Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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latirtstbg tltlgitloi in iht TJnitid Btatn
Circuit Court
Vnole Snm I'rnpnucx hy Action nt Lnw
to 'lent hc Claim of Nil mor
ons Cliiliiiiiiitn to Itcnl
Tho United Stales Rovernment, through
John h. Webster, upcclul attorney, will noon
fllo suit In the United Stntcs circuit court
for the district ot Nebraska against twenty
fIx persons who claim title to land on the
Omaha Indiana reservation, tho amount In
volved being estimated at $200,000.
This proposed action grows out of a bill
Introduced by Congressman Mercer nt tho
last session of congress, - which had for
its avowed purposo tho amelioration of
tho condition of tho Indian claimants, but
which, according to tho Idea of the special
nttorney, hns had nn oxactly opposite effect.
Tho original suits of tho Indians for the
possession of tho land were commenced
several years ago, while Judgo Dundy was
on tho district bench. At that tlmo Thomas
It. Sloan and twonty-flvo other persons, who
claim to possess Indian blood and to hnva
tribal rights, attempted to have tho special
agents of tho government set upart to them
certain land In tho reservation nt tho tlmo
of tho division of tho reservation and tho
allotting of tho lands In severalty. The
agents refused to rccognlzo their claims
and action was brought In tho United States
court. Tho United Stntcs tiled a demurrer
to tho jurisdiction, saying that thero was
no lnw by which such nn action could bo
brought. This demurrer was sustained and
tho suits wcro dismissed.
Xuiiicroti Clin nt Flint.
In 1894 congress passed n law permitting
tho claimants to bring suit In tho United
States court and sovcral cases woro filed,
the last being about a year ago. Tho spe
cial nttornoy for tho government raised tho
point that tho Unltod States could not be
mado n party to tho suit for tho reason
that tho net did not specifically permit the
proceeding, and It Is a recognized principle
of law that a governmcntcannot bo sued
unless It specifically permits such action.
This point was argued In tho case of
Thomas L. Sloan ngnlnst tho Unltod States
Ijoforo Judgo SlilrnB somo months ago, and
tho contention of tho government was sub
talncd. Tho caso was then appealed to tho
United States supremo court, whero It Is
now pending.
In tho closing days of tho last congress
I). II. Mercer Introduced a bill amending
tno act. or 1881 so ns to permit tho making
of tho United States a party to such
milts, and amending tho law In
other particulars so as to mako
easier tho establishment of tho half-breed'j
rights In cases similar to tho ono brought
by bloan. Tho bill passed and was signed
by tho president, Now tho attorney for tho
government holds that tho passage of this
net ls!proot conclusive that congress recog
nized tno fact that tho claimants In such
suits had no right to tho land which they
liovo held for Bovernl years, and that under
theso circumstances tho government Is en
titled to rent for tho land from tho time
they entered upon It.
ItrntrnlnluK Order In Inmipil.
Jn mo suits now pending In tho United
States circuit court ut Omaha a tompornry
restraining oruer nns been Issued enjoin
ing tho agent of tho Omaha trlbo of In
dians from dispossessing tho plaintiffs In
tho cases and from placing In possession
otner mutatis who claim tit o to thn lnmi.
Tho Injunction proceedings will bo argued
oeioro juugo sniras March 29 In this
city, and nt that tlmo It Is probnblo that
suits will bo filed ngalnst tho present plain
tiffs for rent ot tho land during tho time
It has been occupied by them.
Tho Omaha Indians nro very much excited
over tho condition of affairs. Somo of tho
full-bloods nro actively opposed to the
claimants, as they havo for years refused
to recognize tbcm as members ot tho
trlbo, whllo others nro as earnestly nctlvo
In their behalf, Itocontly tho Omaha coun
cil sent a delegation to Omaha to Investi
gate tho condition of affairs nnd tho stand
ing of tho suits. If tho contention of tho
government is sustained In tho matter It
will mean millions of dollnra from claim
ants all over tho different reservations In
tho country, and will result in tho discon
tinuance of mnny suits now ponding nnd tho
tommonccmcnt of similar actions will be
iiostox .noun i:miiiiom)i:uv .r,i:
JIMMHMI 1 tin Klnr HtrlnH nnilinililcr j-,
or, me, ibis worth l'i to 15 1. f 10,
On account of n very slight Imperfection
In ono or two patterns tho cntlro lot was
refused by tho original purehnscr nnd sold
to us direct by tho Swiss manufacturer.
TcxJay wo offer you cholcu of all the
finest nainsook, Swiss and cambric embroi
deries In this lot, up to IS Inches v.ldo nnd
worth tip to $1, nt Cc, 10c, 13c nnd 25c yard.
230 LACKS, 1C, 2'iC, 3,&C AND GO YAIU)
lour cholco of nil thn torchon lace, va
lonclcnncs laco and Insertion, In ntl widths,
In fine, medium nnd heavy patterns, worth
up to 2oc, go at 3c, 24c, 3Wc nnd Co yard
Your choice of n big lot of sample pieces
of all-over tucklngs nnd lace effects, worth
up to COc, go at lOo each.
Wo wish to say that tho Imperfections
nro so very slight In tho. one or two lots
that unless wo cnlled your uttcntlon to
tbcm you would not know It.
J. h, Ilrnndels & Sons, Proprietors
Hsrbirt Ooon'i Face Bmki Ont
Smallpox Eruptiom.
Poller- Ilt-iinrtiiirnl la v,lrio.i n...i
Scvrrnl Olllcrrn II r ink Out TIiimikIi
the Storin In enroll of the
riiKltlvi; Tiitlriit.
have all they ran do to wnlt on the patients
without guarding tbcm ngnlnst escape, I
don't feel that they enn be held responsible."
Iloity IlrntiKlit from Chlciift"
I'niiornl la Arninur-il for TI1I1
it tut
Will Itrniovr tho 1 kr! DniiilrnR
Nunlra, hut It Won't Cure DnurlrulT.
If your hair Is brlttlo nnd thinning you
lavo dandruff. Tho merely scouring of tho
lenlp of tho looso Bcalcs won't euro dan
Iruff, because dandruff Is nothing but scaleB
of scalp being thrown up by a pestlforous
llttlo germ In burrowing Its way to tho root
of tho hulr, whero It saps tho vitality, caus
ing falling hair nnd In tlmo baldness. Now
you can't stop dandruff, nor falling hair,
nor provont baldness unless you destroy
that germ, and tho only preparation that
ran do It Is tho new scientific discovery,
Newbro'H Herpletdo. In fact, no other hnlr
preparation claims to kill tho dandrult
torni all of (hem will clean tho scnlp; soap
ind water will do that,. but only Newbro'a
Herpleldo gets nt the root of tho trouble
Ind kills tho dandruff gurm.
Iii Sin roll anil .Aiirll the
will sell tickets at tho following
From Omaha to San Francisco, Los
Angeles and San Diego 125,00
Cgden, Salt Lnko, Ilutte, Helena 23.00
Tortland. Spokano, Tacoma, Seattle... 25.00
Now city tickot office, 1324 Farnam streot.
Telephone, 31S.
Union station, Tenth and Marcy. Tele
phone, 629.
Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska
(Seed compnny, 1513-15 Howard st.
IJiioii Miiiil-Inl Uli'i'tloii I)oioiii1h
I'ntc of i:iootrlc
1.1 11c.
Tho Now System Traction compnny of
Omaha Is waiting tho result ot elections to
bo held at Wlntcrsot, Macksburg nnd Cres
ton, la., March 25, ns upon tho result of
theso elections depends In a great degree
tho fato of tho proposed electric lino from
Creston to Wlntersct.
Tho company Is very much encouraged
by tho present outlook nnd has no fear of
a defeat of tho proposition granting fran
chises in tho thrco towns through which it
Is proposed to pass. In anticipation of tho
success of their plans tho projectors nro
now arranging to begin work on tho now
lino ns soon us tho ground gets In shape.
Tho Initial work will begin nt Wintersot,
running tbenco to Middle river, whero nn
oxcellent quarry of bulldlug stono will bo
tapped. From this quarry tho stono will
bo taken for tho construction of tho plors of
tho bridge ncross tho river nnd It will
nlso bo used In tho construction of culvcrto
and bridges along tho line. A preliminary
survey has been made, but tho oxact route
has not been determined upon for tho cntlro
length of tho line. If tho probablo plans
nro cart-led out, tho manager states, It will
bo tho easiest plcco of electric road bullil,
Ing In tho stato, ns tho rails can bo laid
practically upon tho present grades for
ovcry mile. As soon as tho elections nro
over Instructions will bo sent for tho filling
of tho orders mado by tho company for
rails, ties nna rolling stock, nnd it will bo
but a low months before tho lino Is In
working order.
Herbert Coon, n small
from tho pesthousb about 9 o'clock Mon
day night and though tho nolk-o hnvn horn
searching for him slnco thnt tlmo, ho Is
still at large, it Is believed thnt ns a
result of tho dlseaso tho nntln nt waa torn-
porarlly deranged.
AS tlioro Is no guard nt thn tiMlhniwi..
Coon found It ensy to cluda his nttenilnnls
nnd get out of slcht. It tft tint If nntvn
What course ho took after lenvlntr Urn hns.
pltal. His face, was badly pitted and still
lnllamcd, nnd eveti a novlco could tell nt n
glance that ho was suffering from smnllpox.
This causes tho attendants to bellovo that
ho may havo wandered about In thn stnrm
nil night, ns It Is not likely that ho would
havo boon given shelter.
Coon 13 described ns 22 venra nld. nvn
feet seven Inches tall, wolcht 1C0 nnnnds.
of light complexion and with smooth
shaven face. Ho woro n pair of light
colored trousers, dark, coat nnd vest, black
overcoat nnd blnck stiff hat. Ho bad no
money, but carried with him n lot of baud
rings, supposed to bo gold, which ho had
been trying to sell at tho tlmo hn wna
tnken with smallpox thrco weeks nco. It In
supposed that ho will try to dlsposo of them
in oruer to ralso monoy to pay his ex
penses. Coon is from Orlnnell, In., though
ho snys that until' recently ho lived In Hor-
ton, Kan,
"Coon was convalcsclnc." flalil (III v Phi?.
alclan Italph yesterday, "but tho dlseaso
nau not yet passed tho contagion stage and
I consider him a dancorous mini tn i.n .it
large. Ono fact thnt mnkes him runpnlnllv
uuiih'crous 1S lmu ,)0 l3 ut 111 wear nc thn
clothes thnt he woro when hn wnn tnknn
sick, nnd they havo been with him In tho
pcBinouso nil this time. I don't know
that anyono is to blnmo for letting him cot
awny. I had cautioned tho attendants
ngalnst such a contingency, but as wo havn
no pairoi out thero and as tho attendants
The remains of Charles H. Havens, who
died nt tho I'rcsbytcrlnn hospital In Chi
cago Sunday evening, wrro brought to Omaha
yesterday, accompanied by relatives
who had gone to Chicago nt the summons
when Mr. Havens, condition was considered
critical. A party of Omnhn business men,
friends of tho deceased, wero nt tho depot
to meet the funeral party on Its arrival.
Tho funeral will bo strictly prlvato nnd
will bo held at tho residence, 2138 South
Thirty-third street, nt 2 o'clock this aft
ernoon. Tho burial, also, will bo private.
CliloiiKo to Florida Without .Stoppliiit I
from Trnl 11.
The Chicago nnd Florida special leaving
Chicago Union station 12 noon Tuesdays
and Friday over Pennsylvania Short Lines,
runs through to Jacksonville nnd St.
Augustine, via Cincinnati, Atlanta nnd Ma
con. Florida Is rcncheil next evening for
supper. For particulars call on or write to
H. II. Deling. A. O. P. Agt., 2IS South Clark
street, Chicago, III.
A grain of truth is worth
bushel of exaggerations.
Sharp practice can never command anyv
thing but shortlived success
Whcolsl Wheels! Wheolsl how they sol
nido a Ileo wheel nnd bo In tho swim.
Cough Ileiiieily,
uur uruggisis navo nau such n run on
LnamDorinin's Cough Remedy that they
havo bad to older moro and today there Is
nono in tho town. I went for a bottlo this
morning and tho druggist said: 'Chamber.
l.rDJ10,:000 DntIG SAL13 waa record
iircuKcr an nnv ohm win im .-iii.i
wn.i111."" ,1,J I'"?1 10 wll'l testify.
ornvVid h0Wuver, that we nro still rather
LU?U on somo Items nnd shall continue
to namo some. "CUT-IN-TWO" prices for a
fnViJJ:8 i"."".1 tr. ftock 18 trimmed down
000 full prAHTS Welch's Pure Unfcr-
tiiu.u.uft uuu niu uiuuihi gum; unnmner- inumeu urnpo juice will bo sold ntOO
Iain's goes quicker than any other lclnd.'" , i'JJ" ?::::;, uC
says H. Ooddard. Edgemont. S. Dak. Thero i$o P one-l'f nlm!1 1v.,!l.h'.-nt,rVoK,c' 1Se
Is good reason fot Its popularity. No other JIco nt. bottlo A.V..'C.h.S Grnp0 i,c
romedy will loosen and relievo a cold so LOW bottles Hunyudl Iijos AVatcr'ut, "
quickly. No other will provent a cold or an ll...""r..;A 13c
quickly. No other will prevent a cold or an
attack of tho grip from resulting In nnou
monla. No other Is moro pleasant or safo
to taice. For salo by all druggists,
l'mi Minor Ion 11 l'jiiionltlou.
Nothing slnco tho World's Fair at Chi
cago In 1893 has elicited tho widespread In-
tereBt that Is manifest all over tho world In
tho Tan-American Exposition, which Is to
bo held In Buffalo from May 1 to November
1, 1001.
Tho purposo of tho exposition Is to lllus
trato tho progress of tho countries of tho
western hcmlsphcro during n century of
wonderful achievements and to bring to
gether Into closer relationship tho peoplo
comprising tho many stutes, territories nnd
Countries Ot thn thrnn Amnrlpno AnHnir
unuer proper nutnority, the president of tho
united States has Invited all tho republics
nnd colonies of tho American hemisphere to
join tn commemorating tho closo of tho
nineteenth and beginning ot tho twentieth
century by holding this International expo
sition on tho Niagara frontier.
For this Important ovont tho Nickel Plato
noad has Issued an attractive descriptive
folder pamphlet elaborately Illustrntlng tho
Pan-Amorlcau Exposition, tho buildings and
Tho Nickel Pinto Itoad Is tho short line
botween Chicago and Buffalo and nffords
competent train servlco from Chicago to
Buffalo and New York City, in connection
with tho Delaware Lackawanna & Western
or West Shore Bonds. Its trains nre com
posed of modern equipment on which no ex
tra fares aro charged. Meals on individual
club plan, ranging In prlco from 35 cents
to 1 nro served In dining cars on tho
NIckol Plato Boad.
Call on nny ticket ngent for Pan-Amorl-
can folder of tho NIckol Pinto Boad, or ad
dress John Y. Cnlahnn, General Agent. Ill
Adams street, Chicago.
Parties desiring hotel or rooming accom
modations nt Buffalo or Nlngara Falls dur
ing any period of tho Pan-American Exposi
tion nro Invited to apply by letter or other
wise to F. J. Moore, General Agent, 291 Main
sircet, uuitalo, N. V,
Plenty Pozzonl's BOo Powder for !!!!!! 2So
12,fro.s.3, Society llyglonlquo Soap nt.. 23e
172 bottles Trommpr'M Mnii ..11 i,i.i.i; S
M'lRiet I lto cure. 11.00 size for ...T. ?&
tiJi mi" es.-, Curbolle Arid.... 2T,o
11.00 Phillip's Kmuldlon Cod I.lver Oil.. 73c
1?,Jf?.a J-fxnt'vo Uromo Quinine, box Uc
"IC it's a. drug or toilet urtlclc, we sell It."
Sherman & McGonnell Drug Co.,
Prescription Pharmacists.
Corner Itith nnd Dodgo, Omaha.
Brand new, up-to-dnto pianos In fancy
mahognny, walnut, oak, and blrd's-eyo
tnapio cases only
Terms S5 Gash and $1 Per Week,
Theso pianos nro worth double tho prlco
asked for them and wcro bought by us for
spot cash at BOo on tho dollar; henco the
astonishing low price.
Our lino ot
imimsox. sTUji:it, &
ruAsn .t .sixoi:h
pianos Is tho most comnloto In tho west
nnd our prices aro absolutely tho lowest.
lau and bo convinced.
tuo only selt-plnylng plnno attnehment
Indorsed by PaderewskI, Ilosenthal, Sawer
and Moszkowskl. sold on monthly payments
Now pianos for rent nrtlstlo tuning and
repairing promptly done.
Wrlto for catalogues, prices and terms, or
pay U3 a visit of Inspection.
be well dressed on Easter Sunday need
not cost a large amount if you buy your
Easter outfit at the right place, We believe
the right place is here at "The Nebraska,"
Men's AH Wool Suits
Latest spring styles, round corners,
brown plaid, satin lining,
correctly constructed
Men's All Wool Suits
In the favorite gray mixture, round corners,
farmer satin lining, faultless fitters,
perfectly tailored, only
Men's All Wool Suits
In the swell oxford gray, round corner sack,
farmer satin lined, We don't believe such
values get'atxable outside this store
sn n,THEiS nnTlV?lNDPATTERNS' at 6-50' 8'00' $9'00' 9'50' $
$11. UU, $12.00, $13.50 and up.
The Old Kcliiiblc Plnno House,
1313 Farunm Street, Otunhn.
U37 Ilriiaitivnr, Council Illafla.
AiiiHiiiiii-fiiK-iitn of tin- TlicntrrN,
Miss Julia Stuart, who will Impersonate
Glory Qunylo, tho music hall slnKer, In "Ths
Christian" at Boyd's Thursday, Friday nnd
Snturday, received her first tuition from
Won Ilouclcault, In whoso company f.ho
nroso from Ineenuo work to lcndlne lndv.
Later she essayed Shakespearo with Salvlnl, (1011 llOWei' PilttOl'llS,
.i.jbiiciii nun uiuitid. jiju ciiunicicr sno por
trays In "Tho Christian" requires a woman
of great tnlcnt as well ns unusual beauty,
and In both respects Miss Stuart fulfills
tho exacting requirements.
IllXnCU' firanrl Rihhnn Salo
HI UCHS CnntiniififlWRflnRSflflu
TJ. -.1J1 41
uniut'(i louuy ana some Deople did not attend nnr .n.f...,i I
1 1 T , ... , . .
uon sme. it will ue continuofl Wprinnsi nv
45c Ribbons at I2y2c
The manufacturer failed on account of tho
weaver's strike. We got the ribbons they are
Nog. 40, GO, 80, they are extra fine heaVy taffeta
goods, they are of all colors, pinks, reds, whites,
purples, blue, etc., etc., they are worth 25c, 3Gc
iuc per yard. We will sell the entire lot at one
Wednesday only I2c Yard.
None sold to Dealers.
Remember this ribbon sale will be a world beater. Xnf nr.
"IU "l U,1U' oueu 01 mngea goods of any kind. Every yard Don't Tease Your Throat
nun, uuBii, uil-uii ami sincuy up to Ullte. Good, fas himmhln
goods at soiled prices. We have a larger stock of ribbons than
all the retail houses in the city combined. We buy boxes where
others buy pieces. We net the nrices. and mnsr ri
Special Fancy Ribbon Sale
AJl the very latest novelties in fancy stripes, plaids and Dres-
y' "WW
TODAY occurs tho opening of tho
latest ldcai In n woman's shoo store thy
Eorosls. It will open with music and flow
ers, and every lady In Omaha nnd vicinity
Is expected to bo present. Wo want you to
seo what a beautiful shoo storo wo havo
prepared for you. A rest room with a col
ored maid In nttendanco, who will clean
your' shoes whllo you wait. A modern up-
to-date shoo storo Is what wo havo pro
pared for you.
Sorosis Shoe Store,
203 So. 15th Street.
UAVnyi New Spring
lift I Vklld Shoes
for ladies.
All the newest spring styles
on sale tomorrow,
The famous Brook's Bros.
Rochester made fine
shoes for ladies in vici
kid, ideal kid and patont calf,
with hand turned and welt
soles, regular 4.00 and 85.00
values sizes 2 i to 8 widths
A to E on salo
The "Ultra" shoes for In
diesAll tho new spring
styles, with turned and welt
soles new opera and military
heels in ideal kid, vici kid, black, tan and automobile red
all sizes and widths regular $5.00 values-tor
Ollk-cru ii f the .Mutual.
Tho new board of illrentorn nf tlm Mutual
nulldhiB ami Loan association held Its firm
niecuiiK in mo oijico ot ma iiHsoclutlou In
Tho Ileo bulldliiK Monday evening and
oli-cteil tho following olUcerH: v.
NiiHon. president: v. j. u. Kenvnn. vir-o
lu'i-aiui-m; u. .ii. iMiiiiiiKer, sccrutiiry:
UcorKo Ilcimrod. treasurer.
A new wheel and just tho one you have
alwnys wanted. Head Tho Ilea wheel offer.
Fancy IMbbons i2Ac
50c Fancy Ribbons o?ju
$1.00 Fancy liibbons ,. , ' n0c
92.00 Fancy Uibbons (irc
Mrs. J. Benson.
83S23e Easter
v i mi i
See the elegant line of Kid
Gloves we are showing for
Easter in all the new and
late shades, with Paris Point
and fancy stitching, dressed
und undressed prices 1.00
Special Black Ribbon Sale
All sizes, Nos. 2, G. 7. 0, 12, 10, 22, 40, GO, SO
worth Sc to 7uc yard, on sale Wednesday.
2c to 2oc Per Yard.
Don't tnko chances with your lungs. If
vou nro noiirso: If you havo tin nnnoylns
llttlo coukIi mat Kivrs you nn uncuniiurin
l.i,. f.villni? In tliu cliest. tnko Hehnefer's
CourIi Syrup. It !othcs nnd heals. It
nuli-ldv leHwetis thoso sovero spasms of
coughing whlnti nro so likely to producii
sorenesH of tho lungs and may lcml to
sorloUH trouble. Tnko Seharfer s Ciiugli
Hvrim ut tho llrst sign of u cougn. io u
rriiuier'M Kliluey Cure
Kuy'M Heiiiiviilor
Kllj'N 1.IIUKT llllllll
UiifTy'n .Unit WlilHKt-y ...
l.lltllH CVflllll
ruliiv'H fjtilcry Coiiiiiouiiil
Wln of Oirilul
ll,-rT'H rn-HiTlptliin ....
Si'iitt'N KmulHliin
(.'oIlNfoot Kxiiculoriiut ..
iiiiiiii Tntiii-ij no
Whlti) itllilinll Itcilli-ily Ijll.UO
S. S. S 78u
Mnllcil MtlU Oo, T.'i!, :t.J5
7. in
l'iliniilllil'B Coiiiliuuilil
Cor. KUli nml Chluneo.
S. "VV.
Our Profit Comes in Ever Increasing Sales.
Pennsylvania' Best Hard Goal
Sheridan Best Wyoming Goal
4 You will like our service.
VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam.
Tel 127.
Never, let a cough get the start of
you. If it does it will keep it. Keep
a bottle of Anti-Kawf in the house
for emergencies. It will stop a
cough. 25c a bottle. All druggists.
Spring is
the Time
You promised to Rot a CA
MKItA. It will Interest
you to call on ns In rcKnnl
to this. Wo lianillo only
photo nintcrlnls ami iinvo
tliu larefjst assortment of
in tho country.
Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers,
1215 Farnam Struct.
Developing and Finishing n
Ladies' fine sjur.plo $2.50 and $3.00 shoes
on sale at ,. . .
Every pair properly fitted and warranted.
Too Many Eggs ti
We have salesmen throughout Iowa and Nebraska and sell
ing direct to the farmers. They have arranged with them to
send us their but tor and eggs. The eggs are pouring in on us by
every express. We havo just received several big shipments of
nice,- fresh eggs through our salesmen in Washington county
from the farms outside of lllair, and from Harrison county, Iowa.
Lots of the farmers close by have been driving in themselve.s.and
wo havo to nal: nil of our cuRtomcra who II ko nlco fresh eggs to eomo In nnd carry
them away. Wo will sell themWednogdny ut ,1 dozen for 23c. Itemerabcr thoy are all
strictly fresh laid eggs. Just brought In from tho country.
Nice Country liutter 10c
3-pound nails brut bird ..
:'0 Dim. Granulated Sugar for ..
.. 'Sic Picnic Ilnms for
. .fl.00 Soda or Oyotcr Crackers per lb.
Manufactured by
A, Mayer Company,
316 Bee Bldg.
For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers
Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mftU
add 5 cents for postage.