0 TUB OMAHA DAILY 1M3I3: SUNDAY, MAHCII 10, 1001. 0 WILL NOT TAKE .PRISONERS low Board of Control RoTerm.Deciiioni Concerning Nibuiku Oonricts. MILITARY EXAMINATIONS ARE STRICT Dentil of De .Moines College Jinn jlncrnliee to llntr Stntc Conven tionFarmer (lula i:iulitcirtt .Month fur Pitrrlclde, DES MOINES, March 0. tSpeclal.) The State board 'of Control, having charge ot tbo various atatu Institutions, this after noon reached a final decision In tho mat ter of affording temporary quartern for ftomo of tho convlcta left homeless by the burning of the penitentiary Rt Lincoln. The board has reconsidered Its former decision and will not accept any of tho convicts. This Is done becauso the board desired not to set a precedent which would be trouble some and which would bring upon the board much criticism. Whllo tho board reached the conclusion that It has tho undoubted right to make a contract for caring for Nrbruska prisoners, It would not bo good policy to do ho. It would necessitate an Increaso of tho guards and attendants rit the Iowa penitentiaries and there Is no provision for this, Tho wholo proceeding would bo Irregular and would certainly subject tho board to criti cism, Inasmuch as there are many who are seeking an opportunity to crltlclso the board for various reasons. Tho Nebraska authori ties have been nodtlcd of this decision. It was nlso learned that there Is a probability that Nebraska will not care to send the prisoners nut of tho state. Tho Hoard of Control has employed Trof. W. It. Patterson of tho chnlr of sociology In tho Iowa Statu university to prepare the statistical tables for the annual report of the board to tho legislature. Ho was em ployed for this work Inst year. Military I'.tiiinliinllnn. The military board which examined the first class of elected ofilcerH in Guard com panies for recommendations as to commis sioning them, made a leport toduy, but re' fused to glvo out tho natnos of thosu who passed and tboso who did not. Thcro were ten In the class; six passed nnd will bo commissioned, two failed, one was passed conditionally and ono .will nppcar ngnln for examination. It was expected that all who had been elected would bo found competent, but tho board gavo them n rigid examina tion and rejected entirely two who had been elected to company offices. The effect will bo to make rompiinlcs more ccraful about the election of ofllcers, nnd those who nro olocted w)U bo moro careful to preparo themselves for tbolr positions. Tho next examination will he In April. Adjutant General Ilyers will gd to Wlnterset Monday to muster In Company (5 of the Fifty-first regiment. Shorten llniilr to ClilrilK". Two Important railroad extensions In the eastern part of Iowa appear to be more than probable this year. Tho llurllngton has In contemplation a new line from Mount Pleasant, through Muscatine to Datenport, for tho purpose of making a shorter routo from Omaha to Chicago than at present. Tt Is said that the construction of this line would glvo tho Durllngton n half-hour shorter run for thq ,fast mall train. The Milwaukee also proposes tho construction of a short line between Ottutriwa nnd Dav enport to shorten Its route from Kansas City to Chicago materially. Dentil of Collrm- .Mini. I'rof. J. M. Mohan, for many years thu president of the Capital City Commercial college In thlH city and known In thi state as n leading, educator, died at a 'sanitarium in this city today, after an Illness ot nearly six months, llv was also n newspa per man and correspondent for a number ot newspapers In the state. Mlni'M Aurei' on Wiiki Sciilc. The Joint conference of mlnorM and ml no operators ut Ottumwa came to a clone this nttortioon and resulted In an ngrecmunt on tho scale. The lust matters to be considered woro tho prlco of coal to miners for their own use, nnd this was left as In other years, " at costi nnd nlso tho wage for hoisting en gineers, etc. The Inst few dnys of tho con ference woro devoted entirely to considera tion of minor mutters, as It had been evi dent all week that an agreement would be comparatively easy on the main points to bo settled. lint II .lllllM'llllt'KN III Mt'Ot. Tbo Iowa Maccubces hold a state con vention In Des Moines next week, beginning Thursday, nnd It Is expected tbero will be 200 or 30(1 delegates here. Tho order bus been growing rapidly In Iowa tho past few years nnd now numbers about 5,200 In tho state. Thero nre two uctlve cnndiilutes for state commander nnd several for tho minor olllces. Tho candidates for state commander nre J. M. KrmerltiB of Des Moines und I. A. Ilnwley ot Marshalltown. The former Is temporarily filling tho po sition of state commnndcr by appointment and tho latter has been stnto representa tive for sovernl years. Thero nro four candidates for representative, J. O. Wooloy. Council muffs; F. W. Mnrsholl, Sioux City! 1'aut StBlnmetz, Muscntlno, and F. T. Lynch, Ottumwn. i Wiik ii Pnriner Tliut Wit Killed, Tho nnrae of tho man who was killed yes terdny morning on tho Northwestern rail road between Des Moines and Ames wns Aaron Sleppy. a farmer living In Story county. Mr. Sleppy whb walking down tho track Intending to visit bis brother-in-law, Henry Sills, who lives near tho town ot Kelly. He hnd just Hold n lot ot mules nnd Intended'golng to Oklahoma to look for n location, He leaves n wife nnd ten child ren. Judge Church In tho district court at MEN CURED Our Vacuum Organ Developer cures where tlTcrythiug nlso fails and linpii is dead. It re Hores small, weak organs, lot power, falling kinnliood, drains, errors of youth, etc. Stria tum and Varloooele permanently cured in 1 to I weeks. No Oruas to ruin the stomsrh. No Electric 'ielts to IdUter nud burn. Onr Vacuum l)e teloperUnlocnl treatment applied directly to Hie weak and disordered imrts. It gives trength nnd development wherever uppHed, Old men with lost or fulling manhood, or tbo "onn nnd middle neI who an reaping the re alts of youthful errors, oxccm or over work nre Hilckly restored to hKnlth uud strength. Our linrvHloiis npiillnnrn hat aitoiilihe.l the entire "til. Hundreds of leading phyn IcUns in tho I ultod Suites nro now reooinmendluuour nppll unco in the severest rases where every other inown dovlro has failed. Yon will tee and fiwl its benefit fro-n the first nf for it l nnpltrid directly nt the seat nf the u Nor. It wakei uu difforenco how kuvero tho Itockwell City tentenrrd Henry Wlltox. found guiily of killing his father, to eighteen months In the penitentiary and to pay a fine of $300. The young man killed his father. A. J Wilcox, in a quarrel nnd tho testimony showed that tho father was very fiuarVelsomo an,j very abusive to Mis family. Tho Jury bad recommended the prisoner to the mercy of tho rourt. A pe tition Is In Circulation asking that the gov ernor pardon Wilcox nnd not permit 'nlm to go to tho penitentiary and It Is receiving many signatures. IOWA CO AMNIOS ADJOURN i;ievfii llnj'n' Ni-ftftlon Comes lo did nlh it SviiIp Aureed I'lMIII. OTTUMWA, la., March 10. After an eleven dnys' session the convention of Iowa coal miners and mine operators camo to an end nt 1 o'clock this morning, n scale for tho coming yenr having been agreed upon. Though the miners did not gain their con tention for n sculo on tho mine-run baslj, nil of, flic changes mado In the existing sculo nro snld to bo in their' favor. Tho hoisting engineers nre Included In tho scuU for tho first time. Another clause In serted In the new scale provides that there shall bo no discrimination against miners who refuse to trade nt "company" stores or live In "company" houses. PROHIBITS RUM AND DEBT tJreirt M'exlern Orders Cm ilo e to He Alifitetiilotift mill I'll)- Their Hills. ( DUni'QUK, la.. March ';. The superin tendent of the Dubuque division of tho Chi coga Orent Western Hallway company has Issued n sweeping order to employes which hns caused n sensation. In effect It pro hibits them from using Intoxicating liquor, whether on or off. duty, nnd the penalty for any violation of this rule Is tho Immedlalo discharge of tho offender. The order nlso communds nil employes to pny their honest debts ami uny failure to do so will cause their Immediate- discharge, unless a rea Bimpblo excuse can bo given. lien .Molar to .Must-ill I lie. OHIN.NKLL, la., Mnrch 9. Tho Des Mollies, town City & Eastern Hallway association, which proposes to build a rail road from Des MolneSi to Muscatine, via Iowa City, wus formed here today with these officers: l'rcsldent, Oeorgo W. Unit of Iowa City; vice president, A. F. Heybtirn of Montezuma; second vice president. Miles Ward of Dos .Moines; secretory, A. C. Star of Des Moines, treasurer und general man ager, I). II. Lyons of Des Mollies. , C0NSUEL0 SNUBS MONACO Unfiles Does .Not I, Ike 1 1 In Trinle mill L'sen 1 I it I it l.miKiiiiKc In Itejeet liiHT 111 Courtrnlen. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) I'AItlS, March 9. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho young duchess of Marlborough, who, after passing a few days by herself In I'arls, Joined tho W. K. Vnnderbllt party at Monte Carlo, has Just created an enormous sensation by snubbing tho prince of Monaco with such severity that even Consuelo's most fervent admirers feel compelled to blame her mildly. The prince, whoso yacht was detained at Marseilles by tho great strike of dock hands, telegraphed to Monte Carlo asking the women managers to postpone the char ity fair two days, because hn wished to attend tho opening. Lcnrnlng that the younjj duchess hud arrived, he also tele graphed her, requesting that sho would ac cept u booth and nttend supper tho samo night aboard Ills yacht, tho I'rlncess Alice. . The duchess-tilhhnot deign to answer per sonally, but sent curt regrets through her secretnry. Ab soon' ns he reached Monaco the little autocrat demanded explanations through the marchioness of Anglesy, a friend of both parties. Consuelo answered suavely: "Tell him that, prince though ha Is, thcro nre some people who object to assoclute with a gambling hell keeper." l'rlnco Albert, who, tinpercclved, hnd strolled toward the ladles to get his an swer, heard tho romark and turned on his heel, exclaiming disdainfully; "What a silly little purventio this girl Is." Mnny Americans', who, whllo professing to" despise the prince among themselves, love to hover about titled people, are plnccd In the dreadfully embarrassing situ ntlon of hnvlug to cut the Vnndorbllt Marlborough party or incur tho prince ot Monaco's dlsplesure. Meunwhlle Consuelo Is stopping at the Hotel Hermitage. She walks nnd drives about, attends tho Casino concerts and Is seen everywhere. Sho passes tho prince twenty times dally, Just ns much at ease as If she, not he, owned tho principality. . EMPEROR IS OUT OF DANGER I iiforOinnle In ItecrlviiiK Wound on Hume Ship of Knee in llln Hellenic P.ur. (Copyright, 11W1, by Press Publishing Co.) UEltLIN. Mnrch 9. (Now York World Ca blegrum Special Telegram.) Tho emperor Is now out of danger. The wound Itself was not serious, but by on unfortunate fatality he received It on tho, samo side of face as his dellcnto ear. Tho doctors fenred hi Jhuuuiatlon might uffect tho ear passages, In which event tho consequences might easily be of the gravest character. This danger Is now believed to have passed, but until the chances of Inflammation hgd gone It was n very anxious time for the emperor. Not sntlstted with tho eplleptla explana tion of Wicland's act, he has ordered the fullest possiblo Inquiries Into the man's an tecedents, companions and Influences, bo llovlng ho may havo been Instigated lo the net by an anarchist playing on his weak Intellect. Without Drugs or Electricity by Our Vacuum Organ Developer- ' No Cure No Ray 75,000 IN USE NOT ONE FAILURE NOT ONE RETURNED cfo or how long standing, It Is ns suro to yield to our treatment u thu mm Is to rlw. The blood is the life, tho fertiliser of the liu man body. Our Initrument forces the blood Into circulation where most needed, wiving strength and dwrelopmcnt to weak nud lifeless lwirts. The acuum Organ Developer was first Introduced In tho stand1, g nnnles of Karopn a fnw years ago by the French specialist. Do Uout, nnd its rem,.r'ablo success in theso countries od tho Loci Applianro Co. to -jecure tlie exclusive control lunula on Urn Western Continent! andeinco Its Introduction Into this country its remnrkable cures imvo astounded Uio entire medical profession. It hns restored thousands of cams pronounced Incurable by physicians. It cures quickly, harmlessly, nud without detention from usiness, llemember tbero is no exposure, no C.O.D. or any other wllonio in our dealing with the public. rite for free particulars sent sealed In plain envoloiw. LOCAL APPtlANCE COMPANY, 74 Charles Oulldlnf, Denver, Colorado. UNDER OLD APPORTIONMENT Eouth DkoU Will Work Along It. Existing Linn. HOUSE REJECTS SENATE AMENDMENTS t'aiinl Horseplay of l.eulitn 1 1 e Mus lim: MkIiI Curries the rNtlou (licr Into the I'.nrt) Morning Hours, 1'IERKE, S. D March 9. (Special Tclo gram.) The usual horseplay ,of a -closing night was carried on last night while wait InK for bills to bo ensrossed and the con ferees on the apportionment bill to report. The report was not reudy until 2 o'clock this morning, nnd ns It was reported back it was changed to a call for forty-five sena tors and ninety-eight representatives. The senate after it short discussion shut off by the previous question ndoptcd the report by. a vote of 27 to 17. The report then went to tho house, wluro It wns re jected. 16 to 30. An attempt nt recon nldcratlon avus mado on tho pnrt of other members of the house nntl-coinblne, but beforo the roll call Heath moved adjourn ment without day, which carried, nnd tho state will work under the old apportionment until tho next session. The senate adjourned ns soon as It learned of the action of the house on tho apportionment bill. SUES JUSTICE AND CONSTABLE 1 .Nolo to I'll)' for it Hinder Involves Socrnl In Clnlni for ln mil Kn. SIUOX KAL.I.S, S. D.. March 0. (Special.) Justice Mclleu, Constable Stone and 1211 Jones, all residents of Valley Springs, this (MInnchahn) county, tiro the defendants In a danuiKo suit Instituted by a young man named Smith. The suit, for J5.000 damagen, Is the outgrowth of some charges mado a day or two ago by Smith. lie alleges that 1211 Jones, who Is tho holder of a note signed by him and given n number of years ago to secure tho payment of the purchaso prlco of u binder, had him nrrestcd becauso ho refused to pay tho note. Constable Stone served the wnrrant ami Smith was taken before Justice Mellcn, who is accused of forcing him to trial beforo he could pro cure counsel to defend him. Smith further alleges that after he had been hqld to appear at the next term of cir cuit court, and being unable to furnish bonds, he wns about to bo taken to jnll when a proposition was mndc to him that If ho would sign n note for $80 tho case against hlin would bo dropped. Ilnther than go to Jail, ho says, ho compiled, and was Immediately released from custody. .Uu has engaged n firm of Sioux Falls attorneys to prosecute tho suit against the Valley Springs men. IMMENSE IRRIGATION CANAL To Ho Mlxty-rivc .Mile In l.oiiKtli Hacked l tlnuiliii Chii- ItllllNtH. COI)V, Wyo., March 8. (Spcclul.Jp-Worlt hns commenced on an Immense Irrigation canal, In Hlg Horn county, tho water to bo taken from the Shoshono river near Isha wood. Tho ditch will run In an easterly direction down tho river to tho Ocrmanlan brunch north of Durllngton. Tho cauul will hp sixty-five miles In length. The enter prise Is backed by Omaha capitalists. ' I'nlilli! ttviuiiliior. HURON, S. I)., March 9. (Special.) Tho otnee of public examiner has been turned over by Oehcral Maris Taylor of this elty to his successor, I Ton. II. N. Cooper ot Can ton, who Is now hero preparing to transfer tho office to Canton., IRISH STRUGGLESIN COMMONS Alilormnii t'roiin mill Julnr Dillon Tell of tho HITcet on Their I'nrly. (Copyright, 1901, by l'ress Publishing Co.) LONDON, Mnrch 9. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Alderman Eugcno Crean, member of Parliament for Southeast Cork, nnd twice mayor of Cork City, was tho first member ever removed from tho House of Commons hy the police. Ho has written for the World tho follow ing account of his surprising strugglo last Wednesday morning ngnlnst tremendous odds: The first Intention of the police was to begin with. Mlchnel Flavin, but ho wns n formidable looking person and sitting near tho middle of tho bench, whereas I was thin, wenk looking nnd slttlnir In n corner sent, thoy returned In my direction. llntrlck Mcltugh, M. IV. of North Letrlin, who was seated on the step besldo me. In stantly linked ah arm In mine, whllo I llnnly griiBpcd the sent with both hands. I was determined not to go whllo my strength lasted. Two of the House of Commons nttcudnnts got behind and grasped mo under tho urms; ono policeman xelzed me by the coat collar, another policeman put nu urpt around my body from the' front nnd two moro crught each leg, but they failed to move me, try ns they might. My colleagues wore cheering and Mclltigh wns nsslstlng mo to retain my place. This tiiKKlncr lasted. I am told, four min utes und the fat policemen were hweMIng and blowing like grlimpuseH, but on'.nx to the cramped position in which they were placed tney couiu not exert all tliejr strength, while tho policemen pulling my body nnd legH helped to neutralize the If rce of those tugging ut tho back of my neck. Inspector Senntlcbury was then advised by tho sergennt-ut-nrms to get mure men. Sctintlebury himself advanced, leaned across McIIiigh and caught my collar from ono side. At tho same moment MoIIugh chucked Heantlcbury under the throat, 'the Intter lost his balance and fell on Malluh, who then lost his grip on ule. Itesonta I'ollooiiiiin'a l.niluiiiiue. I suddenly swayed us a consequence, niv hold loosened nnd I wus lifted bodily. At tho same moment ono policeman gave my right leg ii vicious twist, using un abom inable expression. I lot out nnd gavo him a bard kick In the chest nnd If 'hey had not hnd the support ot the bench behind tho whole convoy would have toppled r.h the Moor. That was the only act ot violence tn my part. I was then borno by eight or t- n of iheui down to the lloor and nut .f thi door Into the members' lobby, where they wuro glad enough to put mo on my feet, ns they were gasping for breath. Thy all hnd their heavy ovcrcouts on. I was then ltd to tho cloak room. My knee where tt wns twlPied 'a badly swollen, nil my right nlde Is bruised und black and blue, but no oono wvn iiir.Ucn. I am prepared lo -nako the samo piotest tomorrow again If necessary, but I beilevo llalfnur and bis gang have go? n le3son that will benellt them for some time. UUOF.NK CHf.AN Fllflit In (ilnilittoiio'K l)ny. Alderman Crean also , played n nntablo part In the famous free fight In tho House of Commons, when UrTtdstono closured tho torles on the homo rule bill In 1893. Colonel Sanderson hit out at Crean, who countered with n sharp blow; on the colonel's Jaw, which not only suiuced for him, but pre vented him from being oblo to talk for a w eek. John Dillon, M. 1.. cx-chalrman of the Irish party, has given the World the fol lowing statement on tho effect on tho Irish party ot tho new penal rules: This rule will not nllenco us, Our policy Is one of vigilant activity and bus jilready told with startling effect In the House of Commons. The government Is on the de fensive, not we. , As the result of Wednes day morning's occurrence, wo welcomed debate on the new rulo because It ennbled us to explain the monstrous provocttlon under which our men acted and ulso en abled us to explode the myth that only Irish members defy the chtilr In Wtt twenty Kngltsh torles on th home rule bill dlfl precisely what our men did. Wero tho police called In to eject them t MILLIONS Have Been Wrecked on the Rock of Sexual Vice. Thousands Have Been Rescued by The State Elecro-Medical Institute. Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of Both Medicine and Electricity in Our Electro Medical Treatment. Specialists for I iniiko no otriivnunii iisxrrtloii ulirn I ny thnt million., of men that thoy net iIIkciikc, lull rather Hint (lie tillim It In una w uric t Ii ronn for nine-tenth of (In nliirerlllK. Von hIioiiIiI roiuomhi'r Hint nptiiiiI iIIxoiisom nro not or nt n mhihI foiitrol llioni or thoy itlll control jiiii mill romlor ou ntlerl mill I for I SpoclllOM mid I'ree siimiilen. Trlul Trent inentM mill tho lll.'c ilnn'l euro nut ir on him- utit nt r,i,i:, vnticTi hi:, tv;hh s humid io 5 on one It to oneself to full) mill soon after Krniliiiitlnu from enlleue, porilMimt p met lee. I trout nothliiu; line It not ooonr to on, then, lirnctlllonor, it hn. Initoiul of oniieonf VARICOCELE AND ITS NEW CURE Whatever may hp th eause of Varicocele, lt IlljlirloJH effect Ih well known. It depress tho mind, weakens tin tiody, nicks the nervotiB system nmi ultimately leads to a complete loss of sexual power. If you nre a victim of this lire dNensn come to out olllce and let me explain tn you my process of tretitlnK It Von will then not wonder why I linvo positively cured hundreds of ciihcb ot vnrlcoceio durltiK the past 12 months, fnder our trentment the patient Improves from tne very bcRlnnlni;. All pain Instantly ceases. Soreness and swelllnK uulckly sulisldo. The pools of stuKtiant lilood nro forced from the dilated veins, which rapidly as sume their nnrmnl size, strength nnd soundness. All Indications of disease nnd weakness vanish completely nnd In their stead como tho pride, tho power nnd tho ploasure of perfect health nnd restored manhood. CONTAGIOUS On ncount of Its frlKhttul hldeoisness di nnn nnicnii contnuious mood roi- DLUUU rUIOUIl son Is commonly called tho klilB of venetcul diseases. It may tie either hereditary or contracted. Once the system Is tainted with It, the disease, mav manifest Itself In the form of Rcrofuln, Eczema, Rheuma tic pains, stiff or swollen Joints, eruptions or copper-colored spots on face or body, little ulcers In the mouth or on tho toncue, tore throat, swollen tonsils, fall- STATE ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE, frermatiently Located 1308 Fariiam Street, Omaha, Neb. CONSULTATION 1,1 Pers(m 0r by Letter FREE. Office Hours, 8 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 1. Not ut nil. Tho chairman surrendered to them. Commits (irossost llntrime. Ono of their members. Iluyes Klsher, committed tho grossest "outrage. lie grasped a llticrnl member by tho neck from behind uud tried to throw him from tho bench to tho lloor. There wns no provo cation for this other than nn Kngllsh tory wus disciplined. Wns a new penal rulo Introduced to punish his delimit tory col league? Not nl nil. Ho wan rewarded with a place In tho tory government, which ho still holds, while among tho torles who delled the chair, some. Including Austin Chamberlain, wero similarly rewarded, When Irish members; transgress hi less degree ah the result of a sudden ebullition of feeling, under Intolerable provocation, whereas tho tory action woh deliberately planned every engine of the llrltlsh gov ernment and llrltlsh press is Invoked to brand tho conduct with odium. This proves what Itcdmond said, that tho rule was not directed against disorder, but against the Irish members. Hut this attempt has recoiled on their own heads with n vengeance, If It should happen that any Irish members vdioulcl be penalized under tho now rulo and suspended for tho reason, they can resign their seat, get re-elected, present themselves nguln ut tho bar and the llrltlsh Parliament must accept them or disfranchise their constituents. Hut tho ministers know n disfranchised Ireland would be'far moro dlUlc.ult to deal with than uu enfranchised ono. They nro getting Into un lmposslhlo position uud they know It. Tho members of the Irish party wero never belter pleased or In better form than tciduy. JOHN IJIM,ON, WOMAN'S 0ASTLE OF DEATH Sho Imports Ho .Many Consumptive that tbo Wrntli of tho Town Is, Aroused, (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 9. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Tho people of the thriving, busy town of Mmoges, whence is shipped much of tho finest table porcelain used In thu UnJted States, aro up in arms against Mile, du Noualliicr, ono ot tho most beautiful aristocrats of France. With this fair patrician charity has be come a mania nnd she sympathizes with consuniptcs so actively that the whole town Is Imperiled. Sho has a chateau In tho heart of tho town and thoro she takes by hundreds patients in the laBt stages of tuborculosls. Thoy nro cared for and Anally hurled gratis. Tho townspeople calle Mile, do Nounlhler's homo "tho Castlo of Death." Almost dally a funeral procession Issues from tho great portals. Sonio days two, or even three, coffins are homo uwny nt tho samo time. Tho neighboring streets havo been made so melancholy thut shopkeepers und dwellers havo gradually iled. Tho property owners n yenr ngo Instituted Joint suit 'for damages, which Mile, do Noualhler Is fighting tooth and nail, claiming the right to take as mnny moribund patients as sho chooses and to remove them according tn custom when they nre dead. What started Mile, de Noualhler on this courso of unique benevoleneo Is not known. She began live years ago by taking a dozen destitute consumptives from Paris. Every body commended her for It then, flradually she took more nnd more, till now over 250 arc always to bo found at tho chateau, Several buildings huve been erected for their accommodation. When twenty mem bers of her community have passed away she goes to Paris und scours tho slums and hospitals for another batch. Sho wants none hut desperate eases, in the Limoges cemetery, which hud to ho eularked twlco on that account, there are over .1,000 graves of Imported consumptives. At Inst In dubitable uUns of general Infection of t he town hy the germs of tubcrculosU wero noticed by physicians. Tho proportion of pecplo uttarkrd increassd by leaps nnd hounds nnd Jho thoroughly aroused people demanded that tho private hospital ho removed. Mile, de Noualhler defied tho authorities nnd when a crowd of angry people mado a demonstration against Ucr she demanded police protection, which was granted. The mayor and the prefect have come to Diseases of Men freely I in extlunte my troiitniont. My ninv iiciirly n iimuler of n eentiir.t n olso, Hint I inn hotter iiroiinroil to oomhnt ruliiiK hln fnotiltlo on n sIiikIo eln Inn out of tho hair or eyebrows und finally n leprous-like decay of the llesh and bone If you have any of these or nlmllnr svmptoms you nre cordially In vited to consult mo Immediately. If I Hud your fears are unfounded, 1 will quickly nub i rtlcti your mind. Hut If vnur constitution Is Infected with syphilitic vi rus I will tell you so frankly, and show you how to net rid of It Mv special treatment for CoutnRlous lilood t'olson Is practically the resu't of my life work nnd Is endorsed hy tho best physicians of America and Kurope It contains no Injurious driiKs or daimerous medicines of any kind. It Koes to tho very bottom of the disease and forces out every pur tlcln of Impurity. Soon every sIku nnd svmptom of blood poison disappear com pletely and forever. The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the hones nnd the whole sys tem nre cleansed, purified nnd restored to perfect health nnd the patient prepared for the duties nnd pleasures of life. STRICTURE PAINLESSLY REMOVED It matters not how Iouk you have suffered from Stricture, nor how many different doctors havp disappointed you. I will cure you Just ns certainly ns von enmo to u for treatment. I will not do It hy dllatlm: or cutting. My treatment Is new, entirely original with me, nnd per fectly painless, U completely dissolves tho Stricture nnd permanently removes every obstruction from the ttrlnnry pns saxe. It stops every unnaturnl discharge, allays all Inflammation, reduces the pros tate Rlund when enlarged, cleanses nnd NERVITA Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night Emissions, Loss of cure Or refund the money paid. Send for circular and copy of our Bankable Guarantee Bond. Nervita Tablets EXTRA STRENGTH IXi VIICICIUIWIO Immediate Results Positively guaranteed cure for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Un developed or Shrunken Organs, Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Prostration, Hysteria, Fits, Insanity, Paralysis and the Results of Excessive Use of Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. By mail in plain package, $ 1 .00 a box, 6 for $5.00 with our Bank able terantoe Bond to cure in 30 days or refund money paid. Nervita Mica! Co,, ciinton and Jackson sts., Chicago, III, 1'or siile lijylviiliii V fo., ITilli a ail DoiikIiih St., Domini, Neli.i (ieiirico X , DiivIn Council niiirrs, lovrn. Paris to protest, whilo at Limoges mobs threaten to demolish "the Castlo of Death." Mile, de Noualhler makes It" u condition, It Is salil, that ovcry pauper she ndmlts to her homo must become n devout Roman Catholic. GUESTS OF THE AMBASSADOR American In I'niU Have a llrlsl. Sue I ii 1 Wei'L 'Wonderful Volet' lllneovereil, (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co ) PARIS, March 9. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Dcjpite tho fnct that mnny Americans nro leaving dally for the winter retorts In Ituly and south France, tho c6lony had u brisk social week. Tho' American embassy receptions, discon tinued since New Year's, wero resumed brilliantly Monday. General Porter's mag nificent residence was crowded with dis tinguished guests. After Mrs. Porter's long absence evrrybody was eager to attend her first great fuuctltm. l'rlnco Hudolln, tho new German ambassador, wns tho most surrounded diplomat present. Iladollu's first wlfo wus Kugllnh nnd he speaks Kng llali beautifully, ilo wns n great favorite among the Americans In St. Petersburg and Ilerlln. Many of Ills old Ami Hcnii ncipi'ilnt ances having now settled here,- the prlr,:o Is expected to devnto much aoclal attention to our compatriots. Mies Porter, ohoul whose engagement to a Iltusiau prltico thoro 'havo bpn rumor again, presided at the tea und was assisted hy Mrs. Parsons. i Countess BpotlsvNood-Mncsln tau a OF Do Not Treat Diseases, But Cure All I Treat. IS SPECIALIST IN DISEASES OF MEN. And Consulting Physician of the State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Fnrnam Street, Omaha, Neb. hio boon trrooUod on tho rook of xexnnl loo, Tho trouble l not so tniirh Ii nculoft or I in pro !! Iroiilineiit . Till II. Neither onn on imit.o nny ooniiroiiilo with llioni. Hither jiiii mini ho ordinary dutlen mill iilenxnrox or life. oonipliilnts of tlilx Kind, n tiny ono Mho Iiiin Irlod thoin Uiumi. IMI, Milt VII-iH.f l, UIJIIII.ITV or any mxiielnle illene or oiiUiio, r n,,.v iniiiiiillov l ooiiioloto. I lioirnn a miiooIiiI ntmly of them uu, and ilurliiK nil of tho joiii-n hIiioo mill ooiiniior iIInoiio noil iii'iikni'iii m of illxoiiHf, noiittoro them nicr tho henls the bladder and kidneys when In rltated and conitested. InvSpor.ites the sexual oritans and restores health uud soundness tn every part of the body af fected by the disease. NERVO'SEXUAL nn"owmreaplns 'tho IICPII ITV result of your for UlDILIII mer folly. Your manhood Is falling, and will toon bo lost unless you do some thing for yourself Thcro Is no time to lose Imimteiicy. like all sexual diseases, is never un the standstill. With It you can make no compromise. Klther you must master It or it will mnster you and 1111 your whole future with misery nnd Indescribable woe. Wo linvo treated ho many cases of this kind that we nro as familiar with them ns you nre with the very daylight. Once cured hy us. you will never again bo bothered with emissions, drains, premutureiiess, smnll or weak organs, nervousness, fnlllug memory, loss of utnbltlon or other symp toms which rob you of your manhood uud absolutely timlt you for study, business, pleasure or marriage. Our treatment lor weak men will correct nil these evils nnd restore you to what nature.' Intended a hule, healthy happy man. with physical, mental nnd sexual powers complete. ALL ASSOCIATE DISEASES CURED In curing un all irient or any kind wo never fall to remove nil reflex complica tions or nssoclato discuses. If tho case Is varicocele, tho diseases, all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiscretion. A Nerve Toil'lC and Blood Builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. By mail 50c per box, 6 boxes for $2.50, with our Bankable Guarantee Bond to soiree, after which sho read a paper en titled "My Last Interview with thu Pope, j How I Finally Obtained His Apfatolic Ilene dlalon." it Is said thut the countess re ceived next day from the papal nuncio In Paris a request that she cease exploiting ltia holiness beforo guests nt an entertaln- I incut. I CoiiHiielo orfcnclx Jinny. The duchess of Mnrlhorough. who was Consuelo Vanderbllt, passed several duyH In Paris on her way to thu Hlvlera. She gavo general offense by calling on nobody and declining ovcry Invitation to utteud parties In her honor. Tho duchess went to tho opera hut twice anil to the Comtdlo Krancalse once. Sho visited Yvetto (lullbert every afternoon to bo coached on diction In samo French pieces she intends to recite at a charity entertainment In Loudon. The death of Margaret llogan, the ouly daughter ot Nathan Hogan, cast n gloom over tho American nnd Kngllsh sots In Paris, whero the dathlngly hund3omo girl has been a great favorite for ncveral years. Sim was tho moving spirit In ell sorth of sports till Bho wus thrown from her horso r. year ago. The Injury caused a ounce.- und tho girl died uftcr months of Intense suffer ing. Maniuls do Castronu, better known us Marchesl, gavo a matlnco muslcalo, which was attended by tho ambassador, Mrs. and Miss Porter, with moru than sixty princes, princesses, dukes, duchessej and other aris tocrats of ovcry nationality. Muny prom inent Americuus wero present. Moroowr, the occasion dcpUyed much American sing ing talent. The wonderful Miss Parkinson, whom Paris critics expect to outdo even MEN I Treat Men Only, and Cure Them to Stay Cured. W fuel In roioimuiio ill ninny nun thou thoy hno boon toy uluily nnd noi'iilliir to men thnii tho uenernl entire Held of inrillolno nud uniueryf weakness caused by It disappears. If it Is Stricture and has developed Into Pros tatic. Hladder or Kidney affections, th injured organs are nil restored to a per fectly healthful condition. If It Is Con tagious lilood l'olson, any and all Skin, lilood and Hone Diseases arising from the taint are entirely nnd icrm:iiientv eliminated from tho system. If It Is "lm potency the many distressing symptom following In its train and Indlcatlns; a premat.ire decline of physical, mental nA sexual iower nre totally removed and rapidly replaced by the youthful energy of robust manhood. Henco, nil resulting Ills nud reflex complications, which may bo properly termed associate diseases, and which. In fnct, nre often more seri ous than the original ailment thut gives rise to themall, I say, disappear com pletely and forovcr, with the euro of tho inulu malady. UnUt Most enses can b nUnlL treated successfully at TREATMENT BY MAIL home. One personal visit Is preferred, hut If tt Is Impossible or Inconven ient for you to call at our oiuce, write us a tun unreserved history of your case. and plainly stating your symptoms. Physi cians having stubborn cases to treat nr cordially Invited tn consult us, We molts no charge for prlvnte counsel and give to each patient u legal contract, to hold for our promises, If you cutinot cull today, write Address Memory, all wasting 60 PILLS 50 CENTS Nnrdlcu and Melha, sang three opera neleo tous. CHAMBERMAID DETECTIVES French I'ollie I'lnil Hint Spies la 1'ettlcoat Arc u iHefnl Auxiliary. (Copyright. I'M. hy Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, March 9. (New York World CablegramSpecial Tolegram.) Former Chief of Pollen Ooron, discussing tho new that, a staff of women detectives was re cently engaged by the Waldorf-Astoria man agement, declared that moru than r.,000 women detectives are constantly employed hy. the French government. Hotels also em ploy them, generally disguised as chamber maids. Soma of the most useful political spies aro women of the world who do this work because they need additional funds to ' sustain their social position. Thu French pollen prefer pretty women who linvo had trouble with Justice and whoso penalty has been suspended for a consideration. ( 'I'll icn In of Violent-,-. I CONSTANTINOPI.i:, March ((.-Placards , posted in Stiiinbotil by tho young Turkey ' party threaten to meet violence on tho part of tho government with violence. Ono pas sage, directed against UuhsIu rind Oermany, asserts that Turkey Is In tho hands of thoto powirs. llorrn i:iieniile a TiMtn, CltADOCK, March 9. Mnralsburg his been reoectipled hy Iho British, the Hoera ovacuutliiB, Only u few horse iui secured. .' PILLS