0 'HIE OMAHA DAILY JJJ3J3: ST' IN" DAY, NAIJCIT J 7, 01. SUGGESTIONS TO GIRLS WHO WORK. By JOAN Lv, BR1QGS, IN THE DOMAIN Of WOMAN. jtiM,i.iit v nosn iitsiins. Knl (lie Ilncliclor IliiKiin nnil Li-nila All Hip Urni. NEW YORK, March 15. Tho mllllncrR' ops are n blnzo of glorious floral color- p and tho women hang about tho flower- lied showcases very much ns bees cluster WASH BILK at tho rim of a honoy pot. There Is not much that Is strikingly now to bo sure In tho slinpo of tho hats, whothcr they nre Imported or of homo manufacture, but tho colors ot tho straws and tho silk and cotton nosegays that adorn thoui nro bewitching. It Is trua that thero Is a cunning llttlo toque natnod after tho youthful royal brldo ot Holland, not to mention tho pllablo flat Zanzibar straws, whlto as a camellia petal; shepherdess shapes that bocomo any woman under thu sun; tullo turbans ns plenti ful as tho leaves In Vallambrosa nnd smart little stitched stceplo crowned "knock abouts," made of any goods you may dcslro from panno velvet tp a striped linen that looks like cup toweling. It la on tho Mowers, however, that tho women expend their enthusiasm and their pin money, and thu understanding among the modistes Booms to bo that tho greater tho numbor of bloBsoma used on a slnglo straw or wire frame tho smarter Is tho effect achieved. Literally tons ot roses will bo put Into service beforo Easter week, and the Plcayuno nnd Ilachclur Buttons lead all tho rest. Roses must cover tho crown, border, tho brim and llo against the hair. It Is not ntrnngo nny longer to Beo u Hat bat with Its wldo brim solidly bedded In violets and' then n row of big, full blown, pink Mnlmalson rosea sot deep In tho violet mat. Un tho undcrsldo of the brim r tuft ot Malmalsous will bo massed against tho velvet head bund. Hunches ot oxqulslto cglantlno nnd garlands ot tiny whlto hedgo roses are sold for tho ndorn inont of tho turquolso bluo straws nnd tullo toques; nnd when a pin or bucklo Is needed It Is nn ornament of enameled flowers or iv pasto button. ' A lluttlo of I'linrcTS, Though toscb by dlvlno right of beauty, ml on tho strength ot tradition, lend everywhero, thero Is, nmnng tho lesser blossoms, a drawn Imttlo for somo sort ot supremacy. Even petunias, and bcgonlns, ml cosmos, havo got into lino with tho carnations and nasturtiums, nnd peonlos and pelargoniums that nro making bids for popularity. This battle of tho flowers has almost dono for thu chances ot tho ostrich feathers, though now and then an excessively smart feathered chapcau Is een. An admirable plumed toqua Is given In tho group sketched to accompany this text. It Is more of a turban than a toquo, and In built of cream straw laco Inter woven with narrow bluo panno ribbon. Dl roctly In front a knot of cream colored laco Is mado fast by a long pasto bucklo that also anchors two splendid pule bluo feathers. Tho companion hat to this Is a black chenille, dotted Batln straw, smoth ered with whlto silk muslin nnd turned up on tho sldo with loops of black velvet ribbon and a handful of brilliantly varie gated heartsease. Mllllnors who havo tho latest word from Farls aro making up their floral toques of spring blossoms on backgrounds of autumn leaves, and It Is sad but truo that tho taflota hat Is now only to memory dear. Buch service, In wind and weather, as the taffeta hat gavo no straws can hopo to equal, and what seems as explicable ns the disappearance of tho taffeta toquo U tho way tho black hats languished In dust and dessultude. Iurc-HncruNtnl JIiinIIiih, Wash Bilk madras and laco encrusted muslins aro leaving tho women no peace and o pin money. Numbers ot good wives nnd daughters, who turn their oyes discreetly from tho temptations of tho foulard couu ter, spcud Just ns much per ynrd at tho wash goods display, whero tho sight ot a lovely now lacey lawn turns tho close listed woman Into an arrant spendthrift. If anybody wants to know what u lace-encrusted ruuellu Is llko they need only glanco at tho sketch of the girl In tho teto-a-teto cbalr. Sbo Is wearing a forgvt-mo-not bluu muslin, striped In black and diversified by patterns of black )nco. Of courso tho ex cuse a woman offers her conscience when he buys a gown llko this Is that 'tis noth ing but a wush dress after all and does not eed n silk foundation, but woo betldo tho trusting soul who nttcmpts to.wnsh ono ot these charming fabrics. She need, It is truo, havo It only on whlto book muslin, , 2 "Strong and hearty boy, Im it,tfgS 1 S mndnopmSn? Tbafm goodr'wj Tim lov of a new nrrival in the famllv is usu ally overcast by 1hif shadow of the pain and dis comfort tho expectant mother must bear. If she knew of nnil used "MOTHER'S FRIEND," tins wouiu do an tnspeiieo. Tell your menus nuoui u, us ubihk simpiu iiiiitncni, exclusively for external use, that relaxes the muscles so that pain and suffering are unknown. llalllUlMt byeipicM Ut c .llpt of price, dt.OO pr lottle " ''" lh' U rfn--! DniKstiifc U.k. Wo,.. TVU BRAdWlD KKClXATtlK CO.. but to properly set off Its rare chnrm It mutt be skilfully constructed with broad ilounccs, edged with boiilllonnes of black net, double puff under sleeves and a rib bon ctrdlo that will da It justice. So very beautiful nro some of theso mus lins that they nro being bought up for t fie MADRAS. use of tho sovoral thousand bridesmaids that will bo on duty during Easter week and thereafter, and ono April bride Is hav ing her own gown mado ot whlto muslin striped In cream whlto satin lines and en crusted In cream lace. Concerning tho tubbing possibilities ot silk madras thero Is quite another tnlo to tell. It not only washes with nil tho good i humor of a cup towel, but It actually grows more beautiful for Its nquatlo experiences. I FLOWERS AND A really pretty design for n wash madras Is suggested In tho sketch of a French 1 model. This sweet llttlo frock, in n iclcar ' shade of what Is called pottery yellow, Is made up with bands ot Persian cotton em broidery and tho waist buttons In the back, as many wash waists do this season. I'rllH'ruDe Sklrtn. It Is a great pity, but truo nevertheless, that numbers of the vory light and trans parent wool gowns for this springtime aro being cut on tho most exaggerated princess pattern! that Is to say tho skljt Is not finished off at the walstllno with a belt, but extends up llko n closo-flttcd girdle, oven to tho bUBt, nnd hooks Invisibly In the rear. For n woman vboso flgura would put a Greek amphora to the blush this Is not u wholly reckless tampering with linos, but with tho figure of tho ordinary woman It simply plays havoc. However theso girdled prtncessu robes have come to stay and with them nro worn the shortest pos sible 'etons, or mess Jackets thnt nre very brief as to tall, though they assuma to bo copies of the coat tho modern warrior wears to his moals. It Is deplorable to sea that this old new typo of skirt Is being advocated for golf ing suits. It would bo Impossible to make two drives nnd then remain a tidy flguro In such a skirt, but with the undersleoves nnd feather boas we now seo on tho links It requires no vast amount of experience to foretell tho decay of golf as a popular femlnlno sport. High heels and trains did for tennis eight years ago and tho revival ot croquet shows how hopeless it Is for fashion and truo sport ever to form an nlllance. MARY DEAN. Wltl.MCI.liS FOR IIUMNANTS. Time to Iluy Otitis) nnd 10 n ltd of Contly SlIU mill I,ur. Tho womnn who approaches the rem nant counter, In tho truo spirit of a con structive artist, Is liecdfully and thriftily purchasing cheap and charming odds nnd ends with a view to creating fronts for wear with her clot,h, taffeta and linen coats. The tidy and serviceable skirt and Jacket suit will bo this spring ns fre quently exploited as In all tho seasons past, and, It the pretty Eton or moss coat fronts flati) open, to display a smart vest of lace, embroidered silk, bright buttons, AtUata. tit. fli"t ta flail (old hir 2 buckles and bowo. the costume Is consld crcd completo nnd formal enough tor all but the most ceremonious occasions. Just as tlioeo lines go to print the rem nant counters nre being enriched by really unbellovcabla bargains; half and three quarters yard lengths of embroidered silk, that sclts In the long piece nt V a yard; scraps of lace, that fetch $7 a ynrd In tho laco department, aro going for only $1 to tho lucky passerby, and odd buttons and buckles of paste, enamel, etc., nro sac rificed for 25 cents nplecc. Not one of tbeso snips nnd scraps has the possibilities of a fancy waist In It,, unless artfully allied with other scraps, hut when tho combina tion Is worked out, as the sketches show, nn effect of great richness and brilliance Is rnslly arrived at. The alliance of four remnants nnd n couple of handsome buttons, the last of a enru sot, is shown in tno group of live sug gestions. This la a front of cell' bluo silk muslin, crossed and collared by bits ot Irish point, that match, but which were cut In brief lengths, finished at the base by a girdle mado of n fourth of n yard of expensive black satin lutnlncitx, strapped with six ends of block liberty ribbon rolls and brightened with two rhlnestono nnd turquoise buttons. The whole Is mounted on a ynrd and a hnlf length of whlto taffctn, nnd, worn with tho owner's tidy llttlo rendy-mado black cloth skirt nnd Eton, It proved brilliant and effective. Following the lead ot tho costly nnd beautiful theater waists many women who regard remnants as vnluablo gleanings eagerly sfck out long buckles with which to gather across tho btist the fullness ot tho vest's front. When a bucklo cannot bo had a big bow of lace encrusted ribbon secures much tho samo effect, or a very slender woman will nchlevo Uio samo bouffanto result with bits of elaborately tucked taffeta or silk muslin. tiii: ii.cih:i.ohs sinr.noAitn. Wonderfully tiuulmiril TiiIiIcn for UrrwIliK llt'lli'ltniM DrliikiiliU'. Tho man with a birthday nbout to fall due need no longer gronn In spirit nt tho thought of tho 111 considered neckties, the superfluous silver match safes, or the sawdust cigars that his devoted wlfo or sister wero wont to bestow upon him. Tho silversmiths have lately bethought themBctvcs of tho needs of tho man with small vices and, when helpless womankind goes secretly shopping for her husband, sweetheart or brother sho Is led to tho counter' whero nil tho wonderful new smoking nnd beverage making contrivances nro displayed. It does not, take loug to persundo her that tho cIgar-ovlng object of her generosity would highly prize h allvcr or Knlseracn combination ot clgai lighter, clipper, box opener, rest nnd nsh tray nil In one; or. If hor purso nnd fancy demanded something more costly' nnd ornate sho can easily be tempted to purchase a smoker's traveling case. It Is a polished, FEATHERS. brass. bound box that holds pipes, cigars, cigarettes, matches for uso In wind and weather; an alcohol lamp, ash trays, cigar clippers, box openers, etc., nnd whon the box Is not used by a traveler It serves as an ornamental smoking cabinet. Reside tho Ingenious contrivances for tho comfort ot tbo tobacco lover there are equally admirable sideboard contrivances for tho man who likes to brew his own PRINCESS MARGARET OF CONNAUQHT, 1 1 Mini ii m ii iiws i iiaaMaww ' ARTFULLY UTILIZED REMNANTS. cold or hot 'drinks. Patent silver ltmo nnd lemon squeezers, with Bpoon nnd saw knife attachments, nre comforts In any household, but for tho bachelor man es poclnlly, complete table- nro designed. Tho top of ono of there holds nil tho various shapes of spoons, saw-bladcd knives, glasses and Hllver cups; nlong with n lemon squeezer, silver egg heater, spirit kettlo for heating unter and silver siphon bottle. In a frame beneath the table's top hangs n silver-hound lco bucket. When n bacho lor's sideboard or a silver and oak mounted lemon squcozcr Is beyond tho means of our gift giver, sho still has It In her power to mako n smoker happy by bestowing on him n Hat silver enso no bigger than a penknife and containing n clever llttlo devlco for opening clgnr l)oxesit ono pad nnd n blade for slicing off cigar tips at another. II Kit Wluu II I.ITTI.IJ I'Mtl.Otl THICK. nmifiit'i! When Oni AVoiiinn Went (o ('nil nn Another. A woman the other nftcrnoon went to call upon another woman who may be al wayH rolled upon to net up to ccitaln well rccognlzed Idiosyncrasies. With great cere mony, relates tho New York Sun, tho caller was ushered Into the drawing room, with Its dim lights, Its faint fragrance of in cense. Its blazing flro upou tho hearth Hardly had tho butler nnnounccd her name when tho hostess rushed forward and grnoped tho visitor by both hands. "My dear, I'm delighted to boo you," cried tho hostess; then, dropping the hands nnd turn ing to the, woodbox by tho hearth, she drew forth n fat black book. Opening It till Its back cracked tho hostess thrust tho bonk under tho blazing log with a melodramatic gesture: "That's how 1 treat the Social Register!" she cried. "Dear me!" observed tho visitor, letting out tho first thing thnt entered her astonished head; "do you do that to every caller?" Tho hostess didn't nnswer. As tho call progressed tho viator fell to wondering whother It wasn't Just n gas log and whether the wholo thing wasn't Just n neat llttlo parlor trick performed for (ho benefit of each caller, tho book pulled care fully out from the log and tho nshes blown from It nt tho end of ono visit that It might servo ngnln nt tho next. Hut no, thu log was tho real thing, as n turn of tho head proved, for thero lay tho book blazing awny merrily beneath. Hy tho time the womnn rose to go tho book was in nshea. In tho open nlr, free from tho spell of tho dim lights nnd tho faint fragrance ot In cense, tho woman got to thinking. "1 don't - bcllevo It was tho Social Register ut nil," said the woman to herself; "It was somo old patent ofllco report thnt looked like It and that Bho probably hau stacks of and Is taking this characteristic way to get rid of: I feel hi a. 'y flattered that sho should think It worth while to' Im press me, but I rcfuso to bellovo thnt sho baa Social Registers to burn." I'rlllw of I'iinIiIoii. Flounces of chiffon on other skirts nre trimmed almost solidly with rows of baby ribbon. All Indications point to n still grcntcr vokuo this Hummer for dainty cotton ma terials of overy tint und wenve. Casual hints und glimpsed of the spring millinery seem to reveal the fact that In genurnl huts nro still to bo low nnd brottd. A notable feature of the Beason'H modes Is tho increnHcd voguo of tho modernized redlngote, which appears In such graceful forms and effects, and mndu of greatly vnrled fnbrlcs. nnd with both simple und chibornto deeorntlons, according to the par ticular uses for which It Is designed. A pretty skirt which has n Ilounco of heavy net has n pinked rurhlng of silk nt tho head nnd clusters of pinked rullles run ning uroutid tho flounce, tlm npneo between, tho clusters filled In with rows of baby ribbon. A pretty bluo silk blouse Is trimmed with stitched batulH of white cloth mid gold but tons. The sleeves, open tho ontlro length on top, nru strapped across with the cloth bunds ending In .t point ill either sldo with a flat button nnd tho undersleoves nnd vest of laco nro also strapped with cloth. Tho heavy not finishes tho lower edge of noino dress skirts. One gown which shows HEADGEAR FOR THE NEWEST HAT II INO SUIT. this finish Is of n soft white material, and the net Is of cream. It Is tint put on un ii lloiinee, but simply forms the lower edge ot the skirt, being narrower In front than In the back mid outlined with a heavy cream laeo top ami bottom. Something very elegant In tho way of a nightgown Is made of finest lawn with ii bplero bodlco of medium heavy lace. Tho body of tho gown fulls Into this bolero by means of fine tucks sot In nbout threo Inches deep nil around. Tbo bolero varies in shape, lint lit ono Htylo It reaches to tho wiilst und Is run through on tho lower edge with ribbon which forms a belt and lies In front with n bow and long ends. Mnny of tho boleros on costumes nnd toilets for Easter wear nro more like fanciful trimmed yokes than Jackets. In many cases they nro cut down low on tho shoulders, with slnglo or double revers en circling tho top of tho low-cut Jacket. Thero aro odd nnd extremely pretty Jacket effects on new gowns mndu with corselot topped prlncesso skirts, tho Jacket finished with tiny gold buttons and lacings of silk cord or narrow velvet ribbon. A group of lovely bridesmaids, at a re cent out-of-town wedding, wore toilets of palo inn live chiffon oyer nmethyst satin, with bolero Jackets of Vonlso lace, elbow sleeves of tho chiffon and satin, with frills of tho lace ns u finish. Tho blouse vests weru of tucked cream llsso crossed with bands of silver embroidery. The large leg horn hats wero draped on tho Inside of tho brim with cream llsse, and trimmed with Venlso lace, folds and clioux of the llsse and two purplo nnd mauve orchids. Tnllc About Women. Mrs. Margaret Deland, tho novelist, hns begun n scries of flower sales at her Hns ton homo for tho bcnellt of tho poor of that city. Hetty Green was In Hoston tho other day nnd was Invited to visit a theater In tho evening. Tho richest womun In America declined, saying sho did not huvo "any clothes good enough." llaltlmoro hns a woman'n literary club, whose president Is Mrs. John C. Wrciishull. It has undertaken to make u complete col lection of tho works of Maryland authors, from colonial times down. Mrs. Isabella nird Hlshop, tho traveler, exnlorcr and writer, has gono lo Morocco for two months of needed rest.. Her next expedition is to be through n llttlo known and dangerous portion of Africa. Mrs, Stafford of Martha's Vineyard Is a iluiiahtcr-ln-law of Lieutenant Stafford. commander of tho fumous lion Homme. Richard. She owns tlm flag which flouted from tho masthead of that ship during the engagement with tho SerapU. Florence Carlyle, a grandnleco of Thomas Carlyle, Is exhibiting paintings from her own brush in Philadelphia. She Is n pupil of Juliana, It Is stated, and Is nt present living In Woodstock. Canada. Hor work Is, on the whole, considered creditable. Mrs. A. W May, who died the other day In Dallas, Tex., was, previous to her mar riage, Tereso Velasquez, countess of Leon. She was born In Santiago de Culm, of which province her father was n Spanish gov ernor. Tho latter was shot by Carllsts lit tho last Carllst uprising. At the Juno commencement Miss Itutli W, Mason, eldest daughter of Senator V E. Mason of Illinois, will recclvo tho degreo of LL. 1). from the Nutlonal I'nlverslty Law college of Washington. It Is Miss Mason's Intention to enter into a partnership with her father, who Is practicing law In Chi cago. M4h Mason Is a musician as well ns a law student. Hho Is un accomplished per former cm the violin and devotes much tfmo to that Instrument. Miss Ethel Mason Is a pianist und plays her sister's accompani ments. A SKIN OP BOAUTY S A JOY FOREVER DR. T. mUX GOURAUII'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL DEAUTIFIER. Ilfniove Tan, rimpln, Freckle, Moth rutclira, in ltnli unil Hkln dl- ease, and even V blemlih on beauty. anil defies detec tion, It Ima stool thu teat of fill j ears, and ! so harmless we taste It ta to sure 't Is properly made. Accept no counter feit or similar name. Dr. I.. A. Havre raid lo a la. ily of the haut-tun la. natlent)! "Ah you ladles will uso them, I recom mend 'QOUIIAI'D'S C;tEA.M' as tho loast harmful of all the Skin preparations." For salo bv all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers In the If, 8. and Europe. Klllll), T. IIOPKINK, l'rop'r, 87 Great Jones St., N. Y. 5 - i a ML -SSi (ALL niOIITS There's nothing iinusim! In the enso of the young womnn who, the other dny, tried to tnke her own llfo beennse she wns tllsehnrged. Sho hnd done her best, but wns 111 nnd couldn't work. Sho was told to go. The super intendent didn't believe her. He hnd become, hnrdened by his yonrs of au thority, nnd he couldn't be Imposed uion by nny girl who guve "sickness" so often for excuse. Ho hnd overlooked tho offense severnl times becnuso tho girl wns ft good worker In the factory, nnd he needed hnnds, but ho couldn't let It go on, especially when he didn't half believe her, ou nccottut of tho effect upon others. Of course the girl looked sick, but s6 did a good many others, nnd It didn't nfter nil ninkc much difference whether she wns sick or not. If she couldn't work or wouldn't work she wouldn't do for the Job, und he'd glvo somebody else her place. Hud she any place ta go when she was dis charged? Would she die of hunger? Would the people she supported die of hunger also? If these things occurred to him, ho pill them nsltle, for ho really couldn't enter Into them thnt far. Ho had it duty toward the house which employed him, and he wns going to perform that duty, In fact, he must perform It or lobe his own place. Tills Is the way of (he world, ami It's a pretty hard way for working women who nro sick with some female III. If they go to a doctor they have to pay money for advice, which they cannot, afford, and not one time In forty do they get real help. The fact of the matter Is, the doctor doesn't .understand the young womau's case. He tries to do the right thing, but tho girl gets no better. If she goes to u free dlspcnsory after consulting n hos pital doctor she feels pauperized, nnd the result Is substantially the samo ns before. What, then, shall tho young girl or the older womnn do who must have her strength for her work mid who Is sulVerlng from some feminine disor der? It Is really singular that there should be n woman anywhere between the two oceans who docs not know thnt she can get free advice nbout her health from Mrs. l'lnkhaui at no cost whatever. Of courso there are great numbers of women writing all the time to Mrs. l'lnkhaui nnd getting ml vice and help from her, but thero are n great many others who need safe nnil sympathetic advice, and to such these words arc directed. It is an absolute fact that no person in the world Is so well quaMQed to nilvlse women ns is Mrs. I'lnkhum, and there is no trap of nny kind nbout 4 her advice. It Is wholly free, and the result of her great experience. Every working girl may benellt by It, and If It Is followed It will bo found to be a perfect aid to robust health. Her address is Lynn, Mass. Mrs. I'lnkliam's medicine for women Is Lydta. H. I'lnklmm's Vegetable Compound. No other medicine ever prepared for women Is so certain to heli) them ns this remedy of sterling worth, which has been successful for thirty years. If the periods are painful or irregular, if the back aches or there is a dull pain In the side, If there Is nervousness and n dragged down sensation. Lydln K. I'inklmnt'H Vegetable Compound Is the surest help In the world. Do not gel. discouraged, while it Is so easy to get the right advice nnd tho right treatment If you give tho m utters a little Intelligent thought. SISTER: READ yaalHaatodaHaaV 'If . , TT?T . was. frequent desire to urinate, or if you have Ioucorrhea (Whites), displacement or FalHn? of the Womb. Profuse, Scanty or Painful Periods, Tumors or Growths, addreBH Jilts. M. HUMMERS, Notre Dame. fnd.. JT. S. A for tho Frpo Treatment and Full Information. Thousands besides myselj havn cured themselves with It. I send It In plain wrappers, TO MOTHERS Oil DAlUHTTSIts I will explain a simple Home Treatment which speedily and effectually cure Leucorrhea, Clreen Sickness and Painful or Irregular Menstruation In yountr ladles. It will save you anxiety and exponhe and save your dauunter the humiliation of explaining- her troubles to others. Plumpness and health alwavn result from Its use. Wherever you live I can refer you to welt known ladles of your own state or county who knnvr nnd will Kindly tell any sufferer that this Home Treatment renlly cure nil illsrnai-tl onnitlttnna of our dollcato female organism, thoroughly trriiKthcna relmeil nitiftelrs nnd UsninenU which cause displacement, and DtuhcM women well. M'rito today, as this offer will not be made again. Address MRS. M, SUMMERS, Box 335, Nortre Dama, lnd U. S, A, THE FAME OF MME. RUPPERT HAS NEVER DEEN EQUALLED BY ANY OTHER COMPLEXION SPECIALIST The most imitated woman in the world Tint Discoverer MME. A. RUPPERPS RaceT3leach Removes Permanently PIMPLES, BLACK HEADS, FRECKLES, ECZEMA, MOTH PATCHES, SALLOW NESS, and WRINKLES NOT CAUSED BY FACIAL EXPRESSION. : : : : : Does not caver up but removes the blemish. 1 I ' FaceT3leach HEIGHTENS, CLEARS and BEAUTIFIES the COMPLEXION Improves a Good Skin and Works Wonders wllh a Bui One. ITS MERITS KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. USED AND RECOMMENDED r BY REFINED PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. cAbsolatety Harmless and ch'tways Successful. Drop In and ask to have Mme. Ruppcrt's Face Bleach shown lo you, and hsve lis merits, msnncr of using and wonderful results ciplslned. so you will be satisfied ll Is whit you need for your completion. Wc always carry a full line of Mme. A. Ruppcrt's dray Hair Rcatoratlv, Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair Tonic. Cull and huvo their merits eiplalned to you. Ask for Mine. Ruppcrt's book, MOW TO BE BEAUTIFUL." FREE. KUHN lb CO., The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists, SOLE AGENTS. RESERVED) MY FREE OFFER, Vtise Words to Sufftrtn From a Woman of Notre Damn. Inrl. I will mall, freo of ohartra this Horn Treatment with full Instructions, and th! history of my own caso to any lady suffer Inir from female, trouble. You can enre yourcolf ut horn rrlthont aid of aur pliyalolnn. It trill coat yon nothing to b1v the treatment a trial, and If you declda to continue It will only cost you about twelve neute m. treek. It will no! Interfere with your work or occupation. I lisiTo nnthtnsr to aell. Tell other suf. ferers ot It that Is U I ask. It cures all. youna or old. If you frel a benrlnr-down sensation, sense of Impending ovll, pain In the back or bowels, creeping feeling- up the spine, a, desire to cry fremiontlv. hot fluhn. muh. For thirty years a successful career of Face Bleach