THE OMAJIA DAILY BE 1.1 : SUMUY, JJAHCJ1 17, 1J;()1. MO.IBV TO I.O.-fllATTi:i,!l. HONEY to loan. I. Ziegler, 409 Ware illoclc BEE Private pnrty for salary loans. liuum Jii urunu oiock. X-M12I Bhott time loans. J. Plcasanto, 54 Darker bik X-127- IILSI.XESS CIIA.XCE9. $110 CASH on easy payments buys 23 strictly lawful (nickel) slut machines for drinks, cigars or cush; will earn $2 and upward weekly each. Earl Clark & Co., Furni ture Manufacturers, Chicago, ill. f-310 FOR SALE, agricultural Implement and carrlagu business In south central Ne braska. For further particulars nddresi Box W3, West Liberty, la. Y-311 Vr ILL take lane lease on brick stable It built, centrally located, and pay good rent. Address J 65, Dee. Y 831 Foil 8 ALU, cattle ranches on C. & 8. R. H. vj miles irom Cheyenne, wyo. Address D. M. Arnold, Islay, Wyo. Y-MG31 17 BTCAM dye and cleaning shop In city of 10,000 or 11.000 Inhabitants for sale for $130; a good cbanco for a dyer who understands his business; only shop In the city. Ad dress L t Dee. Y M15j FOIl SALE, a Rood, legitimate business netting $3,600 per annum, requires $12,600 to control. Established 1SS4. Must sell on account of owner being Incapacitated from management. Will take some good real cstat6 In consideration. This Is a local enterprise doing business both In Omaha and Council BlufTs. Investigate for yourself. Address L 43, Omaha lice. Y-170 17 FORTUNES made In mail order business; can bo conducted by any one. Wo start yon: furnish everything. Particulars tor stamp. Central Supply Co., 1012 Grand Ave., Kansas City. Mo. Y 1W-17 11.500 SODA outfit. $700. If taken at onco; no trades. For particulars call on or address r;i J. meidi, Crete, Jeu. v u A (lOOl) chance to get bn the ataire. Sen tho manager of the Orphoum about the DlC amateur carnival in me near ruturc Y-192-17 FORTUNES made In mall order business Can be conducted bv anyone. We start you; furnish everything; particulars for stamp, central supply uu,, iir.-: urnnu Ave., ivansas city, .mo. i -'id ir PARTY with few thousand dollars wants to purchase established business In town of rt.000 to 20,000; owner only. Address. wnn an particulars, u t--, nee. Y-2S6 17 LIST of business chances. 10c: $100 up, Taylor & Ernst, 1621 Curtis St.. Iloom 16, uenver, coio. x jis ir FANCY confectionery store and Ico cream parlors, doing big business, everything new, season Just opening, Invoice 51,400; will soil at $1,100 If taken at once; owner wants to retire on ocount or oilier btisi. ncss. Wm. Madgctt, Hustings, Nebraska Y-U23 17 It E ST A U R A NT. best location In the city; Involco $600; will sell If taken at once lor 1250; don't wait to write, como and look It over; a big bargain. William MadgMt, T I . ' If.. ... I X .. V. V. 1? Ill'lll r.nitliv, llliniiuHa. tiuu. "IF YOU want to make money" In Stocks grain or cotton on small Investments wrlto to us Immediately. We are not brokers and do not solicit ncounts. Flower A- Co., Chicago Stock Exchango HIdg., (.nicngo. ut ii- AUCTIONEER. I make a specialty of closing out nil kinds of merchandise ut unction. Long extterl- once. Satisfactory prlceH to owners. Tho nest way to Close nut or reciuce hiock. Auurcss, l.. w. neweii. caro nyrnc Hammer Dry Goods Co., Omaha, Neb. FIRBT-CLASS restaurant for sale. Sam Sing, 1516 Webster. Y-M2U-21 FOR SALE, milk route and outllf, bottle system. All the huslncss one man can handle, flood opening for energetic young man with small capital, will miry. Iloone, Iowa. l 240-l' FOIl EXCH.VMiE. TO EXCIIANOE. house and lot for quar tcr vcctlcn of land. Address I. 44. Ilee. Z-M13I 17 MEDICAL. a8 A medical man I beat them all. It does not taku ma n minute to scparato gall. Prof. Dr. Johnson, 1711 Vinton tit.. Omaha. -Ill 17 LADIES! Chichester's Engllsii rennyroyal Fills are tho best; safe, reliable; tako no other. Send 4c stamps for particular. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchetter Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Fa. CANCER cured at home by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain. Book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer In stitute, 121 W. 42d St.. N. T. LADIES, I positively guarantee Golden Heal, never falling female regulator: will rellove most obstinate cased of delayed periods In live hours; sent securo from observation, J1.00. Dr Annie Fowler, 2741 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. VITALITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured by Dr. Kline's Invigorating Tonic. Free $1.00 trial bottles containing 2 weeks' treutmont. Dr. Kline's Institute, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Founded 1871. 244.17 PATENTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? We handle patents copyrights and trudo marks; you xlvo us the bare Idea and we will do the rest; modern equipped machine shop and . foundry In connection; Ottlclal Gazette on file; guide book free. Mason. Fcnwlck & Lawrence, patent lawyers, 1406 Howard St.; Tel 14 19. Omaha. J. P. Cronln, repr. PATENTS No fee unless successful. Sjoa c Co., Iiee Building, Omaha, Neb. It-Je-15 IIEI.niAN 1 1 All KM. UELOIAN HARES Some line does bred to sl W-polut F&shoda buck for sale. Royal Habbltry, Holdrege, Neb. 1. 00) I1ELGIAN hares: Highest cradt: low est prices; Investigate. A, il. LiVe, 013 a. rremoiii si uenver, uoio. FnEE, Standard Belgian llaro book, 175 pages, with each yearly subscription to Belgian Hare Stundurd, breeder's ottlclal magazine. Postage Co; total, 53c. Stan dard, linn Bidg., lviinsaa city, .mo. 245-17 WAM'i:iTO IIOIIHOW. WANTICD-JI.OOO 5 years, 8 per cent, llrst mortgage, 74-ncro tarm, near York. Will assign iio insurance, uox 2Sf. York, WANTED to borrow $2,300 on $12,000 worth Improved rcul estate security. 'Address L HI, Bee. -3(0 is, WANTED to borrow 11.000.00' on a eond piece of bunlness property tor S years at ti per coiii! puyuuie semi-annually; property will bear inspection, etc. Address all com- municatmim to iv til, uee. -jiu'j is 8I10IITHA.MI AMI TVPlJWUrmu. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y, Life. BOYLES' College, court reporter principal uee uiug. NEB. Bustnes & Shorthand college, Boyd's i neater, i GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Col.. 1C & Doug jsi I.O.ST. LOST, gold crescent pin, set with pearls. Liberal reward tor return to 1113 S. ;y t h . Lost-Mill IS LOST, mnrten collarette In Boston Store or iiuydeirs Saturday, ituward if returned io uee outre, i.ost il- FLU.MTUItU IICl'AIIII.VC. TEL. 1331. M S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, MS N. Y. L. Blilg. Tel. 1001, Allen Jolumon, D. O.. ladles' dept.; um c. jonnsuu, usteopainisi, .Her. -317 M..B. DONOHUE, D. O.. of Still school. ivtrtuviue, aio., wi i-axton uik. 11. i -31 FOIl MAI, i: REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, LOTS, FARMS, IIANCIIBS, OKOROE I'. BEMtS. Telephone 685. Paxton Hlock. HOUSES AND LOTS. Spring will soon be here, It will eoon be House Cleaning lime anu people nre uc- glnnlng to think about moving. Now Is the tlmo to decide on that house yoj ex pect to buy. Here Is a chance for some one to do every thing up just right and start the season In a nice, clean, new house. We have Just four days to sell a beautiful NEW house of 7 rooms, modern except furnace, in one or the best locations in tho city; has been built less than nine months; built by tho day, no contract work about this piece of property. We are actually asking less money than the lot and building cost. Rents for 122.50 per month. Only $2,175. This property must bo sold. Here Is nnother that can't be beaten nt the price; is in the iianscom parK district, n nice 7-room house, strictly modern, lot 45x150. For a few days we will offer this property for 12,110. LOTS. What are yoj going to do with the money you have been spending for coal'. Why not start out on a plan that you can look ution a few months hence with nrlde and satisfaction at something accomplished? Come In and look at our beautiful residence lots with n live minutes walk of Ames a vi-. and 2lth .it. car lines; only $150, W.W uown anu per montn. Others closer In. with beautiful shade trees SWW, $10.00 down and $10.00 per montn The best savings banks In the world. FARMS. 300 acrer, unimproved, well located, $2o per acre. 1C0 acres, well Improved, well located, 563 per Here. 16o acres near Omaha, only $30 per acre, HAT 80 acres, fair Improvements, fine location, Vio per ncre. TO acres within 114 miles of So. Omaha post oillce, with Improvements, only $70 per nrre. tiargaw. 10 acres near Omahn, $100 per acre. RANCHES. 2,100 acres and 100 head stock, 16,000. ucrcs, ilrst-class. $21,500. 10,000 acres, goud Improvements, $33,000. 20.0IJ0 acres, FIRST-CLASS, $100,000. 5 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGED REAL ESTATE SECUR ITY. ALSO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. OEO. P. BEMIS, (Established 1S6S.) Telephone US. Paxton Block. RE-7 17 II. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam Street, Bee Bulldln: Wo offer below some special bargains In dwelling nouses ana vacant ioi. No. South 20th nve.. 5 rooms, bath, Klin, ucnrt, j... , .. ... papered, barn for 3 horses. This property .ML fti III' l"JIU I Ills wci'ft, lfcV,o .v. .vv PRICE only IM. No. 70im 2002 Decatur St.. 7 rooms. ALL MODERN, bath, gas, city water, sewer, line shade, south nnd oast front on corner, ,,!.. imwlv PAPERED and PAINTED. l'rlce, $2,500; ONE-TENTH CASH, balance : i mtiui I. aMt) irtii rnit No. 10S2-A NON-RESIDENT owner was In tho city yesterday and says we MUSr ,.ii i.iu m,,,.rtv THIS noiU. Lot 54x140. with T O houses, one 4 rooms, the other 7 rooms, ocatea 2 diocks irom runiuiii t. on Kd. Price, only 11,500. A GREAT BARGAIN. tr., l urn. nf tin. VERY REST BAR GAINo in tno city oi uirans iuw. No. 2211 Capitol avc, 7 rooms, very largo luith mom. nan. hot and cold water, barn, . ' . .." . . , n, - , . V nsphalt pavement all paid for. permanent slJownlk Inside and out. lino shade, 3-foot terrace, south front, S block west of HIGH SCHOOL grounds. Non-resident owner of this property Is In the city and Is going to sell Monday or Tuesday at un "UNDER THE HAMMER price. It. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Farnam Street, Bee Building. RE-23S 17 t. A.v.v.Riv.'sr.n.X C.O-M-P-A-N-Y Have the bargains In beautiful homes. Bo sure and see mem. io cxumtnu is ij purchase, for men still live who know a onnH 1,1 r, U'hnn lhlV MPP tt. 515 In Iianscom Place, near rarllne. full 60-rt. lot, east rront, ucsiraoio iicisnum' hood; 7 rooms, all modern except furnace, In irndll rpnillr. JUSt tnQ IllaCQ for a South Omaha man. $3,000. Be quick ir you want tt. , ,, 1S42 In Avondalo Park, 7-room hou3p, all modern. In ralr repair, souin rroni, cioso to uusiness, ror ruusunuunr ivnuo. imr rin r7th mn.. near Cumlnu St.. an room, all modern houso In fine condition nnd Is cheap at $500; $300 cash, balanco 1323 This property Is located on Burt, near 22d St. Tho houso has been recently re paired at a cost or ji.uw anu is now in tirat. pinna rondltlnn: has cas. bath, hot r and cold water plumbing, tine cemented cellar, permanent BiuowaiK anu paving, an paid, $3,500; $500 cash, balanco $30 per mo. 12s7 In South Omaha, a good location for bonrding house, io rooms, city water, iur nnre. ete.. S2.2M: S20 ner month. Cheap. 1S43 Lot 1. block D. Lowe's add., 5 rooms. city water: house recently put In good repair, $1,200; easy terms. 529 In Poppleton park, only 2 blocks from rnrllne. 7 rooms, cas. bath, cltv water: all modern except furnace. Owner nsks K.W), out says get oner. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor, N. Y. Life Building. IIE-16I 17 HAMILTON BROS. LIST. C-room modern, east front, two blocks So, of Farnam: rents $28. Price. $2.S0O. 5-room. modern. 27th und Howard; rents JW.' iticq :.iiw. 7 rooms, same location; rents $23. Price, $2.(00. g rooms, same location; rents $25. Price, 13.BM. Two 8-room, 26th ave Just west of All Saints' church, $4,000. Kent for $35 each. Three modern h nnd 10-room dwelling".!, we nre now building on 31th st.. Just north of Farnam: will be completed by April 13. Ntcolv tlnlshed In hardwood. Call on us for prices. We do not want to let those not Interested know how cheap we will sell these. HAMILTON BROS., Ground Floor Bee Bldg. Telephone 1179. RE-M263 17 Philip Potter, President. Aubrey Potter, 8ccrtary PHILIP POTTER AND SON COMPANY 311 New York Life Ilulldlntr. W linvo a tine lot on Harney stceet. with south front, n choice neighborhood, only 1.!.V. A 1,'nriinm ntrpt Int. Hi feet frantace. Ins the place to build two brick tint that are ro popular mm nucu gooa invest montn ! 11.200 will take It. A 6-room cottage with enameled bath, hot and cold water, bus. nlcklo Plumbing. cemented cellar; property In first-class condition, house nlmost new, rents for $20; lot 70x112, $2,300.00; $500.00 cash, balance on very satisfactory terms. We sold three farms last week, two In Holt county and one In Antelope, we nave otnrrs leu. ICO acres, Dawes county, $200. 160 neres. Buffalo county. $HK. 640 acres, Dawson county. $3,000. 10) acres, Chase county, $300. 10) acres, Knox county, $800. Call nnd see us. Philip Potter & Sen Co, Phone 470. RE 163 17 OLD gentleman owns York rountv farm mortgaged. Must sell. Box 2XS, York, ieii, m-J 1U7 u 240-ACRK farm, Improved, near York, for rent, for $450. Campbell-Christian. York, V T.I I.J . -, 1C 1 i CIO DEEDED. 1,320 homestead. 10.540 gov ernment land, all fenced. 4 miles nrlvat Irrigation ditch. 4 mllej river. 2 small lakes, '.' windmills, central Nebraska, ad. Joins railroad town. Sacrifice. ' $6,500. cumpoeii & ciirisuun, vorx, Neb. RE-2V0-IT FOIl SAI.EnilAIj nSTATB. BARGAINS! V. SHOLE8 COMPANY. 310 N. Y, LIFE. Telephone S59. J-1802 Corby st., corner lot, 6 rooms, cheap at $1,500. 2025315 North 19th st., 30x140, 6 rooms, 21-3422 Cass sL, 42x160, S rooms, good re- 203-3212 Webster St., 110x159, 4 room, and cueuii iur 91,X1. 109--33I3 Blondo St., 60x127, 5 rooms, fine biiuui?, niiup tor )i,4iu. 312 I02S Seward at.. 60x150, 9 rooms, strictly mouern, gooa nam, nuui ny tne owner, and cheap tor price of $2,S00. 313 On 2Sth st. south of Leavenworth, we oner two very lino 7-room houses, strictly modern, with furnaces, on lot 37x140 feet, for $2,250 -each. 613-1549 So. 29th st. (Georgia nve.). wo offer iicn iiiuuvrn oTOom iiweiung, linn corner lot, both streets paved, oak finish, nickel prjmblng, electric light, line cellar nnd laundry. A beautiful home. Price, $3,500. 542-On 2Sth st., first House south of Pacific, wxi&ij root lot. east front, brand new s room modern house, ready to move Into, everything tho best, with line nickel plumbing, mantel, furnace, gns and elec tric light, to be seen tu be appreciated. Price, completu, $4,600, 434-810 nnd 812 North 39th St., we offer two goou anu s-room nouses, iiotn strictly modern, oak finish, cast fronts, U block from Walnut Hill enr line, on the very top of the hill. Price, $3,250 and cheap. Wo have In our oillce over a hundred photographs of good houses for sale which we can show you without going to see them nil, thus you can call and sec them all in a rew minutes, saving nojrs or time and trouble In chasing around to see what you would not have ut nnv nrlce. Call In anil enjoy a few minutes In seeing, what there is ior saie. VACANT on 32d nve. the best built up residence street In the cltv. we are s still harping. nnd will continue to harn on the fact that the 70 feet we offer for $2,500, with all of the special taxes paid In full. Is the best buy on the market In Omaha today In u vacant lot. You cannot deny this. Then we also have another lot on this street u4xl3 feet for $1,600, which Is as well worth the price asked as a $20 gold plecp Is worth These nre stern facts, and that Is whet the people want, and If you will call In we will spend a few min utes In proving what we say. We can do It. Then on FHrnnm street, on the crown of the hill between 33d and Mill streets, we offer lOOxH, the very essence of cream of Farnam street property, nt a price that you ought to take It In at If you nre look ing for the best piece of mother earth at the best price or anything to be had In nun aristocratic locuuty. SEE US FOR ANYTHING YOU WANT, WE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO It Ayr. THE STUFF TO SELL, AND WE SELL IT. TOO. It E -Ji 1 FOR SALE, twenty acres fruit and garden land, ndjoinlug seymore parK; good im provements: terms easy. S Saunders, Council Bluffs RU-306 17 5-ROOM house. 1810 Ontario, $S3. 4-room house, 3012 Hamilton, $S50. 4-room house, 42d nnd Camden nve.. $300. 7- room house, mod., 1522 So. 26th.. $1.S00. 9-room house, 31S1 Fowler uve., $1,00-). 8- room house, mod., 4220 Howard at., $1,400. Two houses, lot 06x15$, 1810 Dorcas. $1,400. J. II. PARROTTE, DOUGLAs UUK. ItE-341 17 HEADQUARTERS FOR STOCK UAN'!HE8. 1,300 acres, Greeley Co., Neb.; running water, all lenced, good uuuuings, etc. ti &nn 1,700 ncres. western Nebraska; 4 miles run- ninir wnter. i.ii neres airaita uoitom. pri vate Irrigation ditch, well Improved, 6,000 acres tree rancc. CT.i'.e. A rAi'. 6,700 ucres, western Nebraska; 4,0fO acres under ditch, well improved, acres iree ranee. 1(0.000. 9) acres, fenced; 160 ncres cultivated, 2 miles running water. 200 ncres alfalfa bot tom Nnrlne nnd tlmher. 16.G0O. IF THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU WANT CALL AT THE OFFICE. WE HAVE THEM, ALL SIZES AND ALL PRICES. ALFALFA STOCK FARMS. '20 ncres alfalfa bottom, V.i miles to sta tion, In Dawson Co.. Neb.; well Improved, nil smooth, good buildings, etc. J 1. 500. 160 ncres, splendidly Improved, one mile to station, in t ranKiin uo inbd. ii.ww. FARMS. 163 ncres, well Improved, Adams Co., Neb. 14.200. 240 acres, well Improved, Kearney Co., Neb. ti,WJ. 5S0 acres, well Improved, near Pender, Neb. $43 tier ncre. 250 acres, well Improved, Sarpy Co., Nob., at a onrgain. 50 acres, near Blalr. $1,200. 100 acres, well Improved. Howard Co., Neb.; l'l miles to station. $1,600. 160 acres, 6 miles to Ord Valley Co.; well Im proved. $1,200. We havo land In nearly every county In Ne- urusKa. FIRE INSURANCE. HOUSES FOR RENT. BHRIVER & CHASE. 601 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1442. c RE-252 17 W. H. GATES. 61S N. Y. LIFE. 10-room modern house on N. E. corner 23d nnd Chicago; a well-built, completo homo ciose in; street paveu on DOtn streets, ruuy pnld up. $S,W0. S rooms, fullv modern nnd eomnlpte. with into improvements, not water neat, corner 101. ti.uw. 7 rooms, city water, lot SOxICO; nice shade trees; one uiocK rrora car line; 2iJ7 uinney. 10-room modern home, most new. built bv one oi our merennnts ror a Home. Also a C-room house In same vnrrl. Owner In very anxious to sell both houses-, as he has bought another home, and will mako a iow ngure. 8 rooms. 2-story, bath, gas; rent, $17.30 i -Hire, .. uui si. 6-room house In Walnut Hill. $700. 5 rooms, full lot, nil In nice order. 27IS N 2Sth st. $930. RE-M233 IS sitniVEn jc- rrirAsrr An elegant R-rnom brick, with 2 lots, West I'nrnnm District, w.wo, II 11(1 otliers us low 6-room cottage, 23tli and St. Mary's av $2,100. 6-room cottago and barn, nenr Hnnscom parK. j-'.iwj, . s-room modern, Walnut Hill. $2,500. Monthly B-room cottnee. 27th nnd Bnnlolto. iTnrt jou-ucro iurm to exenange ror clear Omaha property, FIRE INSURANCE. HOUSES FOR RENT. SHRtVER & CHASE. C0I Bee Bldg. Tel. 1442. RE 251 17 COME IN MONDAY. These houses will bo gone early In the week o-ruiiiii, ui mouern nouse. line narn, Vi.&OJ, Nent cottage home. Bo. 23th. si. mi. 8-room house, two full east front lots, good 6-room, all modern house, barn, now, very iicaiiuuii, i,uov, 7-room house, cood location. it.Kn. A flno Inrgn house, all modern, double cor n" lot. cost $3,000; If taken this week, 4-room house, So. 2Sth, $625. Cottnge, SSth and Leavenworth, $S0O. Good two-story nil modern hnnun t" vi $3Wato$'5oMW V6ry ""e 1,0uses "f''om W'atcrman '& Williamson, 609 Bee. Phone . . I U.J f DO YOU want a nice modern homo near the High school? This is a new, up-to- uaie place, ail modern. 33,600, Also a nice 7-room cottage, North 22d street, as tine as they mako them, $2,000. A stone front, two-story store, now: rnnmi nbovo for housekeeping: all modern. $2,600, irei. on mm street, ainKe on offer. tiiiiit u juurn join wm ieau an ror busi ness. GEO. E. GIBSON. 1639 FARNAM. RE-M151 1 IS FOR SALE. lCC3-acre stock rnnrh? Uaul sheltered location, abundant range, water anu prouueuvo meauow bottoms ror large herd; railroad station, navigable river, mill timber, orchnrrl. Imnrnumpni. n ranch, cash market, hay, Implements, 110 W. M Humphreys, Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, itts- UANCH AND FARM lands for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllaster, land commissioner. Union vuems ttcuuquaricrs, umana, cd. FOR .SAI.IRHAIi ESTATE, SOME OF OUR BEST BARGAINS. HOUSES AND LOTS. 2Cth St., near Farnam, 7-r. modern paved st., rented ror J30 a montn. a,rau. :9th st , near Douglas, 9-r. nil modern, mantels. In perfect condition; con $5,0w to build. If sold this week $:,). Ill Ohio st., S-r., partly modern, good con dition, barn. U.Of). 20th anil Ohio, new 7-r., all modern except rurnnee. south front. -&w. 19th st. boulevard, near Iike, 7-r., city water nnd sewer, nuwlj papered and painted, permanent sidewalk. Only $1,400. 20th st. boulevard, near Mnnderson, 7-r., nearly new, modern, run two stories. $2,500. 127 N, 37th St., 6-r., city water and ,ewer. newiy papered und painteu, tirst-class re palt. $1,300. I7th nnd Poppleton, 7-r., full two story $3,200. mouern nouse, large lot. 5917 N. SSth et.. C-r., nearly modern. $1,700. Ill N. 30th. 6-r. $1,200. 717 Chicago, 4-r., large lot. $1,S. x'i- -0S S. 20th av., 3-r.,'bnth, gus, sewer and ttuivr. Kjniy j inn i5 int ennapesi place In the south part of town; $100 cash, tlmo on balance, FARMS AND GARDEN TIl.VfTS 120 acres, 11 miles N. W. of Omaha; 20 ui'ius uuuom iiuiu fiusiure, guou improve ments. $3,100. 40 acres north of Florence, 4r., barn, chicken npuse. j.wj young nppie trees, raspberries, blackberries, etc. $.',5V. 5 acres 3 miles from P. O.; can all be culti vated; a iiiocks rrom paved st. $573. 1 acre 2 blocks west Walnut Hill car line. ur win put on i-r House ror JKOAi. Easy terms. GOOD INVESTMENT. 2419-21-53 Blnney st . 3 6-r. houses, newly imiiivu ii on painteu, ciiy water and sewer; renting $15 a month each. $1,001. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. llth St. RE-293 17 SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK: in Hnnscom park district. look nt 171S So 20th t., Just south of Hickory st.; thN li a two-story, S-room Ihukc, with full 50-ft. east front lot on grade, three blocks fnrn street car; price. $1,200. House alone could not be built for that money. House Is In Good condition In side; needs some repairs outside. If nec essary would take part cash, balance monthly payments. 1700 So. 57th st.. 2d house So. of Hickory. two blocks from street car. This l.i n 7 room 14-story house, city water, large barn, east front, lot 60x150. on gnide, good shade, Is rented for $15 per mo, Price, Havo several bargains In Improved prop- - I'll ULVIil(l Utt llUL'. 3116 Mnrcy st., Is a brand new 7-room house wmi cuy water, gas, oain, rurnace, run lot, on grade, south front, one block so. of Leavenworth st. Have been holding this ut $3,500. Owner requests us to put It on the market this week for quick sale at $3,0.". For a very pleasant home with large grounds look nt the N. W. cor. of 3llh and Martha sis., two blocks west of Hanscom park. This property has a frontage ot 78 ft. on 31th and 133 ft. on Martha, has line shade trees, paved street nnd concrete walk paid In full, a 1-story house, 7 rooms, with electric light, bath. f.t-. nlttf, larirn litirt, Pplna 91 CiVi t..- ,. "Y ""p." o,vv. run cash, balance long time or would take a kuuu i-icur iui in pari payment. Two new cottages close In with latest mcKci piumDing, gnB and electric lights, furnnce, etc.. $3,10 to $4,000; $S00 cash, balance monthly payments. Cottages In different parts of the city on mummy JU incillS. Vacant lots from $30 to $3,000. Private money to loan. Vrlte fire Insurance. Nearly new lady's bicycle to trade, also inii'ncni canopy carriago ina rnncton, What havo you to offer? Houses for rent. J. II. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. Life. Phono 3S8. BE-M259 IS DESIRARLE HOMES. $15,000 for 14-room J modern house, bam, largo corner lot, 7 blocks from court house. $13,000 for 11-room modern brick house, good num. lurgc aouiu ironi 101 in west part city. $12,500 for 13-room modern house, large harn, iui hi ii'ui, kuiiiii ironi Dy loo icct deep, near 37th nnd Jackson sts. $9,000 for 12-room modern house, corner lot wxisz reel, ironimg north and east, one block from Hlch Nchnnl. $4,5CO for 7-room modern houso, Dodge, nenr .lU si. $3,000 for S-room modern house, south front oi. utisH st near Hni St. $2.000 1 for 6-room house nnd lot, 2502 St. lTVHintin..r T t r. $1,000 for 107x109 feet ut N. E. corner 23th ,1 .1 fUtrmrrn . . ti t r W A a.. O,,., hm.I. T , ... vj i iui un dink nt, IIUlll Ul J'lirilUI'l l-l $930 for lot on Chicago, near 31st st., paving. Inl I nnl.l I ..II ' $1,075 for two Bouth fro'nt lots on Ohio st., hcui vriu i. acre pnnPErtTY. We have a number nf fi nnrt lO.nnrn tmnla ior sale near south Omaha, at from $10") io iau per acre, on easy terms. p.rnnni." .c. r-nAf r v- 1601 Farnam St.. Omaha; or. 417 N. S3th St., nouiu umuna. RE-M230 18 FOR SALE, fine lot. 40x113, near iHn uv. mm uougius; worm I,ow; price, lij(l. 151 Bee. RE-597 17 DO YOU WANT THE EARTH? Beautiful south front building site nenr Hanscom park, street paved and all spe cial taxes paid: can sell 30 to 150 feet at $30 per foot, nnd tako price of lot In fi per ce1n.t JXr.?l mortgage paper If purchaser will build at once. Won't cost you nny- iiiiiib iv iiiYcailfstllL'. Two new 7-room cottuces npar llincnm liar, nom moacrn except rurnace: full lot with each: price $2,350 each. Will sell pno or both. Rent, $540 per year, und can uuuKui iigiu iur numcs or investment. Neat i-room modern cottage, nlmo-it new. near ..2d and Poppleton: street paved and all specials paid, Price, $3,200. Terms CUB HaHiI n ...... ...1.1. 1 . . . . V Vi Kui.tiKc, nun um. nair lot, iiuui, His. sewer, on capitol Hllj, neur jiiisii dl'iiuui. iiniy wrJ, i. .m?ny othcr bargains In all parts of rt:.'.: " i"uper io go nigncr. UU) I1UW. W A. SPENCER. 1031 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. RE-300 17 a mrs tiapraiv A handsome 6-room cottage, with full base- 5nt yiV-iVl' i.iiiir. uiirn. lurgp mapio trees, lot o0xl27, good nelEhborhnod, walking c'ls- l?n v' t tinly ii'm 8weet & Headley. JV Life. RE-297 17 n .;,'.Art':unci?.L, "J" Omaha car f i v v i i ' ' asn' iKbn ',cr mo nr. i 1 ACRE, near car line, $273. 4 acres, near car lino, $1,000. 5 acres, close In, $V75. 15 acre, close In. $1,800. lot, 36th und Cass, $273. lot, 87th and Chicago. $300. mi, j, m nnu i-nss, $500. r lot 32d and Webster, $350, lot, Kith nnd Dewey, $00. lot, 27th and Hamilton, IflOO. Int. 13th und Castnllar. $C30. Houses built for purchasers, paying i down. 10-room modern residence, line shade. large lot. west Fnrnnm. $S.00o. ' DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1623 FARNAM. RE-255 17 W. H. GATES. CIS N. Y. LIFE. .VACANT PROPERTY. 40xl2ij, south front on Patrick av., between 26ih nnd 27th; sewer, gaB, water, per manent sidewalk. $ioo. 45x119 oil Ohio. Just west 50th. $600. 40x140, enst front on 52d, between Burdett und Grace. J760. 60x100. Harney, near SStli. north front. $1,100. 60x136, 35th bv., between Dodge nnd Farnam, Want offer. 0xlC3, corner JSth and Dcwcy av. $4,350. n;M2J4 IS foii iti:.i. r.T.Ti:. C. F, HARRISON, 91J N. Y. LIFE. lo-Room house built for home, houso cost $6,000. cast front, 2 full lots, price $S,W0. Want offer. Located nenr Mr, Joslyn s grounds. 100 Acres offered In S or 10 acre pieces, tics handy to paved St., not far from Hanscom Park; $200 an ncre. Want offer. Elegant home, new; 7-room house, all modern, enst front, near High school, only $3,0. 1.000 Acres, one of the finest ranch farms In Douglas county; highly Improved, mortgage: will sell right. Call or write for particulars. New 10-room houso In West Farnam district, Just being completed; modern nnd fine, $3,500. N. E, Corner 56th & Douglas, house . of 7 rooms, full So. front lot, $.t,OO0. Large east front lot near 25th nnd Farnam, nil right every way, $1,260. Corner 20th & Farnam with 9 room house, cheap considering location. Price for today, $16.00. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. LIFE. P. S. N. Y. owner R. & M. trackage property here, says get offer large fine trackage. RE-1S2-1S CHOICEST, CHEAPEST LOT IN THE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. ON 3TH STREET, 66X13S FEET. JUST RIGHT FOR GRADE. PRICE, $2,150.00. SEE US MONDAY. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. WALKING DISTANCE. CHOICE 6;.1"T. ON 23TH AVE.. NORTH OF ST. MARY'S AVE. FINE LOCATION FOR TWO COTTAGES. EAST FRONT. NICE SHADE. BARGAIN. $J,tH. GARVIN BROS.. 1613 FARNAM ST. SOME MORE BARGAINS. 2113 N. UTH ST.. S-ROOM HOUSE, NICE LOT. $1,530. ON 19TH ST. BOULEVARD. 9-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LOT, HARN, SHADE, FINE LOCATION, $3.iV). GARVIN BROS.. 1613 FARNAM ST. A GOOD INVESTMENT, rents $2,600.00; iiucc ji.w.iv; wen located biisineis prop, erty on 21th street, near tho South Omahn po.jtolllce. This Is certainly u great bar guln. Several properties $10,000.00 to $23,000.00. nil kuuu iiiuumu properties, located on N Street, South Omaha. Omaha, well located business property, on jvuubi.ih street, neur loin, price iM.'JW.w. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-327 17 Ot'R BARGAIN'S TIMS U'KHIf Nice 4-room cottage and lot near Hanscom nark for Jl.:s). Good 10-room house, fine south front lot, near .tiiii nna . uiiiortun, only Jl.ann. Elegant modern 8-room house near 3lst and Paclllc for JS.OOI. New up-to-date house near Farnam nnd .in, possession at once, ww. Handsome largo 10-room house, with large grounds. West Omahii, only $S,0). Flno Investment, largo double residence. lino soutn rront lot, near High school; present rental 12 per cent on price asked: $6,230. 132x132 feet, southeast comer 16th nnd i.eavenworth, ground alone worth JlS.OnO; rents for J1.500: nrlen Mnnilnv inlv Si" mi Cheapest lot on 16th street, 41 feet, near j ones, ior i.;oo. CHEAP LAND ADJOINING OMAHA. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS, acres right on macadamized strppt. J775. 10 acres smooth, level laml, $1,150. 17 acres, nothing tlner around Otnuhn, $2,150. 50 acres line garden land. $2,450. FARMS AND RANCHES. 1.2S0 ncres highly Improved farm, eastern iciirnsKa, several sets rarm buildings, groves, orchards, nothing tlner In Ne braska, only S2I.50 an acre. Fine MO-acre stock farm, over 600 ares suitable ror alfalfa, line buildings, splen did water facilities, only 114.50 an acre. Choice section good farming land In Buffalo county, Nebraska, only $ls un ncre. 2,800-acre ranch northern Nebraska, 2,000 acres vaney lanu, running water, jtf an ncre. 3,000 ncres nenr Sutherland, Neb., 4 miles water, iu,iju acres tree range; price, .ow. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 553 Board of Trade Bldg , Omaha. RE-310 17 FOR SALE, corn lands, stock ranches nnd business locutions In tho Corn Belt coun try. W. H. Clements, Lyons, Neb. KE-M977 HOUSES, lots, larms. lands, loans; nlso llro insurance, uemis, l'axton uik. iik-313 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. RE 311 SNAP $3,700 Jlno business lot, two blocks .. n... I Hannf Kill. C Tn..,lA 1111 1'lnl.... buuiii uvuwt, .uui gi, 4ii4u,u f uiiuii, RB-SS.' MIS SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. ltE-316 WANT offer on fine lot and seven-room house, olos? to good car line. Eastern owner anxious to sell. M. J. Kennard & Son, 309-10 Brown Block. KE-932 FOR SALE or exchnnge. lot 12. block 6, near corner Sherman av. and Locust st. Address Thomas Fitzgerald, Independ ence, Mo, HE EIGHT-ROOM house, all modern except furnnce, on corner, paved street and boulevard, north part of city, $2,000. 6-room cottage, city water, bath, nightly location, $1.W0. 8- room' house, city water, sewer, newly papered, $1,300, 9- room house, corner, city water, sink, closet, connected with sewer, $1,100. 8-room house, modern except furnace, good location, $1,000. Corner lot on Lnlte st., worth $1,000; If sold this week, $35. I. N. HAMMOND, 15th nnd Farnam St. RE-2S0 17' WYMAN, SHRIVER CO,. New York Life Building. Cheapest place In Kojntze Placf, coriv.-r, 8-r. modern house and barn, $I,mj0. Corner on 26th and Parker st., sewer, water, etc., room for two houses, $1,000. 7-room house nnd barn, recently painted, 31th, near Davenport St.. $1,200. 7-room houso nnd barn, full lot, Decatur, nenr 54th st houso cost $l,Suo; can sell within tho next few days on easy tcrmi for $1,500. Two full lots, 7-room modern house, near Dodge and 4Sth at., $1,150; ensy terms. RE-330 17 BARGAINS. 1 to 15 ncres, 414 miles north of Omaha P. O., $63 per acre. 50 acres, West Dodge street. hotiBe, barn, grupea, etc., a cheap place for $2,600. 120 acres, near Military road, $G.t'J. $90) for 60x126 feet on Decatur, between 23th nnd 2Cth sts., near car line. $1,000 for corner, 37th and Marcy sts., south front. Submit offer. $1,600 for 99x154 iTeet, west front on 50th, be tween Center and Dorcas sts. $l,90i) for 5-room house. MS South 20th street; rental $15 per mouth. $2,500 for 1143 and 1115 North 17th street, lot 60x110 feet; paving pnld: very cheap. $2,600 for 6-roora houso, 50-foot east front, 11 blocks west of court house. $3,600 West Farnam street, 9-room house, barn, corner lot. $6,000 8. E. corner SSth nnd Farnam; two- story nncK; remui i.n '. $19,001) for three-story brick building within one block of new postolllce. j?.noo Farnam street, three-stori' brick . building 22x132 feet, near 14th. JOHN N. FREN.ER, OPP. OLD P. O. 111V II $3,000 WILL BUY 2115 Charles at., 5-room house and large lot. Three fine vncant lots, two at the southeast corner of S3th and Franklin, one cast ftotit on 17th, south of Monderson. An offer of $500 for the lutter was refused Init fa'l. . , Make us an offer on any of these, They nre going to be sold. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 135Q Furnam St. HE -281 17 BEST BARGAIN IN CITY. 73 feet S. E. .'or. 18th and Lt-avenworth, 3 houses; rentf pay 15 per cent w prlC', 'jfl'l. PARROTTE. DOUGLAS BLK RE 313 17 I OR K I.I III: VI. ESTATE. SIX-ROOM cottage, barn, thicken lionse. 'ie,. at n:o fewoni st.. Fhe-room brlrk. 41 Nlchobis st.. 7'K.1.nO. AVIH consWer reasonable offer for above Two oltirs. Charles St., near 21th. full lot. larjre tree, paved street, rented i-r $17.00, $r,fJ UP. Klght moms, full lot. Spalding St , $l.20".oi. Her Is n bargnln. nine rooms, modern, near Sherman Ave., way south of Kountic Place, corner lot. flno maple trees, only GKO. W. IKU.BROOK. 307 Brown Blk. 11H lflS-17 UV from hr owner anil sure commission, WxlJI, M.fOi; 40.X1J1. $J.0; 60x121. $3,2.V. 2Sth Wft netweeti Douglas & Dodge. Inquire Ramge Illk. RE-172-17 LOT 50x160. Just ent Hnnscom $10, 6!3 N. Y. Life. RE-JO? 17 FOR SALE, acre rich prairie, tim ber, farm lands In Arkansas county. Ar kansas, ral-oH general erups; excellent schools, roads, water, cllniute; ndvanta geouf rail and river transportation, icr ftct titles: average price $16.Ci per mr Address Ilnlden A.- Co., 19 North Eightn, St. Louis, .Mo. RE-1S5 IT FINEST corner Orchard Hill lot 1, block S $.. Apply JS07 Seward. RE-2I3-1T (XO-ACnii farm 20 miles from South Omnlm wen improved, l'rlce fw un acre, terms to ault. Chns. K, Unlet, 431 Bee Bldg Omaha. ItE-242-lT 410 DOUGLAS CO.. JA'i.tO per ncre. 160 Douglas Co.. Ilnest In the state, $50.00 4S0 Harrison Co., lowu, $17.00. 4M Iowa, $23.o0; X Iowa. $1S.(0; 32i liwn, $S6.00; Ml Iowa. 2S.(i; 2-v, lowa. I27.W; Co Neb.. $2.00: 610 Neb.. $2.00. 120 Improved Mo.. $5.Ki. Improved Neb, fiirms nt JJ.00 to J10.00. Waterman & Wlllumson, iVrj Bi-e 'Phono 192. 11K-1CJ-17 FACTORIES FOR RENT. FACTORY, laundry or grocery building, corner, Daniel C. Patterson, lu23 Karniim. -M.II1 A16 PAPER II.WGI.VG. PAPERHANGING and painting done promptly anil reusonnbly. Cull or iutdrcs 4617 Clilcasu,,.''! 17 WA1.I, PAPER. 3c a roll and up; pnlntlng, paper linns lug, decorutlng. Kclsey, 117 S. Kill. Tel. 1C0S. -063- PAW.MlllOKEHS. EAGLE Loin Oillce, reliable, accommodat ing; ull business conllduiitUl, 1301 Douglas, 3."J I'lll.M'IXG. HAVE It printed right. Waters Printing Co., 455 So 15th St, Phono 2190, CSS A7 LAUMIHY, OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. 7c; collars, 5c, 'cuffs, 40. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617. 33J IIICYCIjUM. WE HAVE tho only Vulcnnlzcr In tho city for buggy tires. Wo do tills work as gcod as can bo dono at the factory. 1623 Capi tol Ave. 633 yr.i.MMi;ni.(i ami stltthiii.u. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. -a3 CARPE.NTEItS AMI .lOIIIIEltM. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing prompUy attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20tn und Lake Sts. 370 INCUBATORS AMI IIROODElt h. INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 2. Omaha', Neb. Fuctory at 5jth & Davenport, 479-M31 JU.Mt. B. i: M. Junk house, J. Milder, Prop., dealer In ull metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. M1-8V3 Farnam, Omaha. Tel. 237S -M3J7 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. P.athbun 355 HUIIIIEII STAMPS, BADGES, medals Om. P1X Co.. Beo Bldg Tel. 253i. E7 rPIIOI.Si'ERIMS. GLOBE COUCH CO, 1519 Lcav th. Tel. 2359. -M71U ACCORIHON I'I.EA'M.M;. ACCORDION pleating cheapest, best quick est. Mrs. A. C. Murk, S. E. Cor. 17th and Farnam. 333 BIRDS AM) TAXll)i:iUIV. STOCK'S Bird Store. 1245 S. 16th. -328 TICKi;r tlROKEll. CUT rate tickets dverywhero. P. 11. Phil bin, 1503 Farnam. Tclephono 7SI. 333 El.OCLTIO.V AM) it I'.VDl.Mi. MRS. DORWARD. Studio 653 N. 19th St. 377-A1 fSQl! B T-fJ and LIQUOtl HABITS CURED. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER land Route ' Generul Oltlccs N E. Cor. Ninth nnd Furiiam Streets. City Ticket Oillce, , Farnam Street. Telephone, M. Depot, Tenth and Marcy SU. '1 otophone, 029. Leave. Arrive. Tho Overland Limited.. u am a 7:3J pm rt,.. ,'i,i,ii7r-.Pnrlland Special a 8.50 am Thu -Fast Mall 1 t-M um The Mull and Express. .ull;3o pm a 7:30 pm u 3:23 pm u 4:2 pm 1 irtin l:putrlci and Stromsburg Express .b 4:0.1 pin bl2:W pm Tho Pncillc Express., .u 4;. pm Thu Atlantic Express... a 6:50 am b 9:33 um firunii isianu i.ocai . . . .u i;t uui a dally, b Daily except Sunday, CHICAGO. ROCK 18L- und A Pncillc Railroad "The Great Rock Isl and Routo" City Ticket Oillce, 1353 Far nam Street Telephone, 42. Depot, Tenth and .Marcy his. Teic phone, 659, Leave. Arrive. EAST. rp Mnlnen and Daven port Local a 7:23 am 1)11:33 am Chicago Express bllilS am ab:10am Des Moines i-ociu u :.v pm a 4;lo um Chicago Fust Lxpress. ,u 5:w pm a 1:2.1 pm Des Moines. Rock Isl and und Chicago a 7:40 pm u 9:23 pm w I'.ai. Lincoln. Colorado Spgs.. ni.nvrr. l'ueblo and West uliSOpm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9:50 am a dally, b Dally except tiunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC P.AIL- road General Offlces and Ticket Olllces, Southeast a corner 14111 anu jjuuk us bts. Telephone, 104. Depot, liniUIl -L.liLI.lUIl. Leave. Arrive. St. l.ouls nnd Kansas City IC C, Express a w.w nm a 6:25 pm St. L. Express. . aiviw pm ti t:i5 um Leave from 15th Webster Streets: ,.1... I nr.fil and Via .ni'iiliiant. ...v. . ... Weeping Wuter b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, u uany except, aunony DO YOU WANT TO BREED EXHIBITION STOC K ? I liavd two com of C frn LANCASTER, MASS money could b'y. Ejir. $3.30 fur 1&; nlto horns. f,r.e pen from WM. BRACE, VICTOR. N. r one pen from JI.DD JOHNSON. ELMIHA. N. Y. Eggs, 11.50 per 15. I also have one pen of ikitdcn Sfbrlght Bantams and Pektn Duck Eggs, $t,00 per 15. All stock nd arv gi-urantefd. When stock Is mature L ,n4 resulta aro not latlafAotory I wti. refund money paid for all Kscu, except Incubator la. Incilbatpr I3gf , per hundred, from good block. Send taah with orders. Tel. L2744. J. S. IMAN, 1901 So. 20th Ave., Omaha, Neb. II lll.WAY TIM 11 CARD. CHICAGO & NORTH, western Hallway "Tho Not th western Lino" Cit) Tluket Olllee. 1101 Fai ns in St. Telephone, Ml. Dipot. Tenth nrnl Murcy sts. Teicphuiic tan. ti,.n ii mi ieove. Arrive. , Ii-ylight Chicago Spe- oKiS1 V. a 7:00 am nll:80 pnl Chicago 1'itMvnger u 4:15 pm a Siifl um iLastein Express, Den .Moines, .Murshitlitown. .'eilar Rapids und t hltugo . ... . al0:53 am a 1:03 pm I.HStorn Special, CHI- i ,.iu.ko.,.',V; Ui a 4:56 pm a 4:05 pm i l ast Mall, Chicago to Omaha a jus pm i pmah.i-i.'hlcngo L t d ..a 7;4S pm u s:W unt l;ust Mull u btso am I Cedar Kuplds Passenger u 5:3J pm , a Dully. CHICAGO. ST. PAUU Minneapolis & onuUia Kulluio "This North western Line" General Oillce.', Nebraska Divi sion, nth und Webster Sts. Cltv Tlpltol lllllfo .nt Si Telephone, 561. Depot, Sts. Leave. Arrli'A cbster Twin City Passenger.. .a tfiw am u ;lu pm Omaha Passenger ullilo uui S.- ..x city .t North- u .t Nebiuska a 3:43 pm u Dally. FREMONT. ELKHORNJU iUJrlTI'l Missouri Valley RallrouU inf?Hj ly - ' Tho Northtvcatern TiLltil? Line" -General Oillce. ii&J fnlttd mates National Hutt Building, S. W. MlHlnii 'PiiaIMI. I nam Tel. 'lei. Sis. Ticket oillce, lioi Farnam St. "'J' Ui'I'ol, 15th und Webster Sis. Black Ilius, Dcndwood, Hot Springs a 3:oo pm Uyeiiiliig. Casper und Douglas d 3:00 pm Arrive, u 5:00 pm e S.-00 pru " ""h'l lOl'K, IJUVId Cll. SuiHTlur. Geneva. Lxuter y lid Snwurd....b 3:01 run b 5:00 pm bl0:53 au blo:5S nm NiiituiK, Verdlgro . I'retuont LliK-lii, Wahoj Fitii'uiii Still b 7:30 am and b 7iS0 nm Flcniunl Loral ...c 7.3U um 11 ll.llllV I. Illl., -. I.... - c ay only, a Dully except Suturduy. Daily except Monday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "Tho North wutorn Line" General Olllrcs, United States Natl ;;iul Bank Building, M. W. Corner Twelfth ii i. ,, .... niu . i i . . onicr. noi Fnrunm St. Telephone (Wi. Do pot, lentil nnd Marcy Sts. Telcphono CJ9. Twin C!t, Express a ii.5i ain mu:il jjin Twin City Limited n 7.55 pm a S:I5 am a DaiVy,J' u SiW am u 3i vm KANSAS CITY, ST. Jo seph & Council Blurfs Railroad "Ttiu Burling ton Route" Ticket Otllco. 1502 Farnam Street. Tele phone, .'W. Depot, Tenth anil Mason Streets. Tele Phono, vis. nnsns Cltv nn.i,. -P.U,V5' Arrive, u 6:25 pm u 6:13 am Kansas City Night ExIlulolSo pm St. Louis Flyer, for St. u Dailj. ouiii..a 5 10 pm nil 13 am BURLINGTON A MIS- IIJMH-fXrrfTi soun juxer Rullroad r1ll!!IIIUHIII "Thu Burlliigtoii ituutu ' ften'siJtisi Gvnerul unices, Nurill- WF'fmf .iTSv! wejt Corner Tenth und i.rAliit,Ta Farnam Streets. Tleuet Oillce, 112 luirnain btreul, Burlington Station, Tenth '1 U It. 1, HU.i . - una streets, TCll'pllOUC, us. j-euvc. Arrive. L111-T n. Hastings nnu MtCook " ' " 1 1 1.. liui.i'or. UOIO- ..IllVVItll .V,,... . M rado. Utuli, tiiii'iriii-" " i"" tMP.iin x. Hiiuk Hill.s..a 9:uo pm a 3:00 pm a U:'5 um u :Ij um a ti:l um T Ixf.ill, A- ltllll'lt Mjiuaim, Puget aounu..a -j.vj inn Lincoln Fust .Mini . i" Wymote, Ueutrico m.u 1 iiu nin .'o um bli:55 am a 6:43 um bll:05 am a 8:50 um Denver, Colorudo. Utuh und caiiiornui : Fort Crook, ho. Bend, i.iiniMviile. Plattsm 111. I) 3:50 pm Belli vui, PlatiHinouth .v l'aclllu Jtiniuoii u liiupui UcIKvue. ..l'l' '..,., 11 Dally b Dally except Sunday, mil-Ann utTii 1 .1 N-'n'rK" L?l .11,1,,,... ll.tllrn.,,1 .Ml,..k ..., ..iiniuim 1 ua Buriiiigiou Route" Ticket Otllco isri Farnum Street. Teluphulie, 2nU. Depui Tcntli nun Mason street, 'lelcphone, Leuvu. Arrive. D.i light ilul ... .lucngo Spo- a :oo am al0:50 pm 11 7;45 am Clncaco Vestlbulcd Ex.a 4:w nm Chicugo Local Exprcss.u VM uin 11 4:03 pm l hlcago Limited u 7:50 p 111 a 7:45 um Fast .Man u mj pm a Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Rallway-Clty Ticket Olilen. 15U4 Farnam Street. Telephone, SSI. Depot, Tenth and Mason titrccts. Telephone, C59. I.t.uvn Arrive IMtLWAUKE 'S'ST.paVI' i in. Chicago Limited Ex. ...a 0:00 pm 'n 8:03 um Chicago & Omaha Ex. .b 7.15 nm b 3:40 pro .. .,11., 1, rtnll.. n v a .... . . Ui,n,lw U UUIIJ, U IUIIj VAWf . OUR CONFESSION We do SOLEMNLY SWEAU that wc havo 39 Second-Hand Vehicles for eale, as given below. Moat of them aro in good repair and paint ed, and In good running condition. Wo SOLEMNLY SWEAR that they aro all considered good value for tho monoy. Wo SOLEMNLY SWEAR to our reputation being good In this city anil that you can bcllevo whatever wo say about theso vehicles. And now .really, It you need n buggy and don't call and boo us we'll SWEAR It you don't. Truthfully said, Drummond Carriage Go. I8th and Harney. 8 Ton nuegles 3 rubber tlrcfl. 3 Top Concords 1 rubber-tired. 2 Open Ilunabouta, . S Corning Buggies. 3 Physicians' Thaetoni. 4 Ladles' Phftetons. C Top Family Carrlacei. 3 Surroys. . 2 Traps. 2 nockaways. 1 Brougham. 1 Landau or Hack. I Top Delivery Wagon. 14'U l'ali. ijtll 1 llii If. LATHAMS BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK-'J DIRECT from his breeding pens, the btit that have two psns of 8. C. Brown Lr