Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1901, Page 14, Image 28

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    1 1
April 7. 11101
Change State's Face
to Build a Reservoir
Tlio filii' HOlcctcd for lloittoii't. wv, ri'Mi r
voir 1h In one of i lie prettiest coutnies of
central MiiHKiirliiiHcitH, kiivh a writer in
AIiirU'u's MiikmIiic i Ik about thirty-live
rnltcB northwest of HoHton ami about seven
miles nortliciiHl of Worei'stei'. Tin- contour
of the valley. Iiro.'ul here iiml Huto, and
narrowing lo almost u Ktilrli near Clinton,
hcuiiih fitted by niitnri' for JiihI hiicIi iisiik''.
Tim Hccncry Ih diversified, consisting of
IiIIIh, vales anil miihIn N'rnrby toward the
north Hlands .Mount Va-lniHtt lll;e u
guardian sentinel Tin' iHmate In that of
Now Kiiglnnil, miinewlint drear In winter,
liut hospitable, kindly iiml open. On ac
count of l he in liv naliiri' of the Hull very
llttlo oppnllilinu Ih afforded for aglleiM
I nra I purHiii ami tlic population Ih thero
foro h rtiul I being only Hlxty-ulno In Hi'
wituiro mill 'I'll I s point. It will lie asil
wan shown liy a laml proprietor to "gouge"
tlni lionnl In- was fought ri'luntluRHly. In
ono rase, where a curtain Ittllan demanded
Impart It was divided Into panels. wliiuh
tliu crumidors. 1 cxainlnoil It rather closely
aim ashen now old It waR. Ills answer
"'It does look old, doesn't it: Just look
at tliimo old stains. Well, tills wonderful
antique, bmiight from an old Spanish
chateau and icgiiltlcd as a line speelineii
of mediaeval art is six months old.'
''When leather has been long exposed lo
an exorbitant amount for u wooden shanty, the change of atmosphere It changes Us
Mm board needing only half thu apnea oc- color In spota and looks as if It had been
cupli'd by the structure, calmly cut It In marked with a needle. This appearance,
two, anil paid the man only one-half of the which It was thought possible to obtain
iihki'kmmI valuation. only by old age. Is Imitated with a beetle.
In awarding damages caused by thu build- HUB of thu leather aro covered with paste,
lug of the great reservoir thu state of Mas- "! strong black beetles with healthy ap-
saeliilsettR lias established an important I'etlles aru put to work. With their shurp
precedent. When a town like West Iloyls- J'h they quickly finish off thu spots whero
ton Is practlrally wiped out II Is under- Iastu has been applied, ami you have
stood that the owners of property must be "auiu signs of ago' In leather."
compensated lor the losfes sustained by The making of new autliiue furniture Is a
ihcm, and also It Is necessary lo pay foi work of art, Mr. Sandberg said. Color,
damages sustained by storekeepers and density, polish, grain and other character-
manufacturers All Mils the slate did, and latlcs of the really old article must bo couti-
theii went n step farther It passed a law terfelted. In this, hu explained, a camera
awarding damages to ordinal') workmen, plays a prominent part. The result could
never have been accomplished by thu ar
tisans of the sixteenth century unaided by
Father Time.
"I'tpth of color is obtained usually," said
Mr Sandberg, "by putting the wood In
huge cyllndeis where It Is boiled ot steamed
in especially prepared coloring matter. The
lieat ixpiinils the lores of the woi.d and in
this way it absorbs sulllclcut coloring mat
ter to givu It depth. Then It is transferred
to a bath of acid to make the color fast.
This done It is dried by machinery.
Hut It Is not only the color that Is uec
ebsary The general character of thu veins,
the grain, the dllferent cuts, knots ami
swirls must be Imitated. This was dune
fotmerl) by hand and was woefully ex
pensive The camera now does the work
'I he grain is photographed in u piece ol
transparent paper which is gheu a special
lllni of gelatine. The whole nllnir is then
exposed to daylight. After this It Is treated
us an ordinary etching, with this differ
ence, that Instead of acids vai l us aniline
dyes are used.
The true lover of ceramics llnds It hard
lo obtain the real article. Imitation Italian
u njolleu is met with everywhere. It is an
almost perfect imitation, with a ghiitu and
color effect that aro marvelous. Highly per
cent of the 'old' Dresden oll'eted for sale
is counterfeit. The same Is true of Sevres.'
Speaking of the recent discovery of bogus
''sH IsHI bH 'BiBiBiBiBC.p'' BaBiBil
ulidoisiood, had considerable bearing on the , hands and the like who Bliff. led lei- ""'I'luca In thu Uoslon museuiu the lecturer
selection uf thu uite.
To Hccuru a supply ot putu water tor a
multitude of people It was lieecssai) to col
lect that water Iroui a shed unpolluted b)
thu living or by thu dead. A population ol
sUly-uliiu lo tlio situuiu uiilo was not dense
enough lo nlloul even a suspicion of dang, i.
A proof of the broad spliil shown b the
cotuiulssloneis and their giusp of onglneei-
Ihroiit-h the stoppage of the'r work,
"Antiques Made"
"I have been through La Petite Palais
with a well known Trench artist and he
pointed out numerous so-called antiquities
made by his own hand and afterward
proved tho truth of his statements."
The Inhabitants of tho United Stnti .
consume annually, statistics show, 7 1 1 , o 1 1 1 ,
ers st trusty agents, he declared. Mr. 000 pounds of colfee, and as there are aboil.
Sandberg. who formerly resldul In Oak 7r.,0Ui,iW(i inhabitants each of them has to
Pnrk, spoke In I'ullerlon Memorial hall, his credit ten pounds in the course of the
the Art Institute. Ills lecture, "Modern year. Notwithstanding this, a wave of fear
Anthpicfl," was the llrsl or a series of six sweeps over the country oery little while
on "L'Arl Nouveau as Impressed In In- mid the tollco drinkers lift up their voice.)
diistihil Ails nt Paris In limn." The speaker and say. "Ale we not banning our health
was a Jury expert at the Paris exposition Wth drinking so much eolfee?" The sub'
and was commissioned lo prepare the jcct has lately been discussed by a nuiubci
I'nited Slates olllclnl icpiirl on art in- f medical societies. Phslclans are pretty
dustrles in silver and gold generally agreed that tho moderate con-
Chanre. Mr Sandberg explained made sumption of coffee is not Injurious and
him nrqualiited Willi the an of turning out "moderate consumption" they decline as
Antiques made last month and whcie
and by whom they are manufactured were t
explained icccnlb to (lliliago people by ' )' Dl'lUkCl'S ()f CoffUC
li'iilirli'l. W ii ml hiiri 1 1 i tn rt h t hp
tug icius is g.xe.i in me.r uu.iune.iu ... u,u ,,,,,,.,. Tl.,llm,. liccdcs otdlliary lilacl'
mechanical pioscnicd in planning nuba1(1 tlu t.alm.m all . ,, IimU.
uiu luhct wiu . i uu iiuimiiiH oi a mii'j ui'u
Hparsul) sellled meant thu annihilation ot
homes, tho wiping out of small luwus, thu
destruction ot farms and the changing ot
tho course of public loads and uillwajs.
Tliosu problems weie looked upon as mere
dotnllH by tills daring board.
When It was estimated (hat a lotul ot
;.lii:i acres weru to bo taken from the dltlei
i.ul towns in the vallc), lo wit. Clinton,
l,l"r acres, lloylston, J.7UI acres, West
lloylslou, 870 ueies, and sterling, 107 acres,
and that llio lauds leipilrud lor the reservoir
contaliud six large mills, eight school
houses, four i lunches, :;r.o dwelling hoiibis.
a largo Catholic remuter) and a,
all ot whlcli It was ucccbmu) lo reiuove. the
board simply made plans for tho work as a
farmer would make plans for ridding a
newly acquired strip of laud of nbstiuctlng
Htuinps and locks.
Three pilmlpal featutes In connection
with the construction of (he reservoir aie
(bo rimoval of six and a halt miles of the
Cunt i nl Massachusetts railroad and its re
location upon the side of thu rest r voir, tho
destruction or removal, partial oi com
pleto, of the towns nllcady uieutlontd. and
tho building of the great dam at Clinton
Of these til! co possibly the question if
changing the railway bed Is the least lui
porMut. although it Is an event worthy f
Tho work presenting the greatest pnmi
csquc feature In the construction uf On
Wiu'hiisett rcfcrvolr is the dcuiolltion of
West lloylhlou and Oakdnle. Iloth ilico
places were thriving towns with linpoiiai.i
woolen mill Inlerehts. They bad existed
for u numlier of years, and wen growing
slowly, but with thu steadiness of New
Kngliiud towns. They were moon om
munition In their way, '.heir citizens ti id
fearing and upright.
When thu rows camo to tho good people
of Oakdalo and West lloylston that the
"city," ns they call lloston, was about to gi-andfailu r's clock, rare old tapestry and ono eup ut breakfast, ono at noon ami one
rench out like an octopus of tho deep and i, ,,!,. ,i Sevres services, "oir whiih in tho evening. Coffee taken plain, with
devour their llttlo communities, they wuio )1I(.H ,m., " , ,,,,,, ,, ,,iarket demand out either cream or sugar, l hey say, la less
loath to believe It. And when It wiib under- n,, WHH 0l,ui,K f,u- an old friend, he said, harmful than lltu sweetened cafu-au-lalt,
Htood that their homes, their hearthstones vv. , fm ,). new Industry He had or milk coltee, which, fermenting. Is bad
and tho graves of their fathers wore to be naversed n lahrlnlh of old streets near for thu digestive orguns.
covered forever by tho waters of a great u. i.111M, ,(, iiastlle in Pails, where, on Smokers are butter oft with coffeo than
ru3ervolr, Ihey lebelled. the t It i i I ttoor of an old building, he made without It, as tobacco, being n narcotic,
Tho fact that tho statu fully intended to his illscowiy. weakens the henrt's action, while colfee,
make adequate llminrlal restitution olfercd 'The ntSl thing I noticed was the odor a stimulant, strengthens It, so that the
no balm. No amount of money could oifsei of burning leather In the room The heart of tho smoking coffee drinker does
tho heart-break at leaving the spot where occupant was not my friend, but a rather not vary, as a rule, from the heart of him
a family had been rooted for a century. It jollv Prcuchmuii When 1 told him my who has neither tho one habit nor tho
was some time befoie i lie people of We.u huslmss, he said: other. The smoker who does not drink
lloylston and ot I'aKdale no mint reconcile I " 'Oh. we make antiques here' colfee has usually a wenk heart. The ills-
to tholr Impending eviction, as It might be "After chatting n bit he look me Into an clples of thu no-breakfast faith say that
called It must be said that tho stato was inner room and showed me a wall decora- one cup of coffee between two cups of hot
perfi" tly fair In awarding duningcs. Aver- lion of what Is known as Spanish golden water In the morning Is better for the
n go p lees were allowed for every piece of lent her W1,H ' beautiful rich color health than nil tho breakfast rerrals or
properly taken, but wherever a tendency such as ono could suppose only ago could health foods advertised
the I' r i ii 1 c r who
0rj;sii(Uis, in ;in cirjisiilliini
milliner, cfjspcrl 'jshor
tut ions on the ('itistriiordi
miry ('"isccllcncc of his
Do yon ('""Spcct to fjjiis
ist. to the oj-'istrt'iiie etijis
tont of your ('""slriiiiuni
1 dn no life without ikmmHii"
nny printiii"? He eggstinct ejjgstirpnted ej-stermiiiiitt'(l
'tifispnnjicd eset'iitetl, perhnps? Vain hope! I ejrjis
hort yon not to cj-spect such egjispniision of life, without
cj-sploitntion nnd ejjjjspln nation, in jirinters' ink, of some
I'jijispericnee you'll have.
When that time comes. DON'T et an
i:r,r,SAMiLi:s of
who will cjij-sti'act from your esclKMiuer eseessive es
pease. Kfjfiscoi'inte him. Fijseoininnnicate liim. I'iis
cliide him. lOsarticnlate him. Kni-secute him. Wotten
e-;s him, if necessary, lie's an ('""sajij-enited nuisance,
ami ought to he egnspunged as an eggscrescence. anyway.
(iet an
(That's mc.)
lOgjiScuse this eggsceedingly egj-scelleiit egsample of
esploration into the esasperatin. e;sperable idiosyn
crasies of our eggsotic hiugiiajie.
There nre still quite u number of "eggs" in the Knglish
language which I have not used above. Von ate some of
them vesterday.
1201 Howard St.
Telephone: i:U().
Eggspert Primer,
AllJ l'ccsCllViltl
of Kf-);straordiniiry KKspressicinx.
Johnson-McLean Co.
Sash. Doors, Mouldings, Stnir Work, OH'ice nnd Store Fixtures
Tel. 637.
6th and Jones Sts., Onialin.
6th and Douglas Sts., Omaha.
Some Signs of Spring
aro illHccrnuble by the treun coiiimunoliiK
to leaf, the familiar chirp tit the rnliln
redbreast, In fact all have a tendency to
apprise iih of the nwiikenini; ol nature
after her long winter Blumbers.
Miiuj ladles and gentlemen who canuot
cotniumn of any kind of sickness are ab
normully thin and canuot tin it any medical
treatment which will correct this condition.
Dr. Whliuey's Nerve and Flesh Builder Ih
not alone intended (or thoae who are sick,
but uIbo for those who appear well and
tiearty, but canuot acquire sufDclent flesh to
round out the form. In dyspepsia, indlges
tlon, all stomach troubles, debility and
ner wins dlseast'C no remedy is so prompt
and powerful. In order to demonstrate the
Aoiiileititl inerltB of Dr. Whitney's Nerve
unit l-'lesb llullder every persou who will
nddrees the C O. Jones Co., Elinlra, N. V .
aIIi receive a large trial packaKu in plain
sealed wrapper absolutely tree,
h'ur sale by Sherman McConnell DruK
t'n., Omaha,
ft-JO to Btn Wrrkly mill
at iinnt: or tii.v:i.i.j.
I Our twiitH nnit mili'iiinen mnd. ovir
ISOno.iMKi.oo Uat icHr nurpl)lm the
'nnrniiiim ilrnmnil fur our f anioiio
MMlter llnlh 'Hllnrt and p.
IiMinmiiK niffiu. nii'iiTiiii uriior
Sin M-liriiit or rnkc nirlliiMl.
WKITK liMlay for Vw rropo-
' 4MHIU. rinni. v h:i-:.
Wurlil nfis, '.. i VrM ll'lil'i;, t'liirliinnll, O.
'Il'e rectmnuna above Jtim at rtliablt.Kdttat J
lr. WIiihIim' SoiittiliiK Syrup
has been used for over F1FTT TKARS by
MII.MONS of MOTHEI13 for their CHII,
CUHES WIND COLIC and la the best rem
edy for DIARRHOEA, Sold by druggists
In every part of the world, Re sure and ,
ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing; 8yrup"
and take no other kind, Twenty-five cents
a bottle.
Rut ' Rottled Hock Deer" Is one of the
absolutely sure slKns that sprint; l fairly
jon um, the most tuneful tonic to tone up
Ihe lystem and as a beveraKe has no equal.
Our celebrated Hattled Rock Is now ready
for delivery
Omaha Brewing Association.
IVIrtilmtir ISIflO
Partlnulapa V .
!' Royal DlgntWe Tablet faU to cars', after
ou hre tried them, you don't pay a cent. If tney cms,
remit the colt. Order at once.