THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, APRIL 2. 1901. COUNCIL jmoa MKTTIO.N. Davis tIU lroK. BttxV.ert sells carp la ar4 rajs. Gu fixtures and flofce at Btxtoy. Fine ABC beer. Netjciayer's hteL Wolltnan. scientific trpUctan. B'way. W. J. Hosteller, dentist, Baldwin Mefc. l2ert. Jeweler, optician. S Broadway. J. A- enow, auctioneer. B'way, opp. P. O. Qnrj4 kA4i will jav tab morn ing .'or a vlilt at Arapahoe, Neb. 8jthtr:r r.w for KMaker? at C. K Alexander U Co s 35 Hro4lway. W. K Graf, undertaker and dtslnfetter, I riouth Main street. Phone Gt yotir work dor.e at the popular EajU laundry. HI Broadway. Thon liT. Dr. Blair of Kansas City I Rest of father Thomas of St. Peter church y.ertxn U KMn. opTlsterioit. furniture repairing, mattress making. l e. Main it. Mrs. Eyerie Kchulilan of Fremont. Neb.. 1 rUIMns her mother. Mrs Pv1er of Vise street. City Engineer Etnyr retjraed yesterday from a two weeks visit to hit old home la IHlncU. Mr. E A. Rosnbr of WvxSiHne. Ia., Ii iraest of Mrs. W. IS. CrewA-on of North First street. Mrs. Prank T. Tree and aire. Mls Sarah Tru, left yesterday for a week 1U with frlenda at Ashland. Neb. Harry Emron. 1917 Sermlh avenj. was reported to the Board of Heuiln yesterday aa offering Iron searktina. Mr. D. J. Gates and daughter Nina have returned from CfcVraf. where they at tended the opnlnc for drero.ikers. A want ad In The Ue nIll brlr.s results. The same attention frlYen to a r.t ad la Council Klu a at the Omaha offiee. Bluff City Typosraptkal anion has elected Arthur Pwkerlnic JfIKite to the annual rnetl"5 of the International Typographical union In Birmingham. Ala.. In August. I P. JuOon. Sixth avenue, telephone has an K-acre stock farm and l'.cre frail and grain farm, three mile r;rtn of elty. for rent. Heparat improvement!. Mar, Mohn. owner of th Cresion house on South Main treet, -w-d the door of I saloon yesterday A sjlt asalnst ilohn for the mulct tax is pendmc In the district court. Mrs. Kate Feeley ro refused to leave HU Bernard s hospital lat .Stirdy. a mare trartabie eterd rnorr.lns and a taken to thf sUt asylum at Clartnda by Deputy Sheriff tannl) The Infant of Mr. and Mrs John F. HU wlr. tn Harmon ret. d!d but eenln? KKneral will b. privte this mornln from the resldenrn. Kt . J W. Wilson mctatlnr. Hartal will b m Ka..-k;w .emetery. The Ganyrr.nJe Wheel club Is looking for a ne.- home, as It has bn notified to vacate lu quarters in the Grand Hotel annex Th enttra annex has ben lael by th hotel company to a caterer and boardlnR hous keepr. Thomas H. Brooks left yesterday morn ing for the Philippines, where he wrlll enter in- 'mviir o: Jni w onnell. a rallr-arl contractor of Lincoln. Neb M-.'onne will take a larze shirjm-nt of rrn m. .t ! tools from San i'rar.clsc Iv. J. H lUuerSeld has closed his third year as pastor of the Satern Kvangelical church and left yesterday morr.lru; for Itd ellffe, Ia to attend the annual Iowa con ference of the Salem society He expects to be returned htr for another year. The attraction tonight at the Uohany theater will be 'llalonev' WerfHtn,- rva- ' 11 in raid i e one r,r itie rt;nnief ,.f ihi.,, on the road and Is compose of some ex-el. Sa..,VJl" ,TiHPt'rta'nmnt I1'jm.!M to H?h'',ro5ok,n! oru; irom "t to lomng cT;e. A mass Convention Of the nrnhlhltlnnlMtii of the Ninth congressional district has been' calletl for April 10 in the county coJrt nouse la tni city at 1 p. m. for the pur- pose of co-operating wl tin 1 he state central committee In promoting the adoption of' the - Indiana plan" In this state. ', An tnfcrjnalton charging John Wall with1 to have the paring placed In proper tondl nun. Mayor Jennings as a member of the legis lative committee of the League of Iowa Municipalities has gone to attend a meet Injr of the committee appointed by the State Bar association to prepare suggei tloiin for the revision of the code relating to. municipal government. The meeting will he In Des Moinen Friday. J. B. Yeagi-r. who lias been twenty years with V. A. Maurer'a wliol-aal chlnaware and crockery house, has resigned and will leave next Tuesday for Han Olego. Cal.. where he will embark In business for him self. Mrs. Veager and daughter will follow him In about a month. C F. Miller and William Ludwlg, employes of the Maurer establishment have also resigned and will leave for Cnllfornla next Tuesday Mr. Mar Woodruff, a resident of the southwestern part of the city, filed an In formation In Justice Bryant's court yes terday charging- "John Doe" with a breach of the riabbath. Hhe complained that a stranger shot and killed a dog In her yard, th'-reby disturbing the peace of a private family. Mrs. Woodruff'a chief cause of complaint was that the shooter failed to remove the dead body of the canine from her yard. "John Doe.' for whose arrest a warrant was issued, Is believed to be a young man of thai neighborhood. .V. Y. Plumbing Co., tetepnone ::o. Davis sells (lass. Gravel roofing. A, II. Head, SU Broad'y. Da via sells palnu 1IOOM IX in ildim; i'i:itnT., Sudden Ilemand for Collages and Other IlwrlllnKs. There was a boom In building permits yesterday, these being Issued by City Clerk Phillips- E. M. OBlcer, two-story frame duelling. Fourth avenue and Tenth street, $.1,000; Leonard Kverett, one and a half story frame dwelling. 03 Washington ave oue, 11,100, Leonard Kverett, one and a half story frame dwelling. 1304 Third street, 11 100; Leonard Kverett, one-story frame cottage, 1129 Hlxth avenue, 1600: A. Bolton, one-story frame cottage. Second avenue and Thirty-fifth street, (MX); Henry DeLong, one-story frame dwelling, 52a East Broadway, JI.000. Buy your trees, shrubs and roees of Mencray. Orders filled by mall or express, C22 East Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Davis sells paint. WERE YOU FOOLED APRIL FIRST? You were if you bought a pair of shoes without seeing those elegant j styles at our store, where your money go.s into the best values ever of fered in footwear. j J SARGENT'S l.mtk for Hie Hear. FARM LOANS Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska and Iowa. Jamai N, Casady, Ir.. W Main Ht, Council Bluffs. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (Successor to W. C. Estep) K3 raVUtL, aTHCUT. 'I'hoaa OT. larceny irom a OUllUIng durlru? the night Kioom ana uncertainly wnicn mn -reu h , r ,R prt,ent electric light towers 1 tj ""'11111 I time was fled yesterday by K Mlnnlck ovtr the city for years should not be for-1 ,h" , : abandoned Wlsauestlon tlcrnands Hofe H1",:".; ! charged with sUallng a U, t of harness thrift Impulse which alwas corner with a ' cIam t. raad by expert -let- , grV:kj1?.rr .' i from Mlnnlck's barn. The harness is the growing treasury Kvery department of j, Jm hat the new style r f I ?llver c?ntcr property of Lewi, Cutler, funeral director, dty ndmlnUtratlon hould u'mps. onTccount of their 'mhanlcal cin-i ,. I Business men on Houth Main street haw 7CJ'A' a& XrXFZZi I J. .,?o?H?n "tructlon. are necessarily unfit for uss on Sj aurin complained again to Mayor Jennings about i!0,,r0uc tuxiliA hltfn t"wer"' n ,he othtr han1- " 15 Springs the condition ol the paving which was orn1 a " i.Tn ftentioJ , .hnnld cu'in tn clatmed that if the towers are abandone.! . up at the timo the motor company laid Its t,.Wh"ViV?n i. i?tv ivl, ir i many sectlona of the city will not l-e '.-li":. ' second track. So far the motor company ih" C.J ?. ? l fl'liIZ Sr,u? A" lighted as. well as ar present, even 'ho jgn Majority against ,.,..n n . . u-. . ' sourcts it is my conviction that tne ex- .s' . nv.. w 1 i , mn. 1 ur BLUFFS. MAYOR JENNINGS' MESSAGE RtTkwi it Csij'i Iistzct aid Ct: Agi::tt IxtriTigizct. V.ost SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS NEEDED Vsnm Lots Taken for Taxes I'roie Uurdeu that Should l,e Lnloaded l,lsht I'roposltlon Looks Dark. The ?Uoz of tie city couscll lift slzht marked tbe eocseseezeat of the av iscal year, a&d'fotlowU; the cattota estabtlihed by hit predeeiion la oSee Mayr Jea alert deltTered hli aascal addrest, la wbkh he reviewed exlittar eoadtttoas aad svade a ceaber of tsreitloaa far the in tore. He said. The first day rf April. undr the statute, mark tbe berlnnlns of ojr meal year It has been customary at the recutxr meet In? of the cojnril In this month for th mayor to rertw exlstlns toudltlon ami make sueh recommendations for the con M ration of th council a s-emed ex t-edlent- In following thl cutom I shall touch only upon a few ,ibects which p-l-ar to rne to be of immediate Importune to the taxayen of the city OfSdal reports for the entire flca! : rtt are not yet available I have therefor se cured from th treasurer a slatmeut to March U. 1SJ1. plvinz approilrrwtel the same showlnjr of the clty ttnanctal condi tion as will appear In the annual reports ':l city offlcers. Thts statement sfeow th" folowln? city lndebtedoe. Regular bonded lndebtedD9s I3J") Intersection rvtnc bonds Intersection sr.dlne bnnds intersection swer bonds M.s f5pectl assessment painc bonds. ... 4.') fipeclal asiimnt (trading bonds.. . iMfi Outsundln? warrants !.) Total indebtedness . rsh on hand (approximate) ... The city's net Indebtedness Is ap proximately The city has neither lloatln? Indebtedness nor unpaid current bills, with lh- exception of the II. wo of water fund warrants, above noted, which remain unpaid owin to the failure of the &-mlll levy for water purposes to yield the revenue estimated a year ago. This dflcU has bn provided for In the ap propriations for this year Financial Outlook Kneourni;luc, The city's financial outlook Is very in coura1n and It slves me genuine plaiure to r able to say that the net city debt is at the lowest point for many years. Our oresnt conditions form a most strlk'nit an(1 RratlfylnK c-ontrast to tboe of tne early I., when our obligations r-aned ' amosi in in' n rn J 1 r.. anu uur municipal credit was at the dan?r llr.e The policy of refunding our outstanding I pr cent warrants and pr cent optional bonds, and replacing both with low interest bearing bonds has cut off a larse Irti'rtst charge. The last of the outstanding i hr cnt bonds, amounting to tl2J.0. were paid last July We have now sufficient tupd to pay Interest on all our outstanding orllga r . . - , . 1 1 . . -1 ... - a. tn,j. mature There Is even rason to believe that, with careful and economical management, the current expense of the dty can be met , riurlnir thla veAr llnleaft thp reven'ie nnticl- . pated In the appropriation ordinance are dUturUi. Under thews circumstances I feel we are commencing the new century on a ound financial basis, with all our departments working smoothly and efficiently. But the lessons we have learned during the ,rlo 1 oendlture of our funds demannj still more c-areftl consideration In order that there Khali be no extravagance, unnecessary ex pense or doubtful methods of mklnc monsy from the city treasury The taxpayers of Council Bluffs have borne heavy burdens many years with great patience recaose tney realized tne necessity ot extricating the city from the financial slouch Into which It had fallen. As the liquidation of the city's Indebtedness removes the neces sity for these extraordinary b irdcns they should be lightened. Our object should be to dispense witn an unneeoea taxation, rather than to find new ways of spending its proceeds. Ureal Improv einents eeded. We are confronted with n necessity or extensive special Improvements, sueh as pnvtng, grading, curbing, etc.. and it Is un just to expect these unlexi property own cm are. relieved, wherever possible, from excessive general taxation. Besides this, tbe reputation of our city abroad suffers from an unduly large tax rate. The reduc tion of tax levies to the lowest tolnt con sistent with efficient administration of the city's affairs will be one of the most forcible arguments with prospective settlers and Investors. I recommend that you give this subject special attention when the annual tax levy is made In September. The assessment now being made I am crnfldent will be larger than that upon which our revenues for this year are based and even with 'a reduced tax levy will afford sufficient Income, after this year, to war rant many general and special Improve ments which are nurely needed. In determining the city's financial condi tion we should take Into account. It seems to me. the property of various kinds owned by the city, such as the city hall, jail, patrol house, the four hose houses of the fire de partment, a large amount of personal prop, erty and several hundred acres of city parks. Such property. It Is true, brings no revenue. Nevertheless It represents in vested capital. It is necessary In conduct ing the cl'y's business and would require the outlay of considerable sums of the city did not already possess It. It should there fore be accounted a city asset. AdtUea Sale of l.ota. There btc about 1SS vacant lota aciulrcd by the city under proceedings to protect its liens for special taxes. They have cost the city the amount of unpaid special and gen eral taxes, court costs and other expenses and arq bringing no revenue. I strongly recommend mat immediate steps to laxen to dlsnose of this nronerty to the bent ad vantage. In this way the city can recover at least a considerable portion or its in vestment and the property will at once be come awerseble for city taxes and thus be made a source of revenue. One of the moxt Important matters en gaging thei attention of the city council during the last year was the iiuestlou of special improvement and particularly thn awarding of contractu for paving a number of streets, II linn Pecn apparent for sev eral yearn that the rubbish on many of our streets, ny courtesy caueu pavement, must be replaced with a more permanent and substantial materia!. An attempt was made two years ago to repave some of our streets, hut after contracts had been let the work wax abandoned b mutual consent on uc- ruuni or giinrernu ruuri ut-ciniunH uivuiioai Ing the special acmcnt laws under which we were then acting. The stute legislature HUbseoucnily enacted laws designed to cor reel the defects of the previous statute and the city council jiahseil a now Improve ment ordinance in harmony with the amended statute. We have made n nub htantlal beginning In street Improvement by completing over 20,00 yards of pave- FOR RENT... THE BENO STORES No. CO, 31, 33, 35 rcarl St. No. 38, 30, 32. 34 Main St. Tbein (tores in tbe center ot the city and occupied for many years by John Bino & Co., the largest retail dry goods and clothing dealers In mutern Ioa, who have re moved to more extensive quarters In tht Elseman building. ttent very low to desirable parties on loot lease. EE SHEAFE & CO RENTAL AGENTS. 5 Pearl Street, Council Bluffi. meit jr.dr ontra ts it last s ,mme- A -th, uh this r. t a Urz am- . - it was s placed s ' -nte- t jriiJll iad p tog ard thus -cure the iyfl results 1" has afforded such relief and s so much ap pretate that a -r,ntlnuati"r -f -.h work Is universalis desired. Urh earnest labor art rlos attention has tt given tbe ubect of st1l im-prov-ments. to the end that the requlre Earts of tbe be strlctiy followed It is to be hoped that no acts lltlraUnn or ther eaJbarrasTjients wt!i Intervene to preent tn further progre- f work al ready under contract. Keep Harden In .Mind. Whl'e It Is dsirabl to pare many streets as sooo as possible we sbonH at the same time keep In mind the burden we are pMc tag on the property owaer? and the city. It ts to I- regretted that o much Improve ment Is necessary at this time. It would b mor fn-tVHal to all conmd If thl work rould be extended over a period of two or three rears Tbe kind of pavmg to b placed on our streets h been je thort'UchlT dis cussed Only two materials have been s-r1-ously considered, via., brick and asphalt The latter has som. commendable fea tures, but I do not hesitate to say that, tn ra judgmert to have adopted Asphalt for our paving wculd hae been a .rlous mis take .,n amount wf the heavy ioltla! cost and the constant charge for maintenance I approve your Judgment In selecting brVek a a paving material. It presents a zooi appearance. I durable, reasonable in cost ar-.J sanitary, a point which should not t overlooked. It is my Judgment that vitri fied brkk ping witr eront fiU-r Is tbe bsl pnvlng for a moderate cost known to u I recommend the Iwest possible In spection of all paving, to secure good mate mi and thorough work Light Cause I'erpteal t ) . ben a subject of much i-erplexlty and one ?f the most Important matters last year In onne-tlon with our muni, ipal affairs the submission of the Bluff City Electric I.lrht and Gas company franchise to the electors. This franchise had pr-1oul been embodied In an ordlranec drawn b a representative of the company. It was In troduced, read three times and passed under a u' pension of the rules at one seaston of the council. August I? with only one 'in important amendment. This legislative haste and the unsatisfactory character of some of th pro.islon of the ordinance CflUMHl me to veto it at the next meeting. .September 1. My objections, as stated In J my message to the council, were, in unci, that the lnterets of the dty were not fully protected and. among other things, that the ordinance d'd not state definitely that the plant re,jiired t fumtsh the d-slred erv. Ice would be located In this dty and become a home Institution I was led to l?leve that th electric plant furnishing current to ui noun) be 1'K-atM airos the rter and our rjrrent cabled from an alien city. Thl condition seems about to be realized. Any such action on the part of the eectn. light company should be opposed. The manufac ture of ekctrif current to be paid for by the people of this city should be a Council Bluffs Industry, 'jrnlshlng employment to local labor and paving taxes here. The proposes arrangement wouia aesiroy an direct responsibility to the rtty or. the part 1 of the company manufacturing the electric , curient ana mignt involve embarrassing question of Interstate relation. The council, however, saw fit to pass the ordinance over my objections and when submitted tn the people the franchise was granted by their otn. Although I beliive the oeotile will in time take rav view tit tne matter ano realize mat tney nava on- dowed a corporation with privileges and 1 powers tnat can te useo to tneir jom ina ' detriment I accept their decision as rn-1 elusive and believe e should now make the best of existing conditions. The reduc tion from the former prices of gas and elec tric light Is one redeeming feature of the present situation provided the quality ofiiji.onr " the service be not proportionate!)' cheap-' er.ed. Itlvnl I.IkIiIIuk Cfinian I'robnlile. The dissatisfaction and agitation wnlch 1 nmt r.ecessarllv a riff from the condltt jns 1 mint necessarily arlrc from the conditions to which I have referred are likely to re- ' suit in the organization of a rival company and will certainly pave the way eventually ? the way eventually Ion of all such diffi-. p and operation of .eJNeCllle. ee. , rll- to the inevitable solution of all such diffi culties, city ownershl both light and water n! In addition to the uerDlexltles necesarllr Incident to the relocation of all our street Hlflernhlv heavier exriense to the cltv. Vou arc charged with the responslbfllty of acting In this matter. Therefore, 1 can only Jrge that no radical a change be made onlv after a thorough censideration of the public Interests. t have ' vour attention longer than I Intended, but have merely glan-ed I at the more lmportant affairs which icon- cern us as officers of the clt. -Much MM been omitted, nut otner matter". posmiy of muni or greater moment than tnoee to which 1 have Teferred. can be discussed In thy future as occasion may demand. '.'nncrutulutea the City. Council Bluffs Is to be congratulated uf'n her commercial growth, substantial im provement and a splendid gain In popiM tion With wise management of city af faire a bright future Is assured o thoe o foritnate as to be numbered among her citizens. Such differences as nave existed Deiwe-n tht. council and myself have been merely ltmie which naturally arose as to wnat at best for the Interests of the city, and the dlrterent methods by v lilch those retults ahculd be attained. rermtt me to say in closing mat i Re lieve we are all animated by a sincere de sire to promote the welfare of our cl: . I trust our efforts may .'.'e to strengthen h' credit and advance her rrestlge. en- NtandliiK Committees. The mayor announced these standing committees for the year: Finance McDonald, Hammer. Boyer. Judiciary Lougec. Clark, Ixivett. Claims and Printing Brown, I.ovett, Hammer. Bridges and City Property Hammer, Boyer, Clark. Streets and Alleys Huber, McDonald, Lougee. Fire and Lights Boyer. I.ougee, Huber. Police and Health Iavett. Brown, Mc Donald. Waterwcrks Clark, Huber. Brown. N. C. Phillips was unanimously re-elected city clerk and tbe same good fortune tell to John L Tcropleton for chief of the flre department. Janses G. Bradley was re elected city electrician. A. K. Avery was elected street super visor on the second ballot. Charles Burke was re-elected poundmaster. A. E. Fellcn treter was elected poll tax collector. Dr. H. B. Jennings was unanimously re elected city physician, as was Julius John son for custodian of the city hall. J. I.. Carlson was elected sidewalk in spector without opposition. The recommendation of the committee of the whole as to the location of the electric lights under tbe new contract was con curred in after a few minor changes bad been made and lamps at these new loca tions were ordered Eighth street and Third fcvenut. Avenue M and Eighth street, Falrvlew avenue and Third street, Avenue G and Twenty-first street, Stutsman and Clinton streets, Broadnay, near (iunn school house; Ninth avenue and Fourteenth street and Park avenue, near Kccllnc resi dence. JCWiMKVr FOB IIO.WIII III 1,1.. Mrs. Annn Kelley Mny Sell Ciond of tillhert J. Morlclt. Justice Bryant handed doun his decision yesterday morning In the attachment suit of Mrs. Anna Kelley of First avenue against Gilbert J. Mnffett, the convicted Insurance wludler to secure a board bill of 1:5, find ing for the plaintiff and glvlug her Judg ment for the amount and costs. The costs amount to $46. 45. The court issued a special execution against the gcods at tached and they will be sold by the officer of the court. It Is believed that they will not realize tbe amount of the board bill, much less tbe costs. The trial of the rase lasted seven days and was bitterly con tested by Mrs, Moffctt. .Mnrrlatte Licenses, Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to tbe following! Name nnd Ilcsldenrc. George AlliFon. Douglas county, Neb. Edna V. Emory, riprinslleld. II) I,ews W, Nelson. Pottawattamie Eliza J. Acton, Pottawattamie Frenk Hager. South Omaha Nellie Vanrierwater, Omaha,., Age. .. 40 .. i; .. u .. 19 .. :i .. i Rubber stamps at DeLong'i, 307 B'way, A new m heel and Just tbe one you have aUays wanted. Read Tbe Bee wheel offer. lights the council Is callel upon to decide I ivy: !' " n LEAD PIPE MEN' GO OnirH-rC Usica FiBattn Ltj Dews Tooli P:dig MEETING B SET FOR OMAHA TONIGHT Inrstlon nf strlklna Then t He De cided Three l-arjrr i:niilolnn Firms Kefuse to Arcrpt .Neiv cle. The onioa plumbers have not ytt de clared a strike, but they laid down their tool! yesterday morning and notified the bosses that they would' not work pendla a settlement af the questions la controversy. A racctlag of the Omaha union, to which th union plumbers of Council Bluffs belong wilt be held thU evening, whea It will fcr deterained whether a strike In thU city wtll te called or not. city employing ualon men hate declared: pay these eertlacates of depotlt without 1 their lnteatioa of absolutely refusing to'dcr of court which would protect tha acrert the new scale and rules as submitted ', trom further liability. Judge Wheeler's by their xaec. The manager of one of the decree gives Mrs. Frederick judgment for Una aald yesterday hit company would go ae amounts of the .arloas cerMScates of oat of bulc flrt hefore it would accede ! detslt and releases the banks from to the demands of the unloa plumbers. None of the shops were serlouly lucon venlcnecd by the walk out yesterday as tbe union men's places were ailed temporarily with noaeci9s men. Carpenter Itefer Tiielr Trouble. The threatened strike of the union car- centers did aot materialize. The matter has been referred to the national befly and I It win be thirty days before any action is taken by the local men. Tbe master car penters say they will not and cannot pay a "at scale of X cents an hour. Some of then, offered to pay JJ4 cents. l.Mrolt.MITV or K.T linoiv.v. Board of Count) ,Supervlora vatse elmol Voir, Can-I The Board of County Supervisors on con visors on coo- for the April vening yesterday afternoon session cantassed the vote cast at the re cent school election In the country dis tricts on the question of uniformity of text books. The canvass showed that the propo sition had been defeated by iiZ votes. The vote in tbe school districts was as follows- For. Against d.ii,... xulomlr ' carson Carson Center Crescent .. Garner Gro'e Hardin .... Hazel Dell lj 1 4 James tr te creek ?noi ivton ,-4-i I?wls Macedonia Mlnden .... NeoU NorwaUc j,T.fnrd Valley Washington Waveland .. V? vJJ- Jlrii'' hil.,r (Ind.). pVriervtiu i ""'ft?'" tfnnr v.:v:::":"""::::: : M OUn t VrHOIl Lincoln Center 1 S tit The board decided to leave the considera tion of tho smallpox bills until today. Tbeic bills It Is estimated will figure up close to J,000. The principal ones are: Dr. V. I.. Treynor. caring for patients in Council Bluffs, Sl,2&0; Dr. S. D. Tobcy, caring for patI.ntl! , Washington township, Dr. . , ,,0 .Rnn. i mi .u Dr Stephenson, caring for patients In Gar ner tonshlp, .350: Dr, D. Williams, J100; Woman's Christian association for expenses It was put In connection with tbe quaran tine of tbe hospital. J3S3.S0. John Trauttaan, owner of tbe Atlantic house, which as quarantined for fifty-two days, has put In a claim for J437. He asks to be paid J312 for the services of himself wife and hired girl during tbe period of quarantine. For the use of sixteen beds and other furniture be wants JIM and J25 for fifty bushels of potatoes, which tbe boarders ate during tbe same ttme. Tbe bill submitted by tbe city amounts to 11,612.55. which Includes I3W for their nurse at tbe pestbouse who receives J5 a day. City Treasurer True, who acted as purchasing agent for tbe city, estimates that over 100 persons were supplied with the necessaries of life at a cost of about 50 cents a day a head. Applications for the Janltorsblp at the county court house were filed by T. H. Riley. George L. Hill and Heoxy Peterson. The board passed a resolution to tbe effect that all applicants for the position be ac quired to furnish a certificate from J. C. Blxby, state boiler inspector, ibat he is a qualified engineer J. J. Ferguson submitted a proposition to ferret out property subject to taxation, omitted from assessment, at a remuneration of 15 per cent of all moneys received into the county treasury through bis efforts. vkto n v MAYO II ji:.vmm:s. Declines to He a Party to Klilrnn'k tn Brewery ;irt or Mayor Jennings returned unsigned the ordinance vacating three feet of the side walk of the west side of Scott street for the benefit of the Omaha Brewing asso ciation, which desires to erect a three story building on the site of the old Non pareil structure, recently purchased by It. His reasons for refusing to attach bis sig nature to the measure were given In an accompanying communication, which In part was a follows. Although a motion was passed by the Clty council requesting me to withhold my slgna. lure until (erjaln papers were filed by the parties Interested In the passage of this ordinance tho ordinance Is, In my opinion, so detrimental to the public Interests that I return It unsigned, an otherwise II might become a law by lapse of time. The ducts of the city are dedicated to the use of the public and while the city council may the right to vacate a portion of a street for private purposes, as a matter of public policy I do not deem It advisable. The streets are held In trust by the city for the use and benefit of the pub lie anil for the council to give away imy portion of a street for private purposes would. In my Judgment, establish' a inn) precedent. Although cases have arien where streets crossed railroad yards and depot grounds, that the public Interests were best conserved by cloning or vacating some of them. It Is urged In support of the passage of this ordinance that It would bn no greater dertlment to the public use to have the building projvosod to be erected to cover the estra three feet than It would to have the building bjllt in the property lines and give an area way on tho sidewalk, but there Is very material difference between the two propositions, When permission 1m granted for the use of an areaway that permission and the. right to use tht areaway under men permission Is at all times sebject to revision and reclslon by the city council when the Interests of the public to demand and said area way could In xuch event be closed and the encroachment terminate, but If this ordinance becomes a law it forever prohibits the public to use said three-foot strip, These conditions establish a vast dif ference between the passage of thin ordi nance and the granting of an areaway Again, the granting of urea ways or per mits for private parties to use and monopo. llze any portion of any street r sidewalk should he granted only In extreme and ex traordinary cases. It creates dangerous places Ir 'he sidewalks and is likely ct un and alt tlmea to be the cause of serious damage suits against the city and as a mat- 1 1 II .. f-nr r- 1 .".-li'ged ir n c' the p.-r'e rtxht tn th street and sdewalk. j an-3 suoulo rnx hi f 'inr jn im public of their fre ard i.r trammeled ue. JlDCiF. WHIUlLP.It l TllltKI!. elcd nlth n tlilll :n Court. He It Ubllaed to Take tn lied. Shortly tefore the scon adjournsaent yesterday Judce Wheeler of tbe district court was taken with a chill and was en able to bold court la the .ifternoon. Last etcnlac he was tick Is bed and It ts sot expected tint he will be able to take hit teat on the reach today. Judge Wheeler basded don his decision in the suit of Mrs. Anaa Kredcrkksoa. ad ministratrix of the estate of her brother. John Henry Thomat, agalait several banks la thU city. Oraaha and South Omaha, find ing fer the plaintiff. Thotcit was found dead one morning about a year ago In a little hout'e where be lived alone la tbe western part of the city. He was a man of eccentric habits and inveetlg'itlen of hit eSccts showed tha: he hai deposited nosey tn a number ct baaks under as sumed namel. The baaks declined to tiabllltv. The amount called fcr by the eer. ideates of deposit aggregate several thousand dollars. In the divorce suit of Mrs. Cora Salowski against J N. Salowski the tsotlsa on be half of the defendant to set asi je tbe de fault taken Sj his wife was submitted and sustained. tv. enr n. ,v.. ..1. , mtnlstrator of the drug stock of the late ' Erasmus C. Browa for ?TS ni:.i)v k i'ii k i:..mi' i.tK.Tin. Council lllurt oon Unites .cedr! K 11 nil to Secure llrlunilr. ! The money needed to secure the brlgaiel encampment of the Ioa National suarJi., for Touncil Rlutfs has been rr.irti,ttv ell secured. Captain Tlnley wrote yesterday, . ,0 Adjuuat General flyers notifying him of the fat iDi aklnK nm ,0 rom. h,ff ani. select the location of the camr. The committee from the city council ex - pect to have the balance of the $500 '1 staneo out to raise suoscrioed for today. The boys of Company L hac raised Jv93.i0 and have about JIM more In sight. Thvae are the subscriptions secured by Com pany L- John G. Woodard. K Smith A- Bradley. Peterson A- Schoening, Kdward Rogers. Hoist a: Spetman. Grand hotel and John Berio & Co., IS each. Jacob Neumcyer. US. Groneweg A- Schoentgen. W. Moore. W. W. Rogers. BlJff City laundry. Peter Jen sen. Victor Jensen. I. M. Treynor. B. M. Sargent. S. 8 McAtee. James A Haver stock. Evans laundry. Peter Smith. K. t. Peregoy. A. Metzger. J. W. Plnnell. Coun cil Bluffs Coal and Ice company. Metcalf & Metcalf. C. Hafer Andy Hahn. Fred Gelse and C J Dobbin, ri" each. J. C Blxby. Stephen Bros.. E. H. Sheafe, Frank Levin. L. C Brackett. G. T. Pheljis, .... . ..... 1 Will Laux. Hansen & wesner. r . t. Sel- lers. E H Weatherby. T Woo'.sey. Rosn- teldt & Co. C. H. Huber. James P.uberg. uvii .Morgan, iiariei a: .Miner, jm kc toiler. Seth May. R. V Green, Boston store C A Riley. Mlnnlck A- Son. C. J. Cronkleton. Waferlnn f'reamerv ntntnanr. l-!dvarit Meyers. D. . Bushneli. John Erickson, W . 1 il. Goodrich. 15 each. 1. .mucci ana ftiocKeri carpet company. i each. 1 H. Schmidt. I2.M. ' William Powers. W. C. fnthank. Albert Downs. Frank Peterson, Hansen A Nelson, , ti each. George Green. Mike Sullivan. Edward Anderson. George Davis, George Fletcher Green Bros.. Bell A- Son. R. R, Mct'ormit. M. Solomon. Charles LJnKley and fa. b. Keller, II each. .Vevr Ilnltrnnil nf cien .Ml Irs. MANCHESTER. la., April 1. The Man- Chester & Oneida railroad will be com- pleted by July 1. The new road will be j seven miles long, running from this city I to Oneida, in this county. The Manchester Construction company, which has the con tract to construct the line, has contracted with the Chicago Great Western Railway company for 5W tons of steel to be deliv ered at Oneida by June 1. The grading, i which was nearly completed last fall, will ' be finished as soon as the ground is in proper condition for such work. The con- ' etructlon company is making arrangements for tbe rolling sto:k and tbe rtgbt of way Is nearly all fenced. It is the intention to have a big Fourth ot July celebration In Manchester In honor of tbe completion of the line. IOW I i:WJ ll FIFTH IVK. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Mutt Bear Signature of 5 PacStaUla Wrapper Below. T; small ami aa tmf V take as rafxj. FOR NEAIACRL FIR DIZZINESS. FOR IILIOUSHESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION CURE SICK HEADACHE. A SKIN OF BEAUTV IS A JOY FOXbVESt DR.T. FELIX GGT.UUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM. OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES. llrr.9vi Tn, Pltnp'.n, rrecklf. Moth ratcht in lth nd Skin rtli 11 fief, and ivtn yblfmlih on tut, am ctntf qftr. Hir. It has stool thu tit o? Sj )fr. and li to harmleii -x taitt it to b un ! proMny mal. Accept no countfr. I(lt of lm!'r name. Dr U A Sam raid to a la. dr of th baut-ton (a catlcntl! "As you ladles will us thsm. I recom. mn1 'OOmAl'D'S CHEAM' as the least harmful of all thf Skin preparations." Kov hf bv all Druggists ant Fancy Goodt iJPairrB in me u. n. ana luuropc. rciiu. i. iiui-ri i.t. rroD'r. r, Great Jones St.. N. T. WOMAN'S CROWNING GLORY It lr halt, IfCrif r l!rur.l, Il cts ait.. toffl I. IU M ttM. lajury ItK.alla Imperial Hair Regenerator THE STANDARD HAIR COLORIV,, It tttalutily hirwiUM. A.y tid.r4 C jl.r fait. i4 ONE AfrtfATION I.ASTi Mi 'VT its. &4ipAlc cl Vfrt hair efilolt A tttt Imperial Chom Mfc Co , 133 W I31 St , N V, eoia iy an aruggista ana nairaresssrs. ICARTERS iTTLE Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure Some people wonder why pepain pre para tkons dca t help their dyspepsia. They probah'.y sjger becatj. they can't digest foods that pepsin .does not a2e. The reason is, pepsin digests only nitrogenous fooiu while different substances are required to digest th variety of other foods necessary for proper nourish men t- Kodol Dyspepsia Cure contains all tbe digestants, and is capable of completely digesting every kind of food. That is why it digests what you eat and illoffi too to cat all the variety you want; and that is why it cure indigestion, even after everything else has failed. Aa it is the only preparation of the kind known, the de mand for it has become enormous. Its use affords in stant relief from all forms of stomach trouV.e. It can't help but do you good Prepared by C C DaWltt A Co., Catcajo. The tl. bottle cosulna -S Uses the c tjm. When jrou sailer from biheutne-s or cotv'tina'inn r the (aaocs L'ilt k vr pill known as OeWltt's Little EARLY RISERS. They atr; s-rlj FEEL HALF WELL? J Take Mull's Grape Tonic The crusted f.-dit laxative Tr.u New V.v-Jer for bad health irci 'or any system joa ll fael Eoiter. Drura's jc. The LlghttilnK Medicine Co., Rock l.-s. Mulls L ghttfng Pain Killer ores M Wt I , John Bewo &fo. -asaaaaaaasaaiaawraVere-etjk jLarwBErzsaeKmaaZr4mmmm i I t , , 1, , ; J j 1 L COUNCIL ;jj Easter Sale Todsiv w.' place on sale bun. iu all the m-w sliailes. price. All this week: S-lnch all-tlk Taffeta Ribb 11. yd.?- 1; No. 7 eft. -tlx Taffeta R:br- - S;inch all-sljk TafleU Ribbon vd.ISc , No . aii-?!l Tala P. bh, - No. . all-silk Taffeta Rlbbsn, yd Jc , No 1 all-silk Tffe:a R:c ; I'aiicy .Strips Taffrtas. for Xock Kibbnus and Tics. 15c Easter Glove Sale , 1 . I .'I The Glove Sale will continue all this week. All siz . and all the new shades. Your Kaster (Moves for onh 5'J cents a pair. MAIL OKDEI.S PROMPTLY ni.LED." . 1 I t ' i I JOnPV A.MAYER'S i &EiA''Uf74 " fi-.-'rer a -i ice,. -ur-i. V! PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail odd 5 cents for postage. Advice to Office Seekers. April and Mar are the months whea most prople do their raovln-. The prospects are that the demand for of f;c,,n Oraaha was never so sreat as It will be this sprlnc There are not - jreat many rooms vacant In The .Bee Building but there are isior.t thera several which are particularly choice, one !. "tly in front of the elevator on the .tn floor; one on the lt floor next to the entrance to The Bee business of fice, a suite of three rooms on the Ird fcor. and a very- large ofnre and vault on the (.-round fieor facia lth stteet. Besides these, there are fcur cr mailer rooms la vartoua u-rts of the building. The rents are reasonable and tho tervtce perfect R. C. PETERS & CO., RENTAL AGENTS, Ground Flcor, Bte BnUilinr. Orruhi. Get Ahead of the Spring Rush For Offices. QOHANY THEATERA Tutsday, Ipril 2 KIMDKMIC OK V X. Vou arc unite I to eo JAMKS V M CAHB l:t Maloney's Wedding Day1 The onlv real laiichlnK hIiow of tin. season The funnlrst uffwlr tlu eer' happened. !lrices-I3c. 35c, 10c ' FRECKLES POSITIVir.v BPaanwcr. POSITIVELY REMOVED Ccmpteta mocth'a trtatmtnt wita fall dlmetlcsa will t protcpt it rcrvardud br prcraid tigirtn oa receipt ef Jlw. Call or w.-t JOHN H. WO0DBU3Y. a3 TjaTKT.,CtlSCAlH- Digests what yo Eat ' a-.l Ag-.e f BLUFFS. Taffeta Ribbons thic line of all silk TaJIVta Kib- all widths, at spocial .alo 1 5c Vd. RE -NO -MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayar Company, 316 Bes Bid? CURE YOURSELF! j.1'.? Bli,i'rral ltKaiw.iataxtB atiea. 11MNI,kiH, MEN NO OUHE NO PAY. i ' yvn a. vim l v. r it v"tv. Vvuv ..4 ' V4 . -AMI, 1,4, tv UirirCPX TANSY. PILLS SS." " 1 X " 11 ' ' i Prog Co. CURSEDRINK 1.t at'rt viiBi ta . .r! wa lo aar I'SSld n it a r". I latir.r.ti ii it hiiu.u A MwvvJt.,ii4 Tuuu t CIn , "iuXt'i faVC tiutOlsctCo t 5