s TIIK OMAHA DAILY liEE: SUNDAY, MAIiCIl 10. 1901. 21 i r ( CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Large Attandue of Bnjeri in the Oitj Tirougknt ttt Wiek. MARKETS FIRM AND ACTIVE ALL AROUND Noticeable Kmturri ot the Trade- Are the Iillirrnl Order Urine Plnecd nnd the Arrltnl nf Mnn) ?irw Cutomrii The volume, of buslnes. transacted by local wholesalers during the last week has been of very satisfactory proportion. The city ha been fuH of buyer looking for all classes of spring Rood, and as a re sult Jobbers In all lines have done a rush ing house trade. Dry goods and millinery Jobbers hnve, of course, had more lttors than dealers In other lines, nnd It Is claimed that there have been more merchants In the city during the lnt two week than ever before during the same length if time It is a noticeable feature. too. that thy are placing heavier orders than are u.ually received. That Is accounted for by tne fact that this market Is attracting a bet ter class of buyers than ever before a great many of the largest merchants have always had the Idea that they could not get what they wanted west of Chicago and h.n in the habit of Kolng there rev- eral tlrrfes each year to buy the raupplleF. This year, however, they are stopping off at Omaha to Inspect the lines offered, and as a result Omaha wholesalers are mak ing many new friends. . As regards the market It 1 safe to call practically all lines In a good strong jk; IU-n. The demand Is so great from all over the country that manufacturers are finding themselves unable to nil the.r or drs promptly and are taking advantaee or the opportunity to shove up prices a trine "While there have been no very startling changes during the week there Is an evi dent hardening of prices all along the line and several quotations have been advanced slightly Higher prices are being freely predicted on n number of lines, and in fact Jobbers look for nrm, active markets for somo time to come. Coffee Active nml llluher. "Wholesale grocers report a heavy '' trade and say that spring lines are now be ginning to move out at a rapid rate. The demand Is heavier than It was a year ago and local houses are having about all tne business they can handle The mot Impor tant change In the market Is the advance In package coffee, amounting to VtC. This affects both Lyon and Arbuckle brands, and leaves them both at the same price The green market Is also In n good, strong po sition, nnd higher quotations are being freely predicted. Some, however, arc of the opinion that the present Hurry will not last long. There has been no change In the sugar market since last report, but price are be ing held good and firm, and the demand Is exceptionally heavy for this season of the year Both refiners and Jobbers are looking for an enormous demand later In the year, when fruit and berry seasons open. There has been no fluctuations" In the way of dried fruits. Tho supply of the better rradea is holdlnc un In good shape, and in fact It is claimed that there are fewer lots of poor grades than for several years past. Tne demand at the present time Is very good, considering that there has been so little cold weather. Canned goods are also In the same position they wire a week ago, llRrdnnrr Market Ailvnnrlngv. The enormous demand being experienced In nil necttnns of the eountrv for mot every class of hardware Is Influencing the market to a marked degree Manufacturers are so far behind with their orders tnat It is .stated that nothing can now prevent a shortage a little later when spring lines begin to move, moro freely As 11 result of this condition prices are being advanced and It Is predicted that still higher quo tations will rule In the near future. Since last report sheet Iron has gone up 20c per hundred, wire cloth 10 per cent and gal vanized Iron 10 ier cent. The market as a wholo Is In a very strong position and ad vances In most any line would cause no great surprise. So far as the local situation l concerned local Jobbers say that Indications were never more favorable for u big spring trade than they are at the present time. There Is no doubt but what there will be an Im mense amount of building done all over the west and not only will there be building but farmers as well an town people will spend a great deal of money In making Im provements. Fences will be built and such work a that will be carried on more ex tensively than usual and hardwaro as a re sult will go into consumption nt n rapid rate. Stocks hero In the city are larce and Jobbers are hoping they will be able to supply the wants of their customers with out delay, but whether or not they will bo able to do so depends upon how rapidly manufacturers ship their goods. lllit Demand for Dry tlniid. Dry goods Jobbers during the last week have had about all the business they can handle. Many of their traveling men have been In the city looking after the Interests of their customers and even with their help the salesmen have been rushed from early until late. The buyers have come from all points of the compass and the number that have come up from Kansas. Missouri and southwestern lowu la surpris ing Jobbers In all lines. They are also com ing from wet of the mountains and from points well over Into Iowa Another notice able feature Is the class of goods they arc buying. They all seem to want the best there ts to be had and also the most un-to- date fads. What are called L'Alglon goods are proving to bo great sellers and Jobbers are experiencing home difficulty to get the stock rapidly enough to meet the demand, it was thought the L'Alglon fad would be short-lived, but Jobbers are beginning to ensnge ttieir minds ana are buying new stocks of the latest things out. The market Is practically the same as It was a week ago. According to eastern re ports the demand Is Improving a trifle, es pecially the export demand, nnd manufac turers and Jobbers are both dolnir more business than they were n couple of weeks ago. i-nces aro practically unchanged and tnose nest posted 00 not look ror any radl cal fluctuations for some time to come. The milliner rather took possession of tho city last week and the number In at tendance was much greater than antici pated and was nearly twice as manv as were here the week before From this time on there will probably not be nearly as many, but Jobbers are greatly pleat-od with tne amount 01 nusiness tney nave done, tin) liiKvl'nll Itnliber. Leather goods Jobbers are devoting mnsf of their attention to the rubber goods trade. Traveling men have tx-en covering their territories selling rubbers for next fall and have met with better success than they hoped. There Is now no doubt but what practically all tho rubbers for early delivery to be used next fall and winter will be sold before April 1. Higher prlres at that time are still being freely predicts! and as Jobbers are protecting their customers against a still farther decline there Is every Inducement for them to nlace lbelr orders now. Traveling men who have recently re turned from their territories sa- they never soia as many runners in tnelr lines as they nave during tho limt two weeks. They tlnd that the great inNjort of dealers have sold out their winter lines In falrlv cnod Khan and that not nearly as many rubbers will he cnrriru over as 11 was tnouglit tliero would oe a tew weens Hgo The late snows are what relieved the situation. Merchant ure In mitnh tuiltur irl,. V. .. . I. , ... .... pii,iiB man mvj wnr .1 hnrl time afii Htirt fmvellnt- fW.,l quite willing to anticipate their wants. Spring rubbers and rubber clothing are also selling as well n could be expected In leather goods there has not been much of any change. Nearly all the spring and summer lines nave iwen som ana noout all that Is left to do U the filling or a few sortlng-up orders. Representatives of local houses have been In the cast buying tail goods and tho samples will soon he in readiness to show tp the trade. Jobbers are very hopeful that when their men start out with fall samples they will bo able to land a nice batch ot orders early in the season. Fruit nnd Produce. Nothing of a startling nature has taken place In the frolt and produce district dur Ing the week. Prices on nearly all lines are about the same, but still a few- fluctua tions have been reported. Apples ore higher than they were, as the quotations will hw-, and lemons, on the contrary, are a trifle easier Other fruits remain practically un chanced. Potatoes are not quoted quite as high as they have been, but dealers are of the opinion that at lean prew:.t prices will hold good for the rest of the season Sed potatoes are now coming Into d emend and are selling all the way from 55c to 3104 per bushel, according to variety. As to the fu ture of the se.il potato market diwlers wiy that while the common kinds will prubablj go no higher there Is apt to Im an advance, in the choicer varieties later In the reason. The ejtg market has been going down rap Idly during the last few days owing to a marked Increase In the receipts Poultry Is about the name as at last report so far as the live stock Is concerned The dressed stock liowerr Is hard ha,iti, wi g t " the warm weather and (.vtnmlBsion men are advising their patrons t ship only live stock. Butter has gone off to some extent oslng to a break in eastern markets The demand for game Is vcr light and firiees are being itirted considerably lower. )eslers sa) It is alm"!t Impossible to move It at any price OMAHA WHULEALC MARKETS. Condition of Trnile nnd Ctnolntlons on Mm pic nnd fancy Proilnrt. EOCS Receipts liberal, good stock weak lMTli-y LIVE POULTRY-Hens. 64Sc; young, Maggy and old roosters, 306c: ducks, 6H 07c, gcrse, 6H6Tc. turkeys, &STc. FRESH DRESSED I'OCLTHY Hens, 74 ttSc. roosters, 48e. ducks, 5a84c; geese, C4c; turkejs. lightweight, Valve; heay, (Btc. GAMEMallard ducks, per doi., K."j 3.W, teal, Jl.2i.31.60. mixed, J1.254S1.5u; Jack rabolte, no sale, cottontails, IWgffjc. BFTTER-Common to fair, weak at ISO 124c, choice. Mul.-"-. separator. 22c FRESH OYSTERS First grade, solid packed. New York counts, per can, c. ex tra selects, tic; standards. 25c; medium, Sue. Second grade, slack rilled. New York counts, per can, 30c, extra selects, 26c; standards, 20c, bulk standards, per gal.. 11.25. FROZEN FRESH FISH-niack bass, lie; white bass, Inc. blueflsh. 11c, bullhead, 10c, blue. fins, tt, cattish. 12c. cod, 9c: cropple. lvc. clscoes. 7c, halibut, 11c; herring, 4U 6c, haddock. 9e; macxerel, 16c. percn, ba Tc, pickerel, 7c, pike, 9c, red snapper, lvc. salmon, 14c; sunnsh, tc, smelta, loc; trout, lvc, whltensh, be. PIGEONS-Llve, per dor.. JL VEALS Choice, 9610c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, ls.lv; No. 1 upland. Js, medium, J7.50; uvarse, 1 1. Rye straw. Ji.bO. These prices ate for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair Receipts, 7 cars OATS-No 2 white. Zic CORN No. J, 35c. URAN-J15. VEGETABLES. SPINACH Per bu. box. Tie. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per doz.. JI.W3 2.W, as to size. Aua.-su'tj fer uu.. live. TURNIPS Per bu. basket. 6c. BEETS Per bu., 4Cc. CARROTS Per bu.. 40c. LETTUCE Per bu . 4vi45c. RADISHES Per doz.. 3c. PARSLEY Per doz., 35c. POTATOES-Per bu.. 45fltc: Idaho, per bu . ftiu&c SEED POTATOES -Natives. Ktjc; Red River Valley, ytc. Triumph. J1.04. SWEET POTATOES Per bbl., $l..S. CABBAGE Holland seed, per lb.. li,lc. TOMATOES California, per C-basKet crate, J4.50. ONIONS Ohio, per bu.. 11.73. CELERY-Callfornla. as to size, 50S75c; Kalamazoo, 2M;3vc. CAULIFLOWER California, per crate, J2 75. BEANS Wax, per bu., 53.50; string, per bu., J3.25 EGG PLANT Per bu. box. . PEPPERS-Per bu. box. J2. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Florida, per qt.. 45c. OKA PES Malaga, per kg. J4.506S.Oj. APPLES Per bbl., J4.25; Washington, per bu. box. 11.75. Bellflowers. tlM. CRANBERRIES -Bell and Bugle. J9 per bbl. Jerseys. jer bbL. JS.M; per crute. U TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California seedlings. 2.25; naels, J2.7&iB.5. LEMONS Calif rnla, extra fancy. 3.253 3.W; choice. . lSA;ArAa ier Duncn, accoraing to tize, tS.t'syS.SV. FIGS California, new carton. IG 75c; lay- ers. 65c: Imported, per ib.. 13fil5c. DATES Persian. In 00-lb. boxes. Salrs. Oc per lb. , Halloween, 54c per lb. MISCELLANEOUS. HIDES-No 1 green. 64c; No 2 green. Red, C4c: No. 2 salted. 34c: 4hc; No. 1 sa No 1 veal calf. S to 12 lbs. tc; Jso. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs.. 6c; dry hides, 513c; sheep pelts. 25j75c. horse hides, Jl &0ff2.25. NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 13c: Al berts, per lb.. 13c; almonds, per IL 152)o; raw peanule, per lb., 5&54C; roasted. O'-ft ijc: Brazils. Uc: pecans. Ivfil2c; cocounuts. euch 44c. M. l.oal t; nil 11 mill Provision ST. LOUIS. March 9 WHEAT No. 2 red. catn, eievaior. .:c; track, ;4V;P7ic; Muy, is . -u. - imru, ii-c. CORN Hlcher: No. 2 cnh. :ztf t-itek. 24c; May. 304ianc; July. ?S4f?.Sc. OATS Hlcher: No. 2 cash. i-nck. 2C4fiC7c4, May, 264c; July, 26e: No. 2 white. rtYE-Steadv: 52c. FLOUR Quiet: patents. 33.5542.75: cxlrt fancy nnd straight, JiUQlSi; cieur. 32.70 .vj; low gracics. j:.ivs:.so. S3Ki.U5 Timothy, steady: averacc re ceipts, 53.7;hi4.W; prime worth more: flax quiet. (1 52. COKNMKAL Steady at 32.05. BRAN Firm, sacked, east track. 77j7Rc iiai steaav. timotnv. is.o.ji3.(io: oral- Tiv.rK.'Mq0.bD. Minnivi nipauy ai 4!.... IRON COTTONTIES ll.W. HEMP TWINE 5c. BAGGING-7S7;c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm: lobblntr. 115 Iard. better and firm. 17.42U. Drv salt meats, higher, boxed lots, extra shorts. Ji..,; Clear rios. J wj; clear sides, J7.4.", Bacon, higher, boxed lots, extra shorts. riear rios, js.jo; ciear siaes, js.3;j. ki AL-ieaa. strong; j4.."U'tj4.-. Spel ter. firm. 33 5Wi3 t24 POULTRY Firmer: chickens. 7UffSc: tur keys. 6H09c; ducks, 94c: gees-, Mi7c but l EH-steady : creamery. 17tf23c: i-rc-c f . ,u;M r l.M v. . . mine, , v. RECEHTS Flour. 5.NX) bbls.: wheat, it. (t bu . corn. UO.W) bu. : oats. IS.iV) bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 11.000 bbls.: whsat. uu , corn. i.-iA"j uj.. oats. i;,ipj ou. Liverpool Grain ami J'ruvlslon. LIVERPOOL, March 9. WHEAT-Spot. No 2 red western, winter, dull. 5s lid: No. 1 northern spring, dull. 6s 2',.d; No. 1 Cali fornia, nrm, ts :-o, tuiures, steady, May, as iio: juiy. as iia. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, firm 3 94d. American mixed, old. steady. 3s ll.d: futures, steady March. 3s 94d; May Is 94d. Jjly. Ss !4d. PEAS Canadian, quiet. 5s 7d. HOPS At London (Paclric coast). X4Q 4 17s. PROVISIONS-Beef, easy; extra India, mrM, iuh ou. t-urn. easy; prime mess, west, ern, 63s. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs. steady. 42s 6d. Lard, American refined. In nails, nrm. 39s Hd; prime western. In tierces, steady, 29. Bacon, steady; Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs . 43s Dd: short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs,, steady, 41s '9J; long clear middles. light. Si to 34 ids.. 4is w: ions clear mid dies, heavy. 35 to 40 lbs., 39s id; short clear backs. 16 to 21 lbs., 2Ss 3d; clear bellies, it to 16 lbs.. 43s Cd. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., steady, 34s 9d. "BUTTER Dull . finest United States. 90s; good United States, 69s CHEKSE-Dull: American finest white, 45s, American, finest colored, 49s TALLOW-Prime city. easy. i9s; .Aus trallan. In London, dull. 26 I'd. FLOUR-St. Louis fany winter. Ss 6d. uteady. Katun. City tirnln nnd Pro talons, KANSAS CITY. March 9 WHEAT May. WtJ66c, July. 66c: cash. No. 2 hard. ir"4 te5c, No 3. 6'a67c. o. 2 red. j94c; No. 3. 67Ci4' . No 3 spring. Mc. CORN May. 3746374c: No. 2 mixed. 354c. No. 2 white. 36.c. No. 3, SV-c. OATS No 2 white. 270274c RYE-No 2. 514c HAY Choice timothy, 310.50; choice prairie. 3S.50 9.00. BUTTER-Creamcry. 17f20c; dairy, fancy. 16c EGGS Wenk: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, lie loss off, cases returned r new whltewood cases Included, 4c more. RECEIPTS Wheat. 90,400 bu.; corn. 13.60,) be . oats. 10.000 bu SHIPMENTS Wheat. W.2(J oj.; corn. 17- 1 y... I 'W MU oat, 7.UH) mi. I'hllndelpbln Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 9.-BUTTFR-Steady; fancy western creamery. 224; fancy western prints, 22c EtitiS rv lower; iresn western. I4'.ic; fresh southwestern. 144e; fresh southern, 14c. cjieksb nrm: -ew vorK run creams, fancy, small, 124c: New York full creams, fair to choice. lit.012c .Mlnnenpoll .Mnrkrt. MINNEAPOLIS. March 9.-WHEAT Cash. 74Hc, May. 74V74c; Julv. 5Sc: on track. No. 2 hard, ttiVc, No. 1 northern, 74c; No. t northern. 64(i704c riXU'R-Flrst patents. 31.050-4.15. second patent!-. JS.st34.OO first clears, Jt9as.(0s second clears. 3L9j33.iA, BRAN- In bulk. J13.(giS 25. , MllnnuUoc Grnin StnrUcl. MILWAUKEE. March 9,-WHKAT-Mar-ket steady. No. l northern, 75c; No. 2 north irn. 724B7V. . RYE-DuU. No. 1, 514Sfi:c BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 57c; sample, 10 I'eorln PKORIA. March 9. 3. U'tc .MnrXri. -CORN-lnacttte; No. OATS-Inaitlve No. 2, ;o.c billed through. WHISKY-On the finished good. basis of 11.27 for Toledo tirnln llnrkrt. TOLEDO. O March -WHEAT Cash :k. . May, S July 7S4c CORN Mar. h 94, Ma 4' OATS March, 24-, , Ma , 244c COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Kiwi AfTictinj Grain and FroTitioci Main tain ATertge of Bulluham. WHLAT CLOSES FIRM, SLIGHTLY HIGHER Scnrcit)' of OfferliiK nnd Mronser Cable Mirfcn Opening of Corn I'orU llrnils I'll Itnnlnes nnd Close I ticliniigcd. CHICAGO. March ?.-News affectln? the grain and provisions market maintained a good average of bullishness today and with the. exception of oats, which suffered from liquidation, the cloe was firm, wheat 'rtiSe higher, corn a shade lower, oats 4 s'.c depressed and provisions unchanged. At the opening the wheat market experi enced Its greatest activity. May opened He higher at 7&fl74c under the encourage ment of higher markets at Liverpool and Antwerp, the chief Argentine market on tho continent, and because of unfavorable climatic conditions. A heavy trade for tho outside account was transacted at the start, but It was well distributed on both sides. Shorts, who become alarmed today, were still anxious to cover however, and May was worked up to 75c during the first hour. Trade, following the first half hour"s activity, was more quiet. On the bulge, what had been Influential support, was withdrawn and this, combined with some profit taking by scalping longs, caused a decline to ;5Ho7&4c. Buying orders, which had been waiting, caught the decline and when more shorts took their medicine the market exjen?nced another rally and closed 'ti.c higher at TSHc. Exporters reported twenty loads taken. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour reached a total of 4jS.0 bushels, while receipts at primary western markets were SflTl.tMJ bushles. eomnared with SS3M uhel last year. Minneapolis and Dulutn reponei 338 cars, against . last week, and 4 '.afa;,irr:Birete P M ' ' .ai ui r. higher . 4tut 411. i- under u fcharn outside inaulrv and a decided scarcity of offerings, both of which were attriDutauie to tne roau-p"iiitiK weather and to higher cables. An In fluential speculator began hammering the market, but although lie dumped a quan tltx estimated at l.SoO.OO bushe4s In the pit. May declined only to 4iTc The Buy ing was well distributed and. although the close was a shade lower at 4946 lc. the market looked strong It was even re ported that the early bear leader hid taken back a portion of his sales. Receipts were 357 cars, eight of contract grade. The oats market was the weakest of the list Further selling by local longs and conspicuously small buying by other than Chicago Interests, depressed prices Instead of firmness in neighboring pits. Receipts were 217 cars. May sold between 2&le ana 24c and closed 4fl4c lower at 2lc rone again neaded tne business in tne pu. It was not as dull as It wa yesterday, but offerings were notably light and the price ran un sharnlv. Light hog receipts and higher prices at the bullish factors in tne marKet .May pork oper.ea iihtilc higher at J15.tJJ15.. but declined to 311 4 on profit taking by longs. The cloe was firm and unchanged at 314.90. Lurd nnd ribs fluctuated narrowly and closed un changed, lard at 37 574 nnd ribs at 7.25. estimated receipts Monday: Wheat. t5 ears: corn. 31u cam oat. 224 cjcs: hugs, 35.C -J head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles., Open., High. . Low. ; Close. Yes'y. Wheat I I I I Mch. ' 74 74U 734 74 73i April ! 744 74 74 4 74. 74 May 7S445S, 75. 75;f 754 75464 Corn- - Mch. 39. R-4 May 414C4 414 404041404641! 41 Oats- Mch. 2441 24 4 21 24 124464 May 254 4 24 4 247. 25 U4 Pork I Mch , 14 70 ! 14 71 May 16 00 15 OS 11 S24 14 91 I 14 July , 14 50 It t 11 JO 14 60 Lard- ) Mch. ). 1 7 55 7 524 May 7 574 7 C24 7 574 7 574 7 574 July , 7 a 7 674 7 a 7 ra 7 724 Sep. 7 70 7 75 7 70. 7 724 Ribs Mch ' 7 20 7 20 May 7 274! 7 30 7SDi7 25 7S. Sep. 7 374l 7 40 7 35 I 7 Si 7 35 No. 2. FLOUR Quiet: winter patents. J3.fi.yifS.M; straights, 33.20473.60: clears, 32 6)C3.30; nrltig specials. 34 20&4.30; patent. 33 5Hf3 70; straights. I3is.30: bakers, K.20S2.50. WHEAT-No. 3 spring, t4(71c; No. 2 red, 74S.&764C. CORN No. 2. S94c: No. 2 yellow. ."Sifcc. OATS-No. :,34tff234c; No. 3 white. 20 ef274c. kVE No. 2. 5mflC2V-c BARLEY Common. 45c: fair to choice malting. 49ft9c. SEEDS No. 1 flax. J1.55. No 1 northwest ern, 31.56: prime timothy. 14.40. Clover, con tract grade. 110.. 5. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl . 314.75 14.t". uara. per iw ins., ji.aii-jfi t. snort ribs aides tloosel. J7.1;i7.40. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). 36.374QC624. Short clear sides (boxedi. J7 tvifti y. WHISK Y Basis of high wines. J1.27. SUGARS Cut loaf. H.29c: gTanulated 5.72c; confectioners' A. 5.59c, off A. 5.44r. The receipts and shipments today vere as follows: Articles Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 35.000 35.)0 Wheat, bu 55.000 82.00.) Corn, bu 53S.fr 1 165.00) Oats, bu 270.000 316.0M Rye. bu 6,0il 2.(V) Barley, bu 34.000 5.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was dull: creameries. 156214c; dairies, lltjiw. 4'neese. rainy uctive, iwi.s ll'.c. r;ggs, auu. iresn. j:'c. , m:w yohk gi:.m:ral. mwiki:t Quotntlon of the Iln; on Vnrlou Co nun oilltle. NEW YORK. March 9. - FLOUR - Re ceipts. 15.164 bbls.: export.. l.23 bbls. Mar ket firm at opening: closed about steady; Minnesota patents. J4. 1004.30: Minnesota bakers. 33.00&3.25: winter patents, 33.656 4.00; winter strulghts, i3.45Qs.ao, winter ex tras. 12.50412 55; winter lew grades. 12. 4 54. f 2.60. Rye flour quiet; flr to good, J2.S0tr 3.15, choice to fancy. 33.Si,(r3.5u Buckwheat nour, auu, ..iv.ij. k BUCKWIIEAT-DU11 at (VS62c, c I. f.. Jl; b.. f . New York. CORNMEALi Oulet: yellow western. city. 94c. Brandvwlnc. J2 45432.50. RYE uuict. o. : western. u.c. f. o. afloat, state. 564iti7c, c. t I., car.ols. BARIEY Quiet . feedlnc. 464S4SC. c. I, New York, malting. C2770c. I1AKL.EY JIAI-T-Dull. western. 62tJ70c WHEAT - Receipts. 51.000 bu. Snot. steady; No. 2 red. K4c alloat, No. 2 red. !'c in elevator: .No 1 northern Duluth. S7Sc, f. a b. afloat, No, l hard Duluth, 9lSc f o. b., afloat Options opened firm on covering, following favorable cables. but after advancing .ti.c. soon turned eosler under liquidation of long Interests and renewed selling for short account In the absence of public support, with weather conditions bearish at home and abroad, selling to any extent was checked by small receipts, and closed 'c net higher; March closed at 794c, May, 790 l-16c. closing at 79tc. July. SHtr,9,c closing at 79Hc. CORN Recelnts. 157.2ii bu exnnrts. 26.- 350 bu. , sales, 30,() bu futures and 4W) bu spot. Spot, dull but steady; No. 2. 454c In elevator, and 4"4e ntoat. Option market opened firm with wheat, advanced 4c, but soon lost tone nnd eased off under moderate local selling and closed 4c up to 4c net lower; March closed at 4S-c: May closed at 4S4c, July. 454JJ-46c, closing at 454c. OATS-Recelnts. 131.6W bu : exnorts. a.. W bu. Spot, quiet. No 2. Sic; No. 3. 3,1-jC. No 2 white. 33fi'J3c. No 2 white S?4c track, mixed western 30iJi4c; track. wnn western, dj-rvvbe. upuons auu nnd nominal, with weak undertone. HOPS Steady, btute. common to choice. 1900 crop: 178205; 1S93, llljltc; old olds. ?0 6c; Pacific coast. 19(0 crop, 164jl9c, 1599, lie 1.K-. old olds. 2t)6c. HAY Quiet; shipping. 7746f0c, good to choice, 90Q91c. HIDES Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lb., 4S194c; California. 21 to 26 lbs.. iC; Texas drv. 24 to 30 lbs . I44tf 15c. LEATHER - Steady; hemlock wile. Buenos Ayres. light to heavyweights, 2lt 2ac. acid. 23Vr244c PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. J10.50 611.50: wens JA5ift.uO, leef hams, tlfc.SOtr 19 W. packet. 19 fill0W; extra India, tnisa. Jl4.CXrl'rt- Cut meats, steady, pickled be. ties. 5.iniw, tHCKiea stiouiaers, Jt.lyi; pickled hams ft Sflft lu 50 Lard. Hrm. western steamed. J7.90; refined, quiet; con tinent. J5. South Amerlta 35.6,1, tnmpound, JS.50fe6.24. Pork, firm; family. J15.50; thort clear. J14 7tfll50; mess. P.4 25ei5.i,. T.VLLOW-rtteady . city J2 per pkg.i. 44ff .c; rounirv tpKKM. ireei. i-.trs'-sC RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3 tOSc: Japan, 4.tfl4Hc 111 .'TTKR Firm . freh creamery 17(ti -c factory, utriar June creamery, 15JT 30c Imlta ii,,r creamer'. 1444c; tftato dairy 13ii21c UlKKSB-FIrm, fanc, large, colvrcU atid, white. ll',r. fancy, small, top red. 12'c. fan. . small, whit. :2ttliV EOOS Ea. . state and Pennsylvania, at marke' 14Hal4.'. we'em at market. 14V . southern, at market. ltr.4V P"t"I.TRY-Allve. steady fowls. I0. chickens, ic. turkeys, iic Dressed, rlnn, turkeys., l10Sc. ihWKens, S410c. fovi-. MS 10.- POTATOES - Steady; Jerseys. lt.ifll.;. New York. J1.DMJ1 7t, lnc Island, tl 0 1.874. Jers-y tneets. JI.7Vai.60. PKANt'TS-Steady; fancy hand-picked. ('.Hfec; other domestic, ic. METALS As usual on Snturd. or.-lng to absence of advices from abroad, there were no noteworthy changes in the local metal market tods Speculation as slack and prices at the olose were more or less nominal, as follows. Pig lrn warrants. IS.WfflP.to. northern foundry, vtl al.l. southern foundry. SU &ffi IS. 7f . eu.'t luthern. lll6l.7Fi. Tin. .1SJK.XS i..-ad. 4 .174 Spelter. M.HiS Lake Suiwrtor cop per. 117; casting ami electrolytic. i6.(Mf 16.68H. 3IUVi:.MUT 1 .iTOCKS AM) IIU.M. Amnluniiinled Copper (Inlrkt; Itci'in rrn front I'letlou WcnLlirn, NEW YORK. March J.-There was a verv Irregular price movement ilurlng today n short session of the Stock exchange. Spec ulation wax active In only a few stocks and the contrary movement In these had the ef fect of confusing the sentiment of the room traders The published rumor that the Pennsylvania will lease the Chesapeake U Ohio lor years, with g iaranteed divi dends of 3 per cent jer annum, eaued an excited opening In the stork, the first trans actions of l.ita shares carrjlng the price 1, over last night This proved to be the highest price of the day. as the recent large adancc In the stock olT-red hantUome proilta for large speculate e holdings. Amalgamated Copper scored vi ilent re covery from yesterday's weakness, rls.ng more than 3 jo!nts over last night s pi lee In the Mrst five minutes of the trading This also proved to be the highest price of the session. A number of low-priced railroad stocks wre adanced In concert.- incljtll'ig the Watmsh stocks. Chicago Great Wesu-iii. St Iuls & San Francisco Hocking Valley and Peoria & Eastern There was tehluirg going on in other piirts -f the list and tle tone of the market had turned heat all around before she bank t , teimrt utHrcct . , .v.. n LLVVi.K"u. force , "nV'Win Act last night. Si.gur 'e,l .m twine 2s "ton the announcement of the -iotth In Pari of an official of the omtiHii The I bank statement hs-i evidently bien dl counted and the snorts bid ip .nlc on themselves In their eff r .s n t.ike profits. The closing was irrJWr on rou-wed lea ning In some stocks tht advance. The los In cash roeeres by ih banks toved as great as was thdeated by th.i le.im nary forecasts and the large calhnt of loan early In the week has apparently been fel low ed bv further loan .-xp.inslon i:ice to make the average outstanding I5M.2"0 greater. Amongst the requirements of the coming week are the dividend d.sbjrso ments for the Standard Ol' company i.nd the Conolldated Gas conipttny. the cne calling t"r SJV.Oi and the other lor 32,(X ),W0. The buying of middle end low-grade rail road bonds has been on i Uro scale United States refunding 2 declined IV and olds . The 5s advanced ,e, the coking bid ol last wcK. The following are tne closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atrh1nn 5 Wabash 154 34 15 do Pfd so-w do nfd llilllmnlv A- O... Wheel. & L. E.. Canudlan Pac... et do 2d nfd Wis. Central ... .. lt' .1214 .. : . S3, .1014 .155 1SS .. 554 Ches. & Ohio. .. 4;4I Third Avenue rhlenco G. N B. it O Pfd .. - M Xr L Mt'V National Tube Chi." ind. U L 324 do pfd ao Pia.. .'' Adams Ex ... American Ex Chi. & E. Ill v."1 C. & N. W 1.2. U. S Ex f tl 1 A- l' ... 134 Wel s-Fargo Ex.141 C. C C. 4: 61- Amer Cot. Oil 244 Colorado So . . 94 do nfd ... 55 do 1st pia Amer Malting . 5 ,ln ?,1 tlfd 19 do pfd 24 544 93 14 17 24 514 34 96 61 Pel. & Hudson. .11 Amer S. A: R l-el 1 . V I'Ji do pfd Amer Spirits ... do pfd Amer S. Hoop. do pfd Amer S. & W, do pfd 7, Amer Tin Plate Denver & R. G . 3?4 rtn nM M Erie do 1st pia . Gt. Nor. Pfd . . -I?1, HocKlng coai j. Hocking olicy.. ao-, Tltlnnl Central.. 131 d pfd ll)0 Iowa Central .... 2.v; Amer. Tobacco. .1204 do nfd a3 do nfd.. ..146 like Erie & W.. 41 Anac. Mln. Co .. 46U do pfd I.ako Shore 1- & N. . . Mnnhnttan L ...113HBrooklvn R. T .. 7S4 210'.Colo. Fuel & I 93s. Con. Tobacco 45s. 119y do pfd. .1U14 434 . s4 Met. St. Ry 1V Federal Steel Merlcnn Central. 1,-U do nfd Minn. A- St. L....10Slr'Gen. Electric do nfd .10S4 Glucose Sugar ., fn4 do pfd. . .. 504 Inter. Paper . . . 2"4, do pfd . , .. 54V Laclede Gas . . 155Natlonal Biscuit .. 15 94 .. 23 . 74', . SO Mo. Pacific Mobile & Ohio M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk A: W. do pfd No. Pacific . .144 ao pta National Lead . 15 .. 55 .. M4 do nfd so Natlonnl Steel .. 41 do pfd Ontario & W.... Ore. Ry. & Nav do pfd Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd . Rio G. W .. .. do pfd St. L & R. F. . do 1st pfd.. .. do 2d pfd.. . St L. Southw... do pfd St. Paul 4 do nfd 101. 317 . 42 . 76 b0 N. y. Air urake it?) No. American 75 Pacific Coast 52 do 1st pfd . . S5 do 2d nfd ... .61 . 314 - 714 4!s Pacific Mall . 3.,; People's Gas. 1034 Pressed S. Car. . 2" . 65 . M4 . 4:4 do pfd 734 runman i. car. .2u; . R4U s. R. & T Sugar .T4i . CPV. 274 . bKt ..139. ..1M .. 54 .. 12 .. 744 .. 1V .. 54 S7V .1004 . Ih4 do Did .. . Tenn. Coa' & I 1541 U. S. Leather . do pfd U. S. Rubber .. do pfd Western Union do pfd .191 St. P. & Omaha. 125 So. Pacific 44. So. Railway do pfd Tex. ic Pacific Union Pacific do pfd. . . .. .1 76, Amal. Copper uep'jDitc 1. ti- 90V do nfd K.4P. C C. Sr St. L 59 The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The ttocl: mar ket here today reiponded to the news of the peace negotiations In Soith Alrlcn. Prices recovered generally but slightly and trading remained very quiet. The Amtrlcau department was Inactive. B.crytody as waiting for the weekly statement t.t the associated bank of New York Th" lene was Irregular. Chesapeake & Ohio v.-a In good demand nnd Southern Ratlwnv pre ferred was weak Otherwise the niarlct lor American stocks was featurcle-i. Money was slack Call rate, which were 3'.. t-s-terday. were S4J4 per cent today aw, dls counts wore 34JJ3, per cent. Xev York lonej- .Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. March 9-M'WEY-On call, nominal, prime merca.i.ile paper. I'o." per cent STERLING KXCH XNGK Nominal, nilh 1 actual business in ti-nk'Ts" ' Ills ui V-l'- 1 . .a . . , I I I 111 I lor uemana mm i 1 i.o.--,i..-.i-. jur ixiy days: .tiohted rates. J4.S5494.U4 and J4.8s'i; commercial bills. J4S84-61. SILVER 1 ertiflcates. biwassc: bar. 00Tc: Mexican dollars, 49c. BONDS State, wcbk; railroad, irregular; government, strong: refunding 2s, reg , 1054. cojpon. 1054 . 3. reg. nnd oouton, 111; new 4s. reg. nnd coupon. 1374 ; old 4s, reg., 113; coupon, 114; f. reg. and coupon, 1114- The closing or:es on bonds today are as follows: U. S. ret. 2s do cojjon do its, reg do coupon do new 4s, do coupon reg li4 . 1'iV, N. Y. Central ls.1074 N J. C. gen 5s. 134U No. Pactftc 3s. 714 do 4s . U6 N y. c k s l ; ifl.4 N & W. con. 4s 101 Oregon Nav. Is 110 In 4 1MU. Ill reg 1374 is, '' do old 4s. reg do coupon do 6s, reg do coupon . D of C. 4s . Atch gen. 4s do ndl. 4s . in ..ni'j ..1114 Ore S. L. fie 126 do as Ii.lU. ..123 (Reading gen 4s 94'i .1 uSlRlo G. W Is.. ..VtA. .. at I'S . & 1 M c. 5s 117 ..107 St L & S F g. 6.. 1304 Canada So. C. A: O. 44s .1074 Ht l'UUI COIlKui, !m- do 5s .121 St P C. A.- P Is "iik C. k N s.Iiut? uu as 1. 1 .do S F deb. Sr.llK, So IMclHc 4s . !4 Chicago Tor. 4s.. Wi So. Railway 5s .116 t-010. so. 4S Vi 1. It. r. fi . MW D &. R. G 4s . 1024 Erie general 4s . Ml F W. k D. C Is. u Qen. Electric 5s..l7C la. Central Is . L. k N. unl. 4s.. 1 4 T. k Pacific ls....llS4 do :i H451, 119 1 . llo"-, m, 1'nlnn Phc. 4.. Wabash Is do West Shore 4s. . Wis. Centrnl 4 M.. K. k T. 2... 79 do 4s J7 Va. Centuries Bid. .Vrrr York IIiiIiik Mock. NEW YORK, March 9 -The following are quotations on mining siocks: Adams Con. ... -"9 .Llyle Chief 15 Alice ' Ontario 7s7 Breece 130 lOnhlr 12 Brunswick Con.. 23 IPlioentx c'umstock Tun.... 5 PotosI , 12 Con. Cal k Va .15) ,Saage 7 Deadwood Tr . ." iSlerm Nevada . 25 Horn Silver 118 ISmall Hopes ... n Iron Silver ti 'Standard .. ..'M Leadvllie Con. ... rr Condition of llir Treasury WASHINGTON. March Today- rtnte- tnent of the treasury balance in the gtn- erai mnti exclusive oi tnr u rj pnu ret-crve in thr olvihion r,i p ,i, mp'i- r tfh'iws Aali.ilIe insh Imlnncr J16I )., g-'i.l JK7.j'(- ' er jl" V I piled States tntes, Jll.TU.JSI, trcatjr, notes t-f iw WW. national bank note. J?M.4". . total receipts tht da tS..S' total re ceipts thl month. 114.17 total receipts this year. ja 4flB.(H t.ital expenditures ' lilsi da. HM' 'M.' total . xitidlture this nvntn. jljkejnrin, total expenditures this year, ISM. H2.27S. dern slt.- It. national bank tsvil ..'H Itnttnn Stopk (lnotatlons. BOSTON. March ? -rail loans. 2H per eent. time loans. 3434 pr cent official closing: A, T iS.) do pfd Amer. Sugar do ptd Amer. Tel . Boston & Ai 74i Union lind ... 4 m West End 7 140 I Wetlng. Electric 1J1 MchieoM 4s lei' N K. O A: C it. 65 Adventure . ... U Blng. Min. Co . . SB. Amul. Copper . .l'J Atlantic S3 19 2 Boston Elevated. 170 loeton iv .Mi ,.-v n. & y. . 14". Dominion Con! " , do pfd 119 Boston tv Mont..3us Putte At Boston. ... Wi Feoetli. oteel do )fd . . . ritchburg pfd . Oen. Hitwiu do pro . K.1 Kl( tn. Ill Mcx. Central . N. E. u c Old Colony .... Old Dominion Rubber Union Paclric . Cal. & Met la v, 1. ftitennlal . . ltlH Franklin .11 HumtKiidt ... . iisceola Tarrot 17'; yulncy , Simla Fe Cop . s .. 2ti . a 17k .- 74 .Mi . X : w6,i -ts rrat amarack Wt'trth Mining i-V n inona V, Wolverines .. Ex-dlvldend London Mock Qtiotnt lon. LONDON. March ?. 2 p. m. -Closing: Cons . money. do account Atchison M 9-l Erie . . H M?J-1 do 1st pfd. 674 . . 34 Pennsylanln . . 774 :34 Reading 16. Ib7'x No PsclHc nfd S) Canadian Pac St. Paul Illinois Central Louisville Union Par pfd N. V Central : a Grand Trunk . 7, 50. Anacondn ... ! f74 Rand Mines . 4 147-, li Weekly Ilnnk stntement, NEW YORK. March 9 -The weekly state ment of averages of the Ass-nlat.il hank! shows: Loan. tS15.S9.'3rt. Increase. Jl.f''.- ... J.ka.I. Cf 1,11 (t l.,t 2.CfL VbV ..r;iiv.w. tenders. K2.565.V). decr-ne. Si.IIVvm. specie. 1 quired, :.M2,1. decr-ae. M4 175 Surplus reserve. I10.71T.276. d-cr, !!.. . M.AJ.02 Import nml l'.vpnrt" of Specie. NEW YORK. March S -The Import of specie this wet I. were MJ.lst) gold and f4.'ll silver Kxpt i ts of g..d and silver trom thl jmrt to ah countries tor last-week aggn- gated il. 234.it5o silver bars and coin and U7.1S0 gold. Forelcn I'lnnncliil. PARIS. March 9 Prices on the bourse today were firm during the early- hours under the Influence of the rise in Katnrj and the Improvement In Spanish securltlt, but later prices were quiet, with few trans actions. They closed steady. Three per cent rente. Iu2f 37Uc for the account. Ex change on London. 2jf 214c f- r checks. Spanish 4s. 73.124. BERLIN, March 9 IntematIon.il iv,rc quiet on the bourse today. Spanish 4s re covered. Americans were du'.'. M res were weak on continued unfavorable Rhe'nland nd Westphnllnn reports Rtfiks wire maintained Exchange on londi 11. 21m 474pfgs for checks Dlvoor-it rate- Fhcrl bins, a1? per cent. inre-r.ionins unis, r per csnt. LONDON. March 9-Snanlr-h 't. 71'i. Gold premium at Madrid, 2.55 Ilnnk ClenrlUK. OMAHA. March 9. Bank clearings today, Sl.102.573; corresponding day last year, J5.- 654; Increase. $163,911. CHICAGO. March 9 -Clearings. 1.7S6,013; balances, C.00S.O28. Posted exchange. 4.K54jf 4.f4. New York exchange. Vc discount. ST. LOUIS, March 9 -Clearings. JCfrtO.GS; balances. Jl.119.8'. Money, steady nt 56 per cent. New York exchange, par bid. 10c premium asked. CINCINNATI. March 9 -Clearings. 31.901. 150. Money. 24 per cent. New York ex change. 104520c discount NEW YORK. March 9 -Clearings. 1247. 522.356; balances. SS.iW.OM. BOSTON. March 9 -Clearings. J25.0S1.159; balances. 31.566.912 PHILADELPHIA. March 9. - Clearings, 314.317,214. balances. J2.251.719 Cotton Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. March 9-COTTON-The market opened Irregular and somewhat ex cited, with prices up 2Q11 points on fever ish covering, foreign buying and fair In vestment support, and was extremely nerv ous all dav There were frenuent violent chances, the chief turn comlne rlEht after the opening, when cotton purchased last nigm wan unioaueu lur pruuiis. . 11c iiuiu ence was cable news. This noted n Jump of 34J54 points In futures and an additional advance of l-32d in spot cotton In Liver pool The bulge was privately reported as due to a bullish Nelll circular In which he predicts a surplus stock on September 1 of but 250.0'O bales and reaffirms his estimate of crop of 9.750.000 bales. The trade hire was disposed to disregard the Nelll state ment, but was obliged to recognlre the Liv erpool advance as a potent bull Influence Trading was active throughout the fore noon, with the south a seller after the call Murch wai. heavy at timet, under fall off-rs and Indifferent demand. The New Orleans market broke sharply after opening up several points on u scare of shorts Room pressure caused weakness In the late ses sion. There was little In the way of sup port from an quarter ana the market closed barely steady, with prices unchanged to 4 points lower. Spot closed dull, mid dling uplands. SV : middling gulf. 9Hc, sales. 421 bales. Futures closed barely steady; March. 8.61c; April. S.45c; May. S.51c; June, 5.52c. July. S.tOe; Augusf. S26c; Sep tember. 7 57c; October, 7.76c; Noemocr. 7 65c; December. 7.66c. Oil nnd Ilnatn. NEW YORK. March 9.-OILS-Standard. J7 95455 4fl. Cottonseed, firm: prime crude. 271--u2?c: prime yellow. .Tic Petroleum, qufet; refined New- York. J7.95; Philadelphia and Baltimore, J7.95. Philadelphia and F.al timore. In bulk. J7.85. Rosin, duli; common to good. J1.60. LIVERPOOL. March 9 OILS LIneed, 22s. Turpentine spirits, 27s 'id. colli n-t-t-ed. refined, steady at 19s Cd. Ro!n, com mon, steady at 4s 641- Petroleum, n lined, quiet at 7id. . SAVANNAH. Ga., March 9-OlLSSplr-Its turpentine, firm at 37c. Rosin, tlnn at following quotations: A. B nnd C. Jl 20; E. J1.26: F. J1.30. O. J1.35; H 31.05: K. J1.50. M. Jl 90. N. J1.95; V W W, J2.25. fl.ll: D, S1.50; I. G. J.'.Q; Sutiir lnrket, NEW ORLEANS. March 9. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle. 3'.fi3 15-16c: open ket tle, centrifugal. 34li4Hc; centrifugal yel low. 444 9-16c, seconds. 24Ji4c. Molasses, steady: open kettle, none; centrifugal, 58 20c: syrup, nothing doing. NEW YORK. March 9 SUGAR Raw. weak: fair refining. 34c centrifugal, 96 test, 4c Molasses sugar. 34c. Refined, weak and lower: standard A. 5.10c: confec tioners' A. 5 l"c. mould A. b.Vc; cut loaf. 6.75c: crushed. 5.75c. powdered, K.Soc, granu lated, 5.2cc: cubes, 5.&00 Molases. steady; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice. 3944c. Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. March 9 WOOL-Strady. with continued light demand; medium grades. 12J19c: light. 124315c; heavy tine. Kfil2c. tub washed. 15i274c. LONDON. March 9 WOOL Holders of wool were firm In their demands durinc the week Buyers are awaiting the open ing of the next series of sale Tuesday. March 12. when It Is exported that cross bred will show a loss The sale Is sched uled to 1 lose April 1 The offerings fnr next week amount to 6S.500 bales The ar rivals for the third series total 123.127 Mle. NEW vuitlv. .Marrn s wooi Dull . do mestic fleece. 24626c; Texas, 15817c Knnana City l.lre Stock Jlnrkrt. KANSAS CITY. March 9. CATTLE Re ceipts. 150 head natives and 25 head cilves; market generally 10C20c higher than a week ago Nominal quotations today: Native beef steers, J4.50sti.C5; stockern and feeders, J3.i&5.(i: fed westerns, J4.254j6.25: lexans and Indians. 13.7514.70; cows. J3.0Mi4.25; heifers, J3.754i4.75; canners. J2.25jfiS.i); bulls. JS HfiK 25. calves. J4 00476 00; receipts for week. 27,700 head; lust week. 31.500 head. HOGS-Recelpts. 4 7i1 head; market iUfi !c higher; top J5.52't: bulk of sales. tb.tViS 5.50; heavy J.M744J5.524. mixed packers. 35.4036 V). light. Ji.206.40, pigs. 4.6J5 11; receipts for week, 51,4Ki head: last ,vek, 50,700 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS -. Market 15fl25c higher on sheep and 10c higher on lambs than a week ago: western lambs. 34 90455.10, western wethers, J4 2&44 05: western year lings. J4.4W4.91. ewes. JS.76'y!2; culls, .M 453.50; recolpts for the week. ll.(Tj head, last week. 1S.500 head. eri' York Lle Stork .Market, NEW YORK. March 9. BKKVKS Re ceipts, none; feeling steady; cables sow shipments. SI3 cattle, 110 sheep and 10.401) quarter oi peer, t aivcs, iceiiug steady. SHKEP AND LAMBS-Reoelpis, J.042 head: sheep steady, lambs steady and higher; good" to prime sheep. JI.kTH 75. lambs. J5.fi2i-.e6. 10 HOGS-Recelpts. 1.971 head, all for slaugh terers, nom:nai! steaa St. .Iim-pli l,lr ,tork Market. SOl'TH ST. JOSKPIL ilo.. March f (Special (--Th Journal quotes) CATTLE - Receipts, lnft. head, market nominal anu nemann strr,',g HOOrV-Rerripts '?J.ad mnrkitu fr. agd 5, lilghet all gmde J5 X " li..!k f' t 35 4"i" 1 g' ,, i " igrf r aHLLP AND LAMt'S-beraanu uor,g nittn hit cmrc uinrrr v Eeef Eteen Tn to Fifteen Otati Higtr , Than a Wsk Ago, HOGS AVERAGE A SHADE STRONGER TODAY 2 Hires nml W ethers lnj lie Hunted Ten to 1ent- lllnhcr tor the Week, White l.nintx lime Held J nut About Mead). SOUTH OMAHA, March S. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. ?hen. .. 2.C4 6.1M 5.454 Official Monday .... omclal Tuesday . UtMeiai Wednesday Onicial Thursday .. omcial Friaa Omclal Saturday... .. i.sje 7.i 6 vn . i.m b.:4 s.ife' ,.. 2.SM 6.1W f.ai . 1.M0 7.IC J il ,.. 2W l.Wi Total this week.. .. 12.2W 40.S54 32.141, Week ending March 2... 12.791 W.4") 2S.I21 Week ending Feb. S....W.M 46.629 MM Week etiaing Fit. It! ...14,?J M.ni lo.l 1 Week ending lVh. .... lr.7 4S.lt 14.W Week ending l'eb. 2. lv.W to.'ul Week tnuing .Matih . IM ?.67s 39.1" .W A erase price paid tur hogs for the pjst sewral dat, with comparisons; l&l. U5X. ,It3. ,1S3. ,1S9T 1SW .1S91. Feb. U .. 5 -S'.i 4 75, 3 li i S9, 3 3i 3 ?!) 3 75 Feb. 17.. . I 4 ;, 3 54, 3 84, 3 26, 3 ttl ' Feb. 15... 1 5 22 f 3 52, 3 7i 3 31, 3 SW 3 5J Feb. in... u 11. 4 M i 91 1 3 3 3 51 3 35 Feb. 5 Ht 4 3 50 1 3 A 3 4, 3 Feb. 21..., 5 32. 4 74, 3 47 3 95i ,J S., 3 .9 Feb. 22... 6 2rv 4 3 55 3 Mi 3 38 3 7, 3 ,S Feb. 23... 1 5 J2 4 t 3 to S tl, 3 . 1 3 lu Feb. 4., 1 .1 m. s M, S 411 3 S3. Feb. 24 . ., 5 374, , 3 W 3 19, 3 49, J 75, 3 SI Feb. 2ti..., 5 39S 4 C5i , i 51, 3 41, 3 7U 3 S2 Feb. 27. . ! 5 IV, 4 7 3 02 , 3 4, 3 7j. 3 it Feb. 2. 5 3 11, ' I 3 CB 3 Si Jl " VirStJ i a ss, , 4 ti 2 51; 3 7s, i , , a " a Si-,, 4 tti) 3 52, 3 5ji 3 47 3 ,4, 3 J 'I'SM 4 t. ) 57 1 M. 3 4, 3 , 5 ,4l 1 J li 5 3t-, 4 74 5 34 4 4 70, 3 t-4 1 5m 3 4t, 3 9i 3 91 I i 65 3 T 3 92 St " i w, tv Marcn 5 . March 6.. Sisrui ; . March 5.. March 9. a 4 ,1, I o 5 34, 4 72 3 C3, 3 7, 3 67, I 4 0 a 41-, 4 71 3 &t, 3 3 t" 3 SI 4 M Indicates Sunday. The omclal number of car of stock brought in todaj by each rtmd was; Roads Cattle. Hogs- hh p. 11 r s. C, M. & St P. Ry . 1 t". O. & St. u ity Mo. P. R U. P. system C. & N. W. Ry ... F.. E. & M V K. R . S C. A: P RV 10 30 t) at 1 is IT 32 i 'i !i 101 so C. St. P.. M. A; O. Ry B. A: M. P.. R. It C. B. Q. Ry- .- C . R. 1. & P.. east . C. R. 1 A: P, west.. Illinois central Total receipts 13 The disposition 01 tne aay s reccipis ; as follows, each buyer purchasing tne nura ber of head lnulcatea: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co. .. O. H. Hammond Co... Swift and Company.. Cudahy Packing Co .. Armour k Co R. Becker & Degan ... Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. 671 1.003 . 23 1.575 1.657 2,tS2 5 35 206 206j Totals 6i 58 CATTLE There were onlv few odds and ends on sale today and not enough to make a good test of the market. The supply of cattle for the week has been rather light, as the table of receipt at the head ot the column will show The demand has been of quite liberal proppr-, Hons and as a result the market ruled active and strong all the week. '. Choice beef cattle were In good demand , all the week at strong prices and ns com pared with the close of the previous week prices may safely be quoted 10315c higher. One feature which must be kept In mind Is the fact that the qjallty of the cattle being received Is constantly Improving owing to the longer feeding period. The high price of the week was Jj.40. The market has advanced about the same amount all around, though perhaps not quite as much on the commoner grades. warmea-up came are scums; iukuci are going mostly to the killers, which was . not the case not tne case a weea ago. ai jwn urra 1-in it t, ttve murket nil the week and sell ers have had but little difficulty In getting very satisfactory prices. The cow market has also been strong and active all the week. The best kinds, selling from J3.50 up. may be quoted fully a dime higher for the week. The medljm grades have not shown much of any change, while tho canners are a trifle weak as compared with the close of the preceding week. While prices have oot shown so much Improvement, it has been a good market, as packers took hold In good shape and bought each day's receipts early In tho morning The bull market has been rather uneven. Choice handy weights have sold readily at strong prices, but heavyweights nnd common kinds have been rather slow sale. Veal calves are selling at good, strong prices and so are stags. The feeder market Is higher ihnn it was a week ago. The supply of thin cattle has been very light and the demand quite liberal, so that choice cnttle have brought strong prices. Light stockers and calves ..va BAlltrti- -nnnMernhlv hetfer thnn thev were a week ago, If the quality Is satis factory. Warmed-up cattle are also higher, owing to the advance In beef. She stock may also be quoted stronger for the week. Representative sales: No. Av. Pr Nu. Av. Pr 1 E10 32 CO 2 1045 3 06 1 5W 2 M 1 US') 3 15 1 990 2 50 4 1OS0 3 15 1 1260 2 75 1 150 3 15 1 1100 2 75 2 1070 3 .7) 1 1070 2 73 HEIFERS. 2 940 2 75 2 575 .3 00 6... 1... 1... .635 3 00 1.... . . bW 3 50 BULLS. ..3500 3 35 1 ... ...1120 3 ' 500 3 63 STAGS. . 1330 3 00 L... STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 370 3 25 1 73-1 3 50 510 3 25 2 420 3 60 380 3 30 "RTDPKEnS AND FEEDERS. 1 n i 1 746 3 25 7 1042 4 20 ; . ...-506 3 50 lions There was onlv about an average Saturday's supply ol hogs here today and the market opened strong to 2Vc higher than yelerda The bulk sold at 35.40 and J5.424, with the long string at Jo 4(i As hlgn as K.a was paiu lur a nuniurr the choicer grades, though there wan noth ing on sale as good as Hume of the loads offered yesterday. The market was fairly active at tnose prices ana ine huik buiu early In the morning. The last end of the market was hardly n good, as packers seemed to havo about all they wanted, and then, too. the poorer nogs were leu until the last Some of the llehtwclghts and common stuff sold at 35 3714 and even less On Saturday the mantel reacnea me high point of the year, which means the highest point since last April. The week closed about 9c higher than It opened and about 14c higher than the close of the tirevlous week The marKet was in cooa shape all the week, as buyers took hold In guou -nape. ana on mosi aays wie uuik 01 the hogs changed hands In good beason. Representative sales No Sh. Pi No. 78.. 65... 67... 73 . 64.. C . M.. 59.. Av Sh. Pr . . 6 40 74 61. 6. 59.. 50. . 153 191 223 ..244 . .2H2 . .202 J& 22C .26i 21b 220 ..207 250 2fc5 .279 .218 .214 236 .306 ..259 204 ..25S .241 193 211 ..205 .200 . 273 24S . 219 ..SM ..213 . 24? . . Ja 30 120 5 30 M 6 35 50 5 STH ... 6 37U ..242 ..24-) ..229 ..260 ..2T.S ..253 ..264 ..23S 40 6 42H b 4.1 5 42'-, 5 4: 6 37V, 5 S7Vj 50 6 42 bO 6 42Vs 5 424 5 424 6 424 6 124 6 42U 6 424 6 424 5 424 5 -4 5 424 5 424 5 424 6 424 6 424 5 424 5 424 6 424 6 424 5 424 5 424 6 424 6 424 5 424 5 424 5 42l 5 124 ... 6 40 120 5 40 ... 6 40 . . 5 10 ... 6 40 ft) . 79 H?.. 55 59 65. C6.. 72. 50 46 10.. 69 . 152. 67.. 69. 93. 55.. 52.. C7 76.. 6C. 09. 67.. W.. 70. 50 75 246 70 215 75 236 C3 2C4 61, 237 61 241 09 246 70 234 bO 40 5 40 r. 40 6 40 6 40 5 40 40 fJ) W ... 6 41 ... 5 40 160 5 40 IV) 5 40 120 5 40 50 6 40 40 6 40 ... 6 40 74... 21... 74... 109.'. 51..'. 226 ..236 ..27S . 2& ,.23S ,.2ki . -it ..239 Y.X3 . 246 ..270 264 .249 50 6 40 6 40 6 40 50 160 71.. 73 . 69.. 71 56 66. . 62 KO 50 6 40 5 41 5 40 40 HI 5 40 KO 6 40 DO YOU SPECULATE? t H I W t 4 t 40 t m 4 t 40 40 i S K t 4 i 4A a 4 s (M , 7 4 m v X7 in 4 XI 3SI J $i .21 I 424 I 44 b 4-4 b 42tt b 4S b 4k b 4k b 45 b ib b 4f. f 4J. b 4a 5 a iik it 'si 6 44 i a. SHKEP-There was quite a string of Colorado In the yards today, but they were, not orfered on the market The supply of sheep and lambs for the week shows some increase over last jear, but still the demand has been sufficient to take all that nas orfered Sheep In particular have sold well .ind may safely be quoted lOJJWc higher for the week The greatest advance has been upon wethers thojgh cweit hnve also Improved t,, somo extent The adance on ewes, however would easily be covered bv 1(V or He. l-mb have met with rcnl sHle all the week, but at the same time prices hav not shown much of any change The i dil ation Is best describe,! by calling It a good, stead. nctlVe market all the week Feeders have been rather scane and t the demand has been fully equal to the supply values haxe remained Just cbcut the same Quotations: Choice ted wethers. 114 4 6j. fair to good wethers. U J64J4 40: -nolc llghtwetghl earllngs, Jt.eOB4.fO. fair to good )earllngs. (4 HV4 ; choice lightweight ewes. . t;i4j-4 l, fair to sod ewes, 53 50? 3 75, choice lambs, 14 U; fair to good lambs. 14 7084!"; feeder ewes. 53.23 So. fre,)r. wethers. ts.TtVS'i W. feeder lambs. J4W C-4 40 nncAco i.ivi: tock .mahki:t. Cmtlr ..mliiKtlj Mend; lloK Five tent lllKlirr Mieep Htrii. CHICAGO. Marh S CATTLE Receipts, l.!u hetd. market nominally steady, good to prime steers, fancy up to 16 2 and others 5.t45C.(0. poor to medium. 53.Cis.ilVW. Block ers and feeder, etead to Arm at 33 7544. C.i, cowe, 2 0JH. heifers, 2.fltef4.4fl. canners. dull at J1.754T2M, bulls, slow at SlftA4..'01 calves, steady at 34 256.3. Texas fed steers. 34 Cfr4 : Texas grass steers. 33 55 1.'". rexas nuns. I2.5tvi y HOGS-Recelpts. today. 1I.0) head, to- ' morrow, MW head, estimated. left over. l.frO head; market 5c higher and active, top. 5. mixed and butchers. 35 4MI5 674, good to choice heay. WfinttTO; rough heavy, 35 45055. light. 35 45r65: bulk of sales. K.tAQb (54. SHEEP AND LAMBS - Receipts. 1.00J I head; steady: yearlings, up to 5: good to choice wethers. Sia.ej4.S5, fair to choice ' mixed. Jl.Oi4JH.4ii; western sheep. J4.3S4S4 55, Texik-sheep. Jt5oB3.7S. native lambs. 4 50fl I 5.25; western lambs. 35 0ii435.25 1 Receipts for this and last week: Th's I week-Cnttle. 47.700 head; hogs. 125,4'.l head, sheep. &3.4W head. l.ust week Cuttle. ( y " head, hogs. ltO.WO head, sheep. 5vi. head St. Lonl. Lle Mock Mnrlirl, ST LOUIS. March H.-CATTLE-Kecelpt Vv head: market dull and steady for natives. Tcxa. shade lower, l-atlie si... 15 141 m m 227 Si 3 3S4 SI m fining and export steer. 36 OJ455.US; dre.l 1 , ! beef and butcher steers. 4 Ct5.uU; hievrs - under l.liil II, II 'rtu n...L-ur mi feeaers. Ti.fioe4.fi..; tows and heifer. fJIOtf 4.24; canners. JlS5iS2 13, bull. CJflJ. Texas and Indian steers. J2.,."fr4 65; cows ana neirers. 32.45tr8.OO. HOGS-Recelpts. 2.0"0 head; market 5o higher; pigs and lights. JS.45fC.55; packers, J5.45C6.u5; butchers. IS. 5006. 674. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Market stt-jng for week, with the demand for good Inst tn'tt ton sheep and lambs unsatisfied; ni.tive muttons. J4.O0tJ4.5O; iambs, J4.554frS.30, culls and bucks. J2.50fT3.75. Stock In Mulii. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for Ma'ch f . Cattle. Hogs She-cp South Omaha Chlca go Kansas City . St. Louis Totals . . 2..3 6.9-16 7.650 l.'.'HI 150 2-J0 14.0O 4.7(0 2.V1 100.1 2.503 2S.20S 5,650 W. Farnam Smith & Co., IHVESTMENT SECURITIES, 1320 Farnam Street. Long Distance Telephone 1064 WE OFFEH Subject to snlei too allure I nlim Mock Yards stork nt till l-V. t1,nr,tl I'lielp Count). 7-rmr School lliinil, r per rent, KI.IMMI inortuiiKc. .1 jrnri, per cent, tflinil inortKMKe, (I per cent, WANTED (M-iicriil Fund City nnd County varrnnlt, tinier eerntril for Stocks and Bonds. Your litiKlitra ollrltril. Ri:ri:ili:M-i: Men-huiil' .Notional Bunks I llltnl Mutra N n t liimil Ilnnk. Buy FRYER HILL OF LEADVILLE at Dc a share; Company controls 17 claims la the heart of the District; property being operated with a steam boiit; has a record of production of J150.000.00. Bur PRIDE MINING COMPANY STOCK at JOc a share; the company owns 45 claims and a large mill; Is a steady sblppei and employe 25 men; will undoubtedly pay alvl dends this year. Write for lmforraatlon concerning divi dend paying stock showing an Investment of better than ZZi per cent, to Herbert S. Ehaw. offices it and 15, Brown Palace Ho tel, Denver. Colorado. Arprovcd stocks sold on iDstalrtent plan. Direct private wire to nil Colorado exchanges. Oil 1NVKSI IfoiL OreatesT" Vlh opportunity to make n. great amount of money from smnn investment in oil since the days nf Pennsylvania Oil excitement. We have 1 9"0 acres of OH Lands near the great 7.0no bar rel gushers In the wonderful Sand Fork Oil Fields. In Lewis County. V. Va. Portion of our stock orfered at 5c on the dollar Money to be used In drilling wells. Prop erty all paid for and non-assessable For further particulars address SAND TORK OIL k GAS "CO 633 Peabody Building. Wheeling. W Va. Chicago Board of Trade Orders In grain nnd provisions Write us for dally market letter and booklet of Htatlstlcal Information relatlns to the productions, exports nnd tlurtim tlons of values in grain, provisions, seeds cotton J S, Simpson k Co., 14 and IC Pac 'tic avenue. Chicago, members Chlraga Board of Trade, es tablished 1SS1. B, L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS llU I FARNAM STHEI1T. I. out Dlatunce Phone, 17 till. JAMES E. BOYD & GO. Telephone ,10atl. Oinnbn, .VeU COMMISSION, GUAI.V I'llUVIslOlXS nnd STOCKS, llonrd of Trade. Correspondence: John A, Warren t Co Direct wires to Chicago and New rorr I If no. speculate succe.sfully Send your ; orders to a reliable house, where they will I be placed on the open market We cin 1 make for you In one month more Intereit on our monev thsn any bsnk will pay you In a year. Send for our bool: on rpeculation It I. fre. J. K. Comstock & Co. ! Itooni SU Trader's llldtfi Chicago, t