Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Grand Easter Sales Begin Saturday
Never such bargains in line new goods as the Uig Store now offers A visit will put you in touch with all the leading styles. iMilSXTS FOH THIS lU'TTEHICK I'ATTBHNS.
Grand Ring Demonstration
and Sale Saturday
Kings made by new process, with genuine gold shell, guar
anteed lo wear for Jive years, in either plain or set styles, go on
sale Saturday at 'JHc, HOu and $1. We guarantee these to look
and wear the same as solid-gold rings, or will replace them or re
fund the money paid. They are equal in appearance to rings
costing 5 to 100 and will wear for years -without tarnishing.
Bee the warrantee wo furnish with each ring. Call Saturday.
Special Bargains Men's Furnishings I Furniture
Gigantic Boys
Waist Purchase
.1,000 dozen boys' shirtwaists in the celebrated ".Mother's
Friend" brand, closed out to us by the manufacturers, Herman
& Schneer, for snot cash at a ridiculously low price, no on sale
tomorrow. They are in all sizes up to 11 years, made in fine
Madras and best French J'ercales; never sold anywhere for less
than ?1 and $1.5)0; Saturday, at llaydeus, for 29c. Owing to the
tremendous quantity, we will be able to fill all mail orders at this
These are conceded the best boys' waists made. This is an
unequalled opportunity to secure a genuine bargain then. He
member they are all guaranteed perfect in every way. liuy as
many as you want.
25,000 yards of tho fluent not-top lncc,
Worth 25c to 10c, nil ro ut 10c iicr yard.
All slightly mussed 1.0c -and 15c lncc, -V4c
a yard.
Ono lot of Vnl Inccs, nil ported Roods,
bought from tljo Carson IMcre Scott salo
of shipwrecked lncc, 15c per dozen yards.
Wi have I tie finest and also tho lnrxcst
lino of these goods ever seen In Omaha,
25c to $10 n yard.
Our motto Is: Sec our lnco stock, ask
tho prlco, then buy whero you please.
Have you a foulard hIIU waist to trim?
Have you n wash-goods dress to trim?
Have you a wool-dress pattern to trim?
Ilrlng us a snmplo of tho goods and let
us show t'lo latest proper trimmings for
Wo arc tho ntittcrlck pattern agents and
you nro welcome to all their publications
for designs.
Great Carpet Sale
Tho balance of tho wholesalo stock of
Knight, Hoswell & Co. will go on sals Sat
urday. This last lot Includes nil the Hugs
In oil qualities, Axmlnsters, Wiltons,
Smyrna and Brussels. Tho sacrlflco at
which theso goods wcro bought' enables ui
to soli carpets nnd rugs 20 per cent less
than others pay for the same goods. Don'
miss this sale, as It means dollars In your
30-lnch Smyrna Hugs, 9Sc.
27-Inch Smith's Moquctto Rugs, $1.59.
9x12 Hoynl Wilton Hug, $26.98.
9x12 Sarrahcnd Hugs, worth $38.00, at
9x12 Smith Axmlnster, $18.75.
Lowell extra super Ingrain, new pat
terns, COc.
Extra heavy cotton chain Ingrain, 39c.
Axmlnster nnd Velvet, a great many have
borders to match Smith & Sauford's 10
wlro tapestry, worth $1.25 yard, at 79c.
Brussels Carpets, worth $1.00, at C9c.
Watch these sales.
for they nro money-
a -TS inaxcrs (or you.
a H "JBH 25c wnsh board, Sat-
Jf unlay 13c: $1.25 fold
ing Ironing board, Sat
urday 69c; 75c 6-foot
step ladder, Satur
day 45c; 20c patent
mop sticks, Saturday
jc; 25c lanterns, Sat
urday 10c; 63c cob
bler's outfit. Saturday
39c; 20c nlcklo plated troys, Saturday 10c;
10c Potts' Iron handles, Saturday oc; &c
largo box tooth picks, Saturday 2c; 23c
carving knives, Saturday 10c; 23c claw
hammers, Saturday 10c; 40c set shoe lasts
nnd stand. Kntiitiluv 23c! 5c tin cutis. Satur
day 2c; $3.00 2-btirner gasollno stove,
Saturday $1.95; 25c kitchen meat saw, Sat
urday 13c; S5c steel spade, Saturday oc.
Hnro la ti rnrker. If vnil need an UP-lo-
dato cook stove, No. 8, IS-lnch oven, war
ranted n first-class baker, selli regularly
clsowhero for $13.50; our price, $8.19.
Grocery Specials
Strictly fresh eggs, doz., lie; 3 bars wool
soap for 10c; 20-lbs. grnntilnted sugar, $1.00;
very flno California pears, worth 12V&C,
only Cc; 10 bars best Km. All soap, 25c;
3 pounds best snow whlto krnut for 10c;
good country butter, 10c; lnrgo Lnbradnr
herring, 2c each; fancy shore marker!,
714c ench: 10-lbs. ontmenl for l.c; 10-lbs.
cornmenl for 10c; 10-lbs. graham for 15c;
10-lhs. rye for 13c.
3 dozen Baldwin tipples, 25?; choice Juicy
lemons, 10c; 3-lbs. fancy datea for 10c;
3 Backs fresh roasted peanuts for 5c.
Fresh bologna sausage, 4?ic; 3-lbs. fresh
Frankfurt snusngo for 22c; chipped dried
beef, 15c; C-lb, palls puro leaf lard, Inc.
Iron Wagons, body 12x21, rcg. prlco $1.W,
Saturday 75c.
Iron wagons, body 13x26 Inches, regular
prlco $1.76; Saturday only 90c.
Iron wagons, body 1-1x28 Inches, regular
prlco $2.25; Saturday only $1.10.
Velocipedes, regular prlco $1.35; Satur
day $1.10.
500 doz. men's flue suspenders, with
leather ends and all tho best buckles made,
til tho very best webs, In plain and fanc
colors, that were made to sell at COc, on
salo at 25c.
In all tho best webs, mado -to sell ut 25c,
on salo nt lfic.
MEN'S $1.00 SHIRTS AT 49C.
200 (lot. men's flue colored laundered
shirts In nil the new styles, shirts with
separate collars nnd cuffs, mado to sell at
$1.00, on snlo nt 49c.
MEN'S 25C AND 330 '4 HOSE AT 13C.
500 doz. men's fancy hoso In plain nnd
fancy colors nt 15c.
Men's 20c '4 hoso nt 10c, In black, brown,
red and blue, warranted fast colors and
seamless, made to sell nt 20c, on salo nt 10c.
Men's $1.50 colored laundered shirts nt
75c, In nil tho very latest patterns, with
soparnto collars and cults, In negllgo or
bosom shirts.
All tho new styles In men's JOc neckwear
nt 25c.
Men's medium weight wool shirts nnd
drawers nt 9Sc, $1.23 nnd $1.50.
Men's 75c medium weight Jersey ribbed
shirts nnd drawers nt 39c.
Hoy's Jersey ribbed sweaters In nil colors
nt 50c.
Money Saved
Wo havo decided to enlarge our laco and
embroidery department nnd add n lino of
tho finest laces and embroidery that can
bo found In tho country. Wo hnvo mad
arrangements with a representative of the
best manufacturers of tho leading lnco
cities" of France, Germany nnd England
This arrangement places novelties In Ua
tlste, Venice, Pllssc, Chantllly, Point do
Esprctc, Point Gauze,, Point do Mechlin
Arabian, etc.
Big Saturday
Drug Sale
Mennon's talcum powder, 12c.
Electro silicon silver polish, 9c box.
Pozzonl's fnco powder, 29c.
Dandruff euro ($1.00 size), 49c bottle.
Woodbury's soap, 15c enke.
Syrup of llgs, 30c.
Dr. Pierce's medicines, 69c.
Wlno of Cnrdul, 69c.
Optical Department
Solid gold spectacles, crystal lenses, care
fully fitted, nt $1.60.
Gold filled spectacles, guaranteed 10 years,
at $2.59.
Alumlnold or gold plated, flno quality
lenses, 9Sc.
Lenses exchanged. Repairs of all kinds
Eyes examined freo by qualified practical
Great Sale on Fine Easter Shoes
Tho best makes In tho country. Perfect
In style, In fit. In material nnd workman
ship, nnd ut tho usual Hnyden saving In
Wo have nil sizes nnd widths. Insuring
your getting as perfect a fit ns It you had
tho shoes made to order.
Come In nnd fcco the swell styles In Ideal
and patent leathers.
A few of llin tn.inv articles In bo seen In
our furniture department, tho prlco on
each nnd every one of which Is absolutely
lower than tho samo article enn lie tounu
Wc nro using every endeavor to bring you
here and If saving you money can do It wo
havo gained our point.
Wo refuse to hnndlo anything that Is not
strictly first-class nnd, while once In a
while, so long as wo aro subject to human
limitations, n thing may provo unsatis
factory, no ono is uioro glad to ma no u
right than wo nrc.
Select whlto oak dlnlnir room chnlr. cano
seat, brnco arm, carved back, beaded spin
dles, a $1.50 chair, for $1.00.
36-luch cabinet, shelves 12x17, for music,
magazines or papers, all onk, for lCc.
42x12 square extension tabic, good nnisu,
well mnde, for $1.95.
Golden. o.ik otneo desk, 1 drawers on ono
side, roll top, C oak letter boxes, for $12.75.
Good revolving office chair, $3.9..
Ouartered sawed parlor table, shaped top,
21x24, golden oak, $1.95.
Flno oak sideboard, golden finish, swell
top drawers, French hovel plato mirror,
ono drawer lined, $12.30.
Plato nicks, 95c.
China cahlnots, $11.50.
1JATH CABINETS, lamp and Instructions,
complete, the $10.00 nrtlclo, for $3.73.
Cobblo sent oak rocker, $1.95.
Oak hall tree, ovnl mirror, $8.83.
Wo hnvo Just received tho largest ship
ment of picture frames ever brought here
and can make you prices which nre simply
half or 1033 than half what similar frames
have usually sold for.
Neckwear Sale
Easter novelties: Visit our storo nnd
seo tho mngnlflrnlit lino of thebo goods wo
iiro showing. Dainty remembrances from
tho most artistic manufacturers In Aracr
I We have Just received n splendid lino of
the flno Crossett thorn for men. They ro
In vlcl, velours ami patent leathers, ex
tension soles, rope ftllch, now Boston tots,
a splendid shoo that will wenr well, feel
well and look well; to be had only ni
Hoyden's! tho price Is $3.50.
Wo aro closing out tho balance or tnc
J, W. Nnylor women's shoes; regular $3.00
values, nt $1.SS. They aro In vlcl km anu
(latent leathers.
Wo nro closing out tlio rminiico oi mo
J. P. Smith sample- $3.00 and $3.i0 sltoes
for men nt ll.SS.
Wo make special selections for tho boys
and girls to give them shoe that hnvo tho
stylo and comfort of tho larger peoples
nnd also lasting service. They nre built of
honest materials that will stnnd tho rough
"The Merrlnm shoes" for children nro thn
best made. They nro to bo found nt Hay
den's. Wo make prices less than others
quote on poorer grades that hnvo not half
the wear In them.
Brooks Broi. of Rochester, N. Y., mnke
tho finest lino of women's shoes In tho
country. They aro to bo had. only nt Hay
den's. They come In vlcl kid, patent leather
and all tho fashionable leathers, nt $3.00,
13.50, $1.00, $4.50 nnd $5.00.
Tho famous "Ultra" shoes for women In
Ideal calf, patent calf and vlcl kid. all
styles and sizes; a stylish, serviceable shoo;
worth fully $5.00; tho prlco Is $3.50.
Is known as tho best In America for men
It Is absolutely as flno n shoo ns enn now-
slbly ho made. Every resource of tho manu
facturer Is used to put stylo and service In
them. They nro hand sowed nnd perfect fit
ting. Regular $7 shoes; Haydcn's prlco $5.
Boys' nnd misses' Merrlnm shoes at $t.Sf
and $1.50.
Children's Merrlam bhorn nt $1.00 and
Infants' fine shoes. In tho lato pretty
styles, on snlo nt S5c and $1.20.
Easter Millinery Sale
Tho big Millinery Department Is ready
for Easter buyers. Examples of all tho
latest creations In keeping with queen
FsBhlon's dictates nro here.
Parisian Pattern Hats from tho most
celebrated fashion makers; the best London,
Berlin and Vienna modes, nnd also exqui
site creations from tho east will be on
display and snle. Hundreds of beautiful
hats In exclusive styles, showing tho pre
vailing Ijnrlslun preference for flowers, In
trimming will bo shown for the first time
Mcnday. Ask to seo our splendid lino of
Connolly and Chiffon Turbans.
Our display of children's hats has never
been equalled In Omahn for variety, quality,
value and style.
In flowers, fruits and trimmings of every
kind wo show the most complete assort
Tho best dressed women In Omaha select
their hats at Haydcn's becauso their great
variety nnd facilities mako It possible to
find one that has perfect bccomlngucss as
well an being In tho height of fashion.
Buying direct nnd being tho most exten
sive purchasers of millinery In this section
we aro enabled to mnko prices fully one
third less than any other store. Women
who wish to combluo economy with stylo
will And at. Haydcn's most charming nnd
elegant creations nt surprisingly low prices.
Buy as early as possible to avoid tho rush
the last few days before EaBtcr. A visit to
Hayden's will put you In touch with nil the
newest styles.
I South Omaha News
This Is the day set by law for n rovlslon
of tho registration of Inst fall nnd the
board will bo In session from S n. m. until
9 p. m. Those places hnve been dcslgnntod
for registration:
First Ward First precinct, Slonno build
ing, Twenty-llfth nnd N streets; Second pre
cinct, Tuvender Imlldlug, near Twenty
rourth and J streets: Third precinct, Col;
Him' Muelu store. Twenty-fourth nnd K
Htrects. , . ...
Second Ward First precinct, Reiner hotel.
Twenty-fifth and O streets; Second pre
cinct, Hoffman building, Twenty-first nnd
Q streets: Third precinct, Hrondwell coal
olllee, Albright.
Third Ward-First precinct, Evuns' hotel,
TwiMitv-cluhth and It streets; .Second pre
cinct. Kllker hotel. Thirtieth and Q streets
Fourth Ward Mort's barn, Thirty-second
urn! K streets.
As the registration today will be mado up
largely of changes of residence, which
menu transfers, It la not expected there
will bo nny Increase over the registration
of last fall.
On tho llrst day of registration, October
18, 1900, tho total registration was 2,057; on
the second day, October 26, It was 1,776, and
on the third day, November 3, It was 1,139,
making a total registration of 4,972. Tho
registration this spring will not lncronse
the total to any extent, nlthough It Is con
tended that there are more voters hero now
than six mouths ago. On account of the
lack of Interest being taken In the cam
paign It is figured that the vote Tuesday
will be light as compared with tho registration.
Democratic candidates have become
nlnrmed and yesterday tho Brennan-Rob-erts-Wolfe
combination circulated the story
through Brown park that. If the republican
candidates wore elected tho name of the
Jungmann school would be changed. Bo
hemians who nre Interested In this school
nnd who have children attending there
called upon a number of prominent repub
licans to find out what was doing. Inquiry
doveloped the fact that tho story was n
fabrication pure and simple and rumor has
it that It originated In tbo otllco of tho su
perintendent of public Instruct Ion. Dr.
Wolfo Is making the clfort of his life to
hold his Job and he knows that If tho re
publicans secure control of the board his
tlmo will be short. In speaking about this
matter ono of the democratic members of
tho board raid that oven should the demo
crats succeed In electing a majority, which
was not probable, Wolfo would have to
walk the plank.
It Is understood that nil persons who
registered last fall will bo entitled to vote
at the school election Thursday.
It Is more than likely that tho acreage this
year will be larger than ono year ago. Con
tracts nre being made for the plantlug of
beets with a view to retaining tho beet fac
tory here. It is stated that tho owners of
tho plant will movo unless there Is a cer
tain amount of beets contracted for. It Is
tho intention of business men to see that as
maily contracts ns posslblo aro mado before
tho season opens In order to Insure tho re
tention ot tho factory here.
that good government In the schools will he
maintained as soon as tho nowly elected
bonrd takes hold nnd selects another superintendent.
About Hilly Ileiiiiclt.
"Billy Bennett is the best mnu that could
havo been unmcu for tax commissioner,"
said a prominent business man last night.
"Ho ownB enough property to know values
and he Is thoroughly Identified with the In
terests of tho tlty In every respect. Ills
four years' service In tho city council has
taught him the Ins nnd outs ot tho road and
ho will ho tho best mun tho people can
elect for tho position. My suggestion Is to
elect Bennett and thus secure an Increase
In tho valuation. This will certainly bo
dono If ho Id elected."
Xi-iv WnrrliiiiiMc tiuler Wnj .
Christie Bros, secured a permit from tho
building Inspector yesterday for tho erec
tion of a two-story frame storehouso nt
Twenty-eighth and I streets. TItlu- struc
ture, which Is now under way, will he used
for tho storage of hay nnd grain. It will
be a building of good size ami will take
some tirao In building, ns It will bo con
structed of substantial materials.
sailed for home. Ilo will return to this
city aboui April
Whero enn yo ulnvest money more profit
ably thau by buying a bottle of Prickly Ash
Bitters you got four for one. A kidney
medicine, n liver tonic, stomach strenKtb
enor and bowel cleanser. Four medicines
for ono dollar.
Cultlvntlnu' NiiRitr lleetn.
Business men In South Omaha aro Inter
cstl In tho cultivation of sugar beets and
Women Are llimtliitw.
In the Interest of tho republican candi
dates for mcmbors of tho Board of Educa
tion tho women In nil parts of tho city nre
taking an Interest nnd nro evincing a desire
to vote. Whllo It is admitted that tho con
test will ho n lively ono It Is conceded on all
sides that tho republican ticket will win and
MiikI .'lt- .iim.Ii.
Mm, Orton of Carson, la., Is the guest
of Mrs. Ralph Sage.
Dr. J. 51. niasgow Is at nn Omaha hos
pital In a piecnrlnus condition.
Mrs. P. A. Wells, Sll North Twenty-llfth
street, hnH returned from Kansas City.
Tho annual meeting of the congregation
of the Presbyterian church will bo Monday
Twin boys have been born to Mr. mid
Mrs. W. J. Wllbon, Twenty-third and 1
streets. " ,
Frank Tavlor. one of tho popular young
men of South Omaha, Is figuring on settling
In tho west.
Tho funeral of Mrs. Peter Mitchell will
bo nt Twenty-seventh and I streets ihls
afternoon. Hev. C. N. Dawson will otll
elate. II, C. Bostwick, cashier of the South
Omnlm National bank, cables that ho has
Bound hand and foot to household drudgery, scrubbing
and rubbing day in and day out, doing your cleaning
in the hard old fashioned way woman, why do you do
it? Break away and use
Washing Powder
This famous cleanser has proven the emancipation
of thousands of other women-why not yours? Let
GOLD DUST do more of the work, you do more of the
play. For greatest economy buy our large package.
St. Louis, Now York, Boston,
I Fashions for the Season
Hint liy Mury I. n nib.
I.arK)' Crowd ut Temple Israel
Full- DcniiKc the
Tho entertainment last night nt the Tem
ple Israel fair was n sacred concert of un
usual excellence. The Tcmplo Isrnel quar
tet was assisted in tho concert by Mrs.
Martin Calm of Chlcngo, Slgmund Lands
berg and Charles Stcckolberg. An eloquent
address was delivered by Rev. Kdward
Frederick Trefz on "Tho Miracle of Song."
'Lead Kludly Light" nnd Schneckor's
"Lord, Thou Art My Confidence" were sung
by tbo qunrtot. Mrs. Martin Calm, soprano,
sang two numbers, "Show Mo Thy Ways, O
Lord," and "O Divlno Redeemer," both of
which numbers wcro well received. A vio
lin solo by Charles Stcckelborg, "Prlzo Song
from Master Singers;" a piano solo by Slg
mund Lnndsberg nnd n duet for piano and
violin by the two men named completed tho
The concert wns well attended in splto of
tho disagreeable weather nnd wns ono of
the most delightful muslcnl entertainments
ever given In Omahn. Mrs. Calm hns won
many now ndmlrers In Omaha this week and
her singing has been ono of tho notahlo
features of tho fair.
Tho fair will closo this evening with a
grand ball.
3779 Fancy WaUt
32 to 42 n. bu-t!
Woman a Waist; to bo Mado With or
Without the Fitted Lining. No 3779. The
waist finished with soft Jabot-llko rcvors
Is always graceful and very generally be
coming. Tho smart example shown Is
suited nllko to slender figures and those
that incline to stoutness, a vlrtuo not ab
ways found In n single design. Tho full
soft front, with tho outlining rovers, tends
to conceal tho lines of the wearer rather
than to emphasize them, and whether sho
desires to conceal flesh or to apparently
Increase It will bo found to servo her well,
Tho uiiglnal Is inndo of figured Loulslno
"with trimming of Ciuny lace, but all the
toft silks, nlbatros, plain nnd embroidered
chnllle, veiling crepo and similar soft
wool materials nro entirely BUltahlo when
the waist Is lined, whllo cotton and linen
fabrics aro equally good when tho lining Is
The foundation Is n lining fitted to tho
figure and which Includes undcr-arm gores
that nro covered smoothly with tho ma
terial. Tho back Is plain nnd -smooth across
tho shoulders and is drawn down In gathers
at tho waist line. Thn fronts nro slightly
full nt the shoulders nnd nre finished with
soft rovers tbnt glvo a tapering effect. The
center front, or plnstron, Is soft nnd full
and U attached to tho right side ot tho
lining nnd hooked over tho left. Tim sleeves
nro In bishop style with moderately deep
cuffs and tho neck Is finished with a stock
collar. When tho waist Is mado unllned
tho plnstron Is atltchcd to tho right front
benenth tho rovem nnd honked to tho left.
To make this wnlst--for a woman of me-
(Hum slzn -h yards of niatorlul 21 Inches
wide. I yards 27 Inches wide. 21?; yards
32 Inches wide, or 2 yards H Inches wide,
will bo required.
Tho pattern No. 3779 Is rut In sizes for
a 32, 31. 30, Si, 10 and 12-lnch bust measure.
For the accommodation of Tho Boe's
readers these pattcrna, which usually retail
nt from 2.ri to "U cents, will bo furnlshod
ni a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers
nil eicpenso. In order to get nny pattern
enclose 10 rents, glvo number nnd nam
of pattern wanted end bust inensuro. Al
low abouv ten days from dato of your letter
before beginning to look for tho pattern.
Address Pattern Department, Omaha Ue,
Saturday, Boy's Day-
Drox L. Sliootnnn always expects tlio
lioys on Sntimlny nnd is prepared to lit
to their feet rt shoo at. $1.50 that lias
never been equaled anywhere else for
near the money Made of good, lionest
leather with n ;ooil, heavy solo that will
stand tho hard Itnoelcs that a uood, lively
boy will rIvo them "Wo take as much
caro In fitting theso Sl.flO shoes as we
do any shoes In the country.
Drexel Shoe Co..
Catnlnctiie Seni Free for tlio Asking.
Omnliu's tii-tn-1tite Slum Unas.
The Most Complete -
Piano Stock In tho West
Cnn bo found at our salesroom It
comprises all tho lenders nnd numerous
others Knabo plnnos, Kimball pianos,
Kranlch & Bach pianos, Hallct & Davis
pianos, Needham pianos, McPUall
pianos, Whitney pianos, Schumann
pianos Wo hnvo pianos on vory eaBy
monthly paymonts from 5.00 por month
Fully warranted for tou years Aslc to
rco tho wonderful and only successful
Bclf-ploylne piano attachment Al'OLLO
'Phono 188.
Music and Art. 15(3-1515 Douglas,
Easter at Balduffs
It's only ji week from Sunday till Has-
ter ami want you to como In and see our
rare collection of l-Jaster novelties Mas
ter lilies, lllly of the valley In Ice cream
models then there are chocolates, birds,
chicks, crkh. llrownles Hllk and satin
((.'KB and then this list of special des
serts of lei) cream Kjjbh, natural size,
containing yolk; bird's nest, small chick
ens, larger nests, setting hen, 0 eggs, its
portions; wish bones, tied with ribbons;
largo rabbit, 1.1 portions; wlno Jelly, St,
Honore, Its to 1(1 portions; .lardlnerc en
belluvue, doves, Intl. wlno Jelly, iner-
angucK filvo us your order early.
W. S. Balduft
1520 Farnctfi 9U
Omaha, Neb.