I ) WANTHI) TO LOAiX REAL HSTATB. AND per .-vat lout. W II. Thomaa, First KatlVnal Bank Building. Tel. IMS. w-o 4tt hand. 1 B. Turklnxton. t B . money to loan ca.vrrisi.s. . HKM YOU NEED MONEY SEE US. t t r to advertise lowest rales, at iwrs jo. but we. imi poitle that It you will man comparisons you will be oon sii. tu that you van itij better with im taan iovwhere w .van on furniture, t,..uos, llvs stock, etc, or wo wilt make . j a. SALARY LOAX without ittoarsvr or mortsag. Wa charge nothing tor tntmins the man ana ymi receive uie full amount in cash. e may pay It back in one month or la six month or mot in which to repay It, unit you Mm uot say tor It one day nger than yon Kwp it. our term are the aaaiest, our bunnM to eonaaential uu our motto m 'try Ui binh. OAlAllA MUHTOAUK UU.uS CO.., 1 Koara ot ITauu MUlg. fal. SW. . l-slarttaJt-a do. Wh tit. X-MKS RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. PAXTON Bi-K. HUM rioor. Mwom, Third Kloor. Hi member the Reliable Cresilt Co. Lasny borrow-a, oawtiy pain, i- -ana on your plain note, information chert uliy 1vn. AlisoHitvly no mortgage or wearily. Borrow ! to SMv on your not, largest salary office in town, wariest partial paymenta sure. i.ash furnlehed quickly. Uhi positively lowe-t in Omaha. i.mbrai-e this upportunrry l" nut charge tor papers. in ctlgatlon means your custom. iltnt- payment to suit your convenience. (...iifldentlat, square dealing guaranteed, ujx-n nena Ami MHturnaya t p. m. X MUXKY TODAY. L mm made in amounts tram 110 to Tttf) on liouan. .a lurnitura, pianos, horsee, car naKee, etc., witttout removal, or on your ,rt of the money may be paid back the i iirit mvnih or no part of it nr-.a u paia back tor averul months. Each payment' made reduce the cost accorutngi. Em- l"ri ana neiKniwrn Know aoeolutely noTMIuir ot oar ouainesa reiallon. teopie who need money are invlteu to call and Bet my terms and comnaro them with what others otter Loan or other, com panies mar b transierred to nn. o vharge lor papem. Ail buni, ainttly confidential. yulcJt, sufMca URU Jowtat rates stwrantcea. J. W. TAYLOE, fi3S Paxton BIK., top Hour, northedst corner llh and Farnam. Entrance on Kth bt Tl. ilJ. --ai ' MONEY loaned xalarled pH)rfp holdlne per manent position with reeponiilbie concern j pun their names without security: easy payment!. Tolman. m Board Trauo bldi. xas ' MONEY loaned on planne. furniture, lew. elry. hoa, cows, eto. c. F. Reed, ai s7l MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses cows, Jowelry. Durf Green, It. s, ilarker bik X-aw SALARY loans at reduced rates. Omaha Credit Co.. $H New York Life BWk. X-33 MONEY to loan. L Zlcsler. m Ware dlook. X-MvSS H-A-L-A-R-Y L-O-A-N-H. x loan tlv to l upon ,.luin notes. No eurily or mortuanr reiulred. Rebate when loan 1a paid before due. Vay weekly or semi-monthly or monthlr. WB tll.'ARANTEE lowest rates. WE GUARANTEE as easy iwyments. Room H Her bultdlmr. AMERICAN LOAN CO. X M713 iiLm.M-;ss CIl.iAcKK. J1K CASH on easy payments buys 35 strictly lawfal (ntcki'l) slot machines for drinks, tlxars or rash; will earn K and upward weekly each. Earl Clark v Co.. Furni ture Munuf4cturrs, Chicago, 111. Y-J10 FOR SALE. aKrlculturoJ Implement and uarrlugo business In south oentrat Ne braska. For further particulars addresi Uox w3. West Liberty. la. Y" 311 WILL tako lone lease on brick stable it built, centrally located, and pay good rent. Address J 86, Uee. Y o3i ATTENTION given collections and legal matters, associate attorneys everywhere. Now Snow-Church Co.. 40MCC N. Y. L. Y 11111 IN THE SPRING a YOUNG MAN'S fancy turns to thoughts pt LOVE and a HOUSE In BEMIS PARK. THIS IS SPRING1: Y TS-ltf FOR SALE, only racket store In best town in eastern Nebraska; good location; splen did cash trade; all new goods. Address IC 5S. Be. Y M61S Iv A WELL established saddle and harness business for sale; can give possession im mediately; good reasons given. Address K 83, Bee. Y M063 10 FOR SALE, cattle ranches on C. & S. H. R. 20 miles from Cheyenne. Wyo. Address D. 21. Arnold. Isluy. Wyo. Y MCSi 17 DOCTORS and LIFE INSURANCE MEN select healthy locations for chelr tamlllcw. SIX of them OWN HOUSES AND LOTS IN BEMIS PARK. Y-M676 11 A CLEAN stock of groceries, butchers' out fit, four Uarr cash carriers and National caeh register; can be bought cheat), all tn ftrst-cJaHS condition. Address G. W., Box , Omaha. Nub. Y M0I1 IS FOR HALE, my store building. 31x60x20, at Mead, Nth., also my photo galleries at Mead and Wuhoo. For purtlcultrs In closo stomp and address Box 8t3. Wahoo, Neb. Y M7P3 1U GENTLEMAN with $2.(01 wishes to become a partner In good paying business. L Bee. Y M7(8 lr" BRICK YARD ground to lease, 3th st. and Ames avenue. Apply 27W Bristol st. Y-M7J7 13' BEMIS PARK property OWNERS aro mlhty goo.1 people. YOUR FRIENDS are among them and will make you GOOD NEIGHBORS. Y-730-19 ANY ono having a to Jl.ivo to Invest can 1 get good Interest on It while the prtncpnl , Is morn than doubling In value Investl- i gate this. Address L It, Uee. Y 1&-W WANTED, partner with W.v to enlarge well established patent medicine business: large profits, excellent opportunity; worth Investigation. Address "Partner." oaru Lee's Advertising Agency. Chicago. Y-sW 16 WANTED. location for bakery In good country town. Win. Manning. Crete, Neb. Y swi W FOR BALE, meat market In good town of !. In 8. K. Neb., only 3 markets:- doing good buslnts. Price. JttO.t.0 Address Lock Box 94, Pawnee City. Neo. Y-SU lfr- I HAVE general More would like to sell; good place and business. Call or address Lock Box 3b. Cheater, Neb. Y 117 W A GOOD chance to get on the stage. See the manager of the Orpheum about the big amateur carnival tn the near future. Y 1 FORTUNES made In mall order business. Can be conducted hy anyone. We start you; 'furnish every thin:; particulars for stamp. Central Supply Co., luce Grand Ara., Kansas City. Mu. Y 773 10 WANTED, man with Ij.onu to 1W to tako an Interest Ih a well-known attraction at the Buffalo exposition: a cttancu of u lifetime; handle your own money: innner quick. L 16, Bee. Y Jill W RESTAURANT for sal cheap; doing gcod bUKinesM; good reason for selling. Ad dress Z. Be ottlce. South Omaha. Y-M5 SALOON for sale, southern Minnesota town, doing gaud business; good reuums fftt- selling. Address Lock Box li. Wells, Minn. Y 4i W ONE shiira Omaha Board of Trade stock, I37S. A. P Tukey, Boanl -f Trade. Y-iS 1 SPLENDID MANUFACTURING PROPO. SIT1UN that will yield JI5.(i profit lr .vr for a long term of yearn Practically a mottApoly of the business, with demand tor product established. Business safe, sure and reliable. If you want to make ilC meney uomo and see me alHut this. It will hear Investigation. G HOUGH P UKMIS, Paxton Block. X 10 HPfRITI' AL1HM. I'atterson hallTThl en. ! K Mr Mason lectures siiblect. Spirt ' lallsin S.ist.ii'iol hv th- Hibl will .r ganixf s. '. after- feri. "s sferdid n .st t r i'i.di w. jinv. a '"- i .'n cents. X -S w ni'xixn!" chanciis. AN EUTABI.IBHED HSooro nitnoH rpera-Mon.co-ipaM-i oi busine men nilei ip ward .if '!.. .furnishing highest bank ing nd .mmenlal r fer-nce-i, operating on the ('a mettle co-opera tTre plan, whereby employes no Ming responsible po sttlons nre financially mtere-ted in the company. desire rorreepondanre and per sonal interview- with high-cta men of brad experience, strict Integrity and ability to handle finances and subordinate-, for the position of distric t manager upon a salary of IIW per month and a t-vmmteelon on business in territory its rtsneJ; to comply with co-operative plan and to nbrtate jftvtng a bond, a enah In-v-etm-ni of n.'"i to UJP) absolutely cssa rr AiMr Auditor!! Dept.. an HI Manhattan Bide. Chicago. to T m if WAXTKD a real eetnl aleraan of a;ood nddreea; muvt be a metier. 1 . B' Y-44 10 ON'B of the heat ham and llwry btsl re in eanlern Jffhmnka for aie. "o op po'ltton. poor health. J 3. Doreev. Her man. Jfeb. Y i w koii i:.cii.v.(ii:. WILL trade atovea and furniture for horres. M N. loth St. Y.-him Mur DOCTORS and LIFE INSUHANCk" MEN eleet healthy location tor thetr :ojn'l!t. SIX of them OWN MUL'HIM AM) LOTS IN BK.M1S PARK. Z-MT7 11 8KMIH PARK pmpertv OWXKKS are mlifhty eod people. i'Ol lt KKlKNUri are amomt them and mil make you OOOD N'BlGiiiiORS. Z-Tlt-W IN THE SIMtINO a YOCNO MAN'S fancy turn to thoughts .if La)VL and a tlOCntC In siRMIS C.iKK. THIS IS SPRIMI::: SECTION of land; ninnlMit water, stock and unilli tond. for merchandise or Omaha property. w acreM ror mercliamline. l. Dawson county, well imtnwetl. for oinalm home. 1. unimproved, for home. Five Omaha lots, la-htly. with od 1- rtmm houee, for eastern Nebraska or luwn farm, !.) NELSON HOKLCK. n Karaite UM. KOTR ;rfH-ery fttorlc. well loraleti, icood Ixielneee. to Nelson & Holclc . T-W FOR SALB OH TRADE, three valuable Koul-heanns: patented minlns eiffima In Ciitonininorfiwle'iir part .or wlllpnt them Into a stock company. "Atlnren ii. laard. Slierman ave.. umaha. 7.-ai TilA D 15 OR SALE, :i lUery buolness In Omaha. Sherwooal Stables, corner lith and Madison, itve., Omaha. 10 FOR EXCHANGE, stock and (train farm. Ti acre, near Haywood. Frontier county, Neb. . ) fenced. 1M In cultivation, good Improvements, house, sheds, cribs, gran Hry. windmill, etc.; possession given at once. Also improved farm In Clay and Nuckolls rojntles. These properties will Iv sold on reaeonable terms or will trade for clear Improved property In Omaha or South Omaha, or small farms nearby Inquire of owner. S. A. EAR I.E. Telephone llir. OH Bee Building. V.- MK0 II MEDICAL. LADIES. VM reward for an obstinate, long standing abnormal case suppression, any cause old Dr Jackson s Vegetable Female Medlilne falls to relieve in .'1 hours with out, pain or loss of work, no ergot or tansy home for confinement cases. Mailed JilO. Dr. Jackson. R. C. Dept., I. 1JT. Dear born St., Chicago. M 397-lt VIRTUAMA cures Impotencj resulting from Indiscretions or debility, ctves vi tality, vigor, restoring desires, ambitions, aspirations of youth, health, nttlng tor success, happiness in business, profes sional, social, married life;; XZ. or Z tor 13. Sent anywhere prepaid on receipt ot price. The ICldd Drug Co.. Eluir.. IIL American Office, retail, wholesale, Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha, M. A. Dillon. South Omaha; Davis Drug Co.. Council Bluffs. Full line rubber goods. VITALITY low. debilitated- or exhausted, cured by Dr Kline a Invigorating Tonic Free tl trial bottle containing 2 weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute, 331 Arch St.. Philadelphia. Founded 171. PIMPLES, blotches, all chronic skin dls euses, positively cured by greatrst dis covery. 'Dermallne. ' Send 3)c for full 10 days' treatment. S. Schorr, 411-167 Dear born. Chicago. 433 iu LADIES Dr. Strickland's Regulator te Ueves In five hours; box free. Stamp for particulars. I'rown Chemical Co.. B. :3, Milwaukee, Wis. 3;iy LADIES No more delayed periods; no moro drugs: omethlng new: highly en dorsed, very easy. Box 193. Dumelds. W. Vb. -S1-1s MEN Cut loose fmm electric belt fakirs, free trial prescription frauds and the so railed vacuum treatment. They are all frauds of the lowext type; all they want Is your money. And they glvo you noth ing In return. I have a hygienic euro for sexual weakness, Impotcncy. night looses and varicocele. Care yourself at home, practically no expense. Address, Box 391, Lincoln. Neb. w lf LADIES! Chichester's Englliii rennyroyat Pills are the best, safe, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles" In letter by return malL Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Phlladelpnia, Pa. CANCER cured at home by Internal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain. Book an! testimonials mailed tre. Cancer In stitute, 131 W 3d St., N. Y. LADIES. I positively guarantee Golden Seal, never falling female regulator: will relievft most obstinate cates of delayed period in live hours, sent secure from observation. Jl.OO. Dr Annie Fowler. 3711 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. Ili:i.(;iA. HAHEH. I FOR SALE. 35 An Belgian hares. Out of lm j ported stock, prize winners, at reasonable figures; have a few at U each. Come early ana rave your pick. inquire upstairs, UO South 16th St.. one block south ot William St. Afil-lS BELGIAN HARES Some Hue does bred to a t-potnt F&shodn buck for sale. Royal Babbitry. Holdrege, Neb. STANDARD Belgian Hare Book. 175 pe. free with each yearly subscription to the Poultry and Belgian Htiru standard, the amateur's offlciql magazine, both for standard, itatrukig.. Kansas city. Mo. it l.CO) BELGIAN hares. Highest gradt. low est prices; Investigate. A. il. I.jce. tij S. Tremont st.. Denver. Colo PATENTS. INVENTORS GOT AN IDEA? Wo handle patents cupjngnts una traue marks, you , gtve as the bare Idea und wa will do the ' rest; modern equipped machine shop and j foundr in connection. Official Gazette on tile: guide, book tre. Mason. Fenwlck & i Lawrence:., patont lawyers, 1K Howard St.. Tel. , Omaha. J. P. Cronln. rpr. , -33 I INVENTORS. w ask no fee until the patent is pror..rw; If we fall, we get no fee; advice free. Sues .t Co., Patent Law yers, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Long dU- ; tance telephone, ICS. US-MarU' j PATENTED and unpaienteed inventions bought and sold. Lucas & Co . St. Louis, ! SIMIItTll A.M) A.MJ TYPUWUlTIMi. A. C. VAN SANT'S School. 717 N. Y. Ufe. J33 BOYLES' College, court reorter pnndpal. uee uiag. NEB. Business & Shorthand college. Boyd's Theater. asi GREGG Shorthand. Om. C Col., 16 & Doug D.V.CIX. LAST chance, last term for this season, begins this week at Morand's dancing school. I'reighton hall. Adults. Tuesday and Friday p nr. reduced price Ii for ten lessons, children, Wvdnesday 4.15 p. m.. Saturda. i. p. m.. 30 lessons flu: pri Nate lessons daily, assemblies every Wadneawlay. 13 WASTED TO llllllllllW. W NTED to bom. .A fO on x gool I pieco ni ounness -ireper" t t -eara at rr "eit Taxable semf-tnr r j. t w'i bear nspecil .1 Vddresa a I "m mutiiLattgna to K. 6L Bee. mm Ji THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: M'Ml.VV, MAUCH 10. 1001. rMl l,l Itlttl, HT ITfJ. DO TOU'ffAJ-T TO BUY OR SKLL HOU3WL LOTS. FAIUIH OR ItACMstS? U call uaon or ie4eaioite oaOROR F. Bltl(S. aj. Paxton Block. ... ?AJ?3- ia-rr farm In Douglas county, hou-e. new barn Mr ' hrnd horse;, cattle bnrn J or M or I! htwd, am nary, new dwiblc oamcrlh wth roofed driveway between. II acre broken, mostly valley land. CAN'T BE BRAT. Only Mi par acre. IS acres near FlonHsee. m per acre. 7 acrw near South Omaha, if per acre. 4 acres, extra fine. $(. 4) acrex, well hcalel. m.S) per acre. If we don't mention what yon are looking for came in anyway we've not it. RANCHES. L'-acre ranch in ihe famous Beaver Val ley, convenient to P.. E. & M. V . t7nln Pacific and Burlington railroads, on the dlvdlng llne-btwp-n the cotton belt nnd range country and well adapted to the raising and distribution "f thoroHghhred cattle: soil a black sandy and very pro ductive; free range In sand hills for graz ing 1 ..) to 1.Hm head: dear running water: two houses and bulldlnxs to hamlle l.n'i to l.Sfu head. Improvements cost n.-. Price. 31.-A. 10,t. acres, down to quarter sections. We've got them umler irrigation. We've got them with springs. We've got them without water. We've got them with bulldlna. Weve got them stocked. Wa've got them without anything. If you mean business we can fit yru out. HOUSES AND LOTH. On a full lot. SOxHs. in the north part of the city, a nice -mom cottage. meaKYn. barn. lawn, well and cittern. .9i. We havu tht privilege for a few day to of er a property that. is a snap got hwate nt. ?i rooms. gaa city water, '!n firtrtas condition. tiNLY Xl'.V H--re Is a chance for someone to-4nvec a little xnmi&y that will bring thim-'good returns cottages for fl.Sw. which rnt for no. it and It per month. For small inveetors here is another 5 room ottage. city water In kitchen, good brick and cemented cellar, corner lot, rents for JU. per month. M. We have another cottage this wek to of fer on very easy terms. Come and see ts concerning this . Facing Hanscom Park, a nice 7-room cot tage, modern, good bam. .. Wo have two other pieces of property Just listed with us. near Hanscom Park, that has 7 rooms. Is modern except furnace, porcelain bath tub. good gas fixtures, all complete, large cemented cellars, 13,30. In "West Farnam. a fine Ifcrge eight-room house: NEW, ttttrd with everything mod' ern. nothing more Is needed. This Is a omplete beautiful home, paved street. Only M.7S0. RESIDENCE LOTS. Near Ames ave.. a few tin lots. JIM: U down and ii per month. Near Mundersou st.. a few fine lots, tit down and Jl per month. Other flno residence lots In every part of the city, ranging from JttO to .(... FIVE PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGE REAL ESTATE SECURITY. ALSO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. GEORGE P. BEMIS, Established in 1S6S:) Telephone I&5. Paxton Bloek. RE-C7 10 R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Fnrnam Si Bee Building. DWELLING HOUSES. No. SS7 9 rooms, bath, closet, hot and cold water, gas, furnace, cellar, asphalt pave ment, permanent sidewalk all paid In full, house No. 1333 South 31st street, only lj block north of Park. OWNER HAS LEFT THE CITY and Is anxious to sell. Price. U.VO. No. ST? 7 rooms, bath closet, gas, hot and cold water, good cellar, everything IN GOOD REPAIR and nicely arranged, within walking distance: some one ought to buy this quick. Price, J3.7CO. No. 7Ww Here Is an opportunity for one to get a home right. Owner has authorized us to sell his home. No. 30'rJ Decatur, for J3.SC. payable as follows: JWO vacant lot, tKO In cash, tlrst mortgage back on prop erty for Jl.t.W, J years, A per cent, nnd JSoO In monthly payments. House 7 rooms, all modern. VACANT LOTS. No. 316 Lot IS, block 6. Omaha View. Make offer; owner must sell. No. KM Owner has requested us to get an offer on these two lots 30 In 1, Orchard Hill, and I In S, Kelliy Place. 2S and Harney St., tine building lot for 11.'. No. 193 Full lot 3Rth und Dodge sts. for 1.3W. . On 3Sth ave.. south of Lake St., 40-foot lot. Want an offer. TRACKAGE. No. 5 Two lots 9th and Capitol ave., corner. I15,(W. On Harney St.. between 9th and lh. with double track In alley, 1310 per foot. R. C. PETERS .t CO., 1793 Farnam. RE S59 10 PHILIP POTTER & SON COMPANY. Philip Potter. President; Aubrey Potter. Secretary- III New York Life Building. We have now exclusive sale of 20S feet by 133 on Thirty-third street, between Far nam and Dodge. All taxes are paid, in cluding special taxes. We will divide to suit purchatcr. This Is choice res. dene property. Call and ee us if you wish a line residence lot. A nice hout in West Farnam street. rooms, all modern, pleasant house, good yard. Owner has moved out of the city It will pay 10 per cent gross on the In vestment. H.Uai.ui. Two cottages for HV'Xn). must be sold soon. We have sold five farms this month, and still we wish to sell mure. ICi acres in Saunders county. Nebraska, only Jf...'U". . acres In Washington county. Nebraska, 1SU0 per acre. 10) acres in Knox county. Nebraska, only H.l.iO. Fire insurance and surety bonds a spesially PHILIP POTTER ,-ic SON COMPANY Phone 470. RE 735 10 FOR SALE business property paying 141 monthly rent for U.3S6. S-room modern residence. No. liS7 North ISth st.. 13.i.). No. 1930 Wirt st 10-room modern hbusc. oak finish, ll.00. Comer lot In Plalnvfew add. for SB0; cost 1.S. Half block, six lots. In Boyd's add; want offer. Vacant lots nnd acreage very cheap. W R. HOMAN. FRENZER BLOCK, RE 1 10 FOR SALE, IOC-acre stock ranch, ldat sheltered location, abundant range, ws,ter and productive rncnilt.w botK.mw for large hnl; railroad station, navigable river, mill Umber, rrhard. Improvementa on ranch, oash market, hay. implements, lis head stock: 113.UW spot cash; no trade W M. Humphreys. Bonner's Ferry. Idaho. HE- DROP In and see what our prices and I terms aro on the 1 modem houe we ire ' now building on 3ith mst north ..f Farnam W- hai n .thers jf '. 'o & rooms from 13., t ut HVMM.Tf'.S IRl'S BU'IDERS Ground Fi&or, Ben Uldg, Telephone ,i5 . ME i3l -J I I'lllt l.lt URAL MSTTU. t' FARNAM 3JKITM f 'fl , ' FARNAM HTRKi:T !) Beautiful modern home .n list ar.. jr Curtlt Turner para. mow. lowvr floor finish in quarter-sasrest .ink, oak China claret. e4 . tiled hath and tl base, svry hest conetructton throiMhout. largo Intni. pared drive, permanent walk. DaMnaT all nald. fflte .awn ami im. Owner will accept a cholc vacant lot as part payment. fB-aw Jne or morn f the fnilowtnr htmses. MB ami Wt Soinh Mth aVe.. roains eacn. and an and ai south T7 tn streot. S rooms each .entlr4v tnotleni. wfll built and In ifoud repair. This prop erty muet be sold Seu is rir farther particulars. (Il-JfttMJood -rrn hous ,n N. ISth St.. In walking distance, rents for IS per month. Can be bought for .!. (M-I17 Wll built S-room heusa. rootl re jssar. latge comer loU price n,0i. iB-ll Two ooftacog and lot on So. ISth. near 1-eavenworth. price for two. only tJJ-. (H-V 7-rtwim cottage and two Ih, two Mocks from car. price .mlv H.iw. ( -Sf.it S'lje cottaxe. good repair and cor ner lot. In Walnut Hfil: ib-IM Six-room cottage near and Laird, rents at Is: priee Wa. VACANT LOTS. Fine corner lot. 4th and Harney, all pav- in paid in full, at a bargain. Fine building lot on Jfrd ave., near Sven- port, only .). Mce . tMo.it lot. rd. near .Vinson, paring all paid, IIa"). South tront on Meredith ave., near lith: pnc IHM. , , RANCH. One of the flrie-t ranches in Nebraska, Z.v) acres, 7J under cultivation, hataace. In paeture. abundance ..f running water, and fenced and ross -feaced. two ilwHl Jl!i brn' "nl- ""n. SCSlles, feed yards, etc. This land lies throe mile 3,"w,ri,or-1 w, '1 all or t7. Farther particulars on application. Other ranches and farms for sala. If )" wish (o buy or eHl. call on W. FARNAJC SMITH CO. in farnam street re-s 10 SWEET HEADLBY. Pn'ono.2i?3.'- l N. V. L. BWg. HVrnm rpa.. SMh arl.IBiiBif-i all modern. lT'i. wrge-lot. a.wiictc. saiopleU) home, HPiJh11 raf?lp" hdme. flnst corner on Parte Ave. invest t gate lt, residence strictly modern, good ham. permanent walks, lot aixia. nice lawn and shade. cloe In. H.7-A S rooms, new and right up-to-date in everv respect. 31th Ave. near Farnam. 1I.SM. MaI0" IOt 50x10, S,,h nm Poiwleton. 7-r. mod., ex. heat, walking distance, n.crjn. 1"!!3--ct,,.t"i ,wiLh b"nrnt. making nine room place In nne condition, nlee maple !. located at 2th Ave and Cumltrg on .?rUW f'L" "n PriS only Jl.. a big bargain. 'ii ua1 tel Sx,,fl' K,h nd chf, -r. water full lot. 35th and Spragne. IVA -r.. walking distance, good repair. SiT us .Lor a no,n th' ' homellk-a. We have them chtup. to. m .VL c,,0'CK BUILDING LOTS. 1tx?Z- Farnam aud th. east front. 14.30. iSx!- ?,n,,"nn Av. and Burdette. .".. HixUQ. Hanscom Place, ll.no WX13S. In Marysvllle. a -np. UU) Zxir,- near 31th and- Ames. $-. Mxlil. Blondo and aoth. lllrf. If we have what you want and the price Phone 1473. j y. . mag. RE 743-W PURCHASE YOUR HOME QUICK OR , PAY MORE. The people-are surely coming, population increasing. Eight of our properties recently advertised have sold and we expect to sell day? ne f thP f0,Io,v,n'r ln hl' n't few 1M3 In Avondale Park, on Webster St., near school, churches, business and car line: . rooms, hot and cold water plumb ing: gas. bath mom sewer connection and Lot 33. block 1. South front. -Prt,c.' R' Heasonabte terms. Sll Here is a fine .-hance for a big bargain 12 a i".room houf- l"'e lot within walk Ing distance of the business district. The housn ! modrrn tn Pvtry particular On paved street and in good neighborhood. ,,J.ricT. ,and frm given nt the office. u4i This Is n fine new house of 0 rooms besides laundry- Leafed on Georgia Ave The house has every modem convenient, is wen built and right up-to-date. Pos. session .an be given May 1. If sold at SPSS: .J"-1 'X'atitlftil home Is offered at 6.5J: II.'m) rash, balance 6 per cent. MS This house has seven rooms and city water, good lot. In west part of city Owner Instruc ts us to taka !.); .) cash, balance no per month. The house alone would cost IU0 to build. ItA In Orchard Hitl. 7-room house, hath room, city water, -tr . 30-foot lot. houth front, property in good repair and Is offered for 11. m. OO cash, balance lis ,J'f month. This Is a bargain. lG-On Charles St.. In Orchard Hill. 3 blks from car line, 7-room house, DO-fobt lot. city water, rents for 13 per month Owner murt sell at once nnd has in structed us to offer this place for H.uO. Snap. VACANT LOTS. 1141-Lota 1. 3. block D. Saunders & Hlme- baugh s. K0O each. Lot S. block 5. Orchard Hill. !V: paved street, sewer. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. RE-74S-10 WHY DON'T YOU GO HOME? U You Have No Home. Buy One. "?u.?: s roorn' ut toward Hanscom park, full lot, 11,00. Two neat cottage homes North ISth. JlCO and 11.7T0. Fine modern cottage home, near 3llh and Ames Ave. car bam, Il.tW). ery cheap S-room modern house and full lot, neat bam. tine location, near Hun- scorn park, at two-thirds value. Nat .Property, near Armour's. South Omaha, very cheap this week. To exchange, store, grocery stock, full lot. with residence. Will take residence nearer in as part pu Clear 197 Pierce county fur Omaha property lis) farms near Omaha. To buy. sell or exchange see WATERMAN WILLIAMSON. 17) BEE. Telephone, lite. RE 737 10 FOR SALE or exchange. lot 13. block 8, near corner Sherman av. and Locust st. Address Thomas Fitzgerald. Independ ence. Mo. mj HOME Seekers comprehend advantiigos of fered at Wheatland Farm Colony. Wyo ming. Now Is the time to get in. Terms aaay: crops mire. Nelson fc Hoelck. SIS Rnmge Bldg. See us for farms near Omaha. RE 741 Iv E CALL homeseekers' mention to our farms on crop payment plan; Ilt) cash only on 160 acres Excursions every Tues day Nelson & Hoelck. 319 Ramge Bldg. RE-74lO AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE IMPROVED AND VACANT PROPERTY. On account of owner leaving the city we will offer the following property for sal to the highest bidder on Wednesday. March l-i'Vvri"11 nEAI' BHTATE EXCHANGE. Board of Trad Uulldlng, Sixteenth and Farnam. sale commencing at l.vt p. m. The east -ST. feet of I'.t . bloek X J t. Redlck's Addition, house No. 3SIS Leaven worth St.. south front. Size of lot SxVj) . feet. This lot has .1 welt built 6-room house upon It. Also the west feet of the east 70 feet of same liA. nous- No. 336 Leuvenworth St. Size of lot attU" feet, with a well b-illt, 8-room house 'jpon It. This Is a very choice location, on one of the best car lines In the city: beautiful shade trees, nice lawn, permanent pave ment and walks. Also lot 31. Filrmont Place. Lot is 30x131 feet, being west front on 3Sth 8t.. KO feet north from Grant St.. and only one block south. of the Lake St. motor line. Nicely on grade with desirable surroundings. These properties will be offered free from Incumbrance of every nature and upon the following terms: One-fourth oash balance in 1, 3 and 3 years at 6 per .xsnt Interest Successful bidder will be required to de posit i per cent f purchase price ot property when knocked down to him. For further particulars .-all upn or ad dress. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY Muln Floor New York Life Bldg. Telephone- No. 1TF! RE 317 It TWO finely improved farms for sale at n bargain, must be s dd at n e ('ampueJl. Christian. York, Nub. RE 774 "0 llrtuf.) HOI HF - and bam ' ..! corner lot luar strret a' .457 Ho tth RE-MSii-is' J I'OH U.E-ttEL i;TATK. D V SntlLBS lit' X T Life BMc t)IPANY Tleph'inr So We offer In nnrh par of citv a . orner lot on alley, south fmr.t, with s-rooW houe. modern except rarnace in fine re pair, with fine brick bam. mora for two horses and two carrtaa-. atone aeaVwalh. iron fpne. etc. A beajttrul born far small family. Reasons for -lHng. owner ds4r larger bouse. See i for particu lars. Price. JtViy. 44l-3 N. 3th n.. xli3. r-rc-m. trtctly modern, oak finish, one-half block irotn car line. K.fja. SW Mth and Harney, south front. iit ax ' Ut HM. '--roem house, strictly modem, with bam. Price. 14.75 mt On Oewgia are., near Hanscom park. full comer lot. new s-room, strictly mod ern, nickel plumbing, porr-loln bnth. oak bntsh. Doilshed floors: a mortem home. Prirn. .) VACANT On Farnam street enposlte the Barton resi dence, we offer Jx!SJ feet, being the fin est location for view or anything to be had, For u few days we are authorised to make a special price on this w hlch will attract you if you are in the market for a fine building site. Wei offer on K6 ave. TOxlK feet, a most beautiful building slip, surrojnded ry houses costing from !l(Ut to .!., for the small sum of only .. with all pav ing paid, stone walk, trees, etc. This is a bargain seldom offered in choice vacant property In such a locality. We also offer on the same street south of Davenport. Uxlffi ft., lying Arte, built up on both sides, for Il.tTuJ. This is no price at nil. LANDS. tn Boone county we offer the (Tnet tnck ranch of l.M acres along the Benver val ley. 1 acres uf which Is In alfalfa and the balance fine hay land. This ranch Is well Improved, the Improvement cstl!tg about tt.h Free range In the sand hills adjoining for l. head of stock. Price,, sn.yi. Leased 11.. yonr. RE Ml 19 SHIMBR fc CHASK, Au elegant house with 3 lots on 3!d. near Farnam. ,. , '-room. md. house on west Farnam. $." 7-room md. house on wt Farnam. .). HOMES off EASY PATMUNT.-' 4-room house, full tot. on P. ith st., 11.5(0. ' 7-room house and barn, ISth and Plnttney, M.3W S-nm cottiiKe. asth and Corb'y. lt.n. CENTRAL NEBRASKA RANCH .PH.OP--BRTY b- ' '-36.X"-acre ranch, well Improvcit. ) head of stock. .(). 3.(")-acre ranch, well Impmvfsl. .(. yon-acre ranch, with 30) aores alfalfa land. . '"iD-acre ranch, well Improved. J4.0T4. lVacrc ranch, welt improved. !!JfO. 40 acres grazing land. R per acre ALFALFA STOCK FARMS. First-class alfalfa lands yields 13 to lift per acre, which is better than Iowa or Illinois farms, and yet these lands ran be had for 113 to IIS an acre. They will double In value In the next S years. 30 mrr of alfalfa, Jl years old. In Harlan Co. recently -old for 110) per acre. We have a fc-acrc alfalfa farm, well Im proved. i4 miles from station, will make a fine feeding station. 14.S.A We will be glad to show you our list of alfalfa lands.. FARMS. Jio acres well Improved, near Omaha. ISO an acre. 110 acres In Logan Valley, well Improved J00 an acr.-. 160 acres in Howard Co . fair Improve ments, ll.wo. We have lands for sale In Douglas. Wash ington. Dlxon. Thurston. York. Saline. Clay. Nuckolls. Adams. Buffalo. Howard. Valley and ln nearly every county In the state. FIRE INSURANCE. HOUSES FOR RENT SIMMER St CHASE. COi BEE BLDG. TEL. 1413. RE ) 10 GARVIN BROS.. 1612 FARNAM ST. CHOICE LOT. aSxllOFT.. 3ITH AND FAR NAM. PRICE, 13.150. New 7-room. modern house, full lot. 31th ave. and Farnam; price. tl.TV). JJtn- Qh eight-room house: rents IIM P" year: price. 11.6M. A BARGAIN. 2333 Pierce at.. 4-room house, iw.). want of fer. Near Lako school, on ISth at. boulevard, 5 niom house, partly modem, large barn: beautiful lot, 60x140 ft.: price. 13.350; can glvo Immediate possession. South of Vinton st., good 4-room house., cellar, city water, gas, bam. chicken m house. 3 lots: price, ll.cvi. 7-room. modem house, 36th and Parker Pts.. south front, nlnr location, on paved street, coed barn; rents 12SS per year price. !3.9). Splendid lot. 30th and Miami sts . 167): an other 30th and Maple. .,n car line, J300. GARVIN BROS., 1613 FARNAM ST. RE Mi 10 3o ACRES. West Dodge st . house, barn, grapes, etc.: a cheap place for IS.yo. 130 acres. 11 miles northwest, fair Improve. ments: price. ISO per acre. 270 acres. Papplo bottom land, south of South Omaha; price. 160 per acre. 312 acres. 12 miles west of Omaha P. O.. near Millard: price. IS per acre. Full lot on Grant st.. near 38th. 1450. Decatur at., between 2Sth and 36th sts., Wx 12i) f.-et. near car line; price. !.. 4139 Franklin street. lot WxlM feet. 7-room houce. near car line. tl.3i). f South 30th street. S-room house, rental 115 per month, close In. I1.CX 1143 and lit; North lith st.. rtOxHO feet, pav ing paid. BARGAIN nt 13.500. N. E. corner of 26lh and Cuming streets. two houses. U.Jrt) SUBMIT OFFER. Farnam street. 3-room house, bam. very cheap at U.M0. Famam street, near Hth. three-story brick building. 32x132 feet. 123.01. JOHN A. FRENZER, OPP OLD P O. RE 561 10 WE ARE AUTHORIZED to offer, subject to prior sale, an improved South Omaha 24th st., business property, renting for 13.W0 per annum, lot 130 ft. frontage, by 150 ft. In depth. la netting owner over 10 per cent per annum. The property Is In nrst-class condition, rented to permanent tenants, nnd never vacant. An an Investment cannot be excelled; 31th street Is the "coming" business street In South Omaha, the packing Industries are yet In their Infancy. This property Is assured of a big advano-d value In a comparatively short time. GYkhI reasons for celling. See us and secure particu lars. GARVIN BROS., 161 FARNAM ST RE-541 10 A. F CONNETT. 309 N. T. LIFE. Fine S-r. modern dwelling, south front, two lots. barn, nt 4606 Dodge on ar line: this house cost l4.or): I think eastern owner will accept CSto. Fine south front comer Bemls park J&): can build you a nice or 7-r cottaee. Come and eo me. A. F CONNETT, 3f N. Y. Life. Phone U. RE W lu ONE 'it the finest houses In ICountze Plac all modern, hard wood flnldi. !3.:o ft-room cottage, chloken house, bam. 1750. S rooms, brick, cellar under all. 1700. Geo. W Holbrook, 307 Brown Blk. RE-730 10 W ANTED. ll. 7-room house, modem ex cept furnace, for ) central Nebraska farm and ll.tu) cash. L 7. Bee. P.E-533 FOR SALE, ranch, central Nebraska, over 3.(""i acres deeded land, alundance 1 ullalo grass, hay and two miles water- plenty fall Tinge. Immediate possession. Ad. dress L W. Omaha Bee. RE 524 70 S ACRES J miles from P a. high nnd sightly, near new county clnb. at SMlj and ''enter, only 1171 per acre; lts than you would pay for a single lot. The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. Hth st. nE-S! to SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK. t tots one block from High school, each having 30 feet frontage on asphalt paved street, also sewer, gas. water, etc. All thxes for these special Improvements are paid lq full. These, lots are a little above the street grade. The location Is all ;hat could lm desired. Iielng one block ffom stroet car and within walking distance of business Price JA7S per lot, GEORGE & COMPANY, 1C01 Famam RE M 573 14 WE have 4 beautiful south front ots in uMiun uth, tvH. win uuiiu lor you ou monthly payments. W have a flne sightly lot. west nart of city for sale, or will build a modern houve for the right party. An elegant homo 10 blocks went of post- J num al once lien f. r.il- v. 1 r 1 1 r . k 1 rr i , I , - . RE-J73 10 HEM S TRK nroperf i.WNPRH ar mign, good neopio YOl R FRIENDH 1 re am-.ps: inern ard win make j UOOL- NEIGHBORS. RE- U ,j Pull SALll-ltrtAL IlMTATB. SKAP aVTiftoe bsmin lot. two Mock south depot, lath at. inauirtHU Ylaton nm me an IU VROOM rot'age and lot. mk near Lake St rbaip. Uoa TTX Kearney, Neb. RB-ssVlt MOUS1CS Iota, larms.tandi. Impm; also flr tn ranee. Bemla. Paxton Blk. R Si CM AS. WILLIAMSOK. Farnam SI. nn III RANCH AND FARM lands far sale ftr the Union PaetAe iim mi -. R v McAjtaatfr. land commlswloaer.' Union Zr.Z'i' ndlo Head-tiartetm Omana. N. 1 3TX n-ai 1 AN IMPORTANT REAL BSTATS notice::: paynk-knox company Have been appointed sate agents for alt KOUNTKK PLACE tots owned and con trolled by MR. HERMAN KOUNTXtl. and he now offer them for .tbout cr.e. third their foraer value. Plats can 00 examined and prices :nd tsrms of putchase given at the oifiee. Any f out obliging salesmen stand ready to show you these fme lots at any time. Jnit think of it: A beautiful 9foot lot In KOUNT7.E PLACE for 17M. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG. llB-MsM 11 HELP AUDITORIUM! BUY BEMIS PARK LOT. RR-M4 U SEE HENRY B. PAT.VK. m X. Y. LIFE. HK 1 HELP AUDITORIUM! BUY BEMIS PARK LOT. UK M 817 W HELP auditorium: BUY BKMIS PARK LOT. RS-MSIS 10 DOCTORS and LIFE INSURANCE MEN select healthy locutions for their f.imll.e. of tbcm OWN HOUSES AND l.(T8 in BttMis park. rk-.mi:. 11 FOR SALE at sacrlllce. or will trade for I improieci winana property, valuable ui;tn. , cumbered ten-acre lemon ranch In San ' w.ego ruv. (.ainornla. vin mockn from 1 trMt war: beMUtlfully located, tre- bear ing; Jath of owner necessitates Iminodl- ' ate sale. Address L I, 11 otllce. j RE M6M 16 IN'TliE St'ntNG a YOUNG MAN'S fancy i turns to thoughts of LOVE nnd .1 HOUSE in BKMIS PARK. THIS 13 SPRING . HK-m-lt) CHEAP lots in omaht, north and south front, on Capitol ave . between 27th and I fcth streets. .Vxl27 fwt, onlv SMO. The ' Byron Reed Co . .'13 S. 14lh st. IlK-0 10 roll II E.N T I, A.M), FOR RENT 4 acres garden land, house, Sam and well liiuir" A. Arnemanu. 13 Fnrnam. Room 1 MAM lu OMTE4)PATIIT. JOHNSON institute. 515 N. T. L. Bldg. Tel. '!'..All.c. Jon,',on' D- 0 ladles dept.; Old h. Johnson. Osteopathtst, Mgr. -117 M;-.E,- Rt.,'N91,l:E' D' - of 8tl11 'chooi! Klrksvllle, Mo.. i Paxton Blk. Tel. ire?! -31S WALL PAPER. 3c n roll and up: palt.tlng, pajier hanging, decorating. Kelsey. 117 S. 17th. Tel. 1C0S. LAI'.NnitV. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, "e; collars, 3c. cuffs. 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. -333 STAMMERING A.M) TUTTEHIXf:. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -C34 CAIIPKATERS A.M) JOIIUERH. ALL kinds of carpnter work and repairing promptly attended to. J T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. jo BICYCLES. W E HAVE the only Vulcanlzer In the city for buggy tires. We do this work as gcod as can be done at the factory. 1623 Cap! tol Ave. s3i JL.MC B. & M. junk house. J. Milder. Prop., dealer tn all metals, bottles, etc. Carloads a specialty. svi-3 r'urnam, umanu. lei. 337s -M331 PAWMIHOKEHH. EAGLE Loan office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, mil Douglas. i"j PRINTING. HAVE It printed right. Waters Printing Co., 433 bo. 15th St. Phone JlSsj. uii A7 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 132L M. 3. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. I'AHMS l-'llll RENT. SO, NEAR Florence and to In Iowa. F. D. VVeud, 1534 Dougius St. CXI S TICKET IIIIOKCII. CUT rate tickets ever' where. P. IL Phil bin. liOi Famam. Telephone 714. 333 INCUBATORS AND llltOODUK!). INCUBATORS and brooders; catalogue free. Write Burr Incubator Co.. B 3. Omaha, Neb. Factory at Jith Davenport. -47-Mi EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or evening. R. 15, Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Ratbbun C6 ELOCUTION READING. MRS. DORWAHD. Studio 633 N. ISth St. OT-A1 It U II HE II STAMPS, BADGES, medals. Om. Pl't. Co. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2UC. -327 ACCORDION PLEATING. ACCORDION pieatlng. cheapest, best quick est. Mrs, A. C. Mark. d. E. Cor. 17th und Farnam. 1 K KRY LOT SOI.I) IN BEMIS PARK HEM' FITS AlDITOItlL.M M) DON'T lOVI" III VKR ANYTHING EXTRA IS THURi: IS no tnv.tMi: IN PUKES, SEE PVYVE-KNOY CO. DO YOU WANT TO BREED EXHIBITION STOC K? 1 1?"r.txWT,P5nV.aaC WiSRyh0ril ROCKS Irr ....... ":-r'" -j --"; , - h wii uicnuiiig pens, ine oeet mai money could buy Egg. 12.50 fr li, also have two pens of S. 1. Brown Leg horns. ,ne pen from WM, BRACE. VICTOR, N. Y , jne pen from JUDD JOHNBON ELM IRA. N Y Es-cs. 1154 ner !E I h.v r,iV ,,M of ongm iianiami ana km uwk 1 Kgrs. Jl CO per 45 A ' s'o- x and eggs F araiiteed. When stock Is -nature d and results aro not satisfactory I will ef-ind money tiaid fcr a.l Eggs, except incubator Eggs. Incubator Ergs, tz.jj per hundred, 'rom good stock. fiend rash with orders. Tel. L2744. iiti'r. IA)ST. fur drivlna alove. left 1-1 tureen Jfew T.rb Life building m.' caao and 17th ts. reward. Bee m N4 Cos- LOT. mink boa bet ?tth md Harney. Iat riituua ntghi It 1 i TB S. th ave ;,0t M LOST fox terrier, wblie with hrow i rv 's brown iar on head H want i.r t j to 3HR Dndsje st Lost ?M . lllltllH XMi TX.XiniJHMV. ! Htnl Store. ;jS ! :t!. riMMII.H TKIIIVd. OLOHK -ot-( ir co OP Leax h ''e Zi r9 ra I Ante Room Echoes, Actordlog to .'ustom the Klkt arc getting ready for tlelr annual benefit cnicrta.n ment. which will take place at be Hcr.1 theater April 2 and -1. s In former cai.i Mr. T P Gett of 'A Night In llobc ra,.t fame will have charge of the show nh, h will coniltt of a gigantic minsirri Irat part, a number of bright aud catchy (re clames and will conclude with a bur!i.sq.s called. "til-Treated Trovatore ' The entertainment will be staged In a manner to bring it rlse to a professional standard and lll embrace the sen Lei i large number of Klks. assisted by a number of our best young women, together wllh o chortif of children. The minstrel first part will be patriot L In the extreme and will introduce such well-know. biTjes as Uncle Sam. Dewey, Schley. Sampson ,ird Hobson. The olio will be bright and spark ling and the closing skit, the burlesque of "II Trovatore. ' will abound In oau hy music, diiwes and bet local gags. Rehearsals arn being held dally and the shew promises f o be even better than last year's u..-ees There Is conslderablo talk among II (Mem Woodmen concerning the erc-tlca of a building te be used by the aricu !piJ camps for headquarters. If 11 is found ita practicable to build, the proposition to ar range with some capitalist to put up a butldlag and make suitable arrangements ln it for lodge rooms may be acted up;n Wltbln the rext two or three weeks a couple of the larger Woodmen ramps will havo to hunt new quarters In which to l.old their meetings. The building in which their sessions arc now held haa been sold to the Ancient Order of United Workmen Ibdces of Omaha and they will devote It entirely to their mectlngt. The Workmen have about the same number of members in Omaha as the Modern Woodmen, ln se curing this building they have taken a step In advance of the other 'oclc'lcs, for not only havo thry provided a permanent home for their lodges and secured for them a meeting place that will mean a great saving In cost, but they will secure ad vertising that could not be had In any other way. Meanwhile Omaha s eleven .amps of the Modern Woodmen of Arerr'a, almost all ot which hold weekly meetings, are still conducting thslr sessions in hills which are not fitted for the purpose o say nothing of the fact that the rents 'hoy ara paying amount to hundreds of diHara a rear. Among the Odd Follows in 'his :ty preparations aro being mado for the cle brutlon of the eighty-fourth anniversary of American Odd Fellowship, on April 15. The arrangements arc In chargo of Can ton Ezra Millard No. 1. which Is the mili tary branch of the order and Is compesed of members of all the lodges In tho city Canton No. 1 has already been assured of the support of every local lodge lu this movement and all subordinate lodges within 100 miles of Omaha will be luvltcd to par ticipate In tho celebration. Canton No. 1 In full dress uniform iu visit tbe Danish lodge In South Omaha next Thursday evening. Tbe local Odd Fellow lodges have work for nearly every night during the coming week. State lodge No. 10 wilt confer the first degree Monday night. Beacon No, 20 will put on the Initiatory Tuesday night, Wawio No. 182 wilt work the third degree Wednciday night and Omaha No. 2 will confer the initiatory Friday night. Trlanglo lodge No. 54. Knlgbts ol Pythias. Is having plenty of work. At Its meeting last Thursday alght It worked thi second rank and reeelved several petition! for the rank of knighthood. On nexi Thursday evening lt will work on tho tatrii rack. Lillian temple, Ratbbose SUters, is do ing work at each meeting. On last Mon day night It Initiated three candidates. On Monday evening, March 11, It will glvo a card party aud entertainment. Omaha lodge No. 76, Star of Jupiter, bad quite a surprise In store, for 1U members last Friday evening. H. W. Colo, supremo secretary, met unexpectedly with tbe lodgo and quite a number of tbe Council Bluffs brothers and sisters were ln attendance. AH arrangements have, been completed for tbe social dance which will be given at ball No. 2, Labor temple, Friday evening, March IS. Gate City tent No. 60. Knights of tbe Maccabees, will give a hlgb-flvo party and musical entertainment at us ball. Seven teenth and Farnam streets, next Thurs day night. PLANS FOR NEW RAILWAYS lliisslun Agent Returns from a Sur vey of .Mniiuliiirliiu Runted, SAN FRANCISCO. March 9 The Ex aminer says: Prince Engalttschlfle. who s bero from China, enroute to St. Petersburg, is a representative of M. de White, 'he Rus sian minister of finance, and confidential agent ot Adolpb Rothstein. tbe leading financier and railway promoter of Russia. It. Is known tbut ho will convey o tbe Ruiit&n secretary uf railway and com munication final surveys for new Russian lines In China, which are to be operated In connection with tbe Tratusiberlan and the Chinese Eastern, or Manchurlau rai road. He is said to have called tbe atten tion ot Wltto and Rotbstsln to a new an! sparsely settled route to Port Arthur whlrh will cut off 170 mllrs over the present Chinese Eastern lines. The prluee Is one of a syndicate which Is endeavoring to get the Hankow-Cantcj railway concession from its American pr 1 motors. He will go east on Monday Ex-Consul liny RetnrnliiK. SOUTHAMPTON, March 9 Tbe mcrlc-n liner New York sailed today for New York, Among the passengers was Adelber' Hay former United States consul at Pretoria. J. S. IMAN, 1901 So. 29th Ave., Omaha, Neb. , T