Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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Andrew Johcton Commiti Suicide Near
Wlfr f AVpM-Ui-IIo 1'nrmrr CnlU
Mini ill llrrnkfnftt Time
mill I'lniln 111m l.lfr-
IIOI.DIIKOK. Neb., March 20.-(SpeclaI
Tclcgrmn.) The aulclde of Andrew John
on, a well-to-do Norwegian farmer, liv
ing northwest of here ncur the Wcstmarl:
postolllcc, occurred this morning. The re
fcort In thnt he first hung nnd then shot
bimnclf. Ho was dead when found by his
wife when she went to call him to break
fast. Mr. Johnson Is nn old settler. It Is
reported that he had been mentally un
balanced for some time. Ho leaves n wife
and two daughters.
BlMliiK I'mln irltli Hie llnnilliiK Dunn
of Orders on .Motions
LINCOLN, March 20. (Special.) The su
preme court adjourned this afternoon after
handing down the following decisions:
Orders on motions for rehcnritii': No.
lfatfi, Lincoln Htreet Itnllwiiy iignlust City
of Lincoln, overrule'!.
OrdrrH on Miotlons heretofore RJbmlttnd:
No, IWS, Kurliach iignlnHt I-'orfI, motion to
ctrlko muse from docket miMnlncd; 10975,
Wllllnms imalnst l'arks, nctlciti of N. H.
Hnrwnod (devenseil), revived In name of
l'red L. Harris, administrator; HUM, Mor
ton against Watson, motion to retnx costs
overruled 1127l. State acalnst Chicago,
Itoclc Island fe Pacltlc Itallroad Comany,
motion ror Judgment overruled, opinion
Hied, IliVsi, Loan and Trust BavlngH Hank
ugalnst Htoddard, motion to atllrm tlii.d,
motion to dlsmtHs denied; 11613, Fray
against Kray, iippi-llmit ordered to pay JO)
unit money nnd to furnish cost bond In ten
days, dismissed nisi; 11639. State ex re I
Hmytli against A mo Manufacturing Com
im 11 V. mutloiis to strike denied; 1107J. Olson
ngalnst Lamb, mntloii for modlllriitloii
leided, motion to relax costs denied; Hi; I,
Monro agnlnst lleltzel, motion to dlsmlsH
denied, motion to advance denied: HS'H,
Armstrong against Mayer, advanced,
Decision: No. 90SI, l'nrnielro agnlnst
Behroeder, Judgment of dismissal hereto
fore rendered adhered to; M13, Coad agnlnst
Travelers lusuiancc Company, afllrmed;
Sm17. Morris against Linton, nlllrmed; :':!'.'-',
Uarneau imalnst Colin, atllrmcd; )V. Chi
cago, tiurllngton & wulney Itallroad Com-
mny against woire, nlllrmed; a:m, cnlin,
iVamnold Ac Co. iiuaimit Caridess Co.. nf-
Ilttued, 9SM, (larrett against ltepubllcau
l'JIillshlnK Co.. nlllrmed: MOO. (iiirske
ngnlnnl Kelpln, alllrmcd, 9121, Kddy against
Klmerrr, nlllrmed; QI3I, I'nlou Htutn Hunk
nmilnst Mutton, roversed; 111:1!, Chicago,
Hurllngton & tjulncy Itallroad Company
ugalnst Hichnrdsoit County, nlllrmed; Chi
chko, Durllugton ci (julncy Itallroad Com
Jiany against Yost, reversed; 11517. (Jardiipr
against llurke, nlllrmed; IIC1S, First Na
tional Hank of Sutton against Urosshnus,
mill mod; US58, McCarty agalnut Hopkins,
Court adjourned until Wednesday, April
3, Tuesday, April 2, being a day of a gen
eral election and a holiday.
I '.Ire I Inn llliiKes oil l.leenac.
LKXINOTON, Neb.. March 20. (Special.)
The following Is the temperance ticket:
JInyor, K. A. Cook; treasurer. Dr. W. J.
McKlhlney, clerk, Charles Horner; police
Judge, W. J. Ilcncdlct; councllmen, First
ward, S. T. Woodsum, Lane Wee; Second
ward, A. y,. (Irantham, II. II. Kennedy.
In opposition to this Is Hie citizens' ticket,
whoso cundldates are pledged to abide by
tho vole of the electors nil tho llcenso ques
tion. These arc tho candidates: Mayor, J.
H. Llndcrmnu; treasurer, Charles Mont
gomery; clerk, S. T. Krlcr; police Judge,
H. C. McKlbben; councllmen. First ward,
Dr. S. 8. Miller. Andy I'rnllUt; Second
want, (ienrge I. OllinrtUcbcrt llewf.011. The
llcenso question fil bo submitted to the
For Kitfir'iiupitl of .hIimmiiii l.itw.
WKST POINT, Neb.. Mnrch 20. (Special.)
The ticket nominated by tho reform party
la Mayor, O. C. Anderson; clerk, Charles
lleckcnhauer; treasurer, C. W. Ackerman;
councllmen, F. J. Fnssnaeht, George Korb,
Jr.. nnd Wllllnm Oefeke. This Is n move
ment for tho strict enforcement of the
Slocumb law, the Sunday laws and various
other provisions of the statute which
have heretofore been either In abeyance in
West Point or totally Ignored.
(inu- County .iilli'finln.
HKATIUCK. Neb., March 20. (Special
Telegram.) Now that the bill creating
nine new supremo court comnilssloners
has become a law, Ileatrl"n has her quota
of applicants. It Ir generally understood
that, in Ongn county Is strongly repub
lican, n republlcnn will bo named from
here. Among those mentioned nro It. W.
Snbln nnd J K. Cobbey.
(JcniMii II lit ti School Orntorn.
OKNBVA. Neb., March 20. (Special.)
At the High school oratorical contest last
night, Chauneey Hrubesky won first place
by a selection from "Quo Vndls," nnd Hs
slo Heath second nn "Photographs." There
were nine, contestants. Deputy State Su
perintendent J. L. Mcllrlan nnd wife were
I'nr .Htrnllnu; l.up Untie.
FLATTSMOUTH, Neb., March 20. (Spe
clal.) In district court today Judgo Paul
Jessen sentenced Harry Tattle and George
IV m the Method I'.inploj imI Which
.tliikrn Nllrrl-H itt' I 'ill 111 re.
One man with pen, Ink and pnper can
produce a landscape; another man with
samo pen nnd ink may not be nblo to write
bis own uiimo legibly. It Is all In knowing
It Is equally truo In the use of medicines.
Tho same remedies wo nr.vo today have ex
isted for thousands of years, but If their
existence, was known, the knowledge of
how to use them was lacking.
They beenme valuable to tho human race
only v.hrn experiment and science showed
the way to uio thorn to got results,
Tho grip Is an old dlseaso with a new
name; It Is really catarrhal In character
and (he usual symptoms are those of acute
catarrh, hut the old time catarrh powders,
salvo and sprays do not cure It, neither
docs the application of nntlaeptlcs through
an Inhaler glvo anything more than relief
for n short time.
The antiseptics are all right; they will
kill the germs of catarrh and grip It thoy
are applied rightly, but their local applica
tion to the nose and throat avail little be
cause the germs aro In tho blood and
through the whole system.
Stuart's Catarrh TabloU contain many of
these same antiseptics that are used in
sprays and Inhalers, but Instead of upply
lng them to the Inflamed membranes of the
nose nnd throat they arn taken Into the
stomach and thus reach the blood, the real
teat of tho disease, and drive out tho In
fectious germs through the natural chan
nels of tho bowels and kidneys.
In other words Stuart's Catarrh Tableta
reach tho ccuso of the mischief Instead of
merely local symptoms,
The remarkable success of theso tablets
In curing grip, catarrh and throat nnd lung
troubles U becuuse they drive the catarrhal
poison from the system und lht noso and
throat become clear of tho excessive secre
tion of mucoui, which eausea tho hawking,
spitting nnd gagging, because the secretion
Is not supplied from healthy blood.
Two years ago Stuart's Catarrh Tablets
wero unknown, but today they have becomu
so popular through positive merit that
drugguts everywhere In tho rnltcit states
Canada uud Great Britain now sell them.
Thomas, colored, to two years each at hard
labor In the state penitentiary, the former
for stealing harness, lap robes, etc., and the
latter for stealing an overcoat from a way
tar of a Missouri I'aclflc train at Weeping
Water, The criminal cases nil having been
disposed of tho Jury was discharged for
this term.
I'liiimr Over n llrldue.
AU11UKN. Neb., March 20. (Special.)
While W. M. Lake was returning home
from Auburn at 12 o'clock Monday night
his horse tool: fright while crossing tho
bridge north of town and horse, buggy and
driver fell Into tho creek, fifteen feet below.
The buggy was wrecked, but Lako escaped
Double Divorce ProcecdlnRn.
MADISON, Neb., March 20. (Special.)
Divorce proceedings have been began by
Mrs. Mary Kroblen against her husband,
William Kroblen, and by Frank McCollcry
ngalnst his wlfb Nellie. The petitions set
forth that the defendants In both cases
are living together at some unknown ad
dress. Mlilnry- OlMclnl (rnn.
SIDNEY. Neb.. March 20. (Special Tele
gram.) The Sidney Telegraph was today
made tho official paper of Cheyenne county
for tho year. There were four other bid
dlers, tho llayard Transcript, Lodge Pole
Kxprcis and Drldgeport lllade, but the Tele
graph's bid of J2U0 was tho lowest.
Mrnl tli- Futility Horse.
CKl'IOHTON. Neb.. March 20. (Special.)
--Thieves entered tho barn of George D.
Hutterfleld at 10 o'clock Monday night and
stole the family horse, buggy and harness.
There seems to be an organized gang In
this locality, as this Is the fourth robbery
In less than a week.
HrnvlcM .Siunv In Yrnrs.
HKATItlCK, Neb.. March 20. (Special
Telegram.) All Incoming trains were from
three to five hours late this morning owing
to the heavy snowstorm of yesterday, which
was the heaviest fall of snow here In
twelve years.
Ilrpiikn Arm In Itiiiintrny.
I'KTKUSDUHO, Neb., Mnrch 20. (Special
Telegram.) While being driven through
town today, tho team of Henry Hcllrlch
ran away, throwing htm out of the wagon
and breaking his nrm.
.Ni'lirnxLn mid limikitn.
The Auburn Post, has started In on Its
twe-ity-thlrd year.
Tin- cost of the Gentlrman murder trial
to Platte county wus i:,?.'.
The Cedar Ilaplds Ilcpuhllcnn has quit
business nnd Colonel Pickett, the owner,
has moved the plant to Palmer.
Messrs, Conklln and Porter of Franklin
will erect a brick 'block this coming season
and open another bank In that city.
Mr. Harper, who owns a majority of Hie
stock In the telephone linn from Itnyard to
Sidney, has taken down the line because It
did not pay.
Huffman & I toll I nr. ranchmen near No
llgh. will this year put In 300 ncres more of
alfalfa. This will niako 1,100 acres of
alfalfu on their ranch.
The north Nebraska declamatory contest
will I io held at Norfolk. March 27. In con
nection with the meeting of the North Ne
braska Touchers' association.
Hoy Kirkpiitrlck. formerly of Nehawka,
hat been appointed traveling freight ugont
of the Ilurllnglon ro.ito for southern Illi
nois, southern Missouri nnd Arkansas.
. The postnlllcc nt Dlx was entered ty
burglars and robbed of $0.1 worth of stamps
and 315 In cash. The same night HS waR
stolen from the store of llushoo .t Vogeler.
A tramp who was rldliic on a frolnht
train throw u chunk of coal ut tho section
men who wero working near Papllllon as
the train passed. Tho coal hit Mack Mar
tin In tin face, cutting it severe gash.
The women of the Mothodlst
church at O'Neill ran tho Independent ot
tint place last week. They nut out u six-tcen-nuKo
miner. Jammed full of advertis
ing and plenty of good reading matter.
A North Pin I to young man received a lt-
tor irom n yiunc lady uud in (hn letter she
told him to look under the Htamn on tha
envelope. lie spent considerable time and
his- entire stock of patience steaming tho
Htamp olf und .law written on the envelope,
was u nam io gei on.
Walter Dya , nn Albion sport, enmo down
to Columbus and gut Into n game of draw,
lie wonted some money nnd cashed n check
at one of the banks In the city and put up
tile procerus in see wneiner nis tour
Jacks wero good or not. They wore not,
because Hie other follow had four aces, und
Dyar stopped payment on the check. The
bank has sued to recover.
A I'rovontlt of IiimiiiiiiiIu.
Malt-Nutrlno brings the bnlm of slumber
to those tortured with lnnomnln. It soothes
tho Irritated nerves, makes the blood rich
anil lively and greatly aids digestion. Pre
pared only by tho Anheuser-Husch Urowlng
Ass'n, St. Louis, 17. S. A.
Suicide hy Mlnrvntlon.
MILWAI'KHi:. March 20.-Mlss Lillian
Colcord, formerly of St. Ixiuls, whore, It Is
said. Him wiih prominently connected, died
today nt tho Hlversldo sanitarium, this city,
from tho oft'ectH of an attempt to commit
suicide lust fall. At that time Miss Col
cord disappeared and nine days biter was
lounu in an nine or me sanitarium, wnere
mio had remained without nourishment.
MERCURY'S ASCENSION DAY nnd llx .Neln!ilior In Nolo n
I'roulli of Wnrmtli llrtorr
WASHINGTON, Mnich 20. Forecast for
Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska, Iowu, North and South
Dakota and Kansas Fair; warmer Thurs
day southerly winds; Friday fair.
For Western Texas und New Mexlco-
Wnrmer Thursday; rising temporaturo in
northern portions; winds becoming south
erly Friday; increasing cloudiness.
For Oklahoma, Indian Territory nnd Ar
kansas Fair Thursday with rising temper
ature; northerly winds, becoming south
erly; Friday genernlly fair.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Thurs
day; wanner in eastern portions; southerly
winds; Friday probably fair.
For Montana Fair Thursday; warmer In
southern portion; southerly winds; Friday
For Illinois Fair Thursday; rising tcm
peraturo In western portion; brisk north
westerly winds, becoming variable; Friday
fair and warmer.
Local Itfeiinl,
OMAHA, March 20. Olllciul record of tem
perature nnd precipitation compared with
tho coriespondlng day of tho last throo
1M1. won. is. 1503.
Maximum temperature.... M Mi ns 58
Minimum temperature.... 10 12 lo Sfi
Mean temperature 1? Li) 21 47
Precipitation 07 .no .u .oo
Record of temperature nnd precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature .11
Dellclcncy for tho day ; u
Total excess since March 1 S7
Normal precipitation 05 inch
Kxcess for the day 02 Inch
Total precipitation since .March 1.1.10 Inches
Kxcchh since Murch 1 'a Inch
Dellclcncy for cor. period, WW 13 Inch
Dollclency or cor. period, 13'JJ 21 Inch
ltiHirlN from MhIIoiin ill 7 V. M.
: c
: 3
: -
Omaha, clear
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, partly cloudy ....
Salt Lake City, clear
Rupld City, clear
Huron, clear ,
Wllllstou, partly clojdy
Chicago, snowing ,,
St. Louis, Knowing , ...
St. Paul, cloudy ,.
Davenport, snowing
Kansas City, clear
Helena, clear
Havre, cloudy
lllsmurck, clour
Galveston, clear
19 1
12! .01
;..;,! is'
a t
ill .01
6 .
211 .0)
tfll 61! .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Qeorgt Bchlossir, a Dark Hont, Carries
Away tba Nomination!
. Phillip nnd C. M. Dny Defeated
In llic IIkIi, hut Soiiirtlilnjr
I'qtuilly ns Oooil In Prom
ised 1'lillllpn.
WASHINGTON, March 20. (Special Tel
egram.) The contest over the Sioux Falls
(S. D.) postmnstcrshlp was settled today by
tho .appointment ot George Schlosser, the
third candidate presented by Senator Gam
ble and Representative llurke when Nye
Phillips withdrew his name about a week
ago. Tho contest was one of the bitterest
that has been waged for a South Dakota
office for some time and those protesting
igalnit Mr. Phillips were most vigorous
In their opposition. This Is the first battle
between Senator Gamble and Senator Kylo
for tho control of patronage. The fight
up to a week ago was between Mr. Phil
lips and C. M. Day, but Mr. Schlosser,
who has remained quiet during the con
test, stepped In nt the last moment nnd
landed tho prize. It Is understood that
Phillips will ultimately get something
"equally as good."
Sou tb Diiholn Indlnn Mutter.
Representative llurke called nt the In
terior department today to confer with
Secretary Hitchcock concerning South Da
kota Indlnn matters. Ho made Inquiries
about a payment to the Slssctons nnd wns
told thai It was still being considered by
tho president. It Is understood that the
payment Is held up pending tho result of
nn Investigation tcccntly made Into the
affairs of Agent Johnson,
Charlton I.onse Ilcnouril.
The Postofileo department announces tho
renewal of the lease of the postofllce prom
ises nt Charlton, la., for a period of five
years from April 1 at $.'00 per annum.
Itnrnl I'roi DelMcry.
Rural frco delivery will be established
at Humboldt, IHchardson county, Neb.,
April 15. The service will cover an area
of 162 square miles, with a population of
2.SJ0. II. L. Ilcmcnt, 0. M. Hughes,
George Gird nnd J. R. Gird were appointed
Tho postofllccs at Kden and Mlddlcburg
are to bo discontinued and mall Is to be
sent to Humboldt.
I'ONtinnsIrr nl Corlcy.
William Wallers was appointed post
master at Corlcy, Shelby county, la.
Ilonirstlc Money Order (tillers.
These postofllces become domestic money
order ofllces April 1:
Nebraska St. Michael.
Iowa Uolllcr, Hldcr Grove, Haverhill,
Lizard, Marqutsvllle, Nemaha,
South Dakota New Hope, Perkins.
Wyoming Burnt Fork, Walton.
Samuel Wnrmotts of Milwaukee was ap
pointed carpenter at tho Chamberlain (S.
I).) Indian school.
Poslnlllom llr-ltnlllhrd.
The postofflec at Ada, Jerauld county, S.
D Is re-established, with John C. Miller
reunion HsntnlnlnK SnrKcoit.
Dr. R. S. Dott was appointed pension ex
amining surgeon at Salem, S. D.
I'rnnk I,. Stolen Vnlnntnrlly Hnrrcn
ilom 1 1 1 in m.'I r After Yenr Spent
In Million.
PLANKINGTON, S. D.. March 20. Cash
ier Frank L. Stevens of tho defunct Plnnk
lnton bank, who has been In hiding for
nearly a year and a half, reached hid homo
this evening. His coming Is voluntary. He
Is ready to stand trial and take tho conse
quences. Smith llnknln IncnrnnrntlnnN,
PIKRRK, S. 1)., Mnrch 20. (Special.)
These articles of Incoiporatlons have been
filed: Tho Teamsters' union at Deadwood;
trustees, Henry McGlIl, Georgo limner, J.
J. Feldhouse, C. D. Calhoun and Frank
Tho Iladgcr Congregntlonal church, at
Iladger, Kingsbury county; trustees, J.
H. Qulnn, N. K. Reeves, C. W. Ilarotrum.
The Farmers' Elevator company, nt Put
ney, with a capital of $5,000; Incorporators,
Olo W. Kvenson, Archlo McKlnnon, Charles
Dickinson and John Duncan.
Tho Kensington Gold Mining company, at
Pierre, with a capital of $1,600,000: In
corporators, R. N. Wlcrs, J. C. Kdgccombe
and L. C. Smith.
Tho Delkman Crude Oil company, at
Pierre, with a capital of $32.r,000; Incorpo
rators, T. P. Kstcs, C. D. Hlnklo and A. J.
I'rooi 'I'rnl ii to llimd of liirhiil.
YANKTON, S. D.. March 20. (Special.)
Yesterday noou Marshal Ralley received a
telephone message, from Centervllle re
questing him to be on tho lookout for a
boy named Peterson, who had run away
from homo nnd wns supposed to bo headed
for Yankton. The marshal caught the lad
as ho alighted from a freight train and
brought him to the city hall and tho fnther
was notified. The boy was Inclined to bo
uncommunicative, but .said that he was not
pleased with the school nt homo nor exactly
pleased with his home life. He said he
was headed for Sioux City, whoro he ex
pected to get work.
llond for AVntorivorli.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March 20. (Spu
clal.) April 1 Is tho dato for the election
nt Klk Point to vote upon the proposition
of bonding tho city for a waterworks sys
tem and gas plant. The bonds will be
purchased by John Nuveen & Co. of Chi
cago. Ilcnds for $S,000 aro to be Issued
for the construction of a waterworks sys
tem and (5,000 for the erection and equip
ment of n gas plant. Tho bonds will draw
per cent Interest. At tho samo time
city officers will be elected and the llcenso
question will be voted on.
Crenniory lnloail nf Choose Factory,
SIOUX FALLS, S. D Mnrch 20. (Spe
cial.) It has been definitely determined
that South Shoro will have n new creamery
this spring. Uy an almost unanimous vote
at the annual meeting of tho shareholders
of the South Shore Creamery and Cheese
association, It wns decided to convert the
cheese factory Into a creamery and com
mence butter making ns eoon as possible.
Theso officers were elected: President, F.
O. Grunorud; vice president, O. G. Frlnk;
toeretary, P. G. Johnston; treasurer, W.
H. Johnston.
For Support nf Iiimiiiio lrron.
YANKTON, S. D.. March 20. (Special.)
Tho April term of the state supreme court
will hear tho pleading of an appeal from
an order of the circuit court ot Bon Homme
county In an action brought for tho pur
poBo of recovering $1,568, with Interest,
from the estate of nn Insane person, which
It Is alleged has been paid by Don Homme
county for the maintenance ot said Insane
person In the state asylum. Kllllott &
Stllwell and French & Orvls, attorneys for
the appellants, deny the right of rccoveiy
In the case on constitutional grounds.
Aliliollltllli'lit Clin! Surirle.
SIOUX FALLS. S. ,D.. March 20. (Special
Telegram,) The people of Sioux Falls were
greaMy surprised at the appointment hy
Prctldent McKluley today of George Schlcs
ser as postmaster. It was the general
opinion that either Nye Phillips or C. M.
Day of the Argus Leader would win the
place. The winner expects to nssume the
duties of the position April 1,
Sheep Indnntry (IrnvrluK,
RAPID CITY, S. D., March 20.-(Spcclal.)
Tho sheep Industry Is rapidly on tho In
crease In the Dlack Hills ranges. It Is
stated that Eugene Hotcomb, one of the
largest cattle owners In this pnvt of tho
range, will this season move his cattle Into
Montana and that ho will stock hts tllack
Hills range with 6,000 head ot sheep,
To lie Ili'Klfttcr ' Lund oilier nt
Itnpld Cl, youth
WASHINGTON, March 20. The following
presidential appointments were announced
today: Robert S. Rodle, to be supervising
Inspector of steam vessels for the Second
district; Henry F. Schoenborn, to bo first
assistant engineer In the revenue cutter
service; George P. lleunott, to be register
of tho land office nt Rapid City. S. D.; John
A. Ollphnnt, to bo register ot tho land office
at Mangum, Okl.; James A. Trotter, to be
receiver of public moneys at Mangum, Okl. I
To He Surgeon, with tho Rank of Major.
V. S, A. George D. Deshon,
To Re Assistant .Surgeons of Volunteers,
with tho Rnnk of Captain W. Edson Apple,
Robert A. Anderson, Ira Ayer, William
Alden. Robert Hovel. Thoiiinn VV tlnh t,'ro,1
D. nranch, Thomas W. Calhoun, Samuel K. j
Carton. Charles A. Cattcrinolc. William O. t
Davis. Frank Dubois, Paul T. Dcsscz, Wil
liam R. Davis, Charles O. Elchcr, Vernon
K. Enrthman, Lewis T. Griffith, Joseph C.
Garllngton, John S. Hill, Vernon J. Hooper.
Carl R. Hcxamer. Edwin P. Hnvwnrd, Ar
thur Jordan, Thomas W. Jnckson, Loren IJ.
Johnson, George H. Jones, Cyrus D. Lloyd,
Thoma3 H. Lnndor, William E. MePherson,
Donald P. McCord, Allen I). McLenn, James
G. McKay, John F. Miner. George E. Means,
Albert L. Miller, Wilson Murray, Charles
D. Nicholas, Eduardo C. Poey, George L.
Painter, Henry Pick, James II. Pascoe, Alva
S. Hlnto, Perclvnl S. Rosslter. John J. Re
peal, Nnjeeb M. Salceby, Herman J. Scla
getcr, Georgo K. Sims, John II. Slater,
Charles II. Stearns, Edwin C. Shatttick,
William D. Shelby, Jerome I). Thomas, Star
ling S, Wilcox, Oscar W. Woods, Raymond
E. Whelan.
To Re First Lieutenant. Cavalry
Frederick T. Arnold, William D.
Chltty. Clarence R. Day. Chalmers
G. Hall. Matthews E. llatma,
Alfred E. Kcnnlngton, Wlllard II. McCor
nack, Frank R. McCoy, James N. Munio,
Pierco A. Murphy. George E. Mitchell, Ed
ward P. Orton, Francis II. Pope, Lannlng
Parsons, Thomas A. Roberts, John C. Rny
mond, Henry C. Smlther, Edgar A. Slrmyc'r,
William S. Valentine.
Robert O. Patterson, to be first lieutenant
In tho Twenty-ninth Infantry, V. S. V.
Gideon H. Williams, to be first lieutenant
In the Thirty-ninth regiment Infantry, U.
S. V. Charles L. Caulstlcr. to be second
lieutenant In the Thirty-ninth regiment In
fantry, U. S. V.
Director nf Consii Mcrrlnni Sn 1)1.
orepnney ('sum Will lie j
WASHINGTON. March 20 -Regarding Ir
regularities In tho census enumeration In (
Maryland, Director of the Census Mcrrlam I
said today: , i
"1 have been simply anuzed nt the Ir-1
regularities we have discolored. It is too,
lato to change tho figures of the tenth con- I
sus, but It will be the polley of this offlcn '
to punish overy offender. St. Mary's, and
St. Charles counfles wore, the, districts In
which the worst Irregularities,,-occurred.
In one county ot one ot tha districts 500
nnmcs were ndded by the, enumerators.
The total population, Including tho padded
names, aggregated lS.l.lfi. The, enumerator,
S. F. Abcll, was arrested laBti night nnd
his case will serve ns an example. Tho
penalty Involved Is $5,000 lino nnd two
years' Imprisonment. We will press all
caBes of this sort discovered anywhere, al
though It Is too Inte to change the figures."
Wnr Survivor llonioui horeil by the
I'i'iicriil (iover ninen t.
WASHINGTON, March 20.-(Speclal.)
Tho following pensions have been granted:
Issue of March 7:
Nebraska; Original- William It. Kojit.
Fulls City, Jrt. Aildltlonnl Asa fJrcenileld.
Republlcnn City, $G; tleorKe W. Koebaugh,
Shelby, $s. Renewal nnd Increase t'rluh L.
Nichols, Heaver Crohslng. $12; Robert T.
Hamilton, Alford, $12. original widows, spe
cial accrued March S Nolllo F. Merrill, Co
lumbus, $S. War wltli Spain (wldowit, etc.--Marthn
A. Minor (mother), Friend, $12.
Iowa: Original John C. Mcl.ulii. Hoono.
$; Cyrus Kolloy, West Liberty. $ii; Andrew
tbilvln. Soldiers' Homo. Miindiolltown, rti;
Jonathan Jones. Ai-cot. $10; Ezra II. Fugcn,
Dec Moines, $!; Jnxpcr Graves. Council
muffs, IO; Manilas lllngham, Viola. $!; Ben
jamin 1'. Lancaster, Lei In Ire. $s. Addi
tional Joseph Klehlo. lies Moines. $X;
Hlrum Davis Shannon City, $fi. Incrense--Wllllnm
N. Franklin. Agency, $10; James A.
Drawn, Houaparto. $11: Morrli llauford,
Des Moines, $S, Urlgliial wldowx, oto.. Kpe
clal not February 2tS Lvdlii A. Tryon,
Keokuk, $12. Renewal, special net February
20 Elizabeth Dlckcrson, Wyoming. $12; spe
cial net March . Elizabeth II. McCloll.m.
Fairfield. $12; special February 2fi. minor of
James M. (loble. Norn Springs. $lu; .pcclul
accrued March S, Marian IS. Coburn, Mnr
shalltuwu, $S; special March 0. Mary L.
Hrnmon, Delphos. $s. War with Spain,
original Louis K. Wyland. Harlan, $K.
Colorado: Original Jasper Harris, Pueblo,
$0; Etson Hurno, Villa Park. $0. Increase
John Hrnwn, Hooper, $P. Original widows,
etc.. increase Special net February 20,
Susan 1.. DanlelH, Canon City, $12. War
with Spain, original -Joseph P. ICearlis,
Colorado Springs. $.
Montana: original Ananias Flongle,
Bozeman, $0; William Fahs, (Jrogson, Jii:
Selvn S. Street, Houlder Valley, $ii. 1 it-crease-Wllllnin
C. Pott. Olllodge, $S.
Spring will soon be here nnd what about
that old wheel? It needs new tires, now
bearings, a new saddle, new pedals, Read
The Dee's grea't bicycle offer. Get a now
wheel and savo buvlng repairs.
Assisted in the Discovery of America
avvwn ass
Ferdinand nnd Isabolln, tlinnkinR Count Kemiro (or his Ri!t.
Tho family of tho Countess lian for genera tinuH been near the throne of
Spain, nnd ono of herfnmily (Count T.ouin do Ovies)nigned with John Quinry
Adams when Florida waH coded to tho I'nitod Stntea by treaty in 181 ft.
It will tliun be Been that a word from a lndy Hucb iih Ih tho Countesn
ninncn must carry great weight. I'nderdatcof January 11. 1001, herlody
ship wrote Mem. Warner's Br.?e Curo (Jo. from 40(1 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Pittsburg, Pa., nsfollowH! "Tiin jinst summer while completing manuscript
for n book, being noinowhnt overworked, coupled with the intense heat, my
nervoim Hystem became ncriously affected, causing restless nlghtH nnd Joss
of appetite. At this criticnl juncture four bottles of Warner's Snfo Cure,
taken conscientiously, completely restored me to health, nnd I feci it due
you to thus express gratification and thnnbs.
"Senoha Di.anca. La Condksa db Ovies."
Belief at Tim Tiin, However, ii No Oltih
Will Oconr.
(ienernl WokrcU Sny Question I .Not
of Ownership, lint Whether Cns
llsli Will .11 n he Gnud Their
Aliened Trcipna.
TIEN TSIN, March 20. A special train
bearing reinforcements of Australian troops
left Pckln for Tien Tsln at 10 o'clock thl
Ono French, an Italian and a German
war ship ure outside the bar.
General Lome Campbell, tho English
commander, and General Wogack, com
manding tho Russians, met Count von
Waldersce upon hla arrival here. Learning
that both had received instructions from
their governments, Count von Waldcrseo
said It was useless for him to give even
nn opinion regarding the mntters at Issue.
It Is the general opinion In Tien Tsln
thnt the feeling Is not likely to reach a
point whero blood would be shed. Roth
detachments on guard have orders to do
nothing aggressive unless forced to do so.
Except tho army and camp followers, the
only persons now residing hero are the
members ot the consular staff, two clerks
nnd two Jews, who are running stores, and
who left Russia In order to snvo their lives.
These aro now being offered Inducements
to movo to the Russian concession.
Tho French concession la quiet. French
gendarmes arc on duty at tho British con
cession to prevent the soldiers from tres
passing nnd the Australian brlgado men nrc
preventing Hie Sikhs from Invading the
French concession.
Count von Waldersce has gone to Pekln
General Lome Campbell, upon hearing of
tho death of cx-Prcsldent Harrison, or
dered nil the British flags to bo flown nt
half mast
Soy IliltUh Are llnty.
General Wogack has made the following
statement of the Russlnn position:
"Tho question over which wo unhappily
aro at odds Is not whother tho disputed
ground belongs to us or to tho Chinese
government or to the railway company, but
whether tho English will make good their
"At tho time tho British attempted to
tnko possession tho ground was protected
by Russian flags and a clearly dellmlnated
boundary of stone. These flags wero over
turned nnd thrown n'vay by a working party
of Bengal pioneers nnd coolies, who went
on with their work until driven off by our
"Before we enn discuss tho question of
ownership the British, who aro still to some
.'xtent on our ground, must withdraw.
Once tho British havo withdrawn 1 am sure
tho Russian imperial government will
Ignoro all previous regrctublo violence and
listen In n most friendly spirit to what
ever tho British government mny have to
say regarding the ultimate disposition ot
the disputed territory. No sano person can
for nn instant doubt that had the engineers
requested permission to build a switch or
sidetrack on our ground It would havo been
Immediately granted. Unfortunately, how
ever, they sought their ends by forcible
means. The British troops must bo with
drawn from Russian territory. There can
bo no other settlement."
Xii o of Outbreak.
LONDON, March 20. Tho officials of tho
Foreign olllco hero havo received no in
formation of nn outbreak of Russian-British
hostilities at Tien Tsln. Their Litest
advices thence suy tho position remains the
The rumor (credited by a news company
to the London Stock exchange and published
in New York) that tho British and Russians
had liroil at ench other at Tien Tsln has
not oven reached the leading Stock ex
chango firms, nor huvo any declines oc
curred, which the circulation of such a
rumor would create.
Why Itoliiforconioiitn Ciniie.
PEKIN, March 20. The British rein
forcements, consisting of ninety marines,
which arrived at Tien Tsln last night from
tho Tnku forts to replace tho Indian guards
on tho disputed land, aro explained as duo
to n fear lest any Incident arising out of
tho Russo-nrltlsh land question should
cnuso the French troops, whoso conduct
has given much trouble, to preclplta'o a
collision. Tho British commanders desire
to havo enough troops In Tien Tsln to pro
servo order In tho streets.
General Hallloud left hero this morning
to Inquire Into tho presence of the French
troops nt Tien Tsln.
At today's conference of foreign minis
ters general mntters only wero discussed
and no conclusion was arrived at.
1 1 n hi I ii ii nnil .Inpnni'sc l'lcel IIokIii
ii I ii In Vloliolli.e on the
SHANGHAI, March 20. A dispatch to the
China Gnzetto from Toklo March 20 says
that all tho Russian wnrsblps In Japanese
waters havo sailed for Corea und that tho
Japanoso squadron Is mobilizing for nn Im
mediate depart tiro to tho Corcan coast.
Army Hoof Cool rnel Aunrdoil.
CHICAGO. .March 2.-Contracts for fur
nishing tho I'nlted States unny with nearly
l.Ono.uoo pounds of meat for use In tho
Philippines wore awarded to Chicago pnek
ora today by Captain W. L. Alexander,
purchasing commlssarv officer of the De
partment of the Lakes. Tho supplies In
clude nearly 270,OoO pounds of bacon, packed
In various ways; ttVHu pounds of corned
beef, 67.000 pounds of ham and Wl.Ono two
pound enns of roaat hoof.
Scuoru Ulunca, Countess dc
L0"uvic!, in n npiiuisn limy 01 title.
klN Ono rtt line nnriMlnN Cimil T'nm-
iro (lo OvieB, Riive two thousand
jicfeetim (then a larRO num. of
money) townrd tho equipment ot
the fleet in which ColumbuH sniled,
nnd tho Countess lias now In lier
iiohhcmhIou it lmrchment sitnicd liv
Dvm Greene's
Helps Everybody
in the Spring.
As a Spring Strongihener It Has No Equal-It
Builds Up and FoHlflms Woak Spots of tha
Human Organism Which Always Noods Help
at This Season of tha Year,
illlS. JVI.TA OSUORSn, u lltHhUna Ave.. Kewarlr. it. T..
. .I ,uve bten inlrny V,r, Gr"e Nervura blood and nerve remedy oil and on for
about three years, and I feel It my duty to write snd tell thst it h.shelpfdme vronderfultr.
"- ",,,unuR cc,y .my. j nm iiwiuKiui lor wftnt it nil done
for me and for lny son, and would not be without It In the bouse. I Rve "l o recom-
me'!idJid 11 tMi,Vy,frie.1id"ll-.0 th?m X ih'y coulJ not e without I hopethe
inedlclue will help others as It has helped me.1' iuiuis
Dr. Greono's Norvura Blood and Norva Remotfy
Is tho Safeguard of tho Homo.
It helps father nnd mother, nnd it helps children. When it is relied
upon to build up after any acuto illness it is soon found to bo ofTeetlvo
beyond anything else, nnil tho family that depends upon it for a tonic
nnd strcngthener will alwnys bo found recommending it broadcast.
Everybody feels tho need of a blood purifier and flesh builder In tho
spring, nnd this grand medicine, of T)r. Greene's, made of purely vcgetnble
elements, helps Naturo and fills the veins with pure blood. Without
purging and without shook it does its masterly work in perfect harmony
with natural laws. J
Dr. Greono's Ad v loo Is Practical Help.
Dr. Greene will givo his ndvico freo to all who cnll on him at his
office, 3.1 V. 14th St., New York City, or write to him through the
malls. In this way his work is carried on in proportions which only te
who come in prnctlcnl contact with it can nppreclnto. Groat numbers of
pcoplo seek Dr. Greeno's help, nnd none without good result. His great
experience and scientific acquirements in medlelno mnke his ndvico the
most valuable in tho world for tho run-down and weak, yet this counsel
is frco to all, rich and poor alike.
Direct Line Across the Continent
will sell tickets at the following reduced rates
from Omaha
San Francisco, Los
Angeles, San Diego,
Including all main line points, north
California state Hoe to Colton, San
Bernardino, and San Dlego
Ittoisull liuwcsny duy
lewis to Hnermaturrhrr i
llvir, tlio kidneys aud Wo urinary
tie vitauzt'r.ttieprcKiripuonolRiumouiiireacnpiiysiruin.wMi 1"",".'
rirrvuiisor UlvMimif the generative ononis, such a I.ot 3anMho;, lnumnim,
Vain In I lie lluck, Nrmlunl EiuUslona. N.tvoii. JlrhllltT, IMmnlei
and restores smal I wealt organ', . . . . ....
TtiorPMonnuirerjra nro not cured by Doctors Ishcrntiao DO prrern tarn troubled with rroalmHIa.
CUl'IJJIiriK Ilia only Itnown remedy to euro wttliout n operation. tf tesUmoiilm. A written
piarantooftlvon nnil money rotnrncrt If Sboieidoeaust effect & permanent cur. ,UiOjOi,oior s.W,
bymntl. homl fnr Kiieitrfrruliiratiil tefitlmoiiln'a.
AUJre:a JtAVOl, jilTumtiin't: t:o.. i . Hpt "x, (n rranclfro. Cat.
i!!d'.iir7 l7 lv PP""on of tn boiy. palms, W
XTdW . . fwpls. and ftet, V
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Froe from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail
add 5 cents for postage.
F5- LKTxr'S
BEKOV ATOU In' luorsites niiU renoyate the,
6ytum; purlnen and turlehci the bloodj curi'
tho norkt dykpepstn, constipation, hendai'bu
llveratid kldnnya. J5oandtI utdrtu,'ffWU. Trca
advice nampie mm noon.
Ur II. J l.ay.Saralofu.N. Y.
SAYS i "t would
not bo without
Every Tuesday
Union Pacific
tho only
Utah, Idaho, Oregon,
Montana and Washington,
Ogden and Salt Lnke City, Utah,
Butte and Helena, Montana
Fortland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing
ton, Tacoma. and Seattle, Washing
ton $25,00
nCiJ I tl ETC b. U. Ti great VrseU.
rornlcliU Vri-vrntunulcltnrsol d!clmr(r.., whlcli If nptclieckroi
a and all tho linrron ot impolicy. ci'lMlU'.Nl'.clcansenttt
'hauriimrv orirauj of all linourltles. Ctji'llltlMlJBtrcuKltjeiU
Manufactured by
A. Mayer Company,
3I6 Bee Oldg.
NERVE QEAMC quickly cur
NtTYuiiHit'M.ulj rvnuUiof aliutr,
fullllii luaiiliuo'l, drlni. lut.
lnrrleil men ami meti IritehUfnL:
In uurry nounl ntku a Ixiti mlnnlililni: lonlfti
ainnll weftlc Imrtl uiul luftt tMiwer le.turLU. 4 at
Bh'rnuu ie McCoiiDcIl uuU Kuiiu .. i u uruitkrU'a
Dr. nay's Li&ffig tela I rr
cure every kind of cough, luxilppe. hronchlt'.
toro throat, croup, whoopinj,' rough etc. Never
' (lcranecKthaitlomocu. At TJriictriata. lO&iAo.