X54 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 3r,VRCTT 10, 1001. PROSECUTION IN A MAZE Criminal Out In Which Oonntj Attoraj'i Office is Loit. JUDGE REFUSES TO RELEASE PRISONER Krnnlc 31ltnhrll( Aceusril of Thrrnten lliK to Kill .Mnr- Hell, WiiltlriR In Count- .lull for l'ron'cu tlon. Frank Mitchell, a big colored man, has been locked up la tbo county Jail (or nearly three months and his nuuie appears on the docket of tbo criminal court. Yot tho county attorney's forco knows nothing ot tho euso URalnft him. Yesterday Deputy County Attorney Thomas, In asking Judge Maker to nollo a number o( old case In which tho state's witnesses have disap peared, Included tho case of Mitchell. "What's tho chargo against htm7" In. quired tho court. "I don't know anything about tho caso," nnswored Mr. Thomas. "The man hns been In Jail slnco last November under a peace warrant, ami It seems to mo that ho ought to bo let out." Court AVftntft to Kihmt. "Why?" curtly asked tho court. "Ilecaiiso no olio has appeared to prose cuto him. Tim county attorney's office has not been given tho (acts In tho caso and wo can't proHOcttlo tho man without a complaining witness," explained tho at torney. "Hut," said tho Judge, "It's tbo duty of tint county attorney to look Into a case of this kind, to ascertain who tho complain ing witness Is and to And out whether or not tho prisoner should bo prosecuted. I can't let tho man out of jail simply be causq tho county nttorney doesn't know Anything about his case. If I let him out ho might go to work and kill somebody." Investigation rovcals tho fact that Mitch ell was arrested on December 20 on tho complaint of Mary Iloll that he hod threat ened to kill tier. Ho was given a prelim inary examination beforo Juatlco I'rlchard on December 27 and held to tho district court. Illxtory of A'lriinki. Tho "History of Nebraska," now In courso of preparation by Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Dr. (Jeorgo L. Miller nnd others, Is rapidly Hearing completion. The work Is being pushed forward as fast as Is consistent with that accuracy thoroughness nnd high rhurnctor which tho editors insist must bo maintained,. Tho liberal patronago accorded lias enabled the promoters to enlarge the Bcopo of tho work nnd to morn elaborately Illustrate the volumes than was originally Intended. So that when completed this his tory will not only bo n valuablo com. pcndlum of useful Information, but a tri umph of nrtlstlc Bin 1 1 as well. Thoso who huvo been Invited to furnish biographical data nnd havo not yet dono no should attend to tho matter nt once, so that nono may bo omitted who should have n jdaco In a work of this character. Not all of tho counties hnvo yet furnished tho necessary data regarding their economic In terests. Citizens should sco that this mat ter Is attended to nt once. Tho popular interest in this undertaking is Indicated by tho largo sain of tho work (intsldo of tho slntn and by tho number ot mall orders being dally received. No pro vision has been nor will bo made for tho publication of extra copies of this history, no Hint thoso desiring u set of tho hooka irIiouM pl.ii'o their orders nt once before tho work goes to press. JACOI! NOUTH & CO., Publishers. Cnril of Tlinnks. Mr. nnd Mrs. Soth W. Clrovcr wish to cx prcBH their sincere appreciation of tho many kindnesses shown them during tho recent Illness nnd death of their little daughter nnd also wish to extcnil their heartfelt thanks to their neighbors nnd friends anil jnombcrn of (into City tent No. 60, and Uniform Itnnk of tho Knights of tho Mnc- cabeeH for tho beautiful floral tributes ot sympathy with them in tho loss ot their bub)'. Hamilton Warren, M. r)., eclectic and magnLttc physician, omco at tho Central hotel, cor. N. ISth and Dodgo streets, till a auttablo location can bo found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering dis eases and to diseases ot women and children Burroys, buggies, stanhopes, carriages, slightly damaged by smoke, Must bo sold nt retail thin month. Prices less than man ufacturers' cost. Stylish rubbor-tlrod Jobs Tako Harney street rnr to cast end. LININOEU & MKTCALF CO. Shoes for Rain or Shine Vi'u lmvo shoos Unit nre espe cially HtilttiblQ to wear durlnp; thln uncertain sprint; weather. The rain or slush doesn't hurt them In tho leitBt, ami nt the sanio time, they iro mlnptcrt to the brlKhtest nnd -warmest of spring days. Of conrso wo also have light ehoea for bright days and heavy nhoes for rainy days, if you pre fer theni; and which ever you want, wo can sell you tho most stylish and tho most satisfactory shoes nt tho most economical prices. CP. Cariwrigbt N, E. Cor. 16th aiifl Douglas i W. 11. linNNKrT CO. Ilnrunln for It on il nr. Our atoro Is full of bargains at all times. Monday wo will give you some doublo bar gains. DIIUO DKP'T. Dennett's Antt-Chap, regular price, 15c, Monday 8c bottle. Graham llros.' popular lana and glycer ine soap, threo cakes In box, regular price 21c, Monday lCc. Oraham Dros.' Hed Clover and butter milk soap, tho kind others sell for 15c per box, our price tic per box. Thcso goods aro alt of tho best quality. No secondhand or stalo goods here. THESH AUK SNAPS and tho quality is strictly first claw: Pears, per pound, Cc. Nectarines, per pound, Sc. W. It. 1JRNNHTT CO. I'iisIiIiik Itunl Untitle Sntcn. Owing to tho Increased demand for Omaha and farm land properties, the real cstato men havo decided to make Wednes day a special bargain dny as well as Sunday nd advertlso their lists of bargains ex tensively also on Wednesdays. Anyono ecklng a good Investment cither In n homo r property for speculation will profit by perusing tho real estato columns of The Bco hereafter on Wednesdays. CITY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE n Diimnifft foe Slckncnn ntmeil I'nrllj- from tin; I, nek of Dinlniiur. Tho city Is not In the sick Insuranco bus- ncss. Such Is tho substance of n ruling mado yesterday by Judgo Slnbaugh In tho caso f John M. Persons against the city. Mr. 'crsons brought suit to collect ?5,00l) dam ages from the city because be and his fam ily had contracted typhoid fever from the amp condition of tho cellar of their house. Ho thought tho city ought to be held re sponsible for tho Insanitary condition ot his premises because It had not provided proper and edequato sewcrago facilities, Ho also sued for $300 damages because water flowed Into his collar nnd damaged household goods stored there. Tho caso camo up today on a motion ot the city at torney to strlko from tho petition tho lalm for dnmages on account ot sickness nd tho court sustained tho motion. "Tho sickness cannot bo traced directly to tho damp condition ot tho cellar," said Judgo Slnbaugh. "Thero are Intervening causes tor which the city Is not responsi ble. If tho city could bo mado to pny for every caso of sickness duo partially to ln sanltnry condition of premises it would soon bo bankrupt." KiMtm-th liPSKiirrn. Send mo your namo nnd address and I will mall you, about Mnrch 20, a beauti fully Illustrated folder giving Infnrmaton about tho special rates nnd train servlco to California via tho Ilurllngton Itoiito nt the time ot the Kpworth meeting at San Fran- Isco in July. J. Krnnch, Oencrnl Passen ger Agent, Ilurllngton Hotite, Omaha, Neb. Tho choicest nnd oldest whiskies nnd famous Atlas beer Is for salo only at Schlltz hotel. END0RSESTHE ARMY CANTEEN e-ii r ml Oil Snj Soldiers' Money .inv liiim to Prlrntr (Jin Mills. CHICAGO, Mnrch 9. Army officers at tho headquarters of tho Department of the ,akcs express tho opinion that last night's rioting nt Hlghwood, near Fort Sheridan, during which n number of soldiers wcro in jured, was duo entirely to tho abolition of tho army canteen. General Otis. In com mand ot tbo department, said today: "I was strongly opposed to tho army canteen when first proposed, but from In vestigation I find It worked so much bet tor than I expected that I was compelled o endorse It. Umlor that system tho profits went to buy delicacies of tho men's tables. Now men spend more nnd tho profits go to tho owners of privato gin mills." Twin-City Uyo Works, now location. 319 S. 15th, between Farnam and Harney. Carl E. Herring, removed to 707 N. T. L, Hldg. (3.00 hats. Frederick, 120 So. 15th it. WANAMAKER & BROWN The Foremost Tailoring House in America. Every Man in Omaha should sco our 1901 fab rics for clothing to-mcasuro. They represent tho greatest collection of lino all-wool cloths over shown In this city. Wc wont you to sco thorn whether you expect to order or not. It will do you good In any event, nnd If you nro not a custo mer now, you will bo sometime sure. When a man onco finds that wo mako him better clothes, and tor less money than ho hns been pay ing he's our customer. Moro nnd more men nro finding this out year nftcr year. MEASURE Pi UP Guaranteed all-wool. i:2 8. 16th St., Near Cor. of Douglas. Eastman Kodaks still lead. Seo tho latest model of tho No. -1 Cartridge Kodak takes pictures 4x5, nud can bo used for either plates or Alms. List price $25.00 OUR PRICE $20.00 All other good makes of Kodak and Camernrf. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnam Street. Dovcloplnp; nnd finishing by first class workmen. OMAHA'S ,V 1-2 W I'.tC'I'llll Y, tin MiinMei MniMifiietiirril n"l Home. Tho Omaha Mantlo Manufacturing com pany, located nt 131!) Douglas street. Is a recent addition to tho list of home Indus tries. Mutineer Kellv wns seen vealenl.iv by a llee representative and talked concern ing tho futurity of tho nlant. Mr. Kellv Id: "Whllo tlio factor v Is now In nnnrn. Hon It will not bo running In Its full capa city until fall, nt which time tho busv sen- son begins." Ho nlso said that ho had con- llted a number of wholesalers nnd lob- i hers nnd had met with encouragement. It Is tho company's Intention to make tho ca pacity of tho factory sufficient to meet tho demand nnd It hones to tin nlitn In tinriire Omahn's entlro wholesale and Jobbing trade. In speaking of the methods of manufac turing mantles Mr. Kellv nuiinrln Hint Hie Omaha factory Is strictly up-to-date nnd ho entertains no rear on tho score of com petition. mi I eil, Work for Men mill Women. Parties rentllrlni? heln fnr linn... rlnnilm. nnd other work can bo supplied on applica tion to M. H. Heeler. Anent Associated Charities, 1S10 St. Mary's Ave. Telephone 1735. Fnr nntlMr.. u,. ... , '- .inn , , diHi.b uiitiia ni P ol? apply to II, D. Necly, mnnager uiiuiiuum 1.11c, tm aim iva iieo DUliainf. Dance programs and wcdddlng stationery. . I. Itoot, printer. 414-416 South 12th St. The big sensation tho $25 and $35 Cres cent blclcks. Sco them nt 1622 Capitol Ave. H. If. Durkot, tho undertaker, has removed to 412 N. 1Mb St., opposlto Jefferson square. Seeds that grow como from tho Nebraska Seed company, 1513-15 Howard st. 111 nn. ICHNUDY Mrs. Mnrcaret Woodnev. mother of Mrs. J. J. Hrown, March 0th, JIHll, in her 7Sth year. Hervlees Moiulnv nl 2 n'rlnrk n m. at tho residence. 2225 Sherman Ave. Interment private. LKW1S Pe-lc. Infant daughter of Mr, nnd Mr. .1. c. Lewis, March Sth nt 10:23 it. in. Funeral nrlvnte. Interment TTniu Sepulchre cemetery. Direct Line Accross the Continent will sell tickets at the following reduced rates from Omaha TO California, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, including nil main lino points, north California stato lino to Colton, San Ilomardlno, nnd San Diego $25.00 NOW CITY' TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM STREET Tel. 316. UNION STATION, TENTH AND MARCY STREETS Tel. 629. HAYDENs Special in Teas & Coffee Cholco Santos coffeo 15c. Flno Golden Itio coffeo 17&c. Special family Java 20c. Sun dried Jnpnn tea 39c. Daskot fired Japan tea 40c. Now season tea sittings 17Uc. Cholco Oun Powder tea 46c. Ceylon Young lIynou' nnd Oolong 4Sc. Mackerel Orcat Mackerel Salo Monday. 10-lb palls No. 2 bright Norway mack erel, only ono pall to customer, per pall 31.00. 10-lb, pail very best Spanish blue back mackerel, worth 16c per lb., pall $1.40. 10-lb. palls now Irish mackerel, very fat llsh, per pall $1.30. 10-lb. palls best American mackerel, a nlco family llsh, per pall $1.25. Wo carry eight different kinds of mack erel. . Meats Now summer bausugo 12c. No. 1 sugar cured bacon 12'c. Fancy small hnmo 12!c. Ilonelcss corned beet 7 ',4c No. 1 California ham 7o. Diamond cut pork 7c. Cheese Specials Western Itcservo, u full cream yellow cheeso 12'.c. Snp Sago, each, 7c. Canadian Itcd Cloud 16c. McLaren's Imperial cheese 13c. Camambcrt, each 25c. Grocery Specials 2-lb, cans corn 5c. 2- lb. cans lima beans 71,&o. fl-lb. can tomatoes 7'i.c. 3- lb. can Btrlng beans 10c. 3-lb. enn cholco tublo peaches I2a. 3-lb. Applo butter 10c 3-lb. can California pears 7'.4c Largo hottlo fancy tablo catsup 12V4c. 1 cako sweet chocolato 4c 1 cako baking chocolate 15c. HAYDEN What's done is done but next lime you order SHERIDAN See t hut you got. it, and not u poor substitute. Its the best coul mined in Wyoming clean as hard coal we sell that also. VICTOR WHITE, 1605 Foruam. Tel. 127 I3VI1H V Tt'llSOAY In February-. Mnrrli nntt April the ! UNION PACIFIC will sell tickets at the following GREATLY IlEDUCED IIATE3: From Omaha to San Francisco, Los Angeles nnd San Diego $25.00 Ogden, Salt Lake, Dutte. Helena.... 23.00 Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle, 25.00 New city ticket office, 132t Farnam street. Tel. 316. j Union station, 10th and Marcy. Tel. 6SJ Tho directors of the Vera Cruz Coffee company held nn enthusiastic meeting nt their ofllco yesterday nfternoon. The com pnny Is paying 20 per cent dividends, but lato reports from Its plantation In Mexico show that It could pay 25 per cent If It so desired. The officers arc very much pleased nt tho company's bright prospects nnd es pecially at the rapid way Its stock shares aro selling. Seo the new chnlnless, with cushion frame and coaster hub, tho latest out. Omaha Ui. cyclo Co., ICth nnd Chicago Sts. Havo Hoot print It. YOUR DUTY If medtclno Is to cure a disease, It must bo good medicine the best only Is good 1 enough. Your duty to yourself nnd to your doctor Is to go to tho very best druggist I you can find, without letting dollars nnd , distance stand In your way. In doing your , duty wo hnvo every reason to think that 1 you will como hero with your prescriptions. I Cramer's Kidney Cure 75c 1'eriina , 75c Duffy's Malt Whiskey Mo Carter's Liver PIIih l'c Or Miles' llemedlcs 75c Klectrlo Hitters o (lartlold Tea -00 .Tnynes' i:pectorant 75c Kilmer's Swnmp-ltoot 7.c Indian Sugwii 75c Wit Hnr Castile Honp .' li'e Hostettcr's Hitters 75c Pnlnc Ce'ery Compound ,..0 Wlno of Cnrdul 75c BOSTON STORE l DRUG V DEPT. NEXT TUESDAY and Every Tuesday In March and April tho Union Pacific TO Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Montana and Washington, Ogden and Salt l.ako City, Utah, Iiutto nnd Helena, Montana $23,00 Portland, Oregon, Spokane, Washing ton, Tacoma and Seattle, Washing ton $25,00 HAYDEK S Tho Hadycn Bros.' trado mark on a garment means your money back or a now garment for any rcasonablo causo for dissatisfaction. New Spring Clothing for Big and Little Boys Delightful surprlso for the youngsters and their pnrents. Russian Blouses Beau tful, $2.75 to $6.00 Vestees The Newest, $1.45 to $5.50 The popular Sailor sultB, nil the newest kinks, loop front, rcserslble shield, new est colorings, newest fabrics, $2.75 to $5.00. Hoys' double-breasted suits kneo trous ers, 100 styles to select from for 05o to $6.00. See our dark blue spring serge all wool, color fast, doublo-breasted suits, .1-plece and vesteo suits samo goods, $2,50 to $3.75. Seo our new 2-pIcco suits coat mado 3- button cutaway, sack style, with kneo trousers nnd belt, for young men 7 to 16 years, at $2.50 to $6.00. oung Men's Suits With Long Trousers Wo prepared an lniraenso nssortmcnt of tho clothes more than any three stores In the city newest styles, porfect fitting suits, for $3.75 to $15.00. 12 new lines of $5.00 and $7.50 young men's suits go on salo Monday. Extra special salo of boys' perfect fitting odd long trousers, size waists 26 to 31, for 05c, $1.50 and $2.50 regular $2,00 to $1.50 values. BROS Wanted, a trained nurse to taKw cnarge at a sanitarium; muit have experience, a good education nnd good business ability. Ad drets J 69, earn Deo offlre. MET, PLEASE STOP Saturday morning "Met" was at our storo beforo S o'clock walling for us with n, new schemo for moro advertising. Ho nover tnlked bo earnestly In his life Mot has n hypnotic Influence over us that ho can make us say "yes" when wo mean "no" nud so wo signed again now Mot, we'vo treated you royally, nnd wo hopo you'll lot up on us won't you please. CmiihtN Kliliiej- Curt- Tfio llroiuo lliilnliii- , 1 DnnV Mull WIiIn1'- ." I.oIiik ( renin tl' I'nliie'N 'rl-ry Coiitpoiinit 7fi Wine of ('nriliil T.'m i-ii'rci'fi rroKcri Un Ni'iiM'k Uniiilnlon , ?." OxoiiiiiInIiiii 7.i ('iillnrnol i:M'riii-nnt 7.ii S. S. S T.-.o MmK.iI Mill.- Klc, 7ne, il.in I'liiklimii'M L'iiiiiimiuiiiI .......... 7."c SCHAEFER CUT PRIGF. 1 DRUGGIST I S. W. Cor. tilth nml flilenmi. I Big Shoe Values Monday All the Indies' Misses' and Chil dren's Fine Sample Shoes from three big eastern manufacturers on sale at less than half price. LADIES' SHOES Worth $1.00 nnd $500 a pair, hand turnB nnd wells, patent leathers, vlcl kid, opera und military heels, dainty dress shoes nnd mannish lasts, your choice ot any QC ot thcso for I.ZU LADIES' SHOES Mado to sell for $2.50 and $3.00, fine vlcl kid, medium light soles, round toes, plain kid nnd vesting tops. All new f OQ nnd attractive styles nt 1JU MISSES' GOOD WEARING SHOES Kid and Box Calf, double and stnglo soles nnd spring heols, all mado to sell for $1.35, $1.50 nnd $2.00, on salo OQf Monday at 7JlfJ CHILDREN'S SHOES Heavy Kid, with spring heels and double soles, such nn you usually pay $1.00 nnd $1.25 for, In this sale 69 C INPANTS' SHOES Soft soles, 19c nnd 39c, Kid 49C Button, turn soles, for HAYDEN We must Ilnvlnc; recently purclmscd nn Interest In the now company known ns the Mnwlilnnoy & Hynn Co. wo must dlsposo of our entlro Jewelry stock nt our present locution Wo nro compelled to tnko nn nctlvo pnrt In the new compnny on n certain date nnd must ppII our elesant Btock, consisting of Dlnmondfl, Wntclics, Cut Olafis, SUverwnre, etc., at u grent sncrlllce. The stock must be sold and bold quick. Geo. W. Ryan & Co., JEWELERS, i nnut MftHK Registered A. Mayer Co. BbT: BUILDING, OMAHA, Mill. required. If you ruin your gloves with excessive perspiration, rub the palms fter thoroughly drying thorn with tho powder. In cnBcs ot habitual sweating, uso tho powder In pink box. Tor axlllUry (armpits) sweating, find directions for uso in tho cover of tho bluo box. Kor obstlnato sweating or chafing, bathe tho affected parts with tho Ilo-No-May Astringento Antiseptic Lotion. It must bo dls tlnctly understood that tho IHS-NO-MAY I'owdor Is not a toilet powder, but strict ly & curative, hygienic nnd antlsoptlo powder, and should not bo used for Infants as n toilot dusting powder. Talc, powdered starch or similar products without any intrinsic value, aro inexpensive and sufficient. HU-NO-MAV I'OWIIKH, endorsed nnd prescribed by lending physicians. For more nmple Information, con sult Miss Mayer, 310 Deo Building. Consultation frco dally from 2 to 4. MANUFACTURED nV A. MAYER CO., 316 Bee Building; Omaha, Neb. Sold by all Druggists and Glovo Dealers. THE SMOKERS PREFER HECAUSE THE JOBBERS' PROFIT IS ADDKD TO TIJB pUALITV V, B. OICB M. C. CO., MAA WACTUIlBUi, . fcOUJS, MO. UNlWN Rub Your Self OVIlh a Hweedlsli Massago Holler.) Cnn be used n.v oiic'h relf or nil atten dant A few moment urn of It night nnd morning Is n pleasant nnd he.iltliful ex-i-relno Women shnulil isr No 1 (six) wheels, J J 00. i or No 2 (1 wheels. M . ) Men should use No 5 (12 wh els. $4W,i Add 10c each for postage rite or tail Sherman & McConnell Drug Go In New Storo at 16th nnd Dodgo HAYDE Cloak Dept. Bargains drowlng faster nnd faster. It keeps us busy nnd tnxes us to our utmost ability to keep our stock comptcto with new things nil tho time. We nro In fact crowded with bnrgalnB In suits, skirts, waists and wrap pers In nil tho newest Btyles from the fore most manufacturers of this country nnd Europe. Our garments havo thnt exclusive ap pearance, perfect hang that newness of material nnd completeness of assortment not to bo found In smaller concerns. Our now suits nro being reinforced overy day by largo shipments from tho eastern markets. Wo havo everything In every stylo nt overy price. Wo havo 200 well made, stylish suits, worth $18.00, on salo at $8.50. Wo havo 3S0 suits, silk lined throughout, mado In tho new Eton and Bolero Btylcs, at $12.50; they nro sold elsewhere nt $20.00. Wo havo 300 suits Bllk-llncd throughout, trimmed taffeta, nil colors, browns, blues. black, reds and tans, nt $18.50. Wo havo flno suits nt $30.00, $40.00 nnd $50.00. OUR SKIRT STOCK IS ACKNOWL EDGED BY THE CRITICS Of Omnha who aro competent to Judge, ns tbo most complcto In this section. Wo havo 200 silk skirts at $5.00 each; they aro In silk, nicely trimmed. Wo havo 100 ralny-dny skirts, pleated backs, for $1.90. Wo havo 300 skirts In cheviots, serges, Venetians nnd homespuns, worth $7.00, tor $3.9S. Wo havo tho finest skirt Imported de signs nud colors, $15.00, $20.00, $30.00, $10.00, $50.00 nnd $00.00. Special for Monday 100 French flannel waists, 90c each. 200 Indies silk waists mado to sell for $5.00, on salo nt $2.98. Ladles' Wrappers, 10-ln. flounce, trimmed with brnld, worth $1.00, at $50c. BROS. sell 109 SOUTH 16th STREET. DF-NO-M AY POWDER In pink box not only relieves, but pos itively cures nil disorders of tho foot, stops odorous perspiration, cures ten der, swollen nnd painful foct. RE-NO-MAY POWDER la bluo box romoves nil bodily odors. If properly used no dress shields nro Not Natural but certainly tho bCBt subaltute. TEETH on plates, such as wo furnish at mod erate prices, perforin all tho functions of natural teoth with comfort and satisfaction to tho wearer. Handsome in nppearanco nnd very durable. Full Sets on Kubbcr $5.00 BAILEY, the Dentist, Ilia I'UXtOK lllock, JOtli & l'ariiiuii Sts, I'huna 1080. I.iidy Attriiilnnt. CURSE or DRINK (AUI-l) HY WHITE RIBBON REMEDY Can be Klven In lilies ot Water. Ten or Corfuo Ithout l'utlcnt s Knowledge. Whlto ltlblon Uemedy will euro or de stroy the illscused niipotllo for nlcohslli itlinulnnts. whether the patient Is i con firmee, liii-lirlate. "a tippler." social ilrtnkor ot -iruuknrd ' l")l0!,lbl0 tor miy one to havo nn np pctlto for nlcohollo liiuorH utter .mlnir White HlbPon Ucmody.' Hy mail t. Tr a1 package i f-- l.v writing Mra. T. C. Mo.iro. i rr?.1. W' 9' ts u- ,". Cnlirornla. bold in Omnlin, Nob., by Chus. 11. Solmufer. ISth und Chlcugo atrruts. ' A SUBJECT Fni? INVEaTIGAT OH- boforo Kiister: Is your plnmblnc. To si'o tlmi It ill. ,t ,rci"il illM..ii dur. ng bummer's sultry heat. Sower gun in your liomo will lauso tluiiKoroiw Hoa.-. nnd your plumblm; should bo ovi-rhauk.,1 to und leaks or breaks. ..') V. . "1V0H,lKut.i your plumbing mid put It In order, or put In new upon siinllnry p unibinw or sicnm or hot water hentlug, at n rcnsonublo post. Free 6t Black, 1800 Fdriituu. Phone unn. NOTICE NotwIlhstnndliiK tho reports nnd Im ',VNP 1 HTOH15 foiuuriy ocoupleit by J. A. Fuller ft Co. Is STILL OPEN nml doing business tho namo ns usual. In flirt, tho storo hns never been closed, lhreo name, familiar to tho pntrons of tho corner In tho Drug, Paint nnd Olnss line, nro now oonductlni: tho business, They nro V. M. Crowl. John S. Clurk und Jlenry Juhnuszen. Jlessrs. t'rowl nnd JohiuiKzen huvo been nt tbo old comor for over thirteen years. Mr. Clurlc was for merly nt tho eorner but lately conducted tin) l.eonomlenl Drug Co. Wo havo all tho old prescriptions for : yciUH back, nml you can hnvo nny of them relllled Just tho sumo ns before, '.vlth tho bent. Knowing tho demands of tho trado for drug, paints nnd glass, nud having q full slock of all. wo cordially solicit n share of your pat ronage. FULLER DRUG & PAINT CO., n , H02 DOHOLAH STHKUT. Can t shut us up. Open day and night. Why Suffer Pain While having a tooth ex tracted? When Vltnllznd I Air Is used you feel abso lutely no naln. Can bn tnknn by nny one. Mndo fresh In our olllco every day. Set of Teeth $5.00 up Gold Crowns $5.00 Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1517 DoiiRlusSt. Don't Wait Buy Now. New stock Just In nnd now prlcos Juit made. ' Netting for chickens, chicks and Dclglnn hares. JAS. MORTON & SON CO., 1.11 I limine Street. Century Acoru Tho finest steel range you ever saw. Acorn Kanges hnvo nlway3 been tho world's lead ers, but In tho Century Acorn tho mnkern havo surpassed themselves. It Is mado entirely of Planished Steel must bo seen to bo appreciated. The oven U perfectly siiunro and very largo und tho baking Is simply perfection. If you havo not seen It you should call, whether you Intend purchasing or not. It Is worth look ing nt. John Hussie Hardware Go,, 2107-01 CtimliiK St. "'If j on l ii ' It of HiinrId 1 1' rlitht." mm MY! V r. . j 1 C A ill 1 t 1 T