Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1901, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Commend Contemplate Str'nginj Thsm
from Fckin to tie Ee.
Cabin to Waihington Asking for Initruc
tions in tb Matter.
United Statu Bundi Oppond to Attempt
ing Permanent Occupino.
IJciiiirtnteiit I Mill Without Connriiiu-.
(Ion from I'd. In of Ihc lleuort
thnt Miinehiirlnn Ann rnifiit
In HrJectrd.
WASHINGTON, April 1.--General Chaffee
bps cabled tho Wnr ucpnrtment (rom I'oltln
that tho military commanders represent
ing tho foreign powers nro now consider
ing the question of disposing of the Chi
nese qucHtloti and of establishing fortified
Ioittn at proprr Intervals nlong tho route
from l'rUIn to tho son. Oenrrnl CluiMc.o
bcc'itB instructions for lilii guidance.
A rBlhcr dllMcult question Ih Involved In
Ocncrnl Chaffee's request for Instructions.
As to the treatment of ('blucso foittflct
tlons, no particular dllllculty Is Involved,
for the- Slate department 1ms set out lis
view that theso should not lie destroyed,
but simply dismantled. Ah to tbo estab
lishment of fortllled postH It Is probable
thnt tho United States will on Its pari In
slot on Its policy of declining to maintain
a permanent military establishment In
Meanwhile tho War department Is push
ing 118 preparations for the ovacuatlon of
China by American forces, save only tho
legation guard, and It is now stated that
everything will bo In readiness to embark
General Chaffee's army for Manila May 30.
Not a word has been heard from Mr.
Hockhlll nt 1'okln for tho last three days.
Consequently there Is no olllelal confirma
tion of tho report that tho Chinese govern
ment has fully refused rtussla's proposi
tion as to Manchuria. Tho Chinese min
ister was not among tho callers at tho
Stato dopartmont today, but It was learned
that ho had not received any advices of
China's final rejoctlou of the Manchurlau
agreement. Tho reports, however, are
quite In lino with tho memorial and ac
counts forwarded to Mr. Wu within tho last
few days.
I)eiiirtmrntn Semi Annwer.
s Later In tho day, after tho subject had
been well considered at tho White House
as well as at tho State and War depart
ments, tho Instructions wero cabled to Ocn
crnl Chaffee. Tho text of these Is withhold,
but II. Is slated they nrc drawn upon tho
lines of the Inatructlons sent to Mr. Conger
m tho llmoho accepted the Joint agreement
imlcr whloh the negotiations of "the minis
tors nt Pckln wero to be conducted. It so
happened that tbo reservations which Mr.
Conger wnH to mako Jn that case wore pre
cisely the subjects now before the military
corrmandcrs. at. I'ekln, namely, tho destruc
tlon of the Chinese fortifications and tho
provision for armed International pust3
alone tho route from I'ekln to tho sea.
Ocncrnl Chaffee. aH alieady Indicated.
favors tho disarmament of the forts Instead
of .their destruction, but cannot participate
In tho establishment of nnncd posts. lie
will, however, remain In tho conference,
exerting his best efforts to ameliorating
tho conditions along tho lines Indicated.
Supreme Court IIImiiIui Dlttninr In
luiiftlon Auiiliiit 'rrtintren Un
der .lay (lonlil'n "Will.
.. 'nrlt 4. Tho aflpellato Ml-
a decision .
In tho imp ot
Gcorgo J. Gould tt
will of Jay OetilM.
court handed down
'( tho Injunction
'ttmar against
lees under the
Thi, ,aso was before
ths court of aprcaU from an order by Jus
il.oKc ch, con. I ulng an Injunction gran'ed
by Jusilco Pitzgciald, which limited tho
amount to bo paid to tho Countess de Cos
tcllano to J100.C0O n year the trial
of tho action. Under th decision of the
nppcllato division the trustees may pay
thn eountOis her cnllro Income.
Charles A. Cnrdner, attorney for the
Gould truslcis, said of the decision: "The
Dlttraar enso Involves nearly 2,000,000
francs and Is In many respects a test case.'
On tho points of law now decided In our
favor, ufid.tlonnl claims aggregating nearly
18.C00.0.0 francs Mpcnd."
Ex-Judgo John A Dillon, chief consul
of tho Gould trustees, said: "Tho majority
of the cottrl held that tho pnrty sub
stantially Interested hero Is tho Countess
do Castellane; that tho complaint showed
on its faro thnt she was without tho Juris
diction of the ttjto of Now York, and within
tho Jurl diction of tho Republic of France,
and tha. they could not obtain tervLo upon
her within the stato of Now York; that In
tho nbsenco of scrvho of process upon
tli ii Countess Custelhino In tho stato of
New York tho courts of New York had
anil could hiivo no Jurisdiction to deter
mlno cither whether she owed the debt or
what was n proper allowance for her sup
port; In fact, rould dctermlno nothing
which affected her substantial rights In
any rato in which shu was not scrvo.l
with pro'.ess,"
'ii I n tern (In! nt I'eorln mill Citrpoii
tern Intend .Soon tit
Kiillou .
rEOniA, 111., April 4.-U Is likely that
tbero will bo a general Btrlko of all tho or
ganlzutlons amilated with tho Building
Trades council of this city within a very
hort time. The painters are now out, the
carpenters will strike on April 11 and It Is
expected that tho plumbers, plasterers,
bricklayers, tinners nnd roofers will strike
shortly. Tha painters aro demanding moro
money and shorter time and cannot reach
an agreement with tho master painters be
(buse tho latter insist that they must first
withdraw from tho Building Trades council,
so that In event of a general strlko tho
painters will not bo affected. Tho master
painters do not ask the journeymen to
withdraw from tho union, but maintain that
tho Hulldlug Trades council should havo no
Jurisdiction over them. Ilulldlng in tho city
promises to bo tied up during the coming
senson and may delay tho erection and com
plctlon of two churches nnd tho new as'
scmblv hull.
C'uatlrninu unit Forrentcr Mettle
Illlfcrenct n with Flntn on
l.nulnvllle Mreel,
German MlnUter In Clilitn Sn It's
Knny li Sec Where Hie Prince
.Sinn lis.
HERLIN. April I. The I'ekln correspond
cm of tho Frankfurter Zeltung wires the
tmbstnnco ot an Interview ho has Had wltli
tho German minister to China, Dr. Mumm
von Schwnrtzcnstoln, who is represented
as having tiatd;
"Great dlftlculty Is caused by this ques
tion of punishing tho guilty. Itussla will
not abandon I'rlnco.Tuan because sho owes
Manchuria to hlni. It Is Impossible to
designate Princo Tuan as a rebel, Inasmuch
us tho empress dowager Is still too power
ful. Sho will continue to direct, with
l'rlnco Tuan, China's futitro fate. Thn de
velopments regarding l'rlnco Titan's nego
tiations with Russia fully explain tho Im
possibility for Hussla to abandon him."
Dr. Von Schwartzenstoln, according to a
Ft-kln dlspntch to the Lokal Anzolgor, yes
terday gnvo u banquet In honor of tho
birthday of Count von Walrtorsec, tho en
tire diplomatic corps In I'ekln attending.
SccrctHry nt Nm y llreelvcn Three
l'ruponnln for llullillnir "f
the ,IIIvnuUee,
LOUISVILLE Ky.. April l.-Oenernl John
I). Castleman, who was colonel of tho First
Kentucky regiment, and was later up
pointed by President McKlulcy to be a
brlgadlcd general of volunteer, and Walter
U. Forrester, managing editor of tho
Louisville Commercial, fought on the street
today. No blood was shed and tho affair
was quickly over.
There had been bad feeling between thorn
slnco the Spanish-American war, when
Forrester was nsslstnnt ndjutnnt geuera
of Kentucky. They met face to face on
Fourth nvenuo today, when General Cnstlo
man struck Forrester In the face. For
rester struck back and General Castleman
fell to a half recumbent position. Friend
stepped between them and ta"h of tha
combatants proceeded quickly to his office
ECONOMY FOR RING EDWARD thurston favors carter JUDGES FAIL TO AGREE condition of the weather
He Haj Have to Worry Along on Leu
Than Three Millioi a Year.
He lllninclf linen -nt Wish to lie
l'criiinncnt Clirtlrniiui for
i. i.ouIm. Choice of Supreme Court Committlon Qoee
Out t Hezt Week.
WASHINGTON, April 4. (Special Tele
gram.) It Is expected thnt tho newly up-
win meet in ai. i.ums hiuiiuuj, .iprn u, or
within a day or two of 'that date. Sena
tor Thurston, who Is acting as temporary Kenrnev Slur llnve a Ilecl Suunr
chairman until tho board selects Its prcsl- l'liiut yew Oltlcc of Tux CoiiiiuIn-
llclnllves. I'nrUs nnd Ynehls Will lie
Mnliitnlneil, lint Chine of Windsor
Tnine lleer In to He
A lin n tinned.
(Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co,)
dent and secretary, said today that In nil
probability Secretary Hay of tho Stato
department would call a meeting for April
15, although ex-Senator Lindsay had said
It would be imposslblo for him to leave
New York before April 20, but as the people
loner suit for Tnciity
Thouauud Dollurn.
Forecast for Nebraska- Haln or Snow In
w estern, until anil Colder lit eastern
Portion Friday; Winds Hecomltig High.
West to Northwest; Saturday Fair und
Tentpernture nt Oniiilin Veterdnt
Hour, lire
1 !. tit ftS
V i. in ."!
!l n. in 110
I p. in It'J
n p. in i:t
t p. nt
7 p. Ill
H p. Ill .Ml
ii p. in r.7
Hour. Den.
n n. in Ill
II ii. in II
ii. in IU
N n. in II
t) II. Ill IS
io n. i
i n. in n i
LONDON, April 4. (Now York Wtrld of St. Louis nro clamoring for tho govern-
CablcginmSpeilnl Telegram.) The IJrltlsh mont commission to get together thero Is
nation will appropriate for King Kdward's every reason to bellcvo that the board will
personal and household expenses for the bo convened spccdly.
coming fiscal year $2,350,000, if tho House Kx-Senator Thurston was considerably
of Commons special comralttco's rccomcn- put out today when ho: read reports In
dntlons aro adopted. Hut that amount is morning papers to tho effect that he had
scarcely, It any, moro than halt the cost beeu selected as chairman ot tho commls
ot having a sovereign. Thero aro tho slon. :
king's rh.Idren, brn.her, sisters and "Thero has been no ch,lrmnn selected,"
to piovldo for, palaces, parks and plcasuro said tho Ncbraskan. "1 was naked to look
- 1 ,n 1 1 1 I . . .. A 1. 1 - ... Via I ..f.nH n t.iu krhIImIh.. w 1 ...... I. , I. I
maintained, tho cost of which Is hard to secretary of stato pending a formal meet- ""w -
ascertain, and tomn other Items in the Ing ot tho board in St. Louis. I have novcr
nation's annual bill. The total ot the been a rncdldntc for president of tha com-
figures accessible Is to $L280,000. Thn com- mission and I am for Senator Carter for
tnlttco reports in favor of a civil Hit of that place. Thero Is too much work nt-
tho king of 12,350,000, divided as follows; tached to tho chairmanship for nie, nnd
LINCOLN, April 4. (Special.) Tho su
premo court adjourned late this afternoon
without announcing tho appointments fur
tho BUpremo court commission. Another
meeting will bo held early next 'week nnd
it is expected that an uBrecmeut may bo
reached ut that time. Tho threo Judges
wero In consultation all tho afternoon, en
deavoring to completo the selection of tho
commissioners, but ns they wero unablo to
do this an adjournment wan taken.
Tho call of cases arranged for this sit
ting of tho court will ba resumed next
LIkIiIIhk Uonda Carry nt Klcctlon.
Her .lenloun rlulilmr I'lren 'Vivo Shots
from lie-Milter Into Her
CHICAGO, April I. A Kpcclal to the
llecord-Hcrald from Ncwklrk, Okl., fays:.
Mrs. Kllu Sclglln and Mrs. Daughson
fought n duel with revolvers nt twouly
pares yesterday and Mrs. Sclglln Is In a
hospital daURciously wounded. Two of her
opponent's sho:s wero lodged in her breast.
Tho duel grow out of a long standing feud
between tha women, Jealousy being the
original rnuee. Yesterday Mrs. Sclglln was
fined $300 for trespassing upon the Daiigh
It was definitely determined this after- son property and inciting troub e. As soon
noon that tho Liucoln lighting plant bonds us sho paid tho fine, Mrs. Sclglln drove
wero carried by a email margin nt tho out to tuo uaugnson Home, smarting under
Privy purse, $550,000; household and salar- realizing this I cannot understand why the election Tuesday. There is soino doubt ns tho lots of money nnd crltLlsm of tho judge
Ics. $(52!.OO0: household expenses. $9(15,000; report was sent out that I had been made to tha school bonds nnd tho result on thoso Hiding up to tho door of tho Daughsoas,
works, $100,000; royal bounty, $etf,000; sun- chairman. My name was tirst of those men- will not bo known to a certainty until tho sho Invited her rival to como out nnd light
dries, $10,000; total, J2,3i0,000. tioncu ns nppoiniccs ror ino reason, I pro- olllelal count is made. Tho lighting uonus u unci.
Tho renort recommends nn nnnulty of sutue. ttmt President McKlmcy tendered mo nro limited to $55,000 and are for tho con- -rs. uaugnson promptly nccepten nr.u
$100,000 to tho duko ot Cornwall and York, tho place first. I know of'no other reason, structlon of a plant for lighting tho city "imo nut armed with a revolver. Tho wo
$50,000 to tho duchess of Cornwall nnd I have, as I Fald before, no dcslro to bo streets, llro engine houses, city hall aud mm then faced each othor aud began
York, nnd $30,000 to each of the king's threo president of tho commission. I realize othor departments of tho city. It Is cstl- snooting, mo signal neing given ny u
daughters. Oueen Alexandria's nnnulty tho responsibilities nnd my only deslro Is mated by city ofllclals that tho plant will daughter of Mrs. Sclglln, who bad accom-
If hb survives tho klnc Is Increased to to help St. Louis mako tho greatest exno- nav for Itself In about live years. Tho ponied her from town, harh Ilred threo
$350,000. and nn annuity of $90,000 is nro- sltlon tho world has over Hcen." ntrcrts nro now Huhted at an enormous ex- Bhots without effect. Then Mrs. Daughson
vlded for tho duchess of Cornwall nnd York Ocorgo 1). Mclklejohn, ex assistant sec- pensc. tho cost of tho service being much got thd range, and llre.l two shots In quick
If sho survives her husband. No provision rctury of war. Is to bo given, It Is under- greater than for that afforded In other succession, iiotu aiming mth. t-cigi.n in
Is made for tho duko of Cornwall's four stood, n loving cup on bobalf of tho army western cities of the samo size. Tho sue- the breast. Sho fell and Mrs. DnugtiBon
children, thu cldesl being not uulto 7 yeais officers, bureau chlels and clerks connected ces of tho undertaking may lulluenco n assisted In carrying her Into tho house,
old. with tho War department. Tho cup is to movement towaid municipal ownership of wnero a phyncian utesscu ucr wounus. nrtor
Tho whole civil list Is $335,000 greater bo a masslvo silver pleco -nnd If It cannot other utilities, especially the public owner- wnicii sho was conveyed lo a Hospital
than Inst year. Tho king really will gst be nindo In tlmo for ltn presentation to ship of a lighting plant for general use.
$2,650,000, for he keeps tho $300,000 rov- Mr. Molklejohn heforo lie leaves for tho Cimvnxn uf the Vote
enurs fiom tho duchy of Lancaster; and tho west, It will bo sent to him. Tbo ca9l tno u,cct,on Qn Tl,c
duko of Cornwall, being given tho $310,000 WjoiiiIiik C.umII.Ii.Io. . , ... . ..,.,, nP,i moi,.
revenues of tho duchy of Cornwall, really An interesting rumor was current today Uuy ovcnng and Immediately nfter tho rc-
recces mr iiiiicu uuu, iw,u u lDai commissioner Hermann of tho gen- Bult Is oiucitilly known tho now ofllccra
y1""- ral land ofllco would nave to step down - in i,n cwnm in. Thn uKimi rnntest for
llrnp the Itovnl Iliiekhoundn. and out from Ills position previous to tho. I nrpxlilmit. nf Ibh council will nrobably be
In a snlrit of economy the commltteo sue- president's leaving on his. Pacific coast anon nftcr tho now aldermen lako tholr
gosts that tho royal buckhounds bo dropped. lr'P- nlm 'nat Assistnqt commitsioncr aellts. it being tho custom to allow tho
Now tho husbands ot the two women nro
seeking each other, vowing to kill ou sight.
gunshots stop elopement
Mciiiluiiry 1'renlilenl I e Hot Lend to
DlnriiurnK'' Five Viiuiik Men'n
.! ut r I iiioii In I Project.
CHICAGO, April 4. A special to the
I fl..,,, tnl. fhA, nin. m,, T.' .1 . , l
Tho savlug Is not much In cash, only about "icnnrus oi Wyoming wnum uo appointed outgoing president to remain In his chair '
$31,000 a year, but It will bo largo in rldl- hi" successor. Mr. Itlcbnrda la popular for several weeks after tho reorganization. A sci.satlnn that happened In How nm,
culo nnd mercy. with members nnd senators who havo deal- ,. L. Lymftn ot Ul0 Seventh ward now oc- 8t Saturday night nnd deta Is of
In olden times, when thero was real buck "iR with tho land ofllco, and ho Is said to uu,08 thu position nnd thero Is a strong i. ch have us en mado public he d tho
and sta huutlmt. there was reason In keen- H with the secretary of tho In- .Movement In tar of his rc-clectlcn. Mr. undivided attention of the grand Jury today.
The affair concerns nn Interrupted elopo
I tcrlor. However, concrnl onlnlnn Fpm In I t i n utmn thn
master of tho buckhounds, huntsman, whip- ho that the ofllco of land commissioner will lattor resigned to tako n seat in the lower mcnt ,of y",,nB women from Potter col-
is also u candidate.
licet Suiinr I'lmit for Kearney.
perln, groom to tho hunters nnd so on. Dut ho offered to ono of tho disappointed op- house of tho legislature Aloxander Stewart
nowadays, when tho occasional chaso of the I'Hcauts for tho nppolntincut on tho St. 0f tho First wnrd, ono of the old members,
tumo deor at Windsor makes tho public J-.uis exposition commission.
lnugh or sneer and tho Society for tho Pre- Mercer In WnnliliiKton.
vcntlon ot Cruelty to Animals protest, tho I), n. Mercer has rcturnrVl to Washington
king Is not likely to complain of being bereft from Nebraska. Mr. Mercer will remain
of his prcscrlptlvo sovereign rights If the east for several weeks, looking nfter mnt-
nntlon decides not to pay nny longer for tcrs In several department!..
ioi so-caiieu royai sporu Openlnit of Honehuil l.nndn.
A reduction m ine salaries ui xno several
lege. Howling Green, ono of tho most prom
Incnt seminaries for young women In the
About midnight five young men, nil mem
hers ot wealthy families, drove In carriages
A report is being circulated In this city to tho collego and with ladders nlded four
that tho machluery ot tho Nebraska cottou young women to Icavo tho building by
mills at Kearney will soon bo moved out climbing through the Eccond-story windows
of tho buildings thero to make room for whllo assisting tho llfth to reach tho ground
improved equipment for a beet sugar fae- ho young men made so much nolso that
nm.r. ,t, t,na.i,ni,i 1. .,.1,1 i 1,0 nn. .Many inquiries nave uceii received at tno iurj-- ju vnm-.-iu, nmvu luu- i-resiocni i.iidcii was rousco.
... ... uuwwwuu... ....... . I . . , , . . ... I 4 . . 1 MI1I 1. n,...nCn,l 1 ., . . ...... ,,, t
templatcd, whllo other positions aro to bo interior department ironi couiu uaicotn " "i", .a nuuing a Hiioigun ipo prrriunni uvgnn
n.i,.wi tL-t,h.v wiu in -n-o .nvihh. asiting n nny neuon nns ti.-cn inxon 100K- i uuhj i- i-i'w irnoauni; l ino youn-mcu, wno rnunicu
to tho nation or amount to nn lncreaso of '"B l '"c opening anu cuiry ot, n portion i"""- l-jt ujhu. i"'"'hvimi.. nl8 nro, -lwn 0i mo young men wrru
tho privy purse does not appear. of uo Hoscbud reservation in that state, fcr the machinery ot tho latter to some wounded, but the president was not hurt.
Henry Laboucbore, who makes a minority I 11 13 l,lu mieniion oi oucreiary iiucncocK imiui L-nmi m uu ,n . n........ ,nu K)Tla ciurnru 10 wu luunu, hil-jt
t,iif y.b. in ii,,, to detnll an inspector to treat w tn tno ucius oi icurivy mu m nro memners oi ino nesi inmiiics in icn-
clvll list Is necessary. He snys: "The com- Hosebinls with a view to acquiring tho tho mills nrc reported to havo already tucky and If Indictments are found It Is
mltteo did not deem It within tho scope of I eastern portion oi ino reservation in ureg- ;a uiuiui,iuuiii mi mu iumuimu u. prooaiiio mey win navu in appear aa wu
Its Inquiry to consider whether a contlnu- r.v and Lyman counties. This matter wns 'tho beet sugar making machinery.
nesttcs nt tho trial.
nnee of tho nomn of nrldo and ceremony of hild before tho secretary by Senator Gnm-
tho court Is desirable. This Idea seems to ble. An Inspector will bo sent to South
bo.duo to tho present ostentntlous expcndl- Dakota the mlddlo of May.
turn of somo ot thoso who havo suddenly
acquired largo fortunes, but your commit
tee docs not believe tho sovereign would de
sire to enter into monetary competition with
such persons or encourage by his example
such prodigality on the part of tho nobility.'
Inn 1'iilillc IIiiIIiIIiikm.
Plans for the Crcston, la., public building
havo been approved by tho secretary of
l.nneiiNter'n ev Olllce,
M. I. Aitkin, retiring city treasurer, will
assume tho duties of tax commissioner of
Lincoln nbout April 13. Tho ofllco Is a new
one In this city and Mr. Aitkin believes It
will bo Imposslblo to secure tho results
Wall Street Rumor of Corpor.tln Frojeot
InYoWing Hill's Intirott,
Iftntiontd with th Eric, Northim Pacifio
and Qrtat Northern.
Would Make Liu Capital Niotmrj and
Glte Alliaaoa Stability.
Mliurrn nf tile CuiiHollilnteit Clin-
cent tn He KxchniiKcd for iiinne
of the Component Coni-pnnles.
NKW YOUK, April 4. Tho Mall and Ex-
press says: "It was reported In Wall
street today that papers wero being pre
pared for a Now Jemcy corporation to hold
a controlling interest In tbo stocks of tho
Hrlo, Uurllngton, Northern Pacific nnd
Great Northern railroads thu lending
properties lu which James J. Hill Is Interested.
"It Is sold that tho samn plan will bo
followed as was adopted In tho Bteel com
bination, tho shares of tho larger com
pany being exchanged for thoso of tho
constituent companies. Tho purpose Is lo
nablo tha financial Interests who nro
putting through tho big deals to do so
with less capital than would otherwise bo
required, nnd nlso to give grenter per
manency to tho great alliance. The total
capital oi tho four companies mentioned Is
moro than $530,000,000.
"James J. Hill was out of tho city today
and thoso associated with lilm expressed
Ignornnco of such a scheme."
fix ratesWrpan-american
Linen In Western I'nnnciiKcr Annnelii
tlon Concede l.enn iiinn Knit
.XniiiiKciiient Willi ted.
tho treasury. They havo been forwarded anticipated tno ursi year lor mo reason uiai
to tho ncstmastor ccnoral for approval. "o ra organize mo worn oi mo oi-
G. H. Strlckler, superintendent of con-
Aiioniynioiin t'orreniionilentn Say They
WHI Uiirdcr If Merchant
I'iiIIk to Pay.
WASHINGTON. Anrll 4. nids were
opened In tbo olllce of tho secretary of the
nuvy today tor tho contract to build tho
protected cruiser Milwaukee, otherwise
known as protected cruiser No. 21. Sec
rotary Long announced beforo tho open
ing ot tho bids that should any belated bid
reuch tho department, which is proved to
havo been held up on account of the storms
lu the west, it will bo considered along
with those opoued today.
Thoro wero two blddors and threo bids,
tho Union Iron works ot San Frauclsco and
Cramp & Sons of Philadelphia, tho latter
ilrm oubmlttlng two separate proposals. Tho
bids wore ns follows:
Union Iron Works Completo cruiser In
thirty-six months, for $2,826,000, according
to tho department's specifications.
Cramp & Sons, Proposal Ono To build
a crulsen ot 9,700 tons dtsulncemcnt and
a speed of twenty-three knots lu thirty
six months for $2,710,000. This bid Is po-
miliar in form. A memorandum states that
It Is Imposslblo to build a ship of tho kind
a ml qualities required for Icbs than $3,000,
000, but tho Cramps will tako tha contract
for a twenty-three knots, l,700 ton cruiser
at $2,740,000. which Is nbout the total nvall
ablo sum at the disposal ot tho department
on condition that the secretary will apply
to cougress for an appropriation of $000,000
additional to bring the total up to $3,
A second bid submitted by Cramp, In the
event that tho first proposal Is rejected, Is
to build a smaller crulsor, und n slowc
one, namely, 8,800 tous and twenty-tw
knots speed, In thirty-four months for the
$2,710,000 available. As tbo Union work
may be allowed 4 per cent In tbo compel I
Hon by reason ot location on tho Pacific
coast, their bid Is still within the fund
The bids wore referred to the board of
construction for report.
tutted Stnti-K Credited Trlth the
l.nrKcr Portion of Until Ini-
liorln mid Kxoortn.
WASHINGTON, April 4. G. W. White
head for Porto Rico has reported to the
tieasury tho amount of imports and exports
f tho Island from May 1, 1000, to February
1001. Tho value of tho frco Imports
from tho United States for that period
were $3,64C,S52, nnd that of the duttnblo Im
ports from the United States $2,906,156.
From all other countries tho free Imports
ggrrgutcd $33,360 nnd the dutiable Imports
$1,(116,092. The total duties collected wero
During tho samo periods tho exports to
tho United States amounted to $3,030,506
nnd to nil other countries $2,123,577. Tho
total Imports amounted to nbout $8,100,000
and tho exports to $5,811,083.
Referendum Petition Mat Filed.
FIEUHH, S. D., April 4. (Special Tclo-
grnm.) A special was sent from this city
a few days ngo to tho effect that a refer
endum petition had been filed on tho law
providing that tbo Hoard of County Com
mlsslouers should re-select official papers
at tho April meeting nnd make their selec
Hons, without regard to polities. Tho po
tltlon wbb nover tiled, nor offered for fll
Ing. arfd Its evident purposo wa. to pre
vent tho county commissioners from tak ng
action whero It would affect cerlaln papers.
As tho mensuro wns nn emergency ono
the petition could not bo accepted, oven if
Pint iter Hxiilonlon llurnn Three.
DEADWOOD. S. D., April 4. (Special.)
Kltner Day. Patsy rtyaii and a llttlo
Chinese boy named ()uong Lang, wero
severely burned yesterday In nn explosion
ot powder. Day and Uynn bnd obtained
a quanttty ot cartridges, which they sup
posed to bo worthless, nnd wero removing
tho balls to get the powder, when ono of
tho cartridge went oft In Ryan's hand
setting flro to a quantity ot powder nearby
In a pull. Hyan In a crl leal condition
Llttlo Quong Lang was badly dUflgured
and lies lu an unconscious condltl n. Day
was "jot seriously hurt.
AVA, III., April 4. Murray Dean, a
flco nnd make tho entire assessment of tho wealthy merchant of this place, found a
.i ... i. i i .1.. oiiv iWiirn .Innn 1. It tnnv not bo possible letter on his doorstep today navlnt: thai If
KAISER PRAYING FOR SULTAN tailed from Dubuque, In., to direct tho work to get as equitablo nn assessment as Ih de- ho failed to deposit $3,000 nt n certain
of tho new postolllco nt Clinton. In. sired tho first year, but It Is expected mat place by midnight, ho would no murdered
by tho second year nciier results win at- aim ins property nvsiruycu.
"' ' ,,., Mr. Dean wont to the bank, had a dummy
ii. ii. viarK was touay appointed poai
"In offering my slnccrcst congratulation
on your majesty's escape from danger I
cannot conceal my admiration for tha at-
tltudo your majesty observed and tho ox
amnio of bravery given by your mnlcsty
Cleveland .Mayor iii-urn In.
Pt.HVKLANP. April 4. Tom L. Johnson
u-,a inilnv Munrn 111 us mayor of Clrvflnml
and nt once ussumed tho duties of his
olllce, Jlo staled mat ii" was not reniiy
to nanio tna memueiH oi inn cuoim-i nun re
quested the various neiids oi department
under Mayor Farley's administration t
continue to aci lor me iinm m-mi,.
.NorthM-entern liMin llnll I.eiiKiie,
vniiT nnnnR in.. Anrll . (Special.. I
is reported that it base ball league Is bnlng
planned for northwestern Iowa, to Include
Bloux Cltv. Fort I.ndce. Manson. Sioux
.Falls, Flandereaux nnd Coleridge, Neb.
YelliMvnlone I'nrU Open June 10
ST. PAl'L. Minn., April 4,-It wna ofn
dally decided today to begin the senson o:
Yelluwstone National nark Juno 10. Ilv
days earlier than ever before. The season
1 last until September 15,
Sueeeeiln MeC'lure ux I.illtor.
PIllI-AnKLPHIA. April 4.-Dr. Alfred C
ljimtxlln has become editor of thn Phtladel.
until Times, succeeding A. If. McClure. He
was Ita tlrst tuunagius editor.
: nine ror willl'im Seuan A nil ill joir or
Conirrntulittion After Iviirlh
liui.:e Ad venture.
CHICAGO, April 1. Lines In tho West
cm Passenger association practically
reached nu agreement today regarding Pan
Amerlciiu rates.
Tho agreement which makes tho rntes
tho same over differential and standard
Hues Is ns follows: A rato for ono fare,
plus $1, for tho round trip on May 7, 14,
21 and 28, tickets good only on date ot sale
and for continuous passage, return llmlta
to be ns follows: Tickets sold on May 7,
return limit May 10; tickets sold Mny II,
return limit May 23; tlckotH sold on Many
21, return limit May 30; tickets sold Mny
28, return limit Juno C.
In addition, tickets will be Bold between
April 30 and September 30 nt a rate ot una
and one-third fares for tho round trip, ro
turn limit being fifteen diiyn. The form
will bo tho lruu-cfad signature form nnd
deposit, aud validation by tho Joint agency
will bo required. Stopovora not exceeding
ten days will bo granted on nil through
tickets via Iluffalo on deposit and payment
of $1. Tho rates uh proposed will lie far
from satisfactory to tho manngement ot
tho exposition, us It was hoped that a
one-faro rato for tho entire period of tho
exposition would bo granted.
Prenlileut Snyn Tli-l'p with 'Frisco
Line Will He IHIeetlve the
I'lrnl of .Inly.
master nt Clarkd.ile, Appanooso county,
nnd W. K. Wales at Diamond, Appanooso
Mureh a Cloudy Month.
package made up, and with officers gunrd-
ntlnoplo papers publish, today tho test C0,UJ,ty' nt , remarkable In this vicinity for Its
a telegram sent by Kmperor William to rl"8 "ostofllecs havo been established: of clolllly ,,nys ou wi,ch rain or s
i sultan Immediately after tho recent Nebraska-Robert. Hayes county, John ,., mc;ln.rral,i0 quantities. Dur
The renort of the United States weather Ing him, went tonight to tho pKcn ilea.g- I
station shows thnt tho month of March was natcd by his anonymous correspondents,
number whero ho left tho package. Tho letter was
snow fell signed by two sets of Initials,
During the
earthquake In thla city. ". ' '' " .. .... month thero wero only eleven clear days, nuaDnnni RflRRFRS nAPTIlKFn
...i.i. .i .i .. ..u .v- South Dakota Ilovoe. Kau k countv. wal- .. .. ... . .i.. i...i.. i -'-'- ''-' w ..
ii is wuu necji uuiuuuu, aaiu luo rm- i ,,, - " , ' . tail tno rest, ueing ciuuuj- ui- iuiii Liuuijjr.i
, "thai. I have Just learned what dan- I - i " ej, po m iisier. .., The racan temperature wns 37 degrees, x,vo llf M,. inipilcati il In IlnuU
your majesty was In at tho time of the -". - i"iiiH. i-uaiumoiL-.. whlch was x ,leKrro bovo normal for tho Theft Un-nilv Under
of Halram and how manifestly God Jl,n"-'8 -isKimmons was iransicrrcu montl. Ti,0 precipitation wns 1.7 Inches, ...,..
protected your majesty's precious life. lrom rnanuai tencner in tno rnocnix, Ariz., i ncnrly half an Inch above normal. At
Indian school to superintendent at Lower 0raaba thcro wero only elBUt clcttr (,uya
llllf llaiunue Suit.
Jcsso 1). Moore, an old settler, has Instl-
CHAItDON, 0 April 4. Two of tho flvo
men implicated in tho bank robbery wero
nrrosted at Wllloughby this afternoon and
tutcd proceedings In tho district court hero ll(cn to Jail here. They gave fictitious
in $20,000 dnmaces from tho Lincoln names and botlf registered as Jonn uoo.
KANSAS CITY, April I. President Wln
chell of tho Memphis road Hnli) today that
the community of interests of thu Memphltt
and 'Frisco lines will bo effectlvo In Its
fullest lienso about July 1. Tho twelvo
in ilea of track extending from Miami, I. T ,
on tho main lino of tho Memphis' to tho
Frisco main lino aro to bo built at once.
Tho contract will bo let this week for thla
connecting link und It will ba finished by
July 1.
Tho branch lino of tho Memphis from
llnxtcr Sprlnga to Miami will bo rebuilt
with snvonty-llve-pound steel rails. For
this Improvement 1,100 torn; ot rails have
been ordered for Immediate delivery. TIiIh
line will bo a part of the main lino between
Kansas City aud Oklahoma and Texas. It
is believed that tho Memphis general offices
will bo removed from Kansas City to St.
o your subjectb and to tho foreigners prcs- Sceretnry liny Min There In .Vo Truth JjT ct,on company for injuries sustained In A bundlo ot tho bank's checks, somo old
!D,V L .u , Hcnort of AmiliinlUo'. runaway nccldcnt, which ho alleges was coins and other articles wero found on tho
"I pray to the Lord to continue to ho d Coinl... b CIircica3neBS on tbo part ot tho men.
mur. (nnlnatv In Tltc crap hua f.nrl lirlv - liiudh. wj v... . i.... ,i. u ......
your mnjosty in His gracious and holy
WASHINGTON, April 4. Tho president
tutu otxicLuij iiuj iicii; m Lumvuutu jui i. . . . v
BETWEEN GREECE AND TURKEY nlmoat an hour this morning. Secretary m A"r"' -lajJ
itooi was present a porwuu oi mo imw,
nincnntlnuea Tha subject of tho consultation wna not
defendant company's employes. Tho nccl
dcnt occurred near tho Lincoln park tracks
AinhnnnBilnrn' Award
Farmer' (lid MIhiiiIIiik nn Mnnt
Fnvnred Mutton.
Smallpox Can en rirerrnnluii.
A report of tho health department, Is-
Banks throughout tho stato havo been
warned against negotiating nny of tho
stolen property. Tho remaining threo ot
tho gnng aro supposed to have gone cast.
15. V. Ilnritlnir I.euven Myntcrlounly
Milh Account HtrulKht. hut Itiiinnra
of IliiiucNtlc Trouble.
disclosed, although It was surmised that sued today, shows that thcro nro only seven
It related to tho Chinese situation.' Sec- cases of smnllpox in tho city nnd it is nn
retnry Hay stated that tho govornmont had nounccd that within a week nil tho persons
RERUN, April 4. A dispatch to tho no olllelal advices confirming tho prca, re- under quarantlno will bo released. At ono
Frankfurter Zeltung from Constantinople, ports that China had definitely refused tlmo thero wore tweniy-seven cases, out
. . . ,. ...... . , , . . .!,. lln.l,.l.,, onmnn.n, It,. ,1 fnlnllf.
uateii April o, ayu mai me nwura oi ma " .uiiu n.iuviii ...... nunc i.buh JOSKPH Mo April 4 F V Hard-
ambassadors who havo been arbitrating tho Russia. ... Snle of Supreme Court Heportn. rnllM' ,'. Vifirmnn-Amerlean hank.
nninio nf i I ffnrni s n in r U n .msIu f i.Anr.n Spcrntnrv Hnnt nmnnii nfipfl thn fitnrlna 1 ... .. . ? i I " '
. ,7nc ' ' th;; aV.7, ih r, : V , . r Since the .aw reu .c us V ..urn tll0 clty S0lno t,mo yesterday and can
" ii,t ii . iT'Tn pnniini. in thn iinitnii iiniiin t0 mw ' . ot bo found. Ho wrote two IctterB, one
signed yesterday. that ho wun coming to the United htatoa nrdman has BoId 2,390 volumes of supremo L wlfn nnA ,hn flthnr to , 0fl,eiata
Tho decisions havo not yot been mado mo immediato lilturo io no uaseiess. . ..,. i!mir tbo law all ronorts .x.. .....i ... i. i..i i. n,
public, but aro substantially to tbo effect After tho secretary of state ami secretary ;n(1' tno nfty-elghth volume e t;Tor go He sal W
that tho ambassadors have created for ot war had departed Lord Pauncefote, tho ..... ,, .,. , ,, anil llitcr rep0rts will be , .... .. ... v
Greece an intermediary regime, standing Urltlah ambassador, called ut tho White "iLM. Z' L ' .! 7. ,h s io
between that ot those states whoso cltl- Ioum and was received by the president n Uulroaa Avvolntmentm. bo true. Tho letter from Harding to his
zens in luittey enjoy mo iuiicbi auvan- " ijiii. iu u,.,l.u. LA,..aii....u.i i .,, ,,,.,, ,,, i ,r,.,hlovi nf n r.ii
... ' ...i -i., u. of th .initio., mi, - ,inn'u viuit ivn nut ij w. McGlnness. now agent for tho Klk- wifo revealed domestic troubles of a scu
VK.a U11U IllUnU D ItlVa llilUOU LlllL'Ul IJUVU u- -'....w.. ihui.ubhmu, " n.... ... , ... ... - . .
no speclnl privileges. Certain rights en.
Joyed by Greece beforo tho war, as well as
Greece's standing ns tho most favored na
tion, are abolished, Grceco retains Juris
diction over hor subjects In Turkey,
Vddn I.nneen to Arniuin-nt of Gunrdn
Thnt Hide llenlde Ilia
HEItLIN, April 4. The members of Em,
peror Williams bodyguard, besides a
special corps of bicyclists who relievo each
other, nre now armed with lances when ac
companying his majesty on horseback.
This ovenlng tho Vosslscho Zcitung de
mands to know what Justifies tho kaiser In
showing 6uch a fear of the people. It com
pares his precautions with those taken by
the czar.
Emperor William and Empress Augusta
Victoria, with the members of tho Imperial
family, celebrated holy communion today In
the castle.
Itenervntlunn to Open Hnrller.
WASHINGTON, April 4. Preparations are
progressing for the opening to settlement
of the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache and the
Wichita reservations In Oklahoma and It is
exrectcd that both reservations will be
ready for opening August 6, tha date uxed
(or tbo former.
satlonal charactor.
at tho Whlto House, was that ho called toM horn railroad at Fremont, has been ap
Imnnrt llin nntinnvulniliroment nf thn Hrltlnh .minimi commercial agent for tile North
. ... v . . . . .. - I ...... ,. I . . . . - r- III
government for tho expressions of regret western and KiKiiorn raunwis m mis c"y I Ijfc N t H AL Hl&nUbn LLC ILL
tO SUCCeCtI l. iJUL-.uui, i m uci.ii
transferred to tho Sioux City oince.
tirrekn Go Went.
A scoro of Kappa Kappa flamma society
women departed tonight for Boulder, Colo.,
whero they will assist in the Installation of
a new chapter of their organization.
Military I. lection.
on tbo death of Queon Victoria.
Coutriietn (inerr Colli While on
Trill Around the GeorKctiMTU
Siirfiiinii Who Heard Hlo de .lunelro'n
SIkiihIn Hxoiieriitcd from All
WASHINGTON, April I. Tho general su-
DENVER, Colo., April 4. General Fltz-
hiigh Leo Is 111 at tho homo of General
II. C. Merrlam, In this city, having con
traded a cold whllo on u trip around tho
Ad utant ucnorai iviuun muny connrmeu nnnri-etown loon in tho mounta ns.
perinteaucnt of tho United sinies nre-saving tno ejection of James A. uainey of North u0 bnd planned to go to Colorado Snrlnits
service has received tho report of the com- iatte, second lieutenant of Company K ot toUuy 0,i ,Is way to California, but ihls
mltteo appointed to Investigate tho alleged (no gccond regiment of National Guards. morBng ho wns suffering from a severe
uiiiuro oi .miuk jiinngsen, a suriinuu oi mu iialney wns formerly nrsi sergeant ot mo
Fort Point life-saving station, to report cumpany,
tho distress signals from tho steamer Rio
do Janeiro, which foundered off San I-ran
cisco bay February 22, 1901. Klltngscn was
suspended from duty and an investigation
ordered. Tho report Just received by Mr
Kimball completely exonerates Elllngsen
and orders havo been telegraphed restoring
hi m to duty,
"It is nmvfd bovond nuestlon." sava tho COFFKVVILLE, Kan,, April 4. Unknown
report, "that nt no tlmo was any Mgual persons broko Into the city Jail last night
llurular Stenln WliUWy Thnt Hail lleeu
Confine ntcd from Kan mm
soro throat nnd symptoms of grip. Ills
physician advised him to remain Indoors
today, thorcforo hla Journey was postponed.
Stoekholdern of I lie Mlnnolirl, Kiiiinii
A Teann Fill the Hoard
for Another Veur.
PARSONS, Kan., April 4. At tho nn-
nunl meeting of stockholders ot the Mis
souri, Kansas & Texas Railway company
hero today tho following wero elected us
members of tho board of directors: Wil
liam Kockofollor, Herbert L. Satterlcc,
Myron T. llerrlck, II. J. Demarez Oycns.
Tho directors then re-elected tho old of
ficers for tho ensuing yoar. They include
Henry C. Roueo, chairman ot the board
and president; A. A. Allen, vlco presldont
nnd gcnernl mnnagcr; Simon Sterne, gen
eral counsel, nnd James Hngcrman, gen
eral fcoflcitor.
Ciilcauo Great Wenteru linn nu KIkIiI-Mlllloii-llollnr
Myndleute for
the New Line.
CHICAGO, April 4. Tho Tribune tomor
row will say: President A. H. Stlckncy ot
tho Chicago Great Western railway conllnns
tho report that his road will build into
Omaha and Sioux City. An underwriting
syndicate has been formed to provide $8,000.
000 to build 274 miles ot road. Survoyu for
tho lino to Omaha woro mado soma years
ago. Tbo line will run from Fort Dodgo
duo southwest to Omaha, and from Clarion
west to Sioux City, Tho lines purchased and
to bo constructed rover 131 miles, making
tho total uddltlons of tho system 408 miles.
Smallpox Continue '" Mprrail nnd
.Muor Culls .McelliiK to Con
sider Hellef Mciiniircn,
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., April 4. Ton now
made by tho steamer entitled to bo rec- and stole soveral gallons of whisky and cases of smallpox appeared hero today,
ognized ns a signal of distress. Tho al- other liquors mat mm neon captured in n
leced confession of Surfraan Elllngsen that Joint Monday. It was to have been used
despite the vigilance ot the health ofllclals
to cheek tho Increasn. Mayor John Combo
he heard signals of dlstrois seems to have as evidence against tho Jolntlst and now has called a meeting of the city onicora
arisen from a misunderstanding between that It is gono his conviction h doubtful, for tho purposo of devising plns for vlg
hlmself and tho keeper of the Fort Point The liquor was in an Inner cell and two orous and concerted measures agalnit tho
llfo.sivlne station." I locks bad to Do uroncn io get io tu uueaau.
I'rrnldeney Temlereil lliirr.
IIALTI.MORE, MM., April 4. It Is learned
hero today from a reliable source that tho
position ot vlco president and general man
ager ot tho Seaboard Air Lino railroad re
cently vacated by E. St. John has been ton
dercd to Jaules M. Ilnrr, now third vlco
president of tha Atchison, Topcku & Santa
Fa railroad, and his ucceptanca Is assured.
Haltlmoro directors, whllo admitting thnt an
offer has been mado to Mr. Harr, said thoy
had not heard of hla Morlslon,
llnrrlmiiii lo He President,
NEW YORK, April 4. It waa said In
Wall street today that changes aro ex
pected soon In tbo directory of the Paclflo
Mall Steamship company and that E. It.
Harrlman will ba elected president of tho