Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIK CttlATIA DAILY Ji.EE: SAT IMtDAY, iMAKCII 1(5, 1001.
HAYDFNK Fine Shoe Sale
All the newest spring style shoes direct from the
largest and best manufacturers at a saving to you
of 50c to $1.50 a pair.
Every pair properlv fit-
ted, every pair warranted
Tho famous "Ultra" buoos for
and patcmt calf, with welt and
turn boIch. in nil tim natrouf
Biiunus, regular ,r.uu values.
all sized and Jfi S .
widths, A fM I
to EE, lor. . -JV7
TllO Well known "Mrnnkw Hrns.
4. 00 and $5.00 shoe, in vici
the beat shoes made in style,
wear, all sizes and widths, on
sale at $4.00, $3.50 and
1,000 pairs of lino J. W. Naylor Rochester
made $3.00 yici kid and patent $-f Qy Q
leather shoos, on sale '
Tho famous "Stetson" hand welt $0.00 and
$7.00 shoos for men, in vici kid, ideal Kid,
patent calf and enamel leather
, Jill iinwnMt. flfvloa C iMKf -
iHiHm .
HHBT ana all sizes
at W
1,200 pairs of men's fine $3 $-g O
and $4'samplo shoe?, I f
on sale at
Men's fine $2.50 satin calf shoes J 3Q
Boys' line $1.75 satin calf shoes J 3
Kirk's Juvenile Soap, per box
2-qunrt Fountain Syringes
Menthol Cough Drops, per box
Mennen'.s Talcum Powder
Ahnoml .Meal
Gold l'aint, jior box
Syrup of Figs
Hood's Snrsaparilla. .
I'inlvham's Compound
Dr. Pierce's Medicines
eeiting Gapixitj of Eight Thoutaad ii
Decided Upon,
Will liM-Miilc mi Autllliio' Hall mill
AocniiiiiioililtloiiN for KiiIkIi(n nf
AU-Siir-il'li 'I'll I 2lv-n till
Architect IIIn Cue
The advisory board of tho Auditorium
cnmmlttea mot Friday night and decided
upon tho approximate slzo nnd scopo of tho
proposed structure It was agreed that tho
building should hnvo a seating capacity of
from 7,500 to S.000. Following Is the es
nonce of a resolution which was adopted:
That tho structure should comprehend an
auditorium with about 5,000 fixed seats nnd
ttpacu for 2,500 seats In tho arena, an
auxiliary hall and accommodations for the
Knights of Alc-Sar-llru.
It vns agreed that tho atenn should he ap
proximately 75 by 175 feet In size, though
theso llguies were not made nrbltrary as
It was deMred to give tho architect all pos
sible lutltudo lu drawing his plans. Eiunl
scope wns allowed him In designing tho
balconies, stage, and nil other parts of the
structure, both Interior nnd exterior. The
purpose of tho meeting was merely to give
tho architect a basis to work upon. Ho will
bo advised ns to tho seating capacity, the
size of tho urenn, the slzo of the auxiliary
hall nnd tho unttiro of the apartments
nntcd for tho Ak-Sar-Ilen, nnd nil tho de
tails will he left to him In order that there
may bo tho greatest possible diversity lu
the plana HiibmUted.
I2 ih'OhkIiiii tif Opinion.
Several speeches woro mude during tho
course of thu evening, the tendency of most
of them being to compare tho proposed
Omaha Auditorium with tho convention hall
In Kansas City. One spenkor mild Omaha
could not expect to 1111 us largo a bulldlug
ns Kansas City. Thereupon F. W. Kellogg,
who has lived lu Kansas City, mado this re
joinder "People- In KnnsaB City are saying tho
atnu thing nbout Oniuha. I've heard It ro
mnrked thero time and ngalu tlmt Kansas
City cnuld never hope to mnko n success cf
musical cnrulvnl such ns Omaha hnd last
ach. Enriches the blood, increases its
nourishing power. Good for ill, convales
cent and well. All can use it with benefit.
Sold by druggists. The superb product of the
Anheucer-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis, U. S. A.
Brewers of the Original Budweiser, Faust, Mlchelob, Anheuser-Standard,
PalcLager, Export Pale, Black & Tan and Exquisite.
v fitm Hlimn for InUna vfimilnt
kid, ideal kid and patent calf
lit and "
"j I II I
A v
mc: jr m m
Drug Prices
fall. -1 ho olffcrenco Is right hero: Kan
ro whooping It up for Kansas
C t. They ro nil telling about what a good
Place Knnsns City Is to live in, but when
ou ask them to go down in their pockets
and subscribe to a public enterprise thoy'io
m ,?T0 In 0lni,lm th0 "C0P' subscribe
own?" y'r n'WayS k,,oc,,nB ihc
This sentiment met with- applause. The
samo speaker cited several Instances of the
hanjas City convention hall being too small
to accommodate crowds nttrnctcd by such
?nT ,",8m?,S hrS" raln' ,lomo manufactur
ing exhibitions and tho like, and predicted
a similar future for tho Omaha Auditorium,
which as now contemplated, will bo con
ablerably tmaller than tho convention hall.
llrluklnxTN, PIhmTToi-h, CuriMUcr,
lli.ilcnri-liTN ami IMiiiiiImth Form
Ci'iitral I n Ion,
The llulldlng Trades' council of Omaha
wou reorganized Thursday night, the mill
luting unloii3 being tho bricklayers, pins
torcrs, carpenters, hodcorrlers and plumb
eu the "lllg Five" of tho building trades.
The cuuncll Is distinctly a locnl nffn'.r.
having no organic relation with the na
tlbnal society, and Is Intended only to unlte
the workers of this city who uro engaged
lu the building trades. Tho new coalitlou
Is of particular Interest at tho present
tlmo in lew of the fact that tho hod
carriers have deniauded an Increnso of
wageB of 2',i, cents an hour, to be ofTccthc
Immediately. Tho action of tho council
Is not known t this time, but tho im
pression prevails that tho hodcarrlers
would not hnvo Joined thu council had not
n majority of the unions nlllltntlng indi
cated their Intention of supporting them
lu tholr contention for a raise of wages.
If such Is the case It will mean that the
ralso will he granted, or thero will bo do
lay in tho opening work In the building
trades this spring, as tho llulldlng Trades'
council, ns at present constituted, Is a
Hlrnni' nntnhliiiil Inn ..-Ml l. ...... a..
..v..n ...tiu.i, twin,. 1l UO IIU1" IU
'secure any reasonable demand. In mojt
catrs tho unions constituting tho council
nro considered particularly conservative by
the employing contractors.
nioatlng nttcr eating, Indigestion, flatu
lence or water brash, may be quickly cor
rected through the use of Prickly Ash Hit
ters. It strengthens digestion, cleanses
and rcgulntes the bowels.
The Great
Food DrinR
is easily assimilated
by the weakest stom
Grand Lace Sale
Tlie second lot of the Carson,
Perie, Scott & Co. luces and em
broideries just received. Every
piece perfect money refunded
for any damaged piece. The
greatest bargains in line goods
ever offered.
Laces uOc down
to V
Embroideries 25c
down to
Chiffons, Mousseline do fsoie
and Libert v "lf,
Silk OVC
Al lover
up from
Allover Laces
up from
Host quality Waterproof Skirt
JSinding regular l()c
quality per yard . .
50c Ladies' Neckwear 10c
$2.00 ladies' Neckwear 25c
15est Brush Binding, per yii., 5c
15c pure linen Hemstitched
Handkerchiefs 7c
25c Fancy Kibbons per yd.. .15c
Tlie best place to
buy j o w o 1 r y,
watches, clocks,
and sllvorwaie. The best guaranteed qual
ities at a big saving In price.
Specials for Saturday
Men's heavy rolled plato or gold filled
watch chains, fancy curb and link designs,
worth up to 3.00; Saturday nt 75c.
Rolled pinto cuff buttons, plnln nnd fancy,
chased pattern, worth $1.00, 'at 25c.
Oold filled rings, warranted to wear for
5 years, at 25c.
Solid gold rings set with pearls, opals,
turquoise, emeralds, rubles and amethysts
on snlo at $1.00.
Gents' American wntchos, open faco, stem
wind ond Bet, Warranted to keep corroct
time, only !)Sc.
Nethcrsolc silver bracelets, 60c.
Handsome cut glass puff Jars, sterling
tops, C'Jc.
Hat plus, assorted stones, only Sc.
Brooch pins, worth 35c and COc, on snlo
Saturday at 10c.
Central Libor Union Report! a Deficit u
Besult of Venture.
Cell (nil lloily Until i:tenileil Si-hnIoii
nt' Wlili-li Severn! Ihsuom Are
Acted IJMti Siitit- CIox
Inc Oritliinuee.
The last echo of tho lecturo delivered In
Omaha by E. V. Debs last fall was heard
lu tho Central Labor union lust night when
I'resldent Taylor from n speclul committee
reported that tho lecture had produced cash
to the amount of $201.10 at nn expense of
$2211.80, leaving ti deficit of $21.70, which
has been paid by the union. The report
was adopted and the commltteo thnuked
by tho union.
The opening of the rogulnr business of
the union wns marked with n passage nt
words between representatives of tho
linkers' union and representatives of tho
Musicians' union over the boycott of n cer
tain bakery In Council Dluffs, whore ono
of the employers Is u member of ino
Musicians' union. Tho bakern alleged that
the musicians sustained the action of their
member, while representatives of tho mu
sicians stated that tho matter had nover
been brought boforo their union. It was
referred to the unions Interested for set
tlement. A communication fnjm tho Commercial
club rcjatlvu to tho strike ut I.. C. Sharp's
was referred to tho president of tho union
with power to appoint a committee to
tako the matter up with the club next
Tuesday. Tho committee consists of Asa
Taylor, Oscar McCIInton, Archie Adams.
L. V. Ouyo and A. S. Kohlnson.
On motion of George Klcffner It was de
cided to notify tho central bodies of Coun
cil Illults nnd South Omaha that the Omaha
Central Labor union would celebrate Lnbor
day this year.
The Central Labor union then went out
of Its way to assist a disorganized branch
of labor, whero n number of girls went out
on n strike ngnlnst unfair treatment In u
Vinton street laundry. This was referred
to tho law committee with power to net
under tho female labor law of tho state.
linllte linker' Drclxlou.
Tho decision of Judgo Maker In tho mattor
of the Sunday closing law relating to
butchors nnd grocers enmo In for a roast,
nnd whllo no deflnlto notion wns taken u
strong btntlmcnt was displayed In favor of
causing the enforcement of tho laws ro
nulrlnn tho closing of saloons on Sunday,
and the matter was passed for further con
sideration. Tho Walters' union sprung a sensation
and an unusunl amount of tnlk by moving
that tho committee nppolnted to investi
gate the Sharp strlko do not eat lunch at
the Commercial club, as the restaurant
operated by the club Is v nonunion house.
Tho fact that tho waiters wero having
troublo with tho Commercial club camo as
a surprise to a majority of tho members of
the Central Labor union and a number of
members protested ngulnst tho motion. Kor
the Ilrat time In many months Oeorgo KlofN
nor and J, J, Kerrigan found themselves on
opposite bides of tho question, the former
opposing tho waiters and the latter advo
ratlng tho motion. Delegate Hollo ndded a
llttlo amusement to the argument by spring
Ing a rnmple of non-union tobacco found In
the pocket of a delegate from the Walters
union. Tho waiter responded by saying
that the granulated tobacco bearing the
union label should bear that of tho wood
workers, as It was sawdust. Tho motion of
Spring Hats- Caps
Call and set'" our spring line of
caps just arrived. Yacht, golf,
bicycle, automobile, eton, ?ene
va all the latest shapes anil
styles at 155c, 0r
50c and 4kJs
75c Special Saturday
We will 'place on sale a splendid
line of hats in fedora, pasha,
colonel and railroad shapes
while they last iTf K0
Worth double. A J
$1.25 Special
Having purchased 500 sample
hats at 20c on the dollar we will
close them out
Saturday at
They are worth 2.00, 2.50
and S3.00.
Sheet Music Sale
How Is this for low prices on sheet music:
Tomorrow wo will placo on snlo high
grade sheet music nt only 10c per copy; by
mall, 11c. Dealers always ask you from :5c
up toTfic, Jl nnd a grcnt many are bold at
$1.25 'per copy; our price, 10c. Think of
getting such music ns the following list at
this pilco:
"Second Vnlsc," "Second Mazurka" and
"Matin." all by Oodnrd; "Anltra's Dance,"
by Urlcg; "Etude in Ab," by Vnlleuhaupt;
"To tho Wnltz," by llohn; "Dance Music"
(Tanzwelse), by Mcyer-llelmund; "(Jraml
Vnlso Ilrlllianto," by Chopin; "llrealt of
Morn," by Dorn, "Impromptu," by Chopin,
op. 29; "Alice," by Aschcr; "Mill in tho
Illack Forest," by Kllcnberg: "Wedding
March," by Mendelssohn; "Simple, Confes
sion," by Thorno; "Vnlse Styrlenne," by
Wnllonhaupt; "Waltz In Ab." by Josoffy:
"Cabalctta," by hack; "Charge of the
Uhlans," by Ilohra; "Lurlno" (lovely), con
cert study, by Seeling; "lu tho Mill," by
GUlet; "Intermezzo" (from "Cnvnllerla
nustlcann"), by Mascagnl; "Faust," by
Sydney Smith; "La Gazelle," by Wollou
hnupt; "Shepherd's Song," by Krug; "Spin
ning Song" by Schmoll; "Norma," by Ley
bach; "Her Bright Smllo Haunts Mo Still,"
by ltlchards; "Wttlo Flower," by Voss;
"Caprice." by Padercwskl; "Serenade," by
Schubert; "Fifth Valse." by Oodnrd; "Star
light Gavotte," by Descovltz; "Fragrant
Violet," by Splndler; "Curious Story," by
Schumann; "At tho Spring," by Liszt.
Wo also havo lots of pretty two-atcps,
waltzes and songs at this same price.
Send for catalogues.
tho Walters' union wns 16st nnd tho com
niltteo wns grunted 'permission to ent lunch
If It so desired. Tho discussion resulted In
tho resignation of L. V. Ouye from the
commltteo, but the chair refused to nccept
the resignation. Then tho union took tho
mnttor out of the bunds of tho president
and tho resignation of Mr. Ouyo wns nc
ccpted. E. E. I'hllbrlck roportcd thnt n company
at Kcdllno, Pn.t In tho Ninth collection ills
trlct had been flooding tho west with cigars
bearing n counterfeit union Inbel nnd that
tho counterfeiters nro row In Jail.
Tho meat cutters reported thnt the
trouble with E. J. Cnrblll of South Sixth
street hnd been settled.
At the request of Drlegnto (Ills L. Hollo
tho 'union requested O o bollermakcrs' union
to withdraw charges brought by former
Delegate T. H. McOovern, In which Mr.
Hollo wns nccused of patronizing a boy
cotted railroad. It wns decided that there
wns no boycott on the road.
Delegate lion Mnylurd wns appointed to
tako the place of Delcgato Ouyo on the
Sharp committee.
A resolution commending the Auditorium
company for declaring lu favor of organized
labor wns adopted unanimously,
A motion to Instruct the secretnry to nsk
the Auditorium building rommltteo to reply
to the communication of tho union on tho
subject of fulr material nnd union lubor
wns tabled. It wns Btnted thnt sovornl hun
dred dollars In Auditorium stock subscrlp
tlons wero being delayed pending nn nnswer.
.Indite .Miiiiki'i' Itcmler lli'Mcli-ncy
liiiluiiii'Ml Willed llrlnuN In
l)iitMii County I'rniierty.
Tho case of I'hcbe Itebcccn ElWIna
Ellznboth Linton uud her unhappy mar-
i ringu with Lord Frederick Adolphus Lin
ton, nn English nnblemnn, wn3 revived
ncrntn in Mm ITnll...l ct.iina ,.i.i..u .
by n decision of Judgo Munger nrfectlug
the title of a part of the Linton estule In
DouglaB county, consisting of several lots,
some of them Improved, between Omaha
and South Omnhn.
A yenr or moro ngo this property wns
foreclosed by tho Nntlonal Life Insurauco
company to oatlsfy u claim of $.15,018, and
was sold by a mastor lu chancery, who has
since reported that tho amount realised
from tho sale was not equal to tho amount
of tho clolm. Yesterday Judge Munger
rendered a deficiency Judgment, which in
effect gives tho plaintiff a lien upon nil tho
other property belonging to the Linton
estate In Duwuon county.
Wheels! WheeU! Wheols! now they go!
nido a Ueo wheel and bo In the swim.
,Mr. Mnrifiiret 1'iiiiiiiliiey of n Fina
lly of Iteiiiiii'Knlile l.onuiMlty
lllen nt .Mney-One,
Mrs. Margarot Pumphrey. who died last
Wednesday at tho homo of her daughter.
Mrs. Cilinmlng, 102 North fourteenth
street, at the ngo of 91 years, enmo of a
family of remarknblo longevity. Her father
lived to bo 91 years old and was In the war
of 1S12, while her grandfather reached the
advanced ago of 102 yearB and served In tho
revolution. Nearly ull her immediate an
cestors lived somewhat moro than their
nllotcd thrco scoro and ten.
Her funeral was hold Friday from tho
house, Uov. Charles W. Savldgo preaching
from tho text "Thou shalt come to thy
grave In a full ago, like as a shock of corn
comcth In his season" (Job v, 20).
Spring will soon be here and what about
that old wheel T It needs now tires, now
bearings, a new saddle, now pedals. Head
The lice's great bicycle offer. Cot new
wheel and uavo buying repairs.
J lie combination on
oroken. More eggs are comiu
in than there is a possible mar
ket for. Trices are going dowu
every dav.
Il dozen eggs,
for ".
20 lbs. granulated
sugar, for
Sugar cured
hams, at, lb
Picnic hams,
at, lb
Nice country
butler, at, lb
Soda and oyster
crackers, at, lb. . .
. 10c
Look Around,
Then Come Here
You will nlwnys find on tho snuio articles
that we have the lowest prices.
Can you afford to pass tin by?
An oak cabinet, 30 Inches high, shelves
12x17, polish llnlsh, made to hold music,
magazines- or pnpcrti, has always sold for
$1.75; our price, Wc. "A straw tells which
way the wind Wows." This Is ono of ono
thousand straws.
There are a few more Music cabinets,
Oak or Uirch, Mahogany finish, $3.50; n
$f,00 article.
42-Inch Oak Desk for $17.50; other Curtain
Desks, $12.75 nnd $11.50.
Go-Carts for $2.95; Extension Table, pol
Ishcd Oak, lluted legs, 42x42, $5.85; Oak
Cbalr, enno seat, C5c; C-drawcr Onk Chif
fonier. $5.00.
Received this week carloads of new Side
boards, new Dedroom suits, now Dressers,
new Metal Deds, new Hxtcnslon Tables,
new Parlor Tables and hundreds of other
Wrlto for Desk catalogue.
Wrlto for Go-Cart nnd Carriage cntn-
lqgue, mailed free for tho nsklng.
We enn frnmo your pictures cheaper than
over before. Can show you n large lino of
new mouldings.
Your picture enlarged by our own special
nrtlst. You can seo him work. Pictures
that nro life like.
Ex-Alderman Objects to Repairing
' Water Maim.
I'ollee DeiMii'tnient In iiUllrd mill the
AVell .Vniit'Ulieil I:-A1i1itiiiuii
Willi ii l,Uf Wire In Kvery
I'llier 'I'nKeii In CtiMinly.
Ernest Stunt, ex-member of the city coun
cil, stood In tho center of Pacific street,
between Tenth and Eleventh, yesterday
morning and defied a wholo gang of city
water company employes to movo him from
his vantage point. Tho foreman of the
gnng culled iieveral of his trusted lieu
tennnts to his sldo and they executed a
flank movement, but Stuht commanded the
bltuation. He wheeled nround und poured
out a stream of invective ngnlnst tho water
company nnd nil of Its employes :hnt fo.vcd
tho gang of workmen to pause In amaze
ment Appreciating that Stuht would not move
unless furco were employed tho foreman
telephoned tho offices of tho water com
pany nnd uxplnlned to his chief tho nnturo
of tho situation. The police department
was notified nnd Officer Dan Ilcgclmnn wns
sent out to investigate the case. Ho re
turned a short time afterward with the
belligerent ex-rounctlman In custody,,
Tho gnng of workmen was sent to 1020 Pa
cific street In tho morning by General Man
ager Kalrflcld of tho Omaha Water company
for the purposo of making somo repairs to
1 1 n
wasiiitjr powder
Road tho directions on tho packnge nnd boo If you nro dotting
all tho help from GOLD DUST that you can have. It Is
belter than ammonia, eind kodtv. txnd much easier to use.
louse work is hard work without GOLD DUST.
' Nkda only by
the; n. k. fairdank company
Chicago Now York Philadelphia. 6t. Loul Boston
Also manufacturer of FAIRY SOAP
Ladies' 50c Fancy
Hosiery at 25c
100 doz. hulles' Hue lisle and inaco hose, In all the new CCz-t
colors, all regular DOc qualities, on sale at j&Os'
vs iauies nne 5i.uu nsie
tviiv.n MtPt uilUii phi
a I. luc, joe and
Wf; Ladies' 50c Corsets at 25c
I pooial values in corsets, at 1.00 and ?l.fi0.
Children's line rihhcd hose, fast hlack and seamless
h ut 1)l, li)C 11,1(1
Iwl? Ladies night gowns, regular 75c quality, at Me.
WtUoV 'J1 he largest line of ladies' ami misses' underwear in
'feJiV Oinnhti, from the cheapest to the hest.
25c y2 Hose at 15c. "m
.Men's line half hose, in hlue, hlack, hrown f
and red this is one of the hest hose that pt-i
can he manufactured to sell at 25c, in a reg- JTOij B'
ular way. Special price, 35c. vC3$ J
I?oys' 1.00 shirts at J.Oc. Il' V;
Glen's 1.00 suspenders at. -15c. Jy ?!mf&
" ilea's 25c )uro linen handkerchiefs, with KBMt'
colored horder at 10c. -''if??
ilea's 75c and ?t.00 silk handkerchiefs, j 'JdSw
with cfdored horder, at 25c. "V
All the men's ?2.00 and $2.50 hlue and colored Qftr
ilannel shirts, at Ot
Men's 75c medium weight underwear i39C
SI HUTS WORTH 1.50 and 2.00, at 75c.
We will sell all the very latest styles in men's line madras
shirts, with separate cuffs, negligee or bosom, shirts that were
made to sell this spring for 1.50, 2.00 and -
2.50,, on sale at X
This is one of the hest brands of shirts made, and every shir!
warranted perfect all sizes from 14 to 18 all length sleeves
from 30 to 115 this is as good as any shirt made ES Qr
to sell at 1.50 on sale at O
, Men's 1.00 colored laundered shirts, at 40c.
ilea's 50c and 75c line lisle hose, in fancy stripes and checks
on sale at 25c.
Our Optical Department
In charge of a practical optician of many years' experience'
Wo carry a full line of up-to-date spectacles and oyeglatjsei
at lowest prices.
tho malus. The foreman had n permit for
tho work that was to bo porformed Issued
from the olllce of the Hoard of Publlo
Works. It so happened that tho main which
needed repairing was In front of property
owned by Stuht nnd ho heard of tho pres
enco of tho water works men beforo they
had begun their work.
Stuht does not cntertnln n kindly feeling
In his benrt for the Omaha Wnter company.
Only n short tlmo ago ho was nrrcstod,
chaigcd with tho wholesale theft of water.
Ho evidently determined that Ills oppor
tunity had como to make trouble for the
water company, so ho planted himself firmly
In tho street whero tho laborers were pre
paring to dig down to tho mains and ab
solutely refused to budgo nn Inch.
Even tho ofllccr'B prcsenco did not swervo
Stuht in his determination to prevent tho
gang of workmen from proceeding with
their labor. Ho maintained his position In
tho middle of tho fitreot nnd denied that tho
permit which hnd been produced wns a
genulno one. So Olllcer ltcgelman plncod
him under urrcst nnd escorted him" to tho
police station.
Stuht's numo wns entorcd on tho book nnd
tho chnrge, "interference with the repair
of wnter works mains," placed opposite It.
Stuht was released on bond.
Suddenly Start Neiv lliiuk.
CLAY CENTER, Kan., March 15. (Spe
cial Telegram.) A month ago ex-Treasurer
John McKce, ex-Senator Hunnn, b'oth or
Clay Center; D. J. Hanna of Hill City and
others applied for a charter for a now bank
with a capital stock of $10,000 and Intended
to start business Juno 1, but yesterday P.
II, Pulllnglon, P. P. Kchoo nnd other capi
talists took tlmo by tho forelock, got n
charter for tho Citizens' Stuto hank of Clay
Center, capital Block $15,000, and have al
ready started business.
iuksc c in
m t. Cij uvi't, ' m f"
Fashions for the Season :
Hint by .Miiry I.niiili.
3777 Fancy Shirt Walat,
32 to 40 In. butt.
Woman's Fancy Shirt Waist, No. 3777, to
Ilo Mado With or Without tho Pitted Lin
ing Tho dainty shirt waist mado with fine
tucks und trimmed with lace or needlework
la n feature of the season nnd n woll-dc.
sorved favorite. Tho charming model lllus
trntcd exemplifies ono of tho best atylv.i
and Is eminently well suited to nil (Inn
white goods, to linen, batlsto, embroidered
ecru batiste, linen lawns, dimity, flno ma
dras and similar materials as well ns to soft
silks and cropo d chine. Tho original Is
mndo from whlto batlsto In combination
with flno embroidery nnd Is worn with
nnrrnw belt of whlto silk held by n gold
clnsp, but Valenciennes and Mechlin lac
make equally durable nd effectlvo trim
ming for whlto fabrics and batlsto em
broidery Is rhnrmlng In contrast with tho
plain material. When mado unllned thu
wulst Is fitted with shoulder nnd under-nrm
seam only. Tho lining linn nlnglo bust dart
and a sonm In center bnck. Tho fronts nro
laid In three backward tucks at each shoul
der, which nro stitched to yoko depth and
prov'do becoming fullnesH bolow. Tho edgco
are finished by bands of. Insertion, tiny
rovers of embroidery being added near the
top. The soft vest front Ih tucked to shnl
low yoko depth, Its edges being Includeu
permanently hnrtcath under the trimming
on the rlgh't and closed Invisibly on a fly
formed under the Insertion on tho left front.
Tho sloeves aro In bishop stylo with n
strip of insertion running lengthwiso, at
each sldo of which nro tucks which fall free
slightly abovo tho wrists to form soft puffs.
Tho wrliit nro finished with polntod banrti
and at tho neck Is a stock collar that also
has n pointed end and that doses with tho
waist nt tho left side.
To cut this wulst for a wnmnn of medium
site I ynrds of material 0 Inches wldo or
2K yards 32 Inches wide with 3J4 yards of
Insertion and of n yard of edging to trim
as Illustrated will be reiulred.
Tho pattern No. 3777 Is rut In sizes for
32, 31, 36, 38 and 40-Inch bust measure.
For the accommodation of Tho Uce'
readers these patterns, which usually retail
at from 25 to 20 cunts, will bo furnished
at a nominal prlre, 10 cents, which covers
all expense. In order to got nny pattern
enclose 10 cents, give number nnd name
of pattern wanted and bust measure, Al
low about ten days from date of your letter
beforu beginning to look for tho pattern.
Address Pattern Department, Omaha Dee,
Omaha, Neb.