12 THE OMATIA DAILT BEE; SATURDAY, MABCIl .1.0, UI01. SEIV RAILROAD IS PLANNED Omba Capitalists Ar Oonsalted ReUtW to Southtrn Ontltt. MEETING AT FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ofllelnli of Mio KmiMiN tlt1irrn Com I liny Ciinii- In ( in nil 11 in K11IIM Co-()ipriilliiii In Proposed llnlt'i'iirlnv. Preliminary arrangements looking to a now railroad lino from Omiibn to tho south wcro mado nt a meeting held at the First National bank building Friday. Tho plan contemplate tho building of a line from Omaha to thn southern lino of Nebraska by Omaha pcoplo and from that point, to Hinporla, Kan., by tho Kansas Southern Hnllroad company. At Kmporln thn roud would form a Junction with tho Santa Fo route, reaching Into New Mexico, ami the Missouri, Kansas & Texas rail load, which now lias a lino Into Unlvcston, Tex, 'the lino when built will glvo Omnha almost an nlr lino to a gulf port and will open up to Omaha trade a territory now exclusively held by Kansas City and St. l.nuls. Menu Much to Onmltn, Tho construction ot tho lino would mean much to. Omaha packing houses, as It would permit the delivery of live stock from tho southwest on tho Omaha market at a rato nl least as low as that prevailing at Knn sas City. In another way U would do much lo create n grain market nt this point, as the Immense wheat fields of Oklahoma and KansaH would bn brought as clo.io to this ilty as to Kansas City. It would aid tho farmers in those communities, ns It would put them on n more direct lino with the mills of the northwest. At tlio meeting hold Friday tho president ind secretary of tho Kansas Southern woro present and tho Omaha men In attendance were: Ouy 0. Barton, Herman Kountzc, F rnnk Murphy, B. M. Andrccscii, George H lloagland, J. U. Ilaum, K. K. Ilrucc, (). W. Wuttlea and Arthur Smith. They expressed themselves as being In hearty sympathy with thn niovemont provided tho roail could bn maintained ns an Independent line. The mntter will recelvo further consideration nt their hands nnd It la probable that Omaha rnpltnl will bo Interested In the lino to connect with tho Knnsns systems. CI.IJ.WI.V WOMAN. I'rriiiiroiiiily Tlilnkn Ity Si'iiiiHiib llrr .Senlp Hull Mil I'urrM Diiiiilriirf. Cleanly woman hns an erroneous Idea that by scouring tho scalp, which removes tho dandruff ncalcs, sho Is curing tho dand ruff. Sim mny wnsh her Hcalp every dny and yet havo dandruff her llfo long, accom punlrd by falling hair, too. Tho only way In tho world to euro dandruff Is to kill tho dandruff germ, nnd there Is no hair propara tlon that will do that but Ncwbro'B Herpl clde. Hcrplcldo killing tho ilnndruff germ lenves I ha hnlr frco to grow ns healthy nnturo Intended. IJo stroy the cause, you remove tho effect. Kill tho dandruff germ will: Hcrpicldc. Tho prices wo noli nt will bring your neighbors when they seo what you havo bought and how much money you hnve laved. Head our ad on pago 7 Uayden Bros. MISS BURSTALL IN CHARGE l.lbrnr)' lloiiril I'lionae MInm TuIiIII'm Siifemr Durliiu Her AlineiHM". Tho board of directors of tho Omaha Public library met 'lust night, tlvo of tho members being present. It was decided that during tho absenco of Miss Tobltt In Kuropo the library will bo In chnrgo of Mlsa Thcodom Ilurstiill, who has charge of tho circulating department. Miss Tobltt will leave Omaha May 1 for a threo months' vacation In Kuiopc. A letter was received from Mrs. Jcnnlo II. Kcysor, chairman of tho urt department of tho Womnn'H club, In which tho trnnBfor to tho directors of all pictures nnd statuary In tho children's department of the library was announced. Dills to tho amount of Jl.793.02 wcro allowed. Cnnrnrlue nt All IrucKif. Ciireu Biliousness, Constipation and Dya pepsin, or monoy refunded. Prlco 60 conts. Book explaining causo nnd cure mailed free. Ilea Bros. & Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Ilnrily'n Kunter ,im I'll lea Aro tho talk ot tho town. Hnvo you seen thn beautiful window display? Don't fall to bring tho children down Saturday to seo tho muko-bnllovo rabbits, chicks, ducks, pigs, etc. Wo aro tho headquarters for Uastor cards and novelties at lc, 2c, 3c, So mid upward. THE 09-CKNT STOHI3, 1510-21 Douglas BVEIIY TUK9DAY. In Slnrrh and April tfca UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GIIKATLY IIBDUCED RATES: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego $25.00 Ogden. Salt Lako, Butte. Helen 23.00 Portland. Spokane, Tacoma. Seattle... 25.00 Now city ticket office. 1324 Farnam atrett. Telephono, 316. Union stntlon, Tenth and Marcy. Tele phone, 629. Kinvurlli l.eiitf urrx. Send me your nnmo nnd address and I will mull you, nbout April 1, a beautifully Illus trated folder giving Information about the spcclnl rates and train sorvtco to Cal ifornia via tho Burlington routo at the time of tho lipworth lenguo meeting at San Francisco in July. J. FIIANCIS, General Passenger Agent Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Ditiirc To ii I u It I. Jolly KiKht'H lively bnll this ovenlng. Wabhlngtou hall, Klghteonth and Harnoy streets. Flno nrchestrn. A grand good tlino for you.. Gents, 25c. Wolcomo. Come Saturday to tho big storo If you would savo money. Haydcn Bros, havo aa ud on pago 7. A new wheel nnd Just tho ono you have always wanted. Head Tho Doe vhoel oftor. Stonccyphcr, printer; 1201 Howard St. Some April Drug Prices Hero nro some drug prices which will I'laKo thi,1KS hum" during April: Jl.W West'H Nervo nnd Uraln Treat- inent nt 1S)0 fj 'ir,,!or'1; 1-F Cublu SarHnparllla ut Mo SI Klrk'H Dandruff Cum at ,.47o 1 bottles Coke's Dandruff Curo at. ...50c. (JO gross) 10a Diamond Dyes, till colors. ut, puckago ' c0 SI size. Burnlinm's Beef, Iron nnd Wine 34Q ,L.Mtlc.k',.1,,llck Licorice, two for 5o 1.000 big bottle iioasohoM Amonla 5o 41 bottles Phillips' Syrup Wheut Phos- lllllUO Ut.....,, ,, 755 Jl.W bottles Vln Marlanl at .7. $1.05 It bottles Troinmor's Malt (all kinds) Ut CSq 2.NO bottles Imported Blttor Water at llOttlO ,.. ICQ UM pint bottles Cltl'DH Carbollo Acid "J. eucll 7.55o Noinj of these goods can lie mulled and If wished sent by express or frclcht. 25o must bo added for1 boxing. - Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go, Corner ..Jth and Dodge, Omnha. I I RFSPI FNflFNT A PAI AP.F nCarLCnUCn I Ad A rALAUC , HiirlirnliT Shop Store Id Itrupcnrit liulcr AusnlFlotm Sur- riiniiil I iikh. Tho public lina been admiring the re opened Hochcstcr Shoo company's store at Ul.l Douglas street for tho Inst two days. Tho room has been entirely refurnished and presentii a handsome appearance. Whlto has been used extensively In tho decoration and painting, and this, with many Moral adornments and cuplds floating tLrough tho room, hao a pretty effect. In the rear of tho storo n reception room, with writing desk nnd toilet rooms for tho women, has been prepared, Tho nlm of tho man ager, I. I.. Mossier, Is to gtvu tho public thu best shots nt popular prices. Tho lino In cludes such makes as Ncttlcton nnd Han nil for tho men nnd Foster, Armstrong, I'U A- Dun, Ford nnd Jenucss Miller for tin women. Prickly AbIi Bitters cures dlscuse of the kidneys, cleanses and strengthens the liver, stomach and bowels, m:v. kdwaiid i'iti:i)i:iticK Tiu:i'. Ilvfcrn to IV 11 Miry nielliiiuir.v 11 ml Cy rlopeil lit tin 11 Itff en-nee Wink. In fact tho testimony of the professional and business man, tho mechanic, chemist, student and educator Is universal In cred iting Tho Century as being tho most au thoritative nnd modern of nil reference works. When called upon by a representative of Tho Beo end nsked his opinion of The Cen tury, .Mr. Trefz replied: "1 regard Tho Century Dictionary nnd Cyclopedia nnd Atlas as a work of Inestlmablo value to all men nnd women who nro In terested In life nnd education In all tho phases, No ono enn possibly make a mis take In obtaining it, If completeness, hnndl ness nnd absolute correctness so far as human effort Is concerned aro desired." If you Intend to possess Tho Century eomo day nnd no llbrnry Is complete with out It savo onC-half the regular prlco now by subscribing through Tho Bee and tako advuntago of the M monthly payments. This offer Is rundo on n limited edition of tho work. AlllllllllltM-llirillN Of I III- 'I'lll'llllTM, Tho Vnulty Fair Burlcsaucrs close their engagement today nfter tho matinee. To night tho amateur festival takes place, for which on nnusuully attractive program has been prepared, 'ncludlng Orlontnl dances, funny comedians, souhrottcs nnd wrestling matches. Prof. Frank Coleman will meet nn unknown In n wrestling bout. Tomorrow matinee Fred lllder's "Moulin Hougc," tho latest Parisian novelty. Tho pockctbook Is not seriously hurt by our tirlccs. Head our nil on unco 7 nnd como and seo Hayden Bros. Seeds that grow come from thn Nebraska Seed company. 1513-15 Howard at. Mortality MluCnllrH. Tho following deaths and births were re ported to tho city health commissioner for tho twenty-four hours ending nt noon Fri day: Deaths Floyd U Prey. 2:r, Decatur, aged 3: Mabel Jnckson, 2014 Bristol, aged 2 months: Mary J. I lull, 2MD Dewey ave nue, ugoil 5!i; Mrs. Dorothea Meyer, 33u5 Burt, aged M. Births W. O. Deadlier, 715 Hickory, boy; A. Johnson, 3112 Miami, boy; F. W. Sturdc- We Sell Paint I.owo Bros.' lilgh-standard liquid pnlnt In black and whlto und thirty-eight beau tiful shades. Seo us before buying. Wo mako tho price. 1 quart Outsldo 1'alnt '.j gallon OutMlilo Paint 1... 1 gallon Outside Paint 1 quart Floor l'nlnt !j uullon Floor Paint . . 1 r . 1.M . .to . .70 . 1.10 .25 'JD .75 . .30 1 gnllon Floor Paint '.i H Pint Cnrrlago Paint 1 pint Carriage Paint 1 quart Cavrlago l'nlnt , 1 pint Wngon Paint 1 iiliart Wncon Paint 50 t, pint Ollwood Stain 15 1 pint Ollwood Stain :, 1 quart Ollwood Stain ( 51) ,J gallon Ollwood Htuln 85 1 gallon Ollwood Stain l.cr, i pint Varnish Stain 20 1 pint Varnish Stain , 30 1 quart Varnish Htuln 0 ,4 gallon Viirnlsh Stain 1 gallon Varnish Stnln 1.7;, Vj pint Bathtub Mnnmcl no 1 pint Bathtub Knnmel m 1 (mart Bathtub Knnmel 1 nil i gallon Bathtub Knnmel .6 1 gallon Bathtub F.nnmcl 3.2:, ',4 pint Blcyclo Knnmel 15 Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Cor. I6II1 and Farnam Sts. HAYDENs Tailor Made Skirts and Waists. From tho foremost manufacturers of tho country. Exclusive novelties. No siirh mm. nlflcent showing this side ot Now York at very lowest. Wo aro constantly receiving from nbroad. Tho express wagons of tho In front of our building bringing now suits, designers. That Is what makes our dopar know wo havo tho very nowest; they know famous Wlnslow Taffota nnd our sntln gar that is warranted for two years' wear. Tho y their money Is hero for them If their garmo SATURDAY WILL BE A HUMMER. Just received by express 100 ladles' tailor mado milts mndo to sell for $15; price cut In two for Saturday, only Just nrrlvcd by,oxprcss 50 suits; they nro flno cheviots, Venetians nnd homespuns; they man tailored, with stitched bands of taffota; Jackets aro lined with the Wlnslow taffota silk, that Is warranted not to crack; tho prlco was to bo $15.00, In this sale Just arrived by express 125 women's suits, ported materials, In tho newest styles and tho L'Alglon collar; they como In blouse, Eton, other styles; silk lined throughout. Suits sold In this town nt $25.00; Saturday's celling 5 sample suits of Imported designs nnd lined throughout, ninilo In tho exclusive Btylos; foreign $25.00 and designs; nt $10.00. $30.00, Silk Dress Skirts. An nsnomblago ot newest and awellest garments known to tho designers, covering tho Hold from tho rich, qulot, genteel of- focts, to tho most elabornto novelties. Silk Taftctit Skirts, perfect In fit and hang, nt $1.75. Silk Taffota Skirts, mado from tho famous WlnBlow Taffeta, at $7.60, corded & tucked. Silk Taffeta Skirts, made of tho famous Wlnslow; tho $15.00 quality on sale at $10. Silk Taffeta Skirts at $15,00. $18.00. $30.00. $10.00 and $50,00. SILK WAISTS Just received by express. Two lots for Saturday's selling. Lot 1 Silk Waists mado to sell for $3.00 at $2.90. HEAD AnVIillTINimH.Vi' HAYDEN BROTHERS vnnt, lll Saratoga, boy; Chnrlen Sobo. 1212 Houth Fifteenth, girl. J. M. Hopkins, jS30 Grant, girl, I I Stonecyphor prints anything. Tel. 1310. I Whin Thin is Music- You wnnt to hear It, sonic sounds sweet aim nice, hut c cun t May. but one lu Htrument, There's one thing wo can do mid Hint Is to rut the nrlces on driicf that's what makes you hnppy nnd saves money. ( iiiiiih) iiiM-r i:irni-i . i rnitif rM mum-)- i iir 7..0 Ntuiirt'n Cnlnrrli Tnlili-ln lilt' .! lint llrriili'lili llllc riiiUliiini'M I 11111111111111I .......... Illli! M. .S. H I'l'i-iimt iitie Hii-I'iiii Hnlr Tunic rr.e UXIMIIIlUlllll , , . 7.1c Willi- nf I nriliil , ni I'liTi-i-'n l'rc,.rlll.m 7.c MnfT- .Unit WIiIhUi-)- Kn)' I.iiiik llnlin UOe KllTN llllltt (If ..t .,!.. hen wn fill your prescription wo "don't havo to" dlvey up with Doc, nor do we pny their olllrc rent. "Mo and Doe differ on that point, hi! wnnts It nnd gets It, but not II "III L. O. SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DRUGSIST . XV. Cor. lOlli nnil Chlenso. Reaches Zinc and Lead DISTRICT of Southwest Missouri AND Northern Arkansas rii'Kiri' ofi'ici:. Cur. Mlh unit Donulim s. 1: The Chicago Record b'6l of these Type w...ers In dally uie YOST It you want typewriter, why not come first where you can see EVERY GOOD SORT OP TYPE WRITER in Its best form? TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES of all kinds for all machine. TYPEWRITERS RENTED. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. New Century The finest catalogue ever Issued Is yours for the asking. Wrlteo7Call. United Tr writer and Supply Co,, itil I'urnam St., Omaha. LEECHES Fresh supply of Imported Swedish leeches Just received. Wo keep thorn In stock nt 11 times. Can bo sent by mall. Price COo SYRINGES Sic An extra good Hypodermic for., ,;S1.00 A better Hypodermic for .'$1.50 A flno Hypodermic for $2.00 Also extra needles. THERMOMETERS A fever thermometer is almost a neces sity In every family nowadays. Thero Is no reason for being without one. for wo can sell un extra lino self. registering magnify Ing lenso a thoroughly aged thermometer for $1.00. Fuller Drug and Paint Co., Open all night. 11th and Douglas Sts, SWELLEST prices fully 40 per cent tower than tho now styles, tho latest, as soon ns they come different companies may bo seen any hour new skirts, now wnlsts from tho leadlmr tmont bo popular with tho public. Thoy that our silk garments aro made from the monts from tho colobrated Skinner's Satin know wo aro reliable They know that nts nro not satisfactory. $7.50 mado ot nro tho $9.90 rondo of im newest Uolero and 15.00 materials, silk 20.00 Lot 2 Silk Waists, 150 of them, mndo to sell for $7,50 corao In tho very newest styles; 011 sale for $4.90. Specials for Saturday Just arrived 200 Ladles' Albatross Waists made In tho newest styles, for $2.90. Ladles' Silk Capes, mado from heavy brocades, trimmed with silk, loco and rib bons, nt $1.25. Ladles' skirts In black brocade and plain materials for 90c. Ladles' Rainy Day Skirts, mado of extra heavy materials, at $1.9S and $2.90. Ladles' wrappers, with 16-luch flounce, c Lndles' wrappers, mndo from heavy per cale, 15-lnch llounce, worth $1.60, fo,r 95o, o. i'.msu shvi:. Farnam and Fifteenth able, conts. most We to m for an o'coat vu lead .you along nt one dollar and two dol lars u jump until you reach thu top notch of overcout values. AVo stand b,y what we sell nnd wo request you not to keep anything that docs not suit you. THK ALKXOMimiC "Tho latest." It Is a combination Spring Overcoat and storm coat, mado from wnter-proof cloth. Thoy nro cut and made up In tho latest Itnglan stylo they come In three shades green mixture, or oxford gray and light gray made with satin yoko lining velvet collar -4 f er v W.OOand Boy's Clothing Thu clothing of so ninny boys at this store means that we nro not only right in kind, but we must be l ight in price. It's astonishing to sou the beauty in Little Hoys' Suits at 1.00 to $0.00. Beauty docs not consist entirely in pretty cloihes ol no thu fit, thu tailor's art and twist is a part of it. It's us tonishing the quantity of good clothing ruined because the lit nnd trimmings nru not whnt thoy should be. So many clothes are ihadu up to accommodate thu merchant who, from lack of business, must just so often advertise a bankrupt or dissolution sale. Of course you do not expect thu best in tit, stylo and construction in one of these sales if you do you et dlsnppolntcd. Thcseason Is Just opening nnd It's tho same story larger business than a corresponding tlmo Inst year. WK'LL LOOK FOR YOU SATURDAY. Men's Shoes for Easter Men's Box Calf Shoes Men's ve lour calf shoes, men's vici kid shoes, men's patent leather shoes men's low shoos, every pair made for md sold by Tho Nebraska real S.'J md $250 .;3. 50 value I l7 Men's fan Shoes 'i (See ''Fifteenth show case). $3. 50 an.d t Q ( S5.00 values. 4 jS. for Pianos! Pianos! The Ghickering Piano The oldest in America the bust in the world. We sell it along with twonty-livu other good makes. The (Jhickering pianos are the best that is why we sell so manv of them. We guarantee our pianos to be satisfactory to purchaser or money refunded. We have just received live carloads of pianos, all of which are old reliable makes. These pianos wore bought for snot cash,and "will bo sold at much lower prices than other dealers own them at. We will make terms to suit your convenience on any piano. We have a large line of slightly used pianos taken in ex change for Chickering, Fischer, Franklin, Foster & Haines, that must be closed out n order to make room for this large stock of new pianos. Ilere are only a few of the bargains ou our lloor at the present time: One Upright Walnut Case, $S.r.()0. One Upright Walnut Case, 1)5.00. One Upright Mahogany Case, 110.00. One Upright Hose Wood Case, 125.00. Onu Upright Mahogany Case, $135.00. Ono Upright Wail nut Case, 150.00. One Upright Walnut Case, 100.00. One Upright Mahogany Case, 175.00. Pianos tuned, moved and Repaired. HAYDEN BROS.' MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Saturday Introductory salo and dis play of Hanan's, Nesselton's men's flno shoes. Foster's, Ford's, Utt & Dunn's, Arm (strong's ladles finest foot wear. Jenncss Miller la dles', misses' and children's shoes. Dimick's Orchestra Afternoon 2;30 to C:30 evening 7;3n to 9.00. Extra Special 2.50 for men's and women's shoes ndvertlsed everywhere nt 43.50 Including all pat ent leathers In this lino Saturday $2.50. Rochester Shoe Go. 1515 Douglas St. Men's Spring O 'coats Nothing i'Iso in tin sartorial Uhl' marks so niTiirnU'ly thu progrussivu tustu in clot lies as the overcoat and its fashions. In ono shape or another it is thu struct j-annunt two-thirds, of thu year. Fashion pumpers it, modillus it, clussilius it us unfashionable, more fashion fashionable. Like mun like Start You at $5.00 Men's Hosiery Mew's Fast Colored Seam less Cotton Hose in tho new shades of reds, blues, tans, solid blacks and un 10c bleached feet Extra Good Quality lino fust colored, silk plaited, and Kgyp- tlnn cotton hoso In fancy -f stripes, i,pots, nnd solid I colors, at Extra Fine Quality men's sea Island cotton nnd llslc-trcnd hose, In many striking nnd f now patterns bolld blncks. fancies nud tans New Pianos for rent. Tel. 1683 Shoe Store Has mado Omaha a metropolitan city. Wo iiavo nui two prices in Indies' slices Soro sis, ?3.G0, nnd our Specialty, $2.30. He member ytiu get real $3.00 values for $3.60 nt tho Sorosls, Thero aro patent calf, In Inco or button, for street or drees, Then wo havo vlcl Iflds, In lnco or button, turns or welts. In fact, anything In tho shoo lino that a woman could wish. Wo carry a Very Inrgo lino of Imported fjermnn Illllo Laces, mado oxpresssly for ladles' hand bags. Don't forgot tho watoh word; "Meet mo at tho Sorosls Shou Store." Sorosis Shoe Ston, 20H So. 15th Street. 1 KANK WILCOX, .Munugcr. Easter Suggestions in the Women's Dept. women's aiiK mailt) ot a Dress Skirts good qual ity tiilFotu silk, trimmed with 4 rows of silk niching, full Uaro shapo, woll mado and wull lined, 11T 9 4 4 . the real value ot this skirt lo ot tins skirt tfll). $6.90 Our Lturday Price Womeis Taffeta mado of Silk Skirts v o r y quality tafiota silk, tucked over and trimmed with braid 0 rows of taffeta niching a made and beautiful hanging )eautiiui Hanging $12.75 skirt exactly like cut bishop or line of colors. Our price only Men's Easter Hats new shapes, new colors, sav ing you from H0c to 1.00 of your hat money. A look through our Hat Department will very quickly prove to you that our hat-man is up to hats in every particular. It takes years of experience to catch on to all the good points in a hat we're point-proof here. Saturday is a great hat day at The Nebraska. v S HAYDEN Prices that will positvely save from 25 to 50 per cent. Every thing is sold at a very low margin of prolit and sold quickly. You are consulting your own interests when you inspect these mag nificent Saturday offerings. Men's all wool cassimoru suits, in two elegant patterns, made with satin piping, wide French facing, worth 7.50, our price, Saturday, y.75. Men's fine black, blue and oxford vicuna, new stylsh spring suits, worth 0.50, our special price, 5.00. Men's pure worsted and line unfinished black and blue wors ted suits, worth 1JJ.50, our price Saturday at 7.50. Men's extra nobby spring suts, made in the new Yale and mili tary styles, over 50 styles to select from, not a suit worth less than 15.00 and 18.00, our special price, 10.00. Men's very finest spring suits this line consists of the finest made elothng in Ainerca, and every suit worth 22.50 to 25.00, our price Saturday, 15.00. For Saturday, March .'0th, we will oiler boys' and children's new spring suits and odd pants for 50 per cent less than any house in the trade. Hoys' all wool suits, knee pants style, pants made with double seat and knee, worth ;, our price Saturday, at 1.50. Hoys' extra fine ."-piece knee pant suits, worth 1.50, at 2.50. Hoys' and youths' swell long pant suits, in all the new spring style, suits worth 7.50 to 15, our special prices 5, 0.51), 7.50. Boys' very finest Jlussinn blouse and sailor blouse suits, in all up-to-date patterns and styles, suits that are worth and sold elsewhere from 5 to 12.50, our special prices Saturday for 2.75, .'5.50, .'.05 and 5.00. Hoys' all wool and corduroy knee pants, Saturday for 25c. Hoys' knee pants, worth 75c and 1, at J5c and 50c. Hoys' fine odd long pants, worth up to 5, Saturday 05c, 1.50 and 2.50. Head ad on page 7. ' HAYDEN BROS. SHLUNC. Til 15 MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. A Pleasure iTo know that tenth can be extracted positively without i tiny pain, wur mouiou wnn ' JfAI.I.KU AUt Is perfect ly harmless. Ti'HIi (leuiieil , 7.i Vitalised Air niln Kitriiotiiiu; , 'j.-h, TI CT'C ,' H'ADKLPII IA I Ar I Odkntai, parlous 1517 JhiiiKluHht. I Farnam and Fifteenth 810. a lino all and well fi t V-V f JiA Mm New Silk Waists for Easter Showing the most complete and choicest line of silk waists in the city. They an; made of thu best quality of taffeta silk, styles that are elaborately trimmed wth line cluster tucking, cord ing and hemstitching, mndo with either "pulV-cutl"" sleeves, in complete l niuuvcs, in conipiore $4.90 Children's Reefer Jackets- 12.r Children's Hecfcrs, mado of all wool broadcloth, In red, tan, bluo nnd brown, largo Bailor collars, nicely trimmed with Koutash braid, not a reefer In tho lot worth less than $2.50, nil ivaa man ..v, $1.90 and up to $5, Your cholco Saturday at ... Man Wants His Spring Suits JALITItSH