L'4S THE OMAI1A DAILY li.EE: SUNDAY, MAltCII 17, 1001. PEOPLE'S STOKE SUIT SALE Hnndndi of Oholco fprinp Suitt onSal Tomorrow at $9.98. BIG SALE ON WALKING SKIRTS rrrmrinloii MIiimiIiik ' Uvi-rytliliiK Xcw In l.iullfV WfitrliiK Aliiinrel ut 1'rlem 'VUnt Mertl TulU li Alt! rm Tlielr t'lieiincs. Klvo hundred of the nobbiest and latest up-to-date spring sulis, cut In the very Idtcat style, Htous & Uoletos, lu meltoua, Venetians, kerseys and broadcloths, bold vetywhero at 112.60 to $10. l'rlce, rj.lis. Tho greatest wrapper salo ever Inaug urated In Omaha. Tho eullro purchase of J.00O wrappers from Jacobs & Hoynian will bo placed on snlo on threo large bargain tables. Tho regular vnluo of theso wrap pers oro J1.G0, 12.25 and 3. Our prlco to morrow, 6Jc, !"8e and J1.25. One hundred and fifty of the newest fcishloncd walking skirts, material of all ool plaid backs, Oxford stitched twelve times around tho bottom; exceptional good value. Regular prlco, 3.r0; on sale to morrow, $l.'JS. Four hundred women's Jackets, Juot the thing for eorly spring wear. Tho lot con slats of kerseys meltons, Venetians and various other materials; some nll-ollk llnod; others only half-silk lined; rang ing In prlco from $S.G0 to $15, In tho regi ular way. On salo tomorrow cholco of tho lot, 3. Flvo humlrod mercerized underskirts, ac cordion pleated and ruffled, nil colora. Regular prlco, $2.60; this salo, only I1.1U. Two hundred nnd fifty silk waists, tucked nil uround, latest sleeve, all colors except black; worth $7; salo price, $3.98. Dlack silk tnrfcta dress skirts, Mured effects with threo rows of ruflllug; worth $16; salo price, $9.!ft. Grand millinery opening next Thursday and Friday. Watch papers. PEOPLES' STORE, 16th nnd Farnam etrccts. Kptvortli l.rnicii rr. Send mu your name and address and 1 will mull you, about April 1, a beautiful Illustrated folder, giving Information about tho special rates and train scrvlco to Cal ifornia via tho Uurllngton routo at tho tlmo of tho Epworth league meeting nt Ean Francisco In July. J. FRANCIS, Ocncral Passenger Agent Uurllngton Route, Omaha, Nob. Ttirniluy, Mitrcli 10. Tuesday, March 19, Homeseckors' excur sions via Rock Islnnd Routo. Call nt city ticket office, 1323 Fnrnam St. WILL HAVE EIGHT-HOUR LAW IIimwiII .lo to i: 111 ploy Only Amer ican Citizens In l'nlillu Work. I , HONOLULU, March 9. (Via Son Fran cisco, March 16.) Tho sessions of tho legis lature for tho last week havo been dovotcd principally to reading various bills nnd the adoption of amendments to a number of thorn. Tho first concurrent resolution of tho legislature wan passed. It provided for a comuilttco to study the subject, of taxation. An amendment was made by tho houso to pnas a bill limiting public work to eight hours and permitting only American citi zens to hold such positions. After somo debnto tho bill was amended lu order to except expert lnbor, ns It might bo noces ary from time to tlmo to bring people hero to superintend important work. Bpenkcr Aklns ruled that EnglUh was tho ofllclal languago In tho legislature nnd It was not necessary to Intorprot speeches spoken In English Into Hawaiian, even though tho majority of those present might not know what was said. Among tho most Interesting bills pre sented were thoso requiring wires to bo placed underground In tho business part of tho city nuil providing for tho adoption of an ofllclal Mag for tho territory nnd tho education of ten Indigent youths In Amer ica at public expense. Notice was given of it bill which Is to bo Introduced providing for n ponslon for ox-Queen Lllloukalanl. Notice was aUo given of a bill which will repeal nil 'of tho present sovcro gambling laws of tho territory. , Among tho arrivals on Wednesday, March 6, was tho American bark Star of Ucngal, fifty days from Newcastle, N. S. W., with coal. Thirty days out of Newcastle the coal was discovered to bo rapidly heating and nearly fifty- tons had to bo thrown overboard to prevent flro setting in. Agents of tho United Stntes bureau of labor nro securing Information for tho de partment. Thoy stato thnt while wages paid lu the territory of Hawaii arc lorger than thoso on tho mainland, tho cost of living 4s much greater. For nollclcs thnt am idclit dm ft. nt maturity apply to II. V, Neoly. manager li'lllUlUlU I, lie. UU UIHI .US IH'0 UUIiUing, A good, b.ow wheel, with Morgan & Wright tires, ku. inu-nand wiicels, $5 up. Omaha Blcjclo Co., 16th and Chicago streets. Tho choicest nnd oldest whiskies nnd fnmoim Atlas 'er Is for enlo only at OUJIIIIS I1UIUI rrcdntoHtky'a Turkish biith, tho finest In city. Also barber shop conducted by ladles, Now open. Call 107 South Fourteenth street. MOB LYNCHES NEGRO WOMAN Shu In .Shot lleouiiNe Siihim-l-I-iI of NtciilliiM' .Money from rnuKftbimk, NASHVILLE, Tenn., March 16. A negro woman named llalllo Crutchtlold living near Homo, Smith county, wns killed lust night by a mob that visited her homo about mid night. Sho wns taken from her cabin nnd carried to tho bridge over Round Lick crock Her hands wero tied behind her end she was shot through tho head una nor body thrown Into tho creek. Tho cor ouor's Jury rendered a vordlct that sht camo of her death nt tho hands of unknown parties. Sho was suspected of looting a ,pqckelUooK of $120 wwch had been lost. Danco programs and wedding stationery. A. I. Root, printer. 414-416 South 12th St. Havo it ccoster brako put on your wheel for $C. Omnha Illcyclo Co., 16th nnd Chi cago streets. Supplies nnd repairing. Tho big sensation tho $25 ana $35 Cres cent bicycles. Seo them at 1622 Capitol Ave t'liiuiot Sell ltn riHllronil, LONDON, March 16. It oppenrs that tho Interest of tho London & Globe Finance corporation, limited, lu tho linker Street & Waterloo railway has not yet been disposed of. Tho corporation, thereforo, Is not nblo to mako tho composition with Its creditors of 10 shillings in the pound, which was promised. Tho period for tho ncccptancn of the composition expired yesterday, H, K. Ilurkot, the undertaker, has removed to 412 N. 16th St., opposlto Jefferson square. TwlnClty Dye Worhs, new location, 319 6. 16th, between Farnnm and Harney. Havo Root print It. in isn. E DOE William, ngcil 67 year and 31 days Services at Dodder's undertaking tmrlorii Twenty-lhird and Cuming streets. Sunday t 2 p. in. Kx-ploneer and friends Invited. i'rosjicct j Jiu cemetery. W. It. HUNNBTT CO. (Ireiil Iln run I iin for Mniulity. Rvery Hem mentioned below Is a gen uine bargain, CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Imitation cut-glnss berry or cream sau cers, very brilliant crystal, set of six only 12 cents. English scml-porcclain brown enaraol teas, set of six cups nnd saucers, 60c. Two-quart emerald pitcher only 3Se Emerald raucers, 6c. JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. Gold-belt spikes, each lc. 1817 Roger Iiros.' teaspoons, per set, $1.24. 1847 Roger Ilros.' sugar shell, nil pat terns, 48c. 1847 Roger Ilros.' butter knives, all pat terns, 45c. No extra charge for engraving. STATIONARY DEPARTMENT. Fountain Pens. Each pen Is filled and put up In a neat box, with ouo dropper and two extra gold plated liens, complete, REGULAR 60C PEN, MONDAY, IOC. Nolo Paper, 18c a pound. Our one-pound package of flno note pa per, put up expressly for our trade, uctual value, 23c; Monday, 18c. COOIC HOOK. , Tho overy-duy cookbook nnd family com pendium, containing 316 pngc3 of econom ical, rcllablo and excellent recipes. Regular price, 28c; Monday, 19c. CARPET DEPARTMENT. GREAT HAROAIN CHENILLE CURTAIN. This Is without n doubt tho greatest bar gain In a chennlllo curtain ever offered; thltty-slx Inches wide, three yards long. Price, per pair, $198. Just received a new lot of flno symlrna rugs, lu nil colors nnd sizes. Special of fer tomorrow, 30x60 rug; regular price,. $1.76. Monday, $1.25. , Our now mattings, oil cloths, linoleum, nro now on snle. Don't fall to soo them. CANDY DEPARTMENT. Flve-pound special mixed candy; regu lar price, 10;; Monday, 30c. CIGAR DEPARTMENT. White Pearl cigars, twenty-flvo In box; regular price, SOc; Monday. 60c. DRUG DEPARTMENT. Castorln, 21c. Pcruna, Clc. New fresh Ohio sassafras bark, per pound, 15c. W. R. flENNETT CO. Notice. Wo dpslro to express our thanks for the kindness and sympathy tendered us during our lato bereavement by Order No. 173, Anclont Order of United Workmen, by Washington lodge No. 27. Decree of Honor. by tho employes "of tho Demls Omaha Hag company nnd by nil our friends and neigh bors. J. W. STONE AND CHILDREN. "Tho A, H. C. of Sclentlllc Christianity," by Judge Joseph R. Clarkson, Is now for salo nt news dealers nnd nt 450 Ueo build ing. Prlco, 50c. A lllif Sllt'OC'NN. "What Is a guod medlcln for tho kid neys and liver?" Is a question which Is euslly answered now. It Is "Cramer's Kid ney and Liver Cure." A year ugo this won derful preparation was known only In tho enst and south, but In tho ohort space of tlmo which tho company havo been adver tising In tho west tho nanio Cramer has becomo a household word. They claim they havo yet to find a person suffering with kidney troublo who has given their remedy a fair trial, but what has bcon permanently cured, nnd nro loud In their pralso of tho virtues of this excellent med icine Thero Is a halt page announcement of this company In another part of this lsBiie, which you ought to read. $3.00 bats. Frederick. 120 South 15th St. Seeds that grow come from the Nebraska Seed company, 1513-16 Howard st. CllllAI F.XCUHSIONS. Vlu Hock Islnud Itoute. Tuesday, March 19. To Utah $23.00 To Montana 23.00 To Washington 25,00 To Oregon 25.G0 To California 25.00 City ticket office, 1323 Farnam St. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic- and magnetic physician, offlco at tho Central hotel, Cor. N. 16th and Dodge streets, till a sultablo location can be found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases of women nnd children. "The A. B. O. of Scientific Christianity," by Judgo Joseph R. Clarkson, Is now for salo nt news dealers and at 450 Deo build ing. Price, 60c. Ready ornot, atop In nnd look try on a few glvo us your candid opinion of them ask to seo tho swell Raglan; when It comes to style thoy aro tho real thing. They are made for anil worn by men of fashion everywhere. Apropos of Hayden Hros. clothing It Is the most talked about In Douglas county and stato of Nebraska. Tho mirror will tell you Its looks. Tho guarantee under which our clothing Is sold Insuros Its lasting quality. Cash refunded or a new garment for any garment bought horo that doea not do Justice, . Wo ore showing a truly grand assortment of Dress Overcoats for spring. Tho swell Raglan and all other popular shapes, made of tho fabrics that CSr fashion decreeo for this season, at J12.50, U0.00 and XOv7 Also tho best lino hereabout of light weight nnd medium wolght Overcoato, that In cut, mako, fabric and trim cannot be distinguished from $10.00 a C garments elsewhere hero at $5,00 and J JL O Extra special In our boys' nnd children's BUlt department. Wo aro Bhowlng this spring nvo of tho best makes of boys' and children's clothing In America at Just nbout halt tho price other storca would chargo for name makes. LOT 1 Boys' strictly all wool doublo breasted kneo f E? pnutB Bults, all sizes, C to 1C, at LOT 2-Iioys' very lino louul0 breasted kneo pants In flno ff ( check, casslmero and cbovlots; ull sizes, C to 10, at 1 X O LOT 3 Hoys' 3-plcco kneo pants suits, vestco suits nnd doublo breast ed kneo pants suits, all sizes, 3 to 10, greatest valuo r E ever offered, for LOT 4 Hoys' extra flno Russian blouso suits, sailor suits, vosteo suits and 3 pleco kneo pants suits, all new 1901 . r spring styles, at 4 LOT 6 Our $4.50 and $5.00 suits aro tho best inado In America, and are better than any $;.50 to $10.00 suit olsewhero. LOT 6 Over 150 new spring styles In boys' and youthB long trouser suits at $3.75. $5.00. $6.60. $7.60. $10.00 and $I.50 suits, worth doublo. See Ilnyden's bargain ad on Selling the most uvniiv tli:soay. In .March noil April the UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GREATLY REDUCED RATES; From Omnha to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sao Diego $25,00 Ogden, Salt Lake, Iluttc, Helena...'... 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoina, Seattle... 25.00 New city ticket office, 1324 Farnam stroet. Telephone, 215. Union station, Tenth and Marcy. Tela phone, 629. Attention, .Modern V. of A. Members of Omaha camp, No. 120, are re quested to meet at their hall Sunday at 1 o'clock (Foresters In uniform) to attend tho funeral of M. F. Anderson at 2 o'clock, from Swedish Evangelical Mission church, Twenty-third and Davenport streets. Mem bers of other camps Invited. C. E. ALLEN. Ven. Consul. C. H. T. REIPEN, Clerk. Wanted, a trained nurso to tako chargo of a sanitarium; must havo experience, a good education and good business ability. Ad dress J 69, caro Uee office. Wanamaker & Brown, the famous tailoring house of America. If a Few Weeks of good wear wns all tliat was required the cheating process of adding cotton to a piece of cloth would not make so serious a differ ence. But we claim you have a right to demand that the fabric wear to the limit of good cloth nnd not j i change color, then it must be of the pure wool. Every piece of goods in our magnificent assortment is guaranteed All Wool ' Suits made to measure $13:50 and up. OMAHA BRANCH STORE, 122 South 15th St. Near Corner of Douglas Street. The Hnydm Ilros. trade mark on irmrfiient nirnnn yonr money bank or a new Kitrmrnt for any reasonable cause for dUnatlafnc tlon. Spring Overcoats Are Ready. Are You Ready? page 11. clothing in Omaha. BROS A New (Departure Rrand now, up-to-dnto pianos In fancy mahogany, walnut, oak, and blrd's-oyo maple cases only .00 Terms $5 Cash and $1 Per Week. Theso pianos are worth double tho prlco nsked for them nnd wero bought by us Tor spot cash at 60c on tho dollar; hence the astonishing low price. Our line of yrr.i.NW.w. vnsn, UMiJitso.v, xTucr.it, ivnns . I'O.MI, S1UI K, PACKARD, A. II. CHASM. STUAtlHK, I'llASK ,t SIMiHIl pianos la the most complete In tho west and our prices nro absolutely tho lowest. Call and bo convinced. SELF-PLAYING PIANOLAS tho only sclf-plnylng piano attachment Indorsed by I'aderewskl, Rosenthal, Sawer and Moszkowskl, sold on monthly payments Xow pianos for rent artistic tuning and repnlrlng promptly done. Wrlto for catalogues, prices and terms, or pay us a visit of inspection., SCH'ilOLLER & MUELLER, The Old Reliable 1'irtno House, 1313 Farnnm Street, Oinnlin. 337 llrouilwii)'. Council lllnffn. Tel. lUUt. Save Ycur Hair stop It from falling out, keep It soft and beautiful. Hu-Can Hair Tonic v will do It. It nourishes tho roots of tho hair stimulates them to now growth changes thin, "lifeless" hair Into luxuriant, glossy tresses. It keeps tho scalp clean and healthy and positively oures dandruff. Don't risk being bald when this splendid hair tonlo costs so little. LARG13 DOTTLES, 76o BOSTON STORE Ikf DRUG 13 DEPT. Pennyroyal pills rcr UJIlUUIiSICU'M In Hnil o1 Void utllllli Utit italaj libblrUb.n. 'rkatkr. Renii Daarr ubtltU mni Irmtt. !!. any r jour urnfilil, r iaa 4. it uniu for PtrtlrnUri, TltlAUU 4 "HelUrf.ir I.dU,"(nlinr,r r tarn Mill, In.oiiwTtitlntaltla. 8.H tj U .... .LI. HadlMB Buain. i'llll.A.. l'A. HAYDEN S FORTUNATE AGAIN 1 L.U1 just 150 Sample Suits of the high class variety nnd 75 Sample Skirts of wool materials ami finest silk fabrics. It is sufficient to say that price. They will be on sale Monday, and, as usual, samples are sold for about one-half their price. These are an elegant lot and we will add materially to our already stupendous stock of Suits, Waists and Skirts. Prices Run ? 9 75 for SIS.OO S.UI IMH 12.50 FOH 20.00 SILK 15.00 FOK 30.00 SILK Ladles' Bilk taffeta and corded silk wals Ladles' spring capes, worth $8,00, for T.n.llno' ..'noli .imlatd flip Ladies' light-weight spring jackets, faffo Ladles' percalo wrappers, 15 lhcho floun P. S. Slnco writing tho nbove wo havo suits, In all newest creations; better oven $20.00, $30.00 and $10.00. Tho liveliest cloak department In mwm "Experience unfolds each day a new page in man's history' Experience each day testifies to the good qualities of II Best coal mined in Wyoming. Fine -for cooking. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Farnam. Ho well's Anti-Kawf He knows that when a Kive Dollar nhoc Is offered for Tour Dollars or Threo Dollars it is not a five dollar choc. Ho knows that our shoes are tho bcs. and our prices aro right. A WISH WOMAN knows all this too, and If sho wears our shoe sho knows she can got moro style, dura bility and comfort In our shoes than lu nny others nt tho samo prlco, KfiFEOHN gaiwigbt N. t Cor. 16th and Douglas Comfort and Beauty of teeth have many virtues. Have your teeth attended to whero you get reliable work. Set of Teeth $5.00 up Gold Filling $1.60 up Gold Crowns $5.00 Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 Douglas St. QAMDI C QUITO AIM SKIRTS. - rSZS Ave got them at one-third their Like This: SUITS. UXED SAMPLE STITS. SAMPLE SUITS, ETC. And the Skirls Beautiful creations; high class materials. $5.00 for $10.00 taffeta silk samplo skirts. $15 for $.10 taffeta' silk samplo skirts. SOc for $2.00 wool samplo Bklrts. $2.7.") for women's $5.00 rainy day samplo sklrtH. $7.50 for beautiful broadcloth samplo skirts, trimmed with stitched taffeta bands.1 Ladies' Spring Jackets Ladles' spring coals, worth $10.00 for $1.08. Ladles' taffeta oton, bolero Jackets, worth $12.00, for $7.50. Ladles' flno taffeta oton, bolero jackets, mndo of the famous Wlnslow taffetas, on salo at $12.50. Special f Prices to Coax You from Your Homes Monday. Ladies' Flannelette Wrappers worth $4.60, for fiDc. Ladles' French flannel waists, worth $1, for 50c. s, worth $0.00, for $2.93. :.9S. ' j I ta lined throughout, $7.50 each. ce, SOc each. Just received by express 100 beautiful thau thoso of last week, at $10.00, $15.00, Omaha. Head big sales on page 11. VJy U n 'WamV CP. ERIDAN Tel 127. Means just what it , says. It Is against a cougn. It cures the cold and stops the couch. It is not a mixture Us a scientific preparation for curtnj; a coiiii. Never take a substitute others are not m good 25c a bottle at Drug Storca. Even iht Preachers Ailvnrllun nnnrmlnVR. A minister In til east who ndvortlscd In tho papers that ho nnnlxil t,00 rirU tn hpnr his next Sunday's sermon had n crowded house. You can get anything you want by advertising for through the columns of tho right kind newspapers. .uornr, lour m u. I minor' Kltlnvy Cure Kiij'k Itonovnlnr Kn'r l.iimiiK lliilni ...........( lliiirj'n Mnlt WliUUfy I.iitim Crrntn I'nlne t'flery C'oiiipininil "no Vila 8.1o 10n in 7fi Wine of tnriliil 1'lrrce'Ki l'rcm'rliitloii . Srntt'K ICniulnlnii ..... tlrntuiilnliin . 7fio .7S 7."o CnltHfunt Hiectrnii 1nlniii TntitrtJ ."Or AVIilto ltltiliou Remedy HI. (Ml S. S. S "fill Mnllfit Milk Ke, T.'.o, 3.IB riuKlinin'i Co in li n n nil 7!5e SCHAEFER CUT PRICK DUUtiSIST S. W, Cor. Kith nnd CIiIchko. I . Aa "Jl" A SUBJECT FOR INVESTIGAT ON- beforo Caster; Is your plumbing. To ueo that It does nut breed Ulseuso dur ing Summcr'H sultry heat. Sower gas In your homo will cnuso dnngarous dlscascn, and your plumbing should bo ovorhaulod to find leaks or hronkH. Wo will Investigate your plumbing and put It In order, or put lu now open HunlLnry plumbing or steam or not water heating, at a reasonable cost. Free 6c Black, 180G 1'iirnum. Phone 1011). NOTICE Kntwllhutnntllner tho reDorts and Im pressions abrend In tho city, tho PAINT AND DRUG BTOHU formerly occupied by J. A. Fuller & Co. Is Still Open and doing bUBlncst tho samo nu usual. In fnct, the store has never been closed. Threo names, familiar to tho patrons of tho corner In thu Drug, Paint nnd Olnss line, aro now conducting tho business. They are V. M. Crowl, John S. Clark nnd Henry Jclianszen, Messrs. Crowl nnd t i -.. !.... n ... tin. rtM f.iriinr fur over thirteen years. Mr. Clurk wuh for merly ul me. corner uui miviy crauuu the Uconominal Drug Co. Wo have all tho ..1.1 .....nnrlnltftid tr f 5rt V.nfU llltnlf mill you can have nny of them refilled Just tho samo an ueiorc, wnn inu ui. tho dem'inds of tho trado for drugs, paints i I .... ntA ttuvlnw a full u trtnlr tf nil. wo cordially ssltcit a share of your pat ronage. FULLER DRUG & PAINT CO., 1402 .DOUGLAS ST II IS ET. Can't shut Uj up. Open day and night. Don't Wait-Buy Now. New stock Just lu nnd now prices Just mnde. Netting for chickous, chicks una Iielglan hares. JAS. MORTON & SON CO., ir.ll IIiiiIku Struct. TOOL llE.VlltlUAllTUItS. 1 plifi ' Wyfk MAYER'S M vJmTsJ jjPo" ewes oakow and tu O PRICE 50 CENTS. For Sale by all Druggists and Glove Dealers Consultation Free from 2 to 4. When ordering by mail add 5 cents for postage. THE SMOKERS PREFER BECAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDED TO THE QUALITY r. B. HICK X. U CO, KASOrAOTVlUUtff, IT. VOViS, MO. )U HJUIl CURSE or DRINK CUKIil) 11Y V I ITE RiEBON REMEDY Can bo given In Ulnss of Water, Ten or Co (Tee Without l'utleut'n Knowtedgo. Whlto ltlbtuiti ltutnedy will euro or do. stroy tho illseusvd uppotltu for ttlcolulM Mlmuliuits, whulhttr the patient In u con. Ilrincu lnobrlulo, "u tippler," social drlnkor ol drunkard linpohsiblu for any one to have an np. octltu fur alcoholic l!uor.'i utter .inmif White ltlbbon Remedy Hy tniill 11. Trial pnekngo freo ty tvrltlng Mrs. T C. Maore. I'res't W. O. T. U. Ventura, Callfornhi. Bold m Oimihn, Nob., by Chad. 11. iichaetcr, 16th nnd Chicago afreets. Ask the Cook Why It Is that alio always prefers Acorn Stee! Ranges to nil other cooking ntoves, nnd uho will tell you that thoy uso less fuel, bake moro evenly and nro moro cnslly regulated than nny Htovo or ran go she over used. Tho cook's testimony Is surely of vnluo nnd wo havo thou sands of them In Omaha willing to testify to tho merit of the Acorn, Acorn Itanges nro usbestos lined throughout nnd mndo of planished steel. No paint or Japan to burn off. John Hussie Hardware Go , 207-2409 CtunliiK St. "If you buy It of Ilussio it's right." Spring is the Time You promised to got n OA MBit A. It will Intorost you to call on tin In regard to tills. Wo handle t.nly photo rnatcrlnlf) nnd linve the lnrop;st assortment of KODAKS nnd CAMEUAS In the country. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY Wholesale nnd Hetall Dealers, 1215 Fariiiun Street. Developing nnd Finishing a BIK'Cllllty. RE -NO-MAY POWDER Manufactured by A. Mayer Company, 316 Dee Bldg. IT'S fl FACT. that our work gives aatlsfactlon. Kach caeo receives our careful atten tion and all DENTAL WORK dono will provo a sourco of pleasure, health and satisfaction to our pat rons. Wo study and adopt in out work all Improvements nnd new ideas In dental sclonco. TKKTII ON n.ATES Oil CltOWN AND WIIUCSH WOKK. BAILEY, the Dentist, Wi I'uxtoit llliiitli, tOlli 1'iirniiiii Hts, I'liiino 1083, I.ncly AttiMiilunt. i 4