Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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April's Dawn Prmitth Practical Joktr to
Get in Hi's Work.
lilllli Tiling t.lkc l.linlniruiT tin-cue
on Your Hlrmibrrr MiortcnUe
mil Nnlt In Your CoITim.
.Vol Count Turin).
If you null a piece of llmburger cheeso
out of your vest pocket today when you
reach for street car fare, look wise and
keep quiet. If ou crush a raw vkh In the
too of your rubber, don't sny n word, for
It's the first of April nnd everything rocs.
Thin Is the dny when fat purses i?row on
wirings nnd float away from the man with
tho boardltiR-houso reach. I'urses also have
i fashion of cementing themselves to tho
Hldcwolk so firmly on this April day that
Sandow and all his Imitators could not cits
tingngo them.
If you nro not fond of olectrlcnl treatment
he careful when you go to tho water cooler.
Tho metal rhaln which holds tlm cup may
hnvo ennncrted Itself tip with n llvo vlro
that will rIvc you a sensation akin to that
of Mldim when his lips turned water to
Look Out for Mill.
Tint limit who j;cts sugar In his coffco
today must either llvo In n childless house
or ono where tho salt supply Is under lock
it ml key. And ibc fellow'who doesn't havo
a (rightful lilg-hcnd sensation when ho
pulls ten i en ins of paper from under hltf
liRthand Is Mop ncKlccted and should
hustln 'around and find u youiiKster who will
put him In touch with tho day.
When you go on tho street bo n Rood
fellow. If you sen nn Innocent looking
pucikagy on tlid walk, kick at It with all
your might. Korgct nil about your corns,
tako a running start and kick as though
Harvard nnd Y.tlo had tied and tho gamo
depended on tho goal you nro about to
land betwcMi tho crimson poles. Tho
thnuccH aro that thero aro only ten brick
bats In tho puckago. The Ingrown nail on
your big too may not tako kindly to tho
Impact, but n good punt will mnko nn awful
tear with the thirteen red-faced youngsters
who aro rubbering around the grocery utoro
Tonight when you crawl Into a bed filled
with rlco and pinpoints don't say anything
that Is out of harmony with tho Lenten
season. Just shut your eyes and think
prayerfully of inn millions of people who
havo gono against tho April fool game
slnco tho tlmo of Adam. Itoll qver on all
tho pins thruo times by way of doing
ponanco for all the April fool stunts you
ever promoted nnd drop a tear of sympathy
for tho pcoplo who found no love tokens In
their beds.
Mnjr Kncouiitrr Pepper.
Should you find u high grade of Mis
sissippi cotton in tho Oraham gem you
blto Into at dinner, consolo yourself with
the thought that wool would tusto worse.
If your soup has so much red pepper in It
that a spoonful mukes you think you are
a arc-enter, boar In mind tho fact Ihut
popper Is a grcnt preventative of fever and
don't say anything sharp to tho Uttlo red
faced doctor ,dowu at tho foot of the table.
Oreat caro should bo exercised In an
swering telephones on April Pool's day.
When a young woman calls you up to test
the 'phono and asks you to speak in .1
whisper at a dlstanco of four feet from
tho lefthaud corner of the receiver, be
iilierflcnt., ou,.you may disappoint some
body. And when sho asks you to stand on
your head and say "I love you" In a
falsetto volco you must do it. The tele
phone company may have to go out of busi
ness If the wires aren't properly tested.
In caso anything ruffles your temper so
badly that profanity must be used on some
body, turn your effusions looso on tho man
Ihut Invented April Fool's day. It Is not
likely that you will cause any near relative
to turn over In his grave, for April Fool's
day has been celebrated since tho days of
ancient Home. Tho origin of All Fools'
day is not known. Cacsur probably found
cocklo burrs In his sandals many a time
oit tho 1st of April.
IIott the Hindoos Do,
Tho feast of Hull, celebrated by Iho
Hindoos, terminates on All Fools' day mid
Is observed In much tho same fashion as
tho American April Fools' day. Today
tho llrnhmln priests come out of their
shells and Join In a general merrymaking.
Persons aro sent with messages to people
who nro sure to bo away from home and
many other Impostures aro Indulged In,
In England April fooling has been com
mon since tho time of Sir HIehard Steele
(1C71-1729). Tho Spectator is full of refer
ences to tricks played on All Fools' day.
In Franco tho day was universally ob
served at an earlier dato than In England.
A man who Is the butt of a Joko In England
Is n gawk. In Franco thu victim of n Joke
ts called an April fish, but In tho United
Slates he is a plain sucker.
One of tho commonest April fool Jokes
In England Is to send a letter by a dupe,
who s instructed to wait for an answer.
The answer Is n second uoto to a third
person, saying:
"It Is the 1st of April. Send the fool
nnnther mile."
The dupo Is kept going until ho tires ot
tho endless chain or Is told of the Joke.
Dean Swift, tho famous author of "GMI-J
liver a Travels," invented tho biggest April
fool hoax that wab over circulated In Eng
land. He circulated the report that n man
who had been hanged on March .11 whs re
suscitated tho next day by a friend. The
story gained wldo circulation nnd crested
much excitement before the public realized
that It had been duped.
Have You
Been 111?
If very sick, you had a
doctor. That's right. We be
lieve in doctors. They are
among our best friends.
Now that you are recover
ing, don't you think that a
- bottle or two of Ayer's Sarsa
parilla would do you great
good? Askyour doctor about
it and do just as he says.
We believe he will tell you
' that this blood-purifying and
nerve-strengthening medicine
is just what you need.
It will certainly take out all
the impurities in your blood,
caused by your sickness, and
will make you feel better in
everyway. n.Mtntu. aimuuuu.
' J. C. JLYKtt CO., Umell, Mm.
South Omaha News I
Tomorrow will he election day nnd as
only one tax commissioner nnd three mem
bers of tho Hoard of Education are to bo
elected It I3 thought the result wilt be
known early, probably not later than 10
P. m.
Hero Is a list of tho voting precincts ns
designated by Mayor Kelly In his procla
mation Issued on March 22;
First Wunl First precinct, Slo.iiu build
In ft. Twenty-llfth street, near N streets Sec
ond precinct, new Tavcnder building, Twenty-fourth
street, near .1 street; Third pre
elnrt. Collins' music store, Twenty-fuurth
anil K streets.
Second Wunl-First product, ttcmor'H ho
tel. Twenty-fifth street, between N nml O
streets; Second precinct, Hoffman building,
Tweiity.flist and Q street; Third preclnel,
Urnadwell-Hleh coal ofllce, Albright.
Third Wnrd-Flrst precinct, llvnns' hotel,
1 wenty-elghth and It streets; Second pre
clnti Kllker building, Thirtieth nnd (J
Fourth Wnrd-Mort'fl barn, Thirty-second
nnd K streets.
Asldo from the election of three members
of the Hoard of Education Uttlo Interest
seems to be taken In tho election. Ncnrly
everyone concedes tho election of Uennctt
ns tax commissioner and therefore tho At
tention of voters Is centered on the other
candidates. Mr. llonnett Is generally con
sidered the right man for tho place and
It Is figured that ho wilt poll the highest
vote of any candidate on the ticket.
Thoso who hnve been watching tho situ
ation clocly assert that there Is 110 doubt
but the entire republican school board tic
ket will bo elected. Mead, Oilmen and
Hlch arc all well and favorably known and
their election will mean that the manage
ment of school district affairs will bo In
tho hands of republicans and business men
of staudlng. As tho women will bo per
mitted to votu without teglsterliig It Is ex
peeled Jhls class of vole will be large. Tho
republicans will havo plenty of carriages
and nn effort will bo mado to get out a
heavy vote, especially for school directors.
Republican tallies will bo tonight In
Kclls' hall, Twenty-fourth and N streets;
Koutsky's hall, Twentieth nnd Q streets;
Wnynu building, Twenty-sixth aud I'
streets; Evans' hall, Twenty-eighth and It
streets, and nt Hex hall, Thirty-third nnd I.
streets. Thcso rallies will be presided over
by woll known local republicans and can
didates will be expected to sneak In each of
.tho halls mentioned.
Comment 011 llriinrtl'N Cnml Idnr
Editor Dennett of the South Omaha Dally
Sun has this to say of W. A. Ilcnnett, re
publican candidate for tax commissioner:
'There nre no republican bolters on Hen
nolt'e nomination. While thero arc repub
licans who do not like tho idea of thu
parly going into a packing house to pick
out an assessor, they know that Mr. Ilcn
nett la too honest and too Independent
to permit his work ns assessor to be In
fluenced by tho corporations. Dennett Is
under no obligations to tho packers. Ho
docs his wqrk nnd cams his salary, Just
as any other man, nnd besides -he has
wealth enough to render him entirely In
different to the wishes of his employers In
matters pertaining to the public welfare.
Ills laes aro henvy enough to show him
that the corporations aro now getting oft
entirely too lightly, and knowing this Ilcn
nett is Just the kind of a man to go ahead
and fix the nssessinent properly nnd with
Justice In view, for In public life he has
always tried to do what was right, regard
less of, criticism."
Xo Council Mrt'tliiK.
While tho city council Is billed for a
meeting tonight It was reported 0:1 tho
streets yesterday that a few members would
meet and adjourn until Wednesday evening.
As tonight la tho last of the local cam
paign tho councllmen nnttirally want to at
tend somo of the numerous rallies. Should
tho council meet Wednesday evening It Is
thought an ordlnanco will be Introduced re
disricting tho city Into six wards, When
this Is passed It will then devolve upon
Mayor Kelly Jo appoint two members of the
council. From tho tlmo the city Is redls
trlctcd tho representation In the council
will bo six Instead of eight, ns nt preseut.
In speaking of making these appointments
Mayor Kelly said a day or two ago that ho
had not considered the matter seriously nnd
rnthty dreaded tho time when he would bo
called upon to do so.
Work for Tn (.'oniinlKxIoiii'r.
In defining tho duties of the tax com
missioner tho chailor provides that the
commissioner shall devoto all of hie tlmo
to the city and that his duties, ns well ns
salary, are to bo regulated by ordinance.
As It will take only about four months
In the year for tho commissioner to do his
woik It has been suggested by some mem
bers of the council that the commissioner
put In his time assisting In the city treas
urer's office. In this connection a mem
ber of the city government said yesterday
ho would consider It a good move to havo
the tax commissioner devote nt least a
share of his time to the collection of per
Bonn! taxes. It this Is done the receipts
of the office can be greatly Increased aud
without any particular expense to the city.
rilxurrnlil I.otv Mnn.
Politicians have It figured out that Fitz
gerald, democratic candidate for tax com
missioner, will bo low man In tho three
cornered fight tomorrow. It is asserted
that members of the labor unions will sup
port Shields aud that this will detract
largely from tho vote of Fitzgerald,. Many
of the laboring men nro displeased at the
nctlon of Fitzgerald In , rcmonstrntlns
against tho placing of Shields' name on
tho ticket, nnd for this reason they will
voto for Shields with n vlow to making
Flt7gerald the low man on the ticket.
FuurrHl of Dr. .1. 51, (ilnunn,
Servlrcs over tho body of Dr. John M.
Glasgow will bo from the First Presby
terian church, Twenty-fifth and J Btreeta,
nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. Hov Dr. It. L.
Wheeler of the Prcsbyteilsn church will
Members of Deo Hlvo lodge of tho Mn
sons will have charge. All mombers of
this lodge are to meet nt Masonlo hall nt
1:30 o'clock. Hurlal will be In Laurel Hill
Pure II red Slm-W Sal en.
Tho following public sales of pure bred
live stock will bo held nt tho yards hero
this week
Tuesday, April 2-R. F. McKllllp. Cam.
bridge, Nob,, Hereford cattle.
Tuesday, April 2 It. F. McKllllp, Cam
bridge, Neb,, l'oland-Chlna hogs.
Wednesday, April 3-E. It. Stangland,
Marathon, la., shorthorn cattle.
-tlnilo CM- (foKNlii.
A banquet will lx given Lieutenant Clov
ernor Suvuge nt Manor's cafe tomorrow
night. Mayor Kelly will preside,
The annual meeting or the congregation
of tho First Frosbyterlan church will bo In
the church tonight.
Tho first meeting of the confirmation class
of the Episcopal church was In the rectory
guild hull yesterday nftrrnoon, Tho cluss
will bo confirmed April 2S.
It Is expected tho four county assessors
elected hist fall will begin work today.
The united labor party will h.tve ft rnlly.ln
tllllesplo's hall, Thirty-second and Q streets,
Our Woinnii'M Ixurrimrt; Midi m Grip
Whllo suffering with a severe attack of
the grip and threatened with pneumonia,
Mrs. Annlo H. Coolcy o Mlddlonold, Conn.,
began using Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy
and was very much benefited by its use.
Tho pains in the chest soon disappeared,
I ha rough became loose, expectoration easy
and In a short time sho was ns well as
ever Mrs, Cooley says she cannot speak
too highly In pralso of this remedy. It Is
lor tale by all druggists.
Secretarj Gg Interriewad on Growing Ac
cumulatioa of Ctefa.
Will I, ft I'iiiiiIm Pile I l In the Vault
Hit I lice i h nn Accede to
Any i:iirliHunl
Demit iidx.
WASHINGTON, March 31. Secretary
Oage was questioned today as to his prob
able action with respect to tho cash accu
mulations In the treasury, and particularly
as to whether he contemplated buying
bonds for tho sinking fund. .
"The country would like to know," it
was stated to tho secretory, "whether tho
accumulation of money In the treasury
which seems to be going on will not operato
to the prejudlco of general business ulfalis.
Your estimate ts Hint there will be a sur
plus of recolpts over expenditures for tho
fiscal year ending Juno SO next of nbout
$S0,O0O,0fO. Your statement published yes
terday shous that some $40,000,000 of that
sum nlrendy has been realized. This would
Indlcnto flint within tho next three months
110,000,000 more of cash will bo 'gathered
Into tho treasury from the general money
market "
Tho Sccictnry The estlmutcs you
of wero mado before the last session of
congress nnd havo been modified by events
nnd by congressional nctlon. It Is not now
contemplated that tho year's surplus will
bo over $60,000,000. A falling off In re
ceipts or Inrger disbursements than have
been estimated for may also further modify
the effect to which you point.
Question Well, Mr. Secretary, oven
then It seems that the cash holding of thu
ticasury will bo Increased by some $20,000,-
000 between now uud Juno 30. Aro you
willing to state whether you would or
could do anything to retlevo general affairs
should they bo adversely affected by the
tleup ot money In tho trensuiy?
Two I'ohhIIiIp Method.
The Secretary There nre only two meth
ods open to get surplus funds 'out of tho
treasury vnults. Ono Is to Increase treas
ury deposits In tho national bank de
positories; tho other Is to buy ifulted
Stntes bonds. Tho latter Is moro con
sistent with government Interests than tho
former, since in buying bonds interest on
the public debt Is by so much stopped.
Thu dopartment, however, would not feel
Justified In buying bonds other than thoso
which will mature nnd become subject to
payment within the next seven years, At
a 'proper price It would no doubt bo will
ing to buy theso nnd thus relievo tho
treasury from n surplus which, ns you
a.siime, might, under somo conditions, bo
prejudicial to general business aflalrs. At
tho present quoted rates for tho short
bonds, I do not think tho secretary would
bo -Justified In buying bonds. The Cs at
tho price yield nn Investment return of
only t.03 per cent; tho short Is, per
cent; the 3 per cents of 190S, 1.34 per
cent, while tho now 2 per rents, nt their
present price, yield a higher Investment
roturn, 1.73 per cent. Now It Is well
known nnd au acknowledged fact lhata
long-time government bond, everything else
being equal, 1 worth relatively moro than
a short-time bond. The present disparity
to the contrary, nevertheless, is illogical
If not artificial, nnd nt their present prlco
tho secretary will not buy them.
'Not (0 Ineiensp llnnk l)eMmlt.
Question As an alternative would you
not Increase the deposit of publlo moneys
with the banks?
Tho Secretory No, that would aggravate,
in somo particulars, the situation to which
1 have Just referred. To qualify as deposi
tories the banks would have to buy and de
posit bonds, Tho effect would ho to set up
a competition, by tho aid of the government,
against tho government in tho purchase, of
securities already abnormally high. We arc
now advancing toward the period ot the
year when there Is apt to be a money ple
thora Instead of a money scarcity, so I do
not sco that It will do any particular harm
If money accumulates In the treasury. The
reduction In taxation will, whon It becomes
operative, partially or wholly cure tho pres.
ont tendency toward a congestion In tho
treasury. To put the matter In n nutshell:
If It bn n choice between buying bonds at
an artificial prlco and letting funds accumu
late In tho treasury, tho latter will occur,
nor will the department advcrtlso for offer
ings of bonds. To do so, I am satisfied,
would be fruitless In results, if, however,
the department t'fin from tlmo to tlmo buy
the short bonds at nn Investment rato real
izable to tho Investor who buys tho new 2
per cents, It will not hestliste to do so,
should the present market price for the uow
2s remain about on the present basis.
Arm on cm cut Completed for (lie Or
cmoii' to Occur In Inns
April II.
WASHINGTON, March 31. Arrangements
for tho ceremonies attending the unveiling
ot thu statue, of (lenurnl John A. Logan In
Iowa clrclo April !) have been completed by
Colonel Theodore A. Dlngham, superin
tendent ot public buildings and grounds.
On account of the few regular troops avail
able tor use In connection with the unveil
ing ceremonies only a provisional regi
The Most Complete-
Piano Stock In tho West
Can ho found nt mir stilus room It
comprises nil the leaders and numerous
others Knabo plnnon, Kimball pianos,
Krnulcli & pianos, llallet & Davis
pianos, Needliain pianos, McPliall
pianos, Whitney pianos, Schumann
pianos Wo have pianos on very onfy
monthly payments from ?."i,00 per month
Fully warranted for ten years Ask to
nee tliu wonderful and only successful
self-plnylnj; piano tUtnohment APOLLO
-Plibue 188.
Music and Ait. 1513-1515 Douglas,
Mechanic's Shoes
nro necessarily mado of much heavier
leather and with heavy soles-on ac
count ot the much usnxu they nro
bound to receive. Wo havo a heavy
throo-solo mechanics' shoo made of
good, honest leather nnd mado the
Klmpe ot tho foot -In tho plain, round
tocs-laee only that wo have priced nt
only JfU'.OO-the uppers of this shoo will
stand two pairs of half soles and wo
rt'conunend thorn to thoso who have to
bo on their feet much.
Drexel ShoeCo.,
Cnlalnuue Seui Frco fur tlir Aaklni;,
Oiualm's Up-to-dnle Shoe House.
ment of tlu District National guard, unJer
Colonel M, Kramet 1'rell. a light battery of
artillery and two companies of marines will
participate. Colonel Otionther will 'be In
command of the military.
General Granville S. Dodge, the presiding
officer, will open the, exercises, after which
Itcv. Frank W, Hrlstol of Metropolitan
Methodist Episcopal church will deliver the
Invocation. This will be followed by the
presentation of the sculptor, Frnnklln Sim
mons, and the unveiling of the statuo by
Master John Tucker, n grandson
President MeKlnloy will make a short ml"
dress, after which Senator Dcpcw will de
liver the oratlou. Hcnedlctlon will bring
tho ceremonies to n close.
Many veteran organizations will take part
In the ceremonies und It Is expected dele
gates will be present from the Society of
the Army of thu Tcnnefsce, the Army of
the Cumberland and the Loyal Legion.
Ilo llnlr No (loud, lint Often ('nunc II to
I'nll Out.
Many hair preparations are "fake" bo
cause they nro merely scalp Irritants. They
often cause n dryness, making tho hair
brittle, and, finally, lifeless. Dandruff is
the causo of all tiouble with hair. It Is n
germ disease. Tho germ makes cuticle
scales as It digs to tho root ot the hair,
where It destroys tho hair's vitality, caus
ing tho hair to fall out. To cure Dandruff
tho germ must bo killed. "Destroy the
cause, you remove the effect." Ncwhro's
Herplcldo Is tho only hair preparation that
kills tho dandruff germ, thereby leaving the
hair to grow luxurlnntly.
Dcnniinccft Pniinliir llookx,
Hlshop Miillnllctl of tho MethodlM Upls
copal church declares "Quo Vndls" mid
"IJ.ivM Iliirum" unlit to rend, because the
ono Is "Improper" nnd the other Id "a ile.
tailed uucount of 11 monti trick played on n
parson In horse dealing,"
j Fashions for the Season
S780 Girl's Box Plaited Urera
4 to 12 years.
Iliiiln liy Mnry t.nitili.
Girl's box plaited dress, No. 37S0: The
simple box plaited frock Is exceedingly
fashionable for little girls and has the
added merit of being almost universally be
coming as well. The charming model Illus
trated Includes all tho latest features and
gives Just tho length of waist demanded by
present styles. Tho original Is mado of
linen duck In palo blue and is trimmed
with white needlework edging and Insertion,
but iilque, light weight linen, madras uud
all similar wuehablo fabrics nre eminently
npprqprlate, while cashmeres, Henriettas
and tho like will make most admirable ma
terials for cooler weather wear.
Tho fronts nnd back aro laid In two
straight box plaits thnt extend from the
shoulders to the edgo of the skirt, being
stitched on their underfolds to tho belt Hue
and falling free below. The (.tyllsh ad
justment Is accomplished by shoulder nud
under arm seams only, slight fullness boln;;
gathered under tho belt and stitched to
position. Tho fronts are cut away at tho
top and closed In double-breasted style, the
closing bolow the belt being" Invisibly ac
complished, that above by means of pearl
buttons nnd button holes. At tho neck la
a big sailor collar that Is exceedingly smart
nnd beneath which the shield of embroid
ery Is attached. The sleeves aro In bishop
stylo with narrow cuffs which match thu
standing collar. At tho wnlst Ib a belt
that passes through straps at tho under
arm seams, which serve to hold it In place.
To cut this gown for a girl ot 8 years
of age 1 yards of material 32 Inches wld.i
or 3 yards 44 Inches wide will bo re
quired. Tho pnttern No. 37S0 Is cut In sizes for
girls of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years of age.
For tho accommodation of The Bee's
readers theso patterns, which usually retail
at from 25 to iO cento, will bo furnished
at a nomlunl price, 10 cents, which covers
all expense. Iu order to get nny pattern
enclose 10 cents, give tiumber nnd nnma
ot pattern wanted and bust measure. Al
low aboui ten days from dato ot your letter
beroro beginning to look for tho pattern.
Address Pattern Department, Omaha Deo,
Omaha, Neb.
lllnls 1 j- Mnry I.iiinli,
AL'ltlL 1, J 001.
Count the Dots
Over $1,000 in Prizes for
Guessing Correct Number
Every one paying his subscription in accordance
with the conditions is entitled to a FREE GUESS on
the number of dots. Subscription price of The Daily
and Stinday Bee is 15 cents per week by carrier, or
$2.00 for three months by mail. New or old sub
scribers will be entitled to one guess on the number
of dots with each 15c paid on their subscription account.
Every subscriber
new or old will be en-
titled to one guess for
every fifteen cents
paid on his subscrip
tion account.
All iiaymcnts nml guesses must ha
inndo direct to Tho Bee Ofllce, per
sonally or by mall, UNLESS you nro
taking Tho Ilee from uu authorized
audit, In which caso you will pay ths
agent and ho will Rend your kupsk
nnd reinlttanco to us Immediately,
after deducting his usual commlsRlon. t
i ftnrift tvIII lir rrrnr1tl nn- T
Ir.. ariMinipmilfU li- iiaj-mrnt nn I
Try Your Skill at Counting.
The l?eo offern its renders an opportunity to figure on n new edition of one of the most
interesting puzzles whieli hns over been presented to newspaper renders. The puzzle has been
prepared especially for subscribers of The Nee, and the valuable prizes we offer for the nearest
correct guesses will make it well worth your time to try your skill in counting the dots. Young
and old will find it an interesting diversion. There is no trick about the puzzle; it is simply a
matter of counting the dots correctly.
This Contest Closes at 5 p. m Tuesday, April 9, 1901
All subscriptions sent by mail must reach The Bee by that time.
To those guessing the correct or NEAREST COR
RECT number of dots The Bee will give the follow
ing prizes
Jst prize f 30.00 cash value !$ 50.00
liud prize Davis Hall-bearing drop-head
Sewing Machine value (50.00
3d prize High Grade Uicycle (choice of
make) value HO.OO
4th prize High Grade Ricycle (choice of
make) value 40.00
5th prize $.50 Jiieyele value 30.00
0th prize .?2r.00 Uicycle value 25.00
7th prize Pair Helgian Hares value. . 18.00
8th prize Silk Dress Pattern value. . . 15.00
i)th prize Kodak Cycle Poco-r-value. . 15.00
JOtli prize Winchester Uitle magazine
22 caliber value 10.00
Every One Who
Tho Hist prize goes to tbu
the socond prize to the next one
The Rki: PunusniMi Co., Omaha, Nkh.
Enclosed lind
to apply on my subscription account.
Hliilc wlirtlirr MJW or OLD
To Contestants.. Tho
contest a dingram of tho abovo
satisfaction of all contestants.
N. B. No ouo oonnooted
this couteat,
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Guesses the Correct Number Gets a Prize.
lirdt ono bringing in 1he correct or nearest correct guesaJ
bringing in the correct or nearest correct gnetw, etc.
Ntreot and No
Wliern paper Is delivered.
Whera paper Is sent.
Beo, upon receipt of 10 cents, will rand at the close of the
puzzle so constructed as to prove the correct answer to tho
wth Tl)e Bee d.rolly or indirectly will bo allowed to ontor
11th prize Two tops Soft. Coal value 10.00
12th prize Two tons Soft Coal value. . 10.00
13th prize A PIG
lith prize Standard Dictionary value 12.00
15th prize Standard Dictionary value 12.00
10th prize Standard Dictionary value 12.00
17th prize Standard Dictionary value 12.00
18th prize Staudard Dictionary value 12.00
10th prize Standard Dictionary value 12.00
20th prize One Sack I-'loui value 1.00
500 Hooks value 200.00
1,000 Art Pictures value 500.00
$1,106.00 AND A PIG
tt.'it received.