24 rnn,1 mt All A H A1T.Y D1.MJ, t!TrVn AV '.f A IJPTT in Inn-, SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for these cnlnnini Trill lie tnkrn until 12 m. for h9 evening edition nnil until B.ftO p. ni. for tnornliiB nnd Sunday edition. Rates, 1 l-2o n nord firm Inacrttnn, lo a Troril thereafter. Nothing taken tnr leaa than J45e fur ttir flrnt Inner tfon. Tlieao ntlverttsrnieiiti tnaat h cunaectillvely. Uvertlnrrs, by requesting a nnm tiered check, can linvo nninera oil alreaaed to a numbered letter In enra f The llee. Altar? era io addressed will be delivered on preaeutntlon of th kcok only. WANTED-SlTUA'l IONS. WANTED-Work on h country newspaper by n sober, energetic tnnn who wants to learn more ot thu business. Address, L 47, Uee. A-203-L YOUNG Imly .stenographer out pf position desires guttornl onlco work. Address, L 52, Ilec. A-MUB-W WANTED, slttnitlon by competent lady stc nogrnpher. Address li, Heo Otllcc. Coun cil Bluffs. A-M305 IS WANTED, position us bookkeeper by com pctont young miin or experience, got.d penman, quick and accurate at iluiire; 8ood references; salary moderate. Ad ress L66, llee. A-311 li WANTED, poslllon by young man iih city or traveling salesman; 3 years' experience on road; best of references, I, 65, Ree. A -MS 17 POSITION ns assistant bookkeeper or In general olnco work by young lady of wble business experience, i. dj, iec, A-301 17 WANTED, position In lumber yard or plan ing mill, by young man of 23; desires to leant trade. Ono year'd experience In manufacturing lumber; good references. M. N. Dodds, Tekamah. Neb, A-205 17 WANTED, position by bilker In a good bako and pastry shop; can bundle brend. Uox 67, Fnlrbtiry, Neb. A-2)l 17' wanted malb ii Lit, r, WANTED, wo liavo steady work for n few good hustlerw or good hublts and uppeur unco. C. 1'. Adums Co., 16u5 Howard tit. U-21U 11ARUEH trade taught thoroughly In short time: catalogue a particulars treo. West tra iJarbers' Institute, Oiualiu. Nub. U-2U .WANTED, grocery specialty salesman; give Hilly your experience with reler encea to Insure u reply; good opportunity. Address L 37, Ueo. U-M11S 17 WANTED, agent at Hazel Dell Nursery otuce, 24th una uristol Bis., city. II Mill 17 WANTED, good solicitors and stutu agents, insuraucu men prulerrud. Cull ut .ti7 N. Y. Lite Uldg. U-Mloo 22 WANTED, a traveling salesman; good posi tion to rlgnt party, Address or call at 317 N. V. Llto Uldg. 1J-M149 22 WANTED, men to learn barber trudo; only U weekH required; huvo positions paying JIG weekly waiting grailuutcH tlim Npnng; comparatively llttiu expense. ' Writo iMoiur JJuruer College, 1023 Ftirnum ut. U-M133 21 BENTLEMEN of good acquaintance and push to represent the Mutual Fidelity company In every town ot l.ooo or over In Nebraska and Iowa; agency worth Jl,2u0 to $5,oou per annum; no experience, neces sary; moru Intel eating uud protltuole tuuti Insurance. Address u 43, line. U-M142 17 WANTED, first-class salesman to sell and take order., fur lightning rods. Edison ltod Co.. Lincoln, Neb., box 821. U-M13S 20 ACTIVE man by largo manufacturing house; $36.uu In cash paid for 12 days' trial; promotion and permanent position It vatlsiactory. Address G. 1J. 1". Co., box 1027. Philadelphia, I'a. U-M131 IS' WANTED, man, upright chnracter, to manage business ot old established house; salary $18 pur week und expenses payuulo each week direct iroin head(Uarters; ex penso money advunced; position perma nent; reference. Standard House, 314 Cux ton bldg., ChlcugO, III. i! M132 17 MECHANICS, engineers, "electricians, fire men, etc.; a freu scholarship In engineer ing will be awurded to a few well iccom mended applicants. American Bchoul of Correspondence, Boston, Mass. 11 .WANTED, a salesman capublo of selling proprietary medicines by an established patent medicine, housu of ") years' suc cessful business; somo good territory to allot. Address Hoggs Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111. U SALESMEN for cigars; new plan, quick aalei, good business, big money. Con aumerar Cigar Co., 631 8. 7th Ut., bt. Loula. 13- BALESMEN wanted to sell our goods by samplo to wholesalo and retail trade. We are thu largest and only manufacturers In our line In the world. Liberal salary paid. Address Can-Dcx Mfg. Co., Savun naJi, Qa. 11 ,WANTED Good business man In each principal city to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local banks, lllg returns. Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish Eood references and G00 cash. Address, i. II. II., P. O. Uox 715, Cincinnati, O. U rilUST WORTHY persons to travel for old established houso of solid llnanclal stand ing; salary J7W and expenses; no canvass ing. Encloso sclf-aildressed envelope. Manager, 375 Caxton Uldg,, Chicago. II- COVEHNMENT I'OSITIONS-Where they arc, how obtained, salaries paid, exam inations required, etc. Ilcgular exum limtlons soon In every state. Circular 161, giving full particulars, sent free. Write today. National Correspondence Institute. Washington, D, C. u WANTl.D, Industrious men and women In every town to work for us at thrlr homes; no canvassing. We will send work any distance. Wo hnvo several lines of work to glvo out, somo of which requires no experience. If you can't devote tho whelo day to our work, you can earn Ji or JO a week by working an hour or two cven L"?BA Address Standard Mfg. Co., H2 West 23d St., New York. ij A 1HC, amateur carnival at tho Orpheum In tho near future. All umateurs desiring to appear arc requested to seo the man. tvger at once. IJ 191 17 WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tnck signs, distribute rlri'iilnr-H ui.miii..u . no canvasslug; good pay. Sun Advertising urn t an, viiicmku. II M2w 17 WANTED, neat men lo work day or even Ing; no ciinvasBlnp-. good puy; will send work that you can do In your room. Itoyal Mfg. Co., 27 Ith 81. H., Minneapolis, W'in. 11 M200 17 VNANTLD active person with rig to de , liver and collect In towns and rural dis tricts; no cunvasslng; talury too per month; extra commissions; references nnd security required. Address Hcatrlce lVV'k nH". """"l.V K,rst Mnllonal bank bldg., Ileatrlce, Neb. U 2S3 17 ATIE you Interested In books? Send three JJcent sttimps for our largo Illustrated catalogue of books and periodicals, Ad- uii-s.i iiuuni o"j, umaua mug., Chicago. , n-sia 17 , ttANTLI), bright young man good address to manage olllco and solicit city trade; exceptional opportunity. Address I, (77, llee. M IJ 3IS 17 ANTLD, 3 or I competent specialty eiilos. men on salary and iixpenses to represent a largo and well-established manufactur- V : , " ."1-innnim linn iuillllf- iKi '.'i" lJn,pnen and who are able to fur. U...I ii.ryv-inpn rrirrnces, need aiiply, To strictly hlgh-grado salesmen wo can offer nminrt'iniltlp!! Ing Htato age. previous experience and '.A-X . '"'."'"I "if in, iures IjW, nee. tl lie above Is from one of the largest and vS, , 1 "",ll,lB ", 1,10 country inu viiiiii tin. ncc.j ll 2SS 17 KAHN u better salary and position; study electricity, inechunlciil engineering, me clianlcil drawing nt lionui by correspond ene; thousands Hticcessful; Thomas A. Edison Indorses Institute; book. "Can I llecomo an Electrical EnglneerT" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute. Now York. II- 176 17 WANTED, men to advertise nnd Introduco our soaps nn1 specialties, tack signs, dis tribute circulars, samples; steady work; ii wecmy aim iajiiiibvu, .tiarvei Mig, Co., Chicago., 1 u ;w ii WA.NTIlll-MAI.IJ HUM. IJOYI.ES COLLHOE, IJEE IJUIt.DtNO. DAY AND EVENING SESSIONS. A COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE of the HIOHEST STANDARD. Recognized by business men ns being the most thorough and most practical. REST EQUIPMENT, DELIQHTKL'L ROOMS, MODERN COt USE OF HTL'DY, EXPERIENCED TEACHERS, INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, STRICT DISCIPLINE, PRACTICAL METHODS, GRADUATES ASSISTED TO POSITIONS. SELECTION OE ASCHOOl- In securing a business or shorthand edu cation one should look to u school's record fcr thorough, efficient Instruction und to the success of Its grndtmtei In securing nnd holding positions. The school having the best teachers, best reputation and the best equipment prodiees the best re suits. The graduates of HOYLE8' COL LEGE hnve no dlfllculty In securing and holding positions. A largo number wjll enter tomorrow. JOIN THEM, 11-319 17 WANTED, good egg candlers, Hastings Produce Co., Hastings, Neb. B-3J0 17 ENERGETIC man In every town to repre sent an old established manutacturing company with capital of J200,00rt; aalary $300 per year and expenses; rapid promo tion and permanent position requiring no canvassing; unusual opportunity. Ad dress Manage!', P. O. Uox 158, Philadel phia, Pa, U- TIIOl'SANDS are successful, gaining better salaries nnd positions studying electricity, mechanical engineering, mechanical draw ing at homo by correspondence. Thomas A. Edison endorse Institute. Rook, "Can I IJccomu an Electrical Engineer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York. B-171 17 WANTED, mull to represent responslblo manufacturing house; salary of !6 paid for Iwo weeks' trial; Important, perma nent position If satisfactory. Address C. M. Co., Uox 1112, Philadelphia, Pa. U-175 17 LEARN sign pnlntlug In two hours; good paying uusiness; no iraud; samples, in structions, etc., 10c. City Sign Co., Spring Held, O. U-2S2 17' WE PAY $25 week and expenses to men wun rig io inirouuco our pouury reme dies; send stamp. Eureka Mfg. Co., Dept. 20, Marshall, Mo. B-210 17 TRAVELER for Nebraska; pormnnent po sition wun goou pay. ios Angeies emu Cider Co., St. Louis. I1-M203 ID . POSITIONS under tho government; thou sands or appointments win be made from civil service examinations to bo held everywhere In Mnrch and April: catalogue of Information free. Columbian Corre spondence College, Washington, D. C. H-207 17 WANTED, tlrst-clnss newspaper reporter (man). Address L DO, euro Uce. H-20A 17 SALESMEN' WA.VI'EIJ. WANTED, salesmen for 1900 census ntlan; wrlto for terms. George Cram, SI vuiucy bi., tiucugu. SALESMEN, all cities and counties, for full nno supplies lor steam libers, includes Stephenson liar Ilelt Dressing, known the world over; we offer liberal Inducement to man who command respect of thu trade. Stephenson Mfg, Co., Albany, N. Y. ISO 17 SALESMAN, specialty, drug experience; lurge quantity orders; new, extraordinary Inducements to trade; salesmen enpubtc of handling large proposition apply $1,000 per month to such men. Address K CO, Uce. "50-17 WANTED, by an established, well rated llrm, nclieme or specialty men to sell an exceedingly attractive and salable linn. Special terms and unique Inducements. High priced men Investigate. C. R. Cook, 21 W. Atwater, Dutrolt, Mich. 2I9-17 ONE grocery salesman for vacant Neb territory. Apply with references to L G, Uee. 2IS-17 COMPETENT inon to Introdtico the Keith F'tem of bookkeeping. Most simple, r.jietlcal and convenient system ever In vented. Uelug rapidly adopted by all re tail merchants. For particulars address with stamp. D. S. Cooper, Hurllngton. la. 217-17 WANTED salesmen, high class olllco specialty (local and traveling); state Mgrs. Factory, New Hampshire. E. V. Palmer, 12, Dearborn St., Chicago. 2IB-17 WANTEl)-FE3IAI,i: HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 870. C-2I3 60 girls wanted. Canadian office, 1522 Douglas C 214 YOUNG lady to leurn mussage; permanent position for right party. Apply 220 Uce. Uldg. C-C22 WANTED, cook. Mrs. A. L. Hoed, 3620 Far nam. C-M223 WANTED, competent general girl. 1126 duuiii Jiai Bireoi, U .M117 17' LADIES desiring pleasant, easy homework paying handsome Income should address, with stamp. Standard Remedy Co., Flint, Mich. C M139 18 WANTED, ladles to .learn hnlrdrestilng, manicuring or facial massngo; only four weeks required by our method of practical experience; oxnert Instructions, lectures, etc.: splendid dcinuud for graduates; last week wo placed live girls at $12 weekly; busy season soon; call or wrlto for cata logue at once. Moler College, 102.1 Faruum st. C M130 21 WANTED, competent cook at 2704 Farnam oucci. u iiiaj if WANTED, a good girl for general house work. 2o9 8. 20th St. C M147 18 LADIES In every town to sell the best combination skirt supporter nnd waist holder on tho market; salary, $ii; freo sample. Wnrtleld Mfg. Co., 519 Main, Cincinnati, Ohio. C 159 lfi WANT ED T wo ladles to t,ako part In a new sketch to bo nut on at the rimbpnm In tho near future. Apply to manager vjipneum. C 193 17 LADIES wanted, to do crochet, Uattcnberg niul embroidery work for tin tit their homes; steady work; good pay, Parisian Needlework Co., 85 Dearborn St.. Chlcngo, III. O-271 17 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. F. A. llrozar, 2901 Paelltc. C-M3I0 19 A 'VODNO lady, competent to do house work; small family; good wages. 2215 Ulnrey. C M308 19 WANTED, operators on shirts, pants und overalls. Hymn & Hammer Dry Goods Co., factory 12th and Howord sts. C-307 17 LADIhB seeking a business life can And nu excellent and permanent position, necessitating no special experience; salary $0 per month and ,viwn..u imi-ntiin weekly; traveling; no canvassing; our lady travelers pronounce tho work agree- iiuiu linn nur uueincKH pians siipcnor; es tablished 1S91; our reference, n. n nun ;"i Co. John lloham & Co., 331 Dear born St., Chicago, III. C-323 17 LADIES to do piecework for us at home; i. iiiriusn an materials ami pay $7 to $1: weekly; send stamped envelope to lloya Co., 31 Monroe at., Chicago. C 321 17 EXPERIENCED salesladies In mllllnv department. Cull s a. m. Monday, Ilostan Store, J. L. Urundcls & Sons, Props. C-313 17 LADIES wanted to do jilaln needlework for us nt home: we furnish mni,.ri:iiu and pay $7 to $10 per week. Send ad dressed stamped envelope to Standard Co., Indiana Ave., Chicago, C 2S3 17 WANTED, ladlfs lo copy letters at home, everywhere; pleasant work, good pay; full particulars, terms, etc. Reply with stamp, Tho Cutler Co., Dept I. Chicago, 111. , C-213 I7 WANT II l)-KnM A I.H 1 1 II I.I'. COMPETENT girl, two In family. 12G Bo. 36th St. C-M187 19 WANTED, femnle agent to sell a llrst-claos articio or nair tonic ami skin xoou; lib eral commission, Tryphosa, Mfg. Co., C-214 17 WOMEN to do plain Bewlng at home, $1.50 unj , iuui iiiuiniiD wiirii Kii.tr.iiiiuiu , work sent prepaid. Send stamped ad dressed envelope for particulars. R. AV. Hutton & Co., Phil., Pa. C 212 17 HOME work for ladles, $5.00 to $10.00 weekly. material iiirnisiied. send stnmped en velope for particulars. Empire Mrs. Co., 8S Wabash, Chicago, C-211 17 WANTED, nn experienced nnd fully com petent iauy uooKKcepcr to inKG cnargc of commercial not of nooks; Al references required; salary, $40.00 per month; posi tion permanent. Address L 51, llee. C-M210 19' WANTED, your chnracter or nny writing 111 your possession read rreo scientifically ; cash prizes sent dally to ovory subscriber whose subscription Is rcoclvcd and opened llrst each morning from every stnte; long list cash prizes tor newspaper clippings, etc.; 2 big magazines monthly, 70c yearly, explains nil; no other expense for any of the prizes; April sample, C cents. The (Ulg 3 Cent) Prize Magazine, 22 North William St., N. Y. C M270 17 HKI.P WANTED. WANTED, ladles, boys, girls, to copy let- ..... f. ... ....... 1. ...r .... n l ,r., , ,w .-t-,ij , PCHU .u nillllllf. Ualley Seed Co., 36 LaSallc St., Chicago. -321 17 FOR RENT-HOUSES. IF you want your houses well rented place them with LcuUwu & Co. UM ALWAYS moving II. II. goods. Plunos. uuice, uu l urnum 01. ici. ism or ij'JJ. D-2W HOUSES for rent In all parts of thu city. Wfnntiun.l .nvn 111.. 3'il Mil. 1!ltli 4t D-217 HOUSES, stores, Ucmls, Paxton block. SEE HENRY U, PAYNE, Col N. Y. LIFE. v-uj HOUSES, otc. F. D. Wcad, U24 Douglas. J- 2o0 HOUSES and Hats. Illngwalt, Uarker Ulk. iJ 2S1 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Urown Ulk. JU-2o2 GOOD six-room Hat, city water In kitchen, Mm r tm 01., iv. vii.i.M. A-uuii cc trust Co., 16th und Douglas. D Mam FOUR-ROOil modern Hat. 1112 S. 11th. D-MC96 EXP. Del. Co.. moving. Tel. 1195. 214 N. 16th. L 690A7 u UNFURNISHED rooms, Ilrst-class, nil muuurii, coinpieiu ior uouscKCcning: 110 children, 2121 Miami St. D-71G B-ROOM modern llat; well located: largo roams. Kunuurd & Son, 310 Urown lllocic. D-M7C5 FOR RENT, residence, 1056 Georgia nvc, corner t-aciuc, 10 rooms, attic, basement, east front, modern and extra conveni ence:'; lot 06x140, with trees. Inquire 311 First Nat'l Rank Uldg. D M14S 22 FOR RENT 8-room modern house, $40 a inuiiiii, ji jinrney st. IJ 101 lb" 21ST & UURDETTE ST., 4-room brick Itat, U.IIII III1U U'lUHCl, 3 18th and Dewey Ave., 4-room brick Hut, bath and closet. $tt. 3107 Decatur St., 6 rooms, good repair, fenced In, $10. 2502 Ulondo St., S rooms, nil modern. $20. 3221 Harney St.. 8 rooms, strictly all mod ern, nno location, mv. Wo havo 2 ucres of ground for rent nt 63d and Inpploton, $12 per year. Pnyne-Knox Company, 1st lloor, Now York ijito uiug. v 107 17 FURNISHED house, nine rooms, all mod ern, unrn, lawn, enr nair uiock; cheap to right party. 1022 Emmet St., Kountze Place. D 276 17 EIGHT-ROOM house, nil modern improve ments, on r annuo car line nnd spionuiu location. 'Phono 5SS for further Informa tion. D 271 17 FOR RENT, 30S North 22d st., ten-room modern houso, line location. Key nt 304 North 22d st. D M268 19 1005 N. 23D ST., 0 rooms!' city water, sewer ami cioset, tin. i no uyron need Co., 212 s. llthst. D M29I TO RENT, 6-r, modem, close In, $20, 'Phone HI-'. D 297 17' 1932 S. 10TII ST.. 8 rooms $14.00 1924 S. 35th St., 7 rooms 20.00 UAHVI.N 1JIIUS., 1013 FARNAM ST. D-2?J 17 2237 N. 10TH ST.. S-room house, city water. iiuiu, ciunei, guuu oarn, nice yaru, large lot, on boulevard, $25. GARVIN UROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. D-278 17 2146 8 . 35th st. (Windsor Place), 0-rooni uuunc, ciiy waier, iiirnnce, uarn, nice yard; owner lenvlng city; seo It Monday morning: rent, $18. GARVIN UROS., 1013 FARNAM ST. D-277 17 FOR RENT, 5-room house. 1111 S. 9th. umnna; un n. :iui, 21111 nnn .1 ets soutn Omnha. HousokeepliiK rooms, 32d, near Q. $2 per month. S. Hnwvcr, 1512 Da ven port st. D-331 17 1009 CALIFORNIA, furnished 8 rooms, cen tral; call afternoons. D 337 17 REST RENTAL HAFOAINH. 492. Davenport St., 7-r. modern Iioubo In Dundee, with barn, $18. 2204 Ohio st 10-r. all modern, liarn..$30;' fine. 315 S, 36th sc., nice 5-r. cottage; will put in line rcimir 101 til. HENRY U. PAYNE. 001-2 N. Y. LIFE. D- 299 17 FOR RENT, 10-room residence, well fur nished, every modern convenience, Mrs. John A. Waketleld, 2067 Furnnm. D-1S9 17 FOR RENT, new 10-room house, north part ciiy, wuier aim gas, near motor nnu school. Enquire W. I. Klerstead, Room 305, City Hall; rent, $25 month, D-M18S FOR RENT, 9 rooms modern, nicely located imii u. 01,1 a,., fou. 8 Rooms, gas. furnace, a good house, 2510 ll,.r.. Kl l 3 rooms, lb09 ciinrlcB St., $7. wee us 10 outers. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM. D-173-17 FOR HKNT-FURXISIIKD IIOOJ1S. STEAM heated rooms at The Thurston. E-235 DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-256 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $6 up. 2023 St. Mary's. E-M9I7 All ROOMS. 1900 Capitol Avov E-9S7 19 NICELY furnished front and back rooms, 1405 Jnckson. 2d lloor. E M102 17 FINE lurge room In strictly modern house, tine location, close in, on car line, fur nished or unfurnished; man nnd wife or twagentlemcn; will glvo board, LT.6, nee. E 290 17 SUNNY room, newly furnished. 623 N. 19th St. E-M200 23 FOR RENT, nicely furnished front voom with large closet, modern house, private family. 1S07 Cass St. E '117. 17 DOUULE parlors and single room, centrally located, for rent. Address 1, 46. Ree. E-216 17' FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing; moderp. 2114 Chicago St. E-215 17 FI RMSJIED ROOMS AND HOARD. GLENCAIRN, tronslcnts,$1.23day. 1009 Doug F-237 UTOPIA, 17?1 Davenport St F-259 Tho Mcrrlam, good winter home. 25 & Dodge F 258 ROOMS ind board, reasonable. 2406 Can, F-373-A1' LARGE (rent room. 509 S, 26th ave. F-SSl ROOMS with board. 310 S. 26th st. F-M9I3 IS Ml N. 23d, nicely furnished rooms; good hoard. ' F-M104 20 SEVERAL first-class boarders wanted; havu both large and small rooms; prices rlsht. 2217 Howard street, F-M93S W l'uit.visiir.n iioom ami hoard. FOR RENT, with board, April 1, largo front room, fltio house, modem, good lr cntlou, close In, on car lino; man und wife or two gentlemen; furnished or unfur nished. Addrcsi LC5, Dec. F 339 17 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney. Rates renonablo. F-M3JJ A10 TWO largo rooms, new, attractive home, near Farnam, modern convenience, nu tritious cooking. L 48. Uee. F 211 17 FOR RE.Vr U.Fi;ilM91li:i HOO.MS. MODERN unfurnished room. 2582 Harney. G-M9I5 lit TWO unfurnished rooms; also two base mcnt rooms. 1120 N. 17th. O-130- THREE modern rooms. 2SS2 Harney. G-M915-18 UN1URNISHED rooms, slngiu or ensulte, gas, water and sleani heat, sultnblo for light housekeeping. Wlthncll Uulldlng, 15th and llurney, G-M273 19 I' OUR iinfuriilshed rooms, with bath, on South Omaha car line, Call 1557 N. 17th St. G-M219-li I'OH HE.Vr-STOIlES AM) OFFICUS. . FOR RENT Store, In flrst-clas location; rent reasonablb Apply R. C. Peters ft Co.. ground floor, Ueo Uldg. 1-260 FOR RENT Tho building formerly occu pied Ly Tho Uce at 916 Farnam St. It has four stories and u basement which was formerly ncd us Tho Ueo prcs Broom. This will to rented very reasonably. If Interested npply at onco lo C. C. Rose water, seir otury, room 100. Ueo Uulldlng. 1-2G1 STORES, unequalled. Apply Tlzard. 221 N 24 1 M727-31 STOREROOM and basement, North 24th St,; sultablo for plumber. Holbrook, Urown Ulock. I-M767 I OR RENT, well-lighted room 22x90 feet In a new brick block; good location for gen eral store. Address J. II. Davis, Weeping Water, Neb. 1-MU9 17' FOR RENT, store room, 3H South 15th st., ono to ilvo years. Apply the Uyron Reed Co., 212 8. 14th St. 1-M115 21 FOR RENT, oillce, with vault and part llrst lloor or all top lloor. 1114-1416 Harney St.; suitable for small Jobbing or broker ago business or Muruge. Mldlaml Glass und Paint Co., 1410 Harney st. 1-M2U3 AGENTS WANTED. SOMLTlIIiNG now; send 10c nnd receive a nairplo of Kansaa corn feathers. Agents wanted. Kansua Corn Feather Co., uyj Pax to it Ulk, J 660-A U WANTED, first-class canvassers. None but hustlers need upply. M5 .Muln street, Council Uluffs. J-M120 17 WANTED, experienced ugents und others of ability und Integrity who desire to mako lite Insurance their profession, to reptesent a well established old lino llfu InHiirancu compuny; saiury and commis sion paid. Address L 42, Uee. J-MHJ 17 GENERAL agents for Iowa and Nebraska, to it'prcsciu the Mutual Fidelity com pany; capital $300,000.00; a more Interest ing proposition thun lusuranco or R. nnd L.; a llocr.il contract to parties of recog nized ability; state experience nnd give references; ull communications confluen tlul. Address L 58, Uce. J Mill 17 AGENTS on salary or commission; tho greatest agents' seller ever produced; every user of pen and Ink buys It on sight; 200 to 500 per cent pront; one agent's sales amounted to $2o In six days; an other $32 In two hours. Monroo Mfg. Co., X 16, LaCrosse, Wis. J MHO 17 AGENTS, do you know a good thing when you see 117 Then, write ror The U'tlklns Steel Pons. Writes without Ink. Samples, 10c. Agents doing well with them. For territory nddress, D. S. Ward, 93J Elisor St., Daltlmore, Md. J 10J 17 WANTED, agents of ability to sell our new 20th Century Combined Llto and Accident Policy. Very popular, easy to wrlto double tho ordinary amount of business; old line company; capital (200, 000. Address Conservative Life Insurance Company, Masonic Temple, Denver, Colo. J CATHOLIC agents; outfit free; men or women; town or country; wrlto. at once. C. P. & L. Co., 331 Dearborn at., Chicago, DON'T accept un agency until you get my samples and particulars. Sayinun, St. Louis, Mo. J U2 DAILY mado by ugents selling our claim Hlu to merchants and physicians. Bayers & Co., D. 42, 108 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. J WANTED GIRLS, UOYS. MEN. WOMEN SELL tho HANDY SHOE STRETCHER; cases corns, bunions, tcndoi' feet; lusts forever; ulngle stretcher, $1; per dozen, $7; sample to Introduce, 75 cents delivered. Sent upon receipt of price, or C. O. D. Specify men's or women's shoes. C. U. KOSTBR8 & CO.. Ullffulo. N. V. J-272 17 MAN cleared $1,182, lady $920 last six months Introducing Holladuyrn Ulnck Marvel self, shining, waterproof shoo polish. Why not you? Free sample bottle and terms. Hol laday & Co., 13J 188 Monroo St., Chlcngo. J-M20U 17 A h PA $20 11 week nnd oxpenses to men with rigs to Introducu Poultry Compound. International Mfg. Co., Pursons. Kun. J 311 17' BIG PROFITS handling improved gasoline lamp; beats electricity; cheaper than ker osene; retail $1 up; sample half price; thousands testimonials people using them over year. Standard Lamp Co., Chicago. J-313 17' A ANTED, capable, Industrious magazine agent In every city; ono with experience In handling Ladles? Homo Journal or similar publications preferred; wo offer liberal commission nnd hnvo tho finest proposition on tho market; $2 value to every $1 subscriber, with partlclputlun In prize awards aggregating $1,000; our pub lication tho only one of Its class; no com petition; only one person In each place engaged. Address the Floral Publishing Co., Sprlngllold, O. J 320 17 PORTRAIT agents, 10x20 crayon. 50c; no trnublo to deliver; right prices on nil grades, P.. 13, Kdmunds Art Co., Ml Uluo Island nv., Chicago. J 318 17 WANTED, resident boys' clothing sales man to thoroughly cover the entire stato bv the mnliern if lm r.lnlirnu.i uun . Urnnd" of boys' and children's clothing ij,, 011.11H111 cuuunissiuii minis; only ex tinrlenrn.l n.l ,l.n,r,ltl, ....... . . ...... ....... ...... 1,, v.. u,t,i; luuiiJtjiriii salesmen arc desired. Address, stating firm rf'tirpnmitn.l nH nm. nnln.. 1 ,-,tyea ' J-IPnmnnn Soni, 707 ui. ivj uiuuuwa), ow tout uity. J-177 li ARE VO'J a Utlffaln? If not. bn nn,. milnU- millions Joining; agents coining moiuy forming local lodges; no Initiation; rituals and secret worn, 10 cents; presidency, J-1S3 17 WANTED, goueral and local iinents: name plates, signs, numbers, readable darkest nights; samplo free. Right Supply Co., Englowood, III. .1281 17 WOMAN WANTED to sell Stafford's New Indelible Ink, which writes Jet black In stantly and cannot bo removed from tho fnbrlc. Requires no hcnl, Elogautly put up. An absolute novelty, sells at sight. 100 per cent prortt. Full particulars on application. S. S. Stafford, manufucturar of Stafford's Celebrated Writing Inks, 003, 603 nnd 007 Washington St., New York. J-182 17 AGENTS Energetic agents can establish themselves In splendid paying business selling latest Improved gasoline gas lamps. No mantle or chimney. Generate and light with single mulch. Also gravity and 1,000-candle power nrn lumps. Posi tively lowest prices: $1,000 In premiums to best agents for 1901. American Light ing Co., Chlcngo. J ISO 17 AGENTS wurftcd: Eureka door guard and key fastener, nnlllng like wild flru. Rum ple, 2ln, stamps. Clrcularj free. J. R. Pago Co., 3255 Cottage Grove Ave., Chlcugo. J-191-17 "CARRIE NATION'S HATCHET." stick pin, sliver plate, latest craze; sample, 10c, Dozen, 50c. Ulg sellers, Jowelry cata logue free. C'urtiu Jewelry Co., Attlcbnro, Mass. . J-178-17 WANTED Rider agents In each town to ride and exhibit sample 1931 bicycle. Wheel furnished. Good profits assured, Wrlto for particulars. T, W, Mend Cycle Co., Chicago. J 179 17 nu uuiiiuiiiy nnu iou riiuiiis, i,ii; you sell them Tor $15; "more tun than the In dians;" send two references. Richards, Supreme Sec, 12 E. 42d St., Now York. AGENTS WANTED. LADY agents, yotir opportunity: Hygcla Straight Front and Military Corsots nro inuiic- innKcrn. r.very woman wnnis one. For terms apply Department D, Western sivri J torset ui Hi. J.OIIIS, MO ARSOLUTELY free, by Ulstrlbutlng 6 cards, our gloves, skirts, corsets, etc., worth $1.50 und $2, selected from nnr catalogue. Send for catalogue and cards nt once. Plorco Mnll Order Co., Dept. 20, St. Joseph, Mo, J 225 17 ADVERTISING schemes, need to be new; wo have crnckerjack; big money; free out fits. Musical Sign Co,, Uox A, Marshall, Mich, J 231-17 AGENTS wanted to Introduce our New Electro-Massage home treatment. Raro opportunity for energetic cultured women. References required. The Vltutono Com pany, 1211 Uroadway, Now York. J-230-17 AGENTS to sell pleating machines! big commissions; $l,ow rownrd for nny better selling ugents' article; wrlto today for ter ritory. Pleatwcl Pleating Machine Co., St. Louis, Mo. J AGENTS wauled In every state to sell compressed ulr vapor lamps for lighting Btores; S00-cnndlu power; burns 10 houm without refilling, at cost ic per hour. Acmo Lump Co., Chicago. J 220 17 LADY agents wanted everywhere to roll guaranteed, Interest-bearing, non-ussess-abl stock. Ulg commission. California Guaranty Oil Co., San Francisco. J -229-17 ENERGETIC salesman to nell established, advertised bell dressing to local users. Commission. Exclusive territory. En gineers' licit Dressing, Cleveland. J-227-17 $100 MONTHLY; new patent metallc bread boards. Sample free. H. C. Fnrsheo Co., Cincinnati. O. J-221-17 WANTED Agents, during the next six months tho threshers purchase cylinder nnd eiiglun oils, gi eases, belting nnd other supplies. Good salesmen can make money Handling our line. Men owning horse niui buggy preferred. Hustlers only need ap ply. Tho Howurd OH & Grease Co., Cleveland, Ohio. J-223-17 AGENTS-Just'out; $5 dally sure, selling rubber fountain pens; great money mnkor. Send 12c for 3 assorted samples. Vienna Novelty Works, 653 N. 8th, Philadelphia. J-222-17 WANTED Tvo reliable men or women for the March. April and May seller: $2 to 5 day, representing "Nature's Herbs," tho ono true Ulnod Purifier. Kldnoy ami Liver Regulator. Sample and Information free. Washington Herb Co., 016 F St., Washington, D. C. J-221-17' DE8K room for rent. Call at 901 New York Llfo Uldg. J-220-17 WANTED TO RENT. 5 UNFURNISHED chambers, man and wife. 319 N. 17th. G-717 WANTED, to rent, farm. Address L32, nee. K-M9S2 17' WANTED, desk room in centrally located oillce whern stenographer Is employed. Address L 67, Dee. K-2y0 17 WANTED, two rooms with good board for gentleman and wife nnd two sons. L 60, lleo. K-324 17 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Wnrchouse Co., 912 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding. -261 OM. Vun Ctor. Co., 1511U Farn. Tela. iKs-StSI. -200 WANTED TO IIUY. I HAVE THE CASH for a property of 7 or 8 rooms TO COST FROM $2,500 to $3,0o0. Address, L 40. Dully Uee. N-129-17 WANTED To buy or trade for good road ster; must bo full of life, good style nnd stepper; also want nice runabout. Ad dress, L 41 Hoc. N-12S-17 SECOND-HAND buggy; must bo as good ns new. Address O. C. Painter, South Omnhn, Neb. N-M145 18 A STOCK of general mcrchnndtso In a good locution or lumber yard In small town. Address, C. E. L., Stuart, Neb. N-195-17 WANTED, to buy for cash counters nnd shelves to tit u general store SO feet deep. Address W. A. Ulack, West Point. Neb. N-312 17 FOR SALE FUIlNlTI.lt E, CHICAGO FURNITURE CO., 1110 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New & 2dhund furnlturu bought, sold, i.vchvnged. O 26J FINEST line of now and second-hand furni ture In the city; Inspect our stuck buioro buying; wo wholesale lo country dealers; prices low. Enterprise Furnlturu Co., 102- S. 11th. corner Dodge. O MJ71 A7 ' ELEGANT sideboard, kitchen furniture. Oiil N. 19tll St. O-Mitil 23 FOR SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES, liTC. ENTIRE stock of carriages, buggies and wagons rcgurdless or cost. Andcrsou-MII-laru Co., cur. lath und Davenport. P-207-M23 HORSES and marcs, two Incubators nnd light Urahinu chickens. C. J. Fulraer, S. E. cor. Walnut illi cemetery, Council fluffs. P-M98I ll) ONE or two grand, Ulg brood mnres, 'bred to Imported 2,000 lb. Norman, sound, less wire scratches; child can work cither. Address L 39, Ueo. P-M123 17 FOR SALE, Al family horse. Inquire 1318 Fumuin. . P-M113 17 WE DO good jepnlr work on wagons, light buggies, etc. 11 Frost, 14th & Leuvunworlh f'-irOJ FOR SALE or trnde. Standard bred stal lion, weight 1,300, 12 yearn old. Cotton Livery Co., 15th and Cass. P 131 1 l'Oll SAL U Al I S t'I'J I, I. A X IO US , HARD and soft foundation piling; hog fences und cribbing. 1W1 Douglas. j 201 2DHAND Bafe cheap. Dcrlght, 1116 Farnum, y 2ti,i SAFES; buy, sell exe'ge. Schwartz, 114 S. 11 (J-2tM TIMOTHY hay uud ull kinds lecd and coal. Monroe & Co. Q-m INCUUATOIlS. Send to the Suro Hatch lncuButur Co., Cluy Center, Neb,, tor u handsome freo catuloguo. Q 269 SEED SWEETS Theo. Williams, Uenson, Neb. QM-201 M25 CUTLERY of nil kinds; finest line In the city; wo grind razors, shears, clipper, etc. A. UndeUnd, 1510 Dodgo St. Q-M019 A6 WIRE fence for poultry, Belgian hare, hog held or lawn. Wire Works, 017 S. "6th st; Q-M078 Jy7 10-SYRUP soda fountnln nt Peterson Rros., 115 S. 10th. cheap fur cash. Q M10C 20 ST. UERNARD dog; handsomest pup In the city: llns pedigree; house-broke unci fond of children Cull or wrlto to E. E. Mullltt, 1408 Furnnm St., Omuha, y 10 18' FOR SALE Showcases that have been used but 11 short tlmo; also settees with per forated seats. Iloston Store, Omaha. .1. L. Urandels ft Sons. Q-157-18 LADY will exchange valuable Income busi ness for diamonds or real estate. Ad dress L C Ueo. Q-309 17 FOR SALE, shelving and tnblos. Warehouse Scalo. 50 Pairs lnsldo Ullnds. Nlco Phaeton. Inquire 1318 Furnam. Q-M325 IS M A BQ U I-flT AD E Inake-up outfit retain"" paints, powders, burnt cork, nose putty, beards, spirit gum, etc, tho lot mailed for 60 cents. Clias. Marshall, Mfr.. I)ek port. N. Y. y-756 10 nOOKB for sale, life history reign of Queen Victoria, prlco one dollar. 22U California St., J. F, Muoru. y -232 17 2 OAK counters, good as new. each 9 feet long, 6 drawers In each. 316 So. 20th St. Q-233-17' FLORISTS. LOUIS LECLUSE, successor to II. Hans, 1813 Vinton Tel. 2076. Plants, cut tiower design, hall, residence, wedding and Crave decoatlons, Orders promptly tilled y mall or express. 961-u5. CLAIRVOYANTS. ZENO, THE CLAIRVOYANT, TEACHER OF OCCULT. DEMONSTRATED FACTS Is the secret of Zeno's unbounded success. I do not want to be classed with charla tans, quacks or unscrupulous, uneducated lieonle. who ndverttso ns "tho Seventh son ot tho seventh daughter," "gypsy queens, " "forluno tellers,'1 etc, I will bo measured only by my own stand ard and know nothing of such nefarious humbugs, who only bring disrepute upon themselves and tho community In which they live, tfono asks those who hnvo been Imposed imon. hlimbUKed and deceived by unscrupulous persons, who nil claim a. (iivinu girt or ci tirvoynneo or mciiiunisiup, not to dorpatr, but to come nnd bn con vinced that he can help you. He Ifus helped others. Why not you 7 Endowed with this wonderful power by nature and developed by profound study nnd practical investigation miner tne urientiu masters, he has made occultism his life study and has now reached such a highly developed condition that ho can read your life like a dook ami give you proper nuvicc on an affairs, whether love, marriage, friends, business, journeys, siocks, etc. 8-303 17' MRS. E. C. HENRY, CLAIRVOYANT AND TEST MEDIUM, tells tho name and object of call without asking 11 single question. Thcro arc no mistakes In tliu predictions made bv MRS. HENRY. Do you wish to know If It Is ndvlsable to miiKo a change In Ul'SINESS, LOVE, MARRIAGE, DIVORCE, HEALTH, CHANGES. TRAVELS, SPECULA TIONS. INVESTMENTS, PROPERTY, PATENTS. WILLS. DEEDS, STOCKS. MORTGAGES, MINING. MISSING PROPERTY, LOST FRIENDS, UREAKS EVIL INFLUENCES, DEVELOPS SPIR ITUALISTS and MEDIUMS, REUNITES SEPARATED COUPLES, tells you what day or month Is successful for you, gives you power to control others. Nothing Is omitted. Diagnoses and curcc diseases of all descriptions while in u clairvoyant stale. PRICES REDUCED ALL THIS WEEK. Hours; 0 to S dally und Hominy. LETTERS ANSWERED, $1. OFFICE, 1707 CASS. S-336 17 PROF. CHARLES. READINGS. 60 CENTS. ARE YOU ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR Fu ture, love, marriage, money, business, employmont. lucky day, 'etc? If so con sult Prof. Charles, the famous lire render. Ho will point out and show you how to overcome obstacles Hint keen you from hupplness and success. Can be consulted dally, letters answered. 1321 Farnam nt. S-335 17 PALMISTRY. The greatest exponent In the nrt of palm istry today Is OMAHA'S FAVORITE, MME. GYLMER. She bus had few equals nnd no superiors, and today stands recog nized as the leader of her profession, if you are In trnublo consult this celebrated lady. Her advice Is sum to benefit you. Ah a prognostlcutor she Is a phenomenon, Her prediction urc always absolutely ac curate. She tells Just what the lines In tho palm Indlcatu and they don't He. She Is a genuine palmist and claims nothing more. Through palmistry sho reads the puHt, present and future as though it wore 11 printed code. Purlors, 1605 Dodge, south sfdo postofllcc. S 334 17 MRS. FIUTZ, medium. S19 North 16th. S-270 MME GYLMER, gcnuluo palmist. 1635 Dodgo 8-271 ELECTRIC TRI3ATAIENT. ELITE parlors, 615 South IGtli, second lloor. T-M712 AS MME. AMES, 1615 Howard, 2d lloor, room 1. T-1S7-M2I MAUEL GRAY. 317!4 N. 15th St., Flat E. T-MS31 M30 MISS MAY LESLIE, 512 S. 10th, 2d lloor. T-.M513 A3 CAMILLE DUVAL. 619 So. 16th. 2d Hoor. T-021 A 6 MISS WILLIAMS of St. Louis, massage, magnetic, electric treatment. ;us N. liith room 3. . T M0I3 A3 PERSONAL. DR. KOY, chiropodist; corns & superfluous hair removed by cluctrlcty. it. lz Fruiunr block. U 219 PRIVATE home before and during confine ment; bublus uuopte.d. Mrs. Uurgut, 'MM Uurdette. U 22 FRENCH accordion pleating; Ivory rim buttons; mull orders. Uuiuhu i'i:atln Co., 1524 Douglas. U 273 SUPPLIES for nil machines; machines for runt. White Sewing .Machine, 1620 Douglas. Tel. 2331. U-274 PRIVATE hospital for ludb.-B hoforo und during confinement; bauiu adopted, rj'jii Grunt SI. U 275 VLiVI U'oinnn'H way to health; rational, wholesome home treatment. 318 Ueu Uldg, U 276 A UOX of Ite-No-May Powder Is not u luxury when It attorns you u euro and secures thu cumiuri uud happiness of your loom-mulu. U M212 RUPTURE cured; no knife, 110 pain, no danger; tcnd tor circulars. Empire itup luro Cure, 932 N. Y. I. lie Uulldlng, Omuhu. U 851-M19 M. GOLDMAN & CO.-Only porfect ac cordcon pleating plant In the west. Mall utdcrs solicited, hulto 200 Douglas Ulock, U-277 TURKISH baths, massage baths electric baths, for ladles only; skilled woman masbuge operator),; Unest equipped baths In tho city, Renstrum Uaih Compuny, Rooms 210 to 220, Uee Uldg. U-278 RHEUMATISM, paralysis, goitre, female discuses, consumption, glandular swell ings, obesity, stomach and kidney troubles, chroniu discuses cured by Tlfyrold Lymph Remedies. Consultutlun und cooktal frue. Thyroid Lymph Co., 600-2-1 Reo Uldg., Oinulia; 91-j-U Uurr Ulock, Lincoln, Neb. U-16I-M21 ASTROLOGY Got a Chinese horoscope sketch of llfo and prospects, mnrrlugoi money, business, travels, law, love, char acteristics, etc. Send 60c and (Into of birth to Ll Hung Fong, 299 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. U-201-17 WATCH for tho big amateur carnival nt thu Orpheum. All amateurs desiring to appear nre requested to see the manager at once. U 190 1 MIDDLE-AOEO widower. $(0,rt) and In come fti.wo yearly, Iron gray hair, wants wife, good IiouscKceper ami affectionate; will make such a model husband, Ad dress Sidnoy, ilux II, Chlcugo, III. U-M26I 17 WONDERFUL, your llfo revealed; natlsfac Hon guaranteed: send birth date and leu cents, Prof. John Myers, Lincoln Park Htntlon, Chicago. U-317 17 PERSONAL FAT FOLKS Am a trulned nurse; 12 years ugo reduced 46 pounds by harmless remedy: no rcguln; nothing to sell; send stump. I will tell you how It was done. Miss Topping, 138 Francisco Ave., Chicago. U-318 17 BONG writers! A successful song will mnko you rich. Wo wrlto music and pub lish. Success Muslo Co., Chicago, U-312 17 ONE HUNDRED money-mnklng secrets nnd dozens other good things In big premium package. You'll smile with de light. Send 10 cents (silver) nnd stamp. Star Novelty Company, Council Uluffs, Ja. U 304 17 PERSONA I Ladles, "Dcllne" Instantly re moveB hair from face. neck, nrms; per fectly harmless; guaranteed: price, $1; sample, 10c. Mme, St. Cyr, 87-fc9 AVnsh Ington st Chicago, U-291 17 IF MARRIED or about to bo read "Na ture" for either sex; 112 pages, Illus trated, 10c. Lea & Co., Kuns, City. Mo. U-317 17 HUMANITARIAN SOCIETY. MR. MASON presiding, grand opening this evening In Patterson Hall, 8 o'clock, Thomas Edwurds lectures. Subject: "Boclullsm;" other good speakers In at tendance; splendid music. Everybody welcome. Admission 10 cents. U 235-17 ATTRACTIVE, unencumbered widow, In dependently wealthy, lover of home; sweut disposition, seeks protector and adviser, "Agnes," 1337 Sliefticld Ave., Chlcngo, III, l.--239-17' ELDERLY, unencumbered wldowor, pros perous business, beautiful horn1) and worth $160,000, will marry for love and companlonshlt). "Mr. Edgar," 1337 Shef field Ave.. Chlcngo, III, U-238-17 GENTLEMAN. 39. of means would llko to meet lady of suitable age. Matrimony. Addrcjs G, K, Arthur, Lincoln, Neb., Oenl Delivery, U-234-17 LADIES, secret to enlarge your bust six Inches free, Cannot fall or Injure the most delicate. Leonard Medicine Co,, Kansas City, Knu, U 230-17 PERSONAL. PERSONAIr-Savo your hair from falling nut, becoming gray or faded by tiflng Mine. 81. Cyr's Hair Vigor; pusltlveiv restores gray or faded hair lo natural color; prevents dandruff; price, $1, Address Mine. St. Cyr, S7-S9 Washington st., Cnl- 'ugo U-292 II SUPERFLUOU8""nAlR, wrlto for free In" formation how to remove hair perman ently without slightest Injury to skin: superior to electric needle. Tho Curtis Co.. 455 478treet, Chicago. U-237-17 HECON D-H ANrTsE W ING MACHINES, 1 011 ought to seo before buying u mnchlun what wc can sell you. Thu following prices nre for Monday only: Former l Union $ 5,00 $ 1 io 1 .ew nomo ,, 10,01) 5.G1 1 Singer, high arm 10.00 6.(0 H?.mes,l '-'-W 0,W J JJ 20.00 10.00 J lii'o 12.00 t,,m 1 I'nvln. 12.00 .oi 1 Wheeler A Wilson No, 9.. 30.0) lJ.oo 1 Wilcox & ailllm 2J.0O 12,50 1 Singer, good ns new 30.00 15, CO Three modern, drop head sewing machines nt onu-hnlf regular price. Wo rent sewing mnchlnes for 75c per wc? k Wo sell needles nnd pu'rts for, und repair every sowing mnchlnn manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE COMPANY, Cor. 15th & Harney Sts. C 171-17 LADIES, be benutlful; nn Oriental neeret by which wrinkles, pimpled face, blem ishes, etc., can postlvoly bo removed; complexion restored; send: 10c for partic ulars. Mndam Zeno, 1915 Farnam st., Omaha. U 332 17 LADIES, attention, our regulator remedy never fnlls; guaranteed; convince your self; absolute; box free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, AVIs. U 285 17 SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts anTinoioTper manently removed by electricity: consul tation freo nnd confidential, nil work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 1613 Douglas. U- I AM u farmer h daughtor: will soon como Into possession of $12,000; desire corre spondence: object, early marriage. Ad dress Drawer 83, St. Louis, Mo. U-M265 17 WANTED, roommntc; references. L CI. Uee. U-M202 23 MORPHINE, oflum. laudanum, cocalna habit: myself cured, will Inform you of harmleai, permanent home cur. Mrs. Ualdwln, box 12U, Chicago. 1 U DEAFNESS cured or no pay. C. Rowan, Milwaukee. Wis. u MONEY TO LOAN-lllSAL I5STATU. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Urcnnan-Love Co., 309 South 18th, W-280 WANTED City loans, bonds and warrants. Georgo & Company, lwl Farnum street. W-S81 LOANS on cat-tern Nebraska and western Iowa farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can pay $luu or any multiple; nny Interest date; 110 delay. Urennan-Lovo Co., 300 So. 13th St. Omaha, Neb. AV $3 $1,000 and upward to loan on Improved city property i.nd lanns. w. r arnam mitn & co., ism f arnam. W-282 WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds nnd warrants. R. c. Potoru i Co., 1702 Furnam St., Uoe Uldg. W M4 MONEY to loan on farm and city property: lowest rates. O. F. Davis Co., 1605 Farnam. W-285 MONEY to loan at 5 und 6',i per cent on Omuhu property. W. U. MclKtc, 401 S. 13th. AV-2S6 FIVE per cent money. Ucmls, Paxton block. W-2SS PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1621 Douglas. Yv 39 PRIVATE monr.y, 5, 6',J, 0 per cent; no de my, unrvin iros., iuia f arnam. w zvi 6 AND SIS, net cent city and farm loans. Gaivln Urou., 1613 Farnam St. W U99 PRIA'ATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. L. W 237 5 AND 614 per cent loans. V. II. Thomas, First National Hank building. Tel. 1CIS. W .'90 CASH oil hand. Ci. E. Turklngtun, 603 Use. yy aiuUt 3IONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN EVERYUODA. If you wlJh to mnko n Utile loan why trouble your menus wnen you cuu bur row money from us 011 ono hour's notice without publicity or trouble'.' WE LOAN MONEY ON VOUR FURNITURE, PIANO, ORGAN, nuiiniia, wAiiursa uu Ant i'wti bONAL PROPERTY WITHOUT RE MOVAL, PUUL1C1TY OR DELAY, LOANS FROM $10.00 TO $200.00. ANY LENGTH OF TIME, ONE MONTH OR ONE YEAR. We guarantee our terms and rules to bo tho very lowest unu within (lie reach or all. Ltuernl und courteous trcutment to everybody, uud, wo Invito your Inspection, COME AND UE CONVINCED. Wo ulso make loans to SALARIED PEO PLE on their PLAIN NU'ilSS. ad pub licity whatever. Call on us before going clsewheic. S. E. COR. 161TI AND DOUQL.H STS. UUOAVN ULOCK, ROOM 312. X-MliO WHEN YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. It is easy to advertise lowest tutus, as others uo, but wo leui potutlve thai ll you will muku comparisons you will be con vinced that you cuu do better with un tnuu elsuwhru Wo loan 011 furniture, pianos, livu stuck, etc., or we will inuKj you a. SALARY LOAN without uiuursur ur mortgage. AVu chnrgu nothing lor muKiiig lli loan dim you receive tliu fun amount in cash. Iou may pay it buck In one mount or iuku six months ur moru in which to repuy It, anu you ncud nut pay ior It ono day lunger uiuii you Kvcp It. Our terms uio thu cuslest, our business is coulluuiitiul und our motto is "try to please. OMAHA .MOlt'lUAUE J.iAtN CO,, 119 iiuard ot Truuu Uldg. Tel. 2.-J3. (Ustaulislieu Mi) iluO do. loth at. X-M34S RELIABLE CREDIT CO., PAXTON ULK. mirU i' lUUl, iiuuni ivg, iimunuui, Remember the Rclldblo Credit Co, Easily borrowed, easily paid. Loans on your plain note. Information chevrtully given. Absolutely nu mortguga or security. Harrow $10 to lion 011 your note. Largest saiury oillce in town. Easiest partial payments sure. Cash furnished quickly. Rates positively lowest In Omaha. Embrace thlM opportunity. Do not charge lor pupers. Investigation means your custom. Time payments to suit your convenience. ConlldentlaJ, square dealing guaranteed, Open noons aim Saturdays 8 p. 111, X MONEY TODAY. Loans mado in amounts from $10 to $250 on household furniture, pianos, hurscs, car riages, etc., without removal, or on your H-A-L-A-K-Y without security. All or u part ot the money may bo paid back th llrst mouth or uo part of it need bo paid back tor several months. Each paymont made reduces tho coat accordingly, Em ployers und neighbors know absolutely nothing of our business relations. Peopla who need money are Invited to call and get my terms and cornpuru thorn with what others offer, Loans of other com panies may bo transferred to me. No chuigo for papers. All buWnoiu strictly conlldentlal. yulck service und iowost rules guaranteed, rul J, W. TAYLOE. C33 Paxton Hlk top iloor, northeast corner 10th and Farnam. Entranco on 10th at. TBI. Ji 291 MONEY loaned salar cd poople holding nor iiiunetit position with responsible concern upon their iiumes without aocurltyi a.y payments. Tolmau, 410 Hoard Truda bid 1 MONEY loaned on planoa .furniture, j.w. -1 tlry, horfcea, cowa. etc. C. F. Iteed, 31 & is I X-297 -i MONEY lonnd on planoa, furniture, horaas cows, Jewelry Duff Oreen, R. 8, Barker bile X-29S SALARY loans at reduced rateo. Omnh. Credit Co., 52 New York Llfi iildg X-2M i li