THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: PAT fit DAY, MA It OH 10, 1001. Strength and Vigor Mr. C. M. Scott, 1S49 Dor Chester Avenue, Boston, Mass., tells liow be became n strong, hearty roan " Abouttwo years ago I suffered ral debility and I doubt If there wni utterly tnlacrnblo than 1 was. I had no life or energy, and was as depressed mentally as I was worn out physically. llwas not nt nil unusual for me to go to sleep over my work. My blood was thin and watery, but tho worst of it nil was the dreadful, wearying nervousness at nlcht. When I retired at ten o'clock, Instead of (joins to sleep I would to and turn till well on into the morning, nnd when I awoke It was without any feeling of being refreshed or rested. I lost so much lleali that 1 got down to 122 pounds in weight, and I bad no desire for food. "Last January n friend urged me to try I)r Williams' rink Tills for Pale People. I had previously tried many different kinds of remedies aud had consulted three physician, hut tho little relief they gavo was very brief, so I was completely discouraged. .My friends, however, luslsted and I tried the medicine. " Ily the time tho second oox was begun there was such evident Improve ment that 1 continued taking them till the nl '.b bos, when 1 felt thai I was entirely cured. I now weigh 16!) pounds. There Is no sign of nervousness, 1 rest well and feel strong, and am ablo to enjoy life unco more, Mrs. Hcott was feeling a little run down a few weeks ago, but tho Immediately began taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo People atid she Is experiencing the same beneQclul results that I did ' Signed) C. M.Hcorr. Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People AresnMIn hnn.i (never In hulk) it O cents a box, or U boxen for, and mr h hail of alt drugtlula, or tlltnt by wall from Dn, Williams Mkmcuic C'ouriNY, HctiCDKtady, N. V. BUSINESS BLOCK CONSUMED Heart of Town of Callaway is Deitrojed by Raging Flamei. LACK OF WATER HANDICAPS FIGHTERS 1.0M (if 't'lTCMtj-IOlKllt TIlOIIMIIIll Dlll- tnrx la M it n 11 1 t'l n il It loxuriiiu'i AKKrountliiK Mrs enteen iiiou muiil I'lve Hundred, CALLAWAY, Neb., March 15. (Spoclnt Telegram.) The most destructive flro In the history of' this town occurred lit 1:30 this morning, drstioylng un entire block of tho principal business buildings. S. U. Uwlng, owner of tho (Irand Pucltlc hotel, was prcpnrlng to retire when ho dUcovcrod lire In tho Interior of Osgood's restaurant on the south sldo of Klmbull street, lie Immediately gnve the alarm, but the lire hud gained audi headway It was Impos nlble to check It. The town, being with out any means of flru protection, had not water enough to supply a small bucket brigade. The Humes soon hurst through tho sides of tho building nnd Ignited the Palace drug store 011 thu west and (ireer's Jewelry store on tho cast nnd It was seen that the entire block of wooden buildings wns doomed. The effort of the citizens were spent In taking goods out of the stores nnd In wetting down the roofs aud fronts of tho buildings on the opposite sldo of the street. The iiir was very calm, yet the flumes spreud on each side with great rapidity, consuming the Hank of Callaway and Hopkins' grocery Btore on tho west end of the block nnd In Riicccsslou on the cast rml, Moron's department store, with Its entire stock of goods, Shupp'H meat mar ket, Moll's millinery store and tho Hrlt tau hotel, which stood on tho corner. The hotel, tho Ilauk of Callaway nnd Shupp'B buildings wcrd without Insurance, hut the goods anil fixtures wcro all removed before tho fire reached them. Tho IJank of Callaway contained a Inrgn fireproof vault, which was used as a safe doposlt by most of tho business men and which stands Intact. Moran's double building and stock were Insured for Jll.tOO, nnd tho Palace drug storo building for $1,000, but there waa 110 Insurance on tho stock. Tho restaurant where the flro started hud $200 Insurance on the building and $400 on tho stock, and the Hopkins' building was In sured for $250, stock nil saved. Tho loss on tho buildings burned Is estimated at $8,000, insured for $2,500. Tho value of goods consumed Is estimated at about $20, 000, with about $15,000 Insurance. Tho flro Is supposed to havo originated In a defcctlvo chimney of tho restaurant. -r- PREFERS DEATH TO CAPTURE I ml 1 11 11 Who Nuore Veimeii ncc on White Token II In llttu 1.1ft-, GORDON, Neb., March 15. (Special Tol rgram.) Hilly Day, tho Indian who mur dered Lewis Cottier March 12 and who was pursued by twenty-five- Indian police, committed suicide Just before being cap tured. It Is alan thought ho killed his squaw, who was with hi in at the time, 11s she has not been seen or heard of since. .Wlilnl I'lsyera' A 11 nun I Content. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., March 15. (Snc- clal Telogrnm.) The third annual state contest of tho Nobrnskn Whist nssoclutlon today elected these, olllccrs: W. A. Prlnco of Grand Island, president; Churlea Rogers of Omaha, vice president; R. E. Sampson of Greeley Center, secretary; E. J. Waddcll of Aurora, treasurer. Tho next meeting will bo at Lincoln tho second Tuesday In March, 1902. The team contest for tho Lincoln cup wns REJECTED! TT IS but a few years since Insurance Companies insisted on n chemical nnolyils ortho fluids ortlio body or applicants desir ing Insurance in lavqs amounts. Now, every applicant must undergo such examination, no matter how small ths amount, c r insurance asked for. Tho ln&u-anco Componlos hnva learned wis. dom by experience. They know fpr n c rinlnty that tho only sure way of detecting Brlght's dl83nso in its first stage is by a ohomtcal analysis nnd they govern themselves accordingly. Many men ap plying Tor Insurance nnd finding themselvea rejected, aro dum foundod when told that thsy hnva kidney dUaase. Wny? Because they look and fjot well, suffer no pitln, and haven good nppetlta. (Buttho unsrrinir microscope In tho hnniBoftne Intslllgoiit physi cian, haa unmistaknblyshown the bsginnlng or the ond, unless repairod, ofthj breaking down or the delicate tissues or the kid neys. Happily, ir taken in time, there is n cure for kidney disease. Wo say this with ontlrj flonfldencs, becnuso thousands have so testified, and hundrods have obtalnsd life insurance following a course of Warners Safi Cure, after having previously been re jected becousa of Incipient Brig hfs disease M in, do not leave your dear ones dependent through your own carelessness! .Wrlto Warner's Hafc Cure Co.. Rochester. X. Y., today for free sample of Wurner'a fiafe Cure nnd full particulars how to proceed to sceuro un nbbolutcly correct micro, kcoiitcul oJkumlnatlon. 1 from gen- anybody more this afternoon. Tho teams stood In the following order; Omahu, Aurora, Grand Island, Lincoln nnd (Irceloy Center. Play will bo continued In both team and pair contests tonight. DEATH OF LIEUTENANT MAYER SiicriiinliH li Stroke if I'nrnlsslN at Mnro IhIiiimI Hom liltiil. IIHATUICK, Neb., Mnrch 15. (Special Telegram.) W. 11. Mayer received a tele gram from Secretary Long Informing htm of the death this morning nt tho Mnrc Island hospital, Snn Francisco, of his brother, Lieutenant A. X. Mayer, of paraly- Bls. Lieutenant Mayer was a graduate of the Xaval academy at Annnpolls and at the time ho received his first stroko of paralysis ho was In command of the cruiser Yosemlto. Ho was sent to tho naval hos. pltal nt Mnro Island, San Francisco, for treatment nnd was In a fair way to re cover, hut n relapse caused quick death. Ills mother here has telegraphed the naval authorities at San Francisco to send tho body of her son here- for burial. He wa born nl Ilrooklyn, In., In 1860 nnd was In his forty-first year. CuiirN,. of IIIiikI ruled l.eettiren. CENTRAL CITY, Nob., Mnrch 15. (Spe clal.) Last night Dr. A. T. Wolff, the eminent lecturer, closed n course of three Illustrated lectures of travel In tho Mctlm dist Episcopal church In this city. The first lecture wns on "Scotland and tho I Dour Scotchman;" the second, ".Ireland, tho Land of Hlarney, Myth nnd Legend," nnd the Inst one, "London," Her Palaces, Prisons and Cnthcdrals." The whole was Illustrated by over 200 storeoptlcon vlows. Dr. Wolff was greeted every night with crowded houses. The lectures were given under tho auspices of the local Kpworth league. (ienr.v Voiiiluuteil fiii Mayor. ORAXD ISLAND. Neb., March 15. (Spe clal Telegram.) At a meeting of commit tees appointed here by peoplo of various wards for tho selection of a candidate for mayor In opposition to tho present Incum bent, .lames Clenry recolved the nomina tion on tho platform that promises reditu tlon In taxation, n non-partisan ndmlnls tratlon and tho stopping of public gam tiling. The nomination comes from repre sentatives of nil classes of people and little doubt Is felt of his election In April. 'intern oil Minr Heel. FRBMONT, Nob., March 15. (Special.) The annual meeting of tho Dodge County Farmers Institute, held In tho district court room today, wns devoted entirely to papers and a discussion of raising sugar bcots. Pupers were read by J. Scholley, Ames; Profs. T. L. Lyon and It. S. Hlltncr of tho Slato university; Hugh Scclley of Fremont nnd O. B. Wnrtcnslebon of Ames. Tho meeting wns presided over by W. G. White- more ot Valley. Nlnntoll I'M)' XoiiiliutlloiiN. STANTON. Neb.. Mnrch 15. (Special.) At n caucus last night tho following ticket was nominated: Mayor, Dr. E. C. Under- burg; clork, W. T. McFarlnnd; treasurer John Schlndler; city engineer, W. C, Vnughan; police judge, J. W. Mackey; councllmcu, First ward, Fred Feycrherm Second ward, Adam Pllgcr. llnnlllllrn FiinIoii Tli.kt.1 HASTINGS. Nob.. Mnreli 1.'. IKnnMal Li At a mass meeting last night by tho dem crats and populists tho follow ving citizens' ticket was nominated: Cou oilmen, First want, S. J. Owens; Second ward, Jacob Thomas; Third ward. C. J. Hnnst: Fourth ward. A. Scott: mcmburs of school board, Walter Dlclien, W. II. Limning and John Slak ker; pollco Judge, Iienjamln Reynolds. Holm l.oni; t'lne 1'oMollli-r. LONG PINE. Neb., Mnrch 15. (Special Telegram 1- When Postmistress Kay opened tho otiico this morning she foundhnt some i , ll one had entered the ofllce during; the night through n window In tho rear and stolen nbotit 3 In change from the money drawer. The sale was not touched. Some local detective work haa resulted In fastening suspicion on h young lad living In town, who will be looked after by the postofnee Inspector. REDUCE TO A REGIMENT Ailjutnnt Uenernl (ill In Attention to llfTort AKftlnnl Mtntc Nntloiint filinril. LINCOLN, March l.V (Special.) Ad jutant General Klllnn this afternoon gave out tho following Interview, calling at tention to nn nttempt that Is being made to reduco the strength of the Nebraska Xa tlonal guard down to one regiment: There Is an nrirnnlzed effort heluir mndc. cmanntlng from 11 few men who hto abus ing their influence by reason of their past positions In the government of tho mute anu niso uy some wno formerly he 11 nost Hons In the Nebraska National guard -the attempt Is being mada not only to curtail tue isnuonni guaru as n whole, nut they even go so far as to suggest tho reduction of th Guard bv cuttlnu nut nnu restmcnt: tins would oniy leave in tno uunni one. rpitlmrnt of Ininntrv. 11 irnon of cavalry nun u imiicry or nrtnicry. iiiese men nro nieo worKiug wmi an their might ngninst menstires now before tho legislature that nrc necessary to mage the worK or the uu Jtitant Kcnernl's olllce effective The part or their wont which singes par ticularly the otllcern of the Guard Is shown In tho recommendations of the detlclency committee, which recommends Unit the en listed men who wero at the encampment Inst year should be paid the halnnce duo them, but that the claims for the pay of tho nfllcers nt the same encampment should be rejected. You will rocnll that ut the lust encampment t hi oil cers and men wen only puni hair their per mem mid men 11 claim with the legislature for the remainder, nml It Is as to the action of the committee oil this matter that I horo refer. NEBRASKA STATE ORATORY Wlnneri Are .Mluule 15. TIn-oop of Wentejnii 11 nil Arthur C Atiliiitt of Grnnd Inland. CRETE. Xcb., March 15. (Special Tele gram.) The seventeenth nnnunl contest ot the Nebraska State Oratorical association was In tho opera house ot Crete tonight There wcro seven contesting colleges Donne, Crclghton, Cottier, Ilcllcvue, Grand Island, Wcslcyan and York. Large dclega tlous of students from tho various colleges wcro prcsont. Tho judges on delivery wcro Miss Howclls, professor of oratory nt Ne braska State university; Prof. Wright and Rev. J. M. Rcade, both of Lincoln. The Judges on thought and composition wcro Prof. E. A. Ott of Des Moines, In.. Presi dent V.'nrrcn of Yankton college nnd Chnii' cellor MncLenn of Iowa Stato university Miss Minnie E. Throop of Wcslcyan tinl vcrslty received first placo and Arthur O Abbott of Grand Island second place. CONVICTS ATTEMPTT0 ESCAPE Tuelve of Tlicm Get to Toil of Willi Only lo I'liee (lie Stnle .Milltlii. .LINCOLN. Mnrch 15. (Special Telegram.) A dozen convicts mado an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the pen early tills morning. Ily the use ot a steel saw nnd other Implements, stolen from the ojtllt of a plumber who was rccontly employed In the building, tho men worked through the heavy grating In the ventilating shaft lead ing from tho temporary cell room to the roof nbovo nnd then ascended to the top or tho wall, thirty feet from the ground. They wcro found on tho wall nt 6 o'clock this morning, armed with a rope ladder and sev eral knives. Tho presence of tho nillltl outsldo the building prevented the convicts from carrying out their plan. IIKATItltK KKI'IHII.IOAX MIMI.M'KS. AY. 1. Non-run In iiuieil In Conven tion for .llii or. HEATR1CE, Neb., March 15. (Special Telegram.) The following candidates wcro named at the city republican convention hero tonight: Mayor, W. P. Xorcross; city clerk, T. H. Hurkc; city treasurer, J. I. Saunders; police Judge, J, A. Calllson; coun cllmcu, First ward, L. A. Scroggs; Second, Channlng G. Ilakcr; Third, S. Seaman; Fourth, Harvey Pauser; Fifth, II. M. Hcp perlcn; Sixth. S. S. Young. Threo members Hoard of Education, Second ward, T. M. Pemberton nnd E. G. Drake; Fourth, Dr. R. S. Albright; water commissioner, Cap tain A. H. Holllngswoith. All of tho above candidates were nomi nated by acclamation wUh the exception of the members of the Hoard of Education, which wero voted for and tho ofllco of water commissioner. Suiiilliiox nt llciHlernou. YORK, Neb., March 15. (Special.) At Henderson yesterday' It was learned that threo children of Chrlstofer Thlesen, 11 butcher, were down with smallpox and that they had been sick for two weeks, and during this time Thlesen had been selling meat to the citizens of Henderson, Dr. E. II. Ilnnna' of York shut up tho shop, de stroyed tho meat on hand and quarantined tho family. York (J u 11 ('lull. YORK, Neb., March 15. (Special.) Owing to tho high winds, good scores could not bo mado at tho shoot of the York Guu club. J. M. Ktlgore made tho best score, killing cloven birds out of fifteen. Mylo Miller was n close second, killing ten, nnd Otis Gocke, who was third, killed nine, orfolk I lly Tlel.el. .NORFOLK, Neb., March 15. (Special. ) Tho republicans have, placed the following ticket In the field: Mayor, 11. A. Pasnwalk; clerk. S. R. McFarland; pollco Judge, S. W. Hayes; treasurer, Peter Bell; members of school board, E. O. Mount and Fred Uolllngswnrtb. HluhliimlerN' I'lihllc .lire tine. BEATRICE, Neb., Mnrch 15. (Special Telegram.) The Highlanders gitve a public meeting hero last night nfter the regular business meeting to acquaint tho puhllo with tho benefits of their order. Innpecl (Jcnevn llefiirni Seliiml, LINCOLN, March 15.(Spoclal.) Tho house committee on nsylums will en la Geneva tomortow morning for the purpose of looking- Into the needB of the girls re form school at that place. lleiinlnllloii for I'lirnonn, LINCOLN. March 15. (Special.) Gov ernor Dietrich today issued a requisition on the governor of Washington for the return of Loren Parsons, wanted In Tr.cumsch to answer to 0 charge of burglary. Mull I Wnn Her Terror. "I would rough nearly nil night long," writes Mrs. Chns. Applegale of Alexandria, Ind "and could hnrdly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that If I walked n block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, hut, when all other medicines failed, Ihreo (1.00 bottleof Dr. King's Now Dlscov ory wholly cured mo nnd I gained fifty eight pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Dron ill! t Is and all Throat nnd Lung Troubles. Prlco 60c nnd 11.00. Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Wheels! Wheels! Wheels! how they go! Illdo a Deo wheel and bo In tho twlm. LOCAL BREVITIES. Tho students of the Omaha Dental college gavo n ilancliiK party nt tho OrelchUin hall, ii bout loo couples being prevent. Light refreshments were served, W. A. Hnrlcsj was nrrested Inst night on tho complaint of hi wife, who said that he eamo home drunk nnd drove her from the house. She iilleRes that I10 abused her and threatened to kill both her and her child, Horless U n gurdener mid lives ut 1S1I Mun demon street. GOULD'S PLANS ARE LARGE Recent Vliit Wai with a Purposi Worthy of His Bold Fathr. MISSOURI PACIFIC TO SURPASS ALL Willi II nn 11 Mieleiln He 1'roponrn lo Crciile llic (irenlrnl llnllronil jnteiii of Hi South n cnl. CHICAGO. March 15. The Tlmes-Herald tomorrow will say: Events of the past few weeks have made It certain that the Mis sour Pnclllc Is shortly to bcunado tho great est system of tho southwest. With the Missouri Pacific as the nucleus, a system will be built up and placed under 0110 man agement, extending from Buffalo lo New Orleans, El Paso and Salt Lake City. Such Is the plan which Is being worked out by tho Gould family, and It Is equal to the boldest scheme projected by tho lato Jay Gould. Tho latest evidence In (his respect Is the announcement that tho Goulds havo ac quired control of the Denver & Rio Grande and will soon have the Rio Grande Western. It Is also understood that tho Missouri Pa cltlc now has control of tho Missouri, Kan sas & Texas, which extends from St. Iritis, via Parsons nnd Dallas, to Galveston, nnd that the 'Frisco, extending from St. Louis south to Purls and southwest to Oklahoma, will soon be acquired by the Goulds. Ily these purchases tho Missouri Pacific will not only extend Its western limit to Ogden, hut will occupy tho mountain pass.-s to an extent that will make It difficult lor other roads lo secure Ingress on a profit able footing. The Missouri Paclfte Is In close relntlons with tho Union Pacific nnl other properties under syndicate control, and will therefore be In n position to work harmoniously west from Salt Lake City nnd El Pnso. Mr. Gould's present western trip and Inspection of railroad properties hi .mid to be tho concluding preparation for tho tnl flcatlon of this great southwestern sjstcm. This combination would make a system con sisting of 15, Sir, miles. NIPS PROJECT IN THE BUD In Mil itl o lime I'runlrnleil llenlKim of .oiiii llrollierliooil i;nuliieein. CHICAGO, March 15. The Record tomor row will say: Tho Chicago, Ilurllngton k Qutncy Railroad company Is said to havo prevented what was regarded as a schema leading to the rc-cstnhllshment of branches of tho Engineers' nnd Flromen's brother hoods on the system, over which the road scored a vlctory'In the otrlko of thirteen years ago. It leaked out yesterday that eight em ployes belonging to the Hrotherhood of Lo comotive Engineers had been found In tho servlco of the Burlington company. They wcro nsked to explain. They admitted being members of the organization, It la said. The olllclals, It Is reported, commanded the men cither to renounce allegiance to the organization -or to Icavo tho company's service. Six of the engineers, It Is said, agreed to cancel their membership In the brotherhood, but the other two left the road. Several firemen, too. It Is reported, Mfjpre brought before tho ofllclnls to answer sim ilar charges. Only one. It la found, clung to thu bruthcrhoqdnftcr the two condi tions wero mado.VrTpwn. Tho llurllngtonYbas had a ban on union firemen and criglnecraever since tho big stride! but It hapecognlzed the conduc tors' nnd brakmVn'a orders, which nro very strong on tho system. NORTHWESTERN TO WITHDRAW In One of Tmi Itomln Tluit Wnn I No More "I'renlileiitn' .14re0111e11t'' In Tlielrn. CHICAGO, March 15. Two ot the most Important western roads have given tho re quired thirty days' notlco ot withdrawal from tho presidents' agreement, which pro vides for tho pooling of the business through district committees. One of the roads Is tho Chicago & Northwestern. The nnme of tho other Is kep; secret for the present. These roads, It Is said, havo given notlco also that they will not pay any portion of tho committee's expenses. Tho action Is said to refer especially to the St, Paul and Chicago and the Kansas City and Chicago committees. The failure of these district pools or com mittee to bring about the promised main tenance of rates Is given as the causo for tho withdrawal of the two roads. It Is understood that the advisory conunltteo of finance, of which E. H. Hariiman Is the chairman, hereafter will sec that no mora secret rate-cutting Is practiced. Muy Kxleml i Slonx City. SIOUX CITY. March 15. (Special.) Much Interest Is being taken here In tho report that tho Rock Island will extend Its Guthrlo Center branch to Sioux City. I(t is thought posslhle thnt tho Rock IslanO may niuko a connection with thu St. Louis, Iowa Dakota road In thu cxt renin north eastern corner of Audubon1 county, Just south of Carroll county. From this point of union tho St. I.quIb, Iowa & Dakota survey cuts across tho southwest corner of Carroll county, clips tho northeast corner of Crawford county nnd runs through Ida nnd Woodbury rountlcs Into Sioux City. There has been talk of an alliance between these two lines for somo time. Captain T. P. Gere, president of the St. Louis, Iowa Dnkotn road, sold: "The coming of the Rock Uland to Sioux City would ho of enormous advantage." COFFKli DID IT. Ami I'onliim I'ixhI Coflee llfiuuveil It, "1 finally found It wns coffeo that rutised me, for tho past four years, to havo such trouble with my health, with fainting spells, dizziness und constipation, that tho doctor told me I was llablo to die of heart failure any time. I wns very thin, weak and sallow, and 11 sick woman. "Husband concluded that coffeo was tho trouble. After hearing of Postum Food Cotfeo he Induced mo to try It. That was six months ago when I mado tho change, and tho result has been something won derful, "1 have not had to use an enema, nor had any troublo with my bowels since, nor hnvo I hud one fainting spell, and I he palpitation nnd dizziness have all disap peared, "During tho Intense heat of the summer, when peoplo usually lose weight, I was gaining. I now weigh ten pounds more than I havo weighed In ten years, nnd my peoplo tell mu I look younger than I did ton yours ago. "Our whole family uso Postum and llko It better than Java or any other coffee. Wo shall never uso any other coffeo as long ns we can get Postum. "I know how to niako good Postum, but thnt Is easy It one will just boll It long enough, "A short time ago an old lady, who Is a great euffeo drinker, tojik dinner with us and remarked about our coffee; said she never tasted better coffee; she did not know It was Postum. "If you should publish this, please omit my name. I will, however, answer nny questions cheerfully." Mrs, . Full nnmo nnd address given by (he Postum Cereal Co,, Ltd., Dattlo Creek, Mich. You will surely get thinner and thinner, until at last you are starved to death. Grass won't answer, although it is good for the horse. You must have a food suitable to your needs. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a hair food. It won't take the place of grass or of bread. It is good for the hair, and that is all. It feeds the hair with hair food. The hair can't keep from growing. It stops falling out because it is hearty and strong. And the old color is restored to gray hair; all the rich, dark color it used to have. ' A year ago my hair was coming out very fast. I bought a bottle of Aver's Hair Vigor lo stop thi It not only stopped the falling of my hair, but made it grow very rapidly, until now it is .(5 inches in length and very hick. Mrs. A. BoYDsro.N, AtchUon, Kan, One dollar a bottle. All druggists. AGAINST PLATT AMENDMENT Onbii'i Committee on Foreign Relation! Do cidei to Opposs Acceptance. NEAT GIFT FOR GOVERNOR WOOD Co m in 1-ri n I I'lreninn'n llrRHnlr.ul Ion l'rrnrntM n llntcliet Knilielllnlieit nllli Ilex I mi Sl(tn:ileiint of 11 I'liileelorule. HAVANA, March 15. The committee on foreign relations held nnothcr private moot ing this afternoon. Sonar do Qucsuda. one of the members, says the committee agreed unanimously that tho Plutt amendment In Its present form could not be accepted and that a roport to this effect would bo sub mitted to tho constitutional convention. He nlso asserts that tho committee Is assured of the support of twenty-eight delegates. Monday next the committee will meet again, when Individual opinions on tho question will bo died, to be Incorporated later Into tho final report. The Intention of the committee Is not to make a final re port for Bomo time, but Scnor de (lucsadn declares tbat this delay will not weaken tho determination of Its members not to accept the Piatt amendment as it stands. The Commercial Flromen's organization, representing some of tho best families In Havana, has presented to Governor General Wood n fireman's hatchet, Inlaid with gold, and a diploma certifying to his election ns chief of the corps. The presentation Is sig nificant of tho feeling among the conserva tive clement. At the top ot the diploma appears tho American eagle, with outspread wings, and below Is an American flag wind ing about tho coat-of-arms of tho United States and Cuba. Tho design evidently signifies a protectorate, a reception fol lowed the presentation. HnvliiH 11 Hun 011 (.'liniiiltcrlnln' Couwli Ileinrdj. "Our druggists havo had such a run on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that they havo bad to older more and today there Is none In the town. I went for a bottle this morning and the druggist said: 'Chamber lain's goes quicker than any other kind.' " says II. Goddard, Edgomont, S. Dak, Thero Is good reason foi Its popularity. No othor remedy will loosen and relievo n cold so quickly. No other will prevent a cold or an attack of the grip from resulting In pneu monia. No othor Is moro pleasant or safo to take. For sale by all druggists. MORE VISITORS AND GAYER A ml I tor 1 11 111 IiuIiimI 1I11 1 KmionMIhii llrimn Cromln nnd All Find It 11 .Snllnfnrtory Aniiineiuonl. Another substantial Incrense wes noted In the attendanco at tho Auditorium Indus trial exposition last night. Thero was nlso noted 11 corresponding swell In tho prevail ing spirit of gaiety and the apparent enjoy ment that tho visitors appeared to bo get ting out ot their presence at thu big show. None of tho exhibitors complained of niiy lack of attention, the various devices pro vided for tho general amusement, and In cidentally for tho fattening of the Audi torium fund, were freely nnd enthusiastic ally patronized, nnd the vaudeville perform ance seemed to nfford everybody a great deal of genulno pleasure. ! Tho competition for the $100 typewriting machine to bo voted to the most popular young woman stenographer of the city en joyed n spurt during tho evening, nnd great rivalry before the expoal tlon closes. A good many of the young men are becoming Interested In this oppor tunity to win a valuable present for somo favorite and began boosting tho voto modestly. When the evening's festivities closed the voto stood as follows: Kstello tlccchci, 32; Fny Pardunn, 29; Norn'Umer son, It; Mnrcaret Cullen, 12; Mils Itelch ardt, 10; Miss Flnley. S; Miss Sheeloy, 8; JcsbIc Flowers, 4; Kllzabcth Van Sant, 3; Ola Warrhlmo. 3: Misses Hunt, Grny. O'Noll und Jacoby, 1 each, Prizes were awarded nt the eloso of tho evening as follows: Flno landscape picture, T. M. Williams; box of cigars, II. A. Han sen; two packages wheut manna. C. F. Nlehart; two packages pancako flour, M. M. Hobbs; two packages Gem self-rulslng buckwheat lloui, Mrs, Herford; parkago of Star toda, Mrs. Wormley; "Stories of the Thirteen Colonies," Miss McLnln; bottle of perfumr, Menn Parish; package of Pearllnn, F. W. Illnne; can of lacto. Annie Hurg; packago of fatlna, Mrs. Thomas Gregorys package of codfish tablets, Mrs. J. L. Vesey; "Carrie Nation" hatchet, Mn. It. H. Goo wey. The Tlvoll peg pool record marked up to 2.2CU the previous cveulug by Will Ilorton, Ask your druggist first. If he cannot supply you, send us one dollar and we will express a bottle to you. He sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. A VKK CO., Lowell, Mass. SRND FOR OUR HANDSOME BOOK ON THE HAIR. The APRIL THE MART A ,M A G Ak Z I K E 1 Is OUT TO-DAY. It Con.ta.i11s Ma-ny Good Things. All Hook ami News Dealer Sell It. "A TRAINING IN CLEANLINESS IS A FORTUNE." COMPLETE YOUR EDUCATION WITH SAPOLIO IYlMIrillSRJ' 1 I titans nil li.Ai!ivilnv'oriilchL cio vuullzer. tno prrchptlnn or a famous iwnrupiiysician, win qiiimir tmo . . nervous or dliPiw uf Hie KPiicratlve organs, such a' I.ot ."tlinlHc, snnuiiinin. I'ulnn In Itio Huck, ISrmliiul KuiIhIuu, Nrrvoua Debility, IMmnle ir.fii..... . mmw .... (....(Ma Vnrirnn,iiniiil jonailiinilon. leivls 10 Bnernilorrlia''a and nil tli iinrror ot impotrncy. i'lll'l IlKNIJclesiiMstt Hver.lliB kliini'Vinucl tho urinary orciiui of sit InimirlUcs. VUl'IDENUstreDgtbeiis andrestoressmall wealc omntn. , , ThorcAon sulTrrors are not cured by Doctors tsbecsnseOO percent nro troubled with ProiMHila. C0PID1ONE the only known remedy tu euro without nn operation. MO tintlniniilnls. A written KiumntooRlvon and money returned If flhoiea does not effect a permanent cure. ,Unhox,sior, by mall, hend fnr kiieu circular nml testlmonlr's. Address DA vol Ml'.iiieiKl! ;.. i o. I" wra. Pan Fnmcfcmo. Cat. VOB SALE) UY HYISnS-niLLOlV KlUIO CO.. 18TU AND VAIINAM. j was wiped out by Thick Keith, lato base balll magnate, who nhot tho mark up to an even j 2,500 out of a posrlblu pcoro of li.lOO. This 1 game Is finding folluwors. I'nlcss Huck Keith's record Is beaten thlu evening he will win n handsome prize. It will bo children'', dny at tho exposition today, aftornoon and ovehlngr all children under 12 years old being admitted for ft cents. Superintendent Glllen will havo In placo this evening a neat conrclt manufac tured by Gub llcnzc, artificer for tho Knights of Ak-Snr-ncn. It Is n miniature . . I. ..11.11..,. ntwl Will )0 1110(101 nullum iuui milium, - 1 handsomely Illuminated. Mra. MacMurphy will domonBtrnto tonight I In her model kitchen, her menu bolng nple j iniiv mnvnnmilso lind bread sticks. The' demonstration will continue from 7 o'clock until 0:30. A big attendance Is anticipated tonight and a sewing machine is hung up ns tho first prize. I0WANS WIN AT BASKET BALL Mi.iiv tily llcfeiitu Onmliii Hi'Kiiliirn lib 11 Score nf l! ! IB 'I'm n Oilier l out (. Three fast and liiteicHtlim gaine of ' bas ket bull were played at the Yoi.iik Men m Christian association gymnasium '" Tho nno In which greatest Interest 11 terod wiih between tho UegulaiH ot Oiniiba V...1 i v fllv. The visiting team won by a Hcore of 15 to 12. The cnnteHt wa ,1 elo-e "iilliiiHlnHin on the part of (lie large r..d " LasT'liiKlTrH game was tin- fourth In the HorleH wit Hloiis City and left tin- rare for the rliiimpbmshlii a tie. eneli team hiiv. lug v in "v,i games. In the n her guinea l ie Work" ng Hoys won from Hon h (Jmnlm with 11 Henri of l'i t " i'"'1 ""' ProfeKHniN heal the Illgl school team 15 to 12. The ilneup of the ihrei gaim-H and Hie details of the Omulm-Sloux City conieai ioiiiih. Hloux City. I'oulthin Omiilui. Miller Aloner .Moulin Ciiininln Hope Purrott-Bchlll. Forwa rd Forward ...Center... . . lllllKqueHt Htcmm I layse .. Gunrd 11,4,11,, ...,,,,,.. fl.i,. ...I K'uvlllp. l.. 1, .Monegtinn '.Hiibstltutes. Anderson. Owens Goals from Hold: Mnser. Miller 12k Moulin, Hayes 12). Goals from foul: Miller nil. Ktuinui is). J'onis: umaiia, si, ritoux City, South Omuha Hoberts I'owel Position. V (Jilting Hoys. Forwuril Willard Forward Kniler renter .. . .....Willard ..lifvvioii-Btemni I'rofesHors. .Haskell-PenrHe Morrison . . . WIlllllIIlH Heniillst-iJisoii uuaru . High School. Position. llall-I.elimer..... Forward Packard Center l,.lli. . llimril tiiHrlngton Guard Ilerustelii 1 Thompson Hubstltiitos .. Mliuy-ltuue) luilily lo lime ,i'M i'rlnl. PllillltIC, S. I)., March 15. (Special Telo. 1 gram.) The supremo court today grantee j an application for a writ of error In the I case of tho Stutc against Herbert 1). Caddy, I with tho hearing set for April 3. Caddy Is serving a twenty-year sentence on the charge of robbery, for which lie was sen , teoced from Luwrency county, Number of O I Cl.Ji VI! KNKSS 0 IMCO I Vjr L TLI Kr-rt VrKf I. rrpvtntsniilckiieiKif disclinrire, which If not chrekfd PERFECT MEN. lileetrlclty, properly applied, It n rebulMcr of weak anJ ihatlereJ Nervous stems, a maker of pun blood and sound muscles .1 le- storer of perfect vigor and ii vitality. 1 heresrenofjllures a; 1 I unril lh lwt nnrt of mv llli: to peili.tMyUd trie Ilelt und know It will cure every form cf Wuak Nl.sS In men and women make them Strong and Vic nnius. js Nature Intended lliey should be. You take no , rhance. 11 my lieu laus 10 cure jou I will refund ecry cent you pay for II. DK. BCNNETTS ELECTRIC DELT Has saved many a Weak person It will not fall In your caw. My Melt ii en tirely different from other hells and must not be com pared with them. It has soft, silken chamois covered spoice tlrctrufes whlrhrannot burn and t lister a: do the bare metil elettindes used on all oilier makes of t ells. My b.lectrlc Ilelt ran he renewed when burred out for oniy 75c, when 1 thus burnoul ihey areworlh less. I guaranlee my lielltocure nil Weaknesses In either sex. Varicocele isiore Nerve Vitality and Vigor cure Pheum.iilsm In any form, Kidney, Liver and llladder Troubles, Lonstlpallnn. Stomach Dis orders. General Petlllty, all I finale Complaints, etc Write to day for my hook. "The HnJlng ol the lunt.ln of I'ternal Youth," Sent free, rosipald, for the asking. Hook will tell youall oboulll. Sold only by DR. BENNFTT FWiric. Belt Co. Ilooilli IS lo -t DimikIiih llloeU', Undue nml Kllli Street. Iliniilwi, Nrli. Always Open. DeWITT'S Witch Hazel SALVE h well known cure for Piles Tlilssnlvc cannot lie equalled wherover asonlhltiK'autl liciillng aiitlsoptlcappll citlon Is necdetl. It milckly cures Bores, cut?, Inims and scalds without, leaving a icar. For piles, eczema and all skin diseases It Is considered Infallible Beware of Counterfeits Unscrupulous persons may olTer you worthless Imitations. Take only tho or iKlnul DkWitt'b Witch HazblSalvk Prepared by C. C. DeWITT ft CO., Chlcaac WILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Htoulitor, SilaasdSurs. Never Falls. Drugglitt or by Mill. Price, $2 Send tor Woman's Safeguard (free), WILCOX MED, CO., 320 N. 18th 81., Phlli., Pa. Bold by Bhcrnian & McConnell Drug Co, Or