Tins oar ATI A "DA1"LY HE IS: St'KDAV, 3'. ARCH 10, 1001. JO INVENTS .WHILE STRANDED OtpUin Reynolds Oonceirsi Idu on Witer nitration White Bhipwrscied. ON ISLAND IN THE SOUTHERN SEAS Ciiiiluiiiliintcil Wnt rr I'IimtIiik Down Siio?t-(..'himmI Hill I'lirltlcil liy .Njnti-ni of Itifrriiiltlcui t'rccliltntliiii Though many persons havo admired the beauty of Mlnne-Lusa, tho pumplnB station of tho Omaha Water company at Kloronco, and a hundred thousand peoplo every day draw 'sustenance from Its Ions reaching mains, fow persons In Omaha havo ever heard tho story of how tho system of purifying water at this station and In operation In many of tho principal cities of the United States wa.i discovered. Tho Inventor of tho sys tem Is Captain '. II. Hoynolds, superin tendent of tho station. At tho bottom of tho map of South Amer ica will bu found a number of Islands marked on the utlas as Terro del Kiicro. On ono of these Islands, so small that It finds no placo upon tho latest map ana Is only recorded In tho sailors' chart as a place to bo avoided, tho Idea of tho filtra tion system of tho Omaha water works was conceived by a man who at that tlmo had llttlo tbotiRht of becoming a citizen of Ne braska. In fact, at tho tlmo ho discovered I ho system ho had llttlo thouBht of any other fiito than death by starvation, and not until after years did ho renllzo tho Im portance of tho discovery ho had made. It was In tho fall of lf72 that the bark TraneiH Allon, In command of a worthy m.iL'cr. left the port of Now London, Conn., for li i rulso In tho South seas, Its destina tion being tho South Shetland islnnds. The ship was ono of tho combination ves sels then so popular, being propelled by n.ill and steam. All went well with tho craft and crew until tho vessel nrrived at tho Terro del Kuego slands. Hero the water gavo out and a number of seamen In commnnd of Captain Reynolds were sent nahoro to secure water If possible. Clml lo (in Awlutrr. Spring had Just como to tho southern land and I ho olllcer and sailors wcro pleased to gut a chanco to "Btrotcu their legs" on Innil. Tho noonday sun was shining brightly ns they east oft from tho ship and tho party welcomed tho holiday on tho Isl and. When they nrrived thoy bclloved that they would havo no t.-cublo In securing wutcr and the otllcor gavo tho mon leave to stroll around for a few hours. With tho suddenness of tho rhango of weather in those latitudes, n storm arose whl'h wna declared by old sailors to bu ono of tho fiercest ever seen. Tho men on slicru had no opportunity to return to the chip, as their boat was thrown upon 'he rwl.'t nnd crushed as an eggshell. Thn cum I ii of tho Milp saw tho storm In time tin 1 brought his boat to tho leu of tho Isljnd. Tho mon walked to tho edgo of th ' raging waters, but found It Impossible to cominunlcnto with the ship. Though but llttlo past noun tho sky was overcast with clouds so that Iho darkness win that of midnight. Thiough tho gloom tho wind dashed tho spray Into tho faces of tho mon on hhoro so that thoy wcro drenched with water and nearly strangled by the flying (pume. As tho forked light ning broke through tho gloomy walls of cloud tho ship could bo seen tugging at her atichor, as sho lay to tho wind stripped of canvas and with the engines at their ut most speed to hold tho vessel In tho teeth of tho gale. I'or what seemed hours tho anxious sailors on tho shoro gazed In tho lightning glare at their ship. Then came a flash which socmcd to eet on fire tho waters of tho deep. Kach white-capped wavo shone rcsplindent as burnished gold, and the quiet wnter between them laid as troughs of liquid fire. I'larao seemed to surround the vessul. As tho men looked In wonder and alarm thcro camo an explosion which shook tho firmament. Another flash of lightning, and as the men looked out upon tho raging waters they found that their ship had disappeared. Slrimileit on Wild Inlnnil. With heavy hearts they turned toward tho bleak Island and sought to chofo their soaking limbs to warmth. Night foil and with It felt the wind. Tho first night on tho deserted Island Is a dream to. the sailors. They cannot tell how It was passed. Tho next morning tho sun arose resplen dent. The sea was running high from the wind of tho night before, but tho warmth of tbu spring morning brought back life to tho party. No sign of tho vessel was In sight nnd tho men believed that It had perished with nil on board. For hours they searched tho Island hoping to dis cover somo ovldonco of tho wreck, but without result. They then concluded that the wind bad carried tho floating wrcckago out to sea. Examining tho wrecked boat nnd tho pockets of tho penjackcts brought by them to the Island, tho sailors found enough bread to last them n day. With tho nd vnnco of the day thousands of aquatic birds which nest In those lslanilu mado their appearance upon tho beach and by their tamencjg Bhowcd that man wns an un familiar figure to them. Several of these birds wcro killed with a piece of the wrecked rowboat und they mado n feast for tho marooned seamen. At tho closo of tho breakfast they at tempted to drink tho wator which was run ning down thu uldo of a snow-capped hill. Tho water proved to bo unpalatiiblo on ac count of the nesting and roosting places of the birds being In a position to contain! nato tho Htreams. Captain Reynolds noticed that where tho water fell over the ledges uf lco and rock It soemcd to be clearer and purer than nbovo or below that point, nnd so he Instructed tho men lo tnko water from the miniature falls. .IiinI to Kill Tim.-. As thu days elapsed tho men, finding themselves Idle us well ns shipwrecked, be camo morose aud despondent. At first they had enough to cat, but had llttlo hope of being taken off tho Island, as It was not on tho regular track of vessels, At tho end of the first week tho birds upon which they fed became timid at their approach nnd the men saw starvation staring them In the face. Then tho olllcer devised a plan to occupy their minds during the long flays. Taking somo of tho wrecked rowboat he Interested them In building dams across tho streams which flowed down tho banks from thu melting lco and snow and In placing vvnterwheels In the dams. The, captain noticed that whllo tho wnter en tcied tho first dam contaminated by the droppings of tho birds nnd giving off an eflluvia almost unbearable, It camo from the Inst dam clear and with nil bad odor re moved. On tho thirteenth day tho drooping spirits of the stranded sailors were gladdened by thn sight of a sail and In a fow hours the ship, which they believed to havo been wrecked, camo to anchor near the Island and sent off a boat which picked them up. The captain explained that under tho stress of the storm tho ship bad slipped Its cablo and had been driven out of Its course so that It required nearly two weeks for it to get Its bearings and return to the Island where Its men bad been left. IlrliiKM litrii Into Service. Captain Reynolds followed tho sea. for many years nnd later camo west. When ho heard a discussion of the different ways of purifying water for tho uso of largo cities his experience ou tho southern Island came back to him and ho laid bis plans be fore tho Omaha Water company. That company was so favorably Impressed with the idea that It appropriated n large sum of money to make tho experiment. Five largo basins were erected and tho water Is permitted to fall from one to the other. when It reaches tho lower basin all Im purities have been removed by tho action of tho wind and sun. Tho system has bcon adopted by other cities since it has proven so successful In Omaha nnd Captain Rey nolds believes thnt he has good grounds to bring suit for royalties against several companies, as a patent ou tbo eystem has been applied for. The Increase In tho salos of Cook's Im perial Extra Dry Cbampagno Is something enormous. I'urity and superiority will tell. TABLE AND KITCHEN, Practical Suggestions About Foodandtbe Preparations of It, MONDAY. HHHAICFAST. Stowed Dates. Cream. Scrambled Kggs. Unshed Potatoes, lions. uoncc. I.UNCII. Clam Ilouillon Hlsquo. Cold Sliced Capon. Cranberry Jelly. Thin ilrcau utm iiutier. uocon. DINNKIt. Snllt 1'eu Soup. Broiled Steak. ttrown Onion Sauce. I.lina llenns. cnrroi nana. Kndlne Salad. Choose. Wafers. Coffee. TUESDAY. BREAKFAST. Fresh Fruit. Fried Trine. Tomato Sauce. Rolled Sweot Potatoes. l'ancnkoH. Mnplo Syrup. Coffee. LUNCH. Tomato Soup. Bean Croquettes. Brown Banco. Baked Apple. Cream. Ten. DINNER. Raw Ovstrrs. Celery. Lamb Pie. Esculloped Potntocs. Peas, Lettuce. iTcncn uressing, Lemon Jelly. Cake. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. BREAKFAST. Fruit. Cereal. Crcnra. Poached Eggs on Toast. iiuhiicu: urown rotaioes. Corntncal MuflliiH. Coffee. LUNCH. Grilled Sardines. Hot Potnto Salad. Cocoa. DINNER.i Clam Chowder. Rice Croquettes. Cheese Sauce. Apple nnd Celery Salad. Sweel Rolls. Coffee. Cocoa combines Strength, Purity and Solubility. A. breakfast cupful of this delicious Cocoa costs less than one cent. bold at mi grocery Mores order It next tunc. For Morning, Noon and Night, Eat Live Live well and be well 4T i. ' yis.- yviuiK you live. a ur y Wot a pa3(y,har5h,sini?c(l tfrnin- but an appetizing, delicious lootf lor bio, strong men and little bnbies. aJa BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM FOOD CO., BATTLE CKEUv.lMlUI. Choicest Farm (Melted) Butter IS NOT EQUAL TO I because Wesson Cooking: Oil is Richer, lias better cooking qualities, is more conveniently handled and costs much less. HEAD A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. ST. JOSEPH, MO., Feb, 15th, 1W1. WESSON PROCESS CO., PHILADELPHIA, PA - ' Gentlemen I heartily cotiKratulato you upon tho Introduction In this commn nlty of Wesson Coolclnu Oil n a HUbstltuto for hint. It is a purely vi'Kotnblo product mid ubsoluti'ly healthful. Lard may carry with It Into tho human sys tem gorma from thn lltieanis with which tho Iiors may ho nftUcted, nnd I con sider that a nutlsfaotory uuuslttuto uch aa Wkshoii Cooklnu. Oil to ho a (treat utep toward tho protection of health, Youra truly, DU. H. JOHNSTON, Sold by lending grocers. Send us l rents in stumps, mention this pnper, nnd receive our new cook book. Write your address plainly. WESSON PROCESS CO, 120 South 3rd St, BfX ALL Allot:'!' EC(JS. Siutie of Hie Mnuy Wnjn In Wli'.oh 'Miry An; Cookvil. According to tho authority of tho poet, Tom .Moore, too ! renen navo Kivcn us 6S5 nays to servo eggs. Eggs, Ilko milk, arc considered a complete food nnd contain a larger proportion of nutriment, according to bulk, than nny other food. Hut when regarding cgg In tbo light of n "completo" food the shell must bo taken Into account, ns Its composition furnishes certain parts which enter into tho organism of tbo chick. Thcso elements cau- I not, of course, bo utilized when the eggs aro used for food and they aro therefore not "complete," although u highly nutritious food in a concentrated form. Eggs are 11 most sultablo food for chil dren, tho consumptive and tho feeble, If given raro or lightly cooked, so as to be readily digested. Occasionally individual peculiarities pre vent tbo person from eating eggs In any form. Tho whlto of tho egg consists chiefly of a slmplo solution of albumen and contains less solids than tho yolk and much less fat. Tho whlto of tho egg contnlns an excess of chlorides; tho yolk, on tho other hand, an excess of phosphates. In somo instances, If tho whlto of thy egg Is taken uncooked, In any considerable quantities, It gives rlso to albuminuria. This may bo prevented by cooking tho white over so slightly. Tho egg yolk Is moro Important than tne whlto from an alimentary point of view; It Is richer In solid constituents, especially in fats. Tho snlino matter is tbo same as found In tho blood. K contnlns a peculiar form of albumen and, besides the ordinary fats, olcln and palmltlu, tho yolk contnlns cholcstcrln (fat found In bile), considerable mineral matter. plgmeut extractives nnd a little grnpo sugar. Whllo eggs uro extensively employed In dietary for tho sick as well as In ordinary cooking, In the formor they nro in many enses very unsuitable. Many physicians forbid their wo In nlbumiulnurla and In urlo acid diathesis. llut when thoy aro found to ngrco nnd arc relished they aro a great addition to tho list of dishes which nre prepared for tho sick. Lalt do Poulc Is ti well known prepara tion, frequently given to tho sick und is mado by beating 'tho yolk of tho egg In hot wator, adding a very llttlo sugar nnd either a llttlo orango flour water, rum or cognac. Milk may bo used Instead of tho water when n richer food is desired. Plain Uakcd Eggs Toku a deep eorthen dish, upread thickly with butter In bot tom and sides. Rrcak perfectly fresh eggs carefully Into tho dish m aa to keep tho yolks whole; sprlnklo with salt und set In a hot oven until tho whites aro llrm. Servo garnished with parsley and buttered toast. Eggs for Luncheon Roll eight eggs for twenty minutes; removo tho shells ami tako out tbo yolks; cut tho whites luto small cubes. Melt two level tablespoonfuls of butter; add two level tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until smooth- mid bubbling. Then ndd halt u cup of cream nnd halt cup of chicken stock or oyster llmior nnd let boll up, stirring constantly. Season with tnlt snd whlto pepper. Add tho whites of tho eggs with half n dozen chopped oysters. Stir until hoated; ndd tho yolks and cook a moment longer. Serve at once. Uovllcci uggs. snavo u quarter of a I pound of rich cheese very fine. Ruttcr a shallow earthen baking dish; spread tho chceso In tho bottom with hits of butter; sprlnklo with salt and pnprlka. Break six eggs, ono at a time, over the cheese, being careful not to break tho yolks. Stir Into half a cup of cream ono teaspoonful of mixed mustard and pour over tho eggs. Set In tho oven for ton minutes. Serve hot. NIco for Breakfast Put a iableipoonful of thick tomato puree or sauco In bottom of llttlo chlnn, fireproof dishes; on this placo a nicely poached, neatly trimmed egg, Add grated cheese, an ounco to a gill of whlto sauco anil cover the egg rather thickly with tho aucc. Sprlnklo the top of sauce with a llttlo grated cheese and placo In the oven for a few moments, Just long enough tq color tho cheese, not a moment more, as tbo egg must be soft and creamy. mm A li I Backache is an invention of the evil one to try wo men's souIb. It has a beginning, but no end. Day after day its presence darkens the sunshine ; night after night it pre vents restful sleep. Only those who havo suffered in this way can under stand the wearying, ceaseless misery. Yet, backache is but a sign of serious inward trouble, which sooner or later declares itself. Do you never wonder what in the world is the reason your back aches so ? Does your physician give you a satisfactory reason ? Does no crura you ? The backaches or women are caused by diseased kid neys or some uterine derangement. Lydia "E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cures it always, because it is the greatest known medicine for kidney and womb troubles. Why do you temporize with backache when you must know that its cause is deep seated? You aro enduring a miserable oxistonco and piling up still greater trouble by trying to do tho impossible and live it down. Surely, every woman who suffers with her back wants to be well. Why not get Mrs. Pinkham's advico ? You can secure it free by writing a letter to her at Lynn, Mass. It is tho surest and easiest way to get relief from tho demoralizing ache, and also got rid of the serious troublo which causes it. You will not be the first woman Mrs. Pinkham has helped; there are thousands and thousands of them. Over come your hesitation. Sit right down to-day and write her about it. While you are waiting for a reply, get a bottle of her medicine, and be sure you do not permit the druggist to induco you to take somothing else on which ho wants to make a larger profit. The medicine that cures these troubles of women is Lydia Em Pinkham's Vegetable Compmmd "Dear Mrs. Pinkham : For two yars I was troubled with falling and intlammution of tho womb. I suffered vry much with be.irinrr-doyvn pains, headache, backache, and was not able to do my housework. What I endured no one knowB but those who har buffered ns I did. I could hardly drug myself across tho floor. I doctored with the physicians of this town for three months nnd prew worse instead of better. My husband nnd friends wished me to writo to you, but I had no faith in patent medicines. At last I became so bad that I concluded to uslc your advice. I re ceived an answer at onco advising me to take your Vegetable Compound and I did to. Before I had taken two battles I felt better, and after 1 had taken five bottles there was no happier woman on earth, for I was well oguin. I know that your Vegetable Compound cured me, and I wish and advise every woman who suffers ns I did to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Be lieve mo always grateful for the recovery of my health." MRS. ELLA KICE, Chelsea, Wis. mas Pollard Writes for Advice. " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I saw your medicine so highly recom mended 1 thought 1 would writo to you for advice. "My menstruation occurs every two weeks, lasts a week and is painful. I have been troubled in this way for some time. I suffer from bicic neaaacno ana oacuacno an tne time, appetite rjor, sick at stomach everj' morning, everything eat hurts me, am very weak, thin and sallow. " 1 hare tried a doctor, but ho did not seem to do me any good." MISS MAGGIE POLLARD, 319 S. 4th St., Richmond, Va. (Feb. 20th, 1900.) Miss Pollard Tells of Her Cure. " Dkar Mrb. Pinkham : Since receiving your answer to my letter, I have been taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has done me more good tlmn any medicine I havo ever taken. My menses ore all right now and appear once a month, and I feel so much stronger. I shall always praise your medicine," -MISS MAGGIE POLLARD, 310 S. 4th St., Richmond, Va. (April 23d, 1900.) " Dkar Mrs. Pinkham : I havo been using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for backache. Tho puin wun sometliing drendful; at times I could not walk straight. Now I am all right and enjoy good Health. I fool like n new woman. You do not know how thankful I am that I havo got my health back, und I have you to thnnk for it. Your medicine is tho best that I over used. I advise all ladles to try it, and I am sure it will givo unbounded satisfaction. 1 will recommend it to every friend I have." MRS. M. E. MULLER, 1A Concord Squure, Boston, Mass. " Dkar Mrs. Pinkham: I have been taking your Vegetable Cora pound und it has done so much for me that I feel as though I would like to nave every one itnow uuouv u. i wus eick ior two years with falling of the womb, and inflam mation of tho ovaries und bladder, causing severe backache. I was bloated very badly. My left limb would swell so I could not step on my foot. I had such bearing-down pains that 1 could not straighten up or walk across tho room, and such shooting pains would go through mo that I thought I could not stand it. My mother got mo a bottle of your Vegetable Compound and told mo to try it. I took six bottles, and now, thanks to your wonderful medicine, I am a well woman. I cannot toll half what your Vegetable Compound has done for me. I wish every woman suffering with female weakness would begin ils use at once." MRS. ELSIE BRYAN, Otisville, Mich. MAGPIE. POLLARD Ttr f MRS. ELSIE PRYAN 5000 REWARD io fart that some skeptical people have from time to time qnrtloncd of thu Usitinionial lotters we aro constantly publishing, we bare ho National City Hank, of Lynn, Mas.. $5,000, which will be paid Owing (o tho the trcuitinciicis o; J ...1.1. .U.. UUIHrtm'U niui lit" imuuuui viwj urum, ui 4.V1IU. moai., rd.uvu. vruil.ll TV11I I JO 11111(1 to any person who ran, show that th" ahovn trstimnninlfi aro not genuine, or wer pubuthed before obtaining the writers' special permission, JjVDIA ti, riNKJlAU mumuina lyo., uyuu, jjiaati. STRONG WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY 1'henaveioc4 mcieiiofyein. 7N . s-. m antf tuve cured tnouwnds of ff (5 AAf"e nf Netvous Diieaiti, iucu nUHIIl PMr' Vl WPTtSSSS rhey clear the brain, tireajtbea nagfJgJiJi the circulation, make digestion 'MaiieduiiVL Pr.; i. ;;i;vs"i.""" ""vviv"!?' ?"",,riynn.,u,!,p"ono,,"n' per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clad ley.il cuirantc nr are or refund lho moacy, tt ro. Koia by Kuhn & Co., 15th and Douglas, and M. A. Dillon, South Omaha. WILCOX TANSY PILLS Monthly Regulator. Sale and Sure, Never Falls. Druggists or by Mall. Price, f 2 Send tor Woman's Saltguard (free). WILCOX MED, CO., 329 N. 15th St., Phlla., Pa. Sold by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cook'a DucbrsaTabletanreFuccafsfullr used uioaltilrbyover lO.OuoladlMi. l'rlcit By mail, (I 08 Send 4 ceata for pie and particulars. TbuCooltOo Vnndnrnrfi aim.. IWmlt. Mlh Sold In Omaha by Kuhn & Co,, 13 & DWs. Btipcilortn Al'lol, Tansy, l'ennyroyal or Steel. Suro Rollof of Pain and Irregulcrl tles Poculia1.1 to tho Sax. Aplollao Cspsukj for tarco months cost $1. DniKsUt nr 1. O. Jlox iXAl, JJew York. WEAKMEN m MADE STRONG IfllAA FARUSti PFjrW iw fin i rl jTl"r 'iv CASH BALANCE ilflQPIl LI Before LOST VITALITY RESTORED Alter nD ! flDR'Q improved Mni LUDD o compound DAMIANA WAFERS VVHV.H LOST MAMIOIHI. NI'.ltVOCN ih;hii,ity, i;itiioiih oi" youth. JfnUcn .llnnl.T Mm. 1'rlce 0(lr. u Inn, s boia fur It Jtone elii'ided lltiul enlf.irt(ty. ily maU on receipt of prlc. Samples freo, Address! rir ll IW I nhh3" Yearn"Contlnuou I'raotlo Ur.lt. Vf.LQDU ai N.i.-.tii st.iMiiiaurtt. Bold by Bherman & MnConnell Drug Ca 0, V. Cor. 18th anil Dodge 8ta., Oraiha.