnlue's Celery Compound "Ua 1 dozen --grain quinine Cnpsules c 1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules lOp 1 dozen B-grain uuinine uapsuies i&o Hostottcr'H Iilttern v..o. rierieV Pr?scrlpUvi " Allies mervtiic.. i uc SCHAEFER CUT PRICE DRUtifilST . W. Cor. 10th and Chlca.uo. ORIENTAL RUGS Great bnriraiii for u few dnys longer. Owing to the minions- ant weather during last Aveok, were prevented from seeing "31 r. lection. He liaH decided to prolong his stay until Thursday. Don't fail to see tho linest rugs ever imported. Also remember his coin ing to Omaha twice yearly hereafter. Ilcr Grand U IV LI HIT $50,000 worth of nATUCIlS Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, and Waists at One-Third Price The greatest selling over known in Omaha. We have put 25 extra people in our workroom. Every garment altered and de livered the day of purchase. No Availing. LADIES' SUITS, WATSTS AND SKI UTS, FHOM THE WELL NOWN HOUSE OK KLEIN. .MIOSSXEIt & CO., NEW YOUK CITY, considered to be one of the foremost manufactur ers and jobbers in the country, through the shrewdness and fore sight of our New York buyer, are here at your very doors, at ONH TlIIltD 1MMCE. Women's Knglau Coats, vory line whipcords, all the rage in the eastern cities, K., M. & Co's price Hay den's price $S.0. Women's tailor mado suits, In tho now venotinns, homespuns and serges, somo are Bolero's nnd eton styles, the new I.'AlRlon collar. K., M. & Co's. prlco $25, IIAYDEN'S riucis. $11.00. Women's suits, In six different styles, In Women's Silk Dress Skirts By the Hundred All tho Shirts sold by K.. M. & Co. up to ?s.oo, havuen's rmcE $3.os. All tho sills shirts sold nt $15.00, $18.00, $25.00. by K., M. & Co., HAYDEN'S PRICE. $12.50. All tho wool skirts sold hy K M. & Co., as high as $8, HAYDEN'S PRICE, $4.00. All K., SI. & Co's silk walstB that sold up to $5.00, for $1.00. All tho K., M. & Co's silk waists that sold up to $10,00, for $3.50. Millinery Sale HAYDEN JUDGE KEYS0R TO LECTURE Will Aililresn Member of Hlne I.nilnen on Freemnsnnry in .At I it lite Aires. Invitations hnve been issued to the mem bers of the four bluo lodges of Free Masons of Omaha to attend an nddrrss to be delivered b Fast Grand Master W. V. Keysor next Thursday evening on tho sub ject. "Freomnsonery In tho Middle Ages." Tho address will bo Illustrated with sterl optlcnn views vollccted by Mrs. Keysor on an European trip. Hnbltual constipation Is tho door through which many of tho serious Ills of tho body nro admitted. Tho occasional uso of Prickly Ash Hitters will rcmovo and cure this distressing condition. fence Paint No matter whether you want to pnlnt n fence or n floor It enn bo dono with very LITTLE TROt'llLE nnd not much EX PENSE If you uso SIIEIUVIN-WILLtAMS MIXED PAINTS. There Isn't a thing so SMALL nor so LARGE for which Shorwln Williams haven't made n paint suitable In shade and size of package. Llttlo pots of paint for Illcycles nnd Hit by Carriages. Huge cans of pnlnt for big houses, barns iiml bridges. Half-pint can Family Palm I.'e Half-pint run Vurntsh Htaln 2."c Half-pint run Screen Paint 15c Quarter-pint can Enamel Pnlnt 2V ijuurtcr-plnt ran Hleyele Enamel 25c Half-pint can lluggy Pnlnt 25o Ilnlf-plnt run Itathtiib Enamel Half-pint enn Oil Htnln 15c One-pint can fine Vnrnlxh . .... 10c CALL FOR COLOR CARD. Sherman & McConnell Drug Go Cor. I'llli nnil limine. A rare treat nwnlts iho woinm who has not yet been fitted with n pair of Sorosls shoes. Tho new shapes arc distinctive nnd hygienic, allow ing perfect freedom for walklnj:, while perfecting tho form of the foot, yet shape ly In uppcaraurc. Each shoo Is scientifically draughted. Wo have nil style3 and sizes ut $3.50. Our $2.50 lino is complete, with button or lace patent leather or vlel kid. Remember only two prices In ladles' shoes $.1.50 and $2.50. Sorosis Shoe Store, I'el. a: o:i s. J nth .st. 203 So. IStli Street. FRANK WILCOX. JUnnuKcr. Free Painless Extracting. When our best te'eth nro nnlnrnH Ymii. nnhlni, Innlh Ircmoved In tho morning nnd incw ones inserted tho dumo day. $5.00 for upper or lower set DELPHI A I Ar I Ooi:nta ,VL PARLOUS 1517 UouRlasSt. many artistic people of Omaha Taminosian's most beautiful col E. TAMINOSIAN, Hotel Store, 52:t South Kith Street. , silk lined throughout, mado with tho now sleevo nnd the new collar, trimmed with stitched hands of tnffetn, 1C, M. & Co's. prlco $15 HAVDBN'S I'WCE, $7.00. Tho hats this season surpass in beauty nnd charm, thoso of any previous year. They are exquisitely and elaborately trim med, nnd with tho most discriminating tnste. Tho nig Storo U showing n most elegant nnd eomprehonslvo stock of all tho swell now creations from London, Paris and Vienna, n3 well as tho productions of Iho eastern fashion centers, and cxcluslvo styles from our own workroom. All that Is new nnd styllih In fruits, flowers, chif fons nnd trimmings, Is to bo found at Hay den's. Our tremendous buying nnd vast business, enables us to sell you tho best and most fashionable millinery at a saving of fully ONE-THIRD over the lowest prices quoted eleewhcrc. Wrappers There were no wrappers In this stock, but to make It moro interesting for you, wo hnvo taken 100 dozen wrappers and cut tho prlco in two. Tho $1.75 quality, made of Sic porcnlcs, In all colors, ruffles over shoulders, 15-Inch flounen, each 00c. These yoods nru nil thli season's stylo. Not an old garmont in tho stock. All tho ralny-dny and crge skirts that wore sold by K M. & Co,, na hlxh as $3,00 HAYDEN'S PRICE $1.00, i flfinwiiiiiiH'r MTFt i II VI 1 mm mm m I F BROTHERS It's a Mistake I wo want you to ask the shoe man to JJjl.y U see our line of women's shood at Wo want vou to seo how much cheaper we sell good shoes for than vou see in your rounds. J he faith wo have in Nebraska shoes is that, if a pair goes wrong wo replace them. i Women s 50 of them, mado of fine all wool Dress Skirts Venetians and cheviot serges, somo aro tucked all over others handsomely trimmed with stitched taffeta bands, new flaring and flounco effects, well made, good lining and perfect fitting, (XL OO would be cheap at $5 our price ijJ JJ Tho host shoes made are ladies, the ".Merriaiif shoes for misses and children, the "Alden"' shoes for boys, and the celebrated ".Stetson'' a ml "(Yossel" shoes for men. All these are to be found at llayden's only. All the best styles and all at llayden's money-saving prices. Every pair carefully littetl. You yet a guaranteed shoe here ami you know you, are saving money. AIM he new swell styles in the "Jirooks Hros." in the finest ideal kid, viei kid and patent leathers up-lo-dale military, opera and French heels regular!?.") and values- nil sixes and f? fifl widths- on sale at llayden's prices .'.r0. ?l ami . . WWiUU The famous "ritra" shoes for ladies in the new ideal patent kid and viei kid the new J?oslon styles with extension soles regir garr-. lar .?l.n() values only on sale RCI WmsfM at, llaytlens' price tfUiVlJ f-l AU n, "'.vir" W and :?:t.no y t Rochester Shoes on ale a I W NO S jUffl&a jWSpROS Th( aieri'inin" line shoes for children and Ja'safe luisses on sale at 1.00, $1.L" $M R tWlmlffii. il,Ml dl-dll EBSjaSff TI(! "Stetson" line hand-made 0.00 and 7.00 shoes for men on sale by tflfl t8p)$j$A llaydens' only at fiM.UU L SSSsSfow Infants' tine Soft Sole Shoes..! 0e, MQg y,-,t. .,mi Hu Hayden's Grocery Sale 2-pound p.icli.'igo Self ItlBlng Paneako Flour 10c packago l-'rult Pudding, nssorted flavors Three l!-pound cans California Pears for Pall Jelly PIcklcB, Chow Chow, etc.. per bottle.. S Wool Soap, three bars for 3 bars Tar Soap, worth 25c, for G pounds Sago for C pounds Pearl Parley for 5 pounds Illcn for 10 pounds Rolled Oats Cc 5c Lie 1-Jc 10c 10c I'Je lflo MA A. MAYER'S M PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail add 5 cents for postage. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE Is Now Bolng Mads From FIna Cuban Tobacoo, Crop of 1900. F. R. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Loula. UNION MADE OKI ISAM Thero arc many people who have nn erroneous impression that in our shoo department wo deal only in shoes for men, whereas, we havo ono of the most complete Ladies' Shoe Dep't's in Omaha, and, in order to havo vou et bettor acouainted with it, Those big, roomy-kind that aro com fortable, well made, cheap, mado of best, standard prints and light per cales, made with ruffles and nicely trimmed witli braid, mado full over tho hips, extra wide skirts, KQp 15 inch llounco and only J The Best Shoes "The lirooks ltros." and VUvsv for Oregon Sugar Cured Prunes, pound.. California llvaporated Pears, pound.. California Evaporated Peaches, pound 10 pounds Whlto or Yellow Corn Meal 10 pounds (irnham I'luiir 10 pounds Kyo (.nod Country Hut 1 cr, pound Strictly Krcsh Kggs Full Crr.im Checsu Club llouso Cheese, largo flio Soda or Oyster Crackers Putter Crackers (linger Snaps (Iraham or Oatmeal Crackers fio lOo ir.o ir.c 11c lliu 2.ric !io il 0 SVjC RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayer Company, 316 Boa Bldg. WORK to Mako a Good lOo CIGAR i i 4 Citizens.