Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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n.'.'4 Mi:.vno.
Davis sells tlrtiK?.
rtocktrt sclln carpets and rues.
Osm fixtures nnd xlobcs at Wxby's.
l'lnn A U C beer, Neumaer hotel.
Wollmaii, fcliiitltlo optician. IC llwny.
W, J. llostoiter, dentist. Baldwin block.
Letter!, Jeweler, optician, S3 Broadway.
J. A. Snow. nuctlonnT. B'way. opp. I. O.
W. A. rjnivblll of Yorkshire. In.. Is in thin
city vIMtiiu friend
Novoltloa fur Huster Rifts. C. i:. Alex
ander ft Co,, xa Broadway.
V. F, Graff, undertaker and dlslnfector.
101 South .Main street. 'Phone Vfi.
Got your work done at the popular Eat'lc
laundry, 721 llroudway. 'Phone 10. .
Captain H. L. Henry Iihh ictiirnrd from
Cnlltornla, where he spent the winter.
Moran & KMn. uptiolsterlnK. furniture
rrpalrln,, mattress making. I.'I h. Mnln t.
GeorK" ?flllibon of Laramie. Wyt.. Is
guest nt Wal'cr GrmiPwi'K. otiroute burnt
lroni OiIciiko.
llluffs romtutt No. 27, rnlform Itnnk
Knight of I'vthlun. will iiiei't tonight to
consider business of lmportan .
A want ml In Tin) lieu will hum result.
The same attention Riven to a want ml In
Council IlluffH as at the Omaha other.
Coiinrll Bluffs it'-rle No. lul. I'rulnniil
Order or KiikU'H, will hold Km weekly nvel
Iiik thlM eveidnit Mi (Ir.ttid Army hall.
Mrs. C. II. On is of VS'aHhlliKton nvr'iii:
has been called to Atlduhoti, la., on ac
count of the sellout. MlncHH of lier mother.
V. It. Mnc(dn left Inst evening for Hot
Sprites, Ark., for tilt health. UurliiK hln
absence Mm. Lincoln will visit In t'hlcuRO
nnd Milwaukee.
The bulbs of rally llMn-knli lodRe will
hold h bazar and Kastor Male ut S. S.
Keller'K fnrnlturi' store Friday and Satur
day, March " and
The millinery nprtilllK of Mrn. A. Hosier,
which wns post poned last .Monday, will
lake place Saturday. March Conceit H
ptovlcieil for the evenliiK.
.lolin (irelzer Is home on nick Iciue from
Hln Philippines Ho l employed In Hie rov.
eminent postal service .it Manila. Ill
leavo will expire In .Inly.
Mrc. J. I.lnder will entertain the member
of Cully KUlId ol Grace church this after
noon at a Lenten lea at her home. Wnsh
InRtuu avenue and North Firm street.
Itev. It. VeutliiR, pastor of the lirst Bap
tist church. Iiiik been rIvcii a three months'
leave of absence by lilt couKreRiillon ami
will leave noon on a trip to KiiKlaud.
S. K. Crnnee, general niiperlntendeiil. and
G. M. Holtl. superintendent, of the Knnsus
City, St. Joseph Si Council Bluffs road, were
In this city yesterday on a tour of Inspec
tion of the Hue.
The will of .Inhli It. Cass of Clidr 'Wood
was admitted to prohutu .Venterdiiy. Ho
leaves his properly to hi "widow ilurlni; her
lift and at her denlh II Is to revert lo Ills
poii, Herman Conrad I'astt.
Frank Heed was appointed Kunrdlau yes
terday by .IuiIro Wheeler for VV. I,. While,
commuted Tuesday to the Insane asylum at
Clarhida. White has some penioniil prop
erty and a email amount of real estnt".
The ran axalnst K, K. Minnlck, charReil
with obtnlnliiK money under false pretenses
in connection with the salo of a patent
Kitsollnn lamp, was dismissed III polled court
yesterday moruliiK tor want of prosecution.
Mrs. Malony and daiiRhters wish to thank
the friends and nelRhbors for their kind
ness ilurliiR the sickness and death of tliclr
iluuRhter and sister, Anna; for the lloral
offerliiRs of kind trlends and the youii
lady soloists of Si. Kranclii Xavier cliurcli.
These. bulldliiK permits were Issued yes
terday: W. II. Hall, one and a half stor
frame iIwcIMiik In Iltirus' addition; Kate
Cllnc. ono story frame cnttiiKu at Twenty
fourth street and Avenue C, $sOH; Ivato
Cllnc, one story frame cottiiKe at KIkIU
eenth street and Avenuo C, J.Stm; Kato cllne,
one nud a half story frame cotiiKi' In Beers'
addition, ?1,(hjij; Henry Owens, two story
fraino cottiiKo In Mill addition, tl.M.
N. Y. t'lumblne Co., telcpnnno ZoO.
Dm .Molnen Mini SiirrcnilcrN 'I'leUet to
INClipe I'l'IIKCC ill lull.
AVllllnni Cane was arrested yesterday
evening at the instance ol tho authorities
of Des Moines, where It Is said he Is wanted
lo nnswer to the charge of tho larceny of
a valuahlo diamond ring. Ho was arrested
by Detective Weir whllo calling for mall
at tho postolllce.
Ho had pawned the ring for il.'i In Omaha
nnd the ticket whs found in his possession.
Word was received last night from Des
Moines that If Cuso would surrender tho
pawn-ticket ho would not ho prosecuted,
tin was only too willing lo give up l ho
ticket. It Is understood that the ring be
longed to a young woman with whom Case
bad been keeping comp'iny In Des Moines.
Davis sells palm.
II cm I IXntc TniiiNfei'x.
Thcso transfers were llled yesterday In the
bstrnut, title nnd loan olllco of J. W. Squire
101 I'carl streot:
.It. V. Iiiues lo l.evl DuMire. lot ." and
subdlv of iiwi,. seii si-TS-l.l, w. d.... $ M
Albert 1,, Sarchet and wlfo lo Joseph
F. Miller, uoi lti-77-41, seU sei', It and
lot 2. Auditor's subdlv of ne'.i He.4
ft lid lots 2, :i nnd I of Auditor's sili
dlv: uw'i set4 II and w a neien nwU
nw'i ne'i Ifi; w 7 acres of swU seU
10-77-H, W. (1 y, i.
F. I. Heed, commissioner lo George,
l'anlus, nw'i nwU 2il-il-U, q. c. il.,
Martin I'auliiH to George l'anlus, nw',i
nw'l 2i!-71-4X w. d
George I'utlllis and wile lo John
Klllckiuau, nw'i nwtt 2ii-7l-U, w. d..
Theodoro Jones and wife to Nelson
Jones, w :t acres s'i hwIJ nn'.i and
w a acres n!$ nwl' hc'. 15-77- I. w. d.
Nellln Scrltmer and husband to John
Flint. ni nw'i nud nwU ne'i (ex
cept 2 acis) ll-7l-:ts, w. l
John II. Hehlotfeldt and wife to
Henry Schlotreldt, lots ii, I ami .'i,
block S, Walnut, i. e. d
Joseph K. Moss and wile to II. I,.
Fonts, lot 22. In l.ovelaiid, w. il
National llulldlim and Savings assn-
elation to I'hll IMckerlug, lot t,
Snow'n subdlv of lots Ii and il and w
10 teet lot I, block I, llcers' add,
w, d l.l1")
John I. Howe lo John II. Martin, lot
ID of original plat hit 71. w. il 1,200
F.llzabeth Hughes nud George F.
Hughes lo .lames IVIerxou. lota 1
and 2, block .s nubaiik's 2d add.
w. d '.-'"
Totnl twelve transfers $2!.isl
DeLong stationery depa-in.cnt is right.
Something for Nothing
One had Just ns well m nud
I locate the North l'ole as to Iry
land Hud something for nothing
till these modern time Abo it
it., ft.,.,, f.u v.iil i'nit ...iliiti tit ft
Lis to buy your shoes at our IjJjJJl
for tho least money of any
latoro In the city.
Anotlicr thing Is that wo
warrant every pair of shoes
that goes nut of our store.
Don't you need n pair of our
mou nt, tni. i,linf.lo I
lug this wet weather"
Look for Hie llciw.
Negotiated In Eastern Nebraska
and Iowa. Jamei N, Cnsutly, r
U'ti Main St., Council muffs,
Funeral Director
(Successor to W. C 1-Zstep)
tU VDAllh &THUI2T. Tliunu 07.
Oily Agres to Elite Eight Hundred Do!-,"
J b . r D j
mil .ur lgftUC,
Inn Mte SiiKKeMtiMl, One. lletMoeii
City Limits unit l.oUe Mnniinu,
the Other lit Hie Drlvlnn
Tho city council committee has nprccd to
ralie ISOQ of the amount rcnulrcd to secure
the brigade rticamptnont this summer for
Council llluffs. Company U will have to
iccuro the balance. This was nRrced upot:
at tho conferenco last night between Alder
men McDonald. Iloyer and l,oiiRee. comprls
InR tho special committee from the city
council, and the committee from Company
t,. It was estimated that It would be
necessary to ralso $1,200 and the aldermen
otfered to raise two-thirds of the amount
If the boys of Company l would secure
the bilancc. The proposition was Rladly
n.ier.tod to by the. soldier boys and they
expect to have no dimcully in rnhlitR their
share c the needed fund.
Captain Tlnley presided at the conference
and oxplalncd what would be required of
tho city In order to secure the brigade
encampment hero. In addition to tho
$1,000 cash fund, It will be noccss.iry to
furnish Krouiids for tho ramp and water
lor the ramp. This Is all that the state
usks. Two sited for the camp have been
silKRested, ono between the city limits und
Mnnawa. In proximity to the railroad
tracks, and the other at the DrlvlnR park.
It was estimated that it would take about
$200 to make tho nciossary arranKcmenta
to Mipply water to the camp.
Captain Tlnley stated that the encamp
ment would lust seven days and possibly
clRht. He read a letter fiom Adjutant
fieneral Ityers, in which the latter explained
that all supplies in tho way of food for tho
camp tvould be purchased In the city where
tho camp was located. Captain Tlnley said
ho bclltved the ramp would bring fi.000 to
7,000 visitors to the city. In addition to tho
2.UJU men comprlsliiR thu two reslmcnts.
He thouRht It n safe estimate that the
soldiers themselves would spend about
J1I.00U while here.
Tho ndjutunt Kcneral has expressed him
self as beliiK anxious to hold the encamp
ment In Council muffs this year and Cap
tain Tlnley to!.l tho committee that he
considered It safe to tny that tho only
thlnK required to brine it would bo to
raiso the necessary $1,000.
The encampment will consist of the
Fifty-first nnd Fifty-second regiments of
tho Iown National guard. Tho towns hav
Inc companies In tho Fifty-first regiment
are: Dcs Moines, Hcd Oak, Stuart, Iled
ford, Oskaloosa, Wlntcrset, Vllllsca, Knox
ville, CornltiR, Shenandoah, Glenwood and
Council llluffs. Those represented In the
Fifty-second regiment arc: Sioux City
(two companies), Algonn, Fort Dodge, Web
ster City, Mason City, Hoone, Kmracts
bii rk', Sue City, Hull nnd Hampton.
Uuy your trees, shruhs and roses of
Menerny. Orders filled by mall or express.
C22 Fast llroadwny. Council llluffs, la.
w.w 4 i.t iiiioim: ok thi: hi.ks.
Ileillcnlliiti In April In to He .l title n
.Nolemirlli.'l Kvi'ilt.
Thu dedication and opening of the now
club house of tho Klks, Friday, April 10,
will bo celebrated with befitting ccremonlea
nnd exercises, arrangements for which aro
holng perfected ns fast as possible by the
committee lu charge. The members of thin
commltten arc: II. II. Van Urunt, B. W.
Hart, Judge K. H. Aylesworth, K, II.
I'aworth and 13. A. Troiitmau.
An Huportnnt feature of the dedication
will ho tho presenco of Jeromo II. Fisher,
grand exulted ruler of the Ileuevolcnt and
l'rotectlve Order of Klks, and other grand
olllccrs. The tlcdirntlon will be In the
ocnlng nnd according to tho rites of the
older. Following the dedication a proRrnm
of addresses will be the order of the even
ing. Tho speakers will bo. Grand Kxnlted
Kulor Jeromo H. Fisher, J. Sullivan, ex
alted ruler of Crcston lodge; George 11.
Cronk, past exalted ruler of Omaha lodge;
Johu N. llaldwln, past exalted ruler of
Cot null Illufl'B lodge; J. I'lckctt, past ex
alted ruler of Waterloo (In.) lodge, and
Colonel William Jennings Dryan. The lat
ter has accepted the Invitation to bo hero
K hu possibly can, but Is tumble to give
lit this data an assurance of his presence
so far ahead ot the time.
At thu cloto of the addresses a reception
will bo held nnd refreshments served.
These will servo on the reception com
mittee,: T. 11. Lacey, chairman; M. F.
Ilohier. I,. C. liiiun, C. It. llannnn. Harry
'., Hans, 11. A. Quint). 1). A. Hamilton,
Victor F. Header. 11. M. Sargent, August
Mereshelm. William Moore, W. A. Maurer,
Fred Searle, W. F. Sapp, Hubert 1'eregoy,
1'. C. Aylesworth, Fred Kmpklc, George
Gerner, W. I,. Douglas, U. II. Mcrrlam,
Tom Farnsworth, T. X. Petersen, W. I,.
Dnughn, Harlan, In.; M. L. Kvnns, Kmcr
son, In.; D. I,. Ilolnsholnier, Glenwood, In.;
J. C. Millimaii, Logan, In.; F. A. Dean,
Diinlap, la.
Oilier sub-committees will be appointed
later, whose duties will bo to meet vlsltlnit
Kllis nt the trains, escoit them to the new
club houao and otherwise provldo for their
caio nnd entertainment.
The afternoon of tho dny of tho dedica
tion t ho club house will bo thrown oper.
from 2 lo 5 o'clock to tho wives of the mem
bers of the order and tho members of their
families. reception will be hold and
tbeso will form the committee to receive
nnd show tho women visitors the beauties
of the hnuse: Mesdames John X. Ualdwin,
W. J. Davenport, Kinmet Tlnlo, F. A,
lliitUmaii. George K. Smith, A. T. Klwell,
J. II. Atkins. II. II. Van Hrunt. II. A.
Searle. V. A. Maurer. 1". A. Troutman. h.
5Curmiiehlen, Jr., Lucius Wella, William
Arnil, Victor U. Ilender. T. X. rcterscn;
Misses Carrie Schoentgcn, Kllcn Ayles-
No 20, 31. 33, Sj Pearl St.
Ni 23, 30. 32. 34 Main St.
These stores lu tho center of the city and
occupied tor many years by
John Beno & Go.,
tho latBcst retail dry goods and clothlnc
dealers In western Iowa, who havo re
moved lo more extensive quarters In the
Ulbemau building,
Ilcut very low to desirable parties on long
S Pearl Stroct, Couccll Blurt!.
worth, Jessie Farnsworth, Ccllu Mul'iucen,
Nellie Ilaworth and Nellie Moore.
A beautiful souvenir Invitation and pro
pram for the dedication has been prepared
nnd Is now In the hands of the printer. A
handsomo cut of the club house will adorn
the front pne. A copy will hi? sent to
each member of the local lodwc nnd to
ovcry Ulks' IoiIrc In tho country.
The pnpcrluc and Interior decorations
nearly complete and the furniturr. It 's
expected, will bo placed In the bulMIng
early next week. All of the furniture has
been made specially to order and will cost
In the neighborhood of SB.000.
Wanted Girl for general housework.
Mrs. A. 0. Gilbert, I2S Oakland nvenuc.
.Indue Wheeler Open tlic Term !
Hen rliiK DhiirtT Ciimcs.
Judge Wheeler, following tho precedent
set by the other ludges on the bench r,f
this district, is devoting tho Ilrat few days
of the term to hearing tho tabM of domes
tic woe of the numerous mlsmated couples
who bavo been forced to seek tho assist
anco of the. law to sever tho matrimonial
tics that bind them.
Yesterday afternoon he heard tho evi
dence in the divorce suit of Mrs. Clara
Kvelyn llonhnm against John W. Ilonham
nnd granted the plaintiff tho relief nsked
for. Ho also awarded Mrs. llonhnm the
custody of her four minor children.
Mrs. Ixittlu Sorclison, who brought suit
for divorce against .Martin Sorcnson, a well
known traveller, man of this city, alleging
cruel treatment and other charges, was al
lowed to dismiss her petition without
In the divorce suit of Mrs. Cora Sadowskl
against J. V. Sadowskl, tho pltlntltt llled
a motion asking to bo nllowed $100 tcmpor
ary and JS0 a month permnnent nllmnny,
nlso $J0 nttorney fees. Mrs. Sadowskl asks
that her husband bo required cither to p.t
these nmounts or else rIvo security for
their payments before the tour sets as do
tho .It-fault inken by her or entertains the
motion of the dc endant to have It ret
aside In her petition she makes Wrthor
statutcry charges against her husbnud ae-
eompanled by nn allldavlt to the elleet that;
ho compromised ho criminal charge ;
against him. and whl-.di caused him to he a
UIKllun liuni Jiinn... , ikijiuk "
sum of money to the aggrieved parties.
In the suit brought against OeorRO
Cooper and Lew Winkler, to restrain them
from selling Intoxicating liquors In Cut
off, because of their alleged failure to pay
tho mulct tax, County Attorney Klllpack
yesterday filed notice making A. Magnen
sen, the reputed owner of tho building oc
cupied by tho Fnloon, a party defendant.
The two suits brought by Attorney Fre
mont Drnjamtn against the city, III which
ho attarks tho validity of tho assessment
for special improvements against certain
property on thu Rrounds that the tax was
assessed according to the benefits deprived
aro set for hearing before Judge Wheeler
Gravel roofing. A. II. lived, GU Broad'y.
i'i.axs noxi: foh ,kv hospital.
Kt I tiliitcil Conl In I'lft.v Tlioiinniiil
Plans for tho now hospital building to
bo erected by the Woman's Christian asso
ciation havn been completed and work on
the structure will bu commenced In a few
days. Tho building will be about 7Sxl2fi feel,
three stories and basement, built ot brick
and trimmed lu stone and terra cotta.
The llrst Klory will contain medical and
general reception rooms, biiperlntendcnt'h
olnces, pharmacy, sixteen private wards,
nurtcs' rooms, diet kitchens and toilet
rooms. Three broad staircases conduct to
upper Doors, also elevator, which Is cen
trally located near ambulance entrance
The second story contains eighteen pri
vate wards, largo sun room, examining
room, diet kitchens nnd toilets.
Tho third story contains operating room
with necessary contiguous rooms, such as
anaesthetic room, sterilizing room, recov
ery room and dark room. On this lloor
will bo also two public wards of six beds
each, nine private wards, nursea' rooms.
diet kitchens, toilets, clothes closets, etc..
the total accommodation being for fifty
Ave patients.
In the basement story uro located the
kitchens, dining rooms, laundry, stoic
rooms, servants' quartets, lockers for
nurses, cold storage and Janitor's rooms
and toilets.
Tho building is so plauned that the ward
wings have exposure on enst. south and
west sides, thua Insuring sunlight for the
greater part of tho day to nearly every
ward In the building.
The estimated cost will be $50,000.
Davis colla glass.
iii;h hi: st ci.otuks iM:ii.Hrnr,i.
Arrnycil In TIimi' M rs. Forley eminent
to ; lo llnxpltnl.
Mrs. Kato Feoley had to be removed yes
terday afternoon from tho county Jail lo tho
Insane department ut St. Bernard's hospi
tal pending (he investigation Into the caso
by tho commissioners. The hearing was
set 'for yesterday afternoon, but so far the
authorities havo been unable to locate
Michael Fceley, the unfortuato woman's
Tuesday night and yesterday Mrs. Feolcy's
condition became such that her removal to
tho hospital was deemed necessary. Whan
llrst tnken to the county Jail sho seemed
h.itiblled that r'io would bo safe from the
Cuduhy kidnapers, whom she labored undor
the hallucination were following her to
take her life. Vodncsdoy night sho became,
almost violent tn her fear and barricaded
the roam In which she was placed with the
fiirnilute. Sho refused to leave the room
yesterday, even tor her mcdls.
When the tirno ramo to take her to tho
hospital, Sherlf Cousins experienced con
siderable tliniculty lu Inducing her to enter
the waiting carriage, and for r whllo It
looked as If force would have to bo used.
Sho llnally (ousenled to go to tho hospital,
If sho was permit ted to put on her best
clothes. This was granted hor and after
spending about half nu hour fixing herself
up the consented to accompuny Sheriff
Cousins nud Deputy Canning to the hospi
tal. attc.mis.
II ri, Kllcn K. Denny nl Xerllnu of
l.oi-nl W. I . 'I'. I .
Mrs. Kllen K. Denny of Vlncennes, Intl.,
national organiser, was present nt the meet
ing yesterday nflernnon of tho local branch
of tho Woman's Christian Temperance
union. Sho told of her Intention to remain
in this city several months and wns accord
ingly selected as biiperliitemlcnt of tho Jail
and prison department.
Mrs. II. A. Cole of Oakland nvenue was
appointed superintendent of the purity de
partment nnd Mrs. O. (!. Ilalrtl prebs re
porter. Miss Nellie Orcen was elected vice
president for tho llroadwny Methodist
church. j
.Mrs. it. ii. upimim ami .Mrs. ,i. r. urcru
shields were appointed a commltteo lo ar
range for a maia meeting of the women of
the city to be held nt an early date In one
of the churches.
II was derided to hold the next meeting
the second Thursday In April nt tint home
of Mrs. O. 0. Ilalrd, Mill street,
.ei'l. Itrlciiftf of Murlunuc
Charles T. Officer, administrator of th
estate of Thomas Officer, applied to Judge
Wheeler of the district court yesterday for
an order authorizing him to release u
mortgaRo executed lo Thomas Olnccr by
William Crnlk on land In Monona county
a number of years ago. The last payment
on the mortgage was made by Crnlk In
June. ISSn, but the mortgage has never
been relenscd or satisfied of record.
i:ilII lteilniollil of SlltN" Get lliilil
Hues for Heath of Her
SIUU:V. In.. March 2S. (Special, Tele
Binm.) Tho March term of district court
of Osceola county closed today. V.Wla
Redmond's damage Milt against U. Areti'U
for tho death of her husband, John Red
mond, who died from injuries sustained by
a fall fiom the second story of a brick
building, In a room on tho second lloor
of which building Arcuds iiold liquor, re
suited In n verdict of $100 damages. Dam
age sultB by tho members of tho Hedmond
family are pending apalnst Arcnds.
Attorneys appearing for the petitioners
obtained decrees of Injunction and orders
of abatement of liquor nuisances In a
number of cases. Tho following persona
were enjoined: K. Arends, August Groh-
man nnd Charles t.owroy of Sibley, Joan
Jnckley and Joseph Kent of Ashton, and
Van Vol his of Melvln. l'renilses, occuplsd
by B. Arends at Sibley and by Van Vorhls
and Arends at Melvln, and by Kent nnd
Jackley at Ashton nnd Melvln as unlicensed
drinking places, wcro declared nuisances,
and decrees of abatement ordered.
In the cases ngnlnst W. H. Stevens, drug
gist of Sibley, and W. L. 1'arkcr. druggist of
Sibley, charged with Illegal sales ns
pharmacists, the court found In favor of the
Mmrtnur In Pnrncll I'ostiilllee.
IOWA CITY. In., March 2S. Dr. J. i:.
ClmenKl Iffillnrl Ct n tot linul nfllfwi Inutiopl lir
f h , n dM.0Very ot 3i0u0
lw, ,he mon or(lcr dcparl.
of- the ,,,.,. (Ifti) ,)08tomco , n,
, Tho n a
$ ( ,UMovere.l by hln.
thchKCnerill bookH. reports Mr. Stewart,
onhnirthcr investigation It was found
f ,h mo onIor (lu.
l,,l 1, ,,! for Ihron lilnlllliy.
Tho assistant postmaster, a woman, was
asked for tho proceeds of that department.
Sho brought him a.eoln bag containing
$20. Xo more being forthcoming Inspector
Sttwart hunted In the store building where
the ofllco was placed and on opening it
thread case he found some greenbacks.
The search ot tho odd corners of the stotc
swelled the amount discovered to soin
$700. Dr. Stewart reported the condition
of the store to the postmaster, whom ho
believes entirely blameless tor any short
age, anil after some warm talk the post
master went to some of his friends nnd
secured tho $l,r,00 needed to mnke up the
cash to the showing on the books.
To Contest l.i-mnr election.
MCMAHS. In., March 28. (Special.) At
tho city election ot Lemars Monday J. M.
Hazlctt, republican, defeated M. Schacfcr,
dcirocrat, by ono voto for tho ofllce of in tho First ward. Today
Schacfcr llled nntteo of contest, nnd tho
caso will como up for hearing April 18.
Dnninue Suit for Slnnder.
LF.MAKS, la., March 28. (Special.) Ja
cob I.lchtcr of Ilemsen has begun a $2,000
damage suit ngalmtt Itlchard Bornstein of
tho same place lor slander.
Aller I.uirlii- Wlmtf
Usually a racking cough and a general
feeling of wenknoss. Foley's Honey and
Tar Is guaranteed to cure tho "grippe
cough" and make you strong and well.
Meycrs-Dlllon Drug Co.. Omaha; Dillon's
drug store. South Omaha.
HiiIImiih Into I. end lo lie
hitov mill Willi
LKAU, S. 1)., March 28. (Special.) A
third rail Is to bo laid between Kirk anil
Lead by the llurllngton & Missouri and
tho Illark Hills & Fort Pierre railway
companies which will enable outside ship
pers to bring In their goods without having
to transfer to the narrow-gauge road.
An order has been issued by the Home
stake company to Its employes prohibiting
tho frequenting of saloons nnd nny viola
tion of this rule will mean the Immediate
dismissal of the otfendcr.
Tho twelfth annual convention of tho
South Dakota Pythian grand lodgo will oc
cur lu this city June &-S. Klaborate prepa-
atlons are being mado by the otllcers ot
tho lodge In tho Hills. Prominent mem
bers from other states aro expected lo bo
present. Keduccd rates havo been ob
tained over tho Northwestern road.
I'lnrly Si'llliT of Auliiii-ii.
AUHUHN, Neb.. March 2$. (Special.)
John Long tiled at the home of his son-in-law,
W. S, Parker, ut 0 o'clock this murn-
ing at tho ago of DO years. Ho was one of
tho llrst settlers In the county, coming hero
in lie leaves a largo numiicr ot cniiu-
ren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
.Ionic, I. ctlcr of i:cliw.
M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb.. March 2S.
iSpeelnl.) James Leflcr, a pioneer farmer
who lived near Kxeler, diet! -yesterday nnd
is to be burled at Fairmont. He leaves n
largo family. Mr. Lellor was nn Iowa sol
dlor nntl past commander of Hobcrt Antler
son post of York.
I'liini-e-.' of lurk (.otinly.
YOHK, Nob., March 23. (Special.)-II, F.
Ileatty, one of York county's earliest set
tlers, living near Houston, this county, died
yesterday ut his farm of pneumonia. He
leaves n small family.
I'litiK-rr llohf mliiii Settlor.
FItK.MONT, Neb., March 28.-(Speclal.)
John Zinrhy, a pioneer llohomian settler of
Saundcni county, died nt his home at
Prague this morning, aged 70 years.
llrnrel'ii-lone r.
HUMBOLDT. Xeb., March
Henry Brncelen nntl Miss Myrtlo Moser
left on tho train Inst night tor Oregon, Mo.,
where they were married this moinlng.
Tho lirltlo Is n daughter of John Moser. a
traveling salesman.
I.i' l-n iter.
Al'lU KX. Xeb., March 28. (Special.)
Louie Lewis of Weston. Xeb., nntl Miss
Nellie Snyder of Auburn were married nt
the home of II. A. Lambert Wednesday, ond
took the train for Weston to lle.
llllcii linker Hiillilliiu.
VILLISCA. la.. March 28. (Special Tele
gram.) At li.lO'thls nflernoon tho tire com
pany was called to u tiro In n building
ownetl by Mr. Wjkoff and occupied by
Robert Flndlcy, tho lower door ns u bakerv
und restaurant, tho upper floor as a home.
The lire started In a wardrobe In the upper
story and the contrn'H of that floor were
destroyed. The contents of tho lower lloor
were Injured by water and arc Insured,
taxes express companies
State Executive Council Autisei Fropertj
According tt Mileage.
Ite i-niie Collector Ilium Iskcn IIiii-
iliic to lleilnee i:iifiinr l)i-
Miilne inlletile lo Slart
Html.. In Okltiliiiinit,
UBS MOINi:s, March 2S. (Special.) Tho
BUtc executive council met today for tin.
purpcie of making the assessment of ex
press companies doing business In Iowa.
lint law retUlrcb that the value of these
companies In Iowa shall be ascertained by
determining tho mnrkct value, of their
stetks and bonds und deducting thuietiotu
tho value of the property owned, but not
used exclusively In tho conduct of tho ex
press business. After this Is done they
arc to assess to Iown that portion of the
routes which arc In the state nnd distribute
tho assessment by mileage along the
routes. Last year was the first time Hint
tho nsscssment was made under this law
and the council Ignored the provisions ot
the law, on tho ground that It Ik Impossi
ble to thus determine the value of tho
property. Tho companies were asscsBctl
then ns follows, per mile: - Adams, $25,
United Stntep, $21; American, $33; I'aclllc,
$21; Wells-Furgo, $2.1; (ireat Northern, $31.
The reports of the nrlous companies, as
made to the auditor ot state, show Hint
they all claim exemptions from Inxatinn
on practically all their Investments held
as security for the business, its well ns on
their real estate and other property In the
eastern cities. The American Is a share
company, with 18,000,000 shares of n market
value of $2(5,100.000. Tho company ownt
slocks, bonds nnd other securities valued
at over $10,000,000. Its mileage operated
In Iowa is 2, It'.;. The I'aclllc Is stocked
for $fl,000,OCO and operate 13'J miles of roulos
In Iown. The Great Northern Is capitalized
for $1,000,000 nnd operates seventy-seven
miles In Iowa. Wells. Fargo k Co. hna
$8,000,000 on which to do business nud tint
shares aro worth $13.", and opera t cm 5i1
miles In Iowa. Tho Culled States Kxpreni?
coii.pnny is not organized as a stock com
pany, but has 100,000 shares, worth $50
each. It operates l.'.'OS miles In Iowa. It.
hna lfi7 miles of new routes In Iowa this
year. The Adams has 120.000 shares, wor.i; thl,"5 for l" pro.rctlvp mother Is prepa
$150 each, (in.l operates l.SSS miles In Iowa. , vr prcpnrntlon Is possible. There
Tho Adams protests against the council
considering the property owned outside of !
the state in making the assessment. Owing I
to the absence of Treasurer Cllbcrtson the I
nsscsament of express companies wns not
completed and recess was taken until to
morrow. in inn IiiiIIiiiim Itelitikeil.
Commissioner Jones of the United States
Indian olllco has written Indian Agent
Mnlln of the Sac nnd Fox ngency nt Tama,
giving a llnal answer to tho latest appeal
of tho Indians for back pay and alleged
annuities due nnd held up, In which he
directs that tho Indians must ho compelled
t,o obey the government nnd proceed In tho
regular wny to secure their pay. It seema
that about a year ago a number of claims
wcro llled In the Indlnn ofllco by these
name Indians, linking that they be paid by
check nnd tho checks be sent to Montour.
The fnct was disclosed thut tho clnims
were being urged by one or two lnwyurs
of Tama county, who havo been making r.
living by stirring up trouble among tho
Indians and pushing false claims.
Tho plan to hnve the money sent to Mon
tour, Instead of to Tama, where tho ngency
Is located, waa f part of the scheme of
these outsiders to secure possession of the
money. Tim department sent the checks
in question lo the ngent at Tamn nntl ho
was directed to notify the Indians that
they must receive their money through him
or not at all. Now tho department re
Iterates tho demand nntl directs that the
Indlnns bo notified again that Insubordina
tion will not bo tolerated. There nro 22"
of the Indians out of 100 who havo at
tempted to Ignore the agent nnd lo securo
their money through outsiders. Commis
sioner Jones lnys down the rulo that until
these lndluns go voluntarily to tho ngeni
and offer hereafter to rocVlvo their annu
ities through him nnd cease to have any
thing to do with tho mischief makers the
will not receive any pay. This, it Is ex
pected, will close the troubles at the Tami
agency, which have been a sourco of much
annoyance to the Indian bureau.
IteiliieliiK I'Vilrrnl I4iiiim.
The collector of internal revenue for tho
southern Iowa district has received an or
der to reduce expenses on and after April
1 to the amount of $3,C0O a year and lo
offict this saving he has dismissed tho
traveling deputy, one locul deputy In tho
collector's ofllco aud the stamp sellers at
Ottumwa. Crestou, Keokuk and Muscatine.
The stamp deputies at Des Moines nntl
Burlington remain for tho present. Com
plaint bus been mado frequently that the
service was crippled because of InsuflUienl
help and this reduction mnkes the situa
tion still worse. A similar reduction Is to
take place In the northern district.
C.-iptnln Ili-fMou Helm on Home.
Information has been received that Cap
tall' Ktlward A. lleeson ot tho Thirty-ninth
I'nlled Slntcs Infantry has returned horn's.
Ho has been discharged from the service
on nccounl of continued 111 health, his
(Uncharge to dato from March ill. and fo'
, ., present he will remain In Marsh-ill
town with his parent". He hecumo 111 will!.
an duty In the Philippines.
HiiiiL iiiillnl lor DKitilioiiin.
A syndicate ot Des Moines capitalists
will engage in tho nanklug business In I
Oklahoma, stnrtlng now banks In the (owns
to ho (titabllshed or buying out old banks.
U. 11. Hunter, formerly postmaster In Des
Moines, has gene to Oklahoma lo represent
the syndicate and arrange for the opening
of the banks. Ho mado a trip thero nbout
ten days ago and reported the opportunities-good.
The syndicate has $100,000 -n
Invest In Oklahoma and practically all of
It Is advanced by Des Moines bankers.
Illinium Nnrlct.v I'lnns,
Tho annual meeting of the Iown Hu
mane society wits held this evening In Dcs
Mollies and the old nillirri re-elected. II
P. O'Hnnlon of Milwaukee, tho national
organizer, was present. He has been en
gaged In oigaulzliig branches In varluiu
titles ot Iowa and reports much progre.
and general Interest lu tho work. The
society Is planning to securo new legisla
tion, which will extend tho authority of the
society over the entire iitato nntl enable It
to accomplish much greater good.
Salt Amilnil Hubert" Comity lo tin lo
Miptellle Court,
SIOCX FALLS, S. D., March 28. (Special
Telegram.) Tho United Stales attorney's
olllco today filed In Ihe federal court here
an appeal from the recent derision of Judgo
Carland In tho caso of the Ciovernnient
against James A. Itickert. county treasurer
of Roberts county, which was Instituted to
test the right of county authorities to assess
and lax Improvements upon lands allotted
to Indians nnd personal property of In
Miserable Mothers
for your medicines, which have given tin
the happiness of having child of our own,
The most tcrlous thing In life Is mater- " 8U m,"' "mIiir and disappoint-
nlty. Th child who Inherits weakties Is n,c,,t'
handicapped for life In the struggle for .'commend Dr. Pierce I avorlte 1 re
existence. The weak ami sickly mother jcrlptlou to a ong women who are
surely devotes her offspring to misery nnd "' , ""'" "'million Hint I was lu as ono
misfortune. The romantic Idea of mar- M .e best remedies in existence I Ime
rlage is based on love ami love alone. The ,'" ,' ' bo" " n'"1 ". "J"
scientific Idea of marriage demands sound
health ns a bads of matrimony. Tho ut
ter helplessness of love Is written In a
thousand experiences of oung motherhood.
Tho child, the mother would tile for, cries
In her arms, nnd she Is too weak and worn
to comfort It. Sho can do naught but weep
In smp.tlh.
As Burely us tho most serious, thing In
is, in general, no need fer the weakness
weariness so often usboclated with
maternity. There Is no need for the ner-
vou'' ""tlety, tho prolonged birth pangs,
ami niter enervation, so commnuiy expert-
enced hy mothers.
In this day, even women understand tho
training necessary for athletic exercise,
They know that to successfully sustain
the strain of outdoor sports they must
prepare themsclvei by training. And yet
tho average woman will face the great
strain of maternity without the slightest
preparatlon for the extraordinary event be-
foro her. Nerves, muscles are all to be
submitted to an extraordinary strain and
yet there Is no attempt to lit them for tho
The fact needs to bo Impressed on every
woman that she can prepare for the strain
of motherhood ns she can prepare for
any other extraordinary demand to be
mado upon the vital forces. The nature
of this prepaintlon U well act forth In the
following letter:
"I take pleasure In Informing you of ho
,c . I,, . , , . ,
ISth. ISfifi." writes Mrs. L. E. Ccrtl. ot
Waltonvllle, Pa., Itov 25. "I cannot find
words sulTkiontly strong to express to you
my thanks, for the baby's coming was al
most without pail, and when my husband
arrived with the doctor the chlU was al-
ready born. The nelg'-bors who were with
mo, anil my husband and the doctor could
not believe their eyes. Ilnving surfercd so
much before I never believed myself nblo
to be delivered of a living child. I tell
1 JoimBENOAro.
Remnant Day Again
The impuliuit.v of our IMII I V anil SATI'ltDA Y It KM XA XT SAI.KS
will lie In no whit iilinti'il liy I he oIlVriiiKs this week.
Embroideries and
This .ectlon will show Mime veiy do- We shall place on Kile today a
Mrible lengths al very small prices large line of mill end Tablo cloths In
In embroideries, edges and Insertions, t ., ,,. . .. . ,.. ,
We have also a big Hue of embrold- - -"s '- LeMullm.
cries, home In full plcees, marked at iiiesu nro genuine Irlrdi linen nntl,
spei lnl prlei- tn dose. ON HALH TO- J whlb we hope to supply all coitior.. we
AY ttthlse early buying.
Remnants in All Departments.
tlll, OliniHIS l-HOMI'li,, 111, I, 111).
dians who have taken allotments. Judgo
Caiianil's dciif-lon, from whlrh the appeal Is
taken, wiu in favor ol the Itoberla count)
outhorHlct.. The tase Is of far-rcaehlng Im
portance and the opinion nf tho higher coin t
was desired.
South llnl.otn liit'oriini-ullnii.
PlURKi:. S. D . March 2S. (Special ) -Thcso
articles of incorporation were filed
Tho Sponn Cold Mining cninpan at
Pierre, with a capital of $l,u00,(inn, incorpo
rator!!. O. P. Hunter. (1. It. Slcten ami L L.
Tho Bristol Co-operative I'reuntrry com
puny, lu Bristol township, Aur-.rti county,
with a capital of $500; Incorporators. B
Splssman, K. C. Lerry. V. A. Nolan . J.
Bunker and James Justman.
Tho Alpha Minim: company, at Lend, wllh
a capital of $l,r,oo,000; Incorporators,
Thomas II. Monro, Junius A. Collins, New
Ion M. Wade. Stephen J. Hererja, Theodore
13. desk)', Joseph H. Moore nnd Jaiue
Tho Dell Haplds Co-operative Lumber
company, at Dell Itapltls, with n capital of
$10,000; incorporators, Jnmes Hunt, i' S.
Cordon, P. D. New ion, T. M. Clraham and
The Torrey Luke Skimming station, in
Brule county, has changed Its name to iho
Torrey Lake Creamery lompnny and I'.
rreased lis tapitnl stock from $1 200 to
I want it wheel, but havo no money "
Is this your Itx? Vou run earn one by do
lug a little work for Tho Bee, Itestl our
r.reat tffcr to boys and girls.
Appear March 30th.
llfo Is maternity so the moot necessary
turrybody this happy event was due t o I lio
help of (lod and of your medicines. 1 Minll
never he without your medicines. henceforth
and shall never fall In rccommcitdlnc
your M'nwulto rresciiptlou. I Imvo tisejl
the medicines which oit proscribed with
the best result?.
"Our hearts aro full of gratitude to yoil
tect ileum!. ,cce(ii nij ucsi amsiic! tui
your welfare to the end of your days.'
Dr. Pierce's Kivorltu Prescription has
been the means of preparing thousands nt
women for happy motherhood. It pre
vents or cures nausea, trnutiulllzes the
nflpi'iiu iiiipniiritna ft,., ntiitcttll. unit lt
,,,; rofrpflhlnK lccp. It mparl(( KrMt
vitality and mut-cular vigor so that tho
bnby's advent Is prartlrally
nlnless. It gles the mother
strength to glvo her child,
nnd Is an unrivalled tmile
for nursing mothers.
nt the lompt anil permanent
benefit derived from the ttso
of "Favorite Prescription."
Its cflects aro not transilcnf
It ml temporary, but they
conduce to n condition of
womailly well being, which
seems oftentimes like a re
newal of youth, so marked
are Its; effects and so last
ing tho vigor which It Im
parts. (
Mrs. Orln Stiles, of Down
Ing, Dunn Co.. Wis., writes:
"I havo been Intending lo
write to you ever sinre my
baby was born in regard to
what your 'Favorite Pre
scription' hns done for me.
I cannot pralso It enough,
for I have not been as well
for flvo years ns I now am.
In July Inst I bad a baby
boy, weight 11 pounds, nnd
I wns only sick n short
lime, nud since I got up
hnvo not had one sick tiny.
I have not had nny uterine
trouble since I got up. f
was not only surprised my
self but nil my friends hero
nr surprised to see me so well."
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription malte
weak women strong and sick women wel.
It corrects irregularity, dries dlsagrerab,.
drains, heels inflammation nnd ulceration
unit riires lemnio wcnhiiess.
Thousands of women have been sur-
prised at the cures effected by the patient,
nud persistent use of Dr. Pierce's Fnvorltu
Prescription. This medicine has cured tils-
eases which have failed to yield to any
other remedy. When doctors have tlctiar-
od a cure was hopeless, and when othur
medicines have been tried lu vain, "Fa-
vorlto Prescription" has brought about a
lasting euro. There is no other put up
medicine, specially prepnred for woman'ri
uc which has so wide and wonderful u
cure of womanly diseases to Its credit.
Sick people especially those sufferln
from chronic diseases aro Invited (o cou-
suit Dr. I'lerco by letter free aud bo ob-
tain without chargo tho opinion of a spe-
clallat on their ailments. All corrcspon-
deuce confidential. Address Dr. It. V.
pierce, Buffalo, X. Y.
The dealer who offers n substitute for
..PavorMo ,.rpsel.p0ll" does so to gain
the little more profit paid on tho less mcr
Itoriotis medicines. Ills profit Is your loss,
therefore accept no substitute.
Dr. Plcrco's Common Sense Medical Ail
vlser Is sent FHEK on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mnlllng ONLY. Send
2t one-cent stamps for honk In paper cov-
ers. or 31 stnmps for the cloth bound vol-
ume. Address Dr. It. V. Pierce. Buffalo,
X. Y.
I End Lengths of
Table Linens
S5.00 A MONTH.
All Private Diseases
and Disorders of Men
12 Years In Omh,
Method new, never falls,
without cutting, pain or
SYPHl L l8!,f::i;!lf'i!:'5
thnsyrftum. boon every sluu und ttymptoui
ifli.1?t-"?M0An.W.r!ol' " forever. ' No
olHVH??0 "r fhid!(ifsoontliesklii
5, . '"'""int contains co dangerous
drugsor Injurious medicines.
WEAK MEN UoH ,r MtNitoonfrom K-
SEYllAi l v ""esor VlirnusTo Nkltvoud
Atitn, lack of vim. vigor ant strength, with
sexual organs initial rid and weak.
STRICTURE rl iy , .IVf"' , n w
nnd CLEET u"d Infallible Homo Treat
n , ""!"ti v,r!"-strumnts,nopaln,
no detention from business, Ooiiorruoea
Kldcey and Blailner Troubles. ""run",
Comultillon fttt. Tratmfnt bv Mill,
fall on or address Mo S. !dth St
Dr. Searles & SearlBs!bmahi fieb:
If ynll llll. imill. mIi .......
lent power nr oeukrntiiK ilrmm!
our Vacuum Orifn Iieloin r ulli
fill p tv nr,nni . . "
f.illiirr not cute returneil, not' it P. fr.iu.1, Vrltu fur
ioch appiunci CO,, 171 Thorp Bllt., Itidlinipolli, Ind.
Ii Kidneycura.
TOKKf. all Kicliiu
Jlseasf. Hacjj'
. etc. At lrue.
irlSU. nr ......
If -w. L.-
oo. etc ol Mx, . J, Ka,. fcVT
I Free book, a
Itll'AN S TAIII'l.ifu i .... ...